#dont mind how badly this is written
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fips suffering for 1,8k words straight, ft. trans fips
request from: me
(cw: angst, unsafe binding)
Fips starrte direkt gerade aus. Sein Tag war absolut beschissen gewesen. Zwar war ihm, unglücklicherweise, mehr als bewusst, dass sein Ruf in der Öffentlichkeit schon länger eher miserabel statt geachtet und respektiert ist, jedoch konnte er diese ätzenden Möchtegern-Kritiker und Promi-Tratsch Zeitungen weniger und weniger leiden.
‘Santa habe ihn zerstört’ hieß es seit neustem überall. Pff. Als ob.
Dass Klaus selber Musik machte, hatte ihn noch nie wirklich gestört. Dass er ihm somit jegliche Art der Aufmerksamkeit wegnahm, die er überhaupt noch bekam, schon eher. Um genau zu sein, sehr sogar.
Fips’ Selbstbewusstsein war noch nie sonderlich hoch oder stabil gewesen. Er tat zwar gerne so, als würde ihn die Meinung Anderer nicht interessieren und als wäre er ohnehin der Beste, aber in wie fern er sich selbst mit diesem Schauspiel überzeugen konnte, war eher fragwürdig. Ohne die Bestätigung die ihm seine Fans früher gaben, war es deutlich einfacher für ihn in alte Verhaltensmuster und Anfälle von Hass und Wut zu verfallen.
Und da es an sich keine spezifische Person gab, die verantwortlich war für seinen ‘Absturz’, wie es das Internet gern nannte, fraß er das meiste in sich hinein. Wie früher schon, damals, vor mehreren Jahrhunderten. Statt zu versuchen, gesund mit diesen Emotionen umzugehen, versuchte er eher, sie zu ignorieren.
Leider ging er so allerdings auch schneller an die Decke. In letzter Zeit fuhr er so ziemlich jeden an, der auch nur eine Kleinigkeit falsch macht in seinen Augen. Egal worum es ging. Zwar war er nie absichtlich gewalttätig, oder fügte Menschen langfristige Verletzungen zu, aber nach und nach verlor er mehr und mehr die Kontrolle. Oft realisierte er auch erst im Nachhinein, wie groß die Ausmaßen seiner Wut wirklich waren.
Hilfe suchen war keine Option. Niemals. Bei wem denn auch? Bei seinen Brüdern? Vergiss es. Er durfte nicht schwach vor ihnen sein, das hatte er sich vor unzähligen Jahren geschworen. Er musste stark sein. Er schaffte das alles auch allein. Etwas anderes war undenkbar.
Wie würde er denn vor den Anderen dastehen? Oft genug hatte er schon alles vermasselt, war zu tollpatschig, um Dinge selbst hinzubekommen oder nicht stark genug. Seine Brüder wussten das natürlich. Sie trauten ihm nichts mehr zu. Keiner von ihnen hatte wirklich Respekt vor ihm und auch noch nie gehabt.
Warum auch? In ihren Augen wäre er für immer nichts weiter als der kleine, tollpatschige und schwache Bruder, den niemand wirklich da haben möchte. Warum sollten sie ihn denn auch als etwas anderes sehen, wenn diese Beschreibung doch so gut zu ihm passt?
Er hasste es. Hasste es, der jüngste von allen zu sein. Hasste es, nicht die gleiche körperliche Stärke aufweisen zu können, wie seine Brüder. Hasste seinen Körper. Hasste sich selbst.
Natürlich wusste Fips, dass er weder für sein Alter noch für seine Biologie etwas konnte, und trotzdem regte letztere ihn mehr auf als alles andere. Warum, Gott, warum war er der einzige, der so herausstach? Warum durften seine Brüder alle genau das sein, was er immer werden wollte? Es war unfair. Es war immer schon unfair.
Zugegeben, als sie Kinder waren, war es deutlich schlimmer als heute, aber ‘gut’ wäre es noch lange nicht.
Fips hatte seinen Körper schon immer gehasst. Zumindest seitdem er sich von denen seiner Brüder unterschieden hat. Warum musste er denn auch als einziger nicht biologisch als Junge geboren werden? Was hatte er denn getan, um nicht dazu zu gehören?
Das erste Mal, dass ihn das wirklich gestört hatte, war, als die Nonnen begannen, ihn anders als die anderen zu behandeln. Ihm wurden die Haare nicht geschnitten, er bekam andere Kleidung, er musste andere Aufgaben erledigen. Es war zum Kotzen. Und auch seine Brüder behandelten ihn irgendwie anders, gingen anders mit ihm um, als miteinander.
Es half auch nicht, dass sein Körper sich mit den Jahren mehr und mehr entwickelte, und das nicht in die Richtung, die er gerne hätte. Seine Brüder bekamen Stoppeln, tiefere Stimmen und Körperstärke. Was bekam er? Oberweite und Menstruationen!
Zu dem Zeitpunkt, an dem sein Körperbau sichtlich anders war, wusste er längst, dass er kein Mädchen ist. Er hatte dies seinen Brüdern auch erzählt, wenn auch extrem nervös und aufgeregt. Er hatte ihnen gestanden, dass er die Femininität seines Namens nicht leiden konnte, und sie gebeten, ihn Fips zu nennen. Früher war es nur ein Spitzname gewesen, der ab und an mal gefallen war aber nie große Ernsthaftigkeit trug, doch so wurde er zu seinem richtigen Namen.
Seine Brüder hatten ihn überraschenderweise akzeptiert und selbst wenn sie sich ab und an schwer taten, versuchten sie ihn nicht anders zu behandeln. Seitdem waren sie fünf Brüder. Keine Schwester mehr. Endlich.
Doch so sehr sich die anderen auch bemühten, ihn so zu behandeln, wie er es wollte, fühlte sich Fips manchmal verarscht von ihnen. Auch wenn sie es nie zugaben, hatten scheinbar nicht alle ihr inneres Bild von ihm verändert. Klaus war deutlich beschützender ihm gegenüber als den anderen. Und das sollte was heißen, schließlich spielte Klaus schon immer gerne den Beschützer für alle.
Ständig versuchte er Fips, die schweren Aufgaben abzunehmen, oder ihm zu helfen. Und während dies nur nett oder zuvorkommend gemeint war, wurde Fips nur genervt von ihm. Traute er ihm denn nichts zu? Glaubte er wirklich, Fips würde das nicht allein hinbekommen? Rhun war nicht anders. Zwar wurde Fips keine körperliche Hilfe angeboten, jedoch war Rhun, ebenfalls wie Klaus, ihm beschützerischer gegenüber als sonst irgendwem.
Selbst nachdem sie alle das Kloster verlassen hatten, kam Rhun mehr als einmal bei ihm vorbei, als wäre es zur Kontrolle, dass ihm auch ja nichts passiert sei. Sie lebten alle allein, warum zur Hölle wurde denn nur er besucht? Nichts trauten sie ihm zu.
Über die Jahre schottete Fips sich mehr und mehr von den anderen ab. Er brauchte sie nicht. Er brauchte ihre Hilfe nicht. Wenn es Probleme gab, konnte er diese auch allein lösen. Er war stark genug. Er musste es ihnen beweisen.
So vergingen Jahre, Jahrzehnte, Jahrhunderte. Seine magischen Kräfte wurden stärker, doch der Hass auf seinen Körper nahm nicht ab. Man könnte doch meinen, er hätte irgendwie die Option, mit Hilfe von Magie irgendwie seinen Körper zu verändern. Aber nein. Natürlich nicht. Fips konnte zwar Wunden heilen, aber dadurch wurde der Körper ja nur in seinen ursprünglichen Zustand zurückgesetzt, nicht in etwas neues verformt.
Je älter er wurde, desto mehr Möglichkeiten hatte er, sich selbst maskuliner aussehen zu lassen. Zur Zeit des 21. Jahrhunderts gab es dann auch Geschlechtsumwandlungen, aber da keiner der Wächte wirklich gescheite, legale Dokumente besaß (war auch schwer, wenn man über 500 Jahre alt ist) war dies keine wirkliche Option.
Wirkliches Interesse daran hatte er auch nicht. Inzwischen hatte er genug Mittel und Wege, um ohne medizinische Behandlungen seinen Körper zu verstecken.
Die Verbände um seine Brust waren zwar echt nicht gesund und das wusste er auch, aber das hielt ihn nicht auf. Seine Rippen taten ständig weh unter dem Druck, und bei jeder Dusche fielen ihm die unzähligen blauen Flecken auf seiner Brust ins Auge, und er war sich ziemlich sicher, wenn seine Brüder wüssten was er seinem Körper antat, würden sie ihm eigenhändig die Bandagen abnehmen und verbieten. Aber seine Brust wirkte flach und alles andere war ihm egal.
Und wenn schon. Ein paar blaue Flecken machen doch nichts. Und zur Not konnte er seinen Körper immer wieder heilen.
Und nun stand er, wie so oft schon, in seinem Badezimmer und starrte stumm nach vorne. Die Augen, auf die er traf, starrten mit der gleichen Emotionslosigkeit zurück. Oh, wie er sein Spiegelbild hasste.
An neutralen Tagen war es ihm relativ egal. An guten Tagen schaute er sogar gerne in den Spiegel. An schlechten Tagen mied er jegliche Art der Reflektion seines Abbildes.
Heute war grauenhaft. Alles sah falsch aus. Er sah falsch aus. Alles störte ihn.
Sein Kiefer wirkte zu weich, seine Wangen genauso, seine Schultern zu schmal, und auf seine Brust wollte er nicht mal einen Blick wagen. Seine Haare fielen ihm über die Stirn. Wenigstens waren sie nicht schon wieder übertrieben lang gewachsen.
Fips konnte sich noch glasklar erinnern als seine Brüder ihm das erste Mal heimlich die Haare geschnitten hatten. Sie waren damals sieben gewesen, die anderen hatten von den Nonnen alle die Haare geschnitten bekommen, nur er nicht. Er hatte zwar nachgefragt, jedoch meinten die Nonnen, er solle seine ‘schönen, langen Haare nicht ruinieren. Kurze Haare seien nur etwas für Jungs’, meinten sie.
An diesem Abend, nach dem Gottesdienst, hatte er Klaus gefragt, ob der ihm nicht die Haare schneiden könne. Und obwohl dieser extrem zögerlich war, konnte er zu Fips betteln, nicht nein sagen. Nach kurzer Zeit fielen dutzende Strähnen langer Haare auf seine viel zu große Kleidung, die er sich von Klaus geliehen hatte. (Er hatte sich oft Kleidung geliehen. Die Kleidung seiner Brüder war größer und verdeckte somit seinen Körper besser.)
Das Endergebnis war vielleicht etwas unordentlich und durcheinander gewesen, aber Fips hatte seinen Bruder trotzdem fest und dankbar umarmt.
Er würde nie die Reaktion der Nonnen vergessen als sie ihn am nächsten Morgen mit kurzen Haaren trotz ihrer Verneinung sahen, und auch nicht die Strafe und den Tadel, die er bekam. Allerdings würde er auch nicht vergessen, wie frei er sich gefühlt hatte. Als ob eine Last von ihm genommen wäre.
Und jetzt stand Fips da, elend wie lang nicht mehr, und angewidert von seinem Spiegelbild.
Er hob langsam eine Hand und fuhr sich selbst über seine Wange. Wenig überraschend war sie komplett flach. Weich. Keine Stoppeln, nichts. Es wäre zwar echt unlogisch gewesen, wenn er auf einmal, nach all den Jahren Gesichtsbehaarung gehabt hätte, abgesehen von der Hasennase natürlich, aber dennoch enttäuschte ihn die Textur fast ein wenig.
Fips wusste noch, wie neidisch er damals gewesen war, als seine Brüder anfingen, Stoppeln zu bekommen. Rhun hatte sich mal beschwert, wie oft eine Rasur nötig war, um keinen Bart zu bekommen, und Fips hatte sich inständig gewünscht, überhaupt diese Möglichkeit zu haben.
Sein Spiegelbild starrte ihn genauso hasserfüllt zurück, wie er es anstarrte, und bevor er es wusste, stieß er eine Druckwelle von sich. Eine kräftige noch dazu, wenn man bedachte, dass der Spiegel prompt in dutzende Scherben zersprang. Den dazugehörigen Schrei hatte Fips komplett ausgeblendet.
Woher kam diese plötzliche Wut? Er hatte keine Ahnung. Alles war wohl zu viel geworden. Diese gottverdammte, aufgestaute Energie. Scheinbar konnte er sich erneut nicht kontrollieren. Wieder einmal. Großartig.
Vielleicht hatten seine Brüder doch recht. Allein bekommt er wohl offensichtlich doch nichts auf die Reihe, wenn ihn unwichtige Kleinigkeiten schon auf die Palme brachten.
Tief atmend fiel sein Blick auf den zerbrochenen Spiegel vor sich. Wie war das noch gleich mit dem Aberglauben? Scherben bringen Glück? Aber ein zerbrochener Spiegel bringt doch auch sieben Jahre Pech?
Scheißegal. Warum kümmerte es ihn überhaupt? Es gab wichtigeres zu tun. Diese drecks Scherben waren doch nur wieder ein Zeichen seiner Schwäche, wie instabil er doch war. Er konnte das nicht zulassen. Er musste stark bleiben. Egal unter welchen Konsequenzen.
Mit zusammen gebissenen Zähnen, geballten Fäusten und gekonnt ignorierten, heißen Tränen die ihm über die Wange liefen, verließ Fips das Bad und sah sich zornig in seiner Umgebung um, vielleicht in der Hoffnung sich mit irgendetwas abzuregen um sich nicht weiter in seine Wut rein zu steigern.
Er schafft das alles auch allein. Er braucht die anderen nicht. Er ist auch so stark genug.
Er wird es ihnen schon noch zeigen.
#jcu#osterhase (jcu)#osterhase#fips#he is suffering#a lot#poor guy#dont mind how badly this is written#i lowkey gave up halfway through but also didnt want to start over entirely#am very sorry#also posted on ao3 !
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youd think that making a story that kind of hinges on its conclusion would mean that i would get around to actually writing the outline of that extremely important conclusion one of these days but no ive been putting that off for multiple fuckin years
#dont mind me just thinking about my ocs. i made a character that constantly fears the unknown and worries about his future and feels#utterly incapable of influencing or stopping any events that happen to him and hes always fucking miserable because he can see into the dam#future and yet he never gets to predict the positive things that he wants to see no matter how badly he wishes for some kind of clear#directions that he can follow to ensure that he never has to suffer because he struggles to understand that he has autonomy and that he#actually does have the capability to make choices and that his life isnt predetermined for misery and that his life doesnt have to be#confined to the narrative blah blah blah. and i. still havent written. how he gets out of that situation. I DONT KNOW!!#i mean i do have some ideas but idk idkkk. the problem with making an indecisive character who's worried about the narrative not being in#his favor is that he is very loosely based on the indevisive author who's worried about the narrative not being perfect enough. scream.#anyway. sigh. ill get around to it. i promise. i have to for his sake i cant just leave him in middle of his misery that would be so unfair#anis gaymer moments#oc tag
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look at these images that are seemingly unrelated to each other. what do you see?







#(hello alt text my new frienddddddd)#and if i tried to grasp at straws in this kinda way for any other ship i’d be rightfully shipped off to the closest therapist’s office#(didnt include the novels bc the way they’re written there *could* be seen as legit reasons to ship them so i’ll at least give ‘em that)#(like. ik it’s a bit of a stretch… especially since yujiro literally slapped some sense back into her in the nonfan mv chapter)#(but what i’ve seen of the heroiku novel (rip asuka) may seem to be written with that certain ship in mind. so. i’ll give them that)#these are just the most bizzare of the ‘yhy proof’ that i’ve seen lately. so. y��know. they’re just the ones that stick out to me#and that’s all i’ll say on the matter. i was gonna just leave it at my previous post but#it’s just. seeing someone say that the mv was *not* nghy (and yhy instead) was kind of too much. y’know.#yeah. i want everyone on hwtwt to touch grass. except ft4twt bc they’re cool.#like… man. i can’t believe there are people who claim to be hiyori fans only to say ‘i dont care if hiyori is happy. i want *yhy canon*’#why can’t you just be happy for her and her childhood friend romance? why do you want an idol to date his manager so badly?#ngl im wondering if it’s like a sunk-cost fallacy for some of them… considering how many times i’ve seen ‘koiiro’ and ‘8 years’ being said#but oh welllllllll. either way nghy canon. end of story.
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Was having so much fun replaying p3p that I forgot that this game is bad lol
#the klock keeps ticking#i gotta get my ranting gear on its happening again#just got to the part where its revealed that shadow experiments happened at the school 10 years prior#and yeah its as badly written as I remember lol#like first off it really is just kinda like ‘ah yes the kirijo group experimented on kids and created the dark hour and we’re being#recruited to clean up their mess’ and the only one who seems to care is yukari but then like#oooh she cant be mad after all cuz her dad was in on it or whatever#and my favorite fucking guy Ikutski is there with a smile like ah yes yes the fucked up shit ah well anyways lets keep fighting lol#and its like briefly mentioned so fucking casually that mitsurus family involved her in this shit and forced her to awaken to a persona#when she was like 8 and you know. now she has to act as a tool to clean up their mess#and it’s like hold up now. why arent we talking about this aaaaaaa just gonna drop that bomb and leave#my favorite fucking part though is like afterwards all the little scenes we get of the characters processing this information#none really seeming to care all that much about the fucked up part theyre just like ‘damn the dark hour is gonna end’#and we get some of that iconic p3 dialogue where characters just look into the camera and explain their trauma before walking away#akihiko just goes up to shinji to be like ‘hey lol remember that we’re both orphans and thats how we know each other and also my sister#anyway Keep Looking Forward™️ bye’ and then fuuka looks into the camera like#‘yes btw my parents have an inferiority complex and thats why they abuse me which is why i dont mind being manipulated’#like she just. says that its so funny this game was written by a toaster#its so frustrating cuz the conflict could be so interesting but they handle it soooo boring and ignore all the parts that shouldnt be#oh mitsuru dont worry ill write you a better game to be in#come to the fat lesbian party where we kill the kirijo group with hammers
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Gonna be mean look away
But just saw a post about how Gwen/Arthur have amazing chemistry on Merlin...okay
#look gwen is cute and badass af#but cmon her and lancelot were everything#arthur is always on his best behaviour around her it feels so fake#he has more chemistry with the girls when he was under a spell lmao#a*wen is the thing I dislike the most like pls I don't care what you ship#and actually some of their scenes are cute and I dont mind them genuinely a few are sweet to me#but generally I think they were badly written and their romance came outta nowhere#so seeing a post about how they had amazing chemistry just made me laugh#like you do you#but uh#nah#they both had way more chemistry with other people than each other#plus gwen being embroiled in this romance plot could get tedious when she had so much more she could do#pls dont @ me
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✧・゚: *✧・゚:* 𝕗****𝕕 𝕦𝕡 ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*

𝐫𝐢𝐩 𝐦𝐲 𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐭, 𝐤𝐢𝐬𝐬 𝐦𝐲 𝐧𝐞𝐜𝐤, 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐨𝐰 𝐦𝐞 𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐟𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐫 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥 𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐦𝐞 𝐬𝐰𝐞𝐚𝐭…
synopsis: deciding to ask choso to switch roles!
themes: sub!choso, dom!reader, orgasm denial, edging, nicknames, begging, reader is evil, choso is just a little guy
characters: choso <3 love my boy and hate gege
a/n: hi very happy to be back, excited to write more. everything i’ve written previously is deleted from my page bc i want to start fresh haha. college is destroying my hopes and dreams rn. also, i didnt proofread this like at all and its 4am, so just like, ignore my fuck ups please ily
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・.

choso! ur a super freak!
He wont show it, but he is already cumming at the thought of it. He is 110% a switch, but has been taking the dominant role since you seemed so sweet and eager to let him use you to do whatever he pleased.
“baby, I dont know how you feel about it and maybe it’s weird for me to say but… do you mind if I take the lead a little?”
That caught him off guard. Like totally off guard. As he was taking off your shirt his hands froze and his assault on your neck paused, He blinked a few times and asked to make sure thats really what he heard, “…you mean like, you want to be dominant?”
You shyly nod and continue to run your hands through the hair at the nape of his neck, his signature buns starting to unravel, somehow making him even hotter. God, you wanted to eat him alive.
After a few more seconds of processing, he quietly responds, “…yes love”
You feel him slowly kiss the marks he left you on your collarbone, his hands now gently reaching to remove your shirt. As he goes to lift it over your head, he moves back to allow you some space to wriggle the tight material past your shoulders. You catch a glimpse of his face right as he backs up, his face a bright red and his eyes looking glossy, he looks perfectly pitiful. Wow… you never realized how badly you have wanted to do this.
You manage to free yourself from your constricting top, taking off your bra as well. Choso watches you, his eyes following your every move, scanning your body. It’s obvious how down bad this poor boy is for you. You had never expected him to be this eager about switching roles.
The upper half of your clothing now gone, the red LED lights around the border of Choso’s room making your skin look flawless and irresistible. You swear you can see the poor boy drooling over you, waiting for you to order him around, use him, and make him a sobbing mess. He’s sitting in front of you on the bed, his hands tentatively resting on your thighs, staring at you with those sleepy dark eyes. He still had a bit of eyeliner on from earlier in the day, now starting to smudge and give him adorable tear stains. “okay cho… please strip for me baby”, you coo, wanting to mark up that broad muscular chest of his.
He slips his black compression tee over his head in one fluid motion, exposing his perfect abs and those sexy tattoos trailing down them leading to his hips. He stops and begins to run his hands from your waist to your tits, awaiting more instruction, already beet red and breathing fast. His heart is beating so fast that it starts to make him dizzy with lust. “I said strip cho. everything. be a good boy for me okay?”
You have never seen your man this worked up in the entirety of your relationship before. He moves at what seems like lightening speed, tearing off his pants, looking at you for approval as you nod for him to take off his boxers too. His dick springs out with possibly the hardest and angriest boner you’ve ever seen. You motion with your head for him to lay down, crawling on top of him and hovering your clothed pussy over his dripping dick. His eyes begging you to fuck him, he begins to snake his hands around your hips, trying to get you to at least touch him. “no cho, hands up by the headboard.” you say, pulling his wrists together and pinning them above his head. “if you move them I’m not letting you cum today.”
Choso nods immediately, knowing that he’d rather die than not be allowed to finish tonight. You make eye contact and slowly dip down to meet his lips with yours, your hand sliding down his arm from his wrists, gently caressing his muscular tattooed biceps. “you belong to me, got it cho?” you purr against his lips. He lets out an erotic whimper in response, which honestly takes both of you by surprise. You pause and let it replay in your head a few times before saying, “I’m totally breaking you tonight. how did I never know you had such a cute little submissive side?”
You move your hand to gently squeeze his throat and rejoin his lips, tongue grazing gently along his lips, his occasionally meeting yours. And while Choso has a submissive side, he’s still freaky. As you move to pull away, he nips at your bottom lip, making you moan in response, “god I love you.”
You begin to move down his body, leaving little nips and kisses on the way to his beautiful abs. You glance up at his flustered face as you start to fill the gaps between his tattoos with little hickies to mark your territory. “no one else is allowed to see you like this, alright cho? mmmm fuck, no one..” you moan against his skin. You love the idea of your love bites being shown off in his weekly gym pictures.
Choso is squirming, overwhelmed at the sensation of you kissing by his v-line. “..mmm pl-please y/n… ohmygo-d yes pleaseee…” he rambles, his eyes squeezing shut and his eyeliner now officially all over his cheeks, complimenting the long tattoo over the center of his nose. His hair has almost completely fallen out of his buns, now tangled and fanned out around his face. He really does look angelic. And pitiful. You just want to ruin him.
“please what baby? please stop? its too much and i should stop?” you tease as you reduce your love bites to feathered kisses, barely touching his skin. “n-nooo please no i w-want mmore~ please baby y/n p-pleas- oh my go- god fuck!” he begs, his mouth agape and his hips writhing to try to get any pressure remotely to his dick.
You decide that since he has been so good (and you just want to make him a whimpering mess) he deserves a little treat. Your lips ghost down his thigh and to his balls, placing a gentle kiss to them. You quickly suck on your fingers to give them some lube while making sure Choso has a good view, and begin to stroke his shaft. With the way Choso is moaning, you speed up your movements, twirling your fingers over his angry, dripping tip and the end of every motion. Your other arm wraps around one of his thighs, doing your best to pin him in place. His hand slid down sneakily to rest atop your head, lacing his fingers through your hair. Your tongue found a sweet spot towards the base of his balls, eliciting a loud “FUCK oh my- fuck y-yes y/n there!” You continue stroking him and swirling your tongue against his sensitive spots until he is shaking, his hips desperately attempting to buck upwards. Right as he is about to finish, you remove your hands and sit back, away from his cock.
You smile, taking in the gorgeous sight before you. Choso is breathing in loud pants, whimpering and shaking from the abrupt stop of the stimulation. His eyes are teary, his makeup smeared, and his lips are glossy from your kisses. Trailing down, there is a line of love bites leading to his tattoos. His lower abdomen is drenched in slick precum. “baby please p-please keep going~” he begs in between pants.
You giggle slightly sadistically and gently run your fingertips around his v-line and base of his dick. Moving your head up, you give him a sloppy kiss, again inciting cute whimpers from his throat. “cho love, you remember what I said earlier about your hands? Dont think I didnt notice baby…”
Choso lets out a loud moan in protest, begging you for a second chance.
Luckily for him…. the clock just hit midnight.
ending a/n: thank u for reading!! please send in requests my asks are open! or just talk to me!! love u guys and im so excited to be back! :)
#anime#jjk#jujutsu kaisen#manga#choso kamo#gojo satoru#geto suguru#choso smut#choso x reader#jjk choso#jjk headcanons#jjk x reader#jjk smut#jjk fanfic#jjk oneshot#choso imagine
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But look at you
Look, i’m sorry?? i dont know WHAT this is! but enjoy?? also let me know if i missed any cw??
Leon Kennedy x F!Reader, co-workers who used to hate each other.
CW: MDNI, 18+, badly written, female anatomy for reader, Leons POV, no real descriptors of reader, it’s smut, public.

It was all snarling, glaring at each other from across the room, snapping answers, disgust in those eyes, a build of resentment…until it wasn’t. Then, oh then it was all searing kisses, heavy hands, hushed whispers, and smothered moans.
That’s how he found himself in this position, his thighs pressed to the back of hers, one hand pushing her down while the other covered her mouth. She was pressed against the door, couldn’t have someone walking in after all. But he had no patient to wait anymore, not with her behaviour earlier. He felt her squirm, try to move away a slew of ‘s’too much Leon…please, can’t’ falling from her.
So, what was he to do? Push further, his hips spearing him forwards so he could feel her wrap around him again. “No, no princess, be good for me. Know you can” and oh she could, like this. Whining and whimpering below him, taking him over and over as she lost herself in the feeling. Of their warmth colliding, the sounds of how much she could take him filling the small space. Felt her tighten around him, suck him in further “God baby, you say it’s too much but look at you”.
He leant forward, pressing his back to hers and wrapping a hand around her waist. His hand moving to that puffy sensitive bundle right between her legs, earning him more moans and he moved his hand from her mouth to her jaw so he could press a wet kiss to her lips. His hips stuttering further forwards as he felt her gush over him. A moan leaving his mouth as he licked his tongue into her mouth, his tongue fucking her as he came closer and closer. Her breath hitching, her nails digging into the wood of the door.
Suddenly, he was impossibly close his arms wrapped as he stilled inside her and his head fell down to her shoulder, using the fabric of her work shirt to muffle his groans as he comes, his own thighs shaking his breath trembling and his muscles flexing. His mouth running faster than his mind “so good for me baby, see didn’t need to act out. Would give you what you wanted, just had to wait a bit. Feeling better? Yea you are, look at you all dazed like that”.
And then he was pulling out, using his tie to wipe the drool from her mouth and pressing another kiss to her lips. Pulling his pants up, helping wipe their mess from her thighs. His tie was ruined, that much was obvious as he pulled her panties up and her skirt down. “c’mon pretty, gotta get back to work”
#Leon Kennedy#leon s kennedy#leonkennedy#leon kennedy x reader#leon kennedy re4#RE4R#leon x reader#resident evil#leon kennedy smut#leonkennedysmut#resident evil 4#residentalevil4#i dont know what this is either
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uhnmm….. I dont know if this is where I do a request but could you do needy bottom dottore if you’re ok with it 👉👈
Dottore x gn!reader
Have not written in a hot minute!!!
Warning I didn't know what gender you preferred so if some of it seems aimed towards a certain gender I apologize I found it a little difficult to make it gender neutral but you can always request me again to make another version! I will happily do so! 😁
Slight/ very ooc!!?
Dottore is known as the cruel, crazy doctor. The banished student, and heretic of the Akedemyia. The cold, and erratic 2nd harbinger of Snezhnaya. Frightening rumors surround him like a shroud of mystery. So who would've guessed such a terrifying man would be such a needy one in bed?
Of course you don't mind! You're Dottore's lover how could you possibly dislike it? When you guys first got into a relationship, sex was not even brought up. It took so long just to get a few kisses! He's a very professional man so he tries to keep his pda in check.
As a lover, you have no complaints. He's devoted to you, loves you. He'd do anything for you, and kill for you. Dottore is a very surprisingly good lover, and you adore him. During his work he can be more stiff. To others he is cold and arrogant, smart, crazy, and frightening. In bed though? Different story!!!
🧪needy bottom Dottore was a surprise but not one you were going to take for granted.
🧪Needy Dottore begging and moaning for more
🧪 Dottore digging his nails into your back because he just needs you to hurry and fuck him hard and deep?
🧪Needy Dottore begging and babbling for you to let him cum because he needs it so so badly, and you love him don't you? So you'll let him?
🧪 gets impatient if you're too slow or too gentle so he'll start fucking himself, and moan like a slut to get your attention.
🧪 Dottore after a long work day when he just wants to get all those calculations and experiment thoughts fucked out of him
🧪needy, needy Dottore clinging on to you, begging for your touch because he needs to not think for a while, the work and annoying coworkers stressing him out?
🧪sharp, pointy teeth biting down on your shoulders or arms when the pleasure becomes too much to handle
🧪needy Dottore asking you to keep going even though you've made him cum like thrice, and he'd gladly give you an aphrodisiac if you need help with stamina
🧪Dottore bringing your hand to his throat asking you to choke him, throw him around a little, manhandle him, like he knows you can because he doesn't want gentle sex right now he want it rough, and sloppy?
🧪needy Dottore asking for you to scratch him up or bite on him like a chew toy during sex because he wants your marks to last and doesn't mind a little blood, in fact it excites him?
🧪needy Dottore sobbing, babbling "I'm sorry" when you won't let him cum because he was snippy with you today and he can't take it anymore, he just needs to cum! Dottore swears up and down and promises he won't have an attitude anymore, even though you know he will.
This was very short, but I haven't written nafw headcanons for Dottore like ever this is my first time! So I know it's short and I hoped you liked it, if you want more y'all just tell me and I'll try making it longer!
#genshin impact il dottore#il dottore x reader#sub dottore#genshin impact headcanons#genshin impact smut#dottore x reader#dottore#dottore x reader smut#dottore smut
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Trace's Forum Post
By popular demand: the text version of Trace's forum rant that I recited on Eidolon EDM episode 0. I made this several months ago as a way to try and solidify her personality and voice in my head.
>If you want to go back to Earth so badly, why don't you just move in with a human? There's gotta be a bunch of 'em that'd love to have a dolphin roommate.
this post was written by a human. i have no idea what you get out of browsing a cetacean forum but whatever floats your boat i guess.
and before some asshole butts in goin 'why are you assuming theyre human they could be a manatee or something'
no. fuck no. only a human would be stupid enough to make that suggestion.
in the extremely unlikely event im wrong [which im not because im a genius], heres why thats a really bad idea and you should be embarrassed for even thinking it.
dolphin fans are maniacs. like we all make fun of horses here and their spindly-ass legs and how nothing about their body makes any sense and someone politely chuckling a mile away could startle them into throwing themselves off a cliff. but horse people have nothing on dolphin people. its a whole other fuckin level.
yeah sure lets play this scenario out, lets get all hypothetical. i move in with someone rich enough and weird enough to spend a completely absurd amount of money bringing me back from the moon and also constructing an aquarium for me inside their presumably giant apartment or mansion or whatever. do you know what happens to dolphins in this situation? like, historically? wild shit. dolphin people dont want to just be your friend. they want to make a spiritual connection, whatever the hell that means. theyll spend hours every day talking to you like youre a baby, assuming that if they do it enough, theyll one day wake up to you reciting a sonnet to them. theyll put drugs in your fish hoping to 'expand your mind' and form a 'psychic connection'. theyll do shit with electrodes. and if you somehow do not immediately try to get your smooth ass out of there, its fuckin over for you. youll become a shadow of your former self, doing flips on command and squeaking out the best approximation you can manage for 'i love you, janice' to get just one more treat.
ive seen that shit happen. its fucking bad.
so no, i will not be taking your advice. im gonna get rich and then ill use my own goddamn money to buy a ticket back and then create a sickass aquarium mansion with reefs. and if i really want some human companionship ill just dangle some grant money in front of some middle-aged marine biologists whose idea of a good day is proving that an abyssal sea cucumber hasnt gone extinct yet. they understand what im about more than any 'dolphin fan' and are just as depressed as me.
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What are your thoughts on Crowfeather's Trial? I already know how you feel about my other least favorite super editions so I'm curious about your opinions on this one lol
I think at best it's just okay. Like...it feels like they're going "see!! We're holding him accountable!!" But then they just kinda...dont?? Like I didn't feel any differently about Crowfeather by the end than I did when I started. There's parts I like about it but overall it just fell flat for me
Like how am I supposed to like this guy when he's just constantly a dick?? he can't stand Harespring for some reason, there's a moment where he's like "I wish my son was dead" and when Nightcloud goes missing he barely gives a damn and doesn't bother to even try and look for her
Anyways I'll forever be mad that they gave this guy a whole super edition and he'll probably have the most dramatic death ever while Leafpool suffered her entire life (and afterlife) and got killed off screen. Hoping he gets jumped by rats and dies from infection
I'm not a big fan of it. It's one of the better written SEs and has a clear goal in mind, but every time I have to encounter it, it feels like it's sidelining the characters who actually deserve to be explored in favor of Crowfeather Sadboy Whinging.
Breezepelt has 12 books detailing how being mistreated by Crowfeather is making him worse, and showing that social alienation is pushing him towards the Dark Forest. Nightcloud was demonized by the old team even though they wrote Crowfeather deflecting all the blame of Breeze's behavior onto her, giving the new team a great opportunity to correct the mistakes of the old writers... and they decided to focus on Crowfeather instead.
And, mind you, they conveniently leave out massive details about how BADLY Crowfeather was abusing his child.
There's this one part of the book where he learns that Breezepelt broke his leg as a kid and he feels like shit for not remembering it, and it's supposed to be a big moment where Crowfeather realizes he was apathetic and careless. But he WASN'T just apathetic and careless. We see him TEACHING his child xenophobia in order to mock and offend Leafpool, smacking Breezepaw around for being 'rude' (the way Crowf always is), and screeching at him for having basic needs like hunger or rest.
Crowfeather WASN'T just a sad, sad boy who didn't pay attention to his kid because he was too busy pining over Dead Wife. What he did to Breezepelt wasn't just neglect; it was physical and emotional abuse.
The book DOES ultimately hold him responsible for how Breezepelt turned out, yes. But it doesn't properly focus on WHAT made Breeze come out the way he did. It wasn't genes, it wasn't Daddy Not Smile At Me. I can only assume the reason why they didn't address how ghoulish Crowfeather actually was is because they knew that being honest and direct about him abusing his child would make him unsympathetic.
Which is a problem, because, y'know, you can just make it Breezepelt's Trial and NOT have to thread that needle??
And furthermore... the book is trying to show Crowfeather addressing that he's kind of an asshole and moving on from it, earning deputyship as a reward for his growth, but what the book really demonstrates to me is that Crowfeather is a dickhead who actually shouldn't have ANY power at all. I don't understand why people would trust him or want him as their leader. I don't see any reason to think that he would be responsible with the lives of an entire Clan of people.
Before I hear clown shoes; if you think that means I "just don't like" that he would be an ""interesting leader,"" pile yourself back into the car with your 30 other jesters and drive away. I mean that it feels completely wrong that any character in-universe would look at the person who exists in Crowfeather's Trial, and say, "this is a person who would help me effectively rule."
What he does, all-book-long, is show that he's an emotionally unstable loose canon borderline incapable of self-reflection. Other characters have to directly tell him "you should try being less of an asshole" and "maybe be nice to your family sometimes?" while he comes up with bullshit reasons to seethe at every character who wanders into his line of sight.
I massively resent the fact that even Leafpool has to mommy his baby ass towards the end of the book. After he spends a good part of Po3 and OotS finding roundabout ways to snipe at her for not giving him exactly what he wanted. It falls on HER to be the one he can ask for advice on how to fix the family he treated like shit his whole life.
no that's not hyperbole she literally. textually. is compared to his mother.
and he can't even be gracious about it, he's instantly all huffy and offended, completely proving her point. Why the hell would anyone make this guy a deputy? The man needs TWO motherly figures giving him the exact same basic advice and a dedicated super edition before he adjusts his behavior even slightly.
(watch him get Boring Leader Syndrome the minute he inevitably becomes Crowstar, too)
Sooo, in a nutshell;
It's one of the better SEs. unfortunately.
Crowfeather is held accountable for being the problem in his own relationships, thank god
but it doesn't fully hold the actions we SAW in the main series books accountable, seemingly purposefully leaving out the worst things he did.
Another WC book where a male character gets an insane amount of sympathy and rewarding that female characters are NEVER deigned deserving of.
Should have been Breezepelt's story. I strongly dislike how Breeze's "redemption" was based on his shitty dad saying sorry. He deserved an actual character arc struggling with ever trusting WindClan again after they took his dad's judgement about him at face value.
Absolutely awful that Leafpool is killed between books and given a trial where they consider sending her to hell when they finally DO get around to showing how she died, while Crowfeather gets an SE about the whole world holding his hand so he can fix the family he broke in 5 easy steps.
Its biggest problem is that it is about a character whose actions you can go and read about. It doesn't deliver on the setup of 12 books of Crowfeather being an absolute git; it's a good story for the version of Crowfeather the new team seems to have created in their heads.
Doesn't stop me from manifesting him getting an infection and having a Sandstorm-tier disrespectful death in the upcoming series, lmao.
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pairing: siren! natasha x reader
summary: working on a boat sounds like a fun, but what if there is a cold weather?
word count: 3.6k
warnings: heavy manipulation!!!, mind control, toxic dynamic, humping a tail, dirty talk, just smut!, badly written description of what sailors do
an: so the time is here!!!! I’m exited and also anxious, aghh. I’d appreciate any of your feedback and don’t be scared to send me some thoughts! If there are any typos, i sincerely apologize, just let me know and I’ll fix it!
an2: there is a part that was inspired by hp and goblet of fire, i’ve changed most of it, but left some parts, since natasha is siren. felt like it was fitting. and it’s exactly how I imagine natasha’s style of singing.
(italics = your thoughts)
Enjoy this spooky time and be safe!

Working on a coast was an incredible experience and for such a long time you were happy to have the oppurtunity to see new things, but most imporantily feel new things.
This spontanious work trip helped you with your mental health more than your therapist in years. You didn´t even mind working alone somedays, since your coworkers had some days shift off. You enjoyed those quiet days, where you didn´t even overthink, you just let your thoughts peacefully be and surprisingly they did the same thing to you.
Seeing things, the old things but with a different font was something you never get tired of. Everything was bigger and prettier. Colorfull sunrises and sunsets, bigger and shiny stars. But when the warm and fuzzy wind was changed by heavy rains and scary thunderstorms, you were really changing your opinion and wishing you were back in your comfy king sized bed, watching another stupid show on Netflix. Not everything was so colorful all the time.
Especially when the weather got cold and nothing was so warm and fuzzy as in the summer. When the first storm came you thought that you can hadle it, alone. You did, but barerly.
But from todays morning, you knew something big is coming and nothing could prepare you for that. You woke up and checked your phone, like you did every signle day and noticed you have one unread message, saying that your coworker, Tobias, can´t make it, because he got sea sick, from all the sailing he did this week. Which is little weird since you´re positive he´s been sailing the day he was born. But even the best of us can get sick sometimes. So youre all alone. You let out a big sigh. You werent mad, no. You were just little scared of the storm that might and most probably will come today.
When you finally got up and looked from the window you could feel that the wind was freezingly cold. Goosebumps begin to form on your arms and neck. The cold feeling seeps through your skin deeper, like a stealthy intruder, sending shivers down your spine. It's an icy touch that grips your body, making your muscles tense.
It´s gonna be a long day.
As always you packed your stuff, fuzzy socks, warm coat, another shirt just in case youll get wet. Lastly you took some snacks and a big amout of soup, hoping your heater wont let you down. And last but not least a lots of tea. As your boss always says "Tea and rum is better than a warm coat." Well you dont have the rum, but the tea will do, at least that´s what youre saying to yourself.
When you got to work, you checked all the papers from yesterday, made sure to know what your tasks will be today. And of course you had to check if the boat is in a good shape to sail the next day. It´s a lot of work, but at least you have a job to do. Not like a week ago, where you just sat and watch as the waves hit the rocks for 12 hours. You noticed that even waves have a simple patterns, its was so hypnotic to watch it hit the big rocks again and again and again.
You slowly checked all the papers to not miss anything important and undeerscore everything that you need to do today. You checked your watch and made a mental note to put the kettle on soon.
Youre working here for about a 5 months now and you still havent figured out your routine. Even though most of the times youre still doing the same job all over again, checking something, writing what needs to be fixed, checking the load, or just watching over the boat, you still do everything at the same time. So sometimes (read it as most of the times) you just forget to do the simple things as taking care of your basic needs. When you and Tobias have shift together, you two kinda take care of eachtoher, but when he´s not there it´s just so easy to forget about it.
But today you did quite good job, after checking the lower deck you came back up to unlock the kitchen and put the kettle on. When youre water was getting ready for your favorite and only tea you had here, you wrote some documentary about the first ship load you had to check. Everything was correct and you were happy that you didn´t have to unpack it and count it manually. Your first break of the day fly past very quickly as you finished your tea, that didnt make you feel warm at all. You put the cup in the sink and went on another round of checking the boat lower deck.
As you stood up something red caught your eye in the distance, you took a few steps closer to the window, hoping you would see better at what it is. It was weird seeing something so bright in the distance, where only the gray waves were moving. But to your disappointment, you didnt got the answer, it was probably some coral from the shore. You shake your head slightly and moved to another task.
When you came up you noticed that it was already dark outside, shockingly it was the same tempetrure as throghtout the day. Which was a positive thing.
How long have I been downstairs? What time is it? I didn´t have lunch... again.
As many thoughts at the same time speed through your mind, you heard something under the boat. You just closed your eyes, taking few deep breaths to calm your nerves. You put down the paperwork and the pen you were holding. Making your way to the kitchen, youve notice that you didn´t even drank much water. Cursing yourself, you drink a half of the bottle right away. The fresh water finally hitting your needs. Refreshing shockwave going through your body. Every cell awaken and all of your sences light up. Already feeling better, taking a moment to make soup and overall just refresh yourself. As you´re finishing your food, you hear it again.
This time is was way louder, so you took all of your courage to go out and look what it was. Sometimes you were tought, or maybe you just act before you think things through. You were terrified of the dark and most importantly what´s in it, but this time something made you go out. You were surprised by yourself, but you didnt question it, much.
When you got out you checked the boat, slowly analyzing if something is wrong.
Was it an animal? A fallen brench into the water?
"Hello?" You immidietly cursed yourself. "Im an idiot." You mumble as you walk around. "There is no more pathetic and stupid way to die then just say hello to the dark." You mumble under your breath.
After a while walking around the boat a big strike apeared on the sky. And after few second of a complete silence there was a big thunder coming, that made you run back inside. There it was the big storm you were so terrified of. It was way worse than the last time and you were hoping to survive it.
That´s a little bit dramatic, but your heart was pounding fast, your hands started to shake and even in this cold you very still incredibly sweaty, like if you just ran a marathon in the desert. After few hours of tinkinkng you´ll die, the storm suddently stopped, leaving you all tired and scared at the same time. Until youve heard another sound, it wasnt another bang, it was more like a humming.
Maybe someone from the sailors is here? But they are all men. Maybe someones wife? Again, your thoughts are running milions miles per hour.
The humming sounds so warm, like the old days, back in summer, where everything was colorfull, fuzzy and it felt generally so good in your ears. You stood up and without second guessing you step outside. There was complete silence, not a single person outside, The sun slowly coming out, trying to fight those stromy clouds that were showing the only evidence of heavy storm.
As soon as your hand laid back on the door handle a beautfiul voice start to sing a melodic song. You didnt understand it, it was some language you never heard, but you liked it, your brain might not understand the words, but your body understood the melody. And suddenly you didn´t felt cold, it was the other way around actually. Your cheeks were on fire, like you were running a fever, but you didn´t feel bad, no, you actually felt the best you ever did.
When you turn around you saw her. Unbeiebly beaitiful, goddess looking woman. Her hair was red, not like an apple red, more like a bright fire that is keeping you warm at the coldest nights. Each strand seemed to catch the sunlight that was finally going up, setting her aglow with a vibrant, fiery aura. Her green eyes were pierced at you, she was looking at you, waiting for your move. But you just stood there and watched her, your breathing started to speed up. You tried to remeber evertything about her, but as soon as your eyes fell lower, you noticed how light her skin looked. It reminded you of a fresh marble that was just ready to be cast in. But what caught your off guard the most, was her tail. You´ve never seen aynthing like that and it was very obvious, because youre face made it very well known. It was mixed feeling between shocked and amazed. The siren's tail was a fluid masterpiece, a shimmering blend of oceanic blues and greens. With each sinuous movement, it created a mesmerizing scene.
"Hey sailor." she smirked, her voice sound way raspier than it did when she sang.
"I- I- I´m not a sailor. This is uh not my uh- boat... I just work here." You stutter out, cursing yourself for seeing the prettiest woman your eyes have ever laid on and you ramble out this sentence.
"You just work here? Oh what a pity, I wanted to ask for some help." The red haired frown, which made you feel sad right away.
"I can help! I just... not my boat." You awkwardly chuckled out.
Her eyes immidietly fell back on you. "Oh really? I don´t want to bother since you´re not the sailor of this boat." Her voice sounded so soft, yet harsh at the same time. It was luring you, by every word she said, you felt different emotion each time. A good emotions.
"I mean I´m on a shift now, so teoretically I am sailor of this boat." You smiled, youre pupils were so big and you felt like you were in euhporia.
She smiled softly. Her smile could make a whole army fall to their knees. You knew it, but most imporatnly she did too. But there was only one person she want to fall on their knees. And that person was you.
"Okay then, sailor..." her raspy voice now coming lower to your body, slowly eletrucing you. "I just need a little favor, my tail..." She let out a little whine, completly changing her body language. She didn´t seem so confident, she looked so fragile and sad. And you have to help her.
"Are you hurt?!" You imidditetly walk closer to her. Crouching so youre on the same eye level. She place her hand on yours, looking at you and finally, she bonded. Her touch made you feel cold and warm at the same time. Butterflies flying everywhere not just in your stomach and her eyes. Her captivating eyes has already read you like a whole book. Her eyes were an entrancing shade of emerald, deep and captivating like the hidden depths of the sea. They held an enigmatic allure, with a hint of mischief and ancient wisdom that drew you in, ensnaring your heart and mind.
"A little-" she sigh and looks away. "-maybe you can help me get back, to safety, where no one can find us." The soft spoken woman look at you, making eye contact again, while her hand is still on yours.
"Us?" Your words caught her off guard.
"Yes, us, darling. You know, not all people are kind as you are. Youre the only one who ever made me feel safe. Youre the only one i can trust now. Youre-" she blinks a few times, leaning closer to you. "-youre my saviour. Will you help me, darling? Help us to get to safety? The world is too cruel and we need to decide right now."
This was the task you were waiting your whole life on here. Make sure she is safe, there is nothing else that is more important than this. You nod, still making eye contact.
"I will. Of course!" You nod again, taking this job very seriously, as you felt like you were born for this.
"Say it. Say what you were made to do, darling." Raspiness was now the only thing that you´ve heard. You were less and less interested in your work and your tasks before her.
Before her there was... was there anything before her?
"I will help you. I will help us get to safety." Your eyes scanned her face, hoping these words will help her.
"Thank you my darling, will you follow me? Please?" her eyes were watery, she´s holing back tears and that tears your heart.
"Yes." You say without hasitation.
"Yes, what, darling?" She asks.
"Yes, uh-" suddnely you feel this sensation, your head feels fuzzy and your view is more and more bright. Your words are caugh up in your throat, when you looked at her lips you can see them moving, but your ears cant catch the word she´s saying. But your mind does.
"Yes, mistress." you whisper back as it´s the only thing you can say.
As you closed your eyes for a second, the world around you seemed to blur and fade. The warm feeling never leaving your side.
Time itself shifted, as if you were wrapped in a comforting cocoon. The soft, rhythmic sound of waves crashing against the shore became a lullaby and there is it was again. Her singing. Her soft and heart warming singing.
When you finally stirred, it was as if you had awakened in a dream. The dimly lit cave, adorned with iridescent seashells and many other decorations, that suited the cave. And there, before you, was a siren of unparalleled beauty, her emerald eyes reflecting the cave's soft luminescence.
"Hello, darling..." she slowly moved towards you "...slept well?" her smirk grew wider as she saw your hand immidietly going between your legs as there was some unbeliveble aching you were feeling.
"I- uh huh" You only nod, not realizing that your hand is going lower on your body.
The siren´s hand falls on your cheeks as she tuck some of your falen hair behind your ear. Not even for a second breaking eye contact. Without second thinking you grab her hands and put them on your body, that was covered in your wet clothes.
"P-please!" Was all you could have said. She just chuckled and squeezed your breasts.
"You don´t even know my name and you want me to fuck you? Aww darling, youre way easier than I thought you would be. So so so easy" She tsked and suddenly, you didn´t felt her hands on you anymore.
"I don´t care!" You yelp as the aching was even worse now. Is this what drugs do to you? You just want more and more and still it isn´t enough.
The siren looked at you shocked, her hand was placed on her chest as a sign of being offended. "Darling, you don´t care what my name is? That´s rude." She pout. Tears immidietly filling her eyes. "And I thought you don´t want to hurt me, yet you´re just like the others." She looked away.
"Wait- No, no, no! Im not like the others, Im sorry! Im so sorry! I want to know your name. Oh gosh I didn´t want to be so selfish!" You grabbed her arm. "Please, tell me your name, I bet it´s beautiful just like you!"
"You think Im beautiful?" Her green eyes falling back on you.
"Very." You nod.
"It´s Natasha." She wiped her tears.
"Okay, Natasha. Im sorry for being selfish, It was really mean, let me make it up to you, please." You felt so sad, like every joy just left your body forever. Like you didn´t even experience a single happy thing in your life. Like everything was just dark.
"You´re right, you did act very selfish and mean. And you should definetly make it up to me, (Y/N)." Natasha seems so small right now, like a small fish in a big dark ocean.
"Anything you want, just please- forgive me." You basically whined at this point.
"(Y/N), you truly hurted my feelings, I don´t know. How can i trust you not hurting me again?" The horrible feeling of guilt is forming not just in your stomach, but also in your head now.
Natasha looked really hurt by your words. And you felt like if you´ll lose her, you´ll lose yourself, forever.
You squeezed her hand. "I will never. How can i prove it to you? Please..." You knew this will work. "... mistress, let me prove to you, I won´t ever hurt you and Im truly so sorry!"
Her eyes shifted, her pretty green color in her eyes just dissapeared and turned into black.
"Take of your clothes. They´re wet, you will get sick. Aren´t you cold, darling?" At her words you did feel the cold breeze. Actually you were freezing.
"Y-y-yeah, Im freezing." You said while your teeth chattered.
"Oh, darling! Clothes off, righ now!" She ordered and you did as she told. "I don´t want you catch a cold!" Her voice was caring, so caring you didn´t think you deserve it, after how mean you´ve been acting towards her.
As you stand there, completly naked the shivering didn´t end, it got even worse and your nipples could cut dimonds now.
"You´re still cold? Oh, darling, come here." She pointed at her tail. "My tail is warm, it´s gonna keep you from freezing to death." Her smile could cure everything negative thing in this world.
Without second guessing you almost jumped at her, your hand wanting to touch her tail, but you stopped yourself. "May I? Mistress?" Natasha just nodded. You hand immidietly touching her tail.
It´s so soft, oh my god and warm! So so warm.
"Sit on it, darling." She take your hands and guided you on her tail. "It will make you warm, so warm, it will end the shivers, I promise."
So you did. You sat on her tail and if you felt tingles everywhere before, then now there are tignles even in places you don´t have. Running your fingers along its sleek, supple surface was like caressing a piece of heaven. Its velvety texture and gentle, soothing warmth enveloped you in a sense of euphoria, as if you were touching a living embodiment of comfort and enchantment, a sensation that melted away all of your less important other thoughts.
Natasha noticed you´re still shivering and put her hand on your hips. "Darling, if you start to move you will stop shivering. Fast friction makes heat and you really need to be in heat now, darling." Natasha was right, her words were exactly what you needed, but you just didn´t know how.
How can I do this? I don´t want to hurt her tail.
"You won´t hurt my tail, darling. I will guide you, okay?" Her strong hands squeezed your hips and slowly made you move back and forth. "Just like that, you´re doing so good."
After a little while you start to get the hang of it and you felt that amazing friction again. Everything started to feel so good, all the lost joy, all the good feeling are back. All the happy thoughts.
"Oh my god- it´s really working!" You screamed.
"I know, darling. I can feel you on my tail. Keep going." She wispered in your ear.
You did. Oh boy, you did. You moved your hips back and forth faster and faster. And at the same time it got easier, maybe it´s the tail, or maybe it´s the fact that your juices were all over Natasha.
You definetly felt the heat.
Few moments before you came and let all of your juices on the siren´s tail, she started to sing again. In the same language you couldn´t understand before, but you can now. It´s like you know the song all your life.
"Come seek us where our voices sound,
We cannot sing alone in the dark,
And while you're searching, ponder this:
We're gonna take what you'll sorely miss,
But not for long you gonna think,
Let us help, and you won´t sink.
Your life might have been so perfect,
Too late, it's gone, it won't come back."
After the red head stopped singing, she looked at you and finally closed the gap between you two. Your first kiss was a moment of exquisite tenderness, a meeting of souls that overlap the boundaries of land and sea. As their lips brushed together, it was a gentle, captivating exchange of warmth and desire. In that soft, lingering kiss, they found a connection that was as deep and boundless as the ocean itself, a love that defied all expectations and left you utterly in her arms.
"I forgive you, darling." Natasha said and you knew, you found your life task. As she holds you close on her tail your eyes fell back into the warm fuzzy feeling, you didn´t mind be in forever.
Hope you enjoyed first day of KINKTOBER!
Thank you for reading!!!
#adele writes#natasha romanoff x reader#natasha romanoff#kinktober 2023#marvel universe#natasha romanoff smut#siren!nat#first day
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I LUUUUV UR BILL ACOUNT SO MUCH theyre so well written 🙏🙏 but i was wondering if you could do a dom!tom fem!reader smut where hes like the readers german tutor n the readers like all flirty with him when she first meets him ykwim
YOU DONT HAVE TO DUH and sorry if its not specific enough but yopsdhkjsdlsjd yeah😭😭
𝐀𝐥𝐥 𝐅𝐨𝐫 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐂𝐫𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐭
more like this on wattpad @/b_kaulitzz ;) (ok not rn bc this my lit first tom wattpad)

info/cw: fem x dom!tom, bj (m! recieving), praising, degrading
synposis: you’d do anything to get out of doing german homework
a/n: NOT PROOFREAD. also to requester, i changed plot up a bit, I HOPE YOU DONT MIND…i was having horrible writers block
more under cut :)
I watched as the door cracked over, my eyes meeting his brown eyes. "Hey, Tom, " I gave a small smile as he exchanged one back. He raised an eyebrow as his eyes moved lower through my body, undressing me in his mind. I bit my lip as I tugged at my skirt, keeping my eyes on his. "Tom?"
"Oh...sorry. Come in, " He looked back into my eyes, a slight pink tint washing over his face. I snickered as he took a step aside, opening the door more. "I'm helping with German, right?"
"Mhm, " I stepped in, watching as he closed the door behind me. His eyes scanned over me one more time before shuffling past me.
"Over here, " He spoke. I watched as his jeans dragged against the shiny floor. The wood floors reflected a slight yellow hue from the ceiling light. I followed behind him, my platform heels clacking against the ground. I sighed, holding onto the strap of my tote bag as I watched him pull out two chairs from his dining table. I took a seat next to him, placing my bag on the glass table.
"Tom?" I looked over at him as I reached into my bag, pulling out the German textbook. He hummed in response, taking a seat next to me. "You know, you're a sweet boy, right?"
"I am?" He raised an eyebrow. I nodded, pulling out the worksheets that were stacking up as days went by. I needed this credit, badly. But, I'm not gonna be the one to do it. I shuffled in the cushioned seat, sitting up.
"Yes, you are, " I turned to him, placing a hand on his shoulder. I could see his dilated pupils from here, he was so easy. I bit my lip as I felt the painted design of his jacket sleeve under my palm. "You know how I'm struggling for this credit right?"
"And, you know. That one time in math when I helped you, " I tilted my head, rubbing his forearm. He furrowed his eyebrows.
"You did?"
"Well...besides that..." I pressed my lips together as I looked away for a bit. Damn it, maybe he's smarter than I thought. "Could you do my work, please?"
"What?? I can help you but I'm not doing your work, " His face twisted, pulling the textbook over to his side.
"Tom, please?..." I pleaded, watching him turn to the book.
"It's not that hard, come on, " He took one of the worksheets and looked over it.
"Fine...I guess you didn't want a reward, " I sighed as I took out a pen. He kept his fingers on the worksheet before looking at me again.
"Yea...I guess it doesn't matter, " I shrugged, clicking the blue pen. I grinned to myself, watching his face twist again.
"No, tell me, " Tom placed the paper down, crossing his arms. He sat back, his legs spreading as he narrowed his eyes. I felt a lump form in my throat, looking from the chandelier above the table and to him.
"It doesn't matter, " I pulled the worksheet over to my side. Shit, I should've just let him tutor me. I shuddered, feeling his lips gently brush over my ear lobe. I could feel his grin, watching his hand enter my vision to take hold of my hand that held the pen.
"Tell me, " He spoke softly into my ear, taking the pen from my hands. My palms grew sweaty as my heart raced. He sat back again, crossing his arms with the pen in his grasp.
"It's nothing, Tom. Let's just do this lesson, " I turned back to him, reaching out for the pen. He raised his hand, holding the pen up high. I stood up, regretting packing only one pen. He leaned back slightly, this fucking idiot. I grit my teeth, placing a hand on his chest as I try to reach for the pen.
"Oh, so now you wanna do the lesson?" He snickered, continuing to hold the pen out of my reach.
"Tom, give it back, " I scoffed, leaning closer to him.
"Only if you tell me."
"Tell you what?" I groaned, taking hold of his wrist. He snickered and I widened my eyes as I felt his breath on my chest. I felt my face heat up as I fell back onto my chair. He held a proud smirk on his stupid face, spinning the pen in his hand. "Perv!"
"And you're not?"
"What are you talking about?" I looked away, folding my arms over my chest.
"What was the reward?" He leaned over, pushing the tip of the pen under the strap of my top. His eyes followed my pen as he moved it down my skin. I shuddered as I snapped my head toward him.
"Do the worksheets first, then I'll show you, " I glared at him, licking my top lip. He played with his lip ring, looking away to think. My body grew less tense as he leaned back, taking a worksheet. I sighed, watching as he filled out each question. I slowly slid off my chair, this better be worth it. I crawled between his legs, looking up at the confused expression that formed on his face through the glass. I sat up on my knees, sliding my fingers to his bulge. My fingertips went against the threading of the folds of his jeans. He smirked to himself as he felt me undo his jeans, sliding down the zipper. I looked up at him from time to time, digging my nails into the denim to pull them down.
"You're not serious are you?" He reached down, taking hold of my lower jaw. I swallowed the lump in my throat, the feeling of his rough callous thumb pressed into my cheek. He raised his eyebrows. "Oh, you're serious, " He watched as I slid my fingers under the start of his boxers. He shuddered at the cold feeling of my nails hitting his skin as I tugged at his boxers. He didn't seem to mind as he pulled away, working on the worksheet again. I pulled down his boxers, watching his cock swing out. I didn't mind either, he's the only tutor I'd do this to. I bit my lip as I wrapped my hand around his length, hearing his stuttered breaths. I slowly stroked him, feeling him harden in my hand before looking up at him. He kept his breath steady with small hicks and I leaned in, kissing his tip. I moved my free hand down between his thighs, pushing them apart as I continued to stroke him. Tom let out a small groan, tightening his grip around the pen. I spat on his tip, spreading my saliva down the base as I watched a vein protrude out of his arm. I smirked to myself, continuing to stroke him to lubricate his cock. The lewd noises between my hand and his cock only caused my heart to race more.
"Is that okay?" I asked innocently, fluttering my eyes as I leaned close. I kissed his tip again, letting saliva slide down it.
"Keep going, " He kept his eyes on the paper. I licked his slit before wrapping my lips around his tip. He grunted, feeling me hallow my cheeks. I stroked the rest of his size as I slowly moved my head down his length. I held his inner thigh, closing my eyes as I continued to move my head down. I gagged as his tip hit the back of my throat, furrowing my eyebrows. He breathily moaned, as I slowly bobbed my head. "Just like that...for the A, " He hissed, moving a hand behind my head as he answered questions with his other hand. I hummed into his cock, causing him to let out a satisfied groan. I opened my eyes, my vision blurry from the tears forming. Tom's jaw hung low as his eyebrows curved inward. "Fuck...you want an A, right? Use that mouth, right, " He strained out, placing the pen down. I gagged as he held either side of my head, moving my mouth down. My nose hit his lower stomach as I looked up at him, hallowing my cheeks still. He pulled me off, allowing me to breathe as his chest heaved up and down. His forehead formed sweat, and the angle of him from down here caused me to clench my thighs together. I panted before licking his tip again. "Yea, you want that A, don't you?"
"Mhm, " I let out a small whine as I swirled my tongue around his tip. He chuckled, taking hold of his cock to press his tip against my tongue.
"You're so pathetic, " He slowly slid his size into my mouth. My panties only became more soaked from his power over me. I hallowed my cheeks, keeping eye contact as my eyes watered again. His tip hit against my throat, causing him to let out a satisfied sigh. "Use that pretty mouth if you want your worksheets done, " He bit his lip, using my head to his pleasure. His breath caught in his throat as he continued. I whined into his cock as I moved against his steady rhythm, my eye makeup slightly ruined from the tears. "Just like that, good girl, " His chest continued to heave, pulling away once I learned the rhythm. Tom let out a guttural moan, keeping his focus on the worksheet. I looked up at him for approval as I worked my mouth on his cock, bobbing my head quicker. He moved a hand back down, caressing my forehead with his thumb as he worked. He groaned, lowering his head as he tried to write. "Fuck-- just like that, pretty girl, " He hungrily moaned. I breathed heavily through my nose, slowing down as I grasped his cock again. His tip poked into my cheek as I slowed down, barely enough for him to feel. I tasted the gloss from my lips that smeared around his cock. He looked down at me again, his harsh look sending chills down my spine. I felt my stomach turn, feeling his grip on my wrists as he began to thrust into my mouth. “I don’t think you wanna pass.”
“I do, I do, ” I muffled as I leaned back, sucking on his tip. He pulled me closer by my wrists, causing me to wince. His face was flushed, and my lips were swollen. My jaw stung as I hallowed my cheeks again.
“Yea? Then act like it, ” He bucked his hips once I parted my lips. Husky moans left his lips, each thrust matching his moans. He closed his eyes, thrusting deeper into my mouth to feel every inch as he groaned in satisfaction. I rubbed my thighs together, muffling moans around his cock from the friction. “Good girl, ” He struggled to let out as he threw his head back, continuing to thrust into my mouth. I clenched my fists, moving my head against his thrusts as I felt his cock throb. “Keep it up-- and all of your worksheets-- will be done, ” He dragged out his moans, quickening his thrusts. I gagged at each thrust to the back of my throat. Tom cursed under his breath, taking hold of the back of my head, and pushing me down as he released. His groan was followed by a hoarse moan. I slightly choked, swallowing the warm liquid around his cock. I pulled off with a pop, drool running down the corner of my lips as I leaned back in. He panted, looking down at me as I licked the cum around his base.
“Did I do good?” I breathed heavily, feeling him let go of my wrists. I held myself up from the cold tiled floor, licking the corner of my lips. He nodded in response with a smirk, looking back at the piece of paper.
“I barely did though, ” Tom puffed his cheeks, as he only answered three questions.
© t/bkaulitzz :( ; dont steal
tom kaulitz, kaulitz, smut, kaulitz twins
#bill kaulitz#bill kaulitz x reader#georg listing#gustav schäfer#tokio hotel#tom kaulitz#tom kaulitz smut#tom kaulitz x reader#tom kaulitz x y/n#tom kaulitz x you#tom kaulitz fluff#tomkaulitz#tom smut#dom tom kaulitz
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What are your fave hisoillu fics?? :3 (I trust yr opinion heavy)
I love getting the opportunity to yap about my fav hisoillu fics because there really arent that many I like. And Ive yapped abt them before but i still love re-yapping abt them over and over. And so. Inhales. DEALER AND MIND THE SCARS!!!!!!!!
Are you into a hisoillu get-together story. Not from the very beginning, just from a comfortable point of their already existing relationship? Dealer. Dealer dealer dealer. One of the first fics ive read abt hisoillu back in 2020 and one I am still heavily fond of to this day. Their characterizations, ESPECIALLY HISOKAAAA, is so good. soooooooo good.
I could genuinely go on and on about every little detail and scenes i adore. And guess what... it has a SEQUELLLLL!!! Sequel one shots called break even!! Just as good!! I dont get why no one ever recommends this fic when recommending hisoillu fics in general like theres no way im the only devoted fan right. COME ON. READ DEALER!!!!!! READ BREAK-EVEN!!!!!!!!!
Now wait. hear me OUT. Are you into. Hisoka being vulnerable. Hisoka post chrollo fight meeting back up with illumi and dealing with the aftermath of the injuries. and do u like it all going so wrong it gets u in ur feels until it goes right and u start bawling in ur double feels. do u like the involvement of leorio and a possible teamup of him and illumi. do u like killua finding out his older brother is dating hisoka in the worst-funniest way possible. DO U LIKE ALLUKA. u MUSt. MUSTTTT. read mind the scars. MIND THE SCARRRSSSSSSS. I cannot fucking stress this enough. One of-- dare I say THE best written fic for hisoillu on ao3. Its a masterpiece from the ground up. I would even recommend it over dealer. Thats how badly I NEED you to read it. If mind the scars has no fans then im dead.
sorry for the extremely messy reply-- i havent slept in over 24 hours bcs of semester submission withdrawals lmao.
Anyways!! As always, I also have my bookmarks on AO3 that recommend some hisoillu fics that i found worthwhile to read ^^
and if u fuck with my hcs... then ull also fuck with my own fics!! (on the same account) But I gotta warn, theyre VERY specifically made Just For Me. It may not be a very general cup of tea for everyone. demi virgin hisoillu, trans hisoka, and my favorite stupid au where hisoka is a mermaid and illumi is a human diver-- u get my drift. I'm the target audience. I self indulge HARD and generally write my fics for myself, or rather what I wish to see more of in the fandom, based on my niche hcs.
Have fun!!! (join the mind the scars fanbase NOWWWW)(pls)
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If you follow me on here you know I don’t cancel out peoples user names. I belive that once someone post on the internet for everyone to see it goes everywhere. But with this one I had to because I just want to address my main issue
Now I have been seeing post like this a lot not just ACOTAR but other MMC.
Women please protect your heart and mind and don’t let them both be obscured by the IDEAL FANTASY MAN of ANOTHER WOMAN.
One man’s meat is another man’s poison.
Let me break this down a bit: I would love a FAE MALE too. Preferably Tamlin/fenrys type. Why, they got claws and teeth 🤤 and if he’s a rich lord bonus… has magic powersssssss 😱
These are very unrealistic things… THEY DONT EXIST! I don’t read to find how they treat women because that can never ever be real. Some parts perhaps but No man will randomly kill another man for you in real life and call it love. He’d go to jail 🤣
This post only tells me that instead of working out her real issues and SEEING her husband and Herself, she’s busy comparing other peoples relationships to hers and these things sometimes cut accross even in friendships
You made a choice to marry a man who isn’t emotionally compatible with you perhaps thinking he’d change only for him not to.
Stop bringing your marriages and comparing them to non existent people.


To Bloom into a Rhysand???? wtf does that even mean???? 🤣🤣🤣 will he sprout wings and fuck you and impregnate you and put you at risk? You better pray you have a sister with cauldron powers 🤣🤣🤣 or wait will he sacrifice the Illyrian women for more soilders and CHILD SOLDIERS? Noooo I got it he’s going to try hard to not be like your ex bf who is a Tamlin cus that’s his identity now. No dialogue or emotional connection just trauma dumping and telling him who hurt you and the. just fucking your brains out cus that’s about as far as Rapesand and ferret go in their relationship. There is nothing. They don’t even have anything in common.
How can you now understand Tamlin when you want a BLOOMING RHYSAND? 🤣🤣🤣
You see why I have been saying these MMCs are the main characters and not the so called empowered females? Rage baiting us into thinking we as women have the upper hand when we don’t?
Please ladies let’s stop comparing and face our realities.
#acotar#tamlin#anti rhysand#pro tamlin#anti feysand#feyre acotar#sjm critical#a court of thorns and roses#fictional men aren’t real men
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Miguel O'hara thoughts/Hc's
my friend recently got me into Miguel, and now im hooked.
that man has me in a chokehold, and i dont plan on ever getting out. i cannot describe how carnally i need him, so instead, im making this little thing :3.
please give me feedback and such, as I've never watched ATSV (ooooh but i want to, so bad), so my portrayal of Miguel and his abilities could be severely wrong.
18+ themes ahead, written with fem reader/insert in mind, but can be portrayed as different if you so wish, as I don't put any pronouns in there, or any explicit female bodily descriptions.
MIGUEL O'HARA- who always has his hands on you in some way or another, whether it be on your waist, hips, back, shoulder, or even your ass. he just needs to be touching you.
MIGUEL O'HARA- who has some major issues, losing his kid, so now he's so protective of you, watching you at all times and making sure your safe.
MIGUEL O'HARA- who would kill so many for you, because your his redemption, his salvation, his rescue. you've saved him, and he will do anything in his power to make sure nothing happens to you.
MIGUEL O'HARA- who loves how you smell. it may sound weird, but when your scent fills his overly sensitive nose, his shoulders always relax a little. he's grown so used to the pungent and tangy smell of blood, sweat, and other not so good scents. but, when he smells you? his racing mind calms a bit. he breathes a little easier, and his mind becomes addled with your intoxicating scent.
MIGUEL O'HARA- who loves playing with your hair, the repetitive hand movements calming him down as he continuously combs his hand through your hair, talons softly scratching your scalp.
MIGUEL O'HARA- who want's to be by your side all the time. he never wants to leave you. he wants to be attached to you by the hip, following you around like a lost puppy.
MIGUEL O'HARA- who is haunted by his past, but he so desperately wants to have a child with you, adopted or not. he knows you would make an amazing spouse. He wants to have a family with you so badly :((((
this is all i have for now! if you have any requests, drop on by!
#miguel o'hara headcanons#miguel o hara x reader#miguel o'hara#miguel o'hara x reader#miguel o'hara x you#miguel o'hara x y/n
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They're open yay omg!! Ok I had a cute idea for Rodrick Heffley if you're up for it! :)
Rodrick x Male!Reader where reader sings him 'boyfriend' by Big Time Rush the same way that Rodrick sang 'baby' by Justin Bieber for that one girls birthday (I literally don't remember her name lol but also it doesn't have to be his birthday) but like, it doesn't end as badly as it did for him lmao
Idk if they should be an established relationship between him and reader or if this is like readers confession so ill let you choose what you feel like writing for!
Boyfriend (Rodrick Heffley X Male!Guitarist!Reader)
Request Something!
Summary: While waiting for your friends to show up to band practice, you decide to show Rodrick a new song you’ve been working on.
A/N: this is my first time writing for rodrick so pls lmk how i did! au where reader wrote ‘boyfriend’ instead of btr (with a few tweaks). rodrick and reader are in the talking stage (i dont wanna say situationship but ig that works lol) but their friends dont know about it. the only instrument i know about is the violin so sorry if i get anything wrong. also i think doing singing in stories/fics is kinda weird/awkward but whatever lol
You always cherished the few minutes you had alone with Rodrick during band practice. Sure, you liked your other friends. But there was something about being able to watch Rodrick not put on the whole ‘bad boy rocker’ persona that he was used to wearing. Around you, he felt like he could wind down and not think as much.
Although, he didn’t think too much in the first place.
“I think we have a real shot at winning this talent show,” Rodrick said, drumming a beat on your thigh as he watched you tune your guitar. “We just need to practice more.”
“Well, I think we sound fine right now.”
“We don’t need to sound fine; we need to sound great!”
“Chill out, Roddy.” You said gently, putting a hand on his shoulder. “It’s a month away; we have plenty of time.”
“Don’t call me that.” Despite his words, the corner of Rodrick’s lip twitched up at the nickname. You were the only one who called him that. At first, he didn’t like it; it wasn’t a hardcore rocker name. But soon, he found himself getting giddy at the softness of it. “I guess you’re right, though.”
Rodrick strummed his fingers across the strings of your guitar, laughing when you slapped his hand away.
“Work on anything new lately?” He asked, looking up at you from his hunched-over position. Along with being the guitarist, you were one of the main songwriters in Löded Diper, having many one-on-one writing sessions with Rodrick. That’s how the two of you grew closer, going from childhood friends playing on slides to somewhere between friends and something more, playing songs. Secret handshakes turned to lingering touches, and loud laughs turned to whispered jokes.
You were a bit hesitant to answer. You had been working on some new songs, but they didn’t exactly fit the Löded Diper brand. They were love songs, most, if not all, written with Rodrick in mind.
“Kind of.” You finally say, picking at a frayed edge of your jeans. Rodrick perked up, always loving your new material.
“Yeah? Show me!”
“It’s not exactly like the stuff we play.” You argue, a bit anxious at the thought of Rodrick hearing what you had been toying with recently. “Besides, it’s not finished.”
Rodrick just shrugged, leaning back in his seat.
“Show me anyway.”
You hated how you could never say no to those eyes. You sighed and finally agreed, fiddling with your guitar while trying to remember the chords.
“No laughing.” You say.
“When do I ever laugh at you, Y/n?”
“All the time.” With that, you started playing. You gave Rodrick a nervous glance before clearing your throat and singing.
“Have you ever had the feeling you’re drawn to someone?
And there isn’t anything they could of said or done?
And everyday I see you on your own
And I can’t believe that you’re alone
But I overheard your friends and this is what they said”
Looking over at Rodrick, you saw him intently listening. Any other time, you’d be prideful of the fact that all his attention was on you. But right now, it made you wanna run. But you stayed planted in your seat and continued with the song.
“That you’re looking for a boyfriend
I see that, gimme time, you know I’m gonna be there
Don’t be scared to come put your trust in me
Can’t you see all I really want to be
Is your boyfriend
Can’t fight that
Knock me down you know I’m coming right back
I don’t care at all what you done before
All I really want is to be your
You let the last chord ring out before you set your guitar down and cleared your throat.
“So, yeah…” Rodrick kept staring at you. “That’s… the song.”
Rodrick scooted closer to you, and you lifted your head to face him eye-to-eye.
“Did you write that about me?” He asked, tilting his head to the side. You bit your lip, watching how his hair fell from the movement.
“Depends.” You say, taking a deep breath. “Did you like it?”
Suddenly, Rodrick laughed. It made you stiffen, but you soon relaxed when he put a hand on the back of your neck.
“You’re so corny, dude.” He said before closing the gap between you.
After the shock washed away, you gripped at his hair and ratty t-shirt, wanting to keep him close. You had come close to kissing Rodrick a few times, mainly while drunk at parties that you shouldn’t have been at or during writing sessions that eventually got interrupted by Rodrick’s younger brother Greg. But those close moments didn’t prepare you for how good the real thing felt.
When you parted, you rested your forehead on Rodrick’s as the two of you caught your breath. You opened your eyes and moved back a bit so you could see him clearly.
“So…” You start, not knowing what to do from here. “Are you looking for a boyfriend?”
“Sure.” Rodrick snorted before kissing you again.
#agaypanic#rodrick heffley x reader#rodrick heffley#diary of a wimpy kid#diary of a wimpy kid x reader
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