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luxurybeautyreviews · 7 months ago
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doreme21p · 1 year ago
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Biggest selection of Doreme pigments in stock for worldwide delivery. Doreme pigments for microblading. High pigment density ensures maximum color retention. pigments doreme
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eldritch-spouse · 3 months ago
that you may twine your fingers with the void that claims his ribs and hold him in a manner so intimate Dorem shudders.
No one would blame you for thinking it's off the limit. This pitch black mass that obscures Dorem's torso seems smoky in quality at times, and it'll take a small eternity before he feels that you can touch it without sustaining considerable health consequences.
But as soon as you "dip" a finger into the supposedly hollow space beneath his first few twisted ribs, you'll find there's something dense in it, smooth, something that molds airily around your hand. Dorem can't tell you why it's there or when exactly it took root upon him to the extent it currently has, but he does theorize that it's yet another manifestation of his despicable acts. It's a poison.
He never expected your tentative exploration would rise anything within him. Many times has Dorem enveloped his own hand in the void of his torso and felt nothing but the briefest breeze of discomfort. A joke compared to how your touch makes him feel. Perhaps because you're so alive, so chaotically complex, it feels to him as if you're touching his entire body at once. Of course he shakes, of course his vision fails, of course he suddenly feels weightless and without footing.
He falls, hardly noticing he's clinging back at you. There's sparks of something beyond pleasure in him, beyond what you might consider the carnal.
Dorem doesn't like testing the waters regarding this. It shouldn't become something regular, in his opinion.
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dorcas and emmeline make racist jokes abt each other all the time
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blackpinkofficialupdates · 2 years ago
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[230402] sooyaaa__: ABC DoReMe 🖤
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rockybloo · 7 months ago
I went looking at Sweetheart's outfits in toyhouse and really like them! One of her younger outfits (I think it's meant to be her as a teenager?) reminded me of something and I couldn't figure out why. Then on twitter I saw some sonic fanart, the big heart on it makes me thing of Rouge the bat lol. Which made me think, what actually inspired you when making her outfits? If you have any specific things to point at that inspired her different outfits.
Powerpuff Girls Z, Magical Doreme, and Tokyo Mew Mew were the biggest influences in Sweethearts various fits.
I wanted to take inspiration from magical girl outfits I personally really liked and grew up with since the series listed all have a specific charm to their designs.
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onlyforpjm · 2 years ago
Agent Emerald
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Episode 1; Korea's Boyfriend
❧words: 4,884
❧ warnings:gun violence, violence, blood, minor deaths, one sided love
❧pairing: agent!jimin x agent!y/n ft jungkook
❧genre: strangers to lovers
❧au: national intelligence service/agents/bodyguards 
summary: Protecting Jungkook as you work for the secret service was a walk in the park, until things change for the worse and a new recruit is assigned as your partner, Agent Dorem.
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Jeon Jungkook, someone you were all too familiar with.
The name that echoes throughout the room, turns heads from those who are interested in what he’s wearing lately, and gossiping about his dangerously good looks. The country knows Jeon Jungkook as the president’s son and his only child.
Every woman wants him and every man wants to be him, you’re no stranger to Korea’s boyfriend, who is currently standing in front of you in his 2.4 million penthouse with one shirt in each hand. One black, one white, pouting like a lost puppy.
“I have no fucking clue what to wear.”
You scoff at his words as you cross your arms looking at him standing in his grand master bedroom connected to his closet. “Really Jeon? It’s the same shirt but different colors, shades at that. Just pick one before you’re late to class.”
He rolls his big brown doe eyes and sulks back into his walk-in closet like a kid who recently dropped his favorite candy on the floor.
“You would think my own best friend would know the differences between my favorite shirts. One shirt can change a whole outfit. Y/N” He starts to rummage through the rest of his wardrobe.
“Jeon, I am working, and you know better to address me as Agent Emerald, not my legal name.”
Jungkook lets out a loud groan and darts his eyes at you. “Y/N. I’ve known you since you had a disgusting teenage crush on Justin Bieber, you’re always going to be Y/N to me, not Agent Emerald” Quotations are thrown in the air using his hands and his broad nose scrunches up cringing saying your code name.
A hand rest on your nose pinching the bridge as you try your best to keep things professional following protocol, but your oldest friend keeps testing your patience.
Jungkook notices the frustration on your face and his softens.
“Okay, I’m sorry. I know you’re working and my dad made strict rules even though he knows how close we are, but c’mon Y/N. I know this is torture for you too.” His eyebrows wiggle when he speaks his mind, a bunny smile appearing as he walks towards you. “And what’s the big deal we’re the only people in my house right now, loosen up a little.”
A comforting sigh leaves your mouth and you let your shoulders relax. “I know Jungkook. I just have a lot of pressure on me. It has only been a few months since I’ve been assigned to you, and you’re my first job. I’m still a rookie and I don’t want to jeopardize anything.” You look at him with sad eyes.
Truthfully when you first decided at the age of 9 to become an agent and be a part of the national intelligence service or NIS, you were aware that your first job would be small and be an introduction to your work and that a big mission wouldn't be assigned until you at least have 5 years worth of experience. But the shock that traveled through your body as your boss informed you that the president himself requested you as Jungkook’s personal agent was unimaginable.
Of course, it was because you had known Jungkook since you both were pre-teens, being friends for a decade his parents gained an abundance amount of trust in you, but the fact you received one of the most important jobs in the country one year into you being on the workforce gave you unimaginable anxiety.
“I would hardly call it a few months. It has been 11 months since you’ve been assigned to me and 2 years since you’ve been an agent Miss Emerald.” A muscular arm wraps around you and his head rests on your shoulder.
You comply and lay your head softly onto his. Inhaling his shampoo evidence that he’d showered earlier. “I think you’re pretty amazing Y/N, relax a little. Nothing has even happened over these 11 months. If anything you’re getting paid to spend more time with me.” He spins carefully and then strikes a pose. You let out a small chuckle at your childhood friend’s actions.
“Okay okay, you’re right and I hate it when you’re right.” A smile creeps on both of you.
“Exactly, Jeon Jungkook is always right!” Rolling your eyes then quickly gaze over his well-organized closet.
“Oh shut the fuck up and get dressed. Put on that flannel, black Balenciaga shirt, baggy jeans, and your favorite black boots, and let’s go! You’re already late.” Simultaneously you look at your watch. Five minutes before Jungkook's class starts. Then you turn your back and start heading to the front door leaving Jungkook behind. He stands there in disbelief with his tattooed hand covering his mouth dramatically.
“Y/N! You’re a fucking fashion genius!”
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An obnoxious yawn appears on your side.
Jungkook has his eyes glued to his phone scrolling through yet another fashion website to add more to his already tight-packed closet. His free hand reaches to fix his hair, a cute habit you adored about Jungkook.
His eyebrows furrow as he speaks to let you know what's on his mind. “Sometimes I just want to drop out and live my life as a freeloader.” You smile softly at your best friend’s words. “College is cool and all but the boring days are dreadful and instead of you following me around the campus, you could be following me around Bora Bora or something.”
While telling you his thoughts he raises his phone to your view and shows you a pair of shoes on the website from earlier. You analyze his pick carefully scrunching your nose and shaking your head.
Jungkook nods in response to your answer. “Jeon, You could choose to live in hell and I still would follow you around. Wherever you go I go.” Your face remains expressionless. Jungkook grins cheerfully then raises both of his arms to wrap around your neck giving you a genuine hug.
You both stop walking and you wrap one arm around his waist to return his hug.
Jungkook pulls away with fake sniffles wiping his crocodile tears.
“Y/N you’re so sweet.” He continues his act but gets increasingly louder causing other students on campus to turn their heads at the two of you.
“Am I interrupting something here?”
A towering man approaches the both of you with a warming smile holding two plastic bags in both hands.
Jungkook returns a smile and waves to his first friend he’d made attending college “Taehyung! You just missed one of Y/N’s rare moments of her being sweet to me!”
Taehyung lets out a dramatic gasp and hands you one of the plastic bags. “No way. Y/N being nice? That’s unheard of.” You scoff and roll your eyes at the two boys on each side of you. You look into the bag Taehyung handed and see bakery goods occupying the space.
“Alright alright. I’m not mean guys. I only act stern when I’m working and I basically work 24/7.”
You take a chocolate croissant out and take a big bite. The flavor immediately disperses through your tastebuds and you groan at how good it tastes. You wish that you didn’t skip breakfast this morning.
“On-shift Y/N and Off shift, Y/N are two different people.” Taehyung follows your actions and grabs a slice of pound cake. Jungkook’s shoulders slump hearing his friend's words and glares at you lightly. “Either way she’s still mean to me” Now crossing his arms mimicking an upset child. You chuckle.
A small vibration comes from the left pocket of your sweatpants and you reach for your phone lifting it to your view and tilting your head with a confused face as you see who is calling your phone. Jungkook who took some of Taehyung's pound cake notices your movements “Who is it?” You look over at him and silently debate whether you should tell him. A small sigh comes out of your mouth.
“It’s your father.”
Jungkook’s eyes widen. Stress rushes across his face. “My dad? Why is he calling you?”
You begin to walk away to pick up your phone which seems to be ringing for an eternity gesturing an apology for not responding to Jungkook's questions.
President Jeon has not once ever called you personally in your 12 years of knowing the Jeon family. President Jeon has always been busy ever since you met him. Before his presidency, he was the CEO of his company. Retiring and passing it on to his most trusted worker, which is the sole reason why Jungkook is attending college studying his bachelor's degree in Business Administration to prepare himself as the next heir to the company after the current CEO, who is awaiting Jungkook to be ready so she can retire.
You were yet to be introduced to him until the age of 16, seven years after befriending Jungkook finally meeting him at a family Christmas party which Jungkook’s dad missed years prior. President Jeon was an extremely professional man to the outside world and you, but the more time you spent with the Jeon family you’d notice how even more cold-hearted he is when it would come to his wife and son.
You quickly place your phone onto your ear curiosity spreading through your thoughts on why the President is calling you. “Hello, President Jeon. May I ask-“ Before you could even finish the rest of your sentence the President speaks in a loud but serious tone over the phone nearly piercing your ears. “Agent Emerald. Get my son out of there immediately. He is not safe.” Your eyebrows furrow deeply. “Take Jungkook home now! Keep him safe until you get confirmation from Agent H and only Agent H.”
You spent no time asking questions and your feet rapidly move running towards your best friend with the phone still against your ear. “Yes sir, Jeon is on his way home now.” You hear a sigh from the other line with a lot of commotion in the background. “Agent protect my son, please. Everything will be explained later.” The call ends after and you grab Jungkook’s arm leading him to your car.
Jungkook doesn’t protest waving his friend goodbye and Taehyung goes to class returning a wave with a smile not questioning what had happened as he knows the protocols. “Y/N? What’s going on. Is my dad okay?” Worry fills his brown eyes as they stare at the back of your head aimlessly following and going wherever you go. As you enter your car you swiftly turn your head scanning for any dangers. “I haven’t gotten any information. All I know is that something major happened and that I need to take you home now.” 'You drive off the engine roaring as you press the accelerator.
Jungkook reaches for his phone to check the news.
“What the fuck.”
His jaw visibly drops and freezes with his phone almost slipping through his hands making contact with the car floor.
“What? What happened?” Your eyes focus on the road speeding trying to get to Jungkook’s penthouse.
“The Vice President has been shot. About 20 minutes ago.”
Jungkook places his phone down to hold himself in his arms, tears threatening to spill. “He…He has a family Y/N. What the fuck is happening.” Hands grip tightly on your car wheel knuckles turning ghostly white. You continuously scan the rearview mirror for anyone attempting to harm Jungkook.
Your eyes squint slightly eyeing a suspicious black car that had been following yours closely. “Fuck. Hold on Jungkook.” Jungkook responds quickly holding onto the car bracing himself from your actions. The car roars as you press your pedal to the car floor as you make a sharp right lifting the car onto its two wheels as it tilts and you reach another street trying to avoid the following car. At the same time, you look into your rear view again to see the same car mirroring your movements now increasing its speed towards you.
Jungkook follows your eyes and notices the same car. “Shit shit shit! Are they following us?” Panic overcomes him and his hold becomes more secure. “Yes. Whoever they are, it must be related to the shooting of the Vice President.” You pick up your earpiece and apply it to your ear. The earpiece automatically connects and you speak with volume.
“This is Agent Emerald. I have Golden Jeon with me. A Black BMW 430i is following us. Requesting for backup immediately!”
Jungkook flinches at your raised voice. A female voice appears through your earpiece. “Agent Emerald we already have your location. Backup is on its way.”
Before you could realize it, the black sports car speeds up and appears on your driver’s side. A masked man dressed in black head to toe points a gun toward Jungkook with half of his body outside the car window.
Jungkook ducks immediately and covers his ears out of fear as the unknown man opens fire but the bullets end up ricocheting against your bulletproof windows. Frustrated with the men targeting Jungkook. You turn your wheel harshly towards the small car colliding with the man shooting towards the two of you causing him to get hit and drop his weapon. The masked man goes back in his car showing pain from your action as the driver tries to keep the car stable from your actions. You look back once more to find familiar cars from the national intelligence service and then speed off in your car heading straight not minding the multiple red lights you ran.
Jungkook looks up uncovering his ears. Tears were ridden all over his face. “Wait where are we going? You missed the way to my house.” He lowers his head again holding his head in disbelief. “I just want to go home Y/N. Please take me home.” You try to not react to your friend but as your heart sinks you can’t help but express pity. A hand comes off the wheel as you place your hand on Jungkook’s head. Caressing his locks to comfort him. He relaxes slightly but keeps his position still admitting fear. You don’t turn to look at his eyes focusing on the road as you speak to him softly. “We’re taking a different way. Your home is the safest place to be right now. I promise I’m taking you home and I promise I will keep you safe Jungkook. Trust me.” Jungkook takes your soft hand from the top of his head placing it in between his hands squeezing tightly.
“Ok. I trust you.” He whispered quietly.
You look behind your car once more to see the car long gone and that you’d lost them. Sighing quietly in relief as you drive to Jungkook’s Penthouse. You’ve been Jungkook’s agent for almost a year now and two years since you became an agent. Never had something happened like this to the President, let alone Jungkook. You know this was the sole purpose of your job but thoughts helplessly ran through your mind.
Why is this happening? Why were they trying to assassinate Jungkook? Who were those men?
The rest of the car ride was silent as you didn’t want to spark up a conversation knowing Jungkook was in shock and still in fear of the events happening prior. You drive to Jungkook’s neighborhood approaching the gate slowly littered with police and agents like you. Which had seemed to triple from the news earlier today. You roll down your window showing your badge and Jungkook to gain access and enter the neighborhood.
You park your car in your designated parking spot, quickly exiting your car to go over to Jungkook’s aid. The passenger door opens and Jungkook comes off with heavy footsteps as his legs go weak almost collapsing. You react and catch him before he could make contact with the parking lot floor.
"Jungkook hold onto me."
His muscular arm wraps around your shoulders applying his weight and propping himself onto you. The weight is heavy but thanks to your hard work at the gym you effortlessly support him.
Arriving at his penthouse.
You open the door with a keypad greeted by Bam Jungkook’s large brown Doberman. Jungkook softens and kneels to embrace his guard dog. “Bam I’m so happy to see you, buddy.”
Tears fall again. You walk over to the sobbing boy and rest your hand on his head. “I’m so sorry this is happening to you Jungkook.” Jungkook stands up straight and turns towards you.
This time you wrap your arms around his neck giving him a comforting hug. Jungkook returns your hug and continues to let his tears flow onto your shirt.
“I was so fucking scared Y/N. I didn’t know what to do. When I saw the gunpoint towards me I…I…”
His sentence stops with more sobs and he breathes rapidly trying to control his breathing. You know the start of this action too well. Rubbing his broad back you try to calm him down. “Breathe slowly Jungkook. You’re having a panic attack. Inhale and Exhale slowly.”
Jungkook listens to you and follows your words carefully. Heavy breaths come in and out of his body and slowly Jungkook starts to calm down. You guide him to his couch for him to sit and your phone rings once more.
Reminding you of the earlier events as if it was deja vu. You reach for your phone and look at displaying the contact name Kim Seokjin remembering the President’s words of only getting confirmation from Jin.
Quickly you answer the phone and place it to your ear. “Hello Agent H.”
Agent H is the head of the National Intelligence Service and your boss, being the youngest in NIS history to acquire the head chair at the age of 26 after serving the president as his main agent for 5 years. Seokjin was like the older brother you never had before. He'd had taken you in after you fled you home and raised you to the person you are to day. Jin had grew up protecting the president and naturally became close with Jungkook seeing Jungkook as his own brother, naturally he'd introduce the two to you. His firm voice reaches your ears. “Agent Emerald put your call on speaker, I want Golden Jeon to hear this too.”
As you put the call on speaker you gesture to Jungkook to listen to Jin. Jungkook looks down at your phone and sees Jin’s name on the call. Immediately bombarding him with questions.
“Hyung! What’s going on? Are my parents okay?”
A quiet sigh comes from your phone. “Golden Jeon your father is safe at our headquarters and we are currently sorting things out after the assassination of Vice President Choi.”
Both you and Jungkook freeze. A tense atmosphere clouds Jungkook’s living room. You look over to your right to see your best friend’s red eyes from all the crying threatening to spill more tears and his shaking hands.
“Assassination? Did the Vice President not make it?” You ask carefully not being able to process the news from your boss.
You can imagine vividly Jin rubbing his temples in the stress of not being able to protect the vice president. “Unfortunately no. Vice President Choi died in action 15 minutes after he was shot.”
A heavy feeling overcomes you as Jin continues.
“There is a secret organization targeting the president and anyone in his family. Including Golden Jeon.”
Anger has now filled you. Who are these people? How dare they try to harm the president and your best friend.
Jungkook remains quiet, eyes still wide. “I need you Agent Emerald to prepare to head to HQ and bring Golden Jeon. We will have a meeting and explain everything in great detail. Until then do not and I repeat do not trust anyone you do not know personally. I don’t know who or how, but we have a rat. Be careful.” The call ends finally as it felt like a lifetime.
Jungkook sits in silence to process all his thoughts.
Your eyes graze over Jungkook’s figure. Feeling pity for him you wrap your arms around his body. Rubbing his shoulder softly to let him know you’re there. “Jungkook, I promise you nothing will ever happen to you. Okay?”
Jungkook leans closer to you finding your warmth and scent comforting. “I know, just promise me that you won’t leave me Y/N” He looks into your eyes with sadness. You soften yours and hug him even tighter. “I would never dare to do that to you. I’m always going to be here for you no matter how far we are from each other.” Jungkook lets more tears flow and you both sit holding each other cherishing the small moment of peace you both won’t have in a long time.
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Arriving at HQ was a nostalgic feeling. Since being assigned to Jungkook, you have hardly ever visited. As the two of you moved through the building, he was near your side. His eyes were compelled to briskly scan his surroundings like those of a lost child, but every so often, he would stop his wandering eyes and remember why he was there.
“Y/N!” You turn your head to the familiar voice calling you from behind to see an old friend. Immediately smiling, you see him walking towards you.
“Yoongi! I haven’t seen you in so long!” You stop your pace for Yoongi to catch up, and Yoongi offers you a firm squeeze to make up for the many months you've been away.
Yoongi is a junior agent working in the same department as you. You two quickly bonded over your many similarities while on the same missions. Other agents liked to joke about how you two were once one person and one day split into two.
Jungkook stands patiently waiting for your small reunion, giving Yoongi a welcoming smile.
Yoongi realizes this which causes a halt in his actions and bows towards Jungkook. “Ah, I’m so sorry. My name is Min Yoongi or Agent Suga. You must be Jean Jungkook.” Yoongi straightens his back and offers a hand to the boy in front of him.
Jungkook takes his hand and shakes it. “No need to bow. I’m not the president so no need for um formalities.” You eye the two, slightly chuckling from your good friends having an awkward encounter. Jungkook glares at you feeling embarrassed and Yoongi giggles at the younger one’s actions. “It’s my job to, don't worry about it and I’m sorry for the current events. I wish we could’ve met with different circumstances.”
As Yoongi finishes his sentence your best friend’s face drops. Quickly noticing Jungkook’s mood change, you nudge Yoongi, who clutches his ribs as he gets the wind knocked out of him. A cough comes from you to change the subject. “How about heading to the meeting. Seokjin doesn’t like people showing up late” Jungkook nods lightly and you spin on your heels to pick back up the path you were following, Jungkook repeats your movements and trails behind you. Yoongi pauses in confusion about why his coworker elbowed him. “Hey! Wait for me!” Seeing the figures of you and Jungkook grow farther and farther he speed walks.
Yoongi catches up to you and comes close to whisper. “Did I say something wrong?” he speaks softly, carefully looking back to Jungkook seeing him keeping his head low while playing with his fingers. You gaze over Jungkook for a moment and your face softens at Jungkook’s obvious nervousness. You turn back to focus on Yoongi. Noticing his eyes showing pity to the younger one. “He’s still shaken up over what happened earlier. It’s better not to remind him about it.” Yoongi nods his head and opens his mouth slightly letting out a quiet oh, showing that he’d now understood Jungkook’s actions.
The three of you slowly come to a stop as you reach the room that held the meeting. You hear a loud sigh from behind you. Before you could turn and console your friend, Yoongi had beaten you and was already patting Jungkook’s back to console him. “It’s okay to be nervous. We’re just having a meeting to discuss things. You don’t have to worry about anything. Y/N and I will protect you.” Yoongi gives Jungkook a reassuring smile as the younger one relaxes a bit. Your heart softens at the sight.
While opening the door you see many familiar faces. Including President Jeon. You and Yoongi quickly bow towards him and Jungkook immediately runs over to his parents. “Son! Thank the lord you’re okay!” Jungkook falls into his mother’s arms. His mother starts sobbing clutching her son never letting him go. “My only son! I don’t know what I would’ve done if you were to get hurt!” Jungkook's mom pulls back to examine her son to see if he'd been injured in any way. Jungkook finally smiles genuinely after what felt like a lifetime. "I'm okay, I'm okay. I was so scared Mom." He let his tears flow once more, feeling relieved to be with his family again. The President sits back and watches the two before a serious man with broad shoulders enters the room.
"So sorry to interrupt your reunion, but we must start the meeting." Everyone listens to Jin's words and sits down around the large table in the center of the room.
Jungkook sits by his mom who now had his hand in hers. You sit in between Jin and Yoongi waiting for Jin to speak once more. "As we're all aware. An assassination occurred earlier this morning regarding the Vice President." You listen attentively, carefully processing your boss' words and waiting for him to continue.
Jin inhales deeply before resuming. "The investigation department has researched as much as they could and found out that they weren't aiming for the vice president. We believe that the proprietor was targeting you, President Jeon."
The President's teeth visibly grit and Jungkook shifts uncomfortably in his seat hearing that his dad was originally the one to be killed.
"Not only you but your family, but specifically Jeon Jungkook."
President Jeon slams his fist on the table. Jungkook stares at you hopelessly while anger overcomes your body.
"My Son?!" Jin sighs at the President's response. "Yes sir, we don't know the motive of this, but we know who is behind it." The President's nose flares out of rage. He sits back down as his wife tries to calm him.
Jin reaches for a folder containing multiple papers and opens it carefully to grab the first page inside and faces it towards the meeting revealing a vivid picture of a built man leaving the crime scene from earlier today. As you lay your eyes on the picture of the man behind the assassination your blood runs cold. Your brain processing his features you know all too well. The features you have yourself. You look away out of disbelief to meet the wide eyes of Jungkook. Jin clears his throat and continues.
"This is Choo Sunghoon. He is well known as a mafia leader feared by many, one of the most violent criminal organizations in operation. Leading the Choo Mafia recognized as the most powerful Mafia consists of about 570 made members. We believe he is the one conspiring against the President." You look at Jin with furrowed eyebrows and see his stern expression unfazed. It can't be. Why him out of all people. Choo Sunghoon. Your own father.
Growing up your dad never hid his antics from you. Your earliest memory is of him brutally beating one of his members to death. He had no shame showing you the crimes he'd done, he raised you to be a killer telling you it was to protect your sister Sejeong. He had high expectations for you to be his right-hand man and to be his main assassin. All until the incident with your sister.
You feel a hand grasp yours bringing your attention to the present. You look at the owner of the hand to see Yoongi giving you reassurance.
The only people who knew your secret in the room were Jungkook, Jin, and Yoongi. It was labeled confidential by Jin. You looked over to the head agent to see him with sadness in his eyes. He opens his mouth to say something to you but the President cuts him off.
"That damn monster."
President Jeon's fist clenched tightly as he thought of the mafia leader. Jin shifts his attention toward the president. "We understand that Sunghoon is extremely dangerous. Which is why we have assigned another agent to Golden Jeon."
You look over to Jungkook to see him stiffen from the news.
A knock echoes through the room. Jin smiles as he expected this person. The door opens and reveals a man with dark black hair, so dark it almost comes off as blue, his chubby face doesn't match the rest of him as his body is strong lean, and muscular. He walks in with a smile that reaches his eyes making them half crescent moons and his pearly whites show a tooth that's slightly protruding.
He walks to an open seat and bows slightly to everyone but deeply bows to the President and his family before sitting down
"Everyone, please welcome Agent Dorem also known as Park Jimin."
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cotton-milkyway · 10 months ago
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Impossible is nothing
drive your dorem
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tobeythebest · 2 years ago
そのロージー!! ( *¯ ³¯*)♥︎
𝒎𝒚 𝒐𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓 𝒂𝒄𝒄𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒕! @sleepyrosiey
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♥︎ 𝑯𝒆𝒍𝒍𝒐 𝑰'𝒎 𝑹𝒐𝒔𝒊𝒆/𝑹𝒐𝒔𝒆 𝑰'𝒎 𝒂 𝒂𝒓𝒕𝒊𝒔𝒕 𝒘𝒆𝒍𝒄𝒐𝒎𝒆 𝒕𝒐 𝒎𝒚 𝒃𝒍𝒐𝒈! <3
𝑩𝒍𝒌+𝒎𝒊𝒙𝒆𝒅, 𝑺𝒉𝒆/𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒚, 𝒑𝒂𝒏𝒓𝒐𝒎𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒄, 𝟏𝟓, 𝑨𝑫𝑯𝑫.
♥︎ 𝐅𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐦𝐬! → Wordgirl ,, PPG/PPGZ ,, Charmmy kitty fan,, Mitsuchou fan,,Sasusaku fan,, Tobecky fan I also fw with Sonic, MLP, The Chipettes, FNAF, Bluey and any shoujo, like futari wa pretty cure, shugo chara, Magical DoReM, Save me! Lollipop. I love shoujo and magical girls animes!
♥︎ 𝑭𝒂𝒗𝒐𝒓𝒊𝒕𝒆 𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒔! → Becky Botsford, Victoria Best, Tobey Mccallister, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Buttercup, ChoCho Akimichi, Mitsuki, Sakura Haruno, Usagi Tsukino, Charmmy kitty, Brittany Miller, Trixie Tang, Roxanne Wolf, Glamrock Chica, Mangle, Toy Chica, Clover from totally spice, Nagisa Misumi, Doremi Harukaze, Amy Rose, Obito uchiha.
♥︎ 𝑫𝑵𝑰! → Homophobic, transphobic, Racist, Ableism, Pedo, Proshipper/comshipper FUCK OFF, lolicons, Nsfw of course there's nothing wrong with Nsfw but I'm a MINOR so dni, Zionists, Nazis, just terrible and weird stuff
♥︎ 𝑹𝒖𝒍𝒆𝒔! → Don't be weird, don't sexualize the children's characters,or be rude/mean, just be respectful, nice.
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( *¯ ³¯*)♥︎ 𝑵𝒐𝒕𝒆! : I'm sorry for not posting much right now but I will!
Aya family
This beautiful family of 5
Abdul Rahman and his daughter ❤️
Mohammad his three children ❤️
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luxurybeautyreviews · 7 months ago
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satomikawamura · 4 years ago
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今日は:D creation2020 審査会を見に行ってきました。私は非常勤講師で、卒制用の生地にもちょっぴり関わっている為、あの生地がどうやってお洋服になったかな?というのを見るのも毎年の楽しみの一つです。今年も個性豊かな学生達の、好きが詰まった内容でした。明日まで展示しています。※コロナ感染拡大防止対策として事前登録制です。サイトからお申込みください。https://www.doreme.ac.jp/dcreation2020...
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thebeerwanderer · 5 years ago
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Von Trapp Trosten while watching The Sound Of Music and the Bills... #thebeerwanderer #wekickkegs #vontrappbrewing #craftbeer #doreme (at The Ruck) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6HYXpHpVxS/?igshid=10qjplc44fre
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eldritch-spouse · 3 months ago
which one of your ocs would be least affected by their human partner dying
Death is not the end. It is an end, but your soul still has many journeys ahead. It is a young soul, compared to many other he's handled. Soul degradation often facilitates the forming of undead ilk, but yours isn't at that stage yet.
You will die. You will be born again. Some parts of you will change. Maybe you'll be a different species, a different gender. Your voice will sound new, your personal traits will shift and present themselves in amusing new patterns. The same soul he adores is still resonating within the new forms that encase it. You will always be you, unless something damages your core.
Dorem would rather let you die than raise you from a grave, but the temptation is there at times.
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emmeline, who knows dorcas isn't actually into her. who knows she's just there as a replacement, but doesn't care as long as she get's to have dorcas
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sarahsversi0n · 4 years ago
Doe, a deer, a female deer Ray, a drop of golden sun Me, a name I call myself Far, a long, long way to run Sew, a needle pulling thread La, a note to follow Sew Tea, a drink with jam and bread That will bring us back to Do (oh-oh-oh)
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lovinsalzburg · 5 years ago
The Sound of Music Tour
When you begin to research about travelling to Salzburg, We can assure you that going on The Sound of Music Tour will be one of the first things to pop up.
Walking around the charming city of Salzburg will make you feel like you are sixteen going on seventeen. The little towns nearby will make you climb every mountain and maybe, you will see a lonely goatherd. 
We think its safe to say, that The Sound of Music is one musical everyone will sing along to! 
SO! Lets start at the very beginning, its a very good place to start... here's our complete guide to The Sound of Music Tour.
There are many sights around the city that can be visited to get the best insight into the musical. We recommend booking your private or group tour with Panorama Tours through LOVIN SALZBURG to receive 10% off using the code THESOUND. if you would like to see more on the tour provider, check out their website here at PANORAMA TOURS SALZBURG. 
The Sound of Music Tour runs EVERY DAY and is extremely popular so we highly recommend booking in advance once you have organised when you are travelling. The tour lasts four hours and involves quite a bit of driving while you can relax in your own coach. During the tour, your guide will play songs from the film and encourage each guest to get involved with sing-songs... DO RE ME FA
The tour begins with a visit to the Von Trapp Family home, where you are able to observe across the beautiful lake and imagine scenes from the film. 
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Following this, you are then driven to the street where Maria sings.....
“I Have Confidence”
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and OF COURSE.. then brought to the famous Gazebo. Do you recognise it??
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Following these stops, the tour will end its day by driving to the magically Abbey that Maria and Caption were married in. They film this scene in the local town of Mondsee.
FUN FACT:  You can get tiny Jägermeister bottles filled with Holy Water in exchange for a donation. Now THAT’S a gift for your Sound of Music loving friends!
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