catboyelimgarak · 3 months
Monthly reminder I follow from my main @unave
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fearsomefive · 6 months
Donald Duck has over 100k monthly listeners on Spotify. Just thought you guys should know
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ducklooney · 8 months
your blog is a delight for donaldists
Oh, thank you so much! :D Well, this blog is mainly dedicated to the best duck, although there are things that I like as well as other things that my friends follow. Otherwise, if you are still interested, feel free to check out my drawings that I keep on my art blog: https://ducktoonsfanart.tumblr.com/
Anyway, thank you and thank you for following me! :D
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summerdancehall · 1 year
WHOO BOY, new blog means I gotta reupload an ABOUT/FAQ... here we go!
Hey there, name’s ATrueDonaldist, but you can call me ATD/True/Regis/Sora! I'm an artist, singer, and writer that loves to play video games and listen to music.
This blog is a Minecraft centered blog, but you can find my main account @atruedonaldist and my general art blog @universallydelegated! I’ve also got other fandom blogs, but they’re all currently pretty inactive.
However, you can find a list of them on the pinned post of my main, if you want to see them!
Alright, let’s get into the FAQ part of this!
Q: What do you use to draw?
Huion Kamvas Pro 16 2.5k! The drawing program I use is Clip Studio Paint (EX).
Q: Can I use your art as a background/icon/other?
A: If it’s for personal use, like for a Discord/Chatting App pfp or a computer/phone background, go for it! For social media though, all I ask is that you credit me in the description of your profile and we’re gucci!
Q: Can I repost your art to other sites?
A: No, I’d prefer if you didn’t, even if you do it with credit.
Q: Is your blog Hermit-shipper safe/can Hermit-Shippers interact?
A: Yes. While I personally feel incredibly uncomfortable shipping the Hermits, I don't mind you interacting with my blog.
However, please do not tag my art as Hermitship in any way, shape, or form. I would also very much appreciate if you did not send me art/talk to me about Hermit-Shipping, as again, I am incredibly uncomfortable with the topic.
Q: So, what the fuck does SummerDanceHall even mean/refer to?
A: From my two favourite songs "Summer Triangle" and "Dance Hall"! I wanted to use either Summer Triangle or Dance Hall as a name, but they were taken, so... ended up adding "Summer" to "Dance Hall" and got SummerDanceHall.
Thank you!
-A "Donaldist" is someone that loves Disney comics!
Thank you for taking the time to read through my ABOUT/FAQ!
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unave · 9 months
Happy new years everyone! From my friends from my Donaldist years, to Trekkies here and from my trek blog!
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sheepinthebigcity · 2 years
H, I, S, C, A, R
H - What is your favorite source text for fandom stuff (e.g., TV shows, movies, books, anime, Western animation, etc.)?
Cartoons and western animation absolutely. I love cartoons I want to talk about cartoons all the time but no one recognizes how cartoon oriented I am. I love the weird obscure shit and I don't give a shit about most popular cartoons. Truly hell
I - Has Tumblr caused you to stop liking any fandoms, if so, which and why?
YES. but if we are to limit it to fandoms i was actually in... Tumblr Donaldist fandom kind of made me dislike Disney Ducks, though it wasn't the final nail in the coffin. Honestly I think twitter makes me more upset about fandoms...
S - Show us an example of your personal headcanon
Headcanons.... god I've been in OC hell so long...
I think my favorite headcanon at the moment is that Elena was inspired by Ivy in terms of Esteban's initial punishment.
C - A ship you have never liked and probably never will.
My lord there are so many of these I am nothing if I am not a HUGE HATER. But lets leave gross ships and ships that make me personally uncomfortable alone for a bit.
FIREAFY BATTLE FOR DREAM ISLAND. The two don't really have like. Any romantic chemistry, and most of their friend chemistry is only seen in the initial BFDI run. I find their relationship boring at best and frustrating at worst.
A - Ships that you currently like a lot. (They don’t have to be OTPs because not everyone has OTPs.) Friendships, pairings, threesomes, etc. are allowed.
I've been in II shipping hell for some ungodly reason, so I really enjoy Balloon x Nickel, Cabby x Silver Spoon (x Candle if she also wants), and Cabby x Test Tube.
I'm always up for my Spirou ships as well, Pacome x Zorglub and Prunelle x Fantasio are very good
Dead End Paranormal Park also has me VERY set on the Norma x Badyah train. I don't care that Badyah is straight. She's like 16. I didn't realize I wasn't straight til I was 20.
I also have a few other rarepairs that are a little too cringe to admit. :-P
R - Which friendship/platonic relationship is your favorite in fandom?
I'm usually one for familial relationships but let me actually think hard about this and do friends.
I think thinking about it, Cornelius Fillmore and Ingrid Third have one of my favorite friendships. It's a kind of odd one, with them both having a checkered past, but they understand each other and have some really silly back and forth.
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colddeadfingerpeeler · 3 months
They are not republicans. They are donaldists.
On their flag is a giant erection emblazoned.
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beurkivol · 2 years
Artiste coup de coeur, stefano Zanchi
Pour les abonnés au picsou magazine, ils ont du voir en couverture et à l'intérieur du magazine duck préféré de la donaldiste qui vous écrit un illustrateur, enfin ses oeuvres. Oeuvres déjà rencontrées pur mon cas au détour d'un trésor de picsou, le 51. Gros coup de coeur, mais jamais cherché (honte à moi) d'autres histoires de ce dessinateur.
Stefano Zanchi. Et si j'orthographie mal, honte à moi vu la proximité du mag sur mon bureau.
Que dire... Mis à part que j'ai trouvé ici un dessinateur disney préféré n°2.
Pourquoi ? déjà, je trouve ses découpages de planches très intéressants et "parlants". ça va paraitre bête, mais les dispositions et les plans des personnages coupent avec ce que j'ai souvent pu voir dans les BD des ducks ou des souris.
De plus, les poses des personnages sont très dynamiques et "vivantes".
Mais le mieux, la cerise sur le gateau, le sou fétiche sur le coffre, c'est... Les couleurs. Au lieu des mêmes couleurs flashy auxquelles mes pauvres yeux étaient habitués, on jongle avec des gammes de teintes harmonieuses qui rendent extrêmement bien l'ambiance et les impressions que peuvent ressentir les personnages mis en scène (il collabore pour des personnages secondaires et les mets très bien en lumière, c'est archi intéressant.
Voilà voilà, je savais pas vraiment quoi j'allais dire en ouvrant le post mais bon, j'avais besoin de pousser ce cri du coeur là, c'est officiel j'adore cet illustrateur ettt son style est pas sans m'inspirer (si, jvous assure que j'ai déjà fais qq travaux inspirés de son style). Donc pour conclure ce cri du coeur, j'incite clairement à lire mais surtout regarder Pas de chance pour gontran, La solitude du trèfle à quatre feuille et l'ultime aventure de reginella !
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duckavenger · 5 years
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must have... all the duck tsum tsums... all of them....
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lostoldplanet · 5 years
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Whiskerville 1: If you're lucky, maybe we'll let you swim in our swamp!
???: Grrr... you no-good...!
Fergus: Now you've done it.
Hortense: I heard what you told my daddy! Yer a swamp... thing!
Whiskerville 1: Shoot! It's that she-devil!
Whiskerville 2: Let's get out of here! She'll hurt you worse than the salt in their flintlock ever could.
Scrooge: Hortense! How are ye?
Hortense: Scroogey! I'll be with ya in a second.
Scrooge: Daddy! Is all our family this angry these days?
Fergus: Scrooge, my boy!
Scrooge: So where did Hortense get that temperament?
Fergus: God only knows. We try not to get in her way!
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catboyelimgarak · 3 months
Homie don’t follow me here so I can say what my first art fight attack will be. It’s a duck for a long time Donaldist homie, so back to drawing ducks :3c
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fearsomefive · 2 months
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(For those who aren’t familiar with the Italian side of Duckverse, Topolino is Mickey’s Italian name)
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cometcrystal · 7 years
donaldist replied to your post “one of my friends calls themselves an aro/ace lesbian because they...”
Like if your Demi for girls it's one thing but.... If claim to have no attraction then don't id as a Lesbian unless you really do
precisely. i technically fit under the demi label but i dont choose to use it because i find it kinda pointless since i want my label to be about WHO i love not about HOW i love them
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d-stabilize · 7 years
@donaldist​ replied to your post: gothcomic —–> animegnome
…. gnometuro
i vaguely understand that reference but not really
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lostmyurl · 7 years
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“Who are your favorite characters?”
“The fandom’s least favorite, usually.”
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flintheartglomgold · 7 years
Hi everyone! I decided to make this sideblog so that I could post about everything Duckverse here on tumblr. I am more familiar with the comics than I am with Ducktales, but I’m very excited for the 2017 show and I can’t wait to see it!
I’m making this post not only as a form of... presentation haha but also because since I don’t really know many tumblrs dedicated to the Duckverse I thought I could ask you to like this post (perhaps even reblog it?) so I could check out your blog! I follow with my main blog @melisandlre. Thanks!
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