#donna pl
the-river-of-light · 1 year
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doodle dump: sapphic only edition (thanks to the kind folks on discord who requested ships!)
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pocketsizepunk · 2 years
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[ID: donna from the sixth layton game. she is looking at something off to the side with a vaguely amused smile. end ID.]
day 6 of @layton-npc-appreciation-week - azran legacy
here's donna! i always really liked her outfit, even though it seems way too light for the icy town she lives in. but hey, she seems to make it work. good for her. you go queen
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laytonnpcbracket · 11 months
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About the NPCs:
Maya runs a bookstore in the Chinatown of Future London. She loves giving recommendations to customers.
Otherwise known as: マーヤ (Japanese); May (Spanish)
Donna lives in Froenborg. She and Prima are close friends.
Otherwise known as: トレイシー (Japanese); Lisa (German); Elsa (Spanish)
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awoogasoundeffect · 7 months
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donna on her way to choke somebody to death (me 😋)
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ndglt · 21 days
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dc pls give us this line up in an animated project im begging you
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Roy and Dick being divorced parents and fighting for custody of the team is actually incredibly accurate to the og Teen Titans comics. Those two had beef on sight.
Also Wally being INCREDIBLY DISTRAUGHT over their fighting is fantastic and I love it.
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"Don't drag Wally into this!" - Small bird man who doesn't want to lose his BFF in the divorce
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pinkkittycoffin · 4 months
"your stupid ass BETTER NOT be ponyfying roy harper when i get back THERE"
my stupid ass :
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eclipseya · 5 months
can people PLEASE stop making the secret history moodboards a dark academia shitfest? sure they're very aesthetically appealing and they study the beloved classics, but these people are the type to snort cocaine in the parking lot of a burger king, eat cherries at the odd hours of the night, have bacchanals and soak in pigs blood after killing a man... i really don't think your hogwartsesque castle and a stack of books truly get the vibes across. you didn't read the book if you think a ceramic cup w/ some lipstick on it is gonna cut it for this masterpiece
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catmanbowser · 2 years
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(Wonder) Women i respectfully think about
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knightlystargazer · 6 months
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non ti lascerò mai più andare via
One w/out the text
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expiredsoda · 6 months
shy submissive bottom donna is my true nature
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the-river-of-light · 1 year
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they are girlfriends in my heart. also Prima is just short she isn't further behind
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hood-ex · 10 months
You think Donna ever jokes about Dick being her dad since he walked her down the aisle? Like imagine if Robert had grandparent's day at his school and Dick dressed up like a grandpa, wig and all, and went to go support Robert as his pseudo grandpa. Except Robert would keep calling him, "Uncle Dick," and Dick would correct him in his fake grandpa voice. And then Robert would give Dick some macaroni art that he made for him, and Dick would take him out for lunch afterward.
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pinkeoni · 3 months
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"I'm your friend, always."
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grrrechka · 3 months
would you ever be willing to draw Donna as a half spider? k thanks bye!
Yess I love Donna requests!! Thank you for asking, I wasn't sure if you wanted recently rebloged design so I made my own
I got a little excited, I love putting animal behaviors into half-humans soo here is a bunch of doods
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She covers her face with pedipals when flustered 😔💓
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Also! Male spiders dance to attract a mate while female spiders can actually eat a potential mate, so I decided to incorporate both
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mouse-of-dimitrescu · 3 months
I want Donna to grab me by the neck, call me her little flower and pin me to the wall
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