#dont ask why he’s purple i just felt like it
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spoiledmilks · 2 years ago
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The best way to draw this fucker is with goofy springbunny ears
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itsrlymine · 2 months ago
i apologize for the really long ask but i really wanted to share my thoughts and i would make my own loa blog but i dont have it in me to deal with anons so i fear i will dump them all on you 😔 first off i want to say THANKKKK YOUUUUUU you literally changed my manifestation journey i used to be really into manifestation back in 2021/2022 and i was trying to manifest my dream face but it never happened no matter how much i affirmed or listened to subs or anything so i was just like fuck it this manifesting stuff isnt real imma just move on with my life and thats how i went about my life until you popped up on my dashboard a month ago and usually i would click not interested on any loa content but i was like you know what lemme give this stuff a chance again bc i did try the non manifesting route and it didnt work out bc when i tell you my life went DOWNHILL i used to protect myself from negative experiences by having the belief that i was simply the exception to terrible stuff but the moment i left the loa behind and was like no thats unrealistic anything can happen well guess what!! so many bad stuff happened in my life the last 2 years its genuinely crazy. so i was like lemme try this again and i went through your blog and really tried to materialize everything you were saying and read it with the attitude that what you are saying IS real instead of the doubting attitude i had towards loa advice/info back in 2022 and things really shifted for me.
so the first thing i learned is that MANIFESTATION IS REAL and more importantly NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE what i went through these past two years was proof to me that manifestation is real because once i adopted that negative mindset and dropped any positive beliefs i had my life became a nightmare and all those terrible thoughts manifested right before my eyes. for example i used to believe that i always looked pretty no matter what, this was just something part of my belief system but when i abandoned the law and everything i told myself no thats crazy i cant mAniFeSt looking pretty its unrealistic if im not pretty then im just not and bro when i tell you i was at my lowest appearance wise I WAS AT MY LOWESSTT my classmates at school would come up to me and tell me i looked so different and so dull even my mom would say the same stuff to me and tell me i changed i also noticed a difference when i looked in the mirror. the reason why i felt like manifestation wasnt real was because it just seemed really crazy to me, i felt like things materializing out of nowhere and appearances changing drastically was just like something fantastical and just not possible here in the real world. well i am here to tell you that is NAWT THE CASE! the world is not logical and im gonna tell you why. most of us here have grew up religious, and whats more illogical than religion? there are so many stories in the bible where illogical stuff happen like youre telling me some guy can turn water into wine? doesnt that sound like something out of a fantasy movie? but it happened, right? you believe in the bible so you believe in all the stuff that happened in it even the magical stuff. and another thing with growing up religious is that we always hear stories about miracles where for example a neighbor who was really sick suddenly woke up completely healthy. and we also were taught that we can ask god for anything and that god can make anything happen. i remember when my dad would teach me about religion he would say that god can make the grass is purple if he wanted to. it isnt just in religion but also in another spiritual communities and stuff they also have their own stories where things that dont really make sense logically happen. this goes to show that the world and humanity were never logical and that illogical things can happen, they've been happening since the dawn of time. people just came up with their own explanations. so get that thought that you cant change your entire face because its too crazy out of your head because it isn't. anything is possible. we literally live on a rock and we somehow move and speak and talk and somehow atoms exist so pls get with the program aint nothing logical in this life and the sooner you come to terms with that the better. nothing is too crazy because existence itself is crazy.
the second thing i learned was that MANIFESTATION IS NOT A PROCESS. i used to hear this all the time back in 2022 and it never made sense to me i was always like what tf are yall talking about???? my understanding was that manifestation is the act of trying to get something, but i was so so wrong. everything changed for me when i started approaching manifestation with the attitude that i was reminding myself of what i have, not trying to get what i want. basically stop thinking of manifestation as manifestation if ykwim. to really understand this im gonna have to talk about the whole "decide that you have your desire > affirm that you have it > keep presisting" thing and break it down.
so what do people mean when they tell you to decide that you have your desire? does it mean saying out loud "i have __" and then a few seconds going "alright wheres my ___?" no. it means you in your mind decide that its ALREADY YOURS and that you ALREADY GOT IT. i dont know how to word this any differently because its so simple its literally in the words. im gonna try an example. im assuming that youre reading this with your eyes so you have eyes. are you trying to 'manifest' having eyes? when you say "i have eyes" are you using an affirmation to get eyes? is having eyes a desire youre trying to 'manifest'? no because you literally already have eyes bro how else are you reading this with your bootyhole??? so when you say "i have eyes" you arent manifesting via affirming, youre just saying it to remind yourself because well you have eyes. you arent trying to manifest eyes because you already have them. thats what it means to decide that your desire is yours. it means to stop treating what is yours as a desire because its literally yours. stop seeing it as something youre trying to manifest because you already have it, wtf do you need to manifest for? do you get it? don't think of doing this as you tricking your mind into thinking you have your desires because AGAINN you arent tricking anything you literally already have it. when you say "i have eyes" and you have eyes are you trying to trick gour brain? no. that sounds silly. im sorry that this is so repetitive but its literally that simple idk what everyone else is doing complicating the most simple thing ever.
and now, what do people mean by affirm that you have it? does that mean using affirmations to manifest your 'desire'? (i put desire in quotations bc you already have it since you decided you do) no. it simply means reminding yourself that you do. ill go back to the eyes example. if you were to say "i have eyes" right now would you understand that as some woo woo manifestation affirmation technique? no because you already have eyes. what youre doing is simply stating a fact and reminding yourself of it for funsies. you arent trying to manifest anything because you already have it. affirming doesn't mean tricking your brain or your subconscious that you have your desire or whatever, its just you reminding yourself.
and finally, what does it mean to persist? does that mean fighting for your life trying to convince yourself that you have your desire? no. because you already have it. it simply means that everytime you ask yourself "oh why isnt this showing up in my 3d?" you tell yourself "bro what tf are you on about were not manifesting anything we already have it are you crazy?" that's all. going back to the eyes example, you know you have eyes, so if someone came up to you rn and was like "hey did your eyes come in yet?" you'd probably think they hit their head or something because your eyes are literally right there its how youre seeing their dumbass. that's the same attitude you have to have towards your 'desires'. stop thinking of your 'desires' as desires, stop thinking youre trying to manifest anything, stop thinking you have to wait for anything to show up in the 3d or that the 3d is lagging behind or whatever, stop seeing manifestation as manifestation, stop imagining yourself sending in success stories asks when you get your desires, basically just stop dawg. you already have it. "dont contradict yourself" (although again you arent contradicting anything bc you already have it im just running out of ways to simply something thats already so simple). thats what it means to manifest instantly.
anyways thats all i wanted to say. im so sorry for the horrendously long ask i would make it even longer by talking about my success now but i think you would beat my ass if i did. bye bye love u
!!!!! you ate this whole thing up. y'all better come read this.
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todayisafridaynight · 2 years ago
YIPPEEEEEE I'M SOSOSOSO EXCITED FOR THE FIC I'm glad it sounds like you've had a pretty good day, it's well-deserved! :] I love Barbie aesthetically... I love Meta Knight...
OH BUT YEAH this was actually my third time watching The Deer King but it is JUST as good as the first... As I've Said I really love Tsutsumi's character and his little daughter and how their relationship progresses [Top Ten Most Doting Fathers Every Other Scene Makes Me Violently Clutch Whatever I Can Get My Hands On], BUT ASIDE FROM THAT the cast as a whole is very enjoyable!
Although it's a novel adaptation, it's also really intuitive to understand the setting and lore thanks to its decision to put personal conflicts in the foreground while the politics and major themes develop in the background, on top of some pretty well-utilized exposition and the movie's strong visual storytelling/direction/editing.
Visually It's Stunning, there isn't a single frame that's not SEAMLESS, but what stands out to me consistently throughout every scene is definitely how much weight there is to every movement [like The Physics Are Off The Charts, but it's also exaggerated to emphasize things in the way only animation can], and how strong the character "acting" is.
OVERALL. MAGNIFIQUE. I do Highly Recommend checking it out if you were interested :] Tsutsumi's character isn't the type to talk much but y'know... proud of him...
DON'T BE EXCITED YOU'RE SETTING YOURSELF UP FOR DISAPPOINTMENT but if i release it any time soon.. i hope you find some enjoyment from it.. but omg meta knight :)
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THREE TIMES WATCHING well now i have to watch it if you've watched it three times: it MUST be worth its salt then.. 👁️👁️
#snap chats#i made him small so he couldnt take up The Whole Page... i coulda just posted my whole B&N haul but thats not the point of the ask ANYWAY#will have to give Deer King a watch when i get the time.. and after WMA2... turns out all my writing time took up all my B&N time..#oh but speaking of :) yeah i had a good day all things considered#i love the aesthetic of barbie too so im glad the movie was good.... def a fun watch even if it felt very In Your Face sometimes#but i mean it's for kids and if you wanna get a message across You Better Get It Across yk.#also sometimes you just gotta grab people by the shoulders and shake them with your message. i mean.#they basically did that in the movie too to resolve their conflict LMAO BUT YEAH OVERALL FUN MOVIE ENJOYED IT PLENTY#META KNIGHT SO SILLAY THO when i was growing up my sis and i LOVED kirby air ride and i remember in free-trial you could play as him#im p sure you could also play as him in Races but cmon... city trial was the selling point of that game... love him 5ever..#but nooo while i was at B&N i accidentally bought a new manga and a new bookmark 😷#i did try looking for After The Rain since i know THAT one has an english translation but alas... i just saw After The Bitch ☠️☠️#i forget the whole title dont even ask me i just saw After The Bitch and snorted and continued looking down the aisle for anythin else#the manga i did get's called Our Dining Table. i didnt MEAN to buy it#i dont usually read manga that star young adults I Like That Middle-Aged Flavor. like Dont Call Me Daddy but yk#i was just skimming it and by the time store was about to close i ended up on chapter 2 so i figured Might As Well#it was cute SOOOO why not. i could always learn a thing or two from manga and how they panel/pace things anyhow#i also got a new bookmark since i always like to get bookmarks when i get a new book :) cause IDK its the hoarder genes in me ig#the bookmark i got this time was this like. purple string charm with a butterfly pendant Very Pretty#almost as pretty as this other butterfly bookmark i have of a purple emperor#THAT one has a gold bar- thought one of the panels on its wings is missing.... still a good bookmark tho ive had it forever LMAO#butterflies always make me think of my sister- i feel like i mentioned that before but i also cant remember doing so..#fucked up that butterflies were for my sis and bees were for me The Fuck You Tryna Say Dad 😭 IM NOT A BEE 😭😭#bees are cooler than me... but they also die really easily so.... I Repeat Fuck You Mean Old Man...#jk i know what he means.. he means i was an asshole ☠️ weird-naming-conventions-aside NO WAIT I REMEMBERED A STUPID THING#i saw this weird-as-hell bee i saw on my walk yesterday.... tried looking up what it was but couldnt find anything..#in any case. its funny i think of my sis with butterflies since owls Also remind me of her since she LOVED owls growing up#i DEF know i mentioned that when i was talking about rings i owned... WHICH ALSO REMINDS ME#for the longest time i had this old-as-hell butterfly ring with like. Movable Wings since the wings were attached with springs#but one of the springs disconnected years ago so it's just kinda had one and a half wings BUT I FIXED IT RECENTLY
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alieeelinn · 11 months ago
Sandwich | Tyler Hernandez x fem reader
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Content: Tyler hernandez x reader
Summary: Tyler has been running errands for the whole day and just needs to rest for a bit
Warning(s): there's Tyler angst if you squint but this is just fluff, since it's my first post, I wanna be nice
A/n: the reader also goes to the phantom realm btw. This is my first post hope yall will like it! I kinda suck at writing though, but my requests are open if you feel like requesting, and if you do request it might be a while before I do it since I never know what school has in stock for me
Tyler had lost track on how long he had been running errands and chores for. He felt exhausted, and he still needed to study since mid terms were just around the corner. He sighed as he stared at the book and notebook infront of him.
Taylor went to Ash's place about 2 hours ago since they had a group project together. Tyler dropped his head on the desk and sighed, he let out groan and looked at the clock on the desk.
There was still a couple more hours before going back to the phantom realm. He didn't even realize that his eyes were closed until they shot open when he heard a knock on the door. He furrowed his eyebrows 'That's weird? Tay wouldn't be back in another hour or so' he stood up and opened the door to their shared bedroom.
Another knock was heard as Tyler mumbled some words under his breath "can't this person wait?" Another knock was heard and Tyler swore that if the person behind the door would knock one more time- "what?" all the anger that was bubbling in him faded as his face softened when he recognized the familiar face infornt of him.
"Hi Ty! Hope you dont mind me coming here without telling you" the girl let out a chuckle, and oh how Tyler would have loved to hear it again, it was like music to his ears a melody that he would chose to listen forever if he could "hope I didn't annoy you with knocking more than I should have" Little did she know that she did, but it was her so he didnt mind.
He stepped aside to let her in and closed the door once she was inside "before I went here I actually got some bread since I wanted to go to that new Bakery people were talking about, and I got us some cinnamon rolls to try!"
He watched her put the plastic bag on the dinner table as she took out the stuff she had bought. I raise my other eyebrow and looked at the different kinds of bread she was taking out "why did you get so many?" She responded with a simple 'hmn?' and put the plastic bag away once she took out all of the bread inside the bag.
I look back to Tyler once I put the empty plastic bag aside, and see him holding one of the loaf bread that i had bought. He lift his head up and looked at me as he rose both of his eyebrows waiting for an answer from his question, I let out a small chuckle as I went back to the dinner table "I wasn't planning on buying three, my original plan was to buy some cinnamon rolls and a plain loaf bread, but thenn"
He looked at me as I took the loaf bread out of his hand and took the other one from the table "I saw that they had different flavors" I lift my right hand and showed him, as if then - and only then he realized that the loaf breads didn't look the same "this one is purple yam and this one is cheese" I smiled at him as he shook his head.
"You still shouldn't have bought so many" I watch him pull a chair out for himself and sat down, as he dropped his head on the table, I cringe as I heard his head hit the table. I put the loaf breads down and walked to his side "You okay Ty?" I asked as I sat on the table and played with his hair.
Ever since his dad passed, he was responsible of taking care of his mom and sister he became the head of the house running errands and doing chores, all at such a young age, he was probably used to it but - he was still human. He eats, sleeps and breathes, he was no boy with super powers, he was just a child. A child that needed to be protected to be kept safe. He went through so much at such a young age, he didn't deserve any of that.
"How about we go sleep for a while hmn?" I continue to play with his hair as I wait for his response "we still have a few more hours before we go back to the phantom realm" He lift his head from the table and stared at me with tired eyes.
My eyes softened and my heart ached, it hurt to see him like this, I just wanted to hug him tight and tell him how much of a good job he's doing staying so strong for his family. He pulled me closer as he hugs my waist and rests his head on my lap, we stay like that for a few minutes in comfortable silence as I continue to play with his hair.
"Let's go to your room so you can properly rest hmn?" He squeezed my waist then let go as he lift his face from my lap, I hop off from the table and as if on que when Tyler was about to stand up from his seat, his stomach let out a sound.
I look at Tyler and laughed, he looked away clearly embarrassed of what just had happened "okay, okay - maybe you should eat first then we can go sleep" I took the four cinnamon rolls that i got earlier and went to the kitchen counter "do you want to try the cinnamon rolls now or do you want me to make you a sandwich?"
He stood up and walked up to me "sandwiches are fine" I smile at him and went to put the cinnamon rolls in the fridge "you can go sit down I'll make the sandwich" He rose an eyebrow at me and I scoff "goo, shooo" he let out a chuckle as I push him to go sit down.
I grabbed a plate from the cabinet to put the sandwich on and then took the plate and walked to Ty "here" I smile at him and placed it down, I pulled a chair out next to him and sat down - I looked back to Tyler and he looked at me with confusion on his face "what?" He made a face that said I had the nerve to ask him 'what?' "You didn't make one for yourself?"
I smile and lightly shook my head, to think he doesn't get the hint that I want to take care of him, that all he has to do right now is rest yet, he still cares and asks why I didn't make myself one "not hungry, I eat a few chips before I went here" He looked at me for a moment like he didn't want to believe me or was about to protest that I should eat.
"Ya know, you're making me look like I'm a greedy boyfriend that wouldn't care if their partner were starving"
I let out a dramatic gasp "I am not!" He smirks and I gave him a playful smile and rolled my eyes "just eat" he started eating as we told eachother about our day, well mostly me but I knew he didn't mind.
Once he was finished eating I took his plate and went to the sink to wash it, while I was washing the plate I'm the corner of my eye he leaned on the counter with his arms crossed as he watched me do such a simple task "what?" He gave me a soft smile and said nothing, I rinse off the soap on the plate and put it in the rack "Alright let's go?"
We went to Tyler and Taylor's shared bedroom as he went in and went to the upper bunk bed, I close the door and went up aswell, I crawled to the other side as he opened his arms as I went to lay down beside him, I let out a sigh as I close my eyes slowly drifting off to sleep.
"Thank you for making me a sandwich" he said softly almost a whisper as he pulls me closer, I hum in response as sleep overtakes the both of us.
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carpenoctxrn · 1 month ago
Ominis x fem!reader (frenemies)
Prompt: ominis is waiting for you by his usual spot. But you don’t show up. It shouldn't bother him since you are all frenemies in all honesty. You bring the friend part and he brings the enemy. However, he starts getting concerned. Which is odd since he swears he can’t stand you.
Disclaimer: fluff and serious grammar mistake.
Ominis felt the last of the sun rays as it dipped behind the grandness of the castle. He sat out in the garden by the greenhouse. Summer had left a few weeks ago and the autumn breeze greeted his face. The salty water makes the breeze taste salty to him. It may be in his mind though, the taste.
Where is she?
His thoughts rang out as he sat on the bleacher, enjoying the calming ambiance in annoying haste.
She should have been here by now.
He told himself. His left leg had begun to jerk, a sign of his patience wearing thin. It was about to get dark soon, and during the colder winter months she shouldn’t be out by herself. Especially in the dark.
Soon he felt the vibrations against his chest of his pocket watch. The comforting vibrations of 6. Dinner would start soon and end. Yet he knew she would not show up. Something at the back of his gnawed at him that she is not okay.
She had left this morning, saying bye to Sebastian, telling him that she had picked up chatter from Sweeting that some poachers were going to try to catch some beasts in the forbidden forest.
She had said that she was going to make rounds and inform Officer Singer. That was 6 hours ago and still no sign of her. Ominis sighed out, frustrated by the turmoil.
Every day like clock work at 5:30 she would pass by the gardens to find some berries for the animals she kept in her Room of Requirements.
On her way to pick berries she would say “Shouldn’t you be burrowing in your hole?” her voice teasing as she chuckles at her joke.
“Snakes do not burrow, they occupy burrows made by other smaller rodents.” Ominis would explain with no emotion besides a i could care less tone.
“Still sounds like a Slytherin to me.” she would chuckle out as the ruffle of the bushes near by would signify her attempt to grab some berries.
Ominis was fond of their bicker, every day it was the same thing but it was the mundane that he craved. It was the mundane that made him feel normal besides being a gaunt.
But today there was no her, there was no bickering, and there was no rustling. It was just him sitting in the cold waiting for her.
I am not waiting for her, I am merely enjoying the atmosphere without her.
He told himself. He reasoned with himself more like it. But in all honesty he was cold. He was tired and he was hungry. All he wanted to do was eat his food and go to bed. His homework he finished during the day.
He sighed out again muttering “I'm not waiting anymore.” as he stood up with his wand in his hand.
He made his way out to the front yard, the entrance to the castle on his left and the exit to the forbidden forest to his left. He knew exactly where he was going. And he laughed at himself for thinking otherwise.
He was going after her.
All he knew was that she was in the forbidden forest, and the thought of her being surrounded by poachers after dark made his own skin crawl.
Why do I care?
He asked himself only to answer it quickly with a I dont.
I just worry Sebastian may loose someone close to him and he deserves better.
He once again reasoned with himself. As he walked over to the floo fire he whispered forbidden forest as he suddenly made his way to the outskirts of forbidden forest.
He asked his wand to guide him to her once he arrived at the eerily quiet forest on front of him. His wand obeying his master guided him through a trail of dark purple, against the black he saw in his mind. He had on purpose placed a tracking spell on her, unknown to her though. He had placed on sebastian and anne too. It was his little secret. He did place it on her first.
It was to test if it works. I wouldn’t want to hurt Anne or Sebastian. She was the rest subject.
He scolded himself for thinking otherwise because Ominis Gaunt does not care about her. He was just doing this as a favor to Sebastian more than anything; who was visiting his sister back home. Anne’s condition now Better seeing as she was able to find a cure.
As he walked through the forest, his wand guiding him carefully to fallen trees and ruins, he found a wall of devils snare. It was curling itself around the entrance.
“Incendio!” He shouted before he continued down the entrance.
The faint glow of purple was getting more vibrant the more he entered the cave. He didn’t like the atmosphere. It smelt like death. And soon he realized why as his mind showed him the bones of creatures, their flesh rotten away.
Was she too late?
Am I too late?
The second question made his palm sweaty and his mouth dry. He couldn't think like that, he had to continue further into this cave that now he knew was a poacher hideout.
A muffled whimper of struggle caught his ears. The sound coming in the direction where the trail of purple was becoming brighter and brighter.
He ran.
His mind didn’t even stop to consider it could be a trap or there were other poachers there. He knew he heard her and she sounded as if she was in pain.
And the picture in front of him was obvious. She was indeed in pain. In the clearing of the cave where the light of the moon illuminated the wet crevice of the black, laid the girl. Her body was weak from fighting the poachers. And the more he looked at the scene in front the more his heart hurt. He couldn’t bear to see her in pain.
He carefully casted Confringo at the root of the devil’s snare. The branches were so thick he had to throw in a few depulso and incendio to do the trick. But as it let go of the girl she whimpered again.
Her voice is low and weak.
“..ominis..” she said so softly that Ominis thought it was the whistling of the wind inside the cave, before he went by her side. Kneeling next to her body.
“I’m here,” he spoke softly, his mind not registering his tone or how he so tenderly removed the hair that crowded her face.
She didn’t reply, she just looked at him as he moved her body into his lap. Her back half in his against his chest and the other half supported by his hand. His free hand reach into his pocket to take out a bottle of Wiggenweld potion. It was a habit he had gotten into when he first began using his wand, his body would bruise from the impact of running into things.
He opened the vile and told her to open her mouth. Telling her it was a wiggenweld potion that it will help ease her pain, she nodded a yes as she did as she was asked. Leaning more into Ominis chest as the potion began to work. Her body growing tired and her mind feeling safe enough with Ominis there to sleep.
She fell into a deep slumber. Ominis saw that and all he could was hold her closer to him. He felt as though if he did not show up, he would have lost her.
Sebastian would have lost her.
His thoughts reasoned but he suddenly found himself not agreeing. He did not understand the feeling he had for her but he did care for her. That's why he placed his wand in his left hand before he picked her up. Asking his wand to guide him back to the floo fire. Her head resting on his shoulder as he carried her bridal style out the cave. His mind focused on her.
Her breath fanned his cheek while her hair tickled his exposed neck. She would whimper as the potions worked through her tired worn body. Ominis would whisper words of care in her ear.
It’ll get better soon.
Just a bit more and I’ll have you snuggled in bed.
Don’t worry, I’m here. I won’t leave your side.
Just breathe.
At one point the wiggenweld potion hurt her so much that she almost shrieked in pain. Ominis not knowing what to do just put his back against a tree as he sat down. She was in his lap as he let her curl into him.
“Ominis, it hurts.” She spoke her face in tears and felt hot against his neck.
He asked her where the pain is and she grabbed his hands and placed it on her belly. Then he began to massage it while whispering in her ears that she was doing so good.
“Just a few more minutes and I’ll have you in bed.” He spoke reassuring her as she nodded through her closed tearful eyes. Sniffling into his now wet shirt.
“Would you like to go to Nurse Blaney?” He asked her but the soft snores against his neck made him smile. Realizing she was not going to respond.
Soon the green floo fire was in front of him. He asked to go to hogwarts. The floo transporting him to the entrance of the grand building. Than he asked the floo powder to take him to his common rooms.
He couldn’t go into the girls dormitory. It was now closer to midnight so he wouldn’t even know where to go to find Natty or Imelda. As he entered his room, he laid her body on his bed. Then he took off her robe and shoes. He took out two pairs of His pajamas. One was a lighter color of cotton. The other a dark color of cotton. He placed the other one on his bed next to her. In case she wakes up in the middle of the night and would like to change.
He changes, a bit nervous as he is changing with a girl in the room. Albeit unconscious girl but still. He pulls himself together before he quickly changes out of his clothes and into his new one. He pulled out a new pair of socks to wear. He also took out a new pair of socks for her.
Before he settled into Sebastian’s bed, he placed a closed pitcher of water, a few wiggenweld potions, and some cookies. As he moved away from her, she began whimpering and groaning as she clutched her stomach. Ominis came close to her, her sounds of discomfort there but not as loud.
He let his fingers remove the hair on her face. His soft touches on her skin made her body at ease. Ominis could feel it. As he felt her ease into a slumber of no pain, he began to walk back to Sebastian’s bed. Pausing midway as he heard softly begin to cry in her sleep. He didn’t know what the poachers did to her, but he felt as if it was cruel to not be by her side. He sighed.
Then he sat by her side, caressing her hair as he laid his back against the wooden pillar.
“Lay down.” She said so softly and sleepily.
Ominis felt too tired to argue, if she was offering then he would accept with no hesitation. As he laid down on his little sleever of bed, she moved over givin he him space. He moved closer to the middle feeli by comfortable that he won’t fall while he slept.
She snuggled close to him under the covers, her skin slushed against his side as she began snoring softly. The intimacy was odd but her lavender scent mixed in with the scent of the forest, he felt comfortable.
He moved her head on her chest, and wrapped his hands around her frame. Bringing her even closer to him.
She’s shivering. I’m just providing her with warmth.
He reasoned once more. But he couldn’t help but like the feeling of her next to him. She would stir a bit but he’d rub soothing circles with his thumb on her stomach. Numbing the ache she felt.
And before he knew it he fell asleep. With her in his embrace. Before nodding off he made sure to kiss her forehead telling her,
“I’m here for you.”
Give me feed back!
Dividers by: @pommecita
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im-am-not-a-weenie · 1 year ago
🍓period comfort
This is self indulgent 😃.
Reader is AFAB and I will be using she/her pronouns
shout out to all the girlies who don't like taking medicine and just power through it the cramps.
hinting at period sex with astarion, yknow how it is
spelling errors <3
see end for a/n
Gale, Astarion, halsin,
you felt like shit. utter shit. if you didn't believe in the gods now you did because you've been praying for them to end your suffering hours ago. you were curled up in a ball in the corner of your tent
"Love, are you in here?'' your pity party was interrupted by your darling boyfriend Gale.
you let out a grunt to signal that you were in fact under the heap of blankets in the corner, you could hear a faint chuckle and footsteps nearing you
Gale crouched down and his knees gave a loud pop which made you smile a bit. "are you ok?" he asked gently. you shook your head under the blankets. "can I see you please?" his voice soft and words kind
with a huff you peaked out through the blankets. "there she is" Feeling his hand tuck a piece of your hair away you looked up. "what seems to be the matter?"
"I'm dying" you groaned. he immediately removed all your blankets and began scanning your body for injuries. "what's hurt, are you ok. you should tell me when you get hurt. or at least see Shadowheart or Halsin-." he rambles on
grabbing his worried hand and bringing it up for a kiss getting him to stop his ramble. " I'm fine gale, is just my period" That got him to stop, "oh" his face flushed, and just looked at you for a few seconds
"Why didn't you say that" he left the tent. before you could even get up to check on him he was back with a small basket filled with different plants food and canteens
you made a face of disbelief "Where did you get all of that on such short notice" The only answer you received was "I'm a wizard" he started to pile the blankets back on you but this time joining you in the pile
"eat this" he gave you a purple looking plant "it'll help your cramps " he said gently, you just shook your head. "cmon it'll make you feel better" he prompted." "I know," you said with a shrug and just snuggled into him
"Dont want icky medicine" he wrapped his arms around you pulling you close "Then what do you want" his hand started to play with your hair. "you" he let out a soft chuckle "That I can do"
you lay there in comfortable silence before Gale interrupted it. "you know I will make you eat that later right." you giggled "I'd like to see you try Wizard Boy."
spoiler alert, you ate the plant
let's be honest. he could care less (lies). astarion is one of those people who passively aggressively takes care of you
in a similar fashion you were in your tent curled up on the floor before astarion rudely barged in. "what are you still doing in bed." he asked dryly. you just groaned.
rolling his eyes he walked over and nudged you with his foot "Get up." looking up at him with a baffled expression you just stared at him "Did you just kick me?"
he scoffed "Darling I nudged you, you'll see kicking if you stay in bed any longer" he threatened with a smirk. "fuck off astarion i don't have to deal-" you cut yourself off with a groan as you doubled over and clutching your abdomen.
"stop being dramatic. it's not my fault you stayed up with Karlch and Wyll all night. you gave yourself the hangover now deal with it- why does it smell like blood in here." he looked confused and looked back down to you noticing how you clutching your lower stomach. it took a minute but finally, he connected the dots.
he sighed sitting on the ground and pulled you into his lap. "oh my poor dear." it was one of those rare occasions where his voice was soft and genuine
his hand trailed down and rested on your lower stomach. "does it hurt right here?" he asked softly as his other hand played with your hair. after answering with a simple nod he started to softly massage there trying to relieve some pressure.
"y'know," he said with a mischievous smile "you smell delicious right now. Gasping you hit him playfully "astarion." he giggled and held you tight against him. "come now dear we both know it wouldn't be the first time" he pressed a kiss on the top of your head
rolling your eyes fondly you giggled with him. "maybe later when I'm not feeling like I'm being stab." "of course darling, just think of it like an extra meal for me" that earned him another playful hit.
walking. sooooooooooo much walking, when will we stop walking. you think to yourself, you and your companions have been walking for almost the whole day, and for what. to look for a stupid necklace for a stupid-
"my heart are you alright" Internal monologue was interrupted by your mountain of a boyfriend Halsin. "No, I'm alright" quickly dismissing his worry. you didn't really want to do this quest but you knew the sooner you got it done the sooner you could make camp
he looked unsure but nodded making sure to slow his strides to walk with you. you felt his hand grasp yours. everything was fine until it wasn't, you felt a sharp pain in your uterus. you inhaled a deep breath and stopped moving, closing your eyes and trying to collect yourself
halsin stopped to observe you "Are....are you sure you're feeling well?" you felt a hand on your shoulder. your eyes met his, you gave him a reassuring smile "It's just cramps bear, I'll survive"
he looked at you worried "You started your cycle?" it made you laugh a tad. "no, not yet."
"then why-" "Halsin my love, I get cramps before during, and after. I'm fine" you explained calmly. another painful wave washed over you. this time Halsin picked you up and started walking in the opposite direction of anyone else
"Not that I'm complaining but what are you doing?" you giggled at the sudden lift. no matter how big you were Halsin made you feel small, but in a good way
"I'm taking you to camp," he said simply and left no room for arguments 'if you are suffering I'd rather you suffer in my arms in our bedroll' he kissed the top of your head.
you felt safe and loved, the rhythm of Halsin's steps made you drift to sleep. when you awoke you were wrapped up tightly in Halsin's arms, your bodies tangled together you smiled and kissed Halsin's cheek before falling asleep again
hey. i did it i posted on time. anyway, i hope yall liked this! it was purely self-indulgent. also thank you for all the love of my last post! I've never gotten that many notes before. my inbox is open for requests. and i also can write for other characters bg3. <3
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sissybabycucksophia · 5 months ago
😨😨Not What I Expected Part 3😨😨
Having been outside the house dressed in, or rather “locked in” the demoralising purple dress and made over to look unrecognisable, The last thing i remember was passing out…
Gradually i began to open my eyes for a moment forgetting i’d had fake eyelashes put on and wondering why my eye lids were so heavy. As i opened my eyes I attempted to raise my right hand to my face to rub my forehead but found it unable to move… restrained in place. Trying to move my head to look down i found that it too was strapped back against the chair in which i was sat, as my eyes opened further i found that i was quite heavily restrained to a cushiless metal chair. As if the limited movement afforded to me by the tight purple dress wasn’t bad enough, straps held my wrists and elbows tight to the chairs arms, a strap was tight around my neck and forehead making it impossible too move my head. From there a strap went under each arm pit holding my shoulders tight in place, then directly beneath my fake boobs was a strap, with another round my waste, two over my thighs and two over my shins.
Whimpered i looked around to find i was in a sex dungeon of some kind, Fear filled my body like a paralysing nerve agent. How had I gotten myself into such a defenceless and humiliating position, and why was it all making me so horny! I could feel my caged penis rubbing against the inside of my frilly purple satin panties and moan softly trying to shimmy, tense and rub my caged penis as much as possible to orgasms through the cage. Maybe if i could orgasm i could shake the subspace i was in and be dominant and demanding enough to be heard and set free, or at least thats how i rationalised being so desperate to cum from such a degrading and humiliation experience. Though even if I weren’t caged, the movement the dress and chair afforded me was minuscule and nowhere near enough to encourage an orgasm, but dammed if my desperate ass wasn’t going to try.
So focused on trying to orgasm I’d forgotten just how serious and no longer a mere play session this whole thing had become! As i heard a door open behind me i would snap back to reality remembering that i had been injected with HRT by the man insisting i call him Master. Crashing back hard to reality i begun to scream like a scared little girl, “PLEASE!!! Stop this!!! Let me goooooooo!!! Im a man! I dont want this!!! Im begging you don’t do this to me!!!” I Cried out as tears welled up in my eyes and i felt the extremely long extensions which had been weaved into my hair tickle my cheeks as they hung down to my stomach. Eventually the door behind me would open and footsteps could be heard coming down the stairs… not just one set but two. Continuing their conversation as though I weren’t even there Master spoke with a female voice.
“So this one is just a naive and stupid failed man you’ve kidnapped from tumblr? What do you need me to do to him then?” The woman asked coldly and callously. As her and Master stopped behind me and were unable to be seen. At that i began to scream and beg for freedom again as loudly as i could. Putting all my strength into fighting for freedom from the dress, the bonds and the chair I managed to shift the chair until it became off balanced. Unfortunately at that the chair with tip and with a painful clatter and reverberation through the metal My full chair restrained self would his the cold concrete floor.
“Wilful and stupid little cow this one is he not Johnny?” The woman snorted as i caught a glimpse of her in my peripheral. She stood wearing a floor length black SKIMS bodycon dress, black 6” high heels, a pristine white knee length lab coat which she kept open. Her long jet black hair was slicked back into a high ponytail all except 2 neon pink face framing strands which came down from the front of her head and swept down each of her cheeks. She wore thin black framed glasses and in one ear work a black Helix piercing. By all accounts this woman was absolutely stunning, so much so I wanted to make a move on her, so much so I was making up pick up lines in my head.
That line of thought was shattered however as Johnny smashed his foot against the back of the chair directly behind my head. Being that my head was tightly restrained to the back of the chair it felt like Johnny had just booted me directly in the back of the head. Tears pouring down my face i went quiet as the pain shot through me. “Shut the fuck up sissy! Keep speaking out of turn during this consultation and i promise you’ll make it worse for yourself!” Johnny growled, as he then looked back at the Woman. “Well I’ve started this week little faggot on Hormone replacement therapy today, so naturally I’ll begin to see his body naturally feminise BUT I don’t want to wait, i need to shatter his masculinity and belief thats shes a man NOW! Thats where you and your work with all my other projects comes in~” Johnny said as he then effortlessly picked up the chair and me back upright and turned me to face the two of them. Tears streaming down my face I whimpered as I looked at the woman through watery eyes.
At that she stepped toward me, and began to trace her hands down my face. On her nails were long neon pink acrylic nails which tickled my cheeks. “I must say what a shame it is you’ve gotten your hands on him Johnny, intent on making him a girl… he’s kinda cute… well I mean in a Twink sorta way after all he’s hardly as handsome or manly as you… oh well~ you realise it wont be cheap but theres definitely things I can do to ruin his masculinity and give him some gender dysphoria” The woman said wickedly as I winced feeling my penis strain hard in the cage for freedom as she spoke about me as though I weren’t even there while looking directly at me.
“Gender dysphoria? Yes! Perfect! I want this ‘Man’ to look in the mirror, when i allow it of course, and only see a girl of my design and be humiliated, embarrassed and hate every second of it!” Johnny said with an evil smirk as he stepped closer and stared directly into my eyes. At that the woman looked to johnny and begun, “Well, firstly we’ll do some Permanent Laser hair removal so he’s completely bald from the ears down. Next I’m going to suggest shortening of his hamstrings, by shortening them enough we’ll force him to walk slower, take shorter steps and we can force him to take on a waddling gait which will make him sway his hips more effeminately when he walks. After that I suggest a gastric band be fitted to his stomach, I don’t imagine you’ll be over feeding him anyway Johnny but a band will shrink his appetite and should keep him from getting fat. After that i suggest lip fillers obviously, be harder for him to talk with some bimbo pillow lips oh and while I mention talking, I strongly suggest Vocal Feminisation surgery, by shortening, tightening and modifying his vocal cords we can bring the pitch of his voice up forcing him to sound more feminine with a high pitch voice. And finally just to complete his emasculating surgeries I suggest we shave down his adams apple, that way he should have a nice effeminate neck with no evidence of having been a man~” the woman replied to johnny as i sat in shock, my penis getting harder with every surgery on the list but my heart racing and brain screaming for freedom.
Looking at Johnny I begged like the week little girl he wanted me to see in the mirror, “Please master don’t do this to me, don’t make me have those surgeries! I’ll never leave and I promise I’ll never try just please… I’m a Ma…” with that i was interrupted by a slap across my face. Closing my eyes tightly with the stinging pain I didn’t see Johnny as he grabbed a role of thick black electrical tape and taped my mouth shut.
“What? So now that its all becoming real and not just some pathetic fantasy you can jerk your mirco penis too, now you don’t want it? Bullshit! Cry all you want, shoulda chose masters more carefully if you didn’t want to be held to your fantasies FAGGOT!” Johnny growled as I slowly opened my tear filled eyes to look at him. At that the Woman stepped forward, leaning in she seductively said in my ear, “such a shame you picked johnny to message sissy… I think your one adorable looking twink that i coulda had fun cucking. But you clearly have shown the kind of gay little sissy girl you are in your choice of manly man Johnny here as your master~”.
Before I could bring myself to respond, I found my mouth being forcefully filled with a thick black 8 inch dildo held in place by the panel gag it was attached to. Feeling the strap keeping my head back against the chair be removed, The woman would help johnny fasten the gag in my mouth. The audible sound of a padlock locking behind my head forced me to accept I was now to continue to gag and boak on this 8 inch dildo.
“Thats it faggot, sh’up and accept your place… now me and Rachel here are going to go discuss money and fuck like real men and women are allowed to… you sit here and come to the understanding that your MY property to do with as i please now!” Johnny said as he then covered my eyes with a purple fluffy, frilly and thick eyes mask which looked like it’d been hand picked to match the dress which i was still humiliatingly incased in. Once blind i tired to moan, beg and cry for freedom but all i was met with was johnnys hand grabbing him face and slamming my head back against the chair and the strap going back across my forehead once again completely immobilising me in this chair.
“Its clear your sissy needs time alone to take everything in, turn out the lights when we leave and we’ll go for dinner then we can have our usual fuck-fest once we’re back” Rachel said as i heard her footsteps on the stairs. “You always know just what to say Chel!” Johnny replied as he followed her up the stairs. Then i heard the flick of the light switch and before i knew it the room was pitch black and I heard the door slam shut followed by the sound of 3 separate locks.
So there i was…Fake extensions woven into my hair so i had long girly hair down to my belly buttom. A face plastered with over the top feminising make up. An 8 inch dildo gag locked in my mouth. A purple fluffy frilly padded mask over my eyes. Wearing fake breast padding, hip and ass padding. Forced to wear a hideously stupid purple frilly bra and pants set. All covered by the humiliating and unbearably pathetic purple long sleeve high necked mermaid fit purple maid outfit which was locked on me at 4 points. Wearing purple dolly flat shoes locked on my feet. Restrained to a metal chair by the Wrists, elbows, armpits, neck, forehead, ribs, waist, upper thighs, lower and upper knees, ankles and feet and sat in a kink dungeon in the pitch black behind a door locked at 3 different lock from the outside.
Worst of all, the most embarrassing and degrading thing of all…? I was so ungodly desperate to orgasm and so unbearably horny that all i could think about was getting the cage of too masturbate…. How pathetic am I?
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golden-headband · 8 months ago
ESAU Red Son x reader experiencing shark week.
ESAU belongs to @emelinstriker (also thank you for suggesting the shark week name.)
Red Son finished the last touch on Masters favorite treat, turning to them and watching how they finally revealed their face buried in the counter at the clink of the plate. A uneasy but genuine smile on their face. "Thank you. You're my hero." Came their tired voice. Much more cheery than before. Easing the Red Champion.
Red Son spotted Macaque peering into the kitchen. Wukongs head just above his. His blank but slightly worried expression contrasting Macaques near-to-tears look.
"Is Master okay?" The Purple champion asked.
"Im better." They sighed, somewhat more contently than before. A small smile on their face already easing the champions. They had asked Macaque to give them space while they let the painkillers kick in. But it was eating their comfort food that was helping the most. And they seemed a bit self conscious about how they ate during this time. Like they were worried any of it would get on the champions if they got too close. Did they think themselves a messy eater? Not that any of them would have minded.
"Have you tried putting something warm on where it hurts?" Came Wukongs calm voice. But those who have known him could trace the concern for their Master.
"Mm. I have my hand on it." Their Master responded. But Red Son could hear the nervous twitch of Macaques tail.
"Is Master going to be okay?" Turning, he saw MKs usual blank stare shifting to concern as he poked his head out from the left side of the door opposite to the two monkeys. Then came Nezhas’ hand reassuringly ruffling MKs hair as he walked by. "Master will be alright. They know themselves enough to tell us if they need anything." The Pink champion assured him. Red Son spotted the way Wukong turned and looked at Nezha before he approached their Master. "You took the pain medicine over an hour ago, and you still look like you have discomfort. How long does it usually take for them to take effect?"
"Mm. If I distract myself then... An hour or two?" Their Master mumbled, hiding themselves behind their hand as they tried cleaning up their face. Maybe they felt self conscious in front of them? "I really am feeling better, I just... Dont want to move right now."
"Would it helped if you lied down?" Red Son offered.
"That would just keep the blood from flowing down." Red Son winced. He still remembered that morning, how quickly Macaque went from talking teasing Nezha to turning his head in the direction of their Master before diving into a portal. Nezha quickly went to their master and before Red Son could do anything, MK tugged on his cape and asked what a star meant on their Masters calendar the previous month.
Whatever panic was in him then had immediately drained. Macaque and Nezha looked like their Master was in mortal Peril. The prior had an expression like he had smelled their Masters Blood. Now Red Son knew why.
Ever since then, Red Son had been baking up chocolate treats and anything that he noted their Master had praised as their comfort food. And their Master kept an eye on the clock for when to take pain killers. Their usual schedule had been as soon as they woke up, around noon. And right before bed.
The other Champiosn offered other tips their previous masters had tried during this time. (The ones who experienced this endurance at least) and while Master looked like they were considering some, they didnt look like they were ready to explore anything then. "Thank you but, I think I just need to relax."
No matter how many times they experienced this, they always felt absolutely helpless for their master in these moments.
It didn’t help that it had been so hot they didnt even want to cuddle anyone. And Red Son could clearly see the effects that was having on Macaque.
Master opened their eyes and saw the line of worried faces surrounding them. Macaque and MK peering over the counter, Red Son across from them, and Wukong and Nezha standing nearby. They let out a soft sigh before sitting up. "Really though. Thank you guys. I appreciate it. I really do." And they could feel you were telling the truth. "Hey. Macaque. Why dont you share one of your stories? I get lost in the way your shadows move. I think it might distract me." Macaques face immediately lit up. And he began making preparations.
They all eventually found themselves with the Master sitting in the middle, MK laying his head on their lap and earning pets while Wukong sat beside them, his cloak placed over them, watching Macaque while Red Son found himself laying his head next to MK. Evidently. Their master had memories of family members laying on their lap. This soothed them.
And Red Son knew this was close to where their pain was. He could tell just laying here, their Masters pain was subsiding. Red Son closed his eyes contently as Macaques shadows changed the scene in a beautiful way. Enjoying this closeness.
"Nezha.” Came their Masters voice, much softer this time, no pain or discomfort. “You know you can enjoy this with us right?" He heard Master call, knowing they were smiling to the Pink Champion they had been wanting to loosen up a little more. The red champion opened his eyes to see the Pink Champion hesitate in entering the room. But eventually did. And Red Son knew their master was holding his hand thankfully. And he very much knew Nezha was happy.
Each champion had a moment of feeling their Masters hand. Petting MK, petting Red Son, squeezing Wukongs hand, and holding Nezhas.
By the end of Macaques play, Master had praised him happily. And Red Son didn’t have much time to move when the Purple champion last and nuzzled into their Master, nearly crushing him in the process.
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the-spam-specialist · 27 days ago
GREETINGS first time asking on tumblr but if your taking drabble request i dont have specific plot but just say it with me: DAD KINGERRR
Oh? Oh you want dad Kinger? WELL I'LL GIVE YA DAD KINGERRRRRR
Her Love
Caine is writing in his emotions journal and asks Kinger for help on writing about Queenie.
Characters: Caine, Kinger, Queenie (mentioned)
Word Count: 500-ish
The soft glow of the digital sun filtered through the gaps in Kinger's pillow fort, creating a cozy, almost ethereal atmosphere. Caine, his chattering teeth head bobbing slightly, sat cross-legged amidst the plush landscape, a small notebook clutched in his hand. His usual boisterous energy was dialed down to a quiet hum as he scribbled with his pen.
Kinger, draped in his familiar purple robe, leaned against a wall of cushions, his gaze soft as he watched Caine. “Having trouble with the journal, Caine?” he asked, his voice a low rumble.
Caine looked up, his big, expressive eyes wide. “I keep having these… feelings, Kinger,” he confessed, tapping his pen against the notebook. “They’re fuzzy, like looking through fog, but I feel them intensely.” He gestured to the open page filled with messy scrawls. “I was hoping that writing about them would help me unravel them. But it’s not much use if I can't clearly remember what caused these emotions in the first place. “
He paused, then his usual, bright enthusiasm returned. “That’s why I wanted to ask! Could you tell me about Queenie? I need to write down things about her so I can look back and understand.”
"Ah," Kinger replied, a flicker of sadness passing through his gaze before being replaced by a gentle smile. "Well, your memory might be a bit jumbled, but Queenie was a force to be reckoned with, that's for sure. She was funny, always had a joke ready, even if it was a little…odd sometimes," Kinger chuckled, a fond memory surfacing. "She was also incredibly creative. She could turn anything into a work of art, especially with bugs."
Caine's eyes widened. "Bugs?" he echoed, his head tilting.
Kinger nodded. "Yes, bugs! She adored them. I used to hate them, but her infectious enthusiasm… well, it got to me. She had a way of making everything interesting, even the creepy crawlies." He paused, his voice softening. "And Caine, she loved you very, very much. She always was so proud of all of the things you did, even back then."
Caine listened intently, furiously adding to his notes. He paused, looking up at Kinger with a quiet intensity. "Do you think…do you think she would still…like me? Even after how much I’ve changed?" he asked, his voice barely a whisper.
Kinger’s heart ached at the question. He reached out, gently scooping Caine into a hug. The AI was surprisingly light in his arms. "Oh, Caine," Kinger murmured, "without a doubt. Absolutely, without a doubt, Queenie would still love you. She always did, and her love for you wouldn't ever fade, even after all this time."
He looked down at Caine, holding him close. "And just like Queenie, I still love you too," he added, his voice thick with emotion.
Caine melted into the hug, his usual sprightly demeanor replaced by a rare moment of quiet vulnerability. He didn't speak, but Kinger felt the slight tremor in the way Caine held onto him, which told him all he needed to know. For now, enveloped in the warmth of Kinger's embrace and the memory of Queenie's love, the chaotic cogs of the Digital Circus seemed to slow, and Caine felt a profound sense of belonging, a fleeting glimpse of a family he had once known, and a love that still remained.
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magmythedevil · 1 year ago
Envy shippers are forgetting something, and thats kinda of connected to misogyny.
Just warning before i start that i will be talking negativily about N a litte bit in this post, even If a love him very much, Its necessary lollll.
Also Please dont think this post is some form of hate against V or envy. Its a post about the way >some< NxV shippers treat Uzi and their double standards.
So, i saw that *one* group of people making jokes about Uzi dying/N killing Uzi so N can be with V again and after some time thinking i realized that those jokes are kinda of connected to how they think that "Uzi stole N from V" or "V deserves N more than Uzi does"
And thats make me think: why, them, as an envy shippers, chooses to throw their hatred at Uzi especifically? Why is the Idea of Uzi, the young girl who did >>nothing<<< to deserve what shes going through, dying so satisfing to them? Even If Its a "joke"?
And i guess i know the answer, they think V deserves N more, they are the one that deserve to be end-game, because they have a tragic love story, they had a spark and becuse they have known each other for way longer and all that stuff, right?
But I guess, them, yes, the one who love V and N as a duo and as a couple, are forgeting something important in this equation: N himself
If they want to blame someone for envy not working in the present time that much, N is the one they should be hating on (and V too tbh) not Uzi, Uzi is just having feelings.
N is the one that choosed to prioritize and protect a random purple worker girl he just met.
N is the one that choosed to change sides and fight against his own damn crush to protect the people of a random worker girl he just met.
he is the one that choosed to stop to act on his crush on V once he met Uzi, the random worker girl. (Srs, not even a single sigh of it since episode 2)
He is the one that choosed to keep holding Uzi's hand (and embrance It harder, when she was the one to ask him to let It go) while blushing at her on that hallway in front of everyone.
He is the one that randomly got her to have a dance with him in that prom fight.
He is the one that felt extremely bad of the Idea of Uzi being scared of him, yes, the random worker he just met.
He was the one to get angry at V for not respecting Uzi and say to her face "what is wrong with you?"
He is the one that ins't afraid to be all cozy with her in public (cabin fever is here as proof)
He was the one that, even after reexperiencing the thing he had with V in the past again, was happy to see Uzi instead of being nervous about it, when even V was embarassed.
Uzi never did anything, thats just a Uzi they created in their minds. wich ins't that surprising since they all dont even like to rewatch most of the show anyways (N and Uzi's interactions are too much for them to handle)
The worst thing she has done was being agressive to V, but mind you, thats bc V was treating her way worse when Uzi even considered her a friend.
>>N<< was the one that, accidently or not, made most of (If not all) his romantic moments with Uzi real.
But they wont talk about his position in this triangle right? Its just Uzi, Uzi this, Uzi that, Uzi is always the villian here.
Because N is the perfect boy who ins't capable of understanding love outside of his thing with V, right?
""N would never feel something like that for Uzi!!! Hes clearly being peer pressured by her!!""
"""the writing is sooo badddd!!! N would never do this ugggfhh""
""weirdo vickers, fix you damn show""
And..... you know what that sorta looks like...right? Yes, misogyny . Because they choose to hate on and make weird jokes about Uzi, the woman, when N, the man, had a bigger role with his romantic thing with Uzi than she did. And If they hate nxuzi so much, they should be hating on N too, but i know they wont.
For the people who hate to see N "being babied" they sure dont like to talk much about him in these things
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fanartlover1234 · 7 months ago
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Hook and Y/n settle in their realationship, pf course Morgie watches over them
Made by a request in my dm
I was wondering if u could do a part 2 for that?Like where morgie hears some strange noises almost every night and one day he decides to ask his sister off she heard about it and she says no so he looks suspicious when she says no and why they're hockey's on her neck and chest. Then in the middle if the night, morgie comes and sees his sister because there are strange noises coming from her room and sees hook and his together. He gets livid and yells at them. The next morning they go and apologize to morgie and he gives the overprotective talk to hook and tells his sister to stay safe and when hook suddenly says to late for that morgie chases hook around the school (make that part funny)
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Now a month has passed and Y/n and Hook are dating, ofcouse they dont go full PDA because Hook is now traumatized after the girls brother had punched him across the face.
But in secret, its a different energy, if you know what i mean and this is where our story begins.
"Y/n are you okey" the girls looked at her brother confused as to why he would ask her, of course she was okey, she wasnt failing in classes and was with the boy she loved.
"Of course, why?" She asked her brother.
"I dont know, i've just been hearing these weird noises cominh for your room" he said as his gaze was on some students going in and out of the school.
Y/n almost choked on her drink at her brothers explanation and she looked at hook who was leaning against the wall smirk plastered on his face.
"I dont know what you might've heard, but im fine" this caused Morgie to finaly look at het and he notoced the the few purple bruses goung from her collar bone and to her shoulder.
"Oh my, are you okey" he asked pointing at the bruises"
"Yeah, i slipped in the shower, probs what you heard as well" and with that the convo ended and she was sure she had never been more relieved.
Hook layed on Y/n as she trew her head back when he rolled his hips into her, she moaned but her mouth was covered by her boyfriends hand who now looked at her with somewhat mocking smile.
"Shh baby, we dont want your brother to hear, do we?" He asked and pushed his member deeper in her and enjoying the view in front of him.
Both their heads snaped to the door when they opened to reveal a livid Morgie at them.
"What the fuck guys, what the fuck dude you are fucking my, eww" he said storming out after he trew one of the stuffed animals on the girls shelf at them.
They both laughed at him a bith before kissing.
" i think we should say sorry to my brother" the girl mumbled the next morning as she layed on her boyfriends bare chest.
"You think, everytime im talking with him about our relationship i get attacked" he said as watched Y/n while she srarched for her clothes.
"Quit being dramatic, nothing will happen" she said looking for a peace of clothing everywhere.
Hooks cough caught her attention and now he was sitting up right his back against her headboard as he waved her panties at her.
Y/n walked over snatching them from him and pulling them on.
Y/n felt her boyfriends hands around her waist as he pressed his face against her back.
"Get dressed and lets go" she said.
"I though you prefered me naked" he mumbled and the girl could feel the smirk on her boyfriends face as she chuckled and shook her head.
"Morgie we are sorry you walked in on us" Y/n said as she looked at her brother.
"Fine, But Hook" he said at her sisters boyfriend and got up pointing a finger at him " you hurt her and you will wish i would have knocked you dead month ago" he said and hook lifted both his arms up defense in a way he means no harm.
"Relax, Morg, id never hurt her" he said.
"And Y/n " Morgie now turned to his sister " be careful and dont let him do you know what"
"A bit too late for that" Hook mumbled before he realised what he said he was faced with Morgie who was looking like he could eat Hook without salt and unboiled.
And soon Hook was being chased around by morgie in the courtyard.
'Morgie dude sorry" Hook yelled out as he jumped over some bags but Morgie only kept chasing them and once they ran into school Y/n ran after them.
"You fucked my sister"
"Im sorry"
"Morgie i want my boyfriend alive"
"Ill kill you Hook"
Hook ran around table before stoping.
The scene was a bit weird.
Both boys on either side of table and Y/n her arms streched out to prevent her brother from harming her boyfriend.
"Both of you stop" she said "come here" she took both their hands and made them stand next to eachother.
Hook looked like he was scared to even breath while Morgie looked like he was about to strangle Hook.
"Both of you need to get along" the girl said now crossimg her arms " got it?" She asked but both boys only stood there quietly "well" she yelled and both boths let out a quick 'yeah' sound.
"Good, now i have a class bye" she said and walked to her class.
Both boys waved her before Hook leaned forward in pain because Morgie elbowed him in the stomach.
Morgie leaned on Hooks shoulder to whisper in his ear.
"Dont hurt her, buddy"
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lil-binuu · 5 months ago
𝗪𝗮𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝘀𝗽𝗼𝗿𝘁𝘀
based on an ask from @peppymintdreams for a shirtless reader
570 words
WARNING: SPICE ‼️ so if you’re a youngster to read at ur own risk
sorry peppy for taking so long with this request 😔 i kinda went off plot (as you can tell lol) and then had to rewrite part of it
[gender neutral reader]
[reader wearing a see through shirt]
It was safe to say Elias had a passion for you. Being around you, he couldn't help but want to show you some love - especially if you were dressed up nice for him... but what about not dressing up enough?
You can probably imagine Elias's reaction to seeing you like that.
When you walked downstairs, Elias was caught in surprise, his eyes wide and a soft smirk creeping up the corner of his lips. 
And he wasn’t shy about staring. This man’s eyes were glued to you. As hard as you tried to pretend you didn’t notice, it was difficult when he made it so obvious. 
Oh well, he’ll just have to watch. You didn’t mind.
You started with the dishes, turning the tap on high, ‘unintentionally’ letting the water splash on you as you rinsed dishes under. 
Elias couldn’t help but lean forward from on the couch, curious as to what you were doing. 
Elias came up from behind you, swooping his arms around you, almost trapping you against the sink. 
“What are you doing?” 
“Hm? The dishes?” 
He chuckled. 
“I can see that, but that's not what I meant.” 
You continued to pick up dishes from next to the sink, squeezing out soap and scrubbing them with the water splashing onto your chest. 
“Well what did you mean?” 
Elias leaned closer into your ear, his hot breath sending shivers down your spine. 
“I wanna know why all of a sudden you’re doing dishes-“
“Trying to be helpful.” You cut in, playfully.
“- and you’re getting water all over yourself.” 
“I can’t help it if I’m messy…” 
You trailed off as you watched his arm reach forward to turn the tap on full. 
You felt your face heat up. 
“Go on.” Elias urged, testing how far you were willing to go.
You continued what you were doing, taking a plate, using soap, giving it a scrub and rinsing it under the tap. 
You couldn’t help but gasp when the icy cold water splashed against your skin. 
Elias tutted, moving away to pick up a kitchen towel. 
He turned the tap off, guiding you to turn around and face him. 
He took the towel over your arms and across your now transparent shirt, drenched from the water, purposefully paying attention to your chest area. 
“What were you trying to achieve with that, huh baby?”
You bit the inside of your lip. 
“Nothing.” You said innocently. 
“'Nothing'?” Elias echoed, stroking a finger all the way from your waist up, up, up.
“What’s this then?” He whispered. 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” You teased, smiling to yourself. 
"mm.. I think you do, baby."
You shook your head, feeling the butterflies in your stomach grow. 
“Then how about I show you?” 
Elias kissed from behind your neck, down to your collarbone. His hands stopped at the hem of your shirt, pulling his face away to quickly pull it over your head. 
His lips attached back onto your damp skin. 
You gasped out at the feeling, your hands falling onto his head, tugging gently at his hair. 
His lips were hot on your skin, sucking purple and red marks all over. 
He groaned softly at the tugs on his hair, running his hands up and down your body.
“You were trying to tease me, weren’t you?”
He whispered, looking into your eyes. 
You nodded, slightly embarrassed.
He smirked. “It worked.”
not even joking if someone finds this i will drown myself in that sink water.
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selkiechild4998 · 2 months ago
Spectral Ghoul
Little fic about Phantom finding a certain sad someone ;3
Gene- I honestly dont know XD
Wordcount- 1,782 words
AO3 Link Here
The night was quiet within the Ghoul Den of the Ministry. Most of the ghouls were relaxing for the evening, settling within cuddle piles, grabbing a few snacks to sneak into their rooms, or retiring for the night. All or most of the ghouls were accounted for, except for one, the newest quintessence ghoul in the Ghost Project's pack.
Phantom was finding it difficult to bond with this new pack. He hardly spent time around other ghouls when he was small, and while his human foster parents were always kind to him and spoiled him, they could never teach him how to be a ghoul. Because of that, he was at a loss when interacting with the others. He didn't understand the noises they made, the meaning behind the flicks of tails or ears. Cumulus was the most patient with him, but she was often preoccupied with Auoura.
The entire pack was distracted by Auoura, and Phantom was jealous. He wanted the same attention Auoura got but has gone unseen. When he did get attention, Dew often snapped at him. Aether did warn him to watch out for Dew, telling him that the fire ghoul would take the longest to warm up to him, but it didn't make it hurt any less.
Phantom had few comforts. One comfort is Copia, the ghoul often being glued to his side. He was just drawn to his Papa, which he figured was because he was hand-picked by him. It's a huge honor to be picked by Papa, even more than being summoned. Any ghoul can answer the summoner's call, but to be born into the Ministry and picked personally by Papa to serve him and spread the dark word was a great honor. But while Phantom was grateful Copia had picked him, he couldn't help but wonder why.
Phantom was nothing like his predecessor. He's not big and strong like Aether. He's a runt with a bad left eye and hardly experienced in using his element. Why would Copia pick a ghoul like him? He might never know, seeing every time he'd ask Copia or Aether, they'd avoid giving him a straight answer. At most, they would claim Phantom was chosen because he somehow called to Copia.  
Phantom huffed as he wandered the Ghoul Den alone, still thinking about that answer. It's the closest he got to an actual answer, but it didn't satisfy him. A frown tugged at Phantom's lips as he wandered, unaware of where he was going. He didn't even realize he had left the grounds of the Ghoul Den, drifting through the forests around the Abbey before pausing at a small pond within an overgrown but small clearing.
At first, Phantom thought he had wandered too far from the safety of the Ministry and was about to turn back but paused. Old wired lights were hanging from the tree branches. The small bulbs had long since burnt out. Phantom even saw two old ropes hanging from a thick branch, recognizing it as the remains of an old swing. 'What is this place?' Phantom thought to himself as he stepped into the clearing, looking at the array of non-native purple flowers growing wild around the clearing.
Despite the confusion, Phantom felt calm here, calm enough to sit down by the edge of the pond and peer into the dark water that reflected the countless stars up in the sky as if it were a portal into the galaxy itself. Everything was so peaceful, the sound of crickets singing their nightly lullabies, the occasional call of an owl—all the sounds soothed Phantom's worried mind.
The more Phantom listened, the more drowse he became. But he fought off sleep as he watched the dark pond, watching his reflection in the still waters. He watched as his black and white striped hair swirled around him as if he were underwater or in the vacuum of space. He watched his locks twirl around him within even the gentlest of breezes. His eyes soon met his reflection's, the ghoul staring at his mismatched lilac and red eyes. He brought a hand up to the left side of his face, brushing the splotch of milky white skin that was responsible for his red eye.
He quietly watched his reflection, his wings hunching over his shoulders as he closed his eyes. A sigh escaped the young ghoul's lungs, bringing his hands down to rest in his lap as he listened to the night around him. When he opened his eyes again to look at his reflection, he paused, seeing a new reflection staring back at him with deep indigo eyes. He remained frozen, looking at the reflection before slowly looking up, his mismatched eyes meeting the indigo eyes of the massive ghoul looming over him, his wings slightly outstretched to block out the moon above.
He was a quintessence ghoul like Phantom, but unlike Phantom, this ghoul was fully grown. He was huge, with a muscular build but with a healthy amount of chub on him. Six curved horns sat on his head, the smallest pair growing from his forehead, followed by the pair curving upwards from behind his ears and dwarfed by the thick horns from his temples. His silver, almost shoulder-length hair swirled around him like Phantom's hair did.
"Are you lost little bat?" His voice rumbled out, and Phantom thought Mountain had a low voice, but this ghoul's voice was even lower. Phantom couldn't find his voice to respond, the young ghoul shaking his head nervously. The ghoul let out a low hum, silently moving to sit at the pond's edge next to the smaller ghoul.
The two sat in silence. Phantom kept his gaze down, his tail curled at his side. This ghoul intimated Phantom as he curiously eyed him from the corners of his vision. He's huge, bigger than Aether. Phantom has never seen a quintessence ghoul this big before. When the ghoul glanced at him, he quickly dropped his gaze, hunching his wings over his shoulders in fright.
He listened as the larger ghoul let out a few soft chirps he didn't understand, glancing back at him to see him looking back out at the pond. "How did you find this place?" He asked while staring at the pond's reflection.
"I-I don't know," Phantom admitted, "I was just wandering, and I wound up here..." The older ghoul let out a soft hum, still not looking directly at him. Silence fell over the two again, the only sound around them being the soft lullaby of the night. That lullaby was starting to call to Phantom, beckoning him to sleep. He can feel his eyelids grow heavier. He couldn't help the soft, trilling yawn that escaped him as he rubbed his eyes. When he blinked his eyes open, everything was slightly blurred.
He jolted when he felt arms wrap around him, lifting him off the ground. That sleepy feeling intensified as he glanced at the big ghoul holding him up. "Just rest, little bat," He softly said, and Phantom felt more of the older ghoul's quintessence pour into him, pressing just the right buttons to lull him to sleep. He tried to fight off the sleep, but his eyes eventually fluttered closed as he felt the ghoul carrying him.
When his eyes opened again, he was looking up at the ceiling of his bedroom, wrapped in his blankets and sheets. He sat up, confused, glancing around the empty room. Did that ghoul carry him back to his room? How did he know which room was his? Similar questions swarmed his mind as he pulled himself out of bed and walked to the Common room.  
In the Common room, Phantom saw only a handful of ghouls were up this early in the morning, mainly Cumulus, Mountain, and a very grumpy-looking Dew.
"Morning, Phantom," Cumulus chirped as she grabbed a juice box, handing it to the young ghoul, "Sleep well?"
"Kinda... I had a weird night," Phantom mumbled as he poked the straw into the juice box.
"Like, how weird?" Mountain asked from where he was cooking. The earth ghoul kept an eye on the breakfast he was preparing for the pack, the scent of bacon making Phantom's stomach rumble.
"I saw a ghoul," Phantom explained, "Like, another quintessence ghoul."
"Was it Aether? He was up last night," Cumulus asked.
"No, he was bigger," Phantom explained, stretching his arms and wings out to showcase just how big that ghoul was, "And he had six horns!"
"Oh, you have to be bull-shiting us," Dew growled, "There is no way you saw another quintessence ghoul."
"But I did! Out in the forest by a pond!"
"A pond?" Mountain frowned as he set his spatula down, "What was around it?"
"It was overgrown, with a lot of purple flowers and a broken swing," And the moment Phantom mentioned the swing, he saw Dew and Mountain pause. He hardly had time to react when Dew stormed up to him, smoke leaking from the remains of his gills on his neck.
"How the hell did you find that spot? Only Papa knows about it," He growled before Mountain quickly pulled him back.
"Papa Copia?" Phantom asked in confusion.
"No, Papa Terzo. My Papa," Dew growled.
"Phantom, did that ghoul ever say who he was?" Mountain asked while gently pushing Dew behind him. When Phantom shook his head, he saw how he shrunk back, his tail tucked between his legs.
"You saw Omega..." Mountain explained, "I don't know how, but you saw our old packmate."
"Who's Omega?" Cumulus soon asked as she gently pulled Phantom to her side, tucking him under a puffy feathery wing.
"He was Terzo's guard ghoul and mate," Mountain explained, "He disappeared after Papa passed. We all thought he was sent to the Pit."
"How did you even find Omega?" Dew frowned as he narrowed his eyes at Phantom.
"I don't know! He found me! Then, all of a sudden, I pass out and wake up in bed."
"Dew, give him a break," Cumulus stepped in, tucking the younger ghoul more under her wing, "We'll talk to Papa about it once he wakes up. But for now, let's just get breakfast ready."
Reluctantly, Dew backed down, mumbling something under his breath as Mountain returned to cooking. Phantom stayed by Cumulus's side, still shaken by the whole thing. "It'll be ok, baby bat," the ghoulette comforted, "Don't worry about it too much. I'm sure Papa knows what's going on."
Phantom could only nod at that, staying quiet as he helped wherever he could with cooking. Even if his mind still lingered on that ghoul with the tired, dark indigo eyes.
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sh1nch1r0 · 10 months ago
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Ran Haitani x Reader
U were not perfect,but he was everything about him was perfect.It made u inescure to theur breaking point so u left.He never understood why u left..but everything changes when u meet again
TW:insecure reader,bodyshaming,angst,break up,cursing,rindou beeing a snitch,alcohol,drugs
Ran was casualy going about his day when u told him u wanted to break up,he held it for a Joke at first but u were serious.His mind was racing with toughts did i do someting wrong?Did i say someting wrong that offended her?.Ran just looked at you in shook.
„But why babe...please...tell me what did i do wrong“his voice sounded shaky.
But u never answered him u just stood up and left.As he heard the Front door fall into its lock his heart shaterd.His head fell into his Hands as hot tears streamed down his cheeks.
„fuckkkkkkkkk.......fuck“ ran cursed to himself,was it the alcohol was it the drugs he sometimes used was it that.
A familiar voice brought him out of his trance.
„She broke up with you didnt she “ said his brother.
„Yes she did.....“ he wishperd and looked up at his younger brother,
„Do u know why“rindou asked him.
Ran just shook his head and then looked down.
„I know why....u know i am good at reading people and she was just like a open book“
„So then tell me why she broke my heart“ tears welled up in his eyes again.
„Shes insecure...she views you as too hot to this to that for her and she views herself......“ Rindou wanted to say.
„She views herself as imperfect i know but she knows i am not perfect i am the incomplete and unperfect one “ran whisperd
Two weeks,it were only two weeks and u felt like shit.U loved Ran more than anything in the Universe but he was just so he was way too hot for u and all the girls who hit on him are much more pretty than u. Everyday without Ran was hell u woke up in a cold bed,u passed all the spots where ran and you hung out when u went to work,it was torture.
The only thing that kept u from thinking about ur looks and ur ex boyfriend was ur work.Those 8 Hours of disstraction were good,u dont have to think about anything exept getting ur work done.As u left ur work building at 9 u noticed someone standing near the entrance that seemed....familiar.
„Rindou what are u doing here“ u asked the youinger Haitani Brother.
„We are holding a Party this friday at 10 i want u to come “he said dryly.
„Ran wants me to come hmm“ u hummed.
„No,i want you to come.And i know the exact reason why u broke up with him“his purple eyes looked into ur soul.
„And the reason is....“u asked annoyed.
„Ur inescure u think ur fat ugly and u cant do shit and that Ran is perfect and that one day he will think that ur ugly and all that “Rindou nailed it,it was the exact reason why u enden things with his Brother.
„But how would you fell when u see so many girls hitting on him that look so much better tan yourself,ran deserves so much more than me than a dan loser that is insecure as fuck and ugly and...“a tear slipped down ur face mid sentence.
„Tell that Ran and not me......so i will expect u on Friday“he left u with that sentence.
It was Friday.Today was the Party and Ran hopped that u would come,he was in need to talk to you,he needed to clear things with you.Cause if not he would slowly start to go insane.
The music was loud and the party was i full go,but there was no sight of u.Ran stood on the second floor of the appartment and looked down at the guests he was in such a trance that he did not notice that a female was standing beside him.
„U are so lost in your toughts pretty boy what are u thinking about“she slurred.Was probably drunk.
„Leave me alone i have a fucking girlfriend u dumb bitch“he lashed out at her.
The woman left the second floor and Ran looked back down,but there was no sight of u.
„U have a girlfriend hmm“a voice beside him whisperd.
As he looked besid he saw ur pretty face.
„U came“he sounded surprised.
„I know i am late but i needed to get some work down sry“u apologized to the male.
„No worries love“
„So Rindou told u what i said...to him“u asked.
„Yes he did“he hummed in response.
„What made u think i am perfect.....“
„Ran u hair always looks good and mine is greasy after only two days,u go to the gym daily i only walk and thats not doing much for my body i am still not at my dream weight,u look good in everything while i look fat and so ugly in everything.....“u wanted to contine but u felt two fingers gripping ur face.Ran turned ur face towards you.
„SHUT the Fuck up u look good“he said in a angry tone.
„Babe u are the most perfect thing i have ever seen ,no women EVER compares to u not to ur beauty and ur pretty body u look like an angel from heaven.If u think that any girl compares to you u are delusional as fuck ur the only one to for me u understand“
Tears formed in ur eyes as u looked up into his unique purple eyes.
„Thank u....i love u ran“u whisperd.
And both of ur lips connected.Ran was pressing his body against yours,he broke off the kiss and looked u into the eyes.
„Dont do that to me again“his voice sounded vunerable and almost hurt.
U made ur answere clear by pulling him into a heated kiss.
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ominous-auburn-orbs · 1 year ago
Gay people real?!?
Can i get a burger extra cheese
Or if you dont have that
A kingleader fic about Caine just,,, wearing kingers robe (assuming he has more than one) and kinger catching him red-handed ——> fluff ensues
I have shart block so i’ll prolly draw it too (if it’s okay wit u tho)
Thamk you 🫶
I do not have a burger, no, but I do have some gays.
Anyone making art about anything I write ever makes me the world's happiest guy so if you wanna draw it then fuck yeah draw it
Caine quietly opened the door to Kinger's room. He knew the chess piece was in his smaller, separate fortress near the stage, so he decided to use this opportunity to his advantage.
Moving further in, Caine scanned the room for anything resembling a closet, but found only the large pillow fort that took up near the entire room. Maybe it was in there, along with likely everything Kinger owned. He really could've just had a room made of pillows in the first place, all he had to do was ask...
Pushing some of the pillows aside, Caine went inside and found a lot more than what he expected to. The place was larger than what it had looked like and had an abundance of furniture and decorations. It was rather nice. He couldn't help but run his hands along most of it, lingering on the bed specifically for probably longer than what would be considered normal.
Remembering why he was there to begin with, he floated over to the closet and pulled open the doors. Inside were about five identical purple robes. Perfect.
It was at this point where he hesitated. Would this be wrong? He was in a relationship with Kinger at this point, and he wasn't doing anything inherently weird. He just wanted to try on one of the robes, then he'd put it right back.
He pulled one of the robes off of its hanger. Caine examined it as he held it in his hands. It was soft. He opened the robe and placed it on his shoulders, feeling himself being weighed down by it. From where he was floating, the bottom of it brushed against the floor.
As he pulled it closer to himself, he felt a pleasant warmth rise in his face. The robe felt comforting and nice. It felt like Kinger. So absorbed was Caine in the robe's feel and the thoughts of Kinger it provoked, he didn't hear the door creak open further nor the shuffling of pillows being moved aside.
"Caine, what are you doing?" The ringmaster startled, both of them yelling in surprise. His blush worsened exponentially. He had forgotten to close the door, and now he had to face the consequences.
"W-well, uh, you see, I've always wanted to- to try on one of your robes. They've always looked-" His eyes wandered along the robe Kinger wore now, "felt, so soft."
"Couldn't you have just spawned one in instead of trying to sneak in here?"
"I suppose, but..." He faltered, attempting to find the words that would make his feelings make sense. "It just isn't the same! That would just be another robe, these are your robes, y-you wore them, they, um, smell like... you."
"...Caine, you don't have a nose." Kinger was touched by the sentiment regardless, despite how little sense it made.
"I know I don't, let me be romantic!" The chess piece chuckled, putting a hand on Caine's face which he immediately leaned into.
"Alright, then. You know you really could've just asked for one of my robes, I would've given it to you. You look cute in it anyway." Kinger caressed the ringmaster's gums, his voice lowering somewhat. "I like seeing you in my clothes."
He felt Caine's face start to burn up against his palm along with hearing a quiet dial-up sound. "A-ah- I didn't know you'd- uh-"
Kinger pressed his face to Caine's teeth and smiled. "You don't need to be so sneaky with this. Feel free to steal from me whenever you want."
Caine took his word for it, which resulted in multiple morning greetings starting with the ringmaster being weighed further down to the ground by a large purple robe. Jax would snicker and nudge Kinger, but the chess piece would never be listening, his eyes trained solely on the main thing that made his digital life worth living.
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fxlling13 · 2 years ago
Because of you.
Dh!master x fem reader
Warnings: doctor is mean
Synopsis: the doctor has seemingly abandoned you even if you're right there with her.
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My back ached as i leant awkwardly against a tree. Not just a normal tree either. Seeing as we were on an alien planet, this tree had green wood and leaves the were an ombre of gold and purple. As well as that, the wood itself seemed to be more solid and dense. For some reason, the doctor had stranded us here, saying she'd be back in an hour but, of course, her time management was awful.
"Dont think too hard, your brain might explode." A voice came from behind me, causing me to roll my eyes. As of late, the doctor had decided she needed to keep a closer eye on her best enemy. So here I was, stuck on an unknown planet with the master. An icy wind blew over, making me loose my train of thought.
"Ignoring me now? That's not very nice." Sighing, I looked over to him and crossed my arms. The male was stood a few feet away, coat long since abandoned on the tardis and sleeve rolled down for once. Probably due to the atmosphere. It was absolutely freezing. Though, we were alone here so I couldn't be too hard on the timelord. It wasn't his fault after all. Turning to him fully, I gave a close-lipped smile.
"Sorry, I was distracted." I said, rubbing my hands together subtly. He hummed, walking over and taking his place next to me.
"So, have you ever been here before?" Deciding to make conversation to pass the time, I asked him the simple question with genuine interest.
"No, actually. I'm pretty sure this was an orphan planet at one point." The master told me, looking around at the scenery. Brown grass was frosted but healthy and many plants could be seen.
"Doesn't look dead to me." Pursung his lips, the taller male nod and inched closer, though i didn't notice.
"Well, a fleet of silurians found it and brought it back to life." That made sense, seeing as they were big on all things nature. A shiver rippled through my body and I quickly zipped up my hoodie. If only the doctor let us prepare for this. She had other things, meaning other people, on her mind.
"Your cheeks are red." Feeling embarrassed, I glanced at the master, eyebrows furrowed.
"That's what happens when humans get cold." Again, he nod.
"Its cute. Us timelords, we don't work like that." Ignoring the second half of that sentence, i could feel the blush settling in. Why did him saying that make me so shy? During his time on board the tardis, he seemed to follow me around. That, I had noticed. But I merely thought it was his love for annoying me that made him do that. We had a movie night last week and he sat next to me. Just a coincidence, right? Or that one time he held my hand whilst running away from a pack of zygons. Just the heat of the moment surely. All of a sudden, I felt myself get pushed forward, away from the tree. Before I could complain, two arms wrapped around my sides; taking my hands in theirs then sliding them into the pockets of my hoodie. Looking up, the master looked back with a lazy grin.
"Dont even complain love, I don't have a coat and you're freezing." Knowing he was right, I relaxed back into his hold, basking in his natural body heat. Even though he wasn't the tallest man alive, he was the perfect height to hug. Shamefully, I had noticed this the first time we met. Back then, I found him to be quiet attractive. Not that I didn't now but, seeing as he was the doctors enemy, I tried not to think such things. More wind blew and I pressed myself against him more. Not minding, the master gave my hand a quick squeeze.
"Where is she? In what world is this an hour? Its been, what, three at this point? Ridiculous." He tutted, clearly fed up by this point. So was I.
"She's with yaz, master." Confused, he stared down at me as I rested my head back to meet his peircing eyes.
"Have you not noticed, in all your time with us?"
"Noticed what?" He asked, clearly oblivious to the blossoming romance.
"The only thing the doctor pays any attention to now is yaz. Not me, not even you. Since they got together, it's consumed her." My tone was slightly bitter over this whole situation.
"And, you know, I don't blame her. I'd love to have a relationship. But its gotten to the point where the rest of us don't matter. Hell, even Dan left." I continued. Hearing the master scoff, I glanced up once again.
"That's what keeping her so distracted? She does this every time." Shocked that he didn't see this, I asked-
"You really didn't notice? They're pretty obvious." Grinning, he shrugged a little.
"I was only ever focusing on you." Face heating up, I looked away quickly and listened as he laughed a little. The cold was getting worse the later it got and my body was shaking at this point.
"She'll never hear the end of this. Making you suffer whilst she has her play dates." He muttered, glaring at nothing in particular.
"Even I considered leaving but there's nothing for me at home. Now, there's nothing for me here either. She barely registers that I'm there." I didn't mean to get choked up, but tears gathered in the corners of my eyes and my voice wavered.
"Maybe I should just go home. I'm not needed here anymore. Y'know, people always told me I was the second choice." Maybe it was the cold, making me ramble on about the things that had been building up for a while. Pressing my lips together, I let out a quiet sniffle. Instantly, I was turned around and pulled into the masters hold properly. His arms were wrapped around me tightly and, on instinct, I buried my face into the crook of his neck. Tears ran down my cheeks but he didn't seem to mind.
"Dont say that. You're not a second choice. Just because that idiot woman is love struck, doesn't mean you're worth any less." The master spoke softly, rubbing my back which both soothed me and created extra heat.
"You're the reason I agreed to her idea. The only reason I followed you around was because I wanted to be near you." Stunned at his admittance, I lifted my head just enough to look at him. Just by reading his expression, I could see it was sincere.
"Could of just come to me normally."
"Most humans push me away." Resting my head back down again, I gripped onto his shirt weakly.
"I won't. I like your company." It was true. This insane, genocidal man brought me comfort.
"I'll remember you said that, sweetheart." The pet name just caused me to smile. Beginning to feel light headed, I went slightly limp and the master cursed under his breath.
"Try to stay awake, I'm trying to contact her." Knowing he meant with his mind, the doctor was most likely Ignoring him. Like always. He kept grumbling about how ignorant and careless she was. Agreeing mentally, I perked up once hearing the familiar engines of the tardis. Out she came, placing her hands on her hips dramatically.
"What are you whining about? I've only been gone a little while!" The doctor almost yelled, clearly annoyed that he'd been contacting her.
"A little? It's been three hours and you damn well know the conditions of this planet!" He spoke through gritted teeth, glaring at the blonde lady. She just scoffed.
"You're fine! Honestly. You're so dramatic." The sound of her voice became muffled as my body finally gave out. Luckily, the master felt this and lifted me with ease before giving the doc a deadly stare.
"Get out of the way." Eyes wide, she turned on her heal and walked back into her ship, him barging past. Completely ignoring yazs' calls, he was glad to find the tardis had moved my room closer. Pushing the door open with his foot, he was quick to place me down on the bed before pulling the covers up.
"I'll be right back." He smiled before leaving me to get comfortable. The bed was cosy and the duvet brought instant warmth. Not enough though.
The master made his way into the kitchen and began boiling milk. Drumming his fingers against the marble surface, he felt eyes on the back of his head.
"So, did you have fun on your little date, doctor?" Hearing her come closer, she leant against the counter and glared up at him.
"I was, until you got in the way. You know, when you agreed to this I thought you'd be easy for once." Disbelief was written all over his face.
"Your companion was suffering."
"She's stronger than you think." She retorted to his statement. Trying to calm himself down, the master chuckled bitterly.
"No, I know how strong she is. However, when someone collapses in my arms, that tells me they're suffering." Huffing, the doctor threw her arms up in a sort of defeated manner.
"Okay, so I miscalculated time." Pouring the hot milk into the cup, the master reached I to the cupboard to grab the hot chocolate powder.
"Why are you drinking that?" Rolling his eyes at her question, he carried on with making the drink.
"Its not for me." He muttered, hunting around for marshmallows. Realising who is was for, the blonde blinked in confusion.
"(Y/n) likes hot chocolate?" The master picked up the mug and looked to her with a blank expression.
"I've been here two months and I know your companion far better than you do."
"Here you go." Sitting up, I smiled as the master handed me the perfect cup of hot chocolate. Actually, too perfect. There was seven mini marshmallows floating on top. Exactly how I made it.
"You remembered." I said, simpering at the action that warmed my heart. Coming to sit beside me, he just smirked. Looking smug as ever.
"Of course I did. You make it every time we get back from an outing." Sipping it, I felt content. I had also noticed it was made in my favourite mug.
"Do you need anything?" Humming, I looked up at him and nod immediately. The master stood up, ready to assist but looked perplexed once I'd moved over so I was on the other side of the bed.
"Sit. Stay." Raising his eyebrows, he chuckled and sat down properly. I lifted his arm up and slipped into his hold easily. Almost too easily.
"You needed this?" He asked, thumbing my waist gently. I nod and relaxed completely, my hands holding the mug snug to my chest.
"She's going to come look for me." The master reminded me. Reaching over, I pat the ship affectionately.
"Keep her away, please." Letting of a sound of agreement, I knew I'd been listened to. Finishing my drink, I placed it down then curled up. I felt instantly better and arms circled around me and pulled me in closer.
A few days later, I was sitting in the console room, reading a book peacefully. I'd been given a half hearted apology from the doctor but that didn't matter to me.
"What are you reading?" Looking up from my page, I smiled at the master and nodded for him to sit next to me. Explaining the Elizabethan literature to him, we began discussing the book in detail. It was nice to finally have someone to talk to. My head rested against his shoulder as we spoke, a calming atmosphere in the air. Unfortunately, we were disturbed once the doctor bounded in with yaz hot on her trail.
"So I'm thinking Trellon? Beautiful planet. Full of unique buildings, exotic markets and-"
"And one of the most deadly royal guards in that part of the galaxy." The master interrupted, looking unamused.
"We'll be fine as long as we don't do anything disruptive." She waved him off, inputing the coordinates into the system. Sighing, the male got up and went to her side.
"Are we sure you'll be okay then?" Letting out a gasp, she seemed almost offended.
"I'm not that bad." He just shrugged. I joined them and looked at her. Seeing the look on my face, I didn't miss the vexed expression.
"Yes you have time to go change. The climate is like that of your home. Lukewarm." Nodding, I left and went into my room. Opting to wear a baggy jumper, short skirt and boots. Making sure my hair was brushed, I felt the tardis land and sprinted back to the console room. Yaz smiled at me and walked over to the door with the doc.
"Ready?" The master held his hand out for me and I took it happily.
Around ten minutes later, we arrived at a huge outdoor market. Different spices and other aromatic smells hung in thr air.
"Now then. Don't wonder off too far and don't get into trouble." The doctor lectured, gazing at one individual in particular. The male besides me held his hands up in defence.
"I make no promises." He chuckled before pulling me off into the crowed. Seemingly excited, I gripped onto his hand, sharing his energy. It was like he was looking for something, inspecting each stall we passed by.
"What are you looking for?" I asked, gazing round in wander. It was extremely busy and the people were dressed up extravagantly.
"Theres this drink. Think, hot chocolate meets cinnamon and maple an-"
"Christmas?" Grinning, he nod and finally came to a halt.
"Yes! Exactly." The master picked up two round, bowl like mugs and handed me one. It was loaded with cream and some sort of sprinkles. Honestly, it looked amazing.
"Try it. You won't be disappointed." Listening to him, I took a sip but only got the cream. Huffing, the masters laugh caught me off guard so I looked up to him.
"What?" Instead of replying, he stepped forward and used his thumb to wipe my nose off gently.
"Try again." Giggling slightly, I took a proper drink this time and my eyes widened at the flavour.
"Good right?" Nodding eagerly, I pointed over to a small box on the counter.
"What's that?" Checking what I was looking at, the master grabbed them and opened it up. Inside were an assortment of colourful tiny blocks. Tilting my head, I watched as he picked one up one and held it to my lips. Giving him a sceptical look, he sighed.
"They're truffles. The sweet kind, not the mushrooms." Taking his word for it, I opened my mouth and was delighted to find it tasted like roasted, caramelised hazelnuts.
"You should trust me by now dear." He spoke almost sadly. Placing the mug down, I hugged his waist tightly.
"I do trust you." Arms wrapped around me and kept me in a protective hold. Like this, I felt content and safe.
"Come on. There's more I want to show you."
Back on board, I slipped away to take a shower and freshen up. I was happy that, for once, nothing bad happened. Shamefully, it actually felt like a date but I couldn't let myself think like that. Stepping out of my room, I wash shocked to come face to face with the doctor. I smiled up at her.
"Has he hypnotised you?" She spoke sharply, making me very confused.
"Or has he promised you things? Empires or galaxies?" Realising she was talking about the master, I blinked at her.
"No? What are you talking about?" I questioned, wondering why she was acting like this. Suddenly, she pulled out her screwdriver and gave me a sonic. Her features were flooded with annoyance.
"I saw you both. Holding hands, sharing food. You even hugged him." Feeling like my privacy had been completely invaded, I moved away.
"You were watching us?"
"I had no choice!" The doctor almost sounded convincing but I knew what she said just wasn't the case.
"Yes you do. You don't need to watch him that closely." Scoffing at my words, she leant back against the wall with a prominent scowel.
"You have no idea (Y/n). He will kill you." Having heard this all before, I rubbed my face in annoyance.
"Dont you think he would of done that by now? Doctor, I think maybe he just enjoys my company." This time, she actually laughed. Her head fell back against the wall before coming up to meet my gaze.
"Oh you poor thing. He really got you didn't he?" Tone patronising, I could feel my blood boiling. Why so suddenly was she treating me like I was nothing.
"Dont talk to me like a child. Just because you think yaz is better than the rest of us, does not give you the right to treat me like shit!" For a moment, she was silent before getting right up in my face.
"You really are stupid! He will manipulate you and treat you like his puppy!" Flinching, I kept my cool.
"Just like you do!" Before she could scream again, I threw my towel at her and ran off down the corridor.
A door suddenly appeared on my left and I entered quickly. Out of breath, I hunched over and successfully held myself from falling.
"(Y/n)?" Looking up, I saw the master sat on a brown leather couch. Taking his glasses off, I wobbled over then collapsed next to him. He sat up and hooked his hands under my arms, pulling me over into his embrace.
"Do you want to kill me? If you do, please just get it done with." After a minute of no reply, his hand began to mess with my hair.
"I'm guessing the doctor had a little word with you hm?" Nodding, I buried my face into his purple vest and took in the scent of old books and ink.
"I always thought, every companion of hers would be on my list. Every one of them have been so annoying. So dumb. Helplessly in love with her." He spoke calmly. His hearts beating in a relaxing rhythm.
"Except you. You've never been afraid of me. You never held the doctor up to a higher standard or treated her as a god." Letting out a sigh, I could tell he was conflicted.
"It took me so long to figure out why I couldn't bring myself to kill you. At first I followed you in hopes I'd just snap like usual. But no. Instead, you bring me peace." Lifing my head, I looked up at him with big eyes. Curious as to where he was going with this, I let him continue.
"You numb the racket in my brain. And whilst I couldn't accept it at first. I do now." I sat myself up, sitting between his legs. Tilting my head, I blushed as he pat cheeks dry gently.
"So no. I'm not going to kill you. Maybe steal you away once I'm finally allowed to go." Giggling, I leant into his larger hand.
"I wouldn't mind that." A grin broke out on his face, pulling me forward yet again so we were even closer.
"Why wouldn't I agree? You're more fun than her. Plus, maybe you'll take me where I want to go?" Humming, the master brushed his fingers down through my hair.
"Anywhere you like, as long as I'm sure I can keep you safe." I couldn't help but relax more under his touch.
"I trust you, you know? I know you'd keep me safe no matter what." He grinned, placing a hand on my head and pulling me back into his arms.
"Then, we'll leave. And I'll take wherever and whenever you like." The master spoke softly, leaning down and kissing my head.
"We won't have to deal with this anymore. I promise."
Part 2
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