risaaivf · 4 years
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Reciprocity Presents Alchemy an exchange of perspectives. Topic: Born To Lead Or Learnt To Lead Saturday, 16th-May-2020, 3pm to 4.30pm
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risaaivf · 4 years
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The rapid spread of the virus that causes COVID-19 has sparked alarm worldwide. The World Health Organization (WHO) has declared this rapidly spreading coronavirus outbreak a pandemic, and countries around the world are grappling with a surge in confirmed cases. With India breaching its 70,000 tally mark of coronavirus cases on tuesday morning, we believe getting to know our invisible enemy better is the need of the hour. To bust all the myths surrounding CoronaVirus and help you take the right decisions , Hub And Oak has partnered with Dr. Rita Bakshi (MBBS, MD - Obstetrics & Gynaecology), founder and chairperson of International Fertility Centre. We'll discuss about safety measures that should be taken for yourself and others. Feel free to join in on 15th May, 2020, Friday from 5PM to 6PM. Register with the link in bio:- https://forms.gle/mtqHsTdRAvj1jhA28
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risaaivf · 4 years
A good cup of tea can fix everything! A good cup of tea is just like a breath of fresh air, which breaks the monotony of life. From celebration to frustration, this hearty blend is the solution to everything. Is it safe to drink tea during pregnancy? Visit:- https://bit.ly/2zsljWo #LifeStyle #Food #DrinkTeaDuringPregnancy #Pregnancy #PossibleSideEffects
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risaaivf · 4 years
Our USA patient who tried 5 times in USA including Cleveland clinic got success with us. went back to USA and delivered there but they could not save the baby at 34 weeks. they came back again. did IVF again. got Twins. they have made a video of their journey with us. #Motherhood #Pregnancy #WeekByWeekPregnancy #Fertilization #IVFTreatment #DrRitaBakshi
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risaaivf · 4 years
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“Wishing you all the Love, Health, and Happiness that you so deserve.” Happy Mother’s Day to All the mothers of the world!
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risaaivf · 4 years
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Ecosystem 2.0 | India's Biggest Series of Digital Events for Startup Ecosystem. 10th May 2020, 12:30pm-01:30pm Scan QRL to Register #IndiasBiggestSeries #Events #DigitalEvents #Startup #StartupEcosystem #Covid19
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risaaivf · 4 years
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Unexplained infertility: Most of the times, infertility is diagnosed, but the exact causes are not identified. In such case IUI is remarkable as it carries the healthy gestation period in females. Visit:- http://bit.ly/305DsCh #IUITreatment #SuccessRatesofIUI
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risaaivf · 4 years
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It’s not always the woman who is having problems, sometimes it’s the male partner as well. For 40% couples who can’t conceive, the problem lies with the man. In developing and advanced nations, a study conducted by the Hebrew University of Jerusalem concluded that sperm counts have decreased by 60% in less than 40 years. Visit:- https://bit.ly/3dpjk3T #CausesofInfertilityInMen #InfertilityInMen #MaleInfertility
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risaaivf · 4 years
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Join the Webinar Male Infertility in Covid-19 Pandemic with Dr.Rita Bakshi Join Zoom Meeting:- https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81463357184 Meeting ID: 814 6335 7184 Password: PUBERGEN #Covid19 #Webinar #MaleInfertility #CoronaVirus #Covid19Pandemic #DrRitaBakshi #SpeakerDrRitaBakshi
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risaaivf · 4 years
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Nowadays, there is varied range of infertility treatments available with the advancement of technology in the medical field. Infertility treatments such as IVF, IUI, ICSI, Surrogacy, PESA/TESA, PGD, Laparoscopy, Blastocyst, and Assisted Hatching are offered at International Fertility Centre. IFC has successfully delivered more than 10,000 IVF cycles and is a leading provider of IVF treatment, which is a best cure for infertility. Visit:- https://bit.ly/2W3O2K5 #BestCureforInfertility #IVFTreatment
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risaaivf · 4 years
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In-vitro Fertilization Treatment is the highly effective infertility treatment in the field of Assisted Reproductive Technology. IVF treatment is the painless and less time consuming procedure therefore, it is generally preferred by most of the infertile couples if either of the partner is notified with severe infertility issues. There are multiple of steps involved in IVF procedure which require great expertise care and are necessary for successful treatment. Visit:- https://bit.ly/35rEtHK #FollicularMonitoring #SuccessfulIVFTreatment #IVFTreatment
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risaaivf · 4 years
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Its focus is on women of the world to achieve the highest possible standards of physical, mental, reproductive and sexual health and well being throughout their lives. It offers the care which is required at every stage of life from puberty to post-menopause. Medical team of International Fertility Centre has qualified gynaecologists, obstetricians, surgeons and staff specialized in female reproductive disorders and their treatments. Visit:- https://bit.ly/2zO8JRB #Gynecologist #BestGynecologyClinicinDelhi #GynecologicalAssessment #DrRitaBakshi
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risaaivf · 4 years
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Pregnancy starts as soon as the sperm and an egg meet for fertilization to form an embryo. Journey of a woman into a mother starts with the embryo development and growth. Motherhood is extremely an overwhelming experience for a woman. A mother is born with the birth of the child. There are different stages of embryo development with week by week pregnancy. Visit:- https://bit.ly/3aJbsIM #Motherhood #Pregnancy #WeekByWeekPregnancy #Fertilization #EmbryoDevelopment
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risaaivf · 4 years
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Every baby grows at a different pace but the weight numbers are merely an estimate. Your baby’s weight is likely to vary. There is nothing to worry about even if your ultrasound report indicates that your baby’s weight is lesser or on the higher side. Once you reach full term, your baby’s weight will range between >5 pounds, usually. Visit:- https://bit.ly/3aOyfCZ #BabysWeight #BabysWeightGrowth
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risaaivf · 4 years
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Surrogacy is the process in which the mother and father’s genetic material is placed in another woman’s womb (surrogate) who carries and gives birth therefore essentially it is their baby, genetically and is nurtured by the surrogate’s womb who handover the baby to the rightful parents. Visit:- https://bit.ly/3f0lZCz #Surrogacy #SurrogacyServices #DonorEggs #SurrogateMothers #Parenthood
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risaaivf · 4 years
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Pregnancy unfolds so many mysteries to women.They experience a lot of new things that happen to them during the gestation period and at times find themselves amidst a lot of emotions which are unknown to them. Pregnancy transforms their whole world into something new and exciting. How to Handle Depression During Pregnancy? Visit:- https://bit.ly/3aiG2tq #DepressionDuringPregnancy #DuringPregnancy #Emotions #Experience
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risaaivf · 4 years
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Join the Webinar Safe Motherhood in Covid-19 Pandemic with Dr.Rita Bakshi #Covid19 #Webinar #WebinarSafeMotherhood #CoronaVirus #Covid19Pandemic #DrRitaBakshi #SpeakerDrRitaBakshi
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