#don't get me wrong: i like light; i think he's a fascinating character; i would love to see him in a pool of agony on the warehouse floor
bunnyinatree · 2 years
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I return to share another drawing of Near my beloved—and Light is there, too, I guess... :P
[image ID: A redraw of these two panels from One Punch Man.  The first panel is Near pointing at the camera looking displeased and saying, “You DISGUST me. LEAVE.”  DISGUST is underlined once, and LEAVE is underlined twice.  The second panel has Light in the foreground pointing at Near in the background.  Light looks uncomfortable and is saying, “What’s with this sassy... LOST CHILD?”  LOST is underlined.  Near is in the same pose as before, but now with their full body visible and a more pronounced frown.  Both panels take place in the Yellow Box Warehouse.  End image ID.]
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anxious-witch · 3 months
I think the reason why there are so many amazing ships in Dead Boy Detectives is because the show manages to show different versions of love/lust/devotion through different relationships all characters have.
Like, love triangles have been doing the whole "a girl has to choose between two guys who each being out a different side of her" for over a decade in popular media, some more, some less successfully. But the pitfall they often fall into is that those differences seem very shallow and often ignore the other aspect of the main person who have to choose between the love interests.
Dead Boy Detectives makes sure to not do that.
When we look at how Charles is with Crystal vs how he is with Edwin, we can clearly see the difference. In the beginning of his and Crystal's dynamic, he is flirtier and puts more if a bravado, but he pretty quickly opens up to her. Because he sees that she very quickly sees past his facade he puts up with his constant happy-go-lucky persona. Only when he starts opening up to her and showing his emotions does their relationship progress. Because after David, Crystal needs someone who can be emotionally vulnerable with her and in turn, Charles offers her the same, and offers her a safe space.
In contrast, we see that Charles is more at ease around Edwin. They know each other deeply, and are also woven into each other at this point. It's easy, like breathing. One thing it doesn't do is challenge either of them from the status quo they have built over the years. But there is a sense of ease there, and such devotion. There is no question about what they would do for each other because the answer is everything.
That said, while they both bring out different sides of Charles, those sides of him feel intricately linked to one another! Which is why Crystal coming into the pictures begins changing Charles' relationship with Edwin as well! It brings to light things they have ignored. And in turn, Charles' clear and unwavering devotion and loyalty to Edwin prompts Crystal to learn it herself. To quote Jenny in ep 8, "you were about to leave and never see these boys again, but now you are going to save them"? And yes, she does exactly that.
This even has influence on Edwin and Crystal's rs directly, which I can't recall ever seeing in a love triangle before, at least not in a positive sense. But it's so clear that Charles loves both of them that the other learns to love them too, and they realize their own similarities through it, too!
As for Edwin and his many love interests, well. I know there has been a lot of debate, especially around Cat King vs Charles dyankics with Edwin, but the thing is-you are comparing apples ajd oranges here.
The Cat King is enamored, fascinated by Edwin, and yeah above all, attracted to him. This dynamic serves to challenge both of their characters' beliefs and shake up the power dynamics between them. Whenever you like the Cat King or not Edwin clearly reciprocates the attraction part, at the very least.
Charles loves Edwin and is devoted to him and Edwin to him turn, as discussed above. What is difficult about their relationship is that it became stagnant due to lack of communication, which is why they needed other relationships to shake up that dynamic.
But to address the most prominent comparison I saw, which is the Cat King saying he'll wait for Edwin vs Charles going to Hell to save him.
Both are types of devotion, is the thing. A profession of love, if you will. To this day, we consider Penelope a faithful, loving and devoted wife for waiting for Odyssey for 20 years. Cat King saying he'd wait for Edwin isn't any small confession, given he is aware it could take decades, if not more.
Don't get me wrong, Charles going to literal Hell to save Edwin and succeeding where Orpheus and Eurydice failed is an enormous success and a way to show you love someone. I am not minimalizing that at all.
I am just saying that, for who these characters are and given their rs with Edwin, they did exactly what they were supposed to. They expressed in which ways Edwin had influenced them and what they can offer him if that dynamic becomes romantic.
Cat King represents experience, patience. As an immortal he has all the time in the world to wait for Edwin to return from hell, because he believes Edwin is strong enough to return on his own.
Charles represents love that breaks all obstacles in their way. He goes to save Edwin because he believes Edwin deserves to be helped in the way he helps others. He deserves to be saved.
My point is, there is no better of worse way of loving someone. The character in the love triangle choose the person that better alignes with who they are and who they wish to be as a person. So yes, you are absolutely allowed to say "I think this character would choose person a because it alignes better with their character development" but comparing the two as one being superior is kinda pointless imo? Exploring different dynamic of a character is the goal here, right? Either through canon or fanon.
...I was gonna talk about Crystal/Niko and Edwin/Monty too but this post got away from me to uhh. Might do another one if anyone is interested but in their way! I adore the way DBDA explores different sides of characters while still making them feel like a fully rounded person and doesn't shy away from letting one rs influence other rs character has.
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holmsister · 6 months
I think one of the things Dungeon Meshi is definitely about is how different people deal with being an outsider/marginalised/neurodivergent/what have you and basically what im getting at is that Kabru is TEXTBOOK "high functioning [insert diagnosis here]". Its that how they say it still? Don't care.
Basically. This man shows up and you listens to him talk and see how his party treats him and you think. Oh this is a cool guy who has his shit together. And then after like two pages you find out that he has constant flashbacks to Utaya that make him completely freeze, anxiety attacks, thought spirals, is incapable of analyzing his own feelings, is a stuttering mess when the stakes are high, has never done a chore in his life, keeps putting himself in triggering situations and re-traumatising himself, and the icing on the cake is when you read the extra material and it turns out he regularly forgets to eat and lives in a depression nest of dirty clothes and self-medicates insomnia with alcohol and also is 22. Which also kind of puts Misilril not wanting to let him go in another light - yeah for sure she's controlling and infantilising and also its not like she was really helping his issues but also she was not entirely wrong in her judgement. This man does NOT know how to take care of himself. He knows how to do the bare minimum so when he shows up at work the next day he can fool his coworkers into thinking hes got it together enough. For a bit.
He is DEEPLY unwell and he knows it but he is carried by the desperate wish to avoid another catastrophe. If he stops for a moment he KNOWS he'll collapse so he doesn't.
I also think this is why him acting nurse to Mithrun is such an important part of his arc. Its like. This person who has spent all of his adult life focused on a single objective disregarding everything else is faced with what happens when you do that for too long. And the result is a wet tissue of a creature who looks like he doesn't know where he is most of the time.
He is a man on the brink. I have no doubt he felt relieved when he decided he could trust Laios - not even in a Labru way, straight up because he knew he could not keep going like this.
But also like. Of all the characters in the manga, I think Senshi and Kabru are the most lonely ones. Except Senshi seems to be OK with solitude - for sure it's not entirely healthy to be alone for as long as he was but he definitely did well enough. He is very good at taking care of himself. Meanwhile Kabru *knows* a lot of people but can you really say he has friends? Rin, maybe, arguably, but even she does not seem to truly know him, you know? He keeps himself hidden from everyone. I think the only time we see him entirely honest is when he says to Laios that he wanted to be his friend, and hes so shocked when it comes out, you can tell he did not mean to say it. And differently from Senshi, he does NOT fare well alone. He likes people, he needs people. Again compare with Mithrun - he has like a squad of people taking care of him. If Kabru had a breakdown of that size can you say his party would go out of its way to help? Im not sure. Not because they're bad people, but because he's simply not that intimate with any of them.
Idk man it just struck me all of a sudden. Laios is weird and offputting and doesn't care about other humans the way Kabru does and YET he is infinitely more successful at building deep, meaningful relationships and taking care of himself as well. I think this is part of why Kabru is so fascinated with him as well. He can tell Laios has something he doesn't have. Wait this is turning into a whole another post I'll write this next time.
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leonawriter · 4 months
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Okay apparently I'm going to do a study on this introduction, because going back to it? Especially knowing more about Hakuba via more recent Magic Kaito chapters? Fascinating stuff.
So. Hakuba's introducing himself, and he starts out by bringing up "My father spoke of you often" and "It seems you're a very sharp detective." Both of those are positive!
Hakuba is... high society, compared to Hattori simply hanging out around high ranking people and treating them like normal. Hattori argues with Kazuha in a very down to earth way, while Hakuba knows how to drink tea and probably how to set the table with a full set of cutlery (or at least how to use them).
So, Hakuba using their fathers to introduce himself is, to him, a normal enough way to say "I've heard good things about you, we're similar, I hope we can get along well."
What's more - Shinichi realises that, pretty quickly. Even if they hadn't met previously, he'd have been able to figure out by the words being used, that Saguru's father knows Heiji's father, or that they're in the same business.
If anything, I'd say that this slight culture clash is the second step of things going wrong between Hattori and Hakuba here, right after Hakuba being present at all, since Hattori had wanted Shinichi to take his rightful place where Hakuba is currently sitting.
Strike one, strike two.
Unfortunately, it gets worse from there, and I'm gonna go into it.
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But then Hakuba brings up that he's not even fully based in Japan. To which, mostly Hattori is just "wait, what?" - but although I'm sure he means it simply to be as clear as possible, that could also be read as "I would say that, but I'm actually better." As in, being smug.
Strike three.
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Still with "Kudo is the high school detective of the east, that's obvious, isn't it?" and rubbing salt into the insult to Hattori's bro with "they'd have liked me to represent the east in his place" but...
Oh boy.
This... this is also where I just stared and held my head in my hands because now? Because of something Hattori's said, and what he's going to continue saying/leaning into... we need to go back in time.
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All the way back in Hakuba Saguru's first appearance, the papers say "just returned from London," suggesting (as I've seen someone say before) that he'd spent at least some, if not much, of his youth in Japan.
Certainly, he doesn't seem to speak with an accent in the present day, so he can't have grown up in the UK and only sometimes lived in Japan.
In Japan, however, he is referred to as...
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In Nakamori's (uncouth) words at their first meeting, "Y-you're that bastard from London!"
No mention of how he has a fully Japanese name, partially Japanese features, a Japanese father, and no accent.
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His introductory splash also frames him with the Union Jack behind him, showing off his Holmes cosplay and light hair. Almost all the major characters in the series have blue eyes, but here it's rather... plainly emphasising his Western features. His non-Japanese-ness.
Now, I do have to wonder if Gosho wrote that back in 1990 and hadn't given much thought to it. I certainly don't think it was intentionally cruel.
However, by volume 40, released in 2003, he's learned a bit more about social prejudice, and shows this with the Professor's First Love story:
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This shows something that happened 40 years ago in-universe, with a girl of Japanese-American descent who has light, gingko colour hair, being very aware of how different she is, and not wanting her friend to see. She calls her hair "weird" and starts to cry.
Coming back to the present - content released in 2006 - let me go back to Hakuba Saguru.
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Hattori "That's obvious, isn't it? And yer not even from this country to begin with."
Oh, Hattori. Only the previous case had you seeing how words can be as sharp as knives, and can hurt people.
Saguru doesn't seem too bothered at first, however...
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First off, he points out that it isn't even his fault he's "taken Kudo's place" in the first place!
They contacted his housekeeper, who he's been shown to be very close with (I'd hazard a guess to say that, having not seen his mother at all, or seen her mentioned, Baaya is closer to him than his parents are), and when she heard that her charge would only be taking someone else's place since they weren't there, she got offended on his behalf.
Saguru, who loves this woman like she's literally his nanny, could hardly say no at that point.
More to the point: how he says "But it appears I am unfit to represent the East..."
So now we have Hattori having come in wanting his best friend to be represented and not sidelined just because of circumstances out of his control, and being in a bad mood immediately because of someone else having been called in. He also possibly inflates the number of cases he worked on or solved, by including childhood adventures, leading Saguru to point out that his count is only low if you only count the ones in one country. Saguru attempts to make friends with him regardless, and that doesn't work because Hattori is still stuck on how Saguru is "taking Kudo's place" and then focuses in on how Saguru "isn't even from this country" which... starts leaning into the uncomfortable territory of "Hattori I love you to pieces but are you being racist/xenophobic right now?"
I say that in the context of how Japan has a really big problem with seeing anyone who isn't fully Japanese as Not Japanese Enough, as I went into earlier. I don't think he's aware how he's coming across, by the way; he's simply got a big case of foot-in-mouth.
So now instead of having come to this conclusion organically and naturally, Saguru is offering to take the place of "Guest Participant from Overseas" to placate Hattori.
I'd imagine he won't be wanting to tell Baaya about that, for sure.
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Saguru goes on to suggest that Conan (i.e, Shinichi himself) should represent the East instead.
I reiterate: they could well have come to this conclusion over a friendly conversation, because of how they have five detectives. But instead now Saguru has ceded his position to (as far as he knows) a child. A very clever child, but a child nonetheless.
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The next time we're back at the island with Hattori and the others, he's already decided he doesn't like "that smug guy."
As said before, there are plenty of things that Hattori could have picked up on that'd suggest Saguru "looked down on people" and "had a prideful way of thinking" and he certainly could appear smug in his achievements.
Hattori himself says that Saguru was "was like a copy of [Kudo]." But he has decided he doesn't like Hakuba, therefore he won't like Hakuba.
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A moment of Saguru bonding with Natsuki over their natural brown hair, a shared trait - we can see him smiling after saying "But... there aren't any tv cameras yet, so you could do what you want for tonight?"
In a way I feel like I'm making too much of a big deal out of this one thing, but I'm not the one bringing attention to it - Gosho is. Gosho's the one who reminds us that kids get into trouble for their natural brown hair, and Saguru got that too.
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Those who've read Magic Kaito will know that he DOES have a Japanese school uniform - but as we saw at the start of the post, when he arrived, he arrived from his school in London.
This further emphasises how he's set apart from the others.
(An aside: it's entirely possible that his "school abroad" is more likely him going to sixth form, since our Secondary schools last (or did for me) up to the age of 16, and depending on the time of year he may have transferred over to the new school year already. Or he's just finishing his last year of Secondary. We don't know.)
Honestly... I'm going to leave this at that for now, because for one thing the post got away from me a bit, and became longer than I expected, and for another thing, I've covered the majority of the first meeting and both of them getting off on the wrong foot.
In short:
Hattori arrived with an idea of slipping Shinichi into the event, and was offended and upset when someone was already in his place. He, being the loyal friend he is, wasn't willing to simply let it lie.
Instead of backing down and accepting the situation and make friends with the new detective - who Shinichi knew and was acting friendly with, and who was willing to befriend him - he let his bad mood get the better of him and made offensive remarks of his own, most of which to the others would seem entirely unwarranted.
Because of that, Hattori still has a bad opinion of Saguru, and Saguru's opinion of Hattori has gone from "my father's spoken of you [positively]" to "rude asshole."
Neither of them are innocent, but when you look at them individually and fairly, neither of them are the only one in the wrong, either.
Like... no wonder they don't get along from here on? Wow.
I did not expect there to be so much in it, but there we go.
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As If Destiny (part four) 🌹
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Part Three🌹🌹🌹
Summary: You've always been kind hearted yet admirably defiant. Or that is at least one of the ways Coriolanus Snow would describe you. Ever since grade school, you have always been on the same level as him in academics and one of his few competitors for the Plinth Prize. But as tragedy struck your family, Coriolanus thought you would fall away from his life, but instead, you got even more intertwined (not to mention the complicated past knots tying your families together).
Warnings: Terminal illness, parent death, death and brutality (it is the hunger games after all) characters may be ooc. I read the book a while ago but don't really remember much of Snows way of thinking (I mean I know its toxic and insane but yk the other things) so I will mostly be basing off the film and my own thoughts. Also I can't spell for the life of me so be prepared for bad spelling and grammar. Also, this is going to be a LONG series with a lot of parts, so strap in! Enjoy loves!
Coriolanus led the way, past the broken elevator, and up the ancient stairs. He let you go ahead of him in the stairwell, letting you know which ones to skip as they are quite shaky and might cave in. He felt embarrassed that even the stairs informing of his financial state but you didn't mind. In fact, while you both were going up the 12 flights of stairs, you were giggling and enjoying the jumps up the stairs.
The boy was so lost in the sight of your toothy smile and little looks back in his direction that he almost missed his floor. Opening the door leading into the hallway brought forward the smell of dust and mold, something his nose has gotten far too acustomed to. You looked around in fascination, touching the decaying blue and silver wall paper. It was beautiful, even after all the destruction it witnessed. If this was simply the hallway, you were sure his actual aprtment was stunning, no matter how sparse and empty it may be.
After a few steps, he reached a chipped white door and pulled out his keys. The heir to the house felt his hands shake as he pushed the key through the hole. With a deep breath, he opened up the door.
The first thing that was noticeable, much to Coriolanus's dismay, was the smell of cabbage. The fervent smell and the noise of movement alerted him that Tigris was still up. His assumption was confirmed a few seconds later with the appearance of his cousin. "Coryo! You've been gone for so long, I was getting so worried where have you-" the rest of her words died on her tounge as she noticed your head pop out behind her cousins shoulders.
You gave her a kind and slightly embarrassed smile, reaching out your hand in greeting. She returned the gesture, albeit hesitantly as she was still in shock and in the depths of confusion. "Hello, you must be Tigris! All my friends rave about your fashion ability and they certainly aren't wrong. Your nightgown is stunning did you make it?" Tigris couldn't help but laugh and blush at your genuine compliments and curiosity. She nodded and held it our for you to inspect. The champagne color was embroidered with what seemed like endless silver flowers and the cut and flow fit her perfectly.
Coriolanus stood back, leaning against a wall watching you both in deep conversation about style and it's meaning and topics he could never, as much as he tried, be as versed as his cousin and seemingly, you. A smile appeared on his face seeing you get along with his cousin so well. He wondered how his grandma'am would think of you; the thought making him blush. Then it hit him that she is going to meet you in the morning, making the blush on his pale skin turn a deep crimson.
Tigris stole a quick glance towards her younger cousin and even in the dim lighting, she could see his flush all too well. She then remembered that she never asked why in the world her teenage cousin brought a pretty girl in the late hours of the night. She didn't even get your name. "I'm sorry, it seemed we got too caught up in conversation that I didn't even get your name!" You had a blush yourself in embarrassment.
Here you are, certainly in the a.m hours, invading her home and you didn't even let her know who you were. "Y/N Vaun. I am so sorry for interrupting your peace. Coryo was kind enough to offer me a place to rest tonight due to uhm personal issues at home." You say the last part quickly and in a hushed tone. The older girl gives you a warm and bright smile and welcomes you into her home. "Well let me get you something more comfortable." she gestures to your uniform that you have been wearing for nearly 24 hours.
It may not have been the most comfortable clothing, but you didn't wish to cause even more commotion for the Snow household. You stand up to kindly refuse Tigris's action but Coryo quickly interjects and stands in front of you, blocking your path. "You are our guest y/n, please stop arguing" He pleads with you. "I didn't even open my mouth!" He gives you a look, you both fully knowing you were going to.
"Where am I going to sleep?" You ask looking around and spot the small worn sofa in the small living space. Your thoughts were all over your face and caused a groan, paired with a dramatic eye roll from Coriolanus. "You are a guest, I'm not making you sleep on the couch!" You knew what he meant but it was always fun to tease the boy. "You aren't making me, don't worry!" With a rough sigh, he put his head in his hands, seemingly exhausted.
"Are you like this when you go to the Plinths?" He asks teasingly. The question made you go stiff a little, something he noticed because, of course he did. "Well, I've actually never slept over there. It's bad enough they have to constantly feed me, I am not their responsibility." Coriolanus thought over your words before responding with a question he had been carrying the entirety of your walk here.
"Do you always see every gesture of kindness as a debt to be paid? If so, you must be owed dozens of debts." You blushed at his targeted question at your philosophy and the compliment tagged on at the end. You felt flattered before you realized the hypocrisy of his words.
"Oh you're one to talk Coryo! Remember when I shared with you my chocolate truffles ONCE at lunch and you seemed to be trying to paying me back with gestures and favors for weeks!" He stared at you like a deer in headlights. oh how he wished you had forgotten. He remembered that day crystal clear. Not because the truffles (which apparently 11 year old you was a master baker even then) were the best he has ever had, but because of you took over his thoughts for weeks after.
He remembered taking notes of all the little things you liked and habits, trying to find the perfect opportunities to get closer and somehow, even if not materially, pay you back for your kindness. "Ah, so it was you! I knew I heard your name somewhere before!" Tigris (of all the times she could have appeared) emerged from her room holding up a deep green night gown with black detailing.
You looked from her to Coriolanus in confusion and were met with him staring way too intensely at the dusty floor. Tigris observed both of your actions and emotions, noting your confusion and her cousins embarrassment. Oh she was going to have so much fun teasing him as soon as you were out of earshot. She gestured the sleepwear and beckoned for you to get changed in the small bathroom.
You took the fabric out of her hands and was simply amazed. You had many friends and close ones at that, but all the emotions and kindness you were treated with tonight crashed at once. You looked up at the taller woman with glossy eyes. "Thank you." You turned your head to say the same to the boy who brought you here, but he simply put a hand up, putting an end to yet another parade of thanks.
As soon as Tigris heard the sound of you locking the cold bathroom door, she turned to the boy she considered a brother with a smirk. But he wasn't in the main foyer anymore but rather, rushed to the kitchen and was opening up the window. Enough to get the smell of cabbage and dust out and the smell of blossoming flowers of the Capital in. She couldn't help but laugh. "So am I going to get an explanation or do I have to assume what a teenager is doing bringing a girl that beautiful at this hour?"
"Her mother is suffering with illness Tigris. Its been taking a toll on y/n too. She doesn't sleep at night and I thought she might have a better chance getting a good rest if she was away from all the chaos. So I brought her here if you and grandma'am don't mind." Tigris looked at her cousin, a proud smile on her face. She wiped her hands on a worn towel and moved in to give him a loving hug.
Coryo got the message of his cousin quite clearly and suddenly as he looked as if he were going to faint from embarrassment. He looked around as if you were in the walls listening in. "Shhh! Tigris! Ugh- what no- Tigris!" Oh he was so flustered. She went back to cleaning the few dishes in the sink, the activity she must have been doing before your entrance. Coriolanus knew she was waiting for an explanation but he didn't want to expose your situation and lose any trust, especially with the amount of trust he put in you.
"I'm so proud of you Coryo. I know your mother would be too. Her son being a pillar of good, no matter the situation." He smiled shyly and bittersweetly at the thought of his late mother. Would she think of him like that? What would she think of you?
Tigris snuck a glance at the boy and noticed his small grin and blush and nudged him with his shoulder. "No funny buisness, I want to sleep without being traumatized." The look of horror once again crossed his face and was ready to stammer out opposition to Tigris's thoughts when he heard the bathroom door creak open.
You stepped out, wrapped in the nightgown, the long and flowy cut making you look like true royalty. You also took your hair our of your updo and let it flow down. How is it possible something so beautiful could be standing in his rundown apartment. The thought seemed to have Coriolanus paralyzed until you seemed to shrink under his gaze.
Tigris giggled at just how easily you made her ever pristine and charming cousin flustered. She threw some water off her fingers into his face to snap him out of his daze, which worked much to his dismay and your entertainment. Tigris walked out of the kitchen and into the direction of her room. As she passed you, she whispered "you look beautiful y/n" with a sweet and supporting smile that you returned.
She bid you both good night as she walked out of sight behind the corner of the hallway, leaving you both behind looking anywhere but eachother. Coriolanus realized he should probably be the one to do something considering this was his home and such. He cleared his throat and motioned for you to follow him. You followed him with your uniform neatly folded as he reached his room.
Your breath was shaky as you exhaled realizing you were in his room. You were going to sleep in his room. To say you were red would be an understatement. You were too busy scanning around his room to notice him quickly trying to clean up the little messes littered over his room in his ever constant rush. You noticed his corner window and walked over, having to kneel on his bed to get the full view.
Even though it was pitch black nightime outside, the street lights were enough to lumminate the small white flowers blooming on the trees. Rows and rows of the trees seemed to be lined up straight outside his window. It must be absolutely radiant in the morning.
You turned back to him, watching him move around the small room. "Tigris is so beautiful and kind. You must be very proud of her." Your words made him feel somehow even happier. He nodded in agreement. He did everything for her and Grandma'am, but especially for Tigris. She sacrificed her entire life for him and raised him really on her own. If he ever for a second doubted his abilites or how much longer he can keep up his façade, he remebers his cousins sweet smile.
Coriolanus was still trying to clean up his room and you offered to help, but he quickly declined your offer, saying you should rest.
"You still never told me where you are going to sleep" He turns around and sees your eyes, deep in concern and wonder. how do your eyes look like in the morning? "I think the sofa will be fine, you can take the bed. Please" He tried to plead with you as he grabbed his night clothes, fine but worn set of silky pajamas. "You can't expect to say I am not allowed to sleep there while I am here taking over your room!"
He sighed, shaking his head. Why won't you just let him be chivalrous? He never knew how determined or persistent you were about such simple topics and wished to never be on this side of the battle ever again. "Please y/n, make yourself at home. I'm going to change, you better be asleep when I come back." He left his room too quickly to see your pout and eye roll in disagreement.
You let your hands feel the thin sheets as you try to find some way to still let Coryo get a comfortable sleep. Your eyes land on his desk in your exploration and you take note of the objects on it.
Somehow, in your scan of your room, you missed the pictures and knickknacks. One seemed to show his mother and a baby version of the ever charming teenager. It made you smile, he had such chubby cheeks and an adorable gummy smile. Another seemed to show toddler Coryo being babied by little Tigris, who seemed more than happy to care for him. It made you laugh, you don't remember him ever being like the boy in the pictures, even when you were that age in class with him.
You didn't wish to touch any of his things without his permission so you just scooted closer. You noticed a beautiful silver compact that shimmered under the desk lamp that was lit. It looked like an antique, the type before the war. It must have been his mother's you assumed. In your analyzation of the compact and other items littering his small desk, you didn't realize how close you had gotten and your foot accidentally harshly hit the container underneath the desk.
Small powder came out, causing you to begin coughing. You look downwards to the container and read the alarming words "RAT POISON". Your coughing began to escalate in panic. In your panic and attack of coughs, you didn't realize two strong arms pull you away from the area. You coughed a little bit more before your face was turned upwards to a pair of such beautiful blue eyes.
You turned your face as the last of your shaky coughs came out, leaving you shaken and face hot and crimson.
"I'm so sorry Coryo, I am such an idiot!" He quickly shushed you and assured you that you were nothing of the sort. "It's okay, you were just a bit distracted, I should have moved the container anyways, it's my fault." Wait how did he know that you were too distracted to notice the substance?
Clearly the deadly poison wasn't the only thing you didn't notice. Coriolanus dressed quickly and he noticed the light in his room still on and was ready to chastise you on not taking your ever needed moments of sleep. But then he noticed how memsmorized you were by the photos and objects on his desk. He relished in your subtle smile and little giggle, albeit be at younger him. The moment he saw the pale substance flow through the air however, his breathing became as shallow as if he himself inhaled it.
But as everything calmed down, he noticed how much your lack of sleep has hit you once more. He moved you over to his bed and you comfortably settled under the sheets.
He turned off the light, quietly grabbing an extra pillow and blanket and began walking out towards direction of the stiff sofa. "Wait Coryo!" You said, sleep slurring your syllables. He turned around in concern that something may be wrong. You offered him a shy smile, hesitant to ask. "Could you sleep here, I don't think I am to be trusted alone right now" you laugh the last part. You felt quite foolish. He has done so much and here you are asking him to sleep on his cold floor while you are resting in his bed.
But he seems to pay no mind. He responds with a giddy smile and throws the pillow down and lays softly next to his bed. Next to you. You mumble a thank you, to which he repaonds with a contempt "mhm". With the smell of roses, which seemed to be radiating from his pillow and sheets, you are quickly enveloped by sleep. Hearing your deep and peaceful breathing, Coriolanus doesn't take long to follow suit, with a smile of contemptment on his face. A smile quite rare in the small and shabby apartment. But tonight, it felt like a palace.
The sunlight lit up the room when Coriolanus woke up. He took a second to question why he was on the floor. He was about to panic when he remembered the events of last night, bringing a certain type of joy to the blonde. He then heard the sounding of pen on paper, furiously writing. He popped his head up from his pillow and sat up, looking towards your very awake and focused figure. You were leaning against the wired headboard of his bed, with that ever growing pile of paper next to you.
"Please tell me you are sleepwriting" His voice, especially his morning voice (something you never imagined for the proper Coriolanus Snow. But you weren't complaining. Oh no. Not in the slightest) broke you out of your daze. You didn't look up as wrote the final letters of your hard researched and written paper. "Well don't you know that you are never supposed to wake someone up when they do that?" You teased, a bright smile on your face as you looked up.
The color was back in your face and your missed bubbly energy was back. With those factors, the sunlight, and your natural radiance, Coriolanus could not belive his eyes. If this was some sick dream, he wished to never wake up.
You turn your eyes from the messy haired boy (something you didn't even know was possible, his ever proper hair messy and how you could stop looking at how good it looked like this) and out the window. When you first woke up, the sun was still rising and you wished to finish your assignment before Coryo woke up and you went to the academy. So you didn't get to bask in the beautiful sight before you untill now. The street lights did not do the delicate white flowers justice. The sun hit them so perfectly they didn't seem real, they were so perfect. The same thought was running through Coriolanus's mind but he was most certainly not thinking about the flowers.
He got up and dusted off himself and offered you a hand. You took it happily and as soon as you stood up, the sound of your stomach grumbling was quite loud in the peaceful silence. You giggled in unease about the sudden noise while Coriolanus felt a little ashamed knowing he didn't have much to settle your hunger. You looked up at him and noticed the look in his eyes. "Hey, don't worry! I was planning on getting us all some breakfast anyways but I just wanted you to wake up first so you don't think I just up and left".
He looked at you with great appreciation because he would have definitely thought you were too embarrassed to stay the night. But looking at your cheerful face, you seemed anything but. "You know you don't have to do that y/n. You don't us anything." You nodded along, grabbing your uniform and heading towards the bathroom. "I'm not doing this as a debt, I'm doing this as a thank you." You tell him as you close the door.
He sighs but was surprised when you opened the door just a second after closing it. "Plus, I still want to talk to Tirgis more!" That made him sincerely laugh. Sometimes he has done a lot these past number of hours with you. More than he has in a long while. The blonde rushes to quickly change into his own uniform to accompany you. He isn't sure if you remember the direction of his apartment and stores, so it would be best if he went along as a guide. Plus it wouldn't hurt to spend as much time with you before your peaceful moments would be shattered with your attendance to the rush of the academy.
He looked in the small and rusting mirror in his room, just now noticing his messy hair. He doesn't get to perfect his curls when he hears the unblocking of the bathroom door, informing him of your readiness. He meets you out by the main entrance as you are putting on your clean and pretty shoes. You look up with a sideways smile and don't question his presence. He was a gentleman after all (you also had no idea your way around these parts).
Once you both were ready, he opened up the door, offering you his arm and you were out to conquer your little adventure.
You both were basking in the sunlight as you reached a quaint little bakery. You can smell the delicious pastries from outside causing you and Coryo to share a look. You drag him inside and take a look around. "What ever you think Grandma'am and Tigris would like, please get it! And don't you dare try to hold back. If you don't get what you want, I will." Your little threat was made loud and clear to Snow as he put his hands up in mock surrender. He did feel guilty because you were paying (his pride hated every second that you were spending on him and not the other way around).
He knows his grandmothers love for chocolate so he picked out multiple pastries of the flavor and some fruit ones for Tigris. The red velvet flavor and white coating of a certain sweet drew Coriolanus in and was something he hasn't tasted in years, the thought of it making his mouth water already. He ordered and looked over to where he last saw you, in which you were observing the vintage photos on the wall.
But you weren't there. The shop wasn't very large and he couldn't see you anywhere. He began to panic to where you could have gone when the small bell above the door rang and you appeared with a small violet box in your hands. "Sorry, saw something across the street and had to get it!" You apologize to your friend and quickly pay for the delicacies he chose. You both walked out and into his apartment with several boxes each, nearly up to your chins. Coriolanus repeated how unnecessary all of it was but you kept on shushing him everytime he brought it up. You with your fill of sleep was so different. He missed it.
When you made it back, Tigris seemed to just have woken up as she was rubbing off her sleep. Although, when the smell of the pastries hit her nose, all thoughts turned into hunger. You bid her a very chipper "Morning!", a tone quite different from the shy girl she met last night. "I'm going to check up on Grandma'am, you guys can set everything up!"
The excitement was clear in her voice and movement, a pep filled walked to her dear grandmothers room. You smile at her emotion, causing a chain reaction that leads to Coriolanus own grin. You both set up the table while speaking cheerfully about small details of your life. Coriolanus was trying to remember the last time in his life he had such a cheery morning with a proper breakfast.
Then the last piece left of his family walks in. He walks over and place a delicate kiss on his grandma'ams cheeks and walks back to introduce you. You dust off your hands nervously and go to shake her hand when she looks as if she is going to break into tears.
"Cloria? Oh, Cloria! You look stunning as ever!" The elderly woman ignores your hand and moves in to hug you. You are shocked by the movement but even more by the name she called you by. You look to her grandson in worry. Should you inform her that you aren't Cloria, but in fact her daughter? How did she know your mother? But he looked as confused as you.
She pulled back from the embrace, yet held onto your arms. She moved then upward to your face, turning it this way and that. "Oh Cloria, how I've missed you!" You smiled in confusion, having absolutely no clue what to respond. Then she seems to notice Coriolanus's presence for the first time. "Crassus! Why didn't you tell me Cloria was back!". The look of baffelment on Coryos face was drained of all emotion as he was paralyzed by his Grandma'ams mistake. Her dementia has been worsening for a while now, but never once has she called him his father's name. You were both unsure what to do but you took action. Softly you stepped back, offering your hand once more. "Thank you for your kind words, but Cloria is actually my mother. I'm her daughter y/n".
Her timeworn eyes rake over you, taking you in for the first time. Questions seemed laced in her voice and face. "Daughter? Who is your father?" Her tone was icy and a bit void.
Uncertainty was present in your own response. "Tyre Vaun, mam" The little gasp and step back to his name made you feel as if you just slapped the elderly woman. You looked up, searching for help in the comforting blue eyes of her grandson. "Grandma'am?" He asked and her astonished stare switched from you to his towering frame. Then she seemed to notice him, for the first time as well. "Coriolanus? Since when have you been here?".
His frustration by her actions and lapse of memories was caught off by the entrance of Tirgis, now changed into a beautiful brown and white set. She took in the air of confusion but knew of her grandmothers odd behavior due to her unfortunate condition, so she decided to ignore it and change the topic to the vast array of breakfast options. "Look grandma'am, chocolate!"
She began filling her grandmothers plate while Coriolanus began filling his own as well. You let everyone dig in before you grabbed a few pieces for yourself. The air went back to happy and giddy feeling. You and Tirgis briefly went back into your discussion of last night as you begged of her to show you her creations some time. She was over the moon at your genuine interest and invited you to come over whenever available.
The time passed in light hearted conversations before Coriolanus realized the time and motioned for you both to clean up and get ready to get going. That's when you realized you had completely forgot the violet box. "Oh, one last thing!" You open up the box revealing chocolate truffles, ones that looked nearly identical to the ones you and Coryo shared when you were 11. His shocked expression caused a smirk to appear on your face. You knew he was going to give you a huge rant about how unnecessary it all was but you didn't mind. No, you didn't mind one bit.
A/N: Guys I know it seems like I have no life, I swear I do! I just got sick so it has been a blessing (i get to read and write all day) and a curse( I literally sound like ill dill). My eyes hurt from looking at my screen for so long. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated! Also shout-out to @darknight3904 and their fic "It Burns For You"! They inspired multiple parts of this chapter. Go read the fic, guys it's so good! Anyways hope you guys are excited for the next part, much love❤️
@fantasylovestoryme 🌹@nekee-lilac02 🌹 @notyourwildestdream 🌹@darktrashsoulbear🌹@a-avengerparker 🌹
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rxttenbxnes · 5 months
Hello! Do you have any fun headcanons to share about Idia? Honestly, I just find it painful to see how badly this guy gets butchered in headcanons sometimes. People always forget that he is in fact a complete ass with a massive superiority-inferiority complex and not just a sad boi, or they overplay the weeb part and ignore how he has other interests like science and art, or they make him too pathetic by assuming he would still be a blushing incoherent mess like a year into marriage, etc. Anyway, it’d just be nice to hear the headcanons of an actual Idia fan since that’s the only way to get anything sane.
Omg totally, first I'mma do a little rant, I'll make sure to label where the HCS begin so y'all don't have to read my rants 😭
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Okay we gotta acknowledge the fact idia is indeed, an asshole you guys. 💀Well not completely obviously but he's not just gonna be nice to you for no reason. He's not just some depressed dude needing sympathy.
The way Idia is so Infantilzed by the fandom it's actually gets me tweakin, You guys this actually makes me mad, he's not some sensitive bottom uwu boy that stutters 50 times every sentence In fact I honestly cannot see him being submissive half of the time, this man is actually a asshole on the low. Most people get the fact that idia would be submissive from his shy and closed off personality which is just SO wrong to me.
Idia is extremely pessimistic and if we're being real Idia is actually not a good narrator for his own experiences, the constant self deprecation mixed in with his his thoughts about being superior to others is so fascinating to me, one moment he sees himself as nothing but a piece of trash while in the next moment he's boasting about how he's the only one component enough to be ignihyde's dorm leader. He's such a complex character I can Yap about him constantly
I get making jokes and stuff but some people genuinely think idia is some stinky incel creep that hates women and just purposely chooses to not go outside and be chronically online. Like yeah, he has nerdy and loser like hobbies but this man literally has trauma and chronic depression, along with an anxiety disorder, it's not something he can just make disappear. He likes science, engineering, art, anime, games etc which is all just cool, it's not like he's some creep that's afraid to talk to people, nor is he some super submissive guy that'll fold for you in a tiny interaction.
Had to get ts off my chest 💀
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🎧 Caramelldansen. Idia adores this song unironically. At first he had just saw the meme and quickly ended up falling into the whole thing, laying on the floor completely dazed out of his mind as the colorful lights flash in the background from the music video playing on repeat lol
🎮 I said this in my earlier post but Idia definitely draws his crushes all the time. Luckily he has a little self control and draws anime/manga characters in most of the pages, he's really protective over his sketch book due to 1.) His social anxiety and 2.) The fact that he doesn't want anyone to know that he likes drawing and observing people, especially his crushes.
🎧 Idia constantly has his headphones on, I know of a fact that Idia listens to Nightcore, anime OSTs, Vocaloid, animation meme music, Vkei, video game sound tracks and breakcore religiously. I think idia would honestly listen to everything he can get his hands on
🎮 I feel like he had a 2020 alt kid phase lol. I feel like quarantine would've been his time to thrive, his peak enjoyment of life would be set during this time lol. Being able to express himself like he wanted without others seeing??? Sign him up
🎧 Ironically, he's not super weak. I feel like he just sucks at physical activity, especially running since he doesn't leave his room much. His hands/fist are definitely strong, I feel like he has a strong hit.
🎮 That being said, I think Idia’s hands are large, thin and boney. They definitely have a few scars and calluses from all the machinery he works with, you can't tell me that his hands aren't pretty rough.
🎧 Idia is a fashion icon, in games. Not irl, he would never due to the attention it would grab him, though he definitely is into all of the alternative and Gothic fashion stuff. He'll give his characters the most perfect and pretty outfits and make sure everything is customized perfectly, not mind at all if it takes him hours to do so.
🎮 This man definitely collects figures. I feel like they're all anime and video game figures; he's even commission artist and such to make custom work of his favorite interest and brag online about it.
🎧 Has an habit of repeating words and phrases he likes over and over again. It doesn't matter if it's from an obscure meme that literally only 5 people including him know or if it's in a different language, he'll constantly reference and repeat it like no tomorrow.
🎮 He's a biter. He bites a lot of things randomly, he'd bite someone out of love if he got the chance. I'm telling you he'll just naw on random stuff, not caring if it's edible or not. It could literally be a plushy and he'll randomly bite it while he's hugging it.
🎧 Idia definitely finds confort in the rain and gloom weather. Really, he just enjoys typically gloomy things. It's extremely comforting and relaxing to him to just be able to sit on his bed with his headphones on while it rains harshly outside, making the world around him dark and gloomy.
🎮 Curses, like a lot. Gamer rage is real you guys and he definitely has it. If he loses a game too many times or gets too frustrated with his teammates, he'll curse like a sailor. His anger isn't directly to his teammates or anything, it's of him being frustrated with everything in general.
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hekateinhell · 10 months
Can Armand fly? Like does he have the ~Cloud Gift~ so to speak, or does he not? I can’t remember..
And he doesn’t seem to have/use the Fire Gift too right, or am I wrong?
Armand’s powers are so interesting to me, the way he can make life like illusions like no other (at least I can’t remember an Anne Rice vampire making that kind of illusions, maybe I’m wrong) is somehow so ‘compliant’ with his character.
I remember when Daniel is about to be turned, Armand creates this illusion for him and Daniel’s description is so haunting for some reason, like he can actually smell the flowers, he can see the stars, he can pick a leaf from a tree and he even sees Armand’s damp footprints on the ground(!) Imagine being able to conjure up an illusion like that.. jeez
And he seems to have been able to do it when he was a younger vampire too, right?
Like didn’t he draw mortals who were ready to die from their homes with some kind of illusion, so he could feed on them? (That is also so compliant with his character for some reason now I think about it)
God, he really is SUCH a good character I can’t get over him. I need to have his name tattooed on my body (like Armand definitely tried to convince Daniel to do. ‘Daniel, can’t you get this tattoo of my name on your arm? I want to see how it is done :3’)
Armand does have the Cloud Gift!
The very first mention of Armand being able to fly is in MtD, where Lestat seems rather surprised to realize that he can:
The steel buttons of his [Armand's] denim jacket were icy cold, as though he had come from some far worse winter in a very few moments of time. We are never entirely sure about each other's powers. It's all a game. I would no more have asked him how he got here, or in what manner, than I would ask a mortal man how precisely he made love to his wife. ~ Lestat, MtD
Unrelated but I'm always so thirsty for any insights as to how vampires view their relationships to each other within vampiric norms, and I think it's fascinating that even two vampires who've known each other for so long and have such a complex, intertwined history as Armand and Lestat do don't really know how powerful the other is and it would be taboo to ask. Scandalous!
Thank you to @thecactifindahome for reminding me that Armand actually has known how to fly for quite a while!
By my own will, and with the first explosion of my blood in the light of the morning sun, I had been driven upwards, as high perhaps as I could go. For centuries I'd known how to climb to airy heights and how to move there, but I'd never pushed it to a conceivable limit, but with my zeal for death, I had strained with all my available strength to move Heavenward. My fall had been from the greatest height. ~ Armand, TVA
Armand also has the Fire Gift, which is first noted in PL:
“You go to New York, my friend, and Armand will burn you to cinders,” said Killer. “Oh, not Benji or Sybelle, no, and maybe not even Louis ... but Armand will do it and they won’t bat an eye. And they can do it too. They have Marius’s blood in their veins, those two. Even Louis’s powerful now, got the blood of the older ones in him. But Armand is the one who kills. There are eight million people in Manhattan and four members of the Undead. I warn you, Antoine, they won’t listen to you. They won’t care that Lestat made you. Least I don’t think they will. Hell, you won’t even have a chance to tell them. Armand will hear you coming. Then he’ll kill you on sight. You do know they have to see you to burn you up, don’t you? They can’t do it unless they can see you. But Armand will hunt you down and you won’t be able to hide.” ~ Killer to Antoine, PL
Armand has always been incredibly powerful — even a newborn vampire — which I think is due to a few different factors:
Marius ensured that Armand received plenty of his blood during his turning
Prior to making Armand, Marius hadn't created another vampire since Pandora, some 1,500 years ago so the power in his blood was very potent
Marius's blood was so powerful to begin because of the regular infusions he received from Akasha, so the vampires in his line do tend to be powerful and gifted
This accounts for Armand's early strength and Mind Gift abilities (spellbinding and illusions).
Seeing as the Cloud Gift didn't come until after QotD, I headcanon Armand received a blood power-up from Marius (or perhaps another of the old ones, similar to how Maharet offered Louis her blood). Vampire powers evolve with time/age, surviving a burning, taking the blood of a much more powerful vampire.
Age gave him the Cloud Gift, and following his suicide attempt, Armand did drink from Lestat — so the combination of the burning and Lestat's blood likely contributed to him developing the Fire Gift soon afterwards.
Armand is also telekinetic:
I have most-powerful abilities to cast spells, to dislocate my vision, and to transmit my image over distances, and to affect matter both at close range and matter which is out of sight. ~ Armand, TVA
And last but not least, he may have the power to astral project although I don't believe it's explicitly spelled out but even as a mortal, he has an out of body experience witnessing himself dying, and later on when he's recounting his suicide attempt in TVA, he says this:
That is, having fallen on the roof, burnt and in unspeakable torment, I might have sought a desperate mental escape, projecting my image and my strength into Sybelle's apartment long enough to kill her brother. It certainly is possible for spirits to exert enough pressure on matter to change it. So perhaps that is exactly what I did-project myself in spirit form and lay hands upon the substance that was Fox, and kill him.
However, he doesn't actually believe that that's what happened in this particular instance, but it's the possibility that he is, in fact, powerful enough to do so. Armand was already so unique and "different" as a mortal child and adolescent (I would call this neurodivergent but that wasn't a term in the 15th century or anytime shortly after), that it makes sense his powers would be easily amplified and exceptional in their own right.
Re: his hunting style, it's described by Lestat when they first meet as:
He [Armand] had learned to summon those who truly wished to die. He had but to stand near the dwellings of mortals and call silently to see his victim appear. Old, young, wretched, diseased, the ugly or the beautiful, it did not matter because he did not choose. Dazzling visions he gave, if they should want to receive, but he did not move towards them nor even close his arms around them. Drawn inexorably towards him, it was they who embraced him. And when their warm living flesh touched him, when he opened his lips and felt the blood spill, he knew the only surcease from misery that he could know. It seemed to him in the best of these moments that his way was profoundly spiritual, uncontaminated by the appetites and confusions that made up the world, despite the carnal rapture of the kill. In that act the spiritual and the carnal came together, and it was the spiritual, he was convinced, that survived. Holy Communion it seemed to him, the Blood of the Children of Christ serving only to bring the essence of life itself into his understanding for the split second in which death occurred. ~ Lestat, TVL
Definitely within character, I agree :') for a character that to me reads as having been passively suicidal for most of his life, there is a bittersweet irony and perhaps even a misguided sense of mercy behind it.
AND YES YOU SHOULD ABSOLUTELY GET AN ARMAND TATTOO I WANT ONE SO BAD!!! character of all time, love of my life, etc etc you guys already know!!!!!
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uwushitsuji · 4 months
Reading black butler again as an adult, I find myself thinking a lot the sexualization of Sebastian and Ciel's relationship. I was expecting to feel disgusted but.... Morals aside, I feel from a narrative standpoint, it actually works?
We all know most sebaciel scenes are fanservice, Yana used to draw yaoi, the anime was sold as "shonen-ai" etc etc It's 2024 there's no point to debate that over and over again.
But is that fanservice unnecesary? At least in the manga, I dont think so. For the better or for the worse, it does serve a purpose. It defines the entire relationship of the main characters.
Just to make it clear, I think their relationship is very sexual, but not in a literal *they have sex* way. Sex is associated with love, intimacy, passion, desire, but also with violence, possesiveness, domination.
You could get rid of all the "weird fanservice", but that would destroy the complexity of their relationship. It would become either a story about two characters that don't care about each other, or a bland "wholesome" one.
Ciel, despite all his trauma, feels comfortable exposing his body to Sebastian. Having physical contact with someone. Showing his vulnerable self, because he's absolutely confident he won't be hurt.
Sebastian is always close to Ciel. Even too close. And the weird way he carries Young Master. It's clearly unappropiate and he doesn't seem to care about boundaries. Because Ciel is what he desires the most, and he *owns* him. Ciel is his treasure, his prize, his most precious possesion. Ciel is *his*. He's always being possesive, showing the world Ciel belongs *only* to him, while also being (somehow) gentle and caring.
(The topic of how Sebastian uses his sexuality as a weapon is pretty interesting as well, but not today!!)
Surprisingly, the fanservice does wonders to develop the duality of their dynamics. It perfectly showcases both the "light" and "dark" between them. Intimacy, healing, confidence absolute trust, caring for each other. Codependency, unhealthy desire, possesiveness, manipulation.
They're two sides of the same coin.
On the other hand, in contrast with Sebastian and Ciel's relationship, I think it's interesting how scenes involving real sex are not sexualized at all??
Sebastian and Beast are both really attractive characters, and they could be used in a more "fanservicey" way. However, their scene together it's short and uncomfortable. The intimacy between them feels fake, everything seems off. Beast doesn't look like he's actually enjoying anything. It's pretty clear she's being abused, and thanks Goodness there's no romantization nor explicit borderline fetish content. Instead, it does a great a job creating a "something is wrong here" atmosphere.
The Blue Memory flashback. It's disgusting and makes me physically ill, but it's able to do so without being explicit. It's really powerful without being morbid. Absolutely no fanservice here. Thanks Goodness again.
Like in real life, in Black Butler sexuality can be a safe place (Ciel and Sebastian), or a source of violence and pain.
Imo Yana is a better writer than you all give her credit for. She may be a shotacon or whatever, but at least she is coherent with the overall tone of her story and can be respectful when it's due. Despite all the fanservice at some points, I feel she's great at knowing when to do or not do it.
At the end of the day, I find fascinating how sex and sexualization are used in Black Butler. Sebastian and Ciel's relationship has nothing to do with sex, yet is so intense that I could argue that rather than being sexualized, their entire relationship is inherently sexual per se. If you remove that element from the equation, the main characters would be so different that the nature of the entire story would change.
The "fanservice" is not only fanservice, but what moves the characters and story foward.
Is it ethical?? That's up to you.
But for me, even if there are some uncomfortable moments, the result is worth it. A relationship so unique that you can't "tag" it. Both unhealthy and abusive, yet a safe place for Ciel to heal. It's problematic on several levels, but *that*is what makes it interesting.
Anyway, it's just fiction, and it's nice to explore different kinds of stories without hurting anyone.
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dylanlila · 7 months
sometimes we forget how much of a light house is in cuddy’s life that her PERSON!!!
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this is exactly what i needed in my inbox for personal reasons so thank you :") but yeah... they're both weird!!! is the thing!!!! and house is so loud about it because that's how he avoids being accused of anything and cuddy tries to undermine her weirdness because that's how she avoids being accused of anything, but both of those mechanisms are a way of not being one's true self to the fullest. because if you are determined not to do what you consider to be the things only other people can do and you believe in this because it was proven to you time and time again that you don't exactly fit in, you might miss out on the simplicity you're unexpectedly able to appreciate and engage in. and if you're constantly trying to meet everyone's expectations, where is the space for you to be you? and house IS a light in cuddy's life in this very unexpected, unusual way because he somehow still preserves while living in a way that's completely against the idea of what life should or is supposed to be. something cuddy struggles with throughout the entire show almost... even the things she wants that fit the perfect life narrative she tries to make herself want them more. i am instantly brought to tears thinking about her wish to have a kid which seemed more real to me than her attempts to find a romantic partner... because i really feel like she wanted to have someone who would at least hear her if not be like her -> that's why wilson is so significant to her. he's wilson! he hears what nobody else can hear... but she also wanted somebody to love without worrying about whether she was doing it right. so the fact that she admits not to feel what she thought she would feel towards rachel makes such compelling character drama... because the most crucial thing that cuddy does wrong is the fact that she thinks not to fit within the realm of supposed and should is to fail. and that brings me back to house because he does not care about the supposeds and the shoulds and he is a great doctor, maybe even because of this very thing more than anything else. and yes that does disrupt cuddy's whole worldview, but it's also hopeful i think. because if not sticking to the rulebook works for someone else, maybe she's not doing anything wrong when she's not married with kids by the time her mother deems appropriate. maybe she's not doing anything wrong it she gets overwhelmed by how much work she has to deal with. this is EXACTLY why house is the one to help out in that cuddy centric episode. because that's what he is to her. he jumps out of the ordinary and makes it work. so it's okay for cuddy to be cuddy. so there's no right way to feel something. and it's pretty fascinating because that same thing is what easily turns into one of house's greatest flaws (the fact that he won't let himself do or god forbid enjoy something ordinary or boring), but to cuddy it's inspirational. (the horror on her face when he admits that he values her over his work comes to mind) and there is something very human about all that which is mainly why theirs is my favourite relationship on the show. humans do that! we see something in someone and find light in it, but to that person to believe that something they've been called crazy for (by others or themselves) or have felt bad about to the point of it becoming an integral part of their very being and simultaneously an inevitable source of some kind of twisted, survival-rooted pride can be viewed in a different way is world-changing and on the edge of world-ending. that's the main conflict between these 2 characters i think. the fact that the very thing that they're inspired by in one another is what terrifies them when they get too close to each other. loving the other one is easy. it's loving themselves enough to be a person with them that's paralysing.
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dicenote · 3 days
For the fandom ask game, could you do 7, 17, 22 & 24 for Matsuda? And maybe 6? :)
Ooh of course :)
7. Is there a piece of clothing you think [Matsuda] is particularly fond of/that you imagine them wearing a lot or like to draw them in?
Fun ties!! I recently inherited (read: stole) a bunch of ties with funky patterns, and I feel like Matsuda would have fun with silly ties. Like ones with dinosaurs and things printed on them. When his birthday rolls around, someone is bound to gift him another fun one to add to his collection.
17. What's a book, movie, or show you think [Matsuda] would like?
Not gonna lie, he'd probably love Death Note if he weren't a part of the plot, lol. I think that he would read it wondering what he would've done if he were in Light's position. (He would probably kill criminals. He doesn't want to think about it too hard.) Also, I think his favorite character would be L.
22. Give us a headcanon for [Matsuda]
He enjoys public transportation more than driving. While on the train or bus, Matsuda can turn his brain off and take in the world around him (He's found out the hard way that he can't drive on auto-pilot too well). Also, he likes talking to other passengers.
24. What's your favourite thing about [Matsuda]?
He's just a goofy guy :) but at the same time he's a lot more than that. There's something so fascinating about the guy's mindset and how it changes throughout the series. He feels more real than the super genius detectives running around. I enjoy like taking the bits that we get from canon and patching it together into a whole, real, goofy, guy.
6. Show us a bit of a WIP!
(It's just a little snippet- partly because I don't wanna give stuff away, and partly because I haven't written all that much yet.)
“Aizawa… Why don’t you just tell me the truth?”
Aizawa stiffened. Good. Light twisted the knife just a little further. “You’ve been lying because you’re afraid of distressing my father. It has been a rough few days for him, after all…”
Soichiro would also be watching this conversation too, wouldn’t he? Maybe Light could pit his father against Aizawa. The extra surveillance could work in Light’s favor, after all.
Aizawa’s eyes flicked up to the camera. Catching on, are we? “That’s not-”
“Matsuda is still in danger, isn’t he?” Light pressed. “If one of us says the wrong thing, Kira will kill him. Is that why you’re so nervous?”
Aizawa didn’t need to use words to reply. He clearly Understood what Light was getting at.
The elevator stopped, and Aizawa silently led Light to the roof.
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lucreziagiovane · 2 months
Just wanted to say that all your posts about Juan and insight has made me appreciate his character more. I haven’t watched The Borgias in a while and while I never hated Juan I didn’t think of him as more than like a plot device or foil to Cesare. But now I see him in a new light and I’m planning on a rewatch soon with the nuance to his character and the deeper sibling dynamic. Thank you for your analysis, it definitely makes the show more intriguing than it already is!
thank you ahsjsjswh i felt like it was time for someone to bring something new to the table because, despite him being one of the main characters in the show, he was never discussed in depth in the fandom (and to be fair, most of the characters excluding our main couple have never been discussed properly, but juan is my priority besides my renaissance it girl so...)
i'm honestly a little bit ??? at people never noticing how absolutely weird and invasive towards both lucrezia and cesare and making sexual comments like for quick example him being psychosexually obsessed with lucrezia and her purity, or when he went full-on drunk and getting way too close to cesare and making him uncomfortable, trying to elicit some sort of admission/expression of brotherly love from him...the fixation on his siblings was too serious for him!!
i don't think he was ever a plot device, as he had his own storylines and scenes where we see him alone, and we see what he's been thinking/up to as an individual. it's just giving main boyism tbh, but he's only been overlooked by some of the audience lol. despite him having such insane ego and cockiness, it all goes back to masking his own self-hatred and insecurity over his own birth status, not only being a bastard but even a rumored peasant (with vanozza's first husband)
also you're not entirely wrong!! he has been indeed used as a foil to cesare by their own father (or as a grinding stone so to speak), and if you read the script, he's been introduced as cesare's brother specifically. it's almost like a foreshadowing that cesare would be the one who decides his fate. and after cesare murdered him, he still haunted the narrative till the show's finale, with the important aspect that his murder was indeed what made cesare 'the perfect prince' to quote machiavelli (and a reference to his book the prince and cesare being the muse), so like yeah, people like it or not, juan borgia is indeed a main and key character in cesare's journey, and his death changed the family forever.
but to some point in s2, neil jordan feared the audience would stop sympathizing with cesare since he was deliberately backstabbing juan over the siege of forli and maneuvering his way to seize juan's position in the most envious way possible, and juan was already started to get the audience's attention and sympathy, specifically after the knife scene where he felt helpless and threatened to kill himself in front of rodrigo. therefore, neil flipped his character in the final episode and propped cesare up at juan's expense in a sense that everything cesare does would seem 'justifiable', or to quote david oakes' rightfully bitter statement about cesare's writing, "he has always had the writing on his side while they had to make my character a dweeb." and don't get me wrong, cesare borgia is an absolutely fascinating antagonist, i just wish the show was a little bit brave about making him "unlikeable" (as if the girlies were gonna dislike cesare anyway like asfsrfs)
personally, i've always thought it was super disingenuous and completely to cater to the cesarewives who deeply hated juan's character and were even attacking the actor on twitter
i love the show so much obviously (duuh) but that doesn't make it immune to criticizing it. like catering to fans has always been a bizarre move, considering how ursula's character received the poorest treatment and she became nothing but a plot device for a man's pain (after cesare himself attacked her for cutting her hair aka not looking like his sister anymore), and ended up being mutilated and raped and the fans were happy with that which was as disturbing as its incredibly misogynistic
honestly i admire david's fearlessness and how he stood by his character through and through despite how unfair the writing was to him so he'll always have a fan in me (both actor and character)
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mychlapci · 3 months
i'm a massive idw comic fan and i'm currently reading through the series for the third time. anyways prowl isn't really that much of a heartless dick, that's fandom flanderization. while he does do a lot of morally fucked up shit (see kup being drugged, the whole thing with ratbat, combiners, how he treats the constructicons, tarantulus, ect.) but he's not doing it out of wanting to make people suffer
his whole thing is that he's doing it for the greater good and i think that's something a lot of people miss when they're writing him. not even just people who only see him as the guy who hurt their favourite blorbos, but also the people who write about him in a positive light. prowl has a lot of moments where he clearly expresses that he knows what he's doing is wrong but he's doing it because he knows that someone has to make the tough decisions and in the context of his battle computer (something he's been pretty much used for since he came online) he sees the world as probability.
so in his mind, if he has to send like 100 soldiers off to die in a battle to save a 1000 more, then it's worth it. it might make him seem like a dick to everyone else, but in his rationality, it's the correct thing to do.
and he's also not emotionless like i've seen people characterise him as. after he gets mind controlled by bombshell, he expresses on multiple occasions that he assumed people would notice, how he was hurt that no one did and like... fuck man i don't know. it hurts to think about him because i see a lot of the less talked about sides of autism in him. the fact that he was being mind controlled for seeming months and having his body commit horrible acts of violence all while he just had to watch it go down and then everyone just assumed it was prowl being prowl fucks me up so badly. he calls bumblebee his friend on multiple occasions. he's willing to work with the constructicons despite showing utter disdain for them before.
and the thing is. he's right a lot of the time. ratbat was planning on causing trouble. megatron didn't deserve a trial. optimus often couldn't make the hard decisions and it ended up costing him. he's so fascinating.
i know a lot of people hate idw1 prowl because he's an asshole and how he retains very little of the original g1 prowl's personality traits but i really fucking love him for all his shittiness.
ough... you're gonna make me feel sad about Prowl at this rate. He's an interesting character okay!! i love him, for all his shittiness, as you said.
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Mori Ougai (I just want to talk about him)
Guys, I've been thinking a lot lately about Mori and his Beast counterpart. I really, really, really love Beast Mori and everything that he represents. He's not just the "good Mori." In my eyes, and others as well, he represents Mori's humanity (side note: I'm not saying Mori is secretly a hero or something) and what main story Mori could've been if he wasn't in the mafia.
I also just want to talk about Mori in general because he's actually very fascinating and more complex than some make him seem.
Just hear me out, ok?
Also, shoutout to @hopefull-mindset. Their analyses on BSD have been very interesting and definitely have given me a different perspective on Mori and helped me understand Beast Mori so much more.
Anyways, these are just a pile of thoughts I have on Mori as I began to understand him more. Please note: these are my personal thoughts gathered through lots of analyses digging and reflection on his character. If you dislike Mori, that is completely valid.
Understanding Beast Mori
When I first read Beast, I was so confused. How could Mori be so different when every other character had basically the same personality? Mori in the main story is cruel, cold, and manipulative. Yes, he is very pragmatic and smart, but that doesn't take away from his bad qualities. However, the more I dug deeper into the mystery of Beast Mori, the more things started to make sense. The Mori we meet in Beast is still the same Mori from the main story. And for those who question that, look at Beast Aku and Beast Atsushi. They may have swapped organizations but their fundamental traits are still the same. Atsushi, PM or ADA, still has major guilt and self-worth issues that stem from the Orphanage Director. Aku is the same. Even if he is in the ADA, he still has his intense bloodlust and determination.
So, why is Mori different? As @hopefull-mindset has pointed out in one of their posts, he's in a different environment. There are no negative influences or stressors unlike the mafia. Also, he's working with children. Children often represent innocence and positive emotions. Mori, surprisingly, is really good with kids because we the see the orphanage thrive in his care. It makes perfect sense that Mori, who likes kids (and not in the creepy way), would learn to become a more caring figure. In the main story, Mori is often presented as a necessary evil; he's the dark to Fukuzawa's light. But now that Dazai replaced him, Mori can act without always making the optimal solution at the cost of anyone that gets in its way, himself included.
Honestly, I think Beast Mori does humanize him. It doesn't erase the wrongs he did (and believe me, I haven't forgotten), but it does show you a different perspective. Beast shows us that Mori has complexities. He's not just an evil monster for the heroes to overcome. There's more to him than that.
Note: I am not saying any of his actions towards Yosano, Dazai, or any other character are justified. He hurt them emotionally and psychologically. It wasn't fun to watch or read. Saying Mori is more than a one dimensional villain doesn't take away from the bad things he did. I'm just trying to offer a different perspective because Beast Mori is that interesting, at least to me.
I've never been able to fully reconcile with this aspect of Mori. It is weird. It is uncomfortable. It is perplexing. Elise to an extent, is Mori. She is a part of him manifested and can act on her own. And I get the controversy behind it; it's not normal. That being said, never have we seen Mori in either the manga or the anime act in that nature towards her or even Yosano. He makes weird comments about Elise, sure, but nothing super explicit. At most, they're treated as weird jokes. And, for the record, that doesn't make them ok or any better. I won't argue back and forth on this topic because it's a difficult subject.
However, I don't believe he is actually a *you know what* because of Beast Mori's entire existence. Riddle me this, why would Asagiri-sensei write a character as a *you know what* and then have his counterpart work at an orphanage full of children? That, at least to me, crosses a moral line. It makes it even more weird and uncomfortable. Also, idk about y'all, but I wouldn't find it fun or quirky if someone portrayed a very famous and beloved author as a perverted creep, just saying.
So, where did Elise even come from then? Well, she's a companion to Mori in many ways. He's rarely seen without her. Mori's backstory is a mystery to us. My honest theory is that Elise manifested as a companion for Mori because he was in a really bad spot. Either he was abused in some shape or form or was very isolated and alone. We know that Mori's had her since the Great War. He was 26 at that time. That's still fairly young so I think it's safe to say he's had her since he was a child or a teenager. Of course, I could be wrong. But based off what we know about abilities so far, I think it's safe to say that Elise didn't manifest without reason.
The Optimal Solution
Going into more speculation about Mori's backstory, I have so many questions. Mori essentially has the same big question as Kunikida for me: when and why did he decide to follow the optimal solution. For Kunikida, it's his ideals. Both characters stick so adamantly to their beliefs that it leads to conflict externally and internally. Mori's optimal solution is the reason why Yosano was traumatized.
It just got me thinking, when did he develop this line of thought? After all, a kid who grew up with an average life usually doesn't worry about the "optimal solution." Between this and Elise, I strongly believe he came from a dysfunctional home. It would certainly explain why he tells Dazai that the latter reminds him of himself. Mori is very good at repressing his emotions; he's hard to read which makes him dangerous. He likes to take advantage of situations and manipulate them to his will, or whatever he deems to be the optimal solution. The battle with Fukuzawa during the Cannibalism arc is a good example of this. Mori knew he couldn't win so he decided to get Fukuzawa to let his guard down enough to strike. In my area of study at school, the home life of a person can be very telling as to why someone may act in a certain way. Mori coming from a rough home without love seems pretty plausible to me.
Mori is a very well-written character with a lot of complexities that tend to get overlooked. Why does he do what do? At what point did he decide to follow his optimal solution? It's such an interesting question because it affects so many characters and situations.
If y'all got this far, congrats! I hope that people will take the time to look deeper at his character. You don't have to like Mori. I'm just tired of people portraying him as something he's not. I also don't want fans harassing other fans because they like Mori. And I'll admit it, I was so quick to judge both him and Francis. Had I kept up my shield and continued to shoot unwarranted hatred at them, I wouldn't have appreciated their characters as I do now.
And yes, I do overhate on Fyodor (mainly bc the man is cockroach and he hurt Kunikida). I get it. However, I know Fyodor is a deeply complex character. His way of thinking is actually quite fascinating and I have so many questions about him. I don't like Fyodor, but I'm not gonna let my personal grievances stop others from enjoying him.
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fluffypotatey · 3 months
Haha, it sure was! You are such a mood, beautiful reaction. 10/10 clarification too, love it. very solid thoughts, and gosh lol strategically placed calls of macaroni and macandy make your replies so much funner to read. "and ain’t it fascinating how despite how long it’s been since either character have talked or interacted with each other, they still know the ins and outs of their behavior and thoughts." YES FLUFFY its one of the best parts of their dynamic oooh you're so haunted by what you had before, its so easy to slip into and catch you off guard and that's why I bring you episode 2!!
THEY HAVE A CARTOON ABOUT WUKONG PROSECUTING MACAQUE IN COURT IM SHRIEKING! MK is all "gasp, do we need a lawyer? not to worry, I watched every episode about monkey king in court. I'm very familiar with legal dramas." its a REAL thing Fluffy! he's so funny, we joke about MK being Wukong's lawyer in memes but it's legit now. *awkward laugh* "I need a moment to speak with my clients." tfw your cilents are the most problematic ppl around, you're gonna need a darn good lawyer pal. Macaque instantly recognizing the spell and running was so choppy he looked silly 😭 the "stop!" could've been so smooth lol. oh well. Wukong stumbling back too, oh Flying Bark I miss your movements. but thank goodness for the writers. ALSO the fact he instantly goes "we will....all be alright....relax" to comfort MK despite literally just being chained and hurt. oof, "I really don't want to wear this thing anymore. this time, it's stuck on tighter." omg when the eng dub comes out IF THEY MAKE THE PARALLEL TO THE MOUNTAIN SEALING MORE OBVIOUS. "I'm the one whose suffering, so why are you moping?" "Because I wasn't planning to go to jail today." "So you think I planned and wanted all this?" "You think I'm happy we were caught together?" AND THAT LAST BIT. He points all sassy at Mac with his tail with emphasis and bites his lips and stares at his tail (still pointing at Mac) like it committed a crime against him. what is wrong with them...I think you'll enjoy Wukong still teasing Nezha constantly lol. ITS ALSO SO FUNNY WHEN MK ASKS WUKONG TO NARRATE LIKE MR. TANG and he's like, are you serious?!?!? ok fine.
anon, you have no idea how many times i have rewatched ep2 🫠 it haunts me
be haunted. like me :)
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do you know how unwell i became when i watched these with the subtitles???? do you know how many times i reminded just to watch every minute detail??? do you know how much Macky is placed in corners or in the background but is the most expressive????
these gay ass monkeys 🫠
MK with his Ace Attorney attire and then how he is talking to Nezha and how he is trying so hard to make light of the situation (which swk plays into until the Li Jing places the circlet)
AND THEN!!! we have this :)
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y’all remember s4, right? how Azure brings the gang back from the scroll and MK learns that he was used to free Azure’s friend but never Wukong and flips out? because i do :D
and now he’s watching his mentor/friend in pain and he wants to help but doesn’t know how and he doesn’t trust his powers anymore BUT THEN SWK HOLDS HIS HAND AND CALMS HIM DOWN SO QUICKLYA ND I JUST
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so yeah :)
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yarpharp · 10 months
So because I am strange and always fascinated by posing cultural questions when it comes to creating crossover fanfiction, I had this wild thought worm recently for no reason: If you dumped Link (Legend of Zelda) into Thedas (Dragon Age), how the fuck would everyone in Thedas react to him?
I mean, depending on how you interpret Link's character, he doesn't talk. At all. I've always been of the opinion he speaks via some form of generalized Sign Language, but Why Would Thedas Share Any Common Signs? And who's to say there IS a formalized sign language in Thedas? Maybe there is, but it's technically a dead language now. The Elvhenan were fucked up but extremely modernized, so maybe they did have a Sign Language. Maybe the Dalish still have a lot of it, because Sign is a great way to silently communicate and Not Alert The Asshole Shemlen.
Either way, Link doesn't talk. And even if he can communicate via Sign Language, I highly doubt Hylian sign is gonna be understood. So there's one issue.
Secondly: Hylians don't look exactly like Theodosian elves. Modern elves of Thedas are scrawny and small but not too small; eyes bigger than a human and with cat-like night vision. Link? Link is canonically 5'2" and quite fit. Not skinny built and quite healthy, generally soft nonbinary features, bright eyes (at least in recent games; Link's got big fucking blues that almost glow for a nice contrast in TotK/BotW), pointy but not super pointy ears. Compared to Theodosian elves which are designed to look "distinctly fantastically different" in comparison to humans, Link just looks like a very short human with elf ears. So people might get a bit baffled at his looks; he's elfy but to the left.
Third: Hyrule isn't anti-magic. Magic is so inherently tied into everything in all the Legend of Zelda games, we the players just accept it. Link can wield magic rods and staves with no issue. Gerudo can use fire magic or summon lightning storms. Link can use magical items to summon winds, or devices that can magically transport him far distances. Rito can summon gales instinctually. Zora have water/ice magic and healing powers. If Link dodges correctly, he can seemingly slow time for a moment to deal a flurry attack. He uses Rauru's arm's magical abilities without blinking. The Master Sword is literally the ultimate magical item with a spirit inside of it.
Can you imagine Link losing his weapon in battle and just picking up a staff without thinking, but WHOOPS Thedas is kinda religiously anti-magic and someone is watching him just SUDDENLY THROWING ICE SPELLS (thinking about those magic staffs in BotW/TotK with the default AoE ice spell) without any hesitation? That is Not Normal for them like it is for Link. And Link himself like... Serves a powerful princess with the bloodline of a goddess. She literally tosses around light magic and time magic and shit. He probably can't begin to fathom a society that shuns something that so integral to Hyrule/Hyrule's safety in the face of Ganondorf's machinations.
Idk this was a bizarre thought worm I had. Maybe I will write a fanfic. Maybe I won't. It's interesting to think about in an extremely nerdy way, lol.
(also Link would HATE Solas but LOVE The Iron Bull and The Chargers. Prove me wrong, I dare you.)
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nanaminokanojo · 1 year
Idk what ur thoughts on Kashimo but I’m falling for him and I’m in denial about that !!
Kashimo Hajime...
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He's a cute little meow meow. 🐈 Cute, yes, but cranky. The kind of cat that bites/scratches people he doesn't like. 😾 With lighting bolts. 🤣
Thunder, thunder, thunder thunder cats! Well, "lightning" but you get it...
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Lol sorry idk why he reminds of this very old cartoon series. 🤣😭
I was nuts about him, too, when he first appeared in the manga. Cause he kinda looked like Gojo. Wait...IS IT JUST MEEEE??? I don't know why. Maybe it was me missing Gojo during his box days or because of the first fanarts which showed Kashimo with white hair.
Kashimo = Pompom Baby 2.0, Choso being Pompom Baby 1.0
The "pompoms" in question:
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Okay, what do you call those fluffy things on their heads? Pigtails? 🤣 I call them pompoms, but I digress. Kashimo is soooo adorable with that hair 🥺 meow meow ears 🐱 (Choso, too – wrote a whole ass drabble about his goddamn hair at one point & if you wanna read it it's here but if you don't it's okay, unless... 👀).
But I find it super hilarious that he's sporting the same damn do as a senior citizen 😭🤣
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Did his supposedly turquoise/cyan/blue/whatever hair turn white or...? Just a thought 😆
But anyway, he's an intriguing character getting reincarnated just so he could fight Sukuna (that bitch, I'm so mad at him rn. No dinner for you, Mister!). I just want to know more about those reincarnated sorcerers more and quite frankly, he's the most intriguing to me.
Like, I have so many questions. The fuck did Two-Face do to you? Were you ex bffs, too? From enemy clans? Makes sense cause Sukuna used to be human, right? Was he? Correct me if I'm wrong but I'm thinking it was mentioned at one point lol. This ties up with my fascination towards Sukuna really cause Kashimo is basically one of the people who met Sukuna during the Heian period and I guess, maybe, in my head, he would complete Sukuna's background story/character arc. Or Kenjaku's?? Ew 🤢, but you knooowww?? And he's still around, too, so... Yo, Gege! Hi! 🙄
As a medium for fan fiction, I've also thought of writing about Kashimo. Reincarnated version but Heian era. Something like that but really no solid plot yet. Sorry, old man Kashimo ehehe but yeah...I haven't really gotten around actually exploring that.
Anyway thanks for the ask @pikibee. I don't really know anyone whom I can talk to about Kashimo, so thanks for giving me the opportunity! 🤩🥰 Hope you like this hehe
A/N: Media credits to their respective owners.
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