#zayn malik imagines
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all night — zayn malik pt. 1
Suspirei fundo prendendo Javadd em sua cadeirinha ouvindo Zayn reclamar de como a sua vida está uma merda.
— Zayn, pelo menos hoje, você consegue calar a merda da boca? – Falei baixo, apenas para ele ouvir.
Zayn, pela primeira vez essa semana, decidiu não retrucar. Agradeci mentalmente por isso.
Dei um beijo na testa do Javadd e fechei a porta. Zayn não disse nada, apenas saiu com o carro.
Somos casados há 7 anos e estamos nessa merda - dito pelo próprio - há 6 meses.
Gosto de pensar que essa fase que estamos passando seja apenas aquela famosa crise dos 7 anos, por mais que seja bem mais que isso, e eu sei que é.
Nossa vida financeira é ótima, temos uma casa grande e quitada, a nossa casa do sonho. Ambos tem carro e Javadd estuda em uma das melhores escolas de Londres.
Mas nada disso vale a pena se não tem amor e respeito, dá parte de Zayn, claro.
Sempre fui apaixonada por ele, movia céus e terras por ele. Ainda faço. Mas nada disso vale a pena.
— Mamãe, hoje na escolinha foi muuuuuuito legal. – Meu filho entrou no meu escritório gritando animado e eu dei uma risada.
Afastei a cadeira da mesa e abri os braços para o menino vim me abraçar e foi o que ele fez.
— O que você fez hoje, meu amor? – Dei vários beijos em seu rosto.
— Eles levaram cachorrinhos para a gente brincar, mamãe. Eles eram tão fofinhos, meu Deus. – Me olhou com aquele olhar pidão que só ele e Zayn sabem fazer. – Podemos pegar um, mamãe? Eu juro de dedinho que vou cuidar direitinho dele.
Eu não consigo dizer não.
— Vou conversar com o papai, tudo bem? – O menino assentiu animado e me deu um beijo no rosto. – Você é a melhor mamãe do mundo inteirinho.
— Eu sei, eu sei. Agora vamos lá fazer o jantar.
— Podemos fazer pizza, igual antigamente, eu você e o papai. – Suspirei fundo.
— Se ele tiver de bom humor, quem sabe. – Salvei o projeto no computador e desliguei o computador. — Vamos lá, falar com a fera.
Peguei na mãozinha dele e sai do cômodo.
Zayn estava com a sua roupa social, blazer jogado no sofá e a gravata frouxa no pescoço. Cena que sempre me deixou excitada.
— Papai, vamos fazer pizza? – Javadd perguntou e Zayn ao menos olhou para ele.
Continuou no celular.
— Pai? – Sem respostas.
— Z? – Toquei em seu ombro e ele assustou.
— Desculpe, problemas no serviço. – Muito nervoso e assustado para ser apenas problemas no serviço.
— Podemos fazer pizza hoje? – Perguntou novamente e Zayn negou.
— Estou muito cansado, filho. E vai fazer uma tremenda bagunça.
— Isso não é problema, Zayn. Faz tempo que não passamos um tempo só nós três.
— Eu estou cansado. – Suspirou fundo. – Você pode não estar, fica em casa o dia inteiro.
— Trabalhando. – Zayn riu debochado.
— Agora quer desvalorizar o meu serviço? – Cruzei os braços.
— Serviço? Isso não paga nem metade das nossas contas.
— Quais contas que você fez na sua cabeça? Porque você sabe muito bem que metade das coisas de casa quem banca, sou eu.
— Tudo bem, pessoal. Não precisamos mais da pizza. – Ouvi a voz baixa de Javadd e suspirei fundo.
— Não, vamos fazer. – Peguei o menino no colo. – Eu e você. – Não esperei Zayn ter alguma atitude ou falar alguma coisa, apenas saí da sala com o menino e entrei na cozinha. – Qual sabor vamos fazer?
— Margherita e uma com queijo e muito camarão. – Disse animado.
— E você vai aguentar comer tudo isso, mocinho? – Apertei seu nariz.
— Claro que sim, mamãe.
— Minha massa não é igual a do papai, mas vai ficar muito boa. – Digo cortando os tomates e colocando na forma junto com as cebolas.
Depois de fazermos o processo - um pouco cansativo - da massa cadeira da pizza, coloquei o pano em cima da forma de vidro, para deixar a massa descansar.
— Por que você não vai tomar um banho rapidinho enquanto eu e a mamãe terminamos aqui? – Meu irmão fala para Javadd que assente, saindo do colo do tio.
Javadd sai do meu campo de visão e eu suspiro fundo, bebendo mais um gole de vinho.
— Você sabe se o apartamento do papai, está alugado?
— Acredito que não, por quê? – Tirou a forma com tomates do forno. – Problemas no paraíso? – Dou uma risada fraca. – Imaginei. Seu rostinho entrega que você não transa há meses.
— Vai muito além disso, Jhon. Acho que acabou de vez, acho que Z está me traindo. – Mais um gole, segurando o choro. – Tudo tão diferente, eu não aguento mais. Ele me olha com desgosto, eu não sei o que fiz. Éramos tão apaixonados.
— Vocês já conversaram sobre? – Neguei. – Então como vão saber o que tá machucando um ao outro assim? Vocês ao menos se falam? – Neguei novamente. – Garota, assim é difícil. Vocês precisam conversar, se não vão acabar por extrema bobeira.
— Você conhece o Zayn, ele é difícil.
— E você também não é fácil.
— O que é, Jhon? Tá do lado de quem?
— Você quer que eu fale o que você quer escutar ou que eu fale a verdade?
— Quero que você se foda. – Meu irmão riu.
— Se quiser eu levo Javadd pra minha casa hoje e vocês se resolvem.
— Ele já deve estar dormindo, mas enfim, na hora certa, conversamos.
— Essa hora certa pode ser tarde demais e você pode perder o seu marido.
Não tive tempo de responder meu irmão porque meu filho entrou na cozinha animado.
— Pizza. – Gritou.
Terminei de vestir meu pijama e em seguida passei meu hidratante corporal. Aumentei o ar e deitei na cama.
Fechei os olhos, na tentativa de relaxar, mas tudo mudou quando eu ouvi a voz do meu marido dizendo a seguinte frase:
— Eu te trai.
Fiquei paralisada por alguns segundos, até entender o que ele tinha me dito. As vezes pode ter sido coisa da minha cabeça, estou cansada, com sono e levemente alcoolizada.
Sim, é coisa da minha cabeça.
Abri os olhos e olhei em direção ao homem, que me encarava.
— Eu acho que não entendi direito. – Resmunguei e Zayn suspirou pesado.
— Eu te trai. – Repetiu e eu levantei rapidamente, sentindo minha cabeça doer e minha vistas se embaralhar. – Jordana. – Segurou meu corpo.
— Calma aí, me larga. – Me afastei do homem e finalmente encarei seus olhos.
Zayn parecia estar triste e arrependido.
— Me desculpa, amor, eu juro que foi só uma vez e me arrependi logo em seguida. Eu não sei aonde eu estava com a cabeça, me perdoe, eu não aguento mais viver escondendo isso de você. – Zayn dizia rapidamente.
— Quando? Com quem?
— Há duas semanas. – Silêncio. – Com a Rebeca. Foi apenas uma vez, eu juro pelo nosso filho.
— Cala a boca, pelo amor de Deus.
Falta de ar. Dor no peito. Tontura. Tremedeira.
Eu nunca tinha sentido essas sensações antes, nunca.
— Meu amor. – Ouvi a voz chorosa de Zayn. – Por favor. – Senti suas mãos na minha cintura e o empurrei.
— Agora não, só me deixei quieta, apenas por hoje.
Sai do quarto e graças aos céus, Zayn não me seguiu.
Desci até a cozinha, pegando a garrafa de vinho que estava tomando hoje mais cedo. Na verdade peguei duas.
Sai até o quintal, onde tinha uma cabana enorme que eu e Zayn costumávamos transar loucamente ali.
Me joguei nos inúmeros travesseiros que estavam no chão e tomei um gole do vinho tinto. Sentindo as lágrimas caírem.
"Eu te falei, ele me traiu."
"Eu sinto muito, irmã. O que você quer fazer?"
"Queimar o rosto bonito desse filho da puta desgraçado. E irei."
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Personal Bodyguard
Our Story Masterlist Summary: YN gets hurts by paparazzi and Harry becomes protective.
warning: mentions of blood, YN gets hurt, angst
based on this request.
One Direction were currently touring America as part of their Take Me Home tour. They had become familiar with fans and paparazzi waiting for any sign of one them the boys leaving the hotel or arena, which meant it was routine how they, and their crew left the buildings.
The five boys would be escorted by their security to the car, and majority of the time the fans and paparazzi would slowly lose interest once the band had disappeared behind the car doors.
But on this occasion, the paparazzi were willing to go the extra step and begin to question anyone associated with the band. Being Lou’s assistant on the tour, Louis’ sister and Harry’s girlfriend meant YN was their target.
YN watched as the boys were escorted by their security to the several cars that waited outside their hotel to drive them to thr venue. The order remained the same, Zayn, Niall, Liam, Louis and Harry. The crew were quick to follow, but today YN was overwhelmed by the questions being fired at her.
“YN, is it true you’re pregnant?”
“Is Harry paying you to be on tour?”
“YN! YN! YN!”
The questions being shouted behind them caused Harry and Louis to quickly glance behind them. But they were hurried along to get to the cars faster.
“YN, what do you think about people saying you’re using Harry?”
YN walked behind Lou, reminding herself that they wanted a reaction and the quicker she walked the sooner she would be away from the pushing and cameras being in her face.
Just as the boys reached their car, Zayn, Niall and Liam were comfortable in their seats, they heard the hectic commotion.
The hard cover of the camera lens was quick to meet the skin on YN’s forehead. “OW!”. Quickly her hand whipped up to be met with the warm liquid.
Lou turned quickly behind her at the sound of pain coming from YN. She could see her holding a hand to her head and her fingers covered in red. Lou tried to push people away from YN. “Step away from her!”. But it was no use, cameras were still flashing and bodies were pushing and shoving.
“GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM HER!”. Harry’s voice appeared in front of them. His hands reaching for YN and pulling her body into his chest and holding her tight against him. “You’re okay babe, you’re safe…I’m here”. He gently spoke into YN’s ear as he tried to guide them to the car.
“Harry! Harry! Harry!”.
A camera appeared in Harry’s vision, but as quickly as it snapped a photo it was shoved away by Harry’s large hand. “CAN’T YOU SEE SHE’S HURT YOU FUCKING IDIOT!”. He could feel the anger build inside him. “JUST FUCK OFF OUT OF OUR WAY!”.
Paul intervened quickly, knowing Harry was one step away from causing more problems. He along with the other security made a path for the couple to walk through.
YN felt so much relief when she entered the van, finding herself in the seat next to her brother and Harry hot on her heels sitting in the chair next to her.
“Hey Kiddo…you alright?”. Louis’ voice was filled with concern as he saw his sister’s head full of read and Harry’s face filled with pure anger.
“STUPID FUCKING PAPS!”. Harry held a spare shirt he had in his bag to YN’s head, hoping it would help with the bleeding.
“Harry I’m alright…just stay calm”. YN pleaded knowing how angry he felt right now, she could see the pure hatred in his eyes.
Louis wrapped a protective arm around his sister’s shoulder. “They’re arseholes I know and they’re lucky it was you out there because I would have punched them square in the face…but YN’s right Harry…just stay calm…she’s safe here with us now”.
“You’re walking with us next time…I’m not having you get hurt again”.
Things had calmed down behind the scenes after the chaos that had been caused earlier on in the day. The boys had some free time backstage as they waited for the show to start.
Harry’s eyes hadn’t moved from YN, where she was peacefully sleeping on the sofa in the dressing room, her head now wearing a small plaster that the medic team had given her.
As much as Harry tried to forget about what had happened, he couldn’t and he blamed himself for not being by YN’s side the entire time.
“You better not be blaming yourself Harold”. Louis interrupted Harry’s inter battle he was having with himself.
Harry shrugged his shoulders as he muttered his reply with no tone. “Of course I am”.
Louis took a seat opposite where Harry was sitting, his eyes finding his sister tucked up unaware of their conversation. “I just wanted to say thank you”. Harry frowned in confusing at his words. “Thank you for protecting her…I used to worry about her on this tour, I still will, but…but watching you protect her like that today…I could see how much you care about her”.
“I’ll always protect her Lou…you haven’t got to worry about that”. Harry reinforced his promise as he quickly glanced back at YN.
As much as his words caused a stir in Louis heart at how in love the boy was with his sister, he quickly hid is teary eyes with a tad of teasing.
“You better had or you’ll have me to answer to”. Louis sent him a smirk as he left the room.
Tag List:
@pansexualwitchwhoneedstherapy @harrys-flower @platinumbarbie143 @frickin-bats@harrysbbyh0ney @chronicallybubbly @goldensunflowe-r @walkingintheheartbreaksatellite@kaverichauhan @peterholland04 @panicattheuc @or-was-it-just-a-dream @hittiesontour@bunnyharold @fanfictioncafe @lilfreakjez @iamahallucinationnn @theekyliepage @indierockgirrl@buckybarnessimpp @ashleighsss @jerseygirlinca @fake-coolbeans @itsmytimetoodream@treehouse-mouse @mrs-anna-styles211994 @macy-tpwk @mrs-anna-styles211994
#harry styles x reader#harry styles#harry styles x y/n#harrystyles#harry styles fanfiction#harry styles x you#harry styles fanfic#harry styles series#harry styles writing#one direction#harry styles x fem!reader#harry styles x tomlinson!reader#harry styles x oc#harry x reader#harry x yn#harry x y/n#harry x you#harry styles fic#harry styles series masterlist#harry styles masterlist#harry styles imagines#harry styles imagine#louis tomlinson#niall horan#zayn malik#liam payne#harry 1d#one direction fanfiction#tomlinson!yn
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getting jumped by one direction <3
#imagines#harry styles#niall horan#liam payne#louis tomlinson#zayn malik#one direction#1d#one direction imagines#1d imagines#submission
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it's heartbreaking to think that given better circumstances, one direction could have been happier for so much longer. more breaks, more control over their own schedules, given the chance to grow up between albums/tours. unfortunately we'll never know because of insatiable, unforgivable greed
#obviously anything could have happened#but imagine instead of 5 insanely condensed years#all of that content within 15 years or so#with so much time to live and grow and prosper#things could be so different now#or not#but we'll really never know#what a weird process#1d#one direction#liam#liam payne#harry styles#niall horan#louis tomlinson#zayn malik#mine
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connection | one direction comfort oneshot
summary: one direction are your best friends and how can you ever tell them thank you for everything.
warnings: not a single one, just feel good comforting one direction. we need it.
a/n: this one is for everyone who needs it.
“I’m glad you guys are home”
“Y/N, none of us live anywhere near here.” Louis snorts the second your sappy voice echos in the lounge room. Not one of them lives here, but to you, this is their home
A mug of tea is hot against you palms, the room smells of sweet treats and is light only by warm lamplight.
A sigh cascades from your lungs, your head leant against Harry’s shoulder.
“Let the girl have her moment, Louis.” You hear Zayn chide with a smile on his face as he leans forward from where he’s rested on the couch to grab a cookie.
“This movies made me all sentimental.” You grumble, trying to now suppress the feeling swelling in your chest.
You glance around to the five guys laid in your lounge room. Your five best friends in the whole world.
Highschool is messy for everyone, and your experience was no different. God, if you hadn’t have met all of them, you have no idea how you would’ve ever survived.
Zayn in folded into the corner of your massive couch, despite how much room there is.
Louis the one who’s randomly claimed a spot on the floor, cushion under his ass even though again, there’s more than enough space on the couch.
Liam is sprawled out on your left, legs and arms hanging off the edge. A smile sits on his lips, content and at peace.
Harry is nestled on your right, allowing your head to seek refuge on his shoulder. He’s made sure he’s close enough to Niall to annoy him every couple of minutes.
Niall is cross-legged on the couch, mug of tea in hand, blonde hair tousled from Harry messing it up ten minutes ago for the fun of it.
“You guys are what brings life into this place.” You state, finality in your tone as your eyes avert back to the screen.
“Awww,” Niall coos, Harry whacks him across the head.
“Ouch! Bloody hell was tha’ for, I was being genuine you dolt.” Everyone chuckles, watching his hand come to cover his head.
“Oh, sorry thought ya were being sarcastic.” Harry snickers from beside you, chest vibrating in a familiar way.
“While these two idiots argue, I am appreciating your sentiment, Y/N.” Liam claims from where he lays, flashing a toothy grin at you.
“I just…” wow, are you seriously getting emotional over this? Surely it’s your hormones, or just stress manifesting into big feelings. But you can’t even get the sentence out without the feeling of a lump in your throat.
The sway in your voice draws all five of them to a silence.
They wait patiently for you to say something else.
“You all are my people. Having fun at home is not the same when you’re not all here. And when I go out without you all, I imagine the stupid shit you’d do to make me laugh.”
Bringing the mug in your hand to your lips, you draw a sip of tea into your mouth. Taking comfort in the sweetness.
“My house does not feel like home unless I’m in it with you five. You’re all like my family. I wouldn’t know where to begin tackling my life if I didn’t have you boys showing me how to do it.”
“Y’can’t tackle anything or anyone for shit t’be fair.” Niall remarks, trying to be funny but you can hear the appreciation that floods his tone.
“Shut up, Niall.” Liam shakes his head, smiling.
“Everyday, I thank whatever greater power that bought you guys to me. I couldn’t even begin to imagine a day where I didn’t know you all. And it’s something I hope I never have to live.”
“What im trying to say is thank you. For being my best friends.”
There’s a few seconds of quiet.
You have been like this with them before, usually when you’re about to get your period, when you’re drunk, or had a big thing happen in your life. But right now they all just didn’t expect it.
“No way, Louis are you crying!” Harry laughs, but there’s a soft and vulnerable lilt to his own voice.
“Shut up, ya prick.” He whines, hand cupping over his eyes and dragging down in exasperation.
At a glance, you realise they’re all crying.
“Oh god,” you gasp, guilt plaguing your voice, “sorry I didn’t mean to make everyone so emosh.”
“Emosh.” Liam mocks your choice of word with a soft tease, eyes shiny.
“Yea, girl. I need forewarning before you go dropping all that on me.” Zayn states, finishing the last bite of his cookie.
“We appreciate you more than y’know.” Niall drapes himself over Harry to half embrace you, half squash you.
As anyone would imagine, doesn’t take longer than three seconds for them all to be joining this impromptu group hug.
“Can’t breathe—“ you hissed out. Someone’s knee is digging into your hip, someone just headbutted you, and again, your whole diaphragm is squished.
Yet despite all of this, you’ve never felt so loved. You feel so much of it, almost like it’s imbedded in your bones.
“Don’t care!” Louis remarks, “your fault for dragging us all into your sentimental crap.”
“Thanks for being our best friend too, yknow.” A hum comes from Liam.
The hug doesn’t last too long, but long enough that when you eventually go to bed that night you’ve imprinted it in your memory.
How are there ever going to be words to explain how it feels to have a connection like this. One with people that you don’t see everyday, but that you feel always. It’s proven it can stretch a million miles and still feel the same.
These boys are your lifeline, and nothing in the world could change that.
Oh, how grateful you are.
#one direction#harry styles#liam payne#1d#fanfiction#niall horan#zayn malik#louis tomlinson#harry styles fanfiction#fanfic#one direction x reader#1d fanfiction#1d imagines#imagines#1d comfort#harry styles x you#harry styles fluff#fluff#best friends
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I fear.. my type might just be "coolest youngest in the group"
#chris sturniolo#christopher sturniolo#matt sturniolo#nick sturniolo#nicolas sturniolo#sturniolo smut#sturniolo triplets#nate doe#matt sturniolo smut#chris sturniolo fanfic#harry styles#one direction#one shot#5sos#ashton 5sos#5sos fanfic#5sos imagine#luke 5sos#ashton irwin#michael clifford#calum hood#luke hemmings#liam payne#niall horan#louis tomlinson#zayn malik#dolan twins#dolan twin imagine#ethan dolan#grayson dolan
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Zayn being adorable on Capital FM (ft his terrible camera).
#when he’s a 10 and a hot artistic cowboy but his camera’s a potato#and he sits in the worst light imaginable. anyway yeehaw 🤠#zaynmalikedit#zayn#zayn malik#zmalikedit#zaynedit#dailymusicians#dailymenedit#dailycelebs#celebedit#userbbelcher#chewieblog#alienated#room under the stairs#zaynjmsource#1dsquad#keepingupwithzaynmalik#mine
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Guitar Strings of Joy - Harry Styles
Word Count: 1702
Summary: Big moments, yet small ones are rather special to share with the people who support you through it all aren't they?
You stood backstage, your fingers running across the familiar strings of your guitar.
The hum of the crowd vibrated through the floor beneath your feet, and you could hear the murmur of excitement building as the lights dimmed in the arena.
It was one of those nights—one of those moments—that made your heart race, even after years of touring with Harry.
As one of his guitarists, you had played in some of the biggest venues worldwide, but tonight was different.
Tonight, you weren't just his guitarist, you were also his girlfriend and the soon-to-be mother of your first child.
A flutter of nervous excitement mingled with your anticipation.
In just a few minutes, your secret would no longer be yours.
Harry had insisted on making this night special, and you had agreed. You'd been planning it for weeks, keeping your little secret close.
The gender reveal of your baby would happen right here, on stage, in front of thousands of fans.
And it would be you who would announce it with the iconic guitar solo of Harry's song, 'Adore You'.
The thought made your stomach flip with both nerves and excitement.
Harry's voice came through the speakers as he greeted the crowd, his tone warm and familiar, like a friend welcoming everyone into his home.
He had that effect on people, a natural ease that made even the largest of crowds feel intimate.
"Hey, everybody! How are we feeling tonight?" Harry's voice boomed through the arena, and the crowd erupted in cheers.
You could almost see him in your mind, smiling that boyish grin that had captured hearts all over the world.
You listened as Harry went through the opening set, your fingers moving instinctively over your guitar strings, getting in sync with the rhythm of the band.
You had played these songs a hundred times, but tonight there was an added weight to every note.
Then, it was time.
The moment you had both been waiting for.
Harry paused after finishing the previous song, letting the last note fade into the electric buzz of the crowd.
He looked over at you, his eyes sparkling with something that made your heart skip.
There was a pause, the kind that stretched just long enough to build anticipation.
“So, before we go on,” Harry began, his voice suddenly quieter, more intimate, “I want to share something special with you all. Tonight isn’t just another concert for us. It’s also a really special night for me and someone you all know pretty well.”
The crowd murmured in curiosity, a wave of whispers rippling through the sea of people.
You felt your pulse quicken. You knew this was it.
Harry's eyes met yours again, and for a second, it was just the two of you.
You smiled, trying to steady your breathing.
“For those of you who don’t know, the amazing guitarist who’s been up here with me every night is also the love of my life, y/n.” Harry's words sent a surge of applause and cheers through the crowd.
You felt your cheeks flush, both from the warmth of the spotlight and the love that emanated from the audience.
“And we’ve got a little surprise for you all tonight,” Harry continued, his voice tinged with excitement. “You see, y/n and I are expecting a baby!”
The cheers grew louder, and you felt a wave of emotion wash over you.
The audience’s energy was infectious, and you couldn’t help but smile even wider.
Harry waited for the noise to die down before speaking again. “Now, we thought long and hard about how we wanted to reveal the gender of our baby, and we decided there was no better place to do it than right here, with all of you."
"So, during the next song, when y/n plays the guitar solo, you’re going to see some fireworks. And when you do, the color of those fireworks will tell you if we’re having a boy or a girl.”
The crowd erupted again, this time with a mixture of excitement and anticipation.
You could feel your heart pounding in your chest.
This was it.
You nodded at Harry, who gave you a reassuring smile, and then he turned back to the crowd.
“This is ‘Adore You,’” Harry announced, and the familiar notes began to fill the arena.
Your fingers moved over the strings, finding the melody with ease.
The song had always been special to you and Harry.
It was one of the first songs you had worked on together, back when your relationship was still new, still fragile.
Now, it felt like a full-circle moment, standing here with him, about to share the biggest news of your lives with thousands of people.
As the song built towards the solo, your nerves returned, but so did a deep sense of calm.
This was your moment.
You closed your eyes for a brief second, grounding yourself, and then you stepped forward, into the spotlight.
The world seemed to hold its breath as you played the opening notes of the solo.
The sound of your guitar echoed through the arena, each note carrying with it the weight of the moment.
The crowd fell silent, waiting, watching.
And then, as the solo reached its peak, the arena exploded in a dazzling display of color.
Fireworks shot into the sky, bursting into a shower of brilliant blue.
The crowd gasped in unison, and then the cheers began, louder than ever before.
You felt a wave of emotion crash over you, tears springing to your eyes as you played the final notes of the solo.
A boy.
You were having a boy.
Harry was beside you in an instant, his arms wrapping around you as the crowd continued to cheer.
You could feel him shaking, overwhelmed with emotion, just as you were.
You held onto each other, sharing the moment, as the blue fireworks continued to light up the sky above you.
Harry took the microphone again, his voice thick with emotion.
“Thank you, thank you so much,” he said, his words directed both to the audience and to you. “We can’t wait to meet our little fella, and we’re so grateful to have you all here with us tonight to share this moment.”
The crowd roared in response, and you felt another wave of tears threaten to spill over.
You glanced at Harry, who was looking at you with a mixture of love and awe.
It was a look you would never tire of.
As the final notes of "Adore You" faded into the night, Harry turned back to the audience.
“I think we’re going to need to play one more song after that,” he said with a laugh, and the crowd cheered in agreement.
But before you started the next song, Harry leaned in close to you, his voice low enough that only you could hear.
“I love you,” he said, his eyes shining.
You smiled, your heart full. “I love you too,” you replied, and in that moment, everything else faded away.
It was just you, standing on stage, under a sky filled with blue fireworks, ready to welcome the next chapter of your lives together.
Harry turned back to the microphone, and the band launched into the next song, the energy in the arena electric.
You picked up the melody, your fingers moving effortlessly over the strings, but your mind was still on what had just happened.
You couldn’t stop thinking about the look on Harry's face when the fireworks had exploded in blue.
The pure, unfiltered joy, mixed with a touch of disbelief, as if he couldn’t quite believe this was all real.
As you played through the set, you found yourself sneaking glances at Harry, catching his eye whenever you could.
Each time, he would smile at you, that same look of love and awe in his eyes.
It was a look that told you everything you needed to know about your future.
You were going to be just fine.
More than fine—you were going to be a family.
The rest of the concert flew by in a blur of music and lights.
The crowd was more alive than ever, feeding off the energy of the night.
When the final notes of the last song echoed through the arena, the applause was deafening.
Harry and you stood side by side, looking out at the sea of faces, each one filled with love and joy.
It was a moment neither of you would ever forget.
As the band left the stage, Harry grabbed your hand, pulling you close.
“We did it,” he whispered in your ear, his voice filled with pride.
You smiled, your heart swelling with love for the man beside you. “We did,” you agreed. “And now, we get to do the next part.”
Harry grinned, his hand resting on your belly. “I can’t wait.”
Backstage, the rest of the band and crew congratulated you, the air filled with hugs and laughter.
Everyone was buzzing with excitement, still riding the high of the reveal.
You couldn’t stop smiling, your heart full to bursting.
Later that night, after the arena had emptied and the crew had packed up, Harry and you found yourselves alone in your dressing room.
The adrenaline was wearing off, leaving behind a warm, contented glow.
Harry sat down on the couch, pulling you down beside him.
“I still can’t believe it,” Harry said, his voice soft as he rested his hand on your belly. “A boy.”
You leaned into him, your head resting on his shoulder. “I know,” you said, your voice equally soft. “It feels like a dream.”
Harry kissed the top of your head, his fingers tracing gentle patterns on your stomach. “It’s a dream I never want to wake up from,” he whispered.
You sat like that for a long time, wrapped up in each other, the excitement of the night giving way to a peaceful calm.
The future stretched out before you, bright and full of possibilities.
And as you sat there, in the quiet of the night, you knew that no matter what came next, you would face it together, as a family.
And that was all you needed.
#harry styles x reader#harry styles#harry styles x y/n#harrystyles#harry styles fanfiction#harry styles x you#harry styles fanfic#harry styles series#harry styles writing#one direction#harry styles x fem!reader#harry styles x tomlinson!reader#harry styles x oc#harry x reader#harry x yn#harry x y/n#harry x you#harry styles fic#harry styles series masterlist#harry styles masterlist#harry styles imagines#harry styles imagine#louis tomlinson#niall horan#zayn malik#liam payne#harry 1d#one direction fanfiction#tomlinson!yn
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What he likes about you fluff
* English is not my first language I apologise
* Triggers: Fluff
A = Admiration, what he absolutely adore about you: That you love his family, you love his mom and his mom loves you. Your also very gentle and quiet just like him
B = Body, what is his favorite part of your body: He loves your legs, they way you wrapped them around him when you cuddle him, he loves to lay his hands on them, just touching your warm skin.
C = Cuddling, how he likes to cuddle: He likes to be the big spoon but he loves it when you just cuddle him when he's sitting on the sofa or on his chair behind his computer.
D = Dates, what his ideal date with you would look like: Staying at home, playing video games together.
E = Emotions, how he express his emotions around you: He doesn't, he mostly keep them to himself, sometimes they slip up and you just hold him, telling him it okay.
F = Family, does he want one? If he does, when: Yes, he loves to start a family with you, he loves to have children with you and getting a dog or cat.
G = Gifts, how he feels about gift giving? What is his habit when it comes to this: He gives spoils you silently, you come home and there are flowers in a vase or some new shoes you love.
H = Holding Hands, when/how he likes to hold hands: He hold your hands when he's anxious, squeezing your hands a little bit, checking that your still here with him.
I = Injury, how he would act if you got hurt: He will get anxious, pacing around and calling his mom for support. He hates it tho.
J = Jokes, does he likes to joke around with or prank you and how: He likes to joke around, he likes to play around when you guys are playing some video games, distracting you.
K = Kisses, how he likes to kiss you: Soft but deeply on your lips. He also places a lot of kisses on the top of your head an hands.
L = Love, how he shows you he loves you: He remembers the small things you like or do, he sees everything and makes sure your always okay. He also makes sure his mom will cook some food for you because he knows you love her food.
M = Memory, favorite memory together: Having a game night for the first time together. The laughs and the fun that night was the best you guys ever had. Playing around and just being yourself with him.
N = Nightmare, what is his worst fear: Leaving him, losing you, you being hurt, hating him. just everything, he hates his anxiety.
O = Oddity, what is one quirk he haves: He's secretly a nerd in video games, he has a steam deck and he always carries it with him.
P = Pet Names, what he likes to call you: Darling and babe.
Q = Quality Time, how he likes to spend time with you: At home, playing video games or just go our for a walk close by.
R = Rhythm, what song reminds you of him: Tortoise by Frankie Stew and Harvey Gunn. When you hear this song, your mind wanders off to him. You need him and he needs you, you miss him when your not with him and life is not the same without him.
S = Secrets, how open is he with you: He tries to be open with you but sometimes his anxiety is in his way, he wants a good communication but needs some help sometimes as he cover up his emotions a lot.
T = Time, how long did it take you to get together: It took awhile, he thought you didn't liked him till a friend of him told him otherwise, he asked you out by text message and asked you later if you wanted to be his.
U = Upset, how does he acts when you’re upset: He thinks it's because of him, he freaks out and gets upset as well, when he knows it not him he stays quiet, thinking how he can fix it.
V = Vaunt, what is he proud of, Does he likes to show you off: He's proud that you like his family, that you like to game with him and that you support him
W = Warrior, how would he feel about you fighting? Would he fight for you: He wouldn't like it but would support you, he would defend you
X = X-Ray, how well can he read you: He knows when sometime up, he knows everything as he sees everything.
Y = Yes, how would he propose to you: Some where private but anywhere what you like and say yes to him
Z = Zen, what makes him feel calm: Knowing you there, holding your hands, listing to music and playing video games. he also calms down when he's alone.
#zayn malik imagine#zayn malik x reader#zayn malik fanfiction#one direction x you#one direction imagine#one direction fanfiction#one direction x reader#one direction fandom#1d x reader#1d imagines#1d fanfiction#y/n imagines#reader x character#x you#imagines#imagine#x reader#x y/n#y/n x character#sfw fluff#fluff and romance#fluff#request open
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Lights will guide you home
A Liam Payne tribute imagine 🫶🕊️❤️🩹
Y/N reacts to Liam Payne’s death on October 16, 2024:
It didn’t seem real. The headline flashing on your phone didn’t make sense, not now, not ever. Liam Payne dies at 31. You read it over and over, your hands shaking, trying to comprehend what was happening. You felt your chest tighten, like all the air in the room had suddenly been sucked out, leaving you gasping for breath.
“No… no, no, no, this can’t be happening,” you whispered to yourself, tears already welling in your eyes. Your mind raced with memories—those nights spent listening to his music, watching interviews where his laugh lit up the screen, scrolling through his social media just to catch a glimpse of his life. He’d been such a constant presence, someone who always felt within reach, yet so far away.
You collapsed onto the couch, clutching your phone to your chest as sobs overtook you. You didn’t know Liam personally, but in so many ways, he had been there for you. During your hardest moments, his songs had been your escape, his voice your comfort. Now, he was gone, and the world felt a little darker, a little quieter.
The messages started pouring in—friends who knew how much you loved him, how much he meant to you. But no amount of words could fill the void his loss left in your heart.
As the hours passed, you found yourself scrolling through old photos and videos, watching his smile, hearing his voice, as if holding onto those moments could bring him back. But all it did was remind you of what the world had lost, what you had lost—a source of light, of joy, now dimmed forever.
“I miss you already,” you whispered through your tears, staring at a photo of him smiling brightly. “I wish you knew how much you meant to all of us.”
The night seemed endless, and you knew that the pain of losing him would take time to heal. But somehow, in the quiet of your room, with his music softly playing in the background, you felt a sliver of peace. He might be gone, but the memories, the music, and the love—those would never fade.
#one direction#liam james payne#liam payne#rip liam payne#one direction fandom#niall horan#zayn malik#harry styles#louis tomlinson#liam payne x reader#liam payne y/n#liam payne imagine
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Harry Styles- From 2010 Series Master List
*I will try my best to credit the original poster for any edits featured that aren’t mine
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
#one direction#one direction x reader#sixth one direction member#6th one direction member#harry styles x y/n#harry styles x you#harry styles masterlist#harry styles x reader#harry styles imagine#harry styles x oc#harry styles fanfiction#harry styles#liam payne#zayn malik#niall horan#louis tomlinson
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As corny as it sounds this is why people tell you to tell the ones you love that you love them every chance you get because you truly don’t know if it’ll be the last time you’ll get to.
#i want to hug Niall so bad like I’m glad he seems to have a solid group of people around him because i can’t imagine knowing he was the#last one of the boys to see Liam and then only a week or so later find out he’s gone#i hope all the boys take this opportunity to just heal and maybe this will bring them closer#death does have a way of sadly doing that#one direction#liam payne#niall horan#harry styles#louis tomlinson#zayn malik#my little irish marshmallow#my little lanky baby
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No Complaints
Our Story Masterlist Summary: A fan catches a moment between Harry and YN, where she turns something innocent to sexual.
based on a tiktok between a fan and Harry (link in comments)
Harry was stood at the front of the stage, the microphone steady in his hand as he was about the place it back on the stand. Nyoh was standing next to him, the guitar heavy in her hand as she waited for Harry to perform the next song.
YN was stood on the floor area at the side of the stage. Close enough Harry could see her, but slightly away from the crowded barrier area.
Harry looked to his left to see YN standing there next to Jeff and Brad. YN had woken with a headache that morning and despite her insisting that she was fine now that she had taken a paracetamol, Harry couldn’t resist checking in on his girlfriend.
Catching YN’s eye, Harry brought the mic up to his lips so she could hear him. “YN? How’s your head?”.
Before Harry had chance to add anything to his question, YN voice shouted across the way filling the ears of everyone between them. “Never had any complaints!”.
Instantly Harry eyes widened as he realised the sarcastic response he had from YN. But whilst Harry shook his head with an amused grin, YN wore a bit smirk, very satisfied with the reaction she got from the screaming crowd and Harry’s blushed cheeks.
“Oh my god! That my friends is YN in a nutshell!”.
Tag List:
@pansexualwitchwhoneedstherapy @harrys-flower @platinumbarbie143 @frickin-bats@harrysbbyh0ney @chronicallybubbly @goldensunflowe-r @walkingintheheartbreaksatellite@kaverichauhan @peterholland04 @panicattheuc @or-was-it-just-a-dream @hittiesontour@bunnyharold @fanfictioncafe @lilfreakjez @iamahallucinationnn @theekyliepage @indierockgirrl@buckybarnessimpp @ashleighsss @jerseygirlinca @fake-coolbeans @itsmytimetoodream@treehouse-mouse @mrs-anna-styles211994 @macy-tpwk @mrs-anna-styles211994
#harry styles x reader#harry styles#harry styles x y/n#harrystyles#harry styles fanfiction#harry styles x you#harry styles fanfic#harry styles series#harry styles writing#one direction#harry styles x fem!reader#harry styles x tomlinson!reader#harry styles x oc#harry x reader#harry x yn#harry x y/n#harry x you#harry styles fic#harry styles series masterlist#harry styles masterlist#harry styles imagines#harry styles imagine#louis tomlinson#niall horan#zayn malik#liam payne#harry 1d#one direction fanfiction#tomlinson!yn
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lemons everyone's favourite breakfast food
#submission#queenscene2#imagines#one direction#1d#harry styles#liam payne#louis tomlinson#niall horan#zayn malik#funny imagines#bad imagines#bad 1d imagines
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Against All Odds (Chapter 3)
Contains: SMUT, oral (f receiving), touching, slight soft dom Harry, mentions of virginity, f reader who is very inexperienced
Masterlist of this story
Just when she was about to enter the room she heared the piano. It was weird, why was there someone playing at 1:15 am? She opened the door and it was him: Harry Styles. Of course. She wanted to leave but something made her stay. She felt her heart beating faster. He looked so handsome in his black simple suit and his hair being so curly and messy.
He played very beautifuly until he suddenly stopped. She realized that there had been a little sigh coming out of her mouth. Harry turned around and fixed her with his eyes. „What the fuck are you doin‘ here?“, he asked. Y/n didn’t say anything. „Words. Answer me.“, Harry demanded again. „I – I don’t know, I c – couldn’t sleep and I – I walked around…“ Harry slightly chuckled at her being all nervous and stuttering.
„C’mere.“, he said with his dark voice. Her eyes widened, which made him smirk. „C’mon.“ Y/n didn’t know what to do so she walked over to him, standing awkwardly next to him. „Can you play?“, he asked. Y/n nodded and Harry stood up, to make space for her. He didn’t say a word but she understood. She sat down and felt his arm close to her shoulder as she started to play a slow piece. Harry didn’t say anything until she finished. „That was very beautiful.“, he admited.
Y/n got goosebumps all over her body. How was he able to make her react to him like that? She felt his arm closer to her shoulder and then he lowered his head to her ear. „You’re driving me crazy.“, he whispered very quiet. Y/n sighed and closed her eyes. „Do you want me?“ She was unable to say a word but slightly pressed her arm closer to him. „Do you want me, y/n? Do you want me to touch you?“
She gasped: „Yes.“ and that was enough for Harry to turn her head and kiss her. Her lips were so soft that he wondered how the rest of her body would feel. He opened his mouth and parted her lips with his tongue to get into her mouth. He wasn’t onehundred percent sure, but it seemed to him that she didn’t wear a bra which made him go wild.
He fumbled at the neckline of her shirt and touched her neck. It all happened very fast and wild and his hands now were laying on her hips. Suddenly, still sitting on the piano chair, y/n pushed him away by putting her hands on his chest. He was very suprised but stepped away from her. „What’s wrong?“, he asked. „Are you alright?“ She nodded and looked to the ground. „Yeah, I am. It’s just… I mean I really enjoy it, but…you know…I…“, she sighed and Harry chuckled. „You can tell me, love.“
She sighed again and her voice got even more quiet than before. „I – I’ve never had sex.“ „What?“ Harry really seemed suprised. „Wow that was unexpected.“ Y/n nodded and didn’t know what to say. She was horny for this man but wasn’t sure how to deal with the situation. „So, what is it you wanna do, y/n?“, Harry asked. „I don’t know, I mean I… you know I think I’d like to go further, but it’s just, I’m a little scared and I really don’t know what to do.“
Harry came a little closer to her and whispered: „Have you ever done anythin‘ else? Like touching? Or did anyone ever go down on you?“ Y/n shook her head. „No, I just kissed someone in like... middle school.“ Harry took her hand and caressed it. „You want me t‘ show you? I’mma be very gentle and soft, promise. But y’can say no, if y’don’t wanna.“ Y/n was suprised of his gentle touch and words and she turned around to finally look in his eyes. They were darker than usually and she was suprised that she even noticed.
„I think I want you to show me.“ „Y’think or y’know?“ She smiled. „I know I want you to show me.“ Harry smiled but still kept standing where he was. „But I need t’make sure that you feel comfortable all the time. If I do anythin‘ y’don’t like, you need to promise me, that you tell me, ok? Y’need t‘say, if it’s t’much.“ Y/n nodded and mumbled „Okay.“ He smirked and came closer to kiss her again. He was excited and horny. He knew that he had to be very careful not to hurt her and be slow with her but he still couldn’t be any luckier right now. Those soft lips, and her hair that smelled so good.
Y/n was very suprised by Harry. She didn’t know that he was capable of being that gentle and sweet. The way he dealt with her words has been very nice and understanding. And he suddenly changed from being a mean asshole to being caring. Or did he just act like it and played her?
Harry kepts kissing her soft lips and put his hands on her waist. „May I?“, he mumbled against her lips and she nodded. Her oversized shirt, which turned him on for some reasons was still in the way but he slowly caressed her skin. His hands wandered down to find the hem of the shirt. He touched the skin over the waistband. It was so soft and warm that he felt like he never wanted to take his hands off her.
When his hands crawled higher he thought it was time to change their positions. He still stood next to the piano chair and had to lean down to her while she had to turn her head to kiss him. He picked her up and then sat down on the couch in the rehearsal room with y/n on his lap. She reached down to kiss him and wrapped her arms around his neck. She played a bit with his hair, which made Harry sigh.
He put his hands under her shirt again and touched his way up to under her breast. He could feel her getting a bit stiff and whispered: „It’s all right, Honey. Do you want me to keep going or should I stop?“ „No, I want you to keep going. I’m just nervous.“ „There’s no reason to be. Don’t worry, I’m not gonna do anythin‘ y’don’t like.“ „I know, it’s just, I’ve never done anything like this and no one has ever seen me naked, except for my parents at a young age, of course.“, she nervously chuckled.
„That’s ok. No reason to be insecure though. You’re so fucking beautiful, god.“ Y/n giggled and slightly blushed. Harry held her closer to his chest and kissed her jaw and then made his way down to her neck. He left soft kisses and sucked on it very gentle. Meanwhile he touched her chest by running his thumb over her skin. Y/n let out a gasp when he touched her nipple.
He smiled and kept caressing her skin. He could feel her breathe even faster when he teased her nipples between his fingers and traced the contures of her breasts with his fingers. God, he really knew how to turn her on.
He stopped kissing her and y/n immediately missed his lips. Harry took off her shirt not before giving her a questioning look. Y/n nodded and helped him getting it off faster, which made Harry smirk. As soon as the shirt was off Harry kissed down from her neck to her naked chest which made y/n shiver of excitement. When his tongue played with her nipple she moaned softly and dug her hands in his hair.
She straighted herself up so that Harry didn’t have to bend his head down. Her chest was now on the same height as his mouth. Y/n could feel a big bulge underneath her, which got her very exciting and nervous. Harry kept kissing her bare chest. He just couldn’t get enough of her warm and soft skin, of her moaning and whimpering. He could feel her pressing against his cock which made him even hornier and drove him crazy.
He had his hand around her waist, dugged in her skin and slowly caressing it, and now his hands wandered down to her hips. He hooked his fingers into the waistband of her short sweatpants. He touched his way down to her naked legs and dugged his fingers into her thighs. God, she was so sexy.
He thought he couldn’t be any luckier right now when y/n gently pushed his head away from her chest, kissed him on his mouth and started to unbotton his white shirt. She laid her hands on his chest and caressed his skin. Harry’s hands were still running over her thighs and massaged her. He could feel y/n slightly be nervous when she kissed him on his neck. „It’s alright, love. You’re doin‘ awesome.“
It was true, her mouth felt incredible on his collarbone. He gently touched her hair and caressed it a bit. He let out a gasp when she softly licked over his tattooed skin. „Oh god, y/n.“, he moaned. He could see her still being a little insecure but there honestly was no reason to be. Y/n’s mouth was now on his lips again and she sighed against them when Harry ran his hands over the skin right below the hem of her shorts.
„Do you want to go further? We really don’t have to, I want you to feel comfortable.“ He wanted her so bad, but he didn’t want to go too fast. It was very hard to hold himself back but he had to. It was her first time and he didn’t want to pressure or scare her. But y/n just nodded and kissed him on his buttom lip.
„Need t’hear it, Baby.“, Harry whispered, took her face in his hands and held her a bit away from him. „Just don’t want you to regret anythin‘ later.“ „Yes I wanna go further, Harry. I really do. I trust you, that you’re gonna be nice.“ Harry smirked. „You trust me? After our history?“ Y/n chuckled. „I know, but… Right now I do. Right now I wanna be with you.“ Harry smiled at her in a way that she had never seen him smile before. Or at least not at her. It was an honest smile, nothing sarcastic in it.
Harry once again picked her up from the couch and laid her down. Luckily, the couch was quite big so Harry had enough space to kneel over her, with one knee on each side of her hips. He leaned down to kiss her and then kissed all the way down to the waistband of her shorts, where he stopped. He looked up to her in her eyes. Y/n bit her lips and nodded in a very serious way.
„Yes.“ was all she had to say and Harry hooked his fingers into the waistband, pulled them down and dropped them next to the couch. She didn’t wore any panties, which was obvious since it was the clothes she had wanted to sleep in. „You want fingers or my mouth?“ Y/n was thinking. „I don’t know… Maybe mouth?“ Harry nodded. „Very nice to hear.“ Y/n smiled and shivered from the excitement.
She felt very good, of course still nervous, but he was so soft and gentle with her that she felt safe and comfortable. Harry spreaded her legs gently and positioned himself between them. He kissed her belly and then down to her pubic area.
His tongue immediately found her clit, which made y/n gasp and arch. His tongue drew circles around her clit, teasing her and touched it very gentle with the tip of his tongue. Y/n whimpered and dugged her hands in the sofa, which made Harry so hard that it was almost uncomfortable.
He then teased her by touching her entrace, which revealed to him how tight she actually was. She was already so wet for him and god she tasted so good that Harry wished to stay between her legs forever. Her cunt was dripping and he wanted to get every ounce of her sweet arousal. She panted under him, eyes closed and by now she was unable to stay still. She shifted restlessly and arched on the couch. When she started to softly moan his name he thought he was gonna lose it.
Then Harry came back to her clit, licking it, sucking on it and kissing it. During it he watched her experiencing that much pleasure under his touch, which drove him crazy and was so hot to him. Y/n put her hands to his head and pressed him closer to her cunt in an uncontrolled way. She was too turned on and wild to really know what she was doing, she just wanted to touch him and clung to something.
Harry could hear her getting louder and knew she was close to an orgasm. He licked her clit faster and faster, felt her clench and then felt her come on his tongue. She gasped a „Oh god, Harry!“ and he thought that was the hottest thing he had ever heared. She squeaked softly and then fell back on the couch panting very fast and uncontrolled.
Harry crawled up to her and pulled her to his chest. She closed her eyes and slowly came down from her high. Wow, that has been awesome. Y/n of course masturbated and had always enjoyed it, but his tongue on her clit for her was a whole new level. Shit, he was so hot and the way he had looked with his head between her legs, his gorgeous and sexy hair and then his eyes which had sometimes looked up to her during the act. They had been so dark from his erection.
Harry had put an arm around her back holding her close to him. „Harry, was very good.“, she said. „Great to hear that.“, he smiled and caressed her hair out of her face. „Are you cold?“, he asked when he saw her slightly shivering and the goosebumps on her arms. „Yes, a little.“, y/n answered.
Of course she was, Harry thought. He was fully dressed, besides his shirt being opened but she was naked and now, after an orgasm it was obvious that she would get a little cold after her body was calmed. „Let’s get you warm.“, Harry spoke, sat up, grabbed her clothes off the floor and gave them to her. She put them on and they walked out of the rehearsal room. During their way up in the elevator y/n took his hand and pressed herself against Harry’s arm, which made him smirk.
When they were standing in front of y/n’s door Harry took her hand and left a soft kiss. „It was very beautiful, I hope you thought so too.“ Y/n blushed and answered: „Oh fuck yes, I enjoyed it.“ They laughed, before y/n entered her room and they wished each other a good night, or what was left of it.
She immediately jumped into her bed and stared at the ceiling. What did just happen? She wasn’t able to realize this. She has had sex with Harry. Harry, the person that she had been mad at constantly the last week. The person she genuinly had hated for his arrogance. And now, this Harry had nothing to do with the old version of him. He had been so lovely and caring. What was going on with him? And what would happen now? Would they just see each other the next day and act like nothing happened? Was it a one – time – thing? She really needed to get some sleep now, which she did while thinking of his soft mouth and tongue. ��
#harry styles#one direction#fanfic#fanfiction#harry styles fanfiction#harry styles fic#harry styles imagine#harry styles smut#harry styles x reader#smut#harry 1d#harry edward styles#harrystylessmut#liam payne#zayn malik#larry stylinson#1d imagines#one direction fanfiction#one shot#1direction#1d fanfiction#1d#louis tomlinson#niall horan#fandom#writing#writers on tumblr#pop culture#x reader#female reader
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Selfishly thinking that Orion could be persuaded to act in one of the band music video. Just once.
Anyway, go play @infamous-if cause it’s amazing!
Little bonus, I put the rambly scenario that sprouted these under the cut in case you wanna know more 🤷♀️
It’s got to be a team effort and a chore to get Orion on board but somehow they manage to convince him in the end(cause he got a soft spot). In my head the idea was Violet and Rowan’s, Iris jumped right in cause it sounded fun and then Jazzy and Devyn joined in. Chris tagged along too cause heck yeah. They all come up with a list of pros and cons cause they know that Orion will fight against it, but thanks to Devyn they come up with sound and logical enough reasons. Rowan and Violet do the presentation and after a lot of debate, Orion accept in the end to everyone (and his own) disbelief. The video is a success, the views count gets higher and half the comment are about Orion.The band tease him relentlessly and Orion swears never again. The end.
#infamous if#infamous#infamous violet#infamous oc#violet rose#i blame the very cool photoshoot I found on Pinterest that inspired me to do these#they are on a bridge or a rooftop you decide cause I couldn’t#listen I love all the seven drama but Orion is the reason why I started to play the game#read his description and I was like yep thanks I’m sold I’ll have him#also I know Orion would never but a girl can dream#plus the views would skyrocket so it’s good business#just unprofessional but yk#also the song is leave before you love me but zayn Malik cover cause I like the vibe better#I was debating with so many songs for these#in the end it was either belladonna by Ava max she or borderz by zayn#then I found this cover and I was like this fits violet and Orion better in my head so here we are#I’m a pop junky what can I saw#I’m sorry i only have infamous in my head rn#on a side note for the little scenario imagine Orion’s colleague from Carolina records seeing the video and sputtering coffee all over#cause yes he looks like a model from a perfume ad#okay I’m done rambling go play the game#my art#illustration
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