#dott does the draw
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dotts-inkings · 2 months ago
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Happy new years, we started it off with a bang, yea?
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dotts-inkings · 7 months ago
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Some selections of mine from this board!! I don't know if you can tell but I had a lot of fun trying to mimic @myaminecraft's eret design :3.
Mutuals whiteboard :] feel free to join and have fun!
Online Whiteboard 23529943-3018-8737 (whiteboardfox.com)
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leftdestiny-posts · 7 months ago
[1 new message from: Dimitri]
My dear friend, Shiro,
I hope this text message finds you well. I've been meaning to keep in touch and catch up on news from and about you. I have heard from a certain professor that you've opened up a bakery with the blue haired doctor that had been courting you? Brynn repeatedly gushed about the nature of your relationship. If the feelings you have for each other, allow me to extend my congratulations! If you require my assistance whatsoever, please do let me know!
But for now I'll digress, I find myself intrigued by your last post. I have a few questions for you, if you wouldn't mind answering. One is marked 'đŸ’„' and the other 'đŸ”„'. If you could provide some insight, I would appreciate it.
D. A. Blaiddyd
[1 new message from: Dimitri]
I have been informed by Sylvain that wasn't how someone should format text messages and I should type as though we are speaking directly. My apologies for the "excessive formality".
The moment you receive a text message in response, a pale blue box with a pink ribbon is delivered to your door. Inside is a cookie shaped like the professor. It seems that Shiro wanted to revisit an old recipe and had tried to make her friend. Another cookie is in the box. This one is familiar—though, you see the creator has improved her ability to draw people on the cookies. It appears to be you.
→ Thank you for sending me a message, Dimitri! (I've added you to my contacts. I believe this is the first time you've messaged me! I've put a picture of a lion as your contact picture since I had none of you in my library (which is surprising since Lee talks about you a lot). I hope that's alright!)
→ How are you doing? Have you and Lee been doing well? If you see her, please tell her hi from me!
→ It is hard for me to share the answers to the questions through text, so I hope my MEMORY may be shared through the cookies instead!
→ Sincerely,
→ Momoiro
→ p.s. I hope you know you're always welcome in the bakery (a happy smiley has been drawn at the end of the sentence)
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đŸ’„ 1: What is something fun you and your f/o have done together? It can be an activity, a silly moment, a good memory, etc!
 “20 questions”!! It’s likely one of the best memories DOTT has (and one he is least willing to share with his creator. Either because it’s one of his most fragile and honest moments, or because it’s so dear to him.) ă…€ Upon one stormy evening, Momoiro had initiated a game of ‘20 questions’. She had explained the rules and was the one to start.  asking him questions that had haunted her mind. Because he wasn’t a human. ‘How do you eat?’, ‘Do you need to charge yourself?’, ‘What happens if you shut down, is there an on button I need to press to reboot you?’, and more. He had found it amusing, yet he only then realised his ‘normal’ was different to hers. After every answer, he could ask a question. ‘Do you feel your heartbeat?’, ‘How does warmth and cold feel?’, ‘How do you decide which tastes you like and which you don’t?’, and many, many more.  ă…€ Both hadn’t held themselves to the rules. By the end of the storm, 20 questions had doubled, and DOTT had found himself learning a lot; not only about Momoiro, but himself too—and humanity as a whole.  For the first time, he had answered questions with the truth. 
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đŸ”„ 7: In what ways does your f/o make you feel excited, giggly, happy, or positive?
Ever since Momoiro changed her name and began dyeing her hair, the blue and pink decorations throughout the bakery have become more prominent. The cupcakes with the blue and pink icing, the blue and pink pen at the desk, the new gift boxes
 blue and pink have become a label for “.bakery”. Where DOTT goes, Momoiro follows.
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deejadabbles · 2 years ago
So, @blueink-bluesoul had me thinking about my clone wars OCs for the first time in years, I now have the mighty urge to make that everyone else's problem by ranting about them. I love OCs so feel free to get revenge by ranting about your own OCs to me!
Also if...if anyone out there likes these characters and wants to request headcanons on them as if they're canon characters...I would not mind that at all....
Please excuse my attempts at art, I've very out of practice with drawing 😞 Here's the picrews I used for the lightsaber and clone armor if you're interested
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Mayreen Torrez
Hashtag your mom friend. She's between Anakin and Obi-wan in age. Auburn hair that she keeps long for the first half of the war, but, while saving her men from an explosion, she gets badly burned across her arms and face, also charring the ends of her hair. After that she keeps it short and has the faint scars of a burn mark on the left side of her face. (my current pfp is a picrew I made of her)
As stated above she's the doting mom friend. Holds to the belief that friendships and other relationships does not automatically = unhealthy attachment. So she's not afraid to make deep connections with others, especially other Jedi and her troops, she believes that balancing those relationships with healthy mindsets is the true test of a jedi.
One of those Jedi who's extremely vocal of her criticisms of the republic, considering the politicians are using the Jedi and clones as unwilling pawns in their war. There were a....few incidents during the war where she "bent" direct orders when she thought they might result in too high casualty rates or prioritized other things over civilian lives.
She's in love with her Commander, but she's determined to take those feelings to her grave- not because she thinks love is wrong, but because the idea of unintentionally abusing her rank over him makes her sick to her stomach.
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Commander Zedge
Might as well be called Commander Dad. Keeps the sides of his hair shaved and long on top, secures it back with a ponytail. Has two long scars along the corner of his mouth and one over his eyebrow. There's a small tattoo over his left temple, the symbol is an ancient ward to protect those under your command.
Zedge cares about one thing: protecting innocent people, including his brothers. He only sees the war as a way to do that, especially once he sees how the separatist droids treat those on their occupied worlds. He is not one to spare criticism for the republic either, especially when Mayreen is the same way. He's aware that him and his brothers had no choice in this fight, even if most of them believe in the cause, and will help his General bend rules if it means protecting his brothers.
Speaking of, he was very skeptical of the Jedi leading the clones, and was convinced that they wouldn't care about clone casualties. Thankfully, just a few days with his new general made his worries fade pretty quickly. Especially when Mayreen showed respect for his tactical knowledge and combat skills. He firmly believes they're the best Jedi general/clone commander duo in the GAR given their perfectly aligned values. His opinion of the Jedi in general does a harsh 180 quick, and comes to respect the way they value life, and realizes that they also had no choice in this war.
Eventually this man comes to the mind-crashing realization that he's in love with his General. Has no idea the feelings are mutual and thinks he's the worst comrade ever for "disrespecting" her with his feelings. Every one in the battalion knows they're in love and thinks they're idiots.
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Dott (the medic)
Precious, precious boy. Has a pretty standard haircut but keeps the front a little longer so he can spike them up. Has a tattoo of the medical symbol on his neck and a prominent smattering of shrapnel scars down his right arm, which he got while pulling Fixit away from a grenade that went off before they were a safe distance.
Total nerd, thinks laughter is good medicine and is ALWAYS telling bad dad jokes, no matter how many times they tell him to stop (Mayreen's the only one who laughs at them). "If you don't wanna hear my jokes Stop getting sent to my med bay!"
Is always researching stuff on the holonet, but becomes completely invested in research involving mental health. Makes it his personal mission to become the battalion's therapist as well as medic. Always sending tips on improving ones mental health to everyone's datapads, checking in for signs of PTSD after every rough mission, big advocate for talking out feelings rather than stamping them out. Meditates with Mayreen and Fixit and encourages everyone to join in. Long story short if you need to talk about anything please go to him <3
He's also a big animal lover and takes holopics of the wildlife on every planet they visit. Has been known nurse an injured animal back to health when stationed on a planet for awhile. Would probably sneak a bogling or tooka back to the ship if he thought he could get away with it.
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Bravo (the pilot)
Chaotic little brother. One of those clones with the genetic anomaly of blonde hair, which he is very proud of. Constantly says his sweeping blonde curls are his best feature and likes being annoying about it. Has his battalion number tattooed on one forearm and a silhouette of his star fighter on the other.
Incredibly skilled pilot, he often offers air support for the ground squad. Known for his high risk=high reward maneuvers but is constantly in the med bay as a result. Jokes that him and Dott are besties now because of how much time they spend together <3
Loves being the center of attention and will get it even if it means being obnoxious. This goes double when they're on shore leaving and he always wants someone to have fun with. He's not really into commitment tho, at first he didn't realize that was something he should be upfront about when picking up dates, so after a few tearful Holo calls from previous lovers he's much more transparent about his wants now.
He's also the only OC who I know dies during the war. He sacrifices himself to save a refugee transport. He wasn't ordered to, he just knew the only way to save the civilians was to crash his fighter into the Separatist warship and he didn't even have to give it another thought. If his squad has taught him anything its that innocent lives always come first. Okay I'm gonna cry now
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Fixit (the mechanic)
Shy baby. Keeps his hair just a little long and tied back at the nape of his neck. Has a scar across the back of his left hand and both hands are always scraped up and covered in grease.
Fixit got his name because of his genius skills in mechanics. Loves droids and is always keeping the ones on the ship shinny and up to date, which often results in said droids following him like baby ducks. The astromech Bravo flies with is constantly around Fixit cos of all the times Bravo's stunts have set him on fire.
Easily flustered, which makes him an easy target for brotherly teasing, this is where all the "droids are better than people" jokes come from. He takes an active interest in the way the Jedi calm their minds through meditation and asks Mayreen to teach him, they have regular sessions between missions. He also really appreciates all the confidence building advice that Dott and Mayreen give him.
Has been known to improve standard issue equipment, usually focusing on devices that can better protect him and his brothers. He's also constantly improving his oldest friend, Whisper's, rifle since he's the only person Whisper trusts with his gun.
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Whisper (the sharpshooter)
It's always the quiet ones. He keeps his hair long and dyes the ends of it whenever he can, doesn't matter what color he just wants them dyed. Has lines tattooed around his eyes and mouth, then later on gets some blackout stripe tattoos down both of his arms. He also purposefully scared up his helmet to match his tattoos.
Got his name because he doesn't talk much and when he does, he's very soft spoken (he could make bank if he did ASMR recordings of his voice lmao). He's also the best shot in the battalion and is the best man to cover you on the battle field.
Him and Fixit were actually squad-mates back on Kamino and have been with each other since the beginning. They're best friends and you can usually find Whisper cleaning his rifle while Fixit rambles on beside him, tuning up the droids.
Whisper isn't really "shy" per se, he just prefers to sit by and watch, listen. This gives him an excellent insight into body language and can clock someone's intentions very quickly. Also don't fist fight him, he can predict your moves before you even know what you're doing based on your body position.
He may look intimidating but he's actually very sweet and gentle, just...don't insult one of his brothers or disrespect his General. He doesn't care what the punishment is, he will teach someone respect if they run their mouth in front of him.
I'm sorry these are all so long I just!!! I love my squad so much! They're a tight knit family unit and would literally do anything for each other 😭
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bloodofghostbur · 5 years ago
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moon blossom au belongs to @somebodyalreadytookthis2
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usagi-zakura · 3 years ago
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In case any of the creators of the fandoms I frequently draw dragons based of come by thinking “ugh why is she drawing all of MY characters as dragons but not her own? She’s so mean!”
Don’t worry I’ll do it to my own characters too.
Here’s a few of my DnD characters as dragons. Dott from my Storm King’s Thunder Campaign. (Completed) Animal in the Woods from a friend’s homebrew campaign. (TPK) Faewynn Highwinter (and her familiar Kiara) from the same homebrew. (Completed) Remus Renard from a different homebrew (still ongoing). Twitter “Mockingbird” from Out of the Abyss (cancelled)  Chip from Wild Beyond the Witchlight. And the last three are all oneshot characters set in the same world as Remus (as such Remus has the chance to meet them as NPCs) Hugs, Sapphire Twinkletoes and Doe. 
Reblog, don’t repost. 
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cryogenic-heat · 7 years ago
is there any games that you like other than off???
Yes! though I forgot alot by now ^^; I really like Psychonauts, Inside, Portal, Cave Story, Ib, Little Nightmares, Bioshock, Ori and the Blind Forest, Alice Madness Returns, Bioshock and some games that I played a lot growing up and still enjoy are Age of Mythology, Age of Wonders SM, Diablo 2, Planescape: Torment and DotT. I listen to AoM and AoW soundtrack from time to time :’) Sanitarium was the first creepy-ish game I played, and it’s still fresh in my mind. I had a Nintendo DSi in uni and love the Layton and Ace Attorney series. Also some time ago @reminiscentia-off introduced me to Middens and Gingiva and I just recently finished them, very nice.I guess it does seem like I only like OFF because it’s all I post lmao but I actually dont draw much fanart of stuff. OFF is special 💕
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tdrcharmschool4 · 8 years ago
Charm School Test #4: There’s more to (lipsyncing for your) life than this - Critiques
Our girls aren't lipsyncing for their lives, but they are lipsyncing for their grades... Let's see what the deans thought!
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My concept  is classy hooker - based on Gaga's song ' Government Hooker'. I wanted to recreate the shades-and-glumness look albeit the drag version. The mug is therefore rouged and sensuous , and she wears shades to hide her tears and lack of sleep. Her clothes are also posh looking but underneath her blue chiffon dress she wears the same old pant she wore every episode previously because she's as poor as a doormouse. Witness her waiting by the roadside for trade in classic hooker pose.when she's done earning dough, she performs at the local drag club with best friend Kandy Ho.
Analyse: HIEEEE, Kushboo! These pants look familiar ;) I'm not mad that you've recycled a part of your audition look, especially since they are so cool and they fit the look. I think you had one of the more interesting videos out of the bunch and there were some of those Alaska mannerisms that you were able to work into the performance. I did have a problem with the 30 seconds of dead time at the beginning of the video. I would just edit that out entirely. I thought the dildo was funny (because that's the type of humor I have), but I think you held onto it a little too long and it became kind of awkward, not in a like a dirty-awkward way, but like "why does she still have that?" way. Just be mindful of how you incorporate props, and that getting rid of them is just as important as how/when you pick them up. All in all, I really enjoyed this video! Good job, and I can't wait for your next video!
Dotte: Greetings Kushboo! Such a classic song choice! I love the multi-referential description you have going on! I have a few things I noticed during your video that I’d like to bring up. Something you can stand to improve on is utilizing your body language more. There were a lot of moments where you just had your arms to your side/were swaying side to side. A simple hand on the hip can help deliver the sass and attitude you want to deliver when doing such an iconic song. Be careful when you’re bringing objects into and out of the frame. It breaks the illusion we see you obviously place the phone onto the table in front of you. Lastly, I think that this specific lipsync could benefit by pretending that you’re addressing a huge crowd. Focusing on making eye contact with just one person sort of goes against what the “intention” of the song is. So interacting with imaginary people who aren’t directly behind the camera would only make sense. Thanks for having us! Can’t wait to see your acting skills!
Marcella: Hello Kushboo! Now there were a few small issues with this sync, and I’m going to address them first (I’ll ignore that you didn’t trim the beginning). Firstly, you know the lighting isn’t brilliant. It’s very important to get yourself lit so you’re not just a blur of midtones, especially when doing a green-screen. That said, we can see you just fine. The other point I want to make is expression – Alaska is very blasĂ© sure, but there were one or two moments that just begged for a huge reaction or change in expression. You went for it on the ‘Hieeee’ though, and a few other parts, I’d have just liked a couple more for variety and to match the contours of the song (‘Tell me. I look. G o r g e o u s’ needed some real intensity). Now let’s get to the good: points for trying green screen, it’s a good trick to have up your sleeve and it wasn’t executed badly. It didn’t add a great deal to the song, but it was definitely better than just having your room in the background. You knew the words, only dropping one or two lyrics, but that’s not unforgivable. What I really enjoyed was your use and timing of props and reveals. They were all perfectly relevant, perfectly executed (the wig reveal I did not see coming and you did it so swiftly and jadedly) and lasted just the right amount of time. Ultimately, these are what made this such an enjoyable video to watch, they gave you a story and a context, and in that regard you’ve completely succeeded. Let’s talk about the look: Makeup reads nicely from a distance, still needs work up close, but it’s mostly just in need of refinement that will come with practise. Be careful of glossy lips if you’re overdrawing, the shine will highlight your real lips underneath. The look was nothing to write home about, but it didn’t bother me either. Something more showy might have been cute, but I appreciate that this dress doesn’t take anything away from us focusing on your face and your mouth. Overall, I think this was a really strong effort, you listened well to the advice we gave and it paid off :]
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I choose to do Cabaret from Cabaret cause Sally speaks to me. The show encompasses her raw human emotions of rejection and trying to fit in and be loved. I relate to her life so portraying her gave me a type of feeling of not being alone.  The make up is 20's inspired with my own twist on Sally. Cabaret is very much about lingerie and sexy dancers so I chose to go with a black white and red theme. I am wearing an undergarment skirt as a top, ballet slippers and a pencil skirt, I accessorized it with a boa, chocker and feathers.Here is what it reveals into! I made the top fringe by fringe. If you have any questions go ahead and keep it to yourself, cliff. If I wanted you to know something, I would tell you.
Analyse: Willkommen, Luna! Just looking at the pictures, I'm like "yes, bitch! It's a look." There are a couple things to fix up on it; I would love a heel, and when you have that real harsh line on the hips (either from control top tights or shaper shorts or something like that), it draws attention to that and ruins the illusion a bit. For me, your theatre background really comes through here, but my BIG issue with your submission is your connection in the video. You're doing all this emoting and acting, but directing it away from the camera, and when you're doing a video like this for an online format, your audience lives behind that camera lens. It's a problem that I had (and sometimes still have) as well, because as people who have that theatre background, we can play to a house full of people all day long, but something about the physical disconnect of directing that performance towards a camera can just be very off-putting for some people. Make sure in future videos that you keep that in mind, because honestly, it's just a thing you have to consciously fight against until you begin to move past it. Also (and this is just a technical note), your video is WAY too loud to the extent that you both *lose* audio quality and I had to turn my volume almost all the way down to get it to a tolerable point. Just be careful of that when you're editing! All in all, you gave us a cute concept and a fun lipsync. I Can't wait to see what you give us going forward!
Dotte: As soon as your video started, I was soooooo ready! That was a really smart idea having that intro because it helped set the tone for all of it. You have really great emotion oh my gosh you can really channel some energy! The outfit is super kyute and really helps sell the fantasy you’re giving us! I wish you played with that boa a little bit more before your threw it away. It would have just been neat in my opinion and sometimes, playing with those big costume pieces can help entertain an audience. The filters at the end....I’m not sure what their purpose was. Same thing for whatever it was you pulled out of your bra but maybe I just wasn’t paying attention properly. I’m not too keen on makeup but i will say the beauty mark was a nice touch. Either way this was enjoyable to watch. TchĂŒss! 
Marcella: Luna, this was another good entry from you! Firstly, I loved the scene setting with the record, and I love a good filter if it’s appropriate, which it certainly was. It was a smart choice to vary the filter too, though I don’t know if you picked the best point to switch to colour (earlier might have been better, before the melancholy part). The outfit worked for me (ballet slippers aside). The way you moved was engaging and suited the song, the song itself was a good choice, I can tell you enjoyed every second of performing. I do have a couple of issues though – firstly, lighting/location could have been considered better, your face was a bit washed out. Similarly, I feel your make-up was a step backwards, I needed some of the contrast you usually bring – I couldn’t see your eyes or your mouth very clearly. My biggest issue is unfortunately the lipsyncing itself. I applaud the variety of expressions you brought, and the nuance you performed them with, but the words were frequently completely off. It’s not that the overlay was off, and it’s not that you didn’t know the words
 I felt like either you know the song so well that you weren’t listening properly, or the audio you were recording to was too quiet to hear. It’s so important to not only know the words, but to lipsync them how the singer sings them. Breathe when they do, and enunciate as they do. At times, your mouth made shapes didn’t match the vowels. This is really key to think about in the future, but otherwise I enjoyed it and appreciated the amount of thought you put into your performance.
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For this challenge, my inspiration was my love for creating little stories and meanings behind things. My lipsync song is pretty nihilistic and sarcastic, but I tried to create a concept out of it regardless. My character in this is a vampire who has a desire to be mortal again. She feeds off of excess blood because it makes her feel more human.It sounds pretty dark but she has a good sense of humor about it, hence the writing on her face. I hope you enjoy my concept and submission for this week's challenge!
Analyse: Hello, Marina! I think this is a really pretty eye makeup, and I like the sfx blood going on. It definitely helps to sell what is otherwise a pretty plain look as a conceptualized character. If you're going to have writing or something that you want to show off, make sure it's fully visible in at least one picture, because the writing is cut off, and I'm not sure what it all says. What I'd like to see from you going forward is to really up the game and give us over-the-top draggy. No more natural hair unless you can REALLY justify it in the concept. The lipsync was fun and cute, and I think if you just fully let go and had fun with it, that energy would read more on camera. Final note, make sure when we ask for a head-to-toe picture, we get head to toe, and not cut off at the ankle. Good luck going into acting week and then the FINAL EXAM!
Dotte: Marina, heya! So let’s see...the biggest distraction for me ist the writing on the face because I can’t really tell what it’s supposed to be. If it’s blood, then it’s too neat. If its a tattoo, it’s too messy. And the asymmetry of it kinda takes away from the rest of your face. I would edit it down to one word and maybe just put it on your forehead or even incorporate it into your makeup. Your head is moving alot during the performance so we can’t read alot of words like that. I can give you a few examples one on one if you want. The outfit is very plain and can stand to use a belt or a necklace or spiderwebs to help it say vampire more. Right now, its very little black dress. We told you about syncing the performance to the music previously and this time around, its even more off. It’s definitely better video quality though. I’m not sure how I feel about the song choice but that might be more of a personal choice. It’s like this, if you went a bit more over the top with the dark vampire look then it would read more as a strong juxtaposition. Mkay that it for now. Let’s talk more and see what you bring for acting week!
Marcella: Hi Marina! I’m glad you were able to get this to us, but it was VERY late tsk tsk. Let’s get to the lipsync. Technically speaking, I think this was a step up from your homework - you clearly planned out your performance and thought about what you were going to do for each element. Lighting was ok, we could see you reasonably well. The overlay is unfortunately about a third of a second out of sync, which is very distracting. It’s always worth spending that extra moment getting it perfect, as it’ll ruin a sync if it’s off. I can’t tell if the background was just what was there, or if you specifically picked out that part of your house for the video, so I can’t really critique that either way. Your outfit worked ok, but I couldn’t properly see the details in the make-up from the distance. And although I know some of your make-up corresponded to the lyrics, which shows attention to detail and a level of consideration, I can’t help but feel your make-up is not necessarily improving. You can be as draggy or as fish as you wanna be, but right now you’re not really reading ‘drag’ to me as much as real girl putting on a performance. I don’t mean this rudely, I just don’t feel like you’re embracing the experience as much as you could. I think your expressions were varied and the energy was right, and in that sense you did what the challenge asked for. But the elements you missed, as well as the severe lateness, have really let the good parts of your submission down, I’m afraid (also, I’ll ignore that you didn’t trim the end off the video.)
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For my music video lipsync, I want to take the song 'Angel' by Sarah McLachlan, most commonly associated nowadays with its use in ASPCA commercials (for reference if you haven't seen one!:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9gspElv1yvc) so I wanted take that idea and turn it into a parody for donating money to busted, broke-down drag queens! I used text overlay that parodies the voiceover that Sarah McLachlan does in said commercials and did my makeup in a kind of facepaint/white face dogface with spots on my eye, forehead and chin area to really drive the parody comparison home! I really hope this doesn't ruin your day!
Analyse: Hey, Ophelia! I think you really let your creativity lead you through this challenge, which is always a great thing to have, but one of the important skills to develop is to come in with an editing eye and say "ok, is this the best way to get the desired effect that I want." Again, you've given us a very simple makeup and you're not showing us that you can push yourself. I really don't mean this to come across as harsh, and if it does, I'm sorry, but this dog makeup reads very elementary school birthday party face paint. I think this is a situation where you could've asked "is this the best way to get what I want out of this look," and I think you may have gotten the "parody" idea across better if you had *been* the busted drag queen the video was about (like, smeared lipstick, wonky lash, all that jazz). There's also a disconnect here between the costuming and what you're trying to get across, and I think the makeup further muddles the concept. I like the direction it was headed, but I think that some of the ideas and execution kind of caused you to get in your own way with this video. I look forward to seeing where your creativity leads you in the next couple of weeks!
Dotte: Hey there you female dog you!  I think one of my biggest Nina Bonina peeves were when she did a face but didn’t pay attention to the rest of the body. If you had something that was long sleeve and hid your skin, it would create a different type of experience for the viewer. I was honestly entertained for a smooth ten seconds but....you know people usually change the channel when they see these commercials right? I’m not really used to hearing more than the lines “In the arms of an angel” and then its usually cut off by then. Entertainment-wise, it kinda got old quick. I don’t really have much to say about performance because you were on the ground for most of it. Which was kind of strange to see because I thought we mentioned how monotonous your homework was when it came to movement. Feel free to run concepts by us because we’re here for ya, kitty girl! Onto the acting!
Marcella: Ophelia, this video looks
 familiar? :p Well, regardless, I think there are some strong elements to this. Emotionally, you had this DOWN. Perfectly empty to start with, just the right amount of soul. Never too much or too little. B&W filter made sense, especially when the text kicked in. This was a nice touch, the juxtaposition both added unexpected but welcome humour and reinforced the other decisions you made. I liked that it was a little ‘why the f does she have a dog face?’ until then. Speaking of the dog face
 I see why you went that way, but I can’t say I liked it a whole lot. I wish it was more of a drag dog, this was like, kid’s party literal facepaint dog. I’ve noticed that your paint is very heavy, I think you need to go a bit easier on the clown white especially, as it comes off as a mask. We know Covergirl don’t cover boy, but I think if you can learn to paint with a lightness of touch, it’ll benefit your aesthetic. Which I realise you’re still trying to pinpoint, but I think going easier on the makeup will help you do that. The outfit was ok, similarly to Kush’s, it didn’t add or detract from your performance. I liked the gloves to match the dog concept. You gotta wear some tights girl though, if you’re not gonna shave your legs. There’s no quicker way to ruin the female illusion than hairy legs. Also, I do feel like this video was a little bit plain. It’s the risk of picking a slow song, but it wasn’t quite as engaging as I’d have hoped. Overall, I think your make-up let you down, but the performance was decent.
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smurfettte · 8 years ago
Im still using sm*rf bc i dont want it to show up in the tags its annoying and im sry
💎 - when and how did you discover your special interest?
Ooh this goes way back.
Well, when i was about nine my parents first seperated (they did twice, ultimately getting divorced 2nd time around) for a period of two years, and during that time we had very, very little money because my mom was a stay at home mom for years and had to get a job too, so we basically had to cut, like, everything/anything extra that we didnt need. The best my mom could do so we didnt get a total shock on top of everything was to get us the smallest cable package possible (im pretty sure it was way cheaper back then too, idk if even that would be manageable now) where we had just like, a little cluster of channels; one of those was boomerang. I was really, really sad about loosing cartoon network, so my mom hyped me up about being able to watch sm*rfs, even though i only had a very vague idea of what they were. From there, it kind of just became my permanent special interest. My mom and i watched it together a lot since her mom played into the really strange christian propaganda of “demonizing” cartoons that was everywhere in the 80s when she grew up. She would bribe her brother not to rat her out when she would sneak-watch it on saturday mornings and tbh that would literally be me
✖ - Is there something you Dont like about your special interest?
Definitely. The author of the original comics was uh
 a really sexist, probably racist and a homophobic guy. Which, really shows in his earlier works – the full sm*rfette story is honestly much worse than the concepts of her origin that were kept in the cartoon. The 80s retelling is basically the comic but heavily censored for over obviously sexist content, while still being sexist in itself (just in a way where, maybe for younger viewers or a blind eye, its not obvious at first). Honestly just the treatment of most of the female characters is my complaint in the way a lot of them are portrayed, but especially sm*rfette. She cant do one self indulgent thing for herself without it being ridiculed or often portrayed as wrong, even when shes like the smartest and most caring person in the village. Its annoying and not a good message at all.
Also, it tries to be written as insanely het all the time and just isnt. Like its so gay and theres so many moments where youre like “ppl really tried to pass this as het
bitch” but time and time again
 straight people think its reasonable that an entire village is attracted to. a single person (who most of the time heavily shys away from affection from men too, lmfao
). REALLY hoping the new movie addresses that in some way thats not bad, but im trying not to get my hopes up (ive got my hopes up).
💕 - Something you like about your Special Interest?
Honestly this is a lot of things, but i would have to say?? Like. Everything, except the things i dont like ^. Its constantly been such a comfort to me in so many ways. I love the characters, i love how it was my first real introduction to fairytale fantasy (aside from disney) and its just
 so calming. Some people find it boring and annoying, but for me it was so easy to fall in love with and kept me company/calmed me down during some of the worst times ive ever had. Even when some of those worst times were because people would make fun of me for loving it.
🍳 - do you have a stim related to your special interest?
In a few ways, yea! I do!
I always compare it to this, but i think being surrounded in things related to it is a kind of visual stim that relates to the old woman who wants most everything in her house to be green. Just as it makes her feel calm, happy, and energetic, i have the same expirience but i sm*rf theme as many things as i can, and collect ALOT. I try to be surrounded by it as much as possible, and it always helps me to feel happy and calm. If im not in a space where its all around, i’ll have sm*rf things that i use day to day, like my wallet, cups, things like that. It always provides a feeling of happiness and safety.
Another for a physical stim is that i have a sm*rfette themed slime that one of my best friends made me for christmas! (He made a little white hat to put over the lid too, it was so sweet). Its a glittery blue, and has lots of gold, blue, and flower shaped sequins in it! i love squishing gooey and squeezable stuff. Textures like that are the best ever.
🍭- a headcanon/theory you have about your special interest?
This is gonna be long and im sorry i talk so much, but Brainy, Grouchy, Clumsy, and Fette (so i dont have to block out the full word again) are all autistic!
- Brainy expiriences a lack of empathy, tends to micromanage more than one usually would (especially if one of his special interests are involved/its something he came up with himself) and, as mentioned, expiriences special interests (a need for worldly knowledge – especially of magic, and for papa, who he constantly seeks to impress and be respected by, no matter what it takes. He loves him and wants to be just like him, and often does things for him out of the blue just so he’ll appreciate and recognize him + his potential). He stims by chewing (probably with the handle of a wand) and by writing + drawing swirly doodles on paper with his quill pen. He infodumps, and he usually lacks an understanding of social cues; this often leads to him making “bad decisions” being highly ridiculed, often overshadowed by his peers.
- Clumsy does not quickly process information + events, his comfort object(s) is/are his continuously growing rock collection/garden that he waters and talks to everyday, he stims by flapping and jumping, and is very uncoordinated. There are often ‘simple’ things that confuse him that he is unable to figure out quickly (like putting together things that fold up - chairs, foldable tables where u have to specifically press something, stuff like that. I think its an autistic thing even though im not able to describe it very well since ive struggled w it all my life myself and i always get weird looks when i cant do it) and his special interest is Brainy. Because he is physically incoordinated and processes information slow, though people do stick up for him, he can often recieve even worse treatment from those around him than Brainy does, on top of being easily able to manipulate due to him being so easily trusting and loving. Because of this, him and Brainy often do everything together, and eventually their mutual love for each other + relatability brings them to be almost inseperable (even if Brainy looses his patience more than he should sometimes). aka theyre boyfriends it rly shows
- Fette struggles with anxiety (as alot of autistic people, like myself, do) and has hyper-empathy. Similar to Clumsy, Fette seeks comfort in her flower garden and flowers in general, often holding conversations with them. This actually is a real theory, but she believes that talking to the flowers will help them to grow, and cherishes them as if they were people. She knows the name of every flower in the forest and could tell you at LEAST 5 facts about every single one. She stims by flapping, jumping, and chewing on her hair. Fette is quick to act to situations whether good or bad, and raised voices from others can often send her towards a meltdown (in where she retreats to her house for solitude to calm down + renergize). Though she loves her friends and being with them, she is an introvert and enjoys being by herself or with her flowers to regain energy.
- Grouchy uses echolalia to express his emotions and partake in conversations, while being mostly nonverbal. He often seeks company in animals or baby sm*rf (who i believe is also his special interest) because they bring him comfort and dont ask him to explain or change who he is. He is often very distant from most people, and only opens up to being around people he feels he can trust.
😂 - something funny about your special interest?
It just made me type up like. Disorganized paragraphs when im supposed to be packing up my shit 2 go to my moms. Also just the idea that a whole village could be attracted to a single person and no one else
 funnie as shit my guy
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dotts-inkings · 5 months ago
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couldn't help but feel small.
based on this screenshot:
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plus a bonus zoomed in chommy <3
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torentialtribute · 5 years ago
England’s new meal deal won’t deliver
 but Jamie Vardy’s having a barbie at £2.5m mansion
English football players may have been delighted last week when the FA announced a multi-year sponsorship agreement with food delivery app Deliveroo .
The prospect of a sneaky Nando & # 39; s or KFC being delivered directly to their hotel rooms in St George & # 39; s Park will undoubtedly have been a celebration of celebration under Gareth Southgate
However, their hopes would soon have been swept away when they went to their first order because the English headquarters, given the remote location in the Staffordshire countryside, is not on the list of places that Deliveroo serves.
England may have signed a deal with Deliveroo, but they don't & # 39; t deliver to St George & # 39; s Park
Leicester City Striker Jamie Vardy has won a bid to build an outdoor kitchen and dining area in his ÂŁ 2.5 million country house.
Vardy & # 39; s eight-bedroom luxury path already has an indoor swimming pool, sauna, cinema, bar, tennis court and gym.
Now he wants to add a rear extension, including a new garden room and an external covered dining area to entertain his guests. The hospitable Vardy famously threw a party in his former home to celebrate Leicester being crowned Premier League champions in 2016 when Chelsea held Tottenham to a draw.
And he will be well prepared for his new country house in the Leicestershire countryside to throw a huge barbecue bash as the foxes repeat the trick.
Jamie Vardy has won a bid to build an outdoor kitchen and dining area in his ÂŁ 2.5m townhouse
Snail-paced potters have long been the scourge of snooker, but slow play seems to be on the way.
In 2017, the sport decided to name and shame those who sat at the table for too long. And the latest figures show that the trick has had the desired effect.
The number of players that have fallen on average for more than 30 seconds from 12 to four in the past two seasons. No surprise, however, to see Peter Ebdon as one of the quartets, with an average recording time of 30.04 seconds. A notoriously considered competitor, the Londoner – whose final defeat of 2006 by Graeme Dott ended in 2006 at 12.52 pm – has often had the mickey removed from him by competition chairman Barry Hearn.
When he heard that Ebdon swam a mile a day to prepare for the big tournament, Hearn commented: & # 39; Well – with a bit of luck, this means he will be 365 miles away next year & # 39;
Did the ONE hear about ENGLISH BATSMEN?
Australia has used a secret weapon in their successful quest to preserve the urn in the form of a joke of the day.
Before every day starts, the players gather in a jumble on the outer field, where cameraman and editor Andre Mauger from Cricket Australia tells them a gag.
Whether England & # 39; s wobbly batting line-up has ever been the punchline is unknown.
Australia players celebrate after taking a wicket on the last day of the fourth Ashes test
that it gets a grip on their technical gremlins before showing the Christmas Premier League matches
Last week, the broadcasting service went under for two hours to those who tried to log in to the US Open tennis, giving viewers the quarter finals of the gentlemen could not see. Amazon has & # 39; temporary issues & # 39; blamed it.
Fortunately for Amazon, PR screening in London was not affected by blackout because those who signed up from the start of the game were not affected – causing them to be pretty embarrassed. Some viewers complained about further problems on Friday and Saturday nights, during the men's semi-final and women's final.
Although the problems seem to have largely gone under the radar, repeating in the middle of a round of boxing Day football matches can cause massacre.
Their new mascot can be a giant cake, but Wigan is really athletic – at least when it comes to international holidays.
Some clubs used the gap between competitions to go to a sunnier climate, but sober officials on the Lancashire side took a different approach. Not for them to drink champagne for a week in Marbella.
Instead, Paul Cook and his championship cartoons were sent north to the Lake District for a training camp. And if that wasn't enough reason for a moan, who was waiting for them when they got there? The special boat service.
Wigan Athletic & # 39; s championship side new contest day mascot looks like a walking cake
It was interesting to follow the different approaches of the Manchester clubs on Twitter after the Women & # 39; s Super League derby, which attracted more than 31,000 visitors to Etihad Stadium.
Each has accounts for their ladies' teams, but that didn't stop City's main feed tweeting more than a dozen times over the 1-0 win, while United didn't mention that once.
And they were not the only ones who did not want to talk, wit h United manager Casey Stoney fails to fulfill her media duties. United says that the blunt unintended and a & # 39; malfunction in communication & # 39; used to be.
Casey Stoney (right) was unable to fulfill her media duties due to a & # 39; communication breakdown & # 39;
The future of Gian Franco Kasper, president of skiing in the FIS governing body, seen as one of the last dinosaurs there is much debate in the sports administration.
Sources Have Told Sports Diary The controversial 75-year-old Swiss, who has been in office since 1998, apologized earlier this year after referring to & # 39; so-called climate change & # 39; and claimed that dictators were good event hosts.
Now he has told senior colleagues & # 39; s privately that he wants to resign next year. The FIS deny that this is the case. One to keep an eye on in the coming months.
With contributions from Mike Dickson
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micaramel · 5 years ago
Artist: Jonas Lipps
Venue: Halle fĂŒr Kunst LĂŒneburg
Curated By: Stefanie Kleefeld
Date: June 30 – August 25, 2019
Click here to view slideshow
Full gallery of images, press release and link available after the jump.
Images courtesy of Halle fĂŒr Kunst LĂŒneburg. Photos by Fred Dott. 
Press Release:
An attempt to describe the works of Jonas Lipps would go something like this: Jonas Lipps draws. He predominantly uses ink, watercolors, color pencils, and casein on heterogeneous grounds, such as paper napkins, pizza boxes or found pieces of paper, to create “worlds” often described as surreal that are situated in socially repressive contexts (schools, administrative buildings, hospitals, police precincts etc.) and reveal a fascination by the absurd to sadistic occurrences there.  
Due to the variegated grounds alone, each of Lipps’ works emanates something specific; one could also say something that is concentrated in itself. These are not series of drawings, on the contrary. Lipps’ pictures/scenarios stand for themselves, go in-depth, form craters into which one is drawn, and only in a second step do they seek a conversation with the neighboring drawings. Nothing really serious is negotiated either. At least not on the first level. Instead, we encounter narrations that function as quick jokes, pop tunes or dreams. But here, witticism is only interesting as a format (the brief story) and condensation technique, it is neither meant to make one laugh nor to make laughter get stuck in one’s throat. Lipps is a bogus cartoonist.
Anyone who has ever tried to be a comedian knows how hard it is to really get the punchline right. Failure and success lie quite close to each other. But Lipps succeeds with never-ending ease. Time and time again. This may have to do with wisdom of age and oddly corresponds with the way his pictures fall strangely out of time, but also with his evidently distanced view of things (and most likely also of himself). Any kind of rummaging in one’s own sentiments appears repugnant here, so that the works mark a sort of anti-program that functions so differently than the majority of contemporary art usually does.
Link: Jonas Lipps at Halle fĂŒr Kunst LĂŒneburg
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javiermoor4680-blog · 6 years ago
Vintage Shops In Kansas City, Missouri
Who states you shouldn't invest time with coworkers outside of the workplace? Treat your workers, partners and fellow business owners this summer with 1 of the leading 5 issues to do in Kansas City this summer! Elaine Grisnik offers a unique look at Kansas City, Kansas via the eyes and brushes of a true Dotte. Her artwork exhibits will be open for viewing 5-10 p.m. July 9 at the Alcott Arts Center, 180 S. 18th, Kansas City, Kan. If there is one factor that can damage a trip it is when your luggage is misplaced when you journey by plane. I have heard that there is an typical of one bag per plane. I was informed this buy a friend who works for an airline company. I don't know if that is accurate but it does appear to be from what I have seen. I have lost my bag once and did get it back. When I was in college I had a friend who lost a bag and he never got his back. It was a rather poor situation for him. L.A. Theatre Functions' radio theater series can also be listened to on the following stations (verify local listings for broadcast times): 89.7 WGBH in Boston; 91.5 FM WBEZ in Chicago; ninety four.9 KUOW in Seattle; 93.5 FM KRTS "Marfa Public Radio" in Texas; ninety.5 FM KUT in Austin; 88.nine FM KUNM in Albuquerque; ninety one.five FM, Interlochen Public Radio in Northern Michigan; 90.one FM KKFI in Kansas City, MO; ninety.7 FM KVNO in Omaha; ninety four.1 KPFA in Northern California; 91.one FM KRCB in Sonoma County; and 89.1 KUOR in Redlands. Summer or winter season, Kansas City climate can be brutal on both your well being and your wallet. Whether raising children on your own or with a companion, at occasions, you might need a helping hand. Unexpected emergency assistance organizations around the metropolis are available to assist. Some will also help with rent and other types of assistance. Carson Palmer performs for the Cincinnati Bengals. He is number nine and has experienced seven years encounter. For a list of his stats, please go to this site. The title Carson indicates Christian. It is American and some even chose Kansas City Kansas to spell it with a K. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: This parade originated prior to the Declaration of Independence. Presently the parade draws about Kansas City Kansas 500,000 spectators.Traditional parade features floats, bands and Gaelic dancers. the St. Patrick's Day occasion was initial celebrated 2235 years ago. Sunday,March 11:12:30 - three pm. Simon's first victim of the evening was Chelsea, the initial contestant in Kansas City Missouri City, Missouri to promote her pipes. The heartless judge blasted the young girl, saying her voice sounded like "Cats leaping off of the Empire Condition Developing. . .prior to hitting the ground." Severe? Sure. True? Most definitely. And the insults didn't stop there. Throughout the two hrs, Simon went on the call the worst of the folks "awful" and "horrible". He also questioned if some of them were "disappointed". Tornado are odd for this region but not that surprising. Last year we had small much more serious storms but they could be defined according to the National weather Services and have been seen in the past. Boston, Mass.: They've been partying since 1901 in "Bean Town". About 850,000 people attend this spirited party. The metropolis's population is about sixteen percent Irish and they celebrate St. Patrick's Day with enthusiasm. Sunday, March 18k 2007.; 1 pm. Kansas City Chiefs a member of the National Football League and situated in Kansas City, Missouri. The group is now affiliated with the Western Division of the American Football Convention. The group was originally named Dallas Texans the team was founded by Lamar Hunt in 1960. The group is priced at one billion bucks by Forbes. The team has gained two league Championships, three American Football League Championships, and 1 AFL-NFL Super Bowl Championship and it is currently a holder of 8 Division Championships. Kansas City Chiefs Tickets are very hard to arrive and get by especially if you wish to witness the team in live action. Michael Castro: (Sure, Jason Castro's small brother). Usually, I would've additional him to the weird list, but his voice wasn't half poor. He might even sound better than Jason! Sadly, he is cocky and has a character deficiency (yes, like Jason) that will be his downfall. In 1831, the American Fur Trade business started utilizing the Yellowstone to go up the river and deliver back again pelts from trappers. By the finish of 1835 there had been 684 steamboats on western waters even though only ten had been working on the Missouri river. In between 1840 and 1850, the riverboats helped with the migration of the Mormons to the west, as nicely as these heading to the Oregon trail or California gold rush. The golden period of steamboats was between 1850 and 1860. It is estimated that a three hundred passenger boat would cost between 50 to seventy five thousand dollars back again then. This quantity could easily be made back in 1 yr.
0 notes
bloodofghostbur · 4 years ago
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A quick traditional dream doodle :D the finale was pretty epic I gotta say
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darkartandcraft · 7 years ago
XABRACADABRA The Magical Art of Stephen Kasner Part I/III
Tonight, Dark Art & Craft will be featuring the first of a three-part interview with the dark visual artist, musician and, photographer Stephen Kasner. This in-depth interview with Thomas Haywood and Dott von Schneider takes a look into the inspiration and foundations of Kasner's dark creative work.
Read interview part I/III below:
by Thomas Haywood and Dott von Schneider
What is your definition of creativity?
Anything that attempts to be or become something greater than the sum of its parts. Creativity is an elevated result from the use of tools, visible or invisible. 
What would you say was your initial inspiration to start creating art? When did you discover you had this natural ability?
Just like most children, I always draw pictures. Drawing; concentrating on drawings, are among my earliest memories. I do recall my first vivid emotional connection to art which occurred at age 3. This was a completely random thing that evoked real emotion, actual fear, within me. This whole concept escaped me completely. I couldn’t possibly begin to wrap my mind around the reasons why I felt this fear, or how or why I could or would create something, seemingly unconsciously and from within myself that would produce these feelings. What use could I have for that at such a young age. It does prove, however, that fear, terror, uncertainty, are all feelings we naturally possess as human beings. They did come from somewhere. No one taught me that. Surely dark and terrifying emotions are instilled in all of us right from the moment of birth, perhaps even conception, but that’s an entirely different and more abstract concept.
Early on I would spend hours on end drawing in total solitude. Luckily for me, my parents didn’t think this strange and force me outside with other kids. That pursuit led me on all sorts of independent paths. Whenever I had an inspirational opportunity, I would draw from the television. I would watch old westerns and classic horror films and draw to them. More precisely, the movies would be on as a sort of soundtrack, and I would draw my own images to whatever scenarios I would hear occurring in the films. Later in life this was either an extension of, or perhaps simply a continuation of a natural method, when I began to really focus energy on translating musical artists works to imagery.
You’ve always been rather tied into the music scene, beginning locally. What is your personal history there?
Among my childhood friends, I was always surprised to discover that I felt I was the most serious admirer of music, just from sheer appreciation, enthusiasm and emotional connection. I recall asking one of my friends in the 5th or 6th grade what his favorite music and musicians were, and he was completely perplexed. Confounded, even. He looked rather puzzled and asked, “You mean, like, radio?” I didn’t know how to respond to that, but having cited a few examples, the next bedazzling reply came, “I guess I like The Police. On the radio”. I had a lot of strange run-ins like that. But see, I thought everyone was like me. I just assumed it at the time. It was all I could do to join the orchestra to not go out of my mind. I did have the good fortune of having befriended an amazing drummer then who turned me onto foundation bands like The Beatles, Black Sabbath, Iron Maiden, very early on. This was a blessing because I personally had a limited access to records then, and he would let me borrow his. I would take the records home, and they would be like treasures to me. I would play them incessantly and draw from the album covers. It was heaven. Jeff is the first person I ever experienced a live, loud (drumming) session with, and he still plays, by the way. But this happening in front of me at that young age, in the same room where I can actually feel the pressure of the experience was mind-blowing.
So these experiences opened my mind to possibilities earlier on, and I began seeking the more extreme options, music and art, whatever I could access and digging into deeper sources. Within just a couple years, I was regularly locked in my room endlessly testing my mother’s seemingly limitless patience with Charged G.B.H., Dead Kennedys, Exploited, The Accused, Black Flag, MDC, Alien Sex Fiend, at maximum volumes at all hours. This absorption of punk music as well as the timing, then being 16 years old and now able to drive to any show I wanted to see, led me to a world where I was now in the same room with many of these amazing people, seeing them perform, changing lives on the spot. Small shows within my own neighborhood were bands like Domestic Crisis, Grimace, Starvation Army, Death of Samantha, and Spike In Vein, who were all massive influences on me. Once all these emotional floodgates were opened fully and for good, that was it for me. No turning back.  
Your initial success in the industry came from working with bands and musicians.  How did this come to be? Did you approach bands to work with them, or did they stumble upon you?  
A bit of both occurred. Naturally, early on I pursued musicians and bands I had access to locally. I was still in high school when I produced my first work for any band, which was  probably The Spudmonsters, a still-legendary band connected to the punk/post-punk/metal scene of the ‘80s-90s. Leading up to my initiation with Spudmonsters, I was seriously drawing and painting by then, though I didn’t have anything resembling a formed vision. Only fragments. So my first work with musicians came almost strictly under the heading of illustration, although most of the actual ideas were my own. Their ‘Kill Your Idols’ record is a good example of this. I continued to dabble and connect with bands that needed assistance with imagery, producing everything from cassette covers, t-shirt graphics, hand painted backdrops. I was recently reminded that I did a backdrop for Spudmonsters. I’ll have to trust that lead. It’s probably right.
Chris Andrews was a founding member and guitarist for the band, and he owned the locally famous ‘Chris’ Warped Records’ store at the time. All the while I did any work for his band, money was usually never exchanged. I did album and t-shirt artworks in trade for records. I feel like I still do this type of literal trade-work a lot these days. Far too much, probably. 
Things connected with music collaboration took a major turn during my college graduation exhibition when I was approached by Rockie Brockway of CRAW. In that show I exhibited Dreamscape I & II simultaneously for the first time as these two works had only just been completed days before. Rockie was adamant about the fact that these were the pieces for the first CRAW album which was soon to be released. Being a major fan of the band and having seen them perform dozens of times by then, I knew them well, and agreed with the concepts. Of course I was more than pleased to contribute. Proud, really, and still am today. Those Dreamscape pieces were a major life shift for me and my work, and so was my connection with CRAW. That album was released in 1993. The next major Cleveland collaboration connection came a few years later when I met Dwid of Integrity. My work with Dwid became long-term and extensive, and grew to include actually recording and performing live together with Psywarfare. Most recently we collaborated again, also with Jacob Bannon of Converge, as Irons. So full circle, the collaboration system doesn’t break down or separate at just the imagery. I record and perform music with friends as well, and have for years.
In reference to your earlier statement, I would like to explore the concept of “translating musical artists work to imagery”. Can you expand on those experiences and how they transpire?
These two elements have always been conjoined. I was always interested in drawing and painting, and became instantly wide-eyed realizing serious artist’s work in the world as a youth. Omni and Heavy Metal magazines in the late 70’s and into the 80’s, for example, initiated me into the world of Fantastic and Visionary artists such as Ernst Fuchs, Beksinski, H.R. Giger, Robert Venosa, and many others, and I would absorb these images while listening to records. This was my hobby, really, outside of actually drawing myself. I was equally, deeply connected to music of that era; Psychedelic and hard rock, 70’s metal, and I began to study guitar from age 8 with instructors as a by-product of this insatiable passion. Ironically, I wasn’t learning what I wanted to play, you know, Led Zeppelin riffs, but was being taught classical and Spanish music. I thought this was a drag at such an early age, and my mind couldn’t connect to the magical road I was being led on then. I couldn’t realize I was being given the keys to the gate. But I continued studying formally for 7 years or so, at which point the drawing and painting medium eclipsed everything completely. I still have the musical passion today to create and produce my own sounds, but now it’s very stream of consciousness, improvisational, transient. There’s little structure, but for reasons.
I always knew innately that art and music were one entity, and so this marriage of sound and image was always a deeply connected essence within, so I subconsciously fused the two, always. Once I realized, perhaps closer to my teen years, that real artists in the world did precisely this type of work, on some of my favorite record album covers for example, that was it for me. This was the silver lining; that I could find some way to connect these mediums seriously, as a lifelong pursuit, and I’ve never flinched from these methods and modes of thinking. It’s a spiritual existence, if you are one who can take it that way. It is religious for many people I know.
You work is so ethereal and so unique, it is hard to find a parallel with any other artist outside of the late, great H.R. Giger. Do you find a parallel or influence with and from his work?
I would think it difficult not to. I recognize his immense popularity now, but this wasn’t always the case, and to me, that’s part of what makes his work so much more magical. What I mean is, growing up in the 70s, being a child and inadvertently stumbling onto paintings by Giger through OMNI or on album covers like ELP’s Brain Salad Surgery, for example, this work burns into your brain, particularly if you’re a type of person predisposed to his kind of majestic, psychedelic expressionism. If you have even half a spirit, Giger’s work remains with you for a lifetime, and I spent my early years searching it out. It became utterly, thoroughly surreal later meeting and spending time with him in his home and studio in Switzerland. Oddly, even as a young teen, he was one of only two living people who I ever dreamed of meeting. Never obviously expecting either of these events to become a reality, I’m proud to say I’ve met and bonded with both my deepest heroes. These were major, life-altering events, naturally, which have affected the way I see and think, thank goodness.
There is a strong representation of heavy writers, artists, and musicians narrating your book, Stephen Kasner, WORKS: 1993-2006. How did you connect with these folks? How did the book first come about?
I’ve been extremely fortunate to have met so many amazing, magical artists and people worldwide. In traveling and exhibiting my work in other environments, it becomes rather natural to gravitate to other artists you admire and gain access to, and for them to gravitate to you. These are all people who share a similar energy, focus, and outlook on things, so the will to work together is also natural. I think the sheer curiosity of what may come of joining with another person or people is utterly compelling. It’s like love. We all want to give and receive as much love as we possibly can in all its available forms. At least we all should want that.
What’s the best thing about Halloween?
Dreaming the dream that somewhere in the world exists a most intrepid and ever-potent witch. But then every day is Halloween, isn’t it?
Please follow Dark Art & Craft for part two: XABRACADABRA The Magical Art of Stephen Kasner Part II/III
View some of Stephen Kasner limited edition print work on Dark Art & Craft, available this Halloween night Tuesday, October 31, 2017.
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vileart · 8 years ago
Beadledoom Dramaturgy: Familia de la Noche @ Edfringe 2017
As part of the Edinburgh Festival Fringe 2017, 
Supported by Greenwich Theatre and produced by Familia de la Noche
BEADLEDOM: alpha and BEADLEDOM: Omega (clown)
Familia de la Noche return with two shows
BEADLEDOM: alpha and BEADLEDOM: Omega (Clown)
performed on alternate days at Underelly Cowgate (Iron Belly) from 4 – 27 August at 2.50pm.  Using their trademark style of clowning, music and puppetry the company looks at life and death. 
What was the inspiration for this performance?
The inspiration for Beadledom came from three different directions. 
The first was the idea of inspiration itself. What inspires people to make decisions in their lives and how are those decisions coloured by what is around us. What holds us back from reaching where we want to be and what stops us from making connections.  Secondly, we wanted to work with two of our favourite performers, Dott Cotton and Edward Cartwright and to shape the performance around their particular skills. 
Thirdly we wanted to look as some big questions about life and death and our attitudes and beliefs towards them. But rather than approaching abstract ideas in an abstract way we wanted to form narratives around them, making them personal rather than simply intellectual.
Is performance still a good space for the public discussion of ideas? 
I think it’s one of the best. Our approach is to put our ideas out there, allow people to absorb them and form their own opinion. For us it’s non-confrontational and open and allows people time to feel and digest before discussing, which is an opportunity you don’t always get. We never think what we are doing is “right”, we are not trying to impress an opinion on anyone. It’s an offer and we want to know what people think in response.
How did you become interested in
making performance?
 When I was about 14 I watched a show. It was a mixture of dance, circus, straight acting, crazy design with mud and water everywhere. It was epic and bonkers but made total sense and I thought to myself – I want to do that. A few years of acting down the line and I saw another show. It had dance and circus and a field of Christmas trees and I thought to myself – I want to make that, just watching wasn’t quite enough. For me performance has always been about telling stories in the most inventive and engaging way – I love watching but I love making even more.
Is there any particular approach to the making of the show?
For us the story will always be the most important thing. It’s what we do best. Once we had our basic concept we moved straight on to finding our characters and working out ways for them to navigate and explore that concept. We made our lives a bit more difficult than usual as both the Beadledoms are one person shows and both are plays without words. This means we examined really carefully what we mean by character. The music, set, projections and audience are all characters in the pieces which gives a really inclusive feel to the performance. 
Does the show fit with your usual productions?
These shows draw together of lots of things we’ve learnt from making our previous shows. They are strongly character and narrative led and we are using shadow puppetry and projection, so they definitely look and feel like a Familia show. We’re also pushing ourselves this year, making two shows that jigsaw together, affect each other but which can also stand alone is a big challenge. Take away the words and they are even more so. We are really excited about them. They show how the company has evolved and the direction we are heading.
What do you hope that the audience will experience?
 We want the audience to be a part of the journey that our characters are taking – They are one of the characters in the room (although if you live in dread of audience participation don’t worry, no one gets picked on!) and they play a different role in each of the shows. We want them to be swept through an hour, laugh, cry, be on the edge of their seats, come out of the theatre, have a coffee, think about what they saw and then realise that nobody spoke.
What strategies did you consider towards shaping this audience experience?
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Once we had realised that the audience was a character in the shows our strategies centred around making them feel like they were in a role. At the same time we didn’t want that to feel forced or make anyone feel uncomfortable. We looked at way of gently involving them and suggesting the position they are in without taking away the fact that they are watching a show. We want the experience to enjoyable and fun.
Set in Beadledom, an infinite office block and the headquarters of the Universe, Familia have created a pair of shows – α (alpha) and ℩ (omega) – that look at what makes humans tick; what is the difference between a brilliant flash of life and a dull flicker? 
The Beadledoms are twins, but not identical. They are designed to be viewed individually but also jigsaw together to make a giant, glorious, messy, sad, happy, beautiful story; Beadledom α alpha: follows the story of Max (Ed Cartwright; Les Enfants Terribles, The Celestial Ape, Vaults Festival and ITV; Sherlock Holmes) a Beadledom administrator on α-shift as he toils away populating the universe with life - until a catastrophic cosmos malfunction leaves Max facing the biggest system reset of all time. Beadledom ℩ omega: follows the story of Deborah (Dott Cotton - Les Enfants Terribles/London Hippodrome), a Beadledom administrator on ℩-shift as she slogs away removing life from the universe. But she is obsessed with life, she longs to create one. Maybe today is her lucky day.
‘What it would be like to stroll through the inside of Tim Burton's and Terry Gilliam's minds’ SuchSmallPortions.com
Familia de la Noche is an award-winning theatre company creating shows that are funny, affecting, charming and raucously entertaining. The company won the ThreeWeeks Editors’ Award in 2015 for creating “consistently outstanding work”. In 2017 they became supported artists at Greenwich Theatre and were part of 2016 ACW Wales in Edinburgh showcase.
LISTINGS INFORMATION: α (alpha) will be performed from 4-26 August at Underbelly Cowgate, 2.50pm. Dates 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26.
LISTINGS INFORMATION: ℩ (omega) will be performed from 3-27 August at Underbelly Cowgate, 2.50pm. Dates 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27. 
Both shows are at Iron Belly and Tickets from ÂŁ7.30
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from the vileblog http://ift.tt/2tpsplJ
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