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Ooh love an ask game! Think Pink has incepted me, maybe some Bernard/Kon ( or Bernard + Kon)?
“Yeah, no, that is really not a thing that you need to be apologizing for,” he says. “Actually maybe I should be apologizing. Actually, no, I think reality should be apologizing? Like, that seems like the thing that should be apologizing right now. Christ, man, this is the worst thing I have heard since the last time a new apocalypse dropped. Well–second-to-last, in retrospect, actually the last one wasn’t really that impressive, it was just–uh, sorry, little off-topic there. Um . . . though I definitely feel like we should circle back to ‘do you have money and a roof over your head and maybe like a job or something’ as a question, if we could.”
“I mean, kinda,” Superboy says, shifting uncomfortably and glancing sidelong. Bernard does not love that, as a response. “It’s whatever, I’ve got it handled.”
Correction: Bernard does not even tolerate that, as a response.
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Pod-Together Day 3 Reveals 2024
hiraeth and hwyl (Howl's Moving Castle - All Media Types, Howl Series - Diana Wynne Jones, Howl no Ugoku Shiro | Howl's Moving Castle, Piranesi - Susanna Clarke, Betrayal at House on the Hill) created and performed by AirgiodSLV, CompassRose, ellejabell, epaulettes, kitkat50311, mahons_ondine, minnabird, and sisi_rambles Summary: You find yourself looking at a door. It looks like an ordinary door, but you’re somehow certain that it isn’t. In theory, you could open the door…but something warns you off. You might not survive, if you pass through that door. You might no longer be you.
I Could Eat A Peach for Hours [text, audio] (Stranger Things (TV 2016)) written by ArtaxLivs, performed by rufusbear Summary: “Robin, it’s fucking obscene.” “You’re obscene,” she squawks. “I am but he’s so much worse,” Eddie insists. “He just, oh my god, all week Robin. All. Fucking. Week.” “I do not need to know about your weird food kinks,” Robin makes a face and then pretends to gag. “It’s not a fucking food kink, it’s a Steve’s mouth kink,” Eddie growls.
Lost and Found (Firefly (TV 2002)) written by Ballad_of_Firefly, performed by InterstellarBlue Summary: Looking up, the apology died in his throat. Familiar brown eyes stared down at him and for a moment, he forgot how to breathe. They looked exactly like River's. Gabriel Tam's eyes narrowed. "Simon."
born to go through trouble (The Odyssey - Homer, EPIC - Jorge Rivera-Herrans (Albums), Ancient Greek Religion & Lore) written by BubblesKat, performed by ShakespeareStoleMyURL Summary: Something is wrong. I don’t understand what happened. I swore I was dreaming when I awoke inside the horse in Troy, but I was immediately discovered and killed. Then, I woke up again in the exact same circumstances. -- or, Odysseus finds himself in a time loop, waking up inside the Trojan horse over and over and over
The shadow of our Light (Shadowhunters (TV)) written by HadrianPeverellBlack, performed by Hagar Summary: Alec's and Jace's relationship. 5 times they thought they weren't enough for the other, and the one time they realized they were enough
Who is the Maestro? (SEVENTEEN (Band)) written by halotolerant, performed by pezzax Summary: Warning. Critical power failure. Metronome is offline. Do you wish to try again? - Wonwoo versus the AI
Meditations II: A Simple Method for Reducing Mental Distractions and Courting the Elusive Muse, by Professor Pankratz (Wiedźmin | The Witcher - All Media Types) written by LenaLawlipop, performed by Chantress and Luninarie Summary: The rustling of wind and chirping of birds can be heard, it’s warm… Not obscenely so, only just enough to make your eyes very, very heavy. Distantly, you can hear the professor writing, chalk on blackboard marking the steady passing of time until your next break. Soon, however, the rhythmic tap of the chalk comes to a halt. Too soon, in fact. It’s not time for that break yet. "Alright, everyone, close your books. Unfortunately, the time has come again. Once more, I find myself wondering, why is everyone so quiet? Am I perchance teaching something useful, against my better judgement?"
Or, a guided meditation for focus, based on mantras.
have you worked out what we’re looking for (Men's Hockey RPF) written by polyabathtub, performed by cosmicanon Summary: Things high school biology teacher Leon Draisaitl does not appreciate: - Being pulled out of one of his sections of freshman biology for three weeks - So that he can co-teach a junior year health class with PE teacher Matthew Tkachuk - Who is always encouraging his students to do things other than their homework, and has an easy job that doesn’t require him to spend his entire life lesson planning and grading - He’s also so unfairly hot that it makes it hard for Leon to remember that he’s in the closet at work
Dispatch [text, audio] (The Goblin Emperor Series - Katherine Addison) written by sophiegaladheon, performed by dontneedaclassroom Summary: Emperor Varenechibel IV has been killed and Csevet has been tasked with delivering the most important letter of his career as a courier.
Don't Hate the Player, Hate the Game: Episode 23 - Palmetto State Foxes (All For The Game - Nora Sakavic) created by Syr and Opalsong Summary: The sports podcast for people who don't like sports! Episode 23 focuses on Exy and the Palmetto State Foxes and the massive amounts of drama that happened this season. We didn't have to dig deep for this one folks; there was so much drama we didn't even get to it all.
So We Can Begin [text, audio] (Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) - All Media Types, Star Wars Prequel Trilogy) written by wanderingjedihistorian, performed by kbirb, flowerparrish, and wanderingjedihistorian Summary: Bail and Breha are soulmates, but they each have two soulmarks meaning they have a third soulmate. When Bail meets Fox, he knows he's found their third. The war makes Fox and Breha getting to know each other difficult, but messages and holo recordings are easy enough to send.
#podfic#fanfic#howl's moving castle#piranesi#betrayal at house on the hill#stranger things#firefly#the odyssey#shadowhunters#seventeen#the witcher#men's hockey rpf#the goblin emperor#all for the game#star wars the clone wars
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I was tagged by @forasecondtherewedwon—thanks, Second!—and I've done this one before but decided to do it again and try to not repeat any of the movies I did last time.
low-key no-pressure tagging some folks from my recent activity: @gabagal, @dontneedaclassroom, @birble-bobble, @butyoudowanttowrestle, @frontline-titties-of-the-fifth, @unreadwords, @fitzawkwarddarcy, @wittywallflower, @allyourflawsand, @wordybee and anyone else who wants to do this!
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I have an offering to read a podfic for Fandom Trumps Hate 2025! Bidding closes 8:00PM EST, 1 March 2025 so get in there!
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What are some beautiful games you've enjoyed lately? I just devoured Gris in one Sunday and it made me hungry for something else gorgeous. I'm interested in a strong stylized aesthetic backed up by excellent art, but lots of genres can scratch that itch for me. As random examples, in the past I've been struck by Child of Light, Transistor, Momodora: Reverie Under Moonlight, Rain World, even DubWars. Thanks!
“Beautiful” is kinda subjective, so I’m just going to hit as wide a range of well-realised aesthetics as possible – I’ll leave the judgment calls up to you!
Celeste - I’ve picked this one up again lately due to last month’s post-game DLC chapter. If you’ve been hesitant to try precision puzzle-platformers in the past, this is a great one to start with; it’s probably the best example I’ve ever seen of a game using its aesthetics to create a positive and encouraging atmosphere around gameplay that’s objectively very difficult. It’s literally the opposite of how most games in the genre go out of their way to mock the player’s failures.
FAR: Lone Sails - One of those “move from left to right in a continuously side-scrolling world where the story is told entirely through visuals” deals in the mode of Limbo and its various imitators, save that this one is shooting for melancholy rather than grotesque. The puzzle-platforming is enlivened by basic engineering-sim gameplay as you try to keep your landship fuelled and in good repair.
Flower - This one ain’t exactly recent, being a 2009 PS3 title, but the PC port finally came out just this year. You play as a… flower petal? Living breeze? It’s not 100% clear. Absolutely one to check out if you never got around to it – or just didn’t have a PS3 – on the first go-around.
Linelight - Most minimalist video games end up looking rather sparse and utilitarian, but this one’s a rare exception – it’s clearly put a lot of thought into what the minimal set of aesthetic features a game needs are, not just the minimal set of gameplay features.
The Moonstone Equation - An open-world puzzle platformer something like a Metroidvania, though there’s no combat and not much in the way of upgrades. Integrates with your system clock for time-of-day tracking, so you’ll have to play during the daytime at least occasionally; otherwise all the important NPCs will be asleep!
Neo Cab - A self-described “emotional survival simulator” about the last human cab driver in an increasingly automated city. Plays like an old-school dating sim (i.e., the kind with calendars and stats), except instead of juggling potential romances you’re trying to avoid pissing off your passengers. Fairly short, but with a fair amount of replay value.
Okami - I’m like 100% sure you’ve heard of this one already, but I’m name-checking it for the benefit of folks who didn’t know there’s a PC port. You play as a sun goddess incarnated as a wolf and run around beating stuff up Legend of Zelda style. The visuals look like an animated ink-brush painting.
OneShot - A classic meta mindscrew RPG in the style of Off, though this one’s considerably less violent – there’s no combat at all, in fact. This one’s gimmick is puzzles that acknowledge the medium, requiring you to do stuff like modify files on your hard drive and physically manipulate the game window (hint: don’t play in fullscreen). Features some of the best use of light and shadow I’ve ever seen in a retro pixel art title.
A Raven Monologue - An experimental kinetic novel that does some interesting things with reading direction. It’ll only take a few minutes to play, but it’s free, so it’s hard to beat the price!
Refunct - An atmospheric casual parkour sim. The goal is to make various structures change colour by jumping on them – picture Mirror’s Edge meets Q*Bert. It can be a bit vertigo-inducing, so maybe steer clear if you’re prone to motion sickness and/or have issues with heights, but otherwise there’s not a lot to stress out about – you can’t die, and even the worst platforming slipups are recoverable in under a minute.
She and the Light Bearer - You knew there was going to be at least one point-and-click adventure game on this list, and this is it. It’s definitely aimed at younger gamers who are maybe experiencing the genre for the first time, so you’re going to find the puzzles very elementary if you’re at all acquainted with the genre, but the art direction is fantastic, and sometimes it’s nice to solve puzzles with no moon logic!
Waking Mars - This is a tough one to describe. I guess it’s a bit like a cross between a Metroidvania and a gardening simulator? You play around with the ecosytsems of a network of caves below the Martian surface, trying to achieve specific biomass targets in order to unlock new areas. You’ll occasionally run into stuff that wants to kill you, but mostly you just… grow stuff.
As for forthcoming titles, you could also keep an eye on The Almost Gone, Genesis Noir, Haven, INMOST, The Last Campfire, Spiritfarer, Summer in Mara or Voyage.
#gaming#video games#video game recommendations#violence mention#death mention#swearing#dontneedaclassroom
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and here are davey (left) and phyllis (right) who were both named by @dontneedaclassroom and are currently unidentified
#my plants#my photos#tater tot talks#idk why it keeps not tagging people but#@dontneedaclassroom#dontneedaclassroom#but also ive decided that theyre like ransom and holster and inseparable best buds#davey and phyllis
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dontneedaclassroom replied to your post “daemon fic, eheheheh The new captain’s daemon wasn’t visible. That...”
I thought you might like to know that this little sliver of a fic was what got me to actually pick up the books and read them - thanks for that! :)
oh my gosh wow um
I’m surprised and glad and I hope you enjoy them :)
#dontneedaclassroom#replies#radch blogging#i'm not sure why that ficlet was particularly intriguing but then again i've definitely read daemon fanfics for fandoms i'm not in#niche au genres bring people together
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Tokens and Gestures
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2l54VjQ
by dontneedaclassroom
Dorian and Bull kill a dragon (with some help from the Chargers). Dorian feels inspired.
Words: 1748, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Dragon Age: Inquisition
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Iron Bull, Dorian Pavus
Relationships: Iron Bull/Dorian Pavus
Additional Tags: Dragon hunting, not a wedding, i mean what is the technical definition of "wedding" anyway, that's definitely not what Dorian is suggesting why would you think that
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2l54VjQ
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I can't do time zones but if I'm not too late what about a/b/o where Yuuri is secretly an alpha? And like his terrible self esteem and anxiety make him present like a beta, except he wants to impress the Most Beautiful Omega Victor so Bad his eros come roaring out of him for one goddamn time in his life
SADLY ENOUGH I am seriously uninterested in Alpha Yuri???? like I am not anti but I don’t care for it enough to fic it. I’m sorry!
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dontneedaclassroom replied to your post “Hi Carrie!! So I was hoping you could help rec me some fantasy novels...”
Specifically for Terry Pratchett, for a 13-yo I'd recommend the 4 Tiffany Aching books, starting with the Wee Free Men, Lords and Ladies, Men at Arms, and Monstrous Regiment. Lois McMaster Bujold's Cordelia's Honor (contains 2 books
YES! these are great specifics it’s pretty late where i am so i’m like... buhhh.. all of terry pratchett. yes good. thank you for the titles though.
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