#donate your queer books!
queerliblib · 6 months
anyone heard of QT Library??!? got any physical queer books that need a new home?
@qtlibrary is a new lending library & sober space in Boston, and they’re currently building up their collection! You can learn how to donate here.
QLL may be a fully digital library but we love our sibling physical queer library spaces too~
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hussyknee · 11 months
17/12/23 this masterlist has been completely revamped with free access to all material. It will be updated and edited periodically so please click on my username and reblog the current version directly from me if you're able.
14/8/24 reboosting this post with How to Help Palestine updated. Please scroll to the bottom to donate or boost the links.
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The Big Damn List Of Stuff They Said You Didn't Know
(Yes, it's a lot. Just choose your preferred medium and then pick one.)
Backgrounders and Quick Facts
Interactive Maps
Teach-Out Resources
Reading Material (free)
Films and Documentaries (free)
Non-Governmental Organizations
Social Media
How You Can Help <- URGENT!!!
Cocktails & Capitalism: The Story of Palestine Part 1, Part 3
It Could Happen Here: The Cheapest Land is Bought with Blood, Part 2, The Balfour Declaration
Citations Needed: Media narratives and consent manufacturing around Israel-Palestine and the Gaza Siege
The Deprogram: Free Palestine, ft. decolonizatepalestine.com.
Backgrounders and Quick Facts
The Palestine Academy: Palestine 101
Institute for Middle East Understanding: Explainers and Quick Facts
Interactive Maps
Visualizing Palestine
Teach-Out Resources
1) Cambridge UCU and Pal Society
Palestine 101
Intro to Palestine Film + Art + Literature
Resources for Organising and Facilitating)
2) The Jadaliya YouTube Channel of the Arab Studies Institute
Gaza in Context Teach-in series
War on Palestine podcast
Updates and Discussions of news with co-editors Noura Erakat and Mouin Rabbani.
3) The Palestine Directory
History (virtual tours, digital archives, The Palestine Oral History Project, Documenting Palestine, Queering Palestine)
Cultural History (Palestine Open Maps, Overdue Books Zine, Palestine Poster Project)
Contemporary Voices in the Arts
Get Involved: NGOs and campaigns to help and support.
3) PalQuest Interactive Encyclopedia of the Palestine Question.
4) The Palestine Remix by Al Jazeera
Books and Articles
Free reading material
My Gdrive of Palestine/Decolonization Literature (nearly all the books recommended below + books from other recommended lists)
Five free eBooks by Verso
Three Free eBooks on Palestine by Haymarket
LGBT Activist Scott Long's Google Drive of Palestine Freedom Struggle Resources
Recommended Reading List
Academic Books
Edward Said (1979) The Question of Palestine, Random House
Ilan Pappé (2002)(ed) The Israel/Palestine Question, Routledge
Ilan Pappé (2006) The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine, OneWorld Publications
Ilan Pappé (2011) The Forgotten Palestinians: A History of the Palestinians in Israel, Yale University Press
Ilan Pappé (2015) The Idea of Israel: A History of Power and Knowledge, Verso Books
Ilan Pappé (2017) The Biggest Prison On Earth: A History Of The Occupied Territories, OneWorld Publications
Ilan Pappé (2022) A History of Modern Palestine, Cambridge University Press
Rosemary Sayigh (2007) The Palestinians: From Peasants to Revolutionaries, Bloomsbury
Andrew Ross (2019) Stone Men: the Palestinians who Built Israel, Verso Books
Rashid Khalidi (2020) The Hundred Years’ War on Palestine: A History of Settler Colonialism and Resistance 1917–2017
Ariella Azoulay (2011) From Palestine to Israel: A Photographic Record of Destruction and State Formation, 1947-1950, Pluto Press
Ariella Azoulay and Adi Ophir (2012) The One-State Condition: Occupation and Democracy in Israel/Palestine, Stanford University Press.
Jeff Halper (2010) An Israeli in Palestine: Resisting Dispossession, Redeeming Israel, Pluto Press
Jeff Halper (2015) War Against the People: Israel, the Palestinians and Global Pacification
Jeff Halper (2021) Decolonizing Israel, Liberating Palestine: Zionism, Settler Colonialism, and the Case for One Democratic State, Pluto Press
Anthony Loewenstein (2023) The Palestine Laboratory: How Israel exports the Technology of Occupation around the World
Noura Erakat (2019) Justice for Some: Law and the Question of Palestine, Stanford University Press
Neve Gordon (2008) Israel’s Occupation, University of California Press
Joseph Massad (2006) The Persistence of the Palestinian Question: Essays on Zionism and the Palestinians, Routledge
Edward Said (1986) After the Last Sky: Palestine Lives, Columbia University PEdward Saidress
Edward Said (2000) Out of Place; A Memoir, First Vintage Books
Mourid Barghouti (2005) I saw Ramallah, Bloomsbury
Hatim Kanaaneh (2008) A Doctor in Galilee: The Life and Struggle of a Palestinian in Israel, Pluto Press
Raja Shehadeh (2008) Palestinian Walks: Into a Vanishing Landscape, Profile Books
Ghada Karmi (2009) In Search of Fatima: A Palestinian Story, Verso Books
Vittorio Arrigoni (2010) Gaza Stay Human, Kube Publishing
Ramzy Baroud (2010) My Father Was a Freedom Fighter: Gaza's Untold Story, Pluto Press
Izzeldin Abuelaish (2011) I Shall Not Hate: A Gaza Doctor’s Journey on the Road to Peace and Human Dignity, Bloomsbury
Atef Abu Saif (2015) The Drone Eats with Me: A Gaza Diary, Beacon Press
Voices from Gaza - Insaniyyat (The Society of Palestinian Anthropologists)
Letters From Gaza • Protean Magazine
Salma Khadra Jayyusi (1992) Anthology of Modern Palestinian Literature, Columbia University Press
ASHTAR Theatre (2010) The Gaza Monologues
Refaat Alreer (ed) (2014) Gaza Writes Back, Just World Books
Refaat Alreer, Laila El-Haddad (eds) (2015) Gaza Unsilenced, Just World Books
Cate Malek and Mateo Hoke (eds)(2015) Palestine Speaks: Narrative of Life under Occupation, Verso Books
Jehad Abusalim, Jennifer Bing (eds) (2022) Light in Gaza: Writings Born of Fire, Haymarket Books
Short Story Collections
Ghassan Kanafani, Hilary Kilpatrick (trans) (1968) Men in the Sun and Other Palestinian Stories, Lynne Rienner Publishers
Ghassan Kanafani, Barbara Harlow, Karen E. Riley (trans) (2000) Palestine’s Children: Returning to Haifa and Other Stories, Lynne Rienner Publishers
Atef Abu Saif (2014) The Book of Gaza: A City in Short Fiction, Comma Press
Samira Azzam, Ranya Abdelrahman (trans) (2022) Out Of Time: The Collected Short Stories of Samira Azzam
Sonia Sulaiman (2023) Muneera and the Moon; Stories Inspired by Palestinian Folklore
Essay Collections
Edward W. Said (2000) Reflections on Exile and Other Essays, Harvard University Press
Salim Tamari (2008) Mountain against the Sea: Essays on Palestinian Society and Culture, University of California Press
Fatma Kassem (2011) Palestinian Women: Narratives, histories and gendered memory, Bloombsbury
Ramzy Baroud (2019) These Chains Will Be Broken: Palestinian Stories of Struggle and Defiance in Israeli Prisons, Clarity Press
Sahar Khalifeh (1976) Wild Thorns, Saqi Books
Liyana Badr (1993) A Balcony over the Fakihani, Interlink Books
Hala Alyan (2017) Salt Houses, Harper Books
Susan Abulhawa (2011) Mornings in Jenin, Bloomsbury
Susan Abulhawa (2020) Against the Loveless World, Bloomsbury
Graphic novels
Joe Sacco (2001) Palestine
Joe Sacco (2010) Footnotes in Gaza
Naji al-Ali (2009) A Child in Palestine, Verso Books
Mohammad Sabaaneh (2021) Power Born of Dreams: My Story is Palestine, Street Noise Book*
Fady Joudah (2008) The Earth in the Attic, Sheridan Books,
Ghassan Zaqtan, Fady Joudah (trans) (2012) Like a Straw Bird It Follows Me and Other Poems, Yale University Press
Hala Alyan (2013) Atrium: Poems, Three Rooms Press*
Mohammed El-Kurd (2021) Rifqa, Haymarket Books
Mosab Abu Toha (2022) Things You May Find Hidden in My Ear: Poems from Gaza, City Lights Publishers
Tawfiq Zayyad (2023) We Are Here to Stay, Smokestack Books*
The Works of Mahmoud Darwish
Rafeef Ziadah (2011) We Teach Life, Sir
Nasser Rabah (2022) In the Endless War
Refaat Alareer (2011) If I Must Die
Hiba Abu Nada (2023) I Grant You Refuge/ Not Just Passing
[All books except the ones starred are available in my gdrive. I'm adding more each day. But please try and buy whatever you're able or borrow from the library. Most should be available in the discounted Free Palestine Reading List by Pluto Press, Verso and Haymarket Books.]
Human Rights Reports & Documents
Information on current International Court of Justice case on ‘Legal Consequences arising from the Policies and Practices of Israel in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem’
UN Commission of Inquiry Report 2022
UN Special Rapporteur Report on Apartheid 2022
Amnesty International Report on Apartheid 2022
Human Rights Watch Report on Apartheid 2021
Report of the United Nations Fact-Finding Mission on the Gaza Conflict’ 2009 (‘The Goldstone Report’)
Advisory Opinion on the Legal Consequences of the Construction of a Wall in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, International Court of Justice, 9 July 2004
Jenin, Jenin (2003) dir. Mohammed Bakri
Massacre (2005) dir. Monica Borgmann, Lokman Slim, Hermann Theissen
Slingshot HipHop (2008) dir. Jackie Reem Salloum
Waltz with Bashir (2008) dir. Ari Folman † (also on Amazon Prime)
Tears of Gaza (2010) dir. Vibeke Løkkeberg (also on Amazon Prime)
5 Broken Cameras (2011) dir. Emad Burnat (also on Amazon Prime)
The Gatekeepers (2012) dir. Dror Moreh (also on Amazon Prime)
The Great Book Robbery (2012) | Al Jazeera English
Al Nakba (2013) | Al Jazeera (5-episode docu-series)
The Village Under the Forest (2013) dir. Mark J. Kaplan
Where Should The Birds Fly (2013) dir. Fida Qishta
Naila and the Uprising (2017) (also on Amazon Prime)
GAZA (2019) dir. Andrew McConnell and Garry Keane
Gaza Fights For Freedom (2019) dir. Abby Martin
Little Palestine: Diary Of A Siege (2021) dir. Abdallah Al Khatib 
Palestine 1920: The Other Side of the Palestinian Story (2021) | Al Jazeera World Documentary
Gaza Fights Back (2021) | MintPress News Original Documentary | dir. Dan Cohen
Innocence (2022) dir. Guy Davidi
Short Films
Fatenah (2009) dir. Ahmad Habash
Gaza-London (2009) dir. Dina Hamdan
Condom Lead (2013) dir. Tarzan Nasser, Arab Nasser
OBAIDA (2019) | Defence for Children Palestine
Theatrical Films
Divine Intervention (2002) | dir. Elia Suleiman (also on Netflix)
Paradise Now (2005) dir Hany Abu-Assad (also on Amazon Prime)
Lemon Tree (2008) (choose auto translate for English subs) (also on Amazon Prime)
It Must Be Heaven (2009) | dir. Elia Suleiman †
The Promise (2010) mini-series dir. Peter Kosminsky (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4)
Habibi (2011)* dir. Susan Youssef
Omar (2013)* dir. Hany Abu-Assad †
3000 Nights (2015)* dir. Mai Masri
Foxtrot (2017) dir. Samuel Maoz (also on Amazon Prime)
The Time that Remains (2019) dir. Elia Suleiman †
Gaza Mon Amour (2020) dir. Tarzan Nasser, Arab Nasser †
The Viewing Booth (2020) dir. Ra'anan Alexandrowicz (on Amazon Prime and Apple TV)
Farha (2021)* | dir. Darin J. Sallam
Palestine Film Institute Archive
All links are for free viewing. The ones marked with a star (*) can be found on Netflix, while the ones marked † can be downloaded for free from my Mega account.
If you find Guy Davidi's Innocence anywhere please let me know, I can't find it for streaming or download even to rent or buy.
In 2018, BDS urged Netflix to dump Fauda, a series created by former members of IOF death squads that legitimizes and promotes racist violence and war crimes, to no avail. Please warn others to not give this series any views. BDS has not called for a boycott of Netflix. ]
The Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) Movement
Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Monitor
Palestine Defence for Children International
Palestinian Feminist Collective
Al-Shabaka: The Palestinian Policy Network
Addameer Prisoner Support and Human Rights Association
Institute for Palestine Studies
Al Haq
Artists for Palestine
The Palestine Museum
Jewish Currents
Social Media
Palestnians on Tumblr
Allies and advocates (not Palestinian)
@bloglikeanegyptian beautiful posts that read like op-eds
@vyorei daily news roundups
@luthienne resistance through prose
@decolonize-the-left scoop on the US political plans and impacts
(Please don't expect any of these blogs to be completely devoted to Palestine allyship; they do post regularly about it but they're still personal blogs and post whatever else they feel like. Do not harrass them.)
Gaza journalists
Motaz Azaiza IG: @motaz_azaiza | Twitter: @azaizamotaz9 | TikTok: _motaz.azaiza (left Gaza as of Jan 23)
Bisan Owda IG and TikTok: wizard_bisan1 | Twitter: @wizardbisan
Saleh Aljafarawi IG: @saleh_aljafarawi | Twitter: @S_Aljafarawi | TikTok: @saleh_aljafarawi97
Plestia Alaqad IG: @byplestia | TikTok: @plestiaaqad (left Gaza)
Wael Al-Dahdouh IG: @wael_eldahdouh | Twitter: @WaelDahdouh (left Gaza as of Jan 13)
Hind Khoudary IG: @hindkhoudary | Twitter: @Hind_Gaza
Ismail Jood IG and TikTok: @ismail.jood (announced end of coverage on Jan 25)
Yara Eid IG: @eid_yara | Twitter: @yaraeid_
Eye on Palestine IG: @eye.on.palestine | Twitter: @EyeonPalestine | TikTok: @eyes.on.palestine
Muhammad Shehada Twitter: @muhammadshehad2
(Edit: even though some journos have evacuated, the footage up to the end of their reporting is up on their social media, and they're also doing urgent fundraisers to get their families and friends to safety. Please donate or share their posts.)
News organisations
The Electronic Intifada Twitter: @intifada | IG: @electronicintifada
Quds News Network Twitter and Telegram: @QudsNen | IG: @qudsn (Arabic)
Times of Gaza IG: @timesofgaza | Twitter: @Timesofgaza | Telegram: @TIMESOFGAZA
The Palestine Chronicle Twitter: @PalestineChron | IG: @palestinechron | @palestinechronicle
Al-Jazeera Twitter: @AJEnglish | IG and TikTok: @aljazeeraenglish, @ajplus
Middle East Eye IG and TikTok: @middleeasteye | Twitter: @MiddleEastEye
Democracy Now Twitter and IG: @democracynow TikTok: @democracynow.org
Mondoweiss IG and TikTok: @mondoweiss | Twitter: @Mondoweiss
The Intercept Twitter and IG: @theintercept
MintPress Twitter: @MintPressNews | IG: mintpress
Novara Media Twitter and IG: @novaramedia
Truthout Twitter and IG: @truthout
Palestnians on Other Social Media
Mouin Rabbani: Middle East analyst specializing in the Arab-Israeli conflict and Palestinian affairs. Twitter: @MouinRabbani
Noura Erakat: Legal scholar, human rights attorney, specialising in Israeli–Palestinian conflict. Twitter: @4noura | IG: @nouraerakat | (http://www.nouraerakat.com/)
Hebh Jamal: Journalist in Germany. IG and Twitter: @hebh_jamal
Ghada Sasa: PhD candidate in International Relations, green colonialism, and Islam in Canada. Twitter: @sasa_ghada | IG: @ghadasasa48
Taleed El Sabawi: Assistant professor of law and researcher in public health. Twitter: @el_sabawi | IG
Lexi Alexander: Filmmaker and activist. Twitter: @LexiAlex | IG: @lexialexander1
Mariam Barghouti: Writer, blogger, researcher, and journalist. Twitter: @MariamBarghouti | IG: @mariambarghouti
Rasha Abdulhadi: Queer poet, author and cultural organizer. Twitter: @rashaabdulhadi
Mohammed el-Kurd: Writer and activist from Jerusalem. IG: @mohammedelkurd | Twitter: @m7mdkurd
Ramy Abdu: Founder and Chairman of the Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Monitor. Twitter: @RamyAbdu
Subhi: Founder of The Palestine Academy website. IG: @sbeih.jpg |TikTok @iamsbeih | Twitter: @iamsbeih
Lowkey (Kareem Dennis): Rapper, activist, video and podcast host for MintPress. Twitter: @LowkeyOnline IG: @lowkeyonline
Francesca Albanese: UN Special Rapporteur on the Occupied Territories. Twitter: @FranceskAlbs
Sana Saeed: Journalist and media critic, host and senior producer at Al-Jazeera Plus. IG: @sanaface | Twitter: @SanaSaeed
Shailja Patel: Poet, playwright, activist, founding member of Kenyans For Peace, Truth and Justice. Twitter: @shailjapatel
Jairo I. Fúnez-Flores: Researcher in curriculum studies, decolonial theory, social movements. Twitter: @Jairo_I_Funez
Jack Dodson: Journalist and Filmmaker. Twitter: @JackDodson IG: @jdodson4
Imani Barbarin: Writer, public speaker, and disability rights activist. IG: @crutches_and_spice | Twitter: @Imani_Barbarin | TikTok: @crutches_and_spice
Jewish Allies
Katie Halper: US comedian, writer, filmmaker, podcaster, and political commentator. IG and Twitter: @kthalps
Dr. Chanda Prescod-Weinstein: Associate Professor of Physics and Core Faculty Member in Women’s and Gender Studies at the University of New Hampshire. Twitter: @IBJIYONGI | (https://chanda.science/)
Amanda Gelender: Writer. Twitter: @agelender | (https://agelender.medium.com/)
Yoav Litvin: Jerusalem-born Writer and Photographer. IG and Twitter: @nookyelur | (yoavlitvin.com)
Alana Lentin: Professor of Cultural and Social Analysis at Western Sydney University. Twitter: @alanalentin
Gideon Levy: anti-Zionist Israeli journalist and activist. Twitter: @gideonlevy
‼️How You Can Help Palestine‼️
Click for Palestine (Please reblog!!)
Masterlist of donation links by @sulfurcosmos (Please reblog!!)
Water for Gaza: Donate directly to the Gaza Municipality
Operation Olive Branch Linktree for vetted fundraisers, donations and political action resources. TikTok and Instagram: @operationolivebranch | Twitter: @OPOliveBranch
Gazafunds (vetted and spotlighted GFMs)
The Butterfly Effect Project (spreadsheet of vetted GFMs)
Spreadsheet of Gaza fundraisers vetted by @el-shab-hussein and @nabulsi
If any links are broken let me know. Or pull up the current post to check whether it's fixed.
Political action to pressure the Harris campaign to stop arming Israel (for US citizens): Uncommitted Movement (TikTok: @uncommittedmvmt) (Please reblog!!)
"Knowledge is Israel's worst enemy. Awareness is Israel's most hated and feared foe. That's why Israel bombs a university: it wants to kill openness and determination to refuse living under injustice and racism."
— Dr. Refaat Alareer, (martyred Dec 6, 2023)
From River To The Sea Palestine Will Be Free 🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸
Edit 1: took the first video down because turns out the animator is a terf and it links to her blog. Really sorry for any distress.
Edit 2: All recommended readings + Haymarket recommendations + essential decolonization texts have been uploaded to my linked gdrive. I will adding more periodically. Please do buy or check them out from the library if possible, but this post was made for and by poor and gatekept Global South bitches like me.
Some have complained about the memes being disrespectful. You're actually legally obligated to make fun of Israeli propaganda and Zionists. I don't make the rules.
Edit 3: "The river to the sea" does not mean the expulsion of Jews from Palestine. Believing that is genocide apologia.
Edit 4: Gazans have specifically asked us to put every effort into pushing for a ceasefire instead of donations. "Raising humanitarian aid" is a grift Western governments are pushing right now to deflect from the fact that they're sending billions to Israel to keep carpet bombing Gazans. As long as the blockades are still in place there will never be enough aid for two million people. (UPDATE: PLEASE DONATE to the Gazan's GoFundMe fundraisers to help them buy food and get out of Rafah into Egypt. E-SIMs, food and medical supplies are also essential. Please donate to the orgs linked in the How You Can Help. Go on the strikes. DO NOT STOP PROTESTING.)
Edit 5: Google drive link for academic books folder has been fixed. Also have added a ton of resources to all the other folders so please check them out.
Edit 6: Added interactive maps, Jadaliya channel, and masterlists of donation links and protest support and of factsheets.
The twitter accounts I reposted as it was given to me and I just now realized it had too many Israeli voices and almost none of the Palestinians I'm following, so it's being edited. (Update: done!) also removed sources like Jewish Voices of Peace and Breaking the Silence that do good work but have come under fair criticism from Palestinians.
Edit 7: Complete reformatting
Edit 8: Complete revamping of the social media section. It now reflects my own following list.
Edit 9: removed some more problematic people from the allies list. Remember that the 2SS is a grift that's used to normalize violence and occupation, kids. Supporting the one-state solution is lowest possible bar for allyship. It's "Free Palestine" not "Free half of Palestine and hope Israel doesn't go right back to killing them".
Edit 10: added The Palestine Directory + Al Jazeera documentary + Addameer. This "100 links per post" thing sucks.
Edit 11: more documentaries and films
Edit 12: reformatted reading list
Edit 13: had to remove @palipunk's masterlist to add another podcast. It's their pinned post and has more resources Palestinian culture and crafts if you want to check it out
Edit 14 6th May '24: I've stopped updating this masterlist so some things, like journalists still left in Gaza and how to support the student protests are missing. I've had to take a step back and am no longer able to track these things down on my own, and I've hit the '100 links per post' limit, but if you can leave suggestions for updates along with links in either the replies or my asks I will try and add them.
Edit 15 10th August: added to Palestinian allies list and reworked the Help for Palestine section. There's been a racist harrassment campaign against the Palestinian Tumblrs that vetted the Gaza fundraisers based off one mistake made by a Gazan who doesn't understand English. If you're an ally, shut that shit down. Even if you donate to a scam GFM, you're only out some coffee money; if everyone stops donating to all the GFMs in fear of scams, those families die.
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gayfranzkafka · 6 months
making a hyper-specific donation post is fun cause then you find out through the notes that other people from your small hometown are on tumblr and also that they are furries. hi guys
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thebibliosphere · 7 months
I've had a couple of messages over the last few days from folks saying things like, "Sorry, I can only afford to get your book through the library," and I need you to know I am gripping you by the shoulders, I am shaking you gently, and I am begging you stop apologizing for using library services.
After Amazon and Payhip, the quarterly checks I get from Overdrive/Libby are my biggest and most reliable source of income.
My readers have been nothing but feral in their quest to get Hunger Pangs into as many libraries as possible, and while library lending pays an exceptionally modest amount, if enough people do it (which many of you evidently are), those pennies add up.
I am guaranteed at least $20 a month in library lending royalties. That might not sound like much to some folks, but to me, that's my b12 supplements covered for the month. That's the thing I need to keep me alive paid for.
I will never resent anyone who uses libraries instead of buying books.
I'm a disabled author who lives month to month at the mercy of my medical expenses. Even though I have incredibly generous patrons and supporters, I know what it's like to not be able to afford things.
Use the library. Please.
Use it guilt-free. You're helping the library and the authors, probably more than you realize.
And if you're in the US and haven't signed up for a @queerliblib free library card yet, you should! it doesn't matter what state you're in, the Queer Liberation Library offers free access to their catalogue of queer media across the US.
And if you've got the means, maybe help them out with a little donation. They're only able to expand their collection via the support of their patrons, and the work they're doing is hugely important.
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motziedapul · 1 year
Perhaps the funniest thing that could have happened lately was that this anticapitalist cafe and community space near my place was shutting down near the end of May - but because so many Texas and Florida conservatives celebrated it online, the place got a huge donation to keep operating
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It's a great place. It functions mostly like a regular cafe but it has this free/pay what you want drip coffee for anyone who wants it, free bathroom use, and it stocks indie merch and books on antifascist, queer, leftist, socialist, indigenous topics. I've met a lot of awesome people there.
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Its very existence enrages conservatives, and anarchocapitalists who tried to claim it only to be shown the middle finger by its anticapitalist owner, who is an all around nice dude (and a fellow Elden Ring fan)
If you can toss a coin to its continued operation, please do! Upon request from their followers on insta they opened a Gofundme. Even just a few dollars will be a huge help.
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duckprintspress · 8 months
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If you don't know what the QLL is this is a great chance to find out!! They're an online library of hand-curated queer e-books with really awesome range (non-fiction! fiction! many genres and disciplines!), and they keep growing! Anyone in the US can become a member FOR FREE. From their webpage: Queer Liberation Library (QLL) is fighting to build a vibrant, flourishing queer future by connecting LGBTQ+ people with literature, information, and resources that celebrate the unique and empowering diversity of our community.
They're also a non-profit 501(c)3 organization, and completely funded by donations (we donate a pittance monthly, I wish we could do more).
I HIGHLY recommend you go to their webpage here to find out more, and you can follow their tumblr (tagged above) too!
And if you didn't know - all our published anthologies to-date are available through multiple library apps, including Libby (if selected by the library) and Hoopla (should be available to all libraries with Hoopla subscriptions). So even if you aren't a member of QLL, you might want to check your local library e-book system to see if you can read our books. Titles potentially available at your library include our anthologies Add Magic to Taste, She Wears the Midnight Crown, He Bears the Cape of Stars, Aim For The Heart: Queer Fanworks Inspired by Alexandre Dumas's "The Three Musketeers" and And Seek (Not) to Alter Me: Queer Fanworks Inspired by Shakespeare's "Much Ado About Nothing," and our stand-alone titles To Drive the Hundred Miles by Alec J. Marsh and Many Drops Make a Stream by Adrian Harley. There's more on the way, too, so be on the lookout.
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fanonical · 2 months
by the way, if you're into tabletop RPGs and/or doctor who, make sure to check out humble bundle's doctor who rpg collection
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there's content from all different eras of Who that will leave your party booked up for years; there's different sourcebooks for different doctors plus a bunch of bonus campaigns, monster manuals, and themed expansions (like the paternoster gang, or UNIT)
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did i mention it has a sourcebook for literally every single classic who doctor? it has a sourcebook for literally every single classic who doctor.
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plus, since it's humble bundle you get to choose where your money goes. you can donate it to charity, tip it to your local queer disabled blogger (that's me 😇) or give it all to the the publishers. it's your choice! it's only $25 for forty-five items so absurdly good value for money! the deal is on for the next two weeks, until August 17th. so pick it up while you can, and boost so other doctor who fans can see!
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dee-the-red-witch · 2 months
The only slightly belated August Pinned
Hey. I'm Denice.
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I'm a forty-something year old transfem. I'm an artist. A writer. A Leatherworker. A maskmaker. A tattooist. A voice actress. A queer polyfuckerous kinkster. A mom. And a bunch of other hats besides that, most of which I am constantly juggling. Let's cover the basic bits.
One- I've got a new book coming out October first. It's a queer horror novel featuring an aroace character, and it's one hell of a ride. You should go check it out and preorder it.
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I ALSO HAVE MY GENDER CONFIRMATION SURGERY AND FACIAL FEMINIZATION SURGERY COMING UP. In just a few months, only my gfm for that got stalled out by, well, everything else in my life. If you can, go check it out, share it around, maybe donate to it?
Otherwise, here's a lot of the rest of what I do:
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Most of which you can find on my site, Tormented Artifacts.
Beyond that? Free Palestine. Land Back. ACAB. TERFS and all other forms of fash can fuck right off. Tipping should be mandatory. Curate your own experience, I will not do it for you. Self educate in everything. No I won't tag. No I'm not Your Responsible Adult. Yes I post NSFW. SUPPORT YOUR SEX WORKERS. Love every trans woman you meet before it's too late. Do it alone, do it scared, and do it crawling out of the haunted house while drenched in blood if you have to. Discord server admission, voice recording requests, general conversation, etc, are available, just message or ask. Questions? Ask 'em.
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neil-gaiman · 1 year
Hi! We’re Queer Liberation Library, aka QLL (”quill”), and we’re building a digital library of LGBTQIA+ literature and resources that will be accessible throughout the US—book bans be damned. 
We’re big fans of yours and hope the feeling might be mutual! The next step in our library-building journey is, of course, raising some money to open our digital doors. From now through July 7th we’re trying to break the internet to hit our fundraising goal of $15,000 (or more! the more we raise the more queer and trans books we can purchase) and were hoping you might be willing to check us out/reblog etc! We’re a 501(c)3 non-profit, so all donations are tax deductible. 
You can find us on our new & improved website, as well as @queerliblib on other social media. 
Thank you so much for reading and HAPPY PRIDE!
Good luck!
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My name is moukies (she/they), and I am a queer/trans Black editor who specializes in sensitivity readings and cultural consultations. Pleased to e-meet you! :)
I am looking to build my roster of clients, and have created my own service, moukies editing, with the express intent of promoting my skillset and establishing myself as a freelance editor.
If you don't know what sensitivity readings are, they are essentially having someone with the lived experiences of your characters (for example, black characters, gay characters, non-binary characters, Muslim characters, disabled characters, etc.) read over your manuscript and point out what they feel is realistic, authentic, and resonates with them, as well as areas of improvement and stereotypes that are harmful and reductive in nature.
The purpose of a sensitivity reader is to help you avoid those pitfalls and polish your manuscript with the experience and authenticity of someone who shares the identity of your characters.
If you book with me, you can expect in-line comments within your document (preferably Word (.docx) format, please), as well as a write-up at the end. My aim is to ask you pointed questions, help you realize areas you excel in and areas you could work on, and get you to think critically and be introspective about some unconscious biases or habits you may fall into within your writing.
If that sounds of interest to you and you would like to work with me, please send me an inquiry at [email protected], and tell me about the story, the word count (this is crucial), what you're looking for in a sensitivity read (specifically if there's any characters you want me to pay special attention to), and how soon (or late) you'd like it returned. Default turnaround time is two (2) weeks, which is rather speedy since the norm is 3 - 4 weeks!
You can also find out more in my pinned tweet, and for those of you with curious minds and who like exhaustive detail (including genres/mediums I read for and my rates), you can find that under the cut!
Thank you for taking the time to read this! Have a wonderful morning, day, afternoon, evening, or night!! :) 💕💝❤️🧡💛💚🩵💙💜💖🤍🩶🤎🖤
I have been doing this for several years now, and I would like to do it full-time because I'm good at it. Like, damned good at it. Not only has it reinvigorated my childhood love for reading and voracious appetite for literature, it also allows me to channel my critical thinking skills towards your works and help parlay that into something that benefits both you and me.
I've edited manuscripts for everyone from independent writers to those repped by publishers like Penguin Random House, Macmillan, HarperCollins, and more. I excel at what I do, and now I want to do it for you!
My preferred genres are fiction and specifically fantasy, but I will read pretty much anything. I also read for erotica and NSFW stuff, as well as fanfiction, so if you want to feel secure that your black and/or queer characters aren't harmful depictions, then I'm your go-to pal for that.
Payment is based on word count, and my rate is $0.009/word. I usually have a turn-around time of two weeks, but that might scale depending on the length of your manuscript. I work on a half-up front, half-upon completion system (or alternatively, you can pay in full upfront if you'd like), and payment can be received here. The email for paypal payments is [email protected] or PayPal.me/sabouraleh, in case the links don't work on mobile.
If you want a quicker turn around time, I can most likely accommodate that, at anywhere from a 1.25 to 1.5x multiplier of my rate, depending on just how fast you want the feedback returned to you. Next day feedback is possible, in some cases, but is of course subject to the multiplier.
If you have ever donated to me in the past, send me a screenshot of it and you'll get a 10% discount off your first two reads. If you like what I do and am satisfied with the result, please do recommend me to your friends, I'm always looking to take on clients.
I do reserve the right to decline a project, and if I find the material within the manuscript extremely objectionable, I reserve the right to cancel and refund you. I am not easily disturbed, however, but I thought I'd mention that anyways.
Here is a list of stuff I read for. I'll also include the two levels of edits I do, "Write-Up" (this is shorter and quicker, with no in-line comments), and "Sensitivity Read" (this is the premium package with the in-line comments, thought-provoking/armour-piercing questions, guaranteed to make you do some introspection, and write-up at the end).
What I read for:
The following are topics (and genres) I’m willing to read for. If something is not listed here, it doesn’t necessarily mean I don’t read for it! I am definitely willing to broaden my horizons, so feel free to ask.
Race (Black)
Ethnicity (Somali)
Religion (Islam)
Sexuality (Queer)
Gender (Non-binary, trans)
Mental Health (ADHD, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Major Depressive Disorder, OCD)
Disabilities (Physical, IBS, GERD)
Body Image Issues
Gender Identity Issues
Abuse (Domestic, Physical, Emotional, Mental, CSA)
Racism/Anti-Blackness (microaggressions, discrimination, dehumanization)
Fantasy (Especially Urban Fantasy)
LGBTQ+ (anything queer, especially MLM)
Children's Books
Young Adult
Comic Books
Video Games
Geek Fandom
In addition to original fiction, I also read for fan fiction and erotica/NSFW content.
No, not like when you get in trouble at work! (You won’t get in trouble, I promise.) In academic terms, think of the write up or a full-sensitivity read as a peer-reviewed work, vetted by those with the expertise in the relevant experience(s).
This is the simplest service I offer. I read your work and write-up my thoughts. This includes areas I think you did well, and areas of improvement.
The content contained within the edits are suggestions, not expectations for change, and it is ultimately your work and your decision as to whether or not to incorporate the feedback.
Turn-around time is usually two weeks, but depending on the length or requested turn around time, this is subject to change.
Quicker requested turn-arounds are subject to a 1.25x to 1.5x multiplier, depending on how soon you would like the material returned with my notes.
I work on a half upfront, half upon completion payment model, via PayPal only. You can pay in full upfront, if you so desire.
The price for this is $0.007 USD/word.
Sensitivity Reading
The fact that you’re even here indicates your desire to do right by the marginalized communities represented in your work. That shows your intentions are good, and I would be delighted to help make your literary dreams come true.
You will receive in-line comments and feedback as I read through your piece, as well as a detailed Editor’s Letter, explaining areas of strength and pin-pointing areas of improvement, as well as suggestions for how to resolve any issues raised.
As always, the feedback are ultimately only suggestions as opposed to expectations, and you are free to choose what you take away from the feedback provided.
Turn-around time is usually two weeks, but depending on the length or requested turn around time, this is subject to change. Quicker requested turn-arounds are subject to a 1.25x to 1.5x multiplier, depending on how soon you would like the material returned with my notes.
I work on a half upfront, half upon completion payment model, via PayPal only. You can pay in full upfront, if you so desire.
The price for this is $0.009 USD/word.
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queerliblib · 3 months
QLL in the media again! Love what we’re doing?! Help us keep doing it 🌈 📚
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psychopomp-recital · 4 months
🔥Subtle Brigid Worship⚒️
Completely inspired by @khaire-traveler ‘s subtle worship series!
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➤ Light candles in your home
- (bonus points if the scent matches her associations)
➤ Read poetry books and blogs
➤ Build lego sets
➤ Clean your house or space + keep up with repairs
➤ Have bonfires with your community
➤ Swim in lakes or rivers
➤ Write poetry or creative writing
➤ Keep a grief journal
➤ Visit farms/care for livestock
➤ Donate or volunteer at animal shelters
➤ Have a picnic at sunrise
➤ Make your house a home with decor you love
➤ Share a warm drink with her
➤ Make your phone wallpaper something associated with her/art of her
➤ Sit around a fire
➤ Take regenerative baths or showers
➤ Create jewelry or sculptures
➤ Wear clothes or jewelry that suit her energy
➤ Learn a home craft like knitting, crochet or embroidery
➤ Make and mend your clothes
➤ Hang a Brigid’s cross by your door or kitchen
➤ Bake or Cook and share the meal with others
➤ Simmer pots with associated herbs
➤ Volunteer with domestic violence or queer shelters
➤ Work towards and embrace self love
➤ Help mothers & new parents in your community
➤ Grow your own food
➤ Sing songs that make you happy outloud
➤ Show hospitality wherever you can
➤ Have confidence in yourself and your worth
➤ Take care of your body and mind
➤ Go to therapy
➤ Aide the grieving and the dying
➤ Volunteer at a children’s hospital
➤ Do small acts of kindness
➤ Have honeyed or cinnamon toast
➤ Tell folktales, especially to the next generation
➤ Share stories of ancestors, not just those who are blood related
➤ Light a match
➤ Keep a stuffed sheep, cow, ox or other livestock in your home
➤ Wear perfume that reminds your of her
➤ Research Irish history & culture / Gaeilge
➤ Keep artwork of her by your door or kitchen
➤ Keep iron around your space especially your kitchen
➤ Wear iron jewelry
➤ Learn to Blacksmith or Invent something
➤ Create a community either online or irl
➤ Take care of your hair
➤ Go to a cooking or baking class
➤ Take a pottery or quilting class
➤ Foster animals
➤ Befriend your neighbors
➤ Smile and embrace life
➤ Cry and embrace death/grief when it comes into your life (more then just physical death)
➤ Read books and educate yourself
➤ Keep first aide in your home
➤ Get CPR/AED/First Aid certifications
➤ Learn herbalism
➤ Go on walks outside, especially during spring
➤ Make a wish at a well
➤ Embrace your authentic self
➤ Be an ally of or attend LGBTQIA+ events
➤ Eat fruits like apples and blackberries
➤ Learn self defense
➤ Research your ancestors, not just those related by blood
➤ Play ttrpgs or larp
➤ Keep a journal or a commonplace notebook
➤ Support small business and artists
➤ Plant native yellow flowers around your house
➤ Wear shawls, especially when you’re sick
➤ Learn grounding techniques
➤ Washing your face
➤ Eating / Drinking dairy
➤ Create collages
➤ Paint your nails with associated colors or symbols
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More to be added later!
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reallyndacarter · 1 year
Hi! We’re Queer Liberation Library, aka QLL (”quill”), and we’re building a digital library of LGBTQIA+ literature and resources that will be accessible throughout the US—book bans be damned. 
We’re big fans of yours and hope the feeling might be mutual! The next step in our library-building journey will be, of course, raising some money to open our digital doors. From now through July 7th we’re trying to break the internet to hit our fundraising goal of $15,000 (or more! the more we raise the more queer and trans books we can purchase) and were hoping you might be willing to check us out/reblog etc! We’re a 501(c)3 non-profit, so all donations are tax deductible. 
You can find us on our new & improved website, as well as @queerliblib on other social media. 
Thank you so much for reading and HAPPY PRIDE!
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myfandomrealitea · 13 days
That post you made about Harry Potter and how to not financially support and fund the franchise and put more money in Joanne's pockets felt like a lie because I swear I got the impression that even that wasn't allowed when the whole thing started
To be clear; I stopped. Completely. I compartmentalized it all and just stopped interacting with anything Harry Potter online whatsoever. But I always wished it would be fine to still be able to do certain fandom things without supporting her, but people were saying that even using the tag or reading the fanfiction or making fanart was still supporting the ip and not letting it die completely as a topic on the internet was indirectly putting money in her pockets.
It wasn't until I came across a post from a queer woman from somewhere in the global south with heavy OCD and intrusive thoughts or something like that, commenting on how hostile of a thing it became for someone of her affliction; the way people were treating it like do or die. Pointing out that no matter how much trans people and allys cut off their support of her, she has other large means of income that we won't be able to touch, and there will still always be transphobic homophobic Harry Potter fans that will continue to support her actively, putting that money in her pockets. Another thing she mentioned was the treatment of Harry Potter and Joannes bigotry in contrast to the treatment of FNAF and the creators bigotry. And lastly something about the USAmericanized nature of it? I don't really remember that part but I think I understood it at the time I read it (maybe it was something about all the other countries the IP is popular in who are probably more conservative and unaware or caring of the issues with her who will still put money in her pockets, or maybe it was something about American fans fixating and posing the support of her as the ultimate battlefield of Trans Rights to other queer and trans individuals trying to be quiet fans who are facing Much Worse in their countries)
Anyways after that I briefly started reading ao3 fanfic again, just put a filter for anything before 2019 or so, and then my interest more gently fizzled out.
I can't remember what my point is anymore, maybe just to bring these arguments to your attention(also I am not arguing against the financial boycott or ending of support for this woman through her ip).
Harry Potter will never stop earning money. That's just the flat reality of it; I mean, look at the likes of Elvis and the original Sherlock Holmes books and every other 'dead' media that's still earning money. Short of making Harry Potter an illegal piece of media, yes, there will still always be a number of people giving her money.
The goal is to give her less money. To turn Harry Potter from a prominent, profitable cashcow into a defunct piece of media that only select groups are still clinging to. To make it so that JK Rowling has to choose between paying her bills and funding anti-trans movements.
When something stops bringing in a certain amount of profit, studios start looking elsewhere. When a cashcow starts drying up, they stop trying to milk it as hard. Which in turn means less productions for JK Rowling to collect her pocketmoney from.
What would you rather; JK Rowling getting $100,000 or JK Rowling only getting $10,000?
Something is better than nothing. Damage reduction is better than open exposure. If everyone just rolled over and gave up because "things will keep happening anyway" the world will literally be a rancid, fetid wasteland of bigotry and violence.
I'd much rather watch JK Rowling fizzle out into a bitter old wench sustained only by the dogged support of other stubborn bigots than watch people willingly disregard and condone bigotry because its "easier" and "she'll be a bigot anyway."
I'd much rather JK Rowling only have $10,000 to donate to shitty movements over $72,000. Shitty movements can do a lot less with a lot less money.
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icyg4l · 3 months
PAC: What Do Other Queer People Think About You?
Hello beautiful people! Today I will be posting two Pick-A-Piles, so stay tuned for that later. I am continuing on with my Pride Month series as the last days of this beautiful month wrap up. Also, it is my last week here for a while. I will be on break, so if you would like to book a reading with me, please do not hesitate to message me privately! Without further ado, please select the pile that resonates with you.
Top Left-to-Bottom Right: (1-3)
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Pile One: You have a STRONG presence, Pile One. I feel like people view you as a community leader that does not fuck around. You organize, you protest, you donate, you advocate. But you also have this side to you that’s fun-loving and ready to party. There’s two sides to you basically. I feel like a lot of people see you as the voice of reason or an omniscient type of person. You definitely are well-respected in your community. People love your voice and the way that you convey your messages. You often speak about issues that plague the underdogs of society; not just the LGBTQ+ community, but poor people, Black people, children, etc. You get a lot of recognition for your hands as well? It seems that you do a bit of traveling as well, so you share your gifts with the world. You’re also a hard and dedicated worker. You do shit for the cause. You don’t do it for the clout. You have a good heart. I feel like people who were romantically/sexually involved with you at one point have good things to say about your skills, lol. You set the standard, no matter what the occasion is. You’re just that girl. Overall, you are perceived well. So the next time someone asks if you think you’re Beyonce, you can say, “Well yes!”
Cards Used: Three of Wands, King of Cups, Judgment, Seven of Pentacles, The Hierophant. The Sun, Queen of Wands, The Lovers. 
Pile Two: You have a very similar energy as Pile One. I feel like you’re less polished though. You are rough around the edges. You’ve been through a lot, and you are upfront about that. People could say that you favor Kehlani or maybe you listen to her a lot. Your experiences have shaped your values and morals. People respect you for that. You’re big on family. You could want a family of your own someday, spend a lot of time with your chosen family or spend a lot of time with your biological family. Outsiders want to be a part of your close circle because you are so lovable. They want to be your lover, your friend, your sister, brother, etc. People tend to flirt with you, but they don’t expect anything from you. The amount of depth that bleeds from your heart shocks people (but in a good way). It is easy for you to be romantically involved with people but it is hard for you to keep a lover. But, there is someone out there that actually wants you for you. You have this je ne sais quoi about you. You are hard-headed and charismatic. But you also have this chaotic side to you. I feel like people bring up your behavior in your youth a lot, but you have changed. Don’t let anyone weaponize your past against you. You’re extremely loyal — almost too loyal at times. You’re an artistic lover with a lot of dreams to accomplish. But buckle down, or else you’re not going to get them done. 
Cards Used: Ten of Cups, The Fool, Four of Wands, Knight of Cups, Queen of Wands, King of Swords, The Chariot. 
Pile Three: You’re like a silent rebel. You go against the grain, but you do it in a way that’s not super loud. People could copy you and you won’t even say “Yeah, I did that”. You’d just go on about your business. I don’t think you aim to do this though. You’re someone that just does things to do it. I feel like you’re a bookworm. You could be into the grunge aesthetic, goth aesthetic, etc. Some type of alternative style is significant. This is authentic to you. People are intimidated by your looks, but when they get to know you, your kind heart does not go unnoticed. You’re a free spirit. People feel like you do magic because you always seem to get what you want even though you “don’t do anything”. I heard “The universe is on your side”. People are for sure rooting for you, Pile Three. They appreciate your unapologetic expression. You’re very lowkey, but you’re a favorite. People admire you from afar. They would admire you upclose if you let them in though, lol! 
Cards Used: Death, The High Priestess, King of Cups, The Chariot, Ace of Wands, The Hanged Man, Three of Pentacles. 
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getvalentined · 9 months
everyone seems to know something about James Somerton that i don't. the notes on your post are full of people saying "sigh THIS guy again", and i would like to know if he's done something other than make those queer theory youtube videos which seem extemporaneous in nature. i would google it but i trust some of you more than reddit
James Somerton was recently exposed as having completely plagiarized probably 90% of his work—from Wikipedia, news outlets, smaller queer creators, and at least two dead queer creators. (The last one is particularly egregious, in my opinion, given his extremely fucked up claim a while back that all the Cool Gays died during the AIDS Crisis, apparently including the authors whose work he stole.)
You can see the entire rundown in HBomberguy's video Plagiarism and You(Tube), which has a staggering runtime of almost four hours, a solid half of which is dedicated entirely to James Somerton. The first two hours of the video cover other cases, one in meatspace (Harlan Ellison and Ben Bova's landmark case against Paramount and ABC over the plagiarism in Future Cop) and then some smaller instances on YouTube (Filip, Internet Historian, iilluminaughtii). The second half, timestamped starting here, is exclusively about James—and while it goes over the plagiarism, touches on the misogyny and misinformation*, and briefly covers his various other grifts, it doesn't cover everything.
*For more on the misinformation aspect, Todd in the Shadows did a two hour video exclusively about that!
Assuming James Somerton's entire body of paying supporters on Patreon are at the $1 tier, that's around $3k per month. Since we know that isn't the case, it's probably closer to 5-10 times that amount. This doesn't include ad revenue from YouTube, any sponsorships, or his crowdfunding efforts to produce films that have never come into being. This man has been raking in over $100k per year, at minimum, by stealing words from other creators, pretending they're his own, and then lying every single time he's been called out for it. He claimed one person doxxed him and sent him death threats, although all they'd actually done was engaged in a firm but polite conversation on Twitter about how he needs to do more than plug in a credit at the end of a video description if he's just reading out of someone else's book.
Yesterday he posted a trash apology video where he started off by claiming he'd just gotten out of the hospital after making an attempt on his own life, talked about moving back home, referred to what he'd done as "poor citation practices," and said that he'd be reopening his Patreon and putting all his old videos back up so that he could donate the ad revenue to Hbomb's fund to compensate the authors that James himself stole from.
So yeah. Uh. Fuck that guy.
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