#dont get me wrong i love and adore cas. but i can see why she doesnt
carpettmuncher · 9 months
im so obsessed with claire right now like. youre twelve and an angel takes away your daddy but your mommy says angels are supposed to be good. youre seventeen and the monster-angel dad-killer wears your fathers corpse and says he wants to help you and thinks an apology dinner will be enough to absolve his sins. good lord
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thequeenb · 4 years
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Poppy x MC
I know what you are all thinking..How the hell did us two even start dating? Well i never said i dont like her she is just always irritating damn it. It all changed one starry night when we had our first kiss, at first everything was confusing but then everything made sense
Our little fights, our intense make-out sessions, our unexplainable anger, our big confession. That's how things were since day one and how could i complain? But everything have been so secretive that it made me question if this is even real anymore.
"Now you should leave darling, Chloe will be here at any minute" Poppy waves a hand dressing up and i frown trying to show no emotion. Maybe i thought we were something, who wouldn't to be honest? When i told her that i liked her i thought it was mutual but boy oh boy was i wrong?
I sigh as i pick up my stuff exiting the room. I don't dare to say any word because i know my sensitive side will take over. What's wrong with me? I shouldn't have said anything in the first place but for once i said yes to taking risks
I plug my airpods in playing Apocalypse by CAS, surprisingly it's her favourite song and you know me, how could i not melt for Queen Bee? I walk around the campus remembering all the times i pinned her against these walls kissing her until she couldn't breathe.
What's the point anyways? I don't want to be anyone's secret, does she feel ashamed to be with me? Who cares what this university says if you truly have feelings for someone? I sigh walking further into the campus, its past midnight and it seems that i am all alone lost in my thoughts
I open my phone clicking on Instagram and of course they uploaded a story. Poppy, Veronica and Chloe enjoying a bottle of Rosé what a blust, except you had steamy sex an hour ago on these sheets.
It was just a hookup wasn't it? This question takes over my mind that i dont notice Zoe walking towards me
"Girl i was worried! You didn't respond to my texts" she says wrapping her hands around me. I squeeze her tight needing comfort and she strokes my hair whispering "It is Poppy isn't it?"
I sigh pulling back, sitting on a nearby bench. Of course it's Poppy, her and her manipulative ways. Great in the sheets but strangers on the streets, how charming
"She kicked me out because the girls were coming over, she doesn't want anyone to know about us"
Zoe's eyes widen "Are you kidding who would keep this a secret?" She gestures at me and i chuckle, A+ for the effort Zo. And she is right, i shouldn't settle for less than i deserve
"You are right--"
"I can sense a but and i don't like it. If she wanted you truly why is she being so secretive? And don't start with the reputation bullshit" she places both of her hands on my cheeks wiping away the tears i didn't know i had
Aaaand there goes a bright light making me go blind "What the hell?" I cover my eyes and Zoe does the same
"Gosh these people have miserable lives" she rolls her eyes standing up "Get your cute butt up and let's go get some drinks shall we?"
I nod smiling thanking god i have my best friend by my side. Without her none of these situations would be handled right and oh well i find her veeeeery pretty if you ask me
I walk towards my class when a sudden buzz makes me stop my tracks. At first i thought its my ranking update but oh no its an update from The T
Hello loves,
I want to thank my amazing sources for blessing me with something interesting. Newbee has been trying to steal the crown months now and along the way everyone started to look at her like that heart eyes emoji. Yesterday our Queen to be was spotted getting closer to our one and only Zoe Wade. I am not surprised are you? They have been a dynamic duo since day one. #couplegoals
Here is an image of them last night, don't forget to 'awwww' everytime you see them
My congratulations to the cutest couple of Belvoire. Kisses, The T
Oh no, no no no this isn't good. If Poppy sees this she will.. actually she has no right to say anything. Despite that my heart starts racing at the thought of her reading this clearly false update. Aaaand there she is, across from me glaring at me with murderous eyes. Everyone looks at me whispering and its honestly very frustrating, trying to avoid the crowd all i focus on is getting on my class that until my phone buzz again
"Meet me behind the field" I froze reading what Poppy just sent me and my mind is drowning with all the possibilities. Did i just fuck up even this little something that we share? God damn this blog and fuck all these people that all they care about is juicy gossip.
Do i even have a choice? Poppy will try to confront me no matter what so i might as well skip class, i am sure Miss Kingsley will understand, right?
I see her standing against the wall as i approach closer. She is tapping her heel on the cement and honestly? I am a little scared
"Hello, fancy meeting you here" i say smiling trying not to look nervous
She doesn't answer instead she makes the most angry face i have ever seen shoving her phone in my face. I swear if that red angry emoji was an actual person that would be her right now.
"What is this bullshit?"
"Oh wow calm down is that why i am skipping class? To explain to you something I don't even have to?" I fold my arms looking at her dead in the eyes. I am not usually the person who will let her anger get the best of her but Poppy's behaviour hurt me so this time i just let it slide
For just a second she looks confused but then she regain her composure "Zoe? Are you serious? This girl is a wannabe, just because her mother has money she thinks--"
"Wow wow pause there. Not another word about Zoe" i place one finger against her lips and her breath catches. Jeez can't you not be horny for a second? I think to myself
"Why? Did i offend your girlfriend?" Her tone is ironic yet jealous and you know what? Jealous Poppy might be dangerous but she is also very sweet
"I am not in a relationship with her dumbass" i roll my eyes pulling slightly away from her
"But the photo--"
"Oh boo-hoo someone took a picture so what? Do you believe everything you see? She was fixing your mess because if you were clear towards me i wouldn't sit alone crying" these words escape my mouth without my consent and oh did i just admit how i feel?
Poppy looks stunned and actually speechless. Her eyes soften and i look away embarrassed "What do you mean?"
Yes what do i mean? I ask that question to myself all day and night. I have been trying to get her out of my mind but how could i? The way her perfume makes me dizzy, her soft kisses after each session, the way she looked at me like i am the only one in this world
"I don't know where we stand. You are so secretive that I start to believe this means nothing" i shrug trying not to let any form of vulnerability slip out
"Bea i- i thought i was clear. I mean i left you several hickeys on your neck--"
"Oh hold up! Do you really think hickeys mean we are dating?"
She nods and thats when i laugh. Oh wow this girl is really unique i swear "That still doesn't explain why you have been secretive"
Poppy sighs heavily, clearly uncomfortable by my question. At this point I don't care, all i want is to know if i waste my energy and emotions on someone who doesn't feel the same
"I am not good with words okay? I just didn't knew what to say or do to show you that i want us to be official"
Surprised i smile taking her hand in mine "You are cute when you are jealous"
"Oh shut up, you aren't that special" she smiles back and it makes my heart melt
That's Poppy. She isn't good with words nor know how to handle emotions. She was taught to be heartless and competitive and i can see why she is being that way. Her way of words are insults and in this relationship that's how we communicate
"Come here" she says pulling out her phone
Without another word she leans against me planting a kiss on my cheek. She snaps a photo and for a minute i think she will upload it, a girl can dream right? Oh wait a minute..is she actually doing it??
"What are you doing?" I ask looking over at her phone
"Uploading a picture. I want everyone to know that you belong to me" she is typing so fast i cant read what the caption says but then i get a notification
"Mine" it says with three heart emojis, thats so adorable i can't help but actually say awww out loud
"Well i didn't expect that but i like being yours" i say winking at her
We kiss and this time its different. The minute our lips touch i can feel my knees go weak. We kissed many times and you way ask, whats different now? Well now i am hers and only and my mind can rest now knowing i have a powerful amazing woman by my side.
Tag list: @lolimugly @origmansello @greatestflirt-hero @mvalentine @otakufangirl-12 @sugarplumpnhoneybun @princessstellaris @coldbatfriendroad @indecisive-choices @i-loveeveryone @kiara-36 @ognenniyvolk @somewillwin @it-lives-in-braidwood-manor @ghalind @sergeant-pepper-loves-choices @dibberdipper @justastranger-passing @nydeiri @simpforpoppy
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shippinglover · 4 years
Favorite Supernatural Characters
Just my fav supernatural characters because I felt like it
10. Ruby
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Her ‘I am awesome’ speech is amazing (Honestly one of the best villian speeches) but I liked her character and her little relationships built with the boys. I wish she stayed good as it would have been amazing development and proved that not all monsters are bad to Dean-Which is why shes so low. Still really liked her though.
9.  Bela
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I dont know how popular she is in the show-But I really, really enjoyed her. It might be my bias towords Loren Cohan but I thought she was an interesting mix for the boys. She was sexually dominate, clever, and a strong fighter. I think its a shame she never came back after her first few episodes-But it was understandable that her actress found a new gig.
8.  Lucifer
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Lucifer was somehow all equal parts funny, terrifying, and heartbreaking. He has this kinda cold air around him-That even when he’s smiling or joking it seems as if hes ready to just jump at your throat. But he also has nuance-He feels as if hes right and that hes not a monster-And he actually loves his fellow angels. Especially Micheal and Gabrial as well as his father. And his arc with Jack was also just very sad for my soul. I feel bad for him-But I also love to see him kick butt so. Bad guy Lucifer is just as good as Dad Lucifer.
7. Claire
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Ahh, Claire. My Dean coded little bby. Shes fragile, strong, and childish all in one. Shes a kid who never got to be a full kid-Angels having taken that away from her. Her abandonment issues are very prevalent and I can relate to them. Also have the rebel character be a girl is something new to me-It usually is a guy. Shes rude, sarcastic and doesnt hold back-Also her little storyline with Kaia is just. so cute and tragic.
6. Sam
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Sam is a really cool character because hes either a chaotic mess or a lawful booknerd. Theres literally no in between and I love it. His arc revolving around his rage issues in the first couple of seasons and that devloping into a blood addiction-It was really cool. As well as how his relationship with Dean gets tested time and time again-And right when you think he’ll let go of Dean or that he doesnt love him as much he proves you wrong. I really enjoy him. 
5. Meg
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People just really dislike Meg in the fandom-But I really liked her a lot. I thought her enterance was badass, I liked that we had a tough female villian who wasnt afraid to have a real fight and I also liked that she was shown to get softer towords the end of her run. Her and Cas were adorable and I wish they expanded on her relationships with not only him but Sam. I think Meg deserved better honestly. I also enjoyed the way she spoke-Not just her tone, which is all kinds of hot for my gay heart-But her words. I think she was really funny.
4. Rowena
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Rowena is just really great. A powerful witch who is the mother of the King of Hell-Then eventually becomes the queen of hell? What an icon. Shes adorable too with her accent. And I love her flair for the dramatics-Honestly shes just so great. Her relationship with Sam was wonderful as well-I absolutely adored it. I also liked the little soft spot she seemed to have developed for Jack-I just really liked her as a whole.
3. Dean
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Dean is one of the most talked about characters so I probably dont have to go off on him. Hes complex with all kinds of trauma in him from survivals guilt to internalized homophobia to himself, to childhood abuse and so much more-Hes riddled with it all. But looking past his issues hes a parental (And Maternal) family man who just wants to goof off and help people. He’d do anything for the people he loves-To a unhealthy degree. I just really love him.
2. Jack
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L o o k  a t  m y  s o n. Hes so adorable I CANT. He just wants to help people and have his dads love him okay? He’s a pure bean who has way to much on his toddler shoulders. And who else do you know that just casually becomes god after stealing his powers therefore rendering him a helpless mortal? Not a soul thats who. What a absolute king. We love to see it.
1. Cas
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Listen, I’m a unashamed cas girl. I just love this dorky but badass angel. He’s loyal and can kill you with a snap of his fingers but he doesnt understand pop culture referenced much. I just really love him okay? And his struggled with faith and choosing between being a human or a ‘real’ angel and doing the most human thing by loving his found family and just. I could go on and on with him because dont even get me STARTED on this boys devlopment-
Honerable Mentions-
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inactivespnblog · 4 years
Supernatural 15x14 (Last Holiday) Thoughts
Ugh they really wanted to hit me with that "please forgive me" scene in the recap huh
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This was just really funny to me, especially the way Sam says "it was in the 50s." Like the sass.
Please tell me they aren't going to use jack being in his room as an excuse to not really have him in the episode! I need to see him
Don't have to kill Amara too if Jack becomes new god, I'm just saying.
"Then we do what we gotta do" aw you gonna kill your girlfriend dean? (I just had to say that because that was the dumbest storyline)
"Dude, we fought the devil, I've killed Hitler, I think we can handle a few pipes" and sam's face after he says that is highly doubtful
Dean just pressing the button while Sam tries to tell him not to really just describes the whole show doesn't it?
Of course Dean would have Scooby doo boxers, like is anyone surprised?
"Language!" "That's it, I'm getting my gun" of course that would be his reaction
"But they were my boys. My family" "well that's very progressive" what is that even supposed to mean dean?
The sad look on her face when Dean says she can leave. I feel bad for her!
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A mood
Abaddon did not actually kill all of the men of letters though? Sam and dean killed a bunch of them, though they were the british men of letters and not the ones she considers family. i don't know, just interesting to me.
Oh she's crying i feel so bad for her.
"What about jack?" love sam caring about his son
When jack showed up on screen, I literally squeeled his name and I just want you all to know how excited it made me.
He looks so sad dont hurt me like this
"She's making cookies, snickerdoodles. so if you want some..." i love how that's the first time Jack really looks at the door. Food is the only thing that can get this boys attention, huh? But then he just goes back to looking sad and it hurts me so much! Let this boy be happy!!!
"Do you think it's a good idea having her around?" "I mean we do have the son of satan living down the hall." true true but also dean, you were pretty hesitant about that.
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Wow, they're becoming self aware. Who knew they were capable? But also, that's a bit hypocritical of you there Sam. Still love you though.
"Feels like Jack is hiding something." Please make that not true. i just want them to have a good relationship and be happy.
I love her so much for caring about Jack and trying to make him happy and making him a sandwhich like give Jack support please he needs it.
Okay but like those vampires weren't shown doing anything evil before sam and dean walked in so how do we know they were actually evil??? I'm not sure that not investigating is a good thing since it could lead to killing monsters that aren't actually doing anything wrong??? like are we going back to the early season mentality of just killing first? because i'm not a fan
Oh, she's doing christmas i love her. The decorations are so pretty
"Merry christmas!" Okay I never want this lady to go away. I'm sure it'll go bad and she'll be gone but i really do not want that. Her little dancing is great
"We are so keeping her" apparently neither does dean
Dean looks so happy and he's being so tolerable in this episode. I am shocked and confused
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Just Sam's face, my god.
"Enjoy the world you're fighting for" someone needed so say it
Jack walks in and I get all excited and happy again, but ms. wood nympth seems to disagree by the tone of "this is jack?" please no but also his adorable wave makes me so happy. he's such a baby
"What are you?" Depressed, now leave him alone
"He's a millennial. Don't let that throw you. He's a good kid" i mean i still dont like dean but i love the supporting jack in this episode!!! But also jack is not a millennial? he's three years old. He was born in like 2017???
I love jacks smile when she gives him a smoothie but also am I the only one worried that the smoothies are poisoned? Like the writers don't let this child catch a break and with the way she was acting before I wouldn't be surprised.
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Their faces when she tells Dean he can't have a smoothie and gives him tomato juice!!! I love it! Especially Sam and Jack's reactions
Why are sam and deans rooms so far apart? I mean like good for sam but why?
"Should i come or?" I love him he's so cute
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How happy he is when he drinks his smoothie makes me so happy
Man she's gonna hurt jack isn't she? Please no.
"The only family I've ever really had is Sam, Dean, Cas, and... Mary" "Mary?" aw he looks sad again. poor baby
"Mary was Sam and Dean's mom and my um... she was a good friend." Wouldn't it have been great if he said grandmother? Also why didnt she asks about Cas?
"She sounds lovely. "She was but um i killed her." "Oh" lmao i can't just out of context that's just hilarious
"We all do things we regret, but life gives us second chances, and it is our obligation to hold onto them." Please don't let her hurt Jack! This is such a cute relationship so far. Let them be friends please I am begging. Jack needs more people to care about him
"Would you like another smoothie?" jack's fucking smile. I love him so much.
Jack looks so happy in this montage with his family!! Please spn i am begging you not to ruin this
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Jack's halloween shirt is so cute! And I love that they're carving pumpkins! I wish Jack could have a Halloween where he went out and got to trick or treat with his dad's though.
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I love sam smiling over at jack being happy but also don't let your three year old drink alcohol Sam like use some common sense dude
Sam has thor's hammer! I'm in love with this episode
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I love that they had a birthday party for Sam! And Jack's adorable clapping makes me so happy!!!
To be continued with reblogs because Tumblr won't let me have more gifs.
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webcricket · 5 years
Castiel Drabbles
Characters: EstablishedCastielXReader
Bat Out of Hell Lyric Prompt: #19 - “Your eyes are darker than sin and I’ve been watching them glow.”
Word Count: 1213
Requested by: @jenabean75​
Warning: Erotica/adult content, description of canon-consistent violence and gore. For a fallen angel, smiting demons is all kinds of arousing.
<<<   >>>
Sweat, smoke from a burst hot water pipe, and the swell of tears from a well-aimed left jab you failed to dodge sting your eyes as you jam the blade a bit deeper into the chest of the demon whose lifeless meat suit you straddle. The bruise throbs your cheekbone like a beast clawing its way bloody out of the sinus cavity below and you taste the trickle of a metallic tinge on your tongue.
You’re pretty sure the bone is shattered, which you consider more insult than injury seeing as Castiel can heal you if he ever finishes fighting the group of four that broke away to face the seraph.
Clearly they thought one demon alone could handle a mere human; a little laugh gurgles in your throat at the thought - you love proving people wrong.
The satisfied smile etching into the corner of your mouth shoots a sharp pain through your cheek. Although the hell bitch is most certainly dead and unable to atone any further for her crime, she’s to blame; you scream and shove the weapon so far through her ribcage you feel a crunch of spine and the wall of concrete floor on the other side. Standing, you plant a heel to her torso and twist your weapon free. 
Castiel’s gravelly grunts and the continued sounds of combat tell you perhaps they sent the more capable members of the crew to tackle the angel. You blink to clear the blear; peering into the haze toward the kerfuffle, you spy a set of radiant blues aglow with grace in the murk.
To the immediate left of that divine illumination, orange lightning and a glint of celestial metal flash; a mass of black thuds to the ground motionless. The shining blues wobble and brighten under a hard blow from behind; Castiel growls as he twirls around, his broad hand slaps to skin and the final demon falls to his knees and explodes in a blinding gleam of light.
Silence descends save for the hiss of the pipe.
“You good?” You call out into the abandoned building’s dim basement. Cas emerges from the fog, trench coat and chestnut hair rumpled, knot of his tie slackened, a spatter of crimson staining his lapels and starkly contrasted by the crisp white of his shirt, but otherwise looking no worse for the wear.
As usual, his concern directs itself outward. “You’re hurt.” The observation hastens his purposeful momentum and in two strides his hand settles on your waist to pull you in for closer inspection.
“This? It’s nothing,” you joke, attempted brevity rewarded by an involuntary spasm of pain; your lashes slam shut and a shiver of shock racks your frame - that’s what you get after riding the adrenaline rollercoaster of bravado.
“Let me.” Leaning down, he kisses the broken spot below your eye; healing heat pervades the flesh and his lips linger longer to skim your entire form for injury.
“Mmm, that’s much better, thanks.” Your nerves buzz in the wake of his search; sneaking your arms around the solid column of his vessel, you shudder beneath the heavenly frisk and exhale a sigh, the airy utterance burdened with the wish Sam and Dean weren’t on this particular run, too, because the things you’d like to do with the angel right now aren’t exactly activities appropriate in the brothers presence.
Castiel is generally a gentle lover; so gentle, methodical, and thorough there can be no doubt in your mind as to his devotion. But sometimes a girl wants to feel needed - wants an unpolished demonstration of love that’s desperate and dirty and devoid of decorum.
You know from past forays, nothing girds his angelic loins like fulfilling the soldierly purpose he was created for - wielding righteousness to smote the evils of the world. The opportunities of taking advantage of such situations, however, happen few and far between.
It occurs to you the Winchesters are at least two floors above if everything is unfolding according to plan. Surely Cas would have heard an urgent prayer or hundred if anything were amiss. Surely you can steal a few extra minutes delay without their noticing. You shimmy against his hips to test the waters; a low growl rumbles his lungs.
He grips you by the shoulders to still you and to get an angle of study on your features. “What are you doing?”
Just as you suspected, the pupils peering back into yours are lust blown.
“Angel, you know what I’m doing.” Shifting onto your tip toes, you loop your fingers into the band of his trousers and slide them frontward to tug at his belt buckle. Your lips brush his - a breathy kiss of desire - as you speak. “Your eyes are darker than sin and I’ve been watching them glow. You know what that does to me. What you do to me.”
He senses your arousal - a wet yearning pulsing your center - and no amount of God-given will could prevent his vessel’s outer response to the unfettered need of the celestial being within; but he doesn’t need his vessel’s sanction for release, and given the constraints of time and limited options of space, he skips the fumbling fingered formality of eliminating the barriers of fabric between you with a snap.
Mouth sealing your lips in demand of a dizzying kiss, grabbing at your ass, kneading handfuls of the soft flesh in his fists, he lifts your legs to wrap his waist and carries you backward to a wall. He drives home to your heart how much he needs you, wants you, and adores you thrust after thrust until, lost in pants of pleasure, you scream for mercy, limbs shaking then limp.
An afterglow of love smolders in the angel’s eyes as he smooths the sweat-matted hair from your forehead. The simmering sentiment of affection fades at perceiving the approaching footsteps of Sam and Dean. He quickly restores both your pleasure wrought wits and displaced clothing despite your moans protesting to the contrary.
“Cas? Y/N?” Sam shouts, swiping at the smoky air in front of him.
“You two okay?” Dean spies you first.
“We’re fine.” Cas keeps a palm pressed to the small of your back as you walk forward to join the brothers.
“Fine.” You agree, casting a commiserative grin at the seraph beside you.
“What the hell took you so long? Five demons ain’t exactly an army.” Dean huffs, gesturing at the assortment of crumpled bodies.
“We engaged in sexual intercourse after killing them.” Cas states, as bluntly honest as ever.
Dean’s grimace blooms instantaneous.
Half-mortified, half paralyzed by laughter, you twirl to hide your blush in Cas’ coat lapels.
Unsurprised, Sam simply shakes his head.
“What?” Gaze narrowed askance, Cas queries the elder Winchester.
Dean holds up a hand. “Nevermind. Just- never mind, the car’s out back.” He pivots to make an escape at a brisk bow-legged pace.
“Dean?” Cas’ palm slips from your spine as he trails after his friend. “Dean! Why did you ask if you didn’t want to know the answer?”
You’re left standing there with Sam, and when you meet each other’s chuckle-creased eyes, he shrugs, smiles, and shoots a thumb over his shoulder in the direction of their departure. “Shall we?”
Castiel tag list:  (Closed, if you’d like to be removed please let me know!)    @jeepangel  @sammiesamness  @willowing-love  @roxy-davenport  @blueicevalkyrie   @im-the-nerdiest-of-them-a11  @thesugargalaxy    @bluetina-blog  @dont-trust-humanity   @honeybeetrash  @bucky-thorin-winchester  @superwholockz   @tistai  @wordstothewisereaders  @gill-ons  @mrswhozeewhatsis  @marisayouass  @stone-met   @castiel-savvy18  @samualmortgrim  @trexrambling  @magnificent-mantle  @kdfrqqg  @xdifsx   @mandilion76  @rockfairy  @peaceloveancolor  @unicorntrooper  @anisolatedship  @itsilvermorny  @aditimukul  @kudosia  @goofynerd-67babylove  @uninspirationalsonglyrics  @gray-avidan  @mishascupcake   @mishapanicmeow   @praisecastielamen  @roseyhxnt  @jessikared97  @let-the-imaginationflow  @warriorqueen1991   @sebastianstanslefteyebrow   @hisnameisboobear  @kristendanwayne  @fuschiarulerinthebluebox  @coolpencilpie  @jenabean75  @luciathewinchestergirl  @morganas-pendragons  @heyitscam99  @fangirl-and-stuff  @selahbela  @realgreglestrade  @splendidcas  @pointlesscasey  @i-larb-spooderman  @thewhiterabbit42  @thelostverse  @castieliswatchingoverme  @beccollie18  @dragonett8  @dixie-chick  @jtownraindancer   @carowinsthings  @passionghost  @ladyofletters67 @futureparent  @gabbie7-11  @myfandomlife-blog  @dreamerkim   @shamelesslydean  @earthtokace  @neaeri  @justanormalangel  @lone-loba  @supernaturalymarvel  @lilrubixx  @wings-and-halo  @thehoneybeecastielfollows  @musiclovinchic93  @81mysteriouslyme  @the-bottom-of-the-abyss  @jaylarkson @pixiedusts  @spookysculderfiles  @laqueus-ludovicus  @missjenniferb @lexininja  @jessiekay2010   @skrratata  @rhiannonj79  @calicat79
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foxymuses · 4 years
do it! share the spn opinions!
aight, but i aint gonna go super into detail here, okay, and i’m putting it under a cut just so people who don’t want to SEE THE SALT can avoid it, so this is your LAST WARNING don’t read further if you’re easily offended/have strong feelings about spn. also, i say it several times, but it should be enforced here that just because i dislike a character on the show does not mean i dislike someone’s portrayal. oftentimes, the tumblr rp world writes characters better than shows do and it redeems these characters in my eyes, so. keep that in mind
i can’t stand sam at all. i think he’s a whiny bitch baby and he gets far too much love in the show. i prefer the later seasons when dean becomes the plot focus. this isn’t because i like dean better (but i do), it’s honestly just so... like sam’s writing is so off putting and it grinds me. i usually skip episodes that are sam focused, and i very much can’t stand most of s3 and s4. i also don’t like soulless sam at all *** i usually adore sam rpers. this isn’t to say i hate the character. i hate the way he’s written in the show, but how tumblr people write him is the Right way and i love them for it
i Strongly Disliked s6 and s12. i can’t even tell you what happened in these seasons aside from a vague recollection. s8 is also a bit of a fog, but that’s mostly because s9 is when i started watching the show on tv so i sort of skipped through s8 to be ready for the premiere.
i will forever be salty that they did dean dirty at the end of s5. having him go to say yes then essentially being all ‘jk sam asked me not to so i wont’ will forever irritate me. like. they were all ‘no dean, you can’t say yes to michael’ and ready to lock him up for it, but then literally like an episode later were like ‘nah it’s cool if sam says yes though, whatever’
sort of following that, i really hate that sam is oftentimes implied to be the ‘stronger’ or ‘nicer’ brother. i think he’s a huge hypocrite and like. he causes so many problems, and he’s so mean to dean a lot of the time? but dean would do anything for him? that’s annoying
i did not like mary being brought back at all. that was random and made super little sense to the overall plot, and i did not like how she was written
i also don’t like jack. he seemed a kind of... mmm there’s a word for it. but like the writers seemed to just throw him in for the sake of a plot line, and he’s annoying and i don’t like how OP he is. again, most jack writers are better, but within the show realm, he annoys me to no end, as does the immediate like... love for him that everyone but dean has, and the pushy insistence that everyone shoves at dean to like jack as if he’s not the spawn of the devil
i dont even think this is controversial, but how they handled demon dean was Disappointing, and great part of the reason i stopped watching in s10 and didn’t catch up until i learned dean got possessed by michael FINALLY. but that disappointed me too, so. here we are, living on my blog with my own rules about the possessions and shit
can we talk about how dean’s ptsd is never addressed at all. 
uh, john was an abusive asshole. no forgiveness here. there’s no excuses ‘he was a drunk, he missed his wife, he wanted dean to survive’ no, he was an abusive asshole that royally fucked dean up for good, and i will have none of the john apologist bullshit here, thanks. bobby was more a father to dean than john ever would’ve been
don’t really care for the claire arc all that much. i like her with jody, and i like jody’s little family with alex too, but the arc for claire is just.. really odd
donna is incredibly annoying. i’ll keep saying it, but tumblr writers do her so much better. show donna just. ugh.
i wrote a post about it once, but the episode i Hate the most is on the head of a pin, and i won’t super go into detail, but that whole episode is s shit show and i Do Not acknowledge it happened, thanks
the samulet and handprint both still exist, thanks. there’s a post about it somewhere on one of my blogs that i should bring out again
can we stop treating dean as either an angry fisticuffs player or an overall childish goofball? he has more to him than that
i’m still bitter over the ruby arc, honestly. it annoyed me in all the wrong ways. we can just assume that i’m fine with ruby writers at this point, nothing i say in this list pertains to writers on tumblr, just the show
the god is chuck thing is fine, but the whole direction the show took with it after amara is just fucking bananas. i mean sure, what else could they end on other than a fight against god, but still. fucking bananas. lets go back to the days of ‘maybe chuck is god’ in like s5, yknow?
um can dean and cas just kiss now? or how about like several seasons ago, but starting in like s11, even though i adore cas a lot, he started to get a little irritating. again, show writing, not tumblr writing. but he kinda started to become like... high and mighty and it does not mesh well with things, i think
ben is dean’s son, i dont care what you say.
um im trying to go through the seasons in my head to remember things that annoy me and are controversial, and aren’t just things that spn needs to fix, like andy’s death (still bitter)
what was that crowley and blood addiction shit that happened in like s10 or something? what was that supposed to be? was that supposed to mean something i am so confused
um are the ghostfacers even still alive, like this isn’t salt, i’m just genuinely concerned because if they are, why aren’t they in more episodes please
yo, maybe because i write pride and chronos and whatever, but the treatment of non-chrisitan deities is absolute Shit, thanks. like i get that the show is going for the christian religion is the Main thing, because most people get it, but like. as someone genuinely interested in religion, the utter disdain for other religious entities or even the idea that all demons are bad demons simply because demons is ridiculous. show some love to other entities. like for fuck’s sake, you can’t just kill the god of time? what the fuck? some of these gods were around long before any recorded history of the christian god, so i guarantee you at least half of them could kick god’s butt and call it a day.
s9 mark of cain dean was the best, that’s the end of that argument
wtf with the gabe storyline what even, gabe deserved better
imma go so far as to say lucifer did too, that was a bunch of nonsense. all of it that happened after s5, it’s all bullshit
actually the only angel that deserved what they god was metatron, thanks, the asshole. 
also can we talk about death, like. dont get me wrong billie is cool, but i want my original pizza-loving death back please, he and dean had a cool thing going on. also tessa, can we bring back tessa
honestly rowena annoyed me in the beginning. she grew on me, but i feel like a lot of her character was forced. 
the dean and pie thing has gone a little too far at this point
*claps* i *claps* don’t *claps* like *claps* sam! literally half the things in this post are me dancing around this idea, but most of my salt for the show stems from my dislike of him. 
idek the general opinion on this, but i did Not like the crazy cas & meg situation. like all of that. it was weird. i mean i didn’t even really like meg, to be honest. but that whole arc was fucking weird, and that relationship (one kiss?) felt super forced.
actually can we stop having cas just. fucking switch personalities all the time? s4 cas was the best.
dean does Not put sam above everyone else. he will try to save sam, yes, but sam is not the most important person to dean, and dean will not choose sam above cas or bobby or charlie or jody or literally anyone.
IM RUNNING OUT OF THOUGHTS BUT I KNOW I HAVE MORE so. we’ll come back to this.
2 notes · View notes
ain-t-bovvered · 6 years
14x14 Commentary
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Special episode where a bunch of tired and caffeinated Europeans ( plus a sleepy American) scream together, and then die and try to get on with their day ( lol AS IF)
Hello and welcome:
@purpleskiesandcherrypies  (Nat)
@dean-winchesters-bacon  (Kat)  good night babe
@waywardbaby  (Zee)
@ain-t-bovvered  (Giulia)
1 2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  13
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Giulia: Splash
14x14 Ouroboros
Zee: Can’t relive this. With Jack
Nat: I cry
Zee&Giu: I believe in us
Nat: Fuck this
Giulia: Ok sam
Zee: I do believe in us
Giulia: I ain’t got enough coffee in my blood
Zee: The end?? How dare he?
[ Retro French pop music plays ] IS THIS A THING NOW?
Nat: Uhh...Mexico, Ellaaaa
Zee: Giuls, thoughts??
I see no wrongdoing here. The pasta is being dump into the water while it’s boiling. Garlic! YUM. That looks like too much sauce for that much pa- let’s be honest here, once can never be have too much sauce who cares. Ok I see olive oil, yellow bell pepper ( which is the best one ok) , garlic, onions, zucchini, and I think there’s parmigian cheese and *disgusted sound* cilantro, and a body....
Nat: Well, isn't that tasty
Giulia: ...I’M HUNGRY
Zee: Strike that
Nat: Fresh liver
Nat: NO
Oh he’s making like fried liver, that was not cheese but grated bread ok ok I see you THAT LOOKS TASTY( you forgot the flour tho ok)
Nat: I'm more grossed out by the liver than the snake
Zee: Excuse me while I barf
Theeeey’re HEEEEEERE
Nat: Ohhh... babes
Zee: Shut. The. Fuck. Up
Giulia: those look tasty too
Creepy motherfucker , who is weirdly making me tingling with his cooking skill, : time to go Felix.
Giulia: I WISH
Nat: NO How about no, He just left his meal cooking. Could burn the house down
Giulia: yeah real rude. Killing people and burning houses down
Nat: Mmmhh...snack
Giulia: Omg Jack’s plaid coat. Jack has amazing coats game y’all.
Nat: snacks
Zee: Three of them
oh...now they are all 4 of them ?
Nat: all of them,  well, no except one
Zee: Jack is a baby
Dean has a surprisingly soft steps. 
C: Oh no
I know Cass baby, that bitch fucked up a perfectly good pasta that’s what he did.
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Giulia: Dean is us
D: Yeah who just let themselves be eaten?
Giulia: I’d let myself be eaten by you 
D: My money is on witchcraft.
R: Och, you, always blaming witches
D: Cause a lot of times is witches
Rowena basically : I was minding my glorious business when you whiny bitches called to beg for my help
D: Well we’ve been chasing this guy for weeks. What’s your point
Nat: Awww...Deano calm yo tits
Nat: Dean tossing things is my kink
Zee: Kinks again Nat?
Nat: Can you blame me? I'm FINE
Giulia: Hello castiel
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R: Not enough Pantera posters for one.
Dean looking almost amused
Giulia: Coughing jack is my (1) fear
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Jack: I’m fINe , I’M NoT dYinG . 
Nat: yeah, right, Jack
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Nat: Dean..please!
R: Darling boy, everything means something.
Giulia: Be a dear and bring the snakeskin
Sam and Rowena research date night
R: You say [high pitched voice] ‘oh it’s just some magic and you think I’d leave it at that?’
Nat: Ahh..Sam puffing his chest
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R: I’m more curious about how your brother is managing to keep an archangel locked away inside his mind.
S: Because....he’s Dean [read this as Batman]
Giulia&Zee: Dean is dean
Zee&Giulia: He’s fine
Zee: Giuls. Shut up
Giulia: Zee 🖕🏻
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Look at them HAAAAANDS cradling the mug.
D: You know, I got to say, I got a pretty good feeling about bringing Rowena in on this one. I think her and Sam have a chance of cracking it.
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me: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
C: They do have many books.
D: Yes, they do.
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Zee: Worried husband
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C: Hey Dean...
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D: I’m fine....
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ok ok ok ...I ADORE this shot! you’ll see this often in my feed , just fyi
C: What you're doing, even just sitting here and having a cup of coffee, is a Herculean feat. I can't imagine the willpower
Giulia: hey dean. Oh how I adore how he talks  
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[Jack dying in the bathroom]
[Jack spitting blood] 
me : *stares in the distance, lost in my ptsd vietnam episode*
Zee: Are you really fine?
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Cas is like.... DONT U LIE TO ME, i have no right to tell you this because of a recent stupid thing I did but DON’T LIE TO MY FACE
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Zee: That’s what I’m supposed to say
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D: ...That’s what we all say
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Dean’s like.... yeah ok he can read right through me.
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[ starting operation ‘ let’s lower our walls’ in 3....]
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Giulia: Still even more convinced that they will use michael grace on jack
Giulia: Those eye lines are ruining me
D: There's this pounding in my head. It never stops. 
Castiel’s face:
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D:  Michael's in there, and he is fighting hard to get out.
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D: And I can't let my guard down... not for a second.
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Me: I’ll cheer to that bro
C:  Well, that is not sustainable.
D: ....It's on me.
C: We are here to help you.
me: *SOBS*
D: I know that, and I appreciate that. I do.
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Nat: fuck this
Zee: That kid is gonna die in the fucking bathroom
Nat: IF... IF.... IF
D: If you don’t ....
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D: We still have plan B
Nat: Fuck plan B
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Zee: Coffin Ocean Done
Nat: NOT even plan B likes Plan B
Jack’s like : yo you finished with the eye fucking and feelings sharing so I don’t feel embarrassed by you two in public? 
Castiel’s like : I’m out with two problematic kids who don’t tell me nothing
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Giulia: We are fiNe
C: Okay, um...these killings -- it seems like there's a ritualistic quality to the crime scenes, right? It's almost liturgical.
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Zee: Greek there for ya
Giulia: thank you Mr.Portokalos 
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D: Ah yeah. See that one I knew.
Dean...you cute fucker I swear
J: Anyone who could do this is a monster...I mean, even if they're human.
D: Looks like Sam and Rowena have something
Nat: Sam and Rowena have something wink wink
THEY DOOOOO ? (͠≖ ͜ʖ͠≖)
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D: This is like an A.V. Club presentation.
J: What's an A.V. Club?
C: It's a special group for people who do not play sports.
Giulia: I love the av club, where do I sign in?
Dean points at Cas “He’s the av club” [insert Oprah gif]
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Giulia: IM DEAD
also how does Cas knows that? was that included in Metatron’s pop culture packet?
Nat: Of course he'll know
Zee: Jack is precious
R: Excuse me, boys, but this is a bit more pressing than your hilarious banter.
Excuse me Rowena , nothing is more pressing than their hilarious banter
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Giulia: clash of the titans. (Not gonna lie, I almost wrote clash of the tits). Just fyi
Zee&Nat: Of course you did
R: You know about Medusa?.
I’m sorry but....everyone knows about Medusa.  Ok ok this was mainly for the giggles and all because, you bet your ass that Dean would know who the fuck Medusa was, STOP MAKING DEAN THIS DUMB WHEN IT’S NOT REALISTIC.
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Giulia: How caffeine is working
Nat: Because why else should the writers write this episode
Nat: Definitely...anything you want. Get on your knee. lol
Giulia: ...ooooh i can smell all the meta from here
Nat: They all gay for dick
Well Nat I guess….I mean... ...well that’s...that’s the goal
Giulia: U would all be gay for them
Nat: you not wrong
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Giulia: MMMMMM
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Zee: Fucking hell
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Now turned on and scared Guy : No SIR
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yeah that’s right call me Sir
Nat: Psycho penpal
Y’all my psycho text pals tho
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Nat: you're not his type
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R:For the record, I don't love being included on his little hit list.
S: Apparently he can’t see angels
J: I’m not an angel
D: Close enough
C: So, if Jack and I approach Noah on our own, we -- we may surprise him.
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Zee: Happily surprised moose
Giulia: i’d get sloppy....( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Zee: I’m here for Sam’s short shirt
I’m here for them short of clothes 
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Nat: OMG
S: We -- We think he might have eaten something.
R: "We think"? "We think"? He means that it's my fault for not keeping an eye on the poor dear. He thinks that everything is my fault.
S: Can we not fight in front of the vet?
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S: I mean, I guess it's not entirely your fault that you looked away!
R: He blames me for everything! I let his mother ride the Jet Ski one time!
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Nat: Wee Jackie Boy
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Giulia: I CAN T
Zee: Sam got a dog and it’s his “son”
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S: What are you doing?
R: Oh, I mean, I realize it's not...[Deep voice ]...pretending to be the FBI. [Normal voice] But there are other ways of doing things, Samuel. Plus...I thought my performance was quite magnificent.
Zee: The thermometer
Giulia: i bet he liked being a dog 
Giulia: *seeing just now Zee’s thermometer text*  THIS IS HORRIBLE TIMING
Nat: Did Jack just get something in his ass for this
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Nat: YES
J: Just wish I could've got it before she took my temperature.
Giulia: ...he took one for the team.
R: Oh, uh, a moment, Samuel. What did you do to that boy?
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R: It's volatile magic, powerful, and it's stitched to him like some kind of parasite.I was curious before, but now I am worried, so I'll ask you again, Sam What did you do?
I can’t believe Rowena is lecturing Sam, and being right too
R: using dangerous, mysterious magic, regardless of the cost, that's a very on-brand me thing to do.
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Nat: She's still so much shorter than him standing on the curb
Zee: Everyone is shorter than him
R: Of course, Samuel. Until very recently, I was the villain.
So I ordered this SamWitch extra spicy I guess.
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Meanwhile scarred Jack :
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Nat: That guy is creepy
Giulia: He’s so flamboyant loves every minute of it
Zee: That gorgon is a total bitch
Noah: "Helpless men" -- that's rich. No, I do eat ladies, too, but women have become so cautious lately. Must be all that finally waking up from centuries of misogynistic oppression. Good for them. Bad for you.
Nat: Ok but I like that
D: But if we cut off their head, then is more creatures gonna crawl out?
Ok but ...hey...legit question
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knock first , kick doors later
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Zee: Enter the angel of the lord
Noah a bit turned on and scared
Nat: does he do anything else
Nat: NO fair
Noah : demi-god actually
Zee: I’m a lover not a fighter
Nat: Slapping
Zee: Oh he didn’t
Nat: NO cas
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#mood  #same
Nat: wHAT
Giulia: NO , WHAT
Zee: Real pleasure
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Zee: Why is he kicking their asses?
Giulia: Stop making him bump his head
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Zee: Fuck yeah
Zee: My baby is hurt
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Zee: Swallow Cas
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Nat: I can't even see
this is painful 
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Zee: Look how precious jack is
Nat: Dean's still too tall for the bed
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Sam asking Rowena what to do is making me weak.
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Giulia: GOD DAMN IT. I CHOKED . that was scary
Nat: that's what she said
Nat: Cas wants to make up for it
[VIDEO] because I’m a sucker for these moments and you need to appreciate them more.
Giulia: We do too Jack
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Zee: Special humans
Nat: sometimes we forget that too
Zee: Humans burn bright
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Giulia: They are still human
Giulia: For a very brief time
Zee: He have to carry on
Giulia: DAMN CAS
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Nat: Jack has it right
Zee: It will hurt
Nat: Stop talking like that CAs
This scene is one of the best one , I can’t 
Zee: Can Cas shut up already?
Giulia: MY GOD CAS
Nat: Jack calm yo tits
Giulia: He s keeping the snake . LUCIFER SON IS KEEPING THE SNAKE. I DON T LIKE IT
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Giulia: what is th
Zee: He woke up alright
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Giulia: The screaming
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Zee: He out
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Nat: He's gone?
Nat: NO
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Giulia: OH SHIT
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Giulia: OH FUCK
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Giulia: FUCK
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Zee: Shut the fuck up
Giulia: OH SHIT
Nat: Michael!Rowena x Sam
Giulia: NOT NOW NAT!
Giulia: SHUT UP NAT .i can t watch this
Nat: Always taunting him. "come on sam, you can go harder than that, boy" .OH GOD SHUT UP NAT
Zee: I fucking love him
M: It didn’t work out. It was him, not me.
Michael making promises.....DOESN’T WORK.
R: I’ll live either way
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Zee: Sam is gonna off me
R: ..which makes dinner a little awkard
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Nat: Fuck this
Nat: how can americans watch it with commercial breaks?
M: Burning off your soul? You'll run out soon enough.
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Giulia: i have no idea what to do
Giulia: How dare u
M: I am the commander of the host!   I am the cleanser of worlds!  I will not be challenged by a child!
You are a drama queen , that’s what you are
Nat: Of course
J: I'm not a child! I'm the son of Lucifer. I'm a Hunter. I am a Winchester!
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Giulia: JACK
Zee&Nat: I am a Winchester
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Nat: OH did he just swallowed Michael's grace
nat doN’T BE NASTY
J: Michael is dead
I don’t trust it
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Nat: I'm confused
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[after credits comments]
Giulia: PROMO. NOW
Zee: What??!!
Nat: I'm confused
Nat: Someone hold me
Zee: There there pats your back
Nat: I have no idea and I didn't like it
Zee: Hello. Are you new to SPN ?
Nat: What Michael is dead? Are we supposed to believe that?
Zee: No
Giulia: Jack worries me tho. And ya know the last ep of the season is called “Jack in the box”
Zee: Don’t go there
Giulia: How I cannot
Zee: Don’t know. Just don’t
Zee: You’ll never get off
Giulia: That what he said
Zee: Stop it
Giulia: Fuck u all
And fuck spn
And dean
And sam
And cas
And fucking jack
I can t
*throw tables out the window*
If you want to get tagged in the future ones send an ask HERE or to @waywardbaby or a smoke signal, idk whatever I’m tired af.
TAGS: @wayward-angelgirl @destiel-honeypie     @mariekoukie6661     @dragontamerm      @closetspngirl   @rainflowermoon    @mattiecat      @bunnybaby121115  @aliaitee2   @jacks-word-of-the-day    @4evamc      @dammitsammy    @legendary-destiel  @winchesterprincessbride   @destielhoneybee   @castiellover20  @jacks-word-of-the-day @ravenhg @evvvissticante 
65 notes · View notes
missjackil · 6 years
My 14x07 Opinion
Unhuman Nature Ok, WOW!! Not gonna lie, I really liked this one a lot. Now Ive seen a lot of you bitching about it already, but I think if it wasnt a Bucklemming episode, you wouldnt be bitching, because it was just damn good. Also, if you all would have listened to me after the season 13 finale, when I said “Lucifer will be back” you wouldnt be pissed off that hes back (or will be) Common sense would tell you, a show about the Supernatural world, and the constant battle between good and evil, isnt gonna kill Satan before theres even an established end date, if they kill him at all.  But enough of that.... on with the review. Ill start by saying that there wasnt enough Sam, and if there had been more, this might make my top 10, but even though there wasnt, Its making my top 25.  Jack was breaking my heart the whole time. It was strange to have them actually take him to a hospital, that doesnt happen very often, so when it does, it always seems more real, or more intense, or serious. I liked the panic in the boys, and Sam being the one keeping a level head, while also seeing that it was tearing him up inside. I had thought they might go with Winchester, being Jack’s last name, but Kline makes more sense really. I mean, he IS Kelly Kline’s son, I dont really want her to be errased.  Dean is taking it hard, as he should I guess. Not trying to be Dean negative but its nice to know he regrets how hard he was on Jack at first. I had worried kinda that Dean would take Jack out partying, maybe get him laid, and that would cheapen the relationship to more of a buddy thing, than a parental thing. Teaching Jack how to drive was nice, bold and maybe a little OOC but nice anyway. I liked Jack “I drive... no really Im a driver” that was freakin adorable.  Sam has a ton on his shoulders now eh? Though I noticed no AU people were milling around. Maybe they dont live there now, and just meet?? Or theyre all out hunting, IDK... Im glad theyre not all hanging around all the time. But now Sam is still worried about Dean, and now even more worried about Jack than he was. My boy is due for a meltdown soon.  So whats wrong with Dean? Why the dizzy spells? I may speculate that its Michael stirring around. Remember when Gadreel posessed Sam, Sam started getting extra tired after a while? Maybe the same thing.  Cas is batting a whopping 0 on the healing front since he came back to life.  So Nick huh?? WTF?? That was so dark and so creepy that I almost forgot what show I was watching!! I like him being evil and twisted. Now when Lucifer comes back, I hope hes more like that, than the annoying entitled teenager he has been. I had forgotten how scary Mark P can be.  Overall I loved this episode. I was glued to each story. Its gonna lose a point for not having enough Sam, but I hope next week we get some good Sam/Jack moments, as I see from the promo pics, Sam is sitting vigil at Jack’s bedside... possibly praying? But, I think y’all should stop judging episodes by who wrote them. 14x06 sucked unless you like episodes that Sam and Dean play supporting roles seperate from each other, and that was written by Yockey, someone most of you rave about.  So on a scale of Bloodlines to Who We Are, Im giving this one an 8. I cant wait to watch it with my daughter when she gets home from work.
24 notes · View notes
I was wondering if you could pls describe (or show me some tags if its easier) the traits of some writers of spn..? I usually hear "X writer usually writes more sam" or "this strucutre is usual in X's episodes" but I've never been able to pick on those; the only ones I've been able to pick up are bucklmming and its beacuse they are somehow instantly bad :/ ps. u dont have to like explain EVERY single writer or anything, just general things that you know or notice in their respective episodes
Hiya :D 
Yeah, it’s a thing that’s really, like, aside from Buckleming being bad and coming with a warning notice that we’re all helpless, please don’t burn the fandom down after their episodes, it’s not really more than nerdy interest that means anything about knowing who the writers are, so in that sense you have the toolkit you need to function :P
Buuut from my very very deeply nerdy and writery observations through what is now more than a decade (eep) of watching this bloody thing…
The show starts with a Generic Tone, and most of the original writers have this tone. This is in NO WAY a bad thing, but of all the writers, you have to really delve to connect common themes in their episodes, and for many of the writers who didn’t endure out of seasons 1-5, we don’t really have a clear profile on their habits, for reasons I’ll get to. 
We can see Sera Gamble’s fingerprints a bit more because we get 2 seasons of her as a showrunner, but by and large as one of the original writers, she really sets the tone so her writing IS Supernatural, as much as Kripke or John Shiban or Raelle Tucker or Cathryn Humphries and whoever else wrote multiple episodes seasons 1-5. They have things they might like but dropping into a random early episode doesn’t give much away because they had a much tighter playbook. 
1x13 shows this because despite serious, painful hindsight of all the things they do wrong that we recognise NOW from seasons of their nonsense, Buckleming wrote far more to the brief than they ever do these days; the difference in style has to be almost entirely attributed to being a first season and close creative control and enforced use of a playbook that disguised a ton of their worst habits which go unchecked these days, and @justanotheridijiton has dug up evidence of them cheerfully commenting on writing in such a way into deep history >.> Despite it being technically their best episode, they were fired and given a 6 year writing ban until Kripke left. So I’m guessing it was fairly obvious they had these problems regardless.
Of all these writers in the early seasons, Edlund pops up in season 2, and he is a wild card with a personality, and he does not write ~generic SPN~ and never did: it’s always Edlund SPN and it gels perfectly with the slightly less technicolour SPN, frequently breaking the format and creating the modern version of SPN… If he does comic it’s Bad Day at Black Rock and if he does deep it’s On The Head Of A Pin, and if you look at what he wrote, very very few of his episodes are duds, because he has a brain swirling deep with interesting and bizarre nonsense. He’s also the biggest Cas stan ever. 
Jeremy Carver pre-Carver era helped, which I think is why he gets to be part of Carver Edlund - we have 3 and a half years of his showrunning to know what fascinated him, so I’ll just say, in his very first episode in season 3, he alludes to Cain and Abel for the first time. He’s very big on narrative structure being used in fascinating ways, and his episodes are all very technically accomplished, but the downfall was that by the end he was writing narrative symbolism as a sort of withered husk of his former self with no emotion whatsoever, just hitting storytelling marks. 11x01 is the single most depressing episode to me in terms of “this is the man who wrote Mystery Spot and Changing Channels”
Fortunately, and I’m skipping over a ton of writers to tell this story, but could go back and talk about more of the interesting ones in between, if you watch 11x01 and 11x02 back to back, they work perfectly as a single episode and it’s like after the break all the life and emotion and intrigue is breathed back into the show in a rush of colour and character. Now, Dabb is one of the OG writers in my standards, in the sense that he and Loflin showed up in season 4, and to this day Dabb’s writing to me still shows a touch of writing within the original SPN playbook as a writer who CAN write alongside Kripke, Gamble, etc, and chameleon into the background as not writing Dabbnatural, but writing Supernatural. To me this is a part of his strength when it comes to story and why he and originally Loflin shot up the ranks in Gamble era to the point where they wrote 7x23, and from there Dabb always wrote the second, middle and last episode in a second-in-command writer role, which, now we hit season 14, means that’s half the length of the show he’s been clearly estimated as one of the powerhouses. 
Because he had a co-writer for 4 years, originally you might think that it’s hard to tell what he is and isn’t writing, but he and Loflin split up, I hope just to ease empty seats in the writer room, and we get 2 Loflin episodes which betray a few of his weaknesses when it comes to story/structure/pace, but reveal he was the quippier, funnier, more manic one of the two. Like, I’d say Plucky’s (my no joke favourite episode) is probably something where he would have steered it more than Dabb :P But Dabb meanwhile, writing alone, writes 8x08 which is also funny but in a very sublime way based on situation and framing etc which makes us laugh without breaking up the story for quips so much as coming from character, such as “it’s a shortened version of my name”, “stop smelling the dead guy, Cas,” and ALL the uses of cartoon effects as part of the embedded storytelling. It’s like his resume for considering what he can do as a solo writer and he blows it out of the water.
Dabb is very good at characters who might have brief one off appearances, like, even within a scene, but still have a bunch of unique personality, as well as excellent handling of the main characters, and he can write some killer speeches and emotional pleas and stuff. He’s also absolutely filled with callbacks and repeats and narrative loops, and he started this on a smaller level, either to his own episodes, or dutifully doing his job to foreshadow and build the mytharc, but in Dabb era, this has turned into absolutely exploding the show’s callbacks into a weird fractal of meanings, which I think works wonderfully for supporting a 14 year old show on its own legs, because each callback and loop goes in a different, often wild direction, but still at the same time has an emotional continuity and truth to the story based on the story predecessors. The fact he writes like this is of no surprise to meta writers who’ve been keeping tabs on him far longer than I have. In fact, a combination of all Dabb’s strengths put to work versus his One Weakness, his kryptonite, is a terrible story of Lizzy’s hubris of not paying attention to the show and a hard learned lesson :P 
After 10x21 I was utterly bereft and hated the show for what it had done, but I was gonna keep watching, as sarcastically and eye-rollingly as I could, and 10x22 started to deliver in spades. Dean drove ALL THE WAY down south and back, somehow missing Cas tailing him (without a car, we later learned) and all while Sam was on an urgent timeline to get things done before Dean got back… driving an hour back and forth in the immediate vicinity of the Bunker. The last times we see Sam are Urgent Driving Montages to get there in time while he’s basically coming from up the street, and meanwhile, Dean and Cas have logged like 20 hours of driving plus farting around murdering people, and I was GLEEFULLY tearing this episode to SHREDS for its car continuity, like, HOWLING with laughter. 
Anyway I took a break to get some tea and came back ready to eye-roll through the end of the episode, hit play, and walked smack into the DeanCas confrontation and dramatic speeches about everyone you love could be dead, except me, and accidentally got so tense and enraptured that I spilled an entire mug of scalding tea down my front when Dean attacked Cas and I jumped out of my skin and screamed and then yelled again because OH YEAH I WAS HOLDING TEA, and from that day on I have A: loathed Dabb for his car continuity and B: always kept my eye on that fucker and when it’s his episode and what he’s up to… Once burned etc… 
Dabb’s squad are awesome though. Obviously excluding buckleming, and I think with all the bingos and complaining you know what to look for in their episodes :D 
Berens has been around since season 9, which makes him a veteran in remaining writers terms, just because Carver era had an en masse leaving when contracts were up (no hard feelings, just bad timing and Berens had been newer than all of them at one point :P) Berens is another writer I think can occasionally dip into pretending to be generic SPN on some mytharc episodes but he’s just obviously not been around in ye olde days, and joined in the time when, through Gamble era and then Carver in spades, the MotW writers in particular really fell into a new style of writing the show that I absolutely adore, which is where the individual episodes rather than mytharc stuff were increasingly left to the writers to do whatever they wanted with, and become more and more writing style and structure etc as standalone canvasses for your own skills, personality, etc. Because you CAN’T keep writing the same SPN episode over and over and over, and if one of the season 1 writers came back and wrote a season of season 1 style episodes, they’d be stiflingly boring, in tone and range, compared to what we have now. To keep people interested after so long, quirkiness and the ideas that an individual writer brings to the table as THEMSELVES, becomes increasingly the only way forward to keep the show fresh. Season 4 onwards began to have more of this, and Edlund had been doing it since his first episode anyway, but to me season 6 has very specific feeling tones for the episodes, while season 7 and Robbie Thompson’s arrival in particular start to set the tone for allowing the writers to be adventurous, and to me season 7 is the shift to the style of season we had from then onwards. 
I think Berens episodes feel quite muted and cleverly restrained, but really really intelligent behind that. He’s written some incredible episodes that turn the season on the head while being standalones, and his run of 14th episode being where things were knocked out of the park but on a small stage, like, conflicts in a storage unit, barn, submarine, the BMoL hq and an abandoned hotel, all have devastating and dramatic emotional consequences while still somehow seeming understated and natural, quiet, almost, in the sense of what they turn on - looks and small agreements and emotional revelations etc. He doesn’t do fun and loud and flashy very often, and he delves very serious themes of suicide and depression, so I read his episodes and quiet, powerful, and very very pointed and driven and well-constructed to get to that point. His back and forth between scenes for dramatic irony is one of the biggest features I enjoy and identify, and that was an overall theme in season 13, on a much bigger level. 13x21 and Sam’s death, and, well, the whole thing really, was a wonderful example of the tension he can hold you in this way. Also: proof he CAN have fun but only when it’s super gay :P
I think Meredith Glynn gels really well with his writing, to the point where they co-wrote an episode within her first year on the show and then she took over the 14th episode slot for the first time since Berens got to the show and wrote an excellent episode that you could have told me was one of his and I’d have believed you, since it was structurally very very similar to any of his episode 14s which I have legit started seeing as a subgenre of the show in my own weird brain sorting way :P She has a great deal more fun though. She accidentally made the Worst Timed Episode Ever In The History Of Anything with 12x05 and I think got off on the wrong foot with fandom, but since then every episode has been an improvement on the last, and she’s had some absolutely wild rides, with 13x08 being I think her masterpiece overall, though Gog and Magog are funnier as an individual set piece :P 
Her writing is playful and fun and shows a deep care for the character histories and how they affect them - 12x11 is hard to believe is someone’s 2nd episode if you don’t think the new writers did their homework, because she absolutely guts Dean, and throws in a Rowena backstory freebie along with, AND handles Sam handling Dean with perfect ups and downs and brotherly affection and horror etc. I also think her Gabriel episode is the best Gabriel episode ever, for him as a character, and in terms of fun, the unholy combination of her writing and Speight directing and acting and also acting was utterly unbelievable. 10/10 would use as the episode to drag friends back to the show if they only saw seasons 1-5... It’s not even comparable with her other episodes, because she seriously levelled up as a writer while doing it. I can’t wait to see what she is up to next season :D
Davy Perez is like the dark side of the coin of Glynn, where he is fun but dark as fuck, and 13x11 has the best example of that with his cheery music-playing serial killers, but it’s an attitude he’s had all along. He does his best with Buckleming characters they do their worst with, so he singlehandedly made me think things for Crowley weren’t going to be as bad as they were in season 12 with 12x12/15 and he absolutely was the only person to give Ketch and Asmodeus anything resembling an interesting dynamic in 13x17. 12x12 was an absolute masterpiece of non-linear writing, which requires a good brain to do and then he made it funny AND all while ripping off tarantino but in SPN and not making it corny and writing Cas and Crowley’s most dramatic love confessions… 12x04 was my personal reassurance that Dabb era was going to care about Sam again after Carver neglected to deal with his shit for 4 years while dumping on him in the narrative, and Davy betrays the old Gamble sam girl traits of doing stuff like tying him up and telling us in the same breath his heart is worth 100x its weight in gold :P 
His episodes are wacky and fun in a way that draws blood and makes you seriously fear for the characters, even ones you think are fine and can’t possibly die in that episode, and his darkness frequently takes what looks like it could have been a Buckleming brief and makes you care about the characters they’ve been mauling all season in their own mis-applied love of writing the villains. You NEED someone who loves writing the villains, and Davy has a real relish to it that doesn’t woobify or jerk off to their evilness, it just makes them raw and scary to the point where you might actually believe Asmodeus is threatening for half a second, or that Crowley could win season 12, or to sell us on Ketch having a glimmer of a soul.
As for Yockey… I don’t know where Dabb found him but thank GOODNESS he did because sometimes you just need to take a random gay playwright with minimal TV experience, throw them into your writers room, and say, here, go nuts. Yockey has written like half a SPN episode and multiple literal excellent stage plays that are somehow on screen with our characters, which got to the point where in 13x19 I wrote like 40k episode notes while openly weeping because my Literature degree was being yanked so hard :P His nonsense often has multiple amazing side characters, like, sometimes a LOT of amazing side characters, and he knows how to make them all work. He literally has rude mechanicals like in 13x19 and the poor drunk angel. Shakespearean tropes. If you’re ever watching a SPN episode and it’s like why is this person writing for us and not a world famous literary darling? then it’s probably a Yockey episode. I am still struggling with how to handle it, and describe what’s going on, and all I can think is of 12x10 where an article about it literally was like, here is every single episode Cas has ever been in, and how this episode pulled on it and turned it into magic gold. Like, now 4x16 and 6x20 are the straw that Yockey turns to gold. I am too emotionally compromised to write something coherent and non-fangirlish about Yockey because he’s like, #writergoals in a totally bananas set the bar as high as the moon kind of way. He’s got that rare once in a generation talent and dammit I think he counts as my generation, so there goes my chance to be that person :P
And he’s writing for fucking Supernatural.
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jazzforthecaptain · 7 years
hi I know you’ve just finished field work so pls dont take this the wrong way kay, I'm only asking out of love. Do you have any sastiel fics planned for the future? Regardless of your answer to that, tell me about your favorite tropes or just like, general Stuff, when it comes to both writing and reading those two together. Everyone’s got different tastes right & i think is always fun to see people explaining (or trying to explain) why they're into certain stuff
Oh heck yes I have more sastiel I want to write, don’t you worry.
I want to try some canon!verse scenes. I’ve spent a lot of time writing Castiel, but didn’t study Sam’s character closely until I launched off on the first draft of Field Work. That story was posted this year, but the process of finishing and editing it was about two years’ worth of work.
If there’s a story concept or an AU you’d really like to see me tackle, I’m all ears! Just let me know. After all, Field Work came from a random request on the sastiel tag - I saw it, and in a few minutes the scenes from the first chapter were in my head.
This ask tickled me so much, because I would love to talk about sastiel but I’m better at answering questions than trying to write an organized Ship Manifesto. So now I have a relatively narrow avenue of attack!
That said? I’m still gonna write paragraphs.
I’m busily working my way through the sastiel available on ao3, but I can tell you right now that I’m always a slut for Castiel reassuring Sam that he’s Worthy and Lovable and A Good Person (and for Sam to do the same for Cas). I’m also a big, BIG fan of anytime Castiel gets to talk to Sam about the Big Bad Shit that’s happened in a way that gives them both relief and bonds them, if not absolution (because sometimes absolution just… well… isn’t appropriate or possible). Castiel getting to apologize/explain himself for the choices he made that negatively impacted Sam, and vice versa, and each discovering that they’re still loved and valued by the other because they have a similar tendency to judge themselves more harshly, and fail to forgive themselves, while forgiving their loved ones even when the consequences of poor choices were horrific. Good God these two need a confidante and a champion (and a mitigating voice), and I love it when they find it in one another.
Also, it should be noted, I prefer to take my Castiel the way I take my coffee; that is to say hot, strong, and bitter af. I love it when Castiel is characterized as the soldier he is, with real doubts about the chain of command he came from and a massive distrust of authority. I love it when his battle scars are as relevant to who he is as Sam’s are to him. I love it when Castiel is a sarcastic shit who struggles to take orders even if they came straight from the Big Man himself. And I love it when Sam is internally rage-y, fighting his own temper and his own demons, when he’s drowning in self-loathing, when he takes zero shit, when he questions Castiel and comes back at him and stands up for himself (and others). Trust is slow coming between a couple paranoid war vets with PTSD and a Complicated History so fraught with lies and broken promises you could write a soap opera on it. And yet. Both of these guys are the grand fucking champions of giving people second chances and letting past offenses go - I think they need each other. To help one another heal. To remind each other that they’re not monsters. To remind each other that there are good goddamned reasons to keep on keepin’ on even when the skeletons in their respective closets are dancing the fucking samba. Being a good man isn’t something you’re born as. It’s not something you lose with a single mistake. Being a good man means taking responsibility for and the consequences of your actions, actively caring, and trying hard not to repeat past mistakes - and those are things they both already do. Red_River’s story “Light Up the Sky” has a fantastic quote from Castiel that I think succinctly sums this up:
“You are no monster, Sam Winchester,” Castiel told him, the words less than a whisper.  “You are not the best man I have ever known, but you try the hardest to be.” 
So, spiraling off into AU territory, there’s a couple things I really like in that regard. I’m a sucker for Magical!Sam (thank @awabubbles!), and she’s got a story series started where White Magic Sam accidentally summons a badly wounded Soldier of God Castiel (have I mentioned I love Soldier of God Cas? Because I so fucking do, omg). Just, you know, think about Sam tending his hothouse full of rare plants while Castiel (who isn’t healing as fast as he expects to be healing, dammit) follows him around like an irritated cat. Don’t touch me, don’t touch me, don’t touch me, wait don’t leave my sight dammit don’t touch me, wait okay rub my ears while I shove my face into your lilies.
Insert deflowering joke here.
I also adore non-paranormal contemporary romances (Castiel is a firefighter responding to a minor fire in Sam’s apartment building, aaaaand go~), high fantasy sword and sorcery (especially if it involves Castiel as a knight, have I mentioned I like soldier Cas? I have, haven’t I?), historical romances, and I hear there’s some excellent merfolk fiction but I haven’t as yet gotten to it. To be honest, I’ll give anything a fair shake at this point. I’m still discovering the fanfiction that’s out there, so in six months Idk, I could be begging for locked-room mysteries or something.
The thing I love the most about sastiel is how supportive the fandom is. Everyone is so encouraging about everyone else’s work - if you wanna write a thing there’s always someone else like ‘YEAH! Do the thing!’ And y’all show the fuck up. I cannot begin to express how much it meant that people were reading what I wrote and telling me about it. It’s renewed my commitment to leave feedback on works as well, because I want to pay it forward.
Sure, there are things I’m definitely not interested in reading that are out there in the sastiel tag, but I’m not here to throw down a list of Stuff That Annoys Me - I’d rather talk about the stuff I love. That seems to be the modus operandi of the community as a whole, and that gives me so much life. I hope it never changes.
Don’t worry - I’m slow as fuck but I’m not going anywhere.
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icharchivist · 7 years
New session with A. and T. o/ this time from episode 92 to episode 105, we advanced a lot in the CA arc!
this time I took notes as they spoke so I have... Tons of stuff.
-A: “I’m scared to move on…. we’re at episode 91 and the arc already went to shit so bad i’m worried at how bad it’ll get”
-they forgot who kite was. they had to remember by saying “guitarist legolass”
-T: “The queen shouldn’t be proud of the King i mean it’s a fuckboi, look at that turtle on his head, it’s the shape for a a fuckboi”
-A: “Leol looks like a drummer in Kite’s band”
-A: “I wonder if it would have gone better with responsible adults” Me: “i think that’s why Leorio and Kurapika aren’t there. wait… maybe not Pika.” A: “i love Pika but he’s not what I’d call collected and responsible. Leorio tho...”   -T: “I’m sure Hisoka would have flirted with an ant if he could. or ate one. its like chicken”
-they say they have no pity for the queen ahah. They are WTF over the other baby.
-they got so sad at Gon and Killua crying
-T: “Why is there pipe on a strip tease” A: “there’s a cat a butterfly and a turtle trying to dominate the world and you question the choice of music?”
-A: “It gets so bad already and there’s still 30 episodes of that arc how bad can it gets…”
-A: “the only responsible adult of that arc is Killua and he’s neither an adult nor responsible” 
 -When Gon said he’d do anything for Palm after she said she wanted him to date her, T. spit out his drink and A. facepalmed in a pillow, both laughing “i cant deal with that kid anymore” 
 -A: “does Palm has any other ability aside of being creepy?” 
 -A: “the thing with Gon is that you never know if his ideas are genuis or terrible” T: “you especially dont know when he says “it’s a secret” if he knows what hes gonna do or if he doesnt” 
 -When Killua asks Gon about his dating past:  T. “that… became really gay suddenly” Me: “do you get why people say Killua is gay?” A: “Now yes.” 
 -A: “The presentator on tv has weird eyes…” T: “now she can see in 3D” 
 -A. at Palm and Gon’s date: “i relate to Killua… what a cringe…” 
 -T. at the date: “and let’s play my favorite game: what if we added hisoka to the situation?” A.: “im sure him and Palm would get along” 
 -they yelled at Killua remembering Illumi because of dissociation. they’re worried for him 
 -A., who loves classical ballets, told us that the Zoldyck’s theme is based on a romeo and juliet music 
 -A.: “When the zoldyck music plays, it always end up bad for the adversary…” T.: “It always end bad for everyone in that anime. except for Hisoka and Gon’s father. i dont even remember the name of that asshat.” 
 -After the date, as Killua and Gon shares Chcorobots, A: “Thats it i cant take it anymore i ship them. they are too cute i cant resist them” 
 -A, as Cheetu vs Morel and Knuckle starts: “this arc is such a mess i love it it goes so wrong” 
 -when gon was faced to Kite’s puppet , they started yelling about how no one was stopping him. when Gon started blaming himself, A. threw a hairtie to the screen in frustration. they are worrying for Gon now, feels like he’s losing it. they worry that the adults are using him. like they say “i dont care their reasoning, we’re talking about 12yo. they never saw what gon can do while angry he risked his life on a dodgeball game. it’s dangerous.” 
 -A: “dont tell me they will put rhe two unexperienced kids as a team…” 
 -They are overjoyed to see the Troupe again. A. wanted a showdown between the ants and the troupe. “at least i wont mind if there’s death on both side” 
 -They are disgusted by Pike and they dont get why Zazan is all dominatrix. 
 -“the goth team and the clear hair team” 
 -A: “i understand why you say Shalnark is probably linked to Kurapika, they have the same (lack of) survival instinct” 
 -T: “nice to have some anthropology exploration with that mummy guy" about Beleonov
 -A: “wait is Phinks’s condition really to only turn his wrist? he didnt think too hard about it, and Pika whos putting his life on the line like a moron….”
-A: “im sure kite’s nen was Ging’s idea. it’s a thing with Ging’s idea, it seems terrible and you dont even know if he would himself believe it’d work but it does” 
-Feitan against Zazan: “thats violent…” 
 -A: i dont know what to think of that arc anymore. i dont even know what to comment. 
 -about Kalluto: “it’s killua’s LITTLE BROTHER??? HOW OLD IS HE. 10??? WHY IS HE WITH THE TROUPE” 
 -“are Feitan and the Mummy in a contest of who is gonna blow up the biggest planet” 
 -*seeing the kimera* “is that nina” 
 -A when Phinks blushes when Shal and Feitan makes fun of him for looking for Chrollo: “do everyone has a crush on Chrollo holy fuck” 
 -T: “When it’s to the spiders to be in charge of lifting the weight of the arc….” A: well we wanted responsible adults, we got them” 
 -A. finds impressive how that deep ib the arc, the story is still coherent. the ants are all exploited and you dont feel lost in the substories. she finds it impressive  
-Me: “fun to have a geopolitic story in a furry arc” A: “i wonder what the next arcs will be. will there be a cooking arc” Me: “i mean, isnt it the cooking arc? “ A: *splilling her drink*”… you know what i dont say anything anymore” 
 -A:“… was the Queen on drugs when she created Shaiapouf?”
 -A: “i think i hate (pitou) more than hisoka…. i mean hisoka, you get used to him. she…. is too unsettling and sh’es too cute it makes me uncomfortable” T: “well i mean… hisoka is a p/edophile…”  A: “i mean true but at least you can predict hidoka, she replies to orders. you can discuss with Hisoka, not with her. Like how Pika talked with him” Me: “well then with Pika it was all on Hisoka’s intend...” T: “well you can discuss with him if you’re a teen” A: “Okay true but you can have an ally with hisoka at times. with Pitou, nah” 
 -T “now i thought hisoka was coming”  Me:“if he was in this arc he would have had the boner of the century” T: “thanks Chloé” 
 -when Gon trusted Meleoron right away “what the fuck with that kid. me too Meleoron” 
 -when Ikalgo appeared in that first corpse and started singing, T started laughing and loving him and almost spilled his drink, and A. burried her face in a pillow saying “i dont even know what to say anymore…” 
 -as Killua catches ikalgo: A-: i love this kid T: me i love this octopus omg 
 -as Ikalgo says he wanted to be a squid: A: “how can it be that fun, that wtf and that tragic at once?” 
 -T: i really love that octopus A: i really love that kid 
 -T is determinates and really really love the octopus :’) 
 -the darts game started and A . started to pull very worried faces 
 -When Gon says he will kill Meleoron if he betrays him, A:“this kid really scares me…. he always scared me.”
-they’re cheering as Killua won against the orsos bros and faked his death 
 -turns out T. plays darts too so as Killua was explaining how he survived, he kept figuring how it made sense 
 -they were tense as Killua almost died and they both left out a gasp as Killua apologized about not being of use for gon 
 -they adore Ikalgo, both of them and now they worry he’ll die 
 -A. keeps reading Meleoron as Melanchon, a french politician she doesnt like. we compared that politician to Leol 
 -A. saw Komugi and gasped because “oh no i saw her on your blog”. I’ve been yelling at her to stop looking at my blog and her reaction was “but I’d have to stop using tumblr!”. rood. 
 -T.’s mother walked in after a scene with Meleoron and with the King and she started laughing, not understanding what was going on, just surprised by the designs. she finds the plot about the games to be fun ahah 
 -Morel just told Cheetu he lost because hes an idiot and they both applauded 
-at the King trying to destabilize Komugi and failing T: “well it’s turning against him hes getting destabilized” A: “she controls him so much”
 -When the King ripped his own arm, they both gasped and A. froze and yelled “WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED” 
 -A: “the king is acting reckless and hurts himself… sounds so much like Gon.”  
-A loves how Komugi is in total control of the King ahah 
 -Me at the king's arm being ripped: "hxh and the constant abuse of arms". A. "ye i saw your posts about it. im still baffled by how much of them belongs to Gon"
For the most part, they seemed to like it! A. Kept repeating it was such a mess and she loved how much of a mess it was. It was getting worse and worse and they are seriously getting worried about the situation at hand. 
They are really, really involved in the arc and I’m so glad. For a lot of people I dragged in hxh (and.. me included to some extend) the ca arc was the hardest to get into, and I’m really glad they’re enjoying it that much.
They are looking forward for more and are impressed to have gone this far in the serie.
Despite the fact we skip opening/ending/previews (not my own will, they really don’t wanna see them dkjfhd shame for the previews but oh well) they keep singing the opening theme too. That’s fun :’D
So ye, a good session, a ton of fun, they liked it :D
See you all in another session o/
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awed-frog · 7 years
Hey! So obviously everyone loved the episode last night - there was just so much destiel feels in there it's enough to fill up an entire football stadium. BUT I keep thinking that the writers might be trying to set Cas and Kelly up, because you know, it's supernatural, and I just feel like the possibility of destiel going canon is too good to be true. I mean, Kelly is great, but it would be the worst romance ever - weird and force and kinda cringey. Maybe I'm paranoid, idk. What do you think?
(via @anon) Idk if i like where this story is going… i dont want to see cas kelly baby stories and him raising the child :/ i want cas with the brothers :(
Hi - I’m squishing these two asks together, hope you guys see it. :)
The Nephilim: what’s next?
Look, the thing is - maybe the Nephilim will die in the finale, or maybe he’ll be the Big Thing in S13 - we still don’t know. What we do know, on the other hand, is that it would be very hard to work him into the story in a way that’ll keep Cas away from Sam and Dean. Like, you know - from a narrative point of view, what do you do with this thing?
Option 1 It’s born and it grows at a normal human rate. If this happens, the Nephilim will have no place whatsoever in the show, because babies are both hard to work with and boring boring boring, and as much as we, the demented viewers, want to see Dean and Cas making nonsense noises and cooing at this second Antichrist, it’s not going to happen. If this is where they’re going, we’ll have a Jesse situation: the Nephilim will be carted off to live with some other hunter (not Cas, because Cas is one of the main characters and is needed elsewhere), and we’ll never hear from him again. 
Option 2 It’s born and grows Amara-style, turning from adorable creepy baby who moves stuff with his mind to overly attractive teenager who winks at Dean and makes him uncomfortable. I hope they’ll avoid this narrative, because we’ve seen the exact same thing last year, but if they do something like that -
Option 2a If the Nephilim is a bad guy, he’ll probably become S13′s Big Baddie, and Cas will have no reason to stick with him, so we’ll have the usual ‘only you can break me free from this mind control spell but nobody knows why’ trope and TFW will spend the rest of the season staring gloomily into space and wondering how to kill a semi-god, again.
Option 2b If the Nephilim is a good guy, he’s gone. There is simply no way they can keep around an allpowerful and benign deity without having massive problems. This is why they keep hurting Cas, remember?, because if Cas had his wings and his courage and his cold logic and his angelic self-confidence, Sam and Dean could spend their days playing beer pong in the Bunker. Cas would simply teleport himself wherever a monster has been spotted, look around with his x-ray vision, and then lift a finger and make a whole abandoned neighbourhood explode. And that’s it. So, well - like they did with Jesse, and even with Amara and Chuck - if this new kid is a Good Person, he’ll probably wander off on his own.
Option 2c If the Nephilim is a Gabriel-like morally grey trickster, it’s likely the Winchesters will still vote to hunt him down and kill him. They did it to Gabriel, after all, and if he hadn’t died (*wails forever*) in the war against Lucifer, I’m sure Sam, at the very least, would have gone after him. Tricksters work fine, or more than fine, as characters, but you don’t want one living in the same reality as you. Look at the messes Loki manages to whip up every couple of weeks - nope, if something is too powerful and you can’t understand how they think and feel, unfortunately the best option is to take them out. Better to be safe than sorry.
It’s still possible, at this point, that something happens and the Nephilim dies, likely with Kelly. This would make sense for a number of reasons, including that everyone except Cas, Lucifer and Kelly really wants this thing gone. The Host is gunning for him, Crowley would surely prefer he died, the BMoL (if they knew about him) would probably launch a nuclear grenade wherever Kelly is and to hell with ‘collateral damage’, and even Sam and Dean - they want to be normal and kind, but they might have no other choice, and if it comes to that, they know they must at least try to kill this child, because, yeah, NOT A CHILD, PEOPLE, and look at what happened with Amara. So maybe it’s not the Nephilim’s life that’s the big plot of next season, but his death and how it happens. We know we’re headed for some massive family conflict, and, in this sense, what’s going on with Cas is part of that. It’s those old what’s right and wrong, who’s your family, who do you trust questions Supernatural likes to throw at us, but, as we’ve seen in the past, whatever happens the endgame is what Dean just told us to our faces - him, Sam, and Cas working together, Team Free Will, because they’re better together and they’re family and that’s not gonna change, demonic baby or no demonic baby. So don’t worry too much - Cas won’t stay away for long.
Cas and Kelly: a romance in the works?
As for the romance part - I really don’t think that’s going to be a thing. I’m actually very surprised by the fact Supernatural’s gone out of its way, both in S11 and in S12, to show us that what you’d consider as ‘normal’ and ‘appropriate’ love stories aren’t a good idea at all. While we’ve seen some (brief but) wholesome examples of queer relationships, there’s usually something wrong with straight ones - from Kelly sleeping with Lucifer to those rabid people breeding in the street in The Chitters to that guy killing Sam to save his wife in Red Meat all the way down to the most glaring example - Amara’s unhealthy obsession with Dean - it seems the show is doing a lot to question the ‘normal’ way of doing things (getting married, having babies, ???, profit). 
This is not surprising, since Supernatural, despite the monsters and the occasional blurring of focus, can be really ferocious in its social critique, and the breaking down of traditional marriage, just as the current erosion of women’s rights, are just as apparent as Supernatural’s traditional motive: the deindustrialization, and death by unemployment and desperation, of rural America. Like, I know we’ve all noticed that rich people normally equal jackasses, and we all joke about the ‘abandoned factory of the week’, but watching this show from Europe, where our traditional media vision of the US is glittering cities and top models and trust fund kids sipping cocktails by the pool, is really shocking. Those rapidly depopulating towns they stop into, the motels in the middle of nowhere, and even - can’t believe they went there - some meat processing plant kept alive by human sacrifices - that’s powerful stuff, and part of the reason, I think, this show is so appealing to Republicans. And, as I said, Supernatural’s been showing the breaking down of traditional families as well - only this season, we’ve spent some time with Jody and her unusual household of stray and rejected kids, and seen Mary walk away instead of assuming her ‘appropriate’ role of stay-at-home mom for Sam and Dean. 
Cas and Kelly, I think - that’s the same pattern. Apparently, Kelly now regrets her relationship with President Whatshisface (“embarrassingly unprofessional,” she terms it) which is, again, a reversal of the traditional ‘the commoner married the prince and they lived happily ever after’ trope, because Kelly seemed happy and in love and it looked like the perfect thing, right? And we now know it wasn’t. So, again, this thing with Cas - on the surface, it could be a perfect ‘a child needs a mom and a dad’ kind of situation, but Supernatural’s message, which has gotten almost deafening over the last two seasons, is that free will and love trump all - that you shouldn’t do something just because that’s what we’ve always done - that you should queston things, find your own way, be true to who you are. So, well - Kelly is not a 1950s Stepford mom (she used to work in the White House, remember? which means she’s incredibly career-driven and most likely a shark) and Cas is no longer a mindless servant of some divine entity. It’s perhaps easier, for both of them, to go with that for a moment, because this is what they’re supposed to be - women are supposed to take care of children and be mothers even if it kills them, and angels are supposed to be fully dedicated to the mission and follow orders no matter the price - but the truth is, we have free will. We can decide who we want to be, and this is why Cas and Kelly teaming up rings so wrong and will never be framed in a positive light. So, again - whether Destiel becomes canon or not, Cas’ place is with the Winchesters, and this is just one more obstacle to overcome. That it takes the shape of that traditional family Cas was encouraged to form as a human and Dean can never give him (the pretty wife and the chubby baby), well, that was unnecessary and yet another fuck you to legally enforced normativity.
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School with the MAGCON boys pt 1
hey im Zahra. im 15 born and brought up in London, England. my father travels alot for work which means i have to go with him, my mother isnt here with me anymore she died while giving birth to me but ive learnt to stop thinking bout her as much...im proud of my father, although i may have been an accident he doesn't treat me like one, he treats me amazingly he’s been there for me through thick and thin, hes taught me so much and when we’re traveling from country to country ive been enrolled in so many classes, including self defense classes to help myself become a stronger female as a whole. I have the grades of a high level collage students so im basically never behind on my studies. my father had me at age 17 with my mum who was 16 at the time, they had the most beautiful love story yet so real, my father a man of his word, a gentleman he charmed my mother and they had me. after i was born my father didnt know what to do so i lived with my grandparents most of my life seeing my father come home from school tired but he always smiled when he saw me.
more on school. I was moving to a highschool in Chicago,i was looking forward to it but i felt that i would be very left out, i was the dork. my hair was black, long, thick and wavy with a few red highlights, my eyes were dark and my lashes were long. i had a very petite body, tiny waist and small hips. i was a decent height only 5′7ft  one could cal me innocent and i agree its ture heck i haven't even had my first kiss yet!
the school i went to was more of a local school with the usual crownds from what i could tell. There were the Jocks, popular bitchy girls, the nerds, emo’s and the “freaks”. i walk in with my Dad i wore blue jeans, a white top, bomber jacket, white vans, a small hand bag and my huge geeky glasses. i didnt wear much make up just a bit of eyeliner and highlighter. We were given a tour of the school, it wasnt that big but i knew i was still gonna get lost.
i get to my first lesson late. as always. I knock on the door and enter. “oh, and who must you be sweetie?” said the teacher at the front. 
“hello, im Zahra im new here.” i say, my British accent standing out.
“ok hunny! go have a seat and ill be right with you im Miss Dina,”
I Nod and take a seat at the back. that was the only available seat. i adjust my glasses and get a pen, pencil and ruler out of my bag. i look around realizing there were a few familiar faces. That’s when it hit me, i realized there were a few viners here, Matthew Espinosa, Jack J and Shawn Mendes. i look to my left and  felt a tingly sensation in my stomach as i took a closer look at who sat right beside me. Nash Grier. OMFG i felt really shy but then i snapped out of my shock and returned to what the teacher was saying.”Now Class who can Name the three enzymes needed for digestion along with their uses?”
my hand shot right up in the air without me thinking. “Yes Zahra?”
“the first enzyme is Carbohydrase this breaks down starch and sugar, the second is  Protease this breaks down proteins and lastly is lipase this breaks downs Fats and Lipids.”
i felt everyone’s eyes piercing at me i could feel my face slowly becoming a tomato. i felt really panicky and queasy, my panic attacks were bad but i didnt need one now of all times, ive barley been in the classroom 20 mins. i started to lower my adrenaline levels and i slowly returned to my normal state. I was given an exercise book to write in but i didnt need it. my grades were amazing and i already knew all of this. but i still wrote as much as i could. it was about 5 mins until the lesson was over so i started packing my things up.i  reaching my bag and looked at my planner, it was a small planner but it was sentimental to me it had pictures of me and my classmates in France, Germany, Beijing and Poland. I missed them but i cant get attached to people too quickly. its not good for me at all. I flip through the pages to see if i had any empty time slots that’s when  i saw a particular name pop up (my dad writes stuff in here to keep me on track) says the Jhonson family are coming for a meeting. i mean it was cool but i was praying that it wasn’t the family of the person who i think it is. I her my pencil drop on the floor and i lean under the table to look for it. “uh.. here.” i look up and Nash was holding the pencil. i take it from him and put it in my bag. “Thanks...”
“So your british?”
“yeah. well i havn’t seen London in 6 years...” I reply.
“ what do you mean?” he asked me.
“I Travel alot, so i go to a few different schools in different countries, but im usually home schooled if my dad is free.”
the bell rings and our class was dismissed. I head out of the classroom and start walking through the hallway, i see a crowd of guys. i push through them minding my own business before i hear a few murmers. “Thats the new chick!” another voice said “Damn she looks finee” i hear another say “She’s probably a hoe” i feel anger build up inside me waiting to be released. but i just keep walking faster and faster. 
It’s lunch time and im alone. So much for being socially awkward. I had a lunch packed in my bag, Salad and water along with a small can of pringles. i look for somewhere to sit but everywhere was taken... i felt like shit but then again Having no one to leave is better than having a ton of friends who ill have to say goodbye to. I feel a light tap on my shoulder i turn around and see a girl she looked a little older than me but definitely around 16 or 17. she had curly hair and freckles.”Hey! I haven’t seen you around are you new..?” she says with a bit of cheer in her voice. “Why yes im Zahra, and you are?” i ask her. “My name is Mahogany LOX im 16 you ca Call me LOX, your accent is adorable!!”she squeals. “Thanks...” i say. “come sit with me and Shawn.” 
I followed her to a table where she sat down next to Shawn. she introduced me to him and we all were like bestfriends.. the vibes they were giving out were so warm and positive. I talked to them about life and school and about who i am and what i like to do. i felt like i could talk to them for hours. We ended up swapping numbers at the end of lunch. my last lesson of the day was calculus which meant more stuff i already knew. 
----end of the day----
it seemed like Mahogany and Shawn got along with everyone but i seemed to be the awkward one. i was walking out to the parking lot of the school when im approached by Jack G. “Hello there...” 
“Uh.. hi?” i say
“So you wanna met up some time late and go to my place?” he says with an arrogant tone.
“Sorry im not Netflix and chill sessions and by the way i dont think im gonna let you into my pants that quickly.” I say.
he attempts to put his arms aroung my waist before my fighting instincts kick in and i grab his hand and twist it. he   shrieked in pain and moved aside.
“So i see your playing hard to get...” he says with a little bit of annoyance in his voice.
“No i just dont fall for fuckboys like you.” i walk to my bike and cycle home.
i get home and put my helmet on a little table by the front door. “PaPa are you home?!” i shout across the house.
“im in the kitchen hunny! go put something nice on we have guests coming over!” My dad says.
“Ok dad but promise me you wont bring up anything to do with my grades” i say.
“how can  i not when i have such an amazing daugher?” he asks.
“whatever dad im going upstairs see ya in 5 mins”
i run up to my room and look through my cupboard. i choose a pastel blue dress with a pair of black tights and i put my hair up in a pony tail leaving my fringe out.. i run downstairs and join my dadin the kitchen. i sit on a chair and watch him cook. “so how was your first day?” he asks.
“a bit awkward at first but actually pretty good. and i made two friends.” i say with a little grin on my face.
“Any boys?” he asks with a bit of sarcasm in his tone.
“Dad if there were i would’ve told you, but as i said for the millionth time, guys aren’t into me im ugly.” my cheer went down and he turned around and hugged me.
“my beautiful girl is growing up thinking she’s ugly? im a terrible father!!!”
“No papa your an amazing dad!”
“My baby girl is growing up... i will always love you. you look just like your mother. you know that right?” i see his eyes glisten with tears.
“I know dad... i know. now dont cry otherwise im gonna get emotional!” i say trying to put a little bit of humor into the situation.
“Well i thnk ive passed on the wrong genes. have fun dealing with being an emotional wreck.” i see him smiling and i giggle.
the door bell rings and i run to answer the door and i see a woman with a smile on her face standing there holding the hand of who i presume was her husband, and right there i saw...Jack.
“Mr and Mrs Jhonson?” i plastered a fake smile and shook their hands. my dad came from no where and escorted them to the dining room. I walk tot the dining room and get my phone out before my dad starts speaking. “This is my daughter Zahra shes just been enrolled iin our local Highschool.”
“She’s in my biology class” Says Jack. 
i look up and look back down at my phone and start texting Mahogany.but no reply. i go up to my room and sit downon the windowsill as i watch the clouds slowly shift out of sight. i sit there for about 20 min until i hear knocking on the door.i walk over to the door and open it. “Hey..” jack said leaning on the door frame. 
“What do you want?” i say slightly annoyed.
“just wanna chill...” he says trying to act cool.
“Well i have better things to do and besides do you really wanna end up like your friend or worse?” i say slamming the door.
---- 2 hours later ----
Finally they’re gone and now i can return to my normal life. i get ready for bed and put on my “more revealing” night wear on. i fall asleep at 9:30 setting alarm for 6:30.
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