#donate money online india
sightsaversin · 1 year
Transform Lives with Sightsavers India Donation - Support Our Vision Today
Sightsavers India is a non-profit organization dedicated to preventing blindness and promoting equality for people with disabilities. Sightsavers India Donation can help them provide essential eye care services, education, and advocacy programs to those in need. Join us in the fight against avoidable blindness and make a difference today.
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cryngo · 1 year
A small contribution can make a big difference in the lives of India's most vulnerable children so donate now!
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helpmeimblorboing · 8 months
I think people who say that AO3 donaters should die really need to check themselves
Like, isn't it exhausting ? Constantly thinking that you need to be worrying about every single major world problem at all times ? To the point that you straight-up can't use your own money the way you want ?
Also how many of these people care about smaller-scale problems (relatively smaller, at least). Did they care about the Uyghur Genocide, or the thing that was happening with farmers over here in India ? Or is it only a problem if Murica gets involved ?
I’m certain that the majority of them haven’t donated anything for Palestine either, and their “activism” consists of nothing more than yelling at people who have done nothing remotely related to the I-P conflict online
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nirmala7210 · 7 months
Charity Donations: Transforming Lives and Communities
Charity donations, also known as philanthropic contributions, are voluntary acts of giving that aim to support a cause or organization deemed worthy of assistance. These donations can be in the form of money, goods, or services, and they play a vital role in addressing societal challenges, promoting social justice, and empowering individuals and communities.
The Significance of Charity Donations
In a world grappling with complex issues ranging from poverty and hunger to environmental degradation and healthcare disparities, charity donations stand as a beacon of hope, providing a means to alleviate suffering, promote sustainable development, and foster a more equitable society.
Charitable giving extends far beyond the immediate impact on beneficiaries. It serves as a catalyst for positive change, inspiring individuals and organizations to collaborate in addressing critical societal issues. The collective power of charity donations can drive innovation, mobilize resources, and amplify the voices of marginalized communities.
The Impact of Charity Donations
Across diverse sectors and causes, online donations have a profound impact on lives and communities. Here are a few examples:
Education: Charity donations support educational initiatives, providing scholarships, funding teacher training, and expanding access to quality education for underprivileged children.
Healthcare: Donations fund medical research, support healthcare infrastructure, and enable access to essential healthcare services for those in need.
Environmental Protection: Charitable contributions support conservation efforts, promote sustainable practices, and raise awareness about environmental issues.
Disaster Relief: Donations provide immediate assistance to communities affected by natural disasters, offering food, shelter, and medical aid.
Social Welfare: Charity donations support organizations working to combat poverty, provide food assistance, and promote social welfare programs.
Types of Charity Donations
Charity donations can be made in various forms, each with its own advantages and considerations:
Monetary Donations: The most common form of charitable giving, monetary donations provide organizations with the flexibility to allocate funds to their most pressing needs. Online donation platforms have made it easier than ever to make secure and convenient monetary donations to a wide range of causes.
In-Kind Donations: Donations of goods, such as food, clothing, and medical supplies, can provide direct and tangible support to those in need. In-kind donations require careful coordination and logistics to ensure they reach intended beneficiaries effectively.
Volunteerism: Volunteering time and skills is a valuable form of charity donation, providing organizations with human resources and expertise. Volunteer opportunities exist in diverse areas, from mentoring and tutoring to fundraising and event management.
80G Tax Benefits in India
In India, charity donations are recognized for their positive impact on society and are encouraged through tax incentives. Donations made to specified charitable organizations are eligible for tax deductions under Section 80G of the Income Tax Act.
80G deductions reduce an individual's taxable income, thereby lowering their tax liability. This tax benefit serves as an incentive for individuals to contribute to charitable causes, supporting social development and empowering organizations to make a difference.
Making a Difference Through Charity Donations
Every act of charity, no matter the size, contributes to a larger movement of compassion and collective action. Individuals and organizations can make a difference by:
Choosing Reputable Charities: Researching and selecting reputable charities with a clear mission, transparent operations, and demonstrated impact.
Donating What You Can: Contributing what is financially feasible, whether it's a small monthly donation or a one-time gift.
Spreading Awareness: Encouraging others to donate and support causes they care about, amplifying the impact of charity.
Volunteering Time and Skills: Sharing time and expertise to support organizations directly, making a personal contribution to the cause.
Charity donations, in their diverse forms, are a powerful tool for positive change. By supporting worthy causes, individuals and organizations can contribute to a more just, equitable, and sustainable world. The act of giving, whether through monetary contributions, in-kind donations, or volunteering, is a testament to the inherent compassion and collective spirit that drives positive transformation. As we navigate the challenges and opportunities of the 21st century, online donations will continue to play a pivotal role in shaping a brighter future for all.
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Ways to Raise Money Online Without Using Social Media
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How often do you check your phone for notifications first thing in the morning? Every 5 minutes? How commonly do you get caught up in an internet debate? 
Social media is now a popular and successful method to share fundraisers with friends and family, especially when the cause is personal. Even if you use social media on a daily basis, you may be reluctant to share fundraising on your own social media accounts.
The internet is becoming intertwined with social media in recent years. There are several social media sites where users may publish, share other people's work, and even request funding. 
However, in order to effect change or inspire action through social media, you must have thousands of followers and a committed audience. However, not everyone has a significant social media following or an influential profile that would allow them to raise donations.
What is Crowdfunding?
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Online crowdfunding is the use of the internet and social media platforms to raise funds for oneself or others in need. 
Crowdfunding might be used to generate cash for rare illness treatment, assist a smart youngster in obtaining financing for admission to prestigious colleges or even finance new startups and commercial initiatives.
Crowdfunding may appear to be a new concept in India, yet the act of giving or helping others has been ingrained in all of us since we were young.
How to Share Your Fundraiser Without Using Social Media
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Events are a fun and participatory way to collect money for a good cause. They may be of any size or shape, ranging from a large yearly dinner event attended by hundreds of people to a monthly flea sale that gives proceeds to your cause. Events are an excellent opportunity to share information about your campaign in an approachable and exciting manner!
Meet in person:
Talking to people is very practical. We sometimes forget, in this day of digital communication, that dialogue may take place face to face, not simply through a screen! However, chats with family at the dinner table, on the bus with other students, or over a lunch break with employees are all excellent opportunities to spread the news about your campaign and inspire individuals in your circle to participate in the cause.
Communicate with people through Email:
The efficiency and cheap cost of email are its advantages. The drawback is that it is impersonal, making it simple for the recipient to disregard. When receivers see you made no actual effort to send them a bulk email, they have no emotional stake in replying or making a donation. A bulk email may appear to be more convenient, but readers are more likely to be driven to participate in your campaign when they perceive some type of personal involvement in your email, whether it is to ask them how they are doing or to allude to a memory you share. This will most likely keep them reading! Understand how you can write fundraising Emails on our blog. 
Use Text Messages to promote your campaign
Avoid sending group SMS, even though it is theoretically feasible. It just takes one negative comment thread for everyone to abandon a conversation. Send each text message to each recipient separately, as if you were having a one-on-one chat.
Only text folks during the hours when you would call them.
Offer many methods for them to help you, such as posting your fundraising on social media, giving, or both.
Call your local news station or newspaper and tell them about your story and cause. Your cause might be featured on camera or in a local magazine before you know it! This is an excellent technique to reach out to your social circle as well as a large number of individuals in your area. Keep it brief, to the point, and captivating.
Use Flyers to raise awareness:
People enjoy seeing things. Approach school authorities or nearby businesses and request that flyers be placed on their bulletin boards, countertops, tabletops, and windows! A visually appealing leaflet for your cause might be just what people need to get engaged. Provide vital information about the cause, as well as how potential supporters may get involved and donate.
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All of these fundraising approaches and techniques are effective whether or not social media is used. You may still benefit from social media's virality without utilising it yourself in a number of ways. Start your fundraising if you haven't already.
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smeipoindia · 1 month
Introduction to Crowd Fundraising for Business: A Comprehensive Guide
In recent years, crowd fundraising has emerged as a powerful tool for businesses looking to raise capital without the traditional constraints of banks or venture capital firms. For small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in particular, this method offers a unique opportunity to attract investment from a wide audience. SME IPO India is at the forefront of this revolution, helping businesses navigate the complexities of crowd fundraising for business.
What is Crowd Fundraising for Business?
Crowd fundraising for business involves raising small amounts of money from a large number of people, typically via the internet. This method has gained popularity due to the rise of social media and online platforms that make it easier to reach potential investors. Unlike traditional fundraising methods, crowd fundraising allows businesses to leverage their networks and the power of community support.
How Does Crowd Fundraising Work?
The process of crowd fundraising for business generally follows these steps:
Preparation: Before launching a campaign, businesses need to prepare a compelling pitch. This includes a detailed business plan, financial projections, and a clear explanation of how the funds will be used.
Platform Selection: Choosing the right platform is crucial. Different platforms cater to different types of projects and audiences. SME IPO India offers a specialized platform designed to meet the unique needs of Indian SMEs.
Campaign Launch: Once everything is ready, the campaign is launched. This typically involves creating a campaign page on the chosen platform, which includes the pitch, a video, and rewards or incentives for backers.
Promotion: To attract backers, businesses need to actively promote their campaign. This can be done through social media, email marketing, and leveraging existing networks.
Fundraising Period: Most campaigns run for a set period, usually 30 to 60 days. During this time, businesses need to engage with their audience, answer questions, and provide updates.
Fund Collection: If the campaign is successful, the funds are collected and transferred to the business. Depending on the platform, there may be fees involved.
Benefits of Crowd Fundraising for Business
Crowd fundraising for business offers several advantages:
Access to Capital: It provides businesses with access to funds that might not be available through traditional means.
Market Validation: A successful campaign can serve as proof that there is demand for the product or service.
Customer Engagement: Engaging with backers creates a sense of community and loyalty, which can be beneficial in the long term.
Flexibility: Businesses can choose the type of fundraising that suits their needs, whether it’s equity-based, reward-based, or donation-based.
Exposure: Running a campaign can increase visibility and brand awareness.
Challenges of Crowd Fundraising for Business
While crowd fundraising has many benefits, it also comes with its challenges:
Competition: With the popularity of crowd fundraising, standing out from the crowd can be difficult.
Time and Effort: Running a successful campaign requires significant time and effort in planning, promotion, and engagement.
Uncertainty: There is no guarantee of success, and businesses need to be prepared for the possibility that they might not reach their funding goals.
Platform Fees: Most platforms charge a fee for their services, which can eat into the funds raised.
How SME IPO India Can Help
SME IPO India is dedicated to assisting small and medium-sized enterprises in navigating the crowd fundraising landscape. Our platform is designed with the specific needs of Indian SMEs in mind, offering a range of services to ensure the success of your campaign.
Customized Support
We provide tailored support to help businesses prepare their pitches, select the right platform, and promote their campaigns effectively. Our team of experts is on hand to offer guidance every step of the way.
Network Leverage
With our extensive network, SME IPO India can help businesses reach a wider audience. Our platform is built to connect businesses with potential investors who are specifically interested in supporting SMEs.
Comprehensive Resources
We offer a wealth of resources, including guides, templates, and case studies, to help businesses understand the intricacies of crowd fundraising for business. Our goal is to empower SMEs with the knowledge and tools they need to succeed.
Crowd fundraising for business is a dynamic and accessible way for SMEs to raise capital and engage with their customers. While it comes with its challenges, the benefits can be substantial for those who are prepared and committed. SME IPO India is here to support businesses every step of the way, providing the expertise and resources needed to make your crowd fundraising campaign a success. Whether you’re a startup looking for seed funding or an established business seeking to expand, crowd fundraising offers a promising avenue to achieve your financial goals.
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divimi1 · 2 months
Mehandipur balaji Sawamani
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5 things you mustn't do in Mehandipur Balaji Temple!
Shree Mehandipur Balaji is one of the most renowned Hanuman temples in India. It is situated in the Dausa district of Rajasthan. Around thousands of devotees visit the temple of Shree Mehandipur temple every day. Some devotees also arrange the Mehandipur Balaji Sawamani at the Mehandipur Balaji Dham to seek blessing from Ram bhakt Hanuman.
The Mehandipur Balaji temple is known for curing anyone who has been possessed by an evil spirit of all troubles associated with ghosts. However, people also organize Mehandipur Balaji Sawamani when their desired results are fulfilled. They can also go for Mehandipur Balaji Sawamani online booking to book the Sawamani at Mehandipur Balaji Temple (Rajasthan). If you want to get more information about the Mehandipur Balaji Sawamani, then you can simply visit Mehandipur Balaji official website.
Mehandipur balaji conatact no. 9256375991
Many questions popped into our minds when we planned to visit the Mehandipur Balaji Dham. For example- How to go to Mehandipur Balaji Temple, When to visit Mehandipur Balaji Temple, In which district Mehandipur comes, How to book Mehandipur Balaji Sawamani, What should be eaten after aarti, what prasad is offered in Mehandipur Balaji temple, etc.
However, before we answer these questions, let's first look at 5 important things you should never do at the Mehandipur Balaji Temple. Here they are-
1. Avoid Onion, Garlic, and Non-Veg
Onion, garlic, and all non-vegetarian meals fall under the category of tamasic food in Hinduism. As per the Vedas, these foods are consumed by demons. Lord Hanuman always consumed Satvik foods; therefore one should never consume this kind of food while visiting a Hanuman temple.
Thus, try to avoid eating food products that contain onion, garlic, or non-veg for at least a week before visiting Mehandipur Balaji Temple if you intend to do so.
2. Don't carry valuable items
Mehandipur Balaji is a holy place where lots of devotees come daily. Sometimes we just can't recognize the good and nasty people around us. However, a huge crowd will always be there who come for Darshan to Mehandipur Balaji Dham. In that case, it is advised not to bring or carry any expensive stuff. Always be on alert for thieves even if you are carrying them with you.
You can simply keep your valuable stuff in your hotel room as well. 
3. Don't bring food, water, or Prasad
It is quite often sometimes to eat or take Prasad given by the priest at the various temples. But one must not take any kind of eatables at the premises of Mehandipur Balaji Dham. Nobody has come up with this logic so far, but some scholars claim that it contains some sort of bad or negative energy. Not only prasad but also any other food or drink items are prohibited at the Mehadipur Balaji.
However, you can organize a Mehandipur Balaji Sawamani outside the temple.
4. Do not give money to the priest or anyone in the temple
You might be asked for money by some of the temple's pandits or priests. They can claim that in exchange for payment, they will provide you with Bhabhuti and holy water. To acquire money from you, they can tell you anything. Do not even, offer cash or any other form of payment. Put your money in the donation box even if you just wish to give a little bit.
In addition, water and holy water are provided at no cost.
5. Never make fun of People sufferings inside Temple
You will see a lot of people who are necessarily laughing, screaming, and self-harming. There are some chained victims as well who are suffering from ghost-related problems. Don't laugh at those people because doing so could hurt you as well. Mehadipur Balaji Dham is regarded as the holy center that aids several people in overcoming such kind issues.
Moreover, you can visit the Mehandipur Balaji official website, if you want to do any kind of Sawamani at the Mehadipur Dham.
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genesisfoundation1 · 3 months
How Does 80g Benefit in Tax by Donation for NGO in India?
It is that time of the year when we are all busy closing the financial year. It is also the time where we are preparing to file our tax returns and hence planning to look for optimum ways to save on the same. While there are many ways one can save on taxes, 80G donation for NGO in India is one where one can save on their taxable income and contribute to a greater good.
While one can support an NGO that one knows of, the advent of online donations has made the process of supporting an NGO quite simple. One can search for a cause that resonates, look for credible NGO working in that area and make an online donation.
The following steps can be kept in mind while choosing an NGO to avail tax exemption under section 80G of the Indian Income Tax Act, 1961:
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Select the NGO: The first step is of course to select an NGO one wants to support. This can be an NGO where one has some previous contact or one can search for an NGO online. One must choose the best NGO to donate money to. With online donations it is possible to support an NGO or a cause which may have operations in a different geographical territory. While sitting in Mumbai, for example, one can donate to an NGO in Delhi.
Visit the NGO or the website: On selecting the NGO on can visit the NGO if logistically convenient as this provides information about the authenticity and credibility of the organisation. If this is not possible then a thorough google search and keeping a tab on the social media handles should throw some light on the work the NGO is doing, the impact it is making and the credibility of the same.
Make the Payment: On selecting the NGO, one can donate the amount one wishes to. Most NGOs today also provide different options to donate- one can make a one-time donation or a monthly donation. For being able to receive an exemption for an 80G donation for NGO in India, it is important to note that cash donations exceeding Rs 2000 are not eligible for donations. One can donate by cash (upto Rs 2000), cheque or a bank transfer. Donations made in kind are also not eligible for tax deductions.
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Donation receipt: On making the donation, the NGO needs to issue a receipt of the donation which is needed for filing for the tax claim. To claim the deduction under section 80G, the taxpayer must obtain a receipt or 80G certificate from the institution or fund to which the donation has been made.
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mukul02 · 3 months
Invest In Your Child’s Future: Gratuity Calculator & Sukanya Samriddhi
As parents, it is quite natural for them to be worried about their child’s future. Hence, in this blog, we shall be looking at two important tools that are helpful in planning finances and securing a child’s future in terms of various aspects.
Why Invest in Your Child’s Future?
The increase in the inflation rate simultaneously increases the expenses, thus making it hard to cater to all the needs of the children. This is when they need to have the opportunities to advance themselves, thus, investment in the education of their future becomes significant. Plans and early investments help our child build a sheltered financial adult life.
In addition, saving for their child’s future is a standard practice of money and financial budgeting. But watching these things, creates good money habits in them from the early stage of their lives, which will later prove to be beneficial for their future.
What is a Gratuity Calculator?
The gratuity calculator is a calculator available online. It allows the users to calculate the gratuity amount that is due of all the employees based in India. It gives strict accuracy of the amount that the employee is assigned to be compensated by their employer as a gratuity in virtue of their salary and service years.
How Does Gratuity Calculator Work?
● The gratuity calculator works based on the simple formula of:
Gratuity amount= (last salary* years of service*15)/26
● Note that for different types of employees, like government staff and people from the education sector or those who are private sector employees, the computation could be different.
● The employer is required to make the payment to the employee either at the time of laying off or after having worked for a minimum number of years, which is preferably five years.
Benefits of Gratuity Calculator
1. Accurate Calculation
There won’t be any error to be found in the Gratuity Calculator while computing the gratuity amount. It sticks to a well-defined process and calculates an exact measurement, which further safeguards you from the error margin.
2. Time-Saving
The compensation of gratuity manually is time-consuming as it becomes complicated for employers, particularly when they have to pay too many employees. The Gratuity Calculator is the one that simplifies the process and does your job quickly without much trouble, therefore, it is effective and less complicated.
3. Better Financial Planning
The Gratuity Calculator helps organize the budget between the employer and the employee. It gives the employee a clear image of the gratuity total that they will receive during the time of retirement or other financial goals. This price can be taken into account in other similar readings.
How can an SSY Calculator Help You?
When a girl child is born in the family, parents frequently want to invest in her name so that it covers her cost of marriage and education later on. It is the dream of every parent to secure their girl child’s future no matter what it takes.
During this time, it is important to note that parents can choose among several investment options, but Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana has increasingly popular rates and privileged tax terms. A tax exemption of 1.5 lakhs can be claimed from the amount donated to SSY under section 80 C of the Income Tax Act of 1961.
Investors can slightly change the regular payments for each quarter that are required to be paid to obtain their goal finally. Error-free results can be obtained by using the Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana calculator, which is entirely free to use.
A secondary personal plan with the scheme with a high anticipated rate of return is the Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana. To keep the account open, you need to make the lowest annual contribution.
Benefits of Using Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana Calculator
● Accurate Calculation: The SSY Calculator gives accurate calculations. By using it, parents realize where and how they can hugely benefit from their investments.
● Transparency: The calculator utilizes an exemplary formula that is known to be accurate for calculating the returns, hence emphasizing the aspect of transparency in the calculation process.
● Helps in Goal-Setting: This helps parents to set short-term goals for their daughter’s future through proper investment which are achievable easily.
● Tax Benefits: The SSY scheme falls under Section 80C of the Income Tax Act, which provides the investors with tax benefits and competitiveness of the instrument vis-а-vis other available options.
● Flexible Investment Options: The SSY calculator facilitates you to take a trial with different levels of deposit amount and tenures available.
How Can Gratuity Calculator & Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana Calculator Help Secure Your Child’s Future?
Now, let’s see how these tools help secure the future of the child:
1. Financial Planning: These calculators furnish one with the maturity amount or the gratuity amount, which they accurately estimate and thus help the parents plan finances accordingly.
2. Goal-Setting: Knowing the expected profit would give parents a chance to set a goal for their child’s investment and also make investments that can achieve that goal.
3. Tax Benefits: Not only do both schemes provide tax relief, but they also draw an investment plan for parents.
4. Time-Saving: These calculators will save time and effort that is usually spent in the working process of a manual calculation. Thus parents can handle more important parameters of a child’s future.
5. Transparency: The already-designed calculation formulas used in such tools ensure transparency in the calculation process, which allows parents to obtain clear ideas about the returns they are making from their investments.
The Bottom Line
Developing our kid’s future is the first step to financial stability. The gratuity calculator and sukanya samriddhi yojana calculator will surely help us to arrange investments wisely and secure the brightest future for our children. These tools not only carry forward prompt and ideal accounting but also facilitate our financial planning as well as goal-setting. Hence, these online calculators are really useful instruments to have a look at what will be your expected future, by being unafraid of any kind of uncertainty.
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anuuuj123 · 3 months
Invest In Your Child’s Future: Gratuity Calculator & Sukanya Samriddhi
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As parents, it is quite natural for them to be worried about their child’s future. Hence, in this blog, we shall be looking at two important tools that are helpful in planning finances and securing a child’s future in terms of various aspects.
Why Invest in Your Child’s Future?
The increase in the inflation rate simultaneously increases the expenses, thus making it hard to cater to all the needs of the children. This is when they need to have the opportunities to advance themselves, thus, investment in the education of their future becomes significant. Plans and early investments help our child build a sheltered financial adult life.
In addition, saving for their child’s future is a standard practice of money and financial budgeting. But watching these things, creates good money habits in them from the early stage of their lives, which will later prove to be beneficial for their future.
What is a Gratuity Calculator?
The gratuity calculator is a calculator available online. It allows the users to calculate the gratuity amount that is due of all the employees based in India. It gives strict accuracy of the amount that the employee is assigned to be compensated by their employer as a gratuity in virtue of their salary and service years.
How Does Gratuity Calculator Work?
● The gratuity calculator works based on the simple formula of:
Gratuity amount= (last salary* years of service*15)/26
● Note that for different types of employees, like government staff and people from the education sector or those who are private sector employees, the computation could be different.
● The employer is required to make the payment to the employee either at the time of laying off or after having worked for a minimum number of years, which is preferably five years.
Benefits of Gratuity Calculator
1. Accurate Calculation
There won’t be any error to be found in the Gratuity Calculator while computing the gratuity amount. It sticks to a well-defined process and calculates an exact measurement, which further safeguards you from the error margin.
2. Time-Saving
The compensation of gratuity manually is time-consuming as it becomes complicated for employers, particularly when they have to pay too many employees. The Gratuity Calculator is the one that simplifies the process and does your job quickly without much trouble, therefore, it is effective and less complicated.
3. Better Financial Planning
The Gratuity Calculator helps organize the budget between the employer and the employee. It gives the employee a clear image of the gratuity total that they will receive during the time of retirement or other financial goals. This price can be taken into account in other similar readings.
How can an SSY Calculator Help You?
When a girl child is born in the family, parents frequently want to invest in her name so that it covers her cost of marriage and education later on. It is the dream of every parent to secure their girl child’s future no matter what it takes.
During this time, it is important to note that parents can choose among several investment options, but Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana has increasingly popular rates and privileged tax terms. A tax exemption of 1.5 lakhs can be claimed from the amount donated to SSY under section 80 C of the Income Tax Act of 1961.
Investors can slightly change the regular payments for each quarter that are required to be paid to obtain their goal finally. Error-free results can be obtained by using the Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana calculator, which is entirely free to use.
A secondary personal plan with the scheme with a high anticipated rate of return is the Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana. To keep the account open, you need to make the lowest annual contribution.
Benefits of Using Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana Calculator
● Accurate Calculation: The SSY Calculator gives accurate calculations. By using it, parents realize where and how they can hugely benefit from their investments.
● Transparency: The calculator utilizes an exemplary formula that is known to be accurate for calculating the returns, hence emphasizing the aspect of transparency in the calculation process.
● Helps in Goal-Setting: This helps parents to set short-term goals for their daughter’s future through proper investment which are achievable easily.
● Tax Benefits: The SSY scheme falls under Section 80C of the Income Tax Act, which provides the investors with tax benefits and competitiveness of the instrument vis-а-vis other available options.
● Flexible Investment Options: The SSY calculator facilitates you to take a trial with different levels of deposit amount and tenures available.
How Can Gratuity Calculator & Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana Calculator Help Secure Your Child’s Future?
Now, let’s see how these tools help secure the future of the child:
1. Financial Planning: These calculators furnish one with the maturity amount or the gratuity amount, which they accurately estimate and thus help the parents plan finances accordingly.
2. Goal-Setting: Knowing the expected profit would give parents a chance to set a goal for their child’s investment and also make investments that can achieve that goal.
3. Tax Benefits: Not only do both schemes provide tax relief, but they also draw an investment plan for parents.
4. Time-Saving: These calculators will save time and effort that is usually spent in the working process of a manual calculation. Thus parents can handle more important parameters of a child’s future.
5. Transparency: The already-designed calculation formulas used in such tools ensure transparency in the calculation process, which allows parents to obtain clear ideas about the returns they are making from their investments.
The Bottom Line
Developing our kid’s future is the first step to financial stability. The gratuity calculator and sukanya samriddhi yojana calculator will surely help us to arrange investments wisely and secure the brightest future for our children. These tools not only carry forward prompt and ideal accounting but also facilitate our financial planning as well as goal-setting. Hence, these online calculators are really useful instruments to have a look at what will be your expected future, by being unafraid of any kind of uncertainty.
#InvestInYourChild #GratuityCalculator #SukanyaSamriddhi #FinancialPlanning #ChildEducation
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sightsaversin · 1 year
A fundraising platform is a getaway that makes use of multiple tools to raise funds for a charitable cause. A good fundraising platform helps an organization meet the fundraising goals of both individuals as well as organizations of different sizes. An individual or organization can associate with a fundraising platform and raise funds by reaching a larger audience. Irrespective of the organizer, a charity fundraising journey can be both fulfilling and overwhelming. Hence, big or small, outdoor event or online- all donations matter.
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cryngo · 2 years
This is what an occasion like Children’s Day reminds all of us - to support the education of underprivileged children and help them find their true potential. Make a generous contribution to CRY, India’s most trusted NGO, and get a 50% tax deduction under section 80G of the Income Tax Act. Make an online donation now!
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modifyeddigital11 · 4 months
8 Effective Digital Marketing Strategies for NGOs In India
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Nonprofits have particular difficulties in this digital age when it comes to funding and spreading awareness of their issues. Indian NGOs must to adopt digital marketing methods in order to survive and grow, given their limited funding and incapacity to host conventional fundraising events. In order to assist Indian NGOs expand their brand awareness, connect with a worldwide audience, and monitor their progress, this article will examine 15 powerful digital marketing strategies for NGOs.
1. Build a Robust Digital Marketing Plan:
The first step towards success is developing a clear digital marketing plan. Start by evaluating your NGO's objectives, your present digital marketing initiatives, rival NGO research, relevant digital platform identification, and the digital presence of your target audience. You may create a detailed strategy that is specific to the requirements of your company with the help of this study.
2. Build a Responsive Website:
Devote time and money to creating a website that is both interesting and easy to navigate. An attractive website can attract donations, interact with supporters, and spread the word about the goals of your non-profit. A strong online presence via your website with digital marketing strategies for NGOs becomes an economical and effective strategy to acquire funding and convey your message when you have a restricted budget.
3. Develop a Blogging Platform:
Make the most of blogging's ability to tell gripping tales that will appeal to readers and potential funders. Distribute interesting information that highlights the goals of your NGO and the issues you support, speaking directly to your target audience. You may interact with your readers and raise awareness of your company by making the most of your blog from digital marketing strategies for NGOs.
4. Set Up Google Analytics:
Use Google Analytics to obtain insightful information about the functionality of your website. You may track user activity, conversion rates, and website traffic using it. Additionally advised is the use of Google Search Console to monitor the search engine performance of your non-profit, allowing you to maximise your natural presence.
5. Build your NGO's Local Presence through Google My Business:
Make an effort to interact with your neighbourhood by setting up a Google My Business (GMB) account. With this free platform, you may establish connections with contributors, volunteers, and clients. With GMB, raise your local profile and cultivate deep relationships.
6. Explore Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising:
Increase contributions, foster brand awareness, and boost user engagement with PPC advertising. Benefit from the Google Ads Grants programme, which offers free advertising credits to qualified charitable organisations. Make efficient use of PPC to target advocates, volunteers, and possible contributors.
7. Have a Strong Presence on Social Media:
Make sure you have a significant online presence on social networking sites such as Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter. Facebook's large user base enables you to interact with followers, highlight the work your NGO is doing, and inform them of your latest endeavours with digital marketing strategies for NGOs. Twitter's dynamic environment will let you interact with your target audience and publish succinct content. With LinkedIn, which is geared towards professionals, you may start conversations and exchange articles about your cause. The visual aspect of Instagram may be used to highlight powerful images and spread awareness.
8. Invest in Paid Social Media Advertisements:
Set aside some cash for sponsored social media ads as part of your digital marketing strategies for NGOs. You may efficiently target potential contributors with these adverts by using their demographics. To find out which social media profiles have the best conversion rates, periodically examine your stats.
For Indian NGOs, there are a lot of chances in digital marketing to reach a wider audience, collect money, and promote social change. Nonprofits can accomplish their objectives, interact with their target audience, and establish a strong online presence by putting these 8 practical methods into practice. Accept the potential of digital marketing and use technology to improve the lives of those you assist in a long-lasting way.
Visit our website and follow Modifyed Digital for additional ideas to increase the impact of your NGO.
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topperlearning · 5 months
Important Tips that You Can Follow to Prepare for the JEE Main 2024 Exam
The JEE (Joint Entrance Examination) stands amongst the most prestigious and competitive engineering entrance exams in India. The NTA (National Testing Agency) conducts this exam, offering admissions to the country’s most well-known engineering colleges, such as NITs (National Institutes of Technology) and IITs ( Indian Institute of Technology). With the JEE Main 2024 approaching, it’s crucial for students aspiring to engineering to prepare themselves with well-equipped strategies to beat this competitive exam.
Students looking to seek a position in the most reputed engineering colleges with JEE Main 2024 must concentrate on in-depth preparation, strategic learning techniques, and mastery of time management. This article presents some of the key tips and tricks that students must implement in order to clear their JEE Main 2024 exam.
Here are some important tips for students:
1.   Analyse the Entire Syllabus:
Begin by thoroughly learning and understanding the entire JEE Main syllabus. The official comprehensive syllabus is released by the NTA, covering topics from standard 11th and 12th. Distribute the complete syllabus into small, less complex sections for crafting a study schedule.
2.   Design your Roadmap:
A well-designed roadmap or study plan is your path to success. Divide sufficient timings for particular subjects on the basis of your interests, strengths, and weaknesses. Make sure to wrap up the complete syllabus, learning no topic unlearned.
3.   Informative Study Materials:
Ensure that you invest in study materials that prove to be worth the time and money. Informative study materials such as reference books by experts and NCERT textbooks are some of the best investments. Some of the video lectures, mock test series and online resources are also worth your time. Make sure that you go for the latest editions of each study material you purchase. In addition, invest your time regularly in solving multiple problems from sample papers to enhance and sharpen your skills. In order to monitor your progress, you can even try mock tests. Analyse and work on your mistakes to bring perfection.
4.   Consistent Practice:
To clear your JEE Main 2024 exam, consistent practice is the key element. Donate most of your time to solving multiple problems such as sample papers, question papers, and several other problems. This ensures that you are well aware of different types of questions and solving techniques. Moreover, by regular practice, you also familiarise yourself with the exam pattern.
5.   Work on Imperfections:
Monitor your weak points and invest maximum time for better improvements. Ensure not to ignore any topic or subject as each topic stands with equal importance in the JEE Main competitive exam.
6.   Speed and Accuracy:
Proper time management is crucial to appear in the JEE Main exam. You must practise solving multiple types of problems within a certain time limit to gain accuracy and polish your speed within a limited time. By doing so, none of the questions in your exam will remain left out, resulting in maximum scores.
7.   Practice Revision:
Once you’ve covered the entire syllabus, make sure to plan your time accordingly for revision. Revising is crucial to ensure that you remember each topic well, practice problems and review concepts to memorise the important information.
8.   Healthy Schedule:
Maintain a healthy schedule by acquiring adequate sleep, regular exercise and a healthy diet. With a healthy body, you create a sharp mind that gives you the right energy, focus and concentration you need to appear for your JEE Main exams.
9.   Regular Updates:
Regular updates with all the information related to the exam must be acknowledged on time. Make sure you are aware of any changes in the syllabus or exam pattern to avoid confusion and miscommunication. For regular updates, visit the official NTA website.
10.  Expert Guidance:
Expert guidance is essential to avoid any confusion in your syllabus. When facing difficulties in learning specific topics, seek guidance from your teachers or coaching centres to clear out any doubts.
If you’re willing to appear in the upcoming JEE Main 2024 exam, make sure you follow the key tips discussed above. To land in one of your dream engineering colleges, make sure you are prepared well for your entrance exam with proper guidance and online assistance from platforms such as TopperLearning!
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give-do · 6 months
Empowering Generosity: The Evolution of Transparent Online Giving
In recent years, giving to good causes in India has become easier and more widespread thanks to online donation sites. These websites have made philanthropy simpler by using the internet, so anyone can easily contribute to the causes they believe in. Whether it's supporting education, healthcare, the environment, or social welfare, online donation sites have made it possible for people from all walks of life to participate in making a positive impact.
These platforms offer a straightforward and clear way for donors to help various causes. Whether it's about education, healthcare, protecting the environment, or supporting social welfare, these online platforms make it easy for anyone to contribute. The convenience of online transactions on donation sites, along with the ability to see how donations are making a difference, has made the experience better for donors, creating a sense of trust and accountability.
In the evolving landscape of philanthropy, the rise of online donation sites has ushered in a new era of giving, making it easier for individuals to contribute to meaningful causes. Among these platforms, Give.do stands out as India's largest and most trusted online donation site, spearheading a transparent and impactful approach to charitable contributions.
Give.do has successfully harnessed the power of technology to streamline the donate money process, providing a user-friendly interface that allows individuals to support a wide array of causes with just a few clicks. This accessibility has democratised philanthropy, enabling people from diverse backgrounds to contribute to causes close to their hearts. Give.do is the largest online donation site in India, especially for NGOs raising funds for various causes.
One of the key factors contributing to Give.do's prominence is its unwavering commitment to transparency. The donation site employs stringent measures to ensure that donors can trust the organizations they support. Comprehensive information about the NGOs, their initiatives, and the impact of donations is readily available, fostering a sense of confidence and accountability.
NGOs across India have come to rely on Give.do as a preferred platform to raise funds for their projects. The platform's credibility and commitment to transparency have played a pivotal role in establishing trust among donors and organizations alike. This trust, coupled with Give.do's extensive reach, has translated into increased funding for a myriad of causes, from education and healthcare to environmental conservation.
Give.do's success in ushering in this new era of philanthropy is not just about facilitating transactions but building a community of givers who are informed, engaged, and passionate about making a difference. As online giving continues to gain momentum, Give.do remains at the forefront, driving positive change and inspiring a culture of generosity in India.
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howget · 6 months
20 Ways to earn 1000 rs per day without investment online in India
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In today's digital age, the internet provides numerous opportunities for individuals to earn 1000 per day without investment. Whether you're a student, homemaker, or someone looking to supplement your income, there are various ways to earn 1000 per day online. Let's explore 20 unique ideas that can help you achieve this goal of how to earn 1000 rs per day without investment online.
20 ideas for how to earn 1000 rs per day without investment online:
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1. **Freelancing Services:** Platforms like Upwork, Fiverr, and Freelancer allow you to offer your skills, such as writing, graphic design, programming, or digital marketing, to a global audience. Set up a profile highlighting your expertise and start bidding on relevant projects. 2. **Online Tutoring:** Leverage your knowledge in a particular subject to offer online tutoring services. Platforms like Chegg Tutors, Vedantu, and Tutor.com connect you with students seeking assistance in various subjects. 3. **Content Creation on YouTube:** Create and upload engaging videos on YouTube. Monetize your channel through the YouTube Partner Program once you meet the eligibility criteria, including 4,000 watch hours and 1,000 subscribers. 4. **Affiliate Marketing:** Promote products or services through affiliate marketing programs. Earn a commission for every sale made through your unique affiliate link. Amazon Associates, Flipkart Affiliate, and ShareASale are popular platforms. 5. **Online Surveys and Reviews:** Participate in online surveys and review products on platforms like Swagbucks, Toluna, and Vindale Research. Earn points or cash rewards for sharing your opinions. 6. **Virtual Assistance:** Offer virtual assistant services to businesses and entrepreneurs. Tasks may include email management, scheduling, data entry, and social media management. 7. **Sell Handmade Products on Etsy:** If you're skilled in crafting, consider selling handmade goods on Etsy. This platform is perfect for artists, jewelry makers, and creators of unique items. 8. **Online Data Entry:** Explore opportunities for online data entry on websites like Clickworker, Microworkers, and Amazon Mechanical Turk. Complete small tasks and earn money. 9. **Stock Photography:** If you're a photographer, sell your photos on stock photography websites like Shutterstock, Adobe Stock, or Getty Images. Earn royalties for each download. 10. **Dropshipping:** Start an e-commerce store using drop shipping. You won't need to invest in inventory upfront, as products are shipped directly from the supplier to the customer. 11. **Remote Customer Support:** Many companies outsource customer support roles. Apply for remote customer support positions on websites like Remote.co, Indeed, or SimplyHired. 12. **Online Fitness Coaching:** If you're a fitness enthusiast, offer online coaching services. Create personalized workout plans and guide clients through video calls and messaging. 13. **Podcasting:** Start a podcast on a topic you're passionate about. Monetize your podcast through sponsorships, listener donations, or premium content. 14. **Sell eBooks or Audiobooks:** Write and publish your eBooks or audiobooks on platforms like Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing or Audible. Earn royalties for each sale. 15. **Online Gaming:** If you're skilled at gaming, consider streaming on platforms like Twitch. Monetize through ads, donations, and sponsorships from gaming-related companies. 16. **Remote Social Media Management:** Offer social media management services to businesses looking to enhance their online presence. Create and schedule content, engage with followers, and analyze performance. 17. **Stock Trading or Cryptocurrency:** Invest in stocks or cryptocurrencies after thorough research. While there's risk involved, with the right knowledge, you can potentially earn profits. 18. **Language Translation Services:** If you're fluent in multiple languages, offer translation services on platforms like Gengo or ProZ. Translate documents, articles, or even subtitles for videos. 19. **Remote Graphic Design:** Use your graphic design skills to offer services on platforms like 99designs or DesignCrowd. Participate in design contests or freelance projects. 20. **Web Development and Design:** If you're proficient in web development or design, create and sell website templates or offer custom website development services on platforms like ThemeForest or Upwork. Conclusion: the question of how to earn 1000 per day without investment is entirely possible with dedication, skills, and a strategic approach. Choose a method that aligns with your interests and skills, and don't be afraid to combine multiple strategies for maximum income potential. Remember, success may not come overnight, but with persistence, you can build a sustainable online income stream. Read the full article
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