#carolyn myss
chiomakedu · 1 year
I never back up my iCloud and it randomly just deleted all the notes on my phone from the last 2 years
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floatli · 4 months
Eternal Child Archetype
Each of us has a child archetype within our psyche. Carolyn Myss outlines six kinds of archetypal children. They are: Eternal child Divine child Magical child Orphan child Nature child Wounded Child The eternal child has an attachment to youth and immaturity.  The positive eternal child is the stuff that ads are made of, enthusiastic, fresh and free.  The shadow eternal child has a resistance…
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poetiosity · 9 months
Where do I Lie to Myself?
“If you lie to yourself, you will lie to everybody.”  Carolyn Myss Did you ever go to party that you really didn’t want to attend? Do you ever say, “I’ll go to the gym tomorrow,” then not go? How about, “I can stop smoking/drinking/eating/shopping any time I really want to.”? Flipping the questions around, can you answer those questions above truthfully?  Do you respect yourself and your Journey…
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maria-anthea · 1 year
If anyone tries to complicate your life, turn and walk away from them.
-- Carolyn Myss
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acimapps0 · 1 year
If You Truly Relied On Miracles, Here is What You Would Do - An Intro
You're gonna enjoy this! Self-help, personal and also spiritual development, metaphysics, religious beliefs, organization, marketing acim app, health-I've reviewed a minimum of a thousand publications on those topics over the past 25 years. The authors of those books are, generally, terrific teachers. By using much of what they have actually taught, I am a smarter individual today. You, as well, probably. Perhaps you're acquainted with authors like Wayne Dyer, Deepak Chopra, John Assaraf, Tony Robbins, Carolyn Myss, Joe Vitale, Brian Tracy, Larry Winget, Rhonda Byrne (of The Secret popularity), Michael Bernard Beckwith, Oprah. Maybe you're a trainee of A Course In Miracles. In just a few short posts, you'll find out every little thing you require and want to know regarding showing up miracles. It will certainly take just a little time to review as well as take in. Initially, comprehend that the manifestation of miracles is not a supernatural procedure. You do not also have to rely on an outside god-- or any kind of god-- for wonders to occur in your life. Nevertheless, it's been my experience that those that announce themselves diehard atheists will not even take into consideration the opportunity of miracles. Too woo-woo. Not practical, not sensible. This might be the point where the atheist will certainly select to leap ship. I desire you the ideal if you're leaving currently. It's important to understand exactly how wonders work if you're still with me. You do not cause them. They are currently available. You merely pick to open your mind and also heart to their truth. They become noticeable as soon as you do that. They occur consistently. They will be the main driving pressure in your life. You'll experience wonders from the first moments of your day until you drop off to sleep again. You'll ask yourself just how you ever before missed them. Now, that's the method to live, do not you agree? The articles in this collection are short and to the point. Not a great deal of personal tales or anecdotes. Just the facts. That's what you desire, that's what you're getting. I will publish a number of write-ups weekly so maintain enjoying for the next one. Prior to this little trip together mores than, you will understand the making of wonders backwards as well as forward. Or your money back!
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kamala-laxman · 3 years
“To love yourself, truly love yourself, is to finally discover the essence of personal courage, self-respect, integrity, and self-esteem. These are the qualities of grace that come directly from a soul with stamina.”
-  Carolyn Myss
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"No relationship is perfect but if there is authentic love within it then it doesn’t have to be." Anonymous
"There will always be suffering. But we must not suffer over the suffering." Alan Watts
"Last night I lost the world, and gained the universe." C. JoyBell C.
"If you are waiting for anything in order to live and love without holding back, then you suffer." David Deida
"People will do anything, no matter how absurd, in order to avoid facing their own souls. One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious." Carl Jung
"True love stories never have endings." Richard Bach
"Enlightenment is ego's ultimate disappointment." Chögyam Trungpa
"Your greatest awakening comes, when you are aware about your infinite nature." Amit Ray
"The true definition of mental illness is when the majority of your time is spent in the past or future, but rarely living in the realism of Now." Shannon L. Alder
"Do not look for happiness outside yourself. The awakened seek happiness inside." Peter Deunov
"Live simply. Deepest joy is like a flower....beautiful in essence." Tony Samara
"Feel nothing, know nothing, do nothing, have nothing, give up all to God, and say utterly, 'Thy will be done.' We only dream this bondage. Wake up and let it go." Swami Vivekananda
"When you dig a well, there's no sign of water until you reach it, only rocks and dirt to move out of the way. You have removed enough; soon the pure water will flow," said Buddha." Deepak Chopra
"Not thinking about anything is Zen. Once you know this, walking, sitting, or lying down, everything you do is Zen." Bodhidharma
"Everyone has the fire, but the champions know when to ignite the spark.” Amit Ray
"What drains your spirit drains your body. What fuels your spirit fuels your body." Carolyn Myss
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averycanadianfilm · 5 years
Pray like you're crazy, give heaven a chance to show off.
Carolyn Myss
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jacobnordby · 2 years
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pisceanmoontarot · 6 years
First Chakra Healing Spread
I’ve been reading Carolyn Myss’s book, Anatomy of Spirit. It was published in 1997 and for a few years now my mentor and teacher, Gabriela, have been talking about it, so I decided to get it for my kindle and last week, finally, I finished the first chakra chapter.
In this book, Carolyn Myss tells her story as an intuitive doctor and healer and takes us on a journey through the seven chakras, these are energy centers in our bodies. Each one of these centers have what we could call a consciousness, a way to see the world.
Our first chakra can be found in the base of our spine, and deals with our survival and our sense of belonging to our tribe as much as to earth. This chakra ground us and helps us feel safe in the world.
The first chakra is a lot about the family/ancestral, our communities and/or culture's codes of honor, beliefs and how loyal we are to them. When we follow these codes and beliefs, we are rewarded, if we question them… then things get complicated.
I created a little spread to find out what's the main family command or law that you are enacting right now and how to work it through! Let me know what comes out of it!
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What's currently the strongest family command/belief that you are acting without knowing?
How have this situation been feeding you?
How have this situation been draining you?
How can you take personal responsibility in this situation?
How can you make it different and still honor your family/ancestors?
What lesson is your soul learning with this?
If you want to keep reading, I wrote a bit about my observations on the state of the world, LGBTQ topics in connection to the first chakra :3.
My experience with healing and uncovering first chakra or tribal codes has been intense, in a personal level it created such a strong movement that shook my physical core. I’m still recovering!
Reading also gave me a new perspective on why the world seems so divided these days, how people react to others being vocal about injustice. I started to understand that every time someone calls out something sexist, racist, trans/homo/bi/lesbophobic, basically biggoted stuff, there’s a bunch of people defending it and feeling attacked. I think is because they have been living through old codes and they haven't really challenge them, so when someone does… boy there’s trouble.
In chile (where i live), the senate just passed the Gender Identity Law that gives transgender people the possibility to change their name and gender marker without having to have had surgeries or a medical “permission”. The law also includes people from 14 years old and up to be able to do this and be respected in their identities. There’s still more to do, for trans children, but it is a big step! And trans activists worked on this for five years. While I was reading the book, I realized a lot of my first chakra feelings awake with LGBTQ issues, the good, happy things and the scary ones.
While I was following the process of the law being passed, reading the news closely I was able to see how conservative sectors were really fighting to keep the old values in place, even the law makers that were against it, only spoke from their religious or “moral” beliefs to justify their votes against a needed law. I always wondered, how they could be so uncompassionate, but reading about the first chakra made me realize people against it were propelled by their unquestioned beliefs and their denial to actually challenge those beliefs.
I think is a good exercise to figure out what we think we know is the natural order of things, just go deep to find those thinks we feel are so natural that we dont question and how those rooted beliefs can be challenged. I think is worth the try!
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mlcmccall · 7 years
Heal Thyself
“We are not meant to stay wounded. We are supposed to move through our tragedies and challenges and to help each other move through the many painful episodes of our lives. By remaining stuck in the power of our wounds, we block our own transformation. We overlook the greater gifts inherent in our wounds - the strength to overcome them and the lessons that we are meant to receive through them. Wounds are the means through which we enter the hearts of other people. They are meant to teach us to become compassionate and wise.”
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maria-anthea · 1 year
It's better to want what you don't have than have what you don't want.
-- Carolyn Myss
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Forgiveness doesn’t look attractive until we get to the other side. Carolyn Myss
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sun-n-ny · 3 years
Always go with the choice that scares you the most, because that's the one that is going to help you grow
Carolyn Myss
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azquotes · 4 years
The 10 Quotes About Spirituality
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1-“Science is not only compatible with spirituality; it is a profound source of spirituality.” ― Carl Sagan
2-“We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience.” ― Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
3-“Do not abandon yourselves to despair. We are the Easter people and hallelujah is our song.” ― Pope John Paul II
4-“If you don't behave as you believe, you will end by believing as you behave.” ― Fulton J. Sheen
5-“Religion is for people who're afraid of going to hell. Spirituality is for those who've already been there.” ― Vine Deloria Jr.
6-“The spiritual life does not remove us from the world but leads us deeper into it” ― Nouwen Henri J. M.
7-“The spiritualization of sensuality is called love: it is a great triumph over Christianity.” ― Friedrich Nietzsche
8-“Spirituality does not lie in meditating the body of an ex-master. Spirituality exists in mediating on your own inner body.” ― Amit Ray
9-“What drains your spirit drains your body. What fuels your spirit fuels your body.” ― Carolyn Myss
10“Spirituality is not about being fixed; it is about God's being present in the mess of our unfixedness. (Messy Spirituality)” ― Michael Yaconelli
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infinitenature · 5 years
I finally finished reading this book after over 3 months which is a long time for me. For anyone who is familiar with Carolyn Myss work you know that this is powerful information. This book requires a lot of patience and I had to delve deep into all parts of me, my light and shadow parts. I would encourage this to anyone who would like to understand the inner workings of themselves. It is for people that want insight on their purpose in life while also learning why they consciously or unconsciously make their choices. I am currently studying the book because now that I know my archetypes (symbolic parts of me), I can do readings on myself for deeper clarity of my life and my purpose. I will eventually offer readings as a service once I’ve gotten my “official training” although I done a lot so far. For myself it is important to be practical in my line of ”work“. What I mean is that I am my very first client. YouTube video coming soon on Revisiting the Sacred Contracts, Part III.
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