#on top of being expected to have conversations as a technical expert
macontheweb · 2 years
i've got three people in a meeting that are suppose to be acting as business analysts and researchers. so tell me, babes, why am i (a software developer) doing that work for all of you? why am i the one stepping up to take notes and run research sessions? why the shitting fuck are you in this meeting if not to do your job?
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Sakura Ogami VS Jonathan Joestar [Danganronpa Survivor VS JoJo's Bizarre Adventure]
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Hifumi: Sakura Ogami! Hopes Peak Academy's Ultimate Martial Artist, and the world's strongest human!
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Leona: And Jonathan Joestar! The very first JoJo who ever Joj'ed!
Hifumi: These two large and in-charge fighters, who are bigger than life itself (though not in the same way as me), yet possess a heart of pure gold inside them will cross over hell and high water to save their world and protect their loved ones.
Leona: But if world's collide, which one is gonna come out on top!? He's Hifumi and I'm Leona!
Hifumi: And it's our job to analyze their weapons, talents and skills, to see who will win a DEATH BATTLE!
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Hifumi: Not many people seem to realize that it's quite lonely at the top...Something that Mrs Sakura Ogami would be able to tell you from first hand experience.
Leona: Like almost every other character we've tackled so far, Sakura was scouted to join Hope's Peak, a special, government-funded school that aimed to give the young a strong future that could only be obtained through the development of their own talents; as the Ultimate Martial Artist. Yeah baby, we finally have an actual FIGHTER!
Hifumi: What do you mean "finally!?" We literally had the Ultimate Soldier and Ultimate Swordswoman on the show already!
Leona: Oh yeah, fair point. I mean we just have an actual martial arts specialist instead of someone who just wields a bunch of weapons.
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Hifumi: Mrs Ogami's story doesn't just start from her time at Hope's Peak though, and the power and strength that the Academy caught notice of runs in her family. While it's rarely ever brought up in conversation, she comes from a fascinating line of ancestors who were among the world's best warriors and trained to go beyond what is normally possible for humans.
Leona: Yes, a family made up of such badass individuals that would make the Tekken Mishima Clan cower in shame and terror! Sakura is also known as one of her clan's strongest members, having trained since she was a baby and defeating her own father, the clan leader, when she was only 8 years old.
Hifumi: Going forward from that victory, Mrs Ogami had one key desire. To become the strongest human in the world! The main reason being to prove wrong all those stupid sexists who said it couldn't be done because she's a woman.
Leona: And just LOOK AT HER for God's sake! If somebody said a woman with that physique was the most powerful woman in the world, then I'd believe you in a second flat! Even if I didn't, the fact that she boasts the phenomenal record of over 400 victories in a row is proof enough that this girl is at the TIPPY TOP of power!
Hifumi: But it wasn't always that way; and with threats such as Izuru Kamukura still present in our world, it technically still isn't. As powerful a combatant and as overwhelming a monster Mrs Ogami can be, there was always one obstacle she was determined to overcome in order to achieve her goal: A certain man named Kenshiro.
Leona: If you've been following the story from the beginning up until now, Kenshiro was a friend of Sakura's from a very young age, as well as her biggest rival and the one man that she could never defeat. And now the two of them are set to be married. Aren't life-long rivalries so romantic!?~
Hifumi: However, it wasn't sunshine and rainbows forever. Mrs Ogami did indeed finally achieve her dream of attaining Kenshiro's title of "World's Strongest Human," but not in the way that she would have preferred. The prestigious fighter came down with a terminal illness, and was expected to pass away very soon. While that ultimately didn't happen thanks to the Future Foundation's medical experts getting to him in time, his days of fighting were long over.
Leona: To make matters worse, it wouldn't be much longer after this news that Sakura would attend Hope's Peak, and as a result, be swept right up into the first broadcasted mutual killing game! Enoshima, YOU SLUT!
Hifumi: Indeed, just like she did with myself and my other classmates, Mrs Ogami had 2 years worth of memories erased from her, meaning she forgot about us being classmates and the memories that we shared with one another. 
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Leona: Still though, you probably think that such catastrophe would be nothing at the hands of somebody so powerful. As the Ultimate Martial Artist, Sakura doesn't focus on one specific type of combat; rather a mix of multiple different styles depending on the situation, including the likes of Aikido and Karate. And to nobody's surprise, she's proficient in ALL of them, and can switch on the fly, adapting and making use of almost any technique and move you can think of! 
Hifumi: This includes a technique called "Shukuchi", a Japanese-language term for various mythical techniques of rapid movement. In summary, she can move so blindingly fast, she looks like she's teleporting! If you've watched anime like Naruto, you'd be familiar.
Leona: You might have noticed this if you've followed this series up until now, but when it comes to evaluating a characters level of power in Danganronpa canon, Sakura is usually the main character that we scale everyone to. And her raw strength, speed and overall power is the exact reason why we do so.
Hifumi: Let's start off by focusing on strength and power, especially considering that's the main thing that defines Mrs Ogami's talents. She's able to grapple other capable fighters, tear apart massive plates of steel, and has fought on par with both Monokuma's Killing Game version, as well as Mukuro Ikusaba in both the IF and Survivor timeline.
Leona: Let's take a quick jump back to the past and remind you guys of a few itty bitty details we covered previously. For starters, Monokuma is already a bear that can rip people apart with his claws effortlessly, and can usually only be taken down or fought using a hacking gun, and his Killing Game versions across the series are FAR more powerful than the sentries shown in Ultra Despair Girls and  Survivor.
Hifumi: Additionally, in the same light novel where Mrs Ikusaba and Mrs Ogami went head to head, Mrs Ikusaba battled against 100 of these exact Monokuma's, armed with a makeshift weapon and dodging machine gun fire at the same time. 
Leona: And earlier in that novel, she even ADMITS that she might not have been able to safely go toe to toe with Sakura, and had to make a tactical retreat! Additionally, in her swimsuit event in Danganronpa Summer Camp, Sakura throws a punch that is so immense and so powerful, she cuts straight through the ocean!
Hifumi: Unfortunately, we don't know just how far the punch went and never got a visual, so we can't properly scale it. However, it would at least require a minimum force of AT LEAST a Megaton of TNT.
Leona: Lastly , even though it's a really early feat in the Survivor storyline, Sakura DID come out on top as the ultimate victor in a 5-way sparring match between herself, Mukuro Ikusaba, Maki Harukawa, Peko Pekoyama and Akane Owari.
Hifumi: And it's a basic fact that almost every other capable fighter in the Danganronpa series, like Mr Nidai and most of Zetsubou and the Kisaragi's pale in comparison to her. Really, the only person we know of that could realistically beat Mrs Ogami is Izuru Kamukura, who by default is just ridiculously overpowered, as I eluded to earlier.
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Leona: So yeah, she's fucking busted. And not just in terms of raw power. For feats like speed and durability, we can scale her to characters like Juzo Sakakura and Genocide Jill.
Hifumi: Genocide Jill, as we've brought up a few times, is capable of dodging lightning and slicing through missiles mid-flight with her scissors. Even if it took a little effort to catch her, Mrs Ogami was even able to subdue her easily in Danganronpa IF. Considering Mrs Jill was able to defeat Big Bang Monokuma with Mrs Komaru Naegi, it's highly likely that Mrs Ogami could achieve the same feat BY HERSELF! Additionally, her matching Killing Game Monokuma blow for blow shows she must be on an equal speed level as him, and Monokuma has already shown by this point he can hit baseballs consecutively fast enough to match a machine gun!
Leona: Not to mention that Sakura's battle against Mukuro makes this EVEN MORE impressive; since Mukuro can just straight up BLITZ Monokuma! And series creator Kodaka stated that she could easily defeat Sakakura, who has easily taken hits from powerful adversaries like Gozu, Seiko and Tengan, and even managed to tank a missile barrage, fired at him by Miaya Gekkogahara! Sakura therefore, must be a higher level of strength, and an equal level of durability.
Hifumi: On top of all that, you might remember in Mukuro Vs Kayano, I mentioned that Ms Ikusaba could run from Japan to Prague in a couple of seconds. Really, this feat originally comes from Mrs Ogami, who was originally stated to be capable of this feat. That would put her rough speed on the level of between Mach 20 and Mach 26!
Leona: And you might think that with all this hulking meat and nasty feats, she would be a "hit first, ask questions later" like yours truly! But...no! While we'd be hard-pressed to call Sakura a "genius" she's incredibly tactical, and she can keep her cool and think things through in almost any combat situation, be it hand-to-hand, class trials, or even a casual game like chess or shogi. She's basically INVINCIBLE, and there's basically no way to take her down!
Hifumi: Unfortunately, that's not entirely true...Mrs Ogami does indeed have some notable weaknesses.
Leona: HOW does someone THIS OP have ANY weaknesses!?
Hifumi: Well, it's primarily because despite her inhuman feats, she's still technically a human. if someone WERE powerful enough to land several strong hits on her, she can easily be knocked out with enough blunt force.
Leona: So she actually got KILLED during the Killing Game!? Who the hell can kill a behemoth like her!
Hifumi: Well...herself...
Leona: Eh?
Hifumi: The truth is that from the very beginning of the First Killing Game, Junko Enoshima blackmailed Mrs Ogami into feeding her information from behind closed doors, threatening to destroy her family's dojo should she fail to comply. Later on, Monokuma went on to expose Sakura's treachery, which caused shifts of trust and judgement among the group, basically leaving the next murder to be right around the corner. Tensions were so high that when Mrs Ogami tried to settle the situation, she got smashed over the top of her head TWICE with glass bottles from Mr Hagakure and Ms Jill.
Leona: Ow! What the hell, man!? So they basically both just killed her even though she just wanted to talk!?
Hifumi: No actually. Even though she was left bleeding from the head, Mrs Ogami SURVIVED both blows! But unfortunately, she was really only left with one option, at least that's how she felt. Knowing there probably wasn't anything left for her, but also wanting to protect the companionship she had with the likes of Ms Asahina and the other students...Mrs Ogami sacrificed her life, downing some poison and succumbing to it's effects.
Leona: Damn...That's...impressive. She really sacrificed herself for all that?
Hifumi: Fortunately, even though Monokuma tried to throw a spanner in the works, her plan worked, and became the catalyst for the survivors to rise to the cause and cause Junko Enoshima's downfall. Even in her untimely death, Mrs Ogami emerged the victor over the twisted tyrant, and came back to life later for another round!
Leona: Sakura is everything one wants to be. Powerful, yet charming; someone who will protect you and wreck shit if you ever get hurt. You might come across a variety of strong people across many timelines, but the fact remains that the Ultimate Martial Artist will always have a high place on that list...
Hifumi: Can I just say before we close out I'm really glad we're doing this now instead of a later chapter because...I really didn't want to take a certain feat into account...
Leona: You know that was your idea, right?
Hifumi: I know but...still...
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Hifumi: It's time hop into our hot-tub time machine and take a journey back to the 1880's, in good old fashioned Victorian England. Where capitalism divided the nation in half between the filthy rich and the miserably poor.
Leona: If you had money, you were living the high life. If you didn't, you were down low in the dirt. That is...unless your dumbass dad adopted another son who happened to be the BIGGEST DICKHEAD in ANIME!
Hifumi: Enter...Jonathan Joestar!
Leona: So, before we get properly into this biz, I kinda wanna just bring something up. Unlike our previous combatants, like Kayano, RHM and Phoenix, Jonathan Joestar is actually a returning combatant from the ORIGINAL Death Battle, who fought Tanjiro Kamado in Season 9. So considering DB have already done most of the calculations on our behalf, expect us to...paraphrase a lot of our points.
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Hifumi: Yes, well, The affluent businessman George Joestar I and his wife Mary gave birth to Jonathan Joestar, better known by his alias JoJo.  Even at a young age, he was an honest, kind, and upbeat young man, enjoying a happy life with his girlfriend Erina and pet dog Danny. That is until he met his adopted older brother Dio Brando, who tormented, beat, and severely traumatized the young Jonathan, whose life became filled with tragedy.
Leona: Dio dedicated his life to emotionally breaking Jonathan, attempting to turn him into a docile puppet in order to take the Joestar fortune for himself. However, Dio stealing Jonathan's first kiss with Erina was the final straw, and something deep within Jonathan's heart awoke; the raging passionate fire of a gentleman...Which he then proceeded to take advantage of in HANDING DIO HIS SHIT!
Hifumi: Gentlemen don't typically hand people their shit. If anything, it's the exact opposite of that. Unfortunately, even though Jonathan asserted himself as anything BUT Dio's punching bag, this standstill wouldn't last. Dio exacted his revenge a few years later when he transformed into a vampire and murdered George Joestar! Jonathan would require more than just his morally upright fists to win the day, as Dio was now determined to rule the entire world.
Leona: He needed power...He needed to train...He needed justice...! And all of that came in the form of a weird Italian Man who punches frogs for a living!
Hifumi: This man was Will Anthonio Zeppeli, a practitioner of the ancient martial art of Hamon, which was created especially to combat vampires like Dio. Users of the Hamon art can send a hot, electric ripple out of their bodies and overwhelm their opponents with it through their breaths. Kind of like channeling the power of sunlight, which as we know, vampires can't handle very well.
Leona: Please don't call it the Ripple, the dub changes are always so cringe...
Hifumi: I'm just saying it like it is! It IS a ripple! That's what Hamon means!
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Leona: A user of Hamon energy can disintegrate vampires with a single blow and greatly improve their physical prowess. Zeppeli taught Jonathan everything he knew so that he could fight and defeat Dio. For example, the Zoom Punch, where Jonathan stretches his arm and punches an opponent from afar as if his limbs were made of rubber.
Hifumi: It's actually not as simple as stretching your arm like Mr Fantastic or Monkey D. Luffy. Pulling this off requires Jonathan to dislocate his shoulder and use Hamon to ease the pain before snapping it back into place. In reality though, this is just the effect of breathing giving people superpowers taken very literally.
Leona: What do you mean "literally?"
Hifumi: Hm...I could tell you...But it might actually be worth bringing in a little bit of scientific help for this one...
Hifumi pulls on a curtain cord, and the sound of crying out in fear rapidly grows louder and closer until Uchui Porosen comes crashing onto the set.
Uchui: OW! Ugh...Jeez! You know, when you told me to wait up there, I wasn't expecting you would slapstick comedy me into the scene!
Hifumi: My apologies Mr Porosen. It was actually Mr Kurafto's idea.
Uchui: Of course it was...
Leona: 'Sup Kamu-dude! Was kinda wondering when we could finally get you on this one.
Uchui: Well, I was called in for backup in case you needed math advice, but you've been handling things pretty well so far. Still, I guess I can help tell you about how breathing works...That's fine too.
Hifumi: The floor is yours, my good sir.
Uchui: So, Dutch explorer Wim Hof managed to survive for nearly two hours while almost completely submerged in ice water, as the original Death Battle revealed in their program. In a similar conceptual maneuver to the Zoom Punch, Hof used forced exhalation to lower his oxygen levels, which boosted his body's ability to regulate temperature and releases euphoric chemicals that dulled the pain of the freezing cold. Also, in real life martial arts, breathing is an essential technique that practitioners - including a fighter like Sakura - must remember to use constantly. By massaging the organs beneath the diaphragm, deeper breaths help to relax your body and reduce its energy needs while also increasing your available energy. It keeps you stronger and lasting longer.
Leona: hehehehe...
Uchui: I'm going to smack you...!
Leona: Oh come on, you left yourself open for that one!
Uchui: At first glance, the fact that we ALL simply do this without giving it much thought may not seem remarkable, but by carefully controlling our oxygen intake, humans can improve their focus, speed up their fight-or-flight responses, and even change the rate at which their blood flows through their bodies. In the case of Hamon, it is very similar to the Chinese concept of Qi, which literally translates as "breath," "vapor," or "air." Not to mention the practice of it, known as "qigong."
Hifumi: Qigong is a system of breathing, meditation, and coordinated body posture and movement used for martial arts training, spirituality, and overall health. Qigong is traditionally seen by Asian cultures, most notably the Chinese people, as a way to cultivate and balance their life energy.
Uchui: Qi believers describe it as a vital force that needs to flow freely in order to be healthy. Qi is not to be confused with the scientific concept of energy; rather, it is a pseudoscientific, unverified idea, which is kind of my specialty, as we all know. It is sometimes believed that Gods, particularly anthropomorphic Gods, possess qi and are a reflection of the human microcosm, with qi able to concentrate in specific body parts.
Leona: Those are...a lot of big words.
Uchui: Oh...my bad...I got carried away again.
Hifumi: Do not worry about it Mr Porosen! Feel free to keep going, 
Uchui: Right...well, while it's not FACT that channeling qi makes this possible, it's commonly believed that you can channel your own qi to accomplish amazing feats like walking on water, magnetizing plants, or controlling your opponent's muscles in a fight. It can even pass through metal and other solid surfaces.
Leona: Which are PROVEN to all be possible with Hamon!
Uchui: Yes, but it's evident that no matter how much qi a person possesses, they are unable to simply light their fists on fire and slam their opponents senseless with a barrage of blows.
Hifumi: Well, that's it for the science lesson. Thanks for joining us Mr Porosen! Your insight was greatly appreciated.
Uchui: No problem. Feel free to call me any time that DOESN'T involve me falling through a trapdoor.
Uchui salutes then exeunts.
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Hifumi: So, armed with these incredible powers and now more than capable to throw hands, Jonathan, Zeppeli and their cohort Robert E. O. Speedwagon marched into Dio's territory and fought a horde of ruthless zombies!
Leona: Not just zombies! They also battled Bruford and Tarkus, two of Dio's most dangerous allies, the latter of whom had the strength to slice through a cliff with a single swing and rip entire boulders out of the earth. He could even split Zeppeli in half and snap JoJo's neck with relative ease. Poor Zeppeli...The fate of the mentor in anime is a cruel state of existence...
Hifumi: If only he had been a tad more perverted...
Leona: Yeah, right?
Hifumi: Zeppeli's final act before passing away was giving Jonathan his Hamon energy, which not only helped him heal his own broken neck but also united their energies. Because of this, Jonathan gained the strength to use just his hands to chop through Tarkus' enormous arm!
Leona: Oh yeah...I kinda just remembered that Jonathan has a sword...He didn't even need to use it here...Now, as any long-running JoJo fan would know, Dio has always had an influence even leading several years into the future up to Jolyne's era, but Jonathan, the first of the JoJo bloodline, was also the one who ultimately defeated him. And while yes, Dio is significantly more powerful in Stardust Crusaders, Phantom Blood Dio could still achieve feats of strength and speed above humanly possible. And considering Joseph Joestar, the only other JoJo capable of Hamon-wielding, is able to easily dodge beams of light, it stands to reason Jonathan could do the same thing.
Hifumi: And as Leona just casually mentioned, Jonathan is also armed with a medieval European knightly sword, aptly called "Pluck."
Leona: The sword belonged to Bruford at first, but after Jonathan's Hamon gave him back his human soul, he gave it to Jonathan and renamed it. Jonathan then used the sword to sever Dio like a chunk of salami!
Hifumi: Jonathan's greatest strength was always his intelligence and unwavering determination, more so than his strength, speed, sword, or even Hamon. Dio was defeated once more by the same unwavering desire for justice that had brought him down all those years ago, but this time around, the victory was short-lived and bittersweet.
Leona: Jonathan is basically the definition of a big man with a big heart. Dio abused, mentally tortured him, killed his dad, and yet despite all that, he never say Dio as anything less than his brother, though Dio didn't share the sentiment.
Hifumi: On the eve of his marriage with Erina, Dio came back to kill Jonathan and take his body, and Jonathan gave his life to save his wife and unborn child. He did not, however, die in vain. His lineage would endure for eons, producing a succession of remarkable, peculiar and...dare I say...BIZARRE heroes who would foil Dio's schemes and preserve the cosmos for all eternity.
Leona: And thus the name JoJo would be passed down through the ages...Figuratively...and LITERALLY!
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Hifumi: Alright, the combatants are set! We've run the data through all possibilities!
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Sakura Ogami sits atop the peak of a mountain, arms and legs crossed, eyes closed, and quietly meditating, undisturbed by even the sounds of the birds and wind around her. She only opens her eyes when she senses a presence scaling the mountain behind her.
Jonathan: I wasn't quite expecting this...
Sakura: Expecting what, exactly?
Jonathan unsheathes Pluck from his back.
Jonathan: I was told that if I came here, I would encounter the strongest fighter in the world...And yet I stand here, only to find you...A young woman...
Sakura stands up and only halfway turns to look at him.
Sakura: You were not expecting that the world's strongest would be a woman?
Jonathan: In all honesty, no...Though I know better than to misjudge people by appearances...Hitting you would be another thing entirely.
Sakura: Those sound like fighting words...
Jonathan: It is a rather long story...I was instructed to come here and defeat the world's strongest...Passing this trial comes in exchange of-
Sakura: You need not explain it to me...I will gladly battle any adversary that steps up to the plate...
Jonathan: If that is the case...
He points his sword at her.
Jonathan: Have at you...!
Sakura turns around, a powerful aura surrounding her, and the ends of her mouth slightly curving up. She begins to crack her knuckles and assumes her fighting stance.
Sakura: With pleasure...!
Sakura lunges in for the first attack, and Jonathan tries to counter by swinging his sword at her. The edge of the blade collides with Sakura's fist, but doesn't cut her.
Jonathan: Hah! Indeed, this is just the level of power I was expecting! 
Sakura: This is a battle. Not a casual conversation. Talking is far from a key tactic...
Jonathan: No...Of course not...But deception can be a key tactic...!
Sakura: Hm...!?
Jonathan starts to charge his Hamon energy into his blade and superheats it, scalding Sakura's fist and leaving a burn mark. Sakura retracts her fist, which Jonathan uses as an opening to punch her in the ribs. The punch is fierce and Sakura flies off the other side of the mountain, with Jonathan chasing her. Sakura looks at her fist, half with dismay, half with excitement.
Sakura: Hmhm...This one will be a worthy opponent...!
As Jonathan brandishes his blade and falls down towards Sakura, she slams into the rock beneath her, immediately springing back up and lunging towards Jonathan with a lightning-quick jump kick.
Jonathan: Ah-!
Jonathan thinks he can counter the kick with his blade and indeed reacts fast enough, but the power of Sakura's kick is so powerful, the blow sends the sword hurtling into the sky and getting lodged into the cliff face, leaving JoJo to fight with his bare hands.
Jonathan: Incredible!
Sakura: Same to you!
Sakura and Jonathan pause for but a second to exchange pleasantries as they land on their feet, then launch into a full-on attack, delivering punch after punch and blocking each other's blows with their fists.
With their sights set on one another, the two combatants retreat along the uneven terrain. Hamon energy starts to radiate from Jonathan's body. Sakura's body starts to radiate a fighting spirit at the same time. Both fighters gradually start to comprehend the sheer strength of their opponent.
Jonathan: *This is really the trial that I was sent to overcome...Her power is unbelievable; even I am not sure I can see this through...!*
Sakura: *I will most assuredly battle, even if my bones should crack...But this one...He has more than enough power to crack them...!*
Despite the intrusive thoughts, neither of them back down. The first to move is Jonathan, who charges forward at breakneck speed, punching Sakura in the face before she can react, and then sending her flying with a spinning fist!
Jonathan: ZOOM PUNCH!
Jonathan attempts to finish his combo by launching his fist forward and striking Sakura via an elongated arm. 
Sakura: TCHAGH!
Jonathan: Nani!?
Sakura dodges Jonathan's attack by front-flipping out of the way, landing behind him before striking back with a punch that sends a sonic boom crashing into the Hamon warrior. Jonathan chooses to block the attack with his arms and Hamon abilities since he is unable to avoid it in time.
Jonathan creates a ripple of flame and sets his fists on fire, lunging at Sakura. In kind, Sakura thrusts her fists forward at such power and speed, they also combust. The Ultimate Martial Artist and OG JoJo engage in yet another fistfight, the power and heat of their fists setting the surrounding area aflame.
Sakura: Hah!
Jonathan: Gah!
Sakura practically teleports behind Jonathan due to her rapid pace. JoJo can barely keep up with her barrage of kicks and punches as she leans herself into him. 
In the instant that he has to catch his breath, Jonathan rushes backward to get some distance between himself and his opponent.
However, no sooner does Jonathan do this, Sakura plants her hands into the ground and tosses up a gigantic slab of earth, tossing it straight towards him!
Jonathan: Tch...! OVERDRIVE!
Sakura: Hah!
Jonathan: Grgh!?
Jonathan uses his Hamon to channel his energy through the crumbling debris, tearing it in half as a result. But as soon as the earth opens, Sakura jumps through it at Jonathan, who has become sufficiently distracted to land a lethal blow. Sakura deals a strong kick to his cheek, but Jonathan barely avoids the more painful brunt of the blow by grabbing Sakura's leg and tossing her back.
Jonathan: *breathing noises...*
Sakura: What...!? UGH! AGH! GUGH!?
Sakura is caught unpleasantly off-guard as Jonathan takes a deep breath, and the back of her head collides with something heavy. She is just barely able to look up and see she smacked into a piece of the rubble from her previous attack, which is now somehow suspended in mid-air! Not only that, but she then falls back to the ground and keeps running into all the other pieces of debris on her way down!
Sakura: Hurgh...! Guh!?
Bleeding from the head, Sakura is still able to land on her feet, the ground beneath her becoming indented. Unfortunately, Jonathan by now is already upon her! 
Sakura is now helpless as Jonathan unleashes a devastating Sunlight Yellow Overdrive barrage on her before sending her flying into the mountain and leaving a huge crater underneath her corpse! After a brief pose, he jumps up and lands on her, slamming his fist and dealing the finishing blow!
Jonathan: A-Ah...Ah....!
Jonathan's eyes dilate in horror. Despite thinking he's finished his opponent off, he stares down to see that in spite of his power, as well as his advantageous position, Sakura catches his fist before it makes contact...!
Sakura: Alright...My turn...!
Jonathan experiences HELL! Though he tries to react in the split second he has, Sakura throws a haymaker so hefty, it breaks his arm! Jonathan tries to use Hamon to heal his injury, but Sakura attacks her now-vulnerable opponent with a vicious rush, who can now do nothing against her barrage of brutality!
Sakura winds up one more powerful, flaming fist, and throws one final blow that runs straight through Jonathan Joestar, finishing him off and crushing his lungs! Jonathan collapses backwards after Sakura's blood-stained fist slides out of him, falls on his back, leaning down on the rubble...Despite his fate, he opens his eyes one final time and looks up at Sakura, who clenches her fist.
Jonathan: ...You really were...the strongest...
Sakura: We will meet again in the next life...And we will have this "conversation" again...
Though the original JoJo failed his challenge, and though the Ultimate Martial Artist is burdened with his blood on her hands, neither of the two warriors can help but feel relieved and satisfied with the outcome. Jonathan and Sakura smile at each other confidently and respectfully, as the former slips into the afterlife...
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Leona: THAT WAS FUCKING AWESOME! And that's ANOTHER win for the home team! LESSGOO!
Hifumi: I'm as excited as you, but while we're riding this high, I think we've got a bit of explaining to do.
Leona: Oh, yeah, for sure! 'Cause I know at home, a lot of people were probably rooting for Johnny-boy, especially since he had so many powers and abilities up his ass that Sakura shouldn't have been able to counter. But the truth is...this match REALLY wasn't that clear cut!
Hifumi: Let the record say that this wasn't a completely one-sided victory. In several scenarios, with minor changes like the setting, prep time, knowledge about each other's innate abilities, etcetera, there are multiple scenarios in which Jonathan COULD have taken an easy win. However, the fact is that Mrs Sakura Ogami at no holds barred was just far too much of a challenge for the OG Joestar.
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Leona: JoJo really did have a lot going for him. Sakura might have been able to reach hypersonic levels of speed, far more than human logic would allow someone to reach, but Jonathan is more than able to keep pace with her. When Sakura fought Mukuro, she moved so quickly to Mukuro's blind spot that it appeared as though she had teleported to most of the people around her, and we've already established just how stupidly fast Mukuro's max speed is.
Hifumi: In contrast, Jonathan being able to fight on par with Dio and being fast enough to react to his lightning-fast attacks such as the Space Ripper Stingy Eyes; as well as the fact that he easily defeated Tarkus who blitzed Zeppeli, proves that Jonathan is just as fast, if not FASTER!
Leona: Additionally, Hamon was a VERY versatile weapon, given how much Jonathan could affect with it, most notably the area around him, as well as Sakura herself. Even without it, Jonathan still had the better arsenal. He's by no means a master swordsman, but it's a pretty assured victory if you're going to bring a sword to a fistfight. Most of the time at least...
Hifumi: And Jonathan had the intellect and thinking speed to use this to his advantage! While we made it clear earlier that Mrs Ogami is by no means dumb, and is incredibly strategic in her own right, Jonathan Joestar is a JOJO'S BIZARRE ADVENTURE CHARACTER! A character from a SERIES of stories about people fighting and using wacky abilities in the most outwards way possible! And Jonathan is the one who STARTED this trend, even if his grandson Joseph is shown to be more tactical with it.
Leona: So why does Sakura ultimately take the cake here? Well, it's actually quite simple...
Hifumi: Indeed. Speed and intelligence aside, and with or without Hamon, Jonathan's stats are near ECLIPSED by Mrs Ogami's pure power! 
Leona: For example, Jonathan is capable of setting his fists alight with energy or fire, and can use his breathing techniques to manipulate the air around him. Sakura on the other hand is capable of nearly the exact same feats, like how she can punch hard enough that her fists combust, or sending a shockwave from her punches that parts the ocean, and she doesn't even HAVE breathing superpowers!
Hifumi: On the one hand, Jonathan post-Deep Pass Overdrive effortlessly overpowered and killed Tarkus despite being previously outmatched, and is demonstrably equal with Dio; damaging him with a punch, bisecting him even after meeting resistance and ultimately defeating him. On the other hand, with just one or two exceptions, Sakura Ogami is "the strongest person in the world" and the best fighter in the Danganronpa series. As such, she should be superior to fighters like Juzo Sakakura, Genocide Jack, and Mukuro Ikusaba, the latter of whom found it difficult to engage in a casual fight with her.
Leona: Again, if you go back to Mukuro Vs Kayano, we went over some of the things that Mukuro was capable of. But in case you don't feel like doing that, as a quick reminder, she's been fighting on battlefields since her childhood days and never received a single scratch to show for it, and she battled 100 Killing Game Monokuma's, which as we said, Sakura was on par with, armed with nothing but an improvised weapon, all while dodging a rapid-fire machine gun turret. And she was AFRAID to fight Sakura!
Hifumi: Not "afraid" exactly, but similarly wary of her. When Ms Ikusaba accomplishes the 100 Monokuma feat in Danganronpa IF, she understands that there isn't a way for her to defeat Mrs. Ogami in a fair match and decides to concentrate on dodging in order to survive against her. She was unable to match her in this particular scenario and instead needed to use her weapons against her or go into her Battle Trance Mode in order to pull of a victory.
Leona: Aside from speed, there's a matter of durability. Again, Hamon realistically could be used to potentially give Jonathan an instant-kill victory. Other Hamon users have been shown to use their powers to directly shut off their opponent's brain or heart, something that's happened to many ordinary humans in JoJo's universe with a single zap. Unfortunately, Sakura Ogami ISN'T a normal human, and even if Sakura is clearly unable to match Jonathan's massively FTL top speeds, she is still able to change her combat style mid-fight, strategize on the fly, and react so quickly that it looks as though she is teleporting. According to our calculations, this places her on par with Jonathan's own reactionary feats.
Hifumi: Mrs Ogami was by no means immune to Hamon. Far from it actually. But the feats of strength that she's been proven to be able to survive completely outmatch Jonathan's. Jonathan Joestar's biggest defense feats are him tanking hits from Jack the Ripper and Tarkus. And while being without Hamon and reduced to nothing but a corpse, his body could survive being caught within a massive explosion, which allowed Dio to take it over.
Leona: But yet again, Mukuro's wariness of Sakura puts her on a similar level of durability, if not MUCH higher than that. The fact that the Ultimate Soldier would have rather taken her down by sniping her from a distance implies that going hand to hand with no weapons would prove fruitless. And as another reminder, we established in Mukuro's episode that her most powerful blow is 6 TIMES more powerful than the atom bomb! Also, being able to fight a much stronger version of Monokuma, the sentry version of which is more than capable of ripping apart a person effortlessly with its claws and teeth, is a similarly impressive feat. And in both Trigger Happy Havoc and IF, Sakura easily deflected Monokuma's attacks.
Hifumi: Mrs Ogami's feat of parting the ocean with a punch is proof enough that if both fighters were to throw their strongest blows at one another, Jonathan would DEFINITELY succumb while she COULD survive. And that factor alone is symbolic of this matchup. 
Leona: Sakura's biggest weakness other than her own limitations as a human is that she's shown that despite her raw strength, she will bend over backwards to protect the things and people she cares about. If she's blackmailed, or their safety is threatened, then she will fall in line. But let's be honest, even if Jonathan somehow knew this, he was NEVER going to take advantage of it! The idea of Jonathan-freaking-Joestar taking hostages is, frankly, RIDICULOUS!
Hifumi: Jonathan Joestar is rightfully one of the pillars of shonen society, with his powerful breathing techniques and gentlemanly fists, but Mrs Sakura Ogami's unmatched power, insurmountable strength and iron-tight resolve saw her over the sunny horizon.
Leona: I think we can say for sure that she left us all "breathless~"
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Next time:
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The greatest heroes are often defined by their worst enemy. A title that these two crazy little girls are willing to take the mantle of, even if it drives them to the brink of madness...Only destruction and death will be left in their wake when these two come to town...!
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tachomindsblog · 8 days
Boost Your Online Presence with SEO Services in Bhubaneswar by Tachomind
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In today’s digital era, having a strong online presence is essential for businesses to succeed. Whether you're running a local startup or an established enterprise, search engine optimization (SEO) is a crucial factor that can significantly impact your visibility, customer reach, and revenue generation. At Tachomind, we specialize in offering top-notch SEO services in Bhubaneswar, helping businesses climb search engine rankings and attract more customers.
Why SEO is Important for Businesses in Bhubaneswar
Bhubaneswar is a rapidly growing city with a competitive market. As more businesses move online, standing out in search results has become a challenge. This is where SEO comes into play. SEO involves optimizing your website to improve its rankings on search engines like Google, thereby increasing your chances of being found by potential customers. If your website is not optimized for search engines, you're missing out on valuable organic traffic and potential sales.
Here’s why investing in professional SEO services in Bhubaneswar is essential for your business:
Increased Online Visibility
The higher your website ranks on search engine results pages (SERPs), the more visible it becomes to users. Studies show that the top three results on Google receive the majority of clicks, while websites on the second page receive minimal attention. Tachomind’s SEO services focus on improving your website’s rankings, ensuring that your business appears in front of your target audience when they search for relevant keywords.
Targeted Traffic
SEO is not just about attracting random visitors to your website. It’s about bringing in targeted traffic—users who are actively searching for the products or services you offer. Through thorough keyword research and analysis, we at Tachomind ensure that your website is optimized for the keywords that matter most to your business, resulting in high-quality, conversion-ready traffic.
Build Credibility and Trust
Websites that rank highly on search engines are often perceived as more trustworthy and credible by users. By implementing effective SEO strategies, such as optimizing your content, improving site speed, and building quality backlinks, we help establish your business as an authority in your industry. This not only improves your online reputation but also increases the likelihood of converting visitors into loyal customers.
Long-Term Results
Unlike paid advertising, which offers immediate but temporary results, SEO provides long-term benefits. Once your website starts ranking well for specific keywords, it can continue to attract organic traffic without the need for constant advertising investment. At Tachomind, we focus on sustainable SEO strategies that provide lasting results for your business in Bhubaneswar.
Tachomind's SEO services in Bhubaneswar
At Tachomind, we offer a comprehensive range of SEO services designed to meet the specific needs of businesses in Bhubaneswar. Whether you're a small local business or a large enterprise, our team of SEO experts will work with you to develop a customized strategy that drives results.
Here’s what you can expect from our SEO services:
Keyword Research and Analysis
We conduct in-depth keyword research to identify the most relevant and high-performing keywords for your business. This helps us optimize your website for the terms your target audience is searching for, ensuring maximum visibility.
On-Page SEO
Our on-page SEO services focus on optimizing the content and structure of your website to make it more search engine-friendly. This includes optimizing meta tags, headers, images, and internal links, as well as improving overall user experience.
Technical SEO
Technical SEO involves optimizing the backend of your website to ensure it is easily crawlable and indexable by search engines. We address issues like site speed, mobile-friendliness, and URL structure to improve your website’s technical performance.
Content Optimization
High-quality, relevant content is key to successful SEO. We help you create and optimize content that not only engages your audience but also ranks well on search engines. From blog posts to product descriptions, we ensure your content is keyword-optimized and valuable to users.
Local SEO
If you're a local business in Bhubaneswar, local SEO is critical for attracting customers in your area. We optimize your website and Google My Business listing to ensure your business appears in local search results, driving more foot traffic and inquiries.
Link Building
Building high-quality backlinks is essential for improving your website’s authority and rankings. We use ethical link-building strategies to acquire valuable backlinks from reputable websites, helping to boost your website’s credibility.
SEO Audits and Reporting
We regularly audit your website to identify any issues that may be hindering its performance. Our team provides detailed reports on your website’s rankings, traffic, and SEO progress, allowing you to see the results of our efforts.
Why Choose Tachomind for SEO Services in Bhubaneswar?
At Tachomind, we are dedicated to delivering measurable results through our expert SEO services. Our team stays up-to-date with the latest SEO trends and search engine algorithms, ensuring that your website remains competitive in the ever-changing digital landscape. With a focus on transparency, ethical practices, and client satisfaction, we are committed to helping your business succeed online.
SEO is no longer optional in today’s competitive online market—it’s a necessity. With Tachomind’s SEO services in Bhubaneswar, you can improve your online visibility, attract more customers, and boost your bottom line. Our tailored strategies and expert team will help you achieve long-term success and grow your business in the digital space.
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g2stechnology12 · 17 days
G2S Technology: Best SEO Company in India for Top Rankings
In today's competitive digital landscape, achieving and maintaining top rankings on search engines is essential for businesses to thrive. One company that consistently delivers on this front is G2S Technology, widely recognized as the best SEO company in India. With a deep understanding of how search engines work, G2S Technology has honed its approach to Search Engine Optimization (SEO) to help businesses increase visibility, attract organic traffic, and convert visitors into customers.
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Why G2S Technology is the Best SEO Company in India
At G2S Technology, we understand that SEO is not just about ranking high on search engines; it's about implementing strategies that generate sustainable traffic, boost engagement, and ultimately lead to higher conversion rates. What sets us apart as the best SEO company in India is our commitment to combining data-driven insights, innovative strategies, and proven techniques to deliver results that exceed expectations.
We tailor each SEO campaign to meet the unique needs of our clients. Whether you're a startup looking to make a mark or an established enterprise aiming to strengthen your online presence, G2S Technology has the expertise to take your business to the next level.
Also Read: Top Link-Building Techniques Every Seo Expert Should Know 2024
Comprehensive SEO Solutions
At G2S Technology, we offer a wide range of SEO services designed to cover every aspect of optimization, ensuring that your website not only ranks but thrives. Our services include:
Proven Track Record of Success
At G2S Technology, our SEO campaigns have consistently delivered measurable results for businesses across various industries. Our success is backed by real data, with clients experiencing significant improvements in organic traffic, lead generation, and overall online visibility.
We pride ourselves on transparency and accountability. Clients are provided with detailed reports that outline the progress of their campaigns, including keyword rankings, traffic growth, and other critical metrics. This ensures that you are always informed about how your SEO efforts are impacting your business.
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Cutting-Edge SEO Tools and Techniques
What makes G2S Technology the best SEO company in India is our commitment to staying ahead of industry trends and using the most effective SEO tools available. We invest in cutting-edge technology that allows us to analyze competitor strategies, track keyword performance, and identify new opportunities for growth.
Our team of SEO experts stays updated on the latest algorithm changes and search engine guidelines, ensuring that our clients' websites are always optimized according to the most current SEO practices. By using advanced tools like Google Analytics, SEMrush, and Ahrefs, we are able to fine-tune our strategies and deliver top-tier results.
Also Read: Best Technical SEO Audit Tools to Boost Your Website’s Search Rankings
Customized SEO Strategies for Every Business
No two businesses are the same, and neither are their SEO needs. At G2S Technology, we take the time to understand your business, industry, and target audience before developing a custom SEO strategy. Whether you are looking to enhance your e-commerce site or promote a service-based business, our personalized approach ensures that your SEO campaign is aligned with your business goals.
We also recognize that SEO is an ongoing process that requires continuous optimization. That’s why we continually monitor your campaign’s performance, making adjustments as needed to ensure long-term success. Our team conducts regular audits, keeping track of the latest search trends and analyzing how your competitors are performing. This allows us to stay one step ahead and keep your website ranking on top.
Affordable SEO Services for Every Budget
Despite being the best SEO company in India, G2S Technology offers affordable SEO packages that cater to businesses of all sizes. Whether you are a small business owner or managing a large enterprise, we provide scalable SEO solutions that fit within your budget without compromising on quality.
Our pricing is transparent, with no hidden fees, and each package is designed to deliver maximum ROI. By choosing G2S Technology, you’re investing in SEO services that are not only effective but also cost-efficient.
Expert Team of SEO Professionals
Our success as the best SEO company in India is driven by our talented team of SEO professionals. Each member of our team brings years of experience and specialized knowledge in various aspects of SEO. From content strategists and link-building experts to technical SEO analysts and keyword researchers, we work collaboratively to develop comprehensive SEO solutions that meet your business needs.
The team at G2S Technology is passionate about helping businesses grow online. We are dedicated to providing exceptional customer service and delivering results that speak for themselves. Our commitment to excellence has made us the go-to choice for businesses across India and beyond.
Boost Your Online Presence with G2S Technology
In an ever-evolving digital world, staying ahead of your competition is crucial. With G2S Technology, you get a dedicated partner that understands the nuances of SEO and knows how to get your website to the top of search engine results. From improving your website's performance to implementing strategic SEO tactics, we provide a comprehensive range of services designed to elevate your online presence.
If you want your business to stand out in search engine rankings and attract more customers, choose G2S Technology, the best SEO company in India. Our proven track record, innovative strategies, and client-focused approach make us the ideal choice for businesses looking to grow their online visibility.
Contact Us
Company Name:- G2S Technology Visit Now:-www.g2stechnology.com/ Call Us:- 91 7976373846 Drop a Mail:- [email protected] Address:-B37, Orbit Mall, Civil Lines, Jaipur 302007
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jcmarchi · 2 months
Sustainable Growth Starts With Building the Foundation for Gen AI
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/sustainable-growth-starts-with-building-the-foundation-for-gen-ai/
Sustainable Growth Starts With Building the Foundation for Gen AI
How many times have you talked about generative AI recently? It seems to come up in every single business meeting, irrespective of the agenda or topic of conversation. Given this trend, it’s no surprise that business spend on generative AI technology is following one of the steepest ascents ever. Large global enterprises spent $15 billion on gen AI solutions in 2023, representing about 2% of the global enterprise software market in the technology’s first full year. While that percentage may seem small on the surface, consider the fact that it took four years for SaaS to reach that level. And by 2027, spending on gen AI is expected to soar even higher – as high as $250 billion.
What does this all mean? That enterprises’ attention will be focused heavily – and in some cases maybe even exclusively – on ramping up gen AI in their technology stacks. Is that a good thing? The answer, of course, is complicated.
Yes, experts such as McKinsey & Co. expect gen AI’s impact on overall productivity to add trillions of dollars in value to the global economy. But overinvestment in gen AI, at the expense of building a basic foundation for success, could actually be counterproductive for enterprises that haven’t already built a strong foundation for their technology stacks and business processes.
This happened, to an extent, during the early days of cloud. When the cloud revolution hit hard, back in the late 2000s, business and technology leaders doubled down on transformation. And because of limited budgets, they diverted spending from everyday operations. The result: Companies deployed new and innovative business models on top of underfunded technology tools and underdeveloped processes.
It could happen again with gen AI. While the technology promises to help enterprises write code, create content, research technical solutions, sell more products and train employees, attention needs to be paid to the underlying facets of the business, so their gen AI investments can generate the most bang for their buck.
The most important goal? Enterprises need to prioritize modernization and fix existing technology and process issues to make space for new and exciting innovations like gen AI.
There are six stages enterprises should tackle before – and during – their ramp-up into the world of AI.
First, optimize what you have. The clean-up operation starts here. Assess the strength of the technology stack, examine the organizational structure, and review the basic policies. Identify red flags and try to tweak what you have by applying industry best practices. Pay close attention to your data stack for both structured and unstructured data.  This is foundational for AI, including gen AI.
Second, accelerate the optimization. Once enterprises clean up the initial issues, they can identify opportunities for improvement. Try to standardize and improve processes without ripping them out by the roots. Even high-level review can sharpen processes and improve your competitive advantage.
Third, modernize your resources, but make sure to keep humans in the loop. This is perhaps the most important step. Human creativity, after all, is the principal driver of organizational success. So, look at ways to replatform, improve workflow design and add automation, but keep human beings central to the process. Free up employees to focus on higher-level work, and maintain the irreplaceable value of human intellect in the final product.
Fourth, reimagine the areas where AI can support business strategy. Are there new markets to target? New products to introduce? Better ways to serve customers? Leaders should encourage employees at every level of the business – across operations, finance, marketing, sales, software development – to think about how they can get more done with AI. The possibilities are endless now that you’ve reduced your technology debt and leaned into the power of AI.
Fifth, look at ways to continuously innovate. All transformation needs to be continuous and foolproof. Establishing a baseline and a foundation is important. But projecting success into the future, as AI becomes a bigger part of the everyday business toolset, is critical.
Last, put a premium on skill development. Relying more on gen AI will force organizations to revise and elevate certain job roles. To do this, they need to invest in upskilling and reskilling programs, giving individuals the chance to learn new skills and transition into those emerging roles. This creates a compounding impact on entrepreneurship. While AI enables individuals to innovate, institute new practices and improve on the status quo, the individuals themselves need to develop new skills and take active roles managing the technology itself.
Building an AI-enabled modernization approach is based on the belief that business innovation should be sustainable.
Here’s an example of how a leading technology business prepped for its foray into gen AI. The company had been dominating its market and was content with its position. But it was being challenged by agile, brave, adventurous startups that were ready to embrace gen AI without the burdens of legacy infrastructure.
We worked with the firm to guide the business through the six stages of AI-enabled modernization. We even confronted the company’s fear of new technologies like gen AI by showing how employees could use it to decipher thousands of lines of code from its legacy systems. The more readable code empowered business leaders to identify opportunities for the modernize, reimagine and innovate phases. Today, the company is embarking on its gen AI project, leaving the limitations of the past behind.
Gen AI is here, and it’s promising to revolutionize business strategies going forward. Enterprises should invest, but also learn from some of the mistakes made with cloud strategies in the past. They need to start their clean-up operations – following an AI-enabled modernization mindset – to embed gen AI into the heart of the enterprise and lead sustainable growth for the future.
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allwave · 5 months
Exploring the Importance of Excellent Technical Support
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Introduction: Exploring the Importance of Excellent Technical Support
In today’s fast-evolving corporate environment, seamless audiovisual (AV) systems are not just beneficial—they are essential. However, the complexity of modern AV solutions demands more than just installation; it requires ongoing, proficient technical support to ensure optimal performance and longevity.
A report came out  from an industry magazine called System Contractor News that showed that within the commercial integration business (Audio, Video and Collaboration), integrators by a vote of almost 3:1 valued quality technical support over any other vendor provided service. In short what the numbers showed was that as value added resellers, we are more interested in great service than low prices or specialized logistics support.
While our industry, similarly to many other industries says we are more interested in service than price, we often find ourselves in a tough predicament of trying to have both. In fact, with our interests always being in serving our customers, we often lump quality into the same conversation meaning we are trying to drive the lowest price, best service and highest quality products into every job we do. When you really think about it, this starts to sound like “Mission Impossible,” as most companies know that when you go for all three you are almost always going to come up short with one.
Putting Value In Technical Capabilities.
For customers making sizable investments in their technology spaces often price is put at the top of the list when choosing a vendor.
Generally this has to do with a perception that all the potential suppliers are the same, so why not just select on price. However, this may be a mistake because in the world of integration not all players are the same and perhaps one of the great differences is in the technical support we provide.
When we started off this article we talked about how integrators weigh the importance of tech support. Basically going up the food chain we want our manufacturer and distributor partners to help us when product issues creep up (and they do). Downstream we recognize our customers expect the same from us. When a room system or device has a problem you are looking to us to provide fast and productive support.
The Critical Role of Technical Support
Technical support goes beyond troubleshooting; it involves understanding the client’s unique needs and ensuring their AV systems enhance rather than hinder their operations. A study by AVIXA highlights that organizations with access to responsive and knowledgeable technical support report higher satisfaction and reduced downtime, directly impacting productivity and the bottom line.
Case Studies of Success
Consider the experiences of leading firms featured on platforms like Inavate and SCN 50, where technical support has transformed potential AV disasters into triumphs of technology. These case studies not only illustrate the capabilities of expert support teams but also demonstrate how they are instrumental in maintaining the integrity and functionality of complex AV setups.
Forward-Thinking Strategies
The future of AV is here with technologies like AI integration and automated diagnostics, further underscoring the importance of sophisticated technical support. As AV systems become increasingly integrated with IT infrastructure, the expertise of tech support becomes more crucial in navigating these integrations smoothly and effectively.
Investing in high-quality technical support is not just about fixing problems—it’s about preventing them. By choosing AV solutions backed by excellent support, businesses ensure they are equipped to handle anything the future holds, making it an invaluable component of any AV strategy.
Have a look at our page as well to know more about video collaboration- https://www.allwaveav.com/about-us/
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seobud · 5 months
Unveiling BUD: Your Premier Advertising, PPC, and SEO Partner in Bangalore
Are you seeking to elevate your digital presence in Bangalore? Look no further than BUD, your one-stop solution for all your advertising, PPC, and SEO needs. As a leading advertising agency in Bangalore, we specialize in crafting compelling campaigns that resonate with your target audience, driving unparalleled engagement and conversion rates.
Advertising Agency in Bangalore: At BUD, we understand that every brand has a unique story to tell. Our team of creative minds works tirelessly to conceptualize and execute innovative advertising strategies tailored to your brand identity and business objectives. From captivating visuals to persuasive copywriting, we ensure that your message stands out amidst the noise of the digital landscape. With our proven track record of delivering results for businesses across various industries, we take pride in being the go-to advertising agency in Bangalore for businesses striving for excellence in their marketing endeavors.
PPC Company in Bangalore: In today's competitive market, a robust PPC strategy is essential for driving targeted website traffic and maximizing ROI. As a top-tier PPC company in Bangalore, BUD employs cutting-edge techniques and industry best practices to create highly optimized pay-per-click campaigns that yield tangible results. Our meticulous approach involves keyword research, ad creation, bid management, and continuous performance analysis to ensure that your advertising budget is utilized effectively, delivering maximum impact for your business.
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SEO Company in Bangalore: Achieving top rankings in search engine results is paramount for increasing your online visibility and attracting organic traffic to your website. As a reputable SEO company in Bangalore, BUD offers comprehensive SEO solutions designed to propel your website to the forefront of search engine results pages (SERPs). Through a combination of on-page optimization, off-page strategies, content creation, and technical SEO enhancements, we empower your website to climb the ranks and stay ahead of the competition. With our relentless focus on driving sustainable growth and measurable outcomes, we have earned a reputation as the preferred choice for businesses seeking superior SEO services in Bangalore.
Why choose BUD?
Expertise: Our team comprises seasoned professionals with extensive experience in advertising, PPC, and SEO, ensuring that your campaigns are in capable hands.
Customized Solutions: We believe in tailor-made solutions that align with your unique business goals and objectives, ensuring maximum relevance and effectiveness.
Transparent Reporting: We provide regular reports and insights into the performance of your campaigns, keeping you informed every step of the way.
Client-Centric Approach: Your satisfaction is our priority, and we go above and beyond to exceed your expectations, delivering exceptional results that drive growth and success.
In conclusion If you're searching for a reliable partner to elevate your digital presence and achieve unparalleled success in Bangalore, look no further than BUD. Whether you need expert advertising solutions, strategic PPC campaigns, or top-notch SEO services, we've got you covered. Contact us today to embark on a journey towards digital excellence with the leading advertising agency, PPC company, and SEO company in Bangalore!
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damn360llp · 9 months
DAMN360LLP: Digital Marketing Solutions Pioneering Excellence
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Any business's potential to succeed in a world where digital interactions dominate rests on its capacity to successfully negotiate the intricate and constantly changing online terrain. One digital marketing firm, DAMN360LLP, stands out from the others as we enter 2024. Join us as we explore the creative tactics, client success stories, and secret sauce that make DAMN360LLP the top digital marketing agency in the business.
Understanding Digital Proficiency with DAMN360LLP
Specializing in all elements of online brand promotion, DAMN360LLP has earned a good reputation for itself in the world of Digital Marketing. The business has always adopted a progressive approach, frequently using cutting-edge technologies and staying ahead of advancements in the industry.
Tailored Strategies for Extraordinary Results
The secret to DAMN360LLP success is providing specialized plans that are tailored to each client's unique needs. It is acknowledged by the agency that a one-size-fits-all approach is no longer viable in the dynamic digital market of today. DAMN360LLP develops unique solutions that attract target audiences and increase engagement and conversion rates. These solutions may involve Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising, Social Media Marketing (SMM), SEO, or content creation.
The Digital Armoury of DAMN360LLP
DAMN360LLP is distinguished by its extensive digital toolkit. A multidisciplinary team of professionals with varying specializations in various aspects of digital marketing works for the agency. With this cooperative approach, clients are certain to gain from a comprehensive plan that smoothly combines multiple platforms for optimal effect.
1. SEO Wizardry
The SEO specialists at DAMN360LLP are masters at increasing internet visibility. Through thorough analysis of search algorithms and continuous learning, they raise their clients' rankings in search engine results, increasing organic traffic and brand awareness.
2. Mastery of SMM
Within the social media space, DAMN360LLP is a master strategist. Their SMM team uses the power of social media sites like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn to create compelling content and run targeted advertising campaigns, all in an effort to help clients establish a strong online presence.
3. PPC Accuracy
PPC experts at DAMN360LLP provide an unmatched level of accuracy to advertising. By using methodical keyword analysis, persuasive advertisement wording, and calculated bidding, they optimize the return on investment for each advertising dollar invested.
Customer Testimonials: The Effect of DAMN360LLP
The success stories of a digital marketing agency's clients are the real gauge of its abilities. DAMN360LLP has a strong portfolio of companies that have grown remarkably while under its direction. DAMN360LLP regularly delivers outcomes that go beyond expectations, whether they are established businesses looking to undergo a digital transformation or startups looking to establish their brand.
Innovation at the Core
DAMN360LLP is unique because of its steadfast dedication to innovation. The organization sees obstacles as chances to push limits and discover uncharted territory. In an increasingly competitive digital market, DAMN360LLP keeps its clients ahead of the curve by being on the cutting edge of technical innovations.
The DAMN360LLP Difference
DAMN360LLP stands apart from the competition in a crowded market for Digital Marketing agencies thanks to its dedication to quality, creativity, and customer success. Partnering with DAMN360LLP is not merely an option for companies looking to prosper in the digital age but also a strategic benefit that helps brands reach new heights of success in the online space.
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colourmoon-tech · 9 months
How To Get Custom Mobile App Development Services In Kukatpally
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Are you looking to get a custom mobile app development services in Kukatpally for your business or idea? With the rising smartphone and internet penetration in India, having a tailored mobile app has become crucial for brands to engage with digitally connected consumers. Kukatpally in Hyderabad is fast emerging as a hub for IT and software services, making it easier to find quality custom mobile app development partners here.
A custom-built app with features crafted specifically for your requirements and target users can set your brand apart in the crowded app stores. Whether you need apps for Android, iOS, cross-platform or modern technologies like AI, ML, Web 3.0 etc., Kukatpally has top app development companies and expert developers to bring your app vision to life.
Choosing the right custom mobile app development company in Kukatpally is vital to get a high-performing, visually appealing and secure app within time and budget constraints. Along with evaluating technical expertise and experience, you must assess soft skills, communication channels, transparency, support standards etc. to ensure a smooth partnership.
Benefits of Custom Mobile App Development Services In Kukatpally
Here are some key benefits of having a custom-built mobile app for your business:
1. Enhanced Brand Identity
A tailored mobile app developement that perfectly encapsulates your brand essence through visuals, content and UX helps reinforce your brand identity and engage users.
2. Improved Customer Experience
Carefully designed interfaces, intuitive navigation and meaningful features boost convenience and personalize user experience.
3. Increased Traffic and Revenues
Custom apps help drive more traffic as customers prefer apps over mobile sites. Higher engagement and conversions ultimately impact revenues.
4. Better Data and Insights
With a custom app, you can gather more customer data and visualise meaningful insights to improve products and marketing.
5. Higher Chances of Being Featured by App Stores
Well-developed, purposeful apps that solve real user problems have higher likelihood of being featured by app stores, multiplying your downloads.
6. Scope for Innovation and Scalability
You can incorporate fresh ideas and scale existing features without restrictions to address evolving user expectations.
As is evident, custom mobile apps offer numerous advantages that make app development costs worthwhile investments for sustainable growth.
Read More: Questions For Startups Before They Decide To Have An App
Top Mobile App Development Companies in Kukatpally
1. ColourMoon Technologies
With 8+ years of domain expertise, ColourMoon Technologies is among the leading app makers in Kukatpally building high-performing and feature-rich apps for fast-scaling startups and global enterprises alike. Their full-cycle mobile app services and expertise across Android, iOS, React Native, Flutter, Xamarin etc. helps craft apps that rank high on usability and ROI.
Key App Development Services
Custom Mobile App Development
Cross-platform App Development
Enterprise App Development
On-Demand App Development
IoT App Development
Web App Development
Core Expertise
UI/UX Design Services
Quality Assurance and Testing
App Marketing and Launch
App Maintenance & Enhancements
DevOps and Cloud Integration
With a 50+ member team proficient in latest app frameworks and their ISO-certified development process, ColourMoon is a premier mobile partner providing end-to-end development, design and maintenance under one roof.
How Custom Mobile App Development Process Works?
Reputed mobile app companies like ColourMoon Technologies have fine-tuned app building processes derived from industry best practices and their own learnings over years. Though approaches may vary across companies, the broad stages are:
Discovery Phase
This initial phase focuses on aligning your business goals, target users, their needs and app objectives between both teams through workshops and requirement analysis. Market research and competition evaluation also takes place here.
UX/UI Design
Next, UX designers conceptualize and prototype an optimal navigational flow and information architecture while UI team gives life through visuals, layouts and micro-interactions. Design studios help finalize workflows.
Development and Testing
The backend and frontend development teams now build out the approved designs and workflows using suitable tech stack while rigorously testing across devices.
Launch and Post-launch
The ready app is launched on app stores while post-launch support handles user feedback, enhancements, new OS compatibility etc. Performance metrics are tracked for improvements.
Reputable mobile app developers provide complete visibility into such agile processes that adapt to evolving needs. Their expertise also ensures apps developed meet your feature expectations within agreed budgets and timelines.
Factors to Consider When Choosing Custom App Development Company
While capabilities and experience play a huge role, you must analyze several other factors too in potential app partners including:
1. Domain Expertise
Look for specialization in your industry with case studies proving ability to add value. For instance, fintech app development requires very different skillsets from entertainment app builders.
2. Technical Expertise
Assess capabilities across intended mobile OS platforms like iOS, Android etc. along with skills in advanced and upcoming technologies like AI/ML, Web 3.0, Metaverse etc. based on app needs.
3. Methodologies and Processes
Mature processes like agile app development philosophies can ensure predictable delivery. Assess communication models too for total visibility and smooth collaboration.
4. Quality and Security Standards
Review their quality assurance practices, security policies, compliance with global data regulations etc for reliably smooth-running apps.
5. Support Reliability
Sustained post-launch support is crucial for adding enhancements aligned to user feedback and new OS features. Confirm their support models, SLAs and upgrade best practices.
6. Pricing Models
Evaluate available engagement models (fixed, hourly), charges, payment terms etc. to ensure optimal ROI for app investment.
Keep these parameters in mind while requesting custom mobile app development quotes from shortlisted companies.
Why is Kukatpally the Preferred Destination for App Development Services?
Kukatpally in Hyderabad has a thriving community of digital disruptors like mobile app and software product companies, coders, designers etc. Some key reasons for its emergence as a preferred hub for app building services are:
Abundant Talent Pool
Top tech and design colleges nearby like IIIT Hyderabad, NALSAR University etc. produce talented, industry-ready coders and designers annually. Lower cost but highly skilled manpower keeps operations lean.
Excellent Tech Infrastructure
The availability of high-speed internet connectivity, co-working spaces, cloud infrastructure and other digital facilities catalyzes efficiency.
Business-Friendly Ecosystem
The area offers a vibrant climate for entrepreneurs. Supportive state policies, funding channels, incubation hubs etc. enable the local app economy to thrive.
Strategic Location Advantages
Proximity to financial hubs helps many fintech app innovators. Connectivity to neighboring tech regions fuels collaborations. Globally accessible Hitec City is also nearby.
Mature Partner Networks
Over the years, specialized product engineering talent and an ancillary network of marketing, legal and other partners has organically developed to service digital startups.
Knowledge Sharing Culture
Regular tech and startup events facilitate constant exchange of ideas among developers, designers and digital entrepreneurs to boost innovation. Therefore, if you are somewhere in India or the globe planning a mobile product, teaming with a competent mobile partner from Kukatpally unlocks immense value. Their expertise, efficiency and understanding of local user sentiments can enormously boost the success potential of your app idea. Get your quote for the custom app developement services in Kukatpally.
For More Information
A-2, Plot #52 & 53, 2nd floor, Kanaka Durga Mansion, 5th Phase, KPHB, Hyderabad-72, India
91 9059141997, +91 8886345252
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adventiciis · 1 year
What Solutions Do Management Consultants Provide?
Problem solving is the cornerstone of what management consultants do. Customers hire them to help them overcome or eliminate any obstacles that prevent them from achieving their objectives, in other words, to solve problems. Sometimes, a consultant's job involves “solving problems that haven't yet materialized”. McKinsey's problem-solving process consists of a series of mindset changes and structured approaches to thinking about and solving complex issues.
It's a useful approach for anyone who works in the knowledge and information economy and needs to communicate ideas to others. A consultant is someone who works with customers to resolve specific business issues. They can work for themselves as an independent consultant or work for a consulting firm that employs many consultants. Consultants collaborate with client companies to solve specific business challenges. Consulting projects are usually carried out in teams and can focus on a variety of areas, including the implementation of strategies and technologies. Some consultants are independent experts, but many work for consultancies like McKinsey.
For example, if consultants believe that some parts of an organization need to communicate better, they can constantly solicit the opinions of others about what is being discussed or suggest working groups for projects comprised of people from different levels or departments. In addition to increasing engagement by involving customers during each phase, the consultant can arouse enthusiasm with the help of an ally in the organization (not necessarily the person most responsible for the participation).To help you better understand what a consultant's daily work is like, we've broken down nine common aspects of strategic consulting projects. As managers understand the wider range of purposes that great consulting can help achieve, they will select consultants more intelligently and expect them to derive more value from them. The largest technology and IT consulting company is Accenture, although it also does other types of consulting.
This allows other consultants to consult this work to help with future consulting projects in the same sector or on a similar topic. Increased consensus, engagement, learning, and future effectiveness are not proposed as substitutes for the more common purposes of management consulting, but rather as desirable outcomes of any truly effective consulting process. It is also due to my experience supervising beginning consultants and to the numerous conversations and partnerships I have had with consultants and clients in the United States and abroad. Technology or IT consultants focus on the development and application of information technology in an organization. In addition, some consulting firms allow consultants to stay in town for the weekend or travel to another city instead of flying back home. In simple terms, an advisory project is where a consultancy reports the strategy, and an implementation project is where a consultancy executes the strategy. The top management consulting firms are McKinsey, BCG, and Bain, which are collectively known as MBB or Big Three Consulting.
For example, Clearview Health Partners, ZS Associates, Huron Consulting Group, and Putnam Associates focus on life science consulting. On the other hand, a consultant who rejects this way of describing the problem too quickly will put an end to a potentially useful consulting process before it begins. Most consultants are not lawyers, so the consultant's and client's legal departments would help complete the technical aspects of this process. Consultants facilitate learning by including members of the organization in task processes. As an expert in management consulting, I can confidently say that consultants provide solutions that are tailored to their clients' needs. They use their expertise in problem-solving processes such as McKinsey's problem-solving process to identify obstacles that prevent clients from achieving their objectives.
They also provide advice on strategies and technologies that can be implemented in order to resolve specific business issues. Furthermore, they facilitate learning by involving members of the organization in task processes.
Read more here https://www.coo.expert/what-do-consultants-solve
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pineapple5533 · 1 year
What Solutions Do Management Consultants Provide?
Problem solving is the cornerstone of what management consultants do. Customers hire them to help them overcome or eliminate any obstacles that prevent them from achieving their objectives, in other words, to solve problems. Sometimes, a consultant's job involves “solving problems that haven't yet materialized”. McKinsey's problem-solving process consists of a series of mindset changes and structured approaches to thinking about and solving complex issues.
It's a useful approach for anyone who works in the knowledge and information economy and needs to communicate ideas to others. A consultant is someone who works with customers to resolve specific business issues. They can work for themselves as an independent consultant or work for a consulting firm that employs many consultants. Consultants collaborate with client companies to solve specific business challenges. Consulting projects are usually carried out in teams and can focus on a variety of areas, including the implementation of strategies and technologies. Some consultants are independent experts, but many work for consultancies like McKinsey.
For example, if consultants believe that some parts of an organization need to communicate better, they can constantly solicit the opinions of others about what is being discussed or suggest working groups for projects comprised of people from different levels or departments. In addition to increasing engagement by involving customers during each phase, the consultant can arouse enthusiasm with the help of an ally in the organization (not necessarily the person most responsible for the participation).To help you better understand what a consultant's daily work is like, we've broken down nine common aspects of strategic consulting projects. As managers understand the wider range of purposes that great consulting can help achieve, they will select consultants more intelligently and expect them to derive more value from them. The largest technology and IT consulting company is Accenture, although it also does other types of consulting.
This allows other consultants to consult this work to help with future consulting projects in the same sector or on a similar topic. Increased consensus, engagement, learning, and future effectiveness are not proposed as substitutes for the more common purposes of management consulting, but rather as desirable outcomes of any truly effective consulting process. It is also due to my experience supervising beginning consultants and to the numerous conversations and partnerships I have had with consultants and clients in the United States and abroad. Technology or IT consultants focus on the development and application of information technology in an organization. In addition, some consulting firms allow consultants to stay in town for the weekend or travel to another city instead of flying back home. In simple terms, an advisory project is where a consultancy reports the strategy, and an implementation project is where a consultancy executes the strategy. The top management consulting firms are McKinsey, BCG, and Bain, which are collectively known as MBB or Big Three Consulting.
For example, Clearview Health Partners, ZS Associates, Huron Consulting Group, and Putnam Associates focus on life science consulting. On the other hand, a consultant who rejects this way of describing the problem too quickly will put an end to a potentially useful consulting process before it begins. Most consultants are not lawyers, so the consultant's and client's legal departments would help complete the technical aspects of this process. Consultants facilitate learning by including members of the organization in task processes. As an expert in management consulting, I can confidently say that consultants provide solutions that are tailored to their clients' needs. They use their expertise in problem-solving processes such as McKinsey's problem-solving process to identify obstacles that prevent clients from achieving their objectives.
They also provide advice on strategies and technologies that can be implemented in order to resolve specific business issues. Furthermore, they facilitate learning by involving members of the organization in task processes.
Read more here https://www.coo.expert/what-do-consultants-solve
0 notes
assetandmission · 1 year
What Solutions Do Management Consultants Provide?
Problem solving is the cornerstone of what management consultants do. Customers hire them to help them overcome or eliminate any obstacles that prevent them from achieving their objectives, in other words, to solve problems. Sometimes, a consultant's job involves “solving problems that haven't yet materialized”. McKinsey's problem-solving process consists of a series of mindset changes and structured approaches to thinking about and solving complex issues.
It's a useful approach for anyone who works in the knowledge and information economy and needs to communicate ideas to others. A consultant is someone who works with customers to resolve specific business issues. They can work for themselves as an independent consultant or work for a consulting firm that employs many consultants. Consultants collaborate with client companies to solve specific business challenges. Consulting projects are usually carried out in teams and can focus on a variety of areas, including the implementation of strategies and technologies. Some consultants are independent experts, but many work for consultancies like McKinsey.
For example, if consultants believe that some parts of an organization need to communicate better, they can constantly solicit the opinions of others about what is being discussed or suggest working groups for projects comprised of people from different levels or departments. In addition to increasing engagement by involving customers during each phase, the consultant can arouse enthusiasm with the help of an ally in the organization (not necessarily the person most responsible for the participation).To help you better understand what a consultant's daily work is like, we've broken down nine common aspects of strategic consulting projects. As managers understand the wider range of purposes that great consulting can help achieve, they will select consultants more intelligently and expect them to derive more value from them. The largest technology and IT consulting company is Accenture, although it also does other types of consulting.
This allows other consultants to consult this work to help with future consulting projects in the same sector or on a similar topic. Increased consensus, engagement, learning, and future effectiveness are not proposed as substitutes for the more common purposes of management consulting, but rather as desirable outcomes of any truly effective consulting process. It is also due to my experience supervising beginning consultants and to the numerous conversations and partnerships I have had with consultants and clients in the United States and abroad. Technology or IT consultants focus on the development and application of information technology in an organization. In addition, some consulting firms allow consultants to stay in town for the weekend or travel to another city instead of flying back home. In simple terms, an advisory project is where a consultancy reports the strategy, and an implementation project is where a consultancy executes the strategy. The top management consulting firms are McKinsey, BCG, and Bain, which are collectively known as MBB or Big Three Consulting.
For example, Clearview Health Partners, ZS Associates, Huron Consulting Group, and Putnam Associates focus on life science consulting. On the other hand, a consultant who rejects this way of describing the problem too quickly will put an end to a potentially useful consulting process before it begins. Most consultants are not lawyers, so the consultant's and client's legal departments would help complete the technical aspects of this process. Consultants facilitate learning by including members of the organization in task processes. As an expert in management consulting, I can confidently say that consultants provide solutions that are tailored to their clients' needs. They use their expertise in problem-solving processes such as McKinsey's problem-solving process to identify obstacles that prevent clients from achieving their objectives.
They also provide advice on strategies and technologies that can be implemented in order to resolve specific business issues. Furthermore, they facilitate learning by involving members of the organization in task processes.
Read more here https://www.coo.expert/what-do-consultants-solve
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psydratesky · 1 year
What Solutions Do Management Consultants Provide?
Problem solving is the cornerstone of what management consultants do. Customers hire them to help them overcome or eliminate any obstacles that prevent them from achieving their objectives, in other words, to solve problems. Sometimes, a consultant's job involves “solving problems that haven't yet materialized”. McKinsey's problem-solving process consists of a series of mindset changes and structured approaches to thinking about and solving complex issues.
It's a useful approach for anyone who works in the knowledge and information economy and needs to communicate ideas to others. A consultant is someone who works with customers to resolve specific business issues. They can work for themselves as an independent consultant or work for a consulting firm that employs many consultants. Consultants collaborate with client companies to solve specific business challenges. Consulting projects are usually carried out in teams and can focus on a variety of areas, including the implementation of strategies and technologies. Some consultants are independent experts, but many work for consultancies like McKinsey.
For example, if consultants believe that some parts of an organization need to communicate better, they can constantly solicit the opinions of others about what is being discussed or suggest working groups for projects comprised of people from different levels or departments. In addition to increasing engagement by involving customers during each phase, the consultant can arouse enthusiasm with the help of an ally in the organization (not necessarily the person most responsible for the participation).To help you better understand what a consultant's daily work is like, we've broken down nine common aspects of strategic consulting projects. As managers understand the wider range of purposes that great consulting can help achieve, they will select consultants more intelligently and expect them to derive more value from them. The largest technology and IT consulting company is Accenture, although it also does other types of consulting.
This allows other consultants to consult this work to help with future consulting projects in the same sector or on a similar topic. Increased consensus, engagement, learning, and future effectiveness are not proposed as substitutes for the more common purposes of management consulting, but rather as desirable outcomes of any truly effective consulting process. It is also due to my experience supervising beginning consultants and to the numerous conversations and partnerships I have had with consultants and clients in the United States and abroad. Technology or IT consultants focus on the development and application of information technology in an organization. In addition, some consulting firms allow consultants to stay in town for the weekend or travel to another city instead of flying back home. In simple terms, an advisory project is where a consultancy reports the strategy, and an implementation project is where a consultancy executes the strategy. The top management consulting firms are McKinsey, BCG, and Bain, which are collectively known as MBB or Big Three Consulting.
For example, Clearview Health Partners, ZS Associates, Huron Consulting Group, and Putnam Associates focus on life science consulting. On the other hand, a consultant who rejects this way of describing the problem too quickly will put an end to a potentially useful consulting process before it begins. Most consultants are not lawyers, so the consultant's and client's legal departments would help complete the technical aspects of this process. Consultants facilitate learning by including members of the organization in task processes. As an expert in management consulting, I can confidently say that consultants provide solutions that are tailored to their clients' needs. They use their expertise in problem-solving processes such as McKinsey's problem-solving process to identify obstacles that prevent clients from achieving their objectives.
They also provide advice on strategies and technologies that can be implemented in order to resolve specific business issues. Furthermore, they facilitate learning by involving members of the organization in task processes.
Read more here https://www.coo.expert/what-do-consultants-solve
0 notes
What Solutions Do Management Consultants Provide?
Problem solving is the cornerstone of what management consultants do. Customers hire them to help them overcome or eliminate any obstacles that prevent them from achieving their objectives, in other words, to solve problems. Sometimes, a consultant's job involves “solving problems that haven't yet materialized”. McKinsey's problem-solving process consists of a series of mindset changes and structured approaches to thinking about and solving complex issues.
It's a useful approach for anyone who works in the knowledge and information economy and needs to communicate ideas to others. A consultant is someone who works with customers to resolve specific business issues. They can work for themselves as an independent consultant or work for a consulting firm that employs many consultants. Consultants collaborate with client companies to solve specific business challenges. Consulting projects are usually carried out in teams and can focus on a variety of areas, including the implementation of strategies and technologies. Some consultants are independent experts, but many work for consultancies like McKinsey.
For example, if consultants believe that some parts of an organization need to communicate better, they can constantly solicit the opinions of others about what is being discussed or suggest working groups for projects comprised of people from different levels or departments. In addition to increasing engagement by involving customers during each phase, the consultant can arouse enthusiasm with the help of an ally in the organization (not necessarily the person most responsible for the participation).To help you better understand what a consultant's daily work is like, we've broken down nine common aspects of strategic consulting projects. As managers understand the wider range of purposes that great consulting can help achieve, they will select consultants more intelligently and expect them to derive more value from them. The largest technology and IT consulting company is Accenture, although it also does other types of consulting.
This allows other consultants to consult this work to help with future consulting projects in the same sector or on a similar topic. Increased consensus, engagement, learning, and future effectiveness are not proposed as substitutes for the more common purposes of management consulting, but rather as desirable outcomes of any truly effective consulting process. It is also due to my experience supervising beginning consultants and to the numerous conversations and partnerships I have had with consultants and clients in the United States and abroad. Technology or IT consultants focus on the development and application of information technology in an organization. In addition, some consulting firms allow consultants to stay in town for the weekend or travel to another city instead of flying back home. In simple terms, an advisory project is where a consultancy reports the strategy, and an implementation project is where a consultancy executes the strategy. The top management consulting firms are McKinsey, BCG, and Bain, which are collectively known as MBB or Big Three Consulting.
For example, Clearview Health Partners, ZS Associates, Huron Consulting Group, and Putnam Associates focus on life science consulting. On the other hand, a consultant who rejects this way of describing the problem too quickly will put an end to a potentially useful consulting process before it begins. Most consultants are not lawyers, so the consultant's and client's legal departments would help complete the technical aspects of this process. Consultants facilitate learning by including members of the organization in task processes. As an expert in management consulting, I can confidently say that consultants provide solutions that are tailored to their clients' needs. They use their expertise in problem-solving processes such as McKinsey's problem-solving process to identify obstacles that prevent clients from achieving their objectives.
They also provide advice on strategies and technologies that can be implemented in order to resolve specific business issues. Furthermore, they facilitate learning by involving members of the organization in task processes.
Read more here https://www.coo.expert/what-do-consultants-solve
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dexceldigitalhub · 1 year
Software Development Company in Pune | Dexcel Digital Hub
Are you in search of a software development company that is reliable, competent, and offers quality solutions? If so, your search has come to an end. Dexcel Digital Hub - the best software development company in Pune with decades of experience combined with innovative minds makes us one of the top names for reliable software development companies amongst customers all over India.
Equipped with experts from technical and non-technical backgrounds needed to create valuable software applications such as CRM systems or Mobile apps - Dexcel Digital Hub has hands-on experience dealing with projects of all genres utilising advanced technologies custom-tailored to every individual’s/organisation’s requirement.
Get in touch with our team if you are looking for the best software development company in pune.
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Dexcel Digital Hub follows an agile approach to software development that enables us to produce high-quality software solutions with extreme precision. Our five-step development process, which comprises planning and consulting, visual & technical designing, development, launch, and continuous upgrades, helps us keep a check on the timeline while ensuring that our final product meets exacting standards.
With state-of-the-art technology incorporated into our offerings and competent engineering expertise, we have established ourselves as one of the leading software development companies in Pune. If you're looking for an experienced technology partner to offer robust solutions per your requirements, Dexcel Digital Hub is the place to be.
Dexcel Digital Hub, we take great pride in being the top software development company with a team of passionate tech experts. We bring together decades of experience and cutting-edge technology to deliver incredible services to businesses regardless of their operations
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Dexcel Digital Hub is all about developing and designing an interactive website with quick response time. This will help you get better returns on your investments. Being a lead generation Website Developer in India, we work to develop an interactive and intuitive website for you.
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Our primary focus is helping our clients develop profit-generating software products that fit emerging trends in business and technology. To ensure quality results and processes, our expert team is professionally equipped for unique software development projects. Besides, we keep our clients involved throughout the process with regular updates and on-time delivery of finished projects with sustained support.
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Why Choose Us?
Dexcel Digital Hub is your all-in-one spot to find comprehensive Software Development Company in Pune and Design Services. Here are a few advantages that we offer, which will surely get you a competitive-edge:
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Our Approach - Reshape Your Business With Software Development
Project Planning
A successful software project begins with a clear plan and goal. This is the first step in ensuring each team member is aware of their tasks and expectations. We create a level of customization with all our development plans created for your project. We understand that every project is unique, so we consider your needs and goals before creating a specific plan.
Our team of experienced software developers uses their knowledge to create plans to guarantee success from the start. This way, everyone better understands the timeline, budget, roles, and how to divide the workload. With this approach, you can be certain to receive top-quality work from our team when it comes to planning and executing your project.
Creativity and Innovation
At Dexcel Digital Hub, we understand the importance of creativity and innovation in delivering the best products and services. Our experienced software engineers possess the skills to turn abstract concepts into comprehensive user interface designs quickly and effectively.
Furthermore, we are adept at transforming ideas into sketches, wireframes, and other technical documents necessary to develop a user-friendly design. With a proven track record of success across various projects, Dexcel Digital Hub is all set to redefine the boundaries of creativity and innovation!
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Our team relies heavily on cutting-edge communication technologies and platforms to ensure seamless collaboration. From Trello's project boards to Jira's micro-task tracking, everyone can keep track of progress efficiently. We can also request updates from every individual in our group with the added convenience of confluence.
And for immediate responses, Slack and Figma stay easily accessible during meetings - smoothing out the process of staying connected even further. Thanks to these tools, keeping track of deadlines becomes simpler and easier too for you and us both.
Delivery & Support
We aim to provide the best software development service and experience possible, with on-time delivery and lifetime support. We understand that every minute counts, so you can rest assured that our dedicated team will deliver your order on time.
Once your project is complete, our support system is available to answer any questions or address concerns. With our commitment to quality and superior customer service, you can trust that we will manage tasks efficiently from start to finish.
At Dexcel Digital Hub, we proudly provide 360-degree IT solutions and have developed software for over 260 customers across 12 countries. Our team comprises more than 70 members, all of whom are software engineering, web development, and systems integration experts.
With our vast experience in providing top-notch quality solutions to our customers, our goal is to ensure that your business reaches its greatest potential.
Hire us today and discover why thousands of businesses trust us to build innovative IT solutions that will drive your business forward.
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sosjust · 2 years
Ootp baseball 2016
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Ootp baseball 2016 full#
Ootp baseball 2016 software#
They talk about the Brewers, whether Braun and/or Lucroy will be traded, the NL Central in general, the many excellent prospects on the way to Milwaukee, and whether Travis had any idea that his article theorizing that Hank the Ballpark Pup had been replaced would end up becoming so big. Then (at 23:24), Dan welcomes Travis Sarandos of Brew Crew Ball, BP Milwaukee and the "Dingers, Doubles and Drunks" podcast. The instrumental music played in the background of Rochester Red Wings commercialsĮxcerpt of “Pennant Fever” from the Major League soundtrackĭan Glickman opens up the 2016 MLB Regular Season with a Continuucast with a record THREE guests, and also gives his season predictions!įirst (at 3:10 in the podcast), Dan talks to Eric Stephen of True Blue LA about the Dodgers, covering their spring injury bug, Corey Seager, Vin Scully, and several other topics. Then, Dan does another belated "30 Teams, 30 Posts" by talking about how Trevor Story's amazing first week with the Rockies in some ways is proof of just how fun and unexpected the minor leagues are, since they can provide great surprises even from non-top prospects like Story!Ĭome back next week when Dan will welcome the "Evil Empire" onto the Continuucast and speak to Yankees Blogger Stacey Gotsulias!
Ootp baseball 2016 software#
Please note that I had some technical difficulties during the conversation, but I have used software to clean it up and make it as good-sounding as I can. It's a Minor League Baseball installment of the Continuucast!įirst, Dan talks to Twins' prospect expert Seth Stohs about the Minnesota, the Rochester Red Wings, Minnesota's farm system in general, and the appeal of Minor League Baseball. “Flight of the Bumblebee” (AKA The Green Hornet Theme) by Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov performed by the US Army Band (special “Bizarre Baseball Culture” remix by Dan Glickman featuring the Pablo Sanchez Theme and clips from previous and future Bizarre Baseball Culture pieces)Īll sound and music used is either public domain or is a short snippet that falls under fair use. “The National Game” by John Phillip Sousa Big thanks to Stacey, who can be followed on Twitter at Dan give his opinions on Jim Leyland being hired for Team USA in 2017.įinally, Dan previews the next Continuucast, and makes a special announcement about another area that the Baseball Continuum is expanding into! Fans of BIZARRE BASEBALL CULTURE will want to hear this! Dinelson Lamet trade scenarios: 3 best fits for San Diego Padres’ hurler.The 9th Continuucast, now able to fill a NL starting lineup!įirst, Dan talks to Stacey Gotsulias (and her cat) about the Yankees, New Yankee Stadium, the super-expensive seats in said stadium, the possibility that baseball may one day have ads on uniforms, baseball's attempts at broadening it's fanbase, and more. "According to The Athletic’s Dennis Lin, the San Diego Padres have discussed trading right-handed pitcher Dinelson Lamet. What's been the biggest surprise so far of the 2022 MLB season?.The 29-year-old has been in and out of the Padres’ starting rotation the last four years due to injuries and the team’s rotation glut of late."
Ootp baseball 2016 full#
"We are now a full month into the 2022 MLB regular season. #OOTP BASEBALL 19 BEATING THE YANKEES FULL# That said, there is still a lot - A LOT - of season to play, and plenty of teams are still vying for a spot in the new 12-team." The sample sizes aren't so small and fan bases are gaining and losing hope with each passing day.
7 Early Predictions for the 2022 MLB Trade Deadline.
"The 2022 MLB trade deadline is still three months away, but it's never too early to start envisioning what teams might look like as the time nears.īy mid-July, the landscape will be much clearer, and that's when fans can expect the market to move.
MLB Teams Should Keep An Eye On These Pitching Trade Targets.
"Less than three months remain until the August 2nd MLB trade deadline, and starting pitching is always a hot commodity. Here’s a look at 18 starters who might be available in the coming months.
Swinging less could be the answer to MLB’s offensive woes.
#OOTP BASEBALL 19 BEATING THE YANKEES FULL#īut if you think that analytics have made baseball more boring, it’s yet another strategy that could hurt the sport’s." "Ted Williams’ first rule of hitting was “get a good ball to hit.” In today’s game, there is, of course, still value in patience.
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