#don't say that Loki
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benevolentgodloki · 2 years ago
Quill says his blowjob, handjob, and topping skills are a 20 on a scale of 1–10 (1 being dog shit, 10 being out of this world good). Care to corroborate the claim?
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"His claim is as non-existent as the number is on that scale, given that I have experienced none of them. He's welcome to beg to do the ones involving a 'job'."
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mobius-m-mobius · 1 year ago
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Mobius, I know you’re trying to help me, but we should be dealing with the bigger problem here. He Who Remains.
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dilfmobius · 4 months ago
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LOKI 2x05 | "Science/Fiction"
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worstloki · 4 months ago
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teehee~ (˵ •̀ ᴗ - ˵ ) ✧ ~
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sheppardsmckay · 3 months ago
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but you won't
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softiedingo · 1 year ago
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Mobius and his chaotic puppy God.
But don't worry, he doesn't bite.
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megalomari · 4 months ago
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can you believe the god of mischief has fallen in love with some guy smh
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erinwantstowrite · 3 months ago
Wait did Loki already know about Dick and Jason and all that because he did research /before/ Peter got sent there on not just he was there without telling Peter? And that's why he ended up in that universe specifically cuz he had family there? Or I did I misread something?
oh no Loki is fully lying out of his ass right now. but really he's not lying, it's more like he's not telling the full truth ? idk how much I can really tell you guys cuz I don't want to spoil it... alright, so i can't tell y'all what he was doing specifically but i can tell y'all his general plan and some character insight
i'm feeling in a slightly spoilery mood so!!! if you don't want to know anything about what Loki is up to, don't continue reading! but be aware that at this point in time, there are some things that we just won't know about Loki in the fic itself that i'll talk about here!
before all of this he had absolutely no intentions of teaming up with Peter, he was just exploiting a weakness and trying to get Peter out of the way (this is the same as to what he did with Thor). he knows that Tony would be distracted, and in their efforts to find Peter they would probably be stressed out and their forces would thin because finding usually involves splitting up. they would also have to deal with Mysterio and Ohnn (....and a secret third character 👀). it would give him plenty of opportunity to go in and try and pick them off one by one. except it's not working on the Avengers side. we'll get more to this later 😁
after his first meeting with Peter, Loki figured that Peter would probably be a good place to get some intel if he needed it, because Peter trusted him and was not aware about Loki and his past with the Avengers (or at least not fully aware). the more that he learned about the Bats and Peter's relation to them, as well as learning about Peter, the more he figured it wouldn't hurt to have Peter on his side. he thought that he could twist Peter into believing the Avengers weren't coming. his plans have been shifting around, meeting his needs since the beginning. he's been standing off to the side and pushing the characters around trying to figure out what they will and won't do, like he's observing a game and they have no idea he's moving pieces around when they weren't looking.
however this plan was going to take a lot more time... and Klarion summoning Thor ruined it completely. he had to speed up the process and make his offer quite literally months before he thought he would. so in a way, we can thank Klarion for derailing Loki's plot
Loki had no idea what would happen when he directed Ohnn and Mysterio towards Peter. he knew that Ohnn had been traveling between worlds for a couple of months, but he had no idea if Peter would even survive going to this other universe. he also had no idea about Peter's relation to the Bats until he started digging around for his new plan (Plan: Exploit Peter's Love for his Parents). the thing is, is that his plan would have failed no matter what, because Loki failed to see that Peter's adopted family cares deeply about him, and this bond means just as much as any blood ties he could have. his own insecurities about his standing within his own family got to him. when he was digging around in Peter's life he saw that Peter's foster experience had failed. and he might, maybe, just a little bit... feel bad that the family that was going to adopt Peter were killed because of what happened in the Battle of New York.
so: while he has been very intentionally manipulating Peter... he was thinking of Peter's best interest after a certain point. instead of him not caring what happened to him as long as he was out of the way, Loki did start preparing to make sure that Peter could stay in this world and that he would be taken care of. because i don't believe Loki is an evil person, and even now he's just a little silly. he might have been a little bit crazy with Thor, but to be fair, every other time Loki had a plan and he wasn't crazy enough, Thor came out of it. I feel like they have different standards than what we would as humans. because if you have a sibling then I feel like you'll understand me here... me and my brother used to fight a lot and while we never actually chased each other with knives, we did chase each other with other weapons (whatever wouldn't actually kill but was within our reach) and I think this is their version of that. like me and my brother are super close now but when we were kids we tried to kill each other a lot lmfao. so Thor will probably forgive Loki because that's his brother. (and I'm pretty sure that Loki was under some form of manipulation by Thanos during the Battle of Manhattan/New York??? correct me if I'm wrong, but if that's the case Peter would eventually see that Loki isn't an evil person.) Loki is very chaotic neutral in my eyes, leaning towards evil or good depending on the day. so he's gonna get his ass kicked for trying to take over the world, but like, that's just his enrichment... you gotta let him try every few months/once a year or you're not doing enough to entertain and care for your sneaky God Alien Guy
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I know this sounds like a horrible thing to say but...I kinda hate Gauis.
Like seriously... it boggles my mind that the fics I've read with Morgana views this man in such a warm light when he not only gaslights her about her magic but blames her for the choices she tries to gain her own autonomy whilst he steals it from her by keeping her in the dark of her own magic.
Like he has the audacity to compare Morgana to Merlin? He's accepting of Merlin's magic and gives him the tools to learn and control his own magic meanwhile Morgana is not only kept in the dark but given no guidance...
And it's her own fault for choosing Morgause.
Honestly out of all the "good" characters I wished died, I wish it was Gaius. I hate that he survives the series.
They should have made him a Roman with loyalties to Lucius Tiberius and then he betrays Camelot reluctantly and then we can see that scene of Gwaine loosing his temper and lopping Gaius' head off. That would've been a joy to see.
Telling Merlin that he did the right thing by murdering his friend because she chose to use her magic wrong, never mind that nobody was helping her in the first place and she was on her own. Never mind that everyone decided to initially gaslight her.
No fucking accountability.
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alicerovai · 1 year ago
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ceaselesswwatch3r · 5 months ago
i really do love how marvel is starting to introduce more LGBTQ characters into their shows and movies because its not just side characters or characters who mentioned mearly once or twice, its actually the main characters
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in-my-loki-feels · 11 days ago
Some Sentences Sunday
Thank you @elodiah @lokimobius @distracteddream @mobiusismycomfortcharacter and @loki-is-my-kink-awakening for the tags!
Writing vibes have been few and far between lately, but I do have some WIPs in the wings. Here's something from a fic for one of my MTH bidders. I won't say anything more than it's a modern AU with President Loki and Don. (No presidents in this one.)
Handsome in an unconventional way, with silver hair and light brown mustache and a slightly crooked nose. He looked at Loki in a way that suggested either he had no idea who Loki was, or Loki’s incognito look was better than he thought.  “Can I help you with something?”  “I’m looking for Sean,” Loki said. He waited for the man to go find Sean but instead he continued to stand in the doorway with a slight smile.  “You wanna say why?”  “Why?”  “Yeah, why you're here looking for him.” “He lives here, doesn't he?” Loki said, irritation building. “A better question would be what are you doing here? Are you some sort of butler?”  The man laughed, one hand rising to half-cover his mouth. Amusement made him even more attractive, moving the focus from his nose to the laugh lines around his eyes.  “I'm not the butler, though I've done my fair share of cleaning up after him. I'm his dad.”
No pressure tags for: @blackbirdofasgard @thosegayoldmen @ghoulehhh @silentxsymphony and @wolfpup026 <3
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mobius-m-mobius · 1 year ago
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ineffablelara · 3 months ago
Series Loki, Avengers Loki and the "real Loki"
Okay so, I've been wanting to write about this for a while now, I always see people talking about how much they love series Loki because that's where he's most comfortable with himself— and I agree, I love him too and I think it's great that he learned to accept more some aspects of himself and got more comfortable with showing vulnerability to others as well as allowing himself to make meaningful connections with the people around him
Saying that Avengers Loki is not the real Loki just tells me you don't really understand Loki as a character at all
I'm part of the few people who don't entirely buy into the headcanon that Loki was brutally tortured by Thanos in the 1 year gap between Thor and Avengers, I think he did went to very bad places but it doesn't make sense to me that Thanos would break physically and mentally the man he was sending to lead an army on a different planet to get him an infinity stone, I believe he had to fight for his life after his fall and Thanos probably submitted him to a very rigorous training like he did with his daughters (yes, one could argue that that was tortue but let's be fr, it's on a whole different level)
Anyway, my point is: Loki didn't attack Earth against his will, he was angry and hurt, feeling betrayed by his family and dealing with an identity crisis, he was livid, he went through hell after his fall and now he had a chance to cause some trouble for Thor and Odin and he was going to take it
I don't believe Loki really cared about Thanos' philosophy and the whole "freedom is a lie" thing, he was parroting what Thanos told him to cause some dramatic effect but I don't believe, not even for a second that he gave two fucks about it, again, he wanted to make trouble and to cause damage, he wanted to hurt Thor and Odin bc he felt hurt, he didn't care that innocent people were going to die, he didn't even think about them, he just wanted to channel his anger and to piss off his family, and ykw?
That's the real Loki
Because Loki is not some perfect little angel who was forced to do bad things against his will in order to survive, Loki is a vengeful God, a being of chaos, a master of magic and sometimes... an asshole
Sorry, he's not the little baby we all like to pretend he is sometimes, yes there's lots of pain and shame and sadness inside his heart but that doesn't erase the fact that there's some ugly parts in his personality, that's what makes him so complex in my opinion, he's not necessarily evil but he's also not necessarily an innocent baby either, he said it himself:
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Believe it or not, that applies to him too!
Avengers' Loki shows us the "ugly" parts of himself—parts many would prefer to ignore. But sorry to break it to you: that was the real Loki too.
Some might argue that the whole "God of Mischief" persona was merely a facade to hide his vulnerable, weak self, but I disagree. I believe Loki did use his title to build walls around himself and keep others at a distance to some extent. However, things aren’t just black and white—Loki is the God of Mischief, whether people like it or not and that means he thrives in chaos sometimes
I mean, he even tells Mobius, "Sometimes our emotions get the better of us," when talking about the New York attack. I know some people don't like that scene because it contradicts their headcanon of Loki being tortured and forced to go to Earth, but personally, I love it. I never liked the idea of Loki having so little agency in Avengers. And yes, I know the Mind Stone was influencing him, but that’s the key—it was influencing, not controlling
I think what I’m trying to say is this: some people don’t truly understand who Loki is. They’ve created a version of him in their minds and reject anything that contradicts it. Refusing to acknowledge the darkness within him only proves that you don’t fully appreciate him. You can love series Loki and say that it's the more mentally healthy version of the character, but please don’t claim that Avengers Loki is his worst version—or that it’s not the real him.
Maybe I'm being annoying but it just hurts every time I see posts trashing him and saying that he's the worst Loki ever, to me that's one of the most fascinating depictions of him precisely because we see how malicious, cunning and calculating he can be, he has so much range and I genuinely feel sorry for all the people who can't appreciate that
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worstloki · 6 months ago
thank you bruce banner for acknowledging that thanos was the one who sent loki. much to think about.
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sunflowerdigs · 1 year ago
Loki is in love with someone he can never be with and y'all are still asking why he's wearing depression loafers with his jammies for all eternity. He may be a full god and a hero now, but he's still Loki.
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