#doubt that buddy. youre a stoner to me.
samsrosary · 2 years
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Sam’s free time
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alyxdoeswrite · 1 year
High times|| John "Soap" MacTavish x reader
Warnings: Illusions to sex, drug use (weed), my horrible knowledge on the military,swearing, not proof read A/N: happy (late) 420!this is the first time ive wrote since like 2019 so sorry if its ass. might write a part 2 to this!
Word count:1.9k
!!GIF is not mine!!
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It was a late night on base, and while everyone was sleeping, you decided tonight was the perfect time to light up. you had just gotten back to base after a particularly difficult mission and decided it would be the best way to relax. after missions 141 would usually head to a local pub and knock back some beers to relax and unwind after working their ass off. you were never really a drinker. you would have a drink here and there but never quite liked getting drunk. you preferred smoking. you were an experienced smoker. In high school, you were the classic stoner, had even sold a little bit back in those days. you knew every trick in the book and used them all now to not get caught. your smoking days didn't end once you joined the military. it was normal for you to sneak out to go smoke real quick. you stuck with joints for easy access and they were easier to sneak but now and then you would smoke out of a piece, most of the time it was your beloved bong. it wasn't often you smoke in your room out of the bong, it was saved for special occasions. tonight was one of those special nights. you had spent all day trying to catch up on all the sleep you had lost on the past mission, only waking up to go get dinner and then coming back to take a nap. 11:30 shined on the alarm clock, one of your only sources of light. the only other source of light was the moon shining in through your open window. you locked your door and put a towel at the bottom to block the smoke and turn on the fan while walking to the chair you pulled up to the window. the quiet cool breeze blowing through, making your room slightly chilly. you sit in your pajamas taking one good look at the moon before you started to pack a bowl. this was the most relaxed you had felt in months, nothing made you quite as happy as smoking on a quiet summer night, it was therapeutic. you grab your lighter and take the first hit, holding it in for a couple of seconds before leaning out the window and exhaling. these were the most relaxing nights. you take a couple more hits before sitting there for a moment peacefully, enjoying this refreshing night. that was until you heard a knock on your door. you quickly panic, throwing your bong in your closet and reaching for the nearest can of air freshener. another knock this time followed by a familiar Scottish accent “You in there lass?” soap asked. you sigh in relief and go to open the door. “you scared the fuck outta me soap, I thought you were someone else.” you chuckled, tucking the towel back under the door after you closed it. “You've been smoking with other people besides me lass? I see how it is” Soap fake pouted while making himself comfortable on your bed. soap was the only other person on base you smoked with. He would sometimes join you in your parking lot smoke seshes. he was also your classic high school stoner but had cut back when he joined the military, but still would partake here and there, you being his main smoke buddy. “I thought you were price for a moment and I swear I saw my life flash before my eyes,” you say, walking to where you threw your bong in a moment of panic. luckily for you, nothing broke or spilled. you grab the piece and put it in your chair to pull another chair up for soap. you finally grab the bong and sit for a moment, letting out another sigh of relief. “price had a little bit too much to drink at the pub tonight, I doubt he’d even be able to walk down here right now without busting his arse” soap chuckled. You chuckled as well, handing soap the bong and your lighter. You watched how the moonlight illuminated his eyes. You’d be lying if you said you didn't have a thing for soap. He was the one who welcomed you the most when you first joined 141 and was probably the one you were the closest with. You’d also be lying if you said you both weren't flirty with each other, especially while you were under the influence. Flirty little remarks and shared glances were usually all it was but there were a couple of shared kisses and even a messy high makeout session that had happened between you two. A part of you hoped tonight would end similarly. You watched Soap as he took a hit, god that man looked heavenly in the moonlight. The way the moon reflected in his eyes was one of the most beautiful things you had ever seen. He was the most beautiful thing you had ever seen. You swore you fell more in love with him at that moment, watching him as he blew the smoke from his lungs out the window and sat back with a sigh. “You got some good stuff, Bonnie, I'm already starting to feel it” he smiled at you, handing you the bong back. “only the best for you handsome,” you said, smirking at him before taking another hit yourself. The bong was passed back and forth a couple more times before you had to pack another bowl. “Wanna do the honors Johnny?” you ask him, handing him the bowl and your grinder. “Don't mind if I do” He took the items out of your hand and set them on your desk to get to work. You watched him as he did his magic, he somehow always managed to pack his bowls better than yours. “your so handsome when you pack my bowls for me Johnny” you flirted. “I think you just like making me do all the work lass” he laughed. “you also got a handsome laugh,” you said to him and he handed you the freshly packed bong back. “you take the first hit Johnny, you're the one who packed it” “well don't mind if I do.” One more bowl later and you guys were stoned out of your minds. “that’s probably the best weed I've smoked in ages y/n, where the hell did you get it” Johnny asked while looking up at you “I usually don't spill all my secrets but your just to damn cute for me to deny you that information” and you told him how you had gotten the chance to stock up on the good stuff last time you hit the dispensary. “you wanna go watch a movie bonnie?” soap had asked, looking at you with puppy dog eyes. “how could I say no to that pretty face of yours” you said as he offered to help you up. after you both had crawled into your bed and got comfy you decided to find something to watch. you clicked through all the streaming services you had but couldn't seem to find a movie y’all had wanted to watch. you dramatically sigh and click out of another streaming service “It's like every funny movie has been wiped off the planet or something.” you sigh, dropping the remote signifying you had given up on the movie search. “I know something else we can do,” Johnny said, and you knew by the smirk he wore on his face he was up to no good. “and what would that be handsome,” you asked and before you knew it he was crawling on top of you. he then embraced you in a kiss, to which you grab his face and return the kiss. you run your hands up to tug on his mohawk as he deepened the kiss. He slowly pushed you down on your bed, now laying on top of you. He sits up momentarily to slowly take his shirt off, teasing you.“I quite like this idea Johnny” You smile at him and give him a peck. “I want to take this further Bonnie,” Johnny says, avoiding your eyes as a light shade of pink dusted his cheeks. “Like what?” you asked playing innocent. “Let me show you?” you could only nod yes as he smiled brightly at you before kissing you again. This time the kiss moved down to your jaw until his mouth made your neck its home, sucking at nipping at your neck. Leaving hickies and kissing them to soothe them after. Your hand found its way back to his hair, slightly tugging at his hair when he would nip at your neck, causing you to let out a small moan. One of his hands found its way to your stomach, slipping under your shirt and roaming your torso. The other one stayed on your jaw, pulling you further into the kiss. You were so into the moment that you almost didn’t hear the knock at your door. You and Soap both shoot up and stare at the door before another knock rings through the door, “y/n don't make break the door down” a slightly aggravated ghost said through the door. You curse at yourself quietly “Just a minute” you yell towards the door, grabbing your stuff and throwing it in the closet. As you turn around you see another thing you have to hide, Soap. You bring a finger to your mouth signaling to him to stay quiet before you grab him and shove him in your closet and close the door behind him. You collect yourself for a second before opening the door. Ghost stood there wearing sweats and a T-shirt that showed off his muscles perfectly. “Sorry, I was naked,” you say, instantly regretting the excuse you made. “Price sent me to investigate a suspicious smell coming from your room.” Ghost said. Slightly pushing you aside to go into your room. You sit in the doorway watching Ghost search through your room, making sure to check every nook and cranny. You prayed to whatever holy thing you could as Ghost made his way to the closet. You don't know what would be worse, him finding the weed or one of his sergeants shirtless in your closet. You hoped the half-naked scot would distract your lieutenant from the weed. Ghost arrives in front of the closet, staring at it for a second before looking at you as he opened the door. He looks over to realize he is face to face with soap. You just sat there mortified. “Smoking and fucking other teammates y/n? You’re fucking asking to get in trouble.” You cant reply as you just stare at your lieutenant. “Price wants you in his office first thing tomorrow morning, and for you,” he said looking at the soap, “get your clothes back on and get to your room,” he said to soap. Soap quickly grabbed his shirt and scurried out of your room, not wanting to do anything to aggravate ghost anymore. “I'll let you keep your stuff, but you gotta let me join in” you hear ghost say from behind you. You turn around again and instantly take him up on his offer. “Just don't be so sloppy next time y/n, if you're gonna break the rules don't do it all at once.’ He patted your shoulder before squeezing by you to walk back to his room, leaving you to stand in your doorway still slightly in shock.
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twilightdruig · 3 years
pairing : george weasley x fem!reader
summary : “hi i’m your neighbor and while i know we’ve never spoken but you’re a single parent of two and my sister recently died leaving me to raise her infant and i have no idea what i’m doing, help?” au
warnings : swearing , mentions of character deaths , fluff , au where george lives alone with his two children in a cottage near the burrow , au where fred and cedric live.
words : 2.6k
a/n : this is my first fic so it’s probably gonna be shit (as you can probably tell i’m not good with titles either) but yeah hope you enjoy :> and i might do a little part 2 on this soon
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holly l/n was loved by multiple. a sweet hufflepuff student who was favored by all the teachers and students. her sister, y/n was a scary and intimidating gryffindor who hung out in the library.
ever since the battle of hogwarts death eaters have been imprisoned in azkaban. but, that didn’t mean all harm was gone.
now here y/n l/n was, standing in the heat of the summer, her nephew connor l/n mourning the death of a family member.
the service was beautiful. a few hogwarts students came including luna lovegood and neville longbottom and professor sprout and professor flitwick decided to pay their respects. headmistress mcgonagall sent her condolences through a letter as well.
conner wasn’t old enough to go to hogwarts yet. there was no one else for holly to leave connor with. her husband, ronan died during the war, all connor’s grandparents died and the only appointed godparents were holly’s best friend cedric diggory and her sister y/n.
cedric diggory was now teaching first year flying at hogwarts and is married to cho chang.
y/n was currently doing nothing with her life. she wanted to live alone in a cottage, reading, stitching, picking apples and getting drunk on fruity cocktails. but now? she had to take care of her sister’s spoiled son.
y/n hated children more than she hated the people in her own hogwarts house. more so, she didn’t know how to take care of them.
she had to enroll her nephew in hogwarts, teach him basic life skills and other stuff like that. there goes her life goal on being that cool stoner aunt that hates love and children.
“shit, connor!” y/n exclaimed as her 3 year old nephew accidentally ate a ton tongue toffee made by the joke shop in diagon alley owned by the weasleys.
“sorry aunty y/n”
she was never close to the weasleys. all of them, stereotypical gryffindors, loud and chaotic and always the main characters.
the only thing she knew about them is that one of the twins live next to her. y/n didn’t know how to shrink his tongue and thought it was quite the convenience that he lives next door. he was a single dad with two daughters, maybe he could help her control her nephew and technically her adopted son, now.
she sighed. “put on your coat, we’re visiting our neighbors, ok con?” the little boy nodded in response
went the small cottage came into view, there were two little girls picking flowers on the front yard and a tall red-headed man on the porch watching them.
“hey! weasley!” she yelled with a small smile as she approached the small gate.
“l/n? what are you doing here?” george asked
y/n gestured to her nephew who was holding his now 3 foot long tongue. “he accidentally ate one of your products and i’m not entirely sure how to fix it”
“right, right” he laughed “come on, connor right? i’ll reverse that”
y/n felt a tug at her oversized cardigan. she looked down to see two identical ginger twins.
“hi there!” one smiled.
“hello!” y/n tried to sound as nice as possible. looking back at her teenage years she remembered laughing at kids who fell of their brooms their brooms when she’d watch first year flying. she remembered laughing at seamus finnigan when something blew up in his face. or when she’d laugh at any kid accidentally getting hurt.
“these are for you! they’re pretty just like you” the other twin exclaimed.
“i’m charlotte and she’s billie” charlotte giggled.
“how do u know our daddy?” billie asked
“oh! um, we went to school together and i live just next door” y/n replied
“do you know our uncle freddie?”
“i know all your uncles and your aunt ginny, aunt hermione and uncle harry. they were all famous when we were in school”
“wow!” they both exclaimed
george and connor came back out. “look aunty y/n! my tongue’s normal again!”
“aunty?” george questioned. “holly. she died quite recently.”
“oh! i’m so sorry. i heard about her. yeah. i believe mum sent some flowers for the service”
“yeah we received them”
“i’ll see you around?” george inquired
“yeah, yeah. and i might need some parenting advice? you knew how i was back at hogwarts”
“i am flattered, dear l/n”
“oh hush. and they get along.” she pointed to the three children running around.
“they do. and yes, i would love to help you tame that little rascal” george laughed.
“thank you, george. really.”
“i’m just next door, yeah?”
“yeah” y/n smiled “come on, connor. we’re going home. but we’ll definitely be seeing these lovely ladies soon.”
“bye pretty lady!” y/n heard two young voices call after her
“daddy, who was she?”
“is she gonna be our new mommy?”
george and y/n had been hanging out for the past weeks. he had given her advice on taking care of connor and how to deal with children. they also spent time talking about family and their time back at hogwarts. she was told about the attack of death eaters at one of his brothers’ wedding and how his daughters were named after his brothers bill and charlie.
a knock at y/n’s door interrupted her reading.
“oi, l/n!” she heard a familiar voice on the other side of the door.
“weasley” she muttered.
connor recognized george’s voice and the twins’ giggles, he decided he would take matters into his own little hands. connor knew how stubborn his aunt was at the young age of seven.
“hi billie! hi charlotte! hi uncle george!” the little boy squealed.
“hey there, con!” george ruffled his hair while billie and charlotte ran over to y/n.
connor and the twins were two years apart. connor was going to hogwarts the next year. no doubt would he be trouble to professor mcgonagall but everyone knew they were always her favorites.
“aunty y/n! uncle george brought cookies!” connor yelled excitedly. y/n was never the type to bake or cook. she did try to but it always ended in almost burning the house down. she usually fed connor fruits or store bought food.
“you didn’t have to” y/n responded while taking the plastic box.
“oh yes i did” he teased “i heard you’ve been starving this poor little fellow”
“daddy didn’t bake those cookies” charlotte stated “grandma did” billie continued
“oh” she smirked at george then turned to the twins “tell your grandma i say thanks!”
“uncle george! i wanna show you something outside! the twins can come too!”
“connor, what are you gonna show them?” y/n grumbled.
“your paintings! they’re amazing” her nephew jumped.
“paintings, eh?” george smiled “okay, let’s go, champ. see those paintings of your aunt.” the two scurried outside, two redheaded girls following after.
y/n groaned and fell back into the couch, finishing her book.
it’s been a few days since george and the twins came with cooking to y/n and connor’s cottage. she wanted to throw connor a little surprise birthday party.
connor has loved the twins and george so much, he thinks of them as blood relatives. y/n decided to call up cedric and cho to look after connor while she’d do some errands.
the two arrived exactly on time as y/n was preparing to go out. she had on a simple cardigan and loose denim pants.
“ced! cho! hi, how are you guys?” y/n greeted as she saw her old friends apparate into the cottage.
“hi y/n!” cho greeted “hey nerd” cedric snickered.
she sent cedric a small glare before connor jumped at the two.
“uncle ceddy! aunty cho! you’re here” he shouted.
“yeah buddy! your aunt’s gonna run some errands and visit your uncle georgie?” cedric winked at y/n. she had been owling cedric about george and how he’s been helping her with connor.
“are you going out with uncle george?” connor asked, eyes twinkling.
“i don’t know, actually. i might check him out next door.”
“george weasley?” cho teased.
“yes, cho,” y/n rolled her eyes “but on that note, i have to go”
“bye, connor! behave okay?” she crouched down and squished his cheeks.
“bye, ced! cho!” her voice faded when she dashed out the door.
y/n passed george’s cottage to see if he actually might want to come with her and do errands.
she was standing outside the small gate, hesitating. ‘maybe he was busy’ ‘he wouldn’t want to do errands with me’ ‘maybe he would if i told him it was for connor’s birthday’ she thought. y/n didn’t know why she was overthinking her choices. the first time she was standing right outside the gate she bursted in and demanded george to fix whatever happened to her nephew. now, she was nervous. her palms were sweaty and clammy.
she pushed herself in and walked to the front porch. she knocked a few times and was met with a head of messy brown hair.
“hermione?!” she squealed
“y/n!” hermione jumped to hug her old friend.
there were overlapping voices in the background and when they pulled away she was met with multiple mops of ginger hair, a head of blonde hair and another with black hair behind hermione.
“l/n?” ginny weasley asked, quite shocked what she would be doing outside george’s door.
“oh! did i interrupt something? i am so sorry!” she said feeling a bit nervous.
“oh! you must be the dearest y/n george keeps talking about!” an old woman she thought was mrs. weasley approached her from behind her children.
“hi there!” y/n said feeling a little embarrassed she might’ve barged in on a family reunion.
“ah! l/n? i have heard of your family! muggle-borns right?” arthur weasley joined his wife.
“uh, yeah!” she pursed her lips “i am so so sorry i interrupted! i should go. tell george i’ll swing by next time”
“oh it’s absolutely alright, dear” molly reassured her.
“george! there’s a really pretty girl! get your arse out here!” fred yelled to george who was probably inside the house.
“is she here?” charlotte and billie ran to the door.
“hi girls! tell you dad i was here yeah? say i’ll come by next time” most of the weasleys came back in. she took it as her time to go on with her day.
“oi! y/n! wait up” the voice she recognized as george’s called after her.
“george, hey”
“where’r you off to?” george pointed to the small bag that was swung over her shoulder.
“errands. connor’s birthday is coming up so i thought i’d prepare something for him. first birthday without his mum, you know”
“his birthday’s coming up?” george looked as excited as a child on christmas morning.
“yeah. why?” she smiled
“you’re talking to one of the best party planners there is. you also did talk to another one of them… i think”
“oh yeah”
“i wanted to ask if you wanted to come but seeing as to your family is in your house… i’m gonna take a wild guess and say you aren’t available right now” she giggled.
“maybe if you went another day” he said sympathetically. george really wanted to go and prepare connor’s party with her. he treated him like his own and boy did he remind him of how fun it was to be a kid. he loved his aunt so much it was adorable.
“george. seriously, it’s okay. spend time with your family” she laughed.
“yeah, yeah. i’ll see you when you get back” he waved.
connor’s small birthday gathering was in full swing. y/n became acquainted with george’s siblings. bill, charlie, percy (whom she was actually friends with back in hogwarts), fred, ron and ginny. hermione was a very good friend of hers and so was harry. she recognized fleur from that day in the cottage as beauxbatons triwizard champion.
connor had quite a bunch of guests for his birthday. cedric, cho, luna, neville, fred, percy, ron, harry, hermione, bill and fleur and their little victorie. of course, billie and charlotte helped george and y/n fix up the party. mr. and mrs. weasley sent a small cake for connor when they heard about y/n not knowing asingle thing about cooking.
fred offered to take care of the twins and connor while george and y/n ran off somewhere. the two found themselves near a small creek. y/n explained how the cottage was where she’d go off exploring and the only person who knew was holly. she was overjoyed when her sister got the cottage she used as a hideaway.
george was surprised when there were lights and blankets and everything. the soft sounds of running water was calming.
the two were pretty intoxicated when they sat down; stumbled onto the picnic blanket. y/n was sober enough to not spill her deepest darkest secrets. george on the other hand…
“have i ever told you how pretty you are?” george mumbled next to her. y/n only snickered and blushed.
“um, can i hold your hand?” he continued, taking a look at the girl next to him.
“sure” she winked.
“you know” he started again “i actually fancied you a bit back in school”
“yeah?” she rolled over to her side “i wonder… what did you like about me?”
“i don’t even know. my heart just felt so full with you. still does, right now, holding your hand, under the stars by a stream.” he had this glint in his eye when he looks at her.
“hey,” she brushed some hair out of his face “these past few months have been great. and you’re a huge help with connor. you know i’ll always be there for you, right?”
“yeah darling,” he yawned “yeah”
“wait, george!” she sat up “no. don’t fall asleep!”
“fuck” she groaned before falling back down on the blanket.
“i think i love you” she whispered.
morning rolled around and they were still lying somewhere in the forest behind the cottage. some childish chatter and laughs were heard from where they were still sleeping soundly.
until, a red ant bit y/n and george’s intertwined hands. “ah shit!” y/n woke up from the bite. her yell also woke up the sleeping man next to her “what?! what happened?” he jumped.
“oh. did i wake you up?” she asked.
“no. it’s honestly no worries” he said “but i do have a killer headache”
“an ant bit me” she muttered, wanting to scratch it.
“hey, no don’t scratch! i’ve had a lot if experience with insect bites” he explained “want me to kiss it better?” he teased.
“oh, ha-ha” she rolled her eyes but blushed.
“we should probably head back” he checked his watch while standing up.
“ah! there the lovebirds are!” fred exclaimed.
everyone was cleaning up from last night. there were children running around while chasing balloons and each other.
“yeah,” george started “we, um, fell asleep”
“sure ya did” this time ron teased the two.
“i’m gonna clean up here,” y/n offered “you guys should go home. you know, get some rest”
cedric gasped “y/n l/n! are you kicking us out?” he said in mock offense.
“technically, yeah. i doubt connor got any sleep”
“maybe we should,” fleur said with her accent “victorie was very excited for the party she is very worn out”
george snuck behind y/n “i think i love you too” he muttered under his breath. he wasn’t sure if she heard it. she did.
“i’ll see you later, y/n!” he yelled “come on, princesses, we’re going home. we’ll see connor and y/n later”
connor and the twins hugged while y/n said thank you’s to all the guests.
maybe it wasn’t such a bad decision to ask for help.
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444tsumu · 3 years
HAPPY 100 MARS!!!/&/&: AHHH! okay so i’d love a tier three if you didn’t mind! i wanted to know which 3 characters would smoke ouid and what you think smoking with them would be like? ily tysm!
includes matsukawa, hanamaki, suna
warnings drug use, explicit content, doing things under the influence, implied sexual content, slight nsfw.
authors note lol ik some people don’t like the whole “w*ed” and dr*g use hc but it’s all fiction and based on my own personal opinion (: i don’t mean to offend anyone lol i smoke too <3
This is a long one, beware <3 also it’s also my dream blunt rotation LMAO
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                          𖥻 MATSUKAWA, ISSEI !
definitely the philosophical stoner
always has a question or an answer
depends on how much he’s smoked though
eyes get really red and he looks really hot
prefers backwoods over regular papers
always smoked regular papers though bc woods are bad for you (:
does that thing where they lick the paper and look at you at the same time
the hottest man smoking ever god please
always makes sure to have you sitting on his left so that he passes it to you first
loves smoking people out
doesn’t really care if you put in money or not
if issei is around, everyone is getting high
smokes makki’s unemployed ass out like everyday lmao
loves to hotbox
lights you up for the first time and tries to get you into another galaxy
“if you’re gonna get high, at least do it right”
definitely funny as fuck when he’s high
always definitely ready to fuck
very touchy when he’s high
will hold on to you for a long time and forget he’s doing it
but if you make him let go he genuinely feels the skin contact nearly rip off
calm down mattsun your possessiveness is showing
tries to explain all the different types to you but forgets mid sentence
literally cannot formulate a single structured thought
definitely leans in to make out with you more than once
loves shotgunning with you
already lazy but when he’s zooted he’s UNBEARABLE
he really does wanna fuck but ends up smoking too much with you because you played chicago and forgot
doesn’t really get hungry for food but munchies?
ate all of the snacks
has no remorse for his actions either
stares into the deep nothing for like 10 minutes
just to snap out of it and look around suspiciously
“do you guys hear that….?”
“………..the paint is screaming at me?”
ok buddy don’t ruin this for everyone else
knows how to french & ghost inhale
has argued with makki many times over the earth being flat
doesn’t really think it’s flat
ends up believing it is after makki told him the world was actually dome shaped
has a grinder shaped like a dragon ball
not a peer pressuring kinda guy but thinks everyone should get high at least once
definitely gets iwa and oikawa to try
loves getting oikawa high cause he thinks the guy is fucking hilarious
laughs at everything
just a great guy, especially when he starts smoking
falls into a weed coma and doesn’t wake up for like 3 days though
treats it like it’s a regular hangover
definitely falls asleep with his entire body on top of you and no remorse for the weight
says “i’m fried” and isn’t embarrassed about it for whatever reason
he’s hot so no one judges him
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                      𖥻 HANAMAKI, TAKAHIRO !
definitely a comedian when he’s high
always the funniest guy in the room
when him and mattsun are together though?
him and issei both smoked for the first time together
after that though?
they became unstoppable
don’t get me started with after volleyball season ended
prefers bongs because he thinks he looks cooler lmao
everyone assumes makki is high but they don’t know he actually gets high
offers to smoke you out cause you’re hot lmao
makes fun of you when you cough
even though he still coughs
hates hotboxing because he can’t handle it
but refuses to pussy out so he’s always the first one to agree
in his own words
“my mother didn’t raise no bitch”
makki please
ideal smoking partner
is one of those people that fuck the passing rotation up because he refuses to pass it to anyone but you
secretly does it because he doesn’t want anyone else’s lips touching yours
prefers to smoke with just his close friends but doesn’t mind a session
doesn’t like shotgunning cause he starts thinking his breath smells bad
gives in anyways because he doesn’t want you doing it with anyone else
loves when you put your legs on him
the pressure gives him chills
makes jokes 24/7 because he likes hearing you laugh
can’t french inhale but mattsun taught him how to ghost inhale and he hasn’t stopped since
takes videos of himself cause he thinks he looks cool
realizes he looks like a fucking idiot but fuck it we ball
falls into a weed coma with his head on your lap and his phone unlocked and still on
does that thing where he lights it up with it in his mouth and looks really fucking hot while doing so
has a breaking bad rick & morty rolling tray and is really proud of it
gets really into music when he’s high
will sing along to all the songs while he’s packing the bong
as i repeat
looks hot while doing so
definitely a hungry high
orders food before you even get to ask
“makki, want some snacks?”
“oh nah it’s cool, i already ordered mcdonald’s”
“????? we just finished smoking????”
prefers smoking over drinking but will do both when he wants to go big or go home
eyes get really low
talks kinda slow but really deep and it’s fucking hot
laughs by throwing his head back and it’s really cute
gets cold when he’s high
it doesn’t matter the season
he gets fucking cold and it makes no sense
so he’ll need your body heat to warm himself up (;
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                            𖥻 SUNA, RINTAROU !
a confused high
no doubt about it
this man never knows what the fuck is going on
ik everyone complains about the stoner!suna hc
but i think it’s fucking hot lmao
always has like 2 blunts rolled and on him at all times
is one of those people that will use any excuse to do it
“……(sighs) i’m gonna go take a smoke break.”
“suna we just got here??”
likes joints and edibles the best
not much of a hungry high or munchie high
but he hyperfixates on a certain food and will eat it until there is nothing left
ate an entire pack of gum in one sitting before
definitely watches cartoons the minute he starts to feel the buzz
rarely talks unless to pass it to you or make a single joke that has you about to pee yourself
he doesn’t say much but when he does?
the man leaves an impact
hates smoking with other people
doesn’t like when they fuck his blunt/joint up
hates smoking joints rolled by other people unless he watches them do it
always complains when you ask to smoke with him but secretly loves it
shotguns with you and acts like nothing just happened
hello sir how dare you make me fall inlove like that
forgets everything so don’t try to say anything important to him
zones out because he’s too busy imagining fucking
but then forgets about fucking and starts thinking about what’s on the tv
can’t hold a conversation but will go in-depth as to why spongebob squarepants was more than just a sponge
“no you need to listen to me, patrick star is much more than just his best friend—”
“….rin what the fuck are you talking about?”
“you’re asking me like i know? pass the blunt.”
definitely got into smoking in high school but didn’t actually do it like that until college
lies on his drug tests lmao
smokes after every win as a celebration and smokes after ever loss as a reliever
lmao seek help sir
definitely tries to get you to take your shirt off when he’s in the moment
swears it’s because he’s doing you a favor but really just loves how you look in his clothes when he’s high
doesn’t really know when to stop because he’s never greened out before
all his supplies is a simple shade of black
he’s a simple man
can do all the smoke tricks
but won’t do it in front of anyone cause he hates when people point it out
likes hotboxing because it gets him higher faster
is actually friends with the guy he gets weed from lmao
his perfect date with you was that one time you guys stood home and did nothing but smoke and watch family guy
tears up every time he thinks about it
has a picture of himself with two blunts in his mouth and his eyes really red and it’s really fucking hot
giggles even though he tries not to
uses pens when he can’t physically have weed on him
doesn’t really like it because the pen high makes him knock out after a few pulls
once rin falls into a weed coma???
don’t even think about trying to contact him cause that man might as well be dead
doesn’t wake up to save his own damn life
you can smack him and the most he’d do is probably groan and turn his head lmao
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duhnova · 2 years
hehehehe i have so many ideas 😈 these are all gonna be smau’s and im gonna end up writing one of them when i’m done with “every lie you type”
• sugarcoated lies ( alternatively called: cyberslut ) / choi yeonjun
synopsis. yeonjun is a college student by day, and a camboy by night. y/n is a quiet girl who works at a late night tattoo parlor who just so happens to be soobins fuck buddy. when the two meet there’s some kind of connection between them but it’s not strong enough to outweigh the hatred they feel for one another.
( contains: sexual themes/scenes, porn without plot?????, crack, some fluff, angst, and more )
• why do i love you? / hwang hyunjin
synopsis. hyunjin and y/n used to be best friends until they had a falling out in high school. now y/n is a new transfer student at hyunjin’s university after study abroad for two years. there is a lot of tension between the two of them as they struggle to come to terms with each other. it seems that every time they finally reach a stable point in their healing relationship, something comes along to destroy it.
( contains: angst, fluff, crack, mentions of self doubt, and more )
• teenage dirtbag / lee felix
synopsis. y/n, your typical “bad girl” stoner who uses any outlet to she can to rid herself of her pain. felix, the boy next door who tries to hard to fix other peoples problems. in some ways shape, or form the two are fucked up and together they try to find their true happiness, even if it causes them pain here and there.
( contains: angst, suicidal thoughts/attempts, drug and alcohol abuse, abusive parents, mentions or rehab and the psych ward, and more )
• hypnotic / yuta nakamoto ( jpop idol au )
synopsis. yuta sacrificed so much in his life to make a better life for his mother. he dropped out of college and left behind his love for soccer to pursue a singing career. he becomes a star over night and soon enough he has half the music industry and millions of people eating out of his hand. y/n is an uprising soccer player, just fresh out of high school she is making history as being one of the best forwards to hit womens olympics. yuta is completely hypnotized by her the second he lays eyes on her, but their lives aren’t as glamorous as they seem.
( contains: ANGST, suicidal thoughts/intentions/attempt, themes of depression and anxiety, death threats, physical therapy?, and more )
( this idea has me by a choke hold i love it, i tried to keep it short so i didn’t spoil to much )
• to fast to slow / jung wooyoung
synopsis. wooyoung is new to town and he thinks he’s hot shit in his modified 2008 350z. y/n is known for her speed as she dominates the streets and the racetrack. however y/n is faceless in the racing community and goes by a code name ‘ghost’. when wooyoung meets ghost he falls for her, he doesn’t know if it’s because of her sass or because of her driving skills, he can’t tell. so now he’s going on a wild goose hunt around town to try and find out her real identity and along the way he makes some great friends.
( contains: fluff and crack )
* feedback on these ideas is greatly appreciated! also please don’t steal my ideas! *
19 notes · View notes
Friendly Encounters- Chapter One
𝒮𝓊𝓂𝓂𝒶𝓇𝓎: A friend challenges you to go out of your comfort zone and talk to one of the cute boys at the café. However, after attempting to flirt with one of them, they reveal that they are in a relationship with each other. It’s fine, though, because you’re all friends now!
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𝒢𝑒𝓃𝓇𝑒: Romance
𝑅𝒶𝓉𝒾𝓃𝑔: Fluff
𝒲𝒶𝓇𝓃𝒾𝓃𝑔𝓈: Domestic Yoonmin, fluff, Jimin is literally too good for this world, barista boys, swearing, mild language, lots of character development, realistic insecurities, Jungkook makes a bad decision.
𝒲𝑜𝓇𝒹𝓈: 6k+
𝒫𝒶𝒾𝓇𝒾𝓃𝑔(𝓈): Jimin x Yoongi x Reader
Author Note: This story is available on my archiveofourown as well so go check it out!
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“Do it.” Your friend pushes you towards the incredibly adorable busboy as he passes by your table.
“No, it’s stupid.”
“Y/N, I dared you. Now you have to do it.” You roll your eyes.
“That’s not even how dares work.” You lay back in your chair, eyes drifting over to the two handsome men who now stand talking at the cash register.
“Okay, fine, if you can’t have a conversation, at least get his number! I’ll go for that cute barista over there with the sleepy eyes.” How can eyes be sleepy? You shrug as she confidently strides to the counter to order another drink. Jasmine has always been the type of girl to tell people what she’s feeling in the heat of the moment. You had no idea where she got her confidence from, it just happened one fine summer day in sixth grade. 
You’ve been best friends ever since you moved into the house across the street, along with Jaehyun and Jungkook. They are the non-identical twins that go to your school and the four of you were a group all through middle school. Things changed after highschool, Jae started hanging out with the wrong crowd and he moved out after saving up some drug money. 
Jungkook, on the other hand, is still a sweetheart, protecting you and Jasmine as if you were his sisters. Sometimes you wonder how you even became friends with this meth-head of a girl, but then you realize you’re the same, you both are crackheads and that’s why you’re best friends. You sometimes doubt your friendship when she tries to push you out of your comfort zone. You hate opening up to people, and Jasmine knows it. 
Yet, she still tries pushing you towards trying new things and being more extroverted. Your mind is already buzzing with a million different ways this can go wrong, but you’re surprised when the waiter approaches you with a smile on his face. I wonder if he’s truly happy or putting on a fake smile for the customers. You think to yourself. Sometimes you like to look at people and try putting together a life story for them. It helps your creative juices flow, as an amateur writer. 
“Can I get you anything else?” He asks with a refreshingly soft voice for a man. You’re a bit taken aback by his melodic tone, and how freaking adorable he sounds with his Korean accent. You can’t tell what dialect it is, because his English flows very well.
“Actually…” You look over at Jasmine, who gives you a thumbs up as she sips her Pink Drink. “Can I have your number?” The man’s eyes widen momentarily and his gaze flickers up to the barista at the counter.
“Oh...Miss I’m very flattered but...see that man over there?” You turn around and face the barista who is busy on his phone at the moment.
“The sleepy-eyed one?” You ask, knowing full well where this is going.
“Yeah, him. Um, that’s my boyfriend.” Your smile falters for a moment but you feel a sudden sense of relief. You were afraid he would actually flirt back and possibly be a douchebag but he is exactly what you hoped he would be. A decent person who won’t cheat on his partner.
“Oh, thank goodness,” Your reaction makes him raise his eyebrows. Normally girls would sigh or be sad that he’s taken/gay, but you’re the first one who’s ever reacted like that. “I mean, sorry. My friend just forced me to ask for your number because she wants me to make friends and step out of my comfort zone, and now I’m...sorry just nevermind.” You trail off, cutting off your pointless rambling as the busboy wipes your table slightly.
“Hm, you’re interesting. You know what, just for that attempt, I am going to give you my number.” He winks at you, sliding you a piece of paper. Did he always have that paper with him? You laugh as he walks away and Jasmine bolts back to your table, excited to hear the juicy details.
“You did it!” She screeches, making half of the people whip their heads around to stare at you. You blush and sink in your seat when you see the adorable busboy speaking to his boyfriend. Just when you’re about to tell Jasmine what happened, you see the sleepy-eyed man look at you with a glare. You bite your teeth and suck in your cheeks as Jasmine starts talking about her encounter. 
“Too bad, though. The sleepy dude just waved me away saying he already has a boyfriend.” She folds her arms. You stretch your legs, yawning a bit as you listen to your friend. “What? Am I boring you? Anyways, tell me what happened with the cute blue haired dude!” You giggle to yourself as your friend expected something more out of the interaction.
“Jasmine, he’s gay. And they’re-” You gesture to the two men talking behind the counter. “Together.” Jasmine sighs. You simply shake your head, flipping your hair to one side.
“Well, I guess my luck with men hasn’t changed. But at least they’re cute.” You giggle as your best friend sighs dramatically and then you move onto discussing other topics, like school. 
Just as you’re about to exit the café, you realize that you didn’t ask the cute busboy for his name. During the whole five minutes that you talked to him, you didn’t even introduce yourself?! Great job, Y/N. You turn around, reaching for the piece of paper in your pocket to find that he indeed did write his name down for you. Jimin. What a beautiful name for a beautiful boy. 
As you climb into the jeep that Jasmine’s parents bought for her 16th birthday, her phone rings, and she turns to you, puffing out her chest. You wiggle your eyebrows at her and then you both laugh after the awkward moment.
“It’s Jungkook.” She throws her phone at you, switching back to her “serious” persona.
“Whoa, what happened between you two for you to act this way?” You give Jasmine the stink eye as she caves under your pressure. She’s acting weird—weirder than usual. 
“Nothing, just...ugh.” She clicks her seatbelt in and starts backing out of the parking lot. 
“Jasmine, if you don’t tell me I’m gonna jump out the window. And we both know I’m not bluffing because I’m actually really short and this window is huge.” Her eyes widen in panic and her hands start shaking on the steering wheel.
“You see…..um ....Jungkook and I may or may not have gone all the way after a deep conversation about relationships.” I gawk at her, unable to process her words. 
Sure JK is a flirt, but he never would’ve moved past touching, seeing how he’s practically scared of girls. There was even a point in your middle school lives where Jasmine believed he was gay and started calling him her “gbf.” Yeah, that wasn’t greatly received by your homophobic class of 2020.
“Bitch, you did not.” You slap the dashboard, shaking your head in disbelief. You can see guilt written all over her face but what’s worse is the fact that you had a crush on him for the longest time and she had no clue about it. 
It’s not her fault, but sex can change a lot of things for different people. And you know despite whatever bullshit Jasmine tells you about it being a ‘one-time thing no feelings involved’ type deal, you know things are going to change between you, Jasmine, and Jungkook. 
You don’t know how anyone will react, since you’ve never been in this situation before. You just know that your best friend, without even knowing it, broke your heart in two. Including Jungkook’s, who is probably crying by himself at the moment.
Your silence is enough to shut her up, as she stops talking mid-sentence and plays an EXO song on her phone, hooked up to the lavish quality stereo system which is connected to her fancy Jeep Wrangler, the vibrations sending shivers down your spine but you assume that’s from your gut, twisting in disgust planning for revenge with Jasmine. She has no regard for feelings when it comes to sex, and you’re more worried about your other best friend at the moment.
“Drop me off at JK’s place.” Your command makes her flinch, and then her eyes widen when she digests what you said.
“You aren’t going to tell him that I told you, are you?” 
“Of course I’m gonna talk to him about it! While you’re over here thinking about how to end your friendship, that boy is probably breaking down in tears right now, or worse, binge eating and watching soapy K-dramas all alone!” 
You slam her car door shut, stepping out with your red converse basking in the sunlight. It’s so bright out today, a little bit chilly but otherwise nice. Too bad Jungkook’s having a rainy day. You knock on his door, and his brother opens the door.
“Hey baby. Wanna join me and my buddie-”
“Yeah, nice to see you too Jaehyun, is Jungkook home?” You ask, pushing past him and his stoner pals on the couch.
“He’s upstairs.” There’s not much that needs to be said when you walk into his room.
As expected, he’s lying in his bed, blankets wrapped around his entire body, forming a cocoon of some sort as he distracts himself from the real world, again. It’s like every breakup ever, as you have seen him do all sorts of crazy shit while being heartbroken. He’s dated so many people, but none of them were his close friends. This time, it’s different, and you can tell he’s hurting more.
“Did you see Jasmine?” Is the first thing he asks when he sees you.
“I was with her earlier and she told me some stuff happened between you guys. And now I’m here for you. Tell me what you need.” Jungkook slowly rises, and you can see his hair standing straight up from the static, and his normally bright eyes are colored red from crying, his cheeks are red and puffy, and he looks exhausted. Drained, in fact.
“I made a mistake. I started kissing her first, it was like the time after my breakup with Madi-” He cuts himself off. You shiver, beginning to remember his touch. You hadn’t slept with him, not in a sexual context, anyway. He only kissed you, and his hands slid down the small of your back, tracing circles with his thumbs. You can feel the strange sensation creeping up on you, and then it hits you like a wave. 
Jungkook is no longer the little boy that you once knew. He’s a grown man, and he can take care of you if you let him. But, you’re not that type of person. You would never take advantage of him, especially when he’s so vulnerable. “I promised myself I wouldn’t let it get in the way of our friendship, but after that night I knew we could never be just friends.” You take his clammy hands in your soft ones, kissing his fingers gently as tears threaten to spill from his eyes again.
“It’s okay, let it out.” You spend a good chunk of your time cuddling with him, and for a moment you imagine what life would be like if you actually started dating, but alas, he is too in love with your best friend. That’s how life is for you, you’ll always be a side character in a love story, and when it comes to love, guys always pick Jasmine. Guys talk to you because they see that you are friends with Jasmine. Girls invite you to sleepovers to ask you what you know about Jasmine, and worst of all, she stole multiple crushes from under your nose. But they were never truly yours to begin with. 
After arriving at your house after a long day spent consoling Jungkook, youlop down on your bed, scrolling through some texts. 
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                   ༻• The Next Day, at Your Local Highschool •༺
“Jungkookie, are you feeling any better?” You make your way to your best friend but then you overhear him speaking to some people.
“Oh yeah, she was the best in bed, don’t let her tough smart-girl act fool you, she was amazing, so submissive for me.” You hoped they were talking about someone else, but when you stick your head past the lockers, checking for a split second, you see that it was none other than your sensitive friend who was speaking to a group of younger males.
“Wow, you’re so cool, Hyung. I thought Y/N was the hardest girl to pin down.” Wait, what?! You resist the urge to storm out, eavesdropping a bit longer to see if you misheard things.
“Yeah boys, she came to me while I was playing Overwatch in my room and then she offered. Just straight up asked if I could fuck her.” You slam your fist against a locker and then you clench your teeth, about to confront him when the bell rings. 
It’s 5th period. You don’t have a class because you have a release period. You instinctively check your phone, making sure you didn’t miss any important texts or calls before running out. You don’t know who to trust, or who to go to, as you lost your two best friends within the span of less than 24 hours. People suck.
Then you get a text, as you park your car in front of the coffee shop.
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You don’t text back, hoping to surprise him. You forgot to ask him about his work hours but you assumed he worked part-time everyday or something. As you walk up to the counter, you see him standing there, with a bright smile on his lips and crescent-shaped eyes.
“Ah, what a surprise! Hello, valued customer.” His playful attitude is enough to light up your day. 
“Hey Jimin. Sorry for dropping in but I couldn’t think of anywhere else to go, c-can we talk?” You stutter, not realizing you were slurring your words together. Jimin nods, obviously worried about his new friend.
“What happened yesterday?” He takes you to the back of the café, an area where there are less people and you have more privacy. 
“You know the friend that was here with me yesterday?” He nods, allowing you to grip his hand and squeeze it for comfort. He’s a really kind person, letting you open up to him without judgement. “She slept with another good friend of mine and ghosted him. And yesterday I went to his house and we talked about it and he cried on my shoulder, but today…” 
You feel tears threatening to spill from your eyes. “...He was talking about what a good lay I was, lying about sleeping with me to a group of underclassmen.” 
Your breathing is uneven as Jimin stares directly at you, keeping his gaze strictly on you. You feel naked, exposed, and vulnerable. But his reassuring smile makes you feel a little bit better. Just a little bit.
“Hey, break’s over, get out there.” You see the same man from yesterday, the guy who Jimin claimed was his boyfriend. He looks like the polar opposite of your mellow friend, with a darker aura radiating from him. 
You feel like a deer under a lion’s gaze, as he closes in on you, backing you into your corner, making you feel even more vulnerable than before.
You only hoped he wouldn’t try to chase you away, as yesterday he gave you a very uncouth glare, displaying his annoyance with your friendship with Jimin.
You hope with time he will be able to accept you and possibly become a friend of yours as well, but for now, you can only run with your tail tucked between your legs. Just as you’d been running away from your so-called best friends in school. 
You were even considering running to Jaehyun and trying one of his edibles, since he had offered a generous amount of times; it would only be courteous of you to finally accept and try it, as you’d been hearing “don’t try it, don’t try it,” your whole life. 
You don’t care anymore, and hopefully under Jimin’s wing you will be able to learn about true friendship. 
“Aren’t you the girl who asked for Jimin’s number yesterday?” His surprisingly solemn tone catches you off guard, as his eyes tell another story. Maybe that’s just the way he is, physically a very intimidating person but on the inside he might be a fluffy kitten! Okay, maybe not a total kitten, but still squishy. Why else would Jimin date him? He has to be a decent person, unlike all the people you called your friends.
“I am, thanks for noticing. Is there anything you wanted to tell me?” You try to sound as non-threatening as possible, holding your breath, waiting for an answer. You hoped Yoongi didn’t see you as a boyfriend-stealer, nor a generally annoying person.
“No, just wanted to ask you if you need anything else, an iced coffee, some tea...pink lemonade?” His lame attempt at cheering you up makes you crack a smile after a while. 
“Maybe some water? I’m a little bit thirsty.” 
“Coming right up,” After filling up a glass with water, he slides into the seat across from you, whipping out his phone and humming a tune of a familiar song you recognized from the radio. “I’m on break. This time of the day, things get a bit slow.” You nod in understanding, respectfully keeping your legs crossed and your arms folded in your lap, not wanting to show any sign of weakness.
“What song are you listening to?” You ask, hoping to make some small talk.
“Uncomfortable by Chase Atlantic. It’s my go-to after a stressful day.” You shift in your seat when you hear that name. You absolutely adore that band, and the lead singer’s vocals are absolutely heavenly. You could go on for hours, but you don’t want him to know that yet.
“Oh, that’s...cool I guess.” You try not to jump
up and down in joy as that’s a lesser known band and not very many people know about them.
“Do you know this song?” He leans forward, sliding you his phone and showing you the cover of an old album, one you recognize to be “Don’t Try This,” and the song is GREENGREENGREEN. Their song titles are a bit questionable, but they are true works of art, so you can let it pass.
“I suppose I’ve heard it once or twice…” You trail off, watching how the curve of his smooth lips turn upwards, and carefully, you watch how he mouths the words.
“All I see is green yuh
Moving on your seat yuh yuh yuh
All I see is green, All I see is green, All I see is green.” You smirk, slowly singing the next part.
“It's green where the grass grows
Let the cash flow
You can keep your head high, keep that ass low,” You laugh, the man across from you grinning at how weirdly you sang the lyrics.
You and Yoongi continue listening to Chase Atlantic songs together late into the evening hours. It’s around seven in the evening and the air is cool and humid.
“You have amazing taste in music, I’ve never met anyone else who listens to Chase Atlantic with such passion! Jimin’s an Alec Benjamin person but I always tell him they have similar music styles…” He trails off suddenly, worrying you with the pace of his cutoff. “Listen, I had a lot of fun talking to you. And at first I really didn’t get why Jimin wanted to get to know you better but now I see what he saw. You’re cool, Y/N.” You’re more surprised he remembered your name.
“Thanks Yoongi.” You share a moment of silence, just smiling at each other as Jimin makes his way back to your table.
“It’s time for me to clock out, we’re closing soon.” He slides into the seat across from you, next to Yoongi, and you watch as Yoongi expertly sneaks his arm around his boyfriend’s shoulder, and you feel small fireworks bursting in your heart. It’s not a weird feeling of jealousy, per say, but rather you feel mellow. You like seeing them together. You like this. 
“Feels like just yesterday I walked in here and you gave me black coffee instead of an iced vanilla mocha because you were distracted by my sexiness.” Jimin girlishly flips his hair, and the three of you share a laugh before the lights start flickering. 
“What’s going on?”
“Looks like there’s something wrong with the power. Jin!!! Did you mess with the electrical again?!” Yoongi runs back inside the kitchen, making sure everything is fine.
“We’re good, just a minor fix,” you hear the voice of another man from inside. You and Jimin exchange worried looks as the lights stay on for a total of 1.032342352 seconds and then they just turn off completely.
“Dammit, stupid thunderstorm outside caused a power outage through town.” You heard Yoongi cursing from the kitchen before he opened the door and stumbled outside back to you.
“Well, when are the lights gonna come back on?” You ask, clutching onto the table as you sink back on the wooden surface.
“News reports say power lines are under service and will be back in function in an hour.” Jimin shows you the article, making you shiver from the thought of spending the night at the café. You most probably won’t have to do that, since your car is right outside and you can just drive home. But do you really want to face your neighbors after a really tough day of school? No. Your bets are that they will probably try to infiltrate your home, failing are trying to “make it up to you.” You’ve lost any trust you had in them before, Jungkook and Jasmine really screwed up this time.
“It’s cold, isn’t it?” Jimin sounds steady, but you can faintly see the outline of his striped shirt and how his muscles contract as he shivers right in front of you. You admire him for putting up the dauntless act, but it doesn’t help as the sound of his teeth clashing give it all away.
“Here, take my jacket. I’m not that cold.” You offer him your coat and he hesitantly slips it over his shoulders. He doesn’t wear it, afraid of stretching out the expensive material and risking threat or wearing it out. 
“Hey guys, can you come in here please? We need help with the door.” You and Jimin carefully make your way to the pantry, which is at a door at the end of the kitchen. You’d never been inside one in a restaurant, but you assumed it was the same as your school. The kitchen was the darkest room, but thanks to the dim lighting from Jimin’s phone, you safely arrived at the end of the path.
“What are you doing now?” You see a second man, taller than Yoongi and Jimin combined, holding a large box.
“We’re just taking this inside. This stuff is smelly, so we make sure they stay sealed in the pantry until we need them,” The older man has a charming smile, and you can already tell he is a gentleman. He looks a little bit older than you, but you can tell by his mannerisms that he’s a bit older. “And hi, I’m Jin.” He introduces himself, winking at you as he walks past, with Yoongi rolling his eyes at the lame flirting attempt. You thought it was cute.
“Coming through! Move over babe.” Yoongi warns Jimin, who holds the door open while you watch over his shoulder, making sure he doesn’t fall back. Not that you will be of any help.
“Oh crap, I think I forgot something in the kitchen!” You and Jimin make your way into the pantry, shrugging at the way Jin quickly left his post.
“So...what’s exactly in the box?” Your curiosity seems to know no limits as you keep asking questions, over and over again. Yoongi and Jimin, however, find it amusing.
“Vinaigrette. All the same type, same brand.” Yoongi dusts his hands and walks back to the closed door, wrapping his fingers around the cool metal knob before turning it….to find that it doesn’t open. 
“What’s wrong, hyung?” Jimin asks, wrapping your jacket around him more tightly. You sigh at his adorable pout. But of course, you try to ignore their moment, focusing on your phone instead. Your battery is at 8% already, and you need to save as much power as you can. However, you also need to distract yourself.
“It won’t open.” You stand up. You’ve hated small spaces since you were a little girl and you refuse to get stuck in a food pantry with two insanely attractive men. What if you run out of oxygen? It’s not them, it’s you.
“Whoa, are you okay?” Yoongi notices your mini panic attack, as you pant heavily, now looking for some sort of opening to crawl through. You need to escape.
“I need to get out!” You shudder as the dim lighting of your phone suddenly disappears. Your phone just died. What the fuck are you going to do now?!
“We’re fine, we just need to call Jin,” Yoongi knocks on the door, and you all stay quiet to hear any feedback. What you didn’t know was that Jin had gone out to run errands and he wouldn’t be back until much later.
“Let me text him.” Luckily, Jimin’s phone has enough power to send one text. Jin replies quickly, telling Jimin that he’ll be back in half an hour, maybe even later because of the horrible weather.
“Looks like we’ll be stuck here for awhile.” Yoongi sits down on the floor first, making himself comfortable between two flour bags. You and Jimin make yourselves comfortable on the floor, shrugging as you snuggle into some things but the lights are off so you have no idea where you’re sitting. Your eyes are adjusted to the darkness, so you can see the faint outlines in the pitch darkness. 
Then you think of all the things that happened today. How you overheard Jungkook telling people lies, and how heartlessly Jasmine let go of him (even though he partially deserved it), and all of the lies and betrayal. Jasmine has cheated on a lot of her past boyfriends, but for some reason you thought she would treat Jungkook differently. And Jungkook just cares about fitting in. You wish you could forget it all and go back to being friends, but you are just so, so sad. They broke your heart. You don’t know if you can trust anyone else ever again. You silently sob, hoping they wouldn’t notice.
But your stupid sniffles give you away. 
“Are you..crying?” Jimin asks after a long silence.
“No…” You wipe your tears and turn to his voice.
“Tell us what’s wrong.” Yoongi’s warmth creates an almost suffocating feeling in the air as your breathing falters and you feel very disconnected from your environment. You can’t even tell if your eyes are open or not because of how long you’ve been trapped. It’s driving you mad. The only thing keeping you sane are the two men sitting in front of you...or behind you. You can’t tell anymore.
“I just want my friends back. And I want to believe that everything will be alright but lately...everything’s been horrible! Life just keeps throwing one obstacle after another and I just want to believe that everything will be okay but it isn’t! My best friend slept with my other best friend and now everything’s weird between the three of us, and my other friend decided to tell everyone that we’re screwing. I DIDN’T DO ANYTHING! Everything is spiraling out of control and I can’t do shit,” You breathe heavily and silence follows, as the boys allow you to catch your breath, not inputting anything just yet. “Thanks for letting me rant. I just needed to let that out, I guess.” You bite your bottom lip, and you can smell the anticipation in the air as the boys wait for their turn to speak.
Oh wow, now you’ve robbed them of their words. Aren’t you the best friend ever.
“Can I say something?” Jimin waits for a moment before dictating his thoughts, “It sounds like you were just thrown into a random mess that had nothing to do with you directly.” He says, earning a cough from Yoongi. Luckily, the sleepy-eyed man is kind enough to cough in his sleeve (ugh corona) and he says, “I agree with Jimin. And that guy sounds like a bitch boy. I’m pretty sure he’s one of those coconut headed e-boy wannabes. Or just a plain fuckboy.” You scrunch your nose. “Jungkook isn’t like that.” 
“Oh, with a name like that he’s bound to have a talent. Maybe he dances really well? Lemme guess, he’s a really good singer but is as shy as a goat.” You didn’t know goats were shy. Yoongi seems knowledgeable, so you don’t question him.
“He’s a good singer, alright, but he wants to be a progamer when he graduates.” You reveal it to them, all of a sudden going off on a tangent about your childhood crush and best friend.
“It sounds like you guys are close,” Jimin whispers in a hushed voice, so quietly that you almost miss him. “And from what I can tell, he’s insecure and wants people to think he’s cool. So he used you, as stupid as it was, I think he’s worth fighting for.” You feel a sudden lightness in your chest, like you just confessed something you felt guilty about. It’s as if he’s in your head, and he understands exactly what you’re going through.
“Jimin and I actually got together because of a misunderstanding in the first place, if he hadn’t fought for us, who knows where he might’ve ended up?” You can’t see what Jimin does exactly, but you assume that his face is scrunched up into a cute cringe of sorts, anything that man does is adorable.
“My parents would’ve forced me to become a pastor. They aren’t exactly the most open-minded people...coming out to them was the hardest thing I ever did. And luckily, Yoongi was with me all through the process after they disowned me and threw me out of the house. I guess I lost my biological family but I ended up with something even better.” You feel your lips turn upward, the first feeling you’ve experienced since sadness. You feel hopeful, and happy that the two men can freely be together without judgement from those around them. 
You feel slightly jealous as well, since their relationship worked out and yours with Jungkook are in shambles. Maybe it’s not too late to fix this, but seeing as he hadn’t even sent you as much as a “Good morning” text, you decided it was better to leave him alone for now. The darkness is not only making you blind; it’s making you unempathetic. You do feel a bit of fear though, as the sense of not knowing what else might be in here with you is overwhelming and you literally want to curl into a ball and cry. “Your breathing is heavy again...are you okay?” Yoongi’s voice soothes you as you slowly recover from the mini-panic attack. You don’t know if you can take it anymore.
“Sorry, I’m just a little claustrophobic.” You hear some shifting as Yoongi makes himself more comfortable.
“Oh shit, I forgot about Jin,” Jimin pulls out his phone, as it vibrates with a text. Your vision is blurry, but you can see his face with the help of the dim light from his device. “Jin said he’s running late in traffic. We might be stuck for a little longer.” You snap, reaching for the closest thing to you, standing up on your two wobbly legs.
“I can’t do this! I’m going crazy, I need to get out! Anything...away….can’t breathe!” You start taking deep breaths, slightly embarrassed at showing the two boys you barely know your weak side. Of course, they are absolute sweethearts about it.
“Honja jjujeo anja
Saenggag man keojyeoga
Eonjebuteo neon nal apeuge haessdeonga
Neo jochado moreujanha,” He slowly makes his way behind you, snaking his arms around your shoulders in a very intimate manner.
“Neodo apeujanha 'cause you’re mine
I just want to blow your mind
Ireohge neon tto meoleojyeo man ganeunde,” You close your eyes and sink into his embrace, swaying in a movement that could only be described as heaven. His voice is heaven. 
“I want you to be your light, baby
You should be your light
Deoneun apeuji anhge
Nega useul su issge
I want you to be your night, baby
You could be your night
Ibami neoege soljighal su issge…” He trails off, leaving you feeling speechless from listening to his honey-like voice. The song is also new, something you’ve never heard. You clap, astounded by his vocals.
“That was amazing!!! Thank you so much for doing that.” You can almost picture the cute blush on his cheeks as you praise him, but you aren’t going to let him know that.
“No problem.” As you both share a moment, Yoongi finds a supposed way out.
“Look, there’s a duct back here. Should one of us go through and see if they can let the others out?” You and Jimin share a look of suspicion but you volunteer anyways. 
“I guess I’ll do it. Seems logical.” You get to your hands and feet, and Jimin gives you his phone, tenderly. There’s a gentleness in his eyes and through the blinding light of the flashlight on his phone, you could see his pupils dilate slightly. For a moment, it’s just you and him, as the rest of the world fades to black. You snap out of your daze when Yoongi coughs into his arm again, and you prepare to crawl into a dusty duct that’s been closed for decades.
You eventually find an exit, and you’re surprised at how long Jimin’s battery life was. It was only at 49%, despite him using his phone for half the time you were together. He must’ve charged it to the full 100%. You find a screw loose on another duct, opening it with ease and slipping into the kitchen. And then when you shine your flashlight, you realize your location. 
You quickly run to the locked door and find that opening it from the outside is a piece of cake. The two men are thankful, but they still complain about the power. Jimin texts Jin that all of you got out, and he just tells you to go home.
The time is about 9:41, 2 hours later than you’d hoped to go home. Nonetheless, you had fun spilling your heart to these two wonderful men. You’ve never felt so close with a pair of strangers, but you can tell these two will become an important part of your life very soon.
                                     ༻• At your House •༺
“Where were you?” Your mother yells as you walk through the door, and you put your bag on the floor, flopping face down on the couch.
“I was at a café but then there was a power outage and I got stuck in a food pantry.” You nonchalantly tilt your head upwards at your mom, as her look of anger changes into one of worry.
“How did you get out?” She asks, bringing you a cheese sandwich. You plug in your phone upside down, but it’s okay because you can see the logo pop up after a minute.
“I crawled through a duct. It was fun but dusty. Oh, sorry for not texting you. My phone died.” She raises an eyebrow.
“Y/N...is there something you’re not telling me?” You fold your arms, whining like a baby. “Was there someone else with you?” You nod, not wanting to tell your mom in detail. “Okay, I’m not gonna ask any more questions. But earlier Jungkook came by, he wanted to talk to you in person. After he left, Jasmine dropped by an hour ago, saying she wanted to see you too. Did something happen between the three of you?” You sigh, turning right-side up on the couch, resting your head on your mother’s shoulder.
“Mom, can I please just go to bed? I don’t feel so good.” Instead of pestering you to tell her, she complies with your wishes, leaving you alone to go into the kitchen.
“Oh, I forgot to tell you, I started renting the top floor of our house to two nice young men. They’ll stay with us, and we can get money.” You raise your eyebrows at her, not believing her fully. Your mom was never the type of person to do that. You had suggested it in the past, but she had never fully gone through with plans before. Especially big ones.
“And why did you agree to it?”
“Because they are so charming, Y/N, when I put the ad up, they immediately responded, saying that they’d do all the housework and help cook, and take care of the house as if it was theirs, even though they are paying to stay in one room.” You grab your backpack and make your way upstairs. After finishing your nighttime routine, you tuck yourself in and retire for the night.
You wake up with the sudden urge to pee. So, you run to the bathroom only to find a very unexpected sight. The same man with the crescent shaped eyes when he smiles is standing in your bathroom, brushing his teeth.
“J-Jimin?” He turns his head, looking at you with wide eyes.
“Y/N? What are you doing here?” 
“I live here!”
“Me too!” Dear God, what has your mother done?
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lesswokemoresmoke · 3 years
Tips to being a stoner college student :
1.) make your own geeb (gravity bong).
- I slept on the homemade gravity bong for 3 out of my 5 years as a student. I don’t have many regrets in life, but this might be one...
- I simply used a larger Gatorade bottle and a smaller Gatorade bottle and an extra glass bowl from one of my water pipes. Super easy, super cheap, and you only have to use a pinch of greens and shit gets weird 👀... (good weird)
2.) Resist the blunt when possible.
- I understand this one is problematic, BUT hear me out... I went through WAY to many zips WAY to quickly when living in my friend apartment. The freedom tasted good and the L’s tasted even better..... my roommates and I kept 98% of the wrap packages we bought and calculated the cost of the wraps alone near the end of the school year and we had 226 packages, obviously most where .99 cents BUT that’s 226 dollars I don’t have now..... now I don’t REGRET this time I’m my life, BUT I recognize it is not realistic and/or a smart choice necessarily. (Also, this is not a flex, I have no doubt some of you could laugh at that number probably). Overall, we all love a good blunt, but when you are trying to ball on that college student budget it’s better to utilize geebs or joints when you are able to resist the L....
3.) do your very best to find multiple sources for supply, compare prices. There’s good weed for cheap, there’s also bad weed for cheap, there better weed for slightly high prices, as well as there can be crappy weed for high prices. This one is really trial and error unless you have a set up you are already please with LOL. Pretty self explanatory.
4.) when going out (parties, simple sheshing, any gathering really) don’t bring all you bud.... it could get stolen, you might end up smoking it all and regretting it, and again - IT COULD GET STOLEN.... pre role or pack your grinder full. It is much safer to travel light anyways if legality is an issue. Plus, at a certain point you might just stop getting any higher, so then you end up just wasting the rest of your stash.
5.) don’t spend over $40 for a gram of wax... just don’t... I mean, all you professional dabbers can fight this one, and perhaps it’s cause I’m more of a buddy to the bud but anything over 40 is not going to be anymore bang for your buck, if that makes sense.
6.) perchace a safe...
- lock that shit up. In the door? Most definitely lock that shit up. In a house or apartment?? Maybe not as worrisome but it will definitely bring peace of mind if you have one.
7.) don’t bring a bunch of glass pieces with you when you go to move in.... seems kinda silly but I have made this mistake time and time again... I’m reality, you are only gonna use one or two daily drivers. Pick your faves and leave the rest safely at home...
8.) you don’t have to cheap out on papers, find good ones and just enjoy them.
9.) consolidate your lighters to one location and do your best to not loose them when you use them.... this may still be unavoidable, but having a pile of them in one spot is helpful for a quick grab).
10.) Don’t buy carts, or always buy carts. This one is tricky because oil carts can be super handy for discreet self seshing. I would stay away from spending more then $40 on them, however. Also making sure the cart looks like good quality so you don’t get down w’ da sickness.... you know what I mean cart smokers.... if you only smoke carts ^ the last few sentences are for you. For the rest, I’d only get one once in a while and use it as needed when I don’t have bud or wax or need a quick sesh. Not a daily driver. Also feels a bit risky.
11.) did I mention making a gravity bong??
* if you follow one, two or more of the above, I promise you will find yourself saving some cash week to week. You don’t want to find yourself high and dry and no money left to buy bud or even normal necessities... (isn’t bud a normal necessity you ask??? I’m talking food.. snacks... items you NEED for survival) truthfully, there’s probably no wrong or right way to do it. Over the years I just find myself spending more money than I actually have available on stoner stuff and now that I am on my last year of schooling I am feeling a little down about it wishing I done it slightly different to help myself out in the long run.... the poor college student would love to believe that they have total freedom and can blow it all on fun stuff but in reality, you are gonna run out of fun stuff quick if you aren’t clever and end up with no money to buy MORE fun stuff... just a though tho.
Comment more tips and tricks if you have any!! I might actually need the advice!! Or if you wanna fight me on it that’s chill too, I can’t promise I will care all that much though. This is really just me procrastinating work and blogging my thoughts about my stoner life the past couple years as a student lol.
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aion-rsa · 3 years
Best Movies Coming to Netflix in May 2021
Movies are slowly coming back to life at the cinemas. You can see it with each glowing report about a Godzilla vs. Kong or Mortal Kombat doing solid business. And for those with more discerning tastes, films like In the Heights and Those Who Wish Me Dead are definitely going to make their release dates.
Nonetheless, there are many who are understandably not ready to go back to theaters (or have yet to get an HBO Max subscription). Thus Netflix remains an old reliable option. While the Netflix movie selection can be narrow, each month offers some worthwhile gems to revisit or even discover. And May has a surprisingly robust group of Hollywood films from the last 40 years coming to the streaming service on May 1. Here are the best ones.
Back to the Future (1985)
Great Scott! Back to the Future is coming to Netflix. As one of the most beloved films of the 1980s—if not ever—it’s doubtful we need to explain in great detail why this is exciting news. From its star-making turn by Michael J. Fox as Marty McFly to the grand musical score by Alan Silvestri, everything about this movie justworks. Robert Zemeckis and Bob Gale’s script is like a Swiss watch in precision, paying off every single setup in the film’s first act when Marty commandeers a time machine made by Doc Brown (a lovable Christopher Lloyd) and accidentally travels from 1985 to 1955… to meet his parents as teenagers!
More time has passed since the movie’s release than the once massive generational gap between the film’s primarily ‘50s setting and 1985. Yet it still plays as a timeless story about family, time travel, and manure. Large piles of manure. By the way, the rest of the Back to the Future trilogy is coming to Netflix, too.
Hachi: A Dog’s Tale (2009)
Forget about all the “sad” dog movies of the last decade where canines have funny voiceover narrations and then die on repeat. Hachi: A Dog’s Tale is a very bitter, bittersweet dog’s journey based on a harder truth. A remake of the 1980s Japanese film, Hachikō Monogatari, this American movie is based on the real events surrounding Hachikō, an Akita dog who lived in 1920s Japan. Every day Hachikō would run to the train station, awaiting his master’s return from work. One day, after a fatal stroke, his master never returned. Yet for another 10 years, the dog would escape its various new owners and spend the afternoon waiting at the station.
Directed by The Cider House Rules’ Lasse Hallström, Hachi captures this anecdote about a dog’s loyalty with grace and genuine sweetness. But you’re not going to get through it dry-eyed.
The Land Before Time (1988)
Before it birthed a string of straight-to-video movies meant to babysit pint-sized millennials, the original Land Before Time was a generational touchstone for childhoods in the late ‘80s and early ‘90s. Overseen by Don Bluth at the height of his talent, and in partnership with Steven Spielberg’s Amblin Entertainment, The Land Before Time is a marvel in animation from the period before Disney Animation’s renaissance. It follows an assortment of baby dinosaurs, including a recently orphaned “longneck” named Littlefoot, after a horrible earthquake has rained devastation on all the isolated herbivores. But together they may just find salvation in a land called the Great Valley.
Essentially a dinosaur road movie for children, to the modern eye it’s told with a surprisingly delicate sensitivity. There is no fourth-wall breaking humor and sideways smirks here. It’s a very earnest fairytale captured in the lost art of hand-drawn animation.
The Lovely Bones (2009)
Based on Alice Sebold’s 2002 bestselling book of the same name, The Lovely Bones has a tough premise: a teen girl is raped and murdered, and goes to heaven where she watches her loved ones attempt to process and move on after her disappearance. The debut novel was not only very popular, but generally well-received for its treatment of trauma, sexual assault, and grief.
The movie, directed by Peter Jackson and starring Saoirse Ronan, Rachel Weisz, Susan Sarandon, and Stanley Tucci, among others… was not as well received, fairly criticized for its prioritization of CGI heavenly visuals over a nuanced, character-driven story. You may wonder, then, why we’re recommending a movie that wasn’t great? Because The Lovely Bones is a fascinating watch for those interested in the limits of adaptation and, in particular, how a great filmmaker with expansive resources (including a very talented cast) can fail if they’re not the right person for the job. 
Mystic River (2003)
As one of Clint Eastwood’s best films as director, Mystic River was the first cinematic adaptation of a Dennis Lehane novel, and the author’s hardboiled vision of Boston’s tragically seedy underbelly is well realized here. As much about the hard luck community on the South Side as the story of three men, it nonetheless tracks how neighborhood lives intersect.
We meet three boyhood friends in the movie’s unnerving opening and then jump to their bitter middle age. Oe of them, reformed gangster Jimmy (Sean Penn), has a daughter who’s been found murdered in a gutter. His onetime pal Sean (Kevin Bacon), now a detective, swears he’ll figure out who the killer is, and both men’s estranged acquaintance Dave (Tim Robbins) knows more than he’s letting on. All three’s fates are interlinked in this operatic passion play about the traumas we keep hidden until we’re drowning in regret.
Notting Hill (1999)
Though Four Weddings and a Funeral might have put writer Richard Curtis and star Hugh Grant on the map as the kings of ‘90s British romance, Notting Hill is arguably their true pinnacle. Grant plays a foppish bookshop owner who happens to meet the most famous actress in the world, Anna Scott (played by Julia Roberts who might just have been the most famous actress in the world at that time) when she stumbles into his shop.
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By Mark Harrison
Zombie Comedies Ranked
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From the sympathy brownie competition, the junket where Grant’s William Thacker has to pretend to be a journalist from Horse & Hound, and Rhys Ifans in his pants, there are plenty of funny, moving moments. But it’s the two montage scenes—a walk through Notting Hill as seasons change to Bill Withers’ “Ain’t No Sunshine,” and the final montage to Elvis Costello’s “She”—that would melt the hardest of hearts. Rom-com perfection.
Scarface (1983)
Reviews were not initially kind to Scarface, director Brian de Palma’s explosive three-hour remake of the 1932 gangster classic starring Paul Muni (that in turn was based on a novel which loosely chronicled the rise of Al Capone). Written by Oliver Stone and starring Al Pacino as psychopathic Cuban refugee-turned-drug-kingpin Tony Montana, the 1983 film was excoriated by critics for its relentlessly graphic violence, excessive foul language, and over-the-top performances, especially by its leading man. But critics at the time missed the point: Scarface was a reflection of its time—the hedonistic, greed-driven, cocaine-fueled ‘80s—and was appropriately and utterly crazed as a result.
The film did mark the moment when Pacino transitioned from intense, thoughtful character actor to (mostly) histrionic circus barker, but he leaves it all on the field and his mania drives the fast-paced film to its epic, bloodsoaked, and unbelievable (in all aspects of the word) conclusion. As a metaphor for the insane decade of excess that birthed it, Scarface is riveting, breathless, occasionally shocking and often unintentionally hilarious. It’s the gangster movie on coke.
State of Play (2009)
Kevin Macdonald’s remake of a British miniseries by the same name turned out to be a strong thriller in its own right. With a whip smart script by Tony Gilroy and Billy Ray, this movie doubles as both an enjoyable investigative procedural and a love letter to journalism just as newspapers were beginning to die out in the 2000s. Russell Crowe plays Cal McAffrey in the film, the last of the old school guard of reporters, but his ethics will be challenged when the congressman with a dead young woman on his staff turns out to be his old college buddy (Ben Affleck). Rachel McAdams also stars as a young blogger who learns the thrill of chasing a story that takes more than an afternoon to research. Helen Mirren, Robin Wright, and Jeff Daniels also star.
The Whole Nine Yards (2000)
Remember when they made comedies for adults? The Whole Nine Yards is one such anomaly. Really a buddy film about a suicidal dentist (Matthew Perry) and a gangster living under a phony alias who moves in next door (Bruce Willis in one of his last truly charming performances), this giggles and gangsters laugher is a secretly delightful ensemble movie with a deep bench of talent. Indeed, Kevin Pollack, Amanda Peet, Nastsha Henstridge, and Michael Clarke Duncan, as the cuddliest gangster you’ll ever see punch your protagonist in the balls until he’s pissing blood, all get to shine. With a twisty plot, it’s an R-rated throwback to the type of screwball shenanigans that were once Hollywood’s bread and butter.
Zombieland (2009)
It’s rare when calling something the second best zombie comedy ever made is high praise, but in a horror subgenre that also includes Shaun of the Dead, this is high praise for Zombieland. As an R-rated teen comedy, one suspects the filmmakers almost lucked into the absurdly talented cast they assembled with Emma Stone, Jessie Eisenberg, and Woody Harrelson. In the years since this movie’s release, all three were nominated for Oscars (Stone even won one), but in ’09 they’re just having a blast with this goofy stoner hybrid about a dysfunctional makeshift family having fun during the zombie apocalypse.
Also, it features arguably the greatest comedy cameo ever conceived. If you haven’t seen it, I’m not going to spoil it for you here either…
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disaster-dan · 5 years
Peter x MJ - Send Me Your Location
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Listening to Ned was usually a bad idea. This was a party and everyone would get sky high. Peter didn’t smoke but here was a first time. MJ thought there was better things to do but hey- that’s what being a teenager is. Be stupid. If it involves getting high and kissing your crush, why not.
Warnings: underage smoking, cannabis, getting high, intoxication
Song: Khalid, “Location.” American Teen, Right Hand, 2017.
I don’t own the lyrics or song.
If you’re okay with the above, read on :)
Send me your location
Let's focus on communicatin' 'cause
I just need the time and place to come through
(A place to come through)
Peter didn’t mean to get high. Of course, he knew people who did. Ned didn’t smoke, not constantly anyways. Rarely did Ned pick up something like a blunt or cigarette, but he had done it before a couple of times. Peter was not against it, but Peter didn’t see the point in doing it. It smelled strong, can stink a whole street, it was hard to roll, eyes got red easily. Despite his no-interest in ever smoking, Ned invited Peter to a party. Peter already had a terrible experience with parties and was about to deny it.
But you have to come had insisted his friend. I need you talk talk talk please talk. Peter gave in and agreed to hop in a designated driver’s car (Ned’s buddy) and head strong to a party in a house Peter had never been at before.
Hours later, Peter was seated in a couch way too soft and a room with lights not bright enough and people whom he would probably never see again. They passed around a blunt and Peter had two simple shots of it. Nothing was hitting yet, or at all. Being Spider-Man, sometimes normal human things were a bit different. So much for a first time. 
Send me your location
Let's ride the vibrations
I don't need nothin' else but you (I don't need nothin' else but)
Across Peter was Michelle Jones. MJ. She found herself there. Knowing clearly she was young and learning, it was mandatory she did something stupid in her life. Go to a party where you talk to nobody and stay for the massive get-stoned circle. Her only way home was her bike. Very convenient. 
MJ’s conscience told her someone particular would be there. Once her eyes spotted the classmate across from her looking out of place, she knew who it was. 
She’s seen the kid before, they’ve never met. 
But- she still knew that was Peter Parker whom she shared nearly all her classes with, who was in Decathlon, (was) in band practice, sat on the second to last table in the lunchroom, left school before anybody else, wore layers with no sense. 
Yeah, MJ knew Peter. And he was here, in the stoner circle in a party. Across from her.
At times I wonder why I fool with you
But this is new to me, this is new to you’
Initially, I didn't wanna fall for you
Gather my attention it was all for you, so don't
Take advantage, don't leave my heart damaged
To understand that things go a little bit better when you plan it
Peter had never been high before. Passing around the blunt already on its ten something times, Peter was sure his abilities would stop him from getting the slightest inebriated. But, he knew that once his nose began to tickle, his eyelids becoming heavy and everything stopping its orbit every few seconds- he knew he had succeeded in something. He got high.
A familiar feeling was with MJ. As her lips chapped, her mouth drying but saliva piling in the corner of her mouth, her eyesight was no longer in 4k HD. She laid back and the couch swayed with her. The air slowly caressed her skin and a tickly burn in her nose was distantly familiar. She was having a good time. With Peter across her, things were a bit more interesting. 
Peter’s eyes didn’t catch MJ until much later when Peter stopped counting shadows on loop. Her shadow kept being number five. So his hidden brain began to get curious and Peter finally looked up.
There she was. She inhaled into the blunt and passed it.
Peter had seen her before. Was her name Michelle?
So won't you send me, your location
Let's focus on communicatin' 'cause
I just need the time and place to come through
Peter was never before enticed by someone so much until that moment.
MJ. His classmate. She was here. But why would she be here? She didn’t seem like the person who liked parties. Last time in another party- Peter remembers Ned asking her why she was there. She replied with “Am I?” So- was she really there in the circle or was this some ungodly hologram his high mind created? Was it creepy that Peter watched closely as the smoke escaped through her full lips and her nostrils. As her eyelids dropped for a moment before opening up and slowly closing again.
Send me your location
Let's ride the vibrations
I don't need nothing else but you (I don't need nothin' else)
MJ didn’t care that she knew nobody around her. The dude next to her who kept scrolling YouTube Trending for the past fifteen minutes or the guy next to her who was hugging a pillow. She didn’t care, she didn’t have to talk. Everything was fine as it was. 
Maybe she wanted to talk with Peter. Maybe she wanted to sit next to him and chat a while. Had Peter done drugs before? Something MJ doubted. Peter seemed like the one who’d be too afraid to inhale fumes. Here was Peter Parker in a party and smoking weed. It wasn’t cool. Smoking isn’t cool but Peter smoking was a little cool.
I don't wanna fall in love off of subtweets so
Let's get personal
I got a lot of cool spots that we can go
Tell me what's the move and I got you
Nobody knew who it was but someone had ordered pizza and the ding of the door nearly made everyone in the circle run for their lives.
Whether this was a mistake or someone ordered it on the low, it was a huge blessing to their little ceremony.
Ned was the first to run for pizza. Peter stayed sitting and watched as slowly everyone went for pizza. Almost everyone. Because Michelle didn’t move from her seat. She sat with her legs stretched out and staring at something. Like she was reading it. Peter thought she looked liked she was reading something at school. Invested. Whatever it was, Peter was always curious but never wanted to ask what it was. Peter didn't read a lot but he likes listening to a good story and Michelle looked like she could tell a good story. Now he was interested in what Michelle was staring at.
Was Michelle older than him? Maybe taller, but older? That’s a dumb question. They were the same age. Shared classes. 
Her hair was never in control. Peter didn’t mind that. It gave her the vibe of some dungeon and dragons personality trait. Chaotic. She seemed chaotic to a good level. Good chaotic. Or neutral. But she had strong opinions so maybe a far good chaotic was a good fit. 
Peter was hungry though. 
I'm only acting like this 'cause I like you
Just give me the vibe to slide then
Oh, I might make you mine by the night
“I thought you’d be shorter.”
“What is that supposed to mean?”
“That I thought you’d be shorter.”
The pizza tasted way too good and Peter was beginning to think it was something the aliens in Area 51 made. Anyways- after a while of listening to a guy’s stomach growl for a couple of minutes, Michelle made her way to the kitchen. Peter followed behind her. Her curly hair bounced when she walked. 
Peter didn’t take offense to the comment, but did everyone think he’d be shorter?
“It’s not a bad thing.” Michelle said before biting into her pizza. “Tall people have a bigger risk of catching or developing diseases and illnesses.”
“You’re tall.” Peter blurted. He would’ve thought about his words before saying them. But he was high. 
Michelle nodded at him. “I know.”
There was Arizona tea and cans of Pepsi. Peter convinced himself Pepsi and Cola were the same thing. Michelle watched fascinated as Peter debated out loud. 
“It’s the same thing. I’m not hurting anybody.”
Arizona was tasting very good.
Send me your location
Let's focus on communicatin' 'cause
I just need the time and place to come through
(A place to come through)
He can call her MJ. She said so. 
Peter didn’t believe his eyes were red much until MJ dragged him to the bathroom and nearly slammed him to the mirror. 
“Oh my god my eyes are red.” Peter breathed and turned to look at MJ. He gasped. “No way. Your eyes are red too.”
“I know.” MJ said with nonchalant. She stared at Peter for a few moments. He blinked. “Wait- are they actually red?”
Send me your location
Let's ride the vibrations
I don't need nothing else but you (I don't need nothin' else but you)
They didn’t have much in common, but they liked each other humor. Whatever humor there was in them. MJ hardly ever talked in school and Peter was way low on the social ladder at school. But- underdogs get along with underdogs. 
MJ at some point called him pretty and Peter never thought he could blush as much as he did. He felt his blush. It tickled him. If that made any sense. And when Peter’s hand brushes against hers, his entire hand tickled too. MJ’s entire arm felt like she was airbending. She managed to stop herself from holding Peter’s hand as they walked back to the living room. She was suddenly bolder but she could hold herself well. 
Peter was a pretty person. 
MJ thought he was very pretty. 
Peter thought she was pretty too.
Ride, ride, ride, come and vibe with me tonight
I don't need nothing else but you
(I don't need nothing else but you)
Peter sat next to MJ. He made sure he did. He thought MJ was a cool person. That's all. Nothing else. MJ was generally an amazing person who liked to hide the fact that she was indeed an amazing person. 
it. Even after already getting the hang of it, he had to watch MJ to make sure he was doing it right. Peter, what the hell.
The blunt passed around and Peter watched as MJ took hits. It wasn't weird, he was just seeing how to do 
He wanted to touch her hair. It looked soft. 
MJ’s mind was running about Peter. His hair. His eyes. Stupid uneven eyebrows. His smile. His jaw. His hands. MJ did not miss the slight muscle in Peter. It was hidden, below the unnecessary layers. Sheu didn’t miss as Peter slacked his leg enough to touch hers. She pretended to not get the memo and shifted her leg close to Peter’s. And she felt his warmth. The simple act of touching made a warmth and something lavender consume her body and escape in a form of smoke through her lips. 
Peter swore the world blossomed in color when his hand reached for MJ’s. Her hand was reaching back.
Ride, ride, ride, come and vibe with me tonight
I don't need nothing else but you
Nothing else but you
Pizza was gone and four blunts have been finished among the circle. Everyone still out of it. Everyone having a good time.
Peter and Mj somehow ended up with MJ’s legs over Peter’s laps and Peter laying his head on her slender shoulders. 
Ned was far in the universe to notice when Peter lean close to MJ’s face.
It was a small game at first and soon the small thing of blowing smoke into each other's  face turned to something more hidden. A game of trading smoking. Close enough to nearly make out, Peter took his hit and gently blew to MJ. MJ then gently blew her smoke to Peter’s and when the smoke collided, Peter and MJ’s face got a fraction closer. When their noses touched, both teens dissed limits goodbye and made lips touch. A soft kiss. Shy. But willing.
‘I’m Peter.’
‘I know. I’m Michelle Jones.’
‘Yeah you are.’
His hand blindly found her soft hair and MJ’s reached to his cheeks. Maybe the kiss was a bit slow, but it was nice. Whatever they were calling this - a make out, kiss, accident, sloppy- it was a feeling neither of them never wanted to miss. Maybe parties was something they should look forward to. 
Time was irrelevant as Peter pulled back and blinked. MJ’s lashes fluttered and her eyes opened. The brown and hazel found each other like magnets. Peter’s eyelids were heavy and MJ’s lips felt cold.
Their lips reconnected after a second too long and felt warmth once again.
Slow, maybe sloppy, warm and adoring. 
The little bursts inside them was more intoxicating  compared to the weed high. Something they could never explain high or sober. Only a feeling they could find over and over in that sense. Something so intimate that only they knew the feeling and answer to. Coming to parties isn’t so bad. MJ wasn’t a scary person and Peter wasn’t so short. 
Designated driver arrived. They gave MJ a ride because it’s polite. MJ kissed Peter a deep goodbye before walking home with her blue bike.
As they rode home, Peter searched his pocket for a mint and found a paper. He opened it and there was a number and a small message. 
‘Ur eyes will be red for a big while use eye drops’
She gave Peter her phone number and advice. Is being Spider-Man paying off?
Peter texted her a moon and she replied with the stars. 
p-want to call later?
m-maybe i do
Do, do, do, do, do, do
Oh, oh, mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm
Oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh, mmm, mmm, mmm
Do, do, do, do, do, do, do
Do, do, do, do, do, do, do
I don't need nothing else but you
Read on AO3 !
Tagging: @twink-peter
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veridium · 5 years
and WE’RE BACK. 
thanks again to everyone for being patient with this hiatus -- but you know we just couldn’t stay away. and to continue on with our halloween party special is just a non-negotiable. now, without further wait, here is the latest installment in the best worst okayest friendship fic ever!
and I just had to title it with a No Doubt track because, well, you’ll see. 
chapter masterpost // previous episode
It’s almost too good to be true. The way the stars have aligned to produce a perfect, movie-scene kind of night. So she had convinced herself for every part right up until they actually enter the house. Slowly but surely everything falls apart from there, though. Can’t have a fantasy kind of night without some flames doing as they do best, and bursting -- such is Olivia and Ellinor’s track record. 
Who can blame her, though, for believing in that fantasy? She’s walking up the carved stone steps with Cassandra. She’s living her baby bisexual dream of showing up somewhere with a woman who makes the world go dewy and sparkly and looks fucking hot in trim black clothes and -- okay, well, enough of that shit. 
Olivia has never entered a party with someone -- she’s the type to encounter, kiss, ditch, and tell. You could count on one hand the number of times she’s left accompanied. Historically what happens at the event, stays at the event. So when she shows up with a tall, dark, and gorgeous woman holding her hand, safe to say the skeletons in the closet she burst out of are all but manic. And oh, do the skulls turn. 
Right off the back the two couples diverge, and with good reason. From the moment Olivia invited Cassandra to this she knew there was something she’d have to do: introduce her to the queer corner. More of an anomaly than an institution, there was one at every party: where all the queer people, predominantly women, congregated to drink, gossip, and relay the code red signal whenever someone’s ex showed up.
The place is covered in people which is exactly what she expects and demands. If Olivia hadn’t been already familiarized with House Pavus she would be hard pressed to locate the spot -- the spot within the spot, so to speak. Back living room couches are all that’s on her mind. Well, sorta. 
“What’s a bitch gotta do to get a drink in her hand?!” she exclaims in the foyer, and her wish is the people’s command. A drink from a trusted passerby -- or at least, from the look on Cassandra’s face, they better be -- solves the problem. 
Olivia exhales and takes a swig, sighing with dramatic relief at the taste of whiskey and whatever else. It’ll do perfectly. She goes to offer some to Cassandra but remembers the way she looked when they discussed debauchery over spaghetti, and curbs herself.  “Okay, well, let’s go!” she guides her into the belly of the beast, Cassandra hand holding onto her from behind for dear life.
Every few seconds Liv turns back to look at her, and she looks unphased but also unimpressed. It’s hard to be when everyone is tugging and calling out to her, kissing cheeks and saying ‘how are you?’ with no intention of actually listening. It’s easy in these moments to believe wholeheartedly in how confident Cassandra is, even as her eyes flicker with every movement, every person they move past. She grins, but she doesn’t say anything, even as people stare her down or give her smiles. She’s new, and she’s shiny -- Olivia can remember such a lion’s den. So, her flingers pulse their grip right back every time she tightens her grip.
“It’s gonna be okay, I promise,” she hangs back to whisper into her shoulder. Immediately after, yet another stranger comes around and grabs Olivia by the waist. 
a recognizable, smart twang of tone. Olivia’s head twists quick and she sees a bright, chiseled face. Purple baseball cap on backwards, its strap frayed and curled, and a playful expression. 
“How’s my girl?”
“Char!” Olivia chimes, and reaches her free arm around her neck, pulling in for a hug. “Cassandra,” she says once free, “this is Charter. We met volunteering for a local camp one summer!”
Cassandra stands still even as bodies and music quake around them. Her hand lets go of Olivia’s, and she slips it into her back pocket. Okay, then. But she manages to grin wider. 
“Hi there.”
Char’s brows raise higher than a stoner on a ferris wheel. “Cassandra...wait, shit, you’re the Cassandra on the--oh, fuck,” her wrist goes to her mouth as she stifles a laugh on astonishment. “I knew it!”
Olivia inhales sharp, fending the first cringe of the night as Cassandra shakes her head once.
Cassandra’s head twitches to the side. “Knew what?”
“That you were so g--”
“Weeeerreeee so great! Right?” Olivia steps in and gives Char the most fine-tuned side-eye she’s ever given. “We didn’t really ever get a chance to see, since you don’t go out much.”
Char’s throat catches, and she matches Olivia’s curious glare, before putting her red solo cup to her lips. “Ahah, right. Uh, after all, no one can be not...great, with that kinda haircut.”
“Do you know where the rest of the group is? In the back with the couch, like always?” Olivia nudges her, trying to change the subject. She looks back at Cassandra, who seems a bit lost and uncomfortable, but still holding on. Jesus, this is gonna be harder than I thought, if everyone acts like this. 
Out from the ether as if a blessing from the universe, someone wraps around Char and pulls her along. “Dude, come on, Sarah told me someone’s boyfriend is saying how much he loves lesbians every time he meets one!” 
Well, it’s a party, and it wouldn’t be one if there weren’t some weird shit going down. Char tosses her head back and laughs as she is propelled along. Olivia sighs from having her questioned unanswered, but it quickly is dispelled at the sight of Char placing a hand on Cass’s shoulder. 
“Hey, call me when she’s done with you!” followed by a pat on said shoulder, like a ‘tough luck, buddy’ kind of move. 
Fuck. Olivia can only hear pieces with it, but it’s enough. Enough for her degree of utter mortification to surge. Cassandra’s look falls, but she holds off one of her infamous scowls. What a saint. She shrugs the hand off of her, but Char is too euphoric to notice as she departs with her friend. 
Olivia takes a half-second breath and smiles again. No need to compound the embarrassment by acting like it, right? 
“You okay?” 
Cassandra blinks, her brows rounding. “I’m not sure,” she tries her best to be louder than the music. “This place is...really crowded.”
Olivia smiles and takes hold of her hand. “I know, isn’t it great?! Come on, we’re almost to the spot.”
Nothing and no one will stop her from accomplishing this. Not even the sound of Cassandra asking ‘what did she mean by…’ and the rest of it being drowned out by Fall Out Boy from speakers two rooms over. Not that she would want to stop and answer such a question, anyway. 
At last they find the way into what would be a normal person’s living room, but for Dorian’s family is probably known as ‘place to sit your ass and breathe on Saturday afternoons between 2-8pm.’ A sectional couch and coffee table with portraits on the walls and bottles and cups sprinkled throughout the various shelves of smaller family paintings and pictures. Everything’s about image, here. The strobe lights flickering from the main room provide the main source of light in the otherwise dark room full of skulking faces and bodies dressed in denim and flannel.
But for Olivia, it’s anything but dreary.
“Liv!” hands go up in the air from the couch. It’s Josie, thank goodness, dressed in a black leather jumpsuit and boots, winged eyeliner so sharp they could slice open a can. 
“Cat woman, I presume,” Olivia hops from heel to heel as her beloved friend comes in for a hug. “Does this mean Theia is Batwoman?”
“No! I tried to convince her,” Josie stepped back and folded her arms. “She really wanted to work the ‘too cool for a costume’ angle this year.”
“Didn’t she do that--”
“Last year? And the one before? Yes.” She rolls her eyes and bits her lip playfully, before her attention goes to Olivia’s company. “Cassandra! You are here!” she beams even brighter than when she saw Olivia, which is not offensive in the least. 
Cassandra flinches, and leans in closer to Olivia’s side. “Hi, Josie. It’s...good to see you,” she says, easier. She even adds a slight hand wave.
“Are you enjoying yourself?”
“I...I am.” Polite of a response, though not convincing. That’s worrisome. 
Josephine nods. “Is this a costume, or are you on the same ideological boat as my sweet, stubborn lover?”
Cassandra chuckles lightly. “I...am afraid so. I’m not one for costumes.”
“I see. Well, you’ll find no shortage of like-minded peers here. Olivia, Ellinor, and I carry the team, as we always do. Which reminds me, don’t go anywhere, I need you to go up with me when they play Lip Gloss! You owe me!”
Olivia’s mouth goes agape with playful laughter. It occurs to her to worry about not seeing Ellinor, but, Ellinor can handle herself. Hopefully. In theory. There better not be whiskey in the party punch. 
“There she is!” Josie lurches onto her toes as Theia wraps an arm around her waist, bringing her in as she makes her appearance. Dressed in a dark blue button down tucked into jeans, there’s not one ounce of holiday cheer in her. Well, except for the look on her face -- that is actually quite terrifying. 
“Hey Liv,” she selectively nods with a half-smile. “Thought you weren’t coming. You didn’t answer my texts.”
Oh fuck. Shit. Dammit. Olivia winces and puts her manicured nail to her teeth. “Damn, Theia, I’m sorry. I meant to…”
“Nah, don’t worry,” she shrugs cooly. Ugh, she’s in her fuckboy mood. Her discerning, tipsy stare shifts to Olivia’s company, and the purple in her eyes go icy. “I see you had reason to be distracted.”
Olivia glances and sees Cassandra is taking on the standoff readily, shoulders broad as she slips one hand into her own back-pocket. 
“Hello, Theia,” she says with meticulous manners. “How are you?”
“Fantastic,” Theia says as she leans more possessively against the slightly shorter Josephine, “and you?”
“Great, glad to hear it. Liv, uh, can I steal you away for a second?”’
Olivia blushes but not the good way: the kind that comes from embarrassment that the person she called her best friend would be so petty. Yet, nothing can really beat Ellinor screaming her head off in an apartment hallway, right? So, she squeezes Cassandra’s hand, exchanging a lot of apologetic cajoling, before she leaves her with Josephine. Something in the way Cassandra frowns but doesn’t stop her almost makes it worse. 
Theia doesn’t waste time taking a dose of whatever’s in her cup -- probably rum of some cola -- before she brings Olivia to the corner of the entryway, and leans up against the decorative enamel.
“You brought her? Dude!” she says mouth leaning into Olivia’s ear. The music is loud, but not that loud. Theia just wants to add to the veneer of exclusive, hush-hush Fight Club aesthetic.
“What the fuck?” Olivia spits back, drink held close. “It’s fine, she wanted to come, and I wanted to bring her. What’s the issue?”
Theia’s head shakes, her eyes wide with cocky disbelief. “What’s the issue? Liv, has that Blonde shampoo soaked into your brain?” as she asks, she thumps Olivia on the side of her head with her finger. Olivia flinches, just enough to see Cassandra look up from whatever conversation she’s having with Josie, and once again the blush appears.
She runs her fingers through her hair to save face and looks back at Theia, who seems all but sorry for the act. Usually their rough-housing dynamic is welcome trouble, but tonight, it’s anything but. 
“Stop acting like it’s the mafia!” she hisses, and looks off to the side to wander her gaze through the crowd aimlessly.
Theia snorts. “Dude, I’m not acting like it.” She takes another gulp of her drink and swallows stiff, cheeks puffed like a dude-bro. She’s really peacocking. “You know how ya’ll act at these parties. Suddenly you show up with tall, dark, and constipated and--”
“Hey,” Olivia nudges her so swiftly it knocks her off the wall she’s leaning on, “don’t talk about her like that. Got it?” It’s a stern tone that even she doesn’t expect, like she’s possessed all of a sudden and looking to battle for dominance of the gay sofa. 
Theia blinks in return for this bold cut against her, one brow shooting up. “Oh, so she whispers sweet things into your ear for a few days and suddenly all is forgotten?” Her hands fall to her sides, and her head tilts in further. “Just because you can, Liv, doesn’t mean your friends have to. Or maybe Ell can, since she’s all cozied up with that ham bone of hers.”
“You don’t have to do anything but be decent. Or is that too hard?” 
Olivia’s glare grows, and she gets ready to go off on her some more. But, as if via divine intervention, a familiar beat echoes through the walls and across the floor. 
Oh fuck, it’s our song. As in, her and Ellinor’s song. That song. The song that defines their friendship. One of them, anyway. There’s a collaborative discography. 
“Nicks, fuck, I have to find Ellinor. Uh…!” she starts fidgeting and bobbing her head to find Cassandra across the heads and shoulders between them, hopping a bit onto her heels. “Shit!”
Theia places a hand on her forearm and stabilizes her, and when they lock eyes, it’s as if the normal Theia -- the good-natured, helpful one -- is back online. “Hey, don’t worry, I got it.”
“I’ll go tell her you had to go dance with Ellinor.”
“But...but I wanted to--” I want her to come with me. Fuck, though, she probably doesn’t dance…
“Liv, come on,” Theia grins, her signature charm as she holds her drink up to her chest. “Don’t make her work harder for it. Just go, you’ll be back before she notices Josie’s checking her star chart.”
It’s not what her gut is agreeing to. In fact, it’s screaming “go get your woman, you idiot, you know better.” Yet, as she looks across and sees Cassandra talking, her hands across her chest like she does when she’s out on the field with her teammates, it’s almost too good to mess up. She looks the most at ease she’s been all night, and if anyone can be trusted to protect that besides herself, it’s Josephine. Josephine and Theia, of course. 
Theia elbows her in the ribs to knock her out of her staring, and Olivia steps back. Stevie has started singing, time is running out. 
“Okay, okay. Hold my drink?” Olivia grins as she passes her cup to her, sliding her fur off of her shoulders. She waves towards Cassandra’s direction before skiddadling down the hall like a woman on a mission. The last thing she sees is Theia tipping her invisible hat toward her before receding back into the lesbian batcave. That was a quick change in mood. 
Everyone’s tall and it’s annoying, but with courage and dangerously pointy shoes she makes her way back to the main hall by the kitchen where shaking and grinding bodies have conspired to make a dance floor. 
The  drunken seas part uniting her with her right-hand-woman, who is fending off some person who has their wig caught in her pauldrons somehow. When Olivia arrives on the scene, it’s to hear the tail end of a “you should really watch where you point those” comment, to which Ellinor gives a deadly side-glare. 
“These meager mortals,” she reviles, “don’t know how much of a gift I am.”
“Yeah, yeah, Kanye, we get it -- the song!”
“The song!” Ellinor grabs her by the hands and starts hopping up and down. People are incorrectly yelling the lyrics around them, and her vitriol is further vindicated. No matter, they’ll be the showstoppers. 
They push and shove their way to the center of the crowd and begin their deluge. Olivia tries her hardest to turn her brain off. This is the best part, after all. Dancing, losing track of time and space, being with the people she loves most. Only the nagging gut feeling hasn’t vanished, and soon enough Ellinor notices just how out-of-sync she is in their quintessential make-it-up-as-they-drink choreography. 
“What’s gotten in your stockings?” she yells into her ear during the ‘WOO, BABY WOO, WOO bridge.’ Olivia has to blink a few times while her brain synthesizes.
“Ugh, nothing! Nothing!” she waves her hands and starts doing some shoulder-shimmy move, but it’s not striking with the same spectacularity as it usually does. 
“You look like a sad parakeet! What is going on?”
Olivia looks off towards the ceiling corner and does her best to keep the show going. Stevie is still preaching the gospel, and Ellinor wants to have a therapy session? Blasphemy!
A poke in her ribs knocks her off beat, and she turns around with the little space she has between goth girl no. 43 and grunge boy no. 10. 
“Sera and Dagna made things super awkward,” Ellinor gripes, cringing as she shakes her hips around. “I’m worried Cullen’s gonna think I’m some succubus.”
Ah. They take hold of each other and Olivia spins Ellinor around in a picture-perfect change, and they switch spots. Turning back around she finds Ellinor’s scowl has only deepened, and it makes her want to join her on the sinking ship.
“Theia is being super weird about me bringing Cass here,” she adds with another side-shuffling move and shoulder dip. “I dunno if I should have left her there in the sapphic corner.”
“You left her in the queer corner?!”
Damn, it has so many names. “Yes?! Was I bad? Is this bad?!”
“--think that’s bad.”
“--Fuck. Do you think you should have left Cull--”
“Fuck no, I’m an--” 
“We’re idiots. What are we--”
The final chorus hits, and the crowd gets even more hyped. They join in with the howling and yelling, but it’s mostly out of the need to scream into the void. Then, as is tradition during some point in these parties, someone grabs Olivia from behind and launches her up. Holding her like some statue of liberty, she would usually bring them home with her particular enthusiastic lip-syncing while Ellinor finds the nearest flat surface to hop on. But, as Olivia mouths along with a face of dread and eyes locked on her best friend who looks equally anxious, no one -- not even the Goddess Stevie -- can save this detour. 
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virtual-crisis · 5 years
⭐Alpha Centauri⭐, Part Ten
I really need to crack this writer’s block. Third of this was already ready to go, then block happened. Again.
Previous Part
Next Part
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I had a dream overnight. Lucid as always, and everything was a blur, like a picture out of focus. I narrowed in on something, and saw the vague figure of a capra—a goat demon—shuffling away. No doubt it was Scape- I’d only seen him in human form, but when you look at a demon side-by-side to their human form, you can just tell. As he faded into the jumbled void of latent imagination and dormant creativity, I felt myself fall…
I yelped, which had to have translated to a yip outside. After a brief moment of plummeting though, I landed on something soft and fluffy, like wool… It was coating the back of some long, slender and scaly figure, that was at once moving as well. A dragon? A dragon. A reverse hammock, my body said…
I looked down the length of its body. It gently oscillated up and down like a sine wave, gentle enough that I wouldn’t notice without looking. Its scales were azure, and its wool like the midnight sky. Not quite black, but close enough a blue to deceive the less-knowledgeable.
I lifted my four hands, gently placing my palms on the serpent’s back. I wanted to see its face, what was in front… It was so far away that if it was out there, my compound eyes were too feeble, even in a dream. Carefully, I heaved myself to my feet, like a toddler trying to stand on a train set. Not the smartest move, but my wings kept me steady.
I tried to bring the beast’s head to me with my lucidity, to no avail. Instead, I began to walk along it like a balance beam, following its motion through the subconscious abyss. As thoughts soared by like stars in space, I mindlessly kept on my way. Several times, I’d pass a pair of spindly arms, grasping at the nothingness and pushing it away, though still no sign of the head.
Perhaps there was no end. Was this just my mind clung to the East and its counterparts to my kind? I wanted to know the meaning to this entity. I had to…
My eyes opened, and I took in a confused breath. My head was hung over the side of my bed, and my body sprawled across it, still fully clothed. Moments later, my 7 o’ clock phone alarm went off. Great.
Chialer wouldn’t be up yet, and by all means I wasn’t supposed to be getting up for another hour [the alarm was meant to be snoozed], but beast-damnit I got to sleep early, so I’m clim—well, flopping out of bed early too.
So I trotted out of my room…. And spent an hour watching an animated movie. One with dragons and Japanese spirits, y’know the one. In the middle of the third act, Chialer trudged out in atronach form.
“...The fuck is up with that lady’s nose?” she grumbled at the TV.
I glared at her. “What the heck is up with your fa—”
“Yo that dragon’s fucking hot.”
I thumped my fists on the couch. “He’s an ageless spirit that presents himself as a preteen! You can’t fucking say that!” I spat.
Chialer’s eyes went wide, and she gulped, turning to dart into the bathroom. “Shit, fuck, yeah, got that.” she said hastily.
“Wash your whore mouth out with soap!” I called after her, going ahead and turning off the movie. Mood was shot for watching it now, so time for slightly higher-than-normal quality ramen.
So we wouldn’t be lurking around eachother all the time, Nebb and I bunked in different dorms, so I took several minutes walking myself over there. The uni campus was nice and quiet with 8 AM classes having just started, so I enjoyed the lovely sight of the last few moths flittering away to sleep for the day, trading places with butterflies and other diurnal bugs.
For a minute, I stopped at a flower garden, staring down the various butterflies. Unlike with other humans, they looked back. I could feel the nervousness and anxiety as they looked up at me: a moth fifty or so times their size, wearing the flesh of a human and walking plainly among them. I smiled.
“I wonder how many of you will be impaled on plaques by collectors with their little nails… If you live that long, even.” I said passively, my eyes going blank. From the facing side of me, the white spots of my wings faintly showed, all watching the little bugs, each making eye contact with one.
I seized up after several moments at a sudden noise. I turned around to see another student having just opened a bag of chips as they passed by several yards away. Better only the nonsapient mortals see me being… Me.
I knocked on the front door of Nebula’s dorm, getting a rude reminder of his poor taste: three jockish frat boys burst out the door, reeking of tobacco as they barged past me. “Haha, bad timing yo, we’ve got places to be!” one said.
“Date tryouts are next week, plenty time for weight watchers!”
The trio laughed as I clenched my fists. “Hey, you Nate’s sis? Y’look like it- make him get on it too!”
I let myself into the ‘dorm’ [being generous to the frat house] as they meandered down the street. Nebula was in the kitchen, combing the messy curls of his unfittingly-bright blonde hair whilst examining some liquid suicide of a drink.
“Still haven’t arse’d those dickholes?”
“I can’t just poison whoever I want, Ally, there’s these things called laws…” Nebula said passively as he glanced over.
“Then make it look like an accident, give ‘em moonshine that’ll drop them. Lucy knows we’d be doing the gene pool a service.”
Nebb put a hand to his face, setting the comb aside before taking a swig of his concoction. “You wanna fight the police, do it yourself. I’m not here for that kinda shit.”
I sighed roughly. “Whatever. Didja get that makeup assignment done?”
“Yeah, no thanks to Ty. I watched the recording I took yesterday and reenacted it as best I could.”
“Good. Any idea what we’re gonna be yelled at about?”
Nebula slid himself over to the sink to delicately dunk his glass in. Yes, delicately. “The quiz-een day-la Fronse.” he said, waving his hands pretentiously as he dipped into an offensively bad accent. “Moan sherry, you entered at zee PERFECT time.”
I rubbed my fingers on my brow in attempt to stave off a cringe-induced headache. It wasn’t working. “Careme, Careme… So he’s talking his own specialty.”
“Yup, he says he’s named after one of the great culinary innovators from there, so you know he’s serious.”
I looked around. The kitchen was horribly ‘maintained’ by the fraternity, and a demon of sloth was far from about to fix that. Nebula took the awkward silence as an excuse to slip away to the fridge and pitch a beer can at me. With how often he did so, I caught it reflexively.
“Get drunk, what’s up,” he said, putting his hands up. Perfect timing too, since I threw the can back and beaned him in the nose with it.
“Go chat up Bear Grylls if you wanna drink piss, I actually have a sense of taste.”
“Says the stoner?”
“Yeah, for medical purposes. I don’t see dad telling you to drink alcohol for your health.”
“That’s ‘cause it’s implied.”
I sat down at the kitchen island as two other guys came in, talking to eachother. Nebb picked the beer can off the floor and popped the dent in the side into a hole he could drink out of, courtesy of a knife handle.
“Seats taken?” one of the frat guys ‘asked’, sitting next to me. His ‘buddy’ sat on his other side.
“They are now,” I quipped boredly, leaning an elbow on the counter to prop up my chin. “Bartender, gimme a solid cup of maple syrup.”
Nebb gave me a cynical look while the other two snickered. “Seriously?” he grunted.
“Yeah? Did I fuckin’ stutter?”
The guy next to me waved a hand at Nebb. “What, thought you were mister ‘two packs is nothing’ Nate?”
“Four packs of something meant to be drunk by itself.”
“Sounds like someone’s a wussy!”
The guys went into uproarious laughter. I’d cupped my hands around my mouth to make a sound akin to a vuvuzela, and reveled in how red Nebb’s face got. The next ten minutes were primarily him ‘relenting’ and drinking pancake syrup straight from the bottle, before challenging the others and myself to do so with other condiments. I got pushed to eat a whole cup of mayo, which… Ew. When I inevitably upchucked it on Nebb, only he got laughed at as he skittered away to clean himself up.
Once he was presentable again [and in new clothes], Nebula and I made our way to the main campus, where Nebb affectionately referred to Scape’s lecture hall as its ‘belly’. Chai was lurking at the side entrance, and I pulled out a cellphone to group-text the two my frustration about having to stay in human form.
“Y’think if Careme gets enough of us in his class, we won’t have to worry about that?”
“Nah, security cameras. And the doors are windowed.”
“Fucking home.”
I glanced over my shoulder as we skulked through the halls, ensuring nobody would catch onto our whispering and muttering.
“Why’s he want us in this class anyway?” Chai grumbled.
Nebula puffed out his chest haughtily, speaking up. “He believes the more students attend his class, the more chances they’ll get to have his greatness rub off on them!” he said, teasing at nobody in particular. Chai and I both rolled our eyes, but I quickly pulled out my phone again as I got an email notification.
] (AUTOCORRECTED) You’ll be seen as under the protection of an elder demon. Makes things safer for us.
I caught Nebb’s eyes in my periphery, and we both nodded. Chai stared at us in confusion for a moment, before pulling her phone out to read the message.
When we entered the lecture hall, it was set up like a recording studio for some Iron Chef-lookin’-ass cooking show. Scape waved Chai and I down to the podium at the front, surrounded by plug-in kitchen appliances stood on three layers of tarps.
“Bonjour, salut, everyone, we have two new students in the class!” the professor said. “They’ve been taking the class online before, but now they’ve gotten a schedule opening to start showing up in person!”
Our new classmates nodded along as Nebula set the ‘make-up assignment’ on a metal folding table, before finding a seat. I was pondering what sort of job to say I had quit to make room for that excuse.
“And who better to help out in today’s lesson?”
My blank expression turned to a frown. Nevermind, I was thinking up excuses to get out of that.
“Uh, I missed this part’a the syllabus. What’re we doing?” Chai said, leaning an arm on my shoulder.
Scape planted his hands on a stove, smiling warmly at us. “Crème brûlée. Should be easy for you, yes?”
Never-nevermind. This class might just be my favorite.
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saigeboredeaux-blog · 5 years
hello !! below you will find a Plot Page that i have stolen from several sources (aka everybody whose done one of these) !! u can like it, u can...not, like it, either way when i wake up after blacking out and writing this (like...later? today? technically?) i will b messaging ppl that i haven’t rly plotted w/ yet ! and i Guess i’ll come bother u if u do choose to like this !
saige bordeaux | intro | stats | pinterest | secret
grew up under real strict parents so now she’s constantly acting like a wild teenager because she has no ! self control ! very very impulsive, but like, also very bubbly. can talk forever. big on photography (portraits, mainly) and like, her bass guitar, and partying. she’s like...actually really smart (knows multiple languages!) but she’s just got so much big dumbass energy that it doesn’t even matter. has problems w/ substance abuse and essentially just hides her Bad Emotions under layers and layers of goofy obnoxiousness. sort of in love w/ everybody she meets. tries to befriend everybody b/c she can’t handle people...like, not liking her? hates being alone! tries to be busy 24/7 WANTED CONNECTIONS: i think more...antagonistic plots, would be interesting? y’know, like, ‘friends’ using her for her money, or because she’s got this fucking endless supply, or just b/c she’s a good time / a good fuck / etc. etc. bad influences, like, somebody where they just go Too Far with some shit whether it’s that sort of reckless selfishness in the name of having a Good Time or like...running from cops LMAO, y’know ?? on the other hand, good influences ! people who recognize that she’s Overcompensating with her actions. somebody who thinks they’ve got a thing going on and don’t realize that this is how saige is with everybody. more hookups are always welcome ! more party pals ! more genuine, close, soft friends !
*amos barot | intro | stats | pinterest | secret
rich-boy-gone-broke ‘cos his dad mc’fucked up and is in jail for like, credit fraud and embezzlement or something. dramatic, and excessive, but like ... in a classy way. super smart, like, will debate you on his smartness. will debate you in many things just for fun. a...stoner, honestly. doesn’t try to be funny because idk how to be funny but he Is Funny so Laugh (this is a threat) , but he does use humor as a coping mechanism b/c boy...do he got problems. has real bad insomnia, probably worsens his anxiety but he’s big stupid and won’t admit it. a smart ass, jack ass, and a dumb ass all in one. has a caffeine problem. has a fucking ego problem, too, lbr. gotta keep yourself disillusioned so you don’t crack! haha but a forced haha. chaotic bisexual but like how does he Fuck so often...i don’t know... WANTED CONNECTIONS: hnng...give me his Serious Ex Girlfriend. who he was very much in love w/ but life got real stressful and they just sort of. cracked under the pressure of. more ppl he does assignments for !! please, the juiciness of it all...people who keep bothering him to fix their like, laptops or something and he’s Tired. somebody catch him sleepwalking ... please ... he’s a danger to himself. smoking buddies. more debating buddies. hook ups galore. enemies, like...rivals. specifically rivals. but any sort of banter ? we love.  ** i MAY be switching him in season 2, but i’m not 100% yet.
*aleta evers | intro | stats | pinterest | secret
aaaa !! mean girl ! comes from a wealthy family but like...hates her dad...doesn’t talk to her siblings at all...is all by her lonesome if you don’t count her boyfriend. has...always been rude to people, like, she just doesn’t have a filter? acts and dresses like she’s more refined than she is but sometimes she just Goes off on somebody and it’s like ... stop. big on sports, can probably break your collar bone. has probably broken somebody’s collar bone before, actually. cries a lot but will yell at you if you point it out. on the inside she’s just Constantly Sad and few people get to see her be less...mean. very judgmental even though she’s not really in the place to. willing to start a rumor about you if you annoy her or like ... she thinks she can benefit from it. willing to manipulate other’s for her own gain. ruthless but like...a lil needy. WANTED CONNECTIONS: friends but like ... temporary friends ! like, let’s have her drop them ! or get into a stupid argument ! let’s build bridges and then BURN THEM. anybody she can flirt with even though she’s in a relationship / temptations that like ... give her the thought to cheat but she Never Pulls Through. people who are just like ‘ur relationship is bullshit lol’ but it falls on deaf ears ‘cos she’s ! stubborn ! ex-hook ups ? somebody she gets into...a physical fight with...because that’s SO like aleta sdnjfkg. people who know her siblings and are just like wow...ur nothing like them...you’re a bitch... ** i MAY be switching her in season 2, but i’m also not 100% yet !! 
cain romanov | intro | stats | pinterest | secret
rochester golden boy ! senator’s son ! major asshole ! these are all things of the PAST. essentially an untouchable asshole in lockwood. they just ... got away with shit too easily b/c of their parents. up and joined a cult and that left them Very Fucked Up and like...they transferred to hendrix to Heal from said Traumatic Experiences and to start Fresh, but alas ! everybody from their past is here and it Blows. is softer now. has like, four cats. doesn’t sleep often. climbs trees often. literally cannot be touched directly because it’ll send them into a panic attack. just wants to mind their business and like...get better. calm, hates conflicts Now. has a stutter and always wears leather gloves. probably, also, uses humor as a coping mechanism. like...don’t get them wrong...they Will tell you about the cult if the conversation steers that way but only because their therapist says that they shouldn’t try to avoid talking about it. WANTED CONNECTIONS: old enemies, current reconciliations. people they’re proving they’re different towards. people they’re just...trying to mend relationships with ‘cos when they left they dropped like...so many friends. amsterdam friends who don’t really know that they used 2 be a major asshole. people who treat them Softly ‘cos like...they pity them but cain Hates it. people sus of them ‘cos they’re...just a sus person. old bullying victims. just people who are ??? at them being Around. they don’t hook up but like....sexting, anybody ?? either they’ve never met or they know cain’s deal n they’re just like aight. we can work w/ this. 
as always you can find me here or on discord as emo stan#3644 -- whether it’s for convos or plots or like ... something ... hmu if you wanna learn about the two new muses i’ve been building and may or may not bring during season 2. also in case ur doubting my discord name ... i’ve been listening to a playlist called bop that Bussy ; emo version. i got distracted when they played bulls in the bronx. i wasn’t even a huge ptv fan. ok goodnight sijdfg
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lachlantrash · 5 years
“You’re Not Crazy.”
"I'm ready to get high." Lachlan sighs, laying back in his bed. 
"Well, you're the one who wanted to throw a party. Wait for your friends to arrive and then we'll pull out the weed." You laugh, pulling him to sit back up.
"I'm an idiot, you shouldn't let me throw parties when we could be having alone time." He whines, pulling you into him to place a kiss on your head.
"You need to spend time with your friends too, babe." You hum, relishing in his arms. "Besides, when everyone leaves, we'll be fine. Mitch's girlfriend is driving them all home, right?" You question, looking up at him.
"Yeah, not until 1:30 though." He mumbles, looking at the clock and seeing it's only 9pm. "They're gonna be here soon." He sighs. 
"Well let's get all the snacks out, c'mon." You say, getting out of his hold and pulling him upstairs with you to his kitchen. "Hi Mitch!" You say to Lachlan's brother, who shoots you a smile.
"I told you to stay in your room tonight." Lachlan says to him.
"I was just getting a drink." Mitch defends himself. 
"Leave him alone, Lachlan. As long as they don't come downstairs, we're fine. We'll all eat breakfast tomorrow though, okay Mitch?" You promise him. He thanks you before going back to his bedroom. "Be nicer to your siblings, they love you, y'know." You tell Lachlan, grabbing the bags of chips you brought over for his friends.
"They're annoying, that's what they are. They like to interrupt our fun." He says, trying to pull you into him.
"Stop, we need to get downstairs set up for this party." You say, swatting his hands away to grab a case of soda. "Can you grab the other thing of soda and the bowls for the chips? My hands are full." You ask him.
"Yeah, but nobody is gonna want soda. I have beer, baby." He tells you, though he grabs the Mountain Dew and the bowls you brought over. 
"Well I'm sure Jess is not drinking tonight. I doubt I'll be,  I don't like combining alcohol and pot." You shrug, leading the way downstairs. After putting the chips into a bowl on the coffee table, and moving a few barstools from the other room in the basement, you sit on Lachlan's bed as his friends begin to just walk into his house.
"Who's ready for a fucking party!?" Lachlan's friend Mitch cheers, walking into the room with Jess on his arm. 
"Shut the fuck up, we don't need the whole neighborhood knowing what we're doing." Lachlan laughs, clapping Mitch on the back. Slowly the other guests arrive, only a small group of his friends. Mitch and Jess, Simon, Harry, and Jerome all make their way into the basement, and then Lachlan locks the entrance so his brother and sister can't come bother you. 
"Alright, let's get to it. Where's the weed?" Harry asks first thing, making you laugh as Lachlan pulls out a few bongs. 
"Let's get this party started!" Lachlan says, handing a bong to Harry and one to Mitch, keeping the other one with you two. As all of you begin to get high, the party starts to get what you think as lively. Mitch and Lachlan challenge each other to beer pong, so they're doing that. You've moved from Lachlan's bed to sit between Jess and Simon, lazily talking about what you think the future holds. Both you and Jess think you'll marry your respective partners somewhere down the line, but you want kids and she doesn't. She just says she's unsure how good of a mother she'd be, and you're gushing at the idea of you two getting pregnant at the same time and having your children be best friends.
"I just... I don't know if I'll ever get married." Simon shrugs beside you.
"Why's that?" You question, looking over at him once Jess excuses herself to the bathroom.
"I dunno, I just, nobody will like me? I sound like a pity party but, I'm awkward. That's basically it, I'm a stoner and girls aren't interested as much as they are in like, Lachlan let's say." He mumbles, grabbing a blunt from the coffee table, lighting it with his own lighter while you talk. 
"I disagree with you, Simon. I've heard girls talk about how hot you are before, you just gotta throw yourself out there. Even though Lachlan definitely has a posse of girls who want him, he's taken. They'll realize he isn't the only stoner our school has to offer, you just gotta make them notice you." You try to comfort, rubbing your hand on his back.
"Yeah, you think so?" He asks, blowing a puff of smoke as he speaks.
"I know so, you're too much of a teddy bear to never find someone. And please, take one of the girls feigning for Lachlan.  I beg of you." You laugh, leading Simon to pull you into a hug.
"Thank you, (Y/N)." He sighs, pulling away to take another hit. "Want a hit?" He asks, referring to the blunt in hand. 
"God I'd love one, I feel myself coming back." You say appreciatively, taking the blunt from him. You take a long draw, blowing it out before going back for another.
"Hey (Y/N)! I uh, I need you!" Lachlan yells much too loudly for the party, making you jump and immediately begin coughing on the smoke you just inhaled incorrectly.
"Hey, hey are you okay?" Simon asks, taking the blunt from you and now rubbing your back to try and get you to breathe right again.
"I'm gonna be okay." You cough. "I gotta go see what he wants, but we'll chat later, yeah?" You say apologetically, knowing Simon wanted to talk.
"No worries, go see your hunk." He winks, making you laugh. 
"What do you need, Lachlan?" You ask, wrapping an arm around his waist.
"Nevermind, it's not important." He says, shrugging out of your embrace.
"Are you, um are you good?" You question confusedly, trying to get him to look at you but he refuses to acknowledge you right now.
"Yup, I'm fine. Go share a blunt with Simon again, you seemed to be having fun." He coldly replies, leaving you dumbfounded. "I'm just drunk, don't worry about me." He adds.
"What are you even saying? Simon's having a rough time mentally right now, that's all." You try, grabbing Lachlan's elbow to make him look at you. 
"No don't even start with me. Go flirt with my friends some more, leave me be." He pulls away his arm from you, walking away to get another beer. 
"What the fuck just happened?" You ask nobody in particular. 
"I think he's jealous you shared a blunt with Simon." Harry giggles at you, beer in hand and obviously drunk. 
"I shared a blunt with Simon, I didn't fuck him. I don't get what there is to be jealous about." You mumble, sitting on the futon next to Harry. 
"Look I don't know, but I don't want him getting pissy with me for talking to you." Harry says, putting both his hands in the air to clearly show he isn't touching you, spilling beer all over the both of you in the process. "Shit, 'm sorry!" He says, handing you a paper plate to wipe the drink off you.
"It's fine." You sigh. "I gotta get a new shirt." You mumble, getting off the futon and walking over to Lachlan who is chatting with Jerome.
"I know you don't want to talk to me, but I need one of your shirts. Harry spilled his drink all over me." You say softly, not trying to make him any more upset than he clearly is by you.
"You know where they are, help yourself." He says, looking you over to see the damage. "How the fuck did he spill that much on you, what were you doing?" He questions accusingly.
"Oh my god, if you're gonna think I'm cheating on you all of the time, I really need to leave." You say in defeat, walking away from him and over to his dresser. You grab a hoodie from it, storming upstairs to use that bathroom because you're pretty sure Mitch and Jess are fucking right now.
"I-I'm sorry (Y/N), I know we're supposed to stay in our rooms but-" Lachlan's brother says, in fear you'll be mad.
"I don't care, Mitch. It's fine, no worries." You smile though you just want to scream about how much of an idiot his brother is being. 
"What happened to your shirt?" He asks, noticing the stain covering your shirt.
"One of Lachlan's buddy's spilled soda on me. I just need to change, and I think I'm gonna go home actually. I'm... Not feeling too good." You make up as an excuse. 
"I know you guys are drinking beer, I'm not that stupid." His brother laughs. "But you shouldn't drink and drive." He informs you.
"Okay, you're right it's beer on my shirt, but I’m going to walk home, because I haven't been drinking." You comfort him, leaving out how you've been smoking pot all night. 
"I'll let you change, I'm sorry if my brother pissed you off. He can be a dick." Mitch says boldly, reading through your excuse.
"It'll be fine." You smile, walking past him to change into Lachlan's blue Nike hoodie you grabbed. When you walk out of the bathroom, Simon is standing there waiting.
"Sorry if I got you in trouble with him." Simon apologizes, awkwardly scratching the back of his neck.
"Don't worry about it. I'll deal with him later, but I'm gonna go home for tonight. I'll see you in school Monday, yeah? We can talk when we're all sobered up." You smile, letting him walk into the bathroom as you go downstairs. You quietly throw your shirt into your bag, collecting your phone and it's charger, as well as putting your shoes on.
"Where are you going?" Harry calls out, bringing all attention on you before you could make your silent escape. 
"I'm just uh, I'm gonna head home. I'm not feeling too well." You say, dangling your house keys in your hand.
"I call bullshit!" Harry yells. "Sorry I spilled my drink on you, don't leave over that." He apologizes, attempting to stand but failing.
"No I really just don't feel well, I need to get out of here." You say half honestly, briefly looking to Lachlan. "So uh, bye everybody." You awkwardly wave, turning to leave.
"Hang on, let me talk to you." Lachlan says, rushing over to be a step behind you. "Let's go into the laundry room for some privacy." He says, placing his hand on the small of your back to lead you in there. As soon as you're in there, you jump up to sit on his dryer.
"What is there to talk about Lachlan, do you think I fucked Simon upstairs while I was changing now?" You say fuming now that his friends aren't around.
"Simon's upstairs too?" He asks, a flash of worry crossing his face.
"Oh my god! I'm done, I'm going home. I cannot believe you right now." You say, going to move but he stops you by walking in front of your exit, keeping you trapped on the dryer as he stands between your hips.
"Hang on, let me talk please!" He almost shouts, panic crossing his face. "Look, I'm sorry I know I'm crazy, I really do, I just... I don't want to lose you the way I lost Sam. I can't go through that again, because when she cheated on me, I started smoking pot. I don't even know what I'd do if you did, I'm fully in love with you past a point of recovery." He sighs, looking down at the ground as he refers to his ex you've briefly heard of.
"You're not crazy, Lachlan." You say softly, caressing his cheek, slowly lifting his face to look at you. "I would never do anything to hurt you, I wouldn't. I wouldn't be able to sleep at night knowing I hurt you in any way even fractionally as much as she did, okay? I love you, and I would never hurt a person I love. Especially you, over anyone." You try and get through to him.
"I'm just afraid of losing you." He says, tears building in his eyes. "I love you so, so much, so fucking much, please don't leave tonight... You're the only one I don't want to leave tonight, I wanna wake up and have you here with me tomorrow and honestly I want all of my friends to fucking leave so I can just be with you and stop being on edge every other second." He sniffles, trying to hide the tears from you.
"I'm so sorry you've been hurt like this Lachlan, it breaks my heart." You tell him, pulling him in a hug, letting him silently cry into your shoulder. "I love you, but I can't be essentially accused of cheating every second I'm talking to a guy. Simon needed somebody to talk to, that's why I was talking to him. Sharing a blunt means nothing, okay? And Harry just spilled his drink on me while trying not to flirt with me, because he didn't want to upset you. Nobody was trying to sleep with me and in no way was I trying to sleep with anyone." You tell him as you hold him to you.
"I know and I can't put my insecurities on you I just, I don't know what to think when I see you with somebody else, why wouldn't you want somebody else? I'm not as good as Harry or Simon and I-" Lachlan starts, pulling away from your shoulder to look at you, but you cut him off with a kiss.
"I need you to see why I would never leave you, ever. I fucking love everything about you. I love how you remember every single one of my favorite songs and I love how you always selflessly ask where I want to order for dinner even though you know I'm indecisive. And you know exactly how to push my buttons just enough before you stop. I love how you let me over no matter what time of day it may be, because you know I don't always feel right in my home. I love how you know how to fuck me in a way only you're able to, you make sure each and everytime is perfect for me. I don't know how I could leave you, because I'd never be able to find someone who loves me as much as you do." You tell him, brushing your fingers through his hair as you confide in him.
"I need you forever." He says, crashing his lips against yours again, pulling you off of the dryer and helping you wrap your legs around him.
"Good thing you'll have me forever." You pant when you pull away, having him put your feet back on the ground.
"Do you still want to go home?" He asks with a pout.
"I suppose I'll stay, but your friends have to go. I think we both need some cuddles ASAP." You tell him, holding his hand.
"I think we both need something a little more than cuddles." Lachlan says, squeezing your hand while giving you a teasing smile. 
"We'll see." You sigh, leading him back into his 'room'. "Depends on if you make tonight up to me." You tease, sitting on the futon already cuddling up to Lachlan.
"So you guys made up?" Jerome questions, noticeably relieved at the sight of you.
"Not fully yet, but we can't until you leave. So get your asses out of my house soon, please." Lachlan says, making you laugh before burying your face in his shoulder in embarrassment.
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keevansixx · 6 years
On Harmonic Resonance, or, "It's a kind of magic..."
So, among the other interests I have pursued in the past, was an uncanny ability to imagine theoretical concepts in a semi-fantasy like setting that lent both credence to the idea, and a somewhat plausible explanation of forces that could not be easily defined by modern scientific conventions.
Chief among these mental exercises was the notion that if multiple dimensions really existed, and we were somehow able to bring two, or more, of these dimensions in contact with one another (whether by extreme cosmic force, or just a kid getting his hamster to spin on a wheel made out of a makeshift gravity ram he cobbled out of Lincoln logs, his moms best Tupperware, a couple of cobalt ferrosilicon rods, a speak n' spell, and his sisters Malibu Barbie dream car, at roughly the speed of "Oh crap, that's fast!....just watch those little chubby legs pump!) that somehow, at the initial point of contact with the opposing dimension, the extreme forces between the two dimensions would compress the matter in the spaces between them somewhere on the order of magnitude of either a nigh-omnipotent beings celestial all-you-can-eat-buffet burrito fart, or about the equivalent of the entire worlds arsenal of nuclear weapons going off simultaneously (plus one tiny little firecracker) in one focused atomic wedgie of biblical proportions. This would compress all that mysterious matter into a solidified form that would be a tell-tale sign that indeed god farted, (or a hamster bit the dust on the wheel) and now two unlikely realities (or plains of existence) would have merged at that singular spot. Of course this would be a dead giveaway that something so profoundly strange as two dimensions bumping uglies occurred, when casually walking along minding your own business one day, when you start to notice all the little things out of place (otherwise known as MOOP, or Matter Out Of Place) in your quiet ordered little universes.
Now, one of the unique properties of this newfound matter is that it resonates at a frequency that matches the frequencies of the two merged dimensions, and by chaining several or more of these shards (assuming that the material in question coalesced into a crystalline structure of some sorts to begin with....it could just as have easily compressed itself into something like messy gelatinous ghost farts, or benign and unassuming as a tiny exploding kitten....it's always a crap shoot when dealing with planar physics, you never know what you get until it happens.) one could, theoretically, fashion a rudimentary communication system by piggybacking vocal signals upon the harmonic frequency carrier waves of the crystal shards.....
(and thus, the modern concept of both the transistor radio, and subsequently, microwave ovens were born... when someone wanted to eat a hot meal while listening to "A Prairie Home Companion" one fine summers eve in lake Woebegone all those many many years ago....but I digress...)
....and by coupling a small electric charge to the assembled crystalline structure, one could either transmit, or receive, harmonic signals across the ether from, say, your back porch to your bestie buddy shagging down the block with the girl you've always had a crush on, but were too afraid to say anything about it to her...cause after all, he IS your buddy, and you didn't want to be the cause of coitus interruptus because he accidentally butt dialed you right in the middle of mid thrust with your crush you've been pining over like a lovesick mudkip for months.....but hey......life sucks, take a number, and ball up or shut up...you'll rarely get a second chance...
Ahem, Anyhoo, let's talk about practical applications of this newfound discovery for a moment, and completely ignore that last bit, shall we?
Harmonic resonance...everything vibrates....let me repeat that again....everything....vibrates. from the most solid stone, to the most ephemeral gasses.....everything vibrates. Science has proven it again and again and again....all matter in the universe vibrates at it's own harmonic resonance.
"but, Mr. K., what the hell does that have to do with me?"
I'm so very glad you asked, my favorite bipedal sky monkeys....you see, it's all about the music.
Yes....music. Have you ever had those moments in your life where listening to any piece of music for the very first time causes the hair to stand on the back of your neck and spine, traveling like a wave from the top of your head, to the bottom of your feet? That's harmonic resonance...that rare magical moment, where the harmonic resonance in your own living matter resonates with the auditory stimuli flowing into your electrochemical neurology giving you that brief instance of joygasm (that is just as good as sex, minus all the messy organic fluids and after cuddle) yep, that's harmonic resonance....that singular moment where the atoms in your own body match up with the tones of a particular piece of music.
And what if I told you that your harmonic resonance changes frequently based on time of day, mood, environment, and other factors? You have doubts?
Consider this....you are standing in a crowd of people, naturally, you will gravitate towards those individuals that resonate with the exact same energy that you possess, the exact same harmonic resonance...you feel at ease around such people, and have no problem navigating the social foibles of those circles of humanity. Now, look at the opposite side of that coin, you are in a crowd all alone.....in a crowd...think about that for a second. You ask yourself why, and the answer will always be harmonic resonance, your vibrations are moving at a different frequency than that of the crowd around you. This is always why some strangers will set off your inner alarms to full screaming alert, that is your harmonic vibrations clashing against those of the other person. So next time you feel not at ease around someone, that's just your energy....your resonance, warning you that something is disharmonious about that other person, and you don't need that level of negativity or clash in your life at the moment. 
matter is neither created nor destroyed, it can only change forms....basic scientific foundation you might have learned in 5th grade once upon a playground. the other side of that concept is energy. It is malleable, moves from higher to lower, transfers from one point to another..... people included. (now you know why all those dirty stoner hippies were always going on about "vibes", and surfing, and why Woodstock was so important....it was a giant lightening rod full of matching harmonic vibrations carried on the frequency waves of some truly cosmic music.)
after all.....it WAS a kind of magic. One, in which you can still catch a few brief moments of that bliss every time you turn on the radio, when your harmonic resonance matches that of the music of those spheres. And now you know, and knowing is half the battle....Yo, Joe! but yeah....that's about the size of it, hope you've had a pleasant romp through the rabbit warrens of my head...have fun.
and as always.....be good to each other, stay safe, question......everything, Ktam Radio and all that jazz......Peace Out everybody!!!!  
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tomhollandisdaddyaf · 7 years
Haz’s friend the stoner
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Haz’s friend the stoner
Fifteen hour workdays, getting home at 1 in the morning so exhausted but so energized from stunting and playing off big bad actors, Tom just wasn’t getting any sleep. Harrison seemed to be having no trouble keeping up his appetite or getting a good night sleep, and Tom was starting to get real fed up with it.
“Good morning Tommy boy,” Harrison smiled, tossing himself in the back of the SUV with Tom, handing his best friend a latte.
“How the hell did you have time this morning to get coffee? It’s fucking six in the morning!” Tom rubbed his face, the dark circles were going to be a real shit show for makeup to cover up.  
“Mate,” he signaled towards the driver before winking at him “oh sweet, legal, Canada,” eyebrows wiggling over the brim of his coffee cup.
All day Tom was dragging ass, to the point where at the end of the day he felt so drained, he needed to relax. Tom tossed himself into the seat beside Harrison, “I am so fucking stressed out,” Tom groaned, running his hands through his hair, or lack off and just becoming even more annoyed. “I need to relax,” Tom groaned, “But i really don’t feel like getting drunk, i want to be relaxed and feel good, not cloudy and shitty feeling tomorrow.”
“Mate,” Harrison tossed his arm over Tom’s shoulder, “You wanna relax Tommy boy, come with me tonight, to a friends house,” He stifled a smile “She’ll make sure you’re real relaxed,”
“I don’t wanna fuck some random girl Harrison,” Tom groaned, “What?” Tom croaked at Harrison’s laughter.
“No offense mate, but this girl is way out of your league,” Harrison laughed, “Trust me when I say you are not fucking her tonight,” Harrison stood up and patted Tom’s knees, “Let’s get going,” Harrison lifted Tom up onto his feet.
“What do you mean she’s out of my league?” Tom asked, a little hurt in his pride, following his best friend down the trailer stairs and out into the main set.
“Mate, you are too uptight,” Harrison smiled towards Zendaya who was walking towards them, “Z, you think Tom is way too uptight for our friend right,” Harrison’s emphasis on friend.
“Oh, without a doubt,” Zendaya laughed, linking arms with her buddy Harrison, “You going over tonight?” Zendaya smiled at Tom over her shoulder.
“Yeah, I’m out,” Harrison pouted at Zendaya, the two catching Tom’s exasperated expression.
“Out of what?” Tom whined, very upset at the inside joke the two were having at his expense.
“Me too,” Zendaya turned to look at Tom, patting his fluff of hair, “Oh Tommy boy,”
“He’s coming too,” holding the door open for the three of them to pass through.
“Oh?” Z raised her eyebrow at Tom, “I don’t know, he’s a straight shooter, might be too much for him.” with that she darted towards her SUV, waving her phone for Harrison to text her.
“What the hell is going on here?” Tom whined, increasingly more agitated.
Tom sat in the backseat of Zendaya’s car, it was really nice of her to come out to hang with the guys but now she was just being a pain in the ass. They drove to a residential neighborhood and down a block before coming to a small house, very nice, red door with gold trimmings, large bay windows with peaks of fairy lights and maroon curtains. The sounds of chill music seeping into the night air, what the hell were they doing here? Tom was the last to get out as Harrison and Zendaya bounced to the door and knocked on it quickly, both of them looking like they were getting really giddy about something. That’s when a really cute girl came out, her hair in loose waves around her cute face and adorable smile, but her eyelids were slightly closed, red. Her arms curled up around Harrison’s neck and then around Zendaya's before looking at Tom with a puzzled look.
“He’s cool,” Harrison patted her shoulder, following her into the dim house, where two other girls sat in long t-shirts listening to the music.
“What’s your friend's name?” She pointed at Tom
“I’m Tom,”
You looked at Tom, his sense of uneasy killing the vibe “Tom, huh?” You smiled at him, he was out of his element but Haz and Z would never bring someone over to your space without them being good.
“Love” Harrison laughed, tossing his arm around your shoulders, you were already high but waited for Harrison and Z to show up before you got toasted.
“You wanna smoke?” You laugh, Harrison was a huge flirt, but he never took it farther than playful banter and the occasional shotgunning a hit or two, but hey you did that with Z too.
“Please?” Harrison’s eyes widened and he smiled when you motioned for him to sit with you, taking out your grinder and some rolling papers.
“Tom right?” You motioned for him to come to the table, “This is weed,” you opened the grinder for him to see and smell before placing it into the rolling paper and rolling a joint. “This is a joint, you smoke it, you feel really relaxed and tired and sleep so fucking good.” giving the joint to Harrison who lit it and inhaled deeply, handing it to Z and sinking into the couch.
“You want a hit?” you smiled at him, “You really don’t have to,”
Toms eyes met yours, wondering what the hell he was doing here before taking the joint from zendaya and looking at you for assistance. “Here,” you took the joint from his fingers, placing it in between his lips, lighting it “Now just breathe,” your faces close to his.
Tom inhaled deeply, quickly taking out the joint before coughing up a lung and reaching for the water bottle you had ready for him. “T-thank y-you,” Tom coughed, watching the two girls take a hit before passing it back to you, hitting the joint twice and letting the smoke rise from your lips up to your nose and back into your mouth before blowing the smoke to the other side of Tom’s head.
“You want another?” You smiled at him, harrison taking your waist in his arms and pulling you back into him.
“I want another hit,” harrison laughed into your ear, “show me some more of those cool stoner things you do,” taking another puff of the joint before coming close to your mouth.
“You just want me to kiss you Harrison, I see your tricks.” You laughed, but giving in and feeling his lips and yours before the smoke passes into your mouth and down to your lungs, letting it out gracefully. Harrison’s eyes met Tom’s shocked ones, laughing.
“Relax Tom, it’s just weed and a kiss, nothing weird at all.” He smiled at his best friend who was still in state of shock.
“Oh please don’t judge me,” You acted hurt, but now looking at the beautiful people in your home. “I like to make my friends feel good,” You smiled at him before shotgunning a hit from Zendaya and laying on her shoulder, “All my beautiful friends,” You laughed, your two best friends laying on the floor by the window, deep in conversation.
“I’m not judging,” Tom wasn’t trying to be a stick in the mud, he really wanted to smoke and be free flowing like his friends and these girls but he felt the pressure, the responsibility overwhelming and all he could think about was what his fans would think and what the press would say, and “Fuck it,” Tom smiled, taking the joint from the ash tray and lighting it again, inhaling deeper and deeper, letting it flood his lungs. Harrison was right, Tom had no chance with this girl, but he wanted to be like her, so relaxed and the way she acted with everyone, he wanted to feel like that too. “Can you do that thing with me too?” Tom swallowed the cotton mouth starting to form in his throat.
“Yeah,” You crawled onto the floor in front of him, your tight t-shirt now showing off the lack of bra, making tom nervous. “You’ve kissed a girl before right?” you joked, wanting him to lighten up a little.
“Yes,” Tom laughed, watching you place the joint in your mouth, lighting it up and inhaling three times before you took his face in your hands and letting his soft lips meet yours, slowly opening his lips, allowing for your tongue to push in the smoke into his lungs. Slowly moving away from him and watching the smoke leak out of his mouth.
“How was that?” You smiled at him, leaning back onto your knees and watching the hash haze take over, he was real fucking cute when he was high.
“I think,” He smiled, “We should do that again,”
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orangewritesstuff · 7 years
Michael In The Bathroom... But Not By Himself.
Authors Note: I DID IT, GUYS. MY FIRST NOT-HC WRITING. AND WITH MICHAEL, LOOK, IT’S AWESOME! So, enjoy, I guess? I love my boy so much, omg.
Warnings: Cursing, mentions of alcohol, mention of drugs, panic attacks, female reader, bad grammar, boring title.
Summary: Michael in the bathroom having a panic attack, when a girl storms in. 
WC: 1781, I guess?
Michael looked at his phone. 10:09 pm. This didn’t help him — he forgot how long he was here, in the bathroom. He didn’t even remember when exactly Jeremy left him here. Five minutes ago? Ten? Half an hour? No, not the last option, that would be too long. He sat in the bathtub with his legs pressed to his chest. Bathtub was actually big enough for him to straighten them. But, even though his legs were starting to feel sore, he didn’t do this. All he wanted to do is curl into a ball. Or, even better, he wanted to teleport in his room, get stoned and forget about this party, about Jeremy, about everything that happened today. Maybe it was just a dream. Or a nightmare more likely. Michael sighed. He could hear the loud music through the door, screams and loud, obviously drunk laugh. Maybe he can go now? It’s not like anyone would notice that he is not there. After all, no one invited him in the first place. He didn’t even know half of people here. No one will notice if he’ll disappear from party, so there’s no harm done, right?
No one knows him. There, at this party, no one knows anything about him. Maybe his name, but anything else? He doubt it. His thoughts became more and more depressing. Is this how anxiety works? This is what people feel when they have an attack? Even the thought about attack made him more nervous. Who will help him if he’ll have a panic attack? Jeremy is somewhere there, having fun, drinking, maybe making out with hot girls. Isn’t it is what “cool” people doing at parties like this? Oh, just stop thinking about your best friend, who left you in a bathroom alone, Mell! He thought angrily, gritting his teeth. It’s not like you should care that he called you a fucking loser. It’s not like anyone cares. Michael buried his face in his arms, hugging his knees closer to his chest. And then little voice at the back of his mind spoke, almost snickering. It’s not like anyone cares about you, loser. His eyes widened, when he realized that little voice was Jeremy’s voice. Michael felt his eyes watering. Great. Now he is crying. A crying creeper in the bathroom. What could be better than this? He didn’t know how long he was there, sobbing in the bathtub behind the curtain. He almost lost himself in thoughts, full of self-loathing. Maybe that’s why he almost jumped when he heard sudden noise of the door, opening with a loud slam. Oh. He forgot to lock it. Well, at least the person, who stormed inside of the bathroom and shut the door, clearly closed it; Michael heard the snap of the lock. He didn’t even think that he is now locked in the bathroom, at a party, with a stranger, who is… crying? Person rushed to the sink and turned on the faucet. There was no light, but Michael’s eyes already accustomed to the darkness, so he could at least see that person was definitely a girl. He didn’t know what to do. He felt like shit and now there’s another girl, who will shout at him if she’ll find out that he is here. She will call him a pervert and yell, and everyone will know that he is here. And everyone will laugh. And gossip about the stoner Michael Mell who sits in the bathroom at the party just to get off looking at people. Yeah, something like that if not worse. Awesome. Awesome party. Oh, he is so fucking glad that he came here. He heard girl splash water at her face, her sobbing growing quieter with each sob. She turned water off, walked a few steps and sat down on the floor with her back pressed against the wall. “God, I hate parties…” Michael heard her whispering. He tried to stay as quiet as possible, his breath hitching now and then. He didn’t recognize the voice. She must’ve been one of those people, whose names and faces he didn’t know at all. She… She won’t go away, will she? She is just like him, he realized. Hiding. Someone knocked at the door, but neither Michael nor girl made a sound. Someone knocked again. And again. Someone obviously was growing impatient. The girl didn’t answer. Michael shiver. Person behind the door was probably drunk. Oh no, they’re gonna start to shout soon. Yeah, they’re shouting now. Too loud. Why won’t she just answer? BANG BANG BANG BANG Can’t they just go away? BANG BANG BANG BANG Just tell them to go away! BANG BANG BANG BANG 
Why the fuck can’t you just shout at them, goddammit!
BANG BANG BANG BANG PLEASE JUST DO SOMETHING, MAKE IT STOP, MAKE THEM GO AWAY, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE…. “Hey! Hey, can you hear me?” Who’s that? “Just breathe, ok? Focus on my voice! In and out…” In and out? I can’t even feel myself breathing, how am I supposed to breathe at this speed? “Come on, in and out… You can do this. Slow. In and out. In… and out…” Michael obeyed the voice, trying to slow his breathing. He was sobbing again, he realized, sobbing and whining and clinging to something soft and warm. And his eyes were closed. So he opened them. Only to find himself squeezing the hands of the girl. Michael looked up to meet her worried gaze. He couldn’t see the color of her eyes in the dark, but he noticed now that she was in the bathtub with him. They were lucky that the tub was big enough for them both to fit. “In and out,” she repeated, smiling at him. She looked like mess. Just like himself, he was sure. Michael was shaking but at least his breathing was calm now. She waited a few more minutes and then spoke up. “You shouldn’t sit there alone with a panic attack. Michael, right?” He nodded, then looked at her questioningly. “We have math together. I’m Y/N.” Oh. He knew her after all. Well, at least he heard her name during the roll call. Now, when he was calm enough to think, he studied her. Huh, simple green hoodie with two blue vertical stripes and two yellow dots at the end of the stripes and jeans and white gloves and green cap… Oh. My. God. “Are you… Are you Luigi?” Her costume wasn’t accurate, sure, but it looked good. Not on her. Just good. Well, on her too, but. “Yep. I would’ve dress as Peach, but I didn’t want to go here in dress, so.” “Oh my god…” Michael couldn’t suppress a laugh. “This is amazing!” “Hey, stop laughing.” Despite her tone, she smiled. “I just calmed you down from a panic attack, that’s not how you supposed to act after it.” “No, no, thank you, actually, um… Y/N.” He coughed for some reason. “Aren’t you… creeped out or something? I mean, it seems like you were going to hide here and then there’s me, sitting here… It’s creepy, no?” “Not if you’re crying in the bath.” She let go of his hands - Michael only now noticed that he was still holding them, — and moved to the other side of the tub. “So. Wanna talk about it?” “There’s not that much to talk about.” Michael took off his glasses and wiped them with his t-shirt. “My buddy kinda left me alone. Called me a loser and left.” “Fuck him.” “I guess. You?” “My friends left me to get the drinks and then some jerk tried to get in my pants. So I ran off.” Y/N shrugged, looking at him. “Fuck him.” “I guess.” She laughed and smiled at him a little. Michael returned the smile. “So. Have any good music?” “Marley. Mostly 90s. Why?” “Tired of shit playing downstairs. Some drunk girl find a mic and started singing…” “Whitney? ‘I wanna…” “…dance with somebody’, yes!” “I heard it too. She was awful.” “Actually, it was pretty good. I mean, she made a great impersonation…” “…of a dying seal.” They’re both burst out laughing. It wasn’t even that fun, but for some reason Michael found himself laughing his guts off till his belly hurt. After glancing at Y/N, who threw her head back at the wall, he knew she felt the same. Who would’ve known that there’s still someone to make fun of drunk girls with him. “We’ve just met and already finishing each other sentences? What are we, soulmates?” She joked and Michael chuckled, rubbing his neck. “So… About music? I have earbuds and I can tolerate Marley and 90s.” “We need to get out from tub, then.” “Floor?” “Floor it is.” *** Michael never actually noticed Y/N before. But turned out that they have something in common. They both liked music, sushi and slushies. She wasn’t as nerdy about 90s as he was, but she had old Dendy from her older brother and a bunch of games she liked to play sometimes. She was actually nice looking too. Not the most beautiful or the hottest girl he ever saw, but still very pretty in her own unique way. And Michael liked it. He liked her laugh, even when she sounded a bit too loud. It was strange, but it helped him forget about whole Jeremy thing. Michael didn’t even notice that watch on his phone showed 12:13 am (i dunno how to write midnight right, so, sorry). The party still was going on full-on and no one knocked again. It was weird, but Michael and Y/N didn’t want to think about it. It was actually amazing. They didn’t know anything about each other when they met in here. And now, after hour or more of talking, they were almost like friends. Not close and not best, but definitely not strangers. “Want to get out of here?” Michael stood up, stretched his back — it ached a little after hours of sitting. Then he turned around to look at Y/N with a smile and, for some reason, with a blush. He held out his hand without a second thought, and realized that it’s probably stupid too late. Michael almost panicked, but was more than surprised when Y/N took his hand and stood up too. “What exactly do you have in mind?” She smirked, but it was more of a soft smirk than a smug one. Michael coughed awkwardly and smiled a little. “Get stoned in my basement?” “I don’t smoke, actually.” She looked a bit embarrassed, almost as if there was something she should’ve been ashamed of. “Oh. Then video games?” “I guess I’m lucky that my parents are out of town, huh? Video games it is then. But only if we’ll stop by 7/11. I want to mix all of the sodas in one cup!” Michael laughed and led her to the door. “Sounds good to me” They walked out of bathroom hand in hand. It would’ve been awkward. It should’ve been awkward, but it wasn’t. They didn’t notice a few stares and whispers. Because right now, for some reason, it all felt right. Even if his best friend was an asshole because of this SQUIP — it didn’t matter right now. Y/N and her hand in his, video games and 7/11 — that’s what mattered. Awesome party. Michael thought. I’m so glad I came.
To be continued?
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