#don't be like Sam kids
emloafs · 12 days
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we may watch the same show but i watch it gayer
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azuneekun · 2 years
do you think sam and shane are friends? 👀 yknow, since they work at the jojamart together and jas and vincent are friends. Surely they’d b friends from exposure alone?
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i hc that sam's personality makes him naturally befriend people even if they are shy or unsociable.
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dawnofiight · 2 months
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@artbykays DARLIN!! Idk if this looks right and I have an issue with dulling colors because 😊 BUT SHE LOOKS SO COOLLL I LOVE YOUR VERSIONS OF THE LISTENERS!!
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youchoseeachother · 1 year
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Sam, getting to know Dean in season 1.
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carlyraejepsans · 7 months
hibiscia!!! Sorry if youve explained before but is there something specific about reset-remember fics that you hate? I don't really like them either but for me it's just because I feel like a lot of authors type sans in very ooc ways
They're completely antithetical to Sans' character arc for the sake of cheap and easy angst. The nature of his brand of cosmic horror isn't in reliving his life again and again, that's Flowey's. Sans knows OF the anomaly, knows that it's manipulating time and knows it's a threat to the entire universe, but he doesn't know how or why, because he doesn't remember.
And that's crucial! him being mostly in the dark in spite of the MANY warning signs about us... because it's in that doubt that he remains hopeful. YES we could potentially end the world... but what if we don't? yes we have unimaginable power over everyone else and we can bring back time, but what if we're just.... sad? he needs that gap in his knowledge so he can take a leap of faith across it, it's his entire character arc in the pacifist run. sans THINKS he's given up, he wants to have given up, he chose to do it because there's a comfort in that. in contenting yourself with good food and bad laughs. there's peace. but he hasn't given up, not really. on himself? maybe. but not in us.
there's no way to have that arc if he remembers resets.
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aimedis · 2 months
sam as a dad headcanons (+darlin') !!
sam and darlin' have one daughter (girl dad sam girl dad sam girl dad sam) ((this is like half darlin'-centric actually))
(note, there are a lot of inconsistencies with how these two would even have kids, what magical race their daughter would be (vamp-shifter hybrid), darlin's life span etc. but pls for the sake of my sanity pretend it makes sense lol)
Parents Darlin' and Sam who took a reallyyy long time to decide if they even wanted to have kids
Dad Sam who thought he wouldn't even know how to be a good dad, let alone if he wanted to have kids in the first place
Parent Darlin' who thought they were far too flawed and violent to raise a child
However, after a few years and slight jealousy from other pack parents, they decided to try
Parents Darlin' and Sam who regret not making up their minds sooner the second their daughter opens her eyes
Dad Sam who calls his daughter '(mini) darlin'" because she’s Darlin’s carbon copy
Dad Sam who also calls her 'sunshine' if she's particularly upset
Dad Sam who was far too paranoid to take his eyes off of his daughter when they first brought her home as a newborn (and he could afford to watch over her during the night/morning because he's a vampire)
Dad Sam who feels his heart shatter every time she cries
Parent Darlin' who finds themselves competing with a four year old for their mate's attention
Dad Sam who effortlessly flips between doting dad and disciplinary parent
Dad Sam who is surprisingly good at defusing the (many) tantrums his daughter throws, not getting mad but just sitting with and talking to her calmly
Parents Darlin' and Sam who were very much one and done (their daughter is too much of a handful to have any more kids)
Parent Darlin' who thinks it's both a blessing and a curse to have a daughter that acts exactly like them because on one hand, they have a mini-me and they can tell how she’ll react to certain situations but she also has their reckless nature and gives them a heart attack every other day (they find themselves yelling “Cut it out!” every single day without even looking at her)
Dad Sam who knows his daughter is just as strong as his mate but still worries over everything concerning her
Parent Darlin' and Sam who are still confused at how their toddler is so damn strong
Dad Sam who sobbed his eyes out when their daughter started school ("Wow, Sammy, you're crying almost as much as our four-year-old.")
Dad Sam who catches himself being too overbearing or protective sometimes and has to learn to let his daughter fail and get hurt occasionally
Also Dad Sam who after a few years of being her dad, becomes desensitized to her hurting herself daily (if she's not crying, he doesn't care anymore. a simple 'you good?' will do)
Dad Sam who said you would never catch him playing princesses or dress up (cue Darlin' laughing their lungs out at the sight of him in a way too tight princess dress getting his makeup done by their daughter)
Dad Sam who absolutely laughs when his daughter starts calling his Darlin' "darlin'" because of how often he calls them that
Dad Sam who is absolutely his daughter's favourite parent until Darlin' steps into the room (she will scream and cry to be in their arms)
Parents Darlin and Sam who have a very clingy very aggressive toddler that wants to be held 24/7 but will also start trying to fight them at random
Parent Darlin' who, after their daughter shifts for the first time, always play fights with her while shifted
Parent Darlin' who is constantly being forced to read at bedtime by their daughter
Dad Sam who rocks his daughter all the time in the rocking chair in her room
Parent Darlin' who finds themselves doing the high pitched baby voice they always found annoying to their daughter without even realizing it
Dad Sam who gets incredibly excited whenever his daughter's slight country accent comes out a little stronger
Dad Sam who feels his inner child heal little by little whenever he talks to his daughter the way he wished he was spoken to as a child
Parent Darlin' who acts annoyed when their daughter takes a liking to David but is silently happy she has a good relationship with him
Dad Sam who lets his daughter play wrestle with him just to laugh at her when she cries thinking she killed her dad
Dad Sam who tries not to cry whenever his daughter says he's the best dad ever
Parents Darlin' and Sam who show their daughter the same respect they want to see from her because it sets an example and she responds well to that
They are both so calm and understanding about her little temper tantrums that they don't even last long ("I know, it's hard and your feelings are too much right now. We're not gonna hit people though, okay? Okay.")
Dad Sam who has been wrapped around his daughter's finger since the day he laid eyes on her
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goldengirlgalaxy · 9 months
TL:DR: Danny forms a team of various kids from around the multiverse and they decide to screw around in the DC verse.
After perfecting his portal creation technique, Danny ended up developing a habit of exploring other dimensions and making friends with various other supernatural and/or hero children and teens. He regularly organizes meet ups so all of his friends at least know each other.
Eventually, Danny decides they need a place to hold their hangouts outside of the Ghost Zone, mainly because it's a bit dangerous and he doesn't want anyone becoming a resident any time soon. But no one really wants to have it in their own worlds, if just to avoid raising any questions on where they suddenly gained a sudden extra friend group, especially since not everyone is exactly open about their supernatural and/or heroic sides of their lives. So, Danny finds a different world where having such traits isn't uncommon and they can hopefully get away with hanging out.
He finds what appears to be the perfect world. There's people with powers so they won't be questioned if they accidentally do something inhuman and they have heroes to deal with any threats. Danny even managed to find a corrupt billionaire that Tucker managed to hack, swiping a couple thousand from his personal account for them to use. So, the group decides to hold their regular hangouts there. Sure, they occasionally get involved when various rogues decide to interrupt them, but what's the harm?
Meanwhile, the Justice League and their Dark counterpart are trying to figure out who these children are, where they came from, where do they go, and why their powers are so strange.
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froginabogg · 1 month
rewatching nowhere boys (yeah sue me i know i know) and i'm lowkey obsessed with how sam isn't even like,,, mean, he starts talking to andy and felix right from the start and isn't insulting or rude to them, he calls them nicknames he uses for the rest of the show, he has a few rude moments and insults but definitely not as much as jake does, who's an actual bully
it's very fascinating to me how sam's ENTIRE arc is really just him getting a reality check and being like "dude you gotta be less selfish", dare i say incredibly adhd coded (hi hello it is me i relate to this so fucking much), and he's right at the age for it too, which fifteen year old hasn't gotten bonked in the head by destiny and told "yo cut it off and think of others", it's genuinely so nice
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girlwithonegoal · 11 months
sorry but the only reason destiel even works is because wincest did it first and also better
i've been thinking a LOT about this and want to get it all out so here it is. if dean was truly in love with cas, he would not have hesitated to tell him so when he literally knew cas was about to DIE. we don't see that. we see shock, grief, disbelief (an angel loves me!), we see him trying desperately to process his best friend is leaving him but nowhere does dean say, or imply, with his eyes, or words, that he's in love with cas. of course he loves cas - cas is family - and cas is not exactly his brother, (closest is brother-in-arms), despite his insistence in an earlier episode - but he's not in the kind of soul-crushing love that cas is with him. he's not in love with cas, and can't be, because he's already in love with sam.
when dean dies, he gets as close as he possibly can to confessing to sam he's in love with him without actually crossing the line. he would never to that to sam - he would never do to sam what cas did to him - because he would NEVER do anything to make sam lose his agency (sidebar: not that cas doesn't respect dean. but his love confession is almost wish fulfillment - i'm going to confess to dean i love him and go out in a blaze of glory and then leave without dean ever even having to reciprocate because i know he doesn't love me back. and he's absolutely right).
dean has already had years and years of not having his own agency from john his whole fucking life! john did whatever he wanted to dean and dean took it because like hell was he going to subject sam to that bullshit. which brings us to sam and dean's childhood - not much is known of their early years before sam went to stanford and that's fully on purpose. we can almost see dean as not only a brother figure to sam but also a father figure. john leaving for weeks maybe even months at a time - how the hell did dean and sam manage to survive? by dean doing whatever he had to do. emphasis on whatever.
you see, john absolutely knows that dean is beautiful. whether you read their relationship as purely abusive or abusive with a sexual component - dean definitely did questionable things to get food on the table for sam, an aspect that's more in fanon that canon but reads true to the heart of the show. sam doesn't know because dean wanted a normal childhood for him. and dean would rather die and go to hell for 800 years than force sam to make a choice, make any choice, of a romantic and/or sexual nature related to him.
back to dean's death. this is again the closest thing to a love confession that dean can make - my baby brother - take out the word brother and it would be not only romantic but stunningly true - he raised sam, this child who grew up to be a man, this child who loves him - waiting outside sam's dorm for hours - can you picture him pacing in the snow, waiting for the one thing he wants but can't have??? why does that sound familiar? oh, right, because that's what cas said but in dean and sam's case it would be actually true. how cruel and unbelievably insane it is to find your soulmate in your brother, the one person you have that you love unconditionally, not just because they are your family but because you are in love with them, and you can never have them as long as you live.
re: american gothic and soulmatism. very different from crimson peak where thomas fully realizes the unhealthiness of the codependent incestuous relationship with his sister and wants to be free and happy with edith. but sam and dean don't want to be free. in their minds, they already are free as long as they have each other and only each other. not getting in all the other romantic relationships that the brothers have with other people bc it would take too long, but they already fulfill that need for each other and don't need anyone else...like i'm sorry i love my sister but i want to get married one day to someone else. if you read their relationship as purely platonic, it doesn't work at ALL.
the kripke early seasons fully leaned into the gothic horror aspect of it all and incest is definitely a part of that...dean and sam literally cannot live without each other. they can't do it! sam dies in dean's arms and dean can't even wait five fucking minutes without making a deal with a demon lmao. he can't eat. he can't sleep. their love is a perpetual resurrection; they keep killing each other and bringing each other back to life. because they don't know how to stop. they are a singular mangled fucked up entity. i read a fic once where the author described sam as hating his own body because it was separate from dean's and dean's whole presence was a phantom pain. and yeah. just yeah. they can't live without each other because they ARE each other.
seasons 1-3 to me are spn at its soul. that's it. cas only works as a side character, if he's a brother (like, purely platonically) to both sam and dean or just unrequited romantic love for dean. the trope of an angel falling in love with a faithless man who can't pray only works if dean hasn't been in love with sam the whole time.
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saeyoungchoismaid · 3 months
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reanimatedgh0ul · 5 months
it's crazy to me that angsty broody danny™ is as popular as it is in fanon when it's like first off have you even MET danny and secondly SAM EBONY DARK'NESS DEMENTIA RAVEN WAY MANSON IS LITERALLY RIGHT THERE OUT OF ANYONE IN THE TRIO SHE'S THE ONE WHO'S GONNA ACT LIKE THAT OK I NEED MORE OF Y'ALL TO REALIZE THIS
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queerstudiesnatural · 7 months
me at 83 years old: but why did rachel and santana sing So Emotional together if not in lesbians with each other
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nitw · 10 months
just watched the finale of keith ballard's echo playthrough (;_;) and when i saw this quote again from the epilogue something hit me:
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yeah uh i'm really starting to accept the "sam was the one who made the decision/fueled chase's drive to make the echo documentary" theory as canon at this point because this is Just Chase
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zmediaoutlet · 2 years
What's your opinion on the fandom rhetoric about how Sam lacks bodily autonomy but Dean has it? I personally think it's weird that it's such a widespread idea when it's just blatantly untrue. A big theme for Dean's character is that his body is seen as a weapon or tool for others to use, so it's strange that people claim that he has full bodily autonomy.
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(...okay, that the gif is by 'unfuckablebogtroll' is somehow very fitting.)
I think my main opinion of the fandom rhetoric is that there are a lot of batshit bitter sam girls who screech that dean is a meanie meanerton who doesn't respect sammy's presh 'tonomy and there are a lot of batshit extreme dean girls who wail about how sam is a meanie meanerton who, idk, waterboards dean in his spare time or whatever they're complaining about this week (I've unfollowed as many as I can of both camps), so for the most part both groups can be completely flushed down into the sewers of 'jesus christ, do you guys ever actually watch the show rather than circlejerk the same four arguments about it? ...no? oh. well, at least you're honest.'
So, with that said.
Yeah, obviously Dean lacks autonomy. But there's a difference between autonomy and agency, and I'm not going to pretend to have a super solid grasp on either (since a lot of philosophical debate [especially by fangirls] makes me want to jump into the aforementioned sewer just not to hear it anymore), but I can at least kind of make a stab, since you asked.
At least in the way I understand it (do you see all the caveats), bodily autonomy is literally getting to decide what happens to your body, including where it goes and who's inside it and what's done with it, and agency is general decision-making of like the brain sort -- what decisions will I make, who will I be, and so on. Both Sam and Dean are assailed on both fronts alllllll the time. Fandom folks tend to exaggerate those assaults on their preferred brother (because, for some reason, egregious victimhood is the only way you get to be a cool character?? what is that about.), but as with a lot of things in CW's Supernatural, the actual facts are a lot more balanced than fandom weirdos will admit.
Sure, Sam's got a bunch of autonomy assaults. Torture, possession, etc. Most of the time, though, I see his agency as pretty intact. He may not necessarily want to do some of the things he does (childhood hunting comes in here), but he chooses to do them. Is he manipulated sometimes? Sure. Lied to? Obv. But there's an essential steel pillar at the center of Sam and whether they're good choices or whether they're bad choices, he is the one who makes them, and he lives with those consequences. This is part of why the s9 thing with Gadreel is troubling: yeah, it's about bodily autonomy on one (more boring) level, but the much bigger problem is that Dean overrode his agency -- part of why I tend to believe that Sam's biggest objection is that Dean lied and then couldn't apologize for it, when Sam's agency is the most precious thing he owns. Now, he's a smart guy, and there are times his agency does take a blow because of some canon circumstance -- he doesn't want to do X but the world will end if Y, so X it is -- but for the most part Sam's solid and he can live with what he has to do. Though he won't pointlessly die of blue balls about it. What a silly stand on agency that would be.
Dean, meanwhile, doesn't actually have his bodily autonomy violated too much. By which I mean: of course, Dean-as-object is one of my favorite tags, of COURSE he's used as a meatsack and a weapon and a fuckdoll and all those lovely things. But he's very rarely literally possessed; he's holding the blade or the gun or what-have-you. That said, his agency is in the fuckin' gutter, haha, and that's more often what I mean by Dean-as-object. From childhood he's fully expecting to be told what to do, to be used as a pawn, to be used in other ways, to take on someone else's responsibility and make it his own and subsume his actual desires and wants for the good of... whoever. Usually John, but not always. This is something Sam doesn't really... do, that often. Sam might hate that he's making a choice but he does seem to understand that he is the one making it, whereas on Dean's part it so often feels like the choice is automatic -- of course he'll do what John says, of course he'll sell his soul, of course he'll... kiss some lady so the Qareen chases him instead. Now, are all those things tied to autonomy, too? Of course. But with Dean I feel like it's a bigger issue that his agency has been taken out at the knees ever since he was ~5 years old -- the autonomy problem is very much secondary.
Agency and autonomy are tied together and assaults on both happen relatively equally to both characters. What matters more is their attitudes about it, and their natures (whether they're essential or if they've been nurtured into acting a particular way). And, of course, there are different times in canon where these tendencies shift or even flip, e.g. in late s8 where Sam's certainty wobbles, or in s10 where Dean's autonomy w/r/t the Mark of Cain is really dicey.
Violated vs violable, victimized vs victim. A ton of it is in the eye of the beholder and OBVIOUSLY fandom will just sail off in its own directions any ol' way, depending on what shipping mood someone is in, how much projection is going on, what the phase of the moon is, etc. But generally speaking I find that Sam has a lot of agency in his life but often his autonomy is imperilled; Dean has a lot of autonomy but his agency is practically nil. At least for a while. What's nice is that Sam does have agency and he uses that agency to choose his own path in life, decide what he wants, and what he wants is -- a life with Dean. Dean maybe never really had a choice in the matter, but so what? He can stay in his bunker, and fight the monsters he needs to fight, and -- lucky for him, there's a strong hand covering his left side. What more could a cat ask for.
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jamiethebeeart · 17 days
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Day 6: Crossover (I went the "smash 2 things together into one" rather than "characters crossing over into another universe" interpretation of the prompt)
Tucker Spinner and Danny Shigaraki, Anastasia Spinner and Dimitri Shigaraki, and Pitch Black Spinner and Jack Frost Shigaraki.... I spiraled on this one (whoops)
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hells-plaid-angel · 8 months
My headcanon is that Dean was the one who told Sam how important it was to eat 'healthy' as a kid.
He probably watched some daytime T.V. special about it while the two were cooped up in a motel room and John was on a hunt. Dean with his role as pseudo-parent took the piece of advice to heart and would encourage Sam to eat his vegetables or chuck a couple of pieces of broccoli in his homemade mac and cheese when he could. His advice may be slightly misguided à la 'ketchup is a vegetable' but his heart was in the right place.
Like most childhood lessons, when Sam grows up he can't recall who taught them, the idea just sticks. Meanwhile, Dean, who damn well wishes he didn't remember, rolls his eyes so far in the back of his head each time Sam pushes him to eat something vaguely green.
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