#don't mind all these hashtags
syncope-syndrome · 1 year
Prompts For When You Need A Whumpee To Fall Like A Sack Of Bricks
For when a slow and steady loss of consciousness doesn't quite cut it (but that's still good, don't get me wrong).
whumpee's still running on adrenaline when they bump into caretaker, nothing but smiles until they catch onto caretaker's horrified expression. they follow their gaze until they see the familiar stain of blood against their shirt. their shock drains the adrenaline from them, and before caretaker's even able to take a step forward their knees have buckled.
a sudden wound — a gunshot, a stabbing — and the pain lancing through them white-hot and agonizing. they're still processing what's happened to them, gaping like a fish out of water when they feel the ground slam into the side of their head. they're not sure when they fell, but every pulse pours out more red and reminds them over and over of why.
a caretaker running themselves ragged with just how many people are hurt or in need of them, unable to take a moment's rest for themselves. their vision starts to swim when they stand up but they ignore it, because it's not that bad yet and others have it worse. they're doing an excellent job pushing through, until they're suddenly not. their vision wavers a little stronger this time, and then into black, barely able to get out a surprised "oh" before they're on the ground.
bending down to grab something and not hearing the approach of someone from behind them. one moment, they're sifting through papers, a drawer, a cabinet — the next, there's a burst of horrible pain at the back of their skull and a deep, sudden darkness.
trying to climb out of bed after a broken fever — common sense tells them to stay in bed but they want a bath so badly. their body trembles the moment they move to stand, and they're barely upright for more than a few seconds before their weakened legs fold and they collapse in a pile of exhausted, aching limbs.
doing nothing, thinking of nothing until there's a bright surge of light and heat, white bleeding into black, so abrupt that it's not until they wake again that they even comprehend that anything happened to them.
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sulky-cabbage · 3 months
AU: Where Sukuna Wins
Part 1
Part 2 here
Imagine an alternate universe in which Sukuna triumphs, dominates over Japan, and endures a lonely existence for many centuries, while allowing some humans to live.
They hold a grudge against him, of course, and want to kill him. They train at Jujutsu High and have some great fighters that occasionally provide Sukuna with some entertainment. 
They are so desperate for salvation, they can only find solace in prophecies about a figure with powerful blue eyes that will defeat the king of curses and rescue Japan.
And do you know what Sukuna does in response to that? One might expect him to go full Pharoah mode and kill newborns, but NO!!
Whenever he ravages a village and devours the women and children, he ALWAYS spares the blue-eyed infants.
All the curses know better than to kill an infant with blue eyes. The last time a curse did that, Sukuna made sure to make an example of it.
Killing a member of the Gojo clan is also off limits, as well as anything that could delay the reincarnation of this certain person.
These humans are not the only ones waiting for salvation.
Sukuna is also WAITING...for his wretched existence to end at the hands of this person.
The ONLY one worthy of having the honor to do so.
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batsplat · 3 months
i will be in permanent agony next year when marc squeezes pecco like a bug, unless it happens aragón 2021 style, where the unstoppable force (marc) meets an immovable object (passing pecco bagnaia), and marc has to really throw everything at it to come out on top. mostly because marc has a twinkle in his eyes when he looks at pecco, like he sees some sort of a challenge he’d enjoy to take on, and pecco just refuses to look at him 💀
also, martin said pecco plays the most amount of mind games, and i need to see that in 2025 before coming to a conclusion, otherwise it’s just jorge writing fanfiction about bagnaia as the ultimate bad guy of his life (i get it, jorge, next time pecco dnf’s i’ll choose to start stanning you, unlike the ducati bosses)
I think pecco does play mind games! admittedly if you're setting the standard at 'valentino', sure, he's pretty harmless, but pretty much every top level athlete will do a little of this! he does put some thought into how to manage expectations, what he's saying about his own chances and his opponents' chances going into weekends, that kind of thing. generally he might not outright attack his rivals, but he's not opposed to dropping the occasional snide remark. that being said, of course it's quite funny and revealing that jorge zeroed in on pecco as the mind games guy. pecco's very much his personal antagonist... such a good figure to externalise all those knotty feelings of being under-valued and under-appreciated and underrated... it's fairly natural that if you're fighting someone for a title, you get a bit of tunnel vision for them, so it's not that surprising a pick from martin. still fun! I absolutely buy martin's built pecco up a bit too much in his mind, is prone to reading malice into stuff where it probably wasn't intended on pecco's part. sometimes you end up playing mind games on yourself and the other guy doesn't really need to contribute
anyway, about the pecco/marc thing - yeah, look, obviously marc is the favourite in that title battle. that being said, if you look at marc's historical record, I wouldn't be all that surprised if aragon 2021 and jerez this year aren't the outliers. it's completely plausible marc wins that teammate battle quite comfortably but continues to lose in their actual one-on-one duels... because that did often happen during his prime. in 2013, sure, he won that early battle in jerez (which was just kinda building throughout to that one overtake), but he lost the rematch at silverstone. 2014 is the one where he was just kinda winning everything - so this one's kinda the exception, where he might lose some scraps like brno and misano but the extended battles in qatar, mugello, silverstone all go his way. from then on, the most memorable one-on-one duels with his big rivals are pretty often not working out in his favour. 2015 obviously a few with valentino, though he also doesn't win the title there so let's skip that, but 2016? the two duels everyone remembers from that year are mugello and catalunya - both go against him, both are defeats inflicted by his two main title rivals in jorge and valentino respectively, but it doesn't matter because afterwards the rest of the season goes his way. 2017 you've got austria and motegi where he takes on dovi and loses both times - but it doesn't change the momentum of the season and marc still wins in the end. 2018 doesn't really have a title fight, but again he's losing austria to jorge (before winning thailand so that's something). 2019, again not really a title fight, but he loses austria and silverstone before winning a couple of duels against rookie fabio at misano and thailand. in both those seasons, he's not really being challenged for the title - but if you looked just at the duels, you'd think the competition was a lot closer than the reality
none of this is to say that marc is bad at wheel-to-wheel racing, because he very obviously is not. (which by the way you can tell the moment you stop looking just at one-on-one's and include dogfights - sure, he's not won all of them, but pi '15 pi '17 assen '18 are all super memorable for a reason.) it's just an interesting pattern in his career: when he gets himself involved in extended duels with a single rival, he loses quite frequently, but it still doesn't hurt his title campaign. that's excellent mental resilience! it does, however, show that he doesn't really build his title campaigns around those big dramatic victories, around inflicting a dramatic and demoralising defeat on his rival in one-to-one combat. in this sense, he is obviously different from valentino: for instance 2004 is a title campaign that was built entirely around that trio of races early in the season (mugello, catalunya, assen) where he reclaims the championship lead and dulls sete's confidence by winning successive tight one-to-one battles. (also of course 2008/09, but those almost feel too obvious to mention.) when you look at marc's title campaigns, what they really rely on more than anything else is... well, consistency. the fact that he's basically always fast - and that generally speaking, he's finding himself in last lap duels at circuits where he shouldn't be able to contend for the victory at the last lap in the first place. (obviously qatar and austria, but also for instance honda was having a rough one at misano 2019, which is traditionally one of his strongest tracks but can be quite quirky.) (just saying, misano's a really good pecco track too... wouldn't that be fun...) it's relentless, intimidating pace that he's using to win all those titles... if you look at the races that changed the momentum in his various title winning seasons, it's not actually ever one-on-one duels, it's races where he won or was even just on the podium where all his rivals for one reason or another weren't there. maybe jorge and dani are injured, or maybe his rivals are having some horror show flag-to-flag races, or maybe ducati's having an off-weekend, or maybe everyone who isn't marc just refuses to stop crashing, or maybe jorge's decided to skittle the field
with the one-on-one battles themselves, sometimes it's kind of like... 'okay, sure, you won, but the fact I was even there probably isn't great news for you'. this is what jerez this year was about, right - of course, that was an important win for pecco, but also the fact that marc is fighting with him this early into his ducati career on a year old bike is certainly... a concern. obviously marc does want to win those duels, but he does also seem pretty capable of bouncing back after losing them. some of them have bothered him, sure - the worst was probably assen 2015, where there was obviously a lot of other stuff going on... and because it was that bit of the year where he was finding his feet again with that honda and they headed to the sachsenring next, his on-track performances didn't take a hit. you can argue that argentina 2015 did negatively affect his results... but that was also just a bit of the panic of 'I need to make up points now' in response to his first real adversity in the premier class - and anyway, everyone knows that wasn't a perfect marc season, the point is he was a lot better at managing this stuff going forwards. in 2016 and 2017 in particular, he really does do an excellent job of taking these close defeats in his stride
this is a long way of saying, look, I could easily imagine a version of 2025 where pecco wins a dramatic duel against marc at catalunya and then another one at mugello, and yet marc still wins that season pretty comfortably. that's basically the season I'm expecting... I'd quite like to have something different, because honestly I do enjoy it when the on-track battles actually affect title fights a bit more substantially! that being said, marc definitely wants to beat pecco in a one-on-one duel (though I'm sure that lovely le mans last lap pass will have gone a long way towards cheering him up) - and hey, interpersonal emotional stakes are a lot of fun too. hopefully even if there isn't much of a title fight they can still snap at each other a bit... as a treat
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plounce · 3 months
my emoooootional issues and my physical iiiintimacy issuuuues
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monst · 2 months
So I was thinking of a Greek myth I read a long time ago:
"The lover of beauty." And the story is about a man named Pygmalion who is devoted to his art. He spends hours working on sculptures that are absolutely gorgeous and one day he begins to work on a sculpture of his ideal type. And he's besotted, he's dropping his chisel for hours on end to just stare at his work, lost in his own fantasy. She's appearing in his dreams and he is slow to finish the construction just imagining the joy he'd feel if she were living. When he finally finishes the statue he can only look at her and sigh. However, just around the time that he's finished the festival of Aphrodite begins and as a devotee he goes to pay his respects.
Afterwards he comes home and sees the statue move and he takes Galatea in his arms as she breathes for the first time. The next day they go to pray to Aphrodite, one grateful for being given life and the other grateful that the goddess answers his dreams.
(This is heavily paraphrased but I just wanted to share it cause it's interesting)
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electronicsystema · 9 months
* Me when that cool artist stops drawing and making art about my hyperfixation/special interest because they're growing out of that . (LIKE WYM YOU DON'T WANNA DRAW ANYMORE ABOUT DELTARUNE????!☹️):
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shopcat · 2 months
what i'm learning gradually is i am not actually that critical (in the criticism sense) at all like not that i can't read beyond surface level of things i just like to take it at face value esp smth i'm having fun with WHICH I DON'T THINK is a bad thing actually like no one's going to jail bc i don't personally (negatively) overanalyse the shounen manga i just go yayyyy pictures and have fun and everyone else is going to warrr. well most people wouldn't admit this sorry
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to be completely honest, the stranger things fandom has damn near ruined the show for me lmfao
#and i don't mean in the 'i know too much i can never be satisfied as GA again' way#people are just soooooo fucking petty#and i swear to god nobody in this fandom seems to remember that it's supposed to be... fun???#for them and for everyone else#like. bro. have u considered sitting down and maybe drinking a glass of *insert preferred juice*#people take the stupidest shit tooooooo seriously#also HEAVILY controversial opinion so i'm banking on nobody seeing this lest i get hashtag cancelled:#the vast majority of the characters are pretty bland and have middling chemistry#yes. this includes mike and will#i enjoy them. i like them. i don't think they're BAD. but sweetheart they are not that deep i'm sorry ToT#truly fascinates me how worked up people get over a handful of fictional pubescent suburbanites#yeah i'm losing followers if anybody sees this but i honestly do not give a shit#it might just be the mental illness but i barely care about any of it anymore even on a perfunctory level#i miss stranger things being a show i really really liked without being muddied by how fucking annoying fandoms are#(just in general but indo tend to fall into obnoxious ones and ST is no exception)#honestly half the entertainment i've gotten here has been from participating and half has been from watching other ppl squabble#i guess we all suck. haha#i'll probably be less of a holier-than-thou jackass in a couple weeks when i maybe get new meds#but til then i am honestly so sick of logging onto tumblr and having my dash at least half full of stranger things#i'm sick and tired and bored. i just wanna enjoy my blorbos in the peace of my own mind and then forget about them for a couple of years#maybe the hyperfixation is finally ending#honestly??? i hope so#lexi stfu challenge
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nosferatufaggot · 2 years
Probably have said this before, but everytime I watch Lazytown I get kinda sad. I have so much fun watching Lazytown and I always leave the show wanting to be Sportacus. Let out all the energy inside me, jump over walls, do backflips, kick things high up. I want to have all the fun that the show tells the audience to have.
But then the final song comes on. I know the dance. I dance along in my haste to get out all the energy. I'm so happy and excited to play along with the show, alwaysforgetting what's most important in that moment. I'll never be Sportacus. I'll never be Stephanie. I have asthma.
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gaytobymeres · 2 years
it's actually so sweet that I told my friends (all at separate times) I'm one of the bridesmaids at my brother and his fiancee's wedding and they all asked 'oh so are you wearing a suit?' and then got really offended/defensive on my behalf when I said I was wearing a dress. 'if it was my wedding I'd want you to wear what made you comfortable' kind of thing 🥺 like I don't mind wearing a dress for it, I have accepted that I will probably be forced to get a spray tan and will have to shave, wear makeup etc, and I don't really mind; I'm of the opinion that it's the bride's day and so I should just acquiesce, and I am really touched that she wants me to be a part of the wedding party. But it is also nice to hear my friends being protective of me and my identity and who I am as a person :')
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Should I get a side blog?
Hey there 💕🌈
So lately I am reading more books again and I'm getting more active on Tumblr again, so I'm thinking about creating a 2nd blog, where I just post short opinions, pro & cons and other stuff about a book. It would just be my opinion and you obviously don't need to agree on it but I thought it maybe would be kinda funny to have a place where I could write my opinions down digitally, what I usually do in my journal.
Maybe I'd post my tries on poetry and other stuff as well so kinda more personal and more if a writing blig instead of just reposting ig.
So please let me know. Would you guys somewhere be interested in a "writing" blog?
thank you if you voted or left a comment or something 💕🌈
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elaeomyxa · 2 years
"Average Tumblr user has no reading comprehension" factoid actually statistical error. Levi elaeomyxa, who has managed to get into a fucking AP class on reading comprehension while still missing the basic events of a text, was an outlier and should not have been counted
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leatherbookmark · 10 months
was browsing UKO (i know. i know) out of boredom and i'm personally in love with the idea that it's somehow Bad to say you don't like a song without listening to it fully, eg. only after 30 seconds. "you're missing out on so many banger bridges" "if you can't spare 2-3 minutes i don't think your opinion is worth listening to" you'd think it's music journalists scoffing at someone who wants to submit album reviews with this mindset, and not redditors talking about sillay kpop songs
#shrimp thoughts#if a song doesn't captivate me then why would i go out of my way to ~give it a chance~? or even go as far as to listen to it a couple of#times solely so that my opinion is hashtag valid? also it's entirely possible to change your mind. like i did going from hating to loving#halazia. or hating the squeaky bed sample in rock with you but eventually learning to tolerate/like it because the rest of the song was fun#i feel like it's only an issue for like... twitter teens who think other twitter teens saying “X sucks is ugly and their music is stinky!!!#are a serious problem in which case. well#so much of music -- especially kpop -- is about what you're willing to give a chance to. tastes are subjective!#if a song starts off kinda boring and it's by an artist i don't care about i'm going to hit next 5 seconds in. if it's by my favourite#artist then i'm going to keep on listening to the end/listen to the entire album on loop. because i like their other stuff and i'm willing#to listen to the new stuff again if it doesn't captivate me right off the bat. deukae songs used to be that “love at first sight” 4 me but#i guess i just grew out of the honeymoon stage? i have expectations now and i don't think not vibing with their track is like#an act of personal betrayal/disrespecting my mains. but man teenage kp/op fans would honestly have#an aneurysm if they knew there are people who know a song is not up to their tastes without listening to it AT ALL due to: personal tastes#someone who only listens to idk. jazz and classical isn't going to like your oppa's newest cunty bop and it's not their flaw or failing
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inkydoc · 1 year
brain is mean woe is me moodboard and a bit of incoherent rambling for this fine hour of past midnight
just... ignore me please, can't go to twitter anymore for this sort of thing :"D
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i'm definitely tired, yes, but like... this is more than that. yesterday i spent an hour crying over nothing and basically not being able to stop, and yea i may not know the reason so i say it was for nothing, but very probably mayhaps it wasn't.
spent last week at home on pto, supposedly resting but couldn't sleep much so that didn't work out well either. nor did the boy's visit tbh, brain decided to spend our precious little time together just obsessing over a new game that someone mentioned in passing. dunno why i got so obsessed, could say for no reason since i don't know, but very probably mayhaps it wasn't.
and i'm trying my best to function, but the pain in my lower back is worsening by the day again, after a brief time of just kinda okay if i don't move funny, and i don't know why. yes, could say for no reason, but very probably definitely isn't.
mostly i just keep myself occupied but that doesn't work that well nowadays. can't focus, can't not focus, can't rest, can't relax, can't do anything right, and definitely can't get myself together enough to at least ask for help, so i'm just crying again for no reason. except that it very much isn't.
things were going well for a bit... or... were they? to be honest i don't know. i spent last year descending into a very dark place one emotional rollercoaster a time, by december ending up barely being able to talk and completely paralised from guilt and depression, christmas crying over being a burden and not eating, my birthday trying to not cry but failing, january completely miserable, february trying to at least get ready to get up, march just bracing myself, april getting things working again at the office, may and june jus plain surviving, and july slipping back down so far i couldn't even start to look for a way out yet. you could say that around february/early march i had like two weeks where things were sort of okay, somewhat, just a bit, or at least stable.
and i don't know if i'm doing it again, dragging people down with me, refusing help offered, being a burden where i very much don't want to be one. i feel like everything is slipping through my fingers again (still... constantly...) and i just can't do anything because i'm tired. just completely exhausted. it feels like eight months passed from this year and i barely moved forward at all, or if i moved i took a wrong turn somewhere and ended up going around in circles.
it's always the same shit with me and it's fucking annoying and i can't solve it alone, but don't know how or where to look for help either. mostly i just wanna tell myself to stop being a little bitch and get yourself together, but that doesn't help, not from me, not from others. i know for a fact that i won't be able to move just because i'm told to move, that cost a lot for everyone to figure out.
but then what? how the fuck am i supposed to solve this shit when i don't even know what's wrong?
running into one bad news after another isn't helping either. hard to have hope when things are just happening so much you blink and you miss a once-in-a-lifetime event.
yay. cool. amazing. very nice. awesome.
fucking hell.
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ur-stepdad · 1 year
SOOO annoying to listen to an improv comedy or actual play dnd podcast and like 3/4 of the people on the podcast are SO funny and good at improv and then there's 1 guy who does bad improv by not respecting the world and saying every single word association they can think of no matter if it's funny or relevant
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shoyudon · 3 months
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you, a top notch actress met your hardcore fanboy — gojo satoru during a fan meeting. and surprisingly, you recognize him through his VERY peculiar ways to gain your attention. and he's kind of cute too.
a lot of cursing, if y'all don't like the miscommunication trope then this isn't for you (miscomms are so annoying in a good way if that's possible, makes my stomach churn tbh), insecure gojo, there's a random male character, crack, cliches, non-sorcerer! au, fanboy gojo, actress reader, partial chatfic.
there are going to be pictures portraying the characters, keep in mind that most of them are just to visualize the pose or what the characters are doing. AND ALSO DUAL POVS between gojo and the reader (will be differentiated by chat wallpapers, see chapter OOO for more informations!)
back during my days in wp, i love doing chatfics, i wonder if i can do it here since the formats are a bit (a lot) different. anyways, i hope you all enjoy this! <33
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O1O . . . NO, I'M BUSY
O13 . . . ROZE'S SPOON
O2O . . . TBA
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TAGLIST ! — CLOSED (50 / 50)
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