#doodle because motivations at an all time low
thechaotichorselord · 2 months
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it’s canon Nar is attracted to losers /silly
there will be more serious content soon probably gonna make a trailer for the AU because why not i like this au and i’m gonna post about it AND IF YOU LIKE IT YOURE GONNA BE MY BEST FRIEND FOREVER
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casual-praxis · 9 days
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Okay, so I know I said I wasn't going to do much with this AU since I was focused on a different one at the time (and I still am), but I've been thinking about the post-canon for this AU a bunch and I couldn't get it out of my head.
The designs are fairly simple (most changes occur post-canon), but there's still a few details in there that I'd like to talk about! Peep below the cut for more yappin' if you'd like.
(I just figured out how to add line breaks yeehaw)
I started with Green since I had the clearest picture of her in mind. I like to think they all got a mishmash of traits from the original Link here, so Green has the og Link's ponytail, but its length was divided between her and Red. All in all, she resembles Link the closest but isn't an exact match. I also made the executive decision that she simps for Zelda. She's just really worried about her future girlfriend, okay?
Blue didn't quite turn out how I'd hoped, but if I ever do something more with this stage of the AU, I can always make adjustments. Her hair is supposed to be the fluffiest, matching the og Link's texture. She's a little insecure about it making her look "too girly" or cute since that's not at all the image she wants to have, but she learns over time that being cute and badass can still go hand in hand.
Red is the one I was looking forward to drawing most, but she's still fairly simple as well. She wears her hair in a side ponytail to "not step on Green's toes", but also because she thinks it's cute (she and Blue don't see eye to eye on this early on, as you can imagine). She has a bomb-shaped hairbow that she made herself (tying into her post-canon shenanigans), but I haven't yet figured out when she acquires it.
Vio was supposed to be holding her bow here but I couldn't quite figure out how to draw it at that specific angle, so it's in hammerspace for now. Outside that, Vio's design has the most variety. She's meant to learn emotions over time within this au, and this progression is marked by the flowers in her hair. She starts out with none, but as they journey, Red starts to teach her the basics, and with it weaves Zelda's favorite flower into her braid. Once she joins up with Shadow, she's gifted a violet (because Shadow thinks it's punny, and for subtext reasons) that she starts using to pin her bangs out of her face. The flowers begin to wilt as time goes on, first the wildflowers, then the violet, until none remain and the final act is approaching. Shadow gives her one last violet before dying, though Vio doesn't actually start wearing it until the Four Sword is put back and they remain behind. Lots of lore for this one.
Finally is Shadow, who I'm actually surprised turned out so well. I went back and forth on whether I wanted her to wear the hat or not, but I ended up deciding against it since none of the others wear their hats either. Her hair pretty much acts like Shadow's hat in canon, it moves independently of her and the tips of it are smokey and wisp around. Along with Red, I have decided she is short. It just felt right. She does have claws and fangs, but she keeps them a little more on the down low until a suitably dramatic moment occurs to reveal them.
And that's all that comes to mind for now. I've had this idea floating around in my brain since I got back into the fandom, but never had the motivation to poke it too much and see what it do.
The post-canon is what I've mainly been focused on, so maybe I'll try and doodle a few things for it sometime. I took inspiration from one of the bonus comics in the manga where they all stay split after the sword goes back, so that's the canon ending for this au.
It goes fairly far into the future, with all of them settling into their own lives somewhat independent of each other (they all see each other multiple times a week with the exception of Vio, who travels a lot with Shadow ((who may or may not have been brought back through dubious dark magic rituals))).
The brainrot is real, but hopefully entertaining for anyone who made it this far.
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smartgirrl · 10 days
meet smartgrrl
hello and welcome to my blog! i'm smartgirrl (or just call me kohane) and i am now in my junior year of high school. i'm not new to tumblr, however this is my first time actively posting to my blog.
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about me
kohane, she/her
i'm waisian (white/japanese) and live in the US
16 y/o, taurus, enfj
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anatomy + physiology
english 3
AP chemistry
AP psychology
french 3
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I've basically been playing piano my entire life. it's such a great outlet for stress and low-key a good workout (especially if you're playing rachmaninoff or beethoven)
admittedly, i don't do as much art anymore because of burnout that kinda started sophomore year, but i hope to get back into it. i do love painting and doodling, tho
this is something i only got into recently, but after losing a some weight i realized a lot of my clothes were too baggy so i decided to pick up sewing. it's fun when i want to make my own designs as well <3
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my studyblr
why did I make a studyblr?
accountability -> having this blog will remind me to make posts, and hopefully you all will keep me accountable
motivation -> owning a cutesy little blog will motivate me and keep me in my 'honeymoon' period of studying
community -> the idea of having a community to be apart of is such a key motivator. having a blog is such a great way to reach out to others and if having this blog will help motivate others as well to achieve academically, then sign me up
what to expect:
you'll see me posting about study tips that work for me, as well as review methods, resources, and other academic related content. i love aesthetic things so maybe i'll (attempt) to post some aesthetic studyspo... to help myself understand concepts, I'll be summarizing ideas and using this blog as a 'database' for my classes like AP chem and psych.
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original posts -> #grrloriginal chemistry -> #grrlchem psychology -> #grrlpsych reblog -> #grrlreblog day to day posts -> #grrldiaries
studyblrs I really like <333
@studyrenaissance | @kraro-school-life | @shoosiopao | @tokidokitokyo | @nenelonomh
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e-vay · 7 months
I'm trying to get into drawing and wanted to ask how you get yourself to draw your little low detail comics (like that 1000 kisses amy's birthday comic) instead of constantly drawing full pages (like in "My Gal"), because I keep trying to do these big full page pieces with backgrounds and everything but I'm still incredibly new to drawing and I need to get good at the small things that I think I could get better at by just doodling small things but whenever I try to get myself to doodle I just cant get myself to doodle. Have you ever had that problem?
Hmmm… this is a good question but it’s difficult to answer...
For myself, I draw those little doodle comics because:
1: they’re SUPER fun for me to draw. I just love them. I used to draw little Sonic stick drawings all the time as a kid and this is just an evolution of that
2: I don’t have time to draw all the ideas I have because I have about a zillion in my brain at once, so to get them out I’ll doodle them because then at least they’re out of my brain. So for me, it’s productive as well as fun.
I guess my main motivation is just I want to bring my ideas to life one way or another, and sometimes a little sketch will satiate me haha
I’m not sure if this will help or not, but my personal advice is to not put so much pressure on yourself. I firmly believe we should all make art because we love it, not because we feel like we need to do it. So if you don’t find joy in doing little doodles or sketches, then don’t! Sure that may mean it’ll take you longer to do the full scale comics you say you want to do, but if those more complicated pieces are what make you happy then you should go for it.
Also, don’t feel like you have to be publishing fully rendered, full-background, multi-page comics right away if you’re not ready for it. You can start with just a few panels. You can start without backgrounds. You can start with line comics only and then progress to color (IF you want).
NOBODY starts at an expert level. We all have to build our way up, but it’s okay to do it in a nonlinear way.
This was wordy and I’m not sure if it exactly answered your question, but at the very least I hope it’ll make you feel a little better about your situation.
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📚 🔮 🎨 i love u
Love you too!!! 😍💖🌸
📚 Is there a fanfic or fanfic writer you recommend? Aaaargh, you know that I forget any opinion I've ever held the second anyone asks me for one! There's so many incredibly talented ppl in this fandom, and so many fantastic fics, how am I to choose one??? Here's some I've read and loved recently:
hunter's moon by mourningshowers: a very intriguing werewolf AU with a cool, unique spin on pack dynamics, and stunning prose - the descriptions of ppl's scents in particular stuck with me, they're so vivid and evocative! butter, sugar, and northern mockingbirds by @thefreakandthehair: the most perfectest, soft, mushy, sweet bakery AU. If you're in need of a fic that will leave you feeling all warm and fuzzy and happy inside, this is a definite rec! Never coming down (with your hand in mine) by @eyesofshinigami: the latest instalment in their omega!Eddie series, which I adore. If you're into a/b/o and omega Eddie, give this one a read!
🔮 Any advice for writers working through burnout or writer’s block?
Some things that work for me, personally:
Just write! I sit myself down, set a word count (100 words, 200 words, doesn't matter, it's about getting started) and don't get up or hop on socials before I have written that word count down. Maybe I'll find my flow and keep going, maybe I'll think it's garbage and leave it for the day. I never delete what I wrote, even if I hate it. Instead, I come back a day or two later and look it over with a fresh pair of eyes. Most of the time, I'll realize that it doesn't suck as bad as I thought it did.
Write something small! If my large WIPs seem too daunting atm, I'll try a microfic or drabble - something small and relatively low effort. Those also have the added bonus that I can yeet them out immediately after they're done, and the reactions I get usually give me the serotonin boost I need and motivate me to write more. (Bc I'm an attention whore like that! XD)
Let the brain run idle! I take a walk. I craft or doodle something. I play with my kid. I watch a movie or go out with friends. The main thing is, I don't write. I try to not even think of writing. That's often when my best ideas hit me out of nowhere.
🎨 If someone were to make fanart of your work, what fic or scene would you hope to see?
I am blessed enough to have a bunch of incredibly talented mutuals who have made so much wonderful, gorgeous, incredible art of my work. I look at it daily, it makes me feel so incredibly loved and cherished. I couldn't wish for more! That being said, if someone asked me, I'd probably pick for a scene from Someone who cares because that's my oldest fic (my baby, my firstborn, etc.) and it doesn't have any art yet.
Fic writer asks
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dailyarturiartfgo · 1 year
I am curious, what motivates you to draw so much? You must have over a hundred requests or more and the askbox is still open and you take the time to really draw things, not give a low-effort scribble. Your ability and willpower are impressive but I don’t get how you maintain it.
Oh, I really love drawing no matter where I am so while it is a bit time consuming, responding to asks and all is very fun for me. Seeing people commenting and liking about my stuffs make me very happy as well so that's why I want to continue! To be honest this blog is just for fun so I usually tend to go easy on what I doodle (it's so nice of you telling me that those aren't low-effort scribbles XD) And seeing other people art also motivate me a lot on drawing. But most of all, it's all thanks to the community that is so friendly! (and because I don't wanna stop sketching Saber in a suit ;) )
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mofffun · 10 months
Team wings headcanons??? Any????
They are children on the playground and arguing is proof of their "friendship"!!
Rita being the secret supplier to Yanma's antique collection (think government auction, double as one Gokkan's source of income)
Yanma Gast 100% knew about Moffun.
Yanma the hashtag angry mark vs Rita the pool of yarn mark (ahhh I want to doodle)
THEM WITH KIDS: Rita scaring a little girl in N’kosopa vs. the flower twirl with Ishabana boy + Yanma is a good teacher
when did they first hear the king-ohger legend
"You don't even know that?" -> Yanma: yelling at auroras to "turn off your damn speakers!!!" // Rita: can't tell a lightning cable from a type c
I don't think Rita is bad in tech in terms of lacking a sense in it but they just never had the need to study it
Rita will never say the full technical name for Yanma's inventions though (Does he even know his lie detector is called the Thundercarcker behind his back?)
(bringing the actors into this) Rita serectly adding another grudge on their list because Yanma's Moffun voice is actually really good
per manga ch13, the grudge list grew again because the Jealous Judge's retainer has a heart uchiwa for the yankii king
Yanma is smart enough to motivate the judge with words into helping him if necessary but it'll take a minute hour for Rita to begin wonder if it was because they agreed with his reasoning or his choice of words
Yanma is 2 years older but by kingship he is 6 years Rita's junior. Their first meeting happened at 21/19. The number fluctuates because I also really want to see their first meeting at 19/15.
similarity and differences:
teased by Himeno, Yanma turns red and Rita turns white
they are too gay to sit properly
parallel play (they could sit in a coffee shop for hours and people would think they are angry with each other because they're not talking but it's actually the most comfortable way for them to stay together in the same room)
unconsciously hum while working long hours
“what is sleep”/caffeine addicts 
 you KNOW they both have a tendency to fall asleep in their office
Both have a sweet tooth but Yanma in drinks and Rita in hard candy. Rita more so than Yanma because butterfly.
don’t really look at what he’s eating vs. has a gokkan-native comfort food
Yanma doesn't mind trying foods with dry/weird textures Rita is not exactly a picky eater (because gokkan food shortage/low variety of homegrown food) but typical “I need that texture once in a while or I start malfunctioning”
(Gokkan has all sort of weird pickles and dried meats, typical winter country)
Like any northerner Rita has a high alcohol tolerance though without a preference (okay Gokkan harvest(?) festival and the one day the prison complex is allowed fruit punch) and you'll find me beat up before I say Yanma Gast can take more than a beer.
Yanma Gast has a HUGE ego but I think it’s only gotten worse by having an eternal hyper in Shiokara. Does Rita has an ego? long story short, yeah.
first meeting
development of king's hotline/ohger calibur/king's weapon
the moffun scalper
development of the lie detector
yanma's arrest and trial
when yanma and rita were castle-mates (?) before himeno and kagu got themselves in jail
jail time
the body swap phone call!!
body swap resolution (admit it canon is not giving it to us)
the voyage back home
maintenance spa day of the shugods
first meeting: I think one reason Rita doesn't like N'kosopa much (and an underlying cause to them randomly arresting everyone in 28 besides stress), is organized crime plagued N'kosopa in the aftermath of Wrath of Gods.
Post-Wrath, the blue king ran away, so N'kosopa is either an anarchy or at warring states where crime bosses and militarists took hold. "Police" exist but took bribes per Shiokara. At that time, Rita just became king themself and has enough on their plate. So even though it's technically a domestic affair, it's a growing potential threat to Chikyuu's order but it's too systemic for a 10-year-old foreigner to take on alone.
I also think Rita would be required to witness the day Yanma officially becomes King. He has the popular vote, but to keep things simple, the monarchy is kept instead of transitioning into procedural democracy. So the yakuza lawyer, Usba maybe, say they have to get the Chief Justice here, to everyone turning blue and silent for a moment from the excited discussion of a big ceremony hearing their name.
but! my initial fic idea in may/june was very simple because I only wanted to put them in a bike + sidecar and sunglasses and comedic road trip. They chase down a McGuffin to help a kid. Their budapest. Where Yanma making "Absolute Neutrality" Rita's name comes from something they said. Maybe that's why the couldn't end the incident in a less legal but more effective way.
another first meeting idea allows them to meet younger as late teens is maintenance day for the shugods. A very random event is if the Yanma needs the Ohger Calibur to stay over temporarily, how is Rita gonna continue with the trials? Did he buy them a substitute pon pon Moffun hammer at the tuck shop??
Developing the henshin system: See I think Yanma is not going to bother putting in a function that he personally can’t use but knowing it’s a team’s weapon, as a good designer, he at least has to ask the other kings what they want as an auxillary. What is his reaction hearing Rita says bow? (i talk as if anything other than HA? is an option) What if Rita didn’t suggest bow, but Yanma just assigned them that because it fits that stick-in-the-mud?
Body swap resolution: Yanma wants to train his body but doesn't know where to start. I mean, he can't ask Rita of course. But if anyone can keep a secret, it's them. Oh of course he doesn't have to go that far and outright get humiliated again, so he has to phrase it like picking a fight. Rita is down anytime to "convince" Yanma Gast so they didn't really register it as a one either. (re: Erica saying arguing is the proof that this two are "friends")
Yanma's arrest:
Yanma's hair got fried blond because of his ultracomputer
N'kosopa mass protest + boast rally that conversely proved Yanma is the culprit
nobody remembers to hire Yanma a lawyer
a particular loud shriek when Gokkan's power black out (lucky for yanma it's summer i.e. long day)
Morfonia and her unsaved files
Yanma's sentence include improving Gokkan TV/Internet reception as community service
Jeramie using the "boys will be boys"/"he's just a kid" defence as Yanma's Grand-Master to mask he secretly contributed here and there
+ power blackout doesn't really affect the bugnarok because they're underground and only beginning to build a power system with Gira and Shugoddom's help
Shugoddom's historic gas lamps!
Himeno breaking down Yanma's door because "if not for my hospitals all equipped with the best backup power!" (solar/wind energy), and that she can't curl her hair that morning.
Kaguragi turned it into a campfire story night/community event somehow
Yanma's trial day is the day Gokkan's immigration and tourism board has to overwork for the first time.
Shiokara and hacker gang arguing for visitation rights. homemade bento
does yanma sentence last for more than two years if he says prison break is an additional charge?
Gira tried negotiations but he knew he isn't being fair and backed down quickly with a Rita stare
Yanma got dragged away with Papi-chan helicopter style, he's yelling at Tonbo to put in a good word for for his buddy and Papi-chan ignore him lol
They have two key words: past/present and secrets.
the thing with wings is, they somehow sparked in each other another side. (i.e. they drive each other crazy, and they are the only ones that can do that to the other) But then they spring back like nothing next day like children on the playground.
On a level, these two are actually very similar in terms of being analytical and practical. Yet their conflict comes from attacking problems from opposite angles. Rita represents the past and Yanma the future. Rita will collect evidence and review history while Yanma focuses on what's already in hand and invents something new. I said that right, but in a way Rita is forward-facing when they never let any childhood trauma stay a trauma or haunt them; Yanma is nostalgic based on his antique/physical media collection.
You may say it's partly recognition of the self. That's why they are only antagonistic 80% of the time.
(hc territory) They ended up doing the same thing/making the same choice ouf of completely different reasons. They are more similar than they think they are but no one can name what/why (not even me).
Yanma Gast 100% knew about Moffun but he kept his mouth shut in ep11. He (should) never told anyone about what Rita did in the underworld. I'm lying to myself he trusted the judge won't do something they didn't deem necessary so he turned away in 38.
Rita holds grudges. Yanma Gast is the source of their headache since he stole Gira and kick-started the story. Sometimes they don't get how such an obnoxious person is so popular. But Rita guesses, he's dependable when it's important. Not a very skilled fighter but he's not dumb. At least they can count on him not to intervene if they make it clear they are making a move.
the movie scene: No spoilers, but, I just think that’s a really nice scene to that established how different Yanma and Rita are while providing a base for reconciliation following their argument in 19. Neither of them are acting like their usual self. I don’t mean they are ooc, but you see them perform different than everyday under an unknown situation.
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doodle-do-wop · 8 months
I am asking abt the other cabins, I totally have not been hypnotized to ask
so this is gonna be one long ass post (possibly) and it's going to be formatted weird because I rambled about this on discord ages ago
Sophie Foster: Daughter of Zeus
girly can fly, shoot lightning, and is mega powerful with enough low self esteem to match
as stated in a different channel she's picture perfect to be a demigod with her origin story
fatal flaw: ambition (reasoning being she tends to do things on a whim a lot and that can also be chalked up to hubris but let's not forget Sophie is a genius by all definition of the word. She was going to go to college based off of pure intelligence alone but there's a certain type of bite that comes with power and it's the realization you can do more)
Keefe Sencen: Son of Aphrodite
literally the goddess of love and beauty, emotions are her forte and thus the best godly parent for Keefe's powers to fit into
he can still be the funny sarcasm guy, kids can have more than one personality trait
also beauty and love don't just apply outwardly and only romantically. Aphrodite is the goddess of love, self love and platonic included
fatal flaw: low self esteem (literally look at that sad wet noodle of a boy and tell me he thinks he's worthy of anything)
Biana Vacker: Daughter of Athena
vanisher fits Athena to a T and yet even with a cool ability she's overshadowed by Fitz still
smart girl, was a brat in the beginning but grows into one of the most capable fighters around while keeping a caring side to her
once again, kids can have more than one trait and girls in STEM can like make-up and sparkles. It's usually the girls that have a cute blouse and know what they're doing that are the most lethal (mostly because the blouse might have a knife)
fatal flaw: Loyalty (sure she kinda abandoned Maruca but this is a new universe and look at how much she's gone through with Sophie and been a consistent and stable rock for her best friend. Girly has tackled multiple murders for her friends, she is insane)
Fitz Vacker: Son of Athena
while not a total perfect fit Athena has always focus on the mind, strategy, and being ahead of the game. What better way to do that than to make a son with the power of the mind itself, a telepath
a shining rebound ability that gives him enough pizzazz to overshadow Biana (not on purpose) but also keep him from being super socially gracious (because he ain't)
smart boy but can get a little too ahead of himself in things and send focus in the wrong direction
fatal flaw: Wrath (the boy's got a fighting temper and it's caused rifts in his relationships and even extreme pain for himself. If anything would take him down it would be his own anger)
Dex Dizznee: Son of Hermes
"doodle he's the technopath" Dex is also expecting things often only to get something else completely out of left field
the trickster god of travelers and roads ain't limited to putting a bucket over a cracked door, technological pranks work in his domain and let's not forget Dex did spike Stina's drink and make bombs
what better way to set your expectations high and get them destroyed than to expect Hephaestus or some minor god only to get the dude with wing shoes
fatal flaw: Grudges (we've seen I in action before, Dex can let a grudge like jealousy or his general dislike of the Vackers blind him out of many things including being a good friend at times, sure this was more prominent when he was younger but he still has a lot to hold against Stina even after she's shown herself to be a friend)
Marella Redek: Daughter of Ares
"but Leo is a fire powers" Marella? A daughter of Hephaestus??? Besides I doubt someone with Ares' rep can't spawn a child with fire powers
Marella's whole main goal, the very core of her motivation is her mom, she'd do anything for her and even if it meant being claimed by Aphrodite or Athena (evidence her father was unfaithful to her mother) Marella would've given anything to do something to help her mom
just to be claimed by the one god she never wanted to be claimed by, war and bloodshed, fear and hate are all Ares' domain, his kingdom of stacked skulls and crushed souls
fire is not easy to control and the path of 'easy' is almost never on the Ares' agenda
Fatal flaw: Loyalty (her relationship with her mom is a good point but also the fact that Marella was abandoned, essentially betrayed by someone she considered a friend and immediately turned cold and bitter for quite some time. She only came around because she knew she could do something to help the greater good)
Linh Song Wildwood: Daughter of Poseidon
hydrokinetic=ocean man
personally I have no idea where else she fits
the sea is a powerful thing that can't always be contained and controlled perfectly down to the last atom and Linh could've definitely had some trouble controlling the pull of the water causing the Songs to abound their demigod children once and for all leaving the twins to fight for themselves before a saytr could find them
fatal flaw: Ambition (the girl flooded Atlantis, the pull of the water is often too much for her to handle and that's the call of the sea challenging her and Linh giving into the temptation of more)
Tam Song Wildwood: Son of Poseidon
"dont you mean Hades" guys that's not how twins work
Poseidon isn't just about water and he's had kids that don't even possess his power over the ocean (ex. Chrysoar)
the ocean has depths, depths so dark and deep there are parts unexplored and uncharted due to the crush and pull of the water, a single sea current could blast you from here to another continent if you're not careful
the sea is dark but there's also light, balance, calm waves gently blanketing over sandy beaches, the moon waving between high and low tide. There is more to it than what's bobbing on the surface
fatal flaw: Loyalty (Tam is the most normal dude in a group of weirdos but those are his weirdos. Tam had always put Linh before himself and has even held an escape plan in his boot in case things got so bad he had to go back home. If Linh got kicked out Tam was going with her and staying by her side no matter what)
Wylie Endal, Son of Iris, goddess of the rainbow
he's a flasher this is quite literally his entire power scheme
each color of the rainbow possesses a slightly different kind of magic inside of it so Red might have a different affect than Blue or Green and its difficult to master the entire rainbow like Iris can
fatal flaw: Grudges
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theminecraftbee · 1 year
You're so right! Puppies are a HUGE time commitment with all the training and socialization necessary for a healthy happy dog! A lot of times, people will opt for notoriously friendly breeds like labradors or goldens because they think they'll be easy, but don't realize that even though they're kind, social dogs, they're bred to work! They're HIGH ENERGY and also very needy.
Puppies are a huge lifestyle change but they're so so worth it if a shift in daily schedule is possible! Morgan is adorable, I would love pupdates as she grows up <3
there’s a reason labs and goldens took turns being the most popular dogs in America for a while (frenchies are actually the current most-popular) - they’re really social animals, they’re very very trainable (morgan is VERY SMART GIRL who has ALREADY LEARNED a lot of important things and she’s like… a baby). but yes, they’re also higher-energy dogs! with labs and goldens this will depend somewhat on the dog’s lineage as well - chocolate labs are notoriously kind of crazy, for example, but also you’re looking for “show line” dogs rather than a hunting dog if you’re getting a family pet, as labs and goldens bred for hunting actually tend to be a bit different from the “standard” you’ve met before and also are higher-energy dogs who need more work to do.
but like, even a morgan, who is indeed show lineage and not hunting and also from a lineage of dogs that were mostly family pets in their time instead of working dogs, will require a LOT of exercise - I think the number the breeder gave me is that she should be walking as much as three miles every day, and I plan on teaching her stuff like tug to get energy out, and also I’m already worried she’s a little bored in her puppy area and am planning on expanding that out and getting more brain toys (like treat hiding puzzles). goldens are not actually a bad first dog, so long as you’re confident in your ability to control a larger dog, as they don’t tend to be as “aloof” or as obstinate as some dogs can be, and also are VERY trainable both due to being smart and due to being extremely food-motivated, but they’re very needy dogs who get lonely easily, so that should be kept in mind! also, big dogs need big space and if you don’t have a yard, there are other dogs that are much better for that (I’m pretty sure that’s why frenchies became so popular; they’re much more apartment-sized dogs). this is actually also part of why I can be a LITTLE wary of doodles; poodles tend to be higher-strung than the golden and while the GOAL is “poodle fur/low-shedding with a golden temperament” you can never be fully certain with a crossbreed that you won’t get “golden fur and shedding with a poodle temperament”, which is a different dog. (standard poodles tend to be less high-strung than the minis and toys to be fair, but they’re still somewhat more high strung dogs than a golden.) also goldens are a large breed and remain “puppy” for like, two years, so if you aren’t prepared to handle puppy energy that long maybe go for a different breed.
…as you might imagine I did a bunch of research. this is a huge paragraph. but YES. they’re so worth it if you can handle the lifestyle change that it requires. my body is still trying to adjust to the fact that I now have to wake up at like, 6:30 am, and go to bed by 11 pm, so that puppy learns schedule and also because puppy guaranteed 100% cannot last longer in her crate than that and even that’s pushing it a LITTLE, although she’s been surprisingly good about sleeping through the night so far. but she’s so good and cute and I love her already so, as stated. it is worth it!
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i-eat-deodorant · 7 months
okay serious question this time, elaborate on your creative process bc boy you are very big big big inspiration mhmmhm additionally, give brief summary of your current WIPs pwetty pwease
for writing, i'm a bit of a snippet hoarder. the way a crow loves shinies, i love little phrases and snippets that hit just right. i screenshot them and scrapbook them and remember the exact locations (url, chapter title, page number) where i read them. then when i'm low on motivation, i go back to some and dissect what i love about them and that the writers do to make it click. if the writing's good then i'll never get tired of rereading the same thing, because every time i go back there's another angle to look at and a new interpretation to consider.
for art, it's pretty much the same thing. studies help. real life studies, master studies, warm-up sketches where you scribble something a couple of times before starting the real deal. i really need to practice what i preach more, but the few times i did anatomical/light studies really improved my skills a lot. studies stuck ass to draw because i'd rather be doodling a million other things than "the basics", but they help.
and i think the other thing that's starting to become important to me is immediacy. if i have a cool thought, i write it down. if i have an image in my head, i drop everything to doodle it. i think this is more a personal issue concerning my abysmal attention span than anything else, so ymmv but i find that if i don't get something out right now i won't get it out at all.
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xoxo-susu · 9 months
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Coquettifying this semester ⋆。·˚ʚ🍓ɞ˚‧。⋆
Hello loves ♡
My first class of the semester starts this week, so I thought I'd make a lil post on my favorite school tips and tricks for Spring 2024 :)
Studying and homework ⋆。·˚ʚ 🩰 ɞ˚‧。⋆
🩰 White noise. If you struggle with zoning off while you work, white noise is exactly what you need. I personally prefer pink or brown noise because it's a little deeper and softer and white noise just makes me think of falling sand.
🩰 Stay on top of your assignments. In the beginning for me especially, it's so easy to let things slip. Do not do it. It will impact your grade for the rest of the semester. Trust me, I'm speaking from experience. Try and do your homework right when you get home. That way, you maximize relaxed time without worrying about assignments.
🩰 Keep your study space clean and cute. You're not going to feel motivated sitting at some grungy old cardboard box that smells like leftover pizza! Try and make your study place somewhere you enjoy to be. And keep it clean!
🩰 Pomodoros. I love love love pomodoros. They help me stay so much more focused because it's like a challenge to study through the whole time. If you don't know what a pomodoro is, this link explains it pretty well ♡
🩰 Find what works for you. I find I focus best in the morning. Some people feel like they're at their sharpest at 2:15 PM. Experiment a little with a low-pressure assignment and figure out when you work best. Once you do, schedule your assignments accordingly. The hardest go during that time, but the easiest go when you're least motivated. Also try and go to a coffee shop or the library! It's sooo motivational.
🩰 All nighters. These are great for romanticization purposes and nothing else. Get. Your. Eight. Hours. Of. Sleep! Unless you only found out about an assignment the night before its due and there's no other option, do not do it! You need rest for your brain to function properly. There was a study I remember hearing about where one group of students crammed for a test the night before and the others slept well, and the well-rested ones got higher scores.
🩰 Study groups. If you work well with other people, do this! But if you get too distracted, don't do it.
🩰 NOTION!!!! Notion is SUCH a great and aesthetic website to get organized.
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At school ⋆。·˚ʚ 🎀 ɞ˚‧。⋆
🎀 Ribbons. Ribbons are such a coquette staple. Put them on everything! Especially your hair.
🎀 Take cute notes. Make them something you'd like to look back on! Buy yourself a new pack of pink highlighters, write in juicy black pen, doodle bows, use washi tape, whatever you think looks best. Even try and make your homework look pretty. My spanish midterm project was a coquette work of art.
🎀 Look your prettiest. Again with the ribbons--put them in your hair! Wear cute mary janes. Brush your hair. Take a shower before, if you can. Wear a vanilla or rose scented body mist. Put on some cute rings. If you have a uniform, wear a cozy scarf and as much jewelry as you can.
🎀 Books. Bring a book with you everywhere. It will make you look so educated and elegant. Some of my favorites are Little Women, Heaven to Betsy and Betsy in Spite of Herself, Jane Eyre, Sense and Sensibility, Sad Cypress, Death on the Nile, Anne of Green Gables, and Betsy was a Junior and Betsy and Joe. The Betsy books are perfect because each one is about a year in highschool, and they're so coquette and vintage and she's such a study icon and ugh.
🎀 Make good friends. Having a good group of people to motivate and uplift you is sosososo important. Get rid of the ones who hate to see you succeed. And it will make school feel like someplace you're genuinely excited to go to.
🎀 Don't skip classes. Just don't. It's not the vibe.
🎀 Be nice to your teachers. If they really suck then they really suck. But your school year will be so much easier if your teachers like you and know of you as a good student.
🎀 Try and find 'your place'. Not like that. Literally. Try and find a little nook you and your group can claim as your favorite.
🎀 Make your supplies as cute as possible! Get a cute bag or backpack if you can. Pretty stationary will help you romanticize so much. Get rid of the ugly neon yellow pencils.
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Coquettifying ⋆。·˚ʚ 💌 ɞ˚‧。⋆
This is the best part!
💌 Watch GRWMS and coquette school vlogs.
💌 tie a bow on everything.
💌 Lipgloss, lipgloss, lipgloss! Pale pink and shimmery.
💌 Make a coquette academia pinterest board, like mine.
💌 In the words of our icon @coqxettee, "Study and work hard. Being intelligent is attractive, gorgeous and most of all, one of the keys to success." Read her posts too, all of them are just lovely for romanticizing.
💌 Take care of yourself. Face masks while studying, matchas on the way to school, gua sha before going to sleep. AND STAY HYDRATED!!!!
💌 Get a cute lotion for school. The glossier one is great but a bit on the pricier side. Bath and Body Works has a lot of great alternatives (but some of their stuff has been said to cause cancer so mb look into that)
💌 Cute little claw clips in your hair or on your bag. Emijay has an ADORABLE one, but there's also a really cute temu dupe.
💌 Find your signature scent, or make it seasonal like I do!
💌 Keep a diary. Fill it with sweet memories, funny pictures of you and your friends, deep quotes, and lipstick kisses.
💌 Mary Janes. Period.
💌 Get cute frilly socks and dainty jewelry.
💌 Shower every day.
💌 Go thrifting.
💌 Try and take a walk every day, even if it's just up and down your street.
💌 Keep a bouquet of fresh flowers in your room.
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Okkkkk that's the end! I hope this helped out with any coquette issues. ily all smmmm byee! ⋆。·˚ʚ🍓ɞ˚‧。⋆
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megidoreyn · 8 months
Heyyy it's about the art questions
I would like to know your answer in 18 (the purpose) and 22 (artspiration).
I would also ask 3 but I'd completely understand if you prefer not to answer
The rest are already answered
Hope you have a great month. ;D
Hey there! Thanks for the questions!
⭐️3. Show us your oldest piece of art you have on hand
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→ It was a real trip down memory lane to look back on some of these, but here's a sample of some old things from 2021-early 2022! (Prior to posting on social media in Aug 2022) Back then, I didn't have any real incentive to improve my art outside of drawing quick sketches like the pictures above. I had issues being cleanly (due to lack of motivation), committing to learning character details, and more LOL. →Fun fact, I drew on a very tiny 11 inch screen 4GB RAM laptop with horrible color calibration for about 3 years until finally getting something better in early 2022 too LOL. It might be noticeable in some of the above pictures with the color choices being a little too light or too saturated, LOL.
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→As also seen at the bottom of this post, It might come as a surprise that I also draw fanart for my favorite assorted fandoms outside of megaten too, LOL. I just never post it in public since they're meant as warm-up doodles!
To be honest, 2020 thru late 2022 was a very low point in my life. I had given up on all creative endeavors at the time due to: My career, being diagnosed with a bodily issue of which the effects I still deal with even today, and other personal issues.
It truly wasn't until late 2022 (when I started posting online) that I truly felt confident picking up my tablet pen again and view art in a more positive light…!
NGL I had written out my entire life story here but ended up deleting it--it would have made this post terribly long regardless LOL💦 Perhaps it'll be a story for another time, though!!🙏 And it absolutely has to do with why the Samurai husbands mean lot to me!
⭐️18. What is your purpose for drawing?
→ That's a good question! For me, (especially due to my visual agnosia) it'd have to be the ability to draw whatever comes to mind with skill and precision. To not hold back and draw whatever comes into your mind's eye without fear or hesitation from others (or your own critical inner voice)… And to be able to properly convey the meaningful themes of your work as clearly as they come into your mind... That, to me, is true freedom.
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➡️As for BL content: Despite not posting much of it in public (yet), my purpose in drawing BL (or OTP content in general) is to transmit feelings of love + warmth in my art! To depict tenderness, warmth, and love with affectionate, natural-looking body language to make it as believable + realistic as possible...That's always been my goal! →The world is a scary place out there. Though, if my OTP content can make someone feel a slight glimmer of peace, tranquility, or even hope to keep moving forward...then I'll be incredibly happy!🙏💕 It's always my intention to convey nothing but sweet wholesome vibes and warmth with my pictures, and I truly hope that feeling comes across too. ➡️I'll be super candid and say I actually really enjoy angst and raunchy content as much as everyone else! But drawing wholesome + sweet characters in love just comes much sooo much easier and naturally as breathing to me, LOL. Just because I don't post angst or raunchy things, doesn't mean I dislike it! ☝️
⭐️22. List at least one of your “artspirations.”
→ I tend to gravitate towards professional artists with thick painting (厚塗り) coloring styles, dynamic illustrations, and artists that have a strong grasp of anatomy, character design and storytelling! It's hard to pick just one, so here's a brief selection of ones that come up at the top of my head right now!
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Thanks again for the questions! Have a wonderful January and rest of your 2024 as well!✨🌟
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stars-n-spice · 5 days
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Welcome Back!
To yet another Silly Squad Saturday! Aka my attempt to post something Silly Squad (Bad Batch x Baddies Batch) related - be it headcanons, one-shots/fics, or art - every Saturday! Because Silly Squad Saturday has a nice ring to it and it eases into OC Sunday pretty nicely :) 
That and I want to try and motivate myself to do more with these guys because I post about like,, 10% of the collective lore I have about them while the rest of the 90% stays up in my brain. 
This week we've got: A Sharpshooters WIP!
I had an idea for a comic but thought it would be easier to write a one-shot for it instead. Rookie mistake. Oh well!
Anywho, enjoy the either first half or first chapter of a fic surrounding the idea that literally everyone on Pabu is protective of Crosshair (from his siblings, to their partners, to the islanders themselves) so when he introduces Tay to them all, they all get on his ass to make sure he doesn't hurt Crosshair in any way.
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Tay’kaa Marr had faced some formidable foes in his past as a former gladiator turned mercenary for the Black Sun and later the Empire, so he was no stranger to going up against danger. He was a man who loved a challenge and never backed down when one was presented to him–ever relentless in his pursuit of victory.
However, years of hardship, experience, and running the risk couldn’t prepare him for the challenge that lied in front of him and the foes he now had to deal with. Nothing he’d ever faced before came even remotely close to what he had to deal with now:
Meeting Crosshair’s family. 
“Relax, dumbass, you’ll be fine,” Crosshair claimed, watching his boyfriend pace back and forth in the cargo hold of the Gozanti-class shuttle Tay totally didn’t steal from Black Sun and was now using as his own ship and temporary living quarters while being on Pabu. It was refurbished and a lot cozier than it was before and it was a place Crosshair found himself visiting whenever he needed some space and comfort away from it all. 
The two were currently getting ready to go and make their rounds around Pabu to formally meet Crosshair’s family, both of them finally having the courage to do so now that Tay was here on Pabu with Crosshair and had no plans of going anywhere any time soon. It was a huge step for both of them and Crosshair would be lying if he said he wasn’t terrified, yet the fact that his usually confident, suave, people-person boyfriend was seemingly so nervous about the whole ordeal had eased Crosshair’s nerves to the point of amusement. 
“Psh, of course I can handle it,” Tay responded with a scoff, looking over his shoulder and shooting Crosshair a small, playful glare. 
“I’ve made it easy for you. You’re just meeting them one at a time. I didn’t want to overwhelm you all at once…” he informed in a low drawl, absentmindedly rubbing his thumb over the textured parts on his new prosthetic hand that Omega had painted some doodles on the other day.
“Surely you can handle that,” Crosshair smirked, his tone teasing as he watched Tay momentarily pause and consider his words. Boom. Hook, line and sinker. The man couldn’t resist a challenge and Crosshair knew this well. 
“I’m just…nervous on your behalf-” He claimed, an awkward chuckle slipping past his lips as he turned around and slowly made his way over to where Crosshair was lounging on some rations crates like a damn loth cat. 
“My behalf?” Crosshair repeated, raising an eyebrow as he slowly sat up and folded his arms across his chest. 
“So you admit you’re nervous then?” 
“On your behalf-” Tay reiterated, stopping right in front of Crosshair as he attempted to flash his ‘this-is-me-trying-to-get-away-with-this’ smile, which obviously didn’t work as Crosshair had long since been unaffected by said smile. 
Crosshair clicked his tongue and rolled his eyes in response, biting back a small grin because any bit of amusement would either A) Feed Tay’s ego and make him think he could still use his charm on Crosshair or B) make the poor bastard even more nervous about the whole ordeal and that last thing Crosshair wanted was either thing. 
Yes, he was nervous too, but Crosshair preferred to just rip off the bandage now and get it over with despite knowing his boyfriend was the type to avoid and ignore any sort of feelings that didn’t make him feel good.
“Oh, right. On my behalf,” Crosshair echoed sarcastically as he shook his head, “How very touching…So thoughtful…” He smirked a bit and reached out to Tay’s lower lethorns, wrapping his hands around them and giving them a tug so Tay stumbled forward with a small gasp of surprise.  
Before he could fall over, Tay caught himself against the crate, his hands on either side of Crosshair’s thighs and pinning him in place while Crosshair kept his hands around the lethorns. It took Tay a moment or two to register what had happened, his brain slowly processing it as he blinked in confusion before he shook his head and let out a small huff at the sarcasm in Crosshair’s voice, though he knew the man was only teasing him. 
“I’m serious, Cross-” he grumbled, watching as Crosshair’s gaze was fixated on the silver clasps on his lethorns as he fiddled with them. 
“You sure you want to do this? I mean…are you…ready to do this?” he asked, his tone suddenly serious enough for Crosshair to pause and consider his words as he slowly looked up to meet his boyfriend’s eyes. 
He could tell Tay was nervous about the whole ordeal, after all appearances and reputation meant a lot to the man, but there was something more than that. Something that made Crosshair think that Tay really was nervous on Crosshair’s behalf and was just triple checking that he was comfortable enough with the idea of introducing Tay to his family. After all, it was a known fact that Crosshair wasn’t exactly an open book–not to Tay and not to his siblings either (though he was trying to get better at that)–so to bring them together seemed almost unrealistic to Crosshair when he really thought about it.
Crosshair had been sarcastic earlier, but he couldn’t deny that his boyfriend was actually incredibly sweet and thoughtful. Of course, the dense idiot wasn’t always like that, it was something Tay had learned to be over the time period since their first meeting, but it meant the world to Crosshair that Tay cared. That he really cared.
He felt a flutter in his chest and he scoffed it off in response, his gaze falling down to the space between them as he tried to will the heat that was creeping onto his cheeks to sink back into his–what was supposed to be–cold heart. 
“Dumbass…” Crosshair muttered with a small click of his tongue before he forced himself to look up at Tay. “You think I wouldn’t have gone along with this if I wasn’t ready?” Crosshair questioned, his tone playful yet slightly insulting as he tugged at Tay’s lethorns. 
“Well, I mean-” Tay fumbled, scrunching his face a little at the feeling of Crosshair pulling at his lethorns before his hands came up to wrap around Crosshair’s wrists, the cold feel of Crosshair’s prosthetic no longer catching him off guard, to tug his hands off of him. 
“Don’t mean anything-” Crosshair grumbled, shooting Tay a small glare as the Chagrian pried his hands off of him, “-just meet them.” 
With a huff, he pushed his hands forward and wrapped them around Tay’s lethorns again in an act of rebellion. Tay let out a small sigh, allowing it to happen, though he kept his hands around Crosshair’s wrists as his thumbs absentmindedly rubbed against Crosshair’s one pulse. 
“Stop overthinking it…” Crosshair advised, giving Tay’s lethorns yet another tug to pull him closer.
“I like you better when you don’t think..” he teased with a small smirk, making Tay roll his eyes and let out a huff of amusement at the playful jab. 
“Hmm…yeah, because my reckless behavior is so charming,” Tay all but purred sarcastically as he leaned closer down to Crosshair enough to press a chaste kiss against his lips. 
“S’ not my fault I don’t think much…” Tay claimed in a low murmur against Crosshair’s lips, “Got hit in the head one too many times…” 
“So quit thinking about this,” Crosshair urged with a small snort, returning the kiss for a second or two before he pulled away and grinned up at Tay. 
“Besides…they want to meet you,” he informed, letting go of Tay’s lethorns finally only to give the Chagrian a playful shove. It caught Tay off guard, enough to make him stumble back and give Crosshair enough room to get up onto his feet. 
“And I’m sure you’d rather not stay cooped up here on the ship all the time,” Crosshair added, motioning around the cargo bay as he started down the ramp and onto the sand. “Hiding like some kind of hermit,” he teased, looking over his shoulder at Tay with a smirk. 
Tay rolled his eyes fondly, taking in the bits of the shuttle he’d been calling home for quite some time now. While it was starting to be familiar and was cozy enough for Tay, it still had hints of his past with Black Sun lingering in and around the hull like a ghost. It was home, yes, but some days and some nights, it hurt like hell to be in there–trapped with painful memories and bouts of regret and guilt. 
Besides, the beaches and ocean of Pabu were calling to him. In their gentle waves that kissed the sand and sheer, clear blue water; they echoed the call of Champala–a home Tay never had the pleasure of growing up in despite its waters running through his veins. 
Maybe Pabu could be that new home…He just had to take the first steps towards it.
“Yeah, yeah…” Tay muttered, shaking his head as a small smile slowly formed across his features while he watched Crosshair walk down the ramp. 
“You just want to show me off,” Tay half-joked, feeling some of his usual confidence return as he took Crosshair’s advice and decided not to think about it; his feet moving before his brain could talk him out of it. 
Hearing the confidence return to Tay’s voice and the footsteps falling behind him, Crosshair couldn’t help but grin despite Tay’s teasing remark. It seemed like it was finally happening and there was no turning back for either of them. 
“In your dreams, lover boy,” Crosshair responded, calling over his shoulder towards Tay as he watched the man hurry down the ramp to join him. 
“C’mon, I’ve always wanted to be a trophy boyfriend-” Tay quipped as he caught up with Crosshair and gave him a playful nudge. 
“Y’know, go back to the good ol’ days…” he joked, poking light at his past as a former champion gladiator; as if they weren’t some of the most physically and mentally traumatizing years of his life. But that was just like Tay to make a joke out of something like that and Crosshair couldn’t help but roll his eyes and shoot Tay a look. 
“Forget about it,” Crosshair retorted, shaking his head as he huffed and put his hand in Tay’s own. “You’re not a damn trophy, you’re my boyfriend. Now hurry up, I don’t want to keep my siblings waiting-”
Tay had little chance to protest or react in any way for that matter as Crosshair began to drag him along down the shore and over to the docks, though Tay wasn’t really looking to complain. Crosshair’s declaration had his heart fluttering and his chest filling with warmth as the two of them started towards the beginning of something new.
Last Week's Silly Squad Saturday
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If you're new to the squad; check out these links to learn more about them: 💫 Silly Squad Masterlist 💫 Baddies Batch Masterlist 
Tag List: @perilmax, @stardume
If you would like to join the tag list, let me know or fill out this form!
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strawberfolk · 2 years
Self insert of @emiink in @mega-punani One Piece au!
They had this awesome concept of y/n being either a doctor and a siren and I thought well why not both!
Emily D. Shrooms
Our chaotic doctor caught the eyes of the navy at a young age due to her knowledge of ocean life, medicines, and plants. money is one hell of a motivator and with enough of it, the navy bought Emily's loyalty and had her shipped away to an academy to further refine her talents. emily was called back to her home island at the age of 20 to overlook a personal project of the local admiral.
some character tidbits
- was an absolute street rat as a child
- passionate user of all things explosive and sandy
- her journal contains notes of plants and doodles
- Cannot swim for the life of her but she’s a killer runner
- constantly confused
- is terrified of all things dead
- goggles zoom in like bug eyes
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Amethyst C. Ophelia
Amethyst was caught by the navy in her late teens to be used as a weapon against pirates. before capture she refrained from singing due to the effects it had on people around her, she kept to herself occasionally joking and playing with the youth in towns before moving on. instead of using her voice she would make use of her claws and teeth as shown in an encounter with a harpie in her earlier years.
character tidbits
- sketches things around her when bored
- took up farming as a hobbie
- Shes a pretty damn good swimmer
- Is somehow always getting hit by cannon balls in comical ways
- she can be bribed with berries
- She adapts to the people around her to easily blend in
- Only amplifies Emilys chaos
- she likes to hang around stretch and cash, and will occasionally chat with Razz about navigation. but she feels awkward around sans because of her history with pirate captains
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Emily's first encounter with a siren was on the opposite side of 4 inch glass, off the bat she assumed she would be researching yet another rare sea creature with low intelligence, just on the more aggressive side. That is until said siren flipped her off when she called it a fish, Emily later learned the siren's name was Amethyst and over the next few months they got closer.
Emily already wasn't a big fan of the admiral, the only reason she stayed was for the money after all, but seeing someone be treated as nothing more than an object or weapon made her realize that she needed to get out while she still could. so Emily started to plan, she would clock out of the facility, grab a set of clothes and return 2 hours later to break Amethyst out. From there they would take a roundabout way through the town and end up on a backside port where amethyst can swim them away to a neighboring island, then go from there.
but they were caught before they made it off the port. The admiral and a small squad cornered them and during the scuffle Emily's throat was slashed and Amethyst was sliced from chin to nose. With Emily bleeding out she wouldn't survive the trip so Amethyst had no choice but to comply when the admiral gave them an ultimatum, keep their lives by continuing to work for them completely isolated on an island nobody could find.
By the time Emily was conscious they were already in an old shack in the middle of nowhere. The island was surrounded on all sides by jagged rocks that prevented any boats other than the admirals from going in and out. Other than a small farm plot and a few scattered trees here and there the island was barren forcing them to rely on the supplies brought by the admiral at the end of every month. if their resorts didn't meet his standards they didn't get the supplies.
The rocky border prevented Emily from building anything to get them off the island and a shiny new tranquilizing collar kept Amethyst out of the water pushing swimming off the table. So they were trapped there for months, that is until a Ship that looked close to a narwhale crashed head first into Amethysts beloved garden.
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cookabeara · 3 months
Hi again! Just sort of curious: how do you avoid burnout as an artist? I myself used to draw a lot but I always end up getting frustrated and drop it all together for a while before picking up my pencil again and laying out some doodles. I see your art all the time on here (bc we stan a Gith w her cute werewolf gf 🩷)!!! What drives you and keeps you motivated? And when you do feel tired/burnt out, how do you restore that energy?
Hiiii 💞
honestly when I'm completely burnt out or unmotivated to draw, it really helps to just. Not Do It lmao. i completely put down the pencil. when i feel the frustration coming, it's a sign to stop and do other stuff. unfortunately, i do have to wrestle with the unnecessary anxiety of "but people expect art from me!" WHICH IS NOT TRUE!!!
i also find it good practice to just doodle or sketch at times. i'm a bit of a weirdo and most of the time when i have an idea it's something i see through to a finished colored piece. i have to remind myself it's okay to low-stress sketch for fun!!!!
i've always found my motivation...from myself, mostly LMAO. before i posted anything online i drew purely for myself. however it absolutely helps to have a supportive environment 😭 i get excited to share my art with people!!!
idk i guess it's very basic but. draw for yourself. i'm motivated to draw things because they're for ME!! everyone else is just along for the ride. does it help that i have others who enjoy what i create?? OF COURSE!!!! 💞💞💞 but it's all fun for me in the end.
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skulls-soul · 1 year
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These are some doodles that I made inspired by my bowuigi fanfiction golden pair in Ao3
I’m still working on chapter 3 is taking a long time just because things keep on getting in the way and motivation has been low
My brain is all over the place so I can’t stay on one thing for long like it’s jumping from wanting to read fanfiction to wanting to write fanfiction or wanting to see art to wanting to draw it so basically consume content or create content
Also I feel like my dyslexia really shines when it comes to hand writing things the bottom right drawing is supposed to say Luigi the human mannequin but as you can see I spelt mannequin very wrong
Also it’s not the best but I really love the doodle of Bowser taking Luigi and Luigi is just there with big tears internally probably being like (why do I always kept myself in the situation)
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