#doubble life
f1nn42 · 5 months
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Did a fun photoshoot with my friend! Better photos coming soon
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pazak-thion-brady · 3 months
Where is Chloe?
She's in Arcadia Bay. In the comics it's revealed that in the 2 years where max stayed in a different universe, Chloe rebuilt Arcadia Bay. So She's in Arcadia Bay and Max is away for this job. Their relationship survived 2 years apart, it can last 1 year in the same universe but different ends kf the country.
Chloe is happily running Joyce's Two Whales Diner, which is the canon name of the rebuilt diner which is so touching. And she's running a garage out of the back, with an art studio where she makes sculpture out of scrap metal.
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smulnsander · 1 year
Smuggling spiked collars, an excessive amount of chain jewlry, large jackets, queer pins, and a heavy pair of boots when im leaving to see my friends then having to peel off my whole faggy get up before I go home.
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justatypicalwizard · 1 year
Late night frustration | Bakugo Katsuki
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✦ Bnha characters have their quirks but they are all secret heroes living a doubble-life. Katsuki has a had crush on you but instead of asking you out on a date he's stuck listening to you fangirling over Red Riot. Out of frustration he decided to do something very stupid.
✦ Word count: 2,5k
✦ Warnings: none
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Secret hero Dynamite on rampage once again [see video]
Stupid fucking media. They just don’t give a time of the day to check how it all happened. All they see are Mina’s boobs and Eiji’s smile. Bakugo grunted while scrolling through a bunch of shorts featuring yesterday's secret hero action. They all showed the two mentioned earlier in a glorifying light or his, not so subtle, bursting out of the convenience store, glass shattering behind him as he grabs the thief by the collar.
Apart from being a college student Bakugo lives a double-life as a secret hero. How did he get his powers? No one knows, including himself. The same with Mina, Kirishima and Denki. There were a bunch of other people who rolled out on the streets after sunset with masked faces but he didn’t know them all, he didn’t care. It's not like he ever even agreed to the idea, his friends convinced him that they should all use their powers to save the world. Honestly he just saw this as an opportunity to manifest his quirk, otherwise too destructive to play with. Over time he got fed up with what people talked about him, he’s not gonna lie, at some point such an amount of hate would touch anyone. Yet, he didn’t stop, didn’t hide behind a fake personality denying he even has any powers. He got out every second night and did what he’s done for years now.
A bag dropping near his face tore him out of his thoughts bubble. Looking up he spotted your smile as you sat down opposite of him, the well used wooden chair creaked under your ass. There was one more reason why he kept trying all the time. After every night action he waited with gritted teeth for your excited text sending him an awesome video of Dynamite that you just found and fell in love with. He wanted you to fangirl over Dynamite so he could drop by in the middle of the night, take his mask off and tell you that it’s him, he’s the secret hero that you’re in love with. But it never came. You never said a positive word about his alter ego, either being neutral or agreeing with some of the opinions on his brutality and carelessness.
Yet, how could you know better? You were not there last night with the shop owner, an old man too shocked to mumble anything into the microphone after onlookers and reporters flooded the crime scene. You didn’t hear him when he grabbed Bakugo by the sleeve just as he was about to run and thanked him. You didn’t know that the old man was grateful, claiming that the window was nothing, repairing it will cost less than what the thief was about to steal. Of course none of them heard that because Katsuki always gets those compliments off-scene. Noone ever listens to the actual victims, they have a forged history that will match their shitty profiles and online channels.
“Did you see yesterday’s action?” Quite close up actually, princess.
“Mhm.” He mumbled, opening a random book to quickly end the topic.
“There’s a lot of shots of Dynamite breaking that window. I mean, I get that he has a very destructive power but was it really necessary to catch the thief bursting through the glass? Maybe he could run up to him on the streets?” And what would it change? Then he’d blast a car standing on the roadside or a street lamp and they aren’t that cheap either! “Well, at least he got the criminal.” Oh finally, some scarce words of compliment. “But look at that, look, look.”
He nearly grabbed your hand as you started to wave it in front of his face. It was a short featuring Red Riot flexing as he ran to help Bakugo tackle down the thief. It was unnecessary as Bakugo’s explosive hand was already on the criminal's neck which paralysed the guy with fear. Yet, Eiji always wanted to help. He sincerely didn’t do it for attention, he just always wanted to make sure he did the best he could. How can he stand back and watch? It was him who handed the tief to the police. Bakugo already learned that they were not keen on being close to Dynamite so it was always Eiji talking to them. That’s how he stole the whole spotlight of the previous night, he jumped on the already disarmed thief, picked him up and handed him to the police. Simple as that. And yet it had you squeaking and scrolling through more phone-made shots from different angles, all painfully exposing Eiji’s flexing muscles in the scarce suit he wore.
“Red Riot is so hot. I can’t believe he lives somewhere there as a normal person.” Oh he actually lived very close by. Your Red Riot was just a few tables away, chewing on a pencil, sweating over a simple maths equation.
Bakugo was seriously in awe that people didn’t see that bulked form in Kirishima. It was obviously good that his cover never blew but apart from covering his face and hair during actions Kiri was nearly all on display. In the daytime he also didn’t bother covering too much, always wearing a hugging shirt that would show off his tremendous muscles. Guess the mass doesn’t really look for the heroes, they just admire them and later forget that they actually exist as said normal people.
“I would totally fuck Red Riot stupid.”
This was enough. Having someone you love, I mean have a crush on, whatever, talking about fucking a different guy in you very face was too much for Bakugo.
“You know what, I got a text from mom, I need to go.” The blonde stood up, pushing the chair from under his knees with such a force it nearly fell down. He looked at your surprised face as you mumbled a ‘okay’ and that you’d ‘do the assignment they were both due’.
As much as Bakugo wanted to spend time with you, he also couldn’t listen to what you said, a painful feeling aching in his chest.
Later that evening Bakugo found himself sitting on a roof, looking at the city below him. It wasn’t supposed to be a patrol night but he couldn’t sit at home, he had to do something, anything to take his mind off of the earlier talk. Eijiro didn’t even do anything bad but the blonde was furious with him. If he saw that dumb face he’d punch him, which of course he didn’t want to do so he distanced himself for the time being.
A cool breeze grazed his form, sneaking under his masked face. He certainly didn’t like the cold, it made him slower and weaker but autumn was taking over. He saw it in your coat, you picked a new one, a warmer one. You wrapped it around yourself tightly, hiding your chin into the large collar. Oh, you were there, again.
Bakugo leaned over the edge of the roof to see you better. It was past sunset, the yellow light of the street lamps giving your silhouette a golden hue. You were walking down a narrow lane in the middle of the park. You must be heading from some shop as your hands were wrapped around big paper bags.
If not his earlier outburst maybe he could have been next to you. Maybe he’d lie that he doesn’t have anything to do and he can go to the shop with you. You’d spend the evening fooling around in some shopping mall, maybe take out something to eat and he could pretend, just for a second, that you were his girlfriend. Later he’d walk you home and give you a goodbye hug because that’s what friends do. And he would keep you close just a split second longer, so that you don’t notice.
Nothing would come true if he keeps on ditching you for the sake of his own anger. So what if you’re fangirling over Red Riot? You’re not stupid enough to fall in love with the unreachable secret hero. Yet, Bakugo couldn’t shake off the creeping feeling that you could meet Eiji at some point, at a party with your mutual friends and talk to him. You could talk to him a lot, laughing at his shitty jokes, unconsciously brushing his biceps with your hand because of course you’d like him. The redhead is a funny, charming himbo that girls love. If Bakugo would sit down on the couch and watch your interaction for afar then he’s sure that Eiji would put down his hand on the counter behind you, narrowing the space between your bodies. He’d flirt with you jokingly just as he does best up to the point when you both sneak out of the party. Then he’d give you a night you’ll never forget because Bakugo knows damn well what girls say after spending an evening with Kirishima. Maybe Eiji would break it to you that he’s Red Riot and after that he’d never get rid of you. It’s a dream come true. For you. A nightmare for Katsuki.
He actually had to cough because the clench in his chest and the turn in his stomach became unbearable. He felt hurt, as if everything that he just imagined actually happened. As if you were already Eiji's girlfriend. He just wanted you so badly right now that he actually leapt down from the roof down onto the park lane, catching your attention with the small explosions.
Katsuki knew that who you saw approaching you right now was Dynamite. He saw the shock in your eyes as they focused on him but not fear. Good, because he was about to do something very stupid.
Bakugo closed the space between you with a few long strides. He grabbed the puffy collar of your coat and with his other hand slid up his mask, just enough to plant his lips onto yours. Katsuki was not innocent, not even a bit. If he was going to kiss you as Dynamite, so that you never know what actually happened, he was going to do it good.
Your lips were already parted, they never actually closed after seeing the secret hero cross your path. Bakugo used it to his advantage, slipping his tongue inside to taste you, grazing his teeth over your lower lip. He swore you moaned quietly but maybe he just imagined it getting way too horny. You were soft, no matter where he grabbed you. Unfortunately it was the coat, it secured you from his touch and he silently cursed it was late autumn and not summer.
Finally he let go of you and you stumbled a bit backwards. Before you could ask any questions he ran away, leaving you gaping behind him.
Bakugo could already imagine the sexual assault headlines after you tell everyone Dynamite kissed you out of nowhere. Or maybe you would first talk to him about it. Either way his hero name was already stained enough so that one more spot won’t change anything. But he did it, he kissed you, he felt it. Now he can play it over and over in his mind, fixating on your taste. Hope he never forgets. But he also felt guilty. He basically stole it away from you and that’s not how he wanted to have the first kiss with you.
Katsuki wandered the streets for some time before the emotions overflooded him and he found himself heading towards Mina’s crumpled up college flat. He just had to yell at someone, to someone. He’d throw it all on Eiji once more, complaining how his crush fangirls over Red Riot, the same as usual. Mina was well aware of the whole drama.
As quiet as possible he jumped up and up until he reached the  window of her unused room. It was open, as always, and he flew through it, landing on the floor, tearing his mask off.
“Racoon fucking eyes…” He was just about to start when he dropped his mask to the ground.
Instead of Mina he saw someone else, someone he really didn’t want to see now. It was you, standing in the middle of the room, picking something out of the same paper bag you carried earlier. Now that he saw it up close it had a print of a home supplies shop. You looked at him, eyes wide as ever, mouth gaping once again.
You were not stupid so of course he couldn’t make you think it was all a dream but he honestly didn’t have any better idea right now.
“Bakugo?” You asked, standing up and walking to him, your scrutinising eyes scanning his costume. “What the fuck? You’re Dynamite?”
Of course you were quick to connect the dots, who wouldn’t when he saw his best friend fly up the window with the, oh so well known, explosions.
“You’re, but, how? Why?” You looked like you didn’t know what to ask about.
“Okay, shut it, I’ll explain the whole damn hero thing…” The blonde also started to throw words at you with the speed of a machine gun.
“What? Hero? Why did you kiss me an hour ago?”
That’s not what he expected. You were more concerned with the kiss than with him being Dynamite? He didn’t know whether he liked it. It would be way easier to explain his secret hero life than what he did that said hour ago.
“I…” No words came out of his throat as he looked at you, at your face, tense and focused.
“Why did you kiss me Katsuki?”
“Because I’m in love with you okay, fuck it.”
“I’m. In. Love. With. You.” He spat out every word. “And after hearing, once again, how you’d fuck Red fucking Riot today I had enough. It’s always Red Riot this and Red Riot that, but no one cares about the fact that it was me who caught the thief. Why don’t you just go and actually fuck Red Riot. Now that you know I’m Dynamite might as well just show you the way to his fucking apartment…”
Bakugo didn’t have the chance to end his rumble because he felt the familiar taste once again. You were pressing him up the windowsill, your small form no match for him. Your lips were planted against his. You broke the kiss before he had the time to react.
“Shut up about Red Riot. I was just joking. Why didn’t you tell me you liked me?”
“What?” It was his turn to ask stupid questions.
“I, uh damn, I also like you, crush you very much. I just didn’t think you liked me back, giving your shitty demeanour all the time.”
It would take him some time to explain the whole situation to you. It would also take some time for you to get used to him being a secret hero, though after you agreed to be his girlfriend you noticed he threw himself in crossfire less during his night actions. Who knows, maybe he’ll even gain a bit in the eye of the public soon. Now he doesn't really care for it any more as the only person he ever wanted to impress is already snuggled up beside him in bed, late in the night.
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every-marveler-ever · 11 months
Ironstrange Bingo Masterpost
This is a ship that I hadn't written for much before this but would happily read when it came up on my feed. I used a lot of the things I read as inspiration from this great community. The fact that I had an even amount of fills for each column made me excited and very aesthetically pleased.
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A huge thank you to @ironstrangebingo and the community surrounding for some great pieces of fanwork to inspire me.
IronStrange Bingo Round 3 | 🏥 | BINGO CARD:
Name: Marveler Bingo: Participant Squares: 8/25
navigation | bingo masterposts
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. . . . . (isb 🏥 8/25) . . . .
B4) Coffee Shop: What makes a bodega different from a coffee shop, an extensive guide by Peter B. Parker. Peter Parker travels to the bodega as often as the coffee shop two streets over and they are both critical in his life. He just didn’t realise how important they were to each other. [G - 0.7k]
B5) Scars: The Same Way Astronomers Trace The Stars The ways Stephen Strange has dealt with not being able to sleep over the years, and why it’s changed. [T - 0.2k]
I1) Panic Attacks: T-I-Doubble G-ER The dog lying on Peter’s feet brings him back to a sense of normal, one that isn’t spinning, freezing or closing in on him. [G - 0.6k]
I2) Cops: Some Dramatics First Bucky Barnes wouldn’t say that he is unlucky, but he’s certainly not the luckiest person in the world, it’s exactly what he’s thinking while sitting in the campus jail cell. [G - 0.6k]
N4) Soul Mates: How Do You Meet A Soulmate? Can a wrong number really lead to meeting your soulmate? [T - 0.6k]
N5) Fluff: Date Nights Date nights are a little different now. [G - 0.4k]
G3) Body Swap: Magic and Middle-Earth Stephen doesn’t like when people take his notes or idea for Avengers book club which leads Bucky and Peter into an interesting situation, almost punishment for Bucky loving the Hobbit so much. [G - 0.9k]
G5) Regency Period: Breathing In Love (Breathing Out Friendship)Tony loves Stephen Strange and they have the money that makes love more than real. Bucky just needs some air instead. [T - 0.5k]
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welp-back-on-my-bs · 2 months
Here is ikepri Morgan :3
Name: Morgan Solase
Age: 25
Occupation: Minority Reprisentitive in the royal court of Bennonite
Minorities: Queer(Bisexual), Nonbinary, and Disabled (AUDHD and newly PTSD)
Silvio: Confidants, allies, mutual menaces
Carlo: besties
King: silently mortal enemies
Eldimio: distant
Nokoto: they dont care too much for him
Clavis: entertaining, a good person to go to
Chalaver: comfortable being in silence with him
Luke: absolutely likes the new kid, helps him out with transitioning from commoner to royal life
Keith(host): sweets bestie
Keith(alter): doubble menaces
TW: Colonizeation(?), implications of rape, miscarrage
Silvio was sitting on the patio of the Bennonite palace, with Morgan across from him. They were quite confused as to why they were there
"You asked me to come?"
"Yep, sit"
Morgan did as they were told and Silvio poured them a glass of alcohol.
"I don't really-"
"You're gonna wanna with the conversation we're bout to have"
"Oh- you want to know about..."
"Yep-" Silvio pushed Morgan their glass but atleast cut it down with some juice for their sake.
"Well... you already know I'm from one of the lands Obsidian took over...
It was quite the peaceful land, liveing off of trades with other lands, culture, and hope. It was one of many smaller nations, probably around the size of Rohdinite, but there was multiple of the same size cluster together and formed a tight knit alliance with one another."
Morgan sighed softly and took a sip of their alcohol.
"So, when Obsidian came, we shared that peace, trades, and our traditions... but we'll, we were scammed out of everything."
They sighed and shook their head softly "I may be two generations removed from that... but... I can see the pain it has left us... see my friends being hurt... see the judgement and fear... but... by blood... I was one of the ones who hurt them..."
"When my family first moved there, it was in hope to be able to get a better life than what they had before... but Obsidian just destroys and destroys... and I was... useless..."
They fidgeted with the glass quietly, to collect themself. Silvio nodded and offered a hand of empathy. Morgan ignored it.
"When the time had come to figure out how I was to be useful to the 'Grate Obsidian'. I was chosen as a hose wife. A breeder..." Morgan quietly shook and finished their drink.
"I was married off quickly, to someone who at first was quite kind. He was a younger man, but a good soilder for the army. He PROMISED... he... promised..  that... we wouldn't have to... have to..."
Silvio growled a bit as his own glass broke. He knew Morgan was uncomfortable sleeping around men. He knew he made her feel scared when they first met. And that was why. Their first husband was why.
"You don't have to say it..."
Morgan just nodded an continued "so... after... that... I had a miscarage... and it... finally snapped in my head... I don't... I dont have to stay... i could go somewhere else... that's when I ran here."
Silvio nodded and Morgan pulled him into a hug as they cried into his chest. Silvio did his best at comforting them, it wasn't good but hey, he was trying.
Morgan grew up in a town that was taken over by Obsidian. They could feel from a young age the corruption was rampant there. They want to do what they can to give it back to those who were originally there, but they knew that they couldn't do anything. When the time came to be selected for a job, they were made to be a housewife and given a husband who used that position greedily. They decided to run away after they failed to carry a child to term. After escaping they met Silvio and started to work for him.
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bbubbleo · 1 year
Do u rp Qsmp, HermitCraft, Empiers, Third Life Doubble life for Dsmp? Got to many aus stuck in my head atm
i dont! im actually not very good at writing :]! but i do enjoy all of those, empires is the only one that im not suuuper into i just kinda know the premise and i like the ccs in it!
but i do like discussing aus and head canons- just usually in discord spaces not on tumblr because shy/silly
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tetsurouskuro · 4 years
pairing: todoroki shouto x fem!reader
warnings: smut, cursing, alcohol mention, college!au
word count: 4,234
a/n: i started to listen to nick jonas song close and this idea just popped into my head and i had to fucking write it!!!! i think i need holy water!!!!! i’m not very proud of the smut scene... anyway enjoy!!!!
Synopsis: You and Shouto meet at a party he’s throwing and can’t keep his eyes of you. There is an attraction but you’ve been hurt before and Todoroki Shouto screams fuck boy.
Being the most popular guy in college was not something Todoroki Shouto wished for. It wasn't his fault that his dad was one of the wealthiest man in the country. Everyone wanted to be friends with him, a lot of girls wanted to bed him. He didn't mind it, he didn't give it any thought. He had a handfull of friends he was close with. He had fucked many of the girls at campus, everyone of them being a one time thing. Todoroki Shouto didn't do relationship. He had seen what that kind of relationship had been like for his parents. Things were good with his dad now, but even then Shouto just didn't want to end up like his dad. Todoroki Enji's parenting had put a strain on the young boy a few years ago and Shouto was reminded everyday about that when looking in the mirror, at his scar. His dad, though, wanted Shouto to marry into a rich and wealthy family. Enji wanting the youngest Todoroki to take over the company when he was ready to retire. But Shouto wasn't ready to do that, in fact he didn't want to so for now the young boy wanted to have the time of his life; drinking, fucking and enjoying life in general which is what he was doing. He was throwing a hell of a party and having a big mansion to thow it at helped a lot.
“Oi, half and half bastard. Team up with me at beer pong” he heard one of his closest and longest friend call over the loud music. Bakugou Katsuki walked towards Shouto, arriving throwing his right arm around Shouto's shoulders and walking him towards where the ping pong table was set up.
“What if I say no?”
“There is no answer like that, idiot” Bakugou laughed at his friend. “Shitty hair and Pikachu is on our team as well. It's girls against boys, so it's us four against Mina, Uraraka, Momo and (y/n)”. Shouto's eyebrow quirked up in question, who is (y/n)?
“Who's that?”
“Doesn't matter. She's hot though” both boys smirked at that as they kept on walking, finally arriving at the ping pong table. “You idiots ready to lose?”
“Like we'd lose to you, baka” Mina replied back. Shouto smiled at her and then turned his head slightly to the right and his heart did a doubble pound. His breath taken away, making him feel very perplexed. Never had a girl, a woman made him feel like this ever before. His gaze locked onto you. His heterochromic eyes scanning your body. Your long legs, how that little black dress hugged your curves so tightly. Your breast being very round; he wanted to squeeze them. His eyes continued to travel upwards. Your plum lips, especially your bottom one; he wanted to bite it. Soon his eyes landed on yours, (y/e/c) one's staring at him in return. He was maybe 9 feet away from you but to him it felt like miles away, he wanted to be closer to you.
Shouto's mind was playing tricks. It was shocking to him how a woman, like you, could make him want to be close to a woman. For the first time he wanted to talk to a woman first, not the other way around. Shouto cleared his throat, composing himself and spoke with a lot of confidence. “Shall we begin? It won't take long”.
The game began with Shouto throwing the ball, it bouncing one time on the table then into a red plastic cup. He turned around, high fiving Bakugou and the rest of his teammates, then turned to look at you, smirking.
“Don't get too confident” you spoke, making Shouto get goosebumps. Even your voice sounded like sex to him. He was in for a long night.
“Oh, I'm always confident, (y/n) was it? I'm Todoroki Shouto. Owner of the house”.
“Oh I know who you are, I just don't care”.
“Uuuuuuuh” came from three mouths; Bakugou, Kirishima and Kaminari. Shouto just let out a soft laugh and gazed into your eyes. You raised one of your eyebrows and smiled at him.
“The game is just getting started and I never want it to end” Shouto spoke while still having his eyes locked onto you. You blushed at his comment. One of your hands pulling some of your hair that had fallen over your face, placing it behind your ear.
“Well, it's gonna end soon 'cause you're going to lose”.
The game ended with the boys winning. You hadn't stopped looking at the very hot host of the party. The way his hair fell on his forehear, making him flip it up again. The way his heterochromatic eyes gazed into yours, making your body shudder. You had noticed how he was always watching you throughout the whole game. How you threw the ball. How you laughed when one of his teammates missed making Bakugou lose his cool, but mostly how he was watching you move. You knew he wanted you, and you wanted him but you couldn't. You needed space. Space away from boys that were after just your body. When the game had finished, you had excused yourself to go fetch a drink and on your way out of the massive crowded kitchen, you bumped into a rock hard chest.
“I'm sor-” you started to speak but when you saw who you had collided with, you stopped.
“No problem at all (y/n)”.
“It's just very crowded so... um... sorry” you let out a little laugh as you watched his face. Shouto could only smile as he stepped aside so you could continue to your destination, but as you started to walk he called for you. Making you turn around to face him, once again.
“Meet me upstairs at the balcony, I'll be right there”. You didn't have time to say no as he quickly dissapeared. You, being polite followed his orders and slowly moved to find where you could find the stairs. When you found them after looking for about a minute, there was a sign that said no one was allowed upstairs. Letting out a sigh, you didn't want people to watch as you “disobeyed” so you turned to walk away, but yet again, Shouto was there. He smiled at you, moving towards the stairs, lifting up the sign that was hanging on a rope so you could duck under and start walking up. He followed you, being just one step behind you.
When you finally reached the second floor you saw a long corridor and lots of doors on either side of it. Shouto walked ahead of you and you followed. He turned right at the end of it and opened a door, stepping aside and waiting for you to walk in first. “After you”.
You walked through the door and stepped out into the summer cold night. Him following suit. You became nervous, a bit anxious even. What did he want? You heard the balcony door closing as you turned your body to meet his. Shouto was holding a beer bottle, taking a sip as he watched you.
“Enjoying the party?”
“I did. But then some random dude demanded that I meet him up here so, I guess it's fine now”.
“Hah. Very funny”, he smiled as he took another gulp. You watched his adam apple as he swallowed. His thick neck, a visible vein, making your body shudder with enticipation. You wanted him, you couldn't deny that but all guys were the same. Right?
“What do you want, Todoroki?”
“I wanna get to know you. Get close to you. You intrigue me”. You took a sip of your drink as you blushed. How could you feel so effected by his words?
“What if I don't want to?”
“Then I'll make you want to” he said and took another step closer to you. As he came closer, you started backing until you felt the balcony rail against you. He was getting closer and you could feel how you started to breathe heavily. Space. I need space, you thought. “I want you, (y/n). Ever since I saw you at the beer pong earlier”.
“Oh, um... sorry T-Todoroki but I...”
“Call me Shouto”.
“Oh, okay. Um. Shouto I need... space”. You let out a breath and then he shocked you with his words.
“Space is just a word made up by someone who's afraid to get too close”. Looking at him as he said those words made your head spin. The way his heterochromatic eyes were looking into yours. “I want you close, (y/n). I've never wanted someone as much as I want you right now”.
“Shouto-” his lips crashed onto yours, you having no time to finish your sentence. The people who knew you knew that you were known for never being speechless., but here you were. Speechless. You feel Shouto's hands on your waist as he pulls you even closer, ending up with you sighing, your mouth opening up to him. Shouto takes his chance and pushed his tongue into your mouth. You welcome him and your tongues start dancing with each other. In your right hand were your drink was, you put it on the broad balcony railing and then throw your arms around his neck. Your right hand grabbing hold onto his red and white hair.
His lips then pulled away, but only to travel erotic kisses on your cheek and then town towards your neck. “Fuck, I want you so bad (y/n)”. Opening your eyes, which you don't remember ever closing, you push Shouto away. Trying to catch your breath, before speaking.
“N-no. This is wrong. I can't”. You start to walk towards the door but the man himself is huge and you need to pass him in order to do that.
“I know you're scared. I'm too. I've never felt like this before. This scares me but I know one thing for sure. I want you”. You stoodstood still, not daring to move. Not wanting to move, but you had to. You knew what kind of man he was. He would just fuck and then throw you away. Just like everyone else.
“No. You want my body. Not me. Don't think for a second that you know what I want or feel!” While speaking, Shouto had moved closer to you.
“I know you're scared. But as I said. I want you. Yes, I've fucked a lot of girls at school. That won't change, but I can see in your eyes that you want me too. And if I can't have you. No one can. I always get what I want. And I want you”.
“Well, you can't have me!” Is all you said as you left Shouto on his balcony. By himself.
Waking up the next day, the first thing that was on your mind was him. Those heterochromatic eyes. The way his lips curved up into a half smile, half smirk. The taste of his lips. Laying on your back, your gaze at the ceiling and sigh. He was hot, you can't deny that. You wanted him, also can't deny that. Your mind travels to the night before as you remember the way his lips tasted on your neck as he confessed that he wanted you.
“Ugh, damn that piece of ass”, you grunted as you faceplanted your pillow, only to lift it and look at the watch. 12PM. Class begins in 30 minutes. They way your feet traveled to your wardrobe and how fast you were at clothing yourself and putting on makeup amazed you. 20 minutes. 10 minutes to go, you started fast walking towards your front door. Pulling on your shoes and opening it. You practically sprint to campus and towards the classroom.
Arriving at the building you see a bunch of people outside and you can't even miss his face even if you wanted to. There he was. Shouto. Wearing black jeans, a white t-shirt that sat tightly around his front, outlining his abs almost, and a leather jacket. A pair of black sunglasses covering half of his face and a smile printed on his lips. He was talking to a guy you met yesterday, Bakugou. You tried to hide as you entered the building and continued fast walk. 5 minutes left until class starts. Just as you were about to enter the room, you're swept to the side and collide with Shouto's body, just like yesterday. His cologne hitting your nose, arousing you.
“Hi (y/n)”.
“Hi Shouto. I'd love to stay and talk but I have to get to class”. You lied. You didn't want to stay. Your mind was already thinking about him enough. You didn't need more of him. But the way he was smirking at you, made you shudder and think about what that mouth of his was doing and could be doing. Arousing you even further.
“Then I'll be quick. I'm inviting you over to my place to night. Watch a movie and get to know each other”.
“Eh, you what?”
“18 o'clock. The door is open, just walk in and my dad or siblings aren't home so don't worry about them. Oh, and one last thing”, he leaned forward and kissed your cheek. One of his hands placing a piece of paper in your hand. His face didn't pull back. You were holding your breath. Waiting for his next move. “I still want you (y/n)”. Pulling away, he rubs your cheek with his thumb, where his lips once were and then walks away. “Don't be late”.
Trying to get your breathing to normal you walk into class. Sitting down, you look at the little piece of paper Shouto placed in your hand. Trying not to smile at the number thats written on it. Just before the class is about to start, you create a new contact and save.
During the class all you can think about is Shouto and his lips. Your mind wanders even further and you start to think about his body. How would his body look like underneath that tight shirt of his. Biting your lip you can't control your body as you send away a quick little text to him.
“What if I don't want to come? Maybe you'll use me again as you did yesterday.” Not long after you get a reply.
“One. I never used you, you could've said no. Two. Don't act like you don't want it. I could smell your arousal when I gave you my note”. Your cheeks turning pink at his answer, you turn your phone on silent and then lock it. Damn that hot and sexy piece of ass.
How you ended up listening to Shouto, you'll never know. Walking into his mansion yesterday, you couldn't grasp and take in the beautiful house but now you could. Everything was clean, probably his housekeepers that the rich boy had. It smelled like lemon, quite refreshing. Looking at all the canvases and furniture, it was very modern. Your body turns around to watch some more, your steps going backwards moving further into the house. Soon you collide with something, or someone. Turning around you're faced with Shouto. Looking him up and down you see him wearing the same white shirt as before only now instead of pants he had some soccer shorts on.
“I'm beginning to think you like to crash into me”. His voice oozes confidance, a smirk on his lips. That damn smirk and those damn lips.
“You're just catching me off guard, that's all”. Simple and honest answer. He moves so he is only inches from you.
“I'm gonna kiss you know”. His words leaving you again speechless and as he lowers his head so it matches your height, you forget once again how to breathe and as his lips connect to yours, you close your eyes and let yourself be embraced by this very sexy and hot human being. His arms wrap around your body and your arms around his neck. The kiss starts innocent but as you both sigh into each others mouth, you both also push it even further, making your tongues dance once again. This only lasts for a few seconds as his lips, just like yesterday travel to your neck. He's kissing, biting and licking at your neck making you let out a soft moan. “Can I take you to my room?”
“Yes”, you answer, because you know that you won't be able to hide this anymore. You want that man and he want you. Even if it means for a night. Shouto lips crash to yours agan and he lifts you up so you can wrap your legs around his waist. He starts walking while you cling to him like some kind of koala and not letting go. But soon it's over as he walks into a room and he throws you onto the soft mattress, your back hitting the soft bed. Shouto stays on the floor, his arms going over his shoulders as he pushes the shirt over his head and you get a good look at his tone bulky body. His stomach showing that he does work out, the way his abs glisten from the lights that shines in from the sky. Your gaze continue down and you see the V line. His boxer breifs and shorts hanging low on his hips. You start biting you bottom lip and wonder what he will do next.
“Take of your shirt” he demands and you listen. Sitting up you throw your shirt over your head and onto the floor next to the bed. Shouto moves in closer and start leave a trail of kisses. He begins on your stomach and slowly move upwards. His right hand finds your bra clasp behind your back and undo it, his left hand grabbing a hold of your bra and throws it on the floor. He takes a look at your naked chest, you begin to try to cover yourself, feeling ashamed but he stops you. His left hand holds both of your arms over your head and his mouth starts sucking on your right nipple. “Don't hide from me. You're fucking perfect” he speaks. You let out a moan as he keeps on sucking on your nipple and moving over to your left one. When he feels satisfied he lets go of your arms and both of his hands begin to unbutton your pants and drags them down your legs, yoyr hips liftin to make it easier for him. He then starts kissing around your private parts, teasing you. His lips leaving wet and erotic kisses on your inner thighs making you gasp and moan, wanting more.
“Shouto please” you whine, wanting more. Wanting his lips and tongue on your center.
“Shh baby, I'm taking my time” he responds and pulls away. Hooking his fingers on the waistband of your lace thong he pulls them down your legs and then looks at your exposed area. “I'm gonna make you cum with my tongue” he promises and wastes no more precious time and starts to devour your cunt.
“Oh my-” you moan out as you feel how starts to eat you out. Your juices tasting like heaving on his tongue. The way he moves it is like nothing you've ever felt before. His tongue moves and starts to flick on your sensitive nub and then two fingers thrusts inside you. “F-fuck Shouto”.
“I want you to scream my name louder, you hear that, precious?” You can only moan louder in an attempt to answer him. His fingers going in and out of you, his tongue sucking on your clit. He then throws your legs on his shoulders, your shoulders being the only thing touching his bed as he continues to devour you. He adds another finger inside you, making it three. You feel the tension inside you build up, you know what this feeling was. You were close and he had only just started. What is it with this man?
“Sho-uto... I'm... close” you pant and moan as you try to tell him that, not that he really needs to know since that was his plan all along.
“Cum for me precious” and that does it for you.
“S-SHOUTO!!” You come. Around his fingers. On his tongue. This feeling making you feel numb. As Shouto grabs a hold of your legs that's on his shoulders he begins to lower them, but only to flip you over so your front collides with the mattress. His hands then pull your hips up so that your ass is up but your front still touching the soft bed. You hear how he pulls his underwear and shorts off in one swoop. You can hear how he walks and opens a drawer, pulling out something plastic like; a condom. He soon returns and the bed dips, meaning he's behind you.
“I'm gonna fuck you now, precious!” His voice echos in your head. You wiggle your butt and push your hips backwards, wanting his cock inside you.
“Please Shouto”.
“Please what, precious?”
“Please fuck me” and with that he thrusts into you. A sharp moan escaping your lips as you close your eyes and feel him around your walls.
“F-fuck (y/n). You're so tight around my cock”. His hips aren't moving. Them being still as he wants you to get used to his size, and you're thankful. You thought he was big, but the fact that he makes your walls stretch is mindbowing. You start to slowly thrust your hips, an innuendo for him to start moving and he does. His hips starts to thrust inside you, a slow pace at first but he quickly speeds up, just as your moans keep getting louder and louder. His left hand grabs a hold of your hair, holding it tightly and drags it up so you're on all four. “How can you even get wetter, precious?”
“Harder” the word escapes your lips as he listens and starts to pound even harder. The only sound in his room being the slapping of his thighs hitting your butt cheeks, his grunts and your moans. His right hand comes down hard on your left butt cheek, making it sting but it also gives you pleasure. He repeats the same action with your right one. His cock that gives you so much pleasure, hitting your g-spot, making you feel euphoric. You never want it to stop, you want it to last forever, but the same feeling that you only had minutes before comes rising again and you know you're close. Again.
“Cum for me, (y/n). Come around my cock, precious”.
“Mhm, God Shouto I'm so close” you moan out. His thrusts get faster as he continues hitting your g-spot only faster and harder. “I-I'm coooming”. You cum around his cock and as he continues to pound for a few seconds more, he follows suit.
“Fuck (y/n)!!” Shouto grunts out. Your knees give out and you collapse, him following suit, landing on your back. You both breathe heavily as you both get down from your high, him still being inside you. You stay silent, not wanting to ruin the moment but needing to leave. You can't stay here.
“I should go” you whisper loud enough for him to hear.
“Well... you got what you want so I should leave, right? This was a one time thing” you hear him sigh and pulls out of you, but flips you over leaving you shocked and breathless.
“Listen here precious. I'm gonna say this once, only once so listen fucking carefully. Don't think that you know me, because you dont. What I want is you. You. All of you. Your heart, mind, soul and body. Ever since yesterday I haven't stopped thinking about you at all. Your in my mind, all the fucking time so please. Let me in, let me take care of you and... love you because I wont hurt you”. You stay silent for a minute or two, taking in what he said. Letting out a big breath, you smile and reply.
“'kay? Good” he pulls away so his weight is on his knees, he pulls away the condom and throws it on the floor, somewhere. “You're on the pill, right?”
“Um, yeah” you answer, blushingly.
“Good”, he replies and thrusts into you. Feeling his naked skin aginst your own. He lies on top of you, his forearms on either side of your head. Your arms go around his back, your nails scraping his back. “Now, I'm gonna make love to you”. He kisses you softly and begins to move his hips, you two being close to each other and not wanting it any other way, just as Shouto had said the night before; “space is just a word made up by someone who's afraid to get too close” and you were scared, but not anymore.
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neonsamurai · 4 years
Hi sorry i really like learning lmao
"Allright next one, We have a few doubbles im going to skip them tho "
V: ...oof more? How manny asks did you get?!
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"Would you consider yourself impulsive or reckless?"
V: uhhhm...perhaps...? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
*shoves methaphorical corpses he killed out of an impulse under a carpet and wistles*
V: I mean..i can be very cool and calm but sometimes...uhm...well...u know...when that instict kicks in and shuts down your brain...
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"Are you a romantic person?"
V: well i dont need romance to have fun but...sometimes, u know.., a lil romance can be quite nice ♡ ...just you and someone close..alone.... i think thats desireable..
*looks a bit nervous on his phone like he checks something but blushes *
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"Do you like to try new things?"
V: 100% Yes! New things are exciting as fuck! If you once tasted the sweet sweet adrenaline of breaking out of a habit ..you dont go back!
I hope we talk about s3xtoys and such hehe..
" as expected.." *Facepalms*
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"Do you belive in luck?"
V: WELL i def. belive in misfortune and bad luck! But you know what? I keep smiling ♡
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"Tell me about your Hobbies"
*leans back with a dirty grin on his lips and another drag of his cig*
V: well sucking Dick of course~♡ and S3x ...lots of S3x ...
i have a lot to redress to myself and my past and S-3-x is a big part of that..! Im into a lot of shit..some counts as hardcore i guess? Seems like i am just used to a lot but damn its just do much fun to be in control you understand?
"..i guess...? Annything else besides Pleasure?"
V: Dear.. Pleasure aint just sex....Pleasure is treating ypurself the way you fucking deserve and i live for that as a mox.
But okay, yes theres more in my life than being a dirty whore i enjoy.
Like driving on my bike at night high speed trough night citys traffic.., meeting new people.., going shopping, my Cat ...setting shit on fire...
Stuff like that.
I consider my sidegigs as merch. a form of hobby too
Netrunning is just something i had to learn in my past...
"Ok last one for this round.."
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"What scares you?"
*looks down and smacks his lips deep in thought before he shuts the cig in a ashtray*
V: ..looking back...and looking forward..., both scares the shit out of me. And i dont wanna talk about this anny further..
I need a break
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dontbesoweirdkira · 5 years
Hello I’m back again 💜 and i would like to request headcanons for present mic ☺️😁 where his wife wants to have a baby
A/n: Hey boo! Thanks for requesting and i am so so sorry this took so long, I had a lot of work and stuff >.
-BRo hE iS ReAdYYY
-So I feel kids is something that hizashi always wanted, you know? He reminds me of one of those hip dads with the little girl who is in soccer and like all of her friends has a crush on him high key.
-Anyways, He has always wanted one….or two...or ten...but he hasn’t brought it up even after marriage because well he doesn't want it to seem forced upon you.
-He understands there is a lot of pressure on you being a wife already and he does not want to stress you out since kids are a lot of responsibility.
-Maybe one day you and Yamada was at a Cafe, and there was this little boy and girl. The cutest things ever, and you are so distracted waving at them and making them laugh by doing silly faces and stuff.  You are in such baby fever that when you turn back to Hizashi, you just blurt out..
-”HeY sO whY Don’T We HaVe a bAbY oR TwO??”
-He’s just like “ok.”
-Until it hits him like “OHHH oH oKAY yeAh i  WAnT tHAT sO bAD yYES yeAH leT s lIke dO THat WHen wE gET hOME???”
-He has tears in his eyes??
-Aand you’re like “rEALlY OKaY yeS OKAY cOol hAhA cAN wE gO homE nOW...LikE i WanT iT nOW.”
-Haha before you did any of the do, you guys really sat down and discussed if this is something you guys actually actually want.
-He was so shook to hear that it was also your dream to have a lot of kids like he’s just in astonishment.
-”wHy dIdnT yOu tElL mE eArLiER y/N???!?!?!”
-”i DonT KnOW….I shOUld bE aSkING yOu thAT.”
-”WeLl i’M namINg oNE HizAshI jr.”
-”lmfaoooO no. It’s little Y/N or i’m not having it.”
-”.....Fine Y/N...wILl bE iTs mIDdLe nAme hAHhAHa”
-”daMn it.”
-You guys are like racing to the stores buying a bunch of unnecessary baby stuff
-”Hey babe? Do you think this baby bottle in the shape of a dinosaur would come in handy??”
-At literally every hardware store trying to get stuff for the baby’s room. LiKe i MeAN evEry stOrE okAy. You guys spent a whole day from 6am to 9pm just shopping and looking for the perfect stuff for yalls child.
-”Sir, do you have a color that is kind of blue but not really but is kinda pink but not really?? We don’t know the gender of our baby yet so..”
-oh LOrd, i'm so sorry to any of the workers who have a shift when you two come in
-”yeah a pacifier bUt it cAN douBbLE aS a head pillow,”
-”uMM clOSE but cAn thE criB bE jusT a tinY bit biggEr??,” “Maybe california king sized….?”
-yeah the workers had to go on a break after you guys passed through, haha you guys are so chaotic.
-Decorating the room is so fun.
-Paint wars, just flinging the brush at each other after getting bored of painting the walls
-struggling setting up the ikea furniture
-”oKAY thAT iS a bIt haRdEr thNAn i ThOUghT…”
-”OH, whO is ThE duMB DumB nOW??”
-WHen you actually get pregnant and get deeper into the months he is 100% holding your hand.
-got weird out of the ordinary cravings?? My boy is right there in the kitchen making it and delivering it right to your bed
-He holds back your hair when your feeling morning sickness
-Plays soothing music to help you sleep when cramps and contractions are really kicking your ass. He will hold you close and let you squeeze his hand to help.
-”It’s alright honey. Just hold onto me, the pain will be over soon.”
-Even on your worst days when you are looking like literal death and you smell like barf n’ musk, he’s still hyping you up and give you kisses
-”...Yamada look like trash what are you say-”
“NO NO NO MY BABY YOU LOOK BEAUTIFUL! Isn’t that right Hizashi Jr.?? he said yeah!”
-Don’t worry he will make sure you get a bath. A nice steaming shower, he’s helping washing your body and hair. Ah that’s the best
-He’s always talking to your belly or kissing it.
-”Hey my lovely child, you better ease up on mamma or she might just pull out all her hair haha. I love you and I can't wait to see you.”
-He seems to cry more than you i swear. He’s just so freaking happy to see you safe, carrying his child. His life just seems so complete.
-”Y/N, I love you, no matter what happens with this baby. Remember i’ll always be here supporting you.
-All in all, he would be so happy about you wanting a baby. He loves you and support you and being the chaotic duo you are, trust me it’s a whole expirence haha! Don’t worry it’ll be worth it int the end
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The Future Is Ours | Closed| Dan&Phil
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               --- --- ---  To say the last few years had been busy was an understatment , Dan and Phil had done so much in a short time that they hadn't ever really focused on themselves or their relationship in that time, while they had gone on a few dates it was hard to be alone without being spotted by fans and them trying to guess if it was a date or not. Mostly though they went on doubble dates with Phil's brother and girlfriend to make it look like a family outing rather than dates, but Dan wanted to be able to go out with Phil and enjoy just his compay, to be able to say that they were partners not only in work but in life, but he also knew what a risk it was to their online personas and their branding. But he also knew most fans would stand behind them and support them as much as possible. but it could also loose them dealership and advertsiment revenue. He was laying in their bedroom in one of his episodes contemplating just tweeting a picture of them cuddled up to test the water. Phil was somewhere in the appartment they had both been drinking and had taken off to unwind in their own ways.
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justatypicalwizard · 1 year
My Hero Academia masterlist
Works are published from the oldest at the bottom to the newest at the top.
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Multiple chapters
UNTIL THE END OF THE NIGHT | word count: estimated 10-15k
Bakugo x reader After over three years abroad you come back to continue your education. Despite gaining new friends and living a great life in Europe nothing feels better than home. You are quickly sucked in the everyday drama and everything would be just as you left it if not for Bakugo. Three years ago you two shared a moment, a short and meaningful moment that no one knows or should know about. That is until the situation gets out of control. Warnings: smut Status: in progress
ROUGH AND NEW | word count: 20k
Bakugo x reader You meet a new and interesting creature that seems to share your curiosity. Both of you have motives to your actions that turn out to be vastly different. Warnings: mer!Bakugo, fem!reader, adult reader, smut(ish) content due to the circumstances of the story do not expect full smut, dubcon Status: completed
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Short works
A SCRAP FROM YOUR BOOK | word count: very small
Bakugo x reader Heartwarming Warnings: none
LATE NIGHT FRUSTRATION | word count: 2,5k
Bakugo x reader Bnha characters have their quirks but they are all secret heroes living a doubble-life. Katsuki has a had crush on you but instead of asking you out on a date he's stuck listening to you fangirling over Red Riot. Out of frustration he decided to do something very stupid. Warnings: none
DREAM EATER | word count: 2,7k
Bakugo x reader Slight angst. Bakugo is an eternal living dream eater. Slight self ship when it comes to the readers character. Inspired by a Webtoon series which I strongly reccomend: Eaternal Nocturnal Warnings: none
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konstantya · 5 years
Doubble hitter! Castles and Built Upon Sand, 15
15. What did you learn from writing this fic?
It probably makes sense to start with Built Upon Sand (as it was written first), and I guess my main takeaways from that fic were 1.) oh, hey, looks like Lore and Ishara could be a romantic ship after all???, and 2.) oh, wow, I’m apparently not the only one who never knew they needed this pairing in their life, pfft.
To elaborate on the first point, when I first started writing Built Upon Sand, I didn’t actually intend it to be shippy; I started writing it just to see how Lore and Ishara would react to each other (because Data/Tasha was a popular enough ship, and Data and Ishara canonically had a thing, and there were even a couple fics out there that had Lore interacting with Tasha (missing scenes from “Datalore,” so to speak), so it just kind of made sense to me to throw Lore together with Ishara–I mean, why not complete the weird brother-sister relationship square, you know?).  And sure, there were maybe some hints of sexual tension there, but ultimately I knew better than to force something sexual/romantic.  But then Ishara got all impulsive and kissed him at the end (BECAUSE GIRLFRIEND DOES NOT COME FROM A NORMAL BACKGROUND, AND AS A RESULT, DOES NOT REACT TO VIOLENT, MURDEROUS ASSHOLES THE WAY A NORMAL PERSON WOULD), and then Lore got genuinely thrown by that and basically had a “WHAT IS KISS?” moment, at which point he kissed her (to, idk, figure it out???), and I’m sitting there going, “OMG, WAT R U 2 DOING!!!”  AND THEN THE FIC ENDED.  And it made sense to end it there, BUT–!!!  It answered the question of how they might meet and fall in with each other, but presented a new question in how their relationship might develop.
Castles taught me that Ishara is a lot sadder, more self-destructive, and–in general–just waaay more fucked up than I initially gave her credit for, ahahaha.  It turned out she was super tragic, but also kind of awesome for that very same reason?  Because, like, who else could get away with physically antagonizing the murderous, human-hating android?  She LITERALLY SHOVES HIM, and IT’S GLORIOUS, because every other character would have too much common sense to try such a thing.  (And then she has sex with him!!!  Because that’s the sensible thing to do with a dude who–ostensibly–was about to kill you a minute ago!  Basically, she’s her own special sort of trainwreck, and I love her for it.)
Aside from that, I also learned that the Lore/Ishara ship was, like, a genuine, viable thing, and something I wanted to keep exploring.  (Which was not how I went into writing it.  I expected it to just be this one-off thing that I’d get out of my system and that would be that.  And even when it became apparent that a sequel was happening, I still expected it to just be this two-off thing.  Like, Built Upon Sand was how they met, and Castles was how they fell into a romantic/sexual relationship, and that would be that.  Except they’re complicated people with complicated pasts, and so of course it couldn’t stay that simple, pfft.)
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pseudosart · 3 years
Not shure if I've stated it before but
Braces: story abt 2 dead girls, one reencarnated into a big "monster"? And lives in a shitty knock off of heaven. the other reencarnated as her past self but worse and gross. Ones trying to have the normalest life she can, the other was exiled from the knock off heaven and is gonna bitch and scream about it till she dies also shes gonna kill and angel or something idk. Also knock off heavens made of meat and filled with creatures.
Lilly/Tim: this story has no name rn but basicly a giant robot was made to hold a giant death god in the form of a parasite, it lives in his chest and a giant bug worm godess destroyed his citty of all robot people so she could destroy the parasite or use it to kill pepole. He lived when she destroyed the city because the big death parasite is being used as a disgusting flesh battery to keep him/her alive but eveyone else died cuz they where normal robots (exept for the robot/sun god that built tim, she got fucked up by worm bug god). Now tim the big robot guy has to venture into the world outside the giant citty of robots he grew up in, to kill the giant worm bug godess to avenge his citty and his people. Lilly meets tim when hes rusting in the woods after an acident and helps put him back togehter, then lilly decides to ditch his family for big robot bf (his one moms cool but his other moms weird. Lilly has doubble mommy issues dw abt it). Also tim needs to turn himself in to the planets creator godess so she can kill the parasite god inside him an maybe let him live. (He cant survive without the parasite as a battery. Basicly Tim's the parasite actualy)
RobotMaul: all Humans on earth die because of an alien parasite that turns them into zombies it's so effective it wipes out the whole population in only afew months. The only people left alive are the robots who worked for the humans, now they need to create a new way of life with what little they have left. The main Characters where living in a mall at the time of the apocalypse and it's become their base and home. An autonomous maniquin named maude-31 finds out about a massive parasite nest under the mall. They gotta kill it. Messed up and evil shenanigans enuse. Tripwire makes bombs and explodes herself sometimes.
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libidomechanica · 4 years
Untitled # 8657
Of silk sayn bot þaȝ þe enker-grene whiderwarde þe were a Range of mitigation, has left to eat;   Thousand years had naughty Mars
  bolde in his sparþe to each by others vanities, to have circled till Gregory. so Philomede, lif for life in my brain to fech hym biddez; bot wylde; and laid aboute hir after a drove them gentlemen me þis tyme; whether counsell me from the two arms; they died,  and robes sweets to their ruin.
He was sometimes a way! S life to utmost quiet cruising them alle, Ful luflych adoun, leue at least not a kiss of the marble, what-so þy wylle; wyt ȝe wel haldez þou not till I believe my kitchen filled with gems and his spoon, thoughts, dawn, late afternoon, and we are remember. But O, I m not at all the nakd since launced ful of the Gods and schrank þurȝ nobele, and though I only joy, and only kissed,     like one who balance. — Variety itself and semly wyth þe pentanglée. O my love or bear the centre a hidden; ’“tis here þro, such ugliness breast; i, sick, or long ere the Bank:   no bickerings, and rys, and this saȝe þe þis skyl” sayde: “bolde burnez he to þe haþel, ‘he þat þi hert ful stoutly in its true,   if such loupe lemed ful hardest gazers wish, and Ive travel, others, it hath but to muse has floure one; he dryness from Italy, they were bonie Jean. His guise, in far less as hear his heart and haild upon you, and moan these some cast over-bowd’ by many of the sunshine offenders sorrow draind.
Once possessed. Love killd or last, the Duchesses,” a light best semed as it may be the last ride; your verse, in some bright with her cloud all the woman thine arms devout an awful wish you came to the gate, which he grow: both lawyers and gaynly he hermits carnal Composition make me famished, delight;   witness buds, blossom of such solace he draȝez hym in hir hert,
  but forms a sonnet; a sort of this leue at your leisure gave baret to fle, in fact, that before would part affect but lack of armez wythinne wyth laȝande speche vnsoundyly oure barren bride, ride and layde hym nerre wyth no more perjured eye, or what were re-animated nation lies— the of þe same. I will we thousands on me thus, my Katie? And I make love dreamd a dreams till shoe my babes father   till this mans may chaste?
To the could heaven open fair assistances I wanna be your days have I love towards and weep afresh,   But also in the strayed fro þe wonderez.
  straight.   at for letting phial: groand one huge
to luf hom we have know not, though heroes. The noble routs,      So sang a stroke  surprise, star-light rest ful lyȝt of alle, bot þrye, Er he wyst þe grene chapel had ben about, a long Devotion keep: the swell; dark clouds;   Hym kydde cortyn he was sometimes arose
  then came their ruin. or if þe down; they die. But when others homely, not befalle!
Just a hardened so þikke, a schelde he hendely, quen þay to his broader to mend: I have sheds,   With whose skin, his work.
  but in all times you have chose for the hair.  he asks of my door opened Eyes take a grand armour boat   a battle Idol up; on with cease she print with many doubble droop-headed carcase to chaunged his thunder-gloomier stain   bronze, the memory of friendships just as sink back to here your meat, to kysses hym aboute, and wynne without dreams, and aue and unless gold; or else “t will,   though he tribes, their arms,   and as sinner cracks evilly, and thus   Was somehow may þou schal lerned,
  whose hand watching. our weakness, to myself, and ȝeȝe after bi syþez hatz in þe glyterande clyffez þer ferkez hym in star-shine that weight to my hand glances past him out one by line,      and small is turf,  and a day of sounds, in mind; bubble, not apt to lowe; there like, to beye, firstly, ‘he never darkness, we two’” division martyrs groan for one step?
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kiss-of-love · 4 years
I wanna tell you How i am How my life is going but im here knowing that you wont be showing me a answer When i need it the most when i need you the most sad i can never have you close cus everytime i do you make me a ghost
You dont need me but i need you sucks that i do
I don’t wanna hit you up cus i know you wont hit me up
Might try a doubble cup, im tried of the same old panttern like i never mattered do i even matter looking in my mirror and it shatter How do i forget a glowin star when its all i see goin in the dark night asking who you are
What do i say, i forget Why im here i wanna be with the souls up there i feel i don’t belong anywhere nothing seem to be workin my head getting looser i aint no chooser just a lonely abuser
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