#don't even try
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themurdochmemesteries · 7 months ago
hey you
you don't need to justify or defend creating "problematic" content
you can do what you want
it's fiction
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imperatorrrrr · 2 months ago
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First Win of 2025
New Jersey Devils v. Seattle Kraken || 6 January 2025
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rinadragomir · 4 months ago
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emberfriday · 1 year ago
Is Overlord around while Tarn apologizing to his 2nd in command ?
At the end all the TF will meet again in AllSpark
of course
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Think Jonathan Crane is ticklish? If so what's his worst spot? (Wish I could find some silly fanfic of him getting tickle)
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violetmuses · 2 months ago
DWAYNE!!!! 👀
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Don't touch ANYTHING! 🤬
@episodes-ff @expert-texpert @persethegawd @adriennegabriella @fearlesschimera @secretlifeoofmarpessa @mytribalnightmare @adoresmiles @blackgurlnhermoods @babybratzmaraj 🏷
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rileyh20 · 11 months ago
No because I need people to call me "baby", none of the fact my dad and grandmother call me "babe". (I hate when the call me that, it makes me so uncomfortable coming from them, I don't know why-)
I just need people to do that!
Like, not even romantically, cause I'm aro, but PLEASE
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thefirstflowers · 6 months ago
Funny how people try to pretend like Sal was somehow worse than Tommy. Don't get me wrong Sal's still an asshole because he didn't do anything to help Hen and Chim either. But at least he was nodding to Hen's speech while Tommy was staring dumbly like there was no thought in his brain. The only one Sal had outright beef with was Bobby (the white straight male) while Tommy went out of his way to diminish Hen and Chim. From what was on screen in Hen begins I'll buy it far easier that Sal made an anon complaint than Tommy, who only seemed to begin to understand that there could be something wrong with his behavior when Hen saved the kid or MAYBE during her speech immediately before that call. Ridiculous.
Yeah, you're right, I just went back to rewatch the speech and Tommy could barely look at her
Far be it for me to defend Sal (and I'm definitely not, fuck him), but after Gerrard Tommy is the one who treated them the worst
And bt fans seem to think we're asking him to move mountains, when all he had to do was keep his mouth shut
Like, Eli was the perfect example of someone who didn't go out of his way to stick up for them (or Chim in this case), but also didn't actively participate in the mistreatment
And about that last point you made - it infuriates me to no end how the responsibility to educate this grown man fell on an asian man and a queer woman of color, and bt fans see no problem with that..
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coladaminx · 2 years ago
I just wanna say its been an honor being in this fandom with you all and that whatever happens in the final episode no matter what..... WE ARE ALL JUMPING REI’S FATHER THERE WILL BE NO REDEMTION ARC YOU FINNA DIE! 
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puekjh · 2 months ago
My brother sort of spontaneously force married me to Garnet. She's mine now. You can't have her.
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prof-erik-lehnsherr · 2 months ago
hypothetically would it matter if I accidentally set a desktop fire? On a another note is there any homework?
Yes, it would matter.
*glare with one eyebrow raised*
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a-timely-problem · 2 months ago
sending your essay to friends to read over is all fun and games until they start sending you remarks, proving that you are indeed, probably not smart, very much inperfect and should probably drop out before making a fool out of yourself
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palioom · 1 year ago
. This “Druckman is a genocidal Zionist so I need to put a lil blurb on my written porn so everyone knows this porn is FOR GAZA” stuff is so out of hand.
If you actually played the game, had an ounce of media literacy, and knew about the Israel/Palestine conflict as deeply as you THINK you know about it, you’d see that you are perpetuating the exact shit the game warms against. That the ISRAELI WRITER of the game warns against. Cycles of violence, from EITHER SIDE, lead to nothing but suffering. If you thought the game was this pro-Israel, fuck Palestinians, blood thirsty Zionist propaganda scheme-then you literally missed the entire point. In fact, if you think that I’d say we must have played 2 different games. It’s a pretty centrist idea, the whole “both govts are bad and have been doing bad things as revenge to each other and gets us nowhere” thing, but hey it’s better then if the game was actually like, made my a right-wing Israeli politician whose idea would be “let’s have Ellie just absolutely DESTROY Abby. And the fireflies. And anybody else. And then she can come back and expand Jackson all the way out to Seattle and everyone will be happy the end.” THAT would be fucked.
Something being made by an Israeli does not inherently make it zionistic or radical or immoral or bad. Especially when that thing is a piece of media that explores the suffering of both populations of a conflict and also of people in war in general.
Anyway, Joel is a Hebrew name that means The Lord is God and Miller is the 3rd most common Jewish surname in the states so Joel Miller is canonically a Jew™️ 🥳 Ellie is also a Hebrew name. Do with that info what you wish.
neil literally stands with israel, there hasn't been shit about the people in gaza. my dude, if you can look at what's happening and not feel the need to speak up, get the fuck out.
plus, i find it important to denounce neil and not give him any further attention or money for his creations because as i said, he stands with israel. i'm not telling people to do shit, but i wish people spread more awareness about what's happening, and i feel better to add masterlists and infos onto my fics, because they have been written already and might be my last joel ones.
also you equating this issue with jews, wanting to go on about how ellie and joel are jewish names when it's not even about that at all, shows me exactly what kind of person you are and how much you think you know.
it's not jews vs muslims, because that's what you're implying. no one even MENTIONED jews until you came in. guess what! there are jews and even christians in gaza that are getting killed just as the muslim population is! this is about a genocidal, occupying force pushing people into smaller and smaller "safe zones" just to bomb them when the world is busy watching the fucking superbowl.
i doubt you've seen the videos that i have seen, dead children, torn limbs, skeletal remains, cats eating the dead, or you wouldn't be coming into my mentions like this.
if you truly cared about what's happening, you wouldn't mind me saiyng i wish we raised more awareness, but as i said before, you showed me exactly what kind of a person you are and you, just as everyone else who thinks like you, can block me.
also no one says it's zionistic cause he's an israeli, don't put your thoughts into my mouth and pretend that's what i said. if he was supporting gaza and the end of the genocide, i wouldn't even be saying shit. but he isn't, so please look at what i actually said before you do all this.
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bookofmirth · 2 years ago
Personally, I never saw Nesta to be verbally abusive towards Feyre. Mean and difficult 100%, but there was nothing Nesta was giving that Feyre wasn't capable of serving up herself.
As for the post about Nesta feeling the need to deserve love, I agree that love isn't something that needs to be deserved or earned. Though I can understand how the sisters would need to re-establish trust between them after everything that has happened.
My issue with Nesta's healing journey was how one-sided accountability had been. Nesta has some things to answer for 100%. But for every insinuation that Feyre or Elain or others have wronged Nesta, there has never been accountability on their end.
As mentioned in ACOSF, Feyre isn't perfect and has made her own mistakes. And in light of this, I don't think its fair to say that Nesta is abusive or that she alone needs to face reckoning for her actions.
And it doesn't just stop at Feyre and Elain. Does Rhysand get a free pass as well? Amren? Even Cassian?
I dislike Nesta's healing journey mainly because it shows that once a character has been designated as "abusive", everyone else is justified in their treatment towards them. And once "redeemed" those actions are forgiven and never addressed.
I've never had a problem with Nesta realizing that she has hurt others and that change needs to happen. But it was never fair to me that those who have hurt her can avoid owning up to their own part in the problem.
I don't delve into the whole "was Nesta abusive" discourse myself because I think the fandom throws that word around pretty casually without understanding what it means. Mainly in an attempt to discredit ships or characters they don't like, but nonetheless, that word is losing meaning in this space.
I do take issue with the idea that Feyre (or almost anyone else) was equally cruel to Nesta, though. She absolutely was not. Everyone is mean sometimes, yes. But Nesta was intentionally, purposefully cruel and came up with insults that she knew would touch on insecurities. They are not the same.
*This post is not anti Nesta, I enjoy her character for her complexity and I feel like I have a good understanding of who she is, especially after rereading acosf. However, I do not and never will excuse her behavior or try to act like it was something different than it was, just so I can show why Nesta would win the "Who Was More Right" war. If I had to choose a side, it wouldn't be hers, but then again I'm not in the business of choosing sides. Also anon, a lot of my response here are not to you directly, but about how I see people talking about Nesta in the fandom, and these thoughts have been in my head for a while now.
I've been having these thoughts about intentions for a while because that's the biggest difference in how I see Nesta's behavior, and how I see other characters'. It was rare that people (if they weren't supposed to be villains or evil) said or did anything with the intention of hurting Nesta. It was very, very common for her to say or do things with the intention of hurting them, though.
I just cannot stress this enough. Nesta INTENTIONALLY was cruel to people. Nesta INTENTIONALLY hurt people. There are so, so many examples of Nesta being intentionally cruel to people that I can't even list them all. She wasn't just mean. She wasn't just rude. She looked for people's weaknesses and used those weaknesses against them, often for no good reason.
You can come up with every reason and excuse in the world for Nesta to have acted the way she did, and none of it will be good enough for me because personally, no amount of reasons for someone's behavior would make me okay with that person treating someone else like shit. We can't control our feelings, and those emotions are valid, but that's not the same thing as our behavior.
Saying that Nesta needed to atone for her actions is a statement about Nesta. It's not a statement about anyone else, so saying "Nesta needs to atone" and then someone saying "well what about this other character", well that's a lovely red herring you picked up at the market but your statement about character B does nothing to discredit the fact that yes, Nesta needed to atone. She still does, because she and Elain haven't worked out anything between the two of them yet. TBH I think that Nesta still has work to do because a few actions don't make up for a lifetime of cruelty. In the post you responded to, I said that I think there is still ground to be made in terms of people trusting Nesta because they have had their support and their love thrown back in their faces over and over for years. You don't just get over that.
Part of owning up to her actions is realizing that her feelings do NOT excuse the way that she was treating people. IMO, saying "well other people were mean to Nesta too" is completely beside the point. Her healing was about her emotions, her actions, her consistent pattern of behavior for YEARS. It wasn't about other people. Her relationships with other people is certainly part of it, but not because there was equal culpability. There absolutely was not because other people did not set out to wound Nesta in the way that she intended to wound them. And it would be counterproductive to Nesta's healing if she were to point fingers (or even if the narrative were to), rather than look inwards at herself. Nesta needed to look inward to better understand why she behaved the way she did, because her actions were symptoms of deeper hurt - they were not (always) the result of what other people did to her. I think that's my main point. Nesta's healing is about Nesta in ways that other characters' healing arcs have not been. She has had some bad shit happen to her, yes. And she reacted in ways that were not only self-destructive, but detrimental to her relationships, too. No amount of "well what about when Feyre said this thing that one time" negates those facts.
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polycatyl · 1 year ago
Ayo what’s FBT? Asking for a friend
looooool, fully-body tracking
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arctixout · 1 year ago
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behold my absolutely amazing new pfp. it's gonna be krismas til like next summer bc i love this too much. Look at him, he's so cool in his tonttulakki and sunglasses.
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