#doom mock 2
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m39 · 21 days ago
Doom WADs’ Roulette Bonus Round: Mock 2 part 5
As I partially mentioned in part 2, if you press the wall near berserks on MAP11, you will find the teleporter leading to the secret map… There are nine more after this one.
Gonna be honest with you, people – I’m starting to get sick of telling how this mess is that and that mess is this, so apologies if I didn’t go further with either the map description or the feature I didn’t talk about.
Final stretch, people.
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Less messy than some of the serious maps, with an area near the start that starts out detailed enough until it undetails itself.
If it’s supposed to make fun of mappers that put too many details on their maps, then sure. Let’s go with that.
Also, in other to reach MAP32 from this one, you are supposed to shoot the exit wall instead of pressing it, but I am completely flabbergasted by how it works. I managed to make it work once and it was by complete accident.
Enough of These Could Clog an Emu
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Another mess.
All I have when it comes to new, interesting stuff is that if you get attacked by dozens of arch-viles at the same time, you will basically start flying around.
The 33rd level. Ph33r.
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You are underwater… That’s it.
This time, you actually get a swimming section… Moving on.
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Another mess with an area that makes monsters teleport across it. That and the weirdly screaming siege cows.
Enemies teleporting around. Another case of making an encounter needlessly tougher. The maps that I remember using this were Hell Revealed’s MAP20 and the final map in Scientist 2.
Railgun enemies. ‘Nuff said. I’m not entirely sure if ZDoom introduced them as a feature but it definitely popularized them.
Insulting your intelligence
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A map featuring weirdly acting doors, the arena with three waves (that sometimes doesn’t let you out (depending on if wall projectiles are active on the third wave)), the corridor that attacks you with different projectiles (including rockets!), a vertical conga line of cows, and a shooting gallery where you have a minute to kill all of the Keens.
Timers/time limits. Another ZDoom feature (although, there were moments with this before ZDoom, and even in the future without using this source port). It might sometimes work, but I think it forces you to act sloppily. I’m not into running around like a headless chicken because I need to do something in 5-10 minutes.
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Oh, look! It’s yet another, intentionally messy map; this time with being forced to listen to some unfunny dialogue before getting control back.
This map is also another case, where I had to bruteforce my way to another map since this one feels more busted when it comes to secret exit. If any colorful cow dies, you are immediately send into MAP12.
Four or Five Portals
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A hub area, where you can choose between two of the Ultimate Doomer’s maps, going back to MAP12, fighting an unending army of imps after pressing the switch across the MAP12 one, or finding the teleporter to MAP38 behind a fake wall.
Hub area/hub map. Depending on the type of source port (usually), it would either be an area that leads to other, separate parts of the map, or an entire map acting as one, leading to other maps, of course (linearly or not).
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This one has some really nutty ideas, including the rotating rocket fountain at the start, part of it made by the author’s brother (supposedly), and a box that doesn’t explode after shooting (it was made intentionally that way).
Foggy Furze
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Tricks and Traps homage, featuring a library where you have to press all bookcases to get one of the keys, spider demons bathing in lava, the switch that kills all of the monsters, a pedestal that summons demons with each key grabbed, and… sigh… Stealth shitlings.
MAP08 homages. I definitely remember a couple of maps acting more or less as an homage to the original MAP08. Some maps did a better job in this than others.
A Bridge Too Far
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You are on several connected platforms in the void and have to fight seven waves of enemies.
I wonder why it feels like MAP38-40 are supposed to be played in the reversed order.
And that, ladies, gentlemen, and others, was Mock 2: The Speed of Stupid. An intentional shitshow made to laugh at the current at the time Doom mapping trends (especially the ones featuring ZDoom stuff). A product of people who were doing this stuff and decided to take potshots at themselves.
If you want to take a look at this mess, go ahead. I’m sure some of you will chuckle at the ridiculousness of some of the maps. Just remember to play it with God mode and infinite ammo.
It’s done…
I’m finally done with the 2000s!
All WADs featured in Top 100 and Cacowards (okay. Almost all)! All of the other stuff I wanted to talk about! It’s finally over!
Okay, it’s technically over. There is still one, last, community project from that decade to replay, along with the final third of Memento Mori II (and even then, I think I’ll skip at least two levels from that WAD). But this is more of a side project at this point. I’ll try to finish these WADs on my semi-break that’ll probably take up to the 18th of this month.
After that, I’ll either do the bronze league of Cacowards 2010, or the review of Heretic and Hexen in that order, depending on what mood I am in.
Thank you all for reading some Mock 2 slop.
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tanadrin · 1 month ago
obviously intentionally ignoring the suffering of others so that you can refuse to do anything about it and pretend that suffering doesn't exist is bad. but a lot of people seem to think this means that immersing yourself in the suffering of others 1) is inherently virtuous, and 2) constitutes doing something about it. it does not, and from the perspective of someone who does not know you, whose life you can only affect in indirect ways, "i don't care about your problems, i'd rather eat my churro in peace" and "i care so much about your problems i can do naught but ruminate on how doomed we all are, and mock anyone who tries to do even the smallest thing as a reformist shitlib" are completely indistinguishable.
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pinkaditty · 3 months ago
HI i love your works sm ,,, and i really love the way you write it just brings out soemtnhign in me ,,, but hear me out on leo kurosagi angst where leo keeps insulting pc and pc just took it well until he said something sensitive (maybe sth ab the way she eats? or sth abt her face etc etc) and hurt pc's feelings and he didnt feel bad when pc cried , but when he saw pc going over to sho and sho giving him dirty looks he feels remorseful but he didnt want his pride to crack so he blamed pc , and then when pc started avouding him he started mocking her but in the inside it hurt him and his pride slightly , afterwards he found out he actually has genuine feelings for pc but denies it , until he found out pc is now his bff's gf WOW i NEED him humbled 🤗🤗🤗
Pavlov's Ghoul (Leo Kurosagi x Reader x Sho Haizono; Tokyo Debunker)
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hey anon this existing is UR FAULT. (ilysm ty 4 the idea) and i hope u don't mind that I added my own little twist 2 it... hehe! even if u didn't expect me 2 write anything u can't drop a fresh, juicy steak of an idea like this and expect me not 2 salivate and tear it 2 shreds via writing it out.
OMG also TYYYYYYY IM SOSO GLAD U LIKE MY WRITING YIPPEE!!!!!!!!! i hope this is up 2 ur standards anon
a/n: why does this exist? blame anon and my inner need 4 a bitchy boy 2 be humbled amen! also i feel like i've completed my tokyo debunker rite of passage... ive finally written leo angst... nirvana at last.
summary: leo gets fuckin pavloved LMAO! considered calling this "ecstasy" or something bc of the pill line but ohh my god "pavlov's ghoul" hit too hard i fear.
cw: this isn't dark imo but be warned as this is just a little bit crazy, the most insane kind of yearning ive ever written maybe. implied sexual encounters, multiple sexual innuendos, and some odd behavior. MINORS DNI AS PER USUALLLLLL!
Looking for Part 2? Click here!
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Sho's kind, reasonably so. Leo knows this. Sho also has an infinite store of deeply repressed anger. Leo also knows this. It's the reason he's in Vagastrom, after all. A deep, roiling anger that seems to eat at him if he doesn't have an appropriate outlet to balance his mood. That's why he's such a good cook, why he's so good at fighting, why he's got an excellent sense of balance and rides his bike smoother than anyone else he knew. He's using these things as outlets for his anger. It's not Leo's fault that the occasional outing to trick and deceive another sexually repressed rich old man for money is something else Sho seems to derive stress relief from. And it's not Leo's fault that Sho continues to stick around with him after those jobs are done. It's never been a problem for either of them, as far as he can tell. At least, there were no problems until Little Miss Inspector showed up.
Suddenly, Sho didn't want to lie anymore. Suddenly, Sho wanted to go as far as to address you with the proper honorifics, ask for your help with setting up his food truck, and even generally spend time with you outside of that. And for what? Some trembling, scared, pathetic girl that knew nothing of the world of anomalies prior to her curse? Some girl doomed to "die" in less than one year, no less? He couldn't understand the kindness Sho showed you. It made no sense, nor any difference. You'd be dead soon, so what did it matter?
It's got to the point where he's begun to randomly put you down with petty insults and biting remarks. They usually consist of things like "Oh my god, even preschoolers know Anomalous Biological Basics! Come on Inspector, is your head screwed on right? Not even the Captain is this stupid." or "You remember your ability is useless when we need it, right? You'd be nothing more than a burden on missions if you can't even control this power. " or even "God, you're such a basic loser. Can't you find something else to do with your free time instead hang around Sho like a lovesick puppy? You're starting to look like that dog that's always around Kagami." and worse insults. He gets the occasional sidelong disapproving glance from Alan or even a slight furrowed brow from Sho, but it didn't matter to Leo. So long as he could slowly plant seeds of doubt in his fellow ghouls and put you down to satisfy his ego, even an odd look was negligible.
He couldn't even stand looking at you. The uniform they'd chosen for you was awful, didn't even highlight your curves. He hated the way you styled your hair, and always thought he could totally do it better. The way you seemed so relaxed around other ghouls pissed him off, why couldn't he be good company? He found you repulsive, unable to resist glaring at you from the corner of his eye whenever he could. He had to get rid of you somehow. He would never admit to feeling threatened by you; instead choosing to focus all that energy into believing you were simply throwing a wrench into his plans to live an easy, get-away-with-anything university life.
It's all come to a head today. Leo thinks he's had enough of seeing you at the food truck after hours, chatting it up with Sho. It's like he can't even catch this guy alone anymore. Before he knows it, he's made a beeline for the truck. His brand new shoes scuff on the brick path in his rush, and eventually begin to stain green on the grass, his brisk stride tearing through the verdant lawn. He tries not to let his anger show on his face, but it's evident in his posture and pace. He forcefully sidles himself into the conversation, leaning on the service counter next to you, not even waiting for you to finish speaking before he pipes up. "Wow, here again, huh? And here I thought a basic bitch like you would know her place! That mouth of yours must be good for something if he keeps a chatterbox like you around."
The chill settles into the air almost immediately despite his candid tone and relaxed, smug smile. He's so focused on your reaction that he hardly notices the look Sho gives him, twisted with displeasure and confusion. He watches as you visibly falter, your lopsided smile fading into a barely-there frown. He stares, unrepentant, laughing internally. This was the reaction he wanted.
He turns towards Sho and raises an eyebrow at his look. "What? She can take it." Sho's expression visibly wavers, and Leo fully expects him to back down, as he usually does. But instead, Sho turns to you and his face grows pale. Leo rolls his eyes, assuming Sho is totally overreacting, and turns to you. He stiffens at your visible tears. Okay, totally not what he expected, but come on. This was the insult that made you cry?
Leo notices Sho is at your side in record speed, wrapping an arm around your shoulders, and gently drawing your hunched form away, giving Leo a harsh look. Leo simply scoffs. As far as he was concerned, your reaction was pathetic. It wasn't going to stop him from having any fun.
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This. Under no circumstances should this hurt. At all.
Leo had noticed you'd been avoiding him. You would slink away if he so much as entered the same room as you. You wouldn't look him in the eyes if he approached, keeping your expression impassive. Sometimes you'd just outright ignore him. It was beginning to become a bit of a nuisance. He couldn't properly mock you if you weren't there to witness it happening, or didn't give him the reaction he wanted. It was odd. When he faced these feelings head-on, it almost felt like he wanted your attention somehow, even if he didn't quite want it to feel like that. A nagging feeling told him that maybe he went too far with his latest insult. He didn't want to admit that, but something told him he did. It was in the way both you and Sho acted around him.
Sho was missing a lot of Leo's calls lately, sometimes not even bothering to call back. Leo partially understood, what with the food truck business booming and all, but he didn't appreciate being made to wait for his own best friend who's usually at his beck and call. Not to mention the flat, terse responses he would get from Sho more often than not nowadays. Leo knew Sho was miffed with him from last week's incident, but as far as Leo was concerned, things still ended in his favor. He hadn't seen you around Sho much anymore, which means he could go back to how things were. No more pesky little honor student to reign upon his days any longer! Sure, there was the biting underlying feeling that maybe he'd screwed things up, but one ride on the back of Sho's motorcycle, going wherever Leo wanted as per usual, and he was living the dream again. No way everything would change over a silly, insignificant insult.
For a short while, he begins to get bolder, openly mocking you when he does come across you. His originally surface-level remarks become rather personal, even using your eventual death as a way to tease you. From "You know, I'm surprised you haven't done anything to change up that unflattering look, considering you're dying soon. Ever considered dressing up a little? You might get some attention before you die." to "Hey, Little Miss Inspector! With the number of men you talk to around campus, I'm surprised nobody's written you off as a whore yet!", and worse, of course. He continues to get no such reaction out of you, and it frustrates him to no end. Why couldn't you just frown? Shrink away? Or even retort something just as scathing back to him? Your lack of entertainment towards his endless ridicule reduced his motivation, and slowly, it ended up dying off. Soon, he left you alone altogether, not talking to you unless necessary, mimicking your actions. In a way, some part of him hopes maybe this will be what gets your attention. Even if he can't quite admit to himself that your attention, regardless of whether it's positive or negative, is what he wants.
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It's late, but Vagastrom students don't go to bed until far later. And Leo needs a favor.
His crushing lack of success in garnering any sort of attention or reaction or rise from you had driven him to a point. He didn't want to apologize to you or anything, but this new habit of you ignoring him was beginning to stoke his displeasure. In his pondering, he remembered how easily Sho captured your gaze and wondered if maybe he'd have any idea of what Leo could do to at least put an end to this stalemate.
Leo's reluctance shows in the way he drags his feet on the path to Sho's room, less than eager to confront him for his opinion on something so shamelessly trivial. Why was he wasting his time with this anyway? Surprisingly, the lack of a solid answer to that question did not stop his trek. A twinge in his chest told him he knew exactly why he was "wasting his time".
In the month it had been since he'd made you cry, the nagging feeling had only gotten harsher. His mind kept flickering back to the shock of your tears and how he'd not bothered to consider it much further. An uncomfortable guilt had made itself known starting then. He never really expected you to cry; he just wanted a mild reaction. He wanted your eyes on him, flashing with anger, just for a moment. Your ire was a saccharine pill laced with ecstasy that he'd gladly crush with his teeth to speed up his high. Maybe it'd be too much to say he got off on it, but he enjoyed the way you used to roll your eyes at any comments from him a little more than he cared to admit. Now, he wouldn't even get that. It'd be rare for you to so much as make fleeting eye contact with him, not that something as small as that would be enough for Leo. Part of him was willing to accept that maybe, he'd gone too far. Maybe. But how else was he supposed to monopolize your attention when you give that out so freely? To his best friend, even?
He didn't know it was possible to covet something so terribly. He found himself wondering why he couldn't catch your attention in the same way as the other ghouls? In his quest for the same attention you gave so freely to the kinder, softer ghouls, he found another version of your attention. It was negative, but it was attention nonetheless. Your sweet, honeyed rage seemed to fill his cravings and then some, so he continued to devour it under the guise of "chasing you away" or "putting you down" or "satisfying his ego". In truth, for whatever reason, there was a rather bothersome and persistent envious longing, a covet, for your attention. Leo wants to vomit. A part of him denies it still, pushing his needless feelings to the back of his brain. He had something to do, and he ought to focus on that. What good would mere wallowing do?
He makes it to Sho's room and almost considers turning back. He stares at the door, his expression morphing into a complicated look. He shifted his feet, his slippers sliding against the floor. It was quite clear he really did not want to do this. At all. He sighs and grumbles indignantly, putting his head in his hands in an attempt to gather some courage. This couldn't be that hard, right? Just in, ask Sho a question, get an answer, then out. The only reason this was easier said than done was just because it could potentially show Leo was capable of feeling remorse, which would make this conversation leagues harder than it needed to be. He shakes his head and straightens up, preparing to knock, when he notices something.
Sho's room was... unusually quiet. Usually, Leo almost always heard some loud music or a cooking show running in the background, but he couldn't hear anything this time. Sho couldn't possibly be asleep. As late as it was, the only person who Leo knew for a fact could stay up past him was Sho, regardless of how much sleep he had gotten. There was no chance Sho was asleep. Believe it or not, Leo doesn't like to spy on Sho. But curiosity overwhelms him. What could he possibly be doing that would render the whole room in silence?
"Haxs," he whispers, listening closely.
The first thing he hears is the cling-clanging of Alan hard at work on a car in the garage. Not the sound he was meant to be focusing on. Then he hears endless jeering and loud insults shouted, though they're all muffled like they're underground. Another pit fight? Still, not the sound he's looking for. He sifts through the sounds he hears before he settles on the one coming directly from Sho's room.
Voices. Groaning, strained voices. The sound of wet skin against wet skin. Panting. Sho's panting, specifically. He could tell by the slight nasally tone of it.
Leo felt his face gradually warm. Christ, of course it'd be this he'd be up to. Leo muffles a laugh into the collar of his pajamas, keeping his hand clamped over his mouth as his body shook with mirth. When he finally calms down, he slinks off to the corner down the hall, and hides himself there, shamelessly still listening to it. Sho's a sly dog. Leo certainly didn't expect him to be getting up to anything this soon. He leans his body against the wall, crossing his arms and drumming his fingers on his arm, waiting for Sho to finish. He smirks to himself, as though enjoying the vocal show.
He had to admit, whoever he was with had gorgeous moans. He'd have to ask Sho if he'd be willing to pass this girl's number. He could use a couple things to get his mind off of you.
Okay, he had to stop listening to this now. He lifts his stigma and holds his hands over his ears for good measure, partially trying to hide the furious red blush across his face. As pretty as that girl's moans were, he was not going to listen to his best friend's climax. No thanks. He huffs out an impatient breath as his cheeks cool down, leaning his back against the wall, leaning his head back until it hit the wall with a dull thump. Now he just had to wait it out. He knew damn well Sho would never let a girl stay over. He'd never hear the end of it from yours truly, Leo.
Leo's right. It isn't long before he hears the door to Sho's room click, and hears murmured voices travel down the hall. He smirks, rushing down the hall in the opposite way, so it doesn't look like he was listening the whole time. He listens, waiting for a cue of some sort.
"Shame you have to go, you know." Sho's voice. Laced with relief, pleasure, and a thick tiredness. Leo's skin crawled. He could practically feel the smile in Sho's voice.
"It's not so bad." The girl responded with a light and playful tone, her voice seemingly much more put together than Sho's despite all that moaning. The voice sounded oddly familiar, but Leo brushed it off. Must be someone he shares classes with. "I've got things to do anyway. But it was nice to spend some time with you, Sho." Eagh. Leo internally hopes this girl isn't the type to get easily attached.
"...Yeah. Same to you. Goodnight."
Finally, he heard the girl's footsteps trailing down the hall, heading in his direction. Leo hurriedly pulls his phone out of his pocket, making sure the screen was bright as he flipped through the latest trends. He made a point of not looking up until he heard the footsteps nearing him.
He looks up, prepared for a simple glance, but ends up being rooted to the spot.
It was you. Of course, it was you. Who else would be taunting enough?
Despite himself, his gaze remains glued to you, his head turning as you walk past him. For a moment, Leo thinks you're just going to ignore him again. Then, suddenly, your gaze meets his in a flash, and he stiffens, almost out of fear. The way your eyebrows crease and the way your lips twitch downward almost makes him salivate. You were clearly displeased to see him. Even so, he notices you don't slow down, continuing your way down the hall, not bothering to crane your neck to look at him.
Leo remains rooted to the spot, watching your figure as you leave. His jaw hangs open slightly, his chest heaving with shocked breaths. His eyes are wide open, pools of gold reflecting your retreating form. His hand trembles as he holds his phone, the latest trends left neglected in the wake of a single mean-spirited glance from you. He feels his heart pound mercilessly in his chest, as though confirming what he'd tried so desperately to deny.
All at once, anger and arousal seem to grip him simultaneously. Anger at himself for feeling arousal from a mere negative glance from you. He couldn't possibly have craved your attention so viscerally he'd happily accept mere scraps. And yet here he was, a lap dog, watching you as you leave as though silently begging for another glance, another chance to watch your eyes burn with that familiar, delicious anger, another meal to satisfy his starved heart.
For a moment, he would have gladly followed you, and pestered you to death, just to irk you and become a willing victim of your wrath. Anything... just for that attention.
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a/n: wow. no stop why am i kind of in shock at the poetic lines i kinda think i did a great job! but 4 whatever reason it's always the writing i think was total shit that does actual numbers *sob*
aghhhh in any case. no i don't have an excuse 4 this. my requests are still technically closed. i just... couldn't help myself... so consider this a freebie. regardless though if u like my writing feel free 2 fill the fuck out of my inbox idnc i love hearing from y'all.
also TUMBLR KEEPS TURNING OFF MY REBLOGS!!!! GRAH!!!!!! tumblr hates me y'all they keep catching on2 me 4 writing porn :( so please if u really wanna show appreciation and tumblr won't let u reblog, leave a comment! those make me happy :)
anyways. usual note that i adore likes, comments, and tagged reblogs!! please tell me how much you like my writing, i love to hear it and it keeps me going! until next timeeeeeeee!
EDIT: I FORGOTTT QUICK EXPLAINATION: im assuming everyone knows pavlov's dog and the whole classical conditioning theory. this story is basically that mixed with the mere-exposure effect.
neutral stimulus: mc's presence
natural response: leo's arousal/excitement
response-producing stimulus: mc's anger
mere-exposure effect: psychological effect in which a like or dislike of things is developed merely due 2 familiarity.
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rebelspykatie · 2 months ago
The Gift That Keeps on Giving - Part 3
AO3 | Part 1 | Part 2
Eddie and Robin, and maybe even the security guard, can likely hear how loud his heart is beating in his chest. He says it with such conviction, hoping that Eddie will know why he’s here, why he came despite his cryptic sign off. 
Eddie’s eyes close and he takes a deep breath. “Did I ruin everything?” He skates a hand through his already tousled hair. “I knew I was coming on too strong. Kept reminding myself you had a boyfriend, but my dumb heart didn’t seem to care.” He puts a hand on his chest and leans further into the doorframe in a mock swoon. 
Despite the dramatics, those big doe eyes stare nervously back at him. “You did ruin everything.” Eddie winces. “But he ruined it worse…or we both ruined it? It doesn’t matter. It’s over.”
Robin snorts. “What he’s trying to say is that idiot was a cheating bastard, but it didn’t matter because Steve was already halfway in love with you when he found out.” 
“Robin,” Steve whines and nudges her with his hip. She nudges back and gives him a pointed look.
“That asshole cheated on you? After everything you did for him?” Eddie’s riled up now, pushing off the doorframe, chest puffed up like a lion ready to pounce. 
“Alright, down tiger,” Robin pats his shoulder, holding him in place. “They were both over it. No harm done.” She steps back and looks at Steve with that knowing smile that he both loves and fears. “Besides, did you miss the halfway in love with you part?” 
Eddie sputters for a minute while Steve tries not to sink down into the floor from embarrassment. “N-no,” he shakes his head, his tangled mess of hair a flurry of movement, “I did not miss that. And I will address that, but,” and he looks at Steve now with an intensity that he knows all too well from watching his music videos, “are you alright?”
“I’m fine, Eddie.” Steve shuffles a bit closer. “By the end, we were barely talking. I was so consumed with messaging you, I forgot why I started it all in the first place. I pushed him away and into someone else’s bed, but it didn’t matter.” He pauses and looks down at his feet, toeing at the floor with his sneaker. “Do you know what I felt when I caught him in bed with someone else?” 
When Steve looks up, Eddie’s just patiently waiting for an answer, even though his lips are twitching like he desperately wants to make a snide comment. 
“Relief,” and the same feeling washes over him saying it now. “I was so torn up about how into you I was and how much I ignored him. And then the tickets show up after I wrote you off and tried to forget about you. But you still did that for me, even after I just walked away with no explanation.”
“You didn’t do anything wrong, sweetheart,” Eddie insists. “You don’t owe me anything.”
“No, I did. I do. Because all I could think about at the end was you. And even when I tried to stop, you were everywhere. We hadn’t even met, but you were in my car when I turned the stereo on. In my bed when I wanted to doom scroll at night and your picture popped up first on my feed. On my tv when I pulled up youtube because I’ve watched every music video hundreds of times. I couldn’t get you out of my head.”
“I am pretty annoying like that.” Eddie smirks. 
“I didn’t know those tickets would bring us back here to you. I just wanted to see you on stage and get a taste of what I was seeing through my screen. I had no idea that I would have an opportunity to tell you any of this. But, thank you. You didn’t have to help or respond.”
“I’m glad I did.” There’s a dopey grin on his face now. It lights up every corner, and Steve wants to stay here and memorize every laugh line and the curve of his lips. It’s all he can do to keep his hands to himself and not launch himself at Eddie right here. 
“Can you guys kiss and make this official now?” Sometime in the last minute, Robin has taken out her phone and she’s holding it up to record them. “How much do you think I can sell this for? Can you put on the hat before you do, really sell it? Oooh, is there mistletoe somewhere? This hallway is really not selling the vibe.” 
Steve bats the phone out of view while Robin cackles. “This is not about vibes! Don’t you dare post that online, Rob.” 
She backs away and tries to hide behind the security guard stationed beside Eddie’s door. He looks like he’s trying not to get involved, but he’s doing a poor job at hiding his amusement.  
“Et tu, Hopper?” Eddie asks, poking the guy in a meaty bicep. 
“Serves you right, Munson.” 
Robin fist bumps Hopper now that she’s got him on her side. “I’ll give you a cut of the profit.”
Part 4
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crownofefflorescence · 4 months ago
You, a mortal, awaken in an unfamiliar land of heat and sand, staring into the unfeeling mask of a spindly stranger who claims to rule the deathless kin of the air.
Beholden to an unremembered promise to assassinate their disgraced twin sibling, bound for an eldritch garden hidden somewhere in the arid plains, and compelled by an enchantment you do not understand, certain choices are beyond your control...
...yet even so, the power of life and death is forever fated to slip through immortal fingers. It lies within in your hands, and yours alone. Many questions plague you, but only one can you answer.
What will you do with it?
GARDEN OF BONES is a 17+ interactive work-in-progress with an emphasis on relationships, and includes some content that may be triggering; complete warnings will be included within the game and updated if necessary.
The Younger (M/F)
Weary of being disregarded and mocked for their aspirations, the Younger has their golden eyes set on not only their realm... but yours as well. Yet they need their disapproving sibling and crowned ruler out of the way, for good, and only a mortal can kill an immortal. Will you be their weapon?
The Elder (M/F)
A banished king haunts a garden removed from the flow of time; they had not considered that their beloved twin would stab them in the back... and now they are doomed to rise and fall by your hand. How far will you take this lie?
The Mortal (N/A)
A forgetful assassin, sent to dirty your hands on behalf of an immortal ruler from another realm. Cling to the past with bitterness or longing, or abandon it all if you wish. Forge a path built on vengeance or mercy. What will you sacrifice?
Note: as the siblings are identical twins, both ROs must be set together, so you will have the opportunity to play the game with immortal sisters or immortal brothers as your romantic options and potential allies.
⮞ fey-adjacent immortal folk ⮞ 2 M/F selectable romance options (one of them is very ill-advised) ⮞ customize your appearance ⮞ shape your personality ⮞ 30 minute playtime ⮞ decisions
⮞ a curse (may or may not be discovered) ⮞ bones (quite a lot of them) ⮞ angst ⮞ finished romantic route ⮞ platonic route ⮞ more creepiness ⮞ riddles ⮞ revenge
Everything here is subject to change.
Current word count (with code): 45,000.
I find friendships to be equally as captivating and fulfilling as romantic affection (and also fully support your right to antagonism and arson if desired) so expect me to do my best to ensure that each route is as lovingly detailed as possible!
There is a plan and intent to release the demo soon. Thanks for your interest and I hope to craft a most distressing and positively delightful journey for you.
Ask me anything!
~ Effie
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txttletale · 1 year ago
actually good doctor who video game ideas
disco-elysium style crpg where you play as the doctor, going around a Planet of the Week and intervening in personal and political conflicts, helping people, making moral choices, etc.
TARDIS spacetime geoguesser. you could make this a full-on edutainment game by mocking up historical time periods and locations
dalek FPS. think doom, with a dalek-like setup of a lone dalek escaping a space prison/research facility and reactivating its functionalities as it progresses
RTS with all the classic factions (daleks, cybermen, time lords, sontarans), and then some deeper/wackier cuts like idk draconians and judoon.
alternatively make this one a space 4x. 'endless space with daleks' is an easy slam dunk
first-person survival horror as either the doctor or a sally-sparrow type one-off companion character commujnicating with the doctor through Random Documents and Audio Logs
first-person environemtnal puzzler a la kairo or antichamber or the witness in e-space/the antizone/omega's antimatter universe/etc. where you play as the doctor just peacefully figuring out some puzzles in a surreal abstract environment
time travel puzzler kind of like that one titanfall 2 level meets return of the obra dinn where you take the tardis back into the past to affect your enviroment in the present
immortality/her story style FMV game where you play a confused normie trying to puzzle together the events of a typical doctor who episode plot through fragemnted police interview clips of a very exasperated doctor trying to explain that there's an alien dog loose
immersive sim/stealth game in the thief or dishonored vein starring one of the doctor's more-violent-than-him companions like ace or river song sneaking through buildings to foil a sinister alien plot
okay now that ive made this list theres no reason for the BBC to ever license out a shitty 2d platformer every again. Please
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vyzz-undercover · 6 months ago
im insane have a few kilos of:
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
(6,600ish words) (please fucking sedate me)
{i dont usually write in whatever perspective having a 'you' in this sort of context is, so forgive any oopsies besties!!!}
•slight dubcon
•hints of size kink
•intercourse [M/F]
•degrading language
•mild possessive behaviour
•pisspoor cliche of 'oh no you're freezing haha body warmth eh?' trope
•mr. sicarius' insufferable ego
•tumblr's dogshit formatting from phone notes to the app
super special thanks to all the writers im too much of a spineless coward to actually @ because i only ever lurked on anon asks on old main for, like: moodymisty, mothiir, lemon-russ, the-raven-lady, scriberye and many others. you're all the unknowing reasons why i made an alt to post this, cheers for your amazing works and ideas!!! :3
It was doomed from the start, honestly.
Not to say he had any hope that an assignment would ever actually go easily for once.
It's supposed to be an apparently simple diplomatic procedure. Namely, you get to stand around, run your ambassadorial trap and bat your lashes and trollop about in front of pompous baseline fools. While he, Cato Sicarius, stands at attention in pissy formal wear; pretending like he's not a hair-breadth from an aneurysm watching it all take place.
Oh, and not to forget the brother who's a head taller than him, in full plate, and isn't being held to a standard of mock-humility.
He realises belatedly he's forgotten the Primaris' name. That shouldn't happen. He never used to forget things. Eidetic memory shouldn't let him. He shouldn't be able to—or, well—maybe his subconscious deigned it unimportant and emptied it out the proverbial airlock of his mind. It was admittedly largely inconsequential. He'd been told, surely. He remembers he was a Sergeant of some sort from his markings. He also remembers being gawked at by the Primaris, borderline felated by eyes alone. He's Cato Sicarius, afterall. Grand Duke of Talassar and High Suzerain of Ultramar—of course he'd been inspiring awe. But for some warp-damned reason, alongside all those great titles, his Father'd decided to add Master Babysitter of His Ambassador to the list. But Cato does doesn't let it bother him. He's always got better things to occupy his time. Like furiously glaring at you across the thunder-hawk, even if you'd been dead-set on counting the rivets in the floor plating.
You'd looked absolutely idiotic in an Astartes troop seat. Like a toddler in an adult-sized wheelchair, draped in furs that seemed a size too big; hiding a dress that looked a size too small.
Simply put, the entire assignment was to be an event in circle-jerking—until shit hit the fan with all the painful similarity of a Nurgling thrown headlong into a thruster engine.
To begin with, it was a trap—a trap where he's separated from brother-Sergeant 'whatever-the-fuck-riel' in the commotion and responding bolter fire. That'd left Cato pointedly responsible for evacuating you, the useless little chatterbox, by the scruff of your fuzzy coat through side halls.
On another note, of all the accursed biomes, he hates tundras the most.
Pointedly, it's exactly what seventy percent of this backwater, shit-hole planet is this time of year; whereas the other thirty percent is glacial mush.
He discovers firsthand just how much sloshy ice-water there is to be found as he kicks in a shutter door and gets doused for the first time of many to follow; only to vault from the eastern rampart. Sliding down a long, raised and sleet covered run-off canal that passed over the keep's lesser residential rooftops with you in his grasp.
Melt water soaks you both as he scrambles fights to a halt on the steep decline before the drop off. Wobbling balancing on the edge for a second before he manages to scud back up and down a side chute, worming through the raucous hellscape of filthy baselines and too-tight alleys into the scrappy frozen wilds.
There was little time to hesitate when he decides breaking into a dead-sprint with a soggy ambassador thrown over his shoulder's the modus operandi of the situation.
He didn't stop until he was at least fifteen clicks away, or rather—he only stops when he's able to recognise a spot to hide and await for emergency evacuation.
A half-standing shack. Probably some peasant's hunting hovel. Clearly in poor condition, and honestly, a cave would've been preferable—but he isn't about to pass up the opportunity.
The door doesn't even swing open when he nudges it with his elbow. No, it falls inward, because of course it does, and he grumbles belatedly when it thuds.
The inside of the structure is a damnable mess, but, at the very least, it's dry.
He moves to tug you off his shoulder and toss you onto a pile of rags in the far corner, but he hesitates periodically. Even through his own wet outer attire, he can tell very little body heat is coming off you. His hearing catches on the way your breathing labours below the incessant chatter of your teeth.
Some wretched part of him implores he let you down carefully next to the nested mess of dirty cloth; and for once, he acquiesces to granting mercy.
You curl up into a ball on the floorboards almost immediately.
In his eyes, you're the pict of some drowned rat. The fur coat you'd been wearing over your dress is just as soaked through as everything else. Your hair is full of small, frozen rivulets at the ends, mixed in with powder snow and ice; and all the while, you're whining softly and trying to coil tighter into a fetal position.
He's trying very hard not to just stand there and dumbly listen to your little noises of weakness like a salivating dog.
Instead, Cato turns and lifts the door back into place against the frame; then he activates the honing beacon on his belt.
No latency pings, no close contact.
He grumbles again, eyeing your shivering form over his shoulder begrudgingly.
He hates you.
He hates that he's the one who's responsible for you.
The fact he is also currently out of his power-armour because of this charade only makes him even more irate, impossibly.
Sure, he has his combat bodyglove on under the tacky regalia, but it's no real consolation. He'd feel a lot better if there was a couple extra hundred kilos of plasteel and ceramite on him.
He could've had his armour on, had someone else been the one to babysit you.
He would have preferred anything but sole custody of your wretched, annoying existence falling on him. But because he's the only competent Astartes around ninety percent of the time, and you're the root of all problems—it means he's the only one who's capable of handling your stupidity. He can't even imagine letting anyone else do it. You'd probably deafen Trajan with your yapping if he was in his stead. Or Prabian. And if Titus had watch of you, you two'd probably be—ugh, he won't even dignify the thought. He can't believe the man'd been Captain of Second Company, or how or why Agemman gave the captaincy to him. He understands why Titus'd been struck from most records aside from high clearance. To say nothing of the fact that one would think being a Blackshield for a century would humble someone. But no, it seems crossing the Rubicon Primaris gave him his balls back.
Cato had almost flown into a blind rage when he'd heard him jokingly warning about rough weather to you on the embarkation deck the last time you'd been in each others general vicinity—because oh, of course Lieutenant Titus is suddenly a subsector-renowned fucking comedian as soon as you're there. Cato ought to subpoena the dribbling Inquisition like that little snake Leandros did. See how Titus'd like a real stage to perform on again. Maybe they'll have a new rendition of the cunted Rubicon Primaris to piece his sorry fat-arse back together once more by then. But he won't. He won't because Marneus would sulk, and Cato would feel bad. Plus, Cato's infinitely more likely to kill an Inquisitor than help one. But you—you little skank—you find Titus so funny. Hiding a giggle behind your hand, pretending to look demure and professional despite your wretched nature.
Why don't you smile at him like that?
You would be the death of him.
It was always all because of you. Every single time. Because you're so useless in any situation that can't be rambled out of. Which is all of them when you're involved, in Cato's opinion. His Father should leave the talking to professionals who wouldn't break a hip from a smack on the rear.
But now you are going to die of hypothermia, like a typical, pathetic little baseline—well, unless you start following his orders.
Cato tries not to think of how you were acting when rounds started going off earlier. Of course, like a spooked animal, you'd been all ears to his commands then. Hiding against him with your hands pawing at the side of his dress uniform as bullets careened across the dining hall, looking up at him with those big, terrified, caught-in-the-crosshair eyes—and, Throne, it had been so easy to pick you up. You were so soft flimsy, he could fling you around like a rag-doll if he really wanted. Manhandling you would be a singlehanded venture. He's liable to just hoist you up whenever you think yourself bold enough to bother him next. Grab you by your uniform's scruff and just pin you against a bulkhead, you'd be bent at the perfect height to—no—no, no.
Abruptly trying to distract himself, Cato draws his blade from it's ceremonial sheath and activates the disruption core, trying to stoke some sort of heated spark as he drove it into the fireplace.
He brutishly nudges it amidst the old wood and long dim coals. It isn't his finest moment of critical thinking, but it seems to be working; seeing as a few weak embers sputter to life.
Gratingly, he's aware that even a servitor would've known starting a fire in hostile territory was a fool's surest way at getting caught—but he has no other choice. Either he acts the moron and plays his poor hand, or you die from the shock of your chill; and if that happens, he'll have to face his Father's wrath.
And Guilliman would have his left testicle as a paperweight if you died under his watch.
In conclusion, if Cato is to choose between stupidity and complete failure, he's opting for stupidity. Which aggravatingly felt like an ongoing occurrence, ever since you started existing anywhere near him.
He reaches for your soggy swaddled form, and tugs.
Even practically hypothermic, you've still got enough of a two-faced-bitch's spirit hidden away in you to hiss and swat at him blindly. So much for his Father's claims you were of 'sweet, kind temperament.'
For a moment, he genuinely wants to throttle you for the outburst; but he swallows down the urge.
"You need to get out of those," he snaps, glowering down at you. "Or you are going to die."
Your response is a poignant little groan as you glance dizzily around the room.
Cato huffs, "There are blankets beside you, fool."
He holds up a dingy plaid throw, half fraying and stinking of stale mould. It was an assault on his vomeronasal organ, but he wasn't about to let you act the typical spoiled cunt routine of an Imperial ambassador. He would have you wrapped in it sooner rather than later, wether you liked it or not. You dying reflects poorly on him, afterall.
"T-T-Turn, p-p-please—" you say, but your stammering mangles the words into a juddering mess.
He growls, almost tempted to snarl something about 'the fucking audacity in thinking you can tell him what to do—' but acquiesces out of sheer force of will and pivots on his heel, settling into a martial line stance.
Cato can hear you struggling to wriggle free of your clothes. The whines of effort and heavy breathing, to say nothing of the almost comedic slop sound one miscellaneous article makes as it hits the rotted wooden floorboards.
Even if he's taking it to his grave, he's admittedly itching to look over his shoulder.
It's a completely degenerate urge.
But he's—he's wanted this. He's wanted this exact opportunity.
He's got it, now.
You're alone with him.
Nothing and nobody to distract or detract from your attention finally being all on him.
You make a fey little groan, and he takes that as a signal you're finished.
He rounds about-face, and, for lack of a better word, ogles the shape of your covered form.
You've dragged that pile of rags closer to the meagre fireplace, lying on it with the plaid blanket strewn over the top of you.
Even completely hidden beneath, he can see you are still shaking under the ratty thing. Even moreso than before, in all actuality. He supposes that's a good sign. It proves your feeble body is still well and keen on living.
But the suffocating concept you're bare weak, soft useless and needing pathetic underneath that scrap of fabric worms its way into his brain like a cancer.
He grits his teeth so hard his jaw aches.
Tearing his gaze away, he finds the embers his blade coaxed are a small flame eating away at the old timber now.
Looking back, your shivering's subsiding, but your rapid breathing is increasing; which is surely not good.
He has an idea, which definitely isn't influenced by depravity at all—shut up.
Cato tries for a moment to actually unbutton his attire. His fingers are too large, unsurprisingly. And with the body-suit, he's got no leverage of a nail or two to do away with the dainty fasteners. So, ultimately, he tears the regalia down the front, sending buttons flying—and continues to pry and rend the sopping garments off his arms and legs until they're a pile at his feet.
Then he sets about a more strenuous matter. He releases the locking mechanism at his clavicle, and promptly undoes the thick claps over his pectorals so he can pop free the catches beneath, peeling the layered material back and shucking his arms and hands loose of their constraints.
The top of his bodyglove hangs around his hips now, and he sighs. The chill is of no real annoyance to him. He's built to endure most conditions. Sure, it's cold—but Astartes run hot. And right now, he's boiling for so very many accursed reasons.
He settles on his side next to you and scuds himself to bracket the pile of fabric.
"Move closer," he bites out.
He tries not to groan when you actually do, and surprises himself when he manages to stifle the sound. Even through the blanket, he imagines his warmth is a welcome change to freezing.
"T-Thank you," you say softly, soaking in his body heat like a banal reptile under a sun's rays.
He likes hearing timidity on your lips.
He supposes it stems from his habit of humbling you. The opportunities are unsurprisingly plentiful. He often finds enjoyment hearing you back-pedal when he would cut you down for so much as genially inquiring on Astartesian discussions. Putting himself in the middle and shutting you out, even if you were welcomed in them prior to his arrival.
If you want to ask something of his Brothers, it'll be his answers.
All it ever took was a growl and a curt reminder to know your place. Then you'd fumble and take two steps back. Snipped down to size as you ought to be. Forced to suffer an ounce of the shame he feels. Oh, and then your big doe-eyes'd cast down at Cato's ceramite boots, fussing; trying to apologise to him.
In truth, it's adorable pathetic to watch.
You look so hurt.
It's an act, he's sure of it.
You play at being difficult to anger, and that makes you just that bit more grating. You've unknowingly caught him with an unfair advantage. One that his prowess as a statesman and a warrior cannot seem to scratch. He's always left feeling robbed in your presence. In a way that furiously giving in to the alien urge of palming himself afterwards doesn't ever fix. He's toey and irked to be excluded when you talk to other Astartes, but simultaneously darkly glad that you shy from such antics with him.
It's paradoxical, yes. But no, he's not a hypocrite. Though some part of him is scolding him for being one. No, he's aching to sink his proverbial claws into you—though he won't ever say it to a soul. He won't because he knows he's not supposed to have tastes such as this. A pit in his gut taunts that the stint he'd suffered in the Warp is to blame. But he's the commander of Roboute Guilliman's Victrix Guard. He is not aberrant. The sidelong, fraction-of-a-second glances Cato receives from his Primarch when you enter his office to give briefings surely mean nothing.
It's clear why you have his Father's favour, but he'll never admit that either. Aside from Guilliman's desperation to find baseline company for some strange reason. You're surely just a pet to him. Like a small rodent he pries off a little wheel and sets out in a clear sphere to roll about on the bridge, or something.
To say nothing of his brothers' behaviours.
They won't show it in a group, but he knows the Astartes beneath him preen at your every query.
It's complete lunacy.
It's heresy.
You must have somehow beguiled them all, just like you've done him.
But you're still right there—right where he wants you.
And damn it all, does he want you.
He wants—he wants you on your front, squirming underneath him. No, wait, he wants to see you—but then you'd need to be on top. He can watch, like that. Then afterwards he'll have you on your back, perhaps. Why not sideways? You're already like that, now. Or—or... who's he kidding, he'd take anything, and everything.
Throne, he's so hard he swears he is going to have a brain haemorrhage. He feels like he's already had one, honestly, for all his thoughts are hazing. It's a million leagues worse than the time you'd accidentally called him 'Lord Sicarius' by accident instead of your usual choice of 'Commander' and Throne, he'd rubbed himself raw after that.
Maybe if you weren't such a whorish little wretch, his fantasies wouldn't be running so rabid right now.
You wriggle and your half-covered back slides up against his front.
Cato's never held himself stiller in his life.
Your skin feels like fine silk to his spiralling mind; and even worse, your damnable wriggling doesn't stop. You start making little movements with your feet to try to get circulation back in them—and again, there's a fey similarity to your behaviours and some soaked rodent he recognises.
Decidedly, you've realised it's not enough and promptly jut your feet backwards between his quads. Still continuing the motions, but more furiously.
The touch is dangerously close to the cradle of his inner thighs.
He swears he actually feels the blood drain from his face in mortification. The touch is meagre, but it's real. It's more warming than any he's ever known. And of course, to add insult to injury, that blood drains straight to were he's already painfully hard—which is currently pushed against his navel, halfway jutting out of his bodyglove's zipper.
Thankfully, you withdraw yourself from between his legs and sigh again, snug.
Then, you shuffle closer.
Your rear scuds right up to the swell of his confined cock.
Cato's immediately beside himself in an instant, flying into a rainbow of emotion. First, he's disgusted. Then he's seething at the audacity—which makes him furious—and finally, he's... he's ecstatic.
He groans, raring like some rutting animal; but the sound ultimately leaves him as an angry, subvocal snarl of transhuman harmonics.
You flinch, and wriggle away sharply, and he repeats the sound again at the loss of contact. You're only a hair away from being there still, he can feel how close you are—but you remain just beyond him again.
"My—my apologies, Commander... I-I—" you blurt out, voice still a little chill stuttered, "I didn't... I didn't mean to overstep."
He inhales steadily. He notes you're doused in human stress hormones; but he's acutely aware of a honeyed smell just below the surface. It's so suffocatingly sugary it's actually hurting his nose to scent the air. It's addling his thoughts, turning his focus to mist.
He can smell you failing to juggle all the reactions and thankfully rottenly settling for the one that makes you reek of mollasses.
"Come back, shut up," he hisses. "And stay still."
Sweet-stink radiates again before you swallow sharply.
There's an eternal breath of time in which he's about to go mad with anticipation, and the instant you're slotted against him again.
Some base urgency sends him frotting forward, and the thick, leaking head of him that peaks out the top of his zip brushes against a warm cunt; all thanks to that blanket of yours having slipped loose slightly, and lo, the blessed horrid consequence.
He'd live off the way your surprised gasp makes his nerves thrill.
"Is—" you wheeze, "Is that...?"
He grimaces, unsurprised you're ever stupider than you look. Recklessly, instead of lying—instead of saying 'no, it's a combat knife,' his mouth decides he's to act the most pathologically honest town crier alive.
"It," he intones sharply, before the words "...is your fault," leave him as a rushed hiss.
A belated pause wins out for a moment, and he's mortified as he realises what he's just confessed. There's a leaden feeling at the back of his throat. One option to recover the situation is that he could just hit you on the head. What'd be a shiner of a punch to a brother would be a terminal concussion to a baseline. Then, he'd tell the Primarch, oh yes, you died. Very sad. How? To shreds. To shreds you say? Truthfully, he can't really bring any actual conviction to the plan. He wouldn't. The notion is merely a hypothetical, in a perfect world where violence solved everything. Because if you die, Guilliman will send him to an Agri-world to be some peasant's plough-puller or someshit for a few centuries—and Cato's going to kill himself before he has to suffer that indignity. Uriel would never let him live it down. He's bound to suffer the same consequences, ultimately. Even if he's got no idea what an Astartes with a sex drive would be liable to be punished for. Oh, right. Corruption. So now, there's a credible witness to his flaw and one that his Father'll believe, worst of all, and... abruptly, you reply instead of scream in revulsion, your voice a mumbled little squeak as you say, "I didn't know—I mean, I didn't think—"
"Believe me, I am well aware you lack the capacity to think," Cato cuts in, and swallows down a snort at his own mean spirited joke. He's fucked, and for some reason he's suddenly further struck by the hilarity of the bastard, warp-spawn wiles of fate and chance. May as well be hung for the sheep as for a lamb, he decides.
Your breathing gains a shallow edge, and he feels you make as if to inch away again.
"I said not to move," He growls, and keeps you flush against him—holding you there by way of folding an arm across you.
"I just... uh," you reply, "I'm just..."
Your ass grinds back against him.
There's contact, your skin against the flushed, drooling head of him that feels painfully tender—and then you ruin it by speaking again.
"Curious, I suppose...? I was of the belief the Adeptus Astartes didn't..." your voice is soft, at least; slow and distracted, "Have an appetite for... this sort of thing?"
Cato momentarily stays fixated on the breathiness of your tone, and has to remind himself he's supposed to be angry at being robbed of silence—so he grumbles, "I told you to shut your trap," and promptly smothers a palm over your mouth.
You make a noise that sounds vaguely like a mumbled curse and settle, breathing hard through your nose to compensate.
Still, your rear presses back against him.
Cato takes the gesture at face value and fusses, roughly wrenching his bodyglove down to his thighs with his free hand.
Unconfined, his cock slaps the small of your back, and he manhandles you to readjust so it glides between your thighs instead.
Everything in place, he skews his hips forward, and his eyes roll back at the smooth, sublime drag of skin against skin. It's genuine perfection, wet and soft and molten.
The little hitched breaths you steal through your nose with each roll of his hips make him grind faster. Pressing closer with each, until the abhorrent, sticky sound of him steadily fucking against you is nigh deafening.
"I go in or I stay out," he says, and he can feel his molars grate against each other as he adds, "...or I can stop."
You shake your head furiously, or at least as much as the huge mitt on your chin, maw and jaw allows.
"Then decide," he snaps. "In?"
Cato hears the cartilage in your gullet move as you swallow dryly and nod.
Chuffed with your allowance compliance, he hums—and then it's his turn to hesitate.
When he draws his hand from your mouth, he curtly says, "Stay silent," and starts as if to tell you to arrange one way, then decides against it; dithering uncharacteristically. Then, rarer yet, Cato stumbles his words as he adds, "Move on to y-your front, then."
He doesn't know why he asked for the least preferred option when he'd been deliberating over the hypothetical for so long previously but nonetheless you, miraculously, comply without complaint. And despite himself he frustrates as you roll, his cock slipping away from between your thighs.
Draped in covers, he can't see much of you aside from the shape of you slowly arranging onto your hands and knees; before your chest sinks, and your ass stays up.
Like a rabid dog, he scrambles onto his haunches and scuds over behind you.
He's not entirely sure what to do first, and harrumphs.
In answer, your back arches even further in a dangerously luring bow, a display of willingness whorishness that turns Cato's thoughts to mush. Ass up and still in the pile, covered in blankets and rags, it's painfully easy to tug you from them just enough so that a decent portion of your raised lower half is exposed to him.
All he's able to comprehend the very next instant in some hind-brain, primitive way is a shapely ass, and a pretty pink cunt.
He grabs your hip, and the size comparison is so stark his head swims. With the span of one hand, he could palm a whole globe of your rear.
He does just that, and spreads you to take a nice long look.
You've a glossy sheen of clear slick that's starting to string down where it's collecting between your labia, and Throne—it's that. That's the sweet smell. And it's all for him—you're everything he's wanted.
Inspecting, he finds the hole leaking lubricant and a much, much smaller one below it—the vagina and then the urethra, he reasons by way of thinking back on a baseline biologis graphics; and, eyeing lower to a hooded fold, he finds a swollen little nub.
Pointedly, he's got a suspicion of what it is and turns his curiosity to it.
It's an easy target for his large thumb, even as slippery as your lust has made you, and—
A shaky little keen, then your knees pull together; body curling.
"Keep your damn legs apart," he grunts, wrenching them wide, and splaying a big palm on your ass to lift you into an arch again.
He's tempted to just bask in the glory of it all, grope, smack, lick—make you beg for it until he's sure you know he's in charge. Until you're as high strung for him as he's ever been for you. But he's frenzied, and well beyond being able to linger on those broader wants; not when he's got an Ambassador to fill.
He's aware of what your clit's really for now, and keeps rolling the pad of his thumb over it until you're squirming. It doesn't take long until your hole is visibly twitching. Nothing but a sloppy, wet mess of your own whorish excitement for him, as you ought to be. Cato bites back a longing sigh as he gets the delight of watching a fresh rivulet of slick string down your thigh.
And when he works up the gall, he jams that same thumb to the hilt in your cunt.
Your insides squeeze around it, and you start shaking, then. But it's not from the cold. No, anything but that. You're warm now, and he's deliriously happy to find you're as soft inside as the rest of you looks and feels. Warp damn him, he's no better than some slavering genestealer wretch fiending for its pound of flesh.
Your smaller baseline frame makes every part of him look huge in comparison. Even his thumb is big. And you're so much less—and the fact the disparity is so glaringly obvious plays havoc with his brain; but he's got an idea. An idea that he refuses to acknowledge sounding painfully like a boarding action to him.
With little tact, he sidles up and positions himself so his tip slots right against you, while stretching your opening with his thumb.
Lining himself up with his other hand, he nudges your entrance, smearing precum in with your wetness while inching forward; sliding his thumb out in tandem with pushing his cock in—and his efforts succeed.
Cato's transfixed watching the head of himself fill the gap, sliding in—and you let out a muffled yelp, still half-buried in the blankets like some stuck animal; your thighs juddering as you suck in air.
Honestly, he's glad you've smothered yourself like that, because he can't imagine keeping it together if you were actively watching him. He thinks the stark reality of it would have him run right out of the shack. Even the idea of having your pretty damning eyes on him makes him swoon sick.
With an over-eager roll of his hips, a shiver races up his spine. But he earns a cry from you.
He takes a deep breath.
There's a twinge of pain-smell and the vaguest hint of blood in the air, but it's impermanent compared to the amount of lust.
He pushes a little more, and you ripple internally around him; making a racketing, breathless noise—twitching before slacking, and then twitching again. A few perfect little moans escaping you at last.
Abruptly, all he's able to give a fuck about is the sensation of wet and hot, and how you're finally all his—it's a strangling fit, but it's satisfying a craving bone-deep. Infinitely better than his war calloused hands.
You feel sublime, and it's pure bliss finally getting what he's wanted for so very long.
All those rest cycles wasted furiously humping into his own clenched hand, all those hours of torment seething about your latest unintended slight against him.
He's so dazed by the new sensation he's massaging small circles with his fingers on your flank, humming lowly. Who would have known all he really needed was to hilt in a warm, velvety, absolutely sopping wet cunt to come around to you? Maybe you're not so bad afterall. That is, for an insufferable little cock-sleeve; but it's nothing Cato can't grin and bare. He can almost imagine tolerating further babysitting assignments, if it means he can use you as a hole to ram his frustrations into like this.
He continues petting you, absentmindedly.
But the involuntary mercy didn't stop you from jackknifing when he bucks in more—each little motion seating him deeper and deeper. He's stunned he fits. You're so... small, and Throne, he feels monstrous even fixating upon the disparity; nevermind the shiver that races up his spine at the thought.
He yanks you backward and you stop squirming for a moment.
When your wriggling starts up again, he holds you still with the sheer willpower only a neurotic control-freak could muster. He stops your motion, yes—but your insides also stop shivering around his cock and he's resentful of that.
Nonetheless, you make to move again then, keening and bothering him; but you're seemingly struck daft when he bottoms out at last, hitting your cervix. Your internal muscles tense on the intrusion, practically cramping around him, blinding him with ecstasy for a heartbeat as you clench down hard; and a squeak of surprise escapes you. Your legs lock stiff for a moment, air venting out your lungs in shock.
You garble out a sweet, hoarse curse that sounds more like a sob than anything.
Cato supposes the theatrics are what an orgasm on something his size does to a woman. And he finds he's appallingly keen to see and hear you do it again. Keen to feel it, too. He adjusts himself and grinds, making sure you're getting every bit he's got to give. It's no small feat of restraint from Cato to not simply drive into you with all his might like a hydraulic press.
Maybe that'll make your tight little hole cinch up again? He thinks you'd like that. No—no, you should be begging for him to keep fucking you. You should be thanking him while you're at it too, really. Thanking him for deigning to take you to begin with.
Your arch falls away to a prone slump with a whine, thighs trembling, leaving him straining forward to stay in you.
He is irate at your antics, now; and his retaliation betrays it.
Cato seizes your hips and yanks you back up his cock, shimmying you a little so he's nice and sheathed and stuffing you full, nigh folded under him. Warm cunt stretched taut around the base of his thick cock, like a perfect scabbard.
He's suddenly absorbed in watching your covered form consciously trying to counter the overwhelming forward mass of him starting to drive into you like he was part battering-ram.
"Better than all those limp-dicked, bastard lordlings you've let empty in you to even chance a cushion near my Primarch's table, hm?" His tone is little more than a scathing drawl, pulling almost entirely out of you just to dip the head of himself in.
You moan into the fabric smothering you, and he holds you with a controlled desperation.
"Answer me, you little shit."
He watches you nodding desperately beneath the cover a second later, failing to get an actual reply out around your huffing and puffing.
Cato groans, "Far keener for Astartes cock, aren't you?"
You nod again, needy.
"Throne, you're pathetic," he chides harshly, delighting in the soft whine of protest you make when pulls out to the tip one last time. "All that haughty bullshit, just to turn out to be so—so easy," then he's sliding back to the hilt and starting his rutting anew, grinding into that perfect spot that has your insides shiver around him again and again. "Isn't that right? This is all you're really good for?"
Beneath him, you're too much of an insensible mess to even think about answering; and somewhere in that depraved miasma of sound, he swears you're trying to say his name.
So, understandably, he inches forward on his knees and boxes you under him. Pinning you under the span of his bulk, two big hands firmly planted either side of your blanketed head.
He can see a few strands of your hair sticking out from beneath it and he can see the fog of your breath and the tip of your nose through a tented section, and only one of your hands—clawing out at the scraps of fabric.
"Prick-dumb animal," he sneers, flagrantly showboating; trying to sound as if he's not feigning lucidity and completely at the mercy of his lust.
He drops from his hands to rest on his elbows, manoeuvring a forearm under your head to prop your chin up. He's so bent over you that your ass is practically glued to his massive pelvis.
You can't stifle yourself now.
The sounds you make when he starts ploughing into you again are unrestrained and absolutely debauched. Practically music to his ears. He can feel your saliva smearing across his arm, and he's absolutely stupefied at the mantra of 'Sicarius, S-Sicarius, Sica-ah—rius—' you start panting. To say nothing of the keening whimpers that escape when you're not crying out for him. Louder with each thrust, and warp damn it all—his perfect memory is never going to let those gorgeous sounds go. He's going to fiend off you mewling his surname like a full dose of battle-chems until he fucking dies.
Cato groans and delights in the involuntary squeeze you make around his cock again; your hips skewing up into his own, meeting him.
He just wants one more thing—he wants—no, needs—he needs to hear you scream his name in that reedy voice. Telling him that you like him playing guard for you, and you're all his and you love hi—
Rather abruptly however, you're cinching down on his cock as you come again. Throne, your cunt may as well be Marneus' clenched powerfist the way you're wringing him for everything he's got. Crying out like you're inconsolable, and so painfully eager and—oh, fuck. He tries to hold off, but it's of little use. The dam cracks, and it's all too much for him far too quickly.
"You rotten w-whore—" the words leave him in between ragged, staggered pants, gritting his teeth even though it's achieving absolutely nothing. "Stop s-squeezing, I-I—"
He's finishing in you the next second and letting out a rough, unbecoming moan instead of the rest of his sentence; despite trying to muffle himself against your shoulder and save face. Emptying all his pent up spend as deep as he can inside you and rutting himself deliriously into oversensitivity. The simple feeling of it is a more profound experience than he can even begin to explain—and he's rendered daft. Fighting just to stay awake against the warm, coddling bliss running rife in his nerves as his muscles twitch.
Still trying to recuperate, he's drunk with afterglow for a few seconds. Head beside yours, sharing the same air and hurried breaths.
In his stupor, he notes that your hair smells nice even after everything. And he tuts softly, resting his eyes. Lulled by the soft sound of your hyperventilating evening out and the continuous, weak fluttering of your cunt around him, hot and tight, and still a perfect fit.
He almost understands why mortal men so frequently fought over baseline women, now.
Because then you start squirming again.
Pointedly, he opens his eyes and begrudgingly lifts himself away, slipping free and leaving a big sloppy smear of combined fluids across your ass and thighs as he settles into a kneel.
You're still presenting yourself as Cato scrubs a palm across his face, and blinks slowly.
He glances down for a moment and swallows.
He's hard—still.
Just as ready to rut as he was to start with, despite the fact he's only just finished.
And, much like a beast in season, he genuinely contemplates another round—what would be the harm, anyways? He could be sliding himself back into you, right then, and he doubted you'd do anything but buck up to meet him. So much for some diplomatic prodigy. You're little more than a mewling wreck. And what better way to prove it than another wet layer of your mixed fluids on his cock?
A soft sound escapes you abruptly and he looks back to the place he's itching to slam back inside of.
A few fat rivulets of his cum drip out your abused entrance, but you're too well-screwed to even care, it seems.
He thumbs one of your folds aside and smiles smugly at the mess.
You poor thing, it must be so humbling to be put in your place. He hopes it felt good. Having your better's cum leaking out of you like a banner on a conquered fortress.
He's tempted to stuff his spend back into you and give you another load to drip. Let it leak down your thighs as you pad past his men on the flagship, that'd make them well aware of who you really admire—
At that brilliant jarring thought, blazing post-clarity arrived; an abrupt and unsettling feeling. The fact he'd even—even dignified your almost Slaneeshi-tier temptation—the fact he's raring to go again—he must already reek of your lust, and you of his—and Emperor have mercy, one quick scenting betrays everything, his men would tell their Father, and—you—you groan and worm yourself back under the blanket, likely truly feeling the chill now without his body to warm you.
The urge to say something becomes almost suffocating all at once, and Cato opens his mouth—just to be interrupted by a beep.
Hesitation seizes him, and he eyes his pile of half-frozen attire in the far corner.
Eighteen and a half seconds pass and it beeps again, indicating a second for every minute of arrival estimation.
The tracker beacon has finally done it's job.
But the matter of hastily cleaning up what insanity just happened becomes the real concern now.
Suddenly stuffed to the brim with adrenaline, Cato gets to his feet with Astartesian speed. He tries to take a step but sways, almost toppling. Looking down, he realises himself; and gingerly stoically waddles marches away from you, his bodysuit stuck around his knees. There's a cupboard in the other corner, covered in a frosted cobweb that looks a little like gossamer. Rifling through it provides him little. Most of it's contents are iced through, but a bottle of what stinks like absinthe is good enough, and he doesn't think it matters what he cleans up with. He definitely does doesn't look like a servitor on broken wheels as he scuds on his heels back beside your pile. And if he suffers any more injuries to his ego, they definitely don't include him bungling a kneel and being forced to wobble down on to his haunches. It's not his fault he's mentally accommodating for power armour that, currently, isn't there.
Pausing, he pokes the mound of scraps you're under, trying to rouse you.
When your answer to his 'kinder' effort results in you whining and curling up tighter, he settles for tossing any mercy out the window with a petulant grunt; and identifies the shape of one of your legs and tugs you half-free by your ankle like a speared fish, earning a yelp as the cold assaults you.
Grabbing one of the loose rags in your pile, he saturates it with spirit and scoops you up under the hips, before starting to wipe away the evidence.
You begin thrashing almost immediately when the rag makes contact. Then you're practically yowling, "It hurts, it h-hurts—wait, wait—" and okay—yes, maybe using high proof alcohol to clean the smell and slime of his cum off your freshly fucked hole wasn't his best idea. In his defence, you're one of the most stubborn baselines he's ever met, and you should learn to handle a little pain. Secondly, booze is the only thing that stays liquid at freezing.
"Enough with the bloody caterwauling, woman," he barks, effortlessly holding you steady despite your struggling. "It's not that bad, toughen the fuck up."
When he's done with you, he's actually remorseful of the situation. Certainly not his finest choice. Because now you're sniffling weakly, fussing about the residual stinging; and then you promptly scramble back under the blanket.
"There was nothing else I could use, okay?" He says sourly, scowling at the bundle of fabric you disappear into; before tossing the soiled rag he'd used to clean you into the fireplace to ignite.
He grabs another from the pile and douses it, wiping himself off—and at last, he's finally able to start to pull his bodyglove up over his hips. Wiggling and straining to fit the thick, skin-tight material over his still very much erect cock.
From the edge of his vision he can see you've peaked your head out to watch as he fixes the sternum latch in place.
He gives you a cursory glance, but nothing more.
He ultimately expects you to look away like the mouse you are—but no, what actually happens is worse. You just keep silently raking him with an expression that makes him feel like he's made of glass and every secret he's ever had or ever known is laid bare.
He can't stand it.
It makes Cato want to sneer at you fiercely in the hopes it would scare you off, remind you he's an exemplar of the Adeptus Astartes and shouldn't be stared at—something, anything except that look.
"Get up," he turns sharply and snorts.
The beeping is once every two and a half seconds, now.
Two and a half minutes, then.
"You let me fuck you," he bites out.
You're sitting now. Covered in one of the larger articles of rags. A tartan, fraying thing crumpled atop you, frowning and looking dejected. Then you open your mouth to speak but promptly stop. He can tell you're trying to form a diplomatic reply, and he grumbles, fuming.
"Tell anyone of this—" Cato's well aware he's being cruel as he adds, "—and I'll wring your little neck, Father's favourite pet or not."
You finally look away.
And he finds he can't stand that either.
So, to souse his bruised ego, Cato decides he's going to burn the shack down as soon as the transport lands and you're onboard.
He also decides he's going to burn that tacky formal tunic of his too, simply because he can.
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lilacxquartz · 5 months ago
part 4 of 19 of kinktober: dreams
bill cipher x reader
plot: you couldn’t truly escape bill, not even when you slept and tonight, he had a special sort of visit arranged — a/n: there is some plot to this one — themes: yan!bill cipher, dreams/mindscape, teasing, orgasm denial, gn!reader, dubcon — w.c: ~1.6k
kinktober masterlist • main masterlist • ao3 • part 2 >
Sleep was something of a fifty-fifty endeavour for you.
In the best case scenario, you would wake up fully rested with no further issues, but in the worst case? You’d see him there; his looming presence haunting the darkest depths of your mind—forcing you to remember just how much control he truly had over you—again and again.
For a while, he left you alone, letting your mind recover for just long enough to be lulled into a false sense of security. Tonight however, just as you finally were about to fall sleep… you got a bad feeling.
Bill was waiting for you and you could tell.
(It was all too good to be true. You were never free to begin with, you silly thing.)
Your dreamscape itself was pretty simple, as far as you understood it. Your mind presented memories in a large paper calendar with core fragments highlighted in a red marker. A lot of what was stored was mundane, but if you flipped the pages back far enough, you could relive the one and only time that you allowed Bill to get close to you.
It wasn’t just highlighted in red marker, but it had been tampered with; decorated around the borders by Bill himself. Small yellow triangles scratched in glittering ink and etchings of singular eyes familiar to his own.
A memory locked away of you being just nineteen, maybe twenty, wasting away over the summer back home from college. You didn’t have much going on and the temptation to let Bill in was stronger than ever.
You shouldn’t have done so…
(…But you did.)
You hated that memory; a sign of momentarily lapsed weakness captured and replayed for as long as you lived. Dreams were something you didn’t have anymore otherwise. It was either nothingness or it was something like this.
You were exhausted.
The memory was always the same, too.
You watched on from within the shadows as though you were a helpless passenger with no control of the vehicle; witnessing the time that you let Bill in when you shouldn’t have. His sudden appearance and mocking demeanour betrayed no hint at him likely anticipating it at the time—so smug and prideful—a willing victim fallen to manipulation.
It was a humiliating sight to witness as your past self became so flustered and overwhelmed like soft putty in his hands. You had no choice but to endure this replaying memory, watching as his arm snaked towards your lower body, going places where you should never have let him go.
Curse that… entity.
That wretched demon.
Why did he have to make you relive this scene again and again? Was it because he knew about your struggles to get off in the waking world? You betted that he did. Watching from the shadows as you tried to touch yourself to relive that moment, only to be shamed by your own self out of doing so.
You couldn’t ever follow through.
Not when he was potentially watching.
(And you would hate for him to tell you that he told you so, that you can’t help but still want him back. Oh no, no, no. The very least you could do was to deny him that pleasure.)
While distracted, you accidentally gulped just loud enough for your voice to bleed into the memory. Shit. You managed to avoid him for so long by enduring and keeping quiet, but now you had inadvertently doomed yourself to something else.
Bill dislodged from your past self, leaving them to sulk back onto the floor. His voice was deceptively enthusiastic as always, emanating an eerie whimsy, “Well, well, well. Look who’s all red faced from spying on what was supposed to be a private moment? Who knew that it would get you so worked up?”
“I’m not…” you trailed off, feeling less than confident in your reply, “I'm not worked up.”
“No?” he taunted, sounding disbelieving before pointing his cane back to your dream self, still sulking but otherwise panting and recollecting their breath from stolen pleasure. “I think that you’re lying…! Or, no… Could it be that you’re—that you’re jealous? Oh wow, now this is rich!”
You didn’t dare reply but you did freeze a little as he resumed his actions on you instead. This was a new development. He pushed his cane in between your legs, willing you to clench tight against it with an unseen force before wriggling it around long enough to elicit a pleasured response.
“Oh, don’t tell me that this is all it takes to get you going these days?” Bill mocked, slightly pumping and stirring the stick around your clenching form. “I didn’t think that you would be so sensitive, so desperate and dare I say… needy? You really are full of surprises!”
Finally finding your backbone, you attempted to put a stop to the madness, “Get out of my head, Bill.”
He could only let out a dry, humourless laugh before sliding out the cane from your teased sex at last.
“Silly you!” he beamed once more, pushing you up against the wall from that same hidden power from before. “Why not just admit it, huh? You actually kind of liked that! Didn’t you?”
“N-no,” you denied with an unconvincing stutter, “it’s n-not like that.”
Bill however didn’t waver, slipping his hands beneath the fabric of your crotch, reaching to feel the evidence of your arousal. “Wow! So excited and just from a little touch! If you didn’t like that, then why are you reacting that way, huh?”
“Stop—“ you tried to punch back, your own words betraying you as you in fact didn’t want him to cease.
“—yeah, yeah,” he sneered, pulling back at your request, but you could tell that it was far from over.
You watched as he floated around with some sort of purpose, the once nostalgic interior of your old bedroom fading away into a blank void, along with your past self dissolving into nothingness.
“You can pretend to hate me now,” Bill continued after a moment of tense silence, “but deep down, I know you crave a release, don’t you? And hey, I’ll tell you what. Give in to me and I’ll leave you alone for a whole year.”
“What’s the catch?” you wearily sighed.
Bill laughed heartily to himself before propping the came back to where it was, his voice thoroughly amused, “Aw, nothing! Why do you always think there’s a catch?” he asked, lazily stroking at your sex, seemingly taking pleasure in watching you writhe, “I can be nice… sometimes! As long as you can admit that you can’t live without me… then I’ll give you that and more.”
“You know that I’ll never do that,” you shot back.
“Still playing hard to get?” he asked, swirling the wand around some more. “Not a problem. I can always rekindle that spark. How about I remind you exactly why, that for a while, you couldn’t stop thinking about me all the time…” he trailed off slightly, his voice temporarily fond before returning back to ridiculing, “…or maybe I’ll tease your past version who did like me over and over. Or better yet! Maybe I’ll just stick around in your head forever. You’re too much fun to mess with, after all.”
The atmosphere in the void pocket then dropped to something else, something thick with danger and perhaps even longing possession. His form faded towards you, flashing up tight against you in stark, jarring clarity.
With a wide, manic eye, his voice became low, methodical and even suggestive, “Let’s face it, you’ll never get rid of me… at least not fully. I’ll always be a part of you and because of that… I’m… not… going… anywhere!”
His words built up in slowly charged pulses, practically erupting with menacing glee by the final word. In a way, you had to admit it, he was good at messing with you.
You had barely any time to process what he was saying however, before his hands were back to where they were. He stroked at you with more passionate fervour that time, stealing occasionally uttered moans that broke out of your lips, sending radiating waves of red that coloured your cheeks in embarrassment.
“Aw, look at ya,” Bill caught on, catching the note of your slipped whimper by holding one hand to the side of his linear surface, as though taking it into his body. “So confused, but so aroused…! Oh, that’s adorable!”
You bit your lip as the pleasure within you rose with simmering force, feeling a tightening stir boiling from within your lower abdomen. He knew exactly what he was doing—getting you all hot like that—writhing and squirming at his will and yet, as he drove you closer towards the edge, he stopped. Bill abruptly pulled away from you and didn’t allow you to have the final push that was otherwise needed for you to come undone. Being as cruel as he was, he yanked his hand back and hovered ever so slightly above you, feeding you a look of pure, utter contempt.
“Not so fast, silly. Looks like you got a little too excited, huh?” he laughed, propping his cane that time underneath your chin before forcing you to look up at him, “you know the drill: I’ll only play nice when you can finally admit that you need me… until then, enjoy waking up all alone, frustrated and confused.”
And with that, you tore upright into the waking world a cold, clammy sweat feeling angry. The last remnants of an already fleeting warmth evaporated away into nothingness—leaving you to wonder if it actually did happen—but if Bill had forced you to forget the pleasure he had caused.
Knowing him, that’s exactly what he did.
Just to be cruel.
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atalana · 6 months ago
second thing from the book of bill i wanna overanalyse! ford's journal entry right before he sent that postcard to stan (written out for ease of reading)
CONS: 1) S is an overgrown child with none of my rigorous mental training. Who knows what could happen if Cipher stepped inside Stanley's mind for even one minute... 2) What if Stanley somehow manages to destroy the portal like he destroyed my perpetual motion machine? I suppose that machine did work in it's own way... It kept me perpetually angry for thirty years! [Coded message: Have I been too harsh all along?] 3) What if he tries to rope me into his latest get-rich-quick scheme? His latest commercial was for "Stan Sauce: The Miracle Sauce that's too cool for the FDA!" 4) What if... he mocks me? What if he sees that I abandoned our family to become a recluse on the brink of madness? Could I risk admitting that I was... wrong? PROS: I have no one else.
like okay, to take this point by point
1) i keep comparing this one with "you would have seen him for the scam artist he is" in the finale. it took ford that long to come around on the idea that stan actually does have areas where he's the smarter twin. the idea that stan could be better equipped than ford to handle bill is something that never occurred to him, ford was just focused on "only the most intelligent person could beat bill and i can't so what hope does stanley have??". which is exactly how bill suckered him in the first place
2) it took me a few rereads on this one to realise what it was ford was actually afraid of? like, yes, he wants to shut down the portal, he doesn't want bill to use it. but just like with his journals, he's terrified of the idea of the portal being destroyed. it doesn't matter that it was furthering bill's plans, or that leaving all of these things intact just increases the chance of them being used for harm in the future - that's his life's work! it's his ticket to being recognised by the whole world for how great he is!
ford you are full on "fairytale king can't let go of his fortune even when it dooms the world" here. you can blame other people all you like, but the reason you got sucked through the portal (starting the chain that would eventually cause the apocalypse), is that the portal was still fully functional. like! you could have stopped all of this by just taking the portal apart. but you would never be able to rebuild it, because it was a joint effort between you bill and mcgucket, and neither one of them will ever help you again. you got addicted to the idea of the glory you would get for this, and your self esteem is rapidly dwindling the more you realise how wrong you were, so as far as you're concerned, this is all you've got. and just like your dreams of going to that college, you're scared stan will take it away from you
2.5) the fact that "have i been too harsh all along" is the part in code. because even while you're considering it, you don't want to acknowledge it. of everything you wrote here, that's the part you're ashamed of, and so you're hiding it where no one could possibly read it.
3) this is just an excuse to rag on stanley and feel better about yourself. do not pretend for even a moment like this is a genuine worry. what could stan possibly do to rope you into a scheme that would be worse than the situation you've already cooked up for yourself? it's not like you have a problem saying no to him
4) there's the meat of the issue! the shame is back! it's been motivating you your entire life, it sure ain't stopping now you've got something to legitimately be ashamed of!
but this is also the most clearheaded and honest about the whole situation we've seen ford be. it really does feel like a tipping point where it could have gone one way or the other - if the portal hadn't split them up again for another thirty years, it's possible stan might have been able to get through to him here. it wouldn't have been easy, but there was a chance
and then god that last line hits so hard, i had to stop for a moment when reading and just let that one sit with me. like you have a whole page of reasons why you don't want to involve stan in this, and you could probably come up with several more if someone asked you to. but at the end of the day, none of those objections actually matter. you know they're superficial, compared to that massive glaring truth - you have dug a hole for yourself so deep there's no way to get out of it on your own, you've pushed away absolutely everyone who could try and help you, and there's only one person who's stubborn enough and loves you enough to come anyway
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lightandfellowship · 6 months ago
There are SO many layers of meaning to Roxas giving Axel the WINNER popsicle stick at the end of Days, it just blows my mind how much symbolism can be derived from this one item.
(1. Axel is arguably the “winner” at the end of the game since he’s the only one out of his friend group who survives to the end relatively unscathed and unharassed.
(2. However, ironically, he is also NOT the winner because really, nobody is a winner at the end of that game (pun not intended). Everyone suffered, including Axel. You see the word WINNER staring back at Axel in this cheerful, celebratory font and you can just tell that it’s mocking him.
(3. Since getting a WINNER popsicle stick requires some degree of luck (because it's completely random), it can be considered “lucky” to come across one. Much like the irony of “winner”, Axel is simultaneously lucky and anything but lucky.
(4. The act of eating ice cream together is closely associated with friendship in this game, meaning that Roxas leaving the popsicle stick behind, and thus making a show of refusing to partake in their usual daily ritual, is his way of telling Axel that their friendship is over (at least for now). The abandoned popsicle stick in the envelope says more than any conventional letter would.
(5. When Roxas first gets the WINNER popsicle stick, he initially doesn’t understand what it means and decides to ask Axel about it at a later date. He never gets the opportunity to bring it up, and though he does eventually find out what the WINNER stick means by asking the ice-cream seller, he still ultimately relinquishes the popsicle stick to Axel without ever discussing it with him. Thus, the popsicle stick represents the thoughts left unsaid or the unresolved issues of a friendship terminated prematurely. It represents all of the conversations that they could have had, but now never will because there’s no going back to how things used to be.
(6. Additionally, Roxas says in his diary that one of the reasons why he hasn't gotten around to giving Axel the WINNER stick yet is because he thinks it wouldn't be nice to give one to Axel but then leave Xion out. But Roxas never does find a second WINNER stick to give to Xion, emphasizing all the more how Xion isn't technically a "true" member of the Organization, and indeed is doomed to be left out of everything. And Roxas finally giving the WINNER stick to Axel at the very end despite not having one for Xion is almost like Roxas giving up and acknowledging that life is never going to be fair to him and Xion.
(7. And finally, since Roxas was hoping to give Axel the WINNER stick as a friendly gesture all throughout the game but never managed to, him finally doing that is indicative of him trying to tie up loose ends before he leaves. As Axel says in his diary entry about it, "…leaving [the popsicle stick] here makes [Roxas' departure] feel so permanent."
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m39 · 23 days ago
Doom WADs’ Roulette Bonus Round: Mock 2 part 4
You wrecked hell. Congratulations.
Now, yer just-mentioned family has been kidnapped.
What is this? 2002 A Doom Odyssey?
Part quattro: SHOWDOWN OF EVLI
Hookerville County
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Another mess, but this time it’s a city map.
City maps. Another popular type; started in Doom II. That’s all from me.
Unhappy Meal
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Welcome to MockDonalds. Find a toilet, get laughed at for sitting on a toilet, and finally, take a slide.
Recreating real-life locations. It was incredibly popular in mapping (not just in Doom) to recreate the real-life stuff. The most popular, from what I’ve heard, was the mappers’ homes, but I remember cases with a university or even an entire city.
Forced linearity. Even if you had hindsight of replaying, you were still forced to play like the WAD wanted to. In the case of this map, even knowing that you have to ride a slide to get to the next map, you are still forced to get laughed at for sitting/standing on a toilet.
texoic dep0t (the toxic depot in the forest of dumbasses (the last word is actually the r-word))
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Another mess, this time in a titular toxic depot full of keys (these even rain from the sky once you exit the area), and the forest full of idiots.
Doors that require more than one key. This was introduced as a Boom feature for a change. It doesn’t need more explanation.
'Insert name here'
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Yet another mess to survive, this time with the music made out of baron noises.
Underwater section. There are two types of these. The one that pretends to make you feel like you are underwater, and the other that actually feels like it. In the case of this map, this is the former type.
Bambi's Mom is Dead
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You are forced to watch a cutscene where a bunch of demons pretending to be yer family members get blown up, then you kill some zombiemen.
Unskippable cutscenes. Another staple of pretentious ZDoom WADs. Being forced to watch a scene that tries and fails to be funny or dramatic might put someone to sleep, along with turning this person into a save scummer to not watch this shit again.
The Final Destruction
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You go through vents, grab all the weapons (except BFG because it’s booby-trapped), and blow some Romero heads.
Icon of Sin maps. If you don’t know how to make a fun, final map, or at least the one with a boss battle, just recreate shit from the original MAP30. Some of these were better than the others, but it doesn’t change the fact that no matter how much polish the icon of shit has, it will still be an icon of shit. And I’m still baffled that mappers kept adding these sewage tanks of a concept to their levels after this WAD popped out.
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A credits map, with a nightclub, mission-based area, and other mess that happened in the previous maps.
All I have to add is that some of the maps (at least the ones created after this WAD) added an epilogue map without any enemies; usually acting like a credits roll. Some of the maps were even collaborations between at least two mappers, with each having their own parts to create.
Other than these two things, I’ve got nothing new to add. This map is a mishmash of stuff that I already talked about.
And if I missed something, don’t worry, I’ll probably get to these once I start yapping about secret maps.
I’ll see you then.
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arabellasleopardcoat · 7 months ago
Ābrazyrys (Aemond x Reader x Daemon)
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Summary: Daemon arrives at Riverrun. Pt 2 to this.
Warnings: Daemon’s usual disdain towards his wives. Smut with dubious consent. Angst. A lot of swords. One missing accent on the title because Tumblr.
A/N: So. I have always wanted to write a threesome, even since Lamb. And however fucked up you think this is about to be, I promise it’s worse.
YOU FEEL LIKE you are suffocating. As you try to sit up and scream, you find out you can’t. Nor can you breathe.
You scream, then. But the sound comes out muffled. What a terrible nightmare, you think, as your lungs burn. I have to wake. This is a dream. I have to wake. And you open your eyes, but instead of the peace and quiet of your bedroom, or even one of the demons that are said to frequent maiden’s dreams, you get something else.
“There you are.” You would recognize that voice anywhere. You think, sullenly, you would have preferred the demon. “I see your cunt missed me.” He gestures with his head to Aemond, sleeping soundly by your side.
You scream loudly, but no sound comes out. Daemon’s hand is clamped tight around your nose and mouth, allowing you to barely breathe. He is kneeling over your body, pinning you down with his weight.
“Shh. Don’t wake the babe, wife.” Daemon laughs, surely thinking himself the pinnacle of wit. You glare. You begin to trash wildly under him, kicking and pounding him with your fists. It’s useless. You may as well be punching stone with your bare fists.
The Seven favor you. One of your kicks lands not on Daemon, but on Aemond. He stirs, confused, and begins to sit up.
“What…?” Hope swells on your chest. Perhaps he can make good on his promise and rid the two of you of your bothersome husband. Aemond can get him off you, and protect you. He is as naked as you are, no weapon near, but there are two of you. You could try to overpower him.
But as always, Daemon kills everything he touches. Even hope. As Aemond’s eye widens, noticing exactly who has you pinned down in the bed, Daemon moves. He rolls the two of you to the side of the bed, and sends you tumbling over.
You grunt in pain, elbow slamming against the stone floor in a most unpleasant manner. Naked as you are, it scraps your back and makes you cry out.
Daemon is ruthless, and fights dirty. You have always known it. It is why it doesn’t surprise you that he grabs you by the hair and pulls you to your knees, cold steel kissing your throat.
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you.” He says, to Aemond. Your lover is reaching for his sword, not having even bothered to pick up his breeches. Not that it would matter. The two of you had undressed in the stairs, and not even made it to the bed before rutting against each other like animals. Both of you had been ravenous for each other.
The memory makes you smile. If you are about to die, you will do so with a pleasant ache between your thighs.
Aemond freezes at the sight of the dagger against your throat.
“Let her go.” He barks. Daemon laughs.
“Youth these days…” He mocks him, whispering in your ear. “Impudent little brat. You do not give the orders here.”
“Let us all calm down.” You try to speak in your most even tone. It’s difficult to do when you know you are doomed, but you need to give Aemond at least a fighting chance. He is too important to the war effort to die here, naked in your chambers. And perhaps you care a bit too much for him. “We can talk, Daemon. Aemond will leave.”
Daemon laughs again. He sounds hysterical.
“I am curious.” The dagger digs just a tiny bit harder against your throat. Aemond stands there, seemingly frozen, but his eyes are calculating. He is inching closer to his sword. You just need to buy him time. “What did you think would happen? Huh?”
You do not answer. Daemon’s grip on your hair turns a bit more punishing, forcing you to arch your back.
“Did you think I would let you make a fool out of me?” When you do not answer, he presses the dagger against your throat harder still. Blood begins to bubble up to the surface, dripping down your neck. It doesn’t hurt as much as you thought it would, but it does sting. Unwillingly, you let out a cry of pain.
It makes Aemond lose his head.
“Stop that!” He shouts, grabbing his sword in one swift move. His tone turns smug. “The lady is pregnant. My seed has taken when yours never could.”
Of course he taunts Daemon with that. Of course.
The words make you flinch minutely. To any other observer, it would be nothing. A shift on your breathing or a slight tension of your shoulders. But to Daemon? Daemon, who has made torturing you his favorite sport? Daemon, who delights in humiliating you? He knows it right away.
This time, when he cackles, it’s not hysterical but full of joy.
“By the Seven Hells!” You can feel his chest against your back, shaking with genuine amusement. “How naive. You Hightowers barely know where to stick your cocks, and you think you have left her with child.”
You feel an embarrassed heat begin to bloom on your cheeks. You avert your eyes from Aemond.
“No, you see. When you were learning your letters, I was already married to her. She is up to her usual tricks, aren’t you, ābrazȳrys?” And because Daemon is a prick, he gives your hair another tug, forcing your back to bow. It has the unwanted consequences of thrusting your chest and hips out. “Such a pretty picture.”
He lowers the dagger to one of your nipples. It makes you stiffen in his grasp, as he thumbs it idly and presses it to the blade’s edge.
Your breaths become more shallow. Daemon is fucking insane. All Targaryens are. You do not think him above cutting it off.
Aemond should really seize the chance, now that your throat is in no danger of being slit, and lunge at him. You wouldn’t even miss the nipple, truly.
But instead, he flounders around.
“You are not pregnant?” His voice is disappointed. While Aemond had voiced his desire for seeing you with child, you had always thought it was another way to best his uncle, and not out of an actual desire to be a father.
“I have been drinking moontea.” You confess, guiltily.
“And why in the..?” Aemond rubs his face. He looks cross. He looks like he could hit you. Without noticing, you shuffle back against Daemon.
“We are at war!” You plead, trying to talk him down. “I am married! To your uncle!”
“Cold.” Daemon snickers against your hair. His hand wraps around your waist, as if he owns you. Aemond’s face contorts into murderous rage.
You realize this is not a good position to be in. Nothing good can come out of two dragons playing tug of war, not when you are the thing caught in the middle. You will either burst from being stretched taut, or snap in half when one bites too hard.
“What do you want, Daemon? Beyond causing trouble?” You whine, tiredly. Overwhelmed tears are beginning to gather in your eyes. Daemon ruins everything, always. He delights on crushing you under his heel, on making you feel small and hopeless. It’s a talent of his.
“You see, I have been learning a great deal from Dalton Greyjoy.” Daemon’s voice is almost conversational. Were it not for the fact that he is dragging the dagger between your breasts, drawing circles with it above your heart, placing it again at your throat, you might believe him speaking of the weather. “About war prizes.”
“War prizes? You have won nothing.” Aemond scoffs, lowering his sword once more.
“Drop the sword, boy.” Daemon orders. “Or the whore loses a teat.”
Aemond looks at you. His face is conflicted. On one hand, he is furious with you and your lies by omission, but on the other, you have a common enemy. One currently threatening to slit your throat. Again.
You nod at Aemond. He understands without you needing to say a word.
“You are getting reiterative, Daemon.” You feign to yawn. “Uninspired even.”
Daemon grabs your hair.
“You little..!”
But before he finishes, you pinch his inner thigh, hard enough to make him let go of you. You fall to your stomach, crawling out of the way, just when Aemond lunges at him.
Steel meets steel. You curl into a small ball, covering your ears. You wonder where in the Seven Hells your guards are. They were supposed to patrol the outskirts of the castle, but somehow, Daemon slipped their notice.
The more you look, the more horrified you are. Because while Aemond fights with intent to kill, Daemon is simply toying with him. They are not as evenly matched as you had hoped. While they both fight dirty, Daemon’s experience gives him an edge Aemond doesn’t have. He waits for the younger man to tire, before using Dark Sister to disarm him and nearly behead him.
“No!” You shout. Aemond stumbles. Daemon pounces. He grabs him by the hair, and forces him up, the same dagger that he had used on you now at your lover’s throat.
“I see I have been going about things the wrong way.” Daemon smirks at you. “Come here.”
Aemond struggles against him, silver hair disheveled.
“Run! Run!” He orders you. “Get out.”
You do not dare obey him, but you do glance at the door.
“Or do that, and I behead pretty boy here.” Daemon agrees, evenly. “Saves you the moontea, even. Abstinence is the best way to avoid pregnancies, after all.”
You step closer to Daemon.
“Come on, ābrazȳrys. Don’t tell me you are shy. Closer.”
You obey, getting close enough to touch him.
“In my pocket.”
You reach inside his cloak, making a face. Your fingers meet something cold and unyielding. Metal. Circular. Manacles.
“Put them on him.” He orders you, before addressing Aemond, mockingly. “Hands behind your back, sweetling.”
It prompts another round of cursing and struggling from Aemond.
Daemon tuts. He digs Dark Sister in.
Your hands tremble, but you place the manacles on a struggling Aemond. It takes quite a bit of effort.
“I am sorry.” You keep repeating, as you do. “So sorry.”
Daemon smoothes Aemond’s hair down. Annoyed, the younger man jerks his head away.
“Look at you. Pretty as a maiden, were it not for that gnarly scar.” Then, because it’s not enough to make a dig at Aemond, he turns to you. Daemon has a pathological need to hurt you. “Even looks like Rhaenyra in the right light.”
You roll your eyes. Daemon does something and Aemond squeaks like a girl. You cannot see where his hand is, where you stand, but it looks like he spanked his arse.
Unlike Aemond, you are aware your husband uses sex as an intimidation method. The lecherous expression he wears is part of it, probably. Or so you hope. He can’t possibly want his nephew, right? You grimace. You are also aware Daemon beds both men and women when it suits him to do so, and has never been put off by familial ties.
Daemon reaches for your hip. He forces you to twirl, in a motion that would be enchanting were it not for the fact that it comes from him. You jerk back, annoyed.
“Stop that.”
“Why? I am curious.” He pulls you in, hugging you from behind. Aemond stares, sullenly. Daemon ignores him, hips nestled tightly against your rear. He sways you from side to side, soothingly.
You understand now why he is so popular with maidens. Were you a few years younger, and lacked your history with him, you would fall for his tricks too. Give him your maidenhead, and hope he would marry you.
Aemond seems to fear that exact same thing, bound hands tensing behind his back. He refuses to say a word, but you can tell. Aemond is like that. If his leg was trapped into a bear trap, he would rather chew it off himself instead of showing any vulnerability.
You wish you could tell him he has nothing to worry about. You are no maiden, and you know Daemon. Yet, you find yourself too preoccupied to reassure him. Daemon is kissing your naked shoulder, lips leaving a cold path of dread in their wake.
“Why him? Out of all men?” He grasps your chin, and forces your eyes to meet Aemond’s.
Perhaps Daemon thinks he will shame you, forcing you to endure his caresses and stare at the man you said to love but could never own you. Perhaps, he thinks he can break Aemond by showing him that you didn’t only betray him through a lie of omission, but that you will fall into his bed without a second thought.
He is mistaken.
“I don’t know.” You say, straightening up. You look at Aemond. Naked, sapphire eye bared, mouth twisted into a grim line.
You are not much better. All your flaws are exposed too. The man who holds you is your husband, the one that never wanted to share your bed. He forces you to look at your lover, his younger nephew, proof that you are no more than an adulteress.
Daemon licks down your spine. You don’t feel any pleasure, just the usual apprehension for when Daemon is near.
“I just love him.” You say, eyes still fixed on Aemond. You hope he believes you. If Daemon intends to kill you, Aemond needs to hear it one last time.
“Hm.” Aemond averts his eye. You try not to sag in Daemon’s arms. You can feel him smirking against your skin, and it fills you with rage.
“Enough to break your vows? After years of solitude?”
Rage is a curious thing. It should energize you, make you fight hard to defend yourself. Yet, you have been told that it is unladylike to scream, or throw things. You are a woman. You can’t punch those that hurt you. And so, instead of yelling, your eyes just fill with tears.
“I just…”
Your soft voice breaks Aemond. He snaps out of whatever haze he is in, and lunges at Daemon. Unfortunately, it has the consequences of trapping you in the middle. Handcuffed as he is, you need to steady him so the three of you don’t topple over.
“You never fucked her right.” Aemond snarls, over your head. You wince. You know Daemon. This is not going to end well.
Daemon laughs.
“Now, you.” Daemon grabs him by the shoulder, delighted. “You, I can understand. She looks like her, doesn’t she? Put her in a green dress, and then…. Tell me, do you call her Muña too? Beg to nurse from her breasts?”
It is scarily accurate. But then again, when it comes to perversion, Daemon always is.
“Do you need a demonstration, kepa?” Aemond mocks, trying to play off the blush in his cheeks. “Need me to teach you to please your wife, old man?”
Despite the situation you are in, you cannot fight your smile. Nor can Aemond. And if there is anything Daemon despises, it is being made fun of.
“Teach me? You? I was already fucking whores when you were nothing more than an idea on Alicunt’s head.”
Aemond laughs. It’s a cold sound, one that usually indicates he is about to pounce. It’s terrifying, but not to you. To you, it only alights a ferocious hope.
“Whores. Not ladies. I suspect none would admit you into her bed, with your uncouthness.”
Daemon stares at Aemond. His mouth opens and closes, as if he cannot quite believe that Aemond dares speak to him so.
“Uncouth? Me? Women like nothing more than to be taken hard and without mercy. Ravished, really.”
“There is a difference between being ravished and being brutalized.” You mutter, without thinking. “Not that you would know.”
“So that is how the boy does it?” Daemon arches an eyebrow. “He mutters sweet nothings in your ears, tells you how beautiful you look? Bah. Any fool can do that.”
“Why couldn’t you, then?” Aemond taunts. You fight off the embarrassment starting to warm your face and ears. If there is something you would rather not discuss with your lover, it is the lackluster intimacy you had with your husband.
“How confident, Taoba.” An expert on building suspense, Daemon waits before continuing his statement. “Fine, then. Prove it to me and the two of you will be allowed to leave.”
You cringe. Is he suggesting you leave your people behind? That you just abandon Riverrun and run away?
Aemond looks at you. Your lower lip trembles.
“Now?” You squirm. The implication is clear, but you still dare hope you misunderstood.
“Here. Now.” Daemon wears a curious look on his face, assessing both Aemond and you.
You are suddenly aware of your nakedness, the confidence the months with Aemond helped you build gone. Your hands go to cover your breasts. It surprises you that he wants to watch you. He has always been a deviant, but you are still his ugly, unwanted wife.
The thought of doing anything intimate with Daemon in the room makes your skin crawl. You turn to look at Aemond, feeling helpless. It is a good opportunity to buy time, to figure out a plan.
You curse yourself for sending out most of your household to join the Green army. If your guards were not situated on the outside of Riverrun, if you had enough men to station some in your door…
Aemond meets your eyes. Trust me, his face seems to say, I’ll get us out. Even in cuffs, he is formidable. His eye pleads with you, until you are nodding.
Daemon might go back on his word. Or he might not. He has always been a rogue, this husband of yours. But the fact that his beloved Queen grows more unstable by the day hints at the fact that this is a suicide mission. It doesn’t look well for you.
“Alright.” You agree. “Let’s do this.”
Daemon gives you a small shove, towards Aemond.
“Kiss.” He orders.
You are gentle with him. You press a kiss to his cheek, very tenderly.
“He will have to uncuff me.” Aemond whispers to you, making you tense. “At one point he will. And I’ll kill him for daring to look at you again.”
It makes your stomach swoop. But not in fear, or dread, or anything that Daemon provokes. No. In genuine happiness. Butterflies-in-your-stomach kind of happiness. Coming from Aemond, it might as well be a love confession.
You kiss him, passionate and slow. He opens up for you beautifully, but you make a frustrated little noise regardless. You miss his hands on your waist, on your hair. His body pressing against yours, so close you feel every ragged breath he takes.
“Now, lovebirds. Off with the cuffs.” Daemon presses against your back, and reaches forward, to hand Aemond the key to his cuffs. You fight a smile.
Daemon presses the dagger back to your neck, and forces you to walk backwards. Never let it be said that Daemon Targaryen is not a risk-taker. When Aemond has gotten rid of his cuffs, he is already sitting in a chair, with you in his lap, dagger still on the hollow of your neck.
“Māzigon, taoba.”
Aemond does. He kneels between your legs, gently spreading them apart. He kisses from your ankles towards your thighs, but what normally would have you pleased, is doing nothing for you. You are self-conscious of Daemon’s eyes on you, on your soft stomach, on the breasts that now spill over your chest. You are not as pink and white as Valyrians are, and you had never minded, until you had been faced with bedding one.
He looks up. You stare down at him, wide-eyed and fearful. This is the part where he gets angry. Daemon is like that, too. No one wants a lover who spends so much time in her head, that gets distracted and starts thinking of chores during sex.
“Muña.” Aemond says, taking your hands in his. “You are crying.”
You had not even felt the tears welling up in your eyes, There is a hot feeling behind them, a knot in your throat.
“I’m sorry.” You sob.
“I don’t have all night.” Daemon complains.
“I can’t. I am so sorry, Aemond.”
“Shhh.” He says, whispering against your thigh. “I’ll make it work. Just focus on me.”
“I can’t. I can’t.” You say, overwhelmed. “Why… I can’t.”
Daemon sighs.
“Fucking hell.”
“Shut up.” Aemond protests, starting to get up.
Daemon’s dagger turns towards him. He moves it down, sharply
There is a tenseness to his limbs, a tone to his voice, that speaks of imminent violence. He sounds ready to gut Aemond from navel to nose. You cannot allow it. The idea of him being hurt makes you ill.
“You are making me self-conscious!” You cry, bravely dragging Daemon’s attention from Aemond towards yourself. “I can’t! I am no whore, I don’t perform on command, it doesn’t work like that, and you know it.”
Daemon has the same issues, after all. You wonder if he remembers the times he failed to perform, failed to put his cock inside you and a babe in your belly. You never told Aemond, knowing he would take delight in it. Even after all these years, you have kept Daemon’s secret.
“Me? You are saying that I am the problem?” The dagger turns towards you back again, his gestures wild. You shut your eyes, trying to keep calm and think. “That I what, disgust you so much you…”
“Do you remember what you used to say to me?” Anger turns you bold, turns your quivering form into pure stone. You sit up in his lap, and turn to face Daemon. How dare he victimize himself?
Daemon stares at you, lips set into a thin line. He then tugs the dagger away from you, avoiding spilling your blood. You wonder if that would make him harden more. He seems to be enjoying the power play much more than he ever did bedding you.
Perhaps his precious Rhaenyra cured him.
“You are insane. Stop nagging, and let the boy lick your cunt.” Daemon says, after a while of staring at your defiant expression. He turns you back towards Aemond, roughly.
You look at Aemond. His hands grasp your thighs once more, but he seems unwilling to go back to pleasuring you.
Stubborn as you are, you turn towards Daemon once more. He grabs your jaw, trying to move you to your previous position, but you resist. The ensuing struggle makes him harden even more under you, much to your horror.
“You said I looked like a cow. You called me frigid. You said my teats were sagging, that my cunt probably had teeth, that no man…” You spit at him, scratching his arms, his face, anything you can reach. Something snaps inside you, something that you had kept under and hidden through years of neglect and verbal abuse. “That no man would want me. Not even if I was the cheapest fuck in a brothel.”
Daemon flinches, as if startled. He doesn’t quite know what to do, when the meek little trout in his arms turns into a feral cat. He gets his bearings before Aemond, though, and hugs you to him, trapping your arms against your body.
“You said all that to a Lady? Your lady wife?” Aemond whistles. He rubs your knee, and you give him a sullen look too. He could have used the distraction to free you from Daemon’s presence once for all.
Thoughts of being made a widow disgusted you when you first met Aemond. Now, you might end up killing him yourself.
“Shut up.” Daemon looks at Aemond, eyes unseeing. His mind is elsewhere. “What would you know?” It’s a half-hearted quip, not even truly insulting.
You decide to press to your advantage. Whatever is going through his head, it doesn’t compare to the horrors he has put you through.
“I am not crazy. I remember. Each time I look at myself in a mirror, each time I think of you. I remember. Each time you came to Riverrun I had this feeling like I was going to throw up from panic because I knew you were going to say horrible things to me. ”
You punctuate each word with a harsh jab at his cheats with your finger. Daemon grabs your hand between his, and interlocks your fingers, making a mockery of it.
“You cannot be that sensitive.” Daemon scoffs, but his voice sounds strange. As if he is trying to justify to himself what he has done.
“It stuck. It stuck, and it hurts. I can’t. I keep thinking of you, hearing your voice say cruel things. When I look in the mirror, it is your voice I hear, I see every flaw and imperfection and I can’t stop it. The only times I forgot about them were with Aemond, but even that you wish to taint.” You sneer.
Aemond just watches the two of you, in silent fascination. He doesn’t seem inclined to intervene.
“And I will taint it if I very damn please! I may have been a cunt, but you are still my wife.” Daemon shouts, losing his temper. He grabs you roughly by the shoulder and shakes you as he speaks.
You hate when he gets like this. When he screams and gets in your face, and threatens you bodily. It makes you feel small, cower before him. You hate it.
“You cheated on her with Rhaenyra, and now you say that?” Aemond interrupts, perhaps sensing you need support. His hands on your thighs squeeze a bit. He can sense you are wavering.
The only way to survive dragonfire is to be made of Valyrian Steel. And right now, you cannot even pass for bronze, with how easily you are crumbling.
Daemon shoves you off him, enraged, and grabs Aemond by the hair.
“You love this, don't you? You love feeling that you had the power to take everything from me.” And it’s not about you, really. Or at least not only. This is about Lucerys, and the war, the witch queen of Harrenhal that Aemond killed. He places the dagger against Aemond’s good eye, making you gasp. It sickens you, that out of all things, he would blind him instead of killing him. It’s cruel. “You know nothing. I will rip out your remaining eye in return for this treachery. I let you continue your fun, despite half the realm knowing of your whoring. But I’ll be damned if I let a Hightower filth take my bride from me.”
“Daemon!” You scream, trying to get him off Aemond. His attention goes back to you, but instead of murderous, he looks broken. His shoulders slump, his mouth shifts into a small little pout.
Daemon grabs you by the shoulders, surprisingly tender.
“I fucked up. I know. I know I fucked up, but I don’t know how to make it right. Tell me how to fix it. Please.”
You know what he is doing. His whole life has gone to shit, so Daemon is trying to salvage what he can. The war has been moot, so far. They have only slaughtered each other and are no closer to any victory at all.
Another pair of hands grans your shoulders. Aemond.
“You cannot be thinking of forgiving him.” His grip is rougher than Daemon’s, knuckles white from the force of it. He is holding on too tight. He fears you choosing Daemon over him. “He has been fighting for that whore’s claim. He is infatuated with her. He sired her bastards!”
You remember the times you confessed to Aemond, limbs intertwined in bed, how hard you had tried to make your marriage work. How his eye darkened when you spoke of Daemon.
This should be all you ever wanted and yet, it falls short. You want Aemond, not Daemon, you tell yourself. But the sixteen-year-old married off to broker an alliance still feels elated.
Daemon finally wants you. Your husband finally wants you.
“I did. And I assure you, I loved Rhaenyra when we were both younger. But the war…” His words jerk you out of the haze. Daemon loved Rhaenyra. Rhaenyra, not you. It's heartbreaking as always, but you barely feel it.
“And this has nothing to do with her calling for your head?” You ask, sharply. The rumors say the Queen has gone mad, naming her closest confidants traitors. It is what Daemon deserves. He has never been anything but.
“She is calling for everyone’s heads. If you think you can still love someone who ordered your death…”
“If you think you can love someone who crushed your spirit and killed you in life…” Aemond mocks, letting go of you to pick up his sword. Daemon is too slow to react, and he can only raise his hands in surrender when he is the one being held at sword point.
His eyes, pleading, look for yours. You find yourself unable to look away.
“It’s true. I never appreciated you, and will not claim to love you. But you are my greatest regret. You are a sight for these sore, old eyes. I wish… I wish I had not been such a cunt, and we had built something.” Daemon pleads to you. Aemond scowls at him. “Give you children, raise them here. Settled down. You are not ugly or look like a cow. You are a pretty woman. And even if you weren’t, in a world as ugly and twisted as ours, your heart continues pure and beautiful. I think that a person who is so kind could never be ugly. Not in my eyes.”
The confession makes you sob. You turn away from both of them, grabbing a nightshirt and putting it on. You do not want Aemond to see you cry, less he feels betrayed because you are grieving Daemon and what could have been.
Daemon has always been good at surviving. When he thinks he couldn’t move you, he goes after Aemond instead.
“You have been good to her, nephew. Neither of us are good men, but my wife is a good woman and I suppose….” There is a pause. You can’t see either of their faces. Daemon is probably sneering at him. Aemond hums. “She deserves her treat. If she wants you…”
“How noble of you, stepping out. But don’t bother. I shall remove you myself.” Aemond’s tone is flat. His most dangerous. “Permanently.”
“You forget yourself.” Daemon drops his pretense of civility. His voice raises. “I have the legal claim over her, not you.”
“That is easily fixed.” Aemond laughs. He turns towards you, busy pretending you do not exist. “Wed me. Vhagar, you and me, in the manner my ancestors did.”
Daemon inhales, sharply.
“You dare! You dare, you… Green spawn!”
“Wed me.” Aemond begs. It sounds more like a plea for you not to abandon him. “Wed me.”
“Where in the Seven Hells would you go? You have torched half the Riverlands, they would never accept you wedding their Lady.” Daemon crosses his arms over his chest. He then turns towards you, cocksure as always, and not at all like someone facing imminent death. “Nor will they accept you for long, either.”
He is right. The torching of the Riverlands has happened despite you declaring for the Greens. Mostly thanks to Daemon taking Harrenhal, and enabling the Blackwoods. Mostly, because some of your lords still oppose a woman ruling.
You have brought on destruction to your own people, and you do not know how to face them. Once, you had sworn to protect them from the war, but you failed in a manner so spectacular things have turned into a civil war. There are two Riverlands now. The Blacks and the Greens. And it’s all your fault.
Running might be for the best. You have been an awful ruler. Perhaps, this way, your nephew might get your seat and do better for your tenants.
Shame, once again, burns hotly along your spine. You try not to let it show.
“They will if Aegon backs us.” Aemond sounds unconvinced of his own words. Your smile drops.
“I am sure your brother looks upon you very kindly.” Daemon mocks. “When you decided to play at being a petty King here, and left him and your family in King’s Landing as we torched it all.”
Aemond looks like he is half a second from beheading him. He even swings the sword back, preparing to strike Daemon.
“I will marry you!” You scream, distracting him. “And we shall follow Daemon’s plan.”
Daemon laughs.
“Why do you think I have one?”
“You always have hare brained schemes.” You roll your eyes. “I know you.”
Daemon stares at you. He rubs the back of his neck, sheepishly.
“I might have planned to take you to Pentos. I was always loved there.”
“Good. The three of us can go then.” You wrench the sword out of Aemond’s hand, who only stares at you, stunned. Then, you go to do the same to Daemon.
“If we must.” Daemon complains, letting you disarm him.
Aemond stares between the two of you. You stare back, until he is the one lowering his eyes.
“We will go.” He agrees, turning to Daemon. “But only because it will please me to see you grovel as a dog for her forgiveness. You and I have a score to settle.”
“Do not forget yourself, nephew. You are the one who owes me a debt.”
“Then we will settle it there.” Aemond answers, plainly. “I look forward to it.”
Daemon just smiles. A bloodthirsty, deadly smile. You already dread whatever he is thinking of.
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angelickisscs · 7 months ago
a mothers dream~ jude bellingham series (ongoing)
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‧₊˚ ୨ ୧ ˚₊ masterlist ~ forgotten paradise (part 2)
summary: Two hearts once intertwined find one another during a family holiday but will the ever-growing distance that they set continue to grow or will one arise to the challenge that is keeping them together?
part 1
THE SMELL OF the range of breakfasts wafted through your noise, gripping at whatever they could just to linger that little bit longer. Recently emptied plates littered the same table that you all had sat on just last night, each having a slight form of guilt when it came to the delicious scents.
Your family had made it downstairs before you had. The dangerously low amount of sleep you had gotten the night before being a strong reminder of the way in which he haunted your innocent mind.
They hit you each time you closed your eyes in the form an of a quick blink, the cruel images of his cheeky grin seemingly being favoured over hundreds of others.
“You’ve woken up late.” Your dad softly mocked with a chuckle, a daze that you were viciously lured into being cancelled by the sound.
You took your seat next to your mother, picking at what whatever leftovers were on her plate. “Must have been the jet lag.”
That answer was heavily dishonest though the tinge of honesty, which fought its way to the front, shone through for the rest to see.
Oliver sighed dramatically as he slumped back in his seat, pushing the plate in front of him away.
“We’ve been waiting ages for you.”
His complaints were swiftly disallowed, soon being met with a hissed reprimand by your mother. She claimed that they had only claimed this table a maximum of half an hour and to stop complaining which ignited a light snort from you.
Seeming to notice your endless picking, your dad kindly placed a plate in front of you with a raise of his eyebrows, your usual breakfast order covering every inch of it.
You smiled gratefully at him in response, the hunger that had built over the hours that you had led awake for describing itself as ravenous though you would say it was simply usual.
“So, what are we doing today?” He questioned with a light grin failing to attempt to conceal its harsh presence.
“Have you already got plans with your new boyfriend?” Your mum teased although it held a genuine inquiry behind it.
With a short shrug, your dad looked around to see if his friend had sat anywhere nearby. “Maybe.”
Your brother and you shared a knowing look, the impending doom of your mother’s bet being correct beginning to cast a dark shadow over the both of you. He had seemingly made a best friend for himself already on this trip and by the looks of it, they had superglued themselves to one another.
“What are they?”
There was a strong hesitance in saying these words. Not only was this bad for you claiming the money you all had put down but also on a deep personal level. The more your dad was around Mark would mean the more you were around his eldest son.
“Where else but the beach?” Mark answered for him, having somehow snuck over whilst you all had distracted yourselves with conversation. He and your dad shared a friendly handshake before they turned back to the rest of you.
You could not help but let your eyes follow the path the man had most likely previously taken, a shorter than expected distance separating the two groups. A familiar pair of brown eyes met with yours at the end of your adventure. They watched you harshly, refusing to back down and look away. Jude’s competitive side kicking in even at the smallest of things.
He had his tongue poked into his cheek, arms at his side as he leant back in his chair. To most, including you, he looked like the living embodiment of calm at this moment in time. All his attention solely focused on you, and it had been since the second you had walked in.
“Sounds amazing.” Your mother replied for all of you. Her words hit men in front of her first however she couldn’t help but keep her eyes on you and exactly where they were focused. A knowing look coated her otherwise innocent face, calling your attention. “We can you meet you there?” 
The brief discussion that followed suite was not one that intrigued you, but you still managed to ease yourself back into a worse reality than expected. They could be better labelled as ‘adult discussions’ no matter how much you were one yourself, or at least that’s what your age told you.
It was no surprise when you woke up outside of the restaurant, the walk back to the resort only having just began.
Your brother and father were walking up ahead. Short tinges of their conversation glided over to you, the small amount letting you know that you were not interested.
“He is very pretty.” Your mum started, looking briefly back over to you before returning her eyes back to where they should be. You snapped your head over to her, confused as to who she was talking about.
Your stomach seemed to drop the composure it was previously holding, your legs putting in double the work just to keep putting one in front of the other. “I’m not interested.”
That was all you could seem to brew in that moment, the hours you have had to prepare a composed answer going to waste in such little time.
“Oh well.” She shrugged. “I was just saying that if you brought him home, you would not be hearing any complaints from me.”
The moments that would be needed to even process her saying something like that about someone, let alone him, were used to her unfair advantage. Her large strides carried her far out of the range your secret conversation was taking place in.
Thoughts occupied you up until walking into your room, your bodies newfound usage of autopilot already heavily overdone.
There was nothing that you could pinpoint from the time spent in your own mind, it seemingly managing to occupy you and delete any memory from doing so all in the same milliseconds.
You had been smart enough to unpack upon arriving back from the makeshift bar last night, each item of clothing having it’s designated seating in the wardrobe or surrounding draws. It made it overwhelmingly simple to reach in and pick out the perfect swimsuit and you loved it.
The speed in which you had managed to get ready could have qualified you for the Olympics, a proud personal best that had impressed each of your family. You had very few tasks to complete, having prepped all of which you could before going downstairs for breakfast.
“That was quick.” Your dad commented as he was a witness to you closing and locking your hotel door. Oliver seemed to get a brief laugh out of that however a sharp slap on the arm was enough to shut him up.
Your mother had already called for the lift by the time you walked over to her, the down arrow a bright shade of red that contrasted with the usual plain grey. She smiled brightly at you, complimenting your choice of outfit.
“Have you definitely got everything?” Your brother asked you when the doors opened, his eyes centred on the bag you were carrying.
“Yes. I’m not stupid.” You were quick to defend though his words shot a sense of worry through you. You quickly patted around on the outside, recounting everything that you had previously put in there before you stepped in.
It was once again a short ride, your constant luck at having no one decided to enter seeming to continue for far too long. You all disembarked at the end, the loud ping that held the power to destroy eardrums ordering you all to do so.
A map that sat embarrassingly present in your dad’s hand as you all wondered towards the exit caught your attention. Its humbling presence was not quiet, plastered out in all its drawn glory for the other tourists to see.
“Honey, the taxi driver will know where to go.” Your mother reassured his silent worrying with a hand on his arm.
“I know that. I’m just double checking that’s all.”  He said whilst he folded it up and put it in one of his short’s pockets.
Taxis line the exit of the resort, each waiting for their designated customer to finally enter. Oliver insisted on going in the one farthest to your right, claiming that he had the coolest car. You weren’t one to argue with him at this specific moment, not having the energy to do so.
Three of you squeezed uncomfortably into the back whilst your dad took his seat upfront, happily saying hello to the driver. The two managed to spark up a conversation quicker than expected, your next trips planned out by a man you all had only just met.
He managed to seamlessly drive you through the windy, thin streets, not one speed bump taken too fast nor too slow. An approximate twenty-minute drive had turned into fifteen by him leaving your dad nothing to say other than a detailed account on how even if he could give him ten stars, he would still try and give eleven.
The taxi driver dropped you off with a laugh. Oliver shoved three fingers in your face, his happiness falling overboard at how your dad had knocked his own wife out of the ongoing bet.
“Three? This is only his second.” You corrected him with a harsh look over your shoulder.
“My dear sister, you went to bed too early last night.” He placed a sweaty arm over your shoulder. “Mark and dad managed to meet Chris, a fellow Englishman. They bonded over their love of rugby and shared many pints together.”
With a scoff, you shoved him away from you, patting the towel you had brought over the infected sin.
Sand seamlessly melted within your feet, the sandals you had put on doing little to create the protective barrier they had promised to. It invaded every crevasse that it could reach, embedding itself so that pieces of it would still linger five showers later.
The sun had set early last night to prepare for what it was planning for today, the heat radiating off it challenging the factor fifty that your mother had forcefully applied to every part of bare flesh.
You soon placed your fresh towel onto the ground, the little wind that there was making it an easy job to do. You placed your bag to the side of you before laying down, the sunglasses over your eyes doing so little that a cap was needed so you wouldn’t blind yourself and burn your scalp at the same time.
You could hear the kafuffle your family were currently going through to get themselves comfortable. Oliver’s impatience was kicking in, the lack of his friend’s presence not being enjoyable for him.
Your mum had sat on the sunbed closest to you however it remained a fair distance away, it took her words being spoken in an unusual volume for you to be able to hear her.
“Sunbathing today?” She asked as she shuffled around to make sure the sun was hitting every part of her just how she wanted.
Nodding in response, you let the sound of the calm waves washing upon shore to envelope you in a comforting embrace, the mere sound managing to melt any tension in your body.
The calmness did not last as long in your body as it previously requested, its permit denied as voices began getting closer and closer to you.
An inhumane squeal sounded from your mother when she hugged Denise, your peripheral vision going against what you wanted it to and instead being nosy.
You could hear your brother and Jobe sharing a conversation although the lack of Jude struck a desire in you that you tried ever so hard to get rid of.
It took the form of a fire, one that soon had firefighters called on it.
A towel was placed down next to yours, a familiar body thudding down on top of it. Any want for him to be around you was replaced with a need to get away.
Your heart had taken it upon itself to panic the rest of your body. A job that it had been elected to by a party of one.
“You look pretty.” He had seemed to be able to find his voice.
You continued looking forward, the black hue that covered your sunglasses destroyed by the sun, leaving anyone and everyone to see exactly where you were looking.
Clearing your throat, you lead your head deeper into the sand, pleading for it too wash over your face. “Thanks.”
The response was short and snappy, a warning sign that you had decided to place to remind him to step cautiously.
Jude had not needed that reminder, at least that is what he had spent the last five hours telling himself. His dad informing him of their plans for the day was enough to send him into overdrive. The tension that embodied every movement he made making that abundantly clear.
He watched you as you laid there as peaceful as ever, his eyes taking a mind of their own despite the constant reminders that were being placed in front of him due to the fact he was beginning to look like a stalker. He couldn’t help it. The feeling of having so much to say yet not having the words to do so was the sensation he had grown to feel comfortable around. It integrated itself so deeply into his everyday life since you that it would leave a gaping hole in its departure.
Your families continued to enjoy one another’s company, your brothers playing football, your fathers having meaningless conversations whilst your mothers gossiped. It was a dream. One that you had discussed for nights on end as you wrapped yourselves in each other’s comfort, your bodies creating a heat that a fire could not attempt to produce.
The silence that surrounded the both of you was a surprising comfortable one. Though it soon had Jude feeling uncomfortable, the scary facts that he was producing in his mind leaving him nothing to enjoy this time with.
A ping of his phone had him reminded of his mission for today, his eyes not having to glance over in its direction to know what it was saying.
You allowed yourself to look over in his direction when he sat up, your eyes meeting with his. You raised your eyebrows in question as to what he was doing although before you could convince yourself to not be interested, he was already making his move.
“So, there is this party that isn’t really a party that a friend of mine is throwing, and I was wondering if you wanted to come.”
He knew what your answer was going to be, and he had in fact prepared for it. The beautiful card he had to play being one that most could only dream of.
“It is very nice of you to invite me but no thank you.” You attempted to keep your response polite so you did not have another reason to think it would be a promising idea to go.
Jude nodded slowly at what you said, “No problem. Abi’s going to be there so I thought you might want to see her.”
“Abi?” Your head snapped back into his direction, the mention of your favourite of his friends’ girlfriends leading you down a path that you shouldn’t go down.
His eyes lingered on yours, the both of you entranced by the other. You let yourself think about this, the bad that would come with this being pushed to the back of your mind whilst the good to the forefront.
“Yeah.” His voice came out croaky, a small resemblance to the nervousness he couldn’t help but feel.
“Tell her to text me with the details.”
You had failed to follow the plan he had set in place, a curveball that should have been prepared for bypassing his ribs to hit him straight in the heart.
He lifted his hand to stroke the back of neck, averting his eyes away from where you lead in your comfortable position to the sea that somehow managed to mock him. Swiftly, he looked back at you, stumbling over words. “Or I mean-. Well, I could.”
Biting your bottom lift, you softly closed your eyes in slight awkwardness.
“That’s okay.” Your voice was three octaves higher than you were aware it could reach, your throat closing off in an attempted cringe.
“No problem.”
Jude led back onto his towel, his mind a hurricane of thoughts. However, he still allowed himself to focus on the good.
You were going to a party with him.
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kawaiipienerdfreak · 3 months ago
I'll never believe your tears, Sunday.
edit: i was given a great analogy to zuko from avatar, and now i'm not so critical. thanks everyone for your attention
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I want to say this upfront: as a character, Sunday works perfectly fine for me. But I absolutely can’t stand how the fandom obediently swallowed such a stupid retcon of his character. And I can’t stand fandom stripped him of all blame. Time and time again, I see posts like: “Oh, my precious little sunshine! Don’t cry... Oh no, he’s crying in his ultimate! He didn’t deserve this, poor thing!”
And I’m left wondering: what the hell?
What the hell was HoYoverse thinking when they gave us a dictator with a god complex (borderline chūnibyō syndrome) as an antagonist? A character who defended someone who sold children into slavery. Someone who mocked a slave for their origins. Someone who placed himself above the local police and even above the very creator of Penacony. All while chaos reigned under his (and Family’s) rule in Penacony. Within Penacony, everything’s a mess: banditry, alcoholism, shady financial dealings. Criminals hide from the hounds in the Dreamscape, and Sunday defends them, driving the hounds away. Many people work for pennies, losing any chance at a better future. And some have even been dragged back after death, turned into lifeless husks just to serve as local attractions.
Sunday knows how to act righteously, but he chooses to do things his own way instead. That’s his whole arc. He became a god (boss version) for the Dreamscape and felt zero guilt over the fact that Penacony under his rule remained a pit of sin and filth, far from any kind of paradise.
And then, we defeat him. He regrets... but only regrets losing. His remorse isn’t about what he did—it’s about being beaten. He’s ready to do it all over again, just with a different strategy.
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So again, what the hell?
Why does HoYoverse give us a character like this (admittedly fascinating because he’s ridiculously stubborn, manipulative, selfish, and unhinged), only to suddenly turn him into a martyr, a lamb, and a tragic victim we’re supposed to feel sorry for? Poor Sunday, who only wanted the best but ended up dooming everyone to suffer. They’re so insistent about making us pity him that it’s disorienting. What’s the point? No one’s going to believe it. He locked his own sister in a cage, justified slavery, carried out vigilante justice, and controlled the fates of millions. No one’s going to believe he’s a victim...
Except they d i d. And that’s what pisses me off the most. People have forgotten that just a year ago, he was the thorn in everyone’s side, deliberately hurting those around him with glee. Now they call him “sunshine,” “poor thing,” “precious baby.” They wipe his tears during his ultimate move, saying he doesn’t deserve to be imprisoned, doesn’t deserve to face the consequences of his actions. Are you all out of your minds?
Why didn’t Kokolia get a chance? Why didn’t Tisok 2 get a chance? (Tisok 2 is from a side quest about a ruler whose memories were erased. In it, we’re shown that she was a tyrant before losing her memory. The NPCs ask us, “Does she deserve redemption?” And no matter what, the NPCs will yell, “No, absolutely not!” Funny. She doesn’t deserve it, but Sunday does?)
The idea that he isn’t to blame is also questionable. He and Robin grew up under the same person’s wing. Robin was constantly told her perspective was wrong, yet did she grow up as a submissive follower? No, she grew into a truly strong person capable of thinking for herself. But Sunday? He basked in the praise for his bad decisions. He’s just an overgrown brat who decided the world is his playground.
So no, I will never believe in his redemption. I will never believe he’s changed. HoYoverse can’t convince me that he’s repented or truly regrets his sins, because as long as he’s free and has done nothing for society, it’s all meaningless.
He will never have a place on my Express. The Express will never be his home. He will never stand among the people who’ve become my family.
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lianadelune · 1 month ago
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golden bars, fragile hearts
pairing: caracalla x reader
part 1 | this is part 2 !
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the roar of the colosseum faded behind you, the cheers and jeers melting into the oppressive silence of the imperial guards marching at your sides. your steps felt heavy, your legs trembling beneath you, but you forced yourself to keep moving. you wouldn’t give them the satisfaction of seeing you stumble.
especially him.
the streets of rome stretched wide and desolate under the twilight, their usual buzz of activity reduced to scattered groups of beggars and merchants pulling their carts home. the guards paid no mind to weary faces that turned to watch their procession, their armor gleaming dully in the fading light, you caught glimpses of their stares - some pitying, others indifferent, but most of them were glimmering with curiosity, you realized it wouldn’t take long for your name to be whispered in the tavern and marketplaces: the girl who traded her freedom to save her father.
you grind your teeth to not yell and curse at them, it wasn’t their fault, it wasn’t their fault they couldn’t do nothing to help but stare while you were being taken to your ruin, you took a deep breath and thought about your father hoping he wasn't blaming himself for your actions, if they had let you at least talk to him for one minute after taking you…
“move faster,” barked one of the guards, his voice sharp enough to snap you from your thoughts.
you quickened your pace, though every step felt like you were walking towards your doom.
as you approached the towering gates of the imperial palace, you couldn’t help but tilt your head back to take in its full scale, the marble façade glowing faintly in the dim light of the setting sun.
one of the guards steered you towards a side entrance. the corridor you entered was narrow and dimly lit, the walls bare and the air heavy with the scent of old stone. you shivered, though the evening wasn’t cold.
“do you know what awaits you?” one of the guards muttered, you noticed his tone wasn’t mocking but wasn’t kind either.
you decided to not respond, keeping your gaze fixed ahead.
you didn’t want to admit you had no idea what caracalla would do to you, what his plans were for someone that so boldly defied him and his brother, but you were certain of one thing.
it wouldn’t be pleasant.
for you at least.
you passed through more winding halls, the grandeur of the palace growing more oppressive with every step. gold leaf adorned the ceilings and mosaics covered the floors, depicting scenes of battles and the triumph of rome. it was beautiful in a way that made your stomach churn, each piece a reminder of the suffering that had built this empire.
finally you stopped before a heavy wooden door. one of the guards knocked twice, the sound echoing in the quiet corridor. a moment later, the door creaked open, revealing a small, wiry man with sharp features.
“is this them?” he asked, looking at you up and down.
you winced in discomfort and bit your tongue to not say or do something you would regret later.
“yes,” the guard replied. “the emperor ordered them to be brought directly”
the man nodded, stepping aside to let you in. you looked up to the guard that had tried to talk to you moments before silently pleading for something, something, anything that not even you knew what, but he kept his gaze fixed on the door, seeing no way out of this situation as you walked inside.
“you’ll live here from now on,” the man said, stepping outside next to the guards, his tone brooking no argument.
you nodded silently while the door shut behind you with a heavy thud, leaving you alone with your thoughts.
the servants’ quarters were a stark contrast to the grandeur of the palace halls. the walls were bare stone, cold and unwelcoming, and the cot you had picked up hoping it was empty, since you haden’t been assigned one, was narrow and hard. a single, thin blanket did little to ward off the chill that seeped through the air, it could have been worse, you thought to yourself. you laid on your back, staring at the cracked ceiling above you, your mind replaying the events of the day in relentless detail.
your father’s anguished face as the guards dragged you away. the roar of the crowd when the deal was struck. the way caracalla had looked at you, his gaze sharp and calculating.
you squeezed your eyes shut, willing the memories to fade, but they only seemed to grow louder in the dark.
after what felt like hours when you finally drifted into a restless sleep, it was no reprieve. your dreams were filled with shadows and echoes - your father’s voice calling out your name, the crowd’s cheers morphing into jeers, and the chilling image of caracalla’s smirk as he claimed your fate, you wanted to yell at your father you would be fine, that he shouldn’t be worried about you but you couldn’t, caracalla’s icy blue eyes freezed you in place, kneeled in front of him you couldn’t speak, you couldn’t move, you barely could breathe the only thing he let you do was look at him, only him.
you woke with a start, your heart pounding and your breath ragged. the room was silent except for the faint murmur of the other servants breathing around you, but the sense of dread lingered, heavy and suffocating. you sat up, wrapping the thin blanket around your shoulders as you stared into the darkness giving up on your sleep knowing those images would torment you for the rest of the night.
when morning came, you could feel a headache coming from the lack of rest but still you rose with the others, moving through the morning routines in a haze, your thoughts clouded and heavy, caracalla’s eyes still haunting you.
it wasn’t long before a guard appeared at the door, his stern expression drawing murmurs from the other servants.
“you,” he barked, his voice cutting through the room like a blade, the man looked directly at you with an emotionless stare.
you stepped forward, your stomach twisting in knots.
“the emperor wants to see you,” the guard said, motioning for you to follow
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the walk to caracalla’s chambers felt like a death march. the ornate halls, gilded and gleaming, seemed to mock you with opulence. you couldn’t help but notice the way servants- you passed through avoided your gaze, their faces etched with fear and pity.
when you reached the emperor’s private chambers you were breathless, not because of the long walk but with the thought of meeting the man that had your fate in his hands, the one that could make your life bearable or a living hell, the one person you couldn’t stop thinking about ever since you arrived, that plagued even your dreams. the guard opened the door and gestured for you to enter. you stepped inside, your heart pounding in your chest. caracalla was seated in a high-backed chair near the window, his gaze fixed on the sprawling city below. he looked as imposing as ever, his broad shoulders draped into the golden light streaming through the window, a gold laurel placed on his fiery hair, a permanent reminder of his power and status.
“you slept in the servants’ quarters,” he said, his voice low but sharp.
you hesitated unsure if it was a question or an accusation. “yes,” you replied quietly.
the man turned to face you, his piercing blue eyes locking onto yours, reminding you of your nightmare “that won’t do”
you blinked, unsure of what he meant. “i -”
“i remember very clearly that i requested for you to be my personal servant,” he interrupted, rising from his chair. caracalla’s towering presence made the room feel smaller, the air heavier. “i expect you to be available whenever i need you… so you’ll move to a room next to mine”
the weight of his words settled over you like a shroud. a room next to his meant you would always be within reach, your life no longer your own.
“why me?” you found yourself asking before you could stop the words.
his lips quirked into something that might have been a smirk if it weren’t so cold, but said nothing.
the guard reappeared at the door, ready to escort you to your new quarters. as you turned to leave, caracalla’s voice stopped you.
“don’t make me regret my decision” he said, his tone softer but no less commanding.
you nodded, swallowing the lump in your throat, and followed the guard out of the room.
your new quarters were far from luxurious but still leagues above the servants’ dormitory. The small room held a proper bed, a washstand, and a window that overlooked the gardens. but the knowledge of who occupied the room next door makes it feel more like a gilded cage than an upgrade.
as you sat on the edge of the bed, staring at the unfamiliar surroundings, you couldn’t shake the feeling that your life had just taken another irrevocable turn
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savi-our · 3 months ago
Anti-Harem Undertale Fic Idea with OP Mage Reader
So i was sorta just going down a rabbit hole of anti harem fics and one thing came to another and i just started rambling in docs. This is a random revival post but i just had to put the idea out there 😭 I might do a part 2 if it tickles enough people lol
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
You were a mage, scratch that, you were THE mage. A blood bred and soul bound mage at the pinnacle of power. You were a starved and power hungry creature that had done anything and everything in your study of magic. It had gotten you far, much farther than anyone dared admit, and it wasn't an overestimation to say that you had climbed the highest in pursuit of your ever indulgent search.
Your reputation was dirty however, many knew you for the horrors you had summoned, for the debts you had incurred from primordial things deep in the shadows, hushed whispers followed wherever you went and you knew that whilst most were things born from fear induced imaginations of fanatics and cultists, the rumors were stemmed from half truths. Your involvement in anything was a grim omen, your standing in the mage circle was unquestioned, and you were far too intelligent to let scheming old men become your downfall. 
But at the same time, you didn't care all that much about any of it, you held no real affection for other mages, they were dull and far too concerned with bloodlines and traditions to rise to any heights, their arrogance annoyed you and so you reduced your expectations accordingly. However it seems the institution that was responsible for you had other plans.
When monsters appeared you were curious, removed from the world for centuries they were bound to hold new secrets, new curious things to explore. But what you didn't expect was being forced to babysit a gaggle of skeletons who seemed to hate your guts.
You couldn't fathom why it had to be you, you were THE top ranking mage, there was no question, so why were you placed on house arrest and doomed to listen to abuse from the undead band of miscreants you couldnt understand, it baffled you.
Sans was untrusting from the moment he put his eyes on you, his face scrunched in a grim line, he didn't like you, he didn't trust you, you suspect because you were a mage. He often tried to peek into your soul, but you hid it well, a practice you learned with your dealings with infernal devils from down under. That fact put him on edge, you could tell. His conversations with you were curt and short, and he did his best to keep you removed from his mock family and especially his brother. Several times he had threatened you with a bad time in the darker corners of the house, his threats seemed genuine.
Papyrus was an anxious mess, his hands always twisted around one another in your presence, he put on a placating expression whenever you had business with him, but you could tell he was unnerved by you. It didn't surprise you considering he was associated with the embassy, the officials there often warned him of the grim omen, the horrors of maddened mages. His anxiety made you huff more than once, and his respondent flinch was a disturbing reality check every time.
Red was a defensive and rabid dog as far as you could tell. He didn't cut back on his insults towards you, and his disdain for you begged no question. He would throw you disgusted glares whenever he was sober enough to keep his mouth shut and when the bottle found him it was nothing but slurs and mockery, he would often pick a fight with you knowing full well you could not lay a hand on him considering your assignment. 
His brother was worse, a calculated cruelness to his every word. He was smart in his insults, cold and scalding at the same time. He spat his insults with an undisguised venom and often he blamed you for every little thing that was wrong with the world. You were the devil itself, he was convinced of it. Whenever anything went wrong he blamed you, every word you said he took out of context, every insecurity you may have still held onto was exploited and made a mockery of. There were times when you felt yourself almost break your oaths and promises to guard them with your life, Edge held that much power over your breaking anger. He was good at hating, great at his unquestioned disdain for you.
Blue was a silent threat if you've ever seen one, a masked harpy. He wore innocence like a well placed mold. He was one of the only ones that would talk to you purely with the intention of finding what makes you tick. He was smart, you could tell, so he never really picked a fight, but he often insinuated things, twisted your words in the worst of ways. Your deeds and words became misconstrued and dissected as he mocked you with a toxic sweetness all with a question on those faux innocent eyes. 
Stretch was harder to decipher. He was similar to Blue in the way he hid his dislike of you, but instead of innocence he wore an air of laid back coldness. He had almost even fooled you with it, but the way his eyes never left you betrayed him. It took you a while to tell the skeleton expressions apart but once you did, it took no time at all to realize he was dissecting your every move, your every gesture and word was put under a weighted scrutiny. He judged you often and readily and you could often feel his gaze on you even while you left the skeletons well alone. He watched your every move, and you never saw Blue alone, Stretch always seemed to back his brother up in his interrogations of you, and not once did he defend you in your arguments with Edge, knowing full well that whatever Edge was accusing you of was a lie.
It was all a bother, a pain in the ass that made you groan and growl at gods that put you under such annoying tasks. Every night you would patrol the entirety of the property, defending it from silent threats in the dead of night, seen by no-one, heard by nothing. You would dissolve human supremacist groups that threatened the brothers with not a word of thanks, you didn't even mention them, their gratitude would mean nothing to you. You spent cold mornings sewing up wounds and washing away bloodstains whilst  the skeletons berated you about killing some innocent litter of pups for pure sick pleasure all the while you thought of ways to silently dispose of the grotesque eldritch beast you sunk in the swamp out of sight of the brothers blinded eyes. You were good at it, removing anything dangerous from the civilians eyes to protect their peace was the core skill of mages. Every day you would be verbally abused, belittled and insulted and all the while you carried on. 
Then one day another mage made contact with the brothers, well, a mage was perhaps not the right word. a recruit? A potential mage early in the making, a cute little thing with a voice drenched in sugar and eyes made of glass. Some new program to introduce recruits to working with monsters. Another responsibility pushed onto you. But of course you could handle it, you were the strongest scariest mage around weren't you? It made you grit your teeth. The brothers didn't seem to realize they were a mage at all, the newbie had stumbled into one of the brothers traps around the property and gotten bloodied in the process, a fact you were somehow blamed for once again. The brothers patched them up, it gave you whiplash, the attitude change was almost enough to make you sick. 
It took no time at all for all of them to warm up to each other, all the while you were stuck slaving away battered and bruised. The newbie was weak and useless in matters anything magic related. They followed you one night out on patrol, it took them 3 minutes to lose you in the fog and slowly but surely you noticed a growing disdain in the recruit as well, a snakelike jealousy even. It was easy even for them to turn the brothers even more against you, all the while getting closer to them. Something to bond over you supposed. It didn't matter, you were tired, far too tired to care anymore. But perhaps this was for the best. The brothers could be assigned a new mage once the recruit program was done, as useless as they were you were more than happy to give up your spot to them just to be done with all of this. It would all be solved once it was done, what could go wrong. It wasn't your problem, not anymore.
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