#donnie doesn't do well when he's not in control
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purplepixel · 2 months ago
Donnie internally relieved that he tricked an entire fandom into thinking that he is in fact an unemotional bad boy
i think its so funny when people take the way donnie acts at face value even though its a horrible lie because he's a horrible liar, while understanding leo is bullshitting very well despite him actually being GOOD at bullshitting. many such cases
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tizeline · 2 months ago
TSAU!Donnie's Ninpō Explained!
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The first ability Donnie unlocks is the ability to see mystic energy! Objects or people with with mystic energy has this colourful glowing aura you could call it, the more mystic energy the more brightly is glows. For example - Mikey already has a very bright aura naturally, which becomes even brighter when he is actively using magic! ..... All of this is to say, Donnie found that out the hard way when he used his mystic sight on Mikey when he was using magic and Donnie as a result got a little bit fucking blinded!
All yōkai and mutants are naturally mystic in nature, they always have a visable aura because of that. Humans are not mystic, so they don't have that aura. HOWEVER! Humans can learn how to use magic through certain means like, y'know, Ninpō for example! When a human uses magic, they do have mystic aura, but only while actively using mystic powers.
(Also Donnie totally accidentally discovered that the "teapot" had bad vibes because his mystic sight lol)
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After a while Donnie is able to start making constructs out of his Ninpō. Initially however, he can't really form complex designs, it's mostly just blocks and walls, very simplistic shapes. But it turns out he can use these simpler constructs as effective shields! Which is good considering his soft shell as well as the fact that his battle shell in the AU wasn't built to be used as armour. Both he and April gets a lot of use out of the extra defense.
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With quite a bit of practice Donnie is able to actually generate specific and more complex designs! Which means that yes, to the horror of friend and foe alike, Donnie can and will summon an entire arsenal of firepower, yikes. He's not limited to firearms though, he's able to generate all kinds of technology and machinery (drill!!!!)
To create these mystic contructs, it does require Donnie to have a good understanding of what it looks like, how it functions, etc. His imagination and his knowledge of technology are what sets a lot of the limits on what he is able to create, if he can build it in his lab then he can build it with his Ninpō. This particular ability requires a lot complex thought, if Donnie wasn't so smart he wouldn't be able to pull it off as well as he does.
Another limitation is that maintaining the contsructs is very energy-consuming, he'll quickly exhaust himself if he keeps them around. He'll usually only summon constructs very briefly for an attack and then immedietly dismiss them.
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The way that Donnnie's Ninpō manifests itself is already very technology-oriented, because of that he can interact with ordinary technology through his Ninpō. Personally I haven't figured out the details of what exactly that can look like, but there's definitely a lot of possibilities to explore here.
One thing though, as Donnie's Ninpō grows more and more powerful overtime, a side-effect of that is that if he gets really pissed off or otherwise very emotional, he'll accidentally make the technology in his near viscinity go haywire lmao. (This has the risk of making him even more angry, which just worsens the problem, and so on haha)
I really like the idea of Donnie being the second most powerful mystic user out of his brothers, after Mikey of course. And because he's mostly self-trained, he doesn't have the best understanding of how to properly control his powers, which evidently can become a bit of a problem. Donnie eventually agrees to let Draxum help him get a better grasp on his mystic abilities after the Hamatos and the Draxums become more friendly with each other.
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So uh. About how Donnie kinda accidentally infused Shelldon with mystic energy while creating him which caused the robot to develop a kind of soul? Yeah so because of that Shelldon's mystic energy if linked to Donnie's, which means that Shelldon more or less gains access to the same abilities as Donnie does! He's not quite as powerful as Donnie, and he still needs to practice to fully get a grasp on these powers as well. But point is, that's how Shelldon gains acess to Ninpō in the AU! (He also notices their fucked up "teapot")
Anyway that basically summarizes it! A lot of these ideas are headcanons I have for canon!Donnie as well honestly, the AU is just an excuse to explore these concepts. Donnie's ability to summon fucking firearms and military equipment is also something I've thought about, I wanted to try to think how it would work for him while also putting some limitations on it. ANOTHER THING I like the idea of Donnie's tech constructs basically being the same ability as when Raph creates constructs of himself. The difference lies with that Donnie is a massive nerd so his first instinct is to recreate his own tech with the Ninpō. While Raph being someone who is already so physically strong would naturally use his Ninpō to recreate his own greatest weapon, which is himself. (Donnie uses his brain, Raph uses his brawn, who would've guessed)
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taffycandyqt · 11 months ago
hey so how badly do you think the rottmnt boys would be easily persuaded into things by their s/o? Who has self control and who throws caution to the wind for their s/o? Like their s/o is not manipulating or anything. Just like “No! I’m not joining”. “*genuine sad understanding doe eyes* If you’re sure, I wanted you to be the one to come with me though since I love you so much and I’d feel better with you there, but if you’re uncomfortable, it’s ok” if their boyfriend changes their mind, s/o is confused at the sudden change but look ecstatic? Or like they make their boyfriend angry and s/o is like “I did that? I’m sorry. I didn’t realise *genuine sad doe eyes. Makes it very hard to stay mad at*”?
Honestly, the rise boys are all so hungry for affection in their own ways. I feel like they are all pretty weak to their sweet little s/o. Also the one shots aren't exactly the best example of the headcannons but I was STRUGGLING so this is the best I got.
Weak in the Knees
Rise turtles (separately) x reader
How easily can you persuade them using your irresistible charm??
Warnings: Mentions of shooting as a hyperbole to emphasize a point. Not explicit. No deaths. Only in Donnies. Angst? ends happy so its fine
Established relationship
Fluff, crack
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We all know Donnie is a sucker for praise.
You ask him to do something stupid or dangerous with you it will be a no.
You want him to step away from his work for a break? absolutely not.
You want him to accompany you to Witch town. ARE YOU CRAZY?
Buuuuuut. If you just so happen to have thrown out a couple compliments his way beforehand.
It will almost immediately be a yes or a "Sigh! I suppose!"
Let's be honest here too, there is a lot to compliment Donnie on.
You praise him for his work, a gift he gave you, helping you, or for literally anything he is already wrapped around your finger.
But if you praise him and then add a little kiss on the cheek or hand. Maybe a small hug?
He would literally let you shoot him if that's what you wanted.
Bro is so in love with you it's not even funny.
Not to say he doesn't draw the line somewhere. No bees. No spiders. And NO BEACH BALLS.
Oh and nothing that could phically harm you in any way.
He ain't about to let you get hurt on his watch.
It doesn't matter how many times you call him the most handsomest genius boy and kiss his nose, you are not diving off the empire state building for him to catch you mid air.
"Donnnnnnnniiieeeeeee!" you slumped towards him as you drew out his name. After you got to him you rested your head on his battle shell. Your hands were positioned on either side of your head laying flat on his shell as well.
"Yes my dear?" He chirped. He wasn't very good at initiating physical touch. Don't get me wrong, he tried, he just let his Donnie overthink get the best of him more often then not. So when you initiated, it was very welcome.
"I looooove youuu." You answered him, "your the sweetest boy I've ever met, did you know that?"
This got Donnie to set his tools down real quick. You always liked to compliment him at random times. At first he thought there was a reason behind it. You wanted something, you wanted to get away with something, you wanted him to forgive you, ect. But no matter how many times he conducted the experiment. No matter the duration of time it took. The results were always purely random. You did it simply because you wanted to tell him how much he meant to you.
And honestly, it was his favorite thing in the world. The only problem was that it would always catch him off guard. There was no consistency to your charming onslaught so it was always left as a surprise till the very last minute. His face burned red as he proceeded to just stare at his work, trying to look like he's trying to figure something out.
"I'm not sure. You say I'm a lot of things," he tried to keep his voice even as he spoke to you.
"Well it's true! Your the sweetest, smartest, and most perfect boyfriend ever and your my absolute favorite."
At this point Donnie was trying to hard not to happy stim. Not because he's not comfortable stimming around you, infact he does it all the time. The thing is, even after all this time he still wanted come off as a cool, emotionally unavailable bad boy. What he conveniently doesn't remember is that he's already willing done things that counter that image. You don't need to tell him that though.
"Thank you dear. You're quite lovely yourself," he told you. He folded his arms and sat stiffly trying to keep his stimming under control, eventually opting for some speedy finger tapping.
"Awwwwwww, thank you my love!!" you said as you finally lifted your head off his back to lean over and kiss his cheek.
This caused him to jerk in his chair and mess with the weight distribution resulting in him tipping and falling right on the floor. Instinctively he reached for the table in an attempt to break his fall. Unfortunately, he ended up grabbing his current project instead. As Donnie fell a component of his invention was ripped from it's position and landed on the floor beside him.
"Oh mi gosh! Are you okay?!" you rushed to Donnie's aid and helped him off the floor.
"I'm alright, thank you," he smiled at you softly and went to pick up his chair.
"I was just caught off guard is all," he told you, but as he bends down to grab the chair he noticed the crucial piece of his latest invention laying off to the side of it.
"GASP! Nonononono!" he picked up the piece and scrambled to his work desk to inspect the damage.
"Nooo!!" He wined in frustration. He rubbed his eyes with his thumb and index as he tried to calm himself down.
"Donnie? What's wrong?" You asked as you inched your way to his side.
"THIS!" he exclaimed shoving the broken piece in your direction before dropping his arm and turning away from his project to pace around the room.
"I'VE BEEN WORKING ON THIS FOR WEEKS AND NOW I HAVE TO BACKTRACK AND REDO DAYS OF WORK! ALL BECAUSE YOU-" he stopped talking immediately when he say your face. He had originally turned to look back at you in order to emphasize his frustration. Seeing the look on your face though, made him instantly regret letting his frustration get the better of him.
"I- I'm sorry. I- didn't mean for that... I just wanted to... um..." you were on the verge of tears and couldn't think of anything to say that would fix the issue. So you just clasped your hands together and looked to the floor.
"I'm sorry," is what you eventually settled on.
"No! no, I'm sorry," Donnie told you as he approached and grabbed your shoulder while placing the other in his chest. He leaned his head down in an attempt to catch your eye as you kept your eyes locked on the ground.
"I shouldn't have yelled like that, and besides it wasn't your fault anyways. I was the one being careless in the first place." He eventually placed his and on your other shoulder and leaned down more, practically begging for you to look at him. When you did, your eyes were big and glossy with tears that streaked on your cheeks.
"I shouldn't have distracted you," your responded and you looked back to the floor.
"No, hey, your not a distraction," he told you in a gentle voice. He stood up straight and pulled you into a firm hug, burying his snout in your hair.
"Your the best thing that happened to me. Your never a distraction," he was really hoping this got through to you.
"Really?" You sniffed.
"Really really. Two reallys," he told you. With that you adjusted to wrap your arms around him and then lay you chin in his plastron.
"Do you think ice cream would make you feel better?" you asked.
"Me feel better?" he questioned. You were the hurt one, you were the one crying. Why were you concerned about his feelings?
"Even if you think it's not my fault, no doubt you're still upset with the amount of work you have to redo," you explained, "and ice cream always makes me feel better. So would ice cream make you feel better?"
He gave you a small laugh and traded the hug to hold your hand.
"Firstly, it's not your fault," he spoke matter-a-factly while waving his other hand around dramatically, "And secondly, ice cream sounds delightful."
So with that you both made your way to the kitchen. Donnie ended up not eating any ice cream at all and instead opted for flavorless juice. He was happy enough watching you eat your ice cream with a big smile plastered on your face.
Did he have a lot of work to redo? Yes. But as long as your there it might not feel as long. He might have to make a 'no flattery while one is working in the lab' rule though. For safety.
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Remember how Donnie had a line? Yeah, no Leo doesn't have that.
Due to this, and his already mischievous nature, you can already get him to do pretty much anything just by asking.
However he does have a responsible mood. If he's in that mood nothing will work.
you know what I mean. Like how he acts in the movie while their driving in the turtle tank?
like that, just without the internal and external issues clouding his judgment.
It's s not a bad mood, it's just not good for getting what you want.
Lucky for you he's not usually in that mood, and if he is it's usually not so bad that you can't bring I'm out of it.
That being said Leo, like the rest of his brothers, needs praise so badly that it's kinda sad.
Any praise will work but if you want him to do something absolutely idiotic to the point that even he thinks so? Your gonna need to make him feel ✨special✨
Your gonna need to pull out the my man, my champion, special man, and perfect baby.
Names like that, that make him feel like a million bucks.
If he's showing off to you, one compliment will butter that sucker up like you wouldn't believe.
He would literally do anything for you, it's not even funny, bro has no standards.
"Y/n! Hey! Hey! Y/n look! Look at this sick trick!" Leo called to you from atop their indoor skating ramp. You were on the floor below talking with April while Leo skated.
"Okay sweets I'm watching!" You call back to give him the go ahead.
With that Leo was off down the ramp. As he came up the other side and was propelled in the air he flipped the skateboard from beneath him and then landed perfectly on top as gravity pulled them back to the surface. When he came back up the other side Leo jumped off the board and looked down at you with a big grin on his face.
You and April clapped and he came down to meet you.
"What did you think??"
"I think that was awesome. Your my talented man for sure," you told him sweetly as you kissed him on the cheek. Leo blushed slightly at this before puffing his chest out and holding his skateboard all cool guy like at his hip. He used his other hand to point at himself with his thumb.
"Well not everyone can be as skilled as ah-THIS!" He boasted while punctuating his sentence with a dab.
"Okay, Mr. Talented," April teased, "If your done I'd like to tell you the reason I stopped by today."
"What?" Leo said with fake shock, "You visited for a different reason other than admiring my rad skills?"
"Impossible I know," she snarked to play along with him.
"So what's up April?" You asked.
"I was working my new job as a part time graveyard day guard and I saw this totally creepy and totally abandoned house right outside my post!"
"April if you're about to tell us you saw a ghost," Leo told her.
"No! But I DID want to find out if there COULD be ghosts in there."
"Why are you telling us this?" You ask.
"Because, I'm not gonna trespass on abandoned property by myself. That's just asking to be kidnapped," she answered while folding her arms.
"I don't know April, I better stay here and keep practicing my skating skillzz, right y/n?" Leo said.
"Well I think it sounds cool April! I'd be so down to go with you!"
"Heck yeah! Girls trip!"
You two high fived and right as you hands made contact Leo popped up in-between the both of you and clasped yours and April's hands together with his own.
"Though I suppose it would be unbecoming of me to not do my chivalrous duty to you both and tag along as a safety precaution."
April looked unimpressed at Leo's forced attempt to be cool in front of you whilst also begging for your attention. As you and April let your hands down Leo's went with them and you took his empty palm in yours shooting him a soft smile.
"So what time did you have in mind?"
"Oh, I was thinking like right now if y'all aren't busy," April told you.
"Sounds good to me, come on Leon!" You said as you dragged Leo to the Lair exit.
Apon getting to the building it was abundantly clear that it was very abandoned and very illegal to trespass. A rusted chain link fence surrounded the building with warning signs plastered all around it. Though, it was to dark to clearly read them without a flashlight.
"Uhh, guys?" Leo started, "Are you sure we should go in there? There are way too many signs around this place for them all to be just 'no trespassing' signs,"
"Do I hear someone who is scaaaaared?" Teased April. This prompted an offended gasp from Leo who put a hand to his chest.
"SCARED?! HA! I'll show you who's scared," he snarked at her before opening a portal to bypass the fence straight to the front door. He gestures for you and April to enter first. Before you followed April in you turned to Leo.
"Everything will be fine, and if something does go wrong I know you could bail us out," you smiled sweetly at him and then stepped into the portal. Leo straightened up and blushed, then sauntered confidently through the portal after you. It felt good to know you trusted him so much.
As all three of you stood at the front door you heard the sounds of the house creaking on the inside. The old wood constantly fighting to stay upright. April pushed open the door with a loud creak and shinned her light into the entry. It was dark and messy. A brownish carpet greeted you along with a broken sidebar cabinet. stairs leading up to the second floor were covered in dirt and old enough to be one big splinter. Next to the stairs was an entrance to a different room. There were also different rooms on either side of you as well. As you all shines your lights to get a better look you could see the dust particles littering the air.
"I'm gonna go investigate upstairs!" April told you before disappearing to the second floor. Leo had gravitates towards the right side entryway before turning to you and gesturing for you to follow him.
"I think this is the kitchen," he said, turning his head back. You filled him as you both inspected the room. You broke looked around and noticed some light scratching sounds coming from what you assumed to be the pantry. As you opened the door the smell of rotten food and crap hit your face and you immediately gagged. You plugged your nose with your hand and you used the other to direct the flashlight. You didn't look around for long though as you saw a small, fast moving figure rush past your foot. You let out a short yelp as you stumbled backwards and out of the pantry slamming the door shut.
In an instant Leo was by your side.
"What?! What happened?! Are you okay?!" he gave you a once over looking for any injuries you could have procured.
"Yes! Yes," you sighed out patting his shoulder, "I'm okay, just a... rat. Or something,"
"Okay. Umm, just stick close to me for now ok?" He asked you. He was clearly a little nervous, about what exactly though you couldn't say. He grabbed your hand as you both made your way out of the kitchen.
"You've been hearing those sounds too right?" He asks as he turns to you. You both stop under the archway separating the kitchen and the entryway.
"W- what sounds?" This was, admittedly, making you a little nervous yourself now.
"The scratching. Like something's in the walls," he said in a hushed voice as he squoze your hand. You didn't at first but as you sat and listened, sure enough. Scratching. Or... Scurrying? It wasn't consistent but it happened often enough.
"Yeah," you answered in the same muted tone.
"I think we should leave," Leo told you, "Whatever this houses issue is it's not gonna be ours. Let's grab April and VAMINOS."
Before you two could take more that a stepp up the stairs you hear a loud crash and the house starts to rumble. April begins to scream and you can hear her rushed footsteps against the floor and as you both try to find her you ended meeting her at the top of the stairs.
"RUUUUN!! GO GO GO!" she yelled at you. She pushed you both aside and grabbed Leo by his mask tails to pull him along. Before you two started running though, you see what April was running from. I giant hord of mutant silverfish. They took up the entire hallway from floor to ceiling and they did NOT look happy.
As Leo was being tugged along by April you were tugged by Leo who still hadn't let go of your hand. In trying to position his body to run forward easier and April still holding on to his mask tails, it ended up turning his mask on backwards and obscuring his view. As all three of you exited the house Leo tripped out the door on top of April causing you to fall on top of him.
"LEO PORTAL! PORTAL NOW!" April yelled at him.
"I CAN'T FIND MY SWORD!" he told her frantically trying to fix his mask so he could see.
"HERE TAKE IT!" you said handing it to him. The silver fish where almost in top of you by the time Leo took the sword in his hands. With a swift swing of his sword the portal was opened and all three of you stumbled through it closing right as the silverfish burst out the door.
All three of you lay on the ground between where the two skate ramps met, panting and trying to gather yourselves.
"Everyone okay?" April asked out of breath.
"Yeah," you breathed out.
"All good here," Leo puffed.
"Great..." April sat up sluggishly, "I'm gonna head out then, see ya."
And with that she stood up and left the lair. You both waved her off best you could from the ground. You both just laid there for a while catching your breaths.
"Let's never do that again," Leo said after a while.
"I don't know, I kinda had fun," you told him.
"You have got to be kidding me," he looked over at you unimpressed.
"Ya know... I saw this abandoned processing plant a couple days ago," you said turning your head to look back at him.
"Y/n. We almost died."
"And now we know to be prepared for hords of mutant silverfish," you looked at him, "Please?"
"Uuugggg. FINE. But not for a while, I need a break from whatever the heck today was," he told you.
"Sounds good to me!" You chirped and cuddled into his side.
"Yeah yeah," he playfully rolled his eyes and wrapped a lazy arm around you.
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Oh he is just the sweetest little buttercup to you.<3
Surprisingly though, he also is the hardest to persuade.
I mean come on, doctor delicate touch loves you but he will be quick to tell you why a certain idea is....... not so great.
That being said if you get really sad about him saying no he will do everything in his power to make you happy.
He'll make your favorite food, watch your favorite movie, play your favorite game, whatever you want that isn't the first thing that you wanted.
Out of all brothers, Mikey is the one who need praise at the most normal amount.
You guys will probably have compliment competitions while cuddling.
So safe to say praise isn't going to get this dude to do stuff for you.
However, Mikey is able to see how his brothers feel like they can't fully express their feelings and wants them to feel safe enough to do so.
Frankly he wants everyone to feel comfortable enough around him to express their true thoughts and feelings.
So if you are the kind of person to emotionally shut down or pretend like everything is fine when it's not?
He will be a bit more willing to do stuff for you.
Again, there is a line. A straight cut no exceptions line.
Buuuuuut he might be willing to find a couple loop holes just so that his darling can feel better.
Piece of advice tho, don't push it. If he feels like you don't respect his boundaries that's gonna be a whole other issue.
"Hey Mikey!" you chirp as you enter his room, "What'ca up to?"
Mikey looked up at you from the floor, you could see the canvas in front of him and got increasingly excited to see what he was putting together.
"Oh just paintin', like one does," he tells you with a cheeky smile.
"Okaaaaay," you smile back, playing along, "What'ca paintin'?"
At this Mikey looked to his right and then his left, like he was scoping out the area for spies. Except it made less sense since it was his room. Then he looked back up at you and gestured for you to come join him with his hand.
You sat down on the floor and cozied up next to your boyfriend to which he revealed his masterpiece. It was a family portrait of Splinter and his brothers from when they were younger.
"We took this picture a couple years back," he handed you a small photo, "it was always dads favorite so I'm painting it for his birthday!"
"That's so sweet Mikey!"
He smiled and blushed at the compliment. You turned back to the painting. It was beautiful. It was the same picture but Mikey had taken some creative liberties with the colors. They were bright, vibrant, and harmonious. The painting felt like it was buzzing with energy because of it. It felt warm and inviting and at the same time unpredictable. The way the lines, colors, and textures went together, it almost made the painting feel alive, and it was hypnotizing.
"It looks like you've finished, right?" you ask, turning back to him.
"Almost!" He perks, "I just have to add a few finishing touches and it will be done!"
"Weeeeeeelllll," you said mischievously, "Since they're just finishing touches, maybe I could help."
One of the first things that people find out when they meet you is that you suck butt at art. When you met Mikey he tried SO HARD to teach you but no matter how hard you tried it just never clicked. You always saw it as a cute 'opposites attract' sort of thing honestly. The proficient artist and the one who couldn't draw a dot right it they tried. How romantic.
So when your little tease entered the space Mikey knew exactly what you were trying to do.
"Oh no no no my dear," he played along, "You see, I feel your artistic talents are needed else where."
"Else where?" you questioned with big doe eyes feigning innocence.
"Yes. Else where," he told you again, still with his playful expression.
"You mean," you picked up one of his used paint brushes, "HERE! you said as you lunged forward attempting to pin him down in order to paint his face. Attempting.
"NO NOT HERE!" he giggled trying to keep the paint brush from making contact with his face. He had been mostly successful but you still managed to land a couple good swipes.
You both continued to wrestle and giggle as time went on. At one point Mikey flipped you both so he was the one pinning you and reached for a paint brush of his own. You managed to wiggle free in the nick of time and this led to you both running around his room with paint brushes in hand. Every now and again one of you would corner the other, but the other would always manage to escape leading to the chase once again. At one point you realized that you might be able to catch Mikey off guard. You see, outside of cornering each other, all you guy have really done is chase the other and try catch them.
So in a moment of what you deemed to be 'brilliance' you took an abrupt stop and made a sharp turn on your heel to face him. However, that resulted in Mikey crashing right into you and you both falling straight to the floor.
"OH ME GOSH! Are you okay y/n?!" he scrambled to get off you quickly and inspect any possible damage to your person.
"Yeah, I'm okay, I think. Just landed on something hard," you told him as you picked yourself up.
When you looked back at him there was an expression on his face that could only be described as soul crushing horror. You were so confused, and concerned until you followed his line of sight and saw exactly what you landed on.
His painting.
His super sentimental and lovingly handcrafted painting meant as a GIFT FOR HIS FATHER. and now, there was a hole straight through it. Not a small one at that. Not to mention some of the paint was still wet and had gotten smeared and smushed at the impact. There was absolutely no salvaging this painting.
"Oh Mikey I am so sorry," you were horrified at what you had caused. Mikey didn't look at you, he didn't respond either. He walked towards to ruined canvas and slowly knelt down to pick it up.
"I- I didn't mean for this to happen Mikey I'm-" he cut you off.
"Can you please go? We'll talk later, I just need to be alone right now," still without looking at you. You were so heartbroken you had to hold in your tears.
"Okay," you told him in a shaky breath. You left the lair that night, and for the first time since you've known the guys, you left in a considerably worse mood then what you had when you got there.
The look on Mikey's face haunted you that night. You hate to think that you were the one to cause that pain. You were the one that hurt him. You wanted to make it up to him but you didn't know how. It's not like you could remake the painting for him. Heck you couldn't even paint!
You decided it would be best to stay away from the lair until Mikey invited you back. Fortunately for you, it only took about four days for that to happen. Unfortunately for however, it was through a very distressing text that read 'We should talk'. Eeeee 😬
Before you went you baked some cookies to hopefully help lighten the blow. You may not be able to... 'art'... BUT YOU COULD BAKE. When you met with Mikey it was in a secluded area of Todd's Puppy Land, or whatever its called.
"Hey y/n," he said giving you a weak smile and finally looking at you. He looked tired. Like he hadn't slept since you both last talked.
"Hey Mikey," you responded, "I uh. I brought cookies." You gave and awkward smile and his expression softened. He motioned for you to sit next to him on the bench. As you did you placed the cookies between you both as to give him some space.
He sighed, "I'm sorry y/n, I didn't mean-" you cut him off.
"YOUR SORRY?! WHAT DO YOU HAVE TO BE SORRY ABOUT?!" you were exasperated.
"Well I-"
"NO! I ruined your painting that took you forever to make that you made for your dads birthday! If anyone should be sorry it's me!"
"Thank you," he told you, "and I accept you apology, but it wasn't really your fault. It was an accident due to us both being reckless."
"But I started it!"
"And I didn't stop you, *sigh* listen. I didn't mean to scare you like I did. I just get very emotionally attached to my art so I was having a lot of feelings that day. I want to make it very clear that I don't want to break up with you and I'm not mad at you."
At this, you let out a sigh you didn't even know you were holding. When he looked back at you he was shocked. Your eyes were glassy with tears and your cheeks were red. You looked so sad. And so sorry. Oh, if he didn't already regret what he said to you that day he sure did now. How could he had asked you to leave?
"I still feel bad about it," you told him looking down at your hands. He moved the cookies behind him to close the gap between you both and pulled you into a hug.
"Hey, I get it. But if it makes you feel any better I was able to fix mistakes I made the first time and clean up areas I had previously messed up. On top of that I'm pretty close to being in the same spot with its progress that I was last time," he said, trying to console you. you pulled back to look at him.
"You mean you repainted it?"
"Well yeah. It's pops birthday gift, I had to," he smiled at you.
"Didn't that take you weeks to do?!"
"The first time yeah. But I kind couldn't sleep until I was back to were I was before sooo"
"Alright well someone's going to bed right now," you told him, picking up your cookies and dragging him by the wrist. He happily complied and followed you back to the lair. Not before thanking Todd for letting you guys use his space.
Overall, you both were just glad that everything was back to normal.
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Oh bb. He's so soft for you.
Bro will kiss the ground you walk on.
He's also the most responsible.
However most responsible does not mean least chaotic.
I mean the dude tries to lift a bus and ate a literal phone.
So honestly, I can see him being pretty open to a lot of stuff as long as your safety isn't jeopardized.
Notice how I said 'your safety'?
Yeah. Again, remember the bus incident? I refuse to believe that he wouldn't do something stupid for you as long as he's the only one with a possibility of getting hurt.
That being said, like Mikey he has a line. Unlike Mikey that line is drawn with chalk and is very easily swept away.
Now Raph does not like crossing this line. I mean who likes compromising their boundaries?
But he will do it.
Raph is very susceptible to peer pressure and if it's coming from you of all people? He'll do it.
He won't be happy about it after though.
Like he's happy your happy but he will being to feel like his feelings don't matter to you the same as yours matter to him.
So for the sake of this poor boy please don't press further if he said no the first time.
It makes him feel like a bad boyfriend. :(
You and Raph were cuddling on the couch watching Jupiter Jim movies. As per the usual when you both are bored and have nothing better to do. You were positioned on his lap knees pointing to the side so you could rest your head on his chest.
"Hey Raphy?" you said grabbing his attention.
"Yes?" he said looking down at you.
"You wanna crash a wedding?"
"Do you. Want to. Crash a wedding. ... With me."
"And why are we crashing a wedding?"
"Fun," you told him, "but also I'm bored."
He giggled at you. You were such a little cutie and he could never get over it.
"What would we be doing?"
"Oh ya know, dancing, eating the food, photo bombing. The ushe," you shoot him a cheeky smile.
"Okay, one question though," you nodded at him, "how are we gonna do that with... this whole situation," he told you gesturing to himself.
"Sweets, we're in New York. You put on a suit jacket and act like 'this whole situation' is normal, most people will chalk it up to eccentricity," you told him.
"You sure bout that?"
"I've never been so sure about anything in my entire life."
"Well I guess we have a wedding to prepare for," he said nuzzling his snout into your cheek.
"YESSSsssssssssss!!" you exclaimed.
After a quick social media search you found the perfect wedding to crash. You and Raphael dusted off your best wedding attire and set out on a mission to have a good time.
You guys had made it to the reception so you just walked in and pretended like you belonged there. Raph was obviously still a little worried about walking in full green skin and three fingered but you assured him it was fine. And you were kinda right. He definitely got weird looks but he tried his best to follow your advise and pretend like was nothing was wrong. So for a while now body bothered you guys.
"See? What did I tell you, no body even cares!" You smiled at him as you pulled him to the dance floor.
"Yeah, I guess," he told you a tad nervous. He smiled at you regardless and you're both began to dance.
It was a fun, up eat song so you and Raph jumped along in your own little world. Twisting, turning, and shimming to the beat, it felt like you both were walking on air.
After dancing for a couple of songs straight you guys decided to try some of the refreshments. You took some lemonade and the little cheesecake bits and found a vacant table. You both chatted about little things, telling jokes and having a good time.
Eventually someone from the party approached you. She was a skinny old woman. Not old enough to be grey haired and senile but just old enough that she had plenty of wrinkles.
"Excuse me, I don't believe we've met," she told you as she sat down her to you, "what are your names?"
"Oh, I'm y/n and this is Raph," you gestured to him and he gave a small wave.
"Well it's nice to meet you. I'm the brides aunt Tina."
"Well in that case, congrats! I'm sure your so happy for her!"
"I am, Oliver seems like such a a nice man. He treats Sara so well. On that note, who are you here for? The bride or the groom?"
Raph sweat dropped, he didn't like lying and it made him nervous that he might have to if you both wanted to stay.
"Oh we're not," you told her honestly. Raph was relieved for about half a second before he realized that now you guys might cause a whole other scene.
"I'm sorry, not what?"
"Here for either the bride or the groom. We don't know either of them, we were just bored and wanted to dance."
"Wh-," her face showed her absolute disbelief, "This is a family and friends even you can't just waltz in uninvited!"
"Well I mean. You can. We just did. Wether or not that's a respectful thing to do is an entirely different debate though."
Tina's face was starting to turn red.
"Well! I'm going to have to ask you both to leave!" she demanded raising her voice while she stood and pointed to the exit.
"Hey, what's going on Tia?" the bride asked putting a hand on her aunts sholder.
You leaned back in your chair resting your arm over the back of it while you took a swig of your water.
"These two hooligans weren't invited! They don't know anyone here!"
"Well that's hardly fair Tina, I thought we formed a connection over the last five minutes," you teased which prompted Raph to shoot you a disapproving look. Tina looked absolutely appalled by you attitude.
"What?" you questioned Raph with a giggle, "Come on this is kinda funny."
"Your making her upset!"
"Eh, she would have been upset anyways,"
"DONT IGNORE US GET OUT! SOMEONE CALL THE POLICE!" Tina was full on screaming now, which prompted Raph to shoot out of his chair. He apologized quickly and picked you up by your sides and ran you both out of the wedding.
"Awwwww I wanted to grab some more of those cheesecake bites before we dipped."
Raph shook his head and smiled.
"Your unbelievable."
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redsrooftopprincess · 6 months ago
Disability HCs
Not all mutations are going to be cool and hot, and let's face it, the world wasn't built for our boys. Here are some things they struggle with...
CW: Mental and physical disabilities, but thought that was obvious. 😅
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Weight/Chronic Pain. The harness that he wears strapped across is chest isn't part of his battle gear. Being the biggest of his brothers, his shell is also the heaviest, and no one was ever meant to carry that much weight. Without support, he's likely to shatter bones jumping from rooftop to rooftop. Donnie designed a harness for him that distributes the weight evenly, but he's still in constant pain. He works out not just because he enjoys it, but because his muscles have to be able to carry him, and the more he can carry the less pain he's in.
Bipolar II. His highs are pretty chill, but his lows get DARK. Depending on where his head is when they hit, he'll either double his patrols or lock himself in his room. Violence or isolation are his go to. The only thing that seems to take the edge off is pressure therapy. He's a physical guy and the combination of physical touch, pressure, and being held by someone who isn't disgusted by or afraid of him, makes hugs the most effective and ready available option. Just don't ever point it out, he'll deny it forever. His brothers will plan a movie night that will inevitably end up in a turtle-pile (except for D, because "someone has to make sure you idiots don't knock over the popcorn").
Poor vision (duh). Degeneration from working in less-than-optimal lighting conditions and staring at screens for hours on end.
Hypermobility. He grew the fastest and the tallest of his brothers, which caused extreme hypermobility. His height, weight, and the addition of hundreds of pounds of gear means he's always in danger of dislocation. He wraps his joints tightly and meticulously before heading out, and wears flexible leg braces under his pants that he designed himself.
AuDHD as FUCK. Doesn't like to be touched, other than by his person, and even then only when he's expecting it. Has safe foods and will go without eating for days if they run out, but will completely forget to mention it to whoever is sending the grocery list to April. He's passed out more than once. Hyperfocus is an issue and the rage is real. His brothers have to sometimes force him out of the lab to eat or sleep. He can be very efficiently cruel when interrupted.
Chronic Depression. Covers it well with being the "party guy," but once everyone else goes to bed, the smile fades. More than once he's had to drink or smoke himself to sleep. Cabin fever makes it worse. His brothers know it's getting really bad when he starts taking shots at himself, and plan something fun to do to get him out of the lair.
Cold intolerance. He's more sensitive to temperature than his brothers, and, being a reptile, hypothermia is a real concern. Keeps a (very stylish, tyvm) jacket or hoodie on him at all times, usually tied (very stylishly) around his (very stylish) waist. He forgot one night and almost fell off a building when he passed out. Since then, Donnie always carries a (not as stylish) spare.
Migraines. Sudden and powerful. He knows that once he starts seeing auras he has about 15 minutes before they hit. Peace, quiet, and dim candlelit rooms are his best friend. Blue light makes them worse, so he tries to avoid Donnie's lab when he can. Nothing really helps, so mind-over-matter is really his only option, especially if they're in the middle of patrol.
OCD and it's a problem. NO ONE is allowed in his room. Everything has a place and everything is IN it's place and that is where it will STAY. Has daily rituals that must be adhered to or his anxiety his the roof. His anxiety exhibits as toxic control and the others know when he's in a bad place because he can be a REAL dick. Meditation is the only thing that really helps.
Lactose Intolerance. All are allergic to dairy, Mikey doesn't care. Everyone else does.
MBD. The lack of UV light means they're at risk for Metabolic Bone Disease. They take calcium and phosphorus supplements that Donnie mixes up for them
Hypothermia. While Mikey is the most at risk, hypothermia is a problem for all of them, especially in the colder months. Donnie invented a device that distributes heat across the inside of their shells after a near-fatal outing during a blizzard, but they still bundle up to keep the heat in.
Dehydration. As semi aquatic reptiles living on land, humidity levels are important. During the summer it's usually not an issue, but during the winter months Splinter is constantly reminding them to drink water, and they all have their own water bottles. Mikey's has stickers.
Shedding/Skin issues. Shedding is
They only shed their scutes once a year (and thankfully not at the same time), but they would rather land shell-first in an ant hill. For 2-3 weeks the unlucky one has a basically non-existent fuse, and more than once when they were younger the frustration and discomfort brought them to tears. Occasionally, it still does. Loading up on Vitamin E and keeping things a little more humid in the lair helps things move faster. They also have sensitive skin. The water at the lair is all UV filtered, but when they have to grab a quick shower at April and Casey's they're itchy for days.
If you want to hear more HCs or anything that lmk! Love you! 💚
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maybeafrog-blog · 19 days ago
In Defense of Donnie's Gifts
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I'm ngl I sorta think the shock collar was still just an odd writing decision but as far as PREMISE:
It CANNOT be a coincidence that this is the first time (and one of VERY few times) that Donnie's soft shell is referenced. Once, when Raph is hesitating to tell Donnie his gifts suck ass, and he uses the soft shell metaphor, and after that with Meat Sweats and his paprika, describing it as not just soft, but delicate. Weird, but he is a cannibal, so. (Side note, Meat Sweats never removed his battle shell? How does he know? Or did he take it off and replace it after the pound of butter? Is he using it to facilitate steaming and tenderness? Is it broken? I feel like it should have something in there that could break him out of the sausage links)
Then in that last little scene- "Forget it. You guys are great the way you are!" - we get the shot of Donnie from behind pre group hug, with his brothers facing the camera. (Idk if I'm making shit up, but I feel like this is a staple for Donnie episodes? It def happens in the Purple Game, maybe Smart Lair.) The framing draws attention to his battle shell. The battle shell even kinda matches the gifts, compared to the rest of their gear and even Donnie's tech, color coded and way more streamlined than stuff like the tech bo.
Donnie's soft shell is an innate, unchangeable part of him, a feature of his species, that he treats as a handicap. Probably MORE unchangeable than the character traits he sees as holding his brothers back, which they do sorta... not mature out of, but refine, rather, over the course of the show. Donnie's shell can't experience a character arc, but he sees it as holding him back. So he FIXES it.
The Mad Dogs don't really have a motivation for beating stuff up besides "Hero Time!!!" at this point. That's why it's so interesting how EARLY this happens, unlike with Mind Meld, he isn't trying to change his brothers to make them better at a task that he actually CARES about. Donnie in particular never gets a super intense moral compass besides stuff that threatens people he already cares about, and he doesn't have any grudges (no Purple Dragons) at this point in the series. Hero Goals are largely devices for him to hang out with his dum dum brothers. I'm not diagnosed or anything but my vibes are certainly... Spectrum-Adjacent, I definitely have trouble with literal thinking and reading people. One thing that happens sometimes is people will be using "task" as "reason to hang," and I will get a lot more fixated on completing said task than I really should, to the point of annoying people. I confuse "Successful Task Completion" with "Successful Social Interaction." It makes me come across as bossy and controlling without realizing it.
So, we got a Donnie who thinks Arbitrary Goals are essential to Hero Bonding, who has been treating his life like an mmorpg - armor upgrades, skill trees, grinding, sometimes fighting through random dungeons to hang out with his bros. He's probably even slightly better at Fighting Stuff than his brothers atp, he isn't dealing with a mystic learning curve and his special interest has been Weapons of Mild Destruction for years already. His brothers want to level up, take harder missions, he tries to get them there with his access to High Level Loot.
Of course, his brothers are all min-maxing, not trying to multiclass their purple ass out of squishy glass cannon town. So, it doesn't go well. Unfortunately, the lesson Donnie learns (besides brotherly affection) is that his brothers don't NEED fixing like he does. Mind Meld and Donnie vs. Witch Town sorta finish this arc out as best as the series can.
Where I would have liked to see this go:
A S2 Donnie's Gifts or Mind Meld style episode (Donnie tries to improve his brothers, to their dismay) where the motivator isn't goal completion, but protectiveness. We see a bit of the fear in Purple Game, a bit of the contingency planning with the escape pods in the movie. Maybe a more upfront "training montage" type scenario, a high tech robo dojo to develop their mad skills, or just a tense moment after a skin of their teeth Genius Built rescue.
The brothers confront Donnie eventually-- not just the passive conflict resolution of Donnie's Gifts. They get mad. Push Donnie to the point he's at in Turtle-Dega Nights. They get a rant about not wanting them to get hurt, of course, but also that he's already done so much to FIX himself, make sure he's not a LIABILITY, why can't they at least try to stay SAFE? The dangers are real now, and as far as Donnie knows he REALLY can't do anything about threats like the Shredder. His tech did nothing the first time. His brothers are the ones with the mystic mojo, and they don't even realize how SERIOUS things could get.
Anyway. Protective Donatello my Beloved. Let my boy go apeshit.
//I REALLY Like the 2003 episode where Leo is hurt and Donnie is fucking PISSED at Usagi. All Donnies should be allowed to enter a feral protective rage, as a treat.
//If anyone knows of any Purple Game Aftermath fics lmk. Like, going home, getting donnie out of the evil gamer chair, guilt, whatever. or just good Purple Dragons being Assholes content.
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1nk-ling · 3 months ago
Okay, Imma talk incohernetly about 2012 Raph because I have feelings.
So, this train of thought started when I noticed that he always sits farthest away from the TV. Mikey and Leo are practically nosing the screen and Donnie sits close as well when he's actually there, but Raph is usually a solid 15 feet away at least. At first I thought it was because he just didn't care for television; he was usually reading a comic after all.
But then I was watching him more carefully, and I don't think that's entierly it. See, he doesn't seem to like being surprised by things. When Mikey walked in with his *imaginateive* pizza he screamed. Actuall involuntary yell of distress there. When the Shell Raizer crashed around the corner that one time Donnie rescued them all he leapt the highest and stayed crouched down long after all the others were calm and talking.
As someone who watches movies with my dad on occasion I can relate to subconciously scooting away from the screen. The volume is fine enough for the talking scenes, BUT IT COULD CHANGE SCENES AT ANY MOMENT AND BE WAY TOO LOUD OR THE LOUD MUSIC COULD START OR SOMETHING HORRIFYING COULD JUMP UP ON SCREEN AND IT WOULD BE LOUD!! I don't think he dislikes loud noises (he yells and plays the drums after all). I think he dislikes surprises, and sudden movements, and noises he can't predict or controll. As long as he's expecting it he's fine, but as soon as something surprises him he's easily the most high strung of the brothers. Whether his reaction be to stab it, or shriek, or both.
And if you're touching elbows with your brothers they'll feel it when you jump at that scene change.
Am I making sense? I had more scenes in my head where he was doing stuff like this, but I can't remember them now.
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cokoweee · 1 month ago
Youuuuu magnificent artist you-
This update- .... THIS FRIGGIN' UPDATE-
LET'S BEGIN. First off- THIS IS GORGEOUS. It amazes me how uniform and clean your art can be- while also being whimsical and naturally flowy. The shades of purples just add the perfect touch of depth and life- And then the contrast of the gray with the characters and the white of the snow and smoke?- AMAZING.
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Despite Donnie's brain becoming his worst enemy right now, he's still pushing past it to make sure Kendra's okay and not accidentally harming herself. Her being both drunk and sickly, he's making sure to keep an eye on her like a good boyfriend would.
With this exchange we also hear that Kendra's fever had come back hours ago during the party- This poor girl can't get a health break if her life depended on it. :(
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I love that even though Donnie has indeed grown in terms of emoting and feeling again, he still has those classic deadpanned lines. When I read his first line in this panel, it was deadpan. (I think his expression also hints at this haha).
Kendra continues on for a bit about how the alcohol helps her to forget. But with all the years that she has been drinking, it NEVER WORKS. "You always remember though.." But then, after saying such a fact, she immediately contradicts herself stating emphatically "..I know that for sure I for one WON'T." Perhaps it's Big Mama's drinks flowing through her system that makes her think she definitely won't remember what happened. "I'll forget yesterday.. today.."
And then Donnie asks the question every fan is DYING to know the answer to:
"Is that why you did it?"
When Kendra kissed Donnie- was she somewhat in control of her actions? Was there feeling and connection smothered deep underneath the waves of alcohol? Was the drink poisoned? Did it mess with Kendra specifically to make her kiss him?
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Donnie is physically shaking with anticipation, anger, mourning, all the feelings he desperately doesn't want to feel. he begins to interrogate Kendra on why she did it. GET SOME ANSWERS. Prove him he's wrong.
"Big Mama made you do it, right? That's why you want to forget it..."
And then Kendra drunkenly but simply replies, "Do you want me to remember it?"
And what's Donnie's response? Will he yell at her to "JUST FORGET IT-" and storm off? Will he go silent and try to weasel his way out of all these emotions flying high in the air and in his heart?
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No. He does the unexpected. He tells her straight out- "I WANT YOU TO REMEMBER OUR FIRST KISS." He says it with such emphasis, such passion and gusto, that it completely takes Kendra by surprise... And then, just as Donnie admits his true feelings, he freezes and backtracks. "Ah- Wait-" It's terrifying to tell someone such heartfelt emotions you have for them. It's terrifying because you have no idea if you'll be accepted or rejected. "I mean- Scratch what I said!" (I can't give you an opening to hurt me- I can't be vulnerable with you- I can't I can't I can't)
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After Donnie speaks, Kendra begins to move her hand closer to his. Not enough to touch- but extremely close. She is slowly but steadily showing him to not be afraid of her. Don't be afraid of feeling. I won't hurt you.
... And then her nose ruins it. XD (Seriously, honey, GO INSIDE IT'S COLDER THAN A SNOWMAN'S CORE OUT THERE.)
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Now we see Donnie immediately and instinctively protecting his mate friend- handing her his own shirt to keep her warm in the chilly air. Forget their earlier conversation- she's still sick, and her health is priority over some dumb dumb feelings.
Walking back into the hotel room to hopefully find more medicine for his sick girlfriend, he grips down on his wildly wagging tail, once again trying to mask over the fact that he's never been happier in his life. We also can't see his expression very well throughout these panels- if not at all. I really like this. It's almost as if when you can't see him, he's forcefully disassociating, not allowing anyone, (including the reader) to see what's going through his mind and heart.
And when Donnie leaves, Kendra watches him. <3 And then not long after...
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... She joins him inside.
You did what so many tv shows and movies and fics don't. HAVE THE TWO LOVE INTERESTS TALK ABOUT THEIR FEELINGS without any need for intimate touching, kissing, etc. They just stand in the cold and talk it out.
You did an amazing job on this update, dude. Seriously. This was some really good dialogue and writing and art and I loved every second of it. :)
Good luck with the next chapter thingy! You got this!
Remember to drink water and see what the sun looks like!!
~ Melissa
So with that line “you always remember though” was meant to be read with the you emphasized but my jittery brain was blanking last night. Seeing it now that I’m awake I’m glad I left it like that cause she doesn’t know if she’ll forget or not.
Donnie without anything in his system, no voices to hear, makes him really start to slip up. Do things, say things without fully planning it through. His hearts being plastered on his sleeve rather than staying where it can’t be ripped away.
I left the update pretty bare/practically empty of any thoughts the two are having. If I showed them these panels would be stuffed to hell but yall are filling in the blanks nicely. You and Kiku have your analysis, lil bird pickings of updates and it always get me goofy happy agegrgquahahhe
Also I’m grabbing a bagel, the morning summons
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oozedninjas · 1 year ago
Can I please get some headcanons of the bayverse turtles and how they act when they see their s/o starts hanging out with a friend who clearly has feelings for them but s/o is a bit oblivious🙏
Ooff! I smell trouble! Can someone keep them away from the knives? Also, I'd like to clarify that I support Donnie in his rights and his wrongs.
He's initially too cocky to be jealous.
And then you start bringing this person up all the time.
You have a friend whom you watch movies with? Cute.
Oh, you went to a bookstore the other day and then got ice cream Fun! They can take you to public places, haha, not wrenching at all.
He's totally chill about it!
He would be so passive-aggressive about the matter 💀
It's pretty funny watching him struggle to keep composure when all he wants to do is swift his katana across their throat.
"Wait- are you jealous?" you ask at some point, in disbelief.
He snickers.
"Me? Of course not. But you do realize they have feelings for you, right?"
He's so bitter
You snort. "What? No! They're just a friend."
"He looks at you like you're a snack," Leo insisted.
"And am I not?" you tease.
"Yeah, but you're my snack."
Breaking news! That guy's not your friend anymore.
At least not if you wanna keep him as a boyfriend, because how are you gonna go around hanging out with someone who has feelings for you?
"Come on babe, you're overreacting. He's just a friend."
Oh, he will freakin' lose his cool. Narrowed eyes, deep frown, clenched jaw. All the package. How can you be so oblivious?
"Look, I know it sucks for me to ask this, but, would you stop seeing him?" he would ask, cringing at himself. "It makes me uncomfortable," he added, for once in his life following Donnie's advice, as he was working on being a healthy boyfriend for you.
You smile, touching his cheek, "I would never do something that makes you uncomfortable, Raph. I'll talk to him. I can't promise you I'm cutting contact from one day to the other, but I'll do my best."
Yeah, that's enough.
Donnie doesn't follow his own advice.
That guy was glued to your side all the freaking time.
"He's just a friend!"
"Please, even Casey can tell he has feelings for you. You're smart. I don't know why you're the only one who won't see it," he grumbled.
You dismissed it, but Donnie had a master plan to get rid of that prick.
"I'm building this new machine to prevent electrocutions in areas with protruding wires in the lair. I just need to test if the insulating materials work," he tells your friend casually. "Do you want to help me test it?"
And what you see in the future of that interaction is your friend electrocuted.
"Donnie, hun, can we talk?"
After you distance yourselves a couple of meters you begin:
"Please tell me you weren't planning to electrocute him."
"As I said, I was just testing my new creation. Any side effects it may have caused would have been a sacrifice for scientific purposes."
"Alright! I'm sorry. It bothers me, okay? I can see him lusting for you, and it bothers me. But I didn't want to appear controlling, nor did I want to hurt you by forcing you to cut off a friendship."
You sigh. "No, I'm sorry. I should've known it made you this uneasy. I won't keep it up." you assured.
He gives you a tiny smile. "Thank you."
"No need to. Let's go back," you say before chuckling. "I can't believe you were gonna do that."
Donatello scoffs. "Please, it wasn't gonna kill him."
Your best friend is fun to be around! :)
But he has feelings for you :(
And you haven't noticed! Mikey doesn't want to have that conversation just yet.
Yeah, it doesn't sit well with him, but Mikey, you know, he has excellent self-esteem, and he's sure that you love him and him only.
So, while it isn't the most fun situation, he's willing to tolerate this friendship as long as you always give him his place as your boyfriend.
And as long as you and your friend don't hang out alone. Not because he doesn't trust you but because he wants to avoid this friend making a move that might make you uncomfortable.
Such a sweetheart, 10/10
But don't betray him bc he'll dump your ass.
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kamily-art · 1 month ago
Pjo au
Who is each of the turtles (and usagi) godly parent?
Are the turtles still brothers?
Were they still created (either by draxum or a god who wants to start a war?)
hihi!! thanks so much for the ask! i wanted to do a couple doodles to go along with it, and ended up yapping a LOT more than i meant to.... my bad....
the godly parents aren't totally finalized for all of them but i'll tell you what i have for now.
Leo - he's unironically the one i've had the most trouble with, but i think i'm gonna go with Poseidon; it matches what with the blue and all, and i think it would be cool for him to have water powers. i still need all their mystic weapons to work, but i'm thinking of having the weapons' power sources be from something other than their godly parents.
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Donnie - Hephaestus of course; he's been building things since he was a kid. i honestly think he'd be the one to resist the knowledge that their parents are gods the most. he doesn't want his talent to be because of some dad who doesn't even care about him.
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Mikey - he was the easiest- Apollo. has to be, with all of his art, skill at cooking, charm, etc. he also possesses the gift of prophecy, but no ability to control it (like rachel dare). it manifests in the form of drawings; when he's drawing the future, he is in a trance and cannot move, speak or look out for himself. this has led to his brothers never letting him go anywhere alone, something he's annoyed about.
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Raph - it had to be Ares; however i like to think he doesn't fit in very well because of how much of a softie he is despite being strong, etc. he likes hitting things; preferably punching bags or bad guys. he doesn't like war.
have a doodle of him when the turtles first met Usagi. (the rest of the turtles are hiding behind him btw. they just got their asses beat by said bunny.)
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speaking of Usagi, his godly parent is Hermes! this AU is not meant to exchange specific PJO characters with rottmnt/Samurai rabbit, but, similarly to Luke, Usagi does end up possessed by Kronos. However, it is not willing.
Someone does willingly join Kronos, however. I won't tell you who.
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as for whether they'll still brothers- not biologically! however, they met as toddlers and ended up sticking together. it was necessary to survive, with all the monsters after them. point is, they're basically adopted brothers- which brings us to your next question!
essentially, they started off as human demigods. however, they were kidnapped when they were babies and mutated into turtles (i always thought it would be interesting if the turtles were humans originally); but as they were still demigods, they were still pursued by monsters. they were with draxum for a few years before escaping when his lab was attacked. god knows how they survived. i headcanon (whats this? a hc of my own AU? yes) that they had another sibling originally but she was killed early on. trauma for the boys.
there are loads of other mutants created by draxum, by the way. Usagi's actually one of them! he too escaped during the attack; however unlike the turtles, he was found by the Camp Half-Blood demigods and taken in. when he and the turtles first met, they both thought the others were monsters.
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anyway that's the end of my yap! lmk if you have any other questions and sorry for being so longwinded lmao
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emeraldsfanfics · 1 month ago
I'd hate to be annoying but 2 other ideas: ROTTMNT Donnie with in a situationnship with paranoid reader who needs Donnie to answer their constant questions to make them feel safe about life(Sometimes it worsens Readers paranoia)
Any ver of Donnie with reckless reader who specifically mutated themselves to be like a glowstick. They stand in the sun long enough and then their veins + eyes glow in the dark, they did the mutation for fun and has even mutated their friends to have annoying special quirks as well
◇A Donnie x paranoid!reader◇
HI AGAIN ARTIST! <3 Do I'll be doing the first one and perhaps do the second one another time, thank you for the request! <3
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◇He's questioning your sanity at first, tried doing a phycological analysis many times
◇With how much you cling onto him, hes questioning your relationship status?? Because isn't the way your hugging him considered romantic and makes him feel things?
◇Pretty awkward but does his best
Donatello was sitting on the couch as his brothers were out on the skating ramp. Just on his phone scrolling on tiktok. In his own world.
Until the sound of footsteps started getting louder and louder. Repeating over and over again. Resulting in you standing right in front of him. Making your way next to him, quietly, snuggling onto his plastron.
He felt your shaking, your trembling hands. Heavy breathing. Rapid eyes Everything about your current state screamed anxiety.
Donnie did not know what to do, the one who he had admired from afar is right there. Yes, he did in fact have the urge to throw you off of him.
"Uh...what is this?" He bluntly asked, not moving a centimeter.
"My ex is after me, he's after me, I've seen him everywhere!" You panicked, you clenched your heart.
"It's okay? Technically he wouldn't be disturbing enough to willingly come down here, unless he is phycotic enough." Donnie shrugged, "and he can challenge me >:)"
"What if he is that crazy?!" You panicked, it looks like you haven't slept for weeks, "HE CAN BE IN THE WALLS!" You almost pull your hair, "recording this very conversation..."
"These walls? Please. Scoff." He shrugged off.
◇Sorry but bro does not help whatsoever, at first
◇You know sticks from sonic boom (my underrated paranoid badger), yeah, that's literally you
"I haven't slept in 28 days."
◇You both don't sleep at all, it takes the forces of heaven to get you two to sleep. Or just Raph putting a blanket over you and Donnie, either will do
◇instead of 🎶helpless🎶 it's 🎶sleepless🎶
◇sleepy eyes and eye bags are your makeup look at this point
◇Later in the relationship, Donnie actually found himself to care for you, but the signs were all too hard to notice
◇Now of course, you are extremely difficult to read, he isn't sure if his feelings are platonic or Romantic
◇He actually thought he was severely sick because he wanted to be around you and dreaded your attention💀
◇Donnie is emotionally unintelligent while you are just paranoid, you both are so chaotic 😭
◇Everyone is just waiting for SOMETHING ANYTHING to develop or happen between you two, like admit you deeply care for each other
◇But nope, you two only spend a ridiculous amount of time together
◇But that doesn't mean Donnie doesn't learn anything from his experience with you. Like how to try to comfort you
◇So that is what he does, research everything on how to comfort someone like you
"Do you think there are lizard people running the government and controlling all media?"
"We exist so technically there is a slim-" He stopped himself with widened eyes, "NO NOT AT ALL THATS STUPID. No...no."
"Your right...THERE IS AND WE HAVE TO GO USE VIOLENCE!" *pulls out a grenade and chainsaw*
"Not the ideal thing but I like where your heads at."
◇Donnie may have fallen in love, either platonically or Romantically at that moment
◇You two are violent agents of chaos when in battle though, neither of you hold back
Leo: "Donnie no, dad is in that thing."
Donnie: "Can I at least go semi lethal?"
Y/n: "Why semi when you can go NUCLEAR?"
◇Once you came to the lair on Donnie's birthday and got him uranium, Donnie now is stuck to your hip
Leo: uhh Y/n, where did you even get that?
Y/n: Government facility, where else?
Donnie: *whispers while clenching to uranium* I love you
◇Donnie was disappointed when you didn't take him with you though
So sorry it took a long time 😭 I only got one more request to fulfill then I'm going to do my own original writing :3
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qoldenskies · 27 days ago
Do you have any thoughts on the fact that Donnie’s literal GREATEST passion was intended to be botany… and he never told his older brothers about it??? This kid’ll ramble about anything given half a chance, and yet only Mikey knew about how out of all the sciences, botany was Donnie’s favorite?
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Like is this not crazy. Is it because it’s not really useful to them???? Did he just want it to be private? But he seems so excited to show them here? I’m taking it more seriously than it’s meant to be but WHAT. “I’m the science guy” and “You all think of me as the mechanics and thermodynamics guy” can and do exist in canon—in my heart.
YES I THINK ABOUT IT SO MUCH .... there's probably a chance that was meant to be hyperbolic due to the topic but donnie enjoying botany works so well for him in general it makes complete sense for him .,,,, especially gardening, i enjoy kind of using his interest in taking care of plants to keep them from wilting and having control to reflect his ,,, Everything. all his little complexes
overall i like to interpret it as something he mostly keeps to himself because its,,, vulnerable? like something already to be said about his secret passion being in something organic instead of mechanical, but i like to make it so its something he just kind of keeps it to himself because its his. there's something a little selfish about it, and that's what makes it so important to him. its not relevant with what they talk about, so it doesnt come up.
and of course he would tell mikey in particular, because mikey is the only one that expresses open, active interest in his science, even when he doesnt understand it (i think there's even little details like some of mikey's belongings being in donnie's lab in some shots). i think overall donnie would feel a lot more comfortable opening up to mikey about things like this because he knows he'll never be judged or shot down, and i could see him keeping it from raph and leo because he doesn't want the immediate question to be about why he does it, what its purpose is-- or even worse, for them to make fun of it. mikey's someone he trusts not to be judgemental.
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whattraintracks · 6 months ago
I kinda feel we didn’t much of raph and splinter’s relationship in 03 thoughts?
Hmm, I suppose that's fair. I've heard it said that 03 isn't a very character-driven story, and I agree we don't see as many character dynamics or arcs explored as we could have.
Below the cut are the pieces of Raph and Splinter's relationship I've pieced together for myself.
Splinter's bio on Raph in Tales from the Sewer presents this interesting duality in Splinter's perception of him. He's a difficult child but just a kid. He trains the most but he's a difficult student. He makes poor decisions but Splinter has the utmost faith in his abilities. As both father and teacher, Splinter sometimes struggles to approach his sons and their needs in the appropriate role, especially when it comes to Raph.
For example, his hands-off approach to Raph's rage, or what I usually think of as emotional dysregulation (either as a product of neurodivergence or his young age). When Raph nearly maims Mikey during a rage attack/dissociative episode (see S1E4 "Meet Casey Jones") Splinter doesn't try to stop Raph or separate him and Mikey, although he very well could have. He doesn't step in until after Leo and Donny have broken up the fight. Despite addressing Raph parentally, he comes at the issue like a teacher offering those ninja master-esque nuggets of wisdom about rage being a monster and a true warrior is balanced in all things. I think he wants to come across sympathetically (gentle voice, physical contact, calling Raph "my son") but there is a sense of disappointment and unmet expectations in what he says.
In the aforementioned bio, Splinter notes that of all the turtles, Raph trains the longest and hardest. He likely equates length of training with dedication to ninjutsu and assumes that because Raph exhibits these things he should be something he isn't: more disciplined less angry. Perhaps he compares Raph to Leo who apparently trains less but fits Splinter's prototype of a good ninja. Speaking of Leo, later in the same episode we see Splinter chastise Mikey and Donny for interrupting Leo's practice and tell Leo to keep practicing his split kick without offering any advice on how to get it right.
We see this idea directed to Raph in Splinter's comment about a true warrior finding balance in all things. It's not particularly informative. This is his version of telling Raph to keep practicing but it's not what Raph needs at this moment, hot off such an overwhelming experience. So instead of reading this as the patient, parental advice I think Splinter intends it to be, Raph's body language screams chastised. He doesn't meet Splinter's eyes and he runs away. Raph (like all of the brothers) wants Splinter's approval and he's devastated to have fallen short in this instance. Then Splinter doesn't let Mikey follow after Raph. And yeah, Raph likely needed that space but it's this hands-off approach, again. Another example comes from the one of Raph's diary entries in the Raphael: Collector Book. He talks about Splinter assigning him more meditation exercises to help him control his emotions and temper. Perhaps training, space, meditation, and nuggets of wisdom are effective tools for Splinter to self-regulate his emotions, but Splinter is also an adult. Raph needs more guidance and practical advice at this point in his life that Splinter isn't providing. The tools aren't enough, he needs to be taught how to use them.
So. Raph responds in a couple ways to Splinter's hands-off, more-teacher-than-father approach. The first is to train harder, and longer, and learn everything he can about ninjutsu. If Master Splinter says becoming a true warrior will help him find emotional balance then he's going to try his hardest to become one. When he meets Casey, he shares with him verbatim the true warrior line but confesses to Casey he's not sure how hot-heads like them are supposed to do that. He still takes the advice to heart even if it's not helpful or he doesn't understand it because he wants to please and obey his father. The collector's book shows us that Raph has taken the time to learn aspects of ninjutsu that are confusing, uninteresting, and even inaccessible to him. This book contains a lot of technical information about ninjutsu techniques and teachings. It presents Raph as even more of ninja nerd than Leo! Some of this stuff appeals to his interests, for sure; the different punching techniques for instance. Some of it, he seems to have only learned to gain Splinter's approval. He has a detailed spread on hand signs that he explicitly finds too mystical and confusing, claims it took forever to learn, and he can't even use it as a three-fingered being, but he hopes Splinter will be impressed with him.
Second, he goes behind Splinter's back. If there's something he wants or needs and he thinks Splinter won't approve of it, he'll take it for himself. Such as going to the surface when he needs space or bringing his brothers to the surface when he thinks there's something important they need to do. This feels, to me, like access thievery, which is the concept (typically applied to disabled/neurodivergent folks) of taking what one needs (time, space, resources) without asking for permission or waiting to be offered it (because you likely won't be). Again in the collector's book, Raph exhibits an awareness of his faults and a self-compassionate recognition that he's just a teen. Splinter know this too but has shown that he can't always offer what Raph needs or won't give him it in some cases (forbids them from going to the surface). So Raph has developed a willingness to take what he needs for himself and sneak around Splinter to avoid the disapproval he fears.
All that aside, I think they're very similar in their fierce love and devotion to family and the ways it can drive them to anger, fear, hatred, and vengeance. There are traits Raph inherited from Splinter they bond over, too. They're both competitive. The Battle Nexus Tournament isn't their thing but we see them playing pokey in "Dragons Rising." I love the idea that they play a lot of games together! They have a similar sense of humility. They know they're skilled but they're more likely hang back and play support while their other family members take the spotlight than boast. Unless it's really personal, then they'll take over, like how Splinter's quest for vengeance guides them in Exodus and Raph's desire to help Casey leads the brothers to sneak out with him in "Meet Casey Jones." I think, they have a similar sense of humor, too. Raph has this silly line in the collector's book about Splinter being proud he used his head, that is, like a battering ram, and you cannot tell me Splinter wouldn't chuckle at that.
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skysiren41 · 6 months ago
What if Raph stayed mind controlled for longer? (TMNT 2012 rewrite)
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As much as I love TMNT 2012, one of the things I thought was disappointing was having Raph only be mind controlled by Shredder for one episode. I think there was a lot of potential to have one of the turtles temporarily be on the villians side (kinda like how in the IDW comics Leo was brainwashed into becoming part of the foot clan) so I thought 'what if Raph stayed brainwashed for longer?' And now I want to share my idea
(Buckle in folks)
Clash Of The Mutanimals
Clash of The Mutanimals would largely remain the same, Slash and Rockwell are used as test subjects by Stockman and are brainwashed by Shredder, they end up in the turtles lair where they seem fine, but the mind control worms activate, a fight starts and they end up capturing Raph and bring him to Shedder where he ends up being brainwashed as well
However the changes start at the climax of the episode, instead of Leo making Raph mad which causes him to spit out the mind control worm, it's instead Donnie who manages to break Rockwell free first by insulting him till he's angry enough to spit it out. A now freed Rockwell then uses his psychic powers to blast the worm out of Slash. However when he tries to do it to Raph, it doesn't work, even the Turtles can't make Raph angry like they did with Rockwell. This is when Shedder taunts the turtles during his brawl with them and Mutanimals by revealing that during the time he had send out Slash and Rockwell out as bait, Stockman was able to create a stronger brain worm specifically for one of the turtles. Not only did he want Karai on his side again, but have one of the brothers as well just to rub salt in the wound for Splinter and the turtles, which is why he specifically ordered Slash and Rockwell to bring one of the turtles to him. Eventually Slash and Leatherhead are able to push the statue on Shredder before a bunch of foot soldiers swarm the room with a still mind controlled Raph leading them. While the other turtles want to stay and save Raph, the Mutanimals (mainly Rockwell) tells them they have to retreat if they all don't want to be killed, and they reluctantly do so
Back at the lair we get the scene of Slash apologising to Splinter for not only hurting him, but also apologising for what happened to Raph, believing that it was his fault that he got captured. Splinter (though its clear that he's heartbroken over what happened) reassures Slash that what happened wasn't his or Rockwell's fault. At the very end Leo promises Splinter that he Mikey and Donnie will do everything they can to get Raph back
For the next episodes we see the heroes struggling with not only trying to find a alternative cure for the brain worms, but with the fact that one of their brothers/son/friends is gone and working for Shredder
Meet Mondo Gecko
Meet Mondo Gecko would for the most part be similar to the original, however we see how the characters are dealing with Raph's absence, with Mikey trying to distract himself in his shows, Donnie trying to find a cure for the mind control worms, and Leo endlessly training in order to basically kick Shredder's ass for what he did to Raph. Also during the race at the end, Fishface tries to taunt Mikey with bringing up what happened to Raph, how he and his brothers failed to save him and for a brief moment it works, but with the help of Mondo and Casey there able to finish the race
At the end of the episode we cut to Shredder's lair where we see him train with someone just as a defeated Fishface walks in. Fishface reveals to Shredder that the turtles haven't been the same since the loss of Raph (noting how angry Mikey got when he taught him about Raph) this pleases Shredder who says "how about we give them a much needed family reunion" before the camera pans to show not only a now brainwashed Karai, but a still brainwashed Raph in a new design that he will keep till The Fortold Trap
Think of the design as a mix of his Vision quest and Owari design but more Foot Clan themed. Also due to him loosing his Sai's during Clash of The Mutanimals (which Splinter now keeps close to him) He now uses the Shredder claws he used in that same episode as his main weapon
The Deadly Venom
Now this episode notably has a few changes, firstly the beginning of the episode is a flashback that took place before Meet Mondo Gecko, explaining what had happened with Karai and how she got brainwashed. In present day Shedder once again orders Karai to take down the turtles, Splinter, April and Casey, but this time she's joined by Raph who Shedder thinks they can use to find them easier (que the two acting like siblings). During the talk with Splinter and Leo at the start, Leo starts to open up about how he wishes that he wasn't so hard on Raph before he got brainwashed, thinking that if he didn't antagonise him as much as he did, then he would still be here. Splinter tries to comfort Leo by reassuring him that what happened to Raph wasn't his, Slash's or anyone else's fault, but it's clear after that Leo is still upset
With the help of Raph, Karai is able to find April's home where she uses her venom to poison her. When she fights Casey at first he has the upper hand, that is until Raph joins the fight and he hesitates, which Karai uses to her advantage to poison him as well. The turtles get an SOS from Casey, both Mikey and Leo go to investigate and they find Casey, but before they bring him back they are ambushed by Raph, both shocked with how diffrent he looks. They struggle during the fight, not only due to the training Raph had received from Shredder, but don't want to hurt him. During the fight however Mikey gets bitten by one of Karai's snakes, and Raph is able to capture him and Casey. Before he and Karai leave she demands Leo and Donnie to meet them both in the station or else they will kill Casey and Mikey, with no other choice Leo calls Donnie, explains the situation and the two adventure into the station while kirby and Splinter watch over a still poisoned April
The episode largely remains the same at this point with Leo and Donnie bring poisoned from the water, but Leo is able to heal himself with the Healing Hands and fights both karai and Raph, however at one point where Raph has Leo cornered and is a about to strike him but he hesitates, as if his trying to stop himself from hurting him, and Leo notices this. Back at the lair after the others are healed Leo reveals to the others what happened with Raph hesitating, and this gives the others hope that Raph is still in there
Mutanimals episode
ok so this is probably gonna be my biggest change, I'm gonna move Turtles in Time and Tale of The Yokai to take place after The Fortold Trap. In it's place would be an episode focusing on the mutanimals, mainly Slash. The episode would focus on Slash's guilt with what happened in Clash Of The Mutanimals, in his mind if he hadn't tried to ambush Tiger Claw at the docks, none of this wouldn't have happened and raph wouldn't have gotten brainwashed. Now I'm not gonna go into too much detail on this one cause I'm still trying to come up with ideas for it, but the main thing is that the episode would have a Mutanimals vs Raph and Karai fight that hints again of Raph trying to regain control from the mind control worm. If your interested in how the episode would go feel free to let me know
Attack Of The Mega Shredder
After finding out that Raph had hesitated in The Deadly Venom and the Mutanimals episode, Shedder has Stockman inject Raph with a serum in order to make the mind control worm inside him stronger. As he and karai watch, Shedder reassures her they they will both get their revenge (though we get hints that karai herself is starting to fight back against the mind control worm) he then orders Bebop and Rocksteady to double the security. Like in the orignal episode the other turtles try to break into Shredder's lair in order to save Raph and Karai as well as get one of the mind control worms, but they end up getting caught and have to retreat, with Donnie being to get his leg broken by Tigerclaw
Leo then tries to sneak into the lair alone but Mikey follows him and Leo eventually let's him join. Again the episode largely remains the same but during the climax while they try to stop the Mega Shredder, Leo and Karai have a one v one. Thoughout the episode Karai was slowly starting to fight back against the worms control, and eventually with the help of Leo reminding her who she is, she is able to spit out the brain worm, and now Karai is back on the heroes side and helps them defeat the Mega Shredder
They bring Karai back, we have a sweet reunion between her and Splinter, and she reveals that Shredder has infected Raph with the serum, making their job to find a cure more difficult. Leo then suggests to Karai that with Shredder being hell bent having her in his clutches, she should temporarily leave New York in order to not get captured again, which she does (explaining her absence for the rest of the season)
The Creeping Doom
This episode is basically the same as the orignal, just without Raph
The Fortold Trap
Here we are, the finale to this arc. The main difference with this episode is obviously instead of Karai, it's Raph who lures the team into a trap (also Casey is here) using his knowledge of his brothers, he lures each of them out into a trap. First Donnie, then Mikey, and finally Leo, Casey and April with the help of Shredder's mutants. When April tries to escape and Raph stops her, she pleades with him to snap out of it, but it falls on deaths ears as it's clear that what Stockman inject into Raph in Attack Of The Mega Shredder is working
He brings them into the trap rooms (with Casey being in the fire room) and while April continues to try and tell Raph to let go and snap out of it, he calls Splinter so he can witness the turtles, April and Casey's demise. With that Splinter basically goes "screw it" and goes to confront him and Shredder's mutants (bringing Raph's Sai's with him) After beating the mutants, we finally get a Raph vs Splinter fight, though its clear that he doesn't want to fight his own son. As the turtles and Casey each break out of their trap rooms with the help of April, Splinter begs Raph to fight back against Shredder's control, and eventually Raph briefly does for a moment. As he does before he can strike, Splinter and Leo together perform the Healing Hands on Raph. Raph stumbles and is about to fall into the rivulet before Donnie and Mikey catch him. And after a brief moment, he finally spits out the brain worm (which Leo quickly kills) he opened his eyes, they're back to normal and he mutters "what did I miss, guys?" With that the Turtles, Splinter, April and Casey group hug him, crying as they are happy to finally have him back. Raph begins profusely apologise for everything that happened, how he almost killed them but they reassure him that what happened wasn't his fault, and that they are just happy to finally have him back after so long. With that they head home, finally a full team and family again
On Turtles in Time and Tale of The Yokai, the episodes basically remain the same, they just take place after The Fortold Trap
Anyway I hope you enjoyed this rewrite and I thank you for listening to my ramblings! Feel free to share your thoughts, ideas and criticisms! And feel free to give suggestions on what I could rewrite next
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cupcakeslushie · 2 years ago
i love that you said each of the bois have unspoken themes to them, that makes characters so much more deeper and interesting.
if you wouldn’t mind can you say what unspoken themes Leo, Mikey, and Raph have?
some are more obvious than others, and while i have a decent idea of what they are, i want to hear them coming from you ✨
adore your work btw, your storytelling and style enraptures me
This might be a big post just so I have everyone all in one place im going to reiterate what I said for Donnie
Donnie: Identity/Depersonalization
When Donnie's first introduced Draxum doesn't even consider him a person, and hadn't even given him a name. And then, later Donnie's got too many names to choose from. That alone would cause someone to have an identity crisis. Personality wise, he enjoys making tech, but aside from that, Donnie is never sure of which emotions he should be feeling, or what his likes and dislikes are. A lot of the time he's mirroring how his brothers are emoting, or he's just smiling to cover up the fact that he doesn't know or trust his own feelings. Future Donnie will have a horrible time with depersonalization after merging with the Technodrome and the Kraang, which will cycle around to impact present timeline Donnie during the movie.
Mikey: Worth
While Donnie was treated like nothing, Mikey was treated like an object/accessory by Big Mama. When she threw him into the Nexus, Mikey imagined it was something he did or didn't do well enough to meet her high standards. After he's reunited with Splinter and Raph, Mikey finds the little roles that neither of them have filled very well, such as cooking, and cleaning, and makes sure he excels at them almost obsessively out of this fear that if he's not useful, then he will be discarded. Future Mikey works tirelessly as the only brother with his mystic powers still intact, to the point that his body is so overworked by the time of the movie, he looks like he's moments from shattering apart, only held together through his own force of will.
Leo: Doubt
Leo has lived his life being ordered around and having his memories and personality altered. Even once he is free, his emotions are almost as erratic without Kitsune's influence, than they were while he was under her control (at least until his own cleansing ritual). His instinctual gut reaction to use most violent tactic first, clearly makes his family uneasy. So when Raph tries to get Leo to act as co-leader, Leo is very hesitant. He doesn't think he should be trusted with such a responsibility, but learns he can trust if he goes too far, his brothers will stop him. Future Leo has a really hard time with raising Casey. After Raph's gone, Leo doesn't trust any of the decisions he's now having to make solo, and he certainly doesn't think he can be a guiding force for good for a young child. Casey needs a teacher who will shape him into a strong warrior. Leo learns as Casey grows, that being the boy's Sensei is not the same as being his Master.
Raph: Regret/Guilt
Raph blames himself for almost every horrible thing his brothers and father have gone through. He's recounted the night that Leo and Mikey were taken, and gone over it a thousand times in his head, trying to work out how it could've gone differently. All the amazing things he's done by bringing his family together--being the stable bedrock that they can grow into a true family under--none of that feels like it'll ever make up for the times in the past where he failed to protect them. Raph takes on the job of shield because he wants to make sure nothing else ever hurts his brothers again, and doesn't care if hurts him instead. Future Raph is constantly putting his brothers' lives before his own. Unfortunately, doing it one too many times results in a devastating loss for the Resistance, when their Leader sacrifices himself, and the chain of command practically falls apart for months before it can recover.
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jellyvibes710 · 2 years ago
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I'm aliveeee (Little Baby Blue AU)
So I made a thing! It took forever but I did it! I'm not the best with shading or backgrounds but I really like how these came out and I really hope you enjoy!!
This comic series will take event after the movie, it will be heartwarming but also painful, there will be some trigger warning ⚠ for some of the parts as well
The first few parts will be twin angst because I can't help myself, but dee will be doing his best to get leo better but as the weeks progress he's getting worse and worse till he eventually falls into a coma, around this time dee realizes that Leo's body isn't going to make it so he uses his big brain to come up with a plan to just make a clone of leo then transfer his soul to the Clone. He'll have to make a deal with big mama to get the right thing to accomplish this task, then leo flatlines for the first time. Although the first few parts are gonna be dark especially for the twins, traumatic for donnie because he's racing against a clock that's getting smaller and smaller, hearing his brother flatline multiple times and having to do more damage to his already fragile body just to bring him back, his twin senses were only sensing inpending doom from his dying twin, feeling a snap every time leo heart stops, hearing raph and mikey cry and bang at the door when they also heard him flatline, he didn't sleep the entire time and when he did it was brief, and having no choice but to put Leo's spirt in not only a copy of his body but a baby sized one because he knew if leo flatlined one more time he wouldn't bounce back from it, and in the back of his head he knew either way leo was going to have to relearn how to walk and talk because not only is his body demolished but his brain was scrambled and he was showing clear signs of heavy brain trauma BEFORE he slipped into a coma then when he does pull Leo's soul out (thank big mama for that tool) his spirt let's out a cry that'll haunt donnies mind forever.
It'll be traumatic for leo because last he knew he was drifting to sleep and now suddenly he's smaller, his vision is blurred so his environment is unfamiliar and dispute his twin senses he couldn't physically tell donnie was there with him but he knew donnie was scared, he couldn't hear anything because his ears were ringing so loud in his head that he couldn't hear donnies constantly apologizing as he has to pin leo down, make sure all his reflects are responsive, shine bright light in his face (which he did NOT like), leo was so scared that he was trembling and crying so loud donnie was glad he soundproofed the lab, it took hours for his sight and hearing to return to normal and the first thing he sees is a destroyed/very drained Dee, an image that'll linger in his head probably forever, but seeing him made leo immediately want to cling to donnie but he realized he couldn't even control his body the way he wanted which scared him and when donnie finally picked leo up and clung to him, he felt so small and vulnerable but he felt safe scooped up in Dee's hands which were warm from his constant fidgeting and rubbing his hands together, and if dee had to set leo down even for a moment he'd spirl into fear and start crying again because everything felt so fake but being held really grounded him to earth and kept his mind calm, for a few days he can't even tell if everything is real or not. Donnie doesn't even let mikey and raph see leo the first few days of being a baby because sadly it was donnies only option, either make a clone and put his brother's spirt in that or he dies and he'd have no way to see him again, he almost doesn't even make it and had to do cpr on leo two or three times while creating the clone and Leo's body was so damaged that each time he'd do cpr he'd have less and less time
It took just under a week for dee to build confidence to show everyone leo and explain why it was his only option, which everyone was clearly mad but understood the reasoning, dee also noticed that when he wore his ninja gear leo was constantly on edge and clearly stressed hence why everyone isn't wearing their gear to let leo kinda know that he doesn't have to worry, of course dee is the first to go back into his ninja gear because he feels like he needs to be ready for anything especially now that leo is so fragile, they gave a proper grave to Leo's old body since there wasn't anything they could do to save it. Then it's LOT of family bonding time and healing, mentally and emotionally for everyone, so it's gonna be heartwarming(hopefully) and also have its pained moments. I already did a few short comics with baby leo because I was mostly bored and I started building a story in my head and now I'm just kinda starting it >.>
This comic will be like dark chocolate, sweet but bitter
Or sour patch kids, sour sweet gone lmao
Who'll be in the comic? Everyone
I'm super excited to finally be getting started on this au and I really hope everyone enjoys it 💖
(Bonus)Some lil details I added while thinking of a storyline;
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no matter how big and intimating mikey made himself look for the part you can tell that he's being super gentle with leo because he knows he naturally stronger in general then the rest of his bros, although while playing dead with leo was fun, when leo played along and flopped over it hit mikey just how close he was to actually losing his brother, small details with big impacts :]
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Like- I-- just- just look at this picture, you can see the absolute care in his touch, the protective way he holds lil leo close while his face just screams "I won't let you get hurt again" and the realization of what it means to be an older brother and finally understanding raphs own overprotective tendency, mikey will definitely grow from this experience and his and raph because super close because of it, so there will be plenty of the sunset duo (I love this picture)
(Bonus #2 because I didn't sleep worth shit while working on this whole thing)
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MORE BABY LEO HERE (interdiction)
HERE (Raphs/baby leo playtime)
AND HERE (mikey/babyleo + donnie/babyleo playtime)
But wait, there's more (April meets little leo)
Characters and (rough) story
Little baby blue AU
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teenage-mutant-ninja-freak · 11 months ago
Would each of the turtles be comfortable with letting one rip in front of their S/O or would they hide that part of themselves for awhile?
If I had a dime for every time someone sends in a request to do with farting I'd have 3 dimes, it's not a lot but it's weird that it's happened 3 times, right?
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The calm, totally controlled leader
he does not feel comfortable letting rip in front of you, at least, not straight away
the only thing is, he can't control it in his sleep
so the first time you spend the night, he is ripping ass under those sheets from holding it in all day
he actually wakes up to you wheezing and crying with laughter because, as you put it: "It sounds like you're shitting yourself, babe"
after that he kind of realises that there's no point holding it in
still tries to be discreet about it
will leave the room and such
he gets embarrassed a bit too easily when it comes to something he sees as his "downfall"
bless him
but keeping it in makes him tummy hurt
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so Raph is actually similar to Leo in the sense that he gets flustered really easily
but it's less to do with it being considered rude
and far more to do with that fact that when he passes gass, everyone and their grandma knows about it
boy could evacuate a room with that ass
so he hides it
leaves the room, but he can only say he's going to the bathroom so many times before that becomes a gross image as well
you can hear his belly rumbling with what he's keeping in
until, when getting up off the sofa, he accidentally toots
it's only small, but it's powerful
the lad drinks a lot of protein shakes, ok???
it messes with your intestines
he's so, so sorry
but you can't help but laugh
it makes him a bit less upset when you pull him closer to tell him it's alright
but then he laughs when you say "Oh god, I'm squeezing you, please don't fart on me again"
after that he just warns you when it's coming
you have a running gap that involves you pulling a clothes peg out to put on your nose
he gets more comfortable with it
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I know what you're all thinking "Oh Mikey doesn't really have shame so this blog guy is going to write him as farting 24/7"
Mikey does not let rip in front of you for a good amount of time
thinks it will put you off him
he waits for you to do it first
then, and only then, does he feel like he can be gassy in front of you
mainly to turn it into a competition to make you laugh
he lives off an eclectic diet of pizza, pizza rolls, anything with cheese and candy so it will not smell great (does it ever?)
when he gets comfy enough it does also turn into a "pull my finger" type of gag too
but he knows that he can't just blow off then and there when you first get together
he's a gentleman after all
would totally never try to dutch oven you....
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poor, nervous, insecure baby
he knows logically that it's only natural
but he also knows that it's gross
weights up the possibilities of you leaving him because of it
thinks it's low but not impossible
then one day he gets a stomach bug and, god help you all...
he cannot help it
his intestines feel like they're going to explode if he doesn't
and you want to be there all the time to take care of him
it happens, he goes red, head in hands
until he hears you giggling
then he looks and the giggle turn into full belly laughs
"Better out than in, sweetie" you laugh
he feels a bit more comfortable after that but he still doesn't like doing that around you
normally leaves the room but is honest about why
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