#oc: zedge
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deejadabbles · 2 years ago
So, @blueink-bluesoul had me thinking about my clone wars OCs for the first time in years, I now have the mighty urge to make that everyone else's problem by ranting about them. I love OCs so feel free to get revenge by ranting about your own OCs to me!
Also if...if anyone out there likes these characters and wants to request headcanons on them as if they're canon characters...I would not mind that at all....
Please excuse my attempts at art, I've very out of practice with drawing 😞 Here's the picrews I used for the lightsaber and clone armor if you're interested
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Mayreen Torrez
Hashtag your mom friend. She's between Anakin and Obi-wan in age. Auburn hair that she keeps long for the first half of the war, but, while saving her men from an explosion, she gets badly burned across her arms and face, also charring the ends of her hair. After that she keeps it short and has the faint scars of a burn mark on the left side of her face. (my current pfp is a picrew I made of her)
As stated above she's the doting mom friend. Holds to the belief that friendships and other relationships does not automatically = unhealthy attachment. So she's not afraid to make deep connections with others, especially other Jedi and her troops, she believes that balancing those relationships with healthy mindsets is the true test of a jedi.
One of those Jedi who's extremely vocal of her criticisms of the republic, considering the politicians are using the Jedi and clones as unwilling pawns in their war. There were a....few incidents during the war where she "bent" direct orders when she thought they might result in too high casualty rates or prioritized other things over civilian lives.
She's in love with her Commander, but she's determined to take those feelings to her grave- not because she thinks love is wrong, but because the idea of unintentionally abusing her rank over him makes her sick to her stomach.
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Commander Zedge
Might as well be called Commander Dad. Keeps the sides of his hair shaved and long on top, secures it back with a ponytail. Has two long scars along the corner of his mouth and one over his eyebrow. There's a small tattoo over his left temple, the symbol is an ancient ward to protect those under your command.
Zedge cares about one thing: protecting innocent people, including his brothers. He only sees the war as a way to do that, especially once he sees how the separatist droids treat those on their occupied worlds. He is not one to spare criticism for the republic either, especially when Mayreen is the same way. He's aware that him and his brothers had no choice in this fight, even if most of them believe in the cause, and will help his General bend rules if it means protecting his brothers.
Speaking of, he was very skeptical of the Jedi leading the clones, and was convinced that they wouldn't care about clone casualties. Thankfully, just a few days with his new general made his worries fade pretty quickly. Especially when Mayreen showed respect for his tactical knowledge and combat skills. He firmly believes they're the best Jedi general/clone commander duo in the GAR given their perfectly aligned values. His opinion of the Jedi in general does a harsh 180 quick, and comes to respect the way they value life, and realizes that they also had no choice in this war.
Eventually this man comes to the mind-crashing realization that he's in love with his General. Has no idea the feelings are mutual and thinks he's the worst comrade ever for "disrespecting" her with his feelings. Every one in the battalion knows they're in love and thinks they're idiots.
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Dott (the medic)
Precious, precious boy. Has a pretty standard haircut but keeps the front a little longer so he can spike them up. Has a tattoo of the medical symbol on his neck and a prominent smattering of shrapnel scars down his right arm, which he got while pulling Fixit away from a grenade that went off before they were a safe distance.
Total nerd, thinks laughter is good medicine and is ALWAYS telling bad dad jokes, no matter how many times they tell him to stop (Mayreen's the only one who laughs at them). "If you don't wanna hear my jokes Stop getting sent to my med bay!"
Is always researching stuff on the holonet, but becomes completely invested in research involving mental health. Makes it his personal mission to become the battalion's therapist as well as medic. Always sending tips on improving ones mental health to everyone's datapads, checking in for signs of PTSD after every rough mission, big advocate for talking out feelings rather than stamping them out. Meditates with Mayreen and Fixit and encourages everyone to join in. Long story short if you need to talk about anything please go to him <3
He's also a big animal lover and takes holopics of the wildlife on every planet they visit. Has been known nurse an injured animal back to health when stationed on a planet for awhile. Would probably sneak a bogling or tooka back to the ship if he thought he could get away with it.
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Bravo (the pilot)
Chaotic little brother. One of those clones with the genetic anomaly of blonde hair, which he is very proud of. Constantly says his sweeping blonde curls are his best feature and likes being annoying about it. Has his battalion number tattooed on one forearm and a silhouette of his star fighter on the other.
Incredibly skilled pilot, he often offers air support for the ground squad. Known for his high risk=high reward maneuvers but is constantly in the med bay as a result. Jokes that him and Dott are besties now because of how much time they spend together <3
Loves being the center of attention and will get it even if it means being obnoxious. This goes double when they're on shore leaving and he always wants someone to have fun with. He's not really into commitment tho, at first he didn't realize that was something he should be upfront about when picking up dates, so after a few tearful Holo calls from previous lovers he's much more transparent about his wants now.
He's also the only OC who I know dies during the war. He sacrifices himself to save a refugee transport. He wasn't ordered to, he just knew the only way to save the civilians was to crash his fighter into the Separatist warship and he didn't even have to give it another thought. If his squad has taught him anything its that innocent lives always come first. Okay I'm gonna cry now
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Fixit (the mechanic)
Shy baby. Keeps his hair just a little long and tied back at the nape of his neck. Has a scar across the back of his left hand and both hands are always scraped up and covered in grease.
Fixit got his name because of his genius skills in mechanics. Loves droids and is always keeping the ones on the ship shinny and up to date, which often results in said droids following him like baby ducks. The astromech Bravo flies with is constantly around Fixit cos of all the times Bravo's stunts have set him on fire.
Easily flustered, which makes him an easy target for brotherly teasing, this is where all the "droids are better than people" jokes come from. He takes an active interest in the way the Jedi calm their minds through meditation and asks Mayreen to teach him, they have regular sessions between missions. He also really appreciates all the confidence building advice that Dott and Mayreen give him.
Has been known to improve standard issue equipment, usually focusing on devices that can better protect him and his brothers. He's also constantly improving his oldest friend, Whisper's, rifle since he's the only person Whisper trusts with his gun.
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Whisper (the sharpshooter)
It's always the quiet ones. He keeps his hair long and dyes the ends of it whenever he can, doesn't matter what color he just wants them dyed. Has lines tattooed around his eyes and mouth, then later on gets some blackout stripe tattoos down both of his arms. He also purposefully scared up his helmet to match his tattoos.
Got his name because he doesn't talk much and when he does, he's very soft spoken (he could make bank if he did ASMR recordings of his voice lmao). He's also the best shot in the battalion and is the best man to cover you on the battle field.
Him and Fixit were actually squad-mates back on Kamino and have been with each other since the beginning. They're best friends and you can usually find Whisper cleaning his rifle while Fixit rambles on beside him, tuning up the droids.
Whisper isn't really "shy" per se, he just prefers to sit by and watch, listen. This gives him an excellent insight into body language and can clock someone's intentions very quickly. Also don't fist fight him, he can predict your moves before you even know what you're doing based on your body position.
He may look intimidating but he's actually very sweet and gentle, just...don't insult one of his brothers or disrespect his General. He doesn't care what the punishment is, he will teach someone respect if they run their mouth in front of him.
I'm sorry these are all so long I just!!! I love my squad so much! They're a tight knit family unit and would literally do anything for each other 😭
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deejadabbles · 1 year ago
I really want to make a proper post for her but here's some quick notes on an OC I've had on my mind for awhile 💙
her name is Mana, shes a Pantoran who hails from a remote colony on the very edges of the mid rim.
shes a pilot and a mechanic, her ship is her pride and joy (especially because it belonged to her father who has since passed). Said ship is made for stealth.
Before the war she worked as a smuggler, but specifically working for a freedom fighter group who would smuggle slaves off of hostile planets, but yes, she also smuggles other things in order to pay the bills
During the war the Republic hired her to smuggle medical and other supplies to occupied worlds and some times she'd even be asked to sneak covert teams behind enemy lines and has met quite a few troopers because of this 💜
Personality wise she's very scattered brained, but intelligent (please don't comment on the constant mess her ships in), has opinions for days but only says them to those she trusts. Will break laws without much thought or qualms so long as they don't compromise her morals.
❤️OC x Canon Ship HCs🤍
Ship a canon character with one of my OCs, and I’ll give you 5 HCs about their relationship.
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karekuat · 9 months ago
11, 58, and 81
Intrusive Ask Game!
11. Do you ever want to get married?
I do! I plan on getting married to the wonderful @thetruenightzedge who I've been with for roughly 3 years now :)
58. What are five ways to win your heart?
(1) Make or give me food
(2) Make me laugh a lot / Match my weirdo vibes
(3) Engage in conversation with me about a variety of things (story analysis, game mechanics, OC stuff, decolonization, sharing/exchanging culture)
(4) Be patient with me (I actively struggle with a lot of mental health issues, it sucks to feel guilty over feeling like people have to 'deal with me' when I'm experiencing that stuff)
(5) Be honest with me
81. Who are five people you find attractive?
(1) Zedge (@thetruenightzedge)
(2) Space Cowboy Eli (Zedge's OC :3)
(3) Sechs from Gunnm (Alita Battle Angel)
(4) Ashitaka from Princess Mononoke
(5) Resident Evil Agent (from RE6 specifically)
Thanks for the ask!
Ask Game is Here!
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deejadabbles · 2 years ago
This looks fun! Thank you for tagging me, I love talking about my bbys <3
Mayreen: A length of multi-colored, braided string (each string represents one of her troopers <3) that's it, she's a jedi and doesn't have much lol
Zedge: a notepad + pen and a charm Mayreen gave him modeled after his tattoo
Dott: A pocket sized med kit and a literally list of bad jokes so he's always ready to make his brothers cringe
Bravo: breath freshener + chap stick so he's always make-out ready and a comb
Fixit: a multitool, random bits of hardware, and a little wood carving Whisper made him
Whisper: hair ties, a mini sketch pad, and a welded metal trinket Fixit made him
IDK if you guys have already done this but! Tagging: @commander-sunshine @corrieguards @freesia-writes and Beth idk if you have any OCs BUT @littlemissmanga
What does your OC have in their pockets?
I know Rina tends to keep the following:
vape mod
crumpled up covering from a nic patch
a few credits in change
black com link
rope dart (the perks of having a weapon that can get small)
Pass this along to empty out an OC's pockets
@photogirl894, @techs-stitches, @techs-assistant, @locitapurplepink
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deejadabbles · 2 years ago
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Hello there, my name is Deeja and I have very little shame for a 28 year old woman. If @secondaryrealm follows you, sends you asks, or replies to your posts, that's me.
About this blog: This is a side blog where I post reader inserts and other fanfiction. Below you'll find my master list and link to my tag list form!
I do post NSFW stuff quite a bit, so Minors, please do not interact with my blog. If you're an adult but don't like NSFW things, I do try to remember to tag it as "spicy lemons".
I never use the term y/n and always try my best to avoid any physical descriptions for the reader. I usually write gender neutral (GN) readers unless otherwise stated, however please keep in mind that I'm a cisgendered woman so said readers may be unintentionally fem-coded.
I hope you enjoy your stay on my little corner of Tumblr! 💙💜
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If you want to be tagged when I post:
Just fill out this form 💙
Master Lists! (sub-sections and tags will be added as needed)
Attention: this list only includes my star wars stuff. If you would like to read my works from other fandoms they're all on my AO3 account
List is divided by characters
Misc tags:
Deeja writes (my general tag for all my fics)
Works by others (please check out these amazing writers!)
Fanart (wonderful artists who deserve love)
Feel good tag / Happy tag (things that make me happy)
Captain Rex x Reader
The Mistake You Can't Live Without (jedi!Reader)
Desperate Distractions (fem!reader smut, drabble)
Take a Ride (fem!reader smut)
Ruin (fem!reader, smut)
Spicy prompt: "I don't think you're supposed to use the Force like that" (jedi!reader, spice, drabble)
Western AU Headcanons
The Captain and the Shadow (jedi!reader, series) Prologue /// [Part One coming soon]
Echo x Reader
Dreamy Desires (incubus!Echo x fem!reader, smut)
The Hidden Room (halloween prompt)
Somebody Else (fem!reader, angst, drabble)
Western AU Headcanons
The Beauty In All (Matchmaking AU) Part One // Part Two //
Echo and Comms (comm officer!reader, series) Part One /// Part Two /// Part Three /// [Part Four coming soon]
Fives x Reader
An Awkward Kind of Charm (matchmaking AU)
How to Summon a Demon Boyfriend (demon!Fives halloween prompt)
Five-Oh-Thirst, Part One (fem!reader, spice, 501st x reader)
My Ding-ding-dong (humor)
Touch (fluff, drabble)
Tup x Reader
Hold On Tight (fem!reader, smut)
Wild, beautiful things (fluff, drabble)
Languid Reunion (fem!reader, smut)
Tup NSFW Alphabet Headcanons
Kix x Reader
Forbidden Masks (fem!reader, halloween prompt)
Five-Oh-Thirst, Part One (fem!reader, spice, 501st x reader)
Spicy prompt: "I don't need to take it off to fuck you" (fem!reader, smut, drabble)
Jesse x Reader
Five-Oh-Thirst, Part One (fem!reader, spice, 501st x reader)
Funeral Grey (fem!reader, spice, drabble)
Commander Fox x Reader
Among the Hedge Maze (halloween promt, fluff)
The Handmaiden's Fox (fem handmaiden!reader, series) Prologue /// Part One /// Part Two /// [part three coming soon]
Commander Thorn x Reader
Safeguard (drabble)
Safehaven (oneshot, companion to Safeguard)
Hunter x Reader
Songs in the Kitchen (fluff)
Hunter x (fem) Reader x Hound (predator/prey vibes, drabble)
Western AU Headcanons
Wrecker x Reader
A Tooka for a Puppy (fluff, drabble)
Western AU Headcanons
Tech x Reader
The Right Parts (western AU)
Western AU Headcanons
Crosshair x Reader
The Garden (fluff, drabble)
Crush (angst, drabble)
Western AU Headcanons
Grey x Reader
Feverish Flirtations (fluff)
OCs and Unnamed Clones
Period Pains (unnamed clone, comfort, drabble)
OC Mana: Introduction post
OC Tiio: Intro post, personality ask,
OC Jacen: Intro post,
OC Jedi Knight Mayreen: Intro post,
OC Commander Zedge: Intro post,
OC Whisper: Intro post, more headcanons, aesthetic/style ask,
OC Bravo: Intro post,
OC Fixit: Intro post,
OC Dott: Intro post,
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karekuat · 2 years ago
I only have one OC and I try to keep his story up to date with all the current events going on in D2 as it progresses (and I go back and write stuff that happened in previous seasons when they stir up in my brain as well)
Claes isn’t super fond of the hive so this isn’t the most comfortable thing in the world but he’s not close enough to Eris or the Vanguard to really involve himself that much.
However his partner, Eli (who belongs to @thetruenightzedge ​) has quite a history of studying hive magic and has vaguely?? close ties to Eris (he can correct me if I’m wrong) so he full on went and also turned himself a bit hivey, which is where the angst comes in for Claes.
As of right now Claes is trying to use the consciousness/memory based powers of Strand to help Eli deal with the whispers and support him as best he can, there’s a whole scene we plotted out for it that I wanna write Full and Good and post it at some point
Are your d2 ocs feeling any particular way about season of the witch so far??
oh god this is so hard to answer for multiple reasons
the first is I have so many ocs (seriously there are So Many)
and the second is their stories are all Very behind the current events
I can tell you, however, that my oc Kai will be going through it for sure. She fought in the Great Disaster so she has a Lot of hangups regarding the Hive, and tackling that is going to be an Event
how about yours? (feel free to answer in the replies or reblogs, I will be Looking 👀)
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redpandamemes · 7 years ago
Oh boy here we go Oc sexualitys
Doctor: Bi
Sven: Demi
Serkan: Pan
Rik: Hetero
Valyer: Pan
Theo: Bi
Mark: Gay
Kris: Gay
Leon: Ace
Rusty: Gay
OwO (???????)
Sol: Omni
Stardust: Lesbian
Taiyo: Hetero
Alex/Finius: Bi
Zach: Gay
Perma: Ace
Jay: Bi
Sky: Pan
Midnight: Hetero
Tula: Hetero
Murkyfoot: Ace
Clearpelt: Hetero
Eelmist: Hetero
Wolfrunner: Demi
Sunnywater: Bi
Zelda: Bi
Ieko: Bi
Cryion: Hetero
Wejin: Ace
Zedge: Ace
Xerx: Hetero
Kero: Hetero
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