#dont have anything to say. he already exists in the comic what more is there to add. like ok guy.
hivepixels · 6 months
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Post war/coma comic about Gai struggling with his recovery
Since tumblr hates long form comics, I have to split this into 2 bc its 36 images. This is the first part, part 2 i'll either do as a reblog or a separate post right after this, stay tuned! Links to support me in pinned post <3
tw: s*icidal thoughts, injury, a little blood
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Bisuke: Gai's Back!
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Kks: Im home Gai: Welcome back Kks: [wheels rolling] Hey,
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Kks: Ga-!? Gai: Im fine. The tile is cool on my face. Kks: Wanna go lay down in bed? Gai: I am so /sick/ of lying down. Kks: Ok. What do you want for supper?
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Gai: You're not going to comment? Kks: I already know what happened. You overdid it again. I should be able to keep up with chores, kakashi. Kks: You can. Just don' bull through it all in one go. Do you want to end up in the hospital again? Gai: Please don't. Kks: I know sitting still is hard for you, and "too much" is in your DNA, but you have to take this slow so you don't exacerbate your injuries, Gai. You went from hyper-aware to pretending your body limits dont exist. Gai: Like you haven't done the same.
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Gai: You've proved your point. Kks: It's not about that. And you've dragged me to bed and out of bed repeatedly when I needed it. You were burning alive from the inside. Tsunade told you your immune system is out of whack. You need to take it easy. /I/ know you're capable, but are you trying to prove to /yourself/ you are? Gai: You want me to admit my embarrassment? Kks: If something serioud happens, You'll be even more embarrassed then
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Gai: How could you possibly know how I FEEL?! How could you EVER KNOW HOW I FEEL?! Kks: I DON'T! But I've /been/ the one ouking and sobbing on your bathroom floor because I couldn't take living anymore! And I don't want that for YOU!
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Kks: I'm sorry, Gai. Gai: I'm sorry
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Kks: I can't stand knowing you're in pain, and I can't get you help. If there was a way, I'd do anything. Gai: You do so much to help me already.... And I yelled at you Kks: I've screamed at you so much, that was pretty tame. I wish I was like you with things like this. Not great with what to say...... But I can listen.
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Gai: I hate feeling so weak. I'm tired all the time, in constant pain, I can't even walk-..... I can tell tenten and the boys worry despite my efforts to appear positive. Kks: They're just not sure how to react. They know you hate being babied, but don't want to push you into hurting yourself. You hate being told you can't do something. They love you. You get stronger everyday, everyone is cheering you on.
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Gai: I know it's irrational, but... I feel like you gave up the Hokage position to take care of me. Kks: Haa!? I'm grateful if anything. I'd be retired too if I could. That'd be amazing. I'm dreading just helping Tsunade but as long as you're by my side, I'll be fine. We're still equals, rivals, friends, partners
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Gai: Even if I can't- Kks: /Always/ wil be, dickhead. Gai: You worry about me hurting myself? Kks: I know you think about it
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Kks: We're the same in that regard Gai: I would never act on this, please believe me, these thoughts are rare........... Kks: It's ok, Gai. Gai: Sometimes I think i should have just died. I feel so out of place on the streets I used to feel so at home at. I never asked to live. I didn't plan to. I just don't know how to-...
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Kks: I understand that. Though, dying didn't feel any better. Gai: I know I didn't fully pass like you did. I didn't see papa. Just for a moment, I wish I could have seen him.
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Kks: As much as I'm sure he wants to see you again, It's too soon. Dai'd slap the shit out of you for wanting to waste your youth just to see him. Gai: [chuckle] probably. Kks: I have those thoughts less and less now, but they're still there. "why am I the one who survives?" "Burden" "Gai will come to his senses eventually"
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Gai: FALSE!! None of my grief is with you! I love living here with you! My love for you only burns hotter each day! You're so lovely inside and out! Kks: Maa What did I do to deserve such praise from teh mouth of the hottest man in Konoha?? Gai: YOU STILL THINK I'M HOT?! Kks: YOU-! [CACKLE]
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Kks: Your bad taste is the only reason I had a chance before someone snatched you up. Gai: The worst. Kks: Thought we'd irritate eachother, but it's been pretty smooth. Even though you still get played by the dogs. Gai: You really wanna throw those stones?
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Gai: They play you just as easily. don't lie. Kks: My point is, whatever you need from me, you have it. No questions asked. Even if you yell and scream, i can take it. You held me together when I was unraveling, and I'll never forget it. Didn't trust anyone else to see me like that. Broken
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Gai: I never saw you as that. Kks: I'll never see you as that
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bulbabutt · 6 months
so im white, lets just get that out of the way, but i wanna talk about the orientalism in windblades design.
this doesnt feel like my place to talk about but if no one brings it up then no ones gonna learn about it or second guess it. im tired of other white people not noticing this problem or thinking its fine. if anyone asian (specifically japanese) has any thoughts or personal input it is SUPER fucking welcome! its hard to find people talking about this.
so transformers has a women problem in general. they set up women in the 80s in one episode and never elaborated on it in that show. they added arcee in the movie. they put a couple in the beast wars era, but outside of blackarachnia (becoming a literal succubus) we dont really get any of those characters adapted (besides arcee) over iterations. never any new ones really.
then the comics get windblade. i havent read the comics, this isnt about anything that happens in them. this is about her design how she comes off as as shes been adapted into cartoons. i wont comment on events from the comics outside of her origin, as i know fuck all about it.
so she was supposedly a fan-voted character, but her 'fan-voted' aspects have nothing to do with the problem (in fact the fan-vote was more of a suggestion because a few things dont end up being true) the voted aspects are as follows:
autobot. jet. fights with swords. red & black. named windblade. female. valiant. telepath. from Kaon.
so here's what that ends up looking like.
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so they took some liberties. there was other concepts where she was a european knight etc, but this is where they landed. she has this extremely feminine figure, complete with makeup and sculpted hair. many people immediately mistake this look for a geisha (though supposedly being kabuki) she gets little pump heels, it makes her very human woman shaped. birthing hips and all. thats classic girl robot stuff. its the specifics of it that are an issue.
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so thats kind of a lot of japanese motifs. the makeup, the swords, the hair... why does it look like human hair? thats a very specific hairstyle on a character who doesnt have hair...
on its own, having a japanese inspired aesthetic isnt the problem. i mean, coding characters to be from different places is fine. having characters coded as a specific race could be fine. jazz already exists, and despite being taken by racist creators sometimes (cough michael bay cough) its not inherently bad that he is black coded, specifically when in the hands of black creators/voices. thats key.
so having a transformer who landed in japan and took on some culture from there. you could see that happening. that could work if in the hands of people who were japanese.
but thats not even her backstory. shes not even from Kaon (as was voted), instead she's from another planet entirely, a more spiritual one, which narratively makes her alienated from cybertronians. this alienation adds to the problem. "shes not from here." "shes not like us."
you'll see many people look at this design and think "is that geisha transformer?" and as the character isnt from japan and knows nothing about the culture that inspired her, the media itself never corrects anyone. no one in the text goes "no shes not a geisha shes actually based on a kabuki performer", no one says any words about it, its just how she looks, its just aesthetics without explanation or cultural background. shes not literally japanese, she just looks it. its easy to mistake without cultural context from a western perspective, so calling her a geisha becomes a rampant problem. general audiences arent looking at forum posts form 2014 where someone correctly explains what the motifs are. shes made by white people, and white people are largely the ones consuming the media. its unfortunate, and could have been avoided if the culture shes inspired by was relevant to her character.
so she's clearly heavily inspired by japanese aesthetics, which codes her as being an asian woman in this media but written by non japanese people. and then she becomes so popular that she has to start making appearances in shows.
she shows up in robots in disguise first. lets compare her to strongarm (the only other girl in the show)
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having this japanese woman be far more thin and feminized than the other girl characters is the problem. strongarm is literally the first non feminized main girl transformer (not counting strika) she is much more in line with the men around her, square and broadshouldered, shes the largest car of the bunch. that was an upgrade finally. and then we get windblade. she has ruby red lipstick, human hair, heels, jewellery. on its own? thats fine. but keep in mind, shes heavily japanese coded already. then shes immediately seen as a romantic conquest for sideswipe (though he never gets anywhere, he literally claims ownership) it leans into tropes of sexualizing asian women because she stands apart from strongarm. shes the flirt, shes the very feminine one. is this on purpose? its not their fault windblade looks like that in the comics and strongarm looks like this. but side by side what is it saying? did they intend to say this about their asian woman? no, probably not intentionally. its kind of unconscious bias that tends to happen when you dont have a diverse writers room. no one notices until it hits the audience.
but lets just jump in here with the other weird problem in RID, because shes not the only one who jumped from the comics.
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drift (who while being a samurai in the comics (literal?) doesnt.... LITERALLY wear a suit of samurai armour) shows up. with his two minicons who act as his children (who hes very strict with). theres a heavy overuse of the word honour. he owes a life debt, hes very humourless etc... they also never explain why he wears this armour. he came straight from space. he doesnt even turn into anything big that warrants it, hes just another sports car. bumblebee and sideswipe are sports cars too. but why is drift a sports car? tokyo drifting. drift. you get it.
so drift also is a comics original character. he, however, looks nothing like that
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i will assume that drift looks different for one reason....
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i mean. i shouldnt have to tell you why that was bad, right? you guys get why michael bay movies are bad? (if you genuinely dont please enjoy this series as a starter) ill just assume you do. knowing that that drift is bad, can we also say windblade is suffering from a similar problem?
this show brings in these FOUR new characters and heres how they look side by side.
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so. okay the minicons are raised by drift, they share his aesthetic, okay. we dont know where he got that aesthetic but yeah they share it. windblade.... its unclear in this show if she shares the being from another planet like idw part. shes on a mission from god to be here and thats all we know. but the point is they have no similar origin. yet they all look like they could be from the same place. that they shares a (japanese inspired/coded/stereotyped take your pick) culture. meanwhile our from ep1 mains look like this:
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so that feels. specific.
its not inherently bad to code robots as japanese, however its a problem when it seems to be for aesthetics alone. its stereotyping. they look nothing like the rest of the cast, everything like each other, and are from completely different backgrounds. they literally have the same colour palette? theyre not even like that in the comics.
sidenote, if you add sideswipe (who's alt mode has kanji on it and an asian voice actor so we can assume some coding there too) they look like this. yes they all have swords.... no one else does!
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yes, windblade is the only character with a white face. makeup. yes sideswipe claims ownership over her to fight off one of the minicons. its not wrong to show windblade being harassed by a man, but it is wrong that no one ever says "leave her alone" you know? like thats just whats to be expected of her. it sucks. but at least her voice actress was asian! that wont happen again.
so. moving on to cyberverse, she becomes a central character. character wise? shes great. she gets to do a lot, no one sexually harasses her here, we're free of that era.
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comparing her to the other autobot women, shes more in line now. if thats a good or bad thing overall is less the point (ie theres no autobots built like strongarm was, they are all just as thin and curvy as windblade is) but to me its still very apparent that shes still implying human hair. even with how simplified all these designs are.
like you can see how these red lines around her eyes get lost at a distance, same with the clips in her 'hair'. its clearly just trying to adapt her original design and im not saying thats a wrong choice they made, but i am saying its really busy in comparison
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maybe thats a nitpick. but here it seems much more pronounced just how specific her head piece is because we can compare her to chromia, who is from the same place. do these two characters look like they have the same culture? not really. chromia and arcee look more alike. maybe thats just because they were designed later, but its unfortunate none the less.
even comparing her head to the seekers, what she is kind of supposed to be, they get the same old starscream mold. maybe she'd look better if they just did that? or something similar? like, give her a helmet. no one has hair. please stop implying hair. we all know what youre doing.
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none of this is me saying i find these shows bad or that i hate windblade, i genuinely love her! and i love both these shows! it just feels hard to love her because of how she was designed. its not a problem with having a japanese coded character, its how stereotyped the look is. how othered it is. it leans into racist tropes. its orientalism, using japanese aesthetics to make her look interesting and different. you can tell she was made by white people.
how is it that despite being around for 10 years now, no ones tried to redesign her?
also look at the toys! look at the god damn toys!
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she can take that head piece out to have a FAN. why does she need a fan?? shes got fucking WIND JETS ON HER BACK! its very obvious why they did this. shes a japanese woman, she can fight with a fan to complete the aesthetic! despite her character never having even been there! and no other transformer using a fan weapon! shes so COOL AND DIFFERENT like that isnt she?? holy fucking shit
to go back to those original voted concepts for a second? if we went back to the drawing board?
a telepathic valiant female autobot who can fly, has a red/blue/black colour combo (with yellow accents) uses swords, and maybe even with canonical asian heritage....
could they even do that? is it possible?
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OH! wait it SUPER IS! who'd have thought!?
im NOT saying "we dont need windblade! we have a better girl with the same concept!" cuz thats stupid. do not misunderstand, theres room for WAYYYY MORE TF GIRLS! the literal 1:13 ratio is FUCKED! i know windblade had to fight to exist too and that sucks!
i just think it's CLEARLY possible to do this better, and it SHOULD be entirely possible to have windblade (who was LITERALLY holding court as the MAIN girl transformer for years) to be, i dont know, not so racistly designed? i think its entirely possible to fix, i just wish they would have tried already.
and this is just what my white ass has thought about since meeting her and not seeing anyone else bring it up. like going hunting for a real take about it just meets you with the rampant misogyny problem in fan spaces. its hard to find people talking about it in a normal way, but if they have before id love to know.
i just wanted to put my thoughts about it down, maybe get people to think about it more or talk about it more. cuz jeez, i would really like them to fix the problem. like they fixed the arcee problem in idw, right? can they fix windblade next?
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infizero-draws · 5 months
oh hey, id love to here your labduo hcs
YAYYYY ok. i'll start off with the demon soulmate ones (not specific to them) since someone else asked to hear about that as well. this is very long sorry
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SO. all demons are born with a special kind of semi-immortality (able to be killed but unable die from age) where their lives are connected to a mortal soulmate(s). soulmate in this context has no inherent romantic or sexual connotations; soulmates can be strictly platonic, romantic, sexual, or anything in between. they dont even necessarily have to spend their lives with each other, it's purely the bond and the connections between their lives.
soulmate bonds exist from the moment all parties are alive, but the demon doesn't get the instinct to seek them out until the age of 18. the demon will follow this instinct and once they meet their soulmate(s), their lives will be connected from there on.
if the demon decides not to seek them out for whatever reason, they'll still naturally be drawn to them. however, if by bad luck or purposeful avoidance they dont meet their soulmate(s) by age 50, then they'll just Die. for this reason most dont avoid their soulmates but there are some who choose this lonesome dangerous lifestyle; choosing a set-in-stone 50 year lifespan over one tied to a mortal's lifespan, which could end up being cut short.
if the demon has already met their soulmate(s) before the age of 18, then nothing really changes. they still don't KNOW they're soulmates until they turn 18, and then once they do the connected lives come into effect.
these mortal soulmates have historically been humans, which is what led to the horned human variant coming into existence a long LONGGG time ago. these are different from demon-human hybrids, as over the years they've become their own subspecies. the horned human variant is still considered fully human, just with horns and a tail. this is what c!tommy is, while c!eryn is an actual demon-human hybrid. here's this old chart i made to illustrate the differences:
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demon-human hybrids don't have quite as good of a sense for locating their soulmate(s) as full demons; they'll still naturally be drawn to them but won't really be aware of it until the bond has been forged, unlike a full demon.
^ this is all obviously expanded upon from bad and skeppy's canonical soulmate bond btw.
ANYWAYS so that brings us to labduo. (i forgot they were called that btw. awesome) basically they're soulmates, but as per the way this all works, eryn doesnt realize this until they turn 18. and that's when he's like ummmm tommy. i think we're soulmates lol. and tommy is like wot. rlly? ok. and that basically is it LOL. tommy lives with tubbo and ranboo in the future to me, i dont think eryn and tommy would be attached at the hip soulmates. eryn would probably go off on his own adventures and come back every so often to catch up, rest at the benchtrio house, etc. rolewise they're like the distant uncle who randomly shows up from time to time LOL.
when it comes to other hcs for them ummm i dont actually have a lot. i think they figured out they were trans around the same time, like pre-puberty, and that was something that rlly brought them together. eryn tried to cut tommy's hair and it was a disaster. for anything more read this comic i made a while back
for me tommy was just this scrappy kid who showed up at the village stealing bread and shit, until he befriended eryn and was taken in by eryn's mom. ive never given tommy's actual origins much thought, as i dont think it rlly matters to me. the thing thats important is that he was an orphan from a young age. as much as i think the lab stuff can be cool i think i do just imagine him to have had normal parents and. Something happened where he did not have them anymore. young enough where he didnt have memories of them or anything. idk
OH and rq to explain this doodle in the context of all this. its basically just eryn saying that it's a good thing all of tommy's trauma and deaths happened BEFORE their soulmate bond existed or else it would've happened to eryn too lol
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thats kind of it...... thank you for your interest...
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mrgladstonegander · 4 months
i saw your post abt dt critical takes and... i know i'll sound repetitive and ppl already said this probably, but. why is gyro more of a plot tool than a character
when he appears in episodes, he always sets things in motion only for the rest of the cast to act. we saw so little of him, over time it almost felt like the connection he had to other characters weakened. sure boyd is there, but what can you say about the other characters? did fenton truly ever gain gyro's respect? do we know anything about gyro and scrooge's dynamic? about gyro as a whole outside his job?
okay this went on for a bit too long i'm kind of not normal abt gyro. but yeah!
honestly gyro stans can say this as much as they want bc its true objectively😅
like in the comics he mainly exists to be the Cool Next-door Inventor, but we get to see how he interacts with Donald AND Scrooge, and even Daisy or Gladstone sometimes! He's really personally connected to the family, even outside of work
i always found weird/kinda funny how Gyro is included in the family in Glomtales because... does he really count? Has he even had any interactions with Webby or Dewey? Who sees him as even a part of their found family?
And it's really disappointing we don't get to see more of Gyro + Scrooge's dynamic! In the Dime Chase episode we get a little bit ("what did we say about the cards" or whatever) but i can't really think of anything outside of that (unless you include scrooge saying he's Just a "work acquaintance" to magica lol) But like. Gyro BUILT the Spear of Selene. but it's never addressed besides a short gag in Whatever Happened to Della Duck?
And speaking of Della, I'm really sad we never got to see them interact in-person, because it seems like they would have had a really funny dynamic! (Impossibin and the "Even Della could understand these" (i dont remember the exact quote but you know what im talking about)
and now that im thinking about it he really doesn't have a life outside of work 😭i think he just sleeps in the lab?? and i dont think we ever see him build personal things that aren't work related besides the Time stuff (which probably exist so that Timephoon could exist? because i dont think it's ever mentioned Why he made them)
it's really a shame we didn't see more of team science (together) after astro-boyd :( i think we can assume that he has more respect for Fenton in Beaks in the Shell because he thinks it's cool and helps them with it, but i don't think we get anymore team science after that
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lesbianspeedy · 1 year
Sorry if this is a bad question or more likely just hopeless. I’ve been trying to find a good Connor Hawke comic to read (first found out about him in Damian’s Robin solo and he and Rose were the only two things I liked besides the Robin chase but I’m a bat brat) and I’ve only read the Silver Monkey story and as I’m not a fan of Oliver Green at all (my exposure to him has in no way been positive) and I HATE Dixon and I know he’s the main writer for Connor, but I had to drop the Tim solo because of his obvious, I guess bigotry would be the right word to use here, but he is one of the three writers I refuse to let myself read anymore to try and keep my blood pressure low. Are there any Connor stories or series that exist outside of those parameters to read because I’m having 0 luck. I’m also not sure if you’re a fan of Mia or Emilio or have any go-to stories for them, but I know nothing about them and I’d like to change that if at all possible.
i understand, i do i do. while i think dixon is capable of good character writing, and he did manage to do it in connor's run, i also understand his very very obvious politics shine through all the time and it gets tiresome (at one point in his ga run he manages to write OLIVER QUEEN "both sides"ing literal nazis that he and hal fought in GL/GA). here's the best i can do for recs outside of dixon (though few and far between)
Before i start, i do wanna clarify that his character in robin is. well. pretty different from his actual pre-established character. I'm not saying you won't like him, and im genuinely begging you to give him a shot, but if youre looking for the snarky brawler type, you might be a lil thrown by the polite buddhist monk you're gonna get.
you are in luck, as his first few appearances were by kelley puckett, so if you havent already read GA vol. 2 #0, do that first! #91 and #92 are also by puckett until dixon takes over for #93, so read those if you dont mind just stopping in the middle of an arc, otherwise avoid.
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now this next rec IS 1/3 written by dixon but if you can get through it, the crossover connor has with wally and kyle is enjoyable, thats Green Lantern Vol. 3 #96, GA Vol. 2 #130, and The Flash Vol. 2 #135
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Connor's JLA run! JLA Vol. 1 #8-#15, #8 and #9 are specifically about connor saving and joining the league, the rest of the issues just feature him in a team setting, as, well, its the league.
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if you want to read mia as well, read Green Arrow: Quiver (GA Vol. 3 #1-#10), Connor plays an important role but its almost entirely in the very last issue, and it's more about Ollie's role dynamic with him than anything else, so just read that if it tickles your fancy.
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I wish i could recommend more of GA Vol. 3 for connor, unfortunately he's pretty fucking sidelined, and for every good moment theres 2 bad ones. (immediately after quiver he is shot and put in a coma for an arc, somehow this isnt the last time this happens.) Though i do recommend #11, and i think #21 is a good issue to read for ollie and him, but it also includes a pretty huge retcon to Connor and Ollie's past
Other than those, he has One-shots in Green Arrow 80th Anniversary 100-Page Super Spectacular: "One", DC Pride 2022: "Think Of Me", and DC Festival of Heroes: The Asian Superhero Celebration: "Hawke & Kong"
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to answer your second question, my URL aint lesbianspeedy for nothin! Mia is what i breathe and bleed, my recs for her are here!
as for Emi, your best bets are Green Arrow Vol. 5 #18-#20, #22, #28-#34 for her origin (though read N52 green arrow at your own risk, even i havent properly read these), Green Arrow Vol. 6 #1-#7 (this may feel like a completely new character, i'm sorry, dc has a angsty characterisation problem, if you enjoy either of these characterisations, i'd recommend you keep reading said runs past my specific recs for more issues with her!) and Stargirl Spring Break Special + Stargirl: The Lost Children #1-#6
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halfusek · 1 year
Irt you post about the archives- Have you read any of the novels? I feel like some of them, like Joey's autobiography, help give a bit more insight to these characters, at least a little.
As for Nathan, I think it's supposed to represent that, unlike Joey, he really was a self made man with good intentions, and that highlights that Wilson was trying to live up to the shadow of his father and instead of being the kind of man his father would have raised, Wilson chose to be as vile as he is.
Memory Joey on the other hand, really is just a representation of this flawed idea people had of the man, only the good parts of Joey that he chose to show. The idealized version of himself that he saw, rather than who he really is. It makes sense to have that contrast there, but he really is just a plot device rather than his own character and it's a shame.
I can't say much for the others, because they feel very lacking. They have a lot of good moments, like the "I'm beautiful." "Always were." scene for example, but outside these moments they feel somewhat empty.
It's unfortunate, because if they had the time, team, and resources, they could have had an incredible story to tell, but limitations with money and staff because of the irl studios layoffs and TheMeatly & Mike Mood making really, really bad choices with their business caused the game to fall short of what it could have been.
we must have read different books because it felt to me like batdr completely ignores book lore
honestly i just feel like the books have been made irrelevant and theyre just kind of telling us stories about these random characters? like adrienne is doing her best to describe these characters but im not gonna lie, as there was some potential to them batdr has been a huge turn off for me for reading anymore (plus that upcoming book is gonna have a yet another completely new character as the main protagonist and im just... bruh how about yall expand upon the characters you already have because this universe is just becoming very messy and full of shallow characters instead of having fewer but interesting ones?? im not against new characters being introduced but they just keep on adding then and then it feels like what we're reading doesn't even matter in the grand scheme of things, that sucks)
sure we get an insight to joey... the only character that actually HAS a lot of complexity and screentime in the games so like yea i like joey and i enjoyed his book but again it felt more like an extra rather than anything that helped expanding the story or the world, i dont really understand their strategy for these...
nathan's and wilson's relation is just uninteresting and shallows wilson's character in my opinion, like what he says to you in game makes out nathan to have been some sort of a horrible father and that'd be kinda interesting and would make wilson a morally grey character
but no he's just a spoiled brat or whatever his archetype is supposed to be and we can throw away the entire symbolism about nathan and bockswell lotsabucks (that cartoon cat from the comics) and the fact that there is supposed to be nathan arch junior and senior making it clear that they changed their minds about the plot just to surprise people (even worse, they ADMIT to doing that in the interview that recently came out... as if it was a good thing ToT) but by doing so they just contradicted clues that existed there before that we could have gotten away from the damn books! like this just makes me not wanna buy any other books anymore because its a clear message that it doesnt fucking matter if we read them, theyre just there to tell us stories about random characters that also wont even appear in the games anyways but we will get 200 more audiologs from other randos we wont care for
again i gotta be sorry for being so negative but im just SO disappointed with batdr and with what the archives had to say
like whatever they are telling their story, its not a sin to be bad and scummy at writing (scummy as in not understanding that youre baiting people into buying extra things for understanding the lore and then making sure you surprise people anyway)
so basically
there is no use for theorising because the message is that they just want to surprise us so if we guess where theyre going they will just change the story no matter how much its gonna suck and contradict what happened before
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i cannot comprehend how meatly sees that as a good thing but i guess thats how he wants to tell his stories and whatever makes them happy man
but i find it incredibly shady when you advertise your game as a mystery to be solved and personally this kills my enjoyment of the franchise
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louissatturi · 6 months
Ok so, hello, new Ordem Paranormal fan here, I'm not Brazillian so I apologize if any of my questions are stupid, and if you do not want to/don't have the answer to any of my questions, I will not be offended. I've just finished O Segredo Na Floresta (That ending man...fuck) and while I know some spoilers from later campaigns, I generally don't know the context around them. Now that I've gotten that out of the way, I have way too many questions, so feel free to pick and choose. 1. I've noticed that the artist between the second and third campaign changes, or at least I think that's the case because the styles are incredibly different. I'm assuming that it's because Cellbit wanted more realism, but I was curious if that was it or not because I can't really find anything on my own (the wiki, sadly, doesn't seem to have pages for the artists :() (I'm just curious about this, I like both art styles) 2. Have you ever had a llonguet or coxhina? Not entirely related to Ordem Paranormal but they mentioned those foods a few times so I was curious as to how good they were, they both look good tbh 3. It only gets worse from here doesn't it. (This next question is more so Desconjuracao and Calamidade than either of the ones I've watched) 4. I know about the relics, do they all work differently? I mean, yeah they do but like, the human in that body dies when they take over, right? But like, can they make the body immortal or does the body still age? I assume not with the God of Death because...yeah just saw that, but it could still decompose I guess. Idk, the relics fascinate me and I'm really excited for Desconjuracao to get translated 5. How many times does the system change? Because the first campaign was a d6 system, the second is a d100 system, but the wiki says Ordem Paranormal is a d20 system. Does it get more finalized by Desconjuracao? Or will it take til Calamidade for me to see the current system? I'm really hoping the rulebook gets translated someday, I'd love to play or gm, and I'm curious as to what campaign would be a good reference for what it might be like. 6. Do you have a favorite character? I don't have many people to talk Ordem Paranormal in depth with so I'm curious as to what other fans opinions are. Also, are there any characters that generally people really dislike? 7. Not sure if you read fanfics or comics, but do you have any you'd recommend? Even if it's for later campaigns I could put it on the backburner, I'd love to see more fanworks than what I've found on my own Ok so, that's a lot so I'll stop asking stuff for now, thank you so much for letting me ramble hahaha
1- well you are a minority because people really hate the old artist (Rafael da Hq) well it was changed because the new artist (Orenjiro) did beutiful fanart and cellbit decided that he would do the art for ordem ever since! (Minus o segredo na ilha, that was bonees), but the main reason why the fandom does not talk is because he did tracing and was exposed for pedophilia, also i did not know that there wasn’t any wiki pages for the artists like what? They maybe will do some soon!
2- because of your grammar i unfortunaly dont know what you ment by what you ment by llounguet but i already had many coxinhas in my life lol, they are a pretty popular "salgado" (salty food) and i really like it, the ones filled with chicken are the best (i mean its pretty rare a coxinha be anything BUT filled with chicken but WHAT EVER), i hope you get to taste coxinha, is pretty good
3- Oh honey, you didn’t even get to see the worst deaths in ordem paranormal history lol
4- i mean you won’t get much about the calamity relics since they are more important in calidade but basicly the human body that the relic is inhabiting dosen't age and is pretty much imortal (unless other relic kills it) bur when the human body of the relic dies, they just poof like the human body dosen't exist anymore and they go to another human to continue doing their elements Jobs
5- Oh honey the only season that they play 100% from the ordem paranormal rpg rulebook is sinais do outro lado, this system had a fuck ton of changes and rewrites especially because the comunity was very involved in it
6- Oh i have a bunch of them but my main favs are liz and my baby joui 💜, so the fandom is fascinating because the character can be very loved with a very toxic fanbase but also very hated with a bunch of toxic haters (joui's case lol) but most of the time the really hated character's are from the villans side, mainly npc's but this hatred is generely only really prevelent for character's with players when the season is airing yk? But for me is kinda hard to tell witch character is the most hated for all fandom because it really depends on your fandom circle because is pretty commun to get a bunch of comments of "OMG WHY DO YOU HATE THIS CHARACTER" for pretty much evey character in ordem
7- about fanfics... i unfortunaly don’t have much recomendations because i do not read much ordem fanfics (especially because the fandom is kinda dead right now and all ordem ficwritters became spiderbit/guapoduo ficwritters) well the fanprojects are kinda dead right now unfortunately, but there is official comics of ordem paranormal that adapt the first season and the first part of season 2 translated to english that you can buy it officially in e-book form! I also have a project for myself in adapt ordem seasons in manga form (and rewrite some stuff that dosen't make sanse) and make a silly self indulgent fanfic adding two oc's of mine as character's living the happy horror's that is the ordem paranormal universe, but i little idvice if you want to see ordem content
Go to Twitter, there is more people there the here unfortunaly
I hope my answers helped and any questions just hit my ask box!
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Sorry I don't know if you have answered this before, but how you think in a3 the reveal of Spi saving Quaritch is gonna go? Also what Spider gonna do when they find out?
Cause i think its either, he's gonna feel so guilty that he just lets anything coming to him happen (wheter it's getting attacked, insulted, yelled at, exiled...), because he feels like he deserves it.
Or, just get angry and lash out ( like all the neglect and shitty things he's been through at some point have to build some sort of resentment or bitterness inside him)
Because how did they not expect that he was gonna get Stockholm Syndrome with him when he's the first adult to actually care about him ( in Quaritch's own twisted way) and saved him not once but twice, when everybody else just left him to die.
And Spider saying something along the lines of: why did Jake get forgiven when he literally help with the destruction of hometree, and I just commited the crime of existing, its not my fault who my parents are, i cant fucking help it, i dont need to be reminded everyday.
This is a hard question, because it's so hard to predict the exact situation that will go down. Will the entire Sully family be there, will he tell just Kiri or Lo'ak, will he tell Jake, will they find out from Quaritch returning- a ton of options that affect the various reactions in a ton of ways.
My best guess, based just on how I think James structures his scripts, I think that they won't find out until the very end of the movie when confronted with actual Quaritch. That's my guess. I think we'll then find out he already told Kiri offscreen, I don't think they'll show us. It gives us a chance for a new antagonist for Jake to work with for the majority of the film in Vaarang, and it gives Quaritch the time to rebuild (and most likely do character building shit that's gonna make more people simp for him annoyingly) until he comes in at the end and does something really unforgivable that solidifies that choice directly in front of Spider. It's your Anakin massacring the tusken raiders moment.
If these were my scripts, that is where I would kill Neteyam, and I would have Quaritch do it. You build on his possible arc from the previous movie and then it's all the more crushing when he does something he can't come back from in the audience's eyes (child killing and animal abuse being those things audiences don't forgive). But we don't have to talk about how if James consulted me I could have made this shit better. We don't have to kidnap children to force EVERY confrontation, James.
Spider's reactions are hard to predict, because Spider has a lot of confidence in himself in the comics. He stands up for himself. We don't see this as much in the movie, and we've all sort of personified him as guilty and self blaming. I tend to lean towards him feeling incredibly guilty for this. I don't see any world at all where he would compare himself to Jake, these are all things that happened before his time that I assume he has only limited knowledge on. The details of Jake's betrayal CAN'T be talked about widely, especially not with Spider. I don't think he would ever think to bring it up. I can see him getting frustrated at some point and talking about how they left him, but not in reaction to this. I see him only feeling guilty for this, and I think they will want to put his position in question in the film before making it clear at the end via his reaction to whatever terrible shit Quaritch does.
Watch me be wildly off base now.
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distort-opia · 1 year
Which do you think its more likely to happen: batman ending up with catwoman or joker? I lean towards joker but thats because im biased (i dont hate batcat or anything i just think its kinda plain) and i just want a more objective answer
Well this is a... complicated question.
Do you mean what's more likely to happen in canon? Because then the answer is just Catwoman, and that it already basically happened, one way or another. You've got the almost-wedding and then Batman/Catwoman (2021), you've got The New Golden Age (2022), in which Bruce and Selina married and had a daughter called Helena... Batcat is kind of the default canon goes to for Bruce. Joker isn't someone DC even sees as part of the race for who Bruce ends up with, he's not truly part of the equation. Or to be more precise, he's not part of the equation as he is. Because technically, I can say that Batman ended up with Joker in one Universe and be right-- in Flashpoint, with Thomas Wayne as Batman and Martha Wayne as Joker. Even Bruce's relationship with Selina in King's writing contains very overt Joker elements. But that's the thing, you might get Joker turned into a woman and then Batjokes is dubiously canon, or you might get Bruce dating a woman who's very Joker-like, but getting actual canon comic-book Batjokes with no change to their characters is very doubtful. DC doesn't have the balls to do that. (And by that, I mostly mean letting Bruce be explicitly non-straight.)
If you're asking me what I think is most likely to happen when it comes to Bruce's endgame romantically, my honest answer is... kinda depressing. You know how Bruce ends up in Batman Beyond? Alone, old and bitter, after having pushed everyone in his life away? That. And only if Bruce didn't die while being Batman and saving Gotham/the Universe, which let's be fair, is the most statistically likely potential ending. For instance, Catwoman: Lonely City has the kind of ending I think Bruce expects for himself; much like Endgame was the ending Bruce expected and even chose. Dying with Joker... which some would argue is Batman and Joker ending up together.
I wouldn't say an objective answer exists, though. Objectivity, when it comes to fiction, doesn't truly exist-- but it exists even less in the realm of comics, where you've got so many possible Universes and realities and continuities and versions of a character. My understanding of Bruce leads me to think that he'd try to be with Selina, but that ultimately he'd self-sabotage; and when it comes to Joker, it'd take something very out of the ordinary to get both Bruce and Joker to even consider a real relationship. In the absence of this extreme event, I don't think Batjokes can end in anything other than death, for one or both parties.
Sorry for being kind of a bummer! What can I say, I like Bruce specifically for how much of a tragic wet cat of a man he is, and how unlikely he is to get over his neuroses. Snyder says it best in Endgame, I think...
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Batman's story cannot end happily. Bruce won't let it, not even if he survives being Batman.
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moralesmilesanhour · 11 months
Ooh wait I forgot to do this. Seems like an appropriate time so [game show music plays]
Malika's official spiderverse ranking (REAL)!
(Excluding Miles G and Miles' family sorry guys)
Miles Morales ‼️
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Duh. He's like, the Main Guy and the reason why most of us are here. He's weird!! He's lame!! He's smart and annoying about it!! Just like me fr 🔥🔥🔥 hope he gets therapy soon and maybe some meds
2. Hobie Brown
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Lives up to his character description in every way possible. He IS an anarchist and he WAS in fact, "this cool the whole time". Bonus points for being the first guy to fuck off to his dimension the minute he did what he had to do (help the youth and ruin Miguel's day). Extra points for Gender
3. Pavitr Prabhakar
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He just debuted and he's already got several iconic one-liners under his belt. Banger suit redesign and FAWK Marvel for that first costume ‼️ It's really the curly fringe that does it for me like EATTT
4. Margo Kess
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Idgaf she's literally goated. Had she gotten more screen time slhe would've been number 3 tbh. She's here to slay and found a way to stay her ass at home while being part of an elite Spider Squad. Women in stem
5. Jessica Drew
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"But she's on Miguel's side!" And wrdgaf 🤣 she beats bitches up not just with webs but with A MOTORCYCLE!! And she's one of the only Spideys not masked Jessica is literally here to clock in, do her job, and clock out. She's #real I can't take that away from her. Bonus points for Issa Rae
6. Spot
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I know. Look, I KNOW. But this is quite literally one of the most genius and thematically-coherent supervillain reveals I have ever seen in a superhero movie. HE WAS THE BAGEL GUY I WAS SO GAGGED! I left the theater and had to stare at a wall like this is excellent usage of pre-existing comic book characters to further one of the movie's messages, which is to not underestimate people!
7. Gwen Stacy
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Okay look, she's cool. She's a punk that does ballet and she is part of the Hailee Steinfeld Cool Girl Industrial Complex. But she hasn't done anything that blows my mind yet and she clearly wasn't taking Hobie's advice like girl sjdlslk. I also doc points for pissing me off so sorry to her. On god we gon get you a girlfriend and some therapy as well 🙏🏾
8. Miguel O'Hara
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Ohh brother this guy STINKS‼️ But they went sooo crazy w his character design shout out to Kris Anka. Bonus points for Oscar Isaac but minus points again for throwing a trash can at a high schooler. He only eats cafeteria food and has NO BITCHES! But upon reading about his character backstory ive decided that this guy is so unhinged and pathetic that it is now comical. Therefore I can't hate him. LEWSER
9. Peter B Parker
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Sorry peepaw we're gonna have to put you down. At least Miguel can say that he has strong principles and believes in his own flimsy theory out of trauma. Miguel also doesn't really know Miles, , but Peter MENTORED HIM. Bro literally helped train living, breathing proof that anything was possible and that there was no "right" way for Spider-Man's story to go and he still let Miguel convince him otherwise. YOU HAVE A BABY THAT WOULD NOT EXIST WITHOUT MILES! Sir you may be a genius but you are not smart. Then he has the nerve to insult this kid's intelligence multiple times like don't piss me off. The betrayal puts him lower than Miguel because you've disappointed me peepaw 💔 and put a coat on that baby. I love him but he SUCKS
That's it 🫶🏾 please don't take this too seriously these characters are not real and thus cannot read this and I'm also kind of joking here
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rainderthesomeone · 6 months
Its official :>
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I know I've said it here and there on a few posts on transgender stuff, but its a official, I'm trans :D
TW: I talk about abuse and body dysphoria in this post, you dont have to read the rest, this section is just me sharing my experiences in my teenage years with a homophobic as hell republican as a father.
I've known for a while like ever since I was in Middle School, I had a really hard time fitting in with other girls, I tried making friends with them but they were all into make up and dress's and talking about boys and other stuff, I made at least one friend in middle school but they left me for a group of girly girls, and I wasn't interested in what they liked, I was into a lot of things they were not interested in, I was a huge nerd, I liked games, Godzilla, movie production, comics, marvel, star wars, fnaf, dinosaurs, bendy, (not saying girls dont like these things, girls can like anything guys :D women are amazing I know a lot of amazing girls now :>) nothing they liked and when they saw that they weren't interested in me anymore, but I connected with the guys a lot more, but they always saw me as the girl who tagged along and needed to be treated gently, at first I had no interest in the lgbtq community or the idea of being something else other than what I already was, I couldn't even really talk about, since the topic of gay and gender ideology wasn't allowed in the house I used to live in, my father hated gay people, said they were wired, and shouldn't be his words not mine "frolicking around and being queer" da hell dose that mean? im still baffled by that, he's also that kind man who thinks lesbians are cool and gay men shouldn't exist, it was that level of misogyny and homophobia, looking at it now, it was really disgusting and disturbing, but I was 12 I didn't know any better.
but than as I got older I became more aware, and started questioning things, I was 13 in my room, on my phone, and I found this artist who was drawing deltarune characters, deltarune was also a huge eye opener to the lgbtq comunity for me, since kris identified as none binary, but I found one of the oc's the artist made and they identified as A gender, and I was like whats that and looked into it more and more, and than I went from I dont know who or what I am, to maybe im a demi girl, maybe im A Gender, maybe im none binary and than boom, it clicked, I went with they/them/there's for a while, but I began to feel uncomfortable, by being refred to as her, she, I started hating wearing a braw and how scratchy and annoying it felt, I began hating my chest, I stopped wearing shorts due to my legs being abnormally hairy and that girls arent supposed to be hairy, at one point my dad was going to put me through a hole body hair removal process which would have removed all my body hair, and he was going to do it without me knowing, until my mother told me, she was the most supportive person I had while going through this, I was litteraly terrified to say no to my dad, but eventully he didint go through with it, but I still wasnt allowed to have body hair, every time we went shoe shopping he tried to get me pink shoes, and brands women would only use, we went on a cruise and we had to dress up, but I didint want to since I would have had to wear a dress, blue jeans were the only thing I had that was close to guy clothes, I wasnt allowed anything remotley masculine, only my mom would let me have products like old spice, and she took me guy clothe shopping but it had to be in secret from my father, who would hurt me and my mother if he found out, not physically well he would probably slap me, but only yell at my mother, which still wasnt good, eventully we left his sad ass, and now me and my mom live in a apartment together, and from there I could freely explore who I was, a month later I came out as trans to my mother right after we left, and im in therapy with an amazing therapist and I have amazing friends who dont fully understand but support me in every direction, only triggering thing Ive experinced so far was not being able to change my pronouns to he him lol, Curse you school bored! XD
anyway sorry for the lenghty slightly depressing post, I just wanted to share my story here since I have the platform to do so now, the freedom of speech is very rewarding and validating lol, origanlly this was going to be a post about "guys I got my first chest binder oh and btw im ftm" but I wanted to get this off my chest no pun intended and open myself up more on here, the trans comunity on tumblr has been amazing so far, especially the tf2 comunity on here, I truly feel welcomed and comfortable being here.
lot of grammar issues in here, grammars not my strong suit plus its 11 pm for me right now, im heading to bed lol, good night everyone!
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comphetkoncass · 1 year
superboy man of tomorrow 2 liveblog lets GOOOOO
obviously spoilers ahead
the cover is exactly how i feel about this guy. yes. squish him. he is pocket-sized. i will pick him up and squeeze him like a stress toy <3
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every panel of kon getting hurt tbh (and for fellow kon whumpers. its a fucking FEAST.) <3 but also - that post going around that says ttk cant deflect energy, this is delightful acknowledgement of that. all my homies love when the ttk shatters like an old coke bottle.
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obsessed with all the panels about him talking about trying to do this with ~style~, but also getting his ass beat and feeling like this is actually a workout. yes my child. tell me it's difficult. overcome <3
"this is what i wanted. me, on my own, against the scum of the universe" baby no
"no one is coming to save me. not clark, not tim, not cassie, not bart... not even kelex." BABY NO but also. prettiest boy in the galaxy. look at this shit.
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the argument about not letting innocent people get hurt. kon you are . such a good person. i love you. u just never falter
intergalactic cloning lore!!! kon finding people who share shocking similarities with him!! i dont often like random characters but i'll admit i'm a fan of these guys. i'm even bothering to remember their names unlike how i treat most side characters (sorry. im a bad comic fan. however. there are so many fucking side characters. do you really expect me to remember everyones name who stays in a comic for less than 3 issues). anyways go pira! these guys are already bonding, i love them and want the best for them. thats right babes you take down that empire. maybe listen to kon about uhhhhhh not letting everyday civilians die in the property damage though. pls.
also there seem to be similarities with some of starfire's backstory? what is it with these alien races who want to clone, splice dna, and/or genetically alter existing races fr. kon and kory should bond over this i think.
kon has sooo much respect for his friends. i love that he keeps mentioning them :') this boy is a bonafide bff. ALSO. HAVE SOME RESPECT FOR YOUR OWN RESOURCEFULNESS HONEY... YOU GOT THIS!!!
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"they think i'm just a weapon? well, if both sides are looking for a fight, they're in luck -- i'm just itching to show them what the house of el has to offer." YEAH BABY YOU ARE A PROUD PART OF THE HOUSE OF EL. YOU HAVE A FAMILY. <3 <3 <3
his dorky awkward little grin. ohhh my goddddddddddd. hes so fucking proud of himself. hes teaching them :') he thinks hes such a good role model. im going to squeeze him to death.
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"i start to think about what conner kent would do AND ITS INFINITELY COOLER" YOU GO BABY. im so fucking obsessed with this. im having so much goddamn fun with this issue actually. they saw kon stans and they gave us exactly what we wanted. i feel so seen
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whos ready to punch through a space fleet. me. im ready. im ready to watch you have the time of your goddamn life next issue.
overall i REALLY like this issue! i don't usually love the whole, "solo series in space" thing because it seems like an excuse to separate characters from the main cast and isolate them and make any growth happen outside of their friendships on earth, which often ends up pretty meh. however. this is fun and engaging and kon references his friends enough that i'm cautiously optimistic.
i do hope kon runs into other mainline characters at some point in this series though; anything to ground this more into main canon and make sure character development ties back to the main series.
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isabelguerra · 2 years
i’m making a new post 4 this bc i ended up thinking way harder than i thought i would which resulted in writing a small essay on fucking johnny jhonny. so i’m going to put this the tag and make everyone look at it. bc hes a cool character. heres the og post ok enjoy ily
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@spoopyspoony i mean yea if we were dealing with ch1 johnny maybe. but we’re not, so i’m operating on 1 very important key factor here: we’ve ALREADY SEEN johnny not telling things to his friends!
this starts during hitball, the games’ ending is our as catalyst. we see that the words and actions of both hijack and max- hijacks bully/‘good violence’ monologue, max getting his arm broken to save a guy whos only been a jerk to him- begin sowing self doubt in johnny’s view of himself and his archetype role as School Bully. we even see this in action during the rope scene, ollie asks if somethings bothering him and johnny brushes it off in favor of deflecting. when ollie is mistakenly believed to say they wont use violence to get information out of ed, johnny jumps at it. we SEE ollie and rj give each other side eyes at his weird behavior. they dont pry, which is nice of them. but it also means he’s not talking to them, or anyone, about whats bothering him until we get to the ed scenes. there’s a lot going on in the ed scenes that i’m not gonna go into because it gives me a headache but my point is that johnny told a TOTAL STRANGER abt his teenage dodgeball-induced ego death crisis before he told rj, who is Right There.
‘yeah but johnnys fine by the end’ johnnys fine by the end bc he goes back to being cool w/ hurting ppl if it means his friends would still like him and everything stayed the same. u really think tht if it ended w him actually giving more entertainment to the idea ‘should i stop being a bully?’ instead of bouncing back immediately, if he was still made to question his friends’ love for him if he changed, he’d have the same happy outcome? miss me w that 
so ultimately it’s not that johnny doesn’t trust his friends enough to tell them this secret/problem, but that their good graces and friendship mean SO much to him that we see him start to not tell them things if he believes it would jeopardize that friendship.
‘ok but thats why johnny wouldn’t tell his friends about THAT. its still doesnt answer why he wouldn’t tell them about THIS’ good point! here’s what we know: johnny LOVES his friends. johnny would do anything for his friends. including putting himself in harms way and keeping things from them if he’s worried it’ll negatively impact the existence of their friendship. so i’ll counter: ‘johnny has no reason to tell his friends about this shit’? no dude johnny has EVERY reason not to tell his friends this shit! his friends ARE the reason! johnny’s so ride or die that he’ll die if it means his friends can still ride.
forge’s little soliloquy on ch5pg97 hints at a perspective of spectral existence that’s much more grim than the ‘cool superpowered kids fight ghosts’ premise we’re led into the comic with. soooooo if this new change in his life were to. say. put himself or his loved ones in danger. actual, non-teenage, ‘my-last-medium-met-her-end-as-a-result-of-this-world,-and-there-is-nothing-that-can-ensure-you-will-not-meet-the-same-fate’ danger. or! not even put them in danger! just simply lead him to believe that them just KNOWING that danger exists for him, and there’s next to nothing they can do about it? to have the friends he cares so much about constantly worried about him? if they knew, a whole lot would change. to johnny, i think that guilt would be pretty tough to deal with
well. they cant worry if they don’t know, yeah?
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spacedhead · 1 year
homestuck reread #15 act 6 p6
this is funny . HE DID THOSE THINGS . he is so silly . he is the reason all of my faves just died gruesomely. i hope you die in a fire you fucking bitch
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when you walkin
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my son needs to be studied in a genetics lab . why would you ever say this to another human being
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okay...... in dangerous territory of becoming a roxygen shipper... surely this will not happen to me
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this is how i look in real life every day of the god damn week year month space time continue umm (thinkign of daeb stribur)
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ive been converted to roxygen. sorry to all my fans. also this sequence um is the best and i love it even though the things that it is a reaction to were terrible and maybe the worst i love this part for some reason. it is like a break. like there is a plan in motion and things are getting fixed, but it also feels... quieter... the chiller if you will. maybe because i love john and roxy and they are the stars of this part
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i wonder if he was saying things like gadzooks or shucky darn or ay chihuahua
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ok i watched the vriska gram and it was awesome B) but look at THIS . wow they are getting along! awesome we love to see it
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SO TRUE. i need to start saying this. or do i? no probably not .
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awwwwww yeeaaaaaaaaa-
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he is so funny
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brother what are you saying... youre so corny lil bro... i cant believe i used to be like this when i was like 11 years old... SO CRINGE
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yeah sometimes things are just really fucking gay. and is it a crime to point that out . like my friends? theyre all soooooooo gay its ridiculous. i think it makes them better
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john egbert - subtle as a brick. i kinda love him for that though? like it is funny to me just how fucking oblivious he is to like EVERYTHING around him .
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john being absolutely mind blown and own realizing he wants terezi so badly is so funny like LOL YOU WANT HER SOOO BAD AND KARKAT JUST CALLED YOU TF OUT LIL BRO
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hes so over
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god i love dave and arquius sprite. look at them . my sons. one of them is weird and sweaty
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dave is so me (in my mind)
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this is the funniest jake will ever be and the joke is on him and he said ONE word. great comedic timing buddy
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i love this for karkat. defend your boyfriend!! i dont think vriska is necessarily trying to be mean here but i do like that karkat is willing to seriously defend his honor.
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me every day . goodnight
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this is really fucked up man
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okay reading this i dunno if i always thought this probably i did but ive returned to it again and definitively this time. this interaction between dave and dirk is the BEST interaction in the comic and adds so much more depth to both of them who were already GREAT characters. THIS interaction solidifies dave as my favorite character of all time. homestuck is many things but one of its major themes is just trying to become a better person. and i think dave personifies that theme so much. he has come so far and evolved so much as a person that looking back at his early interactions in the comic makes you think you are looking at a completely different character. sure he types the same and has a bit of the same mannerisms but it is so clear that he went from shitty bigoted teenager to a guy who actually cares about the things he says and does and a guy who is actually a good person. he even says in a previous interaction with roxy and rose that he has focused on being a half way decent guy so that when he makes a freudian slip (which he does ALL the time) it wont be anything insane of unforgiveable. i fucking love him and i am so glad this conversation with dirk exists
I MEAN LOOK AT THIS SHIT DUDE . PRE SBURB DAVE WAS A FUCKING ASSHOLE AND LOOK AT HOW FAR HE HAS COME . it seems so simple but it actually means a lot especially for someone having gone through all the shit he did and coming out the other side like this .
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man so fuckin true
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okay... so thats all the images i have for this one. i do think its a good place to end it though. this is def my favorite part of the whole comic. theres not much left! next post may be the last. just a few more conversations and little events to happen and then Collide. its gonna be great!!!
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poppy-metal · 3 years
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"The first time you hear Izuku moan your name, its with you hiding on the other side of his closet door, your hand clapped over your mouth in shock.”
A/N: im placing this before the sexual side of their relationship begins. A prelude of sorts, if you will.
Cw: voyeurism, smut, dekus secretly dirty mouth.
All things considered izuku’s room was...not as gross as you expected a staple college aged guys dorm room to be. It was cluttered but not disgusting, posters of comics and figurines and manga and some clothes strewn about, everything kind of frenzied and haphazard. It was so incredibly deku, a secret smile pulled at your lips, even though your reasons for being here were less than innocent
He’s wearing fucking pink. Because of course he is, of course izuku is humble and comfortable in his masculinity enough to pull off a bright pink t-shirt. It hugs his chest too, and you have to wonder if literally any of his clothes fit him and the tits he decided to grow in college. His image is so utterly imposing, his smile so bright, and laugh so airy, it sends butterflies flipping through your stomach at just the sight of him and that makes you want to vomit. Your lips curl in a sneer and you’re walking towards him and the group of friends he’s talking to as if on reflex. 
Stupid, lovely deku. You knock your shoulder into his as you pass, hard enough that his books clatter and fall to the floor, scattering. And then those green eyes are on you, giving you his attention and your body feels alive, your blood cells buzzing under your skin even as he frowns. The dimples on his freckled face fall as he takes you in. Yes, you think, look at me, see me, want me. 
Out loud you say. “Watch where you’re going, stupid deku” and you’re looking at him like he’s the dirt under your shoe. He’s not. He’s the center of your universe. Your world tilts around his axis. “Pink isn’t your fucking color by the way”. it is. 
Izuku huffs. He’s past the point where he used to turn as red as a tomato and duck his head whenever you stood in front of him, but he’s still deku at the end of the day. An easy target. “If looking at me bothers you so much you could just ignore me.” He crouches down to pick up his things. His words make you itch, if you could ignore him, you wouldn’t fucking be here. Its because he exists too much, that you want to push him down so much. 
You step your manicured foot onto his notebook right as he’s about to grab it. He tugs at it, you dont budge, and he looks up at you, exasperated. “Can i have my notebook, please?” 
Why is he so fucking pretty? God, you want to throw up. You dig your heel in further, covering the flutter you feel in your chest with a practiced sneer. “I like the way you say please, deku.” You lean down a little, “Say ‘your highness’ and i’ll move” 
It’s a thrill, seeing the way his jaw sets, his brow furrows, his eyes go annoyed. Sweet, sweet, friendly izuku. You’re the only one he looks at like this, like he wants to throttle you. But he won’t. You see his adams apple bob, his cheeks dust pink, even as he glares. “No” 
You pause. It’s not the first time he’s gotten snippy with you, but the conviction behind it is new. You feel something in your stomach give a jump, your blood thrumming in your ears. You jerk your foot towards you, sliding his notebook out from his hands and standing completely on top of it with both your feet now. Your sticky lips, glossy and plump, spread into a mocking grin, “No? Do i need to slam you into some lockers and take you lunch money?” You feel a thousand feet tall, towering above him still kneeling, you on the high ground, looking down at him below you, where he can’t reach you. Can’t ever see the truth. “C’mon pansy, you’re already on your knees anyway” 
But he isn’t anymore. He jerks to a stand, and now he’s taller than you, but you puff your chest out, not letting that affect you. It always affects you. Not that he knows or ever notices. Your eyes are widening when he steps forward so you’re practically nose to nose and chest to chest. “I don’t have time for you” he snaps, irritated. And then he’s stepping away as suddenly as he stepped up, the rest of his things gathered in his arms, he shakes his head at you, a tendril of that mossy mousey hair falling into his eyes. “I gotta get to class” 
And then he’s gone, brushing by you, disengaging. You stand there, your breath stuck in your chest, not moving. ‘I dont have time for you’ over and over again rings through your head like a mantra. You step off his notebook robotically and kick it across the floor. It bangs against a wall and you feel your fists clench, nail beds digging into your palms harshly. ‘I dont have time for you’ 
You turn on your heel, away from the direction of your class, fury blinding you. Anger in place of humiliation, vindication in place of being humbled. You don’t know what crawled up his ass and made him think he was above you all the sudden, but you weren’t having it, not the fuck at all. 
And that’s how you found yourself snooping through izukus dorm, with the intention of finding some kind of dirt, or something to hold over his stupid head. He didn’t have time for you? How dare he act like he was better than you, like he had things more important to do than to indulge you. You were still so mad you wanted to throw a tantrum, kick and scream and claw his eyes out. Straddle his stupid broad waist and shake him until all he saw was you, you, you. 
You really hated him. Hated that because of him you were basically a bully because any attention from him was attention you thrived and lived under. Maybe if you weren’t so prideful, so disgusted by the weakness of your own gooey emotions for him, you would have tried to be the center of his attention in a nicer way, but as it was you were in too deep. This was the sick game you played, and losing wasn’t an option. 
You hated how much that made you similar to bakugou in a way. You didn’t like that guy, and even weirdly so, you wanted to gouge his fucking eyes out for the way he treated and talked to izuku. Was it jealousy or possesivness that drove you to want to be the only one who could rile izuku? You wondered, sometimes, if bakugou felt the same way about you. 
It was the loss of control, for you. Better yet, it was the way you liked the loss of that control. You had always prided yourself on being strong willed and a perfectionist. But whenever your eyes so much as grazed izukus, all your emotions went rattling around your stomach in sick twisted ways, giving you goosebumps, making you...nervous. It was a crush that had turned into an obsession, wasn’t it? And you wanted to make izuku suffer not only for invoking those messy feelings, but for not seeming to return them as well. If he couldn’t love you or want you romantically or sexually, you’d force yourself onto his radar and into his head until thinking about anyone else was impossible. Until you squirmed under his skin as much as he squirmed under yours. 
Acting like you didnt exist was unacceptable. Obviously you’d slacked off on your taunts and actions, if he could just brush past you so easily, not taking your bait. You needed to even the playing field again, and by even you meant you needed to be towering above him again. 
Towering over him so you dont have the time to think about how much you want to be under him, your mind whispers at you as you pick through his room, trying to find anything incripting. Someone like izuku would probably have something utterly embarrassing like a diary or some weird porn magazines, shameless, helpless guy that he was. 
You huff as you open his drawer next to his bedside, nearly slamming it back shut in shock at what you see there. 
You’re not stupid. You’re a healthy, young woman with an active sexual imagination and access to the world wide web, to porn. 
Izuku has a fleshlight in his drawer. Izuku has a sexytoy. Izuku. And its green. 
Izuku has a sex toy that he probably uses. That he probably sticks his cock into and moves- 
An absurd laugh barks out of you, shocked and helpless. Because while in your head you knew izuku had to be some kind pervert, what other explanation was there for the way he blushed and darted his gaze around like a ping pong ball whenever you leaned forward and get caught a glimpse under your blouse, this is...unexpected. Imagining izuku in explicit scenarios, doing lewd things, it was something you didn’t allow your mind to wonder to often over. You didn’t like the way you got all squirmy and meek whenever you thought too long about izuku without clothes. 
You feel kind of squirmy now, hot and uncomfortable as you shift around and try to gather your wits back about you. Revenge, that’s what you’re here for. 
With a shaky exhale you turn away from his dresser, your thoughts flitting around your head like annoying gnats. What, who, does he think about when he…? What does he look like? What does his...c- You shake your head, slap your cheeks, trying to center yourself from the images floating around, flustering you and distracting you. 
You’re in the middle of lifting the covers on his bed to peek under it, see if there’s anything there, when you hear the handle on his door jiggle. You freeze, every muscle in your body locked frozen like a deer in headlights as the knob twists, and then catches. Right. You’d picked the lock with one of your hair clips and then made sure to lock it again behind you just in case something like this happened. And by the, “Ugh” on the other side of the door, yep that’s definitely izuku. You’re shoved out of your shocked state, and bolting for his closet door as you hear the jingle of his keys twist in the lock, trying your best to close the door as quietly as possible behind you, it swishing shut barely a second before the door to his dorm opens and you hear him step in. 
Class must have let out early or something, you think huffily, gently rearranging yourself into a comfortable position on a pile of his clothes as he shuffles around his room. You hear the thumb of him dropping his books, the shuffle of his feet, the clutter of him taking off his shoes and the squeak of his mattress as he plops down on it. 
You tuck your knees to your chest and roll your eyes, picking at your leggings as you wonder how long you’ll have to hide before he goes to the bathroom or something so you can leave. It’s fucking stuffy in his closet already, the air hot. Your hand touches the soft fabric beneath you, realizing you’re sitting on one of his hoodies. Its too dark to see which one it is, but you imagine it as your favorite red one. Maybe you’d steal it as compensation for him making you sit and wait in his dumb closet while he probably stared at the ceiling with no thoughts in his dumb brain.
You hear him sigh, loud and dramatic, and then a muffled scream/groan into his pillow. Your lips twitch, he’s such a fucking drama queen. 
Your little smile drops off your face when you hear the sound of his drawer opening.  
Oh god. Oh no. 
Your face feels like there are embers burning under it as you hear the unmistakable sound of clothes being shucked, a zipper and and then flop, and then….a slick wet sound and a sigh of relief. 
Your eyes feel like they are bugging out of your head. Izuku is really about to fuck his fleshlight with you hiding in his closet with him none the wiser. You feel suddenly embarrassed and hot all over, hiding your face in your knees as you hear him let out a moan. A loud one. 
You’re on fire, every part of you. You don’t think you can take this, don’t think you can sit through this and listen to this, think you should just burst out of his closet and use your bravado to somehow flip the situation and make him feel humiliated for getting off in the privacy of his own room, like he’s in the wrong even though you had violated so many boundaries for even being here right now. 
You could do it too, you know. You’re good at twisting things, at powering through the complicated mess of flustered feelings izuku makes you feel and making it his fault, making him back down and cower. You could do it...you’re uncurling your legs and pushing your hands under you in the middle of getting up to do so when- 
“Fuck. ___” Your name. You freeze, for an unholy, goldy second you think you’ve been caught, that he has acquired x-ray vision and has spotted you but no. His voice isn’t surprised or upset its...breathless, airy. He moaned it. 
The first time you hear Izuku moan your name, its with you hiding on the other side of his closet door, your hand clapped over your mouth in shock.
Heat immediately shoots between your legs, your core throbbing unbidden in reflex to the sound, helpless to stop it, to have any other reaction. Your ass plops right back down. You turn slightly towards the door, pressing your side against it, your ear smooshed against the cool wood as you listen, as if drawn under a spell. 
“You’re such…” You hear izuku pant, his voice deeper and more rough then you’ve ever heard it before. “A fucking brat” 
Wet between your legs, seeping through your panties at his words, seemingly ripped out of him. God, he sounds pissed, wrecked. He cursed. You’ve never heard izuku curse before, never, even when you’d pushed him too far. Something really was different about today. 
The slick sounds are more frequent now, steady and...and sounding like real sex you’d heard from porn before. Wet, sloppy, and slapping. Your knees knock together as you lean forward even more. There’s an invisible string pulling, tugging you forward, you want to see…
“Fucking slut” He grunts, and there’s a heavy slap, your breath catching in your fucking throat as you realize that...that must be the clap of his balls hitting the back of his fleshlight everytime he thrusts into it. “Always running your fucking mouth, looking down at me, so mean, you’re so fucking mean to me…uh..” 
The sounds of sex fill the room and you can’t take it anymore, you’re burning, burning, burning, fuck the consequnces. You hesitantly and slowly turn the handle of the closet door, letting it slide open just a crack, enough for you to peek through, to get a glimpse.
His lean muscular back is the first thing you see, he’s facing directly away from his closet, thank god but oh god, that means you see..so much. The flex of his shoulder blades under his tan skin, the smattering of freckles over his shoulder, the long slender slope of his spine as it curves down his broad back, the dimbles at the bottom of his spine, flexing as he fucks his toy. His ass, because of course izuku would have a perfect round bubble butt. There are freckles there too. 
Your eyes skate down, hungry to his large and heavy balls, low hanging and full, currently smacked right up against the base of the little pocket pussy he’s practically straddling on his bed. 
It hits you again than, that deku is imagining that toy is you, he’s imagining fucking you in this position on his bed right now, imagining its your cunt hes pounding into, and your face he’s spitting those filthy words at. 
Your hand is really moving without your permission when it slips under the band of your leggings into your panties, fingers immediately dipping between the slick folds of your pussy, silky and wet. 
“-Wet” Izuku grunts, as you dip a finger just barely inside. “Fuck, i knew you’d be so fucking soft and good inside. Such a bratty girl would have a sweet cunt attached to her, huh?” 
Fuck, where and when did izuku start speaking like this? His soft voice curling around such crude words is making you gush all over your fingers. You wish you could see the kind of face he was making when he said them. 
“Yeah, you like taking my cock don’t you, baby?” He croons and if you close your eyes you can almost imagine he’s speaking directly into your ear, behind you. His thrusts get heavier, rougher, he lifts his leg up on the bed and you see a flash of the little green toy being fucked on his cock, big and angry looking. He’s being so brutal, hammering the thing down on his dick as he hips rut to meet every downward tug. “Milk it. Milk my fucking cock you whore. Wanna- fuck, wanna hear you say my name when you cum, want you to know who’s pouding that little pussy. The loser you fucking hate, yeah? Gonna cum for me?”
Yes, you whimper in your head in answer to him, your fingers curling deep, deep, inside, fucking yourself on them in earnest. He’s so big and you only caught a glimpse, but it was enough. Enough to know he’d fucking cleave you apart if he tried to fit that monster between his legs inside your tight little pussy. But you want it, god you fucking want it. You wanna feel him splitting you open, making you cream around him, making you beg for it. Making you bleed. 
“One of these day” he says, his voice breathless but steady, even as it cracks. You know he’s close. “I’m gonna fucking snap. Im going to make you look me in the fucking eye and apologize for making me want you, and then im going to split that pussy open- fuck, im coming, fuck, fuck, fuck. Do you understand, b-bitch? Gonna fucking make you mine, yeah, take it, take your senpais cock you dirty fucking girl, ah!” 
He slumps forward, hips humping into the toy and balls spasming as he pumps it full of his cum, shuddering deeply with little aborted whimpers. “Good girl, good girl” he pants, trailing off, giving one last little jerk of his hips before stilling. 
You bite your lip so hard you draw blood to stop yourself from whimpering out loud. You pull your sticky fingers out of your cunt and shuffle back into the dark of the closet, curling in on yourself as izuku lays there, panting heavily for a few moments before moving. 
You stay stock still as you hear him get up and shuffle around, his footsteps padding into the bathroom where you hear the door click softly shut. You spring up to your feet and don’t care if you make noise as you dart out of his room and into the hallway, sprinting like a bat out of hell as you make you way to the girls dorms.
You’ll think about how to reevaluate and recoup later. Right now you just really need to get to your bed so you can rut pathetically onto your own fingers and imagine izukus fat dick breaking you open. Never in a million years did you think he had those kinds of feelings for you, and you know it changes the whole game, is a whole other level of playing field where you now know he wants you on a physical level. 
You feel powerless and lie you’re slipping again, don’t know how you’re going to point your finger at him and laugh when you know for every insult you throw his way, is another way hes fucking his toy at night, adding it as another thing to get you back for. If he ever snaps. 
If. you want it to be a when, so bad, not an if. 
You’ll make it a when. You’ll push him off the metaphorical cliff he’s teetering on to make it so. 
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