#don't tinker with it
Our pleasures, which were those of being in love, were as simple and still as mysterious and complicated as a simple mathematical formula that can mean all happiness or can mean the end of the world. That is the sort of happiness you should not tinker with but nearly everyone you knew tried to adjust it.
from A Moveable Feast by Ernest Hemingway 
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azulhood · 5 months
Conversations between best friends has often led to some reckless/stupid/not thought out at all decisions. Like one conversation the amity park trio had where Danny said that he couldn't see Tucker as a doctor (the medical kind) to which Tucker responded with "Alright, bet." and enrolled in medical school. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Bruce Wayne and Tucker Foley somehow by coincidence *cough* clockwork* became friends. And stayed friends even after Bruce dropped out and Tucker went on to finish med school. It was a strange friendship that was mainly just Bruce calling Tucker from the weirdest locations and asking things "Out of curiosity, if an immortal nutjob wanted you to marry his daughter and become his heir what would you do? uh-huh, uh-huh, really? ok, thanks." and meeting up for coffee every now and then. It was during one of these coffee meet-ups that Bruce confessed that he wanted to adopt a recently orphaned child by the name of Richard. There was currently push back from people who didn't think 'Brucie Wayne' would be a good parent and from others who didn't want a random kid having a chance to inherit the Wayne fortune, the media was also having a field day. Everyone kept asking him to "reconsider" and doing everything they can to stall/stop the adoption process. Tucker, being the good friend he was, said "Don't worry, I got this" Stood up from the cafe table, walked to the nearest library and politely asked to use one of their computers, spent a good ten minutes on it, printed something out on the library's printer, walked back to the cafe where he left Bruce waiting. And finally, he handed over the paper with the words "Take this." and continued drinking his now cold coffee. Bruce was, understandably, confused. "What is-" "Trust me, it'll work." Tucker assured him. That is how Bruce Wayne adopted one Richard 'Dick' Grayson.
And after that, Bruce went to Tucker whenever he came across a kid that he wanted to adopt, which was often. It's one reason why Tucker will do everything in his power to make sure Danny and Bruce never meet for fear that the Gothamite might try to add the Halfa to the growing army of children. Aka
Tucker Foley is The Guy
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skaleighatoons · 1 year
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Sonic girls sleepoverrrrr (ft silver)!!!
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mortemain · 5 days
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COSTAS MANDYLOR as Captain Silver in Once upon a time S5E15
The Brother Jones (2016)
dir. Eagle Egilsson
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silvers-starrway · 7 months
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I think I forgot to upload these here??? Just a few lil ships bc I like drawing gay people.
Sketch commissions are open!
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shatter-song · 3 months
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modmad · 6 months
now I’m imagining RGB taking those buzz feed quizzes that’s are like “what kind of bread are you?” and him getting mad because he is NOT a bagel
RGB is 100% a bagel though
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front-facing-pokemon · 5 months
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lastminutestarwarsfan · 7 months
Its honestly so painful to me, the sheer amount of turmoil that Anakin has experienced in his life. If you really sit down and think about what he's been through, he truly is one of the most tragic characters in fiction.
Born a slave to a single mother on a backwater, forgotten, barren world with no opportunities (Sidenote as much as we laugh at the "I don't like sand" meme, it actually is a meaningful line. He hates that world, that life, wants to put it behind him. Can't help but think of the mother he abandoned there)
Forced to choose between freedom and leaving his mother to her fate. A ridiculous amount of pressure to put on a 9 year old
Loses the only father figure he's had, and ultimately the only person to truly show faith in him, almost immediately after finding him
Becomes a burden and disappointment to a reluctant, inexperienced master (Before you come at me, I ADORE Obi-Wans and Anakins relationship. I love their banter, and I truly think they loved one another ridiculously and my heart breaks at what they became. But I do think that Anakin felt like a burden and disappointment sometimes. Especially at the beginning, Obi-Wan only really takes him on out of duty to Qui-Gon, it wouldn't have been his own choice. He didn't believe in him the way Qui-Gon did. And because Obi himself was grieving and young and inexperienced, he didn't have the confidence to guide Anakin the way he should have. He falls back on the rules too much, after bending them to take him on in the first place. He's too strict with him, too harsh. He doesn't tell him how much he loved him until it's too late, which just adds to the angst)
Is constantly told that he needs to let go of his attachment to his mother whilst being plagued my dreams of her death.
Watches his mother die in his arms with the knowledge if only he could have done something sooner he could have saved her (and this is the moment I think, pivotally, that his capacity for the dark side becomes real. Not the moment when he kills the Tuscans in anger just after. But in this quiet moment of death. The moment that voice in his head starts burrowing like a worm "Not enough, more, better, faster, stronger". If he could just burn hotter, brighter, push harder, then no one else would die.)
Is thrust into a war at 19
Is entrusted with a 14 year old apprentice at 20. Loves her like family only to watch the order he gave up everything for, the order that let his mother die, the order that is the reason he cannot have a normal life with his wife, drive his little sister away from him.
Plagued to madness by visions of his wife dying. Goes insane to try to save her only to be her own downfall. Is cut into pieces and left to burn alive by his brother. Suffers excruciating pain being pieced back together. Is forced to live with the knowledge that he led to the love of his life's death, where every breath is a reminder of the monster he has become.
Becomes increasingly aware that his new master, the only person he has left, the person he betrayed everyone for, the person he trusted in his times of need and thought understood him, would toss him away without a second thought and replace him with Luke.
That smile when he takes off the mask and looks at Luke in Return of the Jedi means so much. It's so pure, and light and carefree for those few seconds. The first time we've ever seen him truly at peace. He is finally free from the pain.
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ancha-aus · 3 months
RealAgeAU Drabble - Market
I am back again! Are you guys ready for more domestic fluff? I hope you are!
First Drabble (with original prompt by @spotaus ) Prev Drabble Next Drabble
Ready for the guys to be trying to settle more and get used to things? I hope you are!
Horror leans back to look at the new gate with the newly made attached sign. The name Haven proudly displayed on it. Horror nods. All stable and ready.
A honk of a truck and Horror looks over his shoulder. Seeing the familiar truck of Crop and Straw. Horror raises a hand and leans against the post. Waiting.
They stop the truck nearby and Straw grins widely "Looks amazing! you guys made quick work of it."
Horror shrugs "Aside from Dust we are all jobless. We had free time." he snorts at the looked both brothers wear as he turns back to their house. It is still very empty with only a few necessities but that didn't matter to them.
Crop coughs before grinning "Either way. We had a bit of a question for you guys regarding that and Dust's job situation."
Horror stops and shoots them a look "What about it?" he still leads them back. Even so today is suposed to be a relax day and Dust had taken the time to pull Nightmare close and read with him. Horror would feel terrible about ruining that.
Crop follows along "You guys probably don't know but this week is kinda a festive thing going on in town. All the farms collect some goods to have a big sale and trade and everything. Some people set up games and competitions. We may be a small community but we are far spread and it brings people."
Horror nods slowly "So... why need Dust?" it does not sound like a place Dust would enjoy. At all.
Crop rubs his neck "the cooler broke. The big big cooler in the big barn we use to meet up. the city service is being difficult about coming to fix it and is asking for extra for the short notice and some excuse about some unknown holiday."
Horror frowns and turns "That sounds like active sabotage."
Straw waves his hands "we know we know we all know but that isn't the issue. wihtout that working we are either going to have to cut things short as produce kept there won't be kept fresh long enough."
Crop nods "Not to forget the actual fire hazard it makes. We were setting up there when we heard about what was going on and were wondering if Dust could come fix it."
Straw nods and looks hopeful "And it will be great for you all to partake too!"
Cross joins them looking confused "partake in what?" he looks messy and covered in mud. Which is fair as he and Killer have been trying to figure out their terrain and make it safe. They haven't had much progress so far.
Straw gives the same explanation to Cross and Cross looks troubled as he glances at the house "I mean... he and Nightmare were kind of having a break day..." Cross must have made the same conclusion horror had in mind.
Cross frowns "on the other hand... that place may be a good place to get more information on the whole farm thing and see more options for us..." he shoots him a look.
horror thinks before shrugging "I will ask Dust and Nightmare. Can you ask Killer?"
Cross nods and just shouts for the other down the terrain. Knowing Killer will come then. Horror goes inside the house.
The house is still rather empty and aside from a very large comfortable nest by the downstairs fireplace they really have hardly anything. It was to be expected as it was their first week even living in here. Maybe they can even see some stuff for their house at this market thing?
Horror pauses and smiles as he watches Nightmare just lean fully against Dust, clearly looking half asleep as Dust slowly reads a story out loud. Holdign Nightmare against him as he lounges in the nest with their babybones.
Horror feels terrible for breaking the peaceful scene as he quietly joins them and tells them the situation.
Dust thinks it over and looks at Nightmare. Ngihtmare shrugs and mutters that it is fine. They don't need to stay there long.
Dust thinks it over before agreeing. Just to quickly fix stuff and then he will come back as soon as possible.
Horror shakes his skull "We can all go together. We will look around and look for usefull things for the house while you fix it." with someone watching his back. Horror does not like the timing of which this thing broke and how difficult those people in the city are being. better stay alert.
Dust mutters stuff about it being fine but easily enough agrees to make it a group outing.
They meet up with the farm brothers and get all get in the truck.
They get to the town and the whole main road has been filled with stalls and people getting ready.
Cross agrees to stay and help Dust fix the things that need fixing while Horror takes the hold on Nightmare over. He can see the anxious look Dust shoots Nightmare before looking at him "don't put him down."
So Nightmare had been feeling a bit sore when he woke up. easy enough. Horror nods and makes sure to have a secure hold on Nightmare and that his spine stays fully supported.
Straw grins and quickly leads Dust and Cross towards where the electrics are being set up for the big market.
Killer looks around as he stretches "Well... guess we can walk around and ask people about farm stuff?"
Crop is nice enough to help and show them around. They introduce themselves and people keep looking excited when they realise they are the new group of people. Killer grins and seems to like the excitement until people glance in Nightmare's way.
Either way they talk with people and learn about what each farm specialises in. And how the introduction of magic make it possible for a lot of small farmers to survive and really keep producing without a lot of the complicated mechanism.
All around it is interesting. The meet up wiht Gerson and confirm that he can come visit one of these days to see how the house ended up looking and wave at Ellie and Dani who are clearly hard at work with trading some logs with others already. Clearly most of their work will be early in the event.
They end up playing some of the games. They find an axe throwing ring and Killer grins madly at him.
Horror sighs "No Killer."
Killer whines "Come on H! You cna win this easy peacy!"
the person manning the stand laughs "That is what everyone thinks! But the axe is a lot harder to throw and aim than people think. But! If you hit the bullseye you get to pick a prize from the highest plank!"
Killer looks at Horror "Come on H! looks at those plushies!"
Horror sighs as he shoots Killer a look before looking up. They are big and soft alright. He notices Nightmare staring at them with slightly shiny eye lights. But he just turns around to snuggle closer.
Horror looks at Killer "Do not put him down."
Killer immediantly understands and nods as he takes Nightmare over and coos and nuzzles his tiny skull.
Horror walks over and pays enough for one game. It is expensive and normally a scam. luckily Horror has some very unfair advantage.
The man grins widely clearly thinking he won this. "Okay! You get three chances to get as many points as possible or one chance to hit the bullseye for the large prize!"
Horror takes the axe "one throw." and goes to the right spot. He feels the weight of the axe and throws it up and down a few times in his hand. Not as balanced as his own axe and the blade looks dull. So even if you aim right there is a large chance the axe won't even stick to the bullseye.
Crop looks uncertain "Guys? It is fine. We can look around first more." Crop obviously know they are still low and money "These kinda games are often scams-"
the man manning the stand huffs "They already paid for it. just be quiet." Crop glares as he huffs.
Horror nods and listens to the intructions where he is allowed to stand. Then he takes aim and throws the axe, just using pure strenght.
The axe hits the bullseye and plinters the wood as it sinks in. and it sticks.
horror slowly pulls his arm back and looks at the man "Hit the bullseye and the axe stuck. just like you explained in the rules." he takes Nightmare back and nudges him gently to look up "Which one do you want?"
Nightmare looks at the plushies and ends up picking a very large and round plush bat.
the man stammers but takes the prize down for them. Nightmare hugs the plushy and purrs softly in his hold. Horror smiles. very much worth the money. Horror is sure that Dust will agree.
Moments later they see the lights on the big barn, an old barn that got remodelled into a community center, lights up with fairy lights all along the roof, windows and large open door.
Killer grins "Seems like Dusty pulled off a miracly fix again!"
Crop grins widely "I know! lets go see and share the great news!"
They meet up with Dust and Cross and see Dust cleaning his phalanges as he speaks. something about salt and sugar in the engines of the generators and while a mess it was an easy fix once eh figured it out.
Horror nods. So it is what he thought. clear sabotage. Fitting if some large corperation wants to buy these farms out it is fitting they try to ruin one of the few large markets they have. especially as there are used to trade and show off goods and probably get more customers.
Straw rushes off to no doubt share the great news that everything can continue as planned as Horror hands Nightmare back to Dust. Dust sees the large plush bat and shoots them a look. Horror rubs his cheek sheepishly "Killer really wanted me to play the game..."
killer grins widely and speaks about the axe throwing and everything.
Dust snorts and nods as cross looks more anxious "Guys! those things are always scams!"
Killer grins widely "we scammed the scammer! Wlel not scam as Horror won fair and square but still!"
Cross groans "It was probably so expensive..."
Dust shrugs "Just money." he just looks at Nightmare as Nightmare holds part of the large bat, that Horror is still holding for him, as he leans against Dust.
Cross blinks but nods "okay i guess... and the market?"
horror half listens as Killer gives Cross and Dust an update on what they saw and what type of farms are around. Dust however seems more interested in a group of people speaking on their phones after shooting the barn shocked looks. Seems like Dust located the saboteurs.
Luckily after a quick check with the mayor the area gets locked off. The mayor gives their deep thanks to Dust and reassures him something about payment coming their way. Dust shrugs but Killer catching on and quickly explains they are from the new farm Haven and that they can be generally found there.
The mayor thanks them againa nd goes about his way.
Cross tilts his skul as he crosses his arms "Who knew that they way to get people to like you is just to fix all their stuff."
Dust shrugs before looking around "We staying or looking?"
They end up taking the time to look around and meet some more people as they are there anyway. Also get a general idea how expensive phones are in this universe and what their own options for a farm are.
Before they know it is it time to eat and they eat out at the market before gettin Crop and STraw to drive them home.
The day had been busier than they had all expected but all in all not bad.
First Drabble Prev Drabble Next Drabble
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hood-ex · 1 month
Welp. Dick can jump/fall again. He had to tackle an inner blockage which had something to do with the knowing that he was supposed to die instead of his parents. TT has written it so that Dick normally jumped first in his family's routine. The Graysons changed their routine that night. Dick's parents jumped first, so they died instead of Dick.
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zhongrin · 1 year
*raises eyebrows* within the first ten chats? this man works fast....
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simatrix · 2 months
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Alberto hosted a New Year's Eve party, mostly because he needs to appeal a community policy so that he can vote on a policy for his aspiration since we have the max amount of policies in place in this community right now. So, he hosted a party to schmooze and get signatures for his appeal.
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mortemain · 1 month
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TRAGIC WASTE (2024) dir. Nigel Canepa
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dingostrash · 10 months
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And they say romance is dead
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sainz100 · 1 month
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Max Verstappen in the 2021 Grill the Grid Finale - Name Every F1 World Champion
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