#dont even get me started on our senate situation
lighthouselesbian · 3 months
being an SF voter is so embarrassing federally everyone’s like “call your representatives!!!!” but what if it’s nancy pelosi 😭
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dxringred · 2 years
yk i can see op’s pov and your pov so i wont even get in there… but people are saying wild takes in your asks when the opinion was about /that/ day and not the whole thing and its valid to prefer “+ot3” (ion even know why in every r/nance stuff it has to have st/ddie or chr/ssyvickie tho when those shippers (the first ones especially) often ignore robin&nancy but thats another convo). i dont think nancy is ooc in your au (if anything st/ddies tend to do that and sometimes some ronancers ig like robin knowing how to use a gun... we need to be serious that girl would choose a lamp or other weird object to defend herself/other ppl like mike does in certain scenes). ppl suddenly forgot what an AU is. and about the tags.. our tag has been flooded by st/ddie since the beginning, 1 or 2 more posts kinda related to the ship are nothing. anyway people tend to forget that we all have different hcs and we are not forced to take one as a fact. sigh.
i really like your content (mostly ww!robin, the lowkey toy story au and the premise for academic rivals au🫶) especially how you took werewolf robin and gave us angsty stuff and not just puppy stuff so i hope this doesnt make you go away from the fandom permanently bc i genuinely appreciate every post/au/prompt whatever you gave us. sorry for the rant!!!
yeah, people (well, mostly one person) really blew it out of the water for no reason. thankfully the OP is really friendly and reasonable, it's just a shame someone else felt the need to insert themselves and misrepresent the situation on both sides instead of just letting them handle it themselves if they'd wanted to. (and we won't get into how that person is in their 30s and mostly interacting with minors/teens who call them "miss daddy".)
the take wasn't even about dis/liking the sapphic senate, it was just a suggestion about how i thought a more open prompt would've given a wider variety of results since not everyone is going to ship that poly. (and i'm aware the OP initially never imagined it would blow up this much, it's just that if i was ever going to share a prompt list like that, i personally would've made it more open-ended anyway just in case.) and please, the anon complaining about the one post T0T all my most recent posts in the tag have literally been explicitly ronance related; with all the tag spamming we've had to endure, especially right at the beginning, and with ste/ddies still continuing to clog up the tag, why is this the hill you're dying on?
and i'm glad you like my content !! i will definitely be back, it's just a matter of when. it would take a lot more than some petty anons and someone old enough to know better with a grudge to make me leave for good asdfghjk. for now, i'm just dreading the start of clairisatober tomorrow-
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newswcanonprompts · 4 years
prompt #37 - Jedi are like Magpies and love their clones
sorry we haven’t posted in forever! to make up for it, i’m posting one of our longest and detailed prompts (maybe even the longest)- this came from a LONG discussion a few weeks back, and it was a lot of fun. this idea morphed a ton, and it became this huge thing. this is personally my favorite one, so hope you enjoy!
Jedi collect trinkets and wear them!!! Hand them to others as a very important gift
The Clones dont really get it, but they are happy
The jedi make them things like jewelry, keychains, little beaded things, colored strings, they’ll give them feathers, you name it 
Its another way to show that they are individuals, and that the jedi know them specifically 
The veteran clones have long keychain type things and the shiny clones want them very much and it’s something they look forward to 
The padawans hand the commanders things and being sad when the CC’s tell them they can’t take them into battle 
Krell gets found out earlier.
“Okay, look, i know krell is… well, he is *something* and i don’t want to accuse a master of the order but have you looked at his men?! where the hell are their keychains?!”
The padawans stage a protest at the senate because how else are they going to make sure that their troops know they are loved and get their trinkets 
This idea can get angsty really quickly (finding trinkets after battles, in ship crashes, or post-order 66), but we won’t do that because of how angsty this server already is, we need some fluff sometimes
Palaptine can commit self delete 
Clones will paint armor for padawans cause that is how they show honor and stuff 
The clones, upon figuring out what they mean, give their jedi trinkets also
Mirialan padawan holding armor they got: “ITS GREEN LIKE ME!” 
There are little figurines, some painted rocks, some little shiny things found on the battlefield
The clones who aren’t as good with their hands singing songs or telling stories
The jedi record them and keep them on little datachips that they keep on them at all times
Barriss doesn’t go bad because this is happy time
The jedi padawans start a riot / protest outside the senate building because some clones got their trinkets taken away by asshole civilians because they’re “not human”, just copies
The (now very pissed off) jedi sprung into action
If a snooty senator(s) takes away a clone’s trinket, the jedi just sit back and grind to a halt. Because if the clones, the PEOPLE WHO PROTECT THE REPUBLIC, are gonna get treated like that, the war can wait 
The jedi knights and masters just meditate wherever the padawans are protesting
This is done to ‘keep the peace’
If anakin hears a snooty senator degrade the clones, he starts ranting and shouting about their individuality and accomplishments, while pointing at each trinket.
Someone live streams this
Luminara joins in (barriss is right behind) 
Aayla too 
Luminara, anakin, aayla, tag teamed shouted speech 
Ahsoka and barriss are being held back by the CC’s (ahsoka is making some very crude hand gestures and barriss is like “i can name every bone in your body as i break it” - cause barriss has all that healer knowledge) 
Once these three are done, mace windu comes along with the council. They think mace is going to scold the three of them until mace starts shouting at the senators too. The council just lets mace do all the talking. 
This is the most watched live stream this year. It’s very funny and starts a ton of memes (obi wans face, yoda meditating, the look of “oh shit” on the original snooty senator’s face, the look of surprise on everyone when mace starts shouting too - there is also a gif made of the council looking at the situation, looking at themselves (mostly mace) and then they all step back to let mace do the talking, the clones faces when they see that three jedi and then the jedi high council are defending them)
Mace, rolling up his sleeves: “okay let’s do this” 
The senators: backing away in fear 
Obi wan might commit a war crime right now because no way people can talk about his troops like that
Obi wan: “am i allowed to kill a senator?”
Cody: “General, do not-”
This whole thing leads to a massive debate and overwhelmingly good PR for the jedi and clones
Shady sheev doesn’t like that. Good PR for the jedi? No thank you. But since this is a fixit he gets his ass kicked later on so everything’s fine (skeevy sheev has to scramble to try to fix his plans though) 
All the padawans from that one lightsaber episode (the one on ilum where the younglings got their kyber crystals) are there and SHIT’S GOING DOWN
Petro in particular is very close to kicking someone’s ass 
Caleb dume is there also.
“Master depa said we should never raise our blades in revenge or anger. But this is not revenge.” this is war, this is justice, this is defense of a defenseless group 
Padme also joins in all of this (but much more calmly)
She also might make some passive aggressive comments about the snooty senators trash outfit 
She and all her senator friends are gonna blacklist the original culprit 
Padme and bail organa (they also got help from many jedi) put in the clone rights bill the next day
In the halls outside the debate chamber, padme threatens to gut people with her hair pins if they don’t vote in her favor
sure, it’s *technically* extortion, but come on, who’s gonna stop her? those pins are pointy y’all
Anakin tried to help draft / present the bill but he spent most of his time ranting about the injustices the clones have to face (leia had to get it from someone)
Padme: “okay ani i got this, drink some water please” 
Ahsoka also jumps in 
Plo, who’s watching the debate: “little ‘soka, please don’t hurt anyone” (but he’s not about to stop her, after all these are his sons we’re talking about) 
If someone said “well they’re not slaves?” anakin would go OFF. if you thought he was angry before… you got another thing coming.
If the public doesn’t know about his childhood before, they do now
Imagine the shock 
Padme: “Ani, deep breaths, it’s gonna be okay.” 
Also padme, to the other senators: “well i mean he’s not wrong you assholes”
Padme is also making very well timed comments and suggestions. It’s the most successful day she’s had since she became senator
She’s also revealing all the senators’ dirty secrets
Padme: “oh, senator so-and-so, i released all your finances and your voting history on the holonet. I’m sure your supporters will love that you’re embezzling funds. Oh, you lost your support? Tragic.” 
The jedi also have dirt on everyone and they just casually let everything slip like they weren’t secrets 
Shady sheev Palpacreep is in his little podium thing during the debate, and he is very pissed, because his plan is getting ruined, but he can’t let it show or else people will discover the truth about him
Anakin: “isn’t it great that we’re finally doing something about it?” 
Sheev, pained: “Of course-” 
This whole debate is still live streamed - and it’s very popular
The senate who made the original comment and started all of this is #cancelled 
This is the greatest thing the galaxy has ever seen / watched because drama 
If a jedi dies, and they aren’t brought back to the temple, they are burned with the other dead on the battlefield. Young padawans take their master’s trinkets in remembrance, wanting to follow their path and have tangible proof that the master passed into the force but that they left their mark in the world
You do not burn the trinkets. Krell tried once. It almost started a jedi civil war (maybe that’s how he gets found out) 
Or maybe krell was found out because he gives zero trinkets to his men, and everyone caught on and were like “hey wtf man” 
But if you wanna make it angsty ( cough cough umbara ) then krell tells the 501st to remove / burn / throw out their trinkets or he’d do it for them 
He gives them an example by slicing a very special one that anakin and ahsoka both gave to rex 
Krell also slices one of dogma’s. It was the only one dogma had because  he was newish to the battalion at the time and wasn’t sure if accepting the trinkets was against regs or not. Krell slashes it and dogma doesn’t say anything but there were tears in his eyes 
All the jedi who find out what happened replace all the trinkets so fast. They also give krell’s men a shit ton of presents.
Krell’s men have no idea what to do with them, but they are so touched a few shed tears when they get them 
The clones get small tattoos of patterns that the little padawans drew for the men
The tattoos are small because some of them *might* just be random squiggles but the padawans looked so happy the clones just had to get them tattooed
Anakin orders japor wood with padme's bank account to make snippets for the clones because it’s not only a jedi thing, it’s from anakin's homeworld - and that’s like the highest praise you can get from him
The clones might not know exactly what it means but they know its super special 
Padme figures out a way to buy japor wood in bulk. Anakin is very touched by this 
When snooty senators start badmouthing clones, yoda just sits there and meditates to drive the senators nuts
“Sitting, i am, because stand you bitches, i cannot” 
Padme gets many trinkets from the 501st because they all *know* about her and anakin
Any trinkets that she gets she likes to incorporate into her outfits (like the warrior fashionista that she is) 
She embroiders some of them into her dresses and hairpieces 
They both get a TON of trinkets when the twins are born
Padme also gives trinkets to the 501st, some of the 212th, and all of the coruscant guard. Especially fox cause she sees all the work he does and the senators he has to deal with 
She’s besties with the coruscant guard. Like yeah, she knows the 501st and they know about her and anakin (and she’s one of them because of it) but the guard is who she’s always with
She probably wore red on debate day to represent them
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chubbyooo · 5 years
Party Crashers
I want to write but haven’t properly written the next bit of blurred lines so I’m doing a little writing practice
Gacen and Risha attend a fancy event, what could possibly go wrong
Gacen closed his eyes, he was staring at his holopad showing him an invitation on his holopad “you are cordially invited to Coruscant for some gala for those helping with the war or something” he assumed that’s what it said he’d skimmed the invite. He hated going to these things if there was one thing about working for the republic he hated it was all the damn republic pr. Still that wasn’t the important part the important part was the fact that it had a plus one option, after their moment in the alley Gacen needed a good excuse for a date to make the thing with Risha official this was good enough right? He’d sacrifice his own dignity for a few hours to make it real, but now he had to do the hardest part he had to ask her what the hell was he gonna say.
Gacen played through each possible scenario and eventually realised he’d been standing there for like an hour, he swallowed all his pride and made his way to the engine room. When he arrived he saw Risha sweating out of breath, her coat was around her waist, she was messing with the hyperdrive with a wrench Gacen had no idea what she was doing but it’d probably make the ship better. Covered in soot looking quite tired Gacen was amazed how the hell was she still so stunning even now, maybe he just had rose tinted goggles about the whole thing. Risha turned to look to him with a grin, nope she’s just that pretty that’s a fact he thought as she frowned at him, she dropped the wrench folding her arms at him.
Risha raised an eyebrow “do you need something from me Gacen” wow she could see right through him Gacen went red why was this so hard he asked out girls all the time
Gacen cleared his throat “well uh yeah there’s well there’s this uh stupid gala thing I have to go to for the republic it’s stupid but well I am supposed to bring a plus o-” Risha walked up to him putting her finger to his lips
Risha smirked “I’ll go find something to wear” she gave him a quick peck on the lips and left to find something to wear. Gacen was left there wide eyed wow that was way easier than he was expecting he was stunned but he guessed pleased, he glanced to the wrench on the floor he hoped that Risha hadn’t left the hyperdrive on the fritz.
Gacen buttoned up his red and black suit he chuckled he certainly had a theme, he had to admit he looked amazing in suits and it seemed others liked him just as much in them so every now and again he’d do the galaxy a favour and wear one. Red jacket, black shirt, red tie the classic Gacen look this suit had won him more games of Pazzak than he could count. He looked in the mirror at his mohawk he narrowed his eyes for a second should he do something with it what was there to do with it he thought it looked best that way, but other people seemed to disagree one of which was his date for the night. He picked up the comb moving it in his hands took a deep breath combing his hair down to the side, he brushed it out his eyes and looked into the mirror immediately regretting it he looked awful and he didn’t have any gel to fix it. Gacen sighed he’d not even got to the gala yet and he already would be making a fool of himself, he heard a knock on his door startling as he dropped his comb well here goes. He remotely unlocked the door revealing Risha wearing an elegant long black dress with long gloves of the same colour she was posing eyebrow raised but her posture quickly changed as she began laughing making eye contact with Gacen. 
Gacen let a long sigh “yeah I know the hair but in my defence you said my mohawk was stupid” Risha continued giggling
She collected herself walking up to him “no the hair looks cute it was just a surprise that’s all” she leant in kissing him “besides I only make fun of your mohawk cause it makes you so mad” Gacen let himself smile she was right there. Risha moved back striking an elegant pose “so did I nail it or what” Gacen couldn’t argue there she looked amazing 
Gacen nodded “oh yeah everyone is gonna be so jealous Rish” Risha gave a warm smile which surprised Gacen that looked like a genuine smile maybe he wasn’t as bad at this as he thought 
Risha gestured for him to link arms “I like hair down Gacen he’s certainly a gentleman” Gacen linked arms grinning him a gentleman that didn’t sound right
Gacen chuckled “me a gentleman you insult me my lady” he made very over the top posh gestures, Risha gave him a mild grin she loved his antics he could tell behind all that Drayen coolness.
They made their way out of the ship and began making their way to the building the gala was being held at. Risha tugged on his arm “so who exactly is gonna be at this event anyone we’re gonna need to get in the good books of” Gacen wracked his brain trying to think of the last gala thing he was at, memories were somewhat fuzzy he seemed to remember being quite drunk.
Gacen frowned “oh the usual some important jedi, a couple high ranking military people, spies, senators basically anyone who can help with the war effort” Risha nodded looking less than pleased with the list
Risha chuckled “not exactly our scene then” Gacen nodded “at least we get a good night out of it” Gacen could certainly agree there this night was gonna be awesome
Gacen chuckled “most the time at these thinks I just get super hammered and make a fool of myself” he turned to Risha who had an expression that he could interpret clearly as ‘DONT’ “buuut this time I think I won’t need to do that” Risha’s expression softened as they arrived outside the building
Inside the lobby was a small line of people at the elevator before Gacen had a chance to walk over though he heard “GACEN” from his left as a few seconds later something had rapped their arms around him. He looked across startled to see the Basen’thor hugging him she was wearing a long yellow dress with white gloves, after a few seconds she let him go beaming at the two of them
He turned back to Risha who was looking at him with a confused smile “who’s this Gacen?” Gacen was still so flustered from her sudden appearance 
Gacen cleared his throat “uh this is um” he knew it started with a K but he couldn’t remember it “Ka- uh Ky no Ku uh” god damn booze, the Basen’thor gave him an awkward look
She held out her hand to Risha “Kavaraa Basen’thor for the jedi it’s nice to meet you” Kavaraa ohhh that made sense wow he felt so awkward right now he looked to Kavaraa who had seemingly moved past it
He gestured to Risha “uh and this is Risha Drayen my date” Risha shook the togrutas hand and chuckled to herself
“wonderful to meet you despite my dates bad memory” Kavaraa chuckled Gacen felt so bad
Kavaraa continued smiling “no worries by my memory he was quite drunk at the time it’s wonderful to see him with someone though I’m sure you’ll be great together” Gacen’s eyes widened as he remembered Kavaraa’s forwardness 
Gacen quickly cut her off from going further “uh yes well It’s early days so uh well anyway how about you do you have a plus one this year” nice conversation deflection Gacen, thanks Gacen.
Kavaraa looked away awkwardly “well uh no unfortunately not I’m on my own again but hopefully that’ll mean I can discuss tactics with people” Gacen felt bad for Kavaraa now that he remembered every time they’d been to one of these she’d been on her own. Gacen had the same situation at the prior galas but he was a full on disaster so no date was expected. It was fine before when Gacen didn’t have anyone either because she didn’t stand out but now he had a super pretty queen on his arm his status had rather changed. Kavaraa looked towards the event “well I uh won’t keep you any longer it was nice to see you both, I love your hair by the way Gacen” she quickly scurried off leaving Gacen and Risha alone, huh the hair was a hit.
Risha squeezed his arm playfully “she’s certainly bubbly I didn’t think that was your type” Gacen inhaled shocked
Gacen frowned “uh a no we never dated where did you get that idea” Risha cocked her head at him
“you pretended not to know her name her” Gacen chuckled to himself 
“no Risha that really was because I was drunk, I’ve been drunk every time I’ve met her I guess her name just slipped through the cracks” Risha closed her eyes nodding understandingly
she couldn’t help but chuckle “yeah actually that makes a lot of sense” she tugged on his arm “come on let’s go pretend to be high class” Gacen smiled he could certainly get behind that.
They made their way into the event and were met with a huge room full of everyone who’s anyone in the republic, he could see the Shans/Malcoms (weird family), Master Sumalee, that spy guy Balkar?, some senators he didn’t recognise all the usual.
Risha walked forward “wow this is so fancy I love it why have you never invited me to this before I totally would’ve come” Gacen’s eyes widened what it was that easy how did he miss that. Risha grinned deviously oh she was fucking with him she beckoned him over “come on lets get something to eat I’m starving” they made their way over to the food table or as Gacen called it the reason he came to these things.
Gacen immediately grabbed a plate and filled it with a bunch of food turning to see Risha looking at him with her eyebrow raised “you’re an animal you know that” Gacen shrugged he wasn’t apologising for loving food. He made his way along the table stopping when he saw a figure to his left staring at him he turned to see an unfamiliar blue chiss. Female long black hair, bangs wearing what seemed like armour, she had a pretty noticeable scar on her face looked lightning related.
Gacen frowned “um can i help you miss” he stood up balancing his mountain of food, the chiss looked him up and down without a word nodding
The chiss scoffed “I see” Gacen frowned who the hell did this chick think she was ‘I see’ we’ll see about that, despite the outrage Gacen did nothing but stood there awkwardly. “and the republic hired you because they thought you’d help us?” ok wow there’s some salty judging on that statement
Gacen screwed his face up “yeah what’s it to you” the chiss looked at him perfectly calm Chiss were always like that, it was pretty weird to see a chiss at a republic gala though
the chiss took a deep breath “My name is Ash’shen’tor I represent Havoc squad and I would like to think I have a vested interest on who works to further the war effort” oh it’s like that he always had people questioning his methods but he got results, well he did an adequate job, well he got out alive usually, well most of the time.
Gacen tried to stand up taller but was fully aware of the imposing form of the chiss “well Ash I may look like a bit of a scoundrel and that’s because I am that’s why I am being used to further your precious war effort” Ash’s eyes narrowed at him
she moved up to him even though he was taller than her he felt like she was towering over him “first of all no one calls me Ash second of all I’m rather against the use of smugglers I think they’re ineffective and brash” Gacen swallowed hard wow she was intimidating
Gacen tried his best to cool off “well as I remember it’s not your call soldier” at that she did move back with a subtle glare, just before she responded she seemed to get a holocall turning away from Gacen. 
Gacen let out a big sigh of relief turning to see Risha looking at him “yikes talk about sergeant scary” Gacen did an over the top yikes face then walked back over to her
They began walking to a table and after they were out of earshot of the chiss Gacen spoke up “yeah what crawled up her ass and died, I’m doing an alright job for the republic” Risha shrugged Gacen imagined he would see sergeant scary again hopefully not too often.
They sat down and began eating immediately Gacen remembered why he came to these events shovelling the food down then looking to Risha, she was wincing at him he slowed down he forgot he had an image to preserve today. Gacen still couldn’t believe she’d said yes, it had certainly taken a while to get her but she was here he hoped she didn’t think it was a mistake. She looked so beautiful and totally out of his league how in the force was he gonna spin this, she was definitely the hottest girl here he was only getting by on his charm but how far did that go? 
Gacen realised he’d been staring at her for way too long she was looking back at him frowning “you alright there dumbass” ok now was the time he’d just be honest
Gacen leant in “you’re just so beautiful I dunno I’m just so stunned you came” Risha smiled chuckling
“wow who knew you were such a gooey romantic” Gacen chuckled wow that was really gooey wasn’t it
he raised his eyebrow “I am not how dare you” Risha laughed slapping the table “it’s just a fact you know”
A droid band began playing as a space was cleared for dancing Risha smiled holding out her hand “alright mister romance how about a dance” oh god Gacen had no idea how to dance like that
confidence right don’t mess it up “Um sure let’s dance” he took Risha’s hand leading her to the dance floor. His mind immediately began to race how do you dance? what is ballroom dancing? what if he stepped on her feet? He turned around and attempted to lead her to the beat for a few seconds, quickly he found himself nearly tripping over Risha causing her to stifle a laugh
she helped him steady himself “ok Gacen how about I lead us so you don’t end up on the floor” Gacen nodded embarrassed he never learnt ballroom dancing when would he have had the chance on Dathomir? “ok just follow my lead it’s easy” Risha began moving to tempo and Gacen tried his best to keep up. “there you go you’re getting it” 
Gacen was starting to get the hang of it managing at least to follow Risha’s footsteps “so I assume they teach ballroom dancing in princess class” Gacen chuckled to himself 
Risha gave him an icy glare “I can always let you lead” Gacen shut his mouth at that quietly following Risha’s movements as the waltz piece transitioned into a slow dance piece.
Gacen’s eyes widened oh god were they ready for this, this was just a first date that seemed like a bit much right “um uh Risha are you ok wi-” as if in response Risha pulled him in close putting her arms on his shoulders
she smiled “just go with it dumbass don’t ruin the moment” Gacen nodded trying to put the anxious thoughts to the back of his mind. He put his arms around her shoulders and again allowed her to lead for fear of further embarrassment. They stared into each others eyes for a few minutes before Gacen tried his best to be brave grinning “how’s this for romantic” he pulled her in for a long passionate kiss
eventually they pulled away blushing “wow yeah uh that’s much more like you” Gacen was so happy right now he could die in this moment, he could forget about everything that happened if he could just stay here in this perfect moment just stay here please. He saw something out the corner of his eye he looked away from Risha as he spotted someone moving in the shadows, he frowned looking around he could see more of them what were they?
He looked back to Risha “we need to move” Risha frowned at him confused “somethings wrong I think there’s some bad people here” Risha nodded quickly following him as they headed off the dance floor. As they did a large explosion sounded from behind them causing them to jump behind the tables. 
Gacen instinctively pushed over the table hiding behind it, Risha shuffled up against him “what the hell was that!” Gacen looked over the table to see people running to tables as the droid staff began shooting at them.
Gacen ducked back down avoiding a blaster bolt “well it seems the gala has been infiltrated again” Risha frowned at him confused
Risha looked at him pointedly “what do you mean again!!” that was a fair question 
Gacen awkwardly held the back of his neck “well this kinda happened two galas ago” Risha looked furious oh no 
“and you didn’t think to tell me” she lifted up the leg of her dress getting a blaster out that was strapped to her leg “all i have to defend myself is this” 
Gacen looked at her wide eyed “I know this isn’t pressing but wow you’re hot right now” Risha gave him a confused but appreciative look, he got his own blaster out “and too be fair I thought they had their security in check this time”. Suddenly a blue form jumped over the table landing on the right of Gacen, he recognised it as the chiss he met earlier Ash
She cursed to herself “damn it I told them they should’ve checked the droids but no you’re just being paranoid sir it was two years ago sir” she picked up a large rifle off her back turning to see Gacen and Risha “oh of course” she grimaced before returning fire to the droids. 
Gacen proceeded to do the same but was surprised when a large holoscreen appeared with a bald chiss on it, looked imperial in nature “my apologies for the intrusion ladies and gentlemen but I have a score to settle” Gacen could see the jedi present begin to cut through the droids as a number of cloaked individuals appeared from the shadows. 
After the volley ended Gacen ducked behind the table “um sir commander sergeant whatever who’s that?” Ash had not stopped firing as volleys of blaster fire passed their heads.
Ash didn’t respond until her blaster had to reload “that is Cipher nine an agent in imperial intelligence and lets just say he would want many people in this room dead” she picked up a separate blaster of her belt and began firing it “myself included”
Gacen could here the sound of sabers clashing oh no how many people were here “um Ash how can we help” Ash continued shooting without a word
She eventually looked back down to him “you can stay here you’re civilians” with that she jumped over the table
Gacen turned to Risha baffled “civilians my ass we’re not just gonna stay here right Rish?” Risha held her blaster up smiling
“do you even have to ask?” Gacen grinned “definitely not how I expected our first date to go” Gacen chuckled as they made their way round the rapidly forming table barricade 
“I’ll admit it was a little less extravagant” Risha laughed as they returned fire to the rapidly decreasing droid populations. Gacen spotted Kavaraa taking on a hooded sith with a purple blade, Ash was taking on about 8 droids at once while Gacen spotted a jedi he believe was called Dzûsa slice through the majority of the droid band.
Risha playfully slapped him on the back “hopefully if we don’t die it can still end the same way” Gacen gasped wow she really was forward he refocussed he had to stop these droids. 
They dropped down next to a man with spiky brown hair “Gacen Zandar and Risha Drayen here to help” the man turned to him he had cybernetic implants and a big red jacket, Gacen liked this guy.
He smiled at them “Theron Shan SIS, I’ve been slicing into the tech controlling the droids and it seems there’s a transmitter in this room now normally I’d go right for it but” he revealed a small scorch mark on his leg “I’m slightly impaired” Gacen nodded he could do that running head long into danger and improvising was his jam
“I can go just show me where it is” Theron showed him a map, he could see it pinging on the balcony overlooking the dance floor, of course it wasn’t easy “awesome can do” he’d think of something. He turned to Risha “I’ll be back in five” Risha frowned at him holding him back
“what makes you think I’m letting you do that alone” ugh how could he spin this
“I don’t want to lose you Risha” he leant in kissing her “just let me be heroic this once I’ll never do it again I swear” Risha reluctantly nodded “see you soon” Gacen vaulted over the table and began running across the battlefield. 
Ok how the hell was he gonna get up to that balcony let’s just get near it first, he saw a droid turn to him ready to pepper him with blaster fire. He slid under the legs firing a volley at the droid as he slid under, he saw Kavaraa to the right she was pretty busy with the hooded sith she couldn’t force him up there. He turned to his left where a few others fought the droids that side seemed less urgent he spun around sprinting over to the mess of droids surrounding Ash. He threw a flash grenade which he hoped blinded them all maybe also Ash, then he proceeded to fire at each of them taking out 6 of the 8. Ok he could hand to hand this he went to punch the droid on his side but as his fist impacted he reeled back his hand stinging with pain how did Ash do it. He looked to see the other two swiftly dismantled by the Chiss wow she was so strong, he offered her and hand up but she proceeded to get up on her own leaving before he could ask for her help. Dammit where to now he looked to see Dzûsa fighting a sith nearby ok this was risky
he called over “Dzûsa!!” the big sith pureblood turned his head letting out a hearty smile 
he parried this siths attacks effortlessly “Gacen!! my friend what do you need” he turned back to the sith managing to disarm them perfect
Gacen tried his best to concentrate “can you force throw me up to that balcony there’s some transmitter controlling the droids there” Dzûsa nodded as the sith began to fire lightning at him 
he blocked the lightning with his saber “absolutely just make sure to pick a good moment” the sith brought the saber back to her hand as Gacen began to run. He jumped and as he did he felt the push from Dzûsa propel him up to the balcony landing on it with a heavy thud. After a few seconds he stood up ok ok ok transmitter transmitter he looked around spotting a mouse droid in front of him. Oh god he sighed as he began to try and grab it, the droid shot away Gacen promptly followed taking out his blaster and trying his best to aim at it as it shot down the corridor. Gacen quickly ran out of breath but to his luck the droid reach a dead end at the elevator, Gacen ran over as the elevator arrived jumping in with it. He grabbed the droid and tried to dismantle it as the elevator descended, but he couldn’t destroy it so instead he held it out and shot it with his blaster. The thing fell inactive and Gacen wondered if he succeeded, a few seconds later the lift arrived and he stood up rushing out to see the droids all back to normal, there was no sign of the sith looks like they had buggered off. He made his way back into the main chamber seeing Kavaraa nearest her dress looked ripped as she was breathing heavily
Gacen rushed up to her “uh is it over?” Kavaraa nodded putting her saber away
Kavaraa looked surprisingly angry “this was a big operation Darth Nox was here there’s probably a lot more at stake than this gala” Gacen nodded as if he understood what she was on about.
Ash made her way over talking into a comm “agreed I’m having teams move out checking the state of important locations Cipher nine was involved this was more than just a settled score” Gacen was so confused about what that all meant but he’d done his part he could leave now.
Gacen looked around for Risha and quickly spotted her staring at him, they quickly made their way to each other embracing in a long kiss. Risha pulled away smiling at him “wow mr hero himself” Gacen laughed oh god he’d said that hadn’t he “never do that again you know I’m holding you to that promise”
Gacen raised his eyebrow “to be honest it wasn’t that heroic i fought a mouse droid, soooo loophole” Risha chuckled putting her arm around him
“come on dumbass lets go I think we’ve had enough of high society for a while” they walked out of the building arm in arm
Night had now fallen on Coruscant so Gacen put his jacket around Risha “so how’d I do for a first date” Risha grinned at him
“who says the dates over Gacen there’s still plenty of things to do on Coruscant” Risha gestured for him to follow, Gacen just stood still watching her. Risha looked at him puzzled “what are you doing?” Gacen smiled 
Gacen closed his eyes “wishing I could be back here” when he opened them he was back on the ship, no Risha no nothing, back in reality, bottle next to him alone the way things always ended up...
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pisceanmoontarot · 6 years
First Chakra Healing Spread
I’ve been reading Carolyn Myss’s book, Anatomy of Spirit. It was published in 1997 and for a few years now my mentor and teacher, Gabriela, have been talking about it, so I decided to get it for my kindle and last week, finally, I finished the first chakra chapter.
In this book, Carolyn Myss tells her story as an intuitive doctor and healer and takes us on a journey through the seven chakras, these are energy centers in our bodies. Each one of these centers have what we could call a consciousness, a way to see the world.
Our first chakra can be found in the base of our spine, and deals with our survival and our sense of belonging to our tribe as much as to earth. This chakra ground us and helps us feel safe in the world.
The first chakra is a lot about the family/ancestral, our communities and/or culture's codes of honor, beliefs and how loyal we are to them. When we follow these codes and beliefs, we are rewarded, if we question them… then things get complicated.
I created a little spread to find out what's the main family command or law that you are enacting right now and how to work it through! Let me know what comes out of it!
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What's currently the strongest family command/belief that you are acting without knowing?
How have this situation been feeding you?
How have this situation been draining you?
How can you take personal responsibility in this situation?
How can you make it different and still honor your family/ancestors?
What lesson is your soul learning with this?
If you want to keep reading, I wrote a bit about my observations on the state of the world, LGBTQ topics in connection to the first chakra :3.
My experience with healing and uncovering first chakra or tribal codes has been intense, in a personal level it created such a strong movement that shook my physical core. I’m still recovering!
Reading also gave me a new perspective on why the world seems so divided these days, how people react to others being vocal about injustice. I started to understand that every time someone calls out something sexist, racist, trans/homo/bi/lesbophobic, basically biggoted stuff, there’s a bunch of people defending it and feeling attacked. I think is because they have been living through old codes and they haven't really challenge them, so when someone does… boy there’s trouble.
In chile (where i live), the senate just passed the Gender Identity Law that gives transgender people the possibility to change their name and gender marker without having to have had surgeries or a medical “permission”. The law also includes people from 14 years old and up to be able to do this and be respected in their identities. There’s still more to do, for trans children, but it is a big step! And trans activists worked on this for five years. While I was reading the book, I realized a lot of my first chakra feelings awake with LGBTQ issues, the good, happy things and the scary ones.
While I was following the process of the law being passed, reading the news closely I was able to see how conservative sectors were really fighting to keep the old values in place, even the law makers that were against it, only spoke from their religious or “moral” beliefs to justify their votes against a needed law. I always wondered, how they could be so uncompassionate, but reading about the first chakra made me realize people against it were propelled by their unquestioned beliefs and their denial to actually challenge those beliefs.
I think is a good exercise to figure out what we think we know is the natural order of things, just go deep to find those thinks we feel are so natural that we dont question and how those rooted beliefs can be challenged. I think is worth the try!
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patriotsnet · 3 years
Why Dont Republicans Want To Impeach Trump
New Post has been published on https://www.patriotsnet.com/why-dont-republicans-want-to-impeach-trump/
Why Dont Republicans Want To Impeach Trump
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The Reluctant Trump Critics
Geraldo: Why GOP want new witnesses in Trump impeachment probe
Shelley Moore Capito, West VirginiaI think the president does own this, Capito told reporters. I did support the president, and I did support the policies, and I think the policies were good for West Virginia. But this is inexcusable. The president was convincing people all along that it was stolen, Capito said today. The facts didnt bear that out. He was using his power to convince them of a result that was never going to happen, which was to overturn the election and to force us into accepting that, into breaking our constitutional duties. She also said that on a personal level, the experience that day had been horrifying.
Richard Burr, North CarolinaToday, Americas core principles were threatened by those seeking to forcibly stop our electoral process and overturn the results of a presidential election with which they disagreed, Burr said in a statement after the riot. The President bears responsibility for todays events by promoting the unfounded conspiracy theories that have led to this point. Burr will not seek reelection in 2022.
Mike Lee, UtahIts unlike anything Ive seen in 10 years in the Senate, Lee said. He called the rioters an angry, lawless mob who should rot in prison for the rest of your lives. He also said he was not pleased by the presidents words.
They’ll Stand By Their Man Even When Doing So Is Bad For Democracy
Former President Trump will once again make the kind of history you do not want your name associated with on Tuesday when his second impeachment trial commences in the U.S. Senate. As with Trump’s first trial , the outcome is not in doubt. But just because we know how it will end doesn’t mean the trial won’t be gripping. Members of Congress narrating their terrifying Insurrection Day ordeals will be a riveting spectacle. And just as we did in the House last month, Americans will get a quick and dirty head count of how many Republicans value democracy itself more than their own political fates.
Don’t get your hopes up on that score. While the political and evidentiary cases for GOP senators to convict Trump and bar him from ever holding federal office again are straightforward, the path to 67 votes is not. Instead, viewers should brace themselves for torturous arguments about how it is unconstitutional to impeach a former president, and some extremely “It depends on what the meaning of ‘is’ is” galaxy logic about how Trump did not incite the crowd to insurrection because he did not literally say the words “please go and lay violent siege to our national legislature.” Gathering more than one Republican in a room these days is a plain invitation to this kind of sophistry.
That they still refuse to do so says more about them than it does about Trump.
Opinionwe Want To Hear What You Think Please Submit A Letter To The Editor
Boebert live-tweeted about House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s location during the Capitol insurrection Jan. 6 as Pelosi, second in line to the presidency, was being rushed to a secure location. Greene, among other offenses, made in 2018 and 2019 suggesting that she supported executing prominent Democrats.
Some of the senators who endorsed Paul’s motion Tuesday might be tempted to think they can simply move on from Trump and therefore want to avoid an impeachment trial so his entire shameful presidency can be forgotten as quickly as possible.
But they’ve helped to create a disaster much bigger than Trump. By giving in to him at every turn, Republicans helped create the epidemic of conspiracy theories and alternative facts rampant in the Republican Party.
Perhaps most consequentially, they endorsed his Big Lie about the election. It wasn’t just Sens. Ted Cruz of Texas and Josh Hawley of Missouri who propagated fantasies about widespread voter fraud, irregularities and a “steal.” Fourteen Senate Republicans announced before the attack on the Capitol that they planned to object to counting at least one state’s electoral votes, even though Trump had won none of his more than 60 lawsuits trying to overturn the results and even though no evidence of widespread voter fraud was found by election officials in any state regardless of party.
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The Situation In Wisconsin Looks A Bit Different Than The National Polls
A of Wisconsin released yesterday is a reminder that the national poll results were seeing are a bit different than the attitudes in top battleground states for 2020.
In the poll, 46 percent of registered voters in Wisconsin say there is enough cause for Congress to hold impeachment hearings on Trump, versus 49 percent who disagree. That 46 percent is lower than the majorities weve seen in most national polls supporting the impeachment inquiry.
The poll also finds 44 percent of Wisconsin supporting Trumps impeachment/removal from office, versus 51 percent who oppose it.
Trumps job rating in Wisconsin is 46 percent in the poll slightly higher than his national average in the low 40s.
And in hypothetical general-election matchups, Biden leads Trump by 6 points in the state, 50 percent to 44 percent. Thats compared with Bernie Sanders 2-point lead , Elizabeth Warrens 1-point lead , and Pete Buttigiegs 2-point deficit .
Most national polling shows all of these Democrats ahead of Trump by double digits or high-single digits.
Senate Trial To Restart At Noon Wednesday
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Donald Trump’s impeachment trial will reconvene at noon ET on Wednesday after a day of arguments about the constitutionality of trying a former president for high crimes and misdemeanors.
The Senate voted by a 56-44 margin that the proceedings are constitutional, as only six Republicans joined with all Democrats.
On Wednesday, the nine House impeachment managers prosecuting the case against Trump and the former president’s defense team will start arguments about whether Trump incited an insurrection when a mob of his supporters attacked the Capitol on Jan. 6. Each side will have up to 16 hours over no more than two days to make their case.
The House managers are expected to start Wednesday by rebutting the arguments Trump’s lawyers made before the constitutionality vote. Jacob Pramuk
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Republican Rep Offers Two Good Reasons Why Joe Biden Should Be Impeached
Joe Biden should be impeached, and Texas Republican Rep. Chip Roy has offered two excellent reasons why it should happen.
Remember the flimsy reasons Democrats used to impeach Trump? This is nothing like that. This is real.
If Republicans take the House and Senate in 2022, they should make Chip Roy the point man on making this a reality.
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GOP Rep Says Biden Comment on Constitutionality of Eviction Moratorium Is Impeachable
President Joe Biden is under fire for comments about the constitutionality of the eviction moratorium, after he bucked the Supreme Courts deadline of July 31. Biden caved to progressives who asked him to extend the moratorium after Congress failed to legislate an extension.
I cant guarantee you the court wont rule that we dont have that authority but at least well have the ability to, if we have to appeal, to keep this going for a month-at least. I hope longer, Biden said in response to a question about the moratoriums constitutionality:
Why is the eviction moratorium constitutional, I asked the president. Biden told me I cant guarantee you the court wont rule that we dont have that authority but at least well have the ability to, if we have to appeal, to keep this going for a month-at least. I hope longer.
Philip Melanchthon Wegmann
The Senate Had No Business Voting On Whether A Former President Could Be Impeached Its Only Role Is To Determine If An Impeached Person Is Guilty
Forty-five Republican senators;voted this week to dismiss former President Donald Trumps impeachment trial before it even started. Although their maneuver failed, it focused the spotlight on a question of constitutional procedure the Senates ability to try a former official. Senate Republicans wishing to duck their constitutional obligation and avoid giving offense to Trump and his loyal supporters;would like nothing more than to engage in debates about process. That way they can avoid talking about the actual insurrection Trump incited;and the damage and death it caused. But like so many legal arguments Trump intimidates GOP officials;into making, the question isnt a close one.
The Senate concluded long ago that it had jurisdiction to try a former officer, expressly voting on the question after the House of Representatives impeached former Secretary of War William Belknap in 1876.;They did so because the Constitution makes clear that impeachment serves two important goals removing a bad actor from office and forever disqualifying him or her from holding or enjoying any Office of honor, Trust or Profit under the United States. That is clear not only from the plain text of the Constitution, but also from the precedents the framers drew upon, such as the 18th century trial of Warren Hastings;in England. He left office in 1785, was impeached in 1787, and was acquitted in 1795 after a seven-year trial.;
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Trump Impeachment Lawyer Castor’s Drawn
Political watchers covering the impeachment trial on social media quickly lost patience with Bruce Castor Jr., the first lawyer on former President Donald Trump’s legal team to deliver arguments in the Senate.
Castor, a former district attorney in Pennsylvania, took the chamber floor to argue that the impeachment trial is unconstitutional because Trump is no longer president.
But viewers quickly got lost trying to follow Castor’s rhetoric and took to Twitter to mock the speech as confusing, rambling and at times incoherent.
Even some of Trump’s supporters gave Castor’s performance dismal reviews.
“There is no argument. I have no idea what he’s doing. I have no idea why he’s saying what he’s saying,” said Alan Dershowitz, who previously said he would be willing to defend Trump in the trial.
Kevin Breuninger
Donald Trumps Second Impeachment Trial Rests In The Hands Of Republican Senators
Impeachment defence slams Dems who ‘don’t want to face Trump as a future political rival’
With a two-thirds majority of senators required to convict the former president, 17 GOP lawmakers would have to join the Democrats
Democratic control of the US Senate could create problems for Donald Trump in the weeks ahead when the former president likely faces his second impeachment trial but not because Democrats by themselves would be able to convict Trump on the charge at hand: incitement of insurrection.
A two-thirds majority of voting senators 67 if all 100 members vote is still required to convict the president, and the Democratic caucus will number only 50 senators. Thus they would need 17 Republicans to join them to convict Trump.
If convicted, Trump could be banned from ever again holding public office. If not, Trump, who won the votes of 74 million Americans just two months ago, might simply run for president again in 2024.
Late Thursday it emerged that Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell is proposing to push back the start of the Senate trial to give Trump time to prepare. He said he is suggesting the impeachment charge be presented to the Senate on 28 January and the trial to start two weeks after that.
Senate majority leader Chuck Schumer said he was negotiating on timing but added make no mistake about it. There will be a trial, there will be a vote, up or down or whether to convict the president.
I suspect this is the kind of thing that the Senate parliamentarian is hunkered down with somebody figuring out, Bowman said.
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The Latest From California
Theres been a sharp decline in support for Sen. Dianne Feinstein, Melanie Mason reported. The latest UC Berkeley Institute of Governmental Studies poll finds 35% of voters in the state approve of Feinsteins work. Thats the first time that her job approval has turned negative. The poll also gives early readings on Harris and newly appointed Sen. Alex Padilla.
For the record: Wednesdays newsletter said Fox Business had filled Lou Dobbs slot on the network with former Trump economic advisor Larry Kudlow. The new program with Kudlow is not taking Dobbs time slot.
And a quick programming note: Essential Politics will take Monday off for the holiday. Well be back in your inbox on Wednesday, Feb. 17.
Stay in touch
Trump Attorney Schoen Accuses Lawmakers Of ‘insatiable Lust For Impeachment’
Trump’s second defense attorney to speak on Tuesday, David Schoen, delivered a scathing critique of the impeachment process in a speech that accused Democrats of seeking to go after the ex-president in any way they could.
“The denial of due process in this case of course starts with the House of Representatives,” Schoen, a former lawyer to Trump ally Roger Stone, said from the Senate floor.
Schoen’s remarks, which he at times read from prepared notes, were more direct than those made by Castor, who assumed a folksy persona and appeared to ramble.
“In this unprecedented snap impeachment process, the House of Representatives denied every attribute of fundamental constitutional due process that Americans have correctly come to believe is what makes this country so great,” Schoen said. “How and why did that happen? It is a function of the insatiable lust for impeachment in the House for the last four years.”
Schoen played a video montage of Democrats, including the lead impeachment manager Rep. Jamie Raskin, D-Md., calling for Trump’s impeachment as far back as 2017.
Other Democrats shown in the video included Keith Ellison, the former Minnesota congressman who now serves as that state’s attorney general, Rep. Maxine Waters of California, Rep. Alexandria-Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., Rep. Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich., and Sens. Cory Booker of New Jersey and Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts.
Read Also: How Many Republicans Are In The Senate Currently
The Republican Senators Who Are Being Asked To Judge Trump Are Guilty Of The Very Same High Crime For Which The Former President Has Been Impeached
Senator Lindsey Graham speaks at his press conference on Capitol Hill a day after Trump supporters stormed the US Capitol in Washington on January 7, 2021.
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To Lindsey Graham, who said Donald Trump could count me out after the Capitol attack on January 6 but has spent the last month scurrying back to him, is apparently offended by the impeachment case presented by the House managers. I think most Republicans found the presentation by the House Managers offensive and absurd, he tweeted. And hes probably right: Reporters in the Senate chamber are saying that some Republicans are engaging in performative disinterest, reading books or refusing to look at the videos of the violence, like theyre a bunch of Judd Nelsons who are too cool for school. Some are even refusing to sit in the chamber, as they are required to do.
Why Would They Do This
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We know the Democrats and most of the Republicans hate President Trump.; He stood for the average American.; ;He stood up for Americans and didnt go to Washington to enrich himself but to enrich the average American and bring pride back to America.
President Trump hoped to drain the swamp but he and America never knew how corrupt the cesspool in Washington really was.; Now after doing all he can to help America protect its citizens, increase the economy, allow Americans to keep more of their own money, protect its borders, create peace deals and bring its soldiers home, the globalists and deep state scum despise him.; He was successful and too popular for standing up to the corruption and for Americans.
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So they are going to impeach him with 11 days left in his Presidency:
Democrats Release Latest Draft of Articles of Impeachment Will Formally Introduce Documents on Monday Via Bannon War Room
Why would they do this?
The President just won the 2020 election with the most legitimate votes of any US president in history.; More than 74 million Americans voted for President Trump.; But the Democrats and the Biden campaign stole it.; Weve pointed out millions of votes that were fraudulent and when addressed would easily give the election to President Trump.; The fraud in three states alone when properly if ever addressed would give the win to President Trump:
Read Also: How Did Republicans Do In The Primaries
Senate Republicans Don’t Want Trump To Testify In Impeachment Trial
Senate Republicans on Thursday said they don’t want former President TrumpDonald TrumpIran president: Country ready to resume nuclear talks without Western ‘pressure’ Trump in advanced talks to sell DC hotel: reportMORE to testify as part of a second impeachment trial after House impeachment managers formally requested the former president;testify under oath next week.
The public pushback comes as his legal team appears to be shooting down the request from the House impeachment managers, dismissing it as a “publicity stunt.”
GOP senators say there’s no reason for Trump to testify after the House impeached him for a historic second time without calling any witnesses,;a move that was different than the 2019 impeachment effort.;
House;Democrats argued they could move more quickly this time because lawmakers experienced the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol firsthand and had witnessed Trump’s speech;just prior;to the riot, where he urged supporters;to march to the Capitol building.
Lindsey Olin GrahamMcConnell: Biden ‘is not going to be removed from office’Biden’s Afghanistan exit: A decision for the long termHeavy fighting reported in last Afghanistan province not under Taliban controlMORE , a close Trump ally who said he spoke to the former president “a couple of days ago,” dismissed the House impeachment managers’ request as a “political ploy.”
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wateenleventje · 4 years
Blessing in January 2021
It’s been sometimes since I feel the meaning of the phrase “Things happened when you least expect it”. It’s not that we never pray or work for it, it’s just since the news of our bundle of joy, somehow our target shifted, even our plans need to be revised and changed. Nevertheless, we enjoy creating new plans and look it as an opportunity to start a new day and making new direction.
However, last week, I received information that I got an interview for one of the university that I applied for a lecturing position. I was thrilled and I disucessed this matter with my husband and parents. We all agree that, first of all, we need to inform the university about our situation. Being pregnant and how I might need a maternity leave soon.
Surprisingly, they took it well. The dean of the faculty, told me that she will discuss it with the senate and decided to have an interview with me first. 
So, today, I had interview with her and two vice deans. I prepared for 3 days, since I received the invitation. I took a paper to think of the possible questions and how I would like to explain it to them. I created a “who am I” mind map, read my master study syllabus, create a power point of my thesis in order to have general ideas of what I had write years ago, and also read information about the university’s profile, in case they want to test me.
In the end, the conversation goes much smoother than I thought it would be. The questions revolved around my interest in the field of psychology (which is Industrial and Organisational), my knowledge of the scope of job (teaching, research, and CSR), what can I do as my social responsibility (which I answered vaguely instead of giving training answer doooh), and my topic interest in IO research. They also want to know my opinion with the range of salary, my long-term goal (as they really look for someone who would build their career in the institution), my opinion of possible work-family conflict, what will I do if my husband decided to move somewhere else, and my teaching experiences.
I tried to answer all their questions honestly. In the end, I dont want they expect something from me, that is far from their perception of me during the interview.
I really think that this is the only key answer for an interview. To be honest, I was so nervous and I still feel incompetent to do this job, I almost think of chicken out or sabotage myself by not being prepared. Like, I already expect the worst from myself “Well, you can’t impress them much, might as well dissapoint them in that interview or better not doing it.” But, somehow I know, it’s just my irrational fear. I am always afraid of failure. Even when I have faced it, I know I managed to deal with it, I have my support system, I have my spirit and everything, I still don’t feel like “tasting” the slight discomfort of being “embarrased” or worst “failed”. 
So, I remember the woman I want to be. How my husband must want to have a wife she can be proud of, not by always succeeding, but always striving to do the best she can. I remember my baby, whom I will carry through this recruitment process, I want to tell my baby what I used to achieve. Not by boasting, but by telling him/her that the reason I do it is to make him proud. I also remember my parents, of how much they always believe in me and always provide me with what I need to be in this stage, to get this opportunity comes almost that easily... I know I just have to do it with all my heart and effort, and believe that if this where I am meant to be, I’ll be there.
Thank you, Father, for blessing me with this life and opportunity. And for this message I know you sent me, in the most random way, my todo greetings when I open google chrome “Live your dream, and share your passion.”
0 notes
paulatoo · 5 years
To impeach or not to impeach has taken center stage... for a minute anyway.
Now that the Mueller report is out the question of to impeach or not to impeach has taken center stage.  Sadly even before the time that President Trump took office there was a ruling that lying politicians are allowed to because campaign rhetoric, for some reason, doesn't carry the same weight as a lie in any other situation.  To some extent there's a benefit to that for any otherwise honest candidates who get into office and find themselves unable to fulfill campaign promises.
However, in a situation where you have individual chronically, habitually and intentionally disseminating false information, especially when they are using the Office of the President of the United States as their platform, we need to have an option for removal.  For those reasons I think the Republican Party should have moved to remove him at most three months into his presidency.
The Mueller report is detailing a lot of the ways Russia has attempt to interfere with our elections, actual areas of interference, covering some of the interactions between Donald J Trump and Russia that predate his candidacy,  and his obstruction of/attempts to obstruct the investigation in to those things, impeachment is a buzzword.
I'd like to look at these options even though I'm more strongly in favor of removing him from office via the 25th Amendment and think that that is long overdue as well.
First question: Is there enough evidence to impeach successfully?  Although we do not have option to view the unredacted information in the Mueller report, that may contain information that could verify a successful impeachment, is there enough evidence to bring a strong enough case to actually successfully impeach Trump?
To remind you Despite what Donald says, there is a lot of evidence in the Mueller report, he definitely repeatedly at least attempts to obstruct justice or ordered an obstructionary act.  Fortunately for him now, the people who President Trump told or ordered to obstruct the investigation, or fire someone, or otherwise stop, silence, etc. didn't listen to him.  His reaction to that has been to trash those individuals all over the place on Twitter and in the press, when he should be thanking them so that takes us back to the 25th Amendment.  Then there is Trump & Putin referring to all of this as a ‘mouse’. 
If they attempt to impeach Trump and fail( primarily due to the overly Republican Senate having and cashed in the security of the country in favor of maintaining a unified front, regardless of the fact that's a President could potentially be working on behalf of Russia, or even another foreign national to bring down the country. It's not like we're seeing the 1990s Lindsey Graham trying to hold Bill Clinton accountable, sadly he's gone the opposite direction this time, quoting misleading statements. Do they have him too? Btw I was not Bill Clinton’s biggest fan back then either) would that preclude him being charged once the protections of the office of a sitting President are removed?  Reportedly no, even post successful impeachment, he could still be charged, but post impeachment the court would most likely go easier on him since he already had penalties placed on him by virtue of the impeachment.
At this point it is my understanding that the Trump 2020 campaign could be run under the slogan: ‘Please vote for me, I don't want to go to jail’. Will he be charged when leaving office if he's not impeached or removed under the 25th amendment? We will have to wait and see. http://time.com/5123598/president-trump-impeach-criminal-constitution/
What will the tear in the societal fabric be when unfortunately, despite the evidence in both the congressional election interference investigations and Mueller report, many Republicans still don't understand what has been happening with Donald Trump and Russia. The stuff he keeps claiming is a hoax (when there's definitely, proven times over, been interference and interference attempts by Russia and other countries in our electoral process and in our society as a whole.) Information that the Senate Investigative Committee publish in 2018 (The Senate Select Committee on Intelligence (SSCI) July 3, 2018 https://www.burr.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/SSCI%20ICA%20ASSESSMENT_FINALJULY3.pdf ) (Remember they also released information on many of the false Facebook pages & ads as well as other social media accounts involved.) The things Trump has still been dismissive about if not straight up denying.  More of Trump & Putin’s ‘mouse’.
What will the cost of not acting be?  The lack of action on the part of the Republican majority and super-majority has already made it acceptable for another highly contradictory, pathological liar to behave in the ways that Donald Trump has behaved in office going forward. God knows Nixon must be on full spin rotation in his grave during this Presidency. I am not sure we can afford this Presidency let alone this precedent.
If no action is taken will the message going forward be that it's okay to at least strongly attempt to obstruct Justice? Will being charged, and possibly landing in prison, after leaving office be enough of a deterrent to prevent future presidents from obstructing justice?
As I said earlier I think the Republican party should have removed him from office very shortly after he took office for all the other things he does wrong.  The whole of the country should remove him from office, invoking the 25th Amendment because of the things he does and says, and the way he behaves so very inconsistently and untruthfully.  Not long ago he was claiming his own father, born in New York City, was actually born in Germany.  Prior to his campaign he was claiming President Obama was not a United States citizen.  
There are lines that can be drawn to separate the difference of a misstatement, or something that turns out not to be true(singular event, or very infrequent event done without the intent to fool or defraud) from a fraud, and intentionally, pathologically misstating information and flat out lying, as well as the crazy statements he makes to prevent abuse of this precedent in the future.
As badly as I want this incompetent, divisive, liar out of office, even I am weary of the continual hearings. If you don’t know me I am sure it is hard to read this & believe I am nonpartisan, but it’s not about Rep vs. Dem or Ind or any of the other 20+ political parties.  It is about behavior & protecting my country.  All I can do is assure you that I would react the same way to anyone from any party behaving this way.
Again, I was not Bill Clinton’s biggest fan back then either. The Republican Party has lost me at least the Democrats have done a better job of consistently presenting factual information this century to date. Hopefully when DJT is done breaking the Republicans they can choose truth over spin, and we will all have more honest trustworthy politicians until we  https://paulatoo.tumblr.com/post/176167819317/tired-of-congress-not-getting-things-done-not  anyway. 
I think it’s beyond time that Republican members of Congress start using facts to educate their party and American’s in general, but most of them are acting like a Democrat will replace an impeached Trump instead of Pence, that’s concerning on it’s own.
We didn’t start the fire, but we need to put it out!  What other choice do we have to preserve our legal & behavioral standards for the office of the president, or any office really? I am already very concerned about what we are going to do when another Donald Trump type candidate, without the 30 years of public red flags, comes along.  If people could be so fooled by this one how will we ever avoid another less obvious one?
Some resources for the honest politicians & honest ads movement
I think between partyist political spin machines & multination interference via social media inroads manipulating opinions https://mitsloan.mit.edu/ideas-made-to-matter/when-lying-demagogue-authentic-candidate Lying ads https://www.natcom.org/communication-currents/political-speech-protection-and-supreme-court-united-states Sword cuts both ways http://www.klrn.org/blogs/texas-week/this-isnt-first-time-a-judges-ruling-considered-political-rhetoric/ “Where false claims are made to effect a fraud or secure moneys or other valuable considerations, say offers of employment, it is well established that the Government may restrict speech without affronting the First Amendment. See, e.g., Virginia Bd. of Pharmacy, 425 U. S., at 771 (noting that fraudulent speech generally falls outside the protections of the First Amendment)” &” But to recite the Government’s compelling interests is not to end the matter. The First Amendment requires that the Government’s chosen restriction on the speech at issue be “actually necessary” to achieve its interest. Entertainment Merchants Assn., 564 U. S., at ___ (slip op., at12). There must be a direct causal link between the restriction imposed and the injury to be prevented. See ibid.” Justice Kennedy, UNITED STATES v. ALVAREZ    https://www.supremecourt.gov/opinions/11pdf/11-210d4e9.pdf  I think the last few years prove we are closer to establishing a link to demolish lies told from being protected as political rhetoric, hopefully anyway.  In an environment where so much spin & misinformation is allowed to grow & spread too many people seem unable to discern truth from lies at the expense of all of us. 
Please note that I rabbit holed my way into that First Amendment information by, instead of just emotionally reacting to the headlines(in this case a synopsis I found inflaming):” The Court held that the Stolen Valor Act, which makes it a crime to lie about having received military honors or decorations, violates the First Amendment right to freedom of speech.” https://www.freedomforuminstitute.org/first-amendment-center/supreme-court-cases/ I read on to discover it wasn’t pro imitator as much as anti-poorly written law.  Researching past click bait headlines is part of our best defense against manipulation and poor decision making.  One thing we can thank the Trump campaign above others for is pointing out how misinformed how many people are, even in the information age.  I pray we learn from that soon, but sadly still see people sharing opinions, articles & videos with headlines they support, but content they may not agree with.
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fictitiousfactoids · 8 years
Dear Mary Ramirez,
You make some interesting points with your arguments on why you didn’t march for women. But, I did. As did my friends, and many (MANY) others (including other countries). And we all have valid reasons for why. But, instead of supporting our right to protest, you mock and humiliated our cause.
That’s okay, but I feel that you need to become aware of WHY we marched. So, if you don’t mind, I’d like to address each point of your letter, and educate you on why we marched.
“I didn’t march for you because I didn’t need to.”
You’re right. YOU don’t need to. But, many women in other countries are still not viewed as equal citizens. America was the same way until the late 1940s, when the 19th amendment was ratified. But, amendments can be repealed too. Drinking was abolished with the 18th amendment, and repealed with the 21st. But, women like Susan B. Antony marched and protested for your right to vote, attend the same colleges as men, and even hold jobs in the same fields! (Look up woman doctors before the 1950s, go on, I’ll wait… Here, I’ll even make it easy: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Women_in_medicine)
So, yes, YOU do have these rights… but, we marched to KEEP them.
(Woman’s suffage information: https://www.nwhm.org/online-exhibits/progressiveera/suffrage.html and http://www.history.com/topics/womens-history/the-fight-for-womens-suffrage )
(Information on the 19th amendment: http://www.history.com/topics/womens-history/19th-amendment )
“It’s a lie that because of sexism, women don’t make as much money as men.”
Yes, in control groups were independent variables can be eliminated the pay gap is almost unnoticeable, and is ‘explained’ away by ‘women choose jobs that pay less.’
First, how many of those women do you think aimed for a lower-paying career because of early discrimination:
“How will you spend time with your family if your working?”
“Do you think your job will let you have kids before you’re 40?”
“Well, you can’t expect your husband to do all the housework.”
Surely these statements affect how you view a profession, and how likely you are to pursue it. After all, men don’t have to worry about getting pregnant, so they don’t need to take care of kids. And men don’t have to do laundry or cleaning, that’s what their wife is for (By the way, my husband is a stay at home dad, so these statements are rhetoric, not personal.)
Women are EXPECTED to not work as much to take care of family members, and when compared to men with families, THEY SPEND MORE TIME DOING IT. Yeah, I said it. Surely you’re the first to volunteer to stay home from work when your daughter is sick. So, women are stereotyped away from jobs that would pay them more, because they would TAKE MORE TIME.
A much better breakdown of the whole wage gap can be found here: https://www.americanprogress.org/issues/economy/reports/2014/05/19/90039/explaining-the-gender-wage-gap/
“It’s a lie that because of sexism, we don’t have full rights over our bodies.”
Oh, ABORTION, you’re talking about ABORTION… Okay, let’s do this. I think we need to pull this entire paragraph apart.
“You are technically (we’ll chat about what you’re allowed to do later) able to do whatever you please with your body.”
Yes, we are. But we’re also the ones who have to live with the consequences of the actions when two consenting adults were involved (I’ll get into non-consenting parties here in a bit.) and the other party decides they’re not going to be responsible. We’re the ones who miss work (again there’s our pay) to go to appointments, and to actually HAVE the child; we have to then house them, feed them, cloth them, and take care of them, because we’re now a responsible single mother. Where’s the restricting law that forces the father to be involved? Well according to this breakdown: http://family-law.lawyers.com/childrens-rights/when-parents-are-unmarried.html , Father’s only job is to give you money if he knocks you up. He has to take action if he wants to be involved with the child care, you can’t force him. (What’s that saying? It takes two to tango?)
“No one’s stopping you, or any other woman.”
So, here’s where we cover non-consenting parties, or rape. While no one is stopping a willing woman from participating in carnal activities, sometimes they are forced to ‘participate’ unwillingly. I’ve got two scenarios here, we’ll walk through each one.
First one: victim of one time rape becomes pregnant with assailant’s child.
So now, on top of having to PROVE the assailant is the father, and now that he’s in jail and can’t care for the child because he committed rape, you want the survivor to practically grow a reminder of that trauma for the next nine months? “But adoption?” But nothing, they still have to live to give birth. And not everyone is strong enough to live through that. And I don’t think anyone should HAVE to. “But what if the father wants the child?” NO. Don’t care about his opinion at this point, because he’s in jail, remember? He can’t care for it.
Second one: Victim of continual rape (That sex slave meme that’s so popular right now…) is pregnant, but escaped assailant.
So, in America, a pimp has a knocked-up prostitute that managed to escape his control. She is now homeless, jobless, and about to have a child. Chances are, even if she did by some miracle have health care, she’ll end up in the same situation because she now needs to care for the child. Without a home, she can’t get a job, and without a job, she can’t afford a home. So, she’s stuck, turns to the only thing she knows, and will likely get pick up by another pimp who will then use her child to control her. Cycle continues.
In countries where they sell/buy/trade sex slaves, the women will again end up in the same cycle, especially with the current ban on immigrants/refugees. If they do manage to escape their situation, they again have no money, no job, and, in this one, nowhere to run. The woman in these countries are oppressed to begin with, and will either be executed for defying their ‘husband’ or given back to him so that he can continue what he’s doing. (Interesting though, that everyone that posts that meme is also against letting refugees in…)
Worse case scenario for these examples: these women desperately turn to trying to perform self abortions which are WAY more unsafe than a professional doing one, and either mutilate or kill themselves in the process.
“But these ladies think that being a woman gives us gals the right to decide what happens to other people’s bodies—bodies that are biologically, genetically, and scientifically separate bodies even though they’re growing inside of us when we’re pregnant.”
First, see the above where guys aren’t forced to live with the consequences of having a child, other than the pay cut, if they don’t want to. It has less to do with ‘being a woman’ and more to do with ‘well, I’m the one carrying it.’ Pretty sure men would want the same right if they were the ones getting pregnant. But I digress. What I really want to talk about here is the late term abortions. Especially the ‘growing inside of us’ phrase.
What if it’s not?
What it, physically it’s growing, but, it never developed a brain, so (if it even survives birth) it’s going to be born brain dead. What if the lungs have stopped developing, or the heart, and it won’t be able to support itself once it’s cut from the umbilical cord. What if my doctor tells me to stop planning the nursery and start planning it’s funeral.
Would you be able to live with the knowledge that you're not awaiting your child’s birth, you’re waiting for it’s death? If you are, you’re a much stronger person than me. I don’t think I’d be able to even speak to the first person to ask me how my baby is after I got that news. We’re talking about people who have a wanted pregnancy where something goes horribly wrong (Here’s one woman’s first hand experience with this: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/xojane-/this-is-what-its-really-like-to-have-a-late-term-abortion_b_8264562.html)
(Here’s information from an actual doctor: https://drjengunter.wordpress.com/2016/10/20/donald-trump-confuses-birth-with-abortion-and-no-there-are-no-ninth-month-abortions/
and if that’s not enough, forbes seems to have found it creditable: http://www.forbes.com/forbes/welcome/?toURL=http://www.forbes.com/sites/tarahaelle/2016/10/20/no-late-term-abortions-dont-rip-babies-out-of-wombs-but-they-are-needed )
“It’s a lie because of sexism, women have to pay a special tax for products that we biologically must use.”
Well this one’s been debunked, actually. Unless you live in PA, NJ, MA, MD, or MN (or one of the lucky states with no sales tax). And no, it’s not outright called the ‘tampon tax’. That would clue us in on this. But, do you know what isn’t taxed in most states with a sales tax: Necessities. Medical Supplies are lumped in with that (http://www.salestaxsupport.com/blogs/industry/medical-industry-tax/which-states-tax-medical-devices/) But… Sales taxes are still applied to tampons. And some states (Looking right at you Texas) even label feminine hygiene products as a luxury, so not only do texians pay a sales tax, there’s also an applied luxury tax. I mean, the Texas senate called them a ‘prop’. Double whammy. Funny, though: In ND, adult diapers aren’t taxed. Since, you know, they’re for bladder dysfunctions. And, New York doesn’t tax wine at wine tastings or dry cleaning (but tampons are still taxable). And, as far as men not being charged for a ‘comparable product’: Viagra isn’t taxed because it’s prescribable. Ask a doctor to write a prescription for tampons and see what they say.
(Sources: http://fusion.net/story/142965/states-that-tax-tampons-period-tax/ , http://time.com/money/3907775/states-tax-tampons-candy-america/ ,and http://dfw.cbslocal.com/2016/02/10/another-debate-on-the-luxury-tax-on-tampons/ )
“It’s a lie that because of sexism, we women are the only ones who have to worry about harassment and abuse”
Okay, I’ll agree with you on this one. After all, no one should suffer this. But there is OH SO MUCH victim blaming. (Hell, just a google search will give you this, but just in case: https://www.google.com/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8#safe=off&q=colorado+senator+tells+rape+victim ) Society places the blame on the survivor instead of the assailant. “You shouldn’t have been there��, “Well, if you weren’t drinking”, “Where you wearing something provocative?”. NONE OF THAT MATTERS! If someone wanted to be ‘raped’ then it wouldn’t be called ‘rape’, and charges wouldn’t be pressed (It’s called BS/DM, and ‘50 shades’ did a horrible job of portraying it). It wouldn’t be called ‘harassment’ if it was wanted attention. And here’s where feminism gets confused with fem-nazism so much: true feminist want equality for EVERYONE, regardless of genitalia (fem-nazis are the ones who only care if you have a who-ha).
“It’s a lie that because of sexism, people don’t care about our smarts.”
More women DO go to college. This is true. But how much of that is because they can’t get into trade labor? Here’s an excellent article about women in trade labor: http://www.chicagotribune.com/business/ct-women-in-trades-0417-biz-20150420-story.html
So, if the only way to get a job is to go to college, you go. Because you’re going to need that money to feed your illegitimate child and afford your taxed tampons. But mostly to pay your school loans once you’re out. After all: 51% of college grads from 2014 ended up in an unskilled workforce: http://www.careerbuilder.com/share/aboutus/pressreleasesdetail.aspx?sd=10%2F9%2F2014&id=pr846&ed=10%2F9%2F2099 .
“It’s a lie that because of sexism, there aren’t more female leaders”
I’m actually going to aim for a different part of this paragraph: “Want to be a leader? Pick that path. No one’s stopping you.”
Remember that whole discussion on career choice? Well, do you think you’ll have time to raise your kids if you're a CEO? Do you think you can put that on hold and have kids? Because you can’t, according to society. So, you’re better off being a secretary, or maybe a nurse, that pays well… and has available jobs!
“It’s a lie that because of sexism, we don’t all get paid maternity leave.”
Only if you work in America: http://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2016/09/26/u-s-lacks-mandated-paid-parental-leave/
Estonia gets 87 weeks! (For those not good at math, that’s over a year. There’s 52 weeks in a year.) Out of 41 developed countries, we are the only ones who have no legislation protecting parents (both mother and father) for taking time off work to care for their newborn or adopted child. This isn’t economics, this is just ignorance. Mexico has paid paternity leave. Japan’s in the top four, and they’re workaholics over there! (even CHINA has better legislation than us, and they govern how many children you’re allowed! http://www.loc.gov/law/foreign-news/article/china-maternity-leave-further-extended-by-provinces/ )
Another interesting fact is that having paid paternity leave doesn’t seem to negatively impact businesses as much as they say: http://fortune.com/2015/02/05/paid-parental-leave-costs/
“Finally, it’s a lie that any of our human rights as women are going away just because someone whose politics these ladies don’t agree with suddenly became president.”
It’s actually quite common for new presidents to start signing away things they don’t like from the old president. I mean, he’s already tried to discriminate against a religion: https://www.nytimes.com/2017/01/29/nyregion/trump-travel-ban-protests-briefing.html?_r=0
So, no, you didn’t need to march for feminism. And it’s great that you’ve never experienced the persecution others have, simply for being born a woman. But we still marched for you, and your daughter, and mine, and millions of women all over the world. Because America may have voted to have a chauvinistic narcissist representing us on the world stage, but that doesn’t mean that he defines American values. And maybe, because we were born in a country with more privileges, we should be the first to take the stand when something isn’t right.
(And for the record, I voted for Sanders)
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newsnigeria · 5 years
Check out New Post published on Ọmọ Oòduà
New Post has been published on http://ooduarere.com/news-from-nigeria/world-news/acfta-top-5-reason-why-nigeria-should-not-sign-african-free-trade-zone/
ACFTA: Top 5 Reason Why Nigeria should not Sign African Free trade Zone!
African Free trade Zone.. huh! This would be the biggest mistake for those that signed and ratified it. Watch those who already ratified it, you will find out that they are permanent puppets to the Anglzionist empire, the globalist while I think Nigeria, a semi puppet country to the same anglozionist empire played a smart move here. (But it can still be reservisble just by removing the head and dictating the rules again to the newly installed puppet if that ever happens again) Also take note that the anglozionist powerbase OBJ ( A CIA forward formation in the heartland of Yorubas) and its cronnies are doing everything they can to get Nigeria to sign the deal.
1 ECOWAS Lets just take ECOWAS free trade zone as an Example. It even got to a stage they started importing plastic rice and immediately shipping it into Nigeria. A smaller ECOWAS never got it right for one reason or another (ECOMOG NEUTRALISED being one of the reasons) now the whole of Africa continent would be a maximum failure. Just go to the Boarder and see how many people you will pay before crossing the boarder which is suppose to be free movement for both body and goods. And yes, it should be free for goods only made by countries in ECOWAS but not imported goods from foreign Economic imperators. So lets not act as if this makes any sense or will help majority of the impoverished people in the already poverty striken continent. It wil only maximize dumping of goods and making locally developing industries die off. Controled central banks already killed many industries in Nigeria Now those are begining to come back then this. Nah 2 Priority So sorry this is not a priority now. First thing is to be able to stop foreign impostors from killing any head of state at their will and to also limit the power of thier puppets in the system, gone are the days of surrogates but we live in the days of Anglozionist empire’ puppets. Since Gadaffi died, Africa has been vulnerable militarily ( And Boko Haram military power also skyrocketed afteer his death due to free movemen of Arms from Libya all the way down to Nothern Nigeria). If Gaddafi was still alive, this deal would at least have a little potential. Those who signed it are mere puppets to the anglozionist empire who decides for the contininent. Until African countries find a permanent solution to foreign regime change. Sorry this is all a joke. This perfectly even fits the narrative of this anglozionist empire each time they talk about a country In Africa, they dont see any country, they see Africa as a country. 3 Military Militarily, Africa is not ready for this except if you are on the side of AFRICOM as the soul backer of this kind of trade which would be another carbon copy of NATO and EU failing saga in EUROPE. There is no country that has Economic freedom in the African continnet so why enmbark on something that is not even in top 1 Priorities of what the countries in African continent need. A strong military power to at least put a full stop to foreign backed regime change would be a good start.
4 Economy Flooding the developing markets in Africa with foreign established multi-national companies (or Goods) that is not traditional company is another slavery in the making and hijacking of whatever good that is left in the continent. First step to Economic freedom is for each country in Africa is to dedolarize and go back to the gold standard as the determining factor of any currency.* The good news is a revolution just happened and no one noticed, this nonsense agreement will hijack that revolution. Let me Share it after this post .
Basel 3, a revolution that once again no one Noticed Real revolutions are taking place not on squares, but in the quiet of offices, and that’s why nobody noticed the world revolution that took place on March 29th 2019. Only a small wave passed across the periphery of the information field, and the momentum faded away because the situation was described in terms unclear to the masses. No “Freedom, equality, brotherhood”, “Motherland or death”, or “Power to Councils, peace to the people, bread to the hungry, factories to the worker, and land to the farmers” – none of these masterpieces of world populism were used. And that’s why what happened was understood in Nigeria (as case study) by only a few people. And they made such comments that the masses either did not fully listen to them or did not read up to the end. Or they did listen to the end, but didn’t understand anything. But they should’ve, because the world changed so cardinally that it is indeed time for Nathan Rothschild, having crumpled a hat in his hand, to climb onto an armoured Rolls-Royce [a joke referencing what Russian Lenin did – ed], and to shout from on top of it to all the Universe: “Comrades! The world revolution, the need for which revolutionaries spoke about for a long time, came true!” [paraphrasing what Lenin said – ed] And he would be completely right. It’s just that the results of the revolution will be implemented slowly, and that’s why they are imperceptible for the population. But the effects, nevertheless, will be soon seen by absolutely everyone, up to the last cook who even doesn’t seek to learn to govern the state soon.
This revolution is called “Basel III”, and it was made by the Bank for International Settlements (BIS). Its essence is in the following: BIS runs the IMF, and this, in turn, runs the central banks of all countries. The body of such control is called BCBS – the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision. It isn’t just some worthless US State Department or Congress of American senators. It’s not a stupid Pentagon, a little Department of the Treasury, which runs around like the CIA’s servant on standby, or a house of collective farmers with the name “White House” . BCBS is the Politburo of the world, whose Secretary General, according to rumours, is comrade Baruch, and the underground structure of the Central Committee is even more secret. It has many euphemisms, the most adequate of which is “Zurich gnomes”. This is what Swiss bankers are called. Not even owners of commercial banks, but namely those ordinary-looking men sitting in the Swiss city of Basel who Hitler – who tried to attach the whole world to the Third Reich, and who preserved neutrality with Switzerland during all the war – didn’t dare to attack. And, as is known, in Switzerland, besides Swiss rifleman, in reality there isn’t even an army. So who was the frenzied Fuhrer afraid of? The Basel III decision meant that gold as a reserve of the third category was earlier estimated at 50% of its value on the balance sheets of world banks. At the same time, all owners of world money traded in gold not physically, but on paper, without the movement of real metal, the volume of which in the world wasn’t enough for real transactions. This was done in order to push down the price of gold, to keep it as low as possible. First of all, for the benefit of the dollar. After all, the dollar is tied to oil, which had to cost no less than the price of one gram of gold per barrel.
And now it was decided to place gold not in the third, but “just” in the first category. And it means that now it is possible to evaluate it not at 50, but at 100% of its value. This leads to the revaluation of the balance sheet total. And concerning Nigeria, it means that now we can quietly, on all legal grounds, pour nearly 8 trillion Naira into the economy. If to be precise, it is 8.95 trillion Naira or $45 billion at the exchange rate in addition to the current balance sheet total. The Central Bank of the Nigeria can pour this money into our economy on all legal grounds. How it will happen in reality isn’t yet known. Haste here without calculating all the consequences is very dangerous. Although this emission is considered as noninflationary, actually everything is much more complicated. During the next few months nothing will change in the world. The U-turn will be very slow. In the US the gold reserves officially total 8133.5 tons, but there is such a thing as a financial multiplier: for every gold dollar, the banks print 20-30 digital paper ones. I.e., the US can only officially receive $170 billion in addition, but taking into account the multiplier – $4.5 trillion. This explains why the Federal Reserve System holds back on increasing interests rates and so far maintains the course towards lowering the balance sheet total – they are cautious of a surge in hyperinflation. Now how can u grow and have food security when u are in one union that could limit your potentials with Petro dollar ?. Get it right once and for all is the key. 5) Dangotes The main reason even Dangote did not sign to it is because he knows Tarrifs for now is not a problem in African countries. The issue is the same, you use a foreign $$$ in payments. <GET IT RIGHT FIRST WITH PAYMENT BACK TO REAL GOLD STARNDARD FIRST, Basel 3>. Meanwhile, the empire will kill anyone that is ditching the dollar and install its puppets. Creating a parralel and artifical demand for the mere printed $$$ that nothing but war is backing. So you now all see the issue. To have more of ‘dangote’ controlled economies in African country is way better than to have more of Rothschild hijacked Economic future and what Basel 3 holds.
Balogun Adesina
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What's a good cheap health insurance for a college student?
My college doesn't offer any health insurance and I don't have much money. What should I do? I need to get my throat checked out.
How do doctors actually pay for liability insurance?
On studentdoc.com, the salary survey stated that the average OB/GYN made roughly $238000 a year, but some sites I have looked at show that they also pay $50000 a year (in florida, that rises to $100000) for malpractice insurance. Even for other practices, such as pediatrics and internal medicine, the rate is usually $30000+. This is a huge amount of money and really, after paying student loans, mortgages, taxes, and etc, how much money do doctors actually take home? Surely not all doctors actually pay for their premiums. Specifically, how much would a pediatric surgeon pay in malpractice insurance in California or Illinois? Just some food for thought.""
Receive workers comp benefits disabled age 62 can i received medicare or any supplement to health insurance?
Receive workers comp benefits disabled age 62 can i received medicare or any supplement to health insurance?
Health care insurance in ny?
What is the best health care insurance for a low income 19 year old who just got cut of the affinity child health plan due to age? Any suggestions?
Cheapest car insurance I can get? (10 points)?
OK I know car insurance can depend on a bunch of diff factors. If I leave something out that may mean major money let me know and I'll do a quick edit. *I'm 17 *Senior in hs *A-B+ average *Had my DL for 3 months *Never been in a wreck *Never received a ticket *Took drivers ed *I have a part time job Again if there's something else I should mention just let me know. My insurance right now is $1000 every six months. It ends this month though, and I'm looking for a new insurance.""
How much will my insurance be?
I'm turning 16, and I intend to get a used passenger van for my first car (I'm in a band), and my parents are making me pay for my first 6 months of insurance (I believe you have to be 18 to have your own insurance so I guess they're making me pay the difference between whatever they usually pay and how much they'll pay after I'm on their policy. The van I'm looking at has 120,000 miles on it, if that matters, but only 70,000 on the rebuilt engine.""
How do I get affordable higher coverage health insurance?
I live in New York. I'm 22. I was on my college insurance plan, but I lost it when I went on medical leave. I had an extension plan, but that also expired. I have no job because I'm too sick to work. If I would go back to college before I got a job. Right now, I'm on a strictly emergency health care policy with no preventive care that runs me about $188 a month. I need more coverage though. The problem is that I'm not eligible for most plans because I don't work. For the coverage I need, it will cost over $1,500 a month. I can't afford that, I don't have income. What do I do? *Before my college plan expired, I was going to doctors. I am diagnosed with POTS, and I was having sleep studies where I was being treated for day time sleepiness. Never got an official diagnosis, but I probably have Idiopathic Hypersomina. Both of these require occasional tests and I will need to see doctors regularly until I have a treatment plan. I'm also a cancer survivor and need to go back in to get a battery of tests every year or so. Out of pocket, just a an office visit cost around several hundred dollars. (I have no lapse in coverage.)""
Can a person on ssi have life insurance?
my daughter said i need life insurance, i know being on ssi they dont let you have anything freely so my question is can i have insurance""
""Can I register a car in Florida with ny license, insured by someone with fl license?""
I have a ny license, wife has a fl license, we live in ny, can we register the car in Florida? Her name is not on the ownership title, would it help of it was? The car will be insured by her with me as a driver""
My wife is pregnant. Due date: 9/10/09. Our COBRA health insurance expires on 7/18/09. What to do?
Our insurance expires before the due date. NO PROBLEM. We're getting a HIPAA guarantee issue plan. Here's the question: Our insurance expires on the 18th, but HMO's don't start until the 1st of the month. This would leave a 2 week gap where we wouldn't have coverage. We can't start a HIPAA HMO on July 1, because you have to expire all 18months of COBRA before you're eligible for a HIPAA guarantee issue plan. Chances are it'd be ok waiting until 8/1 to begin our new HIPAA plan, but if my wife went into early labor, it would be a very, very bad situation. PPO's start on the 1st, and sometimes the 15th. Same problem. What should we do? We'd prefer to not have a gap in our coverage.""
How much would insurance cost?
I'm 19 and just passed got my driving license. I live in Yorkshire (I think that me living in Yorkshire reduces the cost of insurance a bit). How much would annual insurance cost for something like a Mazda Rx-8 (2000-2006). Also if possible how much would it cost for a Volkswagen Golf GTi or a BMW E series. I know I havent given much information about which cars but let's just say a car priced between 2000-4000. Also if I do the Pass Plus course how much would that reduce it by? I just need an estimate by the way to get an idea of the prices. By the way I am a first time drive and male. Thankyou
Can i drive car on my full uk license on insurance for provisional license ?
Hi can i drive a car with full uk license but on provissional license insurance as i passed my test in additon i am 17 yrs old the reason of that is because the cheapest insurance for full uk license with my dad as 1st driver was 2.5grand.
What's good insurance but affordable?
I am 19 years old and my mother is taking me off her insurance and I need to found another insurance company but I work at Zaxby's. Any suggestions
Speeding ticket in california?
i got my first speeding ticket i was going 55 on a 45 how much would that cost me? and also it wasnt my car it was my parents car but i dont live with them so will there insurance go up???
Insurance question for Louisiana residents?
Do you need to have insurance as soon as you get your drivers license, even if you dont own a car and are not currently driving?""
QUESTION: How much will be my insurance?
I am 21 years old and I want to buy a used car and I want to register it with my Dad's name so that it will not be costly for me for my car insurance. How will I know my rate? I have two choices to buy: 1997 Ford Taurus (sedan) and 1997 Saturn SC1 (coupe)
Health Insurance Question?
I currently have Crohn's Disease and I'm taking daily medications. When I turn 21 my insurance will not be in effect (CCS insurance I believe?) and I will not be able to afford medication and health insurance. My parents don't make enough money to buy health insurance..Does anyone have any idea on how to approach this?
""Has anyone bought insurance from Insphere Insurance Solutions (MEGA Life, Alliance for Affordable Services?""
I met with an agent yesterday and Googled the companies he represented, and saw so many complaints from both agents and consumers that my mind is spinning. I own a small business with only two employees. I don't want to be ripped off by some sweet talking insurance salesman, but if he is honest (chuckle) and his products are as good as he represents, then I would consider this option. If you've had any experience with these companies, I would like to hear it... good or bad. Thanks.""
Do I have to pay more for my car insurance?
I purchased a car with a car loan and I had to get full coverage insurance. I pay monthly and I have to do this for 6 months. The sixth month will be on May. I just paid off my car loan so I no longer want to pay extra money for full coverage. I had to pay a down payment for my insurance so my monthly payments would be cheaper. My question is do I have to pay another down payment if I switch to the liability coverage? Do I have to pay those last two months in order to switch to a liability coverage? I live in California.
How is the health insurance bill in the Senate going to lower costs?
Can someone explain to me how the bill going through the Senate right now does anything to control costs for the average family or person in the US? So far this is what I see: 1) If you have a good plan they are going to tax it - Raises costs 2) The insurance companies will have to cover everyone, even preexisting conditions - Raises costs 3) Cuts payouts to health providers for Medicare - Raises costs on others (they have to make it up) 4) Shifts costs to States for Medicaid - Raises state costs which raise state taxes 5) Cuts how much the Government pays for drugs - Raises cost when pharma makes up costs on private plans 6) Forces businesses to provide insurance for employees - Raises costs on all products Can anyone explain how this bill can lower costs for those who have insurance and keep them from rising? I am all for health insurance reform, these reforms just look terrible to me.""
How much does insurance cover?
I have blue cross shield insurance I am fourteen how much would I be for Invisalign On my bottom teeth? I got braces on my top years ago The insurance covered all of my tonsilectomy we paid nothing out of pocket.
Nice cars with out the insurance?
first off what is the difference between a normal cars insurance and a luxurery car like a ferrari.second, i have $100,000 and im looking for a nice fast car, but i dont want to buy a ferrari or sumthing cuz of the insurance is a lot higher i heard. i was even thinking about buying a 2009 ford f150 and souping it up with rims and everything but i'd rather a car thats really nice. does anybody have any ideas for a nice fast car with normal insurance?""
Should Keep or Look into term Life Insurance Quotes?
I have a whole life policy which I have been paying 45.00 per month for 16 yrs. I have to pay this amount until age 99 so they say. The amount it was for when I bought it was 50,000. It builds cash value. I am now 62. Should I keep this policy or look into term insurance?""
alabama insurance license check
alabama insurance license check
Does anyone know how much insurance would be on a Toyota Celica ?
This is in ireland but england cant be that different. I would be a new driver and only 17 years old and it would be by myself (not a named driver). And I'm a girl if that would change anything. Thanks xx
Best car to insure in GTA 5 online?
I need a car to insure and upgrade but not sure which one is the best help?
Insurance For Aprilia RS50: Im 16?
im 16 and im going to get an aprilia RS50 and i was woundering how much the insurance would be?? also? how much would the insurance be on a 50cc moped?
What are the best car insurance comparison sites you have used in London?
What are the best car insurance comparison sites you have used in London?
How much does renters insurance usually run?
I'm 25 and this is a pretty new concept to me. My new landlord (a management company) suggested that everyone get it For our own Protection. I just need a ball park number. Thanks.
Help! I need auto insurance fast?
I'm 23 years old and need auto insurance immediately. I live in California and would prefer to have nationwide coverage. I am single, no kids. I'm really considering liability or something low-end because insurance here is a lot more than what I was paying in Pennsylvania. I am also a full-time student and heard that might get me a discount with some agencies. Any advice?""
Renting an Apartment: Is this cost per month affordable for my budget?
The apartment's rent is $750 a month...I'm living with 2 other roommates, so we are dividing that cost three ways. We'll each owe $250 a month...plus electric ($35 - $50 a month), plus cable t.v. ($30 - $40 a month), plus WiFi internet ($30 - $40 a month). So all together, each of us will owe around $275 a month, roughly. I make $32,000 a year before taxes and health insurance...I make a $250 car payment per month, and car insurance is $1000 (+ or -) for 6 months. This is my first time renting (I'm 20), so I want to be sure that I can afford this apartment.""
What would be the average price of car insurance for me?
- Full Time student with decent grades (will be better when my latest semester grades are recorded) got - a Honda Accord 2 dr coupe - I got a ticket before that was failure to observe signal - I only want to insure this one, and its only me T""
Can I help a friend with high car insurance?
I've got my own car, i'm 30, and am insured on it obviously, but a friend who is only 20 has just brought a modified car, and the insurance is quite high. Can I be the main driver on his car insurance and then he be added to the policy, and would this lower the price? or if I can't be the main named driver, can I be added to it and would this lower the amount?? Just trying to help him out really, he's skint until the end of the year, and didn't realise the insurance would be so high!! Cheerz Silver""
What will happen if I don't sign up for covered california health insurance?
I live in ca, I don't have healthcare and I am eligible for covered ca health insurance. What will happen if I don't sign up for it? Do I have too? Will I get in trouble if I don't?""
Report to insurance or not?
i was driving down the freeway yesterday and a rock hit my windshield. it now has two huge cracks. and i have to get it replaced i know it cant be repaired. my deductible on my insurance is $500, should i report it to the insurance or not? would it be cheaper to just fix it myself?""
About how much does motorcycle insurance cost?
and is it more than car?...about...
How much will i save on my progressive auto insurance by parking in a garage?
is it a big savings? any estimated dollar amnt? i live in an average sized city in MN if that makes any difference
I am 16 almost 17 and am looking for a car and am wondering what the insurance rats would be on a porsche 944
this would be my second car and its a really nice 1985 Porsche 944 (non-turbo) it has only 67K miles on it and is in excellent shape I am just wondering if my insurance would go up i pay about 130 $ a month on a Pontiac grand am ... would it go up? if so do you know how much?
Does Wal-Mart have better and cheaper insurance than Obamacare?
http://www.examiner.com/article/washington-examiner-walmart-s-health-plans-are-better-than-obamacare On Jan. 7, 2013, The Washington Examiner released the results of an investigation finding Walmart's employee health insurance is significantly better than Obamacare. Walmart has come under mega union labor union criticism as a retailer whose employees are both underpaid and mistreated. Like many insurance plans which have been canceled as a result of Obamacare benefit regulations, Walmart's health insurance has been called substandard. However after an in-depth comparison, the watch dog team of the Washington Examiner discovered employees of Walmart receive a better bang for the buck than Obamacare. In comparison to Obama care, it was discovered that Walmart plans were a whopping five to nine times less expensive. Full-service individual coverage in a Walmart HRA plan is available through a Blue Cross Blue Shield preferred provider organization for as little as $40 a month while family coverage averages $160 a month.""
WHo LOVES Mercury Auto insurance and the alien commercials? lol Whats your favorite commercial?
Mercury Insurance rates are soo low that they are run by Aliens from the planet mercury lol This model simulation represents the facility and their landing site lol How about the Comcast Commercials? lol I was super high one time and saw the Turtles and was hellaaa freaked out lol.
What is the cheapest car insurance you can buy?
Age 20's, I want to buy cheapest insurance possible. I don't care about coverage for myself, I just want it legal to drive.""
How can the cost of health insurance decrease a company's income?
so, a company helps pay off people's premiums by paying off a certain percentage. but the insurance cost is rising, so the amount the company pays off for employees is also rising. well, other than the fact that insurance rates exceeding income rates affect a company's income (because of premiums etc), what other evidence can support the fact that health insurance decreases a companys income?""
Should I put a claim in with my auto insurance?
Today at a light a car rear ended me. My rear bumper has some small scratches and some paint marks from the other car. No dents or anything else. the car that hit me seemed to have worse damage to his front bumper. We called the police and they did a report. The other guy said he is not going to put in a claim with his insurance. He admitted fault and apologized over and over. I was wondering if it is worth me putting in a claim with my insurance? I don't want my rates to go up and even though I am not at fault, i wonder how aggressively my insurance will pursue a claim with the other guy's insurance since damage is so minor. I actually wonder if it was worth calling the police, when I really think about it. I was just shaken up at the time. I think re painting the bumper would actually be less than my deductible. I don't really have any pain and no noticeable injuries. I had a friend say I should put in a claim for minor back pain, but even if i was in minor pain, i have heard the 10,000 most companies give always go to lawyers and chiropractors I don't want to lie and don't want to spend time going to chiropractors too end up not getting anything and still having to pay to repaint bumper, have my rates go up and be aggravated. any advice?""
Im looking for people with private health insurance or no insurance?
if you have medicare, medicaid, or group insurance at work, dont answer. was it difficult to get insurance? who is ur carrier? do you have pre existing conditions?""
Insurance quotes for subaru wrx or acura rsx?
i am 18 and have my license for 1 year , no tickets no anything good grades . Wich would cost more the rsx or the wrx , whats the price range for each a month .thanks""
How much does a No Insurance ticket from the police cost in Illinois?
I got a no insurance ticket about 2-2 1/2 years ago along with a no registration ticket. The car wasn't mine and I didn't know that the car had no insurance/registration. I live in Illinois by Chicago, so it may be different. I just found out that they suspended my license about 3-4 months ago, because I never went to court for the tickets.""
""Is it true that the older the car, the lower the insurance cost?""
My dad has a car that is 4 years old, it is a subaru outback, with 200,000+miles on it (not a typo, he drives it all over the eastern coast). Now would the subarus insurance cost(total) be lower than if i bought my own used car?""
How much is motorcycle insurance for a 24 yr old in NJ? How does it compare to car insurance?
I can get quotes but just want to get a quick rough estimate answer. And does nj provide refund for motorcycle courses to take to pass the licence? for ex. I know illinois do
Insurance with a permit?
so i have my permit, and i can now start driving on the road, so i was wondering if i need insurance for me. the car i'm gonna be driving is already insured, so do i need insurance for myself.""
alabama insurance license check
alabama insurance license check
What is the cheapest auto insurance?
What is the cheapest auto insurance?
Is it better to repair cars with insurance company or known mechanic?
I met with an accident the other day where a drunk guy hit me at the rear end of my totyotal avalon. there is considerable body work to be done. i dont know if there may be any ...show more
How much will my insurance cost?
I like in Florida, I own a 87' thunderbird no replacement coverage, I haven't been in any accidents, have no tickets and I took drivers ed, I've been driving for over a year and I want to be able to own my car so when I'm 18 my parents can't tell me I can't go out. How much will the monthly payments be on that?""
Buy a car + insurance?
Hi i live in Toronto and i was looking to buy a car, the thing is i just recently moved to Canada and have no experience of this stuff, i didn't own an auto mobile back home. I also don't have that many reliable and truly trust able friends that i can turn to for help, and no relatives. So i turn to yahoo answers in my time of need. I need to know what the process of buy a car is and when and how do i get insurance on my car, I just turned 18 and would like my own car. And do you guys gave any suggestions for first cars? any tips? all help is appreciated.""
Will one accident and citation make ur car insurance go up?If so how much?
Im a 23 yr old guy and ive only been insured for a month, will my insurance rate go up immediantly?If so,how much?""
Is it illegal to fake my GPA for lower car insurance?
if so, can they do anything about it, like take me to court or have me arrested? i ****** up my fist semester of college and now that i have my license i have to get insurance. my dad said i better have at least a 3.0 or else.. should i just do it?""
Cheap car insurance for a 17 year old boy on a UK full licence?
do you know any cheap insurance providers who could give a reasonable quote for a 17 year old, with a pass plus on a full UK licence, as go compare is giving quotes of 3000+ which if far too much for a student, plus this is only third party, please help!""
""In Maryland, is insurance required to drive a car?""
I'm going to be living on my own soon and there's no possible way I can afford it on my own. By the way, does anyone know how much it costs to be insured as an 18 year old on your own policy? What about for a motorcycle?""
Can I get Classic Car insurance?
I'm 16 and have been looking at a lot of classic cars (specifically a 1971-1973 Mustang Mach 1) and ran into a bit of a dilemma... My dad is a car dealer, owning his own used dealership, so he has insurance that covers all the cars, rather than just one. But, you have to be 18 to be under that policy, so I can't be on it, and I've heard that unless you're under you parents policy, you can't have classic car insurance until you're 25. But, I heard that you can get liability only (Which is my state's minimum coverage), so I was wondering if that was true. Would I be able to get just liability on a classic car? Or should I just cut out all the complicated stuff and get a modern car?""
How can low-income people *afford* lower cost health insurance?
Huckleberry suggested that low-income people will be able to afford low-cost private health insurance--but he doesn't say *how* that will be possible. Guliani says that with tax credits, people will be able to afford low-cost insurance. (How is that possible?) I haven't figured what the other GOP candidates want, but how can low-income people--and those on disability--be able to afford expensively HUGE health-insurance plans on what little money that is already afforded to them per month?""
Car Insurance (No car)?
So this might sound a bit dumb, but I was wondering what are the steps to getting car insurance before you own a car. The problem I have is I am afraid of wrecking the car on the drive home from car lot and not having insurance!""
What is The Cheapest Auto Insurance for A Beginner?
Can someone who smokes marijuana get affordable life insurance?
Can someone who smokes marijuana get affordable life insurance?
How much does it cost to insure a child care center?
I am enrolled in a college course called Administration of Early Childhood Programs. My final project is creating my own child care center (the project covers everything and is very detailed so we can use our materials if we actually do open up a center). Anyways, I am stuck on one part of my budget. I have been researching for hours and cannot find what my estimated cost of what liability insurance would cost me per year. Because this business does not actually exist I am having difficulties obtaining a quote from insurance companies. My center is licensed for 140 children at one time. If anyone has an estimated cost or a source that would give me an average cost per child or an insurance estimate calculator or anything like that would really help. Thanks!""
Cheap car insurance?......?
I need to get car insurance to put the title in my name. I am just looking for the cheapest thing out there right now, not too concerned with full coverage right now, just the basics. I will do research and get the one that best suits me later but for right now I just need something fast. Geico's rates were over $100/mo for my car, is that about average? Or is there something cheaper?""
Do I need car insurance if I drive on a learner's permit with a parent?
Also, do I need car insurance if I drive with a driver's license and with a parent. Also, this car is not mine, it is my parents.""
What does 1000 or 500 deductible mean when you're getting car insurance?
Before I get my car insurance I would like to know what this means,and what is better.""
Why is motorcycle insurance insane for everything but cruiser types?
I called Geico and they quoted me on a bunch of motorcycles. Cruisers were the only reasonable ones, but I thought the other types (sport, standard, touring, offroad) that I got quotes on were riduculously high! I even asked about the ninja 250 and that was 4 times the amount of a 750 shadow. How is that possible?""
Car insurance at 20 on average?
How much would car insurance be for me if i only have my licence for 2 months before i get a car and i am 20 years old?. The car would be minimum a 1.2 litre and maximum a 1.6 litre so what would a 1.2 litre, 1.4 litre and 1.6 litre cost me on average?.""
Cost of Car insurance for new driver 30yr old Female?
Hi am about to start lessons on learning to drive, and was wondering if anyone knows the cost it would be for car insurance for a new driver annually, car will probably be 1.4, I am female, 29/30 years old. Thanks""
How much will insurance cost me on a 1.6 Ford capri?
A year from now I hope to pass my driving test (hopefully with a pass pluss), in which case I will be 17 years of age and it would be my first car.""
Can you take a rental car when you do not have any personal vehicle or auto insurance?
I do not have any car insurance right now. I am planning to get a car rental for a month. Do I need to get some insurance for this? What happens if cop pulls me up will rental agreement be sufficient?
Insurance Increase for a newer car Regal to Focus?
I had a 1999 Buick Regal Supercharged and switched to a 2002 Ford Focus SE. This resulted in my insurance going from 750 to 1000$ for the year. Any ideas why this may be, as far as I see the Focus should be safer and have more features resulting in lower insurance. According to my insurance company apparently it was rated as being less safe. (no coverages were changed on the insurance just the price increased) Any ideas would be much appreciated.""
Do I need car insurance ?
Ok so u just got my learners permit today and my mom said she's pretty sure I don't need car insurance that I'm automatically covered since I'm a minor and can only drive in the car when they are in it so am I covered I live in Tampa Florida if that matters I just want to start driving immediately but dad says I need to make sure I'm under his policy so I can drive
How is GEICO Auto Insurance?
I am shopping around for auto insurance and so far Geico is the cheapest auto insurance I have got. They are offering $1142 for my '99 Camry full coverage when Amica wants $1175, Commerce $1255, and Travelers' wants $1309. But I have heard a lot of negative feedback about Geico's claim service. Does anyone have any idea how true those negative feedbacks are. Should I go with Amica instead of Geico?""
alabama insurance license check
alabama insurance license check
List of health insurance in the phils?
i am looking for less expensive medical insurance coverage
How much is car insurance in nyc?
Im 23 years this is my first car ever a 1998 FORD EXPEDITION wanted to now how much car insurance im looking at.
Auto Insurance ? Never had it. Can anybody help.?
I have called for quotes.. to many auto insurance companies. But since this my first time purchase I am confused, Can someone break down the features of a policy, what am i to have, what is reccomended. thanks , any details will help.""
Where can I find cheap car insurance for my BMW 7 Series car?
Hi. I just bought a BMW 135i Convertible. Where can I find cheap car insurance for this car? I've checked the major ones like Geico but the quotes they list out are pretty expensive in my opinion.
How much will a Toyota Spyder increase my insurance?
I'm looking to buy a 2000 Toyota Spyder. But i'm only 20 years old, so i'm questioning whether or not it is a good idea! Its will cost me about $10,000 after tax + the insurance. I'm not so worried about the actually cost of the car, because I can make about a 60% downpayment, and take out a small loan for the rest... But the insurance is the big issue...""
Is Future Generali(Future group) insurance good?
Hi, I am planning to take a life insurance policy, can I go for Future group's new venture Future Generali or is it safe to go with LIC.Kindly suggest me on the basis of how good they're in Service, and claims. Thanks, Jagadish""
How much Insurance do I need to pay for a 2.5 million hause.?
How much Insurance do I need to pay for a 2.5 million hause.?
Insurance company totalled my car.?
I was recently in a minor accident in which someone backed into me. Their insurance company accepted 100% of the liability. They are telling me that they are deeming it as a total loss. My question is, once they determine the actual cash value of the car, minus the salvage and give me the difference, will my title be a salvaged title? I live in Missouri and drive a 2000 Oldsmobile Alero. I couple of different people have informed me that beings my car is over 7 years old it will NOT have a salvaged title but according to the insurance company it will. Also do I get the actual cash value minus the salvage amount or do I get the repair estimate amount minus the salvage amount? The car is completely drivable and only has a minor crack in the bumper along with a puncture in the a/c condenser which I can have replaced. I want to keep the car.""
Do I need insurance ?
I'm 16 I'm starting my own lawn care Business Do I need Insurance In case I hit something and does my car Insurance cover snow plowing
Which health insurance is cheaper and useful?
I am living in Carlisle, PA. I am currently on unemployment compensation. I need a health plan for me and my wife very affordable. I have filled quotes over internet and I have to ...show more""
Insuring a new driver?
I will be soon getting my license (California), however I will not immediately be purchasing my own car. I am sixteen and I will most likely be driving one of my parents cars in the interim. Now here's my problem. My dad owns and e55 and my mom owns a 328. My mom commutes every day so driving her car is off the table. My dad almost never has to go anywhere in his car as he is currently on disability. The only problem is insuring me on the e55 will cost a fortune. My dad currently has the car insured under State Farm and their quick estimate say's I'd be paying nearly $600 a month. Now, I know there are multiple discounts I can apply for, but I'm not exactly sure what I'm eligible for. Since this would be a shared policy as a part time driver, would it be significantly cheaper? I'm just looking for options here, my dad wants me out of his hair but he also wants me to be paying insurance. I make enough that I could just barely afford $500 a month but that would leave me with no expendable income so.... help. Thanks.""
Are there any groups you can join that offers group health insurance?
Or some insurance co that does not ask for a ten year history?
""Health insurance starts in 10 days, but I am sick now. Will they reimburse me?""
If I went to the doctor now, would I be able to submit a claim for reimbursement? My insurance is Aetna. I called them, but they are closed because it is Sunday. Answers/suggestions are appreciated.""
Can you switch car insurance companies easily?
I bought a car last night and am picking it up today in Nova Scotia. I called around to a number of companies for insurance and got a quote that seemed reasonable. I went down today and signed the paperwork and was given the temporary insurance card and they faxed paperwork to the dealership and the dealership to them and it is all worked out. However I got a call back a few hours later from another broker quoting me a lot less. I had her verify with the company and they said yes. But I have already signed the other stuff. The one I have now is going to be monthly and the first payment should not come out till about the 15th and be the first and last payment for the month. if I switch and they have already taken the payment do I get the last month back? Can I pretty much switch at any time? Anyone know how that works? I'm a newbie at buying a vehicle an thought I had done my homework but apparently not.
How much is motorcycle insurance?
im about to turn 18 and im planing to get a sport bike but i want to know how much the insurance will cost me
Low Repair Estimate How to Go After Insurance Company?
I hit a car at its back and caused cracks on its rear bumper. It is my fault and my insurance company supposed to pay for the repair since I have liability insurance with them. But the estimate from my insurance company for the other car came out much lower than the estimates the other party got from other body shops. And now the other party comes after me and they said they gonna sue me. I would like to know how can I push my insurance company to come up more. Thanks!
All nevada insurance?
All Nevada Insurance at Martin Luther King Blvd., Las Vegas, Nevada 89106. Have they moved?""
Car accident insurance question?
Last week someone backed up into my bumper while my car was parked. They were very nice and left a note, and we were in the middle of sorting things out. I got an estimate for the damage, but we had not yet done anything with their insurance company yet. Today my boyfriend was driving my car, and he spun out and totaled the car. His insurance should be able to cover it, but how should I go about for the insurance with the first person? Do I need to tell them about the accident or is it not necessary? We haven't yet filed the insurance and so I don't know if it will be a problem. Any help is appreciated.. thanks""
What can I do about this insurance/car accident?
Recently, my husband was hit in my car while going through a green light. The girl didn't see him as he was going through and turned and hit him. Now we are fighting with her crappy insurance. They are trying to say we are 25% liable and they will only pay 75% to fix our car. They are trying to say my husband should have been more cautious going through the light. It was a green light! So, what, we are supposed to treat stoplights like stop signs now? How ridiculous. My question is, what can I do to get my car 100% paid for and do they even have the right to claim who is liable or not? Isn't that the cops job? My husband decided to be nice and not have the cop issue her a ticket. Was that a bad idea? I mean, she turned into him. How much more cautious could my husband have been? He hit his brakes but by that time it was too late. This insurance company is saying he should have tried harder to avoid the accident. What else could one possibly do!?""
What is the average cost in california for a 600cc motorcycle insurance as first vehicle(18 year old)?
Im trying to figure out how much im going to pay for 600cc motorcycle insurance(minimum insurance not full cover).i am 18 years old and it is going to be my first vehicle.
Will affordable health act help or hurt people who want to retire early?
Say you are in your late 50's or early 60's and wants and have enough money to retire, but was waiting because of health insurance issues and was going to wait till 65. With the affordable care act most likely going to proceed, will this help those people who probably have pre-existing conditions and of course old get a better deal on health insurance if affordable care act was not passed? To my simple mind, I would have to say yes. And I imagine a lot of people are going to take advantage of this and retire early.""
People who cant afford health insurance are quacks?
i see the merits of having universal health care, kind of, but it seems to me that the problem is a lot of middle class citizens who just decide nto to purchase health insurance on the premise that they cannot afford it , and instead opt to buy material goods that are solely for luxury. you cant go out and buy nice cars and houses and bypass health insurance and then cry it off that the government should give free care to everryone.......i definitely agree it should be cheaper for the poor etc. bottom line: ppl need to realize health is the most important thing in there life, and satisfy that need, before thinking about personal possesions (nice cars etc)""
Lapse in health insurance?
My husband is about to have a lapse in health insurance, for about 4 months? Reasons being, because I am pregnant, and no insurance company will cover an expectant father. We will be getting him covered once the baby comes. What are the reprecussions for having a lapse in health insurance? He has no pre-existing conditions and is very healthy.""
Insurance for GSX-R600 does make and CCs matter?
Say if you had a 750 would it drasically spike the insurance as if you would have bought a 600 instead? What are all the factors that insurance companies go through to give you a quote? What questions are asked? If you could answer this too it would be great :) Make/model of bike: Age: CCs: YO experience: Thank you!
I just gave up my car and turned in my insurance?
I just gave up my car and turned in my insurance .I will drive my childrens cars from time to time .My insurance coverage was adequate and included an auto liability of $1,000,000.bodily inj of $1,000,000 and property damage the same .Since my children have only the minimum ,how can I continue to get the same protection when driving their cars.""
alabama insurance license check
alabama insurance license check
0 notes
lazytacomoon-blog · 6 years
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"blue cross blue shield florida health insurance quotes
blue cross blue shield florida health insurance quotes
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://freecarinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Cheap car insurance for a 17 year old boy on a UK full licence?
do you know any cheap insurance providers who could give a reasonable quote for a 17 year old, with a pass plus on a full UK licence, as go compare is giving quotes of 3000+ which if far too much for a student, plus this is only third party, please help!""
What car insurance providers are NOT on comparison websites?
What car insurance providers are NOT on comparison websites?
Can anyone give me an estimate for A 17 year old car insurance!?
Hello I am 17 in december and am looking to insure A classic Austin Mini 998cc and I was just wondering if anyone would have any estimate idea of how much it would cost to insure!? :)
Have Democrats forgotten that Candidate Obama opposed forcing people to buy health insurance?
http://www.campaignforliberty.com/blog.php?view=27950 As Obama said in the January 31st primary debate: Senator Clinton. . . believes that we have to force people who don't have health insurance to buy it. Otherwise, there will be a lot of people who don't get it. I don't see those folks. And I think that it is important for us to recognize that if, in fact, you are going to mandate the purchase of insurance and it's not affordable, then there's going to have to be some enforcement mechanism that the government uses. And they may charge people who already don't have health care fines, or have to take it out of their paychecks. And that, I don't think, is helping those without health insurance. That is a genuine difference.""
Which car insurance can i get ONLY GAP INSURANCE!?
I wanna switch insurance company bec I got cheaper quote but they don't offer gap insurance. Agent suggested to go find an insurance company where I can purchase only gap insurance, might still be cheaper if I purchase my full coverage insurance from him plus the gap insurance from another company vs my current one. thanks!""
What happens if your driveing a car with no car insurance and someone hits you.?
We live in California. My seventeen year old was driving our car that was uninsured and was in a accident. The other driver admitted it was his fault and there insurance company has already claimed full responsibility. What I'm wondering is what will happen when they find out we have no insurance. I did yake my son to the doctors and they said he does have wip lash but will be fine
COBRA insurance help?
I recently got fired is it cheap to get cobra insurance? Have you ever paid for COBRA insurance usually how much it cost for family? are my only option buying my own insurance or cobra or no insurance. Is Medicare only for older people???/?
Best place to get term life insurance?
Best place to get term life insurance?
What is a good cheap car for a 17year old? I want cheap insurance as well.?
I have recent started driving lessons and I want to buy a car. I only earn 30 a day tho.
Car Insurance. 50/50?
I was in a minor car accident like a month ago. and they've finally almost resolved the claim. It's probably going to be 50/50, now how will that work out in terms of money?? As in, I had an estimate of the cost it would have took to fix my damage, am I gonna get half of that?""
Auto insurance rates?
How much would you say Progressive or Allstate charges for auto insurance? I'm talking for one person, paying for one car.""
Car insruacne quote?
im gonna book car insurance with diamond if the annual amount of my quote on their website says 353.95 i worked it out to be 29.50 per month, its says if i want to pay monthly i need to phone. i want to pay monthly, will it be just that amount per month, or will they try and add stuff on? also will they take payment instantly or only on the direct debit date? help""
Is kaiser permanente health insurance confidential with teen the way Planned Parenthood is?
I know it's a family hospital, but do they let your parents know everything when you go see them for something like a vaginal check up?""
When is the correct time to drop her from my insurance?
Here's the situation. When the divorce papers were filed she had a job. She has since been laid off. The divorce does not require me to insure her. If i drop her though she has no insurance and no affordable way to get any. I have the financial means to cover her for month, but I'm concerned about the consequences. If something happened could the insurance company come back and charge me for everything since we weren't actually married?""
Whats the average cost of insurance for a 21 year old female?
Whats the average cost of insurance for a 21 year old female?
How much will car insurance cost?
Hello, I am looking to buy a car in UK. There are many options for an affordable price, but what I am most concerned about is how much will insurance cost for me? I am 19 and own a license for one year. How insurance is calculated? Thank you""
Why should I compare home owners insurance companies?
We have owned our home for 13 years, and we have always just stuck with the same insurance provider we had when we first got our mortgage. I am not sure if the premium we are paying is fair or not. I have no idea what the rate would be to insure our home with some other insurance company. Is it really worth the time and effort to compare home owners insurance companies to see if we can get a better rate? How much lower could the premiums actually be, and could we really end up saving that much money in the long run?""
Will my car insurance go up if this happens?
In NY, if you are under 18 and drive past 9pm you can have your license revoked for 90 days. If you are under 18 and drive past 9pm, get your license revoked, will it drive up the cost of insurance? I have State Farm insurance.""
Car crash and insurance?
i had a crash today, it was not my fault (was told by the police), i had my insurance, but the other party does not, i was told i have to pay for my car full coverage because the other party does not have insurance. Is that true? please help me, thank you!""
""I own a 2000 chevy cavalier and im 17 years old and need insurance, about how much would that cost?""
Its small, green, and its a two door""
How do I notify my auto insurance company that I'm cancelling my policy?
I just switched from Progressive to Geico (and saved almost $1200 per year!) How and when do I notify Progressive that I'm cancelling my policy with them? (My coverage with Progressive ends March 4th, and my coverage with Geico starts on March 3rd). I've heard that I must notify Progressive in writing; does Geico provide some sort of form or document to give the old company or do I have to actually type out a letter to Progressive?""
Do I need to get a SR-22 in Texas?
I got arrested for a DWI and I have 40 days until my license gets suspended at which time I am supposed to get a work license. I understand I have to get a SR-22 but when do I need to do this? Does the court tell me to get a SR-22 or am I just supposed to know I need one and go out and get one?
Is there anyone who thinks that car insurance is a ripoff?
We pay so much in car insurance and have yet to have a wreck or anything. Not to mention the ridiculous amount for car tags. (Thank God)I say it is a rip off because my grandmother had insurance with a certain company for years. She always paid on time, sometimes for months at a time. She was in an accident that was not even her fault and the insurance company totaled her car and booted her from the insurance. She is not able to drive now, but I still think that sucks.""
Car insurance??????????
im 18 my boyfriend is 21. of he gets my car insured in his name it'll be cheaper. but if i get pulled over while driving, does my name have to be on thebinsurance card?""
Which company is best for insurance?
I am 17 and have just passed my test I have a 1.4 litre hatchback and need to get my insurance. Where is best? Thanks
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blue cross blue shield florida health insurance quotes
""For insurance, will a total loss raise my future insurance rates more than a repair? Any idea by how much?""
I filed a claim on my motorcycle, I have read you can do some negotiation in terms of if your bike is considered a total loss versus just needing repair -- EG telling them that certain damage is inconsequential towards the vehicle's safety and it's something you don't care about -- like maybe one small scratch on an otherwise fine fairing, or by getting your own estimates from shops to contest their estimates. I was just wondering what the longer term consequences on my insurance rates might be for it being repaired or considered a total loss.""
Life Insurance?
If I sign up for term life insurance $75,000 for 30 years, and I die in lets say 5-10 years would my family receive the $75,000 or would they receive whatever I paid into the insurance?""
Motorcycle insurance?
Hey everyone just looking for some good places to go for my motorcycle insurance. I live in california L.A, county more east. Anyways im 27 no tickets anything for the last couple of years. i know you cant tell me a price but i was looking for places that have good deals and customer services. im just looking for liability. 2007 kawaski zzr. thanks guys.""
Where can i fins cheap car insurance? or get cheaper somhow?
i have been looking for car insurence and the cheapest i can get is around 3000 but i was wondering if there are any ways i can get it cheaper? also i was wondering i am getting provisional insurence but i am paying it monthly so what will happen if i pass my test and still have provisional insurence??
Car Insurance! I dont get it!?
I dont understand how it works, i have looked online for some quotes for a Proton Persona 1996, insurance group 12 and i get these results. Annual Premium 1800 total excess 250 ...show more""
Does anyone know how much the government's health insurance will cost per month for families?
Does anyone know how much the government's health insurance will cost per month for families? Everyone for the bill is so happy because they finally get affordable insurance, but I have yet to hear how much they will really be saving compared to private insurers? Thanks!""
""I need a cheap, reliable and economical car. Any recommendations?
it would help if it could be all round cheap such as... insurance group etc.
How can I afford car insurance?
I'm under 25, and I'd like to buy a cheap car. Over a 6 month period, the insurance will cost much more than the car itself!! So is there a point to getting a car?""
Was done for drink driving what car shall i buy when i get my liciece back for cheap insurance?
Was done for drink driving what car shall i buy when i get my liciece back for cheap insurance?
Whats the Bmw M3 insurance like?
im a 16 year old female in Florida and im looking into getting a 2002-2003 Bmw m3 in august.I was wondering if anyone else has one and could tell me what the insurance would be like. haha
What a rough estimate of what it would cost me to insure a fifth-wheel?
I'm going to be in it full-time. It's 36 feet, purchase price: $32K (it's a 2001 model). Anyone have *any* idea? How many people insure their fifthwheels? I'm going to have a truck (buying a 2002 that's going to need insurance as well. Argh. Trying to figure out what I can afford, with regard to trailer and truck (and park fees etc...) Thanks so much!""
How much might health insurance cost per year for a healthy 22-year-old?
Need to start buying my own health insurance, because I have some health concerns that i need taken care of ASAP. But overall, I am a healthy person.""
Can you get insurance with just the chassis number for a new car/bike?
I'm trying to buy a new bike and in order to register it i need an insurance certificate. The trouble is all insurance companies i've tried getting quotes from online only do insurance with the registration number. Does anyone know of any that do it with the chassis number??
What is liability insurance for?
If I drive my cousins car and I get pulled over by a cop and show him my cousins insurance will I get a ticket for not having insurance that's under my name even though I have his insurance?
Insurance for old work ute?
Hey guys, I have just bought a old 95' toyota hilux ute nice and cheap and im not too worried about insuring the actual ute as its only costed me 2000 and market value is 4000. Just looking for some advice on types of insurance. I obviously would like 3rd party and im not sure if i should bother with covering my tools. Usually my boss brings all the tools, obviously i bring a small amount but never a trailer full. What is the best insurance company for this and what would be a good price for me to look at. Thanks :)""
Affordable dental insurance for dream act kids?
So, my girlfriend is a dream act student who will be going to university next year. recently she had a huge tooth ache and she found out that she had to get a root canal. She had a cavity for over a year because her divorced parents both refused to pay the fee -_-, they kept saying that the other should have to pay, and now a year later its so bad that she has to get a root canal. Root canals are freaken expensive and her parents are probably not going to want to pay for that, so my question is: are there any sort of affordable dental insurance for students on the Dream Act, keep in mind they don't have much money. would any government programs cover her as a dream act student? please give me any information that could help her with getting some sort of insurance. It's like this with her parents for anything that has to do with health care, -_- neither of them ever want to pay.""
Is it best to wait until i am 25 to buy a car to save on insurance?
i heard it was like 3grand to insure a car for a male under 25 or is it 21?
Auto accident??? insurance?
just wondering how much will my auto insurance go up if i file a claim?? there was no injuries and no damage to the other partys car. my car was estimated $4000 of damage to fix.. me and my mom pay $180 a month for 3 cars. 2 full coverage and 1 is only liability. good thing that i have full cov on the car i used.
What is the cheapest car insurance you can get for young drivers?
What is the cheapest car insurance you can get for young drivers?
Car insurance want my ssn for quote?
Im trying to get car insurance quotes and it seems that every website asks for my ssn. I just want to get a rough quote and don't want them to have my name, info, and ssn in their database. Why are they all asking for the ssn all of a sudden? Plus if I don't go with them or check different places for different quotes then my credit report is being hit with numerous inquires. Ahhhhhh! fustrating! Any suggestions? or is this just one of those things that Im going to have to just deal with and that's it?""
Car insurance in another state?
i was wondering if your car is register in one state can you get insurance on it in another state w/o registering it in that state?
""What is the average price of health insurance in Queens, New York?""
I am 26 years and turning 27 soon. I would like to know the average price of health insurance in Queens, New York? I tried getting some quotes online and all the prices are coming out to over $1,000 a month. Some of them more close to $2000. I didn't know the health insurance for an individual was this high. In this Case, I don't think any one who makes low starting salary would be able to get health insurance. I used to pay a little more than $100 a month when I had student health insurance. Also, I heard from one of my cousin(who is 50 years old)...that he pays less than $500 a month...Which made me get confused when I got the quotes online. Also, it is really difficult to get quotes online since they ask for personal infos. I do not want to give any of my personal infos. Can anyone please tell me if there are any health insurance plan ranging from $100-$400 a month? Thanks~""
Do I need rental car insurance?
I'm going to be renting/leasing a car from Avis for around 6 months while traveling for work. Will my current auto insurance be enough or should I take out a separate policy on the rental car itself? I really can't afford to take the insurance from Avis so I'm trying to find the next best option that will keep me well protected on the road.
Car insurance for an 18 year old?
When I turn 18 I'll most likely be getting a car. I'm living in NJ and just want to know how high the insurance would be. Also, would previous driving experience help? Like I drive a moped, I don't think it would do much, but would the insurance go down, even a dollar? I'd just like to know.""
""Question about McCain's $5,000 medical insurance plan?""
I want both sides of the story. Is $5,000 the only thing McCain is going to do for medical insurance? I mean is that the bulk of his plan? Is that the only direct change you will see in medical insurance? P.S only talk about this issue. I don't want you to blabber on about the war or about anything irrelevant.""
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blue cross blue shield florida health insurance quotes
Being kicked off my parents health insurance plan at age 19? I don't know how I can afford insurance?
MY parents have been getting notices from their insurance company telling them that when I turn 19, I'll be off the insurance plan. It's because my dad has young ...show more""
""Adding driver car insurance, average cost?""
if you add another driver to your insurance like your brother, or sister or son, who is a new driver, and your insurance costs $350 for six months. how much do you think would be additional cost to this insurance? if you can share ur experience it would be nice. i know it all depends on the history of the other driver, but say the other driver did not have any accidents or anything. i need to get a general impression... Thanks in advance.""
I need health insurance. and advice?
i am 20 and want to get affordable good health insurance but i only want to pay like 75$ a month is that reasonable? what should i be expecting to pay and what providers are good?
Paying car insurance 2 days late?
What happens if you pay your car insurance 2 days late? I have it automatically debited out of my account on the 15th of every month, and I get paid every 2 weeks. This month I get paid on the 17th...two days short of my due date. So what do I do? I have paid my insurance late before (3 days) and they didnt even mention it to me, they just took it out when I had the funds available. and I have Liberty Mutual car insurance by the way...""
How much (approx) would insurance be for a 1.1 saxo?
The exact car is '2000 CITROEN SAXO 1.1I DESIRE BLACK VTR REPLICA' a few modifications (cd player with bluetooth, black front lights, smoked rear lights, front fogs, full colour coded vtr body kit, DTM mirrors, vtr alloy wheels, lowered on 40mm G-max springs) i'm not even 17 yet but i was wondering what would the cheapest possible *(legal) insurance be on this car thanks :) !!""
Cheapest Way for an international student to Drive a car with an international License?
I will be staying in the UK for 1 year and need a car cuz I will be driving around 50 miles a day. I looked to buy a cheap car but the insurance is around 6000 to 8000 a year cuz i am young and driving with an international license. The cheapest thing I found was renting a car for 13-14  a day. Is there anyway I can drive cheaper in the UK? If renting is the only choice, what is the cheapest renting diesel car can I get in Birmingham?""
Got a fine for no car insurance.?
I got a fine for no car insurance in CA, what will possibly happen to me? I'm fearing the worst...although there should be no excuse for it I didn't have the money at the time.""
Where can I find public actuary data for car insurance?
where can I find public actuary data for car insurance. i need that to develop models
What is the cost of general liability insurance for park rental?
need the insurance to cover a softball tournament
Me and my dad are arguing about the cost of car insurance? Please have look?
On the final quote page it said that my full annual quote would be 611.49. I just paid a 101.49 deposit via my debit card. It says that my direct debits will be taken each month, next month 54 and then 8 months of 57. My deposit and the direct debits add up to 611.49, exactly as the quote stated. So what is that box (with the red arrow pointing to it); http://img829.imageshack.us/f/screenshotdi.png/ Can they take more money without saying? Can someone please explain what that means?""
Need SR22 insurance quotes?
I'd like to have an idea of the total fees for SR22 car insurance. If I can get a price range that would be great! thanks.
What are the pros and cons of purchasing a car and leasing a car. Also how to purchase insurance.?
what are the pros and consof purchasing a car and leasing a car. And how do you purchase insurance?
What medical tests should a 53-year-old man have?
I know there's tests that men should have when they're around the age of 50. My dad hasn't been to the doctor for years because he doesn't have health insurance or a job(he's living with my grandma who's 76). He's resisted going to the doctor and says I'll go once I get a job but he's not really been trying. My brothers and I are worried and some have even offered to pay for a doctor's visit but he's just said no and that he can wait. I'd like to know what tests he should have and how much they cost on average. He's been a generally healthy man, but skin cancer runs in our family and when he was around 40 he had a thing growing on his neck that was some sort of cancer. He had it removed and it hasn't come back but it there some sort of test for things like that? All three of my brothers and I are either English or History teachers and if what my dad needs is affordable we'd all like to pitch in. I know this is sort of scatterbrained- I'm in a rush, so thank you if you can answer this in advance.""
How much is motorcycle insurance compared to auto insurance?
Just wondering because one of my friends says she only pays half of her auto insurance a month and she is paying $300 and that seems pretty steep.
How much will my auto insurance be on a 2013 Kia rio5?
How much will my auto insurance be on a 2013 Kia rio5?
How to get health insurance for my wife.?
Just found out my wife is newly pregnant. I just switched jobs and am not eligible for insurance for 90 days (at which time I'll add her). Unfortunately though, we obviously need to get to the doctor before 3 months from now and have the preliminary check-ups and stuff. Is there anything I can do?""
M2 and G1 car insurance?
As I noticed in drivertest.ca site that if you a holder of M2 you can drive G class vehicle under the condition of getting G1. So that means M2+G1 == G2 in one way (I mean G2 won't equal M2 + G1) So anyone have an idea how much insurance I have to pay for getting a car (i know a lot of details here but consider cheap car and no experience at all)? This info about M2 + G1 = G2 is from here: http://www.mto.gov.on.ca/english/dandv/driver/gradu/index.shtml Note: Class M2 and Class M licence holders may also drive Class G vehicles under the conditions that apply to a Class G1 licence holder. Thanks in advance
What is a good long-term health insurance policy for international stays?
I am planning to move to Germany in spring and require acceptable, long-term and affordable coverage. What is a good company and policy for me to look in to? I've seen several offers but only one I could afford because it had a deductible of 10k$. Is there better?""
How much do speeding tickets effect your insurance ?
I got 2 speeding tickets, my first and second one of my life and im only 17. How will these tickets effect my insurance ?""
Do Police Officers have to pay for their police car & insurance?
Im wondering if police officers have to pay for the police car they use, and if they have to pay for the insurance, or is it covered by the police department? and do they receive gas money or you have to pay for it out of your own pocket?""
Does the insurance cover my car after i just barely bought and crashed the next day?
My Uncle bought a car one day and the next day he crashed. So I was wondering if his old car insurance which he is still paying for can cover the car.
Cheap insurance?
i am looking to buy a chevy camaro RS and i know the insurance will be high does anyone know how much it will be? if there is a way to get less then i will buy the Z28 which would be more because of the V8 right?
How much does car insurance cost for a 16 year old?
I drive a 98 Toyota Avalon, I heard ur grades affect the rates but I'm not a straight A student, I don't really do really well in school so you don't wanna know my grades. But how much would my parents have to pay for my insurance? We live in California""
Car Insurance Quote so high?
I'm an experienced driver here in Ontario Canada. I'm 26 years old and own a full G level driving license. My record is clean. I'm looking to get my first insurance coverage, with a used Toyota Sienna CE 2005. I would be the sole owner of the vehicle and only driver for the most part. Wont even be driving too often. However, I got two quotes and they are outrageous. about $350 a month for only liability coverage and the other even more. How come a clean record first time insuree ca get such bloated quotes?""
Insurance doesn't want to fix car?
Ok, So I have insurance through UAIC. I was not aware till the research i've done they are the biggest losers in the business. Here's my issue, my car was vandalized on november 12 of this year. I have full coverage insurance. Prior to insurance, we agreed to have photos taken by the local insurance so they can note any problem.. Car clear perfect which it was. No a scratch, ding or dent showroom conidition I would say at the time. I filed the claim the same day of the 12th of November. It took them 2weeks just to come estimate the car, estimate was 1500 and let me tell you. My smallest quote was 2900$ so immediately I was a little worried about it. Well I finally got a call back today on december 13th. Telling me the insurance estimator for them said the car had prior wear and tear. Which it was absolutely not! i treat my car great and have pictures to proof it. What can I do, and I see no point in full coverage with these guys! I don't know if i should be angry, do a legal matter or just cut my losses and switch back to liberty mutual""
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blue cross blue shield florida health insurance quotes
""Can you help me-insurance, cars, and money?""
Okay, I'm planning on buying a car soon. My family is in a very deep hole financially, so I'm going to ask my grandparents to help me, because they are doing fine. I need a car to get to school, get to my current job on time, and have another job (along with 2 AP classes and babysitting!) I never ask them for anything, not that I've ever wanted to, so I'm really scared to ask them for this huge favor. I'm planning on paying them back for every single penny I borrow plus interest. So I want to know an idea of how much money I'm going to need to borrow. Okay, for insurance...I'm planning on buying a toyota yaris, matrix, or camry. Or a honda civic (perferrably hatchback). Or a volkswagon beetle. But right now, anything will do as long as its reliable. For a 16 year old, A average grades, living in KY, about how much would monthly insurance be? For payments, I know about 2000 for down would be good. But how much (about) would interest be on monthly payments? I'm planning on finding a car that is about 7000-8000 dollars. And lastly, how should I ask!? They know I'm mature and responsible, but I don't think they are willing to help me out. I absolutely hate asking for things from people, but I really need help so that I can help my family. So how should I do it? Thank you so much! :) I'll choose best answer!!!""
I am foreigner 68 jear old Can i buy one insurance for hospital in Cebu?
I am foreigner 68 year old Can i buy one insurance for hospital in Cebu ?
""RX8 or BMW Z4, who has the highest insurance?
Does the 2004 RX8 (lol used for racing) have higher insurance than the 2004 BMW Z4?
Can i own a bike without insurance or license?
ive got my mod 2 soon and will have my license soon enough. ive seen a bike that i would like to buy and am going to buy it. can i have the bike in the garage? it wont be ridden until i have my license and insurance. just wondering if its against the law yet to own a bike without insurance
Should I Get Title Insurance?
I have an opportunity to buy a lot near a lake in Missouri from a lake association for $300. There has been no other owner of the property in the past 30 years or so (since before the lake itself was created and the association was established). As great of a deal as this price sounds, I have the option to pay another $125 for title insurance. Would it be worth it to pay for that insurance considering the amount I am paying for the lot itself? Also, I am not planning to build on the lot any time soon, I just want it to allow for access to the lake and the priveledges of the lake association.""
Do I need car insurance to rent a car?
If I have a valid license but do not have insurance, can I rent a car?""
Someone hit my bumper. Car insurance question?
I was in traffic today and someone hit my car from behind , damaged my bumper. I have statefarm and fully covered. I have never been in this situation , and plus i think it's getting a little bit complicated. Because the guy who was driving the car doesn't own the car. And the guy who owns the car's name doesn't seem to be the one who's insured with the car(it seems to be his wife or someone ) Usually does this matter?? What are the procedures I should take to get this done asap . I want honda to fix the damage. Will the other person pay for this damage. What should I watch out for ? any kind of traps? I have a small backpain. is that covered under insurance also ? I think they have allstate. please help !!""
How much would insurance for a 2002 chevy tahoe cost? ?
ok im 14 and im taking drivers ed this summer when im 14 1/2 to get my learners permit and for my car im getting a 2002 chevy tahoe or a 2004 Cadillac escalade and i was wondering how much the insurance would be for them? not the full coverage but the liability insurance and we're on state farm insurance and i live in a pretty low crime town in montana so my car probably wouldn't get stolen or broken into
New Car with Hail Damage - Insurance?
I am looking at buying a new car that has minimal hail damage to the bonnet and roof. About 10 tic tac sized dents all up, extremely hard to see. They are discounting it heavily and I really like the car but when I rang up the insurance company today they said they will not insure it. Does anyone know any companies that will insure a BRAND NEW minimally HAIL DAMAGED CAR? (Melbourne, Victoria, Australia)""
Car Insurance????
Hi does anyone know any cheap car insurance companies. Thankyou
What is the cheapest van to insure?
Ive just passed me test (finally, at 21) and i havent had a car or van insurance quote under 1900.... The cheapest ive had is a peugeot partner pre yr 2000, even smaller fiestas and ka vans are 2000+ are there any vans out there at prices that arent gonna cost me 190 a month""
Acting career where do i start?? where is safe and affordable places to live in LA?
Hi everyone first let me just say thank you for your time in advance. I want to move to LA and start my acting career but i have never been in LA so i dont exactly know where would ...show more
Why are my home insurance premiums so high?
When we bought our house we were paying 350 a year, we have not had any claims at all and insurance kept going up. so we swiched companies and now paying 720 a year, and when im quoted from every other company its anywhere from 700-1000 a year. our house is only worth 70000, my mom pays 350 a year and her house is worth 250000 with outbuildings. Why are my prices so much higher when i have not had any claims? we are in illinois""
Affordable Health Insurance?????
hi everyone...im asking this question for my parents. they are 56 (dad) n 53 (mom)....both of them are permanently disabled. my mom has been on ssi and disability since i was 5 (now 23) due to a severe back injury that left her unable to work. my father was forced to retire about a year ago due to a hip replacement, crooked spine and back surgery that left him crippled for months. my father now receives his retirement and ssi as well...however due to extreme circumstances they both just lost their medical insurance from another provider. what options do they have??? how can they get coverage??? thats affordable...??? medicare doesnt kick in for my father for 24 months after he first started receiving his ssi benefits. n my mom said for her to get it its very expensive. what do they do???""
Car insurance for a first time driver?
i am currently looking for cheap car insurance but i can't get it any lower than 3,060 does anyone else know companys that specialize in first time drivers ?""
As a new Driver when should I expect my insurance costs to lower?
Here is the background: I am 27 years old and I just learned to driver a little over 7 months ago. I know that as a COMPLETELY new driver my insurance costs weren't going to be the best so I was surprised when most if not all companies I went to quoted me at about 400-450 for 6 months of full coverage. I thought this was very very good because that is about what my husband pays and hes had an perfect driving record since he was 17. Well when I went in to buy my first car ( brand new and financed, so I needed full coverage based on my state laws. ) Before I left the lot I called my chosen insurance company and they activated my insurance for me. To my dismay but not complete shock they told me they would have to raise the quote because I didn't have a driving record yet. ( At this point I had only had the license about 3-4 weeks I don't quite remember ). I was told this should clear up the next time I renew. Well my premium has actually gone up fifty dollars ( instead of down 150 )! I was shocked. So, out of curiosity I got quotes from other places now and it was just as expensive if not more so. What happened? I've had no moving or parking violations, my driving record is perfect. I thought I would ask the yahoo community before I call my insurance company to point fingers.""
Car Insurance ???????????????
if i get on my moms insurance for her car it shuldnt go up that much right?????????
Health Insurance for new born after job loss....?
Situation... We had a new born almost three months ago. She was on my wifes insurance while she was on maternity leave. Now she (my wife) will only be going back to work part time ...show more
1 Month Car Insurance?
I'm looking to insure a car for 1 month only, I have did all the search engine checks but most sites want 180 + which is far too expensive. I'm 41 and have held licence 20+ years so no young driver problems. Any ideas??????""
""Why is it that I am still able to be sued for an auto accident if I live in Florida, a no-fault state?""
I've been in 2 accidents. The first was very minor; I rolled into the bumper in the car in front of me at a stop light and scratched their bumper. No damage was sustained to my car, but I am at-fault. The second I was cutting through an intersection that was at a red light and was about to pull into the left-turn lane when the woman in the car that was coming down the lane wasn't looking forward and hit the driver side door of my car. I was already halfway in the lane trying to straighten out into the left-turn lane but I couldn't move when she was coming, because if I moved back I might have hit someone and if I went forward she would have hit me anyway. At the scene the policewoman told me I was at fault, but when I talked to my claims adjuster, she told me that there is some negligence on the other party's part because if I had just randomly pulled out into traffic, the other party would have hit the front of my car, not the driver-side door. I am being sued by the first person and I found out just now I am being sued by the person in the second accident as well. I was told that since I am registered under my parents insurance, the other party can see that they have a lot of assets they can sue for from my parents. My question is, why are they able to sue me so easily? I've done research, and I know Florida is a no-fault state, meaning drivers cannot sue each other unless serious injury occurred, such as loss of life, limb, permanent injury, etc. In both accidents, I did not get ticketed, and I believe no police report was written, only exchanges of information.(Police were called, however. I did not leave the scene) Also both of the other parties did not ask for an ambulance or medical assistance(I know about the feeling pain later thing) but I'm sure if someone was suing for something as serious that can be listed as loss of limb or death, they would have showed some indication of injury at the scene. Both people stepped out of their cars and were fine, however.""
How much would the average car insurance for a 17 year old be with a 2000 model mazda protege?
How much would the average car insurance for a 17 year old be with a 2000 model mazda protege?
Where can I find low cost health insurance in Florida for kids?
Where can I find low cost health insurance in Florida for kids?
How much would it be for a 20 year old male car insurance?
I am 20 , male in California driving a 2000 Honda civic how much will my insurance be ?? First time being under insurance . And please don't send me links trying to bribe me with your insurance . Please help""
Help! I dented a car and need an idea on how much it will cost without going through insurance...?
I have a picture of the damage. I am still shaking so worried, it is my first year of driving so am looking to deal with it privately, luckily my car wasn't damaged, however it was my fault so I am going to have to do the paying! <a href= http://s7.photobucket.com/albums/y298/Gothixpixie/?action=view&current=Photo-0107.jpg target= _blank ><img src= http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y298/Gothixpixie/Photo-0107.jpg border= 0 alt= Photobucket ></a> http://s7.photobucket.com/albums/y298/Gothixpixie/?action=view&current=Photo-0107.jpg Not sure if these hyperlinks will work! Any help would be great!""
""Can I lose in small claims court if I got into a accident that wasn't my fault, but I didn't have insurance?""
Can I lose in small claims court if I got into a accident that wasn't my fault, but I didn't have insurance?""
blue cross blue shield florida health insurance quotes
blue cross blue shield florida health insurance quotes
0 notes
What is the best insurance to start off on?
I'm 20, and thinking bout after college and trying to get ready to be on my own. So I was wondering of what is the best insurance company to have at the moment, and any advice I would love to have. Best answer: Try this site where you can compare quotes: http://PROTECTIONQUOTES.NET Related Questions Health quotes that are good websites? Whats a trusted and good site where I will research healthinsurance offers and quotes Should not Pres. Barak let them know and stepup towards the menu he merely wishes inexpensive insurance for many today? Tell em to screw the lobbyists, just what exactly if the health care lobbyists paid the Senate and House people over $500 million last year, I am talking about given that much for them. Individuals are currently desperate now., although they'll have to wait" Is it through age 26 for insurance or up to age 26 policy on parentis plan? With healthcare reform, adults can now stay on their parent's insurance . Is IT-UP towards the day they change through or age 26 age 26 that they are ready to really have the coverage?" Scooter insurance in texas? I am wanting to figure out how much it would charge to guarantee it and am looking at getting a 49cc scooter. I'm A - 25 yr-old girl using a clean driving record if that helps." Howmuch does one purchase your vehicle insurance? I recently purchased a new car. This really is my brand-new car, and I am use towards the insurance that accompany a used 7 year old car. I wondered whether it's outdated or new, and what others pay for their motor insurance. I really hope I am not requesting something that people might not feel comfortable with. I just desire to discover if I am being billed of what I will, while in the array." How to get affordable medical insurance as a result of barak care? I've 2 kids to support although I work and that I Produce Minimum Wage. Plus rent and bills. Does anybody have any suggestions about how i could possibly get health care basically simply cant manage it, or what will happen? And no sensible *** comments like obtain a better-paying career. Jobs are difficult to find where I Stay and i am making it in what I've. But barak is making me wonder what Options I've. Medicare? or some kind of afforable health insurance? Want to hear people that are within the same ship I'm. And any GOOD Advice would not be unhelpful. Cheers" Just how much may my independence insurance go up? i'm 17, have experienced my mother senior operators permit for 10 months. i was driving house, when in a heavily settled place i observed a bike planning to pull-off the pavement, i was preserving an eye fixed on him to make sure he wasnt planning to grab into my street, once I looked up and found the auto before me had arrived at a deceased halt, in a greenlight, bc a people had consumed a phase into the crosswalk. My vehicle hit the one facing me, which pushed to the one in front of him. Quite bad damage, velocity was around 25-30mph. Rightnow i'm stated being an irregular owner on my dad's insurance (clean record). Its freedom common, merely interested how much itll boost per year since im young. i wasnot offered, no accidents." I want help choosing insurance for my car? Im 16 only got my license. I live-in southern colorado and need help picking a car insurance firm that is reliable and easy to afford. Dont know what corporation will give me a discount although I've a 3.5 gpa. Please help Just how long can i travel with out a motor insurance? Lets say i bought a new car, could I for example travel it for a week with no a car insurance?" I require new car insurance and simply shifted. I also provide no medical. May I address both through the same company? I've seen that State Park are actually giving some medical plans. My spouse and that I do not always need a lower copay for typical doctor appointments, if something catastrophic occurs but we'd rather not get bankrupt; infection, collision, etc. Has anybody had superior experiences buying health insurance in this way? So we-don't get wellness through our careers neither my spouse nor I are currently operating full-time. Any advice will be appreciated. Thanks." "Had no insurance, a car accident?" I got into a car accident and that I have terminated insurance. I had been wondering if the late charge could be paid by me on my insurance and would they nonetheless buy my vehicle problems. And for it to acquire out from the car lot. Today, pGAC is closed" Just how much might motor insurance be for a 17 year old (1998-1999 Renault Clio 1.2)? Approximately? xx Motorcycle Insurance cost in Ontario? I understand this will depend on a ton so I'll provide you with as much info as you are able to: era: 18 motorcycle: ford cbr125r operating(automobile) record: clean -the bike is likely to be retained within my property overnight, and I'll just be using inner-city (for function, school, social.) Thus guys I simply require a rough estimate, doesn't always have to become precise. Howmuch wouldn't it cost be annually? Furthermore, is insurance less if you should be female-like with car insurance? Cheers for almost any help!" What will be the best option of the mortgage or lifeinsurance in the event of significant sickness? ? Do they both require one or individual insurance will protect them equally likewise if two different people are on the mortgage?" Is 21st Century Auto Insurance a business that is good? I'm wondering since I simply turned over from progressive to 21st and today I'm a bit concerned because I've noticed a lot of negative comments on their facebook fanpage and after reading a number of the reasons for their roadside support works I'm wondering easily created an error. My coverage with progressive didn't address considerably along with the one I've with 21st allows me more coverage for your same price idk. Is 21st as terrible while theyare making it out to become? Does it charge anymore to become called on the insurance policycy of another person? Does it cost anymore to be called on someone else's insurance policycy? How to get insurance with punishment points? Our pal was caught driving (no moral highground) and he has to get insurance before they can pick up his car. He is looking for insurance that may include him but he locate any as he currently has 6 penalty factors. Could you advize on which firms he might contact? He's in the united kingdom." Insurance with a permit? So i have my permit, and i are now able to start driving traveling, so basically need insurance for me i was wondering. The automobile I am gonna be driving has already been insured, thus do i need insurance for myself." Erie auto insurance premiums for a teenage woman? I am probably going to get my license in April, Iam 16, I'm a woman. Our final GPA is just a 2.9. Our GPA can be a 4.25. Our parents have no history of crashes. My mommy's automobile (the vehicle I Might be driving) is actually a 2005 blue Kia Spectra. I'm not asking for an exact sum, only perhaps anyone who has been through this situation and will provide an estimation to me." Perhaps there is two distinct vehicle insurances on a single automobile? Im a brand new driver, im 17 and im inside the state-of illinois. I dont have a license nonetheless, just a permit. Our parents merely have one car and i cannot afford my own personal at this time. Our parents have allstate and their rates are excessive for me personally. Therefore I approached their prices for responsibility and another insurance organization were lower. So, could one car be covered with two distinct insurances?" Auto Insurance Premium Reimbursement? Hi, I paid around 1080 in January for my motor insurance for your year, I am looking at probably selling my vehicle into a friend, I know I - can cancel my policy whenever you want but I am uncertain basically do, howmuch of the reimbursement I'll get, it says anything about 90% of the price of the cover being priced since its over 5 weeks, does everyone know how these specific things function or howmuch approximately I would be looking at getting back. There's been cheap car insurance for z06 or no injuries. Cheers" Does a rental software require my motor insurance data? I obtained an application to the application it askis for a copy of my motor insurance card why from an apartment complex? May I make the minimal transaction on then and car insurance...? At the end of the season pay regardless of the rest is the fact that I owe? Or does all it rely on what type of car insurance you've? Does cheap car insurance for jaguar f type know of inexpensive insurance? I recently recently learned I have a nodule on my thyroid but I've no medical insurance. Its causing me relationship problems. I would like help fast. I had a lung removed 36 months before due to a cancer scare the physicians all considered it had been cancer. The initial place thyroid cancer matastisies to is the lung today Im scared. Insurance Fee to get a ZX6R!? Anybody know insurance might roughly be for a 17-year old 2007 ZX6R Motorcycle Class Done In Ontario Cheers!!! Best answer: Try this site where you can compare quotes: http://PROTECTIONQUOTES.NET "For when buying medical health insurance, what should i look? What type of healthinsurance shld i acquire and the way much does it cost-i'm 18 and never making a wage Why can not small businesses in each condition group together to obtain much more and better affordable medical insurance? Who oversees this? The insurance companies? The firms that are big? It generally does not sound right this CAn't be completed. Help with auto insurance state procedure? A few days before I crawled against a co-worker's vehicle within our work parking lot. She wasn't in an effective parking place, but whatsoever, it was clearly my fault. I am paying for repairs to her car. While find her within the building and I tried to find out who I had hit because she left for your evening I've photos of my car after the incident, however not of hers. I havenot delivered this up with my insurance carrier however. I initially thought I went to be spending money on scuffs to be buffed from her bumper, which would n't be inexpensive to fix but I realized it'd be cheap enough that my insurance would n't be involved by me. She passed me an estimation for $600+ for bumper alternative and paintwork, etc. Fine nowadays. It was my mistake. It 'll be eaten by me. But if I currently need to contain my insurance, what do Ido? Do I need her insurance data to document a claim? Does her insurance have to additionally get involved if I contact my insurance? I am not even correcting my auto - the fender's tousled but it's a classic auto and me doesn't bother. I donot know what my allowable is... then I assume I can just pay up in money and won't bother, if it's $500+." What sort of motor insurance covers takeaway deliveries? Hi, I am shortly beginning a (quite) part-time work delivering asian food one day per week, 5 hours. I have been trying to find out what sort of insurance I want for my vehicle when I am solely lined for SD. I got a quotation for starters firm who protected for company use, nevertheless they would not address deliveries that were takeaway! And my current insurer doesn't do something want it. I know that areas like Domino's and Pizza Hut present added insurance due to their individuals, but this position doesn't do something of the kind and that I do not would like to get caught out, specifically for something like this? Thanks:)" Medical Insurance Deductible Q? Does physician appointments count towards insurance deductible? My deductible is 2500 and physicians generally charge 100s of pounds per visit towards the firm although small co payments are paid by me, is the sum counted towards by these? I might require an mri shortly which are expensive and my insurance charges %80 following the deductible continues to be satisfied" Does insurance cost more on the dodge pickup having a hemi? Versus the bottom 4.7L. The pickup is just a 2006 if a variation is made by that. Life and Medical Health Insurance Assessment- I have obtained it like five times rather than had the opportunity to go it? I have been doing this online class license2go.com, and contains plenty of superior information nonetheless it seems like on the test, there is when getting the test a lot of stuff I didnot ever discover. Is there any solution to finding a permit? Like online? Or even, what are a few other superior ways to study for this? Thanks" $600 was estimated for by merely insurance? Therefore I was looking around for car insurance since I have was thinking about buy a car quickly... I'm 19 years-old after receiving quotes from multiple distinct spots my insurance price was $664... Uhmm wth? How a **** is everyone suppose to manage that? Thats essentially half my regular money >_" "I need auto and home insurance quotes without personal information, help? so im achieving this professions project in my own math class. I have to find autoinsurance and household insurance that wont require the next: -handle -contact number - complete name help me as...show more Auto insurance in britain? Can anybody in the UK propose reasonably priced car insurer to get a 1st time female driver & a decent? "If I had a company, and I had to pay for motor insurance out from the money...?" Could the car insurance be measured as an 'expense', 'responsibility', or an 'overhead'? About what each phrase means just, additionally, when possible, could you provide an explanation? Thanks! :-)" What little cars are available as being a convertible? Now that another kid inside our household has started to push we assume we require two smaller low insurance vehicles and that I wish to deal my large car set for one which I can be shared with by my 20 year old. I've liked having a convertible and could still that way therefore was thinking if you have a-car in the marketplace that is: small low insurance convertible (preferably hard top) about 2-3 years old (pre-empting any ranters - I have no purpose of allowing my wildish 17-year old push around in a convertible and my 20-year old girl is a good, tee-total driver that has now been operating 36 months.)" Which is the most effective insurance which i need to consider for my parents who visiting with US? My parents are coming to US and have to have a medical and dental insurance for them. please advise Insurance premium increase? I had been involved with a fender bender where no party admitted mistake. Other persons insurance company went to settlement against my insurance company to recuperate their reduction. Arbitration Panel resolved inside our favor i.e. I'm not at-fault consequently need not spend the problems. Total loss amount outlined by different celebration was $800. Our car did not have any injury worth repairing. (Also, I'm sluggish and passive enough not to pursue way too hard to get a modest dent.) After arbitration settlement other person registered case against me in claims court. I was pretty sure that the judge cant do something after arbitration. To my surprise judge evaluated that - $ 250 was the deductible compensated by other person. That amount was not included by previous Mediation thus he can adjudicate with this $250. He adjudicated against me. Judge also said that I would like not as my insurance will probably pay for it be concerned about this money. (Many outrageous judge and ruling I've previously noticed, but thats another issue) I called-up my insurance provider. They're willing to pay this sum. Our issue is will making them pay boost my insurance premium. I have a pretty clear history with no atfault accidents. I spend for 2 cars in WA state about $1000 annually. Insurance carrier is: Farmers" "How to get my insurance in an affordable price as being a first time driver at 29 in britain?" I am a 29 year old male - I have lately just passed my make sure I'd want to begin driving, but possibly on the 1.2 t reg corsa worth 500 I get cited 2700 for 3rd-party at the absolute best just! I have tried changing details etc etc. 1, I've never had a certainty or built any insurance state in my own life 2, I live-in M24 postcode 3, I have an excellent credit history 4, I have no parents who generate or know anybody who will front for me, nor do I feel comfortable doing that. Can you insurance experts help? Or even at the minimum explain why I'm being cited 4x the vehicle importance? Thanks for your time" What is the Least Expensive Homeowners Insurance for Senior? Our elderly friend has received her homeowners insurance because she couldnt afford to cover it cancelled. She is on a fixed-income and her kids don't help in any means. Her residence is owned by her but is having a hard time with paying the large payments. Her mortage company claims that when she doesnt takeout her very own insurance chances are they can obtain it at a high price of 2100.00 per-year on her. This is a lot of to get a senior. I acquired a quotation on her behalf from modern for 2600.00. Are there any cheaper choices?" Can the vehicle insurance go down? I got into an auto accident and I'm on my mom's insurance. I am aware the insurance is going to be increased. I was wondering if her insurance might go back along basically was flourished the insurance? Can anyone help?" What is the best site to reseach and compare auto insurance prices? What is a good website when researching automobile insurance, to use. One where I can get premiums that are numerous from different insurers and evaluate them with each other?" How do I make my car insurance cheaper? im finding it more costly this year than in 2010 to buy my auto insurance and yet that has been closer to the states I have had to contain (one in july for a sp30 racing and the additional for a none mistake accident in my own empty car in october). At its own and all really bothering me im finding it hard to obtain a respectable price i dont understand this. My car also offers a spoiler that has been there when it was bought by me which will be also causing me inconvenience. is there anything i can do to obtain the top offer for my vehicle, I am going insane lol. im in the uk also" How does Gradual examine your insurance costs with top corporations? How is that probable? I've applied for Progressive prices before (and wasn't satisfied at all), but how are they ready to achieve that? Insurance companies all have intricate remedies which are used-to estimate charges employing several factors, including driving background, site, credit, household individuals, cars, etc. Until they've robots online that steal competitors' bandwidth and automatically fill in the varieties, it generally does not seem possible. If that has been the circumstance, you would feel others could stop Gradual from destroying their computers. Any ideas?" Exactly how many people devoted life-insurance fraud on 911? Just how many people dedicated life insurance fraud on 911? Getting in to a Auto Insurance? About 1.5 yrs back another vehicle was scratched on by my spouse . The state was satisfied using insurance. Abt $35 on every restoration, ever since that our payments, has been improving by. Today I cannot change or store with other insurance company given that they give rates higher than this provider. But aside from this 1 episode we don't have other things on our history. Additionally I get discount for Home+Auto insurance. Charges improved on our Home Insurance too. I'm terribly trapped with this particular company today. I would like to get Auto+home from corporation itself. But I really can't transfer my Autoinsurance. Please offer tips." What if I cause a collision nevertheless the car insurance isn't under my name.? Well I attack someone as well as in my vehicle nevertheless the insurance is under my moms brand only.The other driver and his individual are riding in automobile that doesn't fit in with both and they're not under the insurance of the car.Sadly the individual was stressing a couple of neck damage so that they called the cops and an ambulance.What occurs then? When to include insurance a just bought used-car? I'm investing in a used pickup from a relative of mine for quite inexpensive and I'll need to push the vehicle back down, about 130 kilometers, to my location by myself. cheap car insurance for young drivers is do I've to get insurance for the pickup before I go up there? Or do I have a grace period where I - can push the vehicle (claim 5 times) without insurance then once I've the title as well as other paperwork within my brand, proceed and obtain insurance? If that assists, I am inside the state of California." What is essentially the most economic approach to cover another vehicle? I already have absolutely complete insurance for both my partner and myself on our first car but are currently thinking of buying a vehicle that is second. I also have claims bonus. Best answer: Try this site where you can compare quotes: http://PROTECTIONQUOTES.NET
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