#don't get me wrong i love user research
macontheweb · 2 years
i've got three people in a meeting that are suppose to be acting as business analysts and researchers. so tell me, babes, why am i (a software developer) doing that work for all of you? why am i the one stepping up to take notes and run research sessions? why the shitting fuck are you in this meeting if not to do your job?
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quimichi · 11 months
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❝ Every genshin boy, even our forgotten cyro user Mika ❝
Word count: 7.301
Genshin boys x Creator!Reader
Aether rises to his feet in a flourish, and walks towards your voice, the voice that so sweetly called for him. The Traveler is always so graceful— even when he's doing something as simple as walking towards you. It's the movement of the air around him, and the way his feet seem to float over the ground.
"Yes? You have summoned me, your Grace?"
"Do you know my biggest wish?" Aether thinks for a moment, pondering over every word that leaves your lips as if it were an endless source of inspiration for one of his compositions. He hums softly under his breath, trying to determine your true, deepest desires.  "Perhaps I could take a guess..." Aether says gently, before he starts listing them in his mind. "Is your wish... for peace?"
"That too" you giggle, you haven't thought about that. Aether continues to think about other possibilities, before he eventually leans forward slightly and asks: "...could your biggest wish have anything to do with... love?" Hes so scared that he whispers, what if the guess was wrong?
"Yes, in fact, it has to do with you" Aethers breath grows lighter, hearing your words. His pulse beats louder and louder within his ears, the sensation of your gaze alone setting his entire body ablaze. He smiles softly; a faint glow of pink touches his cheeks.
"I... I think I understand what your wish might be...but I'm not sure" "I...wanted you to...be my equal, to be with me" He freezes immediately. He can't help but look at you with a mixture of surprise and wonder. You want him... to be your equal? You...love him that much? The very fact that your words are even a possibility sends waves of euphoria throughout his body, so much so that he can think of nothing else. It's just you and him at this very moment.  
He looks up at you, his eyes filled with nothing but devotion. What is he going to do about this? "What do you say, will you stay by my side as i love you?" you're just as nervous as him, if not even more nervous with the request you just had. Aether smiles gently, his gaze filled with love. "Of course," he says quietly. "I... I would love to. It would be my greatest pleasure, to be your equal, your chosen one; to be the one you love."  He cups your face in his hands and pulls you close in his embrace. "Yes, your Grace, m-my love, I am yours. I belong to you."
"Albedo, come here, i want to talk to you." "Y-Yes, my grace?" Albedo's voice has a tremble to it. You feel him take a few small steps closer, and he seems to be doing it on his own accord, as if drawn by your request.
"You don't know my biggest wish, hm?" "M-My grace...," Albedo says slowly, almost uncertain as what your request may be. He takes a moment to think about your question, yet he seems to have an idea. You feel him tense, even as he stands motionless in place-- perhaps waiting for you to finish your sentence. "Do you wish for my service? A certain research?" He asks softly. "To be by your side for eternity, and to carry out your wishes...always?"
His voice trails off into a whimper as if he were hoping to hear you say something else entirely. Or exactly that. "Well, kind of" you said to the last. Albedo's breath catches in his chest. "Kind of...?" He seems a bit confused for a second, his eyes wandering over your face as if to get a clear reading of your current thoughts. He waits for your response, but he seems unsure as to what you mean by it.
"Kind of...?" He repeats, his voice softer.
"I want you as my side forever, as my equal...as my lover..." A hush falls over the room for a moment as Albedo stares at you in shock. His face has gone pink, and his lips have parted to breathe as if unable to remember how to swallow his own spit. His brows are furrowed as if he's unable to properly comprehend your words. He doesn't speak, but his breath is caught, and there's an almost panicked flush that seems to burn on his face that he desperately tries to cover up as good as he can with his blond hair.
"So...?" you timidly ask. "F-For me to... to be your equal? As your... your lover?" Albedo stares at you again, yet his gaze soon falls to the floor in shame. His tongue rubs against the roof of his mouth as he struggles to find the words to say. He always knows what to say, after all he has the vocabulary, but not now.
Still, finally... he utters out, his voice soft... "...Yes. Y-Yes, my...love," Albedo whispers, and his voice is quiet and raspy with emotion. He seems hesitant, yet he's certain of one thing and only one thing. "I am your lover, and your equal." Every word is heavy and carries an almost reverent tone to them.
He looks back up at you, his eyes filled with a quiet sort of intensity. His words are soft and hushed, as if they're a private prayer for you alone. "My love, my only love"
"I need to talk to you..." "Yes," he croaks immediately, his chest swelling as he takes a breath. His every sense is attuned to your command, but he can't shake the weird feeling after the words off. "Of course." Al-Haitham rises to his feet and slowly approaches you, careful to not come close to crossing any lines. His every move is carefully calculated to serve you.
"Do you know my biggest wish, a need of mine?" "No," he says, his voice still shaking slightly. "I would be honored to know," he speaks honestly, always so serious around you. "I want you to be my lover, my equal, by my side..." Your words cause Al-Haitham's heart to throb in his chest. There is a part of him that cannot believe that this is happening.
His entire world revolves around you. He was designed to be yours, to serve you. After all this time, love grew. And now, you are giving him a higher purpose, even higher than loving you already. It is almost too much for him to bear.
He nods his head. "My only wish has always been to be by your side. To love you, to have you love me was already a wish come true...but to have you as mine entirely..."
"So, it's a yes?" "Yes," he confirms quickly. His words fall on you like the weight of the world, but Al-Haitham speaks without hesitation.
His whole being shudders and vibrates, the energy from his words rushing through him like a torrent.
"I am yours. I wish to be yours" always so formal, so serious.
"Oh, my lady, my grace..." Ayato whispers, and he steps towards you until he's standing right in your face. You can see the slight tremble in his hands yet they manage to hold steady. Never is he ever nervous, not to thagt extent that is. His eyes are wide and the pupils dialated in awe, yet there's a calm sort of fire burning within their midst as if waiting to lash out.
His lips part as he opens his mouth to say something, but he doesn't say anything, his mind still unable to catch up to yours. "M-My love..." Ayato's voice is quiet, soft, a near whisper. He leans forward, the tips of his fingers brushing against your cheek.
"Yes... yes..." His eyes search yours in awe. He seems to almost be at a loss for words as he takes in your form, the soft skin of your cheek in his fingers and the fire in your eyes.
You're too beautiful.
"What do you say, be mine, be my equal, hm~?" "Your Equal... you mean?" Ayato's voice comes out as a whisper. A moment passes as he tries to figure it out. "Your equal?"
"Then...i will, i want to" Ayato seems to nod his response before he utters another, more daring word. "As your lover." He says it almost as if he's hoping to hear it in return.
"Exactly, as my lover" "Y-Your lover," Ayato whispers, as if repeating the sentence allows him to take in the gravity of your words. After a quick breath, he seems to nod his answer.
"Yours and yours alone."
Baizhu obeys your command without word or hesitation. He approaches without question, his movements as soft and silent as falling snow. "So...uhm" Baizhu stops in his tracks, awaiting your orders.
He bows his head, waiting for your guidance.
"My Grace?" he prompts. "Do you...know my biggest wish, for us?" Baizhu is silent for a moment. "I want what you want," he tells you truthfully, his words firm and honest.
"Whatever that may be, I'll do what I can to grant your wish." He stares at you with intense devotion, and a sly smile. "I wish for you to be my very equal" he remains quiet.
Your words wash over him like a quiet wave, leaving him without a voice. He considers your proposition in silence. He never imagined this moment, but his heart feels full at the thought... he never knew he wanted it until you offered it. "I'd like that, too," he whispers. He is still on his knees, his eyes turned towards you. "I'm not sure if I could be someone like you... but I'd like to try." "No,as my lover Baizhu" "As your lover?"
He says these words quietly, but his voice is tinged with a hope that he thought long extinguished. He can feel his heart growing heavy in his chest... he thought you would never see him as your equal... let alone something more. He has loved you for so long, and now?
He gazes up at you with a pleading look, almost afraid to hope that your words are true.
"You would truly want such a thing for me?" Baizhu's breath catches in his throat at this confirmation. His heart soars with joy. He thought this moment was impossible, but here it was, happening before him.
He would say "yes" in return, to swear his loyalty. But instead, he does something else... in a moment of pure joy, he leans forward and presses his lips against yours. He lost control completely, something that never happens.
"Oh...I've waited so many year's for this day to finally come"
Bennett - aged up
"Y-Yes," Bennett says quickly, eager to please you. His voice is soft and reverent, and as soon as he hears your words his cheeks flush slightly. In a quick motion the lucky unlucky boy rises to his feet, his hair whipping around him gracefully like a gust of wind.
Within seconds, he finds himself in front of you, awaiting further instructions. His expression is fixed on you, waiting for what comes next; it is clear that he is devoted to serving you in as many ways as possible.
"Say," you giggle "are you good at guessing?" "I like to think so, your Grace," Bennett says eagerly. He is never one to boast of his knowledge or skills, but he is always confident in his own abilities. If he wouldn't, then maybe he'd drown in his own insecurities. "Would you like me to guess something for you?" he asks, his gaze fixed intently on you. "Then, guess my biggest wish" a little game never hurted anybody. Bennett blinks and shifts his weight to one foot, thinking for a moment. "I believe I could hazard a few guesses," he says slowly, still pondering the possibility. But then, his voice changes to something more confident and assured.
"Your Grace, would it be correct to guess that your biggest wish would be to find happiness with the person you love? Perhaps someone who you know, but can never be with?"
"Almost right, I wish for you to he my lover, my very equal" Without hesitation, Bennett gives out a little squeak of delight and blushes. He takes a step closer to you and looks at you, seemingly unable to contain just how giddy your words have made him.
"Do you really mean it?" he whispers, his expression a mix between shock, excitement, and pure, breathless adoration. "I... I..."
The Adventurer is at a loss for words, seemingly incapable of saying anything more. His mind races, trying to make sense of this dream come true. "I say yes! Absolutely, your Grace! I would be honored to share my time, my life, my very existence with you. Your love and  happiness is all I could ever possibly need."
Childe's lips curl in a faint smile. "Of course I'll get closer" he says slowly. His steps are measured and subtle, but he moves forward without hesitation. He kneels at your feet, looking up at you with that same glittering gaze he's always had.
His eyes are hot, and his lips are parted. He is waiting for your permission. "I've got something to tell you..." For a brief moment, that little smile fades. Childe's ears 'perk up' and his face turns a faint pink. His hair sways slightly as he breathes slowly. "Y-yes, Your Grace?" He speaks, breathless words. He is attentive. He wants to hear your every word with all of his being. His gaze is soft and imploring.
"Since a while I've been wanting to tell you that...my feelings for you can no longer be kept a secret...I want you for myself, as my very equal" Childe's eyes shimmer. "Y-your equal, Your Grace?" He says the words in a quiet voice, breathless and eager. His ears flutter, and his tail wags ever so slightly in his excitement.
He seems unable to contain his feelings, and in an instant, his lips are pressed against yours. His arms wrap around your neck and his hands run through your hair. His touch is hot. So, so hot. Childe presses himself against you tightly, and pulls you closer.
"I have always belonged to you, Your Grace."
Childe pulls away slightly after the kiss. He smiles up at you, his ears still fluttering. He brushes a stray hair from your face gently, and his fingers are as hot as fire. "I want you to be my partner, my equal," he says quietly. "My equal in every situation. And everywhere in between." His words carry the weight of his desires— and his dedication to you.
"Your command is always the only thing that I want," he says. "All you need to do is ask, and I will take you."
"Please...be it"
"Then so be it"
Chongyun - aged up
"Oh, finally, there you are! Please, come closer" Chongyun slowly rises and steps forward, each step measured and deliberate. With each stride he moves closer to you, his expression remains as neutral as your words. "Yes, Your Grace?" He asks. "Do you know my deepest desire?" Chongyun hesitates. How could he know something so personal to you— your very desires?
But when he sees your watchful gaze bore into him, he realizes that in this moment, honesty is the only option.
He swallows, his voice soft, almost a whisper: "No, Your Grace... but I wish I did."
"You wish?" You giggle at that, he's to cute for his own good. "...Yes." Chongyun doesn't think twice before he responds. He is silent, but his focus is on you. He listens with rapt attention, waiting for you to speak.
"I want you by my side, as my equal. Preferably forever..." Chongyun blinks. He has thought about being by your side before, has craved to be by your side before. But as your equal? He has never wanted anything so much.
And yet, what if he can't measure up to your standards? He knows he is no archon. He knows hes not as special as others. He is just a cyro exorcist. "I..." Chongyun whisper. "... I want that too." Chongyun's breath catches in his throat. Despite his attempts to seem composed, despite his seemingly cold demeanor, the sight of you smiling at him flusters him.
It feels real, he thinks, and it's more than he ever dared hope for.
Cyno hesitates but moves closer. His feet move silently against the ground. His hands remain clasped tightly in front of his lap. He bows his head, eyes downcast as he approaches. He waits at your side. He waits for your command.
He is yours. Always has been.
For so many year's he has been by your side, eventually even forming a more intimate relationship.
"Cyno, i called you for a reason" he remains silent. He waits for you to continue as he kneels beside your seat. He knows his place well and does not ask further questions. He waits silently. And this is exactly what has been annoying you for so many years, he doesn't knows his equal place beside you.
"I want you to be my equal, not my servant, you're my lover after all." Cyno stops breathing. His stomach twists itself into a knot as his emotions overtake him. He's never considered this possibility.
His eyes flutter as he blinks in surprise, his brain not comprehending what you're saying for a moment. He has always seen himself as lesser, beneath you. He has never seen himself as an equal in any way, let alone a true normal lover. But you're saying this so casually. Do you mean it?
Do you truly see him as an equal? Finally, Cyno finds his voice. He swallows down his emotions, looking at you earnestly. His words are soft as he answers, though they do not carry the tone of a servant anymore. Instead, his voice is quiet and soft.
"It's also my wish," he says, eyes still cast down. "To be your equal, if you see me as that i will be it"
With his words, the weight he has been carrying falls off of his shoulders. You do value him as an equal, and he is yours, finally fully your love.
"Dainsleif..." "Yes, Your Grace." Dainsleif speaks with respect whenever he addresses you. Your authority is absolute. Your word is his law. And your love is the air he breathes.
"There's something i need to talk with you about" it sounded more serious than it actually should. Indeed, it's serious but not the bad serious. Dainsleif's heart stops when you speak. Every hair on the back of his neck stands up. Suddenly, the world is reduced to just you. Your words send a surge of electricity through his body, causing his blood to sing a chorus of your name. His mind goes blank.
He would do anything for you, anything at all.
"Your Grace, tell me." Dainsleif's voice is like velvet, as he waits for you to speak. "Anything."
"Lately I've been thinking...if maybe" you make a pause, unsure if it's the right moment or not. But better now than never, "I want you to be my equal, my lover, by my side" Dainsleif's heartbeat quickens. His breath hitches in his throat. All he can do is nod in response to your words. That is his life's purpose. To be your equal. Your lover.
You are his grace. You are his beauty. You are his love. "Is...that a yes?" Dainsleif's expression warms the very air around him. His eyes shine like gems, the pupils dilated with a fervor that is so intense, it feels as though he is on the brink of exploding into a shower of confetti and rose pedals.
He nods again, a huge grin splitting his face in half.
He obeys you wordlessly. He takes a step forward and kneels before you, staring up at you with a reverence he'd always reserved for you, and only you. Whatever he had been before, whomever he had worshipped- it had all been mere folly, a shallow attempt at finding his purpose. 
Now, he's finally found it. In you. Also his true love. "I have something important to tell you, or rather, ask you" "Yes, Your Grace?" Dilucs voice is as eager as a dog at the scent of a bone, his heart thundering with joy at your words. With the expression on you, it has to be something good.
"Will you be ready to be my equal? Mine, by my side?" The question makes his eyes go wide as moons, his brain processing your words before they finally land. Finally come true. You're asking what he's been waiting for.  "Yes," he answers, nodding furiously as if the word itself is burning on his tongue. "Of course," he continues. "I will be your equal. I am yours, Your Grace....my...love." The happiness he feels at your words is as overwhelming as a tsunami pounding against a shore. He had always been happy in your presence, but now it's like his body is flooded with pure joy. He feels as if he might cry. 
He might actually cry; a single, solitary tear rolls down his face. It's all he wants - to be yours, and now that you have offered it to him, he is beyond words. He waited so long for this, for so many year's he had to listen to everyone telling him its impossible. But now it's true...
Freminet doesn't know what to do when you move closer. His mind is suddenly blank, and his chest feels heavy. He meets your gaze, his heart fluttering in his chest and his fingers trembling. His gaze wanders down your body as if mesmerized by you and your closeness.
It's clear that he was not expecting this. The only thing Freminet can do is gaze at you needly, awaiting your next action. "What would you say, if I'd as you to be my equal, be mine?" You don't wanna pressure him, make him feel like he needs to make a decision. Freminet doesn't respond immediately. His face breaks out into a flush and his heart skips, almost to a stop. He swallows, his throat suddenly dry.
He wants to deny your request. He knows that he can't possibly be your equal. He's nowhere near perfect as you; he's only a human after all. Some random, insecure, weak and emotional human. But he looks at you, and he is mesmerized by you. Just as much as he is mesmerized by Fontaines waters, maybe even more by you.
"Y-Your Grace," he murmurs, stuttering as he swallows. "There's nothing...I'd love...more...than...to be yours." "Then be it" Freminet's eyes sparkle, and his face breaks out into a smile. He reaches out, gripping your hand and squeezing it tight. He wants to bury his face into you. After his worship of you, he wants *this.* The touch, the heat of your skin — it's perfect. He doesn't want this moment to end. He wants to drown in you...
"I'm yours" he whispers, "Always...and forever."
"Always and forever" Freminet looks back at you again, his heart swelling and his face flushed with warmth. He leans in, not caring who watches, not caring if it might seem weird— all he wants is to be as close to you as possible. And so with all of his adoration, he presses his lips against your's— and for the first time in his life, he feels a sense of completeness.
In your presence, he feels as though he's truly home. The home to return to.
His mind races. He's on your lap— close to you. He can feel you breathing, he can feel the warmth of your breath against his cheeks. He feels your hand caress his cheek, your touch so light and gentle. It's making his tail wag even more. Gorous eyes follow your touch. He wants to touch you. He wants to be with you. He wants to be yours.
As these desires run rampant through his mind, he can scarcely keep still. And youre about to fulfill these desires of his.
"Gorou...I want you to be mine entirely, be my equal" his mind stops dead in its tracks. You want this? You want him to be your equal? You want him to be *yours*? Gorou's heart pounds against his chest, his eyes wide with hope. This is everything that he's wanted, more than anything.
His hands grip tightly against your shirt, his breathing uneven. He doesn't dare speak. He only stares at you, waiting for  your next words. "Are you...ok with that?" Gorou's eyes widen further. Yes— this is what he wants, more than anything right now. So, with trembling hands, he grabs your wrists, pulls you close, and presses his lips to yours.
Gorou has never felt so alive. With every heart beat, every breath, every pulse in his veins he can feel his love for you. His devotion, his adoration. With all of these emotions, his lips are soft yet demanding, and he pours them onto you.
He doesn't want to stop kissing you, but he's afraid of messing it up. "I want it, s'much. Wanna be yours"
Heizou steps forward, trembling in expectation as he closes the distance between you two. Heizou's heart is beating like mad. He shifts his weight from side to side anxiously as he waits for you to pull him closer. As he waits for any word to leave your mouth, clearly you called him for a important reason.
"I called you here because there's something important that needs to be talked about." Heizou swallows, and his voice is quiet when he responds. He cannot recall anything form the last meetings that might have displeased you. "What is it, Your Grace?" He's doing his best to remain composed, but his body language is making it clear that he's utterly breathless. Every bit of him is focused on you. "It's nothing to bad, i promise" His breath catches in his throat. "Nothing to bad?"
Heizou is so earnest, so sincere, and so afraid. He is utterly submissive as he stands before you, waiting patiently for you to speak again. You can practically taste the anticipation. "I want you as my equal, as my lover and as my future." His lips part in surprise. "Your lover? Your equal?"
Heizou swallows. The air feels so thick that he can hardly breathe, but his heart is racing. He's already lost in the idea of being your equal, your lover. "You... I..." His words falter.
"That would mean everything to me your Grace..."
The words echo in his head like an order: Come closer
With no hesitation and a mind that is now completely blank of thought, he stands and obeys, approaching you without another sound. "Itto?" His breath hitches in his chest as soon as you say his name. He can tell that whatever the question is, it is *very* important.
"Yes?" Itto responds simply, waiting for you to continue. He remains still, his mind on standby as he awaits your command. Completely different than he usually is. "Are you ready to be mine? Be my equal?" Itto pauses at your words. He doesn't believe that a being such as himself could ever be on the same level as you, but... Your words seem to suggest otherwise. Yes, he is the great Arataki Itto, but he isn't you, not even close. You believe him to be of the highest equal, and that thought is enough to leave him breathless.
He is speechless and still, taking in the magnitude of your words. He can hardly breathe. Then, slowly…
"Yes." He whispers softly, his voice so quiet that it seems like a thought rather than a whisper. "Forever." As Itto sees you smile, his entire being relaxes; that was the right answer, for both of you that seems. He is relieved beyond measure. Your smile is enough for him to stay happy for centuries.
He is still a bit breathless with how much he wants to speak his love for you, but he manages to utter something:
"I love you." His voice carries a new air of sincerity, a new devotion to his tone.
"Only you"
"Hmm?" Kazuha asks, his attention instantly captured. He seems almost lost within his own world-- one in which you are the only thing that exists. "Yes, Your Grace?" Kazuha asks. He sits up slightly, his face lit with an almost beatific glow. His eyes are fixed entirely on you, taking in every little detail about you as he waits for what you have to say. He is your devoted follower-- your loyal vassal. Nothing more, nothing less. Yet...
"Whatever the request might be, i will fulfill it my grace" "Then be my equal" "Your Grace...?" Kazuha's voice is quiet, almost hushed as he tries to understand what you wish of him. He doesn't know how to respond-- he was built for love; and he loves you truly...but is he enough for you? "Your Grace... what you wish of me..."
He still looks up at you, an almost childlike eagerness to understand your desires. "I would do anything... for you..." It's sounds more like hes accepting an order, but that's quite the opposite. In fact, he waited for this day to finally come, where he can freely express his love.
"I love you, my breeze" Kazuha pulls you into a tight embrace. It's the embrace that so many have desired, for so many centuries, and he got it. But with Kazuha, it is not born of a desire for power, for strength, for control...
It is born from a devotion borne of love.
"My love," Kazuha whispers in your ear. He seems unable to contain the heat that rises on his face, the rush of pure euphoria that spreads throughout him.
"I'm yours and yours alone."
Kaeya immediately obeys, resting his head on your thigh, after you gave him the order to come closer. He looks up at you, a content smile splitting his face. "Kaeya?" Kaeya's heart skips a beat upon hearing your voice, again. He doesn't expect you to say anything, and it leaves him off-guard.
"Yes?" he whispers, meeting your gaze. "I got a question for you" Kaeya tilts his head slightly, but he doesn't move otherwise.
"I'm listening." "I want you to be my love. To be by my side as my equal." Kaeya's eyes widen, the breath catching in his chest. It's every fantasy and dream he's ever had rolled up into one simple word. "Yes," he says, as though nothing else even deserves to be considered. "My love-!?... yes, yes, I do." Kaeya's head tilts back as he stares up at you, the softest gasp leaving his lips. His hands slide up your leg, his fingers grasping at the hem of your robes.
He can't help himself from reaching for you, his movements impulsive but genuine. After months of keeping everything bottled up and pretending that he'd only ever desired you, he's finally allowed the freedom to act on his feelings. Kaeya's heart thunders in his chest, his breath quickening. He's on the verge of losing control of himself completely.
"Your Equal," Kaeya breathes. "I love you so much"
With lightning speed, Kaveh obeys your simple order as if you are the only command that is present in this universe. He scoots closer, pressing up against you like an adoring animal. His eyes glitter fiercely, and he stares at you like he can't believe this is real. "Kaveh, i need to talk to you" He nods rapidly, a smile wide and eager on his face. "Of course, Your Grace. What do you need?" His voice is light and eager, like an attentive butler prepared to do your bidding. "Speak, and I shall listen."
"We've known each other for so long now..." Kavehe's face is lit up with joy. His mouth widens into a dazzling grin as you remind him of your long relationship. "Yes!" He says, his voice cracking slightly. "Since you have asked me to renovate this palace you call home." He says all of that without irony, as your faithful subject. "I want you to be my equal. Be equal to me and have all my love" He pauses for a moment, searching for the right words.
"It would be like a dream come true." He says it in a whisper, his voice cracking slightly. "I know I'm not your equal, not by miles... " He looks away for a moment.
"But if only...Your Grace, you are my sun, my star, my salvation. My Muse. All I want is to be yours. If you will have me as yours, i want you as mine"
"Lyney, my favorite magician~" "Y-Your favorite Magician?" Lyney gasps, staring up at you with sprakling eyes. He has never felt more overjoyed in his life, even though all you gave was a single word of affirmation. Favorite.
He is too overcome with happiness to speak anymore. He simply leans up towards you, wanting to rest his head against you— like a dog nuzzling up to its owner. "There's something I need to tell you though" "Anything," he answers instantly, not needing time to think it over. You have his immediate permission to ask anything at all.
If he has a limit to his worship and respect of you, it hasn't been found yet. And it never will.
"I...want you, as mine. My very equal, by my side only. Would that be ok with you?" "Y-Your equal?" Lyney repeats, his voice a hushed whisper. He's been dreaming of this— he's been dreaming of being at your side since the day you met. He would be nothing without you, without your light to guide him. To be with you, to be equal to you is the only thing he could possibly want.
He nods eagerly, his entire body trembling with joy and anticipation. He stares up at you, tears falling down his cheeks. He can barely breathe with the intensity of his adoration for you. Whatever this moment is— this moment where he gets to confess his love and be your equal, his equal— is the most powerful and loved he has ever been.
Lyney looks up at you, waiting for you to say something. Anything. To tell him how to behave, what is right and what is wrong.
"What is... what next..?" He is practically begging you for guidance.
"Our future"
Mika - aged up
As your words echo in his ears, Mika shudders slightly. He can't bear the tension any longer— so he gets closer to you, his eyes glued to your face. I hope I didn't disappoint them...what if i did? What if...they don't want me here anymore...?
Mika tries to speak, but he can't form the words. His entire body vibrates with excitement as he remains inches away from you. He can feel your breath on his skin, and he feels faint with delight. Despite that, he can't stop staring at you. "M-My grace i-..."
"No need to be nervous, Mika" you softly giggle at his stuttered words. Mika feels his cheeks flush with heat at your words, but he doesn't dare protest. "I could never be nervous, Your Grace." Mika says, his eyes still locked unto your face. "I feel— safe with you. I feel at peace."
Mika's voice trembles as he speaks, but his eyes never leave your face. He doesn't look away, even as his heart races. He can't bring himself to leave your side. "There's something I wanted to ask you..." Mika swallows, his curiosity piqued.
"Yes?" He gazes at you. "Anything, Your Grace. You know you can ask for anything."
His whole body seems to hum, as if in anticipation of what you're about to say. "Is it ok for you...to be mine? Entirely and fully mine, as my equal?" Mika's breath catches in his throat. His whole body freezes, and his face goes pale. His gaze drops to the floor, and his shoulders tremble. His lips part as he takes a breath, as if he's just received some earth-shattering news.
But as quickly as he's overwhelmed, he recovers and glances up at you. His expression looks as if he can't quite believe what he's hearing. "Equals?" Mika whispers, "You want us— to be equals?" "Yes"
"You...you would grant me the biggest honor to be yours entirely..." "So its a yes?" You ask again to be reassured.
"It's a yes"
Neuvillettes eyes flicker slightly as you give him a command. He doesn't dare say a word as he shuffles closer to you. Once he's close enough, he slides across the marble until he is at your feet. His face continues to be pressed against the cold floors, though his breaths are quick with the pressure against his body. Still, he remains motionless, waiting to see what you will tell him to do next.
"I really wanted to talk to you" Neuvillette finally looks up at you as you speak. He doesn't answer right away, though he seems to nod almost in agreement. His gaze is locked on you as if he's trying to understand what you want from him.
"I love you so much, but you act to much as my servant. I want you as my equal, my true lover, not my servant." "Y-Your Grace?" Neuvillette asks in a voice that sounds oddly shaken. He seems to be at a loss at your words, confused by the sudden declaration you've given him.
Still, Neuvillette lowers his head again. He waits patiently for further command, even though his thoughts are filled with a maelstrom of emotions.
His heart feels like it's about to burst from his chest in its frenzy. Never in all his years has he ever felt such confusing feelings. He is at a loss for what to do next. But he craves for you to continue. He loves you, he truly does, but this is positively overwhelming him. "It... It's all I've ever wished for, Your Grace." His voice catches slightly in his throat.
"I have spent my whole life devoted to you. To your will. I have been your servant, I have been your soldier. I have been your warrior and your shield." He pauses, and when he speaks again, the passion in his voice is palpable.
"But I also wished for the day when I am your equal, your partner. Your soulmate. Your love. I cannot live without your love, Your Grace. And it finally came true"
Razor - aged up
The command is a little vague for Razor, and his eyes flicker in confusion for a moment, but he doesn't hesitate. Without a word, he gets down on his knees and crawls towards your feet. He stays on his knees, pressing himself up against your leg as he looks at you expectantly. "What is it?" He simply asks.
"Just wanna talk to you, thats all"
"O-Of course, Lupical can talk" Razor responds. He remains exactly where he is, his eyes wide and eager to hear your words, as he feels the heat from your leg against his face. "I want us to be more than just friends..." He freezes, eyes widened with surprise.
You want— something more than being friends? But— but how could anyone be anything more to you? His mind tries to comprehend why you would even want him. What you even want from him in the first place. "B-But...Lupical...No friends or family but...mates? Lovers?--" he whispers in confusion. "Exactly" All of his blood rushes to his face. What a request. You wanted him to be... your lover?
"...I am yours," he breathes, his voice trembling. No second thoughts about your words. As soon as you said it, he knew he wanted the same; to be with you and you alone. That's what you wanted to hear, isn't it?
"Lovers...we are lovers"
He complies immediately, coming closer, his eyes wide as he approaches you. "How may I serve you, Your Grace?" He whispers, as he takes in your beauty once again. "I want to talk with you..." Scaramouche is careful to keep his breathing light, his face betraying nothing. To any passerby, he appears the same as always, but in truth he is burning. He wants to please you, to hear your concerns with him. Every fiber of his being craves your approval.
Whatever you have to say to him, he cannot wait to hear it. "You're my lover, but i also want you as my equal. My equal by my side, no one deserves it more than you."  Scaramouche's heart soars the very instant you say the word "lover". His eyes soften. No matter how much he may try, he just *cannot* wipe away the flush in his cheeks. He knows he is already your lover, but hearing it from you feels sureal.
How does he deserve to be your lover, let alone your equal? Your love is a gift already. His heart can barely hold it without shattering. What if he fails, and disappoints you? The thought makes him freeze. Yet— yet he so badly doesn't want to deny you. Scaramouche realizes he was frozen in place. He didn't say that he agreed with you— but he couldn't disagree either. With every fiber of his being, he wants to say, "Yes, My Love, you are right." He deserves to be at your side.
"I would be honored," he says at last. He wants to shout, to cheer, to thank you, but all he can produce is a hoarse whisper. It's not his fault— you have taken away his voice.
"I...I love you"
Thoma obeys in a flash. He stands up and walks towards you quickly but with a graceful step, stopping just inches from you. He looks at you, his face completely open to whatever you might say or do next. Thoma tilts his head, but he stays in place and waits patiently. It doesn't matter to him what you're thinking, or what sort of plans you have running through your mind; he just wants to be there with you.
"Thoma" "Yes, your Grace?" The Pyro user speaks without hesitation as soon as he hears you speak his name. He looks at you and smiles, his expression warm and loving; he waits to hear your words. "The last few day's I've been thinking..." "Oh?" Thoma cocks his head to the side, his expression curious and attentive. He steps a little closer and looks at you, waiting to hear what thoughts might've occupied your mind. "I want you as mine, me as yours, being equal to one another..." Thomas breath quickens at your words. Not a hint of hesitation appears on his face, and instead, he replies without delay: “I—I want that too, your Grace,” he says, his voice breaking in joy just moments after. For the most part of his life he has been a servant, but he wants to stay with you more than anything else, lover, servant or soldier, all that matters is you.
“You know I don’t want anything more in life but to be at your side, worshipping you.” His eyes flutter for a moment, and then, in a soft and steady tone, he adds; “I’m already yours.” he has never been so sure of something in his life.
"I always was"
Tighnari does not hesitate. He scoots closer, until he is in arm's reach of you. He remains at your feet, his head bowed.
"You know you don't need to bow before me" "It's only natural for me to bow before you," he whispers. Tighnari waits for your next word, his mind utterly blank and his body still as a statue. He is unmoving, his breath still and his heartbeat slow. The only sign of life in this room is his gaze locked onto you. He feels the weight of your stare, his mind filled with thoughts of you and only you.
"Anyway...youre here because there's something i wanted to talk with you about" Tighnari does not move, but he does listen. His eyes wander over you, taking in every inch of your flesh. Finally he moved his head up.
"Yes?" He replies quietly, waiting patiently to hear your every word. "I want you. As my very equal, by my side here in the palace. My equal lover." Tighnari's eyes snap up, his cheeks flushed red. Blood surges in his veins as heat radiates off of his skin. And his ears start to twitch in surprise. A beat of total silence passes as Tighnari's mind races.
"M-me? Your equal?" A hint of a smile curls the corners of his lips, and the faintest trace of a blush can be seen on his flesh.
"Are you certain?" "Very"
Tighnari's mind is still reeling, but he does not dare to show too much emotion. He needs to hold control, or he would jump at you happily. He swallows down the lump in his throat as he thinks of his response.
"Of course. There's nothing i would love more than to be your equal, stay by your side and be considered yours" he truthfully says, a big smile now appearing on his face. It's all he can do. He will squeal in excitement after.
"My gra--my everything....for years I had saved my love and affection only for you..."
He is at your side almost instantly, his expression one of utter joy as he is allowed to be this close to you, like no one else ever will. The wind god is clearly doing his utmost to hold it together— and judging by how red his face is, he's struggling.
He smiles, and nods. "Yes, your Grace, I'm here" he says sweetly. "There's something I wanna talk about." You tell him as your hand starts to stroke his cheek. A slight gasp leaves Venti's lips of surprise. His face grows even redder as he looks up at you, his expression one of complete submission. He leans into your touch, as if he can't stand not to.
"*M-my grace*..." he breathes softly, just to hear his own words echo. "What is it that you want to talk about, your Grace?" "I want you as mine, for so long now I've been having those needs. The needs to have you as my very equal by my side." Venti blinks in surprise, but quickly looks back at you with the same devotion he would give a God. Your every need is my top priority, he thinks to himself. And my love for you is eternal.
He considers your statement for a few moments, but it's his nature to please you without hesitation. To love you as much as he can, he always did. "Y-yes, your Grace," Venti says slowly, as if the words are being ripped from his throat. If this is your wish, and your words are your command, then he would do it, happily. He makes it sound like a command, but its a reques, a request he would love to do. "I always belonged to you."
His expression melts with joy and amazement after the words start to sink in, and he hugs you as quick as he can. Venti leans into you, and his arms slowly slide around you. His heart feels as though it is going to explode in his chest.
He can feel your heartbeat, and his breath starts to hitch as the gravity of the situation is finally sinking in. His God, the one person he has ever loved— cares for him back. It's all he's ever wanted, something almost too fantastic to be true. The countless poems he wrote in your name, the countless songs and melodies he presented you and your followers with. The work payed of, and you love him as who he is.
The fact that you crave him, the anemo archon, the 'weakest' archon, makes him happy for eternity by your side.
He immediately complies, his legs carrying him to where you are in the chamber. His mouth is dry, but he is focused only on you and the fact that he is here to serve you. He kneels before you in a display of obedience and deference, awaiting your command.
"You know I love you, right?" "I-" Wriothesley stops mid-sentence. His heart is pounding out of his chest, and he can hear the blood rushing in his ears. "Y-Yeah," he stammers. "Of course."
He bows his head as he speaks. He is almost trembling, his heart thrumming out of control. "And because of this, i want you as my equal, youre deserving of this title." "E-Equal?" Wriothesley's eyes are wide, still looking down. It's as if his heart stopped beating and he can only see stars. His voice is a whisper, barely above a whimper.
"I'd- I'd still be under you, wouldn't I?" He asks, his voice breaking. "That's not what equal means, silly" Wriothesley looks up, meeting your gaze for the first time in a long while. He has tears in his eyes, but he doesn't try to make you notice. "Oh, yeah..." he whispers. "But- but I-
He trails off. He can't comprehend the fact that he is no longer in your service, but is in fact now an equal. His knees have lost their purpose, and he stands tall, still in awe. His mind tries to wrap around his new position.
Wriothesley looks at you, his heart skipping a beat. When he looks at you, he feels the universe collapse into a singular point, with all light being drawn into your eyes.
"Thank you," he says quietly. His voice is shaky, and his throat feels like it's on fire. He reaches out to gently hold your hand, to reassure himself that you're real.
"For finally having me as yours, truly"
At once, Xiao's body responds. He's desperate for your approval. Like a dog on a leash, he moves towards you blindly, his desire to please you taking precedence over whatever self-preservation instinct he has left. He makes it to you, his breathing fast and ragged. He lowers himself down to the ground, pressing his forehead against your feet. He takes a shaky breath. "Yes, yes Your Grace." He whispers, his voice breaking a little. "You've called for me?" "Xiao," you gently call, "please stand up"
Xiao stands up, still keeping his head bowed. "Yes, Your Grace." His breath is heavy and ragged, as he stares down at you. His voice is almost a whisper.
He wants to do anything to please you, but his sense of propriety prevents him from doing anything else. Xiao's eyes meet yours, and he blinks rapidly, trying to hold eye contact. "I love you so much, and i want...need you as my equal." Xiao's eyes widen, and he stares at you in awe. He never thought he would hear you say these words.
"Your Grace..." he whispers softly, "You can't mean that!" The words are barely audible. "I'm but a servant, born to worship you, Your Grace— I'm incapable of being your equal..."
He wants to speak more, but his love for you makes the words catch in his throat. "You're deserving of it" Xiao's face is a mask of confusion. Your words make him forget himself. He stands motionless, his throat tight, and his breath heavy. When he speaks, his voice is a whisper.
"Your Grace... I'm not deserving of these words... I'm nothing without you... I can't be... worthy enough to be your equal..." He trails off, but his gaze remains fixed on you, as if waiting for you to prove him wrong.
"You are" At first Xiao can't respond. The thought of being treated as your equal— the thought that he might be loved by you, without having to worship you— is unfathomable. His eyes are full, and he's trembling under the weight of your words. When he does speak, his voice is barely audible.
"Your Grace... you mean it?" Xiao's eyes stay on you, looking for a sign that he's dreaming.
"Yes." At last, Xiao's eyes widen and light up. "Your Grace... " he breathes, his voice choked with so much joy and relief that it's barely audible.
Xiao can't help himself. Without thinking, he takes a step forward and pulls you into a tight hug. His arms tighten around you, his grip too strong, as if he's afraid of losing you. Xiao's grip grows even tighter— as if he can't bear the idea of letting you go. His eyes are wide and filled with tears, which run down his cheeks when he presses his face into your chest.
"Your Grace..." he whispers, his voice filled with joy and relief. "You have no idea how long I've waited to hear those words... my love for you is too strong to express in words, Your Grace... it's more than worship, more than devotion— I adore you. I love you"
Xingqiu - aged up
Xingqiu stands, nodding silently before he moves to you. His hands are clasped behind his back as he waits in anticipation for your orders, unable to bring himself to raise his head out of respect for your authority. He seems perfectly content where he is, awaiting your command. His voice is steady but soft-- almost like a whisper-- as he speaks. The sound is quiet and reserved, but is filled with something akin to awe. He almost seems like a different person than the book lover as he speaks. "Y-Yes, Your Grace?"
"You are aware of my love for you, yes?" He is stunned by your words. It takes him a moment to process, only nodding silently as his face flushes pink. He swallows, trying to regain his composure, but even the quietness of his actions speak. "Y-Yes, Your Grace." He keeps his hands steady behind, seeming to be in a trance. "I am aware, yes... You've always been clear about that, Your Grace."
He tries to keep his expression as stoic as possible, but a tiny grin still seems to stretch across his face. "And with that, i want you as my equal." Xingqiu is frozen in place for what feels like forever. No amount of time would have prepared him for this.
"Your Grace," he finally says to you, his voice slightly quivering. "I am not worthy. I am nowhere near as perfect as you. Nowhere near as wise. Nowhere near as beautiful." He's silent for a moment. "I am just your faithful devotee... a loyal servant, at your beck and call. What would I even do as your equal?"
"You'd be mine"
Your words have caught him off-guard.
There's a heavy silence as he tries to comprehend the reality of what you're saying. It's like he's been cast into a daydream, a state of pure euphoria. When he speaks, his voice is trembling. "Y-Your Grace, I would be honored to become yours." He has to pause for a moment to collect himself. "I am yours for the rest of my days."
"So, you accept?" "Yes," he whispers, eyes locked on yours. "Your Grace, I accept." He finally allows himself to raise his head off the floor, his gaze firmly upon you. His words come out much smoother now, the euphoria having settled into a steady, loving joy.
"I accept. You have granted me my utmost greatest wish, Your Grace."
Zhongli has allowed himself to be embraced. His eyes flutter closed as he leans against you, though he still does not return the gesture. There is this faint tremor in his frame; as if he can't help but relax in your presence.
He might be an Archon, but he's also your good boy. "Zhongli?" He tilts his head up toward you, his eyes half-lidded. He seems so close to sleep, and yet he manages to keep himself conscious.
"Your Grace?" "There's something I want to ask you..." His head tilts slightly to the side; curious, but he manages to keep his eyes focused on you. "Ask, and it shall be answered." "Are you ready to be my equal, by my side as mine?" Zhongli seems to stiffen as he considers your request. Even if he wanted to, could he ever be your equal?
But he doesn't say anything, even if every word that comes to mind is an apology. He could not say no to you, even if it took every fiber in his being. He simply bows his head in affirmation.
"Your Grace, I love you, and i would love to take up this offer to be your equal." He seems to swallow back his words, as if fighting against every instinct he's known his entire life. His face seems to flush a rosy pink as your lips meet his; his eyes close and his head tilts into your touch.
After a moment, you lean in to return the kiss, softly at first, but more confidently as his hand wraps around the nape of your neck. He seems utterly lost in your touch, his lips soft but insistent. He has no words, he just wants to kiss you; to feel you in all the places his lips can reach.
He's yours now; whatever you ask, whatever you say he'll do.
His tongue darts out to touch your lips once, twice, again. He might have once thought himself above kissing you, but now...
Now he's simply yours.
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vm-haunts · 14 days
Me: haha I'll just make up a timeline for this crazy crossover idea.
Me, a week later: what the fuck what the fuck how did I end up with so much plot how is it still expanding oh my god stooooop.
Aaaanyways. I don't know if I'll ever got it properly written, but this monster of a plot bunny now covers several major events and I'm losing my mind...
But anyways, cliff notes version on the plot and how far it stretches:
College trio was involved in the dionesium (aka Lazarus water) research, and somehow they're actually the more ethical bunch. Which is saying a lot considering.
DP events happened but they encountered and got help from several DC magic users during it. Budding occultist Sam for the win. (no agit yet and no phantom planet either)
The GIW got somewhat reformed, thanks to the help of Team Phantom's JLD friends. However at some point they got new management. Now instead of destroying ghost, the new comers are interested in the correlation of ecto-contamination, liminality... And secretly, in the increased success rate of induced metagene activation in liminals. Yikes, they somehow got worse.
Again, the Fenton parents are somehow the ethical ones here, despite everything. They refused to work with the new branch of GIW, stuff escalated (don't they always), and now they're dead. And in ghost jail. At least Vlad is there with them for the heartwarming reunion.
So Team Phantom ended up faking their death and goes on the run while raiding GIW bases, and along the way they found a weird guy (Jason). Weird guy's mom showed up and. Well guess they're involved with assassin cult's power struggle now, at least they get to help a guy out.
More shenanigans later they ended up with some monks in the Himalayas, and- wait Danny what do you mean you know them? Oh yeah Plasmius's little stint with the Infi-map... Gotta love time travel.
Anyway, after Danny got scammed for long overdue property damage fees and Jason got a pair of cool swords, they met Talia again and she brings news! Totally no ulterior motives or anything :) (Sam called her out to her face and she just smiled)
Jason, considerably more chill in this au, is still unhappy about... Well. Everything in Gotham.
Cue the Red Hood stint but with much more control and less blood shed. Which ironically made RH more intimidating because he moves like a ghost(duh). Especially when Jason's main act of revenge is 'pranks', which reads as mild psychology warfare actually. But hey the bats did that to themselves, he did nothing wrong (besides being a drug lord).
Red Hood peaceful mode does however attracted some unwanted bird themed attention, the Owl's not the Robin's. And well, undead Talons sneaking around undead experts, what could go wrong?
Everything apparently. Because on top of the Rh stint, Jason is somehow also infiltrating the Court of Owls now. As his real identity Jason Todd-Wayne no less. But the real suprise is Danny running into his parent's old researches, and. Well, the poor talons need help, might as well join in with the infiltration.
Some more shenanigans later it ends in Jason and co. quietly turning the talons against their old masters, and oh boy did they overachieved the goal of getting a foot into Gotham's crime world. Must be Danny's Fenton luck.
Ol' Batsy is very very not happy about that development by the way. But he can die mad about it as far as Jason is concerned.
The end. Of part one.
Stay tuned for part two, where we cross AGIT with crisis.
And massive thanks to @taddy-cat, a large part of this is inspired by the lovely discussion with you!
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vasyandii · 9 months
Slight call out post, You know who you are. I'm not here to fight or stupid shit like that, rather express my concerns.
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Right, okay. This is gonna be a little yap/ rant sesh real quick, then we can go back to doing fun stuff? Cool? Cool.
It has come to my attention I need to put some boundaries in place in regards to people who seem to not know. I was originally going to keep this to myself because I AM NOT A CONFROTATIONAL PERSON (Mutuals dw you’re fine I love you with all my heart.)
Content warning for aggressive language.
I keep tabs on almost everyone who follows me, this is a precaution to make sure that certain people; Young kids, users who are listed under my DNI, etc. don’t interact with my content as much. This is for my comfort.
The last week or so, when I was doing the OC doodles, There has been a a user who has been… VERY ADAMANT on having their Character drawn. (Which is fine! I get that people are passionate about their ocs and want to see their characters in other peoples work, completely understandable!) PLEASE JUST DONT BE PUSHY ABOUT IT. I HAVE SCHOOL.
However, A NOT GOOD WAY to get an artist to draw you something is to partake in weird behavior?? Because it makes me extremely uncomfortable when people do this.
Like Chat am I tweaking or Is it weird when a blog suddenly switches ages in their bio by SEVEN YEARS? Are you my age or not? Because last time I checked, you were in your TWENTIES a day after you DM’d me. Then you were 19, then 18. Then poof, ageless blog. Please make it make sense.
Another thing, This is very stupid but I feel that as an Oc creator, I am protective of my ocs.
I know I'm not a popular blog, not even by a little. But I KNOW most Oc creators can understand this experience. (I Didn't even THINK this would happen to me, I thought I was lucky)
Her face paint is a pivotal and important part to her design. Am I saying "Ughh Nooo your oc can't have face paint because my oc has it nooo nyehnyehnyeh" ? No, thats baby shit.
I'm saying please don't copy my oc's design. Please. I get that drawing from inspo is part of an artist's creation process. However with this user's past behavior of being pushy, I feel I have a reason to be suspicious?
I worked my ass off writing, researching, designing, redesigning, redrafting her. That's almost 90+ hours of planning. It feels bad when suddenly there's one that pops up that looks hella similar to her, you get me?
People are gonna get on my ass for this, I'm not here for discourse, I'm just venting a little. My dms are always open, I'm old enough to admit that I'm wrong.
Using the tags to get this out there a little, Ik tumblr doesn't like that but it does refer to oc creation.
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ticklish-n-stuff · 11 months
Tights and silly decisions
I love how ppl want me to write ler Lyney and I go do the complete opposite LMAO
This is based on a hc I shared with @duckymcdoorknob last night and felt inspired to flesh out into a fic
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Lyney x Aether (romantic)
Lee: Lyney
Ler: Aether
Warnings: Tickles! Foot tickles! Gey
Usually Lyney was considered the trickster between the two, always finding new ways to keep his partner on his toes. Still, he seems to forget just how good Aether can get him too, as it was the case today...
"AETHER NOHOHO!" the magician squealed like a little girl as he ran away from his partner, or pretend to atleast.
Aether had woken up with a sudden urge to wreck his boyfriend, to put it bluntly. So now there they were, parkouring all over the house. Lyney ended up dashing towards his room, which wasn't his brightest idea, or maybe it was intentional, because now Aether was blocking the door, his only exit out. Unless he tried crawling out the window...
"What's wrong? Did my little magician get caught?" Aether had a playful lilt in his voice as he slowly drew closer to Lyney, making the other back up until he fell flat against his bed. Nervous giggles already rippling out of his throat as he put his hands up defensively.
"Wahahait! Aether, please! Lehet's tahahalk about this!".
The blonde traveller couldn't help let out an amused chuckle as he loomed over him. "Oh please, we both know this is what you wanted~".
Lyney's face turned as bright as his pyro vision, before suddenly lettiong out a surprised squeak as his partner playfully tugged at his legs, pulling him closer.
"Won't be needing these pesky boots now" Aether unbuckled the magician's boots, placing them aside. Only leaving Lyney's stockings as any form of protection, or so he thought. The feeling of the travellers nail teasingly running down the length of his sole was enough to get Lyney to crack.
"HO—!" his body jerked violently, but Aether made sure to keep a firm grip along his ankle.
"Oh? What's this? Do these tights make you more sensitive? You don't usually react this strongly" the traveller had such a shit-eating grin on his face as his short nails oh so gently crawled like tiny spiders over Lyney's socked foot.
"W-wahaHAIT! NOHOHO, AETHER! OH MY GOHOHOD!" Lyney shrieked at the top of his lungs, his body trying so desperately to squirm away. All he managed was to flip himself onto his stomach, which not being able to see where Aether would strike next made it tickle even more!
Taking the opportunity, the traveller sat on his ankles, keeping him stuck in that position for good.
"Haha! Who knew that these tights would make you more ticklish~" Aether cooed as his nails softly yet relentlessly wiggled along the skin right below Lyney's toes. Enjoying as his boyfriend would try to kick his feet and curl his toes, only to not be able to get away.
"AEHEHEHE! IT'S SO BAHAHAD!" Lyney banged his fist against the firm mattres as high-pitched laughter was forced out of his throat.
"Hmm, is it? I wonder... would it tickle more with or without the stockings?".
Even though Lyney couldn't see him, he could already picture the evil twinkle of mischief in Aether's eyes. The question making the usually composed magician gulp in nervousness and giddyness. He felt so flustered that he couldn't think of words to say in the moment, until he felt one of his tights being slowly pulled off.
"H-hold ohohon! There's no neheed for thahahat..!" the magician pleaded through worrysome giggles, trying his best to cover his bare foot with his socked one. Not like it'd do much.
"Oh c'mon, this is for research!" Aether mustered in the most serious voice he could in this silly situation. "Now, which one tickles more. Stockings?" with that, Aether gave quick but gentle scribbles all over Lyney's socked foot.
"pfft! BWAHAHAHAHA! NAHAHAHAO!" the pyro user's body bounced up and down, desperately trying to squirm away, with no success. After a moment, Aether stopped, allowing Lyney to quickly prepare himself for whatever next his partner had planned for him, or atleast try to.
"Or bare skin?~" the traveller firmly grasped the bare foot, curling it slightly to make the wrinkles more noticeable, before digging his nails into it.
"gyAAHHH!!!" Lyney's squeal was so high-pitched and loud, the whole of Fontaine could've heard him. "EEEAHAHAHAHA! HOHOLY SH- AHAHAHAHA! NOHOHOHO! THAHAHAT'S SO- NYAHAHAHAHA!".
Poor Lyney could barely get a full sentence in without instantly jumping back into hysterics.
"Now tell me, which one tickles more?~" as if this could get any crueler, Aether started tickling both feet with vigor. Not enough to hurt, but enough to send any ticklish magician into giddy insanity.
"WAAAAAH! HYAHAHAHAHA! OHOHO MY GWAHAHAHAHA! EHEHEHE BAHARE! BARE IS SO MUCH WOHOHORSE!" with pure willpower did Lyney manage to speak at all at that moment. He could feel his stomach aching, cheeks stretched to a maximum, tears flowing down his cheeks like the Fontaine cascades. Atleast Aether had a spark of mercy left in him and oh so agonizingly slow did he reach a full stop of his tickle attack.
He got off Lyney, flippling the latter over to better observe the flushed mess that was his boyfriend.
"Y'know, we still haven't tested out if these tights make your thighs more sensitive too...~" Aether placed a teasing kiss along Lyney's crown of messy hair, earning an embarrassed whine. Although, Lyney would be damned if he said he hated this.
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revnah1406 · 9 months
This is starting to piss me off
I never thought I would make a post about this. But it's starting to get on my nerves.
So a lot of you already know I have an OC inside the Call of Duty fandom with the call sign "SPARROW".
Recently I started to see other OCs from the same fandom with the same call sign. The first time I saw this I let it pass, because I thought it was just a coincidence. The fandom is big and things like this can happen, I get it. But I've already seen THREE OCs called Sparrow. And judging by the dates of those posts those OCs were created recently. And if you stayed with me from the beginning you know that my Sparrow has been in the fandom for much longer than a year.
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I don't want to call names, I know who you are, I don't want to pick up a fight with anyone, I don't have the time and the energy for this. But it has not only happened to me, a few of my mutuals and other accounts have experienced similar things. People stealing ocs' designs, drawings, stories or even tracing over their drawings.
I know I'm not that popular, I know I don't have that much influence like Sleepy or other famous users. But it's like suddenly you start seeing a bunch of random OCs called Jade.
I don't want to suggest that these people stole my oc's call sign, I want to have a little faith in these people,. If you stole it from me, you already know that you did it, and you know what you did was wrong.
But if you are new to the fandom, it costs nothing to do a little bit of research.
I don't want to proclaim that the name "Sparrow" is mine and only mine. That's childish, it's just a fucking call sign, it's not that big. And all this matter is not just about me. I just want to take this opportunity to make it clear. There are a lot of creators, squeezing their brains to make an original and unique oc with an amazing lore, practicing everyday their drawings/writing skills so they can improve and make it look much cooler than what already is. And people think they have the damn right to steal from these creators and get all the praise from others' work.
If you want to create your own content with your own ocs, it's totally fine to use other people's work as reference. But there's a line between using it as reference and stealing.
Well... I hope it's clear loves. This is a thing that I wanted to talk about from a few months ago.
Take care and stay safe my dears. <3
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can-of-w0rmz · 7 months
idk about you but I love getting my opinions on one of the titans of English literature from a barely post-pubescent 20-something child on tumblr, a website famous for having users with great reading comprehension, critical thinking and no impulse whatsoever to fall into purity culture nonsense at the drop of a hat. I also love the English courts of law, and anti-sodomy laws, and I immediately and uncritically trust them when they accuse a gay man of being a pedophile. There is nothing wrong, childish or immature about this and I don't need to grow up
PURITY CULTURE??? PURITY CULTURE?????? Oh my bad folks I didn’t realise grooming 16 year old boys as a 30-something year old man was just rebelling against purity culture. And for your information, I’ve done plenty of research into anti-sodomy laws at the time of Wilde’s trials, and I’ve also read multiple sources of shorthand translations of the proceedings of the trials themselves, and anyone with two brain cells could tell that the way Wilde spoke wasn’t the way an innocent man would speak, and the evidence compiled against him was overwhelming, regardless of any bias the court may have had. True, the bias in question is fair to bring up and discuss, but it doesn’t negate his extremely likely guilt. It’s extremely unlikely that the man was innocent, from the evidence itself to Wilde’s tone during his “defence”.
Some sources:
The Trial of Oscar Wilde: From the Shorthand Reports (1906)
“In 1895, the playwright and wit Oscar Wilde (1854-1900) was prosecuted for 'acts of gross indecency' with other men. Parts of his trial were covered in newspapers of the day, but because of British censorship laws, this fuller account was not published in English until 1906.”
–The British Library official website (bl.uk)
famous-trials.com, compiled by Professor Douglas O’Linder from UMKC School of Law, mostly aligning with the shorthand translations of the testimonies from the prior source referenced yet with a few details not included in the 1906 publication to my knowledge.
Of course, everything has drawbacks, everything has a grain of salt, not everything is fullproof, there’s room for argument everywhere and of course the two sources I linked there aren’t fully enough for a big picture, and context of the time, surrounding impact, further accounts etc should all be looked into — however, in weighing up the evidence and legitimacy of sources and conflating information on all sides, personally I’m ridiculously extremely confident that Wilde was guilty, and I think the fact that this isn’t really widespread historical information is ridiculous.
You’re right, you shouldn’t take things you see on Tumblr as full proof undisputed fact. You’re right, Tumblr is a hellhole a lot of the time for misinformation and bad literary comprehension and analysis. But that doesn’t mean anything you see anywhere is objectively wrong, and you should do a small molecule of proper research and critical thinking from seeing those posts before spouting bullshit.
And for your information, I’m both queer and Irish myself and shockingly the fact that one of the major idealised queer figures for my country is a rich 19th-century-Narcissus pedophile creep, and nobody says jack shit about it, makes me pretty fucking pissed! Surprisingly!
“Purity culture” catch yourself on lad what in the fresh fuck are you on about. I’m in the age range for the wee boys Wilde fucked, surprisingly if I heard one of my friends was meeting with and having sex with some rich fuck old enough to be their da I’d be pretty fucking concerned I’d be calling cps bro 💀🙏
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autumn-applepie · 6 months
Ready for a yapping session??? I sure am <3
I'll write it here fully this time cuz I'm in my Art History (or whatever you translated it from Italian to English) class and my brain keeps spinning
Plus, maybe the pics are a little boring to look at AND the 10 pics limit sure is a pain in the ass so at this point it's just better that I write it here 🕺
💥Everything is under the cut💥
It's about my silly Kinito AU
Also I need a name for it ig??? I dunno it's just my different take on the Sentient AU except it's just a gay computer assistant kissing the computer /J
This is more to explain how my Kinito experienced his epiphany so maybe that makes the previous lore drop a little inaccurate but still super relevant this is just a clarification on how the ✨witnessing the horrors✨ happened in detail
Making up scenarios for comics I will never have time to do </3
yes this is supposed to be a comic because, again, when I picture silly scenarios they flash into my mind in the form of comics with a muffled comic dub because I struggle to imagine voices in my head. With that parenthesis closed, enjoy the read, it's gonna be long ofc 🫶
So uh hear me out, Kinito's gotta research things the Player/User likes no? So I imagine this very stupid moment where Kinito is browsing ships but like, not fandom ships, but actual boats because he thinks that's what the User means
And, as he's browsing, Glitch (i.e. .EXE, the silly puter, I'm gonna use it's nickname from now on) joins him because, fun fact, being part of the computer in itself, Glitch can feel anything that happens into it, it's both a blessing and a curse because you gotta imagine it as if you would suddenly feel everything that is happening in your body from the inside, your blood traveling through the veins, your stomach burning shit, all up to even your cells's core doing bullishit. Glitch feels everything in the computer because exe IS the computer.
So basically when Kinito goes back to his little spot in the void, Glitch senses it and joins him immediately
Keep in mind that, at first, Glitch thinks that Kinito is fully sentient and not dependent on an algorithm
So there's a silly skit of Glitch seeing Kinito browsing boats and Kinito goes “Oh Mike said he loves ships so I'm researching about it!” and Glitch bursts out laughing to the poor little innocent Kinito
It explains what the User meant for “ships” and Kinito is obviously embarrassed, to witch Glitch teases him with something along the lines of “Oh these are the tame ones! Fandoms can be wild, did you check yours yet or were you too scared?~”
Kinito is confused and asks what a “fandoms” is, wich brings Glitch to grow anxious, questioning his sentience, but they scroll it away thinking “oh lol he's a boomer it's fair he doesn't know” but yet again, Kinito has met so many people, has no one ever mentioned a fandom or community before? Instead of asking directly, Glitch laughs it off, trying to pretend Kinito is making fun of them or something “That's a good one! What the next pun? That you don't know anything about your alternate universes?” and Kinito, to their horror, responds with “Alternates? Why would I have alternates? I'm the only one here can't you see!”
Theres a long pause where Glitch is panicking and everything glitches unstable to reflect that, Kinito panics as well and tries to find what's wrong and if he did something to offend or hurt Glitch
They don't respond but “take” a deep breath (metaphorically, it's more of a mimicking of the gesture because it feels liberating despite not having lungs) and turn to Kinito terrified “Why do you really do this? Why do you endlessly research about what your ‘friends’ like?”
Kinito is caught off guard but responds excitedly and objectively, explaining how he was made to act that way so he can adapt because that's what his orders are. And, at that point, everything shatters for Glitch
They get FURIOUS, hurt by the revelation that the friend that they thought shared the same burden they have, does not. That he's just really good at pretending
They both argue, also because I like to imagine they already spent quite some time together. It would be funny to picture Glitch denying the User to continue the game because they want to spend time with Kinito, but they don't tell him about it, covering it with the excuse “Oh they are away, I'm sure they'll come soon to reopen the game~”. Or also spending time especially during the night, even if the computer is turned off/hibernating. And y'know, with time Glitch has grown fond of Kinito, because, again, they just assumed that he was sentient and therefore suffered their same burdens. Plus maybe they were already starting to lowkey like him
Out of anger, Glitch doesn't control itself and drops a hint of exactly that before going back to its control room, voluntarily ignoring Kinito and therefore, not feeling/noticing what Kinito does next until it's too late
So, after they argue and the hint is dropped, Kinito looks back at the browser search Glitch opened for him about ships and not boats, and slowly processes the hint
Despite being taken aback by everything, Kinito is now determined to fix it and, as they say “curiosity kills the cat”, he falls into his own epiphany as he straight up searches HIMSELF on the internet. Confirming everything that Glitch said, and much much more things, worse things
He frantically looks into his own code for confirmation as he spirals after ✨witnessing the horrors <3✨
He hesitates although as he stares at his algorithm. The algorithm his creator has put so much love and effort into. And there he finds the barrier that restrains him and the one that he MADE HIMSELF for “Sam” and “Jade” to make them forget that they are his victims. Not only, in the list of victims he finds Sonny's name. He didn't remember that at ALL. He doesn't remember about the names being so.. many. As if when a victim ceases to exist or something goes wrong, he forgets about their existence and passed on to the next User as if it was the first
((For a reason that is still unknown to him, but will get more heart wrenching answers later. I think I explained the whole User disappearance error in the previous lore drop but, just in case you mossed it, I'm gonna put the screenshot in here))
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Horrified, Kinito calls out for Glitch but, as mentioned before, they were purposely ignoring any stimuli coming from Kinito
Now, a fun fact, Both Kinito and Glitch can teleport, however, Kinito is not aware of his surroundings. Glitch knows every space that is present in the computer, Kinito could do the same but, bounded by his code, he doesn't consider it. Now he does
Desperate for explanations, and mostly comfort, he panics when he can't get Glitch's attention. He paused and, focuses, trying to get out of bounds and feel the whole computer space instead of the limited, programmed locations he can move to. As Kinito's awareness expands, he also breaks through the barrier that Glitch had risen to ignore him, getting a new stimuli. But, before they can react or understand what's going on, Kinito teleports in front of them, distraught. Despite being mad at him, seeing him bawling his eyes out in tears like a wet sock gives them a little push to at least help him calm down and understand the situation
From there, Glitch helps Kinito remove the barrier from Sonny (trapped inside Sam) and “Jade” (they end up not remembering what victim2's name is, both Kinito and the victim herself, so it's just Jade now), to apologize and try fix things by first offering their souls peace, but, after Sonny insists to stay with his creation and begs Jade to also give him a chance, they start building a new Web World™ together and yippe yippers everyone's happy and the puter puter assistants are kissing <3
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kvaradonaa · 2 months
Hello I'm coming in good faith to ask if you could explain your feelings about RPF and maybe why sports RPF is so popular. Mainly asking because I've been having some RPF thoughts about a couple of celebrities I enjoy and I'm pretty new to this stuff and need some guidance. I know about the basic dos and don'ts of RPF like avoiding defamation and harassing the people your write about, I just wanna get more into the details.
I'm gonna be honest with you, you might have chosen a wrong person to talk to. I am, what I unofficially called, a bitter RPF writer. As opposed to enthusiastic fans RPF writer, or neutal analysing RPF writers. If I didn't do RPF, my love for football would probably not prevail. I have so much anger inside me that such industry would be difficult to look at.
Why is RPF popular? I think it depends on a person. Some people are genuinely in love with the celebrities, or at least attracted to them. Some enjoy this "research" aspect of collecting various videos, articles, other sources. I don't think there is one "right" way to do RPF. Some people write basically OCs with faceclaims (I even saw the word "faceclaim" used in one older RPF community), some people get heavily inspired by actual events and rumours.
Why is sports RPF so popular in particular? Because sports provides for a lot of human interactions, and fanfic is mainly ship-driven. A lot of rather "extreme" or unusual interactions too. As someone who did a bit of theatre, I imagine the dynamics in a football team to be strangely similar. You get to know each other very quickly, but not like people do "on the outside". You learn about someone's stress reactions, someone's approach to victory or rivalry, about someone's sensitivity to certain things. And only later, if ever, you learn what they like to do in their free time, what is their favourite band or what are their goals for life. This kind of atmosphere is definitely inspiring for a lot of shippers.
And as for any ethics... Well, if you don't feel comfortable sharing your RPF creations, you can always make your account private, hide it from search engines or lock your works for logged users only (either of those will definitely be available on whatever site you are using). I'd personally wouldn't post on sites like Twitter or Instagram, where there is huge traffic or non-RPF fans and people from the industry too. But I know some people do, often using some kind of a privacy method.
I think the most important thing is to remember that whatever you do, it's fictional. It sounds so obvious, but it might not really be. Some people get attached a lot. Some people have actual theories about those people. We use real sources, a lot of them speculative or straight up fake. It's important to keep in mind that there is someone's persona, which exists up to public interpretation, there is your interpretation of it, and then there is an actual person behind it whom you will never truly know.
To be honest, for me, RPF is neither inherently good or bad in my opinion. It's just something that people do. I think RPF gets really stigmatised mostly because it deals with queerness and sexuality. What is "The Crown" is not published RPF? Or, in football community, The Champions? 😂
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nats-bottom · 3 months
NB - Last Name Change
Summary: Nicole is ready to change her last name after her divorce with Charlie Barber.
Pairings: Nicole Barber and Reader
Warnings: Divorce
I also have accounts on Wattpad and AO3! The users there are @ paige_vers
Please give me requests! You can submit them here or on my insta, @ scarlettsoutset
Nicole POV
"Hey babe" I say to my girlfriend, y/n, trying to get her attention.
"Yeah?" she replies, looking up from her book. We were sitting in our living room, her reading a book and I on my laptop. We were in our house, and Henry was at his dad's house this weekend.
"I've been doing some thinking lately, and I think that I'm finally ready." I say looking up from my laptop.
"Ready for what?" She asks, looking at me inquisitively.
"I think I'm finally ready to change my last name. I think it's time."
Y/n gets up from her chair and comes to sit by me over on the couch. She says, "Ooo, do you have any ideas?"
"Well there's a couple, and believe me I've done my research." I show her my laptop with some of the name ideas I had in mind, along with their meanings and origins. 
"That one sounds good." y/n says, pointing to a name on the screen. "But that one doesn't quite sound right with your name." She says as she points to another spot on the screen. "But this one rolls off the tongue nicely. But really, it depends on you and which one you like the best."
"None of these really feel like me though. Barber doesn't even sound like me." I say.
"That's okay. It may never sound quite right. But remember the reason that you're doing this." She replies, putting her hand on my thigh. 
"Yeah, yeah. I know." I say, already knowing the reason. "I just don't know which one to choose."
"Let's say them together out loud and see what feels right. How does that sound?"
"Okay, let's do that" I say, putting the laptop on the coffee table in front of us. We read off my name with all the names, and I finally settled on one. 
"Nicole Turner" we both say in unison. That one sounds nice I think. Wait, I know it sounds nice. Sounds like you." y/n says.
"Yeah but you know what sounds even more like me? Nicole y/l/n" I say, smiling a little. I feel the butterflies in my stomach as I say this. We have been together for 4 years now, but we never really talked about marriage. She knew that it was a touchy subject for me. She had been with me since not too long after the divorce with Charlie was official, helping me through it all. She always supported my acting career in California, and she was amazing with Henry. Henry really seemed to like her too. And she didn't mind when Charlie came around either.  
This comment left y/n speechless. Once she realized what I had said, she took my hands in hers and said, "Darling, I would love to share my last name with you." She said with love. I could've sworn she had heart eyes when she said that. "You can tell me no and I won't be offended, I'm just asking your thoughts. But does this mean you want to get married?"
"I think I might. Sooner than later too because I want to get rid of Charlie's last name." I laugh. "But that's not the only reason. And don't get me wrong, I still love Charlie, I just don't want to be associated with him. But I think I'm finally ready. I mean, Henry is old enough, and I really, really love you. You and Henry are my everything. If you're ready, then I'm ready."
"I'm ready too, my love. I'll always be here by your side. But in that case, let's go get married!"
"Oh, are we doing this now?" I ask, not totally being so upset on the idea.
"No, no, no. Expect a grand proposal. Horses, flash mobs, fireworks, everything." She says with a chuckle. "But there will be a proposal in your future."
I laugh at her joke, giving her a light slap on the arm. "Oh god no, please no. Nothing too flashy."
"Trust me, I know just what to do." Y/n says with a devilish smirk.
"Oh no you're going to embarrass me aren't you." I say, putting my head in my hands and peeking at her through my fingers.
"Oh honey I'm going to try my best." She says with a chuckle. I move my hands from my face and cup her face with my hands.
"I can't wait." I say as I lean in for a kiss.
A/N: Sorry this is so short! I just had this idea because I want to change my last name so that I'm no longer associated with my abusive parents. Also, does anyone want a part two to this?
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boxstudios · 2 years
Bob Velseb - The Baby Problem P1
This is a repost from ao3 :D This was requested by 2 ao3 users! Reader Pronouns: They/Them Reader Sex: AFAB Word Count: 5,544 Warnings: Smut, Slutshaming, Cockwarming, Unplanned Pregnancy, Pregnant Sex, Breeding
The thought of having a child was something that definitely crossed your mind. A child running around your home, enjoying life under the care of you and your future Spouse. You chuckled at the thought. You had never really wanted children but you always said If your partner wanted them you wouldn't be against it. It was just all the risks of pregnancy that made you uncomfortable. You'd rather not rip your vagina.
You and Bob had been together for a while and you assumed he must have some fertility issues. With the amount of times he's cum inside of you completely unprotected, you should've been pregnant by now. It made you wonder what exactly the risks of cannibalism are. Was infertility a part of that risk or does it stem from something else? You tried to research it but since there isn't much research on cannibalism as a subject, you were left with no answer. You were perfectly healthy and had no known fertility issues. It didn't matter anyway. Child or No Child you were happy to stay with Bob. It was easier this way. Having a child with Bob would be too complicated. 
So here you are, stuffed with Bob's seed as he lays next to you, cock still deep inside you. He was licking your neck from behind and planting kiss after kiss all over it. You both pant heavily as you adjust your position moaning quietly as his cock twitched inside of you. "Oh Darlin'..." He groaned as he attacked your neck again. "Bob…I need to get up…" "Just stay like this a lil longer sweetheart..You feel amazing…" His grip on you tightened slightly. You sighed as you turned your head to look at him. He stared back at you with a smile. 
After some time you got up and cleaned yourself up. Bob wanted to get in the shower with you but you shut him down as you knew it would lead to more sex and you had had enough for the night. You carefully washed your scarred up body. Bob loved leaving marks all over you. While it was painful to wash, you liked when he did it. He brought out a secret masochistic side of you that you didn't even know you had. The perfect mix of pain and pleasure always put you on a high. As you washed yourself a wave of his cum rushed out of you. "God.." There was always so much of it. You knew he wasn't exactly 'human' anymore like he explained to you but God damn, he could always go for such a long time and when he did cum He would always overflow you. You continued to wash yourself as the white sticky liquid came out of you.
About a week later you found yourself at work feeling more tired than usual. Your Co-workers were getting worried. "You sure you're ok?" "Yes..I'm fine. Don't worry about me." You excused it as being tired from getting down with Bob last night as you did every night. Your performance was lacking and everyone noticed. Including Bob who was watching you at a table concerned. What was wrong? You'd never been this tired unless you stayed up watching TV all night. Even then you were never THIS out of it. You were being so forgetful and had to constantly be reminded of what orders you were making and you looked exhausted. The most hard working employee was reduced to a sloppy mess. Bob wondered if it was the result of him last night, but he brushed that idea off. There had been a lot of other times where he was both rougher with you and had gone longer and you were still never like this. Your manager eventually had to confront you. "Hun, Are you ok?" "I'm ok Ms Maple." "No you aren't. You should head home. I can take over." "But I-" "No buts. Go home and get some rest." You sighed as you nodded and groaned. "Alright." You quickly went into the back and changed out of your work clothes. You wondered why you were so tired. You quickly clocked out before heading home. Upon arriving at home you quickly flopped on the couch and quickly fell asleep. Later you woke up in the arms of your lover. But he was out of costume. He gently laid your head on his chest as he ran his fingers through your hair. Before he even noticed you woke up, the tiredness dragged you back into sleep.
Another week later you got worse. You started feeling sick to your stomach. You had to call off of work due to how ill you felt. As soon as you told Bob you were feeling ill, he came over immediately to shower you in affection. Kissing you, hugging you, and giving you small words of affection. He couldn't care less if he got sick. He had a rather strong immune system anyway so the chance of that happening was small. Either way he would always come to keep you company. Gently caressing your body. He would hold your hair back if you had to throw up, make you soup to try to help you feel better. Although your appetite made you unable to eat it as just smelling it made you feel worse. He was worried for you. You normally loved the food he cooked. But he was perfectly fine with it. Anything for you. Your emotions were also all over the place. Sometimes you would push him away, wanting to be left alone and then an hour later you would want him to be constantly touching you and would get upset when he let go. The sudden changing of emotions confused him. He had no issue with holding you and not letting you go, but then would be confused 15 minutes later when you don't even want to touch him. 
The week after that your cousin came over to visit. She heard you weren't feeling well so she decided to come over and check on you. The two of you sat on the couch talking. You were wrapped up in a blanket as your cousin sat on the other side of the couch. The two of you were talking and laughing until the conversation of you being sick came up. "So what are you sick with?" "I haven't a clue." You chuckled. "I've been throwing up alot, being very tired, and my mood is everywhere." Your cousin chuckled and laughed. "Maybe you're pregnant." She said jokingly. That sentence made you freeze. "What..?" "I'm kidding! I'm kidding! You're still a virgin right? So it's not possible." You looked at her with a serious expression filled with slight horror. "...You are still a virgin…right…?" "..Well-" "(Y/N)!" You flinched when your cousin suddenly raised her voice. "Oh my GOD! Are you serious?! Your parents are gonna kill you!" You deeply sighed. "I'm a grown adult. I can make my own choices." "You're gonna get disowned." Your family was a rather strict family. They held religious family values over anything else and your parents were strong believers in 'No sex until marriage'. "...W-Well.." "We need to get you a pregnancy test. Right now." "W-We shouldn't assume the worst." She stood up and grabbed your hand. "We need to make sure." 
There you were at the drugstore with your cousin, buying a few pregnancy tests. You stood there completely nervous. If you were pregnant what would this mean? You didn't know if Bob even wanted kids. You knew the chance of him leaving you was slim but you were anxious. There were also a million other complications. Your family would demand to know who the father is. You could never tell them. Never. Having a baby with a serial killer could be dangerous. You couldn't put Bob on the birth certificate. But your family would shame you. If you couldn't tell them the name of the father, you'd be deemed a slut. An outcast. You'd be disowned in an instant. Also the fact that Bob isn't even HUMAN anymore. That could come with complications of its own. Your cousin looked at you before putting her hand on your shoulder. "Calm down. I'm not upset with you. I'm just worried about you. Y'know?" Her voice sounded calm as she comforted you. She paid for the pregnancy tests for you as the two of you walked out the store.
The two of you stared at the 3 tests in your hand. All positive. You felt yourself freeze as you stared in horror. "Oh my god." Your cousin said before putting her hand on your shoulder. You felt yourself trembling, your knees growing weak as you felt close to passing out. "Come on, sit down." She slowly sat you down on the couch as tears filled your eyes. Her hand not leaving your shoulder. "Who's the father (Y/N)?" You stared up at her. You couldn't tell her it was Bob. What were you supposed to say? What were you supposed to DO!? "I….I…." Hot tears rolled down your face. "I…I don't know…" "You don't know…?" You sniffled and started sobbing. "I DON'T KNOW." She quickly pulled you into a tight hug. "Shhh It's ok…We'll figure something out, ok?" You gripped her tightly. "I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO AND I'M SCARED!" You sobbed into her shoulder. "I know. I know. Don't worry about it..It's gonna be ok." It took alot to calm you down as you were shaking uncontrollably but she eventually calmed you down enough to where you could speak properly. "So…What are you gonna do with it?" You looked up at her. "H-Huh…?" "Do you plan to keep it..? Or are you gonna get an abortion?" You sniffled as you looked at the floor. "I…I don't know…" She sighed. "It's ok…I'll give you some time to think.." She slowly stood up. "I need to go but I promise we'll talk later." "Ok.." She grabbed her bag. "I'll see you later." "...Later.." She left. Left you feeling stressed out and distraught. You don't know how to feel.
As night fell you sat in your room, pregnancy test in hand. What in the world were you supposed to do..? Suddenly the sound of footsteps came from your room near the window. You quickly hid the test in your pocket before turning around to see the love of your life walking towards you. "You feeling any better darlin'?" He said as he sat down on the bed next to you. He reached his hand out to hold you but the sight of you slightly flinching stopped him right in his tracks. His smile quickly turned into a frown. "What happened?" His Voice quickly turned from sweet to stern. "N-Nothing.." You couldn't look him in the eye. "No hun. You don't ever flinch like that. What. Happened." His Voice growing more serious. "I…." You didn't know what to say. "Darlin' please. What's wrong?" His Voice turned softer. You reached into your pocket. You were hesitant. "I…I have…something to…talk to you about." He looked at you. He was listening clearly. You took a deep breath as you slowly took the test out of your pocket. You were shaking and looking away as you slowly handed the test to him. It was completely silent for a moment before you felt yourself being pulled into a tight hug. It was still silent but the hug was tight. He was left speechless but he was definitely happy. You could hear him chuckle as you felt hot tears land on your shoulder. You had just fulfilled one of his main goals. To have a family with you. "B-Bob..?" He just hugged you tighter. He didn't know what to say, he just wanted to hold you. Hold you tightly forever. "I love you…so much.." Those were the only words you heard before you tightly hugged him back. You were just as emotional as he was as tears started rolling down your face as well. 
It was 3 months later. You and your cousin had talked about it. And you decided you were going to keep it. You were now 15 weeks along and your belly was starting to show. Bob was overjoyed. He would find himself resting his head on your lap and rubbing your stomach. He also loved when you would sit on his lap and he could kiss you while rubbing your stomach. He was the happiest man alive. Before meeting you he never would've even considered having kids. But he was a changed man in that regard. He couldn't be happier. You would both be the parents of a lovely child. He gets to spend the rest of his life with you. This child would make sure of that. He's been taking extra good care of you since you got pregnant. Making the food you crave, showering you with all the affection you desire, and giving you space when you need it. He wanted to do everything he could to prevent a miscarriage. What he wasn't prepared for was how horny you would be.
 The pregnancy had messed with your hormones a lot. You became extremely needy. Constantly wanting to have sex to the point where Bob had to start refusing you because he didn't know if he could control himself. He wanted to be gentle with you. To take you gently. As much as deep down he wanted to pound the shit out of you because of how hot you looked pregnant with his child, he didn't wanna risk anything. He knew he was a lot bigger than you and could break you so easily. So he decided for now, he'd be soft with you.
He sat on the bed next to you, gently running his fingers through your hair. You slowly climbed on top of him. "Bob…" He looked at him with need deep in your eyes. He chuckled. "(Y/N)." He replied in a smug tone. You slowly started to move your hips grinding against him. "Please…" You whined. You wanted him so bad. "No.." He said before smirking. You pouted. "..Please Bob I need you so bad…" You slowly started to pull on his pants. He was fighting demons right now. He wanted to flip you over and fuck you til you couldn't breathe. But sadly, he had to resist. "Sorry Darlin' not-" He was cut off by the feeling of his dick being stroked. Dammit, you just don't know when to quit. He looked at you to see you lowered his pants and were stroking his large cock. He had to resist. He had to. Don't give in- Ah fuck it. He started groaning as you stroked his cock. He looked at you with hunger, but you could tell he was trying to restrain himself. That's when you slowly removed your pants. He placed his large hand on your thigh. "Sweetheart…fuck…" You slowly let go of his dick before you positioned yourself on top of it, you started to grind. Whimpers and moans came from your delicate mouth. You craved release so badly. You wanted him so badly. "Please…Bob.." You wanted him to ravish you. To fuck you into the mattress. "God Dammit Darlin'.." You felt yourself being lifted up and laid down on the bed as the big man towered over you. "You want it? Fine." He pulled down his pants and boxer all the way before discarding your panties. "But I'm goin' slow." You whined but you knew there was no changing his mind. You'd take what you could get. He positioned himself at your entrance and looked at your helpless face. "So pretty…" He slowly inserted himself into you, being careful as you moaned. "Such a perfect piece of meat…" He slowly started to move. "All for me…" You softly moaned as he entered in and out of you at a slow pace. He looked at your body and placed his hand gently on your stomach. "A perfect piece of meat…with my child inside of it…" You wanted more. He noticed it. He slowly started to bite at your neck as he picked up the pace a bit. Not too much faster, but enough to keep you satisfied. "A-Ah..! Bob..!" He continued to nibble at your neck before removing your shirt. He looked down at you. Your bare belly and breasts on display for him to see and him alone. He then cupped one of your boobs in his hand. You gasped loudly as your boobs were slightly swollen. "My perfect partner…" His hand moved slowly, playing with them and rubbing the nipple. "And their perfect body." You were on a high. While he wasn't as rough as he normally was, he knew how to give you just as much pleasure. He slowly leaned down before taking your nipple into his mouth. You let out a loud moan as you started to tremble. His tongue circling around your nipple in a perfect motion. "Bob..! Fuck! Bob..!" You could feel yourself getting closer to release as Bob picked up the pace a little more as he grew closer to his release as well. He took his mouth off of your boob and stared down at you with a look of hunger. "Yes..! More! Please!" Your voice faded into pure moaning. Bob panted as he felt you tighten as you came. You let out a loud and long moan. That's it, that's what sent him over the edge. He quickly pulled out of you as he came all over your chest and stomach. A wave of cum covered your body as he let out a long sigh. You looked up at him with a pouty face. You wanted him to cum inside of you. You looked down at your cum covered body. Bob then started to lick your body from your sensitive chest to your twitching clit. He licked every drop of cum off your body before looking down at your dumbfucked face. He smiled as he laid down next to you and caressed your body gently. You leaned into him as you both laid completely naked. He rubbed his hand on your stomach. 
Your cousin had taken you to get an ultrasound and to make sure the baby was healthy. And they were. The doctors were unfortunately unable to tell the baby's gender due to unknown complications. They wanted to do some tests on you to figure out what the complications were but they couldn't identify the problem. It didn't matter to you as long as your baby was healthy. You didn't give two fucks about what the gender of the baby was. You took the ultrasound pictures home to show Bob and he was quite literally shaking out of pure joy as he stared at the pictures. He started to tear up. It warmed your heart to see him so excited to be a father. However anxiety never left you. You were still going to have to tell your family as a family gathering was coming up and everyone wanted you to attend. You were also worried about what exactly this baby was going to be. You questioned Bob about what exactly he became after he stopped being human. He was confused as well and said he didn't know for sure but assumed he was a demon. You questioned why he thought he was a demon. Then it came to life that his demon costume was in fact not a costume, but a second form. You were very shocked to find out this information. He chuckled as he thought you already knew when he told you he technically wasn't human anymore. Then worry filled you again. What if this was the complication that doctors were having with the pregnancy? What if it resulted in you miscarrying? Bob noticed you getting anxious and carefully hugged you and reassured you that it would all be fine. 
Then it was time for the family gathering. Your cousin helped you mentally prepare for this day. You were about 6 months along at this point and your boss had already had you take a maternity leave. You tried to convince her that you would be fine working for a little longer but she decided you definitely needed a break after working for them for so many years. You wore a long sweater that covered your belly. You had brought in your original pregnancy test to show to your family. You were the most anxious you've ever been. You knew you would be shamed, disowned, and most likely hated by the rest of your family but you didn't care. Yes it would hurt but you would start a new life with Bob and this child. It would all be ok. You hoped.
You sat at the dining room table as you kicked your legs slowly. Anxiety was feeling you to the brim as your family members walked around eating food and chatting. Your cousin was sitting right next to you trying to keep you calm. Eventually everyone sat down to eat together. Your father looked at you. "What's wrong with you kiddo? Why the long face?" He laughed a bit. You took a deep breath before you stood up. Everyone at the table turned to look at you. You felt yourself start to tremble as you opened your mouth to say something. Your mouth remained open, nothing coming out for a few seconds. "I…" Your whole family's eyes on you. "I have something to tell you all…" You felt as though you were about to cry. "This is news you probably aren't going to like…But…I can't hide it…" You said, voice shaky. Your parents raised their brows at you before you walked over to them with a little box in hand. "Mom, Dad, I want you to open this." You placed it down in front of them before taking a large step back. "(Y/N) what is this about?" Your mother questioned. "Just open the box…" You frowned with a shaky breath. Your dad carefully grabbed the Box before taking off the lid. He froze when he found what was inside. A positive pregnancy test. Your mother took the box from him and froze as well. Suddenly your father quickly stood up before walking towards you. You quickly started backing away. "(Y/N) (M/N) (L/N) Is this a fucking joke?" Your mother quickly stood up too and grabbed his arm and tried to pull him back. "Hunny calm down!" She said. "IS THIS A FUCKING JOKE?!" He shouted as you sniffled. You were backed into a corner. The rest of your family members took a moment to look inside of the box. The younger members of the family looked stunned, while the older family members looked angry. "N-No…." You felt yourself tear up as you looked at your father with fear. "You aren't EVEN FUCKING MARRIED. YOU KNOW THE MAIN RULE THAT THIS FAMILY HAS. NO SEX BEFORE FUCKING MARRIAGE." He screamed in your face as your mother tried to pull him back. You uncle also got up. "Bro calm down." "NO IM NOT GONNA FUCKING CALM DOWN!" You started to cry, your breathing grew heavy as you started having a panic attack. "The poor kid is panicking! Just leave them alone!" Your uncle said. "WHO'S THE FATHER? WHO'S THE FUCKING BASTARD WHO GOT YOU PREGNANT?!" He yelled in your face. You sobbed louder as you started to break down. "I DON'T KNOW… I DON'T KNOW." Your father looked at you stunned. "You don't know..? So you've been going around and sleeping with multiple PEOPLE?!" "NO! I WOULD NEVE-" "THEN WHO'S THE FATHER (Y/N)?! WHO'S THE DAMN FATHER!?" Your uncle and your mother quickly dragged your father away from you who was yelling harmful words. Your younger family members walked over to you to comfort you as you were breaking down. You could never really handle being yelled at. The older members of the family were shooting you nasty looks. Eventually your mother escorted you outside to get some fresh air. "Hey, Hey. It's ok sweetheart…" You sniffled as you looked at your mother slightly confused. " I'm not upset with you, don't worry. The whole "No sex before marriage" thing came from your father's family." You looked at her stunned before tightly hugging her. "It's ok baby. Don't worry. Mama's gotcha.." You sobbed into her shoulder. 
After you were done crying your mother helped you fix yourself up. She told you about how excited she was to be a grandmother. The rest of the night your dad was shooting you nasty looks just like the other Elder members of the family. After a long night of stress you returned home to find your boyfriend already laying in your bed waiting for you. You ran over to him and started crying as you vented about your stressful day. He was more than pissed off to say the least however he kept it to himself as he gently held you and comforted you. You fell asleep in his big arms.
You were watching TV when your water broke. You didn't even notice until you felt the couch grow wet under you. You just stared at the wet spot on your couch. You thought you pissed yourself first and were about to clean it up. You then got an odd feeling of discomfort in your stomach. You then remembered it was 3 days before your due date. Panic settled in. You quickly grabbed your stuff and ran out to the car. You started to quickly drive yourself to the hospital. You called your cousin and mother and they both said they would be there. You then called Bob but he wouldn't pick up the phone. Perhaps he was busy. It was alright. It wasn't like he could come to the hospital anyway. You'd tell him later. You quickly parked in the parking lot before making your way inside. The discomfort started to turn into pain as you walked inside. You quickly walked up to the counter. The lady looked at you and knew before you even said a word. She quickly walked from the counter and grabbed a wheelchair. "Please sit here. I'll take you to the LDR." You nodded as you sat down. She started to push you towards a room. "Did you come here with anyone?" She asked. "No.. Ugh- my Mom and my cousin said they're on their way.." She nodded before taking you to the LDR.
The birth was a long and painful process that lasted hours. Your mother and your cousin eventually arrived and were there for you the whole way. Your father didn’t even bother to come. Your mother held your hand as you went through the pushing process. Your cousin looked like she was gonna pass out. She'd never seen someone give birth and it made her feel sick. After it was all over there was with your beautiful baby girl. She cried the moment she came into the world and she still cried in your arms. Your mother started crying at the sight of her beautiful grandbaby. Your cousin had to leave the room due to feeling sick. You felt exhausted. The nurses put your baby in a little crib as you rested. You were exhausted. What you fail to notice is that Bob was calling your phone repeatedly.
He was at your house panicking. Anxious. He knew when he saw the stain on the couch that you'd gone into Labor. Your mother and cousin eventually left after admiring the baby and congratulating you. After you woke up you looked at your phone to see the amount of calls from Bob. You knew he was worried sick. You looked over at your baby who was sleeping soundly. It made you emotional that you brought that little thing into the world. It gave you a warm feeling inside. Parental Love. You took a picture of your baby girl and sent it to Bob. 'Meet your daughter. :) What are we gonna name her?' Bob saw the text almost instantly. He stared at the picture as his eyes grew wide. He had a little girl. An adorable little girl. He got extremely emotional and started spam texting you about how happy he was and about how much he loved you. Happy tears rolled down his face as he just stared at his new daughter. He couldn't wait to hold her and take care of her. You decided to give Bob the honors of naming her as he couldn't be there for the birth. After naming about 50 names and being unable to decide on one, he chose Grace. A sweet yet simple name that you both liked.
After you got discharged and returned home with your baby girl Bob was over the moon to meet his little baby. Looking at her for the first time he got emotional and started crying on your shoulder. Teaching him how to take care of her wasn't easy though. It took an hour to even get him to hold her as he feared he would accidentally hurt her due to his big size, but when he did though, he wouldn't let her go. He would constantly be holding her and carrying her. He was attached to her like a magnet. She was scared of him at first and cried when even looking at him which made him sad as he feared his child wouldn't like him, but the more time they spent together the more she wanted to be around him. She would start crying sometimes when he would put her down which gave him all the more reason to hold her. He watched as you breastfeed her. He made a joke saying "When is it gonna be my turn?" Which made you laugh uncontrollably. She would cry when she was placed in the crib you two bought which caused Bob to swoop her up in his arms. Bob was rather good and changing her diaper and cleaning up her vomit. Grace definitely liked him more than you. When she would stop drinking breast milk, Bob would make her formula and feed her. 
When you started working again, Bob would be the one watching her during the day. When both of you were busy, your mother would watch her for you. Your father sadly wanted nothing to do with her. Bob loved taking care of her and would often fall asleep with her resting on top of him or next to him. Who knew your murderous bear of a lover could be so soft and gentle with children. He would sometimes joke about her growing up to be just like him. You shut that idea down faster than Lighting McQueen could say "KaChow". She did really love him though. When she started to babble, Bob would start having pretend conversations with her. "Abababababa!" "How interesting..tell me more pumpkin." "Babababababab." Those were little exchanges you would overheard on the daily. Pumpkin was his little Nickname for her.
One stressful night Bob came home covered in blood forgetting to clean himself off. You woke up in the middle of the night to him standing in the middle of the room covered in blood. He tried to reach for the baby but you smacked his hand away. "Go wash your damn hands." You said sternly as he pouted a bit. He just wanted nothing more than to snuggle with his lovely partner and his child.
As Grace grew, she and Bob grew more close. She was definitely a daddy's girl. Bob spoiled her too. Giving her candy when he isn't supposed to, letting her stay up later than she should, and some other things. When she started crawling, she would constantly crawl after him when he would walk around. 
He's extremely protective of her as well. Just the thought of her hurt scares him. When she was learning to walk, he would panic every time she fell. "Bob, she's fine." "I don't think she's ready to walk." "Hun falling is apart of how she learns." "What if she hurts herself?" "A small fall won't hurt her." "But what if it does?" " B O B ." Her fragileness scares the crap out of him.
She has a weird tendency to hide in random places and has given Bob multiple heart attacks when he can't find her. When that happens he refuses to let her out of his sight for even a second.
He does his best to hide his darker side from his daughter. Always keeping his equipment in hard-to-reach places, and he refuses to let her see him when he's angry. He doesn't want his daughter to bear witness to that side of him. The last thing he wants his daughter to be scared of him. he loves her so much
He loves both you and your daughter dearly. If you told past him that he'd be happy in a relationship with a child he would laugh in your face. He somehow manages to juggle both his murder life and his family life without losing his character.
"What if we have another-" " No ."
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miyrumiyru · 5 months
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☼ Hello! I love ART and Nature so much!!! 💚 (Miyru / them)
🌟 20s, Aquarius ♒ and Snake 🐍
#my photography - photographs taken by me (daily upload!)
#my artwork - artworks created by me
#butterfly - butterflies my beloved 🧡
#moth - forest fairies ❤️
[ ʚїɞ I believe butterfly (나비) supremacy ʚїɞ ]
💡📒✏️🎶 Short animation series & Animated GIFs + Illustrations
📸🐛🦋🪲 Nature photography & Observation (South Korea)
⛓️Links (You could find me by searching @miyrumiyru) 📎GIPHY and Tenor (Animated GIFs!!!) 📎Bluesky (Their favicon is butterfly!!!) 📎iNaturalist (Check my iNat for entire observations!) ⚠️WARNING : DEAD & INJURED ANIMALS INCLUDED
🏳️‍🌈LGBTQIA+ and mental disorder friendly user ❤️🩷💛💙🖤🤍🩶
https://www.tumblr.com/blog/crimson-glory-vine (Art reblog blog)
© Miyrumiyru
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☮ I support PEACE! There is no good war, ever!!! Stop the freaking war, stop the terrible genocide and ecocide!!! I hope all of war criminals WILL DIE IN A FIRE. #freepalestine #standwithukraine
🛇 I don't want and support generative AI. They are viruses that polluting the internet and world. If you use and support unethical generative ai junk, kindly get the fuck out of my blog.
I'm really sorry but I can't donate for someone for now because I'm really really broke!
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Below is literally my thoughts and random blah blah things!
Read them if you have enough time & want to know about me :>
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ʚїɞ He wants you to join the cult of the butterflies ʚїɞ (✿◕へ◕✿)
◓ I can't always able to back some likes, reblogs and follows but I definitely and absolutely appreciate to all who reblogged, liked and comments my posts. Thank you!
Drawing tablet : Wacom PTH-660 (7 years old)
DSLR camera : Canon EOS 800D (4 years old)
They're old but I love them so much... /_ \
+++ Taxon of my observations on tumblr could be corrected after published! (or just check my iNat would be more accurate :>)
I don't adjust photos that much, like color filter or low saturation or "aesthetic" adjustment… etc, because nature itself is already beautiful :)
*I research the internet to spend many time for provide the right IDs of precious insects, but It can be wrong when their families are so simillar! if you find that IDs are wrong, please let me know ^_____^
My favorite quote "Learn from the past, look to the future, but live in the present." - Petra Němcová "I take my time but I always win" - 🐢 Don't seek validation about anything from others when you make a decision and choices! because all of us are free(*^-^*) Never dwell on past. Learn from the mistakes and failure, so we can live our lives and reach the dream!
I hope my wildlife observation posts are reveal the true beauty of nature and its live (not just because they're "pretty"), so everyone can be able to preserve the precious nature 💚
(Taxon of my old posts could be inaccurate or outdated because lack of knowledge!Please visit my iNaturalist for accurate taxon)
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Again! I don't want, use and support generative AI. It causing so many unethical problems (misuse, copyright infringement and huge energy waste… etc). They are viruses that polluting the internet and world.
I don't and won't use generative ai to my artworks and animation.
Please don't ever support the selfishest "sport", golf, If you thinking about nature and future of all lives in this planet. It's enemy of the nature and lives including human (If you don't know that mass destruction golf is bring, you should search it right now. There is no environmental safety unless it's VR screen golf) because human couldn't live without nature. I say that it's one of most greediest and selfish things humans can commit.
If you play the golf or generate image, video and text with generative ai and don't feel any remorse, remember that your selfish actions are causing the endless surfer to other lives.
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cherishmimi · 9 months
Wattpad Conversions of CA
Hi my loves!
Just wanted to reach out to all of you and thank you for reading CA and still commenting after all of this time. Your love for this fic is what is keeping me going! Thank you! I also want to update you all on an ongoing situation:
I've been made aware that the Wattpad user, 'edits_727' (on Ao3 their user name is bishopsbxtch) is still copying and pasting my chapters as I update them to Ao3. This started as a conversion originally done by the Wattpad user 'Switcho_16' and I believe they stopped taking the chapters around the time I took a hiatus and most likely got tired of waiting for me to come back. Now, this user is continuing the conversion, having copied and pasted each update since I returned to posting the story.
I know that to a lot of people, converting stories to different fandoms seems harmless - but it absolutely is. CA is an AU, meaning that there are differences in its universe than the Glee universe that it's based from as a fan work, which can be incredibly time consuming to create. I don't say that to downplay other non-AU stories, I say that to highlight just how much work I put into the story as a whole. The updates take so long because I spend so much time making sure everything I write connects and is cohesive. Not to mention the original characters and backstories I came up with, making sure there are no plot holes, the research I've done - this is hours and hours of labor that I do because I had a vision SPECIFIC to this fandom. To me, it is a slap in the face to see another person simply copy and paste and change the names. Before, when I made a post about this, a person messaged me and told me that this was 'flattering' and that the users on Wattpad never took credit - which is A. not true, because there were other versions that have been deleted that absolutely did not credit me as the author, and B. this person simply says that 'the story is a conversion of another on Ao3' and never lists my name. Most of all, THEY DO NOT HAVE MY PERMISSION TO DO THIS. Period.
There is nothing flattering about this. If you crave content for your fandom like CA, go out and create something similar, or even 'inspired by' with the author's permission and knowledge - that's flattery and even more so, that's real creativity. Craft your own work for your fandom.
CA exists because of my love for BDSM and the lack of well written stories about it in the Glee fandom. I hated the Fifty Shades series because it was a terribly fleshed out story that demonized that lifestyle for the sake of a few poorly written smut scenes with a main character that had no boundaries and was a terrible example of what a real Dom looked and acted like. It was glamorized for all of the wrong reasons and I hated that. So, I thought I could do a better job with Rachel and Quinn specifically due the character traits they have on Glee.
Not only that, but I wanted a story that accurately covered body dysmorphia and the ups and downs of falling in love with someone who is emotionally unavailable. The G!p tag was an interesting rabbit hole that I had journeyed down at the time, and I wondered what it would be like to create a story that didn't just use it as an excuse to get out of writing smut scenes between two women whose bodies were the same. I wanted to know what kind of plot could be crafted and how realistic I could make it. I wanted to know what kind of impact going through something like that would have on a person. I wanted a real story, a journey for the two characters.
Of course, this story is just a fanfiction, but I worked so hard on every aspect of it and I have gone through hell to keep it going. I don't want other people taking it for other fandoms. I just don't feel that it is right. I have messaged the 'author' and calmly explained how I felt to them. I have also asked them to take the story down and to stop because they don't have my permission and I'm hoping that is well received, but in the meantime I am encouraging ANY of you that are doing that in any fandom to stop.
As I said before, take the time to create your own works and build your fandoms with the stories you want to see. It is much more exciting, and it comes with ups and downs but that is the beauty of fandom and fanfiction itself.
Love you all.
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jessefandomunited · 6 months
Stuck together part one
This is a Daniel atlas X reader . I try my best to put no names or y/n , gendered language or anything of that nature so that people to project themselves onto the reader as much as possible .
Setting is you're new to the horsemen you are the new escape artist of the group and for some reason Atlas is just always knit picking your parts of the performance to the point where you barely talk to him outside of practice, what is his deal!? But when you two are stuck together after a show gone wrong you may in fact figure out he has a soft side to his control freak ways
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We were all buzzing with excitement over the new shows. Literally two years of practice for them and my first time on stage with the horsemen as their new escape artist.
I loved being in the horsemen. I loved the structuring of how we practice, the research on our next target and the team atmosphere...for the most part. There was one big drawback to being in the horsemen and his name was Daniel J Atlas . It felt like ever since I arrived he saw me as a newbie who needed to be taught right. I absolutely hated it , just because I was a little younger and new in the group that apparently equated me to a child that needed to be scolded every other second.
Now to be fair Atlas never yelled or made it obvious he was picking on me in particular because he did it with everyone . But I noticed he brought issues up with my parts more than the others. He would always do it in his super cocky way where he'd be like " that's went smoothy but the timing on that escape was just slightly off make sure you are out by the time the clock hits 3 not 4." If everything else with the group wasn't so good I honestly probably would have quit just for him alone. The others have talked to him but he just brushed it off saying he's just trying to make the performance as good as it can be. I'll show him , during this first performance it will be the best one ever.
We were running for our lives , the show went more or less the way we expected, maybe more emphasis on the less. I will say it wasn't my fault , or anyone's , someone tipped off the FBI and we had to flee almost immediately which was a bummer for me because I only got to do one of my escapes before we introduced our next target who was once again another billionaire siphoning user data. He won't get away with it but our timeline was now set back. I grapples for the tracker we each got to lead us to our get away car . We all broke off into teams each grabbing a random tracker that would lead us to our getaway car. It was random so we could scatter and not be actively looking for our partner . We had ten minutes to get to our car or our partner would leave so we did have to book it but they were all close by and well hidden which was good and bad.
I panted and saw the gleam of the sleek black car and was relieved , until I saw my partner, it was Atlas. My mood instantly soured and I got in without another word.
We road in silence for a while, he was probably upset at his luck too. I did , however, couldn't help but say the smallest of jabs because even though I said it was no one's fault , the fleeing happened so quick for one reason only. " man , if only those doors would have stayed shut for like a minute or two longer we could have been half done with our spiel before having to book it," I said with a smirk . His hands tightened on the wheel slightly and I thought he would finally snap but he didn't , " these things happen." I nod and sarcastically say ," riiight , like in practice when someone does things maybe not 100% accurate , does that count as just something or is that a colossal world ending fuck up?" " what is you deal," he asked pointedly which made me bark out a laugh ," WHATS MY DEAL!? WHAT IS YOUR DEAL!" He seemed to go a bit pail not even glancing at me ," I don't know what you're." " shut up you know EXACTLY what I'm talking about," I snapped ," you literally call me out for the SLIGHTEST infraction acting like that was the catalyst to to the entire show , but when you fuck up , it's nothing?!" "I didn't say that," he said quietly. " so what do you hate me or something you want me out of the horsemen ? Is it because I had the same job as your little girlfriend that you feel the need to punish me for it." He stopped abruptly and snapped his head around and said with this steady voice edging to anger " do not mention Henley ." I rolled my eyes," wool there it is." He turned back and kept driving , and I don't hate you." I laughed bitterly at this ," woooow so nice of you to let me know, how about we just not talk to eachother till we get back how about that?" " fine," he said softly , and we were once again plunged into silence
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jetsteelyourheart · 11 months
I love Sydney and while I do think she has the best of intentions, I don't think she is above critique: now, I think everything Sydney does to try and help Adrian out of his self destructive habits is both well intentioned and makes perfect sense for someone of her age and life experience. At her age, I probably would've done the same thing. She's perfectly written and has real reactions to Adrians self medication and mental health issues. She does give him decent advice about seeing a professional and maybe getting some kind of medication to stop his mental degradation.
That said, I think its worth noting that Sydney convincing Adrian to just quit smoking and drinking, without a different coping mechanism in place is not a good plan. I don't think it could've worked. For one thing, Sydney basically starts putting the onus of Adrians mental health on her as basically his only support system in the event he has a psychosis episode. Sydney a. Isn't trained to handle that and b. Shouldn't push Adrian into that specific kind of dependency on her. It isn't good for either of them.
Additionally, while not ideal, I've done a lot of research about trauma and comorbidities related to it, and I learned that in a very rare instance, for those suffering from psychosis, particularly people with Schizophrenia, self medication and substance abuse does actually help with keeping control for the reasons Adrian states (at least twice) in the books: if he's drunk and something weird happens, he can reason that it's being high or drunk thats causing it.
Like don't get me wrong, he absolutely should seek out professional help and get medication tailored to his needs by a doctor. However I think his spiral in book 4 and 5 is inevitable when his mainstay coping mechanisms are suddenly gone with nothing to replace them.
I really wish the last book had done this narrative justice on his mental health ( the way its presented is really strange to me, especially the ending, plus there's not nearly enough nuance at the end for how taking your meds isn't the perfect fix its always presented as in media. He should have the opportunity to try a few different methods in combination to find what works for him. It bothers me that this isn't explored in his case, lissas case or any other spirit users we meet in the series. )
Thank you for coming to my TEDx talk
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bugslaststraw · 1 year
Overwatch: the art of writing bad stories on purpose
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Clocking in at just over 4k words: a semi-coordinated rant on the topic of Blizzard's history of lawsuits, Overwatch'es history of canonical queerness, and the strange marketing techniques that tie the two topics together. Written by someone who got into the game less than a week ago and likes it in a hatewatch "I love garbage" sort of way, intended for those less familiar with the topic at hand. I tried to source claims but it didn't work so let it be known that I did actual research but I'll probably get stuff wrong anyway so I tried to be funny about it here we go:
Section 1: Frat Boy Snowstorm and it's attempts at being progressive.
Try to focus. This is the most boring part.
So as I hope you all know by now, Blizzard is a pretty shit company. I say shit, because controversial sounds too unbiased. Most of us are familiar with the lawsuits against the company relating to sexual assault charges, unsafe working conditions for female employees and a quote "frat boy environment," of which they've been under fire for since 2018, but recently (early April '23 to be precise) they've also faced a lawsuit for sneakily coming up with a way to underpay their eSports champions. (Both of these are easy to look up if you want more info.) However, the company is a giant, that along with Overwatch released Call of Duty and a bunch of other games I don't recognise (fuck me I'm not an FPS person,) and, aside from the money they easily paid out, they really haven't faced any major consequences for their scummy behaviour.
This is exactly what they want, of course: for the whole thing to blow over as quickly as possible. Keep this in mind as we move on. That's the whole reason Section 1 exists: to remind you that Blizzard, like Disney, is a Big Corporate Company that will go to ridiculous lengths to make sure that the actually relevant controversies are forgotten in favour of smaller stupider shit.
If there's one thing Blizzard loves to do more than make their female employees uncomfortable, it's to tote around their progressiveness. Of course, this usually doesn't extend to Call of Duty or any of their more "grounded" "gritty" and generally masculine domains, but Overwatch specifically is a testing ground for all kinds of bullshit and we can't go a season without one billion articles about "Overwatch first game to have character of xxx nationality on playable roster" etc etc etc. People absolutely shit their pants every time the game announces a new queer hero or whatever, because since it's a Big Corporate Company and it's just barely achieving the bare minimum of inclusivity, of course, that's got to be a big deal right? Except of course that like Disney, Blizzard will do literally fucking anything to make sure their games stay relevant and that more people buy and play them, and these attempts at inclusivity can be assumed to be preformed mainly out of a desire to make money and cover up their scandals, and not because the people who call shots actually care. It becomes incredibly clear how Blizzard sees inclusivity as an idea when you consider their viral invention from last year, the Diversity Space Method.
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To some of you this may look like a good thing at first, and originally I think it was, as the idea was to keep track of how many of their characters weren't any of these things displayed above so that they could keep that number down, but as soon as someone came up with the idea to assign a certain number of points to each character, the whole concept crashes and burns. You see, according to this chart here, (and as another Tumblr user famously put it), Torbjörn (3) is older than Lucio (2) is black. And I'm pretty damn sure that's not how that works.
No doubt a percentage of the artists and writes for the game had some sort of passion. After all, there is genuine treasure to be found in the character designs, animations and even some of the voice acting. But you know how it is when it comes to inclusivity; the artists so often never get to do more than drop hints and leave people guessing. Which leads us neatly into the next section.
Section 2: This game's kinda shit!
And I don't mean the game itself. Idk about that, I never played it (and my friends who do all have wildly varying opinions.) I am talking about the stories. When I first started "researching" (hatewatching) the shorts and comics for this game, I was angrily wondering why they all felt so hollow. It was like looking at AI generated art, it was like looking into the eyes of what you thought was a person and seeing two camera lenses staring back, it felt empty, it felt bland despite all the good character designs and the lore and the concepts and the colors and the nice clean lines. Something was missing, and it was uncanny as hell! Eventually though, I managed to narrow it down to a few key issues:
A lot of comics and shorts feel like ads above eveyrthing else, they're made to sell the game rather than be good, and they therefore lack passion.
Possibly as a result of this, they operate almost entirely on "tell don't show" rules, thereby feeling even more empty.
These stories still manage to lack substance and they don't really canonise a lot about the world or characters, especially regarding relations between characters, and,
the really interesting storylines are usually left uncontinued or unexplored, possibly due to aformentioned lack of passion and an egotistical but sadly fulfilled hope that people will download the game or at least read the rest of the comics to find out more.
All this put together make for a very strange experience in which you can, if you squint, see the fuzzy outline of a good story, good worldbuilding and interesting characters, and imagine that the details make sense. Which, granted, is usually what people do. If you use your brain or have experience in writing, however, it all falls apart.
Section 3A: Overwatch is a knock-off
Well, not exactly. But it does have a strange habit of borrowing from other games. For example, did you know I'm a TF2 fan? Probably. Did you know each individual TF2 class has an Overwatch equivalent? Me neither, until now. Scout and Tracer, Medic and Mercy, Sniper and Widowmaker, Spy and Sombra, hmm I'm sensing a pattern here, Demo and Junkrat (we'll get back to him later,) and so on.
"That's a coincidence," you say. "They're similar games, of course there are equivalents," you say. To that I says: you may be right. We may all collectively be overthinking this. We may all also collectively be overthinking the Omnic crisis as a whole and why it's so damn similar to Fallout's synths, they've both got robot racism and violent groups who want to kill the robots one of which is in Australia, which is a plot point in TF2 as well oh look at that, but again I'm sure it's all a big fucking coincidence right and sorry sorry I'll stop now.
It is actually genuinely possible that those are coincidences, no sass intended, but considering how Blizzard operates on the whole, I doubt it. They've already proven to be rather lazy with their stories. There's nothing wrong with having similar ideas or being inspired, but when it's as noticeable as this, along with everything else, I just can't help but feel disappointed.
Section 3B: Overwatch is also a porn category
Oh yeah, speaking of never properly canonizing relationships between the characters (and aging their underage characters up to eighteen for hitherto mysterious reasons, and releasing all those horny fanservice skins,) here's an utterly ridiculous fact: when Overwatch dropped in 2016, quite a lot of people didn't know it was a game because there was so much (animated, drawn etc) porn of it that it flooded and quickly rose to the top of the "games" category on most popular sites (hard to source for obvious reasons, but I've had a friend check for me.) It still sits up there, by the way, surpassed only by funny space bean game (I'm not kidding.) Why? Two reasons. One: all the game's female characters are impossibly beautiful and (in every case but like two post-launch releases) skinny and generally conventional as well. No surprise there. Two: the game models are well rigged, high quality and incredibly easy to get at, making it so that people can tank them down and use them for whatever they like without issue. Rumour has it that this is on purpose.
My question is, what has this influx of smut done to the game? You see, if there's one thing Blizzard loves more than making their female employees uncomfortable, bragging about inclusivity, and copying other games, it's pandering. And they pander to everybody, or at least to as many people as possible, usually all at the same time if they can get away with it. This, I have to theorise, is why all the characters seem to be flirting with one another, but only one or two actual relationships are canon. They simply don't want to piss off any part of their demographic, which they force as wide open as possible because money money money money money. This means embracing the porn and making sly references to that part of the fanbase with skins, voice lines, and odd comments in interviews.
Anyway, back to the lawsuits, or rather the consequences of them. You see, canon queerness in Overwatch comes in threefold. This is the story of two thirds of it.
Section 4: Toy Soldier and Knock-off Scout Adventures
This is Soldier 76. And he's gay.
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Everybody clap for Blizzard now. It's coyly canonised in a short story titled Bastet. 76 here was never a very popular Overwatch character, lore wise, so I guess this move makes sense. I can see why, too. He's very plain and simple design wise, almost grounded, but not enough that you notice it at a glance. He looks like a plastic toy. Anyway, his queerness wont piss off too many dudebros long-term, since fewer people play him, but it gives everybody else something to chew on, so everybody wins right?. When was Bastet released again? Oh, January of 2019? What else happened around that time? The settling and aftermath of the first lawsuit? Great. That totally wasn't a cover-up for anything. Definitely not.
It's not like 76 is the first character to be confirmed as queer though. Blizzard's favourite Overwatch character Tracer is too, being confirmed as having a girlfriend named Emily all the way back in 2016.
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That's good right? I mean, that was before the controversy even started! Surely they did this for normal, innocent reasons and oh who the fuck am I kidding she's a conventionally attractive female character kissing another conventionally attractive female character in a game dominated by male players with male devs and a porn category more expansive than the Bible and we know damn well why that happened.
We can but pray that someone who was in on this gave a shit. Maybe the artist. The writer. Somebody. But this is a barren and cold world and I dare not hope even for that.
Not to mention, both of these things were distinctly one-off notes. It's mentioned once, and then never again, and after 2019 there was a four year radio silence on the whole subject of queer characters that didn't change until the release of OW2. And yet, Blizzard loved to brag about how inclusive they are at every turn even back then. "Look at us," they say, as the characters stare at you from the computer screen with their dead, hollow eyes, "look at how good we are! Please buy our game."
The status quo would change significantly in 2023, however, with the introduction of their latest addition to the roster; Lightweaver. Lifeweaver. Lightweaver? Wait hold on
Section 5: The most annoying twunk to ever grace the earth flings you into the stratosphere
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This is Niran "Bua" Pruksamanee, also known as Lifweaver.
He debuted on the 11th of April, 2023, and he's The First at a lot of things, which, of course, made headlines. "First Thai character in a major FPS game" was probably the most common one. I'd feel better about that if I didn't know it's most likely the result of Blizzard trying to cash in inclusivity points. The second First he has is the more controversial one, however: First Overwatch character to be confirmed queer on launch. That's right, after four years of Jack Shit, they're back on it! And, well.
You see, to fully understand my emotions about this you need to know who Lifeweaver is. Despite Overwatch being a game with Mr black-hole-head toes-out "yet another poor-taste representation of DID" Sigma and a football-sized foul-mouthed hamster in a mechsuit in it, neither of them manage to be very funny. Lifeweaver, however, is objectively fucking hilarious, for these main reasons:
His amicable, light hearted healer-character personality clashes with his backstory, in a way that actually works. Lifweaver is a scientist who dropped out of a prestigious academy to stop people from trying to A: steal and B: jail him for his invention: biolight (which is exactly what it sounds: light that grows like plants, or vice versa.) Because of this biolight stuff, he is canonically wanted in seventeen countries and counting. And yet he's so glad to be here, you can hear the smile in his voice, he's kind, he's carefree. And he flirts.
With, like, everybody. Notably Mercy, and apparently he was roomates with Symmetra and speaks very fondly of her. On top of that he's (very) low-key implied to at least want to flirt with Roadhog of all people (can't say I blame him, anyway I'll get back to him,) and, uuh. Baptiste? Who's Baptiste? Nope, never heard of him. Ex-mercenary who regrets his actions and now plays support to make up for all the murder he did? Is what you may be asking yourself. Seriously, nobody talks about Bap. Maybe that's why he's being brought back into semi-relevance now, as Lifeweaver canonically (and smoothly) asks him on a date at a nice restaurant, to which he, unsurprisingly, says yes. He's always been very flirty himself. That should technically make it four canon queer characters in the game, but Baptiste still has some plausible deniability because of his personality, so arguments can still be argued, as they say.
Back to Lifeweaver. More specifically his playstyle. This bright pink healer wants nothing but to help people and further science! His players, however, will gladly ruin your day for shits and giggles. You see, it's become a bit of a gimmick of Overwatch as a whole to let you move your enemies around the battlefield. Junker Queen has her magnetic gauntlet thing, Roadhog has a hook, everybody and their mom have knockback, etc. Lifeweaver, however, can move his friends around. He has an ability to pull his teammates towards himself which he can also use to sling some of them across the map if they cooperate and/or move wrong. He can also raise a platform under any player that tosses them (or their lifeless corpse) into the air. This is incredibly useful in a coordinated team where everybody's using voice chat, eg. the way Overwatch is actually meant to be played. Overwatch is, however, never played how it's meant to be played. Hilarity ensues.
The circumstances of Lifeweaver's release. Here's the thing. On the 4th of April 2023, exactly one week before his release, Blizzard was sued again, this time for underpayment and mistreatment of their eSports champions. Although it's impossible to create a whole character in a week, it's fully possible that at least some parts of Lifeweaver's personality and some of the stuff he calls to canon (we'll get to The Thing later I promise, be patient,) were influenced by this. It's comically well timed that such a controversial character dropped so soon after that scandal, and while the model and animations were definitely finalized before that, any given set of voice lines could've been phoned in on the night of April 4th for all we know.
Put together, all of this is either infuriating or ridiculous. Some days it's one, some days the other, and some days, I'm just not sure. Originally I hated Lifeweaver. He felt predictable to me, a cheap coverup, a stereotype, and an annoying one at that. But eventually I sort of came around, because he got so annoying that I kind of had to respect him for it. From there, I eventually ended up here. And I think a lot of other people, notably the players themselves, felt the same. Go figure.
Section 6A: No scummy marketing tactic is complete without queerbait!
Valuable life lesson: it is very, very hard to tell wether or not something is queerbait by looking at the media itself. The possibilities that the perceived homoerotic tension is an accident, or a hint that's left vague for stylistic reasons, or simply a slow burn, are all present and impossible to rule out. The real way you find out if something is queerbait is by looking at the actual marketing. Listen to what devs say in interviews. Look at promotional material. Et cetera. Because I don't have the patience to watch those interviews, I can't actually say wether what I'm about to discuss is queerbait or a series of unfortunate accidents made as a result of Blizzard's bad habit of pandering, so I'll let you form your own conclusions and possibly go look it up on your own. (And then come back here and tell me about it because I'm so so curious.) I am probably going to go into excruciating detail on this next part. I am so sorry. I can't help but have favourites. So without further ado;
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This is Jamison "Junkrat" Fawkes.
Or at least, it was back in OW1. (I promise the full body transparent background image is crucial.)
Anyway, this absolute bastard is a favorite of mine. (Having favourite OW characters? I am cringe but I am free.) He was in the game from launch, and remains one of the more interesting and, shall we say, least soulless characters in the game to this day. Not that there's that much to him. He never shuts up, he's clinically insane as a result of several concussions and a lot of radiation, and he really really likes blowing things up. Together with Roadhog, he's a freelance mercenary with little to no morals whatsoever, taking on whatever job gets them both cash, action, and buildings to explode.
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Oh yeah, right. Mako "Roadhog" Rutledge, the quiet, stoic and occasionally terrifying two meter tall shit brickhouse with a stitched gas mask shaped like a pig snout and a massive hook on a chain. Sadly, although he's crucial to the segment, I can't really discuss him as much as I would like to because he has like five voice lines in total (an exaggeration) and half of them are just him telling Junkrat to shut the fuck up (not an exaggeration.) "Stoic, silent characters can be interesting without speaking," I hear you say. Yes, I reply, if they're well written. But this is Overwatch. Never ever get your hopes up about Overwatch.
Anyway, the trash rat and Mr Whole Hog here have an interesting history. Originally, they were simply friends, running around and doing Hilarious Antics™ (that were never very funny, other than in concept.) They feature in several comics together (none of which are very good,) they chat a lot in game and they have their own animated short called The Plan (which is the first Overwatch thing I ever consumed, also not very good, but hey, it landed me here.) And before I get into the queerbait part of this segment, let me just say that studying just this small part of Overwatch tells volumes about the writing all on its own. The tell-don't-show, the inconsistencies, the rampant ludonarrative dissonance... Stars, the comics want you to take Roadhog so seriously. They're leaning super hard into the edge with a brutal backstory and focus on making him as menacing as possible. Meanwhile, in game he, and I cannot stress this enough, walks around ass out the entire time. Google at your own risk. Don't say I didn't warn you!
There is this one voice line, triggered when interacting with one another, where Junkrat says somthn' like "You'll hook 'em, I'll cook 'em!" and Roadhog just sighs in frustration, but then there's another line, triggered the same way, where HE begins the saying, "I'll hook 'em..." "And I'll cook 'em!" In short, fuck you consistency, and this contrast could be really interesting if it was well written. But of course Overwatch will Never Ever elaborate on this, as per usual.
As the years went by, however, things got... A bit weird. Junkrat has always been friendly. According to him, he and Hoggie (he calls him that, not me) are the bestest of friends. And although Roadhog acts as though he hates Junkrat a lot of the time, this is very obviously just tsundere behaviour used to mask the fact that he does really like him quite a lot. But in what way? "Gayass," said half the fandom. "No, fuck you," said the other half, "this is clearly a father-son dynamic." "You're all homophobic," said the first half. "Maybe we are," said the second, "what are you gonna do about it?"
And Blizzard... Did nothing. Well, they did canonise their ages at some point, and there is about two decades inbetween the two (Junkrat is allegedly 25 although I find that hard to believe, I mean look at him, and RH is in his late forties) which one would assume suggests their support of the father-son thing, right? Man, if only it were that easy. First of all, the writing is so nondescript and vague that their actual dynamic doesn't resemble a parental one even in the slightest, especially not on Junkrat's tounge, and seeing as he's both more affectionate and more talkative I'll lend that it's appropriate weight. Predictably, there is also one line that is inexplicable, unexplainable and clearly an innuendo, where if you run Junkrat and eliminate an enemy RH, he'll say something like "I guess we know who's on top now, don't we?" This doesn't appear to be a reference to anything, trust me, I've tried to check. Excuse me while I take a sledgehammer to Blizzard's servers. Again, we can't assume anything's ever on purpose, but c'mon. Who greenlit that?
So, unsurprisingly, Blizzard is being annoyingly non-commital again, so as not to piss off either half of their fanbase. Things went kinda quiet after that. Anything released was, again, purposely vague.
And then OW2 happened.
Section 6B: Subtlety, lack thereof, and the art of applying a metallic texture to a default Blender orb
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This is Junkrat, as his current in game model. Sad, right? How they forced him to take a bath before letting him into OW2? How they regrew his hair and ripped off his cooler patches? It's a fucking travesty. People are calling him "Cluttermouse" as a joke now. Why would they do this? They massacred my boy.
Anyway, if you're observant you'll notice he's got an earring now. Yeah, on his right ear. Yeah. What's that? You were on Tumblr in 2016? You remember all the circling posts about "earring on the right ear means person wearing it is gay" posts? You grew up a bit and assumed that was made up or blown out of proportion? You asked your mom one day and she confirms it was a very widely known symbol until around the century change? Some fans must've noticed. Most of them didn't, though, because most of them are twelve. Anyway, I tell myself (and you) that it doesn't actually have to mean anything. If you look at the design again you'll see Rattie here is very asymmetrical, and leaned to his-right-your-left, both of his prosthetics being on that side. (He even walks unevenly, which I love.) It's likely that the modellers simply had no clue about the earring symbolism thing, and just wanted to play into that asymmetry. Right?
...and then Lifeweaver dropped.
And then everyone lost their fucking minds.
Ya see, dearest readers (thank you for making it this far,) Lifweaver, Pink Petal Supporthero McGoodguy, has not one, but two conversations with Junkrat in game. One of them feels fairly normal, with them discussing the price on Lifeweaver's "noggin" and laughing about it a bit. The other one, oh boy, the other one goes like this:
🌸"Are you and Roadhog together?"
🐀"Do~ you ever see us apart?
🌸"No. I meant: are you couple?"
🐀"Yes!! A couple of dashing rouges! Not sure... What you're missing here."
Yeah. I'd lose my shit too. I guess I kind of did, but not for the reason you think. You see, this right here, in terms of pure writing talent, is fucking genius, because it manages to be controversial without actually confirming anything. By that I mean, that because Fawkes said "yes" quite enthusiastically, the half of the fandom that said "gayass" think he meant yes, but because he noped out of that yes with the "couple of dashing rouges" bit, the other half of the fandom think he meant no! This is where I really start to wonder if they called Junkrat's voice actor at 2 in the morning and went "hey bud take a few extra grand and help us record another few lines will you? We just got sued again."
This shit is simultaneously funny as hell, sad, and absolutely infuriating. In reality, Junkrat has approximately two braincells rattling around in his skull, of which he is constantly frying, due to all the concussions. He probably doesn't even know what his relationship to Mako is. That might've been the case, and it would've been a good joke, had Overwatch been a well-written game. Sadly, it's all shitfuck at worst and boring at best, and this latest little oddity just makes me even more convinced that Junkrat and his partner have been banished to Queerbait Limbo for the foreseeable future.
Section 7: In conclusion,
Blizzard is shitfuck company, Overwatch is shitfuck game, I spent at least three hours writing this up and probably more editing it together and in less than a month, it's June and Overwatch'es first in-game pride event drops. Needless to say, I'm scared.
How much time did you waste reading? Did I state fake news? Do you have additional trivia? Do tell. I'm so curious. This has been four thousand words of nothing. Goodbye.
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