#douxie deserved better
kidcaroline · 2 years
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I’ve never seen a franchise throw away years of character development and world building so easily.
I hope these writers dumbasses never touch another franchise ever again.
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Spawned from a sketch dump. Interpret how you will.
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vanillapie-80 · 2 years
Me trying to explain why Douxie joining the BPRD in the past would totally make sense in canon even though if the two medias were in the same universe it’d cause a lot problems in the future timeline but that’s besides the point:
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bluheaven-adw · 10 months
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Thank you tumblr for absolutely destroying image quality. Freaking wtf?
Some more Dark Excalibur AU
The Knighting of Steve Palchuk
We all agree that Steve needed a better arc than what RotT gave him. He deserved a chance to be a hero, a path that he started in Wizards before it fizzled out into being the comedic relief. Wizards set everyone up as the better generational mirrors to Camelot. Jim to Arthur, Claire to Morgana, Douxie to Merlin, Toby probably to Galahad, and Steve very obviously to Lancelot. I've said at the start that no one comes out of this AU unscathed, so while Steve gets the heroic redemption, it comes at a cost, one that pulls on that parallel.
RotT in the Dk-E still happens, I'm not letting everyone get their happily ever after at the end of Wizards. But I'll be damned if I end it with Toby and so many others dead, and Jim pushed into a timeline reset. You can thank Steve for that. It's because of Steve that Toby lives. Steve goes with Toby in the Taco truck, and it is Steve that yanks Toby out of the way of the collapsing debris. But Steve becomes pinned himself, resulting in the loss of his arm. An act of selflessness and bravery, valor and sacrifice, that earns him the title of First Knight of the Roundtable of New Camelot. An equal advisor, responsible for not only the protection of Camelot, and those Jim has claimed as his (which is everyone, human, troll, changeling, down to the last gnome), but also finding and training new knights, those who value all life and are willing to fight to protect it, and want to see the worlds of man and magic together in harmony instead of hate and fear.
And so we come to the Knighting of Steve Palchuk. This isn't just pomp and meaningless ceremony, this has true weight and meaning to both Jim and Steve. Jim pulls on Excalibur's magic, his voice resonating with ethereal power, creating a bond of trust and loyalty that goes both ways, only formed if given willingly. Knight to his King, King to Knight, both to the protection of all worlds and their peoples. Jim's eyes light up in tandem with the blade as the power of Excalibur and Nimue courses through him, flames licking along the blade's edge and into Steve. Steve's armor reflecting this bond as the magic burns through him.
And like Lancelot, Steve will get a fully functional prosthetic arm. There will be hardship, adapting to this new reality. But Steve has become a hero. A man of courage... far from his highscool self. A survivor, who will fight with everything he has.
Rise now, Sir Steve, First Knight of the Roundtable and New Camelot.
Closeups below
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Notes: some of the descriptive wording around the ceremony itself came from a discussion about Jim using Excalibur for the knighting, and are used with permission of Sakon76, who is a much better writer than I.
Expect more if Steve's story at a later time.
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katy-89 · 2 years
So i rewatched the whole Tales of Arcadia
-Season 1, 2 and 3 are freaking perfect.
-Jim is a little gem <3 One of the best main characters ever. This boy deserves love and happinness.
-The characters' design are TOP TIER.
-Nomura is the best girl.
-Draal <3
-Angor Rot is the best villain.
-Toby is the best friend ever
-Blinky and Arrrgh <3
-Blinky and Jim father-son relationship <3
-Chomsky and NotEnrique <3
-......Merlin =_=
-Morgana is meh. Gunmar is the better villain.
-Jim vs Gunmar and Angor Rot is the best fight of the series.
-The fights in general are amazing.
-3below is pretty cool. Krell is my boy.
-Steve and Aja are cute.
-Morando was boring asf
-Wizards was 50/50. I HATE time travel plots. Why Morgana didn't remember Claire and Douxie? Why Arrrgh and Blinky didn't remember Jim? So many questions and plot holes bruh
-The arcane order's design is great
-I didn't rewatch the movie. Fuck the movie.
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honeyxmonkey · 1 year
Thoughts in my brain... in any universe, any timeline, Douxie would do anything for Carter. He'd compromise himself, his morals, his beliefs for him because he loves him so much. Douxie would destroy himself and follow Carter down a destructive path just so his beloved wouldn't have to be alone in it. Douxie would do anything for Carter. Anything.
Carter is much the same, but in the way that he knows what Douxie would do for him, so he strives every single day to make himself worthy of that devotion. He tries so hard to be someone that Douxie doesn't have to destroy who he is just to stay with. Carter spends every moment of every waking day actively not giving into his own destructive nature for Douxie’s sake. Because he knows what Douxie would do for him.
He knows Douxie would follow him to hell and back while never once letting go of his hand. Carter knows Douxie would do anything for him. So he does the same, going against his own nature to protect Douxie because he does not want to risk a moment where Douxie needs to risk compromising himself for his sake.
Carter's always thought Douxie deserves someone better than him. The only problem is, he could never see anyone else with Douxie. So he made himself better for him.
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days-light · 1 year
Orderweek prompt 1: change (for make-up day) @arcaneorderweek
Skrael finds Nari alone in the city and has a change of heart.
~1k (was gonna have more of an ending but I didn't want it getting too long)
The first time he’d seen her again, all it had taken was a single glance to see through her disguise. 
The green on her face had been clumsily painted over with a warm brown, her clawed fingers were hidden under wooly mittens and her antlers were obscured by a ridiculously large hat, but it was still so obvious that it was her. 
She had been playing with a bright yellow songbird on a park bench, its vibrant color standing out starkly from the dull tones of the city around her. Without him having to say anything she turned around to face him, still able to sense his presence even after all of this time apart. 
“Nari. You… you changed your hair.” It was all he could think to say.
She smiled sadly, tugging at the short, dark brown strands that didn’t actually look terrible, although he hated to admit it. “Nice to see you too, Skrael. It was Douxie’s idea. Humans often enjoy turning their hair bright colors, but mine stood out too much, he said.” 
“There’s nothing wrong with your hair,” Skrael scoffed. “Besides, who is he to talk? His own is bright blue.” 
Nari whispered something to the bird and watched it fly away. “He’s only trying to protect me,” she said softly. 
“You don’t need to be protected from us! What you need to do is come back so we can achieve what we’ve wanted to do for millenia, Nari. Come home.” 
She looked almost on the verge of tears. Skrael sat next to her on the bench, unsure if she would let him put an arm around her shoulders or if even that small act of comfort would be too much. “I can’t, Skrael. I know you hate humans and what they’ve done to the Earth, our home, but they deserve to live just as much as any other creature. They have mistakes, but so does everything in nature. They’re capable of creating wonderful things, and they are worth protecting from you.” 
Skrael turned to gesture at the city around them. “You call this blight a wonder? It’s leaching the world of its life force as we speak, tearing the planet up bit by bit for the sole sake of growing bigger. They must be destroyed for magical creatures to flourish!”
“You have to stop talking to me about nature,” Nari hissed, her eyes beginning to flash green. “I am nature. I am all of the creatures of this world and more. I know what every living thing feels, and I know that it’s horrible, but I won’t cause another extinction event because you and Bellroc have hurt feelings! This world doesn’t belong to you. For better or worse, the humans have it now. I won’t let you try and take it back. So you can give up trying to destroy it all, or you can help me make it better.” 
“This is how we make it better,” Skrael said helplessly, knowing that there was no way that Nari would ever listen anymore. “The planet is too corrupted. We have to start anew.” 
“Believe what you want, Skrael. But I know for sure that this isn’t the right way.” 
And she really did, didn’t she? Even before Douxie, before Merlin, before. . . before she left them. Skrael could see in her face that he’d never be able to talk her down - but even the thought of trying to drag her back to Bellroc made his heart break a little. 
“Nari,” he began, trying to sort out his thoughts, “I know that… I know that you believe that. But even if I agreed - which I don’t - I couldn’t leave Bellroc alone. I can’t help you.” 
Nari stared at him before saying slowly, “you don’t think there’s even the smallest chance that they’ll change their mind, do you?” 
Skrael lifted his shoulders uncomfortably. “It’s in their nature to want to burn,” he hedged. “To them, this is the best solution, I suppose. To burn everything down and start anew. And they care so, so much about getting you back that any action is justified to bring the whole Order back together.”
“You know,” Nari muttered, “sometimes I’ve dreamt that I return to the castle and Bellroc’s so happy to see me that they forget all about their plans and the three of us can be together again. But it’s just a dream.” 
She drew back her shoulders, the grass at her feet curling up slightly, and that was what did it. Skrael’s heart, which had been slowly cracking over this entire conversation, completely split in two. 
Nari was prepared to battle him. Not only that, but she thought he would actually try to hurt her. If she was so willing to fight, then there must be no change of them peacefully reuniting. 
“Just- stop!” Skrael held up a hand, and Nari relaxed only the slightest bit. The tendrils of grass and soil that had been slowly winding up collapsed back into the ground. “I’m not going to fight you, Nari. I can’t.” 
“You’re just scared I’ll beat you,” she accused almost jokingly, but her tone had shifted. She knew how much it meant for Skrael to make this decision. 
He stood, robes billowing around his thin frame as he cast one last scathing look towards the glass-and-metal abomination that humans enjoyed calling ‘home’. If Nari wanted to defend it, he wouldn’t stop her - but that didn’t mean he could stop Bellroc from trying. 
Taking a deep breath, Skrael turned back to Nari. “This is important to you. I know that now, and I won’t get in your way. But I need you to know - Bellroc will find you one day. I can stall them as long as possible, but once it happens - they’ll do what they have to in order to reunite us. And I don’t think I can stop them.”
“About time you realized that I’m alright without you protecting me,” Nari replied. She gazed at him sadly, looking to all the world like a human girl sitting alone at a park bench. Her green hair gone, after Skrael and Bellroc had spent thousands of years braiding it into an intricate web every morning for her. Her elegant antler horns obscured by human clothing. It hurt Skrael so, so much that she had chosen this - but it was her choice. He had to be okay with that. 
He had to. 
“I miss you, Nari.” And then Skrael flew away on a gust of wind, searching for Bellroc among the gray, dead monoliths scraping the clouds. He thought he heard her say something as he lifted into the sky, but he didn’t turn around. This goodbye was already hard enough.
Bellroc was sitting forlornly on the top of the highest building, scanning the city stretched out below. It wasn’t too ugly from this vantage point, Skrael considered - there was even a certain charm to the way that the streets were laid out in a haphazard grid. Or maybe that was just Nari in his head. 
“Did you find her?” Bellroc asked, not turning to face him as his feet touched lightly on the colorless rooftop. Their feathered cloak ruffled in the wind, and their voice was splitting so much Skrael almost couldn’t hear what they were saying. 
“No,” he lied. “I think if she was ever here, she left a long time ago.” 
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z1bells · 7 months
Since I'm one episode away from finishing Saving Hope, here's some of my thoughts (I will edit this post tomorrow)
! Warning: Long post !
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- 1st impressions:
I thought having a storyline of a doctor talking with ghosts was weird at first...
But my curiousity got the best of me and I started liking the show
- The Charapters:
• Charlie Harris (The main charpater): I love him sm, he's definitly one of my favorites, his style reminds me of Conrad Hawkins (The Resident), I loved how he tries to help the ghosts.
• Alex Reid (The 2nd main charpater): I love her sm and I feel so bad for her😭, in just 5 seasons she lost her brother, colley, mother and husband.
She might be a little annoying sometimes, but she's fine overall
• Joel Goran (The fan favorite): For some reason, he reminds me of Douxie Casperan (Tales of Arcadia), but I love him sm too, its sad that he had to die on "All the pretty horses" (Last ep from S3)
• Maggie Lin: LOVE LOVE LOVE HER SO MUCHH💗🫶🏻! I loved her smm on S3 (S3 Maggie on top>>) She might had left on S5, but hey! She's happy with her gf (Sydney)
• Sydney Katz: Sydney ily but how many times you had to left😭, but I love her sm too!
She might had left for the hundred time, but hey! At least this time she's with her gf (Maggie)
Lintz defender since 2023 :3
• Dawn Bell: I feel like this will be contervercial... But... I liked Dawn
I do admit...I didn't rlly loved her on the 1st seasons. But her charapters develoment was amazing! (Dawn pls take a break)
• Zack Miller: Another charpater that deserves better. But he's a decent charapter, I feel bad for him on "All the pretty horses" after witness Joel's death (Him and Joel were friends)
• Shahir Hamza: ONE OF MY FAVORITES!! Has a autistic person, I loved how it was well protacted and respresented during the show!
- Extras charapters:
• Wayne Sharp: He deserved more screentime. But he's a nice charapter
• Jackson: I love his humor, he didn't had alot of screentime, but during it, he was iconic
• Jeremy Bishop: Probably another fan favorite, he didn't had much screentime, but hey, him and Charlie were friends and I loved that
• Dana Kinney: MY GIRLL!! I loved her so much! She deserved so much better, her and Alex are a inseperable bond>>>
• Cassie Williams: Her charapter develoment>>>, in the last seasons she was amazing!! I loved her energy so much!
Sad to see her go, but at least she's working with her idol
• Dev Sekara: Another charpater who had a incredible develoment, him and Cassie were so cute togheter!
• Asha Mirani: She didn't had alot of screentime, but she deserved so much better, I feel so bad to her
I have nothing to say much about hed since she left during S4
• Kristine Fields (Another ghost speaker): At 1st she was fine...But after her incident she started to be a little annoying and even she went to the point to haunt Charlie during her sugery😭
Series Finale / Final thoughts:
Just finished watching "First and Last".
When I said that Jackson deserves more screentime... THATS NOT WHAT I MEANT
You might think its getting worst? It does, when they all waiting for Jackson, a huge acident happend. And just like the description of "Hope Never Dies"... "They can't safe everyone"
Finished "Hope Never Dies". I cried at the end of the episode
Charlie's gone, gone in his own series. The series started with him in a coma, ended with him brain dead.
Alex deserves so much better, I feel bad for her...
The hole episode reminds me from "The Long and Winding Road" - The Resident: S5, ep 3 (Trust me, I'm still in denial with that episode after a year ago), but a little bit more extreme...
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Overwall, I loved the show sm!! Its sad it didn't got another season but I enjoyed watching it
Let me know what you think about this!
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I'm not exactly sure how the ask game is supposed to work. But either way, Tales Of Arcadia for the fandom character ask game?
❤ Favorite character: Merlin! That should be very obvious. 🤣
👿 Least favorite character: Douxie.
💐 Comfort character: Again, Merlin.
😍 Character you have the biggest crush on: I don’t have a crush on anyone, but I very obviously, deeply platonically love Merlin.
🤝 Character you relate to the most: …Merlin? 😅
🔥 Character you think is overrated: Morgana definitely was back in the day, but nowadays it’s Douxie.
🧨 Character you love to hate: Most of the villains, probably. Not Angor though!
🙈 Character you always forget exists: Man, I really don’t know. I tend to think about 3Below the least out of the three shows, so probably characters from there?
🐰 Favorite non-human character: I don’t think I can choose between Blinky, AAARRRGGHH!!! and Draal. I love them all!
❤️‍🩹 Character who deserved better: Literally most of them! Both from canon, and from the fandom.
Thanks for the ask!
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I just ended magos and rise of titans from trollhunters and you know what? It's so bad it's funny, my favorite part was Douxie and pregnant Steve, they deserved better as much as everybody else
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Demon Slayer and ToA for the ask game? :D
❤ Favourite character - Inosuke. Self-explanatory, you've must have seen my reblog sprees of him. Funky little man, I love him so much
👿 Least favourite character - Demon Slayer is one of those shows where you don't really hate any of the characters because they are always so interesting. Though, if I have to pick, it would be Muzan of course.
💐 Comfort character - Sanemi, he's cool okay?
😍 Character you have the biggest crush biggest gender crush on - Inosuke, also self-explanatory, I desire the prettiest face with a set of abs as well.
🤝 Character you relate to the most - Genya. I'm not entirely sure why, but I just do?
🔥 Character you think is overrated - I'm in agony, trying to pick a character. I don't think there is one? Maybe Nezuko or Zenitsu, but I still love them so much?!
🧨 Character you love to hate - Again, so hard. Maybe Douma?
🙈 Character you always forget exists - I forget the half of the Uppermoons that are less prominent, though I think a lot of people forget them as well.
🐰 Favourite non-human character - Tough choice between Akaza, Kokushibo, and Nezuko. I think I will go with Kokushibo though, he's just cool to me.
❤️‍🩹Character who deserved better - Are you kidding? ALL OF THEM OMG
❤ Favourite character - Krel
👿 Least favourite character - Gunmar
💐 Comfort character - Douxie (purely a comfort character because there's enough hurt/comfort found family fics out there that are so good)
😍 Character you have the biggest crush biggest gender crush on - Douxie. I think I have a thing for the black hair with blue tips.
🤝 Character you relate to the most - Claire
🔥 Character you think is overrated - Claire. yes I relate to her, but her development needed to be consistent, or else she would have been a really cool character
🧨 Character you love to hate - Morgana, kind of self-explanatory.
🙈 Character you always forget exists - Coranda and Faiklov Tarron. I always forget about them!
🐰 Favorite non-human character - Angor Rot. He's just cool, awesome design, interesting motivation, cool abilities. Top notch.
❤️‍🩹 Character who deserved better - Tough choice between better character development and just a better life. For the sake of me actually answering this, I'll say development. And for that, it's gotta be Krel, he was going to have a whole ass arc and it was scrapped!
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xerosdaze · 7 months
My thoughts on Saving Hope characthers since I'll finish the series tmrr! (Might edit the post after watching the last ep)
Charlie Harris: Bro got the cartoon main characther treatment, but I love how the show executed his powers (he speaks with patients' spirits). Deserved sm better in the series, and I mean it.
Alex Reid: She's such a sweetheart, deserved sm better in life, I loved her dynamic with Maggie sm
Joel Goran: THE FAN FAVORITEEE!! There are scenes that reminded me sm of Douxie from ToA for some reason, definally would trust my life on him, too bad he wasn't there for too long :(
Maggie Lin: Words cannot even describe how much I adore Maggie sm. She's such a nice friend and doctor, her and Sydney are soo cute together and I loved her dynamic with both Alex and Joel!
Dawn Bell: The Randolph Bell of Saving Hope basically: Her characther developtment is so much deserved, her and Zach are adorable. Deserved sm better in the series too
Zach Miller: I like how sarcastic he is. Him and Dawn are adorable together.
Shahir Hamza: THE SILLY!! As an autistic person myself, I absolutely adore him in the series and I love how the show projects that! I would love to see more autism representation later in the future 🫶
Sydney Katz: Her and Maggie are so cute together, but I don't like the times she ghosted Maggie before moving to London with her. (Saying this like around S3 - S4). Overall she's alright.
Dev Sekara: Him and Cassie are alr. Love his sense of humour. Would love to see more of him
Cassie Williams: She's an alright characther. There are scenes I loved her and there are scenes I didn't like her, but again, she's an alright characther with a bright future ahead of her. Love her sunshine energy
Dana Kinney: My 2nd fav from the series! Also deserved sm better in the series. Liked that she decided to switch to Trauma, you go queen! 👑
Asha Mirani: Nothing much to say since she suddently disaspear after S4. If she stayed much longer, she'll definally have a good future ahead of her. Deserved sm better in the series.
Billy Scott: Bro's just like me if I was a doctor. He's alright, but like Cassie, there are scenes I love him and scenes I hate him.
Jackson Wade (??): You know I gotta add him here, he's iconic and deserved more scenes.
Jeremy Bishop: Such a cool characther, reminds a lot of Joel just without accent, his dynamic with Alex was awesome and I liked his return in ep 16!
Kristine Fields: I like the idea that she's has the same powers as Charlie, but despite this, I'm not a fan of her. I didn't like that she was pushing Charlie on having a relationship with her and even lying to him. I'm not going to mention when she sent an army of ghosts on Charlie's head.
I heard that something bad will happend to one of them in the finale. I really hope its not another The Resident, S5 ep3 (aka The Long and Winding Road), I'm still in denial with that ep.
Anyways...let me know if you want to see more posts like these and if I forgot a characther, just tell me and I'll give my thoughts about him!
They gave us a cliffhanger...again...on a ep 17.
Saving Hope writers are definally taking inspiration on The Resident.
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rikalovesrice · 3 years
Reblog for a Douxie spin-off series
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valerietompson · 3 years
I just wanna say that I think Douxie carried this whole movie and the writers screwed him over
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reannabeth · 3 years
Couple more tiny complaints about Rott that no one cares about, but I just gotta get them off my chest.
there’s the most obvious example of this: the resetting of the entire series to be done once again but differently. So many different levels of wrong here, but we all know that by now so I’ll just move on.
The center of the universe thing? Goes against one of the first episodes of 3 Below, where Krel says the center of the universe is actually far far away from Earth, least of all, California. That was stupid anyway.
Why the frick-frack tic-tac paddywhack did the heartstone come back, full commission? You’re telling me Jim and Claire and the whole of Trollmarket had to endure a long, tiring journey TO THE OTHER SIDE OF THE US, only for it to jump up into bellroc’s waiting arms? W H Y
((Also, I still really wish they’d done a season 4 of trollhunters about that journey and such. Like, c’mon. Such an interesting concept, and we could’ve seen more troll interactions and Jim leaning into his trollish ways a bit more. I want more of troll!jim anyway, because I needed more time to get used to his new voice))
Don’t even get me started on time-travel. Why? Why did they feel the need to include it, AGAIN? We had d’aja vu, unbecoming, and Wizards. Now this too? I mean, COME ON. Why isn’t there two Jims? Why can’t everyone else go too? Is it a different timeline now?
And destiny too! Apparently the amulet didn’t choose Jim for his pure heart, just for him being human. This makes Unbecoming less impactful and simultaneously makes Merlin out to be even more of a buttsnack (am I supposed to be sad that he died?)
now for the long one: CHARACTERS
Douxie: horribly side-lined, other than that, his character was pretty spot-on and I love him all the more for it. That being said: WHY WASN’T HE A MAIN PLAYER? C’MON!! HE IS NINE FREAKING CENTURIES OLD!!
Claire: Kind of reduced to “oh no J I M” again. She’s so experienced now (somehow) and yet they sideline her too? They are cowards for not almost having her die, and even more cowardly for not making her hair all the way white.
Toby: Toby was the wingman, and proud to be. He never wanted to be the main man, so the fact that they chose him to be the new trollhunter was stupid and I will forever be bitter about that. He was proud of being moral support, and he could’ve still helped in the minimal ways he does. Or they could’ve just let him die. Would’ve been a real ballsy move, me thinks.
Nomura: :’(((
Strickler: Love him, but he’s stupid. His death (and Nomura’s for that matter) were totally and completely avoidable and DANGIT I wanted a Stricklake wedding 😡
Barbara: Where the frick did she even go? Would’ve been cool if she was on the sidelines, helping with injuries and such.
Not!Enrique: Gone :(
Same with Chompsky
Zoe: *cries in so much potential*
Aja: Actually pretty intelligent, yet made out to be harsh? Her points were valid what the fuzzbuckets
Steve: No explanation needed. Hate Mpreg with a passion. Killing off potential.
Eli: glow-up and sidelined
Krel: My boy was side-lined so hard, I’m pretty sure he was just goofing around in akiridion for a while
Varvatos: honestly didn’t need more of him, he was fine :D
Skrael: Wanted him to turn sides, ended up cheering his death
Nari: bby N O
Bellroc: wish I understood them more. Kind of two-dimensional
Jim: boy, I freaking love this kid. He’s definitely one of my favorite characters of all time, ever. So to say I am mad about his characterization in this movie is the understatement of the year. SO many things off about him in this.
1. Voice. I barely got used to it for his troll-form, as I mentioned before. This movie didn’t help much. I appreciate the thought that Emile was Anton’s friend, but the truth of the matter is that his voice simply does not fit the way Anton’s did. Either they should’ve tried to make it sound like Anton (mixing in some sounds from trollhunters, or getting a vocal coach) or they should’ve found someone that sounds like him.
2. His role. Why, oh WHY, was he the head honcho in this movie? Huh? He was the TROLLHUNTER. These are NOT trolls!! This was more of Claire and Douxie’s expertise, or even Zoe (I am still crushed they didn’t involve her, btw). Even at the end of Trollhunters, Jim was no match for Morgana. Why is everyone following his lead? Especially now that he doesn’t have his amulet. It just does not make sense. At all.
3. His Arc. The truth of the matter is Jim’s character has been very thoroughly explored already. He already went through the whole why was I chosen? bout in unbecoming. The teamwork thing, too. Both of which were very poorly handled in this movie. And not to mention, his lack of empathy overall. When Douxie finally got his body back after the switch (which seemed very draining and excruciating), Jim immediately grilled him about Nari’s council instead of checking in on his friend/new brother figure. That is so out of character for him, wow. When Nari died, he pulled Douxie back (so did others, but still). What exactly was the purpose of that? Is Jim this all-knowing leader that you have to listen to? NO! Douxie is 9 centuries his senior.
4. Giving up the amulet. It seems for all this movie’s messages, it even happens to ret-con those as well. Jim spent the whole movie trying to be worthy of having the amulet, and for a dashing moment, the pay off was worth it! Seeing him use it again sent chills all over my body. And then he gave up and shifted the responsibility to his best friend, who had just died in the other timeline, and decided to help from the sidelines. What kind of message even is that? Imagine kids like, “Oh yeah, Mommy! I’ll be just like Jim, step off to the sidelines and have you do my project and take the fall if it goes wrong! Have fun!” Like,,, w h a t.
5. Leaving Claire. I am especially mad about this one. As beautiful and heart-wrenching that good-bye moment was, it was completely and utterly unnecessary and I actually found myself unable to feel super bad for them, simply because there was the simplest solution:
Why did they start all the way over? Just… why. W H Y
I just wanted closure. teamwork and rainbows and slicey-slice and sprinkle of death, and then college graduation and stricklake wedding and the end. But NoOoOo
They just had to be all revolutionary, using one of the oldest and most hated tropes since the beginning of mankind.
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reallybriefartisan · 4 years
I just get sad thinking about Douxie. After his 900 year old self returns to the future he's left and tasked with creating Merlin's tomb. Laying his master to sleep there for who knows how long. Has to hide his staff away and create the seal on it so no one can use it in emergencies. He watched the only home he's known fly away. Leaving him behind.
This boy became a Master Wizard long before Merlin chose to recognize him for it.
And he did it with a bracelet.
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