#don’t worry the composition annoys me too
sanntafe · 1 year
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🍷 “ i just .. you know .. sauntered vaguely downwards “
first good omens drawing of many to come 👀👀
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no1deepspacehater · 7 months
Private Collection - Rafayel x Reader
Tags: Just a littleee NSFW (so no minors), a naked body is involved, reader has breasts, unresolved tension, sexual tension.
AN: Cross posted on my AO3
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 You breathed a silent, agitated huff out as you stared at yourself in the mirror. When you made a deal with him to be his ‘bodyguard’, you never expected to be roped into an activity like this.
 A knock on the bathroom door brought you out of your thoughts. You tied the slings of the robe tight around you, though it was a pointless act since the apparel would be coming off soon enough. 
 “Would you hurry up in there? God, you’re as slow as a sea slug.” Rafayel’s disgruntled voice muffled behind the door. 
 “I’m coming!” Annoyed, you opened the door to meet Rafayel right behind it. His arms were crossed, and he had an ever-present look of snob on his face that you can only get from someone with high celebrity status like him. 
 He immediately turned around, going to one of the two chairs in the middle of his studio. “Finally, let’s get started.” 
 You tried to make a normal stride to the chair across from him, but it came out more like a nervous shuffle. You stopped in front of him, a second of hesitation.
 Rafayel looked up from mixing his paints, catching your eye. “C’mon, don’t get cold feet now. If you’re worried about me, I had to study tons of nude references, now hurry up.” 
 Yeah, but being naked and put on display was foreign to you, and being naked in front of him is what was putting you on edge. You grumbled a lame comeback, whispered it basically, and untied your robe. 
 Like ripping off a band-aid, you threw the cloth over your shoulder and let it drop to the floor. Goosebumps immediately formed on your skin from the cold air, and part embarrassment. You sat on the stool softly, brows furrowed as you focused on him mixing paint instead of your face. He was mixing a dark hue of his favourite blue. 
 Rafayel finally raised his head to you, and for a quick moment, you locked eyes with him, catching the bright red blush that roared across his face. 
 He cleared his throat momentarily, looking back to his paint to coat his brush with paint. When he looked at you again, the blush was already starting to fade, and you had already averted your gaze, your own face heating up, too. 
 What happened to him being used to this!? What was that? He’s such a liar. 
 “It’s cold, don’t move.” Was his only warning as he started to paint around the base of your neck. It was cold, but you did your best not to squirm as he spread the paint downwards. Your body quickly adapted to the chilled stripe of paint until he dipped his brush again and applied it to the other side of your neck, sending another cold jolt. 
 “This paint is skin safe, right?” You spoke a sudden thought, attempting to make the whole situation a bit less awkward. 
 Rafayel hummed “Maybe, I did mix a few special ingredients in there to get the hues just right.”
 Your head jerked towards him, “What?!”. Rafayel tsked at the sudden movement. 
 “Don’t move so suddenly! It’ll mess up the stroke.” 
 You grumbled again and hoped you wouldn’t break into hives after this. 
 Rafayel continued to apply around your neck, standing up and working around your body. He took a moment to coat your whole back in an array of colours you couldn’t see. For a moment he stood back, brush to the side as he put a hand on his mouth in thought. 
 “Angle yourself a little bit forward.” He instructed. 
 You slipped a little bit off of the stool, hands to your side gripping the stool. “Like this?” You asked. 
 Rafayel hummed, examining you hard. You could tell his gaze was one of artistic scrutiny, looking for the best angle of his subject, the right ‘composition’ as he liked to say.
 He moved in front of you, grabbing your forearms, shoulders, and back and adjusting them to his liking. His next aim was your hips, pulling them forward just a bit. The action set you back to a flustered mess all over again, and if it bothered Rafayel, he didn’t show it one bit. 
 Sitting back down, he continued his work on the front of your body. As his stroke neared the curve of your breast and over your unfortunately hard nipples, you held back a shudder. 
 “Will you relax…” Rafayel breathed out a laugh. The redness on his own face was starting to come back, unbeknownst to him. 
 “It’s… cold!” You mumbled out. A solid excuse. 
 As he moved towards the other breast, you swore he was doing it on purpose. Purposely applying new, cold, paint and dragging the paintbrush ever so slowly over the nipple. 
 You couldn’t fight back the shudder, and Rafayel pulled the paintbrush back fast enough as you arched up suddenly. 
 His hands immediately moved to your hips again to put you back in spot; his sly smirk was not missed as you nervously looked down at him with a scowl. “D-did you do that on purpose?” 
 “Do what on purpose?” He dismissed you just as quick, moving to apply the finishing stroke to your chest area and moving down. “I’m simply painting, now would you seriously stop moving, before I have to start all over again.” 
 Knowing not to take Rafayel up on his warning because you know he would seriously make you wash everything off and start over, you gritted your teeth and stayed still. You’ll get him back, somehow, and decided to force your other racing thoughts on some type of revenge. 
 Rafayel made quick work of your midsection, and surprisingly, with no teasing, finished painting your more lower region as well. His pace slowed at your thighs, painting them with intricate details you couldn’t see the lower he went, since he’d instructed you to keep your head up to not disturb the paint on your neck. 
 Then it was your calves, at which you complained to hurry up since your muscles hurt from not moving for so long. He told you to shut up and let him paint. You’re feet finally, which, of course, tickled, and Rafayel threatened to turn you into fish balls if you dared squirm again. 
 Finally, after what seemed like hours, Rafayel stood up and put up his paintbrush. He stalked around you, eyeing every angle to make sure it was to his liking. 
 “There, another masterpiece. Stay right, and I mean exactly, there.” He commanded as he went to the corner of the room. You didn’t dare turn your head to look where he went, but you could hear him digging through one of his drawers. 
 He came back into your view with a professional camera. 
 “I didn’t know you were also into photography.” You commented in between flashes.
 Rafayel walked closer, ghosting two fingers under your chin, lifting your head up. You both locked eyes again, his face unusually close, before he backed away to take another pick. He was making sure your face wasn’t in any of the pictures, a promise he made when you agreed to be a part of his ‘artwork’.
 “It’s not my chosen medium.” He murmured, focusing on the angle of the camera. “But it proves useful for pieces like this.” 
 You had another thought. “Do your photographs sell as much as your paintings?” You knew what you were getting into, but the idea of some creepy rich guy hanging a large photograph of your body in his bedroom made you feel a little icky. Oh well, it’s too late now. 
 “Depends on what I take a picture of. Though my imagination is priceless when I paint, a picture is worth a thousand words.” He took his last picture before straightening up. His smile was one of satisfaction. “Or I might use these pictures of a reference for my next painting.” He put his hands on his chin in thought. 
 “I hope whoever buys it is very happy with their purchase… well maybe not too happy…” You laughed a bit at your joke, but Rafayel suddenly got serious. 
 His eyes sized you up from up and down, and then when he realized you were looking at him, perplexed. He walked close to you, motioning for you to stand up. He picked up the robe from the ground and gently began helping you put it back on. Locking eyes for the third time, there was a gaze in his eyes you couldn’t quite decipher. He held eye contact as he tied the robe tightly back around you. 
 “You can go wash off now.” Is all he said as he backed away, going back to his camera. “Do call if you need help~” His tone went back to teasing, and you snapped out of your daze and rolled your eyes. 
 “Yeah right, maybe in your next ‘artwork’.” You snarked as you walked back to the bathroom, in need of a really hot and long shower after whatever that was just now. 
 It turns out Rafayel suddenly changed the theme of his next art gallery, to the dismay of his poor assistant, with little to no explanation. He’d decided to keep the pieces he had planned to display to himself for his own private collection.
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landofzero-archive · 1 year
Rouge&Ruby - Compassion and Warmth 4
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(Location: Starmony dorm common room)
(After a while)
Ibara: —And, long story short, for this Chocolat Fes, the stage, composition, music, chocolate, etc…
No matter which one I put my heart and soul into, it’ll be something I’m proud of…… No, it’s become a part of me♪
Nagisa: …… Yes. Ibara’s explained a lot to me, so I understand it now.
Ibara: What’s with that smiling face? Was I talking that passionately?
Nagisa: …… You were. I’m still not very familiar with the intricacies of emotions, but I could feel your passion.
Ibara: ………
Nagisa: …… Recently, you’ve been working in your uniform like today.
…… When I thought you’d be making dinner, you’d go back to the office straight away.
…… You seemed very busy, so I wasn’t paying too much attention to you.
…… But if this is the case then my worries were unfounded.
Ibara: Your Excellency, did you have any concerns?
Nagisa: ……You and Jun had conflicting opinions, right?
Ibara: Ahh……
Nagisa: …… Back then, it seemed like Jun’s words resonated a lot with you.
…… But after that, during shoots and lessons when you two would normally interact…… You two never made eye contact.
Ibara: There aren’t many situations where eye contact is necessary, you know.
Well, there were times where we did almost make eye contact. But he was always the one to look away before we could, I don’t really care regardless.
Nagisa: …… Is that so? Then I wonder if it’s Jun who’s still caught up in his emotions.
…… Did something change with you?
Ibara: Change… Even if you say it’s change, I haven’t changed at all. I’m still pushing forward for Chocolat Fes.
— However, it did give me an opportunity to reflect on myself.
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Nagisa: …… An opportunity?
Ibara: Why didn’t I like what Jun said? Why was I angry?
I had time to unpack my anger, trying to figure out why I was so irritated.
Nagisa: …… I see, and the result?
Ibara: …… When His Excellency and His Highness accepted the proposal, I lost my composure.
I’ve endured the adults’ agendas countless times, so I thought it would be fine to go along with everything as it happened.
However, Jun brought up the word “against” as a finality. On top of that, the concept of “love” was brought in and I couldn’t help but be annoyed.
…… It’s an embarrassing story. In the end, I unconsciously underestimated Jun thinking he wouldn’t say anything.
In a way…… I was stabbed by Jun’s “love” and woke up. I was able to remain calm.
So rather than saying I changed it should be that I woke up.
After all, it feels amazing to have things go my way! My plans are always in my control……♪
Nagisa: …… It must be pleasant to be the ruler on the playing field. Be greedy, but don’t get too carried away.
Ibara: Of course not. Your Excellency does this from time to time to make me vulnerable. Only this time, this Saegusa Ibara will never expose you to any blunders like that.
—Pardon, I have a call. I’ll answer it quickly……♪
Nagisa: (…… It’s been a while since I’ve seen Ibara work so vigorously.)
…… You’re enjoying your work now.
Ibara: ………
It’s nonsense to go through work without enjoying it. I’m happy to be able to move forward and achieve my ideals.
If the things currently in progress go well, then Eden’s Chocolat Fes performance will be the best……
If I think that my brain, heart, and limbs are all working towards that…… Then it doesn’t feel that bad♪
Nagisa: (…… We can make it in time for Chocolat Fes even if we don’t rush to solve the conflict between those two.
…… So Hiyori-kun and I decided to keep an eye on them for a bit.)
…… It seems victory is already in sight for Ibara, so I’ll do my best in the role I’ve been given.
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Ibara: Oh, that’s right.
Apologies. As for future plans, if the things currently being discussed get finalized then there may be some small changes to the schedule.
I’m sorry to say I have a lot of other work to attend to and need to attend a photo shoot.
Nagisa: …… That’s fine. I’ll follow your instructions.
Ibara: Thank you very much! Assuming that the adjusted schedule is provisional, first—
Nagisa: (…… He’s right back to work. There’s no stopping Ibara’s hands.
…… Ibara’s doing much better than I thought. Or rather, compared to what I heard from Hiyori-kun about Jun’s situation—
…… No, I’m sure the two of them will be able to solve their issues.
…… I wish I could tell Jun about what I’ve just heard. But this is not my story to tell.)
…… With the chocolate… I can eat as much as one box, right?
……… (Takes a chocolate)
(…… I’ll continue to act as I have so that this Chocolat Fes can be a precious experience for Ibara.
…… Because Ibara’s experience of victory and success will also serve as sustenance for Eden in the future.)
…… Ibara.
Ibara: Yes! I’m still busy so please be brief!
Nagisa: …… I’m rooting for you, so do your best.
Ibara: ? Huh, thank you……?
Nagisa: ………♪
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kidovna · 11 months
Hii!! I love your art so much its actually a whole separate brainrot from my fandom brainrots.
I was wondering-I recently commissioned an artist and when they send back an initial draft is it rude to ask for small changes to try things out even if you already love what they’ve done. Cause I don’t want to seem rude or ungrateful or pushy especially if they’re small details? Like when you do commissions do you find it annoying when someone wants a change? Like what is good commission etiquette other then obviously being kind and understanding and open-minded? Is it hurtful to ask for changes. Maybe my anxiety is making me overthink this way too much.
Anyway, I can’t wait to commission you if you ever decide to open more slots! Oh and also my friend commissioned you and loved it so thanks for making their entire life! They wont stop talking about it. Would they be able to commission you again too if you open slots again or do you try to give priority to new people (which is so cool and totally okay!)
Hello! Thank you :D
Regarding commissions - I highly encourage my commissioners to ask for corrections and changes in the first draft! i’ve even changed the entire composition of the commission on a few occasions. That’s what’s great about the rough draft. Making massive changes in the later stages might be harder but i don’t think you should be worried about asking for changes in the first draft.
I don’t mind making small changes (like colour changes and littler details) even in the later stages, but i know that all artists work differently. so it’s always good to get that clarified.
i’m so, so glad your friend liked the work they commissioned from me!! that makes me so happy! i’ll be sure to post if i’m reopening slots. my schedule for the next month seems pretty packed because of my ongoing student film 😪
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editor-flower-shop · 2 years
Hey!!! How are you?
How do you make stimboards?
Do you have a source for stims other than Tumblr?
heya, anon! we are doing well!
so, i'll start on a tutorial in a second, but I'll answer your second question first.
i guess the only suggestion i'd have for stims from outside of tumblr, is just general gif websites. tumblr is very much the best place to find stims though. there isn't really a specific source for stim gifs other than tumblr.
also, i will preface this with the fact this will most likely be for pc editors only. i have no idea how much of this works on mobile. i’m really sorry about that.
anyway, onto the tutorial!
How To Make Stimboards
1. find + download your stims.
so, you’ve got your character or your theme, and now you need to find the good stims. what terms do you search, what things do you look for. i’ll tell ya.
tumblr tip!!!!! ~ when you search on tumblr, don’t click enter after typing, look at the search and pick the option under ‘go to #tag’. you’ll see more posts that way!
for specific aesthetics, it is very easy to just search up ‘’aesthetic’ stim’ (eg ‘light academia stim’, ‘kidcore stim’) and then just go through and find neat stims you feel fit.
you can do this tip with pretty much anything else, like colours, specific stims, etc.
the best stims to use is subjective, so there isn’t really a rule to it. just pick what you think is best.
so, when i pick my stims, i:
find a stim i like and download it. i usually save it in a specific folder for gifs.
i then like the post, so that i can refer back to it later when i credit the gif sources.
i then find another stim i like, download it, like it, etc etc, until i have eight stims.
2. converting your gifs from webp to gif.
so, tumblr has an annoying habit of downloading everything as webp, so here’s the work around i use. you have to do this individually for all the gifs. you can find bulk converters, but i’ve found they ruin the quality of the gifs, so i use this method.
i start off on this page, though resizing your stims isn’t required. i go for 250 x 250 px.
once you’ve done that, do not download the gif, instead go to the button next to it, to GIF.
if this doesn’t appear, that means tumblr downloaded it as a gif and you can download it and move on! this can sometimes happen, but check all your stims.
when you click on that, you come to another bit of the website. this is actual part where you convert from webp to gif.
all you have to do is click the convert button and redownload the gif! and you’re done!
3. (optional) editing your gifs!
if you pick stims that all fit together pretty well, you can just move on to 4. but, if you picked a few stims that don’t fit together colour wise, etc, i’ll tell you how to fix that!
there are a few ways to make your stims look cohesive.
for matching colours, go for hue or colour layers! these are a very easy way to make your gifs match. but, they might not work as well on stims with hands, stims with multiple colours, etc.
experiment with other things! if your stims are too bright or loud, lower the saturation; if your stims are too dark or too light, mess with the brightness!
this is all trial and error, i’ll be honest. but if you can’t find a solution to a problem, don’t worry. chances are, no one will take notice of it in the finished post. trust me.
4. making the middle icon!
you can do this at any point in the project; honestly, we tend to do this first, so we know how to make the stims look when we edit them. but, you can do it whenever.
these are easy, just go about them as if you were making a regular icon! i usually go for a smaller icon size, and make them simpler than my usual icons, but its really up to personal preference.
5. compiling your post!
we have tips on stimboard composition you can find here! but otherwise, this step is pretty easy. add them all to your post and align them into the three grid you usually see.
now, you can type in your title, add any comments you want to make, and then pick how you are going to lay out your credits!
6. credit
so, on the stimboards you usually see around, you will see a line of emojis or symbols, with links. this is where they found the stims they used!
pick your symbols/emojis! lay them out in three’s, representing the layers of your stimboard.
refer back to the posts you liked earlier when picking your stims. and find where the link for that specific gif is on that post. its usually pretty obvious which one it is.
you might have to click through a few different web pages to find the original creator, but the best way to tell if its the original poster, is if it links back to youtube, or instagram, instead of tumblr.
if the link goes to a dead blog/link, go back and credit the last post you saw it on.
then, go back to your post and copy that link into the symbol that represents that specific stim.
do this for all your stims! 
7. tagging
tagging stimboards is like tagging most other posts, but there are a few things that are reccomended!
first tag your usual edit/fandom stuff, then the specific stims used. 
this is because, its common for people in the stimming community to block tags of the stims they do not like, so make sure to tag the specific stims.
after that, tag things like hands, knives, etc! this is for the same reason as above.
and you are done! well done, you created your first stimboard! they are a little time consuming, but really, really fun. i hope this was helpful!
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araingirl · 2 years
Thimeethi: Calmness amidst turbulence
Both the floor and the roof of the hexagonal shrine were made of pure gypsum, supported by tall and broad composite pillars, enclosed by the festoons of wild hydrangea and Sakura like pythons climbing thick banyan trees. Silver candle-stands were attached to them, holding flashy wax-lights which were burning even though it was pure daylight outside, spreading a seraphic aroma all over the hall. The windows were made of colorful glass. By both sides of them, red velvet curtains were drawn off, bound in golden brackets. On the walls at the left and right, portraits of four elements and ancient deities belonging to them were painted with every subtle particularization.
The slab containing the portrait of the vermilion bird of the south, the azure dragon from the east, the white tiger from the west and the black turtle from the north was located on a two-storied pewter podium adjacent to the front wall. Two incensed burners made of sandalwood were guarding it from its both sides, emitting aromatic smoke and making the atmosphere saintlier. In front of the painted block, in a silver bowl, there were four different-colored lotuses floating in rose water, accompanied by two pairs of floating clay lamps. Facing the idol, a royal maiden, on the verge of her twenties, was sitting in lotus pose, straightening her back hidden underneath her bouncy waist-length, lush coco tresses. Though her face couldn’t be seen, it could easily be understood that she was completely absorbed in her prayers and thoughts.
“Here you are!”
The unexpected loudness of the voice of the Latina startled the brunette a little as she turned back, screwing her brows, letting the astonishment be visible in her sparkling ruby orbs. Standing up, she moved towards her cousin, “Julia, you’re here?”
“That’s also my question!” Julia was panting and her tangerine bangs were clinging to her forehead due to extremity of her perspiration, “You know, I have already completed two rounds around this gigantic castle in search of you and you are hiding here?”
“Hey, I am not hiding from anyone!” Hilary felt a bit annoyed with her cousin, “Today, it is my final test of my music lessons. For that, I was praying to the deities so that it can go good.”
“This reason?” Julia gave her a smile of assurance, “Don’t worry Hil, I know you will excel in this test too like all the previous ones. I have full confidence on you.”
“Thanks Julia,” The face of the brunette became brightened, receiving the best wishes from the twin-haired girl, “I really needed this.”
“But…” All of a sudden, Julia’s expression turned a tad gloomy as she remembered something, “I didn’t come here to only wish good luck to you, Hil. Actually, I had to give a piece of bad news.”
“Bad news?” Hilary glowered, “About whom and what, Julie?”
“You must have remembered that today there is the semifinal match of Asian championship of temples, between temple of Dranzer and temple of Horns?” Julia asked, wanting to clarify.
“Temple of Horns?” The chocolate-haired girl raised a brow, “Oh, those corrupt warriors who don’t even have the money to buy weapons for themselves. That’s why, stealing the weapons of others, they step into battlefield. Not only that, their battle strategies are even viler! I cannot yet forget how filthily they defeated general Kon and his teammates who were fighting hard on behalf of the temple of Driger, in the quarterfinals. Hope Kai and his friends teach them a lesson this time.”
“I am afraid to say this…” Julia sounded unusually tensed, unlike her nature, “As always, they have acted vile this time too.”
“This time too?” Hilary couldn’t control her curiosity and worries at the same time, “What do you want to say, Julie?”
“Hiwatarian has badly hurt his elbow,” The orange-banged woman gulped, “The messenger told me that blood was dripping from the wound like droplets of water even though it was bandaged properly. The white dressing turned red bit by bit.”
Hilary flinched, stepping back as she heard her cousin. Nonetheless, Julia continued, “Not only that, only for hitting Hiwatarian illegally, six among ten battlers from the opponents have been warned with orange flags. These horners are playing really dirty.”
Hilary’s bright, cheerful face took no moment to accept the shades of rainclouds in the sky of monsoon. Clenching her teeth, she asked, “Julie, can you tell me the result of the duel till now?”
“As far as I know,” Julia replied, “It was a tie. If it remains same till the final moment, the match will enter into rapid-fire round where the warriors, blindfolded, will have to shoot arrows at the target. Only one blindfolded player from the opposition will be there to block the arrow with his shield.”
‘Oh…’ Hilary lightly mused, reminiscing the past events which had, of course, not been so pleasant both for her and Hiwatarian, ‘So, another rapid-fire round…’
“And there goes our Hiwatarian!” Julia sounded irritated, fidgeting with her fingers, “Who the hell told him to continue battling even after getting injured so badly? He was seeing that the goons of the horners were striking right at his wound deliberately, yet he was in the battlefield. Hil? Aren’t you feeling worried for him?”
“A little,” The brunette replied, trying much to maintain the calmness of her voice, “But more for the result of the battle, and, the most for my test.”
“Eh?” Julia’s eyes became widened in shock as she couldn’t believe her cousin. Squeezing the shoulders of the ruby-eyed maiden, she almost screamed, “What are you saying, Hil? Have you gone crazy? Your beloved is bleeding on the battlefield, yet, fighting, putting his own life at stake and you are calm? How?”
“As if I hadn’t seen him bleeding ever in my life.” Hilary grimaced.
“What?” Julia’s restless was touching the peak now.
“Julie, trust me,” She held the hands of the twin-haired Spaniard which were on her shoulders, “It is much better to bleed to death than to stay alive, carrying a heavy bleeding heart inside the chest. Hiwatarian has already dealt with the latter and handled it very well. I have full faith on my deities as well as my Hiwatarian, he’ll manage it skillfully too.”
“Don’t get on my nerves, Julie,” The chocolate-haired princess sighed, “A storm is already going inside me, roaring through my heart and brain, trying to devastate everything. But if I let it come out, nothing good will happen. Let me concentrate on my own test and pray for my Hiwatarian so that everything goes good and ends well.”
Bowing in front of the slab once with utter devotion and faith, Hilary turned back and made her way towards the music house of the castle. Her footsteps were light, slow but her heartbeats were saying something else. Bringing some tresses from her back, she tried to cover her ruby orbs, not letting her cousin see them glittering with her tears. Her head wasn’t lowered, facing straightly whatever was in front of her. She folded her wobbling lips inside forcefully as if she’d been ordering them to stay calm. Nonetheless, the tempest raised in her mind was so disobedient that it wasn’t ready to leave the place so soon-at least, her slightly twitching eyebrows were agreeing on that point. Closing her eyes, she exhaled once, emptying her lungs from all the carbon-di-oxide and attempting to discharging the negative thoughts from her brain.
‘Whatever will happen today,’ She told to herself, ‘Either better, or for betterment!’ 
Ever seen this form of Hilary Tachibana? Well, her character in Thimeethi has been designed in a unique way...let’s see how it comes out *Nervously scratches my head* 
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awda · 3 years
Mars in Composite part one
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(Not my pictures or gifs)
all rights reserved
Link to my Etsy shop for personal Composite chart readings 🖤
Hi muerte babys <333
I’m actually loving this whole planet composite observation thing-
At first I was skeptical of it because I didn’t wanna be stuck on one topic but I’m actually loving this idea :-)) I hope ya are too
I was hoping to make this all into one part but I got a little carried away 🥲 Anyways enjoy ☺️
I wasn’t planning to include songs but like I said I got carried away bro LMAO LEAVE ME ALONE 😭
Oh and Happy New Years :D
Reblog with your Mars sign in composite if this resonates ♥︎
Aries Mars in composite makes the couple very goal determined. Honestly this is a marriage placement tbh. This couple gets shit done. The interest for each other shows very clearly, and this placement can also indicate that before the relationship started, whoever encouraged the relationship with the other person ,knew the person were in a relationship or situationship already and still chose to fw them. The relationship pushes both to get their shit done. They’ve stuck with eachother through thick and thin. They most likely argue frequently about dumb shit too, but they get over it quickly. I don’t think the sex is too desirable with Aries Mars tho.. correct me if I’m wrong but is just a lot of fantasies within the sex life of this couple. Like there’s never enough sexually with this couple, there’s more fantasies than actually acting the fantasy out. Aries Mars can tend to create a couple with sex issues, maybe the S/O just doesn’t know how to please the partner good enough. Aries Mars can create a unfaithful relationship too. The pleasure isn’t there, as much as fire signs hype up their sexual acts .. I’m disappointed in you Aries 😟🙁🙁 I also feel like Aries Mars can create a very childish couple, they may not be entirely childish but just have childish tendencies. Annoying asf. I’m getting upset writing this LMFAO
Taurus Mars in composite are a very blunt couple. They keep it real with each other and they’re a very serious couple. Usually if you have Taurus Mars w someone in composite, is a indication that you or the other person takes the connection very seriously. This couple rarely gets angry with each other but when they do- just know the argument is serious and very heated. This couple pushes each other to better themselves and they’re constantly on each other’s necks about small details. Taurus Mars in composite makes the couple care about what outsiders think about how the connection appears. They’re patient with each other and care about each other’s wellbeing, when they’re by theirselves with each other, they’re very comfortable. They feel like they can be themselves towards each other. Usually a long term relationship indication. This couple gets shit done. They make their goals & dreams come true together. They’re both each other’s hype-man. Speaking sexually, Taurus Mars in composite creates a couple that will make sure both is pleased during any sexual acts and if you have a Taurus Mars with someone that you’re romantically talking to, you will never have to worry being unsatisfied, or not being able to orgasm. Taurus Mars creates a couple that actually cares about each other’s pleasure naturally. Song(s):
Gemini Mars in composite indicates a very fast past relationship. Time doesn’t exist within this couple. Most likely the relationship/connection evolved vastly. Within this couple it feels like, time is a illusion, like I said time doesn’t exist in this relationship, is like a dream world. This couple can talk for HOURSSSS about all of their passions and nobody else will understand but both of them. Their passions in the relationship are mutual. Both understand each other’s dreams and goals and work together for internal peace. Personally I love this placement sm, so dreammyyyyyy. Imagine having someone who understands your fantasies that nobody else seems to get? Honestly whoever is dating someone w this placement, you’re so lucky, cherish this connection fr. As far as sexual wise, I feel like Gemini Mars in composite can create a couple that is very versatile with kinks, or sexual positions. Song(s):
Cancer Mars in composite indicates a couple that has a tough romance together. They give touch love to each other because they want the best out of each other. Cancer Mars in composite causes a couple that sees only the best side of their partner that society doesn’t usually see out of the person. So they’ll be pushy with each other to get the best out of them in everything. Possibly can be clingy too depending on the degree & decan. Cancer Mars in composite makes the couple very blunt towards each other, like how I was talking about tough love? Yeah. That’s what I mean. They’re very blunt towards each other so if one does something out of their character, trust and believe the other will be honest with them. Cancer Mars are like the type of couple that’ll be talking about nothing and just randomly look at each other and smile 🥺 So cute fr 🙏🏼🙁 I feel like Cancer Mars in composite can cause a very overprotective couple too, hence Cancer ruling home & family. So it’ll make the couple very protective & pushy over each other, like if one goes out to a party at night with their friends, the other will be calling them every 5 minutes checking up on them. They’re also very comfortable with each other too. Idk why I just thought of Cancer Mars making a couple open to licking/sucking each other’s toes LMFAOAOAOAOA 😭 Cancer Mars can cause a very kinky couple too.. into weird ass kinks, that they most likely never even heard off before they started getting sexual together. I feel like Cancer Mars can be most seen in a couple that took each other’s virginity, idk why. Cancer Mars in composite pulls out the kinky sexual side of them. Cancer Mars in composite can indicate a relationship with a person you’ll never sexually forget. A sexual relationship that is rare. Swear Cancer Mars makes pornstar couples 🙁💀
Leo Mars in composite creates a very active couple. Idk why but when I started writing this observation for Leo Mars I immediately thought of a image of someone running. Leo Mars creates a very clingy couple, is like the couple can’t keep their hands off each other. Can’t even be around a Leo Mars couple because you’d feel like you’re third-wheeling 😭🙏🏼 Like with Cancer Mars, Leo Mars in composite brings out the kinkier/hornier side of them. Swear.. once you meet someone romantically that you have a Leo Mars with, you’ll find yourself doing things you never even seen or thought of before. Makes you question yourself 😭 Romance comes naturally to these couples. Flirtatious acts flows naturally too. I notice majority of people you’ve been into romantically, has the same mars sign as you. Now personally, I am a Leo Mars, and majority of my exes are Leo Mars, about at the same degree and decan of mine too. Most of my romances with my exes have been very fast paced. So maybe with Leo Mars in composite can cause the couple to move vastly together. Wanting to do bigger steps in the connection even if they just met a week ago. I feel like Leo Mars in composite are mainly seen when the couple is both hopeless romantics, longing for a romance that seems impossible or a “rare find”. Song(s):
Virgo Mars in composite creates a very self aware couple. A couple that helps each other out of struggles. Builds foundation together. Possibly a placement that indicates one person in the connection has addiction(s), and this connection can encourage them to release. Virgo Mars in composite is such a dreamy placement because it naturally helps you both see through each other’s issues and find the good in each other. A very supportive couple, could also be more financial stable together than without each other. Sexually speaking, Virgo Mars indicates a very touchy couple. Idk if this resonates to any Virgo Mars out there but I was listening to this while writing this so maybe this relates to any couple with Virgo Mars out there:
This song could possibly relate because the first lyric of the song is “Ay mira que perfecta estas” and I literally just said how Virgo Mars in composite can indicate a couple who isn’t perfect, but sees the good in each other. Song(s):
Libra Mars in composite is such a romantic placement tbh LMFAO not even that Libra is ruled by Venus but just how literally all Libra placements have similar traits 💀 All Libras have romantic ways, Libra Mars in composite is a dreamy placement because Libra Mars in composite indicates a couple that knows each other’s weak spots, and are each other’s soft spot. Sexually speaking Libra Mars couples has very slow-passionate sex, none of that rough stuff, they’re very gentle to each other. Always making sure one another is pleased within anything. Will go an extra mile to make sure their partner is okay emotionally, a very caring couple indication. Libra Mars couples are softies for each other. I feel like this placement would be seen in a first love or highschool sweetheart connection, or a connection that evolves slowly.
This song is very nostalgic to me. It reminds me of the time era when I was stuck on my ex and reconnecting with my roots. I feel like Libra Mars couples could relate to this because Libra Mars in composite can indicate a child-like, honeymoon typa love. A connection that is hard to get over emotionally, constantly reconnecting and forgiving each other for the smallest things. I feel like Libra Mars in composite couples mainly are Water dom relationships 😭 Just because Libra Mars in composite gives off such Taurus/Water venus vibes. Taurus too, since this couple is very sensitive & can be jealous at times for the smallest things about the other person doing something. Feeling like you both are meant to be, like you both were looking for each other in this lifetime all long, ALSO YOU COULD HAVE A LIBRA MARS W SOMEONE YOU’RE TALKING TO ROMANTICALLY IF YOU’VE BEEN SINGLE FOR A LONG TIME AND DESIRING LOVE !!! Like you both longing for a connection like this and finally having it. An “caught off guard” relationship. You could be talking to someone you have a Libra Mars w rn and not even expect it, but that’s how Cupid works, Until then 😉…Song(s):
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stiltonbasket · 2 years
Can we have more of 15year old lwj wwx interactions at cloud recesses from your fem wwx betrothed au ? I would love to see how mischievous wwx tease and annoy lwj while knowing she is going to his future partner
“I don’t like it,” is all Madam Yu says, when Jiang-shushu announces that Wei Wuxian and her Shijie will be accompanying Jiang Cheng to Gusu. “Mark my words, Jiang Fengmian! You’ll come to regret it, just wait and see.”
“Why? Luo Qingyang from the Jin sect is going, too,” Wei Ying protests. “And anyway, uncle-in-law will be our laoshi. He’ll take care of both of us.”
“I am not worried about A-Li,” Yu-furen snaps. “I am worried about you.”
Wei Wuxian blinks at her. “Huh?”
“A-Xian, Lan Wangji likes you,” Jiang Yanli says gently, “and the standards of propriety are different in Gusu. You’ve never been there before, and it’s possible that you might do something the Lan consider disgraceful without even meaning it. Mother is only concerned for your safety.”
“But the peacock’s going to be there, and you’re coming with me. Can’t I just follow your example, Jie?”
“Lan Wangji likes you,” her sister repeats. A pained look flickers across her eyes, so swiftly that Wei Ying scarcely catches it, and then she leans forward and grasps Wei Ying’s hand. “You can’t treat him the way I treat Zixuan. How could either of you bear it, when he spent his last summer here watching you climb trees with the shimeis and catching you when you fell out of them?”
“Well, I’d hate it,” frowns Wei Wuxian, “but Lan Zhan would probably be relieved. His idea of a good day is ten hours of silent reading, in a library. He won’t even take his books outside unless I make him, and then he says he doesn’t understand why Uncle says my homework demonstrates better comprehension than his—as if Lan Zhan doesn’t know that fresh air and hot hulatang are all anybody needs to help stimulate the mind! It’s a pity that I won’t be able to shake him up in Gusu like I do here, but it can’t be helped.”
Madam Yu looks at Jiang-shushu in despair.
“You see?” she complains. “Suppose Lan Wangji yields to temptation, and they are discovered together? Wei Ying is only sixteen, and their wedding is not set to take place until the year after A-Li’s—if there must be a hasty marriage, we will never be able to hide it! This is folly!”
“I will visit Pan-daifu in the village before we leave,” Shijie says diplomatically. “Just in case we require a—a prescription. For later.”
Wei Wuxian furrows her brow and glances over at Jiang Cheng, who looks just as confused as she does. Shijie always pays a visit to Healer Pan before traveling because of her delicate health, but Wei Wuxian doesn’t understand why bringing that up now would assuage Madam Yu.
“Fine. Fine! If my own daughter believes it meet to flout my wishes, what other recourse do I have?” Yu-furen bites out at last, flicking a water beetle off her sleeve. “And you, Fengmian! If this venture goes ill, on your own head be it!”
"Lan Zhan.”
“Aiyah, Lan Zhan.”
Lan Wangji glances up from his latest composition (an essay titled The Role of Intention in Inquiry and the Contributing Effects of Resentment, by Young Master Lan Wangji) and tries not to shy away from the bright eyes of his betrothed. “Yes?”
“Lan Zhan, you’re ignoring me,” she accuses him. “To think that I traveled all the way from Yunmeng to see you, and you barely give me the time of day! What a neglectful betrothed you are!”
“You are here with me now,” Wangji points out. “I spend more time with you than I do with anyone else, save Shufu and my brother.”
“But I’m only here for the summer. Didn’t I take care of you well at Lotus Pier? You have to pay back the favor now that I’m here.”
Lan Wangji lays his brush aside and folds his hands neatly in his lap, for he had felt a little wretched at the thought of disappointing her. “Then what would you like to do?”
“Well, first I want you to tell me what’s allowed here and what’s not,” Wei Ying says reasonably. “Jiang-shushu’s only rule for us was—”
“I remember!” Lan Wangji interrupts. He was rude just then, he knows, but he doubts he could bear hearing Wei Ying repeat that particular rule in the safety of the Cloud Recesses. The only provision for his continued welcome at Lotus Pier was that he should never be caught alone in a room with his betrothed behind closed doors; other than that, Jiang Fengmian only asked that he accompany Wei Ying to her meals to make sure that she ate on time, and to treat her kindly and defend her if she fell into danger.
Those were simple rules to follow, and Lan Wangji had felt very proud of the trust that came along with them, but to mention them being caught together here in the Cloud Recesses—
“Why is your face turning red? Do you have a fever?” Wei Ying demands. “Lan Zhan, let me check.”
He tries to protest, but her rough fingers are already scrabbling at his brow, trying to feel his forehead through the cold silk of his ribbon, and Lan Wangji nearly passes away on the spot as the ribbon slips down to his nose. Engaged couples are allowed to touch each other’s ribbons, though it isn’t often done, and pushing her away would only hurt her feelings: so Lan Wangji forces himself to endure while she checks his pulse and temperature, taking care not to pull away too quickly after she finishes.
“You are sick,” she gasps, looking down at her empty palm as if she could still feel the heat of Wangji’s skin burning there. “Let’s go to the healers and ask for medicine.”
“No need.”
Wei Ying tugs at his sleeve. “Then what about Shijie? She could set up her own private apothecary here with all the medicine she brought from home. And she apprenticed with our Lufeng doctors, so she’ll definitely know what to give you. Come on!”
Lan Wangji cannot bring himself to refuse; for he can feel the sudden pounding of his pulse and the flush darkening at his throat, and a blissful sense of dizziness that worsens when Wei Ying grasps his hand and haul him out of the library pavilion. He follows without resistance, allowing her to tow him along like a doll dragging behind a child; and when they reach the guest quarters, Wei Ying kicks her sister’s door aside and pulls Wangji over the threshold.
“Shijie!” she cries, startling Jiang-guniang so badly that she rends a long hole in the sampler she was embroidering. “Jie, I know Lan Zhan’s not supposed to be here, but we need some of the medicine Pan-yishi gave you.”
Jiang Yanli blanches and drops her needle.
“You need what?”
“I know it’s expensive, but I’ll pay you back,” frets Wei Ying. “Please, Shijie? For Lan Zhan’s sake?”
For some reason, Jiang-guniang looks more astonished than ever. “You...A-Xian, you need it now? You’re not anticipating it for, ah, later?”
“Right now,” Wei Ying says firmly. “Any delay in treatment could cause trouble, Shijie. Lan Zhan didn’t want to go to the infirmary, you see, so I brought him here.”
“I see,” Jiang Yanli frowns, shooting a stern glare in Lan Wangji’s direction. “Very well, then. I’ll go fetch the herbs and water for tea.”
She stands up and hurries towards the back of the house, shooting Lan Wangji a stern look on her way; and then she disappears, leaving Wangji and Wei Ying alone in the middle of the receiving room.
“Your Shijie is not happy with me,” Lan Wangji murmurs. “You have asked for the herbs on my behalf, and I will not reject your kindness, but it seems the medicine is dearer to Jiang-guniang than I thought. Will you come down with me to Caiyi tomorrow so I can buy quality replacements for her? It must be difficult to part from a needed medicine so far from home.”
“Shijie isn’t angry,” Wei Ying whispers back. “She carries more fever tonic and strengthening pills than she could ever need. Pan-yishi gives her a whole year’s worth at a time, and we’re going back home before autumn.”
A moment later, Jiang Yanli re-enters the room with a pot of hot water and a bag of herbs, which she distills into medicine so quickly that most of the Cloud Recesses’ best healers would have envied her speed. The tea takes less than a a minute to steep, and two minutes to cool; and when Jiang-guniang can put it to her lips without wincing at the heat, she passes it over the table to Wei Ying.
“Here, Lan Zhan,” Wei Ying says tenderly, giving it to Lan Wangji. “Drink.”
“No!” Jiang-guniang cries, snatching the medicine back. “A-Xian, you’re supposed to drink it. What could it possibly do for Second Young Master Lan?”
“But Shijie, that’s not fair! He’s the one who needs it!”
“I know such things are not fair,” Jiang Yanli says, glaring daggers at Lan Wangji; apparently, his worries about the value of the herbs had not been unfounded. “But there is no way to place this responsibility on men, so you must take the medicine. Quickly.”
Wei Ying blinks, puzzled by her sister’s irritation, and reaches out to take her hand. “Jie,” she beseeches, “Shijie, don’t be angry. Lan Zhan wouldn’t have come near me if he’d known that—”
“He is old enough to know,” Jiang-guniang says tartly. “And I’m not happy with you either, Xianxian. I thought Mother was being too strict with you, and that she should trust Lan Wangji to treat you with due respect, but it seems that she was right and I was wrong.”
“Lan Zhan is always respectful towards me.” Wei Ying looks more confused than ever. “If he came to the library knowing he had a fever, it was only because I asked him to accompany me while I copied lines. And he took ill after we got there, anyway, so it’s not his fault!”
“Sister-in-law,” Lan Wangji cuts in. “I apologize for the intrusion. I should not have entered your quarters, or accepted your medicine when you have need of it yourself. Rest assured that I will procure more herbs for you before this afternoon, and seek treatment for my fever elsewhere. Good day.”
He turns around and walks out into the garden, taking slow, measured steps with one hand tucked behind his back. Wei Ying runs after him, urging him to come back and finish the tea Jiang-guniang prepared; but for some reason, Jiang Yanli rushes out after her, looking so embarrassed that her snowy-white cheeks are practically scarlet.
“You wanted medicine for fever?” she gasps, giving Wei Ying a gentle shake. “Just—a simple fever, because Lan-er-gongzi was taken ill in the library?”
“Fevers and sweats, and a shallow pulse,” Wei Ying tells her, counting on her fingers. “You can take his temperature, if you need to. Lan Zhan won’t mind.”
Lan Wangji very much would mind, but providing proof of his fever seems important. He holds out his wrist and lets Jiang Yanli feel it, wondering if she suspected some ailment that could have endangered Wei Ying: perhaps one that harmed women more readily than men, since she had tried to give the medicine to her sister instead. If that is the case, Wangji thinks, Maiden Jiang’s anger is justified; for he would never forgive a man who knowingly made his brother ill, especially if the guilty party was Xiongzhang’s intended.
“I’m a fool,” Jiang Yanli mutters to herself, dropping Lan Wangji’s hand. “But you’re not ill, Lan-er-gongzi. You had a fit of nerves, that’s all.”
“Yes, nerves,” Jiang-guniang repeats. “I recommend solitary meditation after training with your sword and hot milk before bed. It worked wonders for A-Cheng when he was a child.”
And with that, she bids them both goodbye, and hastens back into the little guest house before closing the doors behind her.
“I have no idea what just happened,” Wei Ying confesses, “but A-Jie really thought I was in danger. Does Gusu have some kind of mountain fever that spares men and kills women?”
“Not to my knowledge, no.”
“Ah, well. At least we know what’s wrong with you,” his intended says cheerfully. “Let’s go meditate, you dear fuddy-duddy. Shijie told you to start after breakfast, and it’ll be lunchtime in less than a shichen.”
Suddenly, Lan Wangji’s heart feels so full that he can scarcely breathe.
“En, you are right. I will do as you say,” he smiles, taking her hand in his. “Lead the way, Wei Ying.”
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ragingbookdragon · 3 years
My Brother's Best Friend Is The One For Me
Wally West x Batsis!Reader One-Shot
Word Count: 3.6K Warnings: Explicit Language
Author's Note: Got to rereading my Batsis fics and came across the "What A Flashy Romance" and wanted to do another one with Wally because I love him. Enjoy! -Thorne
Being the middle child and also the only girl in the Batfamily meant two things:
1. She had four brothers that treated her like a porcelain doll, despite the fact that she could throw a punch at 336 PSI.
2. She followed an unspoken rule that Dick and Jason’s friends were off limits when it came to dating.
In all, neither of those things were major problems. She’d learned at a young age how to avoid Dick and Jason’s overbearing-protective-brother-modes, and Tim and Damian were younger, so she didn’t have to worry about them. The second one was also avoidable—most of her older brothers’ friends were the same, and she wasn’t around most of them to develop any feelings.
Well, there was Wally, but it was just a crush. A stupid, little school-girl crush—that she’d never really grown out of—that didn’t matter in the slightest. Except whenever Dick brought him over to the house and she had to pretend that sitting next to him didn’t make her heart race like she’d run a mile.
And the most annoying thing about the whole crush is that she couldn’t tell if Wally was ever interested in her or not. Most of Dick’s friends, Garth, Kyle, Roy, they treated her like a little sister—hell, they even said “Love you lil sis!” to her regularly. And yet, Wally didn’t. Now, there was the occasional head pat, but even that was an affectionate gesture that siblings and SO’s did all the time. It was infuriating, and so was Wally—but she was going to sort it all out the next time he came over because the worst thing he could say was “No”, and either she needed to hear that…or “Yes”.
Normal Sundays for the Wayne household usually meant Ultimate Waffle Breakfast and sitting on your ass all day until patrol—it was the one day of the week where they could do anything and nothing and didn’t have to stick to schedules. Everyone loved Sundays, especially (Y/N), because it meant that all of her family was home, even Jason (who tried to deny that he enjoyed coming home to hang out, but if that mile long grin was any help, he was lying). And while everyone was home, that usually meant that everybody’s friends were coming over too.
She swiped the syrup out of Jason’s hand when he swung it back around, grinning at him when he glared at her.
“I was gonna use that, (Y/N),” he griped, and she shrugged, uncapping the bottle.
She tipped it over and watched the syrup lazily pour out of the container onto her waffles.
“You were taking too long.” Her eyes twinkled with humor. “I guess you were as…slow as molasses.”
While most of the table groaned at her terrible joke, Dick snorted into his milk, causing it to splatter on his plate and across the table.
“Nice one,” he coughed, wiping his face and the dark oak surface.
(Y/N) bowed dramatically. “Well, I did learn from the best.” When Dick’s face lit up, she turned to Alfred and smiled. “Alfie, thank you for teaching me your ways.”
The old butler merely tipped his head, a hidden smile crossing his lips at the way the eldest son’s jaw went slack. She turned her attention to Bruce who was quietly chewing, eyes following along the research paper she’d asked him to check out.
“Dad, what’s on your agenda for today?”
He swallowed and flicked a line out with a red pen, etching his own comment in the margin. “Lucius has a few ideas about some new gadgets he wanted to run by me.” Another line went out. “I’ll call him after breakfast.” Bruce looked at her. “You?”
(Y/N) nodded at the paper in his hands, then slapped Jason’s who was reaching over to take a piece of bacon from her plate. “Waiting for you to finish tearing me a new one so I can redo the paper.” She cut into the waffle with the side of her fork. “Once I salvage what little scientific dignity you’ve left me with, I’ll probably laze around.”
“You mean what you do normally?” Bruce quipped, grinning when she glowered at him; his eyes went back to her paper. “You’re doing well so far.”
She huffed. “Tell that to every red line you’ve marked out in that paragraph.”
He flashed the paper. “I’m writing in the margins how to change it. This isn’t a dissertation, sweetheart. You’re allowed to make mistakes. We all do.”
(Y/N) grumbled as her cheeks warmed and she went back to her plate as the conversation flowed around her.
Most of it was the discussion of what everyone was planning on doing, Damian was going to play video games, Tim was going to join him (which she knew was going to be fun while the moment lasted until the petty sibling rivalry got in the way and their gaming dwindled into a physical fight that she and probably Dick were going to have to break up), Jason was going to use the workbench in the cave to upgrade some gear, and Dick apparently,
“Wally and Garth are gonna come over later and hang out.”
She paused, mid-stab of her fork and looked at up. “Wally’s coming over?”
He nodded. “And Garth. We were gonna go to the mall and get some new clothes.”
Jason snorted, laying an arm over the backs of Tim and (Y/N)’s chairs. “Spending money with daddy’s credit card, Dickie?”
Dick smirked. “Just like you.” Jason merely matched his grin, and while the entire table was cracking up at Bruce’s frown, (Y/N) was silent, heart beating faster at the thought of seeing Wally.
“(Y/N)?” She startled and looked up at Dick.
“I asked if you were okay. You got quiet all of the sudden.”
She smiled and shook her head. “Yeah, just thought about all of the corrections I’m gonna have to do because somebody CAN’T STOP MARKING OUT MY PARAGRAPHS.” Bruce merely smiled and knocked out another line.
It was a lie. It was the biggest lie she’d told right next to the one she told when Bruce had asked her where she was on prom night her senior year a few years ago—she was totally not saving a different sector of the universe with Kyle Rayner, she was dancing with Sam Reilly all night—she strongly believed her dad knew the truth—Batman knew everything.
Bruce handed the paper back to her and she groaned as she scanned the red lines on every page. It was going to take her hours to go over this.
Jason leaned over and read the title, “Cellular Division and Mutation Under Extreme Elemental Circumstances…a composition by (Y/N) Wayne.” He cocked a dark brow. “Go big or go home, huh, baby girl?”
(Y/N) hummed. “Doctor Halberd wanted us to pick challenging topics for the research paper this term.” A crooked smile crossed her lips. “I’m nothing if not ambitious about proving I’m smarter than everyone else.”
“You need another source,” Bruce murmured, sipping the steaming black coffee. “One-fourteen is good, but I’d go for one-fifteen.”
She groaned and dropped her head. “Are you kidding me? I had enough trouble gathering that many.”
“Why don’t you use Barry?” Tim piped up, mouth full of whip cream and strawberries.
“Master Timothy, we do not talk with our mouth full,” Alfred admonished, and Tim blushed.
(Y/N)’s head shot up and she stared at her brother. “That’s actually a good idea. Speedsters would make for perfect references about cellular division.” An idea popped into her head and she glanced at Dick. “And since Wally is com—”
“Nope,” Dick interrupted, pointing at her. “Wally is coming over to hang out, not to be poked and prodded to finish a paper.”
She let out a whine and turned to Bruce. “Dad, tell Dick to let me at least talk to Wally about it.”
Bruce turned his attention onto Dick. “Let your sister talk to Wally about her paper.”
“Oh, come on,” he complained and (Y/N) stood from her seat, hurrying around the table to stand behind Dick’s seat.
She draped herself over his shoulders, tucking her chin in the crook of his neck. “I promise I won’t be annoying if you let me come with you. I’ll ask two questions every thirty minutes and I’ll go do shopping on my own, so I won’t be in the way.” (Y/N) craned her neck and pulled the most pitiful puppy eyes she could. “Please?”
Dick’s eyes darted to her face and then he looked away. Just one more push.
“Please frate?” she begged and when his eyes went wide from the usage of his native tongue, she knew she’d won him over.
He deflated and let out a sigh. “Fine,” he grumbled. “You can come with us.”
(Y/N) squealed and pressed a kiss to his cheekbone, as she grabbed the paper and hurried towards the door. She halted and spun around, looking at her father.
“What do I need to be most specific about?”
“Division under elemental circumstances.”
She glowered at him. “No shit Sherlock. Specifics.”
“Molecular division under terrestrial gamma-ray flashes.”
“That’ll work,” (Y/N) nodded and exited to room.
Jason looked out the door then back to his brothers. “She’s way to excited about science sometimes.” They merely laughed.
She raised the red lace, cold shoulder V-neck shirt to her chest before frowning, and switching it with the full lace blue shirt with mini golden lightning bolt charms hanging off the trim. After a moment, she pulled the blue one down and sighed.
“You know, if you want to impress him, I’d wear the red shirt.”
She jumped and barely managed to suppress the scream that was coming up in her throat as she swiveled around to face her door. Jason stood in the doorway, a knowing look on his face. She could play this one of two ways: she could be truthful, or she could lie—she chose the latter.
“What do you mean?” He snorted and walked into her room, taking a seat at her desk.
“I mean if you’re trying to impress Wally, wear the shirt that’s the color of his suit, (Y/N).” She looked away and into the mirror, but she couldn’t escape the eyes boring into her back.
“Is it that obvious?” she asked quietly, and he laughed.
“That you’re head over heels for Dick’s best friend? Oh yeah. Totally.”
She sighed and sat on her bed, pulling the red top over her torso. “It’s just a crush.”
“Seems like more than a crush to me, baby girl.”
(Y/N) pulled the fabric down and looked at him. “Are you gonna tell Dick?”
Jason scoffed. “Do I look like a narc to you?”
She cocked a brow and deadpanned, “Just the other night you told dad that Damian lifted Two-Face’s wallet when he was being put in a cruiser.”
“Well, that wasn’t something important,” he countered and nodded at her. “This is.” He paused and shrugged. “Nah, I’m not gonna tell Dickhead. Play this out however you see fit, baby girl.”
(Y/N) stared at him for a moment then averted her gaze and let out a sigh; Jason huffed.
“That sounds like a heavy sigh, (Y/N). What’s wrong?”
She shrugged. “I don’t even know if Wally would be interested in me. He’s him and I’m me.”
Jason stood and walked over, kneeling in front of her. “Hey, what’s that supposed to mean?”
(Y/N) met his eyes. “Anytime he’s had a girlfriend she’s always been super strong or really outspoken.”
“And you’re not?” he quipped, causing her to huff.
“You know what I mean, Jay.”
He nodded. “Okay, so you’re not an Amazon or shoving your head up someone’s ass for a story. But you’re you.”
“And that means?”
“You’re the only daughter of the World’s Greatest Detective who’s a wicked smart science major by day and a badass vigilante by night.” He cupped her cheeks. “You are intelligent, warmhearted, talented, and absolutely beautiful.” Jason smushed her cheeks together and grinned as she giggled. “And if Wally doesn’t see any of what I just said, then he’s a damn fool and not worth your time. You hear me, baby girl?”
She nodded. “I hear you.”
Jason gave her a firm nod and let go, standing to his feet. “Now come on let’s go do your makeup.”
(Y/N) blinked. “You can do makeup?”
“Baby girl, I can do a lot of things. Now hurry up. That razor sharp eye liner and golden eyeshadow isn’t going to do itself.”
She waited beside Dick with a pleasant smile on her face, and despite the fluttering heartbeat in her chest, Jason’s pep talk kept running through her head and with every passing moment, she felt her confidence rising. He was right, if she told Wally and he didn’t feel the same, then it was his loss and her gain to move on and find someone else.
A black sedan pulled up at the manor and the passenger window rolled down, revealing Wally at the wheel and Garth in the passenger’s seat. Dick waved at them.
“Hey guys,” he greeted. “How was the drive over?”
“Oh, you know, we saw three carjacking’s and one armed robbery,” Garth quipped. “I assume that’s normal for Gotham though.”
“It’s a bit below average actually,” (Y/N) piped up. “Hi Garth. Hi Wally.”
Wally smiled and Garth waved in return as the two siblings started getting in the car.
“You’re coming with us, (Y/N)?” Wally questioned and she nodded.
“Do you want me to lie to you or give you the truth?”
He chuckled. “I’m always open for a good story.”
“I wanted to buy out Victoria’s Secret and piss off any boyfriends who are in hot water with their girlfriends.” The guys laughed and she admitted, “Truth though, I need one last source for a research paper.”
“Gonna find that source shopping?” Garth asked and (Y/N) caught Wally’s eyes in the rear-view mirror.
“Actually, my last source is Wally.”
They fell silent and looked at her, though the speedster’s focus was on the road.
“What are you gonna source Wally on?” The Atlantean inquired.
“My paper is over cellular mutation under distress from elemental conditions.” She smiled at Wally. “Our speedster here, is a walking subject perfect for the paper. I can only hope that he agrees to be a willing participant.”
Wally chuckled. “I’d be willing to part with a few secrets for you. Of course, I’d have to—”
“Remain anonymous.” (Y/N) winked. “I’m sure my professor would be okay with me citing ‘The Flash’ so long as I had a picture with him to back it up.”
“I like pictures,” he murmured, pulling into the parking lot.
“That’s good to know,” she replied and when he put the car in park, she took her purse and added, “So I’ll leave you boys to do your shopping and Wally, I’ll text you any questions I have.”
“You’re not gonna hang around?” Garth asked and she shook her head.
“Nah, I don’t wanna be the annoying little sister who follows her older brother and his friends around.” She smiled at them. “Besides, Dick was kind enough to let me come along. Least I can do is stay out of your way.”
(Y/N) opened the door and waved at them. “Text me when you’re ready to leave and I’ll meet you back here.”
Despite the initial joke that she was going to buy out the lingerie store, there was actually some truth in the statement, and she drew her fingers over one of the lace baby dolls as she looked at her phone, grinning like a dope at Wally’s response.
Well, I wouldn’t say I’d grow a second skin from how fast my cells regenerate, but I can make my body heal instantaneously. -W
Can you regenerate limbs or major organs? –(Y/I)
Major organs or useful ones? -W
(Y/N) paused at his response and thought for a moment. It was risky. Sending the text, she was thinking about was risky, but it’d sure get her point across that she was into him. With her heart hammering in her chest, she pushed send and stuck her phone in her pocket.
Whichever ones are useful to you, Wally? ;) –(Y/N)
Her phone didn’t buzz for a good minute, and Wally took less than a second to reply, so he was doing one of two things: A.) Telling Dick that his younger sister sent a flirty text, or B.) Trying to figure out how to let her down easy. (Y/N) didn’t know which one was worse. Her hip buzzed and she inhaled shakily, pulling her phone out of her pocket with one eye cracked open to see how screwed she was.
Do you have a useful one in mind, beautiful? -W
She had to clamp a hand over her mouth to keep from letting out the biggest gasp any human had ever made, and she nervously looked around her to make sure no one else was staring at her. She grinned as she replied to him.
Oh, I could think of one…or two or three…Why? Is there gonna be a pop quiz over this later? I’ll have you know I’m an excellent test taker. –(Y/N)
Is that so? Well, what happens if you were to fail this particular pop quiz, (Y/N)? -W
I guess you’d have to stay the night for a study session and help me make a better grade ;) –(Y/I)
As she waited for another response, someone’s hand touched the small of her back and she reacted, immediately stepping away from the offending touch to spin on them. Her eyes went wide when she saw Wally standing before her, a grin on his face, phone in his hand.
“I think an overnight study session is possible, (Y/N).”
Her mouth opened and closed repeatedly, like a fish until she finally got her brain to work and asked, “I thought you were shopping with Dick and Garth?”
He shrugged. “Told Dick you asked me an advanced question that’d be easier to answer in person than over text.” He wiggled his brows. “You know, advanced equations and scientific gibberish.”
(Y/N) huffed a laugh and turned back around, trying to ignore the heat in her cheeks as she picked up one of the teddies. And when she realized what it looked like, she only felt more flustered. Crimson with baby blue trimming and was practically a shoelace.
“Well, that’sa hint if there ever was one,” Wally quipped, and she pulled the lingerie out of his line of sight.
“It was just the first one I grabbed!” she exclaimed, snapping her mouth shut when people looked over at them. Her cheeks felt like they were wildfires, and she pressed her head against the cool metal of the rack, sighing with what little relief it provided.
“You know, (Y/N),” he started softly. “If you’re not comfortable, this doesn’t have to go anywhere. I can forget this ever happened if you want me to.” (Y/N) opened her eyes and peered at him, at the concern but also the kindness in his gaze.
“I just—” she murmured and trailed off before letting out a sigh. “It’s kinda complicated.”
“Okay,” Wally nodded. “My mouth might work faster than my brain sometimes but lay it on me.”
She cracked a smile and thought back on Jason’s words. If Wally doesn’t see any of what I just said, then he’s a damn fool and not worth your time.
(Y/N) took a deep breath and looked at him, admitting, “Wally, I have…feelings for you.” His eyes widened and though she felt the sting of embarrassment, she pushed out her words. “It’s stupid, like one of those dumb childhood crushes that just sticks with you, you know?”
She averted her gaze and looked at her peep toe heels. “I just don’t wanna screw anything up because even if you don’t feel anything like I do, I don’t wanna lose you as a friend. Because I do value your friendship.” She sighed. “And Dick. I don’t wanna make you uncomfortable about coming over to see him if there’s a chance you’ll have to see me too. I just—”
“Woah, woah, woah,” Wally interrupted gently, a smile growing on his face. “You’re thinking way big here, (Y/N). Bigger than you need to right now.”
She met his eyes. “Right now?” she repeated, and he reached out, taking her hand in his. His fingers felt tingly against her palm and he smiled.
“I like you, (Y/N).”
She blinked at him, practically dumbfounded. “You…you do?”
Wally nodded and confessed, “Have for a couple years, but I didn’t wanna make a move not knowing if you were interested.” His cheeks tinged pink, and he said, “But I’m glad you are. Like super glad.” (Y/N) giggled, suddenly feeling really foolish for all her worry and Wally let out a chuckle too.
She stared at him for a moment, relishing the coolness of his skin before pulling away, toying with the teddy in her other hand.
“So, about tonight…you staying over?”
Wally let out a groan and looked between her and the lingerie. “Probably, but I don’t know if I’ll be able to get away long enough to spend some time alone with you.”
(Y/N) let out a ‘pfft’ and winked. “I’m sure you’ll figure it out, Flash. You are the fastest man alive.”
“You’re into quickies? Good to know,” he grinned.
“Shut up,” she giggled.
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ikeromantic · 3 years
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Piano Lessons
An ObeyMe! Lucifer fic, approx. 1800 words. G/N MC, Fluff.
The infernal grand piano squatted in one shadowed corner of the music room. To any human, at first glance it looked no different from the version in the human world. A dangerous assumption, you knew. If an easy one to make. This instrument was capable of compositions that would drive a mortal listener mad, or even cause death.
You thought that would be reason enough to be given a pass on your Devilish Music I, but Lucifer didn’t agree. In fact, he considered your ignorance of the instrument and its compositions an opportunity. And that was how you found yourself in the House of Lamentation’s music room every afternoon when RAD let out.
Lucifer was already waiting on the bench. He looked up as you came in, lips compressed in an expression of near-constant disapproval. “You’re late.”
“I’m on time!” You glanced at the clock on the wall.
“If you aren’t five minutes early, that counts as late. Now come here and sit next to me.”
Arguing with Lucifer was futile. Besides, you did want to sit next to him. During your time in the Devildom, you’d developed a bit of a crush on the eldest brother. One that had you working hard to be on the receiving end of his rare smiles and sparse compliments.
Today you were hoping to impress Luci with your rendition from Certovski, Faust’s Mistake. It was one of the mortal-safe pieces you could attempt without risking your mind or your soul.
“Fingers on the keys.” Lucifer’s red eyes followed your hands as you tried for the appropriate position. “Elbows out. Move your left hand in.”
You did as instructed, but apparently you were still off. He reached for your hands, positioning them. Part of you wanted to fight him on it. The rest of you just enjoyed the feel of his hands on yours. His skin was always so warm and smooth.
He frowned. “Focus.”
“Sorry,” you mumbled. With your hands in place, you ran through the demonic scale. Some of the tones were too low or too high to hear. You could feel them though, shivering your bones and raising the hairs at the back of your neck.
Your warm-up didn’t get any objection from the Prince of Pride, which meant you were doing well. A quick glance showed he wasn’t frowning any more. Good.
Lucifer stood and began to pace behind you. “What are you going to play for me?”
“I’ve been practicing Faust’s Mistake.” As if he didn’t know.
“Then begin.”
You take a breath. This is it. You try to psych yourself up. All that practice will pay off. All those evenings you gave up gaming with Levi and Mammon, the weekends you stayed in instead of going out with Satan or Asmo. You could play this in your sleep.
Your hands float across the keys, the melody pouring from the hidden strings, describing the terrible bargain Faust made. The fast, tripping notes gave way to the long, slow sounds of regret, and finally, to the clashing finish.
Sweat beaded your forehead as you lowered your hands to your lap. The tension in your chest stopped your breath as you waited for Lucifer’s judgement.
“That was . . . not bad.”
From anyone else, you’d take this as a criticism but from Luci? It was a gold star. You smiled over your shoulder at him.
The left corner of his lip turned up in a slight half smile. “I’m impressed you memorized the whole piece in such a short time. I can tell you’ve worked hard.”
You felt like if he gave you one more compliment, you might completely melt.
“But -”
Your heart sank.
“I didn’t feel the tension, the passion of the moment in your rendition. You were too focused on technical mastery.” Lucifer sat down beside you, his hip brushing yours. “The Faustian epic is classic. It must evoke the emotion of the moment, the story, that birthed it. Let me show you what I mean.”
His hands went to the keys. “This is from earlier in the story. The Fall.” He began playing in a low octave, a heavy, slow rhythm that made your heart pound. Or perhaps that was just from sitting so close to him.
Lucifer kept that going as he began to layer higher, lighter notes atop it. These sounded almost playful, innocent. If not for the ominous beat beneath it. “Here we have naivete. The mortal at play, unaware of the trap laid for him.”
You nod.
“The music is the story, the story lives in the music. Now -” The lighter notes began to slow, creeping closer to the lower octave. “The mortal becomes aware of the nearness of death. The lingering, slow demise that comes to all men.”
Your breath slows in time to the music, and you can almost feel the weight of your years, few though they are. It is as if you lived a century and now your bones are heavy and your body is weary. Your eyelids drift half closed.
Lucifer continues to play, the ominous chords grow louder and the higher tones fade until both melodies close in on each other.
There is a subaudible component now, and though you can’t hear it, you can feel it move with the pulse of your blood. An arrhythmia that pulls you into the moment. The music surges beneath your eyelids, a spiral of red across a dark abyss. A false light.
“Here Faust decides his soul is worth less than his earthly pleasures, and denies Death its due. You can hear the strains of rage from Death’s denial beside the demon’s triumph. And there, Faust’s -”
The music stops but you can still feel it inside you. Something slick and warm slides down your cheek.
Lucifer’s voice, demanding. Trembling. “Wake up. Open your eyes this instant.”
You wish you could obey. You’d like to but the music holds you where you are. Limbo. A space bereft of everything but the music. Death and the demon, Faust’s lust and greed.
“Please.” Lucifer’s voice is gentler than you’ve ever heard it before.
You feel the pad of his thumb against your cheek. A sudden burst of magic like static on a distant radio. Then silence. Your mind slips under a dark, quiet ocean.
The water is warm. Peaceful. You can feel it cradling you. Stroking your hair, your cheeks. The touches become more insistent. Pushing you toward the surface. Toward wakefulness.
“I am sorry. Please. If you open your eyes, I will do . . . I will do anything, anything you want. I won’t make you practice anymore. I’ll give you a - a bigger room.”
The voice belongs to Lucifer, you’re sure of it. But it doesn’t sound like him. When has he ever pleaded, begged, for anything? You realize it is his hands on your skin, stroking your arms, your face. Then it hits you. The music. It wasn’t safe for your mind and now . . . was this real?
You open your eyes.
Lucifer’s face is the first thing you see. He is so close, you can feel his breath on your cheek. His eyes are wide and damp, and full of concern. You are held tight against him, like a child.
“Can you hear me? See me?” His fingertip slides along your jawline, a delicate touch.
“Yes.” Your voice comes out throaty and low. Rough as if you’d been screaming.
His relief is palpable. He squeezes you tighter, pressing your face to his chest. “I . . . I apologize. I got carried away with the music. And you’ve taken injury because of it - because of me.”
The words are halting, stiff. Hard for the proud eldest to say, and yet, for you, he does. “It’s okay,” you croak. “It was beautiful.” And it’s true. Some remnant of the cursed melodies still echo in the chambers of your heart. Haunting you with a promise that has no words.
“I will see you are fully recovered.” The briskness returns to Lucifer’s voice.
You try to push yourself up, off his chest. He doesn’t loosen his hold on you.
“Stop struggling. Are you uncomfortable?” Lucifer adjusts his grip, sliding your head to the crook of his arm. “Is that better?”
It isn’t, really. But at least you can see you aren’t in the music room anymore. Lucifer must have carried you to his chambers. He must have been worried, but you don’t know why. You feel alright. You try to sit up again.
With an exasperated look, Lucifer partially lifts you. He doesn’t release you. “Didn’t I say to stop struggling? You need to relax until you are . . . repaired.”
“I feel fine,” you tell him.
He frowns. “You are still bleeding from your ears.”
You lift a hand to the side of your head. It comes away red and wet. “Oh.”
“It will take a few days for the effects to wear off.” The concern in his scarlet gaze frightens you more than the blood.
“Will I be ok?”
“Mostly.” He looks away. “Until then, I will keep you here and see to your needs. Are you hungry? Thirsty? Does anything hurt?”
You shake your head. This, you discovered, was a mistake. The shadows of the room move with your vision, growing one direction and then the other. Wide swaths of darkness that catch your eye.
“Are you seeing things?” Lucifer looks back at you. His thumb caresses your cheek.
“Rather, tell me what you are seeing. And don’t lie about it a second time.”
There is a flicker of warning in the crimson depths of his gaze. You tell him about the shadows, and the way the music still sings in you.
He frowns. “If the effects do not fade, I may have to keep you in my rooms forever.”
You note that he doesn’t sound annoyed at this prospect. But he didn’t ask you, and his assumptions don’t sit well. “You can’t lock me up, Lucifer.”
“I can.”
Wrong tactic to take. You amend. “It probably isn’t a good idea to burden yourself with caring for me. You have a lot to do. Diavolo needs you.”
Lucifer knows what you’re up to. He has millenniums on you, after all. He smiles and brushes the hair back from your forehead. “I have informed my brothers, and the Prince, that you fell ill yesterday afternoon. I’ve taken time off to care for you.”
Your mind takes a moment to catch up. “Yesterday?”
“Yes. I cast a spell to knock you unconscious when I realized what I’d done. It helped, briefly. But you started screaming some time in the night and . . .”
You realize he’s been sitting here, holding you, for hours. Warmth blossoms in your chest. A happiness completely out of place, all things considered. But despite the blood loss and possibly permanent madness, you feel loved. Cared for.
Lucifer seems to read your mind. He says nothing, just places a light kiss on your forehead.
Neither of you need to speak. He knows and you know and words just complicate things anyway.
He stands, still holding you, and carries you to bed. When you drift back to sleep, it’s with your head on his chest, his arm around your shoulders to pull you close.
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writingblock101 · 4 years
Still Insufferable (Damian Wayne x Reader)
This is a part two to Insufferable! I had an anon request this a while back and found some prompts that gave some great inspiration! Hope y’all like it! You don’t need to read part one, but it does make the transition smoother. For reference, you and Damian are 17. 
Words: 2,800 
Tags: @idkmanicantenglish @mayahoelland2013
Warnings: None
“Do you ever follow directions?” A familiar, condescending voice asks you from the ground. 
You spot an annoyed Damian Wayne from your upside perch, staring up at you with crossed arms. You grin, a little too excited to see someone who looks so annoyed with you. 
“I’m creating an extensive target practice!” You claim, gesturing with your bow to the targets down range
“By hanging upside from the rafters?” Damian raises an unimpressed eyebrow. 
“You’re questioning my methods.” 
“I’m not questioning it,” Damian corrects. “I’m saying it’s stupid.” 
You gasp in mock offense then unhook your legs and flip to the floor. 
“Your words wound me!” 
“You’ll recover,” Damian says dryly. 
“I thought you would approve of me making a more comprehensive training.”
“You were hanging upside down from the rafters. How is that more comprehensive?” Damian questions.
“Because I don’t always get the pretty shot with the perfect set up in the field!” You argue. “Sometimes, I’m making the shot while hanging upside down with a broken toe!” 
Damian pauses, his eyes flickering to your feet. 
“Is your toe broken?” He asks.
He almost sounds concerned. It’s kind of sweet. 
“No,” You admit. “But what if it was?” 
He blinks. The concern is gone. 
“You spend too much time with Roy and Jason.” 
“Well, Roy is basically raising me at this point, so yeah, kind of,” You point out. 
Damian rolls his eyes. 
“Mission briefing.” 
“Aw, you came all the way here to tell me yourself,” You tease Damian, aware of the various intercoms around the Tower.
He scowls at you, but doesn’t dampen your good mood. 
“I was the closest to the range. It made the most sense for me to come tell you.” 
“No need to make excuses,” You shrug. “I get it, I’m amazing and you can’t resist being around me.” 
“You’re insufferable.” 
“You know, that line didn’t fool me when we were 12 and it’s still not fooling me now.” 
Damian’s scowl deepens. 
“Mission briefing, now.” Then he walks off before you can make another smart ass comment. 
Sometimes, Damian makes it too easy. You hit the switch to pull the targets back in, figuring you’ll get your arrows later. 
You’ve been an official Teen Titan for a few months now. After Roy talked you into tagging along with the team for a mission, you were hooked. The rest of the team agreed to extend an invite to you, which you happily accepted. You love the team, including Damian. Despite your constant bickering, you and Damian work well together in the field, enhancing each other’s skills. 
In all honesty, you really enjoy being around Damian. While he’s a bit uptight, when he relaxes, he’s fun to be around. You’ve enjoyed getting to see the more relaxed side of Damian. Besides, it's fun to have someone who keeps up with every sarcastic remark you make, even if it includes him calling you insufferable. It’s a bit of a long shot, but you know Damian likes you more than he makes it seem he does. 
You head to the main conference room of the tower and settle in for a long presentation. While the briefings are long, and rather boring, they’re in depth. You have to give Damian credit, even when things go wrong on missions, his extensive briefings prepare your team for almost every possibility and help make adaptations to the plan on the fly. 
You fiddle with a pen, unscrewing it, laying out the pieces then put it back together as Damian talks. As you get more fidgety the longer the meeting goes on, Damian wordlessly slides a new pen over to you with a slightly different composition. You smile at him and busy your hands with taking part the new pen. Damian’s cheeks darken slightly, but before anyone can notice, he’s back in leader mode. 
Damian pulls up the blueprint, running through everyone’s role and position for the mission.
“And Black Falcon, you’re with me, handling guards on the roof and additional security measures.”
“The dream team,” You grin with a wink.
Damian rolls his eyes and ignores your remark. Instead, he fields any questions then dismisses the team. You glance down at the file briefing in front of you then remember one last question for Damian. As a few Titans clear out, you wander to the front of the room where Damian is studying the blueprint from the presentation. 
“Hey, boss man,” You wave your file at him. “This building is using the Kingsley Security system. What are your thoughts about debuting the new hacking arrows?” 
Damian frowns, flipping to the page with the schematics concerning the security system. 
“How effective is the firewall on the arrows?” 
“If you’re worried about them tracking back to us, the arrows’ firewall should be strong enough to erase our trail.” 
“Should be?” Damian raised an eyebrow. 
“They’ll be fine, but I don’t like to make guarantees.” 
“And why is that?” 
“Because sometimes, shit happens.” 
“I don’t like variables.” 
“Well, Dames, I’ve got bad news for you about how life works.” 
You cross your arms, leaning your hip against the table. 
“I don’t like variables on my missions when lives are on the line,” Damian says, scanning over the Kingsley credentials. 
“We’re connected to a computer with the highest level of security to currently exist. Even if they manage to trace back the arrows, they won’t get far.” 
Jon and Colin watch you two bicker about arrows and security.
“He likes having someone to argue with way too much,” Colin mutters to Jon. 
Jon nods along. 
“You’re telling me. He’s not going to do anything about it though.” 
Colin cracks a grin. 
“He’s just gonna roll his eyes and tell her she’s insufferable.” 
Jon and Colin snicker, catching Damian’s attention. He narrows his eyes at the two who sit innocently. 
“Listen,” You bring Damian’s attention back to you. “It’s your mission and I’ll respect whatever you want to do, but the only way for me to improve the arrows design is to test them.” 
“I’ll consider it,” Damian says. 
His phone lights up with notification on the table. Your eyes dart toward the light and your eyebrows go up. Damian catches your eye and snatches his phone off the table with red cheeks.
“Am I your lock screen?” You ask with a small grin. 
“You weren’t supposed to see that,” Damian shoves his phone in his back pocket. 
“Really?” Your grin grows as your eyebrows move higher. 
Jon and Colin watch with shit eating grins. 
“Grayson set it,” Damian growls. “I haven’t bothered to change it.” 
“Sure, he did,” You nod. “It’s a cute picture.” 
The picture is after Damian and Bruce got into a huge argument, bad enough that Damian called Dick to get him out of the Manor. Dick figured it would be a good day to give Damian a childhood experience he missed out on and decided to take Damian to a theme park. Knowing you were in town with Jason while Roy was handling some business in Gotham, he talked Jason into bringing you. While at the park, Dick insisted you and Damian needed to try a funnel cake since neither of you had ever had one. 
You and Damian decided to split one since Dick warned you they were pretty sweet. When you and Damian tried your first bites, Damian’s face instantly scrunched up which made you laugh and Dick managed to catch the moment on camera. 
Damian scowls at you while you just grin. 
“Don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone and ruin your reputation,” You laugh, leaving the room. 
Damian scowls at you as you leave and returns his attention to collecting his files. 
“Ah Dames, get that look off your face, we all know how you feel,” Jon teases. 
Damian turns, scowling at Jon. 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” 
“Sure you don’t,” Colin rolls his eyes. “We can all tell you like Y/N.” 
“Insufferable,” Jon finishes. “Yeah, we know. You know, just because you keep saying it, doesn’t mean it’s actually true.” 
“And you know, we get it, you’re a condensing, uptight dick--” Colin starts to rattle off. 
“Why does everyone assume the worst of me?” Damian scowls at Colin. 
“It saves time,” He grins at his friend. “But, despite those things, you can be charming when you want to be. And if you actually acted on that charm, Y/N would agree to a date with you.” 
Jon stares at Colin for a minute, looking unimpressed then turns to Damian. 
“My advice is much more subtle. Stop being an ass.” 
“I didn’t ask for advice,” Damian growls. 
“We are aware and we also are aware that you never will,” Colin nods. 
“Why not let yourself be happy, Dames?” Jon asks. 
“I am happy,” Damian glares at the two of them then walks out of the room, tired of hearing their advice. 
“Think he’ll listen?” Colin asks. 
Jon shrugs. 
“Who knows.” 
. . . 
Your back hits the ground but you roll to the balls of your feet, breathing hard. You tighten your grip on your bo staff, ready to lunge for another hit when you notice Damian walk into the training room. As he walks toward you, you straighten up and grab your water, figuring it’s time for a break. Damian raises his eyebrows at your bo staff. 
“That’s not your normal choice in weapons,” He observes. 
You shrug, taking a swing of water and ignoring your cheeks heating up. While you wanted to expand your training, you’ve seen Damian using a bo staff a lot. He seems to like them so you figured you’d give them a shot. Besides, Tim has given you a few pointers. 
“Decided to try something new,” You say casually. 
Damian quirks an eyebrow, but says nothing else. 
“I’ve been thinking--” He starts. 
“A dangerous pastime,” You nod solemnly. 
Damian glares at you but continues, as if he didn’t hear your sarcastic comment. 
“We have a strong enough firewall on the computer in the Tower that if your arrows malfunctioned, we could detect and fight a security breach.” 
“So, I can bring them on the mission?” You finish. 
“Sweet!” You grin, pumping your fist. 
Damian rolls his eyes again at your celebration, but you can see him trying not to smile. He turns to leave, but you look back at the bo staff you were training with. 
“Wait! Damian!” You call. 
He turns, looking at you with raised eyebrows. 
“You’re better with a bo staff than I am,” You admit. “Wanna help me out?” 
Damian’s eyes flicker between you and the bo staff. You see a small smile fighting its way onto his face. 
“I’ll change into something more suiting for training.” 
You grin, spinning the staff around you then go into a mock solute. 
“Yes, commander.” 
Damian rolls his eyes again, but leaves to change. 
. . . 
You swing your staff up hard, but Damian blocks it and swipes at your legs with a low kick. Grinning as he falls into the expected move, you flip your staff around and hit Damian’s side. He grunts and moves again, this time, landing a hard blow to your arm. You grimace at the force, but swing your staff around again and manage to knock Damian’s legs out from under him with a move he showed you. 
Damian hits the ground hard with a grunt, but instead of rolling to his feet for another hit, he lays on the ground, looking a little dazed. 
“I got it!” You cheered as Damian sits up, watching you with a small smile. 
“Drive your hips more so the power doesn’t come from your arms as much,” He instructs. 
“You know, with all the archery I do,” You flex a muscular arm. “I’m pretty sure my arms are stronger than my hips at this point.” 
Damian rolls his eyes as he pushes himself to his feet. You swear you sees his eyes lingering on your flexed arm. 
“Basic anatomy,” He claims. 
“Right, your definition of “basic” and a normal person’s is pretty different.” 
Damian raises an eyebrow at you. 
“How do you mean?” 
You narrow your eyes. 
“You know what I mean.” 
“I don’t,” But the slow start of a shit eating grin on his face tells you Damian knows how you meant that statement. 
You groan, throwing your hands up. 
“Okay, fine, Wayne. I’ll give it to you, you’re pretty smart.” 
“Am I now?” Damian full on grins, making your heart flutter. 
You roll your eyes again, despite your raised heart rate. 
“I’m not going to say it again.” 
“I didn’t think you would. It doesn’t change the truth.” 
You sigh, shaking your head. 
“Why do I still like you, knowing you’re a total asshole?” You question as you walk toward your water. 
Damian freezes for a moment, your words slowly mulling over in his head. Before he can say anything else, his watch beeps. Damian looks down at it with a scowl.
“Duty calls?” You ask, handing Damian his water. 
He looks up from the notification and nods. 
“Get dressed, we leave in ten minutes.”
. . . 
Following your normal post mission tradition, you relax on the roof with a few boxes of take out. You dig into your box of fried rice, enjoying the view as your legs dangle over the edge of the huge tower. The roof access door opens and someone sits next to you but you don’t have to turn to see who. Wordlessly, you hold out Damian’s vegetarian Lo Mein which you took the courtesy to grab while he showered after the mission. 
“Your arrows worked,” Damian comments, accepting the box from you and digging in with his own chopsticks. 
“Mmhm,” You hum with a smirk. “Told you.” 
Damian rolls his eyes. 
“Of course you wouldn’t be able to resist making a childish remark.” 
You grin, nudging Damian’s shoulder. 
“You knew I already knew the arrows worked. You just wanted to hear me say it.” 
“I absolutely did not.” 
“Sure you didn’t. I’m irresistible.” 
“You’re insufferable,” Damian corrects. 
“I still don’t believe that line.” 
“Your belief does not change the truth.” 
You laugh, leaning against Damian as you both continue eating, enjoying the view and each other’s company. After the first time Damian joined you on the roof, it became both of your traditions to enjoy your post mission meals together. Later, you would rejoin the team for game night or movie night, but for now, you two enjoy your quiet meals and unwind peacefully. 
Once your meals are finished and the boxes are discarded to the side, you scoot closer to Damian, resting your head on his shoulder. He slowly places a hand on your knee, seeming a bit uncertain. You smile to yourself and squeeze his arm, scooting a little closer to encourage him. He leans into you, seeming more relaxed by the affection. 
“You know,” You finally say after a few minutes of silently watching the sun set. “I turned out liking you a lot more than I originally planned.” 
“How much did you intend to like me?” Damian asks.
You feel him starting to go stiff. 
“Well, given you insulted me when I first met you,” You point out with a shrug. “I didn’t expect to like you very much.” 
“And now?” Damian asks hesitantly. 
You lift your head from Damian’s shoulder to look at him, your noses inches away.
“Now, you’re pretty alright,” You tease, admiring his pretty green eyes. 
Damian rolls his eyes with a small laugh. 
“Just alright?” He asks, squeezing your knee lightly. 
“Well,” You shrug again, feeling your heart pound. “Maybe a little more than alright.” 
You stare at each other for a long moment until Damian’s eyes flicker to your lips. Here goes nothing. Before you can bring yourself to regret, you close the small distance between each other and press your lips to his. He’s hesitant for a moment, stiff against you. Before you can pull away, Damian’s fingers sink into your hair, pulling you closer as he kisses you back. 
You melt into the kiss and grip his shirt tightly. As he shifts his head to deepen the kiss, a voice yells from behind you: 
“It’s about time!” 
You and Damian jump apart, still holding a hand on each other to see Jon standing by the roof access door. Damian scowls at him while Jon grins like he’s just won the lottery. 
“You have no idea how annoying it was so watch you two pretend like you don’t like each other,” Jon rolls his eyes. “Come on, we’re starting game night.” 
He disappears back through the door as you look back at Damian. 
“Well, duty calls,” You joke, sliding off the ledge. 
Damian turns, catches your wrist, and tugs you back to him.
“They can wait,” He mutters to you, kissing you again. 
You happily melt into the kiss, your hands on Damian’s chest as his hands slide to your hips. 
“Am I still insufferable?” You tease against Damian’s lips. 
He smirks, standing to his feet and pulling you close by your waist. 
“Yes,” He kisses you again. 
I’ve been writing things as I get inspiration. I think I’ll be compiling a prompt lists soon because I have some request... They are really big ideas and I don’t think I can take on any projects that big right now. I hope you enjoyed! 
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shirophantomvox · 3 years
Random date night with Illumi, Hisoka, and Chrollo
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Hello, anon! Ask and you shall receive! This prompt is very interesting and I will try to keep it in character as much as possible. To sum this up, Hisoka would take you to an ice cream shop, a carnival, or apple orchard while Illumi would rather go to an art or historical museum. Chrollo would persuade you to attend a book reading/author signing or go hiking. Depending on who you are and what your ideal date is, I’m sure you’d find them all fun. Going to a carnival or apple orchard is my go-to since I’ve barely been because they’re all in the suburbs. These headcanons are explained much more than the others. That is why Chrollo and Illumi seem to be short, but they’re not. Also, I can’t wait for Halloween because these headcanons are going to be amazing. I am extremely sorry if there are grammar errors! Taking classes on Zoom is frustrating and now my brain has to relearn everything that I lost in 3 months! Before we get started, I have a few announcements.
This post is more laid back than my other headcanons because I tried to keep it as canon as possible.
I want to thank you all for 65 followers! It means a lot! I’m happy to see that a lot of you enjoy my writing and like it enough to follow me! I have a challenge for you! When I reach 100 followers, I will host some type of writing event here...but I need ideas. I’ve seen some pages do specials where you can send an ask and pretend like you're talking to a character and I respond with what they’d say. SEND ME IDEAS! I WILL CREDIT YOU!
I will be stepping back a little more than before. I’ll still be logged in and re-blogging but as far as writing posts like this...it may only be once or twice a week. You see, I’m in college and I’m struggling financially and I have to work on scholarships. If you all send me an ask, be patient.
Voltron posts will only be created based on asks. I will not be writing posts about VLD if no one requests them. I do not receive any feedback from it anymore and no one seems to like them.
Now, let’s get into the post.
Let's start with Illumi first.
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Headcanon 1: Illumi has a secret admiration for different types of art but he specifically enjoys pop art and surrealism. He has commented on how surrealism makes his brain twist and his feelings swirl as he tries to figure out the piece and what inspires it.
He prefers not to participate in tours as he likes to digest the art at his own pace.
Headcanon 2: In his spare time, he paints on a canvas. His art style consists of both surrealism and abstract art. For a person with a dark personality, his compositions always contain bright colors and abstract techniques that leave you wondering about his TRUE personality. He is truly a good man with a bright personality but after being abused for so long, those behaviors/personalities have been shoved so far down his throat that they may not come back up.
He has a bad habit of asking you what you thought about every single piece of art you passed. The conversations were great but this is a date after all. The playful conversation slowly turns into a lecture about art. Although you loved your bf’s dictionary-like brain it also drained your energy.
One of his favorite artists is Vincent Van Gough. Although he favors surrealism, Van Gogh’s art style was mind-blowing to him. So amazed that he buys several Van Gogh t-shirts from the gift shop.
His favorite piece created by Van Gough is “Starry Night”.
He notices that you are becoming bored and decides that it is time for MORE excitement, one that you are certain to enjoy.
“Where are we going,” you ask, pretending to be interested.
“Down to the basement. We are going to have a bite to eat.”
Since Illumi rarely smiled, when he did smile it drove you wild. The anticipation of what his next move was going to be is what drove that wildness. Being a bounty hunter was thrilling already but dating a smart, badass assassin was totally out of your league but it worked out.
Headcanon 3: Illumi’s idea of being romantic is dramatically different from yours. He believes just spending time with you on the couch was enough. He is correct; but if you have the time and funds, your time together should be a little spontaneous. You insisted on dates outside of the house because his family will not stay out of your business.
“Illumi, I am too hungry for more trivia.”
He chuckles. “Don’t worry. So am I. That is why I’ve decided to take you to a wine and cheese party.”
Huh? Wine and Cheese at 3PM? That’s ok. When was there a time limit on when you can drink alcohol?
Illumi has indirectly attended parties as such when he was 15 years old. He never drank, but he watched as his mother’s friends (surprisingly) talked about business and their children. This time, you weren’t going to talk about business for once. Instead, you two were going to actually talk about what couples discuss.
Headcanon 4: When introduced to alcohol for the first time, Illumi immediately stated how he hated brown liquor. That includes Hennessy, Jack Daniels, etc. It makes him sick to his stomach. He prefers to drink Smirnoff mixed with fruity drinks like strawberry or pineapple.
He loves it when you make these drinks for him on a summer day.
Hence the title wine and cheese, you both go to a stand-up table, place your brochures down, and actually have a wonderful conversation not involving work or hunting.
Illumi smiled a few times, more than usual. Whenever he appears to be softer even around you, that is because he has mellowed out and doesn't have the overbearing weight of his family on his shoulders. You set him free.
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According to a one-shot that another manga artist created, they expressed that Hisoka was found on the side of the road, was taken in by someone that worked at a local circus, and learned Nen in a matter of days. Hisoka’s clown look and having the skills of a magician proves that this has to be canon in some way.
Headcanon 1: Given this potential backstory, going to a carnival is his go-to every summer. He wants to take you to a circus but saves that for you as an engagement gift.
Everyone with a heart knows that whether or not you’re in a relationship or not the carnival is fun as hell! Expensive fried food, elephant ears, funnel cake, ICEE’s, rides, and stuffed animals are to die for!
Being at a carnival relaxes him so his bloodlust isn’t activated unless someone bumps into him and causes a scene.
Headcanon 2: PDA is something that Hisoka does well; he doesn’t overdo it but does it enough where people get the impression that you are a couple and aren’t “best friends”.
While completing a mission depending on how rough it may be, he insists that you tag along to see how he handles the situation. You’ve already seen his ruthlessness from Hunter’s exam but he insists.
His sense of pride gets the best of him sometimes. Sometimes his head is so big that it reminds you of a large birthday balloon.
Headcanon 3: ANYWAY, given his nature, he is very adventurous, dangerous, and courageous. If he wants to go on the Demon Drop, he’ll do it and you DO not have a choice in the matter. He’ll tease or guilt trip you into doing something that you would not like to do.
“Well, you wouldn’t want me to cling on to someone else, would you?”
“No. Of course not,” you reply.
“Let’s go then, scaredy-cat.”
As a hunter, you’ve seen worse. Why are you so afraid to go on a ride?
Headcanon 4: At apple orchards, cornfield mazes are one of his favorites. You cannot for the life of you figure out how to get out but he can. He grabs a scarecrow and scares you from behind. That annoys you but is nothing compared to later on that night.
Oh. My. God. It’s haunted house time!
“Hisoka, I’m not going in!”
“Why not? I’ll protect you.”
“Because they’re monsters and I already have to deal with one.”
It took him a second to catch on that you were talking about him.
“That’s going to bite you in the butt, kitten.”
Headcanon 5: Like Killua, Hisoka has a sweet tooth. Don’t allow his buff appearance to fool you!
He LOVES caramel apples, elephant ears, funnel cake, freshly squeezed lemonade, fudge, and cotton candy. How can this man manage to stay in shape? The world may never know.
Headcanon 6: He isn’t one to play by other people’s rules but he sets his own rules with your relationship that you both must obey. One of those rules says that neither of you can be on your phones while together.
Headcanon 7: Hisoka insists that you both wear either matching pants or matching shirts to avoid unnecessary flirtation.
He isn’t jealous but on “us time”, he doesn’t want to lose a single second.
Headcanon 8: Hisoka only jumps in when necessary. Given that you’ve passed the hunter’s exam and work as a bodyguard, he knows you can handle your business. If the person can’t take a hint, then he steps in. They almost back up immediately considering Hisoka is towering over them.
When the moon shines, you both go to the car and off to sleep in your comfy king-sized bed.
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We all know that Chrollo loves to read! What does he specifically like to read? What Genre? Does he like to read alone or with other people?
Although Chrollo is a thief and must be hidden in the shadows, the authorities have called off the search for him for at least 3 years. Slowly but surely, he begins to find himself in the outside world again.
Chrollo once discussed a book with the Phantom Troupe when they were being transported to another place for a mission. He read “Tears of a Tiger” by Sharon M. Draper.
The reading sessions are opened with an affirmation and a reason to be thankful to be alive. He says he is thankful for the troupe, glances at you, and smiles. No one catches on to that sly face except for Phinks.
Headcanon 1: Chrollo is very silent and shy to an extent. He only associates with people he knows and trusts. You are the social butterfly at this moment.
Chrollo tags along behind you like a shy child, holding your hand while you stick out your free hand to greet everyone.
Today, the book club was going to read “Divergent”.
Headcanon 2: Although he loves to read, he hates it when others read out loud. Most people are drably read and it annoys him. After a while, he takes over. Chrollo was tense the first 30 minutes of the meeting because two cops were there but neither of them noticed it was him.
Headcanon 3: Chrollo often acts the part of the character that he is reading in the book. His tone, attitude, and emphasis on certain words keep the group engaged. He is complimented on his acting!
“Good Job, honey,” you whisper.
He responds by tightly squeezing your hand.
His tone was so impressive that the host insisted that he read for the entire night. He was ok with that because in between reads he was often distracted by a lovely pair of jeans and shoes you had on. You were into writing, so hearing others read and act out the characters helped.
Headcanon 4: In some settings, Chrollo is very braggadocious. He insisted that the group read one of your stories so you could be provided with feedback.
“We’d be delighted to view your story, y/n!”
“It will be fun!”
The book club wasn’t a stereotypical club that only consisted of soccer moms but instead consisted of men and women who were involved with a business, law enforcement, health, etc. This was an open space for everyone to relax and forget about their demanding jobs.
After the meeting, the group went to dinner at a nearby pizzeria. You all enjoyed large pizzas, beer, salads, and dessert. How could your stomach (or anyone’s stomach) hold that much?
Chrollo laughed so much that it made you question if he was your actual boyfriend or not. He even engaged in conversations with the two off-duty cops! For once, you helped Chrollo experience the greater things in life; true love, friendship, and happiness.
“Thank you,” he whispered and slyly placed a kiss on your hand. “For everything.”
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atlafan · 4 years
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a/n: okay, here it is! a lot of you really wanted me to post this on here, SO THAT MEANS I’M GONNA SEE LOTS OF FEEDBACK AND REBLOGS, RIGHT?! Can’t wait to know what you think of this one! [Patreon] [Buy Me A Coffee] (not proofread) I was inspired by a lot of different things with this, it’s sort of like Scarlet Witch meets The Dragon Prince meets ATLA??? Also, Harry is a major himbo in this, and we love that for him.
Warnings: angst, fluff, flirting, magical fighting, smut (rim job)
Words: 22K
Pairing: Harry x OC (Amber Hale)
Song Inspo: High For This - The Weeknd
“What do you do with a BA in English?” The age-old question that was coined from the hit musical, Avenue Q. Harry thought he had the answer to that question, and it was go to graduate school to get his MEd in English. He’d get his K-12 certification, not that he wanted to work in a K-12 school system. No, he wanted to be a literary professor. He wanted to be able to have high level discussions about the classics, post-modernism, film adaptations, and more. He loved reading, ever since he was a little kid there was a book in his hands. There was just something about getting lost in a world that someone else created for a bit, and then analyzing the shit out of it.
He had already done a semester of student-teaching as a senior, he didn’t love it. He took a gap year trying to find a publishing company to work at. He thought he could maybe be an editor. Harry soon realized he didn’t like being told what to read, and the pay was pretty low. He even tried working at a bookstore for a bit. It wasn’t as much fun as he thought. So, at the age of twenty-four, he enrolled in a master’s program to get his Med in English. At least this time when he’d have to student-teach, he’d be doing it at a collegiate level. He knew he’d get stuck teaching a couple of sections of first-year composition, but he had no problem teaching students how to properly construct a paper. There were three classes he needed to take in the fall, all of them being online-asynchronous: Social Behavior in a Diverse Society, Philosophy, Ethics, & Education, and Teacher Action Research.  
Since Harry had a semester of teaching under his belt, he was able to get a better paying grant, and wouldn’t have to just TA, he could actually teach. He’d still be subject to observation, but at least he could be trusted. So, he’d be teaching two sections of Composition, and one section of Fiction Workshop, where students would read texts Harry picks out, and discuss them. Fiction was his favorite, so he was really excited to be teaching this particular course.
The university he was attending was on the east coast in the states, a very picturesque college town by the seacoast. Harry loved fall, so he was happy about getting to be immersed in the season. So, he had his courses settled that he had to take, he knew what he was teaching and set up his Canvas pages, the last thing he needed to figure out was a place to live. He had been staying at a motel in the area, but that was starting to get pricey. He looked around online, but there wasn’t much out there. He also didn’t want to get stuck living with a bunch of undergrads that were loud and partied. He asked the other faculty in the English department if they knew of anything, but they didn’t.
Harry decided to go for a walk in the downtown area, and see if there were any ads in some of the shop windows. A lot of the buildings looked to be apartments up top. On his walk, he noticed an interesting looking café. There were other coffee shops in town, and this one looked to be almost deserted. Harry shrugs his shoulders and heads inside. A chime sounds as he walks in, and he sees that it’s almost like a country store. There’re tee shirts, sweatshirts, scarves, gloves, books, knick-knacks, and treats. This seemed like a neat little place, why wouldn’t there be a lot of people here? It was still summer, maybe it was more of a college student hangout?
Even though it was still summer, the place smelled like cinnamon and apples. The fresh smell of coffee wafted through the air as well. From the back comes a woman wearing a green apron over her clothes, dusting her hands off. Harry stops in his tracks as he looks at her. She had these piercing blue eyes that resembled sapphires. Her hair was up in a loose, wavy ponytail, the color being one of those silver/lavender mixes, a contrast to her dark eyebrows. She was a short thing, couldn’t have been a little more than five feet tall. Her nails were painted black, and she had this gorgeous necklace hanging around her neck. She also had various piercings in her ears, and a silver hoop in her left nostril.
“May I help you?” She asks Harry just as a Siberian husky comes trotting out by her side.
“Hi! I’m new to the area, and I was just strolling by and saw your shop…um, do you have iced tea?”
“Yeah.” She nods slowly. “Come over to the counter.” The dog circles around Harry, sniffing at his legs. “Are you okay with dogs?”
“Love ‘em! Boy, girl?”
“She’s a girl, her name is Opal.”
“That’s a lovely name.” Harry smiles, and leans down a bit to let Opal sniff his hand. “She’s a beautiful dog.”
“Thank you. So…you said you wanted an iced tea? Here’s the list of flavors.” She taps a laminated paper that’s taped to the counter.
“Right, yeah, um…what do you recommend?”
She furrows her brows at him for a moment, studying his face.
“I just drink the plain, black tea with a dash of sugar syrup.”
“Then I’ll have that.” He smiles.
She nods, gets a cup to fill with ice, and goes into one of the small fridges where the tea was chilling. She adds the syrup and then the tea, then snaps a sippy-cup style lid on top.
“Here you go. That’ll be $3.99.”
Harry sets a five-dollar-bill on the counter.
“Keep the change.”
“Thanks.” She puts the rest in the tip jar.
“What’s your name? You’re not wearing a tag or anything.” He says before taking a sip of the tea.
“It’s Amber.”
“Amber! Oh, is that why you’re wearing one?” He points to her necklace.
“Well, I was given this when I was a little girl.” She says as she looks down at it, then back up to him.
“Do you mind if I peruse around the store a bit? Although, I shouldn’t be buying any trinkets until I actually find a place to put them.”
“What do you mean?” She blinks at him. Who was this man and why was he being so friendly with her?
“I’m new to the area, and I’ve been having a tough time finding a place to live. I’m at one of the nearby hotels, but I can’t stay there much longer. You wouldn’t happen to know of any vacant apartments, would you?”
“Sure she does!” Another woman comes out from the back. “Amber owns the whole building, which means she owns the apartments upstairs.”
“Penny.” Amber seethes, and then looks at Harry. “I’m sorry, I don’t rent to college students.”
“I’m a graduate student, and I’m also going to be teaching. M’not loud, and I keep things tidy. I’d be happy to fill out an application if you like.” He smiles. “Plus, I could be a walking advertisement for the place because this tea is incredible.”
“The shop does well for itself.” Amber mutters.
“Oh, just give the boy an application.” Penny says.
“Fine.” Amber sighs, and ducks down to grab an application. She hands it to Harry reluctantly. “My email is on the bottom. Just scan it and send it to me that way, and I’ll get back to you.”
“I’ll make sure of it.” Penny smiles. “Parking’s included.” Amber glares at her. “Well, I’m just going to head back to the back, take stock of things.”
“You do that.” Amber says, shaking her head, and then looking at Harry. “She’s a good worker, but she’s nosey as shit. So, you’re a grad student?”
“Mhm, and I’m twenty-four, so I’m not fresh out of undergrad either. I’m going for my MEd in English, and I’ll be teaching a few classes as well. I’m excited to get started.”
“English, huh?”
“Mhm.” Harry smiles.
“You must really like to read.”
“I do.” He nods. “Do you?”
“No, I hate it actually.”
“But…there are so many books here.”
“Yeah, the majority of them are cook books, or informational books about the area. I’ve never really cared for reading. It’s a waste of time, if I’m being honest.”
“A…a waste of time?” He blinks at her.
“If I’m reading, it’s so I can learn something.”
“But even if it’s fiction, you can still learn so many life lessons.”
“Maybe worry about teaching that to your students instead of me. I’m a lost cause.” She smirks. “I need to finish up what I was doing in the back, so if you still want to peruse…”
“No, uh, I’ll get out of hair. I’ll email this over to you later tonight. It was nice meeting you.” He looks down at Opal who was eyeing him carefully. “And it was nice meeting you too, gorgeous girl.” He smiles, and leaves the shop.
Amber takes a deep breath and heads into the back where Penny is. She glares at her, and it makes Penny laugh.
“You could use a new tenant.” Penny says to her.
“I don’t need you finding one for me.”
“He’s cute.”
“He’s annoying.” Amber deadpans. “Practically told me his whole life story!”
“He clearly felt comfortable around you.”
“So? He’s an English professor or something, how pretentious.” She makes a disgusted noise.
“Just give his application a fair shot, would you?”
“I will, but only because if I don’t I know you’ll keep bugging me about it.”
Harry couldn’t believe that he just heard with his own two ears that reading was a waste of time. He knew there were people that didn’t care for it in the way that he did, but Amber said she hated it. He couldn’t fret over it too much, though, because either way he still needed an apartment, and she had a vacancy open. So, when he got back to the hotel later that day, he worked on his application, and emailed it over to Amber. The name of shop was cute: Opal’s Café & Convenience. He found it endearing that she named it after her dog. Amber seemed rough around the edges, but maybe Harry could be the one to smooth her out a bit.
Much to Amber’s dismay, Harry was the perfect applicant. He didn’t have any pets, he wouldn’t be throwing wild parties, his credit checked out, and his references were solid. Amber would be stupid not to let him take one of her apartments. She emailed him back and let him know it was his if he wanted it, and when he could move in. In the email, she attached a list of rules he’d need to follow when being one of her tenants. She lived in the building as well, and she valued her privacy. She explained that she would often make a lot of tea in her own apartment, so Harry might catch a whiff once in a while.
Harry was so thrilled he’d have an actual place to live just in time for school starting that he agreed to all of her conditions. So what if he’d smell tea once in a while? There were far worse smells out there. Harry packed everything into his car, and headed over to the building as soon as he could. He found his parking spot, and started moving things up. His apartment was on the floor beneath Amber’s. She had the entire top floor to herself. Harry was surprised that he’d have the whole second floor to himself. It was a spacious one bedroom that he was grateful for. He was drenched with sweat by the time he got the last of things upstairs. The first thing on his list was to install his air conditioner. He tore his shirt off, kept the front door open for some airflow, and got to work putting the air conditioner in the main window of the living room. It was the space he’d be in most, so he wanted it cooler in there. He could always leave his bedroom door open or just use a fan at night.
Amber was heading down the stairs with Opal, and noticed Harry’s door was open. She was about to get to work opening the shop. Her eyes widen when she sees that he’s shirtless, littered with tattoos. He just happens to turn and see her standing in the doorway.
“Oh, hi!” He smiles, and walks over to the door, bending a bit to pet Opal.
“Everything going okay so far?” Amber asks.
“Mhm.” Harry nods, crossing his arms. “Just got the A/C installed, so it’ll be nice and cool soon. Thanks again for letting me rent from you.”
“Yeah, well…it’s money.” She shrugs. “Look, uh, there’s a basement here too, don’t go down there. It’s locked anyways, but I keep all of the supplies for the shop in the basement, so…it’s off limits.”
“Oh, no worries. I’ve got plenty of space up here. I don’t have a bike or anything, so I don’t think I’d even need the extra storage.”
“Good.” She nods. “Well, I’m headed down to open up. See you around.” She snaps her fingers to get Opal’s attention, and they go downstairs. Once they’re down in the shop, Amber notices Opal looking at her. “Don’t even start, I already know you’re on Penny’s side.” She sighs.
“He is awful cute.” Opal says. She and Amber could communicate telepathically.
“I have more important things to focus on, we have more important things to focus on.” Amber crouches down to her dog. “You realize we can’t just chat freely with him around.”
“It’s the same with the college kids. He might think it’s cute that you talk to your dog.”
“I don’t really care what he thinks.” Amber rolls her eyes and stands up. “I have to get the coffee and tea going. Could you check the shelves and see what herbal teas we’re low on?”
Opal nods, and heads over to the aisles to take stock of everything. Amber gets the coffee and tea brewing so it’s fresh for the customers. Penny comes in an hour or so later to make some fresh biscotti while Amber was working on making more herbal tea. Amber’s herbal teas were quite popular with the college students. Were they laced with a little magic? Maybe, but it was all for a good cause. She had special anti-stress and anxiety teas, sleepy time teas, wake-up teas, and some teas that could put someone in the mood, but she didn’t advertise those often.  She didn’t want anyone taking advantage of anyone else, she only sold it to people who knew to ask for it, and they had to sign a waiver.
Certain coffees had some magic involved too. There were coffees that were ground with something to help people focus for long period of time, coffees for all-nighters, and more. She lived in a pretty liberal area where people were super into different types of “wellness”. There were so many people that would rather try drinking an herbal tea, than take a pill, so she used that to her advantage. No one ever really questioned why her products worked so well.
Amber had been living pretty peacefully the last few years, but as of late she felt this odd disturbance. Something bad happened in the spring. Something came after Opal. Amber almost lost her best friend in the world. She had been trying to track down whatever the fuck it was, but the trail had run cold. She took the time to train and work on some of her spells. Opal explained that Amber should be able to just think and cast instead of having to say the spell out loud. She had gotten a lot better at it, and she had gotten a lot better at throwing a punch. Whatever the fuck that thing was, she’d be ready for it. Amber also didn’t want anything bad happening to the college students. They were so vulnerable as it was, but a lot of them would walk around intoxicated at night, making them the perfect target. She felt protective over her college town, she wasn’t going to let anything happen to anyone.
That’s why she had a chip on her shoulder when it came to Harry. She didn’t exactly trust the new guy, especially since he came right to her shop, and asked about a place to live. It was rather peculiar, but she thought it would be better to keep a close eye on him, so she accepted his application. No one else seemed too bothered by him, and she didn’t exactly appreciate the glances Penny and Opal gave her when it came to him. Yes, he was cute, but Amber had a hardened heart that couldn’t be so easily sueded by a handsome man with a kind a smile.
Harry couldn’t believe how packed the shop was once the college kids were back in town. Amber did really well for herself. He liked living above the shop a lot. Sometimes he’d buy a coffee, find a place to sit, and get some grading done, or do some homework of his own. Sometimes he’d catch Amber looking at him, a deep furrow in her dark brows. He’d give her a soft smile, and she’d just look away. Opal liked sitting by his feet. Any time he’d sit down for a bit to get some work done, there she was. He loved dogs, so he was happy she seemed to take a liking to him.
“Hey, Professor Styles!” A girl in one of his composition classes, Zoey, says to him.
“Oh, uh…it’s Zoey, right?” He looks up from his laptop.
“Mhm.” She nods. “You like to hang out here?”
“I live upstairs, actually. I like to come down here for a change of scenery. Do you come here a lot?”
“Oh, definitely. My friends and I come here almost every day. Amber has some of the best tea and coffee I’ve ever had. I was just stopping in to stock up on her sleepy time tea.”
“Sleepy time tea?”
“Yeah! Puts me right to sleep after having a small cup. You should try it.”
“Zoey, come on!” One of her friends says.
“I better go, it was nice seeing you!”
Harry waves to Zoey as she leaves to go down one of the aisles. He gets back to his work. He was doing some research for his philosophy class. He had to look into the different philosophies of various educators from a list his professor gave him. Without even realizing it, he skipped dinner, and ended up being the last person in the shop.
“Glad to see you’re making the most out of having free Wi-Fi.” Amber scoffs as she crosses her arms. “We’re closed.”
“Shit, I’m so sorry.” Harry scrambles to pack up his things. “Time must have gotten away from me.” He looks down at his watch and sees that it’s nearly 9PM. “Fuck, I need to get to sleep. Hey, could I buy some of that sleepy time tea you sell? One of my students was telling me about it earlier.”
“Sure, you can buy a pound for fifteen dollars.” She grabs a bag of it and they both go up to the counter so she can ring him up.
“Must be good stuff if college kids can afford that.” He hands her exact change.
“It lasts a while.”  She purses her lips briefly. “You may have some…vivid dreams. It’s really, um, potent, especially if it’s your first time drinking it.”
“Do you make it yourself?”
“I do.” She nods. “I promise it’s all FDA approved.” She smirks.
“I trust you, no worries.” He chuckles. “Do you need any help cleaning up?”
“No, I’m all set. Penny’s in the back still, I’ve got all the help I need.”
“Alright, well, have a good night.” He smiles.
“You too.” She watches as he heads out the door in the back to go upstairs. Amber looks down at Opal. “You need to stop sitting by him so much. He’s going to think I’m staring at him every time I look over at you.”
“I can’t help it! He smells nice.” Opal says.
“I don’t care what he smells like. We need to be cautious.”
“You worry too much. Whatever that thing was caught me on a lunar eclipse, so I couldn’t transform fully. Had I been able to, I never would have gotten hurt.”
“Yeah, and it probably knew that. Probably want to make you transform into a wolf full time. You’d become rabid.”
“I’m well aware of that. I’d be able to sniff out anything demonic about him, especially by now. He seems genuine.”
“Good for him.”
“Would you two give it a rest?! You’re giving me a headache.” Penny says as she comes out from the back. “We have receipts to go over.”
Harry took a quick shower when he got up to his apartment, and then made his tea. It tasted really good, like, the best chamomile he ever had. He only drank about half of it when his eyes started to droop while watching to TV on the sofa. So, he got his butt into bed, and fell asleep almost immediately. Amber was right about him having vivid dreams.
There he was, walking through a forest at night. He had no idea where he was going, but let his legs take him there regardless. There was a glowing light that intrigued him, so he made his way over to it. As he approached, he saw a woman from behind, her hair flowing in the breeze and her hands glowing with what looked like electrical currents. He steps on a twig by accident, catching her attention. She looks over her shoulder at him, her eyes glowing a white-hot blue.
“What are you doing here?” She says, floating in the air above him. He falls to bum and looks up at her.
“I…I don’t know.” He swallows. “What are you doing here?”
“You need to get out of here it isn’t safe!” She scolds him.
“M’sorry, I don’t even know how I ended up here.” He scrambles to his feet, and she lowers herself to the ground. Her hair was still flowing, her eyes and hands still glowing. “I saw the light and just followed it I guess. Is there a way for you to turn that off? It’s pretty bright.”
The woman takes a deep breath, and closes her eyes. Her hands stop glowing, and when she opens her eyes, all Harry sees is a familiar sapphire color. He realizes who it is once her hair settles. It was that same silver/lavender color that Amber had.
“Amber?” His eyebrows shoot up as he looks at her. “What’s going on?”
“Nothing that you need to concern yourself with. Get out of here, now.” Her eyes glow again, as well as her hands, and she shoots up into the night sky without another word.
“What in the actual fuck?” Harry says to himself.
Harry woke up to his alarm the next morning not feeling groggy at all. In fact, he had never felt so refreshed after a night’s sleep! He quickly grabs his phone and opens the notes app before forgetting his dream. It was so bizarre and weird, he wasn’t quite sure what it meant, if anything at all. Why would he have a dream about Amber? And why would he dream about her glowing the way she did? He hadn’t watched Harry Potter recently, or anything of the like.
He gets dressed for the day, and decides to go into the shop for his morning coffee. The place was already bustling with early birds. Amber was behind the counter getting coffee and tea orders out. It astounded Harry that she was able to do so much by herself. He waits in line, saying hello to some of his students in the process.
“Good morning, what can I…oh, hi, Harry.” Amber sighs. “What would you like?”
“I’ll take an iced coffee, please, black.” He smiles as she nods. “That tea really put me to sleep last night. You were right, I had an odd dream.” She freezes for a moment as she scoops the ice cubes into the cup. “You were in it, actually.”
“That’ll be $3.50.” She says flatly as she sets the cup of coffee down on the counter. He hands her his card, and she runs it through the machine.
“You’re not even the least bit curious as to what I dreamed about?”
“Nope.” She smirks. “I don’t need to hear about your wet dreams.”
“It wasn’t a…I didn’t…” He shakes his head as his face flushes. “It wasn’t like that.”
“I’ve got a line of customers waiting.” She slides his card back to him.
“Can we talk later?”
“Harry, whatever it was, it was just a dream. So I was in it, so what? I’m flattered you were thinking of me, but don’t worry about it.”
“It’s just that…the strangest thing happened. Your eyes were glowing, and your hands were too, but, like, a different type of glowing, and we were in this forest. Oh! And you were, like, flying or floating, or something like that. Your hair was kind of glowing too.”
“You read too much fiction.” She rolls her eyes. “Buh-bye.”
“Next!” She shouts, and it makes him flinch. He grabs his drink and leaves. Amber looks down at Opal, who was about to say something, but Amber shakes her head as to warn her.
“Amber, we need to talk about this.”
“Later, I have customers.” She whispers down at Opal, and looks at the next person in line. “Good morning.” She smiles.
Harry was so distracted during his classes, he ended up showing the movie version of The Grapes of Wrath to his fiction workshop class. It worked with the unit they were since they were discussing historical fiction. He wanted to know why Amber was so cold to him even though she was plenty kind to just about everyone else that stepped through her shop. He also wanted to discuss his dream with her. It felt so real, and he wanted to know why. He had a few students come see him during his office hours, and he tried to be as present as possible for those. There was one girl in his fiction class that came to just about all of his office hours, and normally he didn’t mind, but he had a lot of course work to do, and some grading to get done. He was also in a rush to get back to the shop.
“Hi, Professor Styles.” Whitney smiles.
“Hi, Whitney.” Harry sighs as she sits down.
“Are you feeling alright today?”
“Just a little stressed. I’ve got some work for the classes I’m taking to get done.”
“It’s so cool that you’re a grad student. You’re so good at teaching, I never would have guessed you weren’t a full professor.” She had a tendency to flirt with him. She was a senior, and twenty-one. In any other scenario, Harry probably would have gone for it since he was only a few years older, but he wasn’t about to start dating a student.
“Thanks, that means a lot. Listen, uh, I know we usually chat for a bit, but I really need to get some work done, so unless this is class related…”
“Oh.” She sits up a little straighter. “Um, I guess I don’t really have any questions…I will say, watching the movie helped me understand the book a little better. I was supposed to read it in high school, but I just used spark notes back in the day.”
“Good! I’m glad you have a better understanding of the themes.”
“Well, I guess I’ll see you later. Have a good weekend!”
“Thanks, Whitney, you too.”
They smile at each other before she leaves. He runs a hand through his hair, and attempts to get some of his grading done. Once he makes a decent enough dent, he packs his things and heads to the shop. He finds an open table to sit at, and gets to work on his courses. He was sitting near one of the aisles with the mood enhancing tea.
“I’m telling you, I’ve never been so wet in my life.” Normally, Harry wouldn’t eavesdrop, but a sentence like that was something he couldn’t just ignore. “This stuff really works.”
“Okay, but how was Robbie?”
“Hard as a rock, and desperate to please. He went down on me for, like, twenty minutes! He said I never tasted so good. We fucked for, like, an hour total. It was incredible. I’m definitely buying this stuff again. I couldn’t recommend it enough.”
“Does it taste good?”
“Mhm, like strawberries. I think that’s why it makes for such a good aphrodisiac. There’s a chocolate flavor too, but Amber said that one’s really strong, and it’s better to start out with the strawberry flavor.”
“Oh, damn, I’ll have to ask her about it then. Look, she restocked the anti-anxiety tea! The blueberry flavor is my absolute favorite.”
“I like the lemon, personally, but to each their own.”
Harry couldn’t believe what he heard, more so at the beginning of the girls’ conversation. How the fuck was he supposed to concentrate on his work now? He needed to wait out the customers like he did the night before. Opal comes trotting over to him like usual.
“Hey, there, pretty girl.” He pats the top of her head. “Thought about you today. You gonna curl up around my feet again?” Opal does just that and lets out a such that makes Harry chuckle. As the sun sets, and less people are in the shop, Harry finishes up his work. He notices Amber wiping down the tables. “Hey.” He says to her, standing up and walking over to her. “Could we talk?”
“Is this still about your dream? I told you might have some weird, vivid ones with it being your first time drinking the tea.”
“It’s just…I don’t know why I would have dreamt something like that. I asked you what was wrong, and you told me it was nothing I needed to worry about.”
“Hm, sounds like dream me is a lot like the actual me.” She smirks. Harry frowns slight, and she sighs. “You’re really worked up about this, huh?”
“A little, yeah.”
Amber looks down at Opal, and then back to Harry.
“I wish I could be more help, but it was just a dream, Harry. Try having some more tea tonight and see what you dream about.” She looks down at her watch. “I need to close up early, I have somewhere to be in a bit.”
“Oh, uh, do you have a date, or something?”
“What? No.” She scoffs. “I take Opal for a long walk on Friday nights. She gets antsy if we don’t leave on time.”
“Is that safe?”
“Of course it is.” She blinks at Harry. “We just go walking through some of the neighborhoods with the students live off campus.”
“Could I join you? Haven’t explored the area all that much.”
“Wouldn’t it be weird for you? In case you run into your students?”
“Nah.” He shrugs. “Doubt they’ll recognize me in the dark.”
“Let him come with us.” Opal says, and Amber glares down at her. “I know we were going for a hunt, but it might be good to get to know him better. His dream could mean something.”
“Ugh, fine!” Her voice startles Harry a bit. “Be at your door in ten minutes with some sensible shoes on.” She looks down at the loafers he’s wearing. “You’ll wanna wear sneakers, Grandpa.”
Ten minutes later, Harry was waiting outside his door for Amber. He decided to wear his light-wash jeans and a windbreaker, along with his glasses. Amber came down the stairs with Opal wearing a long black jacket, and black jeans tucked into a pair of combat boots. Her hair was down for a change, Harry thought it looked beautiful.
“Ready?” She asks him.
“Mhm, you’re not going to put a leash on Opal?”
“Nah, she’s not the type to run away.” They both head down the stairs and out the back door to the street. They make their way to the off-campus neighborhood.
“I’ve been meaning to ask, how long have you been dying your hair that color? It’s really pretty.”
“Your roots never show either, do you touch it up at home?”
“I don’t dye my hair.”
“Amber, remember who you’re talking to.” Opal says.
“I mean, uh, I have a hairdresser do it.” She smiles weakly at Harry. “I go every six weeks like clockwork. My hair’s, uh, naturally blonde, so my roots don’t show.”
“Really? But your eyebrows are so dark?”
“Dye those too.” Amber hated lying about herself, but there was nothing she could really do about it. “I don’t really like talking about myself, um, let’s talk about you. How come you’re going to grad school here and teaching?”
“Well, I love literature, reading and whatnot. I have a degree in English Education, but I wanna teach at a collegiate level, so I got into the master’s program here, and they’re letting me teaching. I’m technically a grad assistant, but I have my own classes.” They cross the street, and head up a slight hill. “Sort of hurt a bit when you said you hated reading.” He chuckles.
“I’m not going to apologize for that. I genuinely hate it if it’s not for research.”
“Did something make you not like reading as a kid?”
“I didn’t have much of a chance to read as a kid.” She mutters. “I went to an agricultural boarding school growing up, not much time for reading fantasy books when you’re working the land.”
“Wow! Why’d you do that?”
“I didn’t really have of a choice.”
“How come?”
“I just didn’t. I don’t really want to talk about it.”
“Well, is that how you got so good at making tea and coffee? I overheard some girls talking earlier, uh, you make an aphrodisiac?”
“I make a few, yeah. What did you hear?”
“That they work really well.” He smirks.
“They do. I only put out the best.”
“What would make you put out a product like that?”
“Sex sells.” She grins at him.
“Have you ever tested your product?”
“Sure, I test all of them to make sure they work properly.”
“And you found that it worked properly?” He smirks.
Amber is about to make a smart remark when she hears a blood curdling scream. She and Opal look at each other before sprinting off in the direction of the scream. Harry’s puzzled, and concerned, so he runs after them. He couldn’t believe how fast Amber could run. They all hear the scream again, and run towards the beginning of one of the walking trails. Harry loses sight of Amber and Opal as they run deeper into the woods. Harry’s stumped on where they could have gone. He uses the flashlight on his phone to help him see better.
“Help!” He hears a woman yell, and runs towards the sound.
When he gets closer, he starts getting major déjà vu. It was just like his dream. He stops short when he finds Amber and Opal. Opal’s eyes were glowing a striking blue and so were Amber’s. Amber’s necklace was glowing bright orange too. There was a woman on the ground, knocked unconscious. There was some odd shadow looming over her. All of a sudden, Amber’s hands start glowing, and what looks like electricity comes from her fingertips. It latches around the shadow like shackles, and it bellows a horrible sound.
“Who sent you?!” Amber yells to the shadow, but before she can get an answer, it vanishes. “Son of a bitch!”
“Amber.” Opal says. “Harry…”
Amber looks over at Harry, who she had completely forgotten about. Her necklace, eyes, and hands stop glowing. She looks down at the woman on the ground. She looked like a college student. Amber sighs, and raises her hands up, thus levitating the woman.
“Can you carry her? I’ll explain later.” Amber says.
Harry nods, and cautiously takes the woman in his arms, carrying her bridal style. Amber puts her hand on one of Harry’s shoulders, and blinks. Next thing Harry knows, they’re back on one of the streets in the neighborhood. Amber places her hand on the girl’s forehead, and takes a deep breath. Her eyes glow for a moment before she takes her hand away. She snaps her fingers, and the girl disappears from Harry’s arms.
“What the fu-“ Amber snaps her fingers again, and they’re in her apartment. “Fuck!” Harry pants, totally freaked out.
“Okay, calm down.”
“Calm down? Calm down?! How do you expect me to calm down?!”
“If you don’t then she won’t be able to explain.” Opal says.
“Did she just talk?” Harry points to Opal.
“Yeah…she must be allowing you to hear her.” Amber shrugs.
“Right.” Harry’s eyes roll back, and he faints, dropping to the floor.
“And here I was thinking I’d have to force him to drink some tea to make him think this was all a dream.”
“Don’t you think he deserves an explanation? He literally had a dream where something similar happened! What if he’s some sort of mage too, but just doesn’t know it?”
“How could he not know it?”
“Not everyone’s born into it like you were. Maybe something drew him here, and maybe things activated when he drank the tea.”
“What do you want me to do, wake him up and explain everything to him? No way, I’m not diving in deep with a stranger.”
“But if you just-“
“Enough!” Amber’s eye glow warningly. “What I say goes.” She snaps her fingers, sending Harry down to his own bed. “He’ll just think he had another wild dream.”
“Wouldn’t that be suspicious?”
“Not if I give him something.” She grins. “I’ll be back in a minute.” Amber snaps herself down to Harry’s bedroom. She sprinkles some dried strawberry dust over his open mouth. “Sweet dreams.” She nearly cackles, and snaps herself back upstairs. “With the dream he’s about to have, he won’t be recalling a damn thing. It’s better if he doesn’t know.”
“We’ll see about that, stubborn girl.”
Harry wakes up Saturday in a cold sweat. He couldn’t remember how he ended up in bed, or taking his clothes off. He rips the blankets back and winces when the cold air hits his stiffy. He was used to being hard in the morning, but not like this. His prick was swollen and throbbing, begging to be taken care of.
“Jesus fucking Christ.” He spits into his hand and grips himself.
He hisses from his own touch. He tries to remember last night. He recalls going for a walk, and then not much else. He jerks himself off until he comes. When he does, he swears a wank has never felt so good. He makes a proper mess of his tummy and heads for the shower. As he’s washing his hair, he notices he’s still hard, like, really hard. Not the post orgasm hard before he softens, it was like he hadn’t come at all. He sighs heavily, and starts pumping himself again. He grips at the tile on the walls as he whimpers and whines until he comes again.
When he gets out of the shower, and walks towards his dresser, he feels a throbbing between his legs. He looks down and sees that he’s hard again. Now he’s just annoyed. He had no idea what was going on. Unfortunately, he knew it wasn’t gonna go away on its own, so he jerks off a third time. He gets dressed, and goes upstairs to Amber’s apartment. He knocks on the door, but doesn’t hear anything.
“Amber, you home?!” He knocks again, but there’s nothing. She didn’t open until noon on Saturdays, where could she be?
He heads down the stairs, and peers into the shop, but doesn’t see anyone. He hears some noises coming from the basement door. He sighs and goes over to it. He knows he’s not supposed to go down there, but he needed answers. He knocks on the door loudly.
“Amber, you down there?!” He jiggles the door handle, and much to his surprise, it’s unlocked. “Amber?” Harry makes his way downstairs, and is stunned with what he sees. There were dozens of bookcases filled with old looking books, and bottles full of different liquids and leaves.
“Harry!” Amber shouts as she storms towards him. “You’re not supposed to be down here!”
“The door was unlocked.”
“Fucking.” She pinches the bridge of her nose. “I’ll have to talk with Penny. Go upstairs, now.”
“What is all of this stuff?”
“It doesn’t concern you.”
“Is this a weird meth lab or something? Are you a drug dealer? Is that what you’re really selling to the students?” He gasps for a moment. “Are you selling them ecstasy?”
“What?! You’re a fucking moron!”
“Then explain what’s going on because I woke up with a raging boner this morning, and it took a really long time for it to go away, and I also can’t remember a thing that happened last night, so I want some answers!”
“Wait, you woke up the boner?”
“How is that the thing you’re focusing on?”
“You were supposed to have a wet dream. Did you dream about anything?”
“No, one second I was on a walk and the next I woke up in my bed all sweaty and hard.”
“You’re telling me. Now-“
“No, it’s weird because what I gave you had a delayed effect.”  She walks over to one of the shelves and pulls out a book. She flips through one of the pages. “Ohhhh.” She nods, closes the book, and puts it back. “I sprinkled some strawberry dust in your mouth from my dried stash, it’s extremely potent, that’s why I make it into a tea. Um, when it’s used the way I used it…it’s supposed to make you have a wet dream. I think it delayed because you passed out last night.”
“I did?!”
“Yes.” She sighs, and snaps her fingers, bringing them to her apartment.
“Amber, I’m about two seconds away from-“
“Have a seat.” She points to her couch, and sits down. He sits down next to her, but not too close.
“Where’s Opal?”
“Out shopping with Penny. She upset with me because of last night. She wanted me to tell you everything, but I didn’t want to. I guess I don’t really have a choice now.”
“What do you mean she wanted you to tell me?” Harry blinks.
“May I press my forehead to yours? It’ll be easier to explain that way.”
“Um, sure?”
Amber grips the back of Harry’s neck, pulling him closer. It was almost like she was about to kiss him, but she doesn’t. She presses her forehead to Harry’s, and her eyes start glowing. Harry suddenly has flashes of everything from the night before. She lets go of him, and gives him a moment to process everything.
“Holy shit.” He says, blinking a few times. “So my dream did mean something.”
“That’s what I’ve been trying to figure out. You had some sort of vision, and I have no idea why.”
“What are you then?”
“I’m a mage.”
“Which is what?”
“Well, it’s sort of like a witch, but less spooky. I can cast spells, and I have other abilities. I was born into it. My hair color is naturally like this, that’s why you haven’t seen my roots grow out.”
“Your necklace was glowing last night too. Does that have anything to do with it?”
“I’ve had this since I was born. It helps enhance things.” She grips the jewel for a moment. “It also keeps me safe.”
“From who?”
“People who might want me for their own selfish needs. I’ve been trying to track this…this thing down. A demon of some kind attacked Opal last spring. I thought I was close to finding it last night, but that shadow was just a minion.”
“Do you know why something might have attacked her?”
“We’ve…wait a second, you’re taking all of this in a little too easily. You’re not freaked out?”
“Most of the fiction I read is fantasy based.” He shrugs. “Besides, it’s hard to doubt something when you see it with your own eyes. So, why do you think something attacked her?”
“We’ve been trying to figure it out for months! We were out in the woods at night collecting some leaves. I turned my back for a second and I heard her yelp out. It was terrible. Luckily, it left before it could do some real damage. I don’t want it hurting her, or any of the college students. Seems like it’s back.”
“Can I ask…why have a shop that’s so obviously full of magic?”
“A lot of people are into natural healing methods these days. And this is a pretty granola town.” She shrugs. “I’ve been here the last four years. Things took off quickly.”
“Where were you before?”
“I told, you I went to an agricultural boarding school. It was for kids like me. I…don’t really know my parents, and I don’t have any siblings. They kind of just send you off once you’re of age to go to pre-school.”
“That sounds terrible.”
“It wasn’t.” She shakes her head. “Well, it was and it wasn’t. I learned how to keep myself safe, and learn how to properly use my powers. They let you leave when you’re twenty. I had all my firsts there. My first kiss, my first love, my first heartbreak.” She sighs.
“Is Penny a mage too?”
“Sort of.” Amber smiles. “She’s more a mother to me than my own. She practically raised me. When I left the school I asked her to come with me, and she agreed.”
“When did you get Opal?”
“When you’re little, around the age of six, they take you to a farm so you can connect with an animal. She was the cutest puppy I had ever seen. I bonded with her right away. We ran around and played and laughed. Opal’s my everything.”
“And she can talk with you and others telepathically?”
“Correct. She has to feel bonded to the people she allows to hear her. She’s felt comfortable with you since you got here…I’ve also been trying to figure that out. It pisses me off to no end that she likes you.”
“Why?” He chuckles.
“Because I can’t stand you. You’re so fucking positive and bouncy. You’re always in a good mood, it’s disgusting.” She grimaces.
“Well, I know being a mage can’t mean you’re crabby because Penny’s always delighted to see me.” He smirks. “It disgusts you that I’m happy?”
“Very much so, yes.” She nods.
“I can’t help it. I’ve got a great job, I’m studying something I’m interested in, and I get to see you every day. What could be better than that?”
“You’re happy because you get to see me every day?”
“Well, sure. You’re so interesting, and…I’m very attracted to you, but I’m sure that’s been obvious to you since I walked through the door.” He rubs the back of his neck as he blushes.
“I’m flattered, but I’m not really one for dating. I don’t have the time for it. Not when there’s a fucking demon on the loose that I can’t seem to track down.”
“Maybe I could help. Two heads are better than one.” He smiles.
“No, the only thing you can help with is keeping all of this to yourself. You can’t say a thing to anyone.”
“I won’t, I promise.”
She nods and takes her necklace off. Harry watches as she moves her fingers above the stone, and crates an amber ring from it.
“Here, you like to wear rings, so put this on.” She grabs one of his hands and slides the ring onto his pinky. “This will keep you safe. It’ll keep us connected.”
“Thank you for trusting me with all of this. Um, so about this morning…did you think I was going to be distracted by a saucy dream?” He smirks.
“It was supposed to make you forget everything entirely. I’m sorry it didn’t work right, that must have been painful. How many times did you, uh, you know, before it stopped?”
“Poor thing.” She pouts. “You must be exhausted.”
“I’m still a little tired, yeah.” He chuckles.
“Why don’t you go to take a nap? Penny and Opal should be back soon, and I need to catch them up on everything.”
“This isn’t some trick, right? You’re not going to try to cast a spell to make me forget?”
“No.” She chuckles. “I don’t see much use in it. Your body was clearly trying to fight off what I gave you.”
“Does, um, does it always last like that?”
“Oh, you mean staying hard after you come?”
“Yeah.” He blushes.
“Not if you fuck someone. If you’re alone and have to take care of it yourself it takes longer for it to wear off since you’re not exerting as much energy.” They both stand up and she walks him to her door. “Should have come knocking sooner, I could have helped you out.” She winks at him.
“That’s not funny.” He deadpans.
She laughs anyways, and sends him out. She snaps herself back to the basement where Opal and Penny are already waiting for her.
“Before so a word, I told him what he needed to know.” Amber tells them.
“The powder didn’t work?” Penny asks.
“No, apparently it didn’t kick in until just before he woke up. Poor thing had to jerk it three times.” Amber shrugs.
“See! This is why I think something is dormant within him. First, your tea causes him to have a vision. Second, the powder didn’t work. What did he say when you told him what was going on?” Opal says.
“He took it really well. The questions he asked were more for his understanding, to piece things together. He wasn’t freaked out at all.”
“Then that’s a third thing. We need to figure out what he is.”
“I know, but how? It’s not like I can experiment on him.�� Amber sighs.
“I’ve heard of this before.” Penny says, padding over to one of the book shelves. She makes a motion with her hands to get one of the books on the top shelf down. She brings the book over to the lectern so she and Amber could look at it together. Penny flips through the pages, and finds what she’s looking for. “Ah-ha! Here it is. Long ago, there were families that left the coven, wanting to leave the magic behind. It was when a lot of those awful witch hunts became popular. After a few generations, the families became unaware of their abilities, thus the magic lying dormant within. Apparently, all it takes to ignite the magic is meeting another witch, and drinking something magical they made for them. You’ve been making him tea and coffee for almost two months! Then you gave him that tea sleepy-time tea that’s laced with magic. No wonder he had a vision.” Penny shakes her head.
“I wonder if deep down he felt a pull here…to Amber.”
“Could be.” Penny ponders. “I’ve seen that happening too. Certain covens did have truces back in the day. You two could have been from two separate covens, but bonded nonetheless.”
“If you’re getting into some weird soulmate shit, I’m gonna have to head out.” Amber says.
“That’s not what I’m saying.” Penny shakes her head. “When’s his birthday?”
“Um, February, I think.” Amber says.
“Then is birthstone would be an amethyst.” Opal says.
“If you look at any color wheel you’ll see that purple and yellow are polar opposites.” Penny says.
“But they’re also complimentary colors.”
“Can one of you just get to the point?!” Amber huffs.
“You’re not soulmates, but you are connected. In our various covens, those with citrine birthstones, like yours, and those with amethyst birthstones tended to make great pairs. They’re good at problem solving together.”
“I made him a ring from my stone…should I add an amethyst to it?”
“No.” Opal says. “No, he’ll need that ring to stay as it is for safety. We need to get him his own necklace with the stone. Then we can see if it glows.”
“If it glows…he’s a mage.” Penny states.
“Great, where the fuck am I supposed to get a pure amethyst on such short notice?” Amber pinches the bridge of her nose. “Not to mention getting it welded into a necklace.”
“You’ll have to take him out to the Four Peaks Mine in Arizona. I can run the shop while you’re gone. You’ll take Opal with you, simple as that.”
“It’s not simple. He has classes to teach, and there’s a demon on the loose!”
“Yes, but you might be able to ward it off together. It’s Saturday, we could get there quick, and be back by tomorrow night. Plenty of time.” Opal says.
“That’s a long way to snap us there. We’ll need to sleep there tonight so I get gain my strength back.” Amber says.
“Then so be it.” Penny says. “I can handle things here. We’re only open a half day tomorrow as is. Where is he now?”
“Napping.” Amber sighs. “I’ll go wake him up. Opal, be ready in five?”
Opal nods, and Amber snaps herself into Harry’s apartment. She walks into his bedroom where he’s sleeping soundly. Poor thing was knackered. She sits on the edge of his bed, and gently pulls him out of sleep. His eyes flutter open slowly.
“Hi.” She smiles softly. “We have to go to Arizona for the night to get you an amethyst stone.”
“Um, okay…why?” He sits up a bit.
“It’s your birthstone, just as this is mine.” She points to her necklace. “We need to test something, and we need the pure substance to do so. We may be connected somehow, yellow and purple are complimentary colors.”
“Can I ask you something? If the birth stone is so important, why don’t you glow yellow instead of blue?”
“Blue and yellow are also complimentary colors, just as green and purple are. I was born in November, so it was already obvious what my stone would be, but when my parents saw my eyes for the first time…they knew I’d be powerful. Not all citrines are born with such blue eyes, only the most powerful. Your eyes are very green, so you may be quite powerful yourself, but we won’t know anything until we get to the mine. Pack an overnight bag, and be downstairs in five minutes.”
Without another word, she snaps herself out of his room, leaving him speechless.
“I’m really starting to hate it when she does that.” He says to himself before getting out of bed.
It was dusk by the time Amber was able to snap herself, Harry, and Opal to Arizona. Their first task was to find a motel to stay at for the night before heading to the mine. The biggest challenge was finding one that was pet friendly.
“The mines will be too dangerous for you two. I’ll go and bring back what we need by morning.”
“I can’t let you go alone.”
“Amber, you’ll know if something’s wrong. I’ll check in with you. Just get a room and rest up.”
Opal sprinted off into the night while Amber and Harry went to the check in area of the closest motel. They go inside to see what the vacancy situation is. An older gentleman was behind the desk.
“Good evening, folks.” He smiles warmly.
“Hi, we’d like a room with two queens please.” Amber says.
“Let me just double check if we have that available.” The man goes onto the computer on his desk. “Unfortunately, our last available room with two queens has already been reserved by a family of four coming in. I do, however, one room with a full left. Would that work?”
“A full is so tiny.” Amber frowns. “Is there at least a couch in the room?”
“A small loveseat.”
“Ugh, alright, we’ll take it.” She sighs, and gives him her credit card. Harry can’t hide the smirk on his face as the man types away at his computer. Amber glares at him briefly before taking her card back, and getting the room key.
“Enjoy your stay.” The man smiles at both of them.
“Can’t you just cast some sort of spell to make the bed bigger?” Harry asks once they’re in the room.
“No, that’s not how that works. I can’t change the molecular composition of a mattress like that. I’m also too weak to perform that kind of magic even if I wanted to. Snapping us across the country took a lot out of me, and I need to rest so I can get us home tomorrow.” She closes and locks the door behind them.
“What exactly will finding this amethyst do?”
“Well, I’ll turn it into a necklace, put it on you, and we’ll see if it glows.”
“And if it does?”
“Then you’re a mage, and we’ll have some bigger fish to fry.” She sits down on the edge of the bed and takes her boots off. “I’m gonna go wash up, and then I’m turning in. I brought some tea so we can get to sleep.” She makes her way into the bathroom. Harry goes in after her. When he’s done, she hands him a cup of tea.
“Thanks…do you think I’ll have a weird vision again?”
“You could.” Amber shrugs. “I have no idea.” She goes through her bag and pulls out a night shirt and pajama bottoms. “Turn around.”
Harry does so quickly while she changes. He grabs his own pajama pants to throw on, and stays in his tee shirt. Once they’re done with their tea, they both climb into bed. It wouldn’t be a big deal, but there was little wiggle room, and Harry was a broad, tall guy. They were shoulder to shoulder, squished in the small bed.
“Could be worse, could have been a room with just a twin.” Harry says to break the tension.
“Why in the fuck would there be a motel room with just a twin bed in it?”
“I don’t know, I was just saying.” He shrugs, and turns his head to look at her. “Clearly, there are stranger things out there than that.” He smirks.
“Go to sleep, Harry.” She rolls away from him onto her side.
“You’re making a bigger deal out of this than it needs to be. You’ve never shared a bed with someone before?”
Amber sighs heavily and rolls back onto her back to look at him better.
“I have, but these are tight quarters if you haven’t noticed, and you told me you were attracted to me-“
“So? You think I’m going to disrespect you and take advantage of the situation? I’m not that kind of guy.”
“I didn’t say you were. I just feel…nervous. It’s been a while since I shared a bed with a man, that’s all. You’re pretty, um, attractive yourself, so…there’s that.” Her face had to be beat red right now, she could feel it.
“Well, look who’s expressing their feelings!” Harry gasps. “Who knew this side to you even existed?”
“Don’t be sarcastic with me, Harry. You don’t know what it was like growing up the way I did. It was really hard at times. We were basically like grounded nomads.”
“M’sorry.” He turns on his side to face her easier. “Would you, uh, would you want to have a cuddle while we drift off? Doesn’t have to mean anything, but I know you’re worried about Opal, could help you calm down some.”
Amber nods and turns back over so Harry can spoon her. He doesn’t fully press his pelvis to her bum, he didn’t want to push it and make her uncomfortable. She did feel better having his arm wrapped around her. They both drift off easily after settling, the tea kicking in.
In his dream, Harry’s brought to a large estate, like a mansion from 1800’s London. There was a large field as well, a gentle breeze flowing. It looked like it was a beautiful day. He goes walking for a bit and finds this gorgeous tree that had a few tire swings attached to it. He stops short when he sees Amber. She looked a little younger, her hair was much longer, tied back in a flowing braid, and she was wearing a black, off the shoulder maxi dress with buttons running down the front. She had her arms crossed over chest, and she didn’t look happy with the young man she was speaking with. Harry creeps a little closer to hear what they’re talking about.
“Is what Opal told me true, yes or no?” Amber says to him.
“Yes, or no, Max.” She scowls at him.
“What exactly did she tell you?”
“That you’ve been practicing dark magic in the woods at night.”
“She’s never liked me.” He scoffs. “I can’t believe you’re going to believe that mat over me.”
“Be very careful with how you speak about her.” Amber’s eyes start glowing.
“Settle down.”
“Answer the question.”
“Yes, okay, yes…I’ve been practicing dark magic.”
“Why?! You know it’s against the rules.”
“Well, it shouldn’t be. It does more good than harm, everyone is just too scared because it’s powerful.”
“You’re going to get expelled if one of the elders catches you. Do you want to be thrown out into the world before you’re ready?”
“We’re eighteen, Amber, we can do whatever we want. We could leave here together, and never come back. This place is a prison.”
“This place keeps us safe. You know as well as I do we can’t leave until we’re at least twenty.”
“Since when do you follow every single rule, huh? Where’s the girl that sneaks off into my room at night?” He steps closer to her, caressing one of her cheeks.
“That’s totally different.” She swats his hand away. “You shouldn’t be messing with that shit. If Opal saw you, others could too.”
“So I’ll be more careful.”
“Or you could stop. If you don’t…if you don’t then it’s over between us.”
Max’s dark brown eyes start to glow, along with the jewel hanging from the chain around his neck. It looked like aquamarine. Brown and blue were opposites as well. Maybe those gems had a connection too? He couldn’t be sure, a lot of this was confusing. Amber’s eyes were glowing again to match Max’s energy. Both sets of their hands started glowing as well.
“You’d throw away everything between us over something so small?!” He yells at her.
“This isn’t small, this is serious! Don’t make me strike you, Max.” There were tears streaming down her cheeks.
“You wouldn’t dare.”
With a flick of her wrist, she blasts him, knocking him down to the ground. She hovers over him, ready to serve another blow.
“I’m so disappointed in you.” She says to him.
“You don’t know what you’ve just started.” He grits his teeth.
“Actually, pretty sure I just finished it. Goodbye, Max.”
Harry blinks, and all of a sudden he’s in a forest at night. He could hear growling. He runs in the direction of the noise and sees Opal growling towards a man. It was Max. Harry’s eyes widen as he watches Max chant something, striking a blow towards Opal. Harry tries to save her, but he’s frozen in his place.
“Opal?!” He hears Amber yell, and Max disappears. “Opal! Oh my god!” She drops to the ground, her body going over Opal’s and snapping them away from the scene.
Harry’s eyes burst open, and he sits up right away. Amber’s not in the bed anymore. Before he has a heart attack, he hears her coming out of the bathroom.
“Morning.” She yawns. “Opal’s about five minutes away. How’d you sleep?”
“Amber, uh, when Opal got attacked, did she ever say what it was, or who it was that attacked her?”
“No.” Amber shakes her head. “She couldn’t remember a thing. I think whatever it was put a hex on her memory of the event. Why?”
“I had a really unsettling dream.” He blinks a few times and looks at her. Before he can say anything else, Opal appears in the room, letting a large amethyst fall from her mouth.
“You wouldn’t believe the digging I had to do to get this, but it’s a good one.” She says. “You both slept in that tiny bed?”
“Not the time. Go drink some water.” Amber snatches the amethyst. It hovers above her palm. Her eyes glow, and in seconds it’s transformed into a slide on a necklace. “Let’s do this first, and then we can talk about your dream, okay?” She says to Harry as she comes over to him. Opal hops up on the bed, and Amber sits beside Harry. “Close your eyes.” She says softly, and he does so. She places the necklace over his head, and the gem rests on his chest.
The amethyst starts to hover and glow. Amber and Opal look at each other.
“Is anything happening?” Harry asks.
“Open your eyes.” Amber says.
Harry opens his eyes, and they’re glowing a bright green. He gasps when his looks down at the floating amethyst. He looks down at his hands and sees that they’re glowing too.
“How do I turn it off?!” Harry yelps in fear.
“Don’t panic! Give it a moment, the gem is bonding with you, just breathe.” Amber says.
A few moments pass before the gem rests on Harry’s chest once more. He eyes and hands stop glowing as well, and he takes a deep breath.
“What does all of this mean?” He asks them.
“You’re a mage, your abilities have been dormant for quite some time. You’re definitely more powerful than most, you’ll have to learn how to hone in on it.” Opal explains.
“I guess that would explain the vision-type dreams. I…Amber, I saw your break up with someone named Max. You got into a fight because he was performing dark magic. Then I was in the woods where Opal was attacked. It was him who attacked her, not some random demon.”
“What?!” Amber’s eyes flash for a moment. “I’ll kill him, I’ll-“
“No, Amber, that’s the exact rage he wants you to feel.” Opal says. “But we do need to track him down before he does more damage around town. Those college kids don’t deserve his wrath.”
When they all got back Sunday evening, Amber explained everything to Penny. She was beyond infuriated, and reached out to the other elders back at the boarding school to let them know what was going on. Harry was taking in a lot of information in, but he was doing well at not freaking out. Penny took him aside to calmly explain to him was his powers meant, and that there was a code of ethics he’d need to read up on and follow. Now that Amber knew Max was involved, she needed to figure out a way to track him down, and fast.
The weeks go on, no shadows lurking, no demons, and no Max. Amber, Penny, and Opal take advantage of the quiet to train Harry in their spare time. Lucky for them, he was a fast reader, and a quick learner. He was picking up certain spells naturally. He knew it would take a while to get as good as Amber at all of this, but he was happy with the progress he was making. He had never felt more like himself in his life. Penny had them working on combination spells, and boy were they powerful. The blue and green glows mixed beautifully.
“I have a feeling he may strike on Halloween.” Opal says to them one evening.
“Wouldn’t that be sort of cliché?” Harry asks.
“Please, Max lives for shit like that. He probably thinks it’ll be the perfect cover since we usually go out on Halloween.” Amber says.
“What do you do?”
“Penny stays back to hand out candy to the little kids, and Opal and I usually go around making sure there aren’t any creatures looking for trouble.”
“If Opal thinks he may strike on Halloween, then I think I know where we could wait for him. If I draw out where I had that original vision, do you think you’d know where in the woods it is?”
“It’s worth a try.” Opal says.
Opal knew exactly where Harry was talking about after looking over the picture he drew. Halloween was only a few days away, they needed to prepare. Harry was about to get ready for bed when there was a knock on his door. He looks through the peephole to see Amber, and he smiles.
“Hi, there.” He says as he opens the door.
“Hi, may I come in?”
“Of course.” She nods and comes inside. She had on an oversized shirt and pajama pants. Harry smirks to himself as he closes the door. “So, what’s up?”
“Nothing, I just…well, I just wanted to say that I’m really proud of you.”
“For what?”
“Taking all of this so well, for jumping in without a second thought. You’re doing really well with the lessons, and I know it’s got to be stressful because you’re trying to balance this whole mess along with getting your master’s and teaching.” She chews on her bottom lip. “I know Penny is really good at giving praise, but I’m not always so good at it…that’s what the kids at the boarding school used to tell me when I’d work with them anyways, so I just wanted to make sure I told you how proud I am. I really couldn’t stand you when we first met, but I like you a lot more now.”
He knew the last part was a joke, so he laughs before responding.
“Thanks, that means a lot. When I’m passionate about something, I tend to just dive right in, and I usually aim to please.” He steps a little closer to her. “Is that all you came down here for? To praise me?”
She narrows her eyes at him while her cheeks turn a bright red. He was making her nervous, and she hated feeling that way.
“What else would I have come down here for?” She puts her hands on her hips.
“I don’t know, you tell me. Typically, when a girl comes knocking at my door after midnight, she’s looking for something very particular.”
Amber scoffs and shakes her head. She crosses her arms as she smirks at him.
“Mm, I bet you’d love it if I came down here to seduce you. You strike me as the type that likes to hear a woman beg for your cock. Am I right about that, Harry? You’re so nice and sweet all day long, do you like to get a little mean in the bedroom?” She raises her eye brows playfully. “No, maybe you like it when your woman gets a little mean, or maybe it’s a mix of both.”
“You know what I think?”
“Tell me.”
“I think that whoever you’ve slept with in the past never pleased you in the way that you need to be pleased.”
“And how do I need to be pleased?”
“Probably with a lot of tongue, I’m guessing.” He watches as Amber’s pupils dilate just the smallest amount. “You’d like that, wouldn’t you? To feel all warm and wet between your thighs.”
“I’ve got a toy that does that for me. Perfectly mimics the feeling of someone sucking on my clit.”
“Can’t beat the real thing.”
“Sure it can.” She shrugs. “It gets me panting, mining, screaming. And it gets me absolutely soaked. Probably squirted for all I know.” She pushes past him to walk towards his door. “Sleep well, Harry.”
“How am I supposed to sleep knowing that right above me you’re soaking your own sheets?” He pouts at her.
“Drink some tea, you’ll sleep just fine.” She winks, and out the door she goes.
Harry groans to himself, and heads to the kitchen to make himself some tea. There’s no way he’d sleep on his own tonight.
“I should be going with you two.”
“No, you’ll stay here with Penny where it’s safe. Dark magic can’t infiltrate the shop. You’re his target, so we’ll have a fake you set up.” Amber says. Both her and Harry were dressed in all black. She takes his hand in hers, and she snaps them out to the forest. “We’ll have to travel the rest of the way on foot.” She tells Harry.
“When we get there, and we catch him…what exactly are you going to do.”
“I’m going to take his powers away. I should have done it a long time ago.”
“You know how to do that?”
“Yes, Penny taught me how. It’s only for extreme circumstances, but I know how to sort of, like, bend the energy from him. His stone will go black, and that’ll be it.”
“So…all of this is because he thinks you broke up with him because of something Opal saw him do?”
“It’s more than that.” Amber sighs. “He was always jealous…I put Opal first a lot. He didn’t have the same relationship with his animal guide, and eventually he parted from it. That can break something within you. It’s probably why he turned to the dark magic in the first place. I tried to be there for him, but we started fighting a lot more, and when Opal told me what she saw, that was the last straw for me.”
“How long were you together for?”
“Well, I’d known him my whole life, but we got together when we were sixteen, so two years. He was my first everything. I’ve had other relationships, but it’s tough dating a non-mage. Everything has to be a secret; it’s exhausting.”
“Hearing you say that helps me make sense of my own dating life. I never felt fully connected to any of my girlfriends, even when we were having sex. I felt like I was trying to force the passion or something.”
“God, you’re such a romantic.” She says in a disgusted tone. “It’s all that damn fiction you read.”
“Are you telling me you don’t want to have passionate sex?”
“No, but sometimes sex is just sex. You get your rocks off, zip back up, and get on with your day.”
“That doesn’t sound like much fun.”
“Have you ever fucked someone you hated?”
“I don’t think I’ve ever hated anyone to be honest with you. I’ve not liked people before.”
“Okay, have you ever fucked someone you didn’t like?”
“Why would I do that?”
“You can be attracted to someone and hate their guts. It’s hot and lustful.” She smirks.
“Too bad we didn’t fuck when you hated me then. Could have been pretty steamy.”
“You’re an idiot.” She laughs. “Wait, I think we’re here. Get into positron.”
The two of them huddle behind a large tree. Amber’s eyes glow, and with a few twists of her fingers, a fake Opal is created. Amber acts as if the dog is a puppet, making her sniff around and dig. Harry quietly watches in amazement. Before long, a shadow appears, then a few more. Max appears with the shadows, his eyes glowing a reddish brown.
“You must think I’m a real idiot.” Max chuckles lowly, snapping his fingers and making the fake Opal vanish. “Come on out Amber.” Amber and Harry stand up, coming out from behind the tree. “Oh, look! You’ve brought a friend. Did you really think I wouldn’t be able to tell the difference between your mutt and an illusion?” He smirks.
“No, we knew you’d figure it out.” Amber says. “You’re such a sick fuck trying to hurt her when really it’s me you’re mad at. I broke your heart, and you blame her, but you did it to yourself. You knew I wouldn’t tolerate all of this.”
“You broke just about every rule you could at that boarding school!”
“Yeah, like sneaking into your room after hours, and breaking curfew, not messing with dark magic! It’s possessed you, your eyes aren’t supposed to glow red. I’ve grown fond of this town, and I won’t have you terrorizing defenseless kids because of me. This ends now.”
“Well, you’re about that, but I don’t think you’ll be satisfied with the outcome. See, I’m going to find Opal, and I’m going to make sure she learns that eavesdropping isn’t okay. I know she’s gotten older, but even old dogs can learn new tricks.”
Max’s hands and eyes start glowing, and he charges towards Amber.
“Harry, handle the shadows, I’ll take care of Max!” She yells just as she jumps into the air to avoid Max’s blow.
While Amber and Max cast spells at each other, Harry springs into action. He couldn’t fly or float, or whatever the fuck Amber’s able to do just yet, but he had gotten pretty good at casting key defense and offense spells. Max’s shadows were strong, getting the better of Harry a few times, but Harry’s eyes start glowing along with his gem, and then all bets are off for the shadows. He’s impressed with himself when he’s able to make them vanish. He looks over and sees Amber and Max rushing towards each other with an immense amount of rage. The blow they strike at the same time explodes, causing them both to be flung backwards. Amber’s back slams into a tree, making her fall to the ground.
“Amber!” Harry sprints over to her, cradling her face in his hands. “Come on, Love, wakeup.” He’s panicking now.
“I should have known.” Max says as he scrambles to his feet. Harry looks over at him. “An amethyst and a citrine, how cliché.” He scoffs. “You’re new to all of this, I can feel it. Why she’d spend her time with a mongrel like you is beyond me.” His hands start glowing again as he walks over to Harry. “Not to worry, once you and Opal are out of the picture, she’ll be all mine once more.”
“I’m sorry, but you’re mistaken.”
Harry lunges forward, tackling Max by the legs. He pins him down, and punches Max in the face. Max telepathically throws Harry off him. Harry casts spell after spell towards Max, but they’re all blocked.
“You’re weak, what could she possibly want with you?” Max laughs as he blocks another strike.
Amber’s eyes flutter open, and she sees the two men fighting. She rises off the ground, and gets high enough to have an arial view of them. She watches as Max throws Harry into a tree. That was the last straw. She takes a deep breath, and nose dives towards Max. He doesn’t see it coming as he’s forced into the ground. She pins him down and snatches the gem around his neck, and breaks the chain.
“What are you doing?!” He shouts.
“Something I should have done a long time ago. You’re too dangerous.” Amber shoots back up into the air, and Max follows her.
“Give it back!”
She wraps the chain around her fist, and points her other arm out at him. The blue glow leaves her palm and goes right to Max’s heart. First, a red glow starts to leave his body, and soon it turns into Max’s original brown glow. They both start lowering to the ground. He’s screaming at the top of his lungs, and she has tears streaming down her cheeks. There’s a large flash of light, and then nothing.
“You have no idea what you’ve done.” He says weakly on his knees looking up at her.
“I know exactly what I’ve done.” She throws Max’s gem on the ground and steps on it, breaking it into tiny pieces. “I can’t believe I thought this would actually be a challenge.” She pushes him all the way down to the ground with her boot, and steps on his chest. “Only the weak turn to dark magic.”
“What am I supposed to do without my powers?” He asks weakly.
“I don’t know, why don’t you ask your friends?” The shadows come to surround Max. Amber steps back from him and watches as they circle around him. They look to her. “Unless you want to end up just like that, I strongly suggest you take him far away from here.” They all vanish. Amber had a feeling this fight was long from over, but for now Max wouldn’t be able to do any more damage. She rushes over to Harry who was still laying on the ground. “Harry!” She cradles his head into her lap and places her hand on his forehead.
“Hey.” She smiles down at him.
“Did we win?”
“We did.” She nods. “You were so brave trying to battle him. I took his powers away, we should be safe for a while.”
“I bet Opal will be relieved.”
“Yeah, she will be. Let’s get back to the shop, yeah?”
Harry hums his response just as Amber snaps them to the shop. Penny and Opal were cleaning up from the trick or treating.
“You’re back!” Opal exclaims, running over to the two of them. Amber drops to her knees to hug her friend.
“I took his powers away. We could easily see him again, but not for a long time.” Amber says.
“I’m so proud of you.” Opal nuzzles her forehead to Amber’s. “I’m proud of you too, Harry.”
“I’m glad you’ll be safe now.” Harry scratches at Opal’s head.
“You two look knackered.” Penny says. “Here, I made some tea for you both, go upstairs and unwind for a bit. We can talk about everything in the morning.”
“Good idea, thank you. Where’s the tea?” Amber asks.
“I snapped it up to Harry’s apartment.” Penny smiles. “Go on, Opal and I can finish locking up.”
Harry and Amber make their way into his apartment. They see the tea on his coffee table, and sit down on his sofa. They’re quiet for a moment as they take a sip. It had the faintest hint of a coffee smell, which was peculiar. It should either taste like chamomile or vanilla. Amber was too tired to question it.
“I’m going to head up.” She says after finishing her tea. “I’ll see you in the morning.”
“Alright.” He smiles at her. “We can keep training together, right? I’d like to keep learning.”
“Of course.” She smiles. “You still have a lot to learn. Goodnight, Harry.”
“Night, sleep well.” He walks her to the door and watches as she heads upstairs.
Amber takes a quick shower, and changes into a tee shirt and bed shorts. Opal was already asleep on the daybed in the living room. Amber crawls into bed and sighs with relief. She tosses and turns for a bit. She felt wide awake now, like she had just been given a burst of energy. She huffs and puffs, getting more and more uncomfortable. She feels hot all over, and kicks her blankets back. Her thighs felt sweaty, so she dips her fingers inside her shorts and gasps. She was wet, incredibly wet. She sits up and remembers the tea.
“Fucking, Penny.” She groans. Coffee had a way of masking other smells. Amber gets out of bed, getting more and more frustrated with each step. Opal pops an eye open.
“Can’t sleep?”
“Why’d you let Penny give me the mood tea?”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about. Seems like your problem will go away faster if you see Harry, though.”
“You’ll face my wrath in the morning.”
“Mhm, go have some fun.”
Amber makes her way down the stairs to Harry’s apartment. She bangs on his door, preying he wasn’t asleep already. After a few moments, he opens the door only wearing a pair of boxer briefs. He was holding a pillow over his crotch. Amber places her hands on either side of the doorframe.
“We have a problem.” She huffs. “Penny slipped us the wrong tea.”
“Was wondering why I got so hard once I got into bed.” He looks her up and down. “Why’d you come all the way down here?”
“Because if we don’t take care of it properly then we’ll be up all night, and I don’t feel like masturbating for hours on end until it stops.”
“Here I was thinking I’d have to wank off to just the thought of you.” He steps closer to her, dropping the pillow to the floor. Her eyes flicker down to his strained prick.
“I wanted us to go out on a proper date before we did anything like this.” Amber mutters. “Penny’s so pushy whenever she wants me to be with someone.”
“Do you ever listen to her?”
“Seems like she took the necessary steps.” He hooks an arm around her waist, pulling her into him. “I’ll take you out to breakfast tomorrow morning, how’s that sound?”
“I’ve always wanted to go on a breakfast date.”
“You wanna do this? I can kiss you, touch you?” His lips ghost over hers.
“Please, take care of me. M’dripping.”
“For me?”
“For you.” She confirms. “This stuff is potent, but it works better when you have someone in mind that you really want to fuck.”
Harry groans and slots his mouth over hers. He brings her further into the apartment, and kicks the door closed. His hands cup her cheeks as they bump into various walls. She bites down on his bottom lip and he moans into her. He licks into her mouth and starts sucking on her tongue. She tugs on his hair and jumps up so he can carry her into his room. Her legs wrap securely around his waist, moaning into his mouth as he sucks on her bottom lip. He drops her onto his bed, a whine escaping her from the loss of his body. He smirks as he moves to hover over her, attaching his lips to her neck. He sponges wet kisses along her skin, and nibbles on her earlobe.
“What do you like, Amber?” He says into her ear, and her hips buck up into his.
“Anything right now would be good, I’m soaked.” She whimpers, and he moves to look at her.
“Because of the tea, or because you really want me, because I can’t fuck you if it’s just from the tea.”
“It’s a mix of both. The tea can bring out things you’re already feeling for someone else. I want you, I mean it, I’m not just saying it so you’ll fuck me. I…I like you, alright? I really do like you. I think about you when you’re not around, and the best part of my day is when you come into the shop after you’ve finished working for the day. You set up your stupid laptop and work on your stupid assignments, all while looking unapologetically handsome.”
“Why would you keep all of that to yourself for so long, hm?” He coos, brushing some hair away from her face.
“Because romance makes me sick, and so does being vulnerable.” She pouts at him.
“Well, lucky for you, I’m pretty good at both.” He presses his lips to her once more before shifting down her body. He tugs on her shorts, and she lifts her hips to help him take them off. She wasn’t wearing anything underneath, which made things much easier. His eyes widen when he sees how slick she is between her legs. “Christ, you weren’t kidding.”
“It hurts, please, just do something.” She whines again.
Harry smirks before licking over one of her inner thighs, and then the other. He licks over her slit, and she moans out in relief. He licks up to her clit and sucks harshly on it. He moans into her and presses down on her lower stomach. He slides two fingers inside her, and her head rolls back into his pillows. Harry thought she tasted amazing, and she was so wet and warm around his fingers. He was leaking into his boxers, he could feel it. He knew part of it was from the tea, but he also knew how he felt about her. He had been dreaming of this moment since the day he met her, and he couldn’t believe it was finally happening. The tips of his fingers pet against her g-spot, and her hands fly to his hair to grip onto. He continues to suck on her clit, trying not to bust in his boxers too soon. She cries out as she comes around his fingers. She gets her shirt off while he rids himself of his boxers. He comes back down to hover over her. He licks into her mouth as her arms wrap around her his neck. He ruts his hard cock against her folds.
“Do you want me to wear a condom?” He asks her as he starts to knead her breasts.
“N-no.” She shakes her head. “Are you okay with that? I…I’m clean.”
“So am I. Are you on the pill, or something?”
“I have an IUD, so you can come inside me if you want.”
“Is that what you want?”
“We’re going to be able to go for multiple rounds, and I want you to fill me up each time.”
“Fuck.” He groans, and spreads her legs farther apart.
He rubs his tip along her clit before pushing inside. Her nails dig into his shoulders, her mouth falling open from the stretch he was giving her. Her heels dig into the backs of his thighs, pulling him closer to her. Her hands trail down his back until they reach his bum, sinking her nails into the plushy skin.
“You feel so fucking good.” She gasps as he thrusts in and out of her.
“So do you.” He groans. “You’re so fucking tight, don’t know how long I’ll last.”
“It doesn’t matter, you’ll get hard again.”
“Thought you said since we were taking care of it properly it won’t last quite as long?”
“It won’t last as long, but it’ll still last for bit.” She pulls his face down to hers to kiss him. “Let me get on top, yeah?”
He nods, and rolls them both over. She readjusts, and starts bouncing up and down on him. She throws her head back and scratches down his stomach. His hands find her hips, thrusting up into her to match her pace. He watches as her tits bounce up and down. He sits up a bit so he can suck on one of her nipples. Her clit rubs against him perfectly, and she’s coming again in no time. With another thrust, he come inside her, biting down on her shoulder in the process.
“You’re amazing.” He mutters into her neck. “I can feel how hard I still I am.” He groans as he looks up at her. “It’s like I’ve got a cock ring on or something.”
“I know, don’t worry, we’ll make it go away together.” She smiles and lifts herself off of him. “Um…there’s something I’m sort of into, and I was wondering if you might be too?”
“Well, what is it?”
“Could I…would you be comfortable if, I, uh, got behind you and lick you? Maybe use my fingers? I can conjure up some lube.”
Harry’s eyes visibly dilate, making Amber smirk.
“You have no idea how okay with that I am.”
“Yeah? Have you done it before?”
“No, but I’ve always wanted to. I think I actually have some lube here. Let me just double check my side table.” Harry eagerly leans over and reaches into his side table drawer. He finds a bottle of lube and tosses it to her. He gets onto his stomach for her, and she giggles as he wiggles his bum at her.
“M’gonna make you feel so good.” She says lowly, giving his bum a little smack before leaning down to spread him apart.
She licks a strip around his hole, swirling around his him. He grips the blankets on the bed, moaning and whimpering into his pillow as she suckled and slurped around his hole. She sits up for a moment to get some lube on her fingers. She starts with her middle finger, rubbing it around his rim, and then slowly slipping it inside him.
“Fuck.” He groans.
“Does it hurt?”
“No, feels good, don’t stop.”
Amber bites her bottom lip as she slips another finger inside him. She pumps them carefully, she didn’t want him to be in any sort of pain, this was supposed to be pleasurable. Her fingers get deep enough to reach a particular part inside of him. She reaches a hand around front to grip his throbbing cock.
“Doing so well, Harry.”
“Think you found my prostate, shit, feels so fucking good.” He grits his teeth as her thumb rubs over his tip. “M’gonnna come again, fuck!”
Amber presses his prick as close to his stomach as possible to make less of a mess as he comes. She slowly retracts her fingers from him, and lets him roll onto his back. He was sweaty and panting. She licks the palm of her hand that was full of his come, and then leans down to lick his stomach clean. His prick hardens back up instantly.
“Harry, I’m so wet, I almost came watching you enjoy yourself.” She says after licking her lips. “And your come tastes so good.” She pouts.
“I eat a lot of fruit.” He breathes. “Lay on your side for me.” He pats the spot next to him, and she does what he says. They get into a spooning position. She raises her leg a bit, and he slips inside.
“Oh, wow, you’re in so deep.” She arches into him. He grips her hip and starts moving in and out of her.
“Yeah? Like feeling me like this?”
“Yes.” She gasps when his fingers slip to her clit.
“You like it dirty, huh? You don’t like have vanilla sex.” He says into her ear, nipping at her lobe.
She moans out, unable to form an actual response. Once he gains a little more energy, he has her turn onto her stomach so he can fuck her properly from behind. He sits up on his knees, and starts pounding into her relentlessly.
“Oh my god!” She gasps. “Keep going, just like that!”
He grips the back of her neck with hand, and reaches around front to rub her clit with the other. He strokes are fast and deep, beating up her g-spot. She was chanting his name, and it was just egging him on more. He needed her to come again, and he needed her to come hard. As good as she felt, he wasn’t sure if he’d be able to do it again after this.
“Want you to soak my sheets.” He growls. “Come all over my cock, Amber.”
“M’close, m’close!” She cries out.
Everything feels overwhelming all at once, and she finally lets go. He comes inside her at the same time, and does soak his sheets. His cock is absolutely drenched. He collapses next to her on the bed. He sighs with relief when he feels his cock actually start to soften.
“I have a spare set in the linen closet.” He says to her, and she giggles.
“Don’t bother, that was just the first session.”
“That was just the first session. You’ll probably come two more times.”
“But, that other time I only came three times.”
“Yeah, and it hurt, right? Did these last few hurt?”
“Not at all. Felt amazing.”
“We could 69 for the next one. You’re really good at going down.” She bites her bottom lip.
“Wouldn’t mind feeling your mouth around my cock either.”
“Seems like you’re almost ready again.” She looks down at his hardening cock.
“Fuck, please, come sit on my face.”
“You don’t want me to clean up first?”
“You just licked my asshole, I’m not too concerned about tasting my own come while it drips out of you.”
Amber whimpers and scrambles her way to hover over his face, leaning down over his cock so she can lick over his tip. Harry immediately starts sucking on her swollen clit, making her gasp before she’s able to wrap her lips around him. They went at for hours, switching between a number of positions, making an absolute mess of Harry’s sheets. Amber realizes that Penny must have given them a combination of the strawberry tea and the chocolate tea; that’s a strong combination. They couldn’t get enough of each other, and instead of being upset with Penny’s antics, they decided to just roll with it. Harry ate out Amber’s ass, she rode him reverse, he hit it from the side, they were like animals. He had scratch marks all over his chest and back, she was littered in bite marks, by the time the tea wore off, they were exhausted. Neither had the energy to magically make the sheets clean, so Harry stripped the bed while Amber helped make it back up. They fell asleep curled up with another completely naked.
Opal woke up to an empty apartment, to which she laughed. She headed down the stairs to go see Penny, and let her know their sneakiness paid off. The only thing was, there was no sign of Penny. Opal couldn’t get a scent on her.
“Oh, no.” Opal says to herself, and goes upstairs to Harry’s apartment. She scratches at his door. “Amber!”
Amber sits up quickly in bed. She wraps herself in one of Harry’s blankets and sprints to the door, rattling Harry awake.
“Come back to bed.” He groans, but she doesn’t hear him.
Amber opens the door, and Opal rushes in.
“What’s going on?” Amber asks her frantically.
“I’m sure you’re tired, and rightfully pissed off, but Penny didn’t show up this morning. I don’t even have a scent on her.”
“Shit.” Amber groans. “This has Max written all over it. He probably bagged her on her walk here this morning. Why she doesn’t just live here, I’ll never know.”
“What’s going on?” Harry asks them.
“Penny’s missing, get dressed.” Amber says firmly before snapping herself and Opal upstairs.
Harry wanted to talk to Amber about everything they did last night, take her to breakfast like he said he would. But Penny was missing, so that meant their nightmare from the night prior wasn’t over. He gets himself dressed and down to the shop. Amber was already waiting downstairs with Opal.
“Where do you think they took her?” Harry asks.
“I have an idea.” Amber sighs. “He probably sent those damn shadows after her.”
“Penny’s so experienced, I don’t understand.” Harry shakes his head.
“She’s old, Harry.” Opal says. “She wouldn’t stand a chance alone.”
Amber’s eyes start glowing out of nowhere, and she starts hovering in the air. Just as soon as it happens, she’s back on the floor.
“I know where she is, she just sent me a signal.” Amber says.
“I know where she is, she just sent me a signal.” Amber says. “It’s essentially a trap, they know we’re coming for her.” She looks down at Opal. “Are you strong enough for this?”
“I’ll have to be. Let’s go get her.”
Amber snaps them to where they need to be. Mac had the shadows take her to an old, abandoned building on the outskirts of town. Amber brought them just down the hall from where Penny was being kept. Harry had so many questions, but he knew now wasn’t the time. He stays close to Amber and Opal, walking down a dark corridor.
“Harry, stay with Opal. I’m going on the room.”
“I can’t let you go in there alone.” He tells her.
“I wasn’t asking.” She says before snapping herself into the room. Penny was chained up to a wall. “For the love of god.” Amber sighs before snapping her free.
“Behind you!” Penny shouts, and Amber gets zapped by what looks like red electricity. She gets knocked to the ground, but picks herself back up. Max’s eyes were glowing red.
“I told you that you had no idea what you did.” He grins evilly at her. “Give me the dog, now.”
“It’s me you want, not her. You have me, okay? Just take me.”
“The thing is…” He walks towards her. “I don’t have you.”
“What do you mean?”
“You can’t be serious.” He scoffs. “You wreak of that dolt’s scent, Amber. What did you do, go home and fuck him to celebrate? I found this one because she was wearing one of your sweaters, thought it was you.”
Amber looks back at Penny with wide eyes. She had to have known that Max was going to come for her. Penny set the tea up so Harry’s scent would mix with Amber’s, and make her hard to find. Penny essentially sacrificed herself.
“And to think I was mad at you.” Amber smiles softly at Penny.
“I’d never trick you on purpose.” Penny says.
“Blah, blah, blah.” Max rolls his eyes. “Either way, I’ve lured you here.”
“What do you even want from me? Do you think forcing me into a relationship is going to be much fun?”
“Don’t flatter yourself.” Max chuckles. “You think you’re such a prize, but you’re not. I’ve had women far better than you. This really is about Opal, so hand her over.”
Amber’s hands glow, and she strikes a blow at Max. He blocks it and sends it back to her.
“Like the new powers? My friends gifted them to me.” He grins.
“Red’s never been your color, sorry to say.”
They both run towards each other to duke it out. Shadows start to crowd around Penny, and she tries to deflect them, but she needs help. Harry and Opal storm in to help her. Harry’s able to zap them away. He looks over at Max, and runs towards him, striking him with a powerful blow. Amber’s eyes widen as she watches Harry try to face off with Max.
“Amber, get Opal and Penny home, now!”
“Harry, I’m not leaving you!”
“Listen to your foolish boy, Amber, you won’t want to see this.” Max says as he strikes Harry.
Amber fights back tears as she snaps herself, Penny, and Opal out of there. She starts crying because she knows she doesn’t have the strength to snap back right away.
“If I lose him, I…I don’t know what I’ll do.” She cries. “I finally opened up to him, and I-“
“Don’t waste your energy on panicking.” Penny says. “I tried to stop him so you wouldn’t have to worry. I wanted to ward him off, I’m sorry.”
“This isn’t your fault, it’s mine.” Opal says. “I was in the woods that night because I was following him. I had caught wind of dark magic usage, and my suspicions of it being him were true. I had no choice but to tell you.” She says to Amber.
Amber drops to her knees, and wraps her arms around Opal. Amber didn’t blame Opal for anything. This was all Max’s fault. She could feel herself getting angrier. She needed to know if Harry was alright.
“I have to get back to him. He can’t face Max on his own.” Amber looks up at Penny. “Do you think I’ll be able to do it?”
“You are the strongest girl I know. If anyone could muster up the energy to do this, it’s you. Don’t rely on the anger, rely on the love that feel for that boy.”
Amber wants to protest, but she couldn’t deny it. She loved Harry, a lot. She’d fallen for him, and she needed him to be okay. She takes a deep breath, and snaps herself back to where Harry is. She gasps once she’s back in that room. Harry was levitating Max in the air with his powerful green glow. He was holding Max in some sort of bubble.
“Harry!” Amber shouts.
“I’m okay! I don’t know how I’m doing this, but I’m okay!”
“Let me help!”
She blasts her blue glow up at Max, mixing with Harry’s. Max shouts this goulash sound, and a bright red light shines, filling the room. A loud explosion occurs, blasting Harry and Amber back. Max falls to the ground with a loud thud. Amber scrambles to her feet, and dusts herself off. Harry was totally knocked out. She wants to tend to him, but she has to make sure Max can’t do any more damage. She rushes over to him, and stands over him, nudging his body with her boot. His eyes flutter open, and he looks up at her.
“You’re so far gone.” She shakes her head. “You could have been such a wonderful mage, now look at you.”
“I’ve always envied you.” He says weakly. “You were given the best companion, one that could actually help you and bond with you. You’re one of the most powerful citrines out there. We could have been something together.”
“You ruined it. I feel nothing for you, absolutely nothing.”
“I can tell. Your heart belongs to that one.”
Amber steps on his chest, making him wince.
“And don’t you forget it. I showed mercy by taking your powers away. Walk away while you still can, or I won’t show you such kindness again. Do you understand?”
“Yes, I understand.”
She rushes back over to Harry, and immediately snaps them back to the shop. He was still unconscious. Penny and Opal crowd around the two of them.
“Harry, please wake up.” Amber whispers to him. “I need you to be okay, please, I need you.” She cries into his chest.
“Amber.” Penny puts her hand on Amber’s shoulder. “Let’s get him up into your bed. You have some things in your kitchen we can whip up to help him.”
Amber nods, and Penny snaps them all upstairs. Amber gets Harry tucked into her bed. His breathing was steadily, and his blood pressure was normal. He used so much energy to keep Max at bay, he must be so drained, especially after the night they had. All he wanted to do was take her to breakfast, Amber hoped they’d get the chance. She goes into her kitchen with Penny while Opal stays curled up next to Harry.
“So, what are we making?” Amber sighs.
“Here, crush these mint leaves up, I’m making a watermelon tea, so I’m reducing some watermelon over the stove to make a syrup. We’ll use the mint leaves for the tea itself.”
“What will this do? He can’t drink this if he’s not awake.”
“He’ll need it for when he wakes up. It’ll be like an energy boost.”
“How do we wake him up?”
“We don’t. He needs to sleep whatever this is off. You’ll be there when he wakes. I’m sorry again about last night. When you told me what Max did, I knew he’d try to find you today. I just wanted to help, and-“
“I understand why you did it. It’s okay.” Amber smiles softly. “It could have been worse. Please, sleep here tonight in my guest room.”
“Alright.” Penny nods. “I think that’s a good idea.”
Once the tea is done, Amber brings it into her room, sets it down on the side table closest to Harry, and crawls into bed. It was only the early afternoon, but she felt sleep pulling her in. She succumbs to it, letting her eyes droop as she rests her head on Harry’s chest.
Hours later, she stirs awake when she feels the weight shift in the bed a bit. She looks over to see Harry knuckling at his eyes, and sitting up. He looks at her and smiles softly.
“Hey.” He says.
“How are you feeling?” She asks, reaching to caress his cheek.
“M’alright. I woke up a little while ago, Opal had me drink the tea you made. She’s downstairs with Penny running the shop. I fell back asleep after I drank some of the tea.” He presses a kiss to her palm, and she smiles. “How are you?”
“Better now.” She sighs. “I’m glad you’re awake, I was worried. We got blasted backwards after our magic combined. I don’t know how you were able to hold him off for as long as you did.”
“He…he was trying to egg me on. He was saying all of these awful things about you, but I remember reading it wasn’t good to harness anger to make yourself more powerful, so I just sort of thought about how I wanted to keep you safe, how I wanted Opal to stay safe because I knew that if anything happened to her you’d be devastated.”
“I was really worried about you.” Her voice cracks, and her eyes widen. “I thought he was going to try to kill you. I don’t know what I would have done if you didn’t make it out of there.”
“Amber.” Harry cups her cheeks, using his thumbs to wipe her tears away. “I…I didn’t know you felt so strongly about me. We haven’t had a chance to talk about last night. I know we did a lot last night, and we had a bit more, um, gusto thanks to that tea, but everything I said to you last night I meant. I want to be with you.”
“I want to be with you too. I…I don’t want to know what it’s like to be without you. I was scared that I would. I know I pushed you away in the beginning, but I was fighting off something bigger than the two of us. I don’t think I’ve ever felt this way about someone before.” She looks down for a moment, and then back up at him. “I think…I think we were supposed to find each other, like, there was some sort of pull between us. I mean, there were plenty of other stores on this strip with vacant apartments, but you came into mine.”
“I always thought this stuff only happened in the books I’ve read, but it all sort of makes sense. I mean, I had no idea I was a mage, or whatever. Clearly, whatever this is inside of me was trying to bust out. And…amethysts are drawn to citrines, right?”
“Yeah, sometimes.” Amber smiles. “Usually, um, it’s a male citrine that goes for a female amethyst, not the other way around.”
“What about same sex couples?” He smirks.
“Same sex couples usually share the same gem, it’s rare if they don’t. I’m not sure what the science behind it is, you’d have to ask Penny.”
“Oh, is Penny…?”
“Mhm, she’s a widow, but her wife was the kindest woman. The two of them basically raised me.”
“What was her name?”
“Luna.” Amber smiles fondly. “They’re both garnets.”
“That’s really cool. I want to keep learning more about all of this; it’s so fascinating.”
“You’ll definitely learn more. I’ve got shelves upon shelves of books downstairs that you haven’t even touched yet.”
“Do you think I should tell my family about any of this?”
“God, no. Sometimes these things skip generations, they’d probably think you were nuts.” She chews on her bottom lip for a moment. “We’ve digressed a bit, um, I feel really strongly about you.”
“I feel strongly about you too.”
“Like…I…I’m in love with you, Harry.”
“Oh, thank god.” He sighs with relief. “Feel like I fell in love with you from the second we met, but I’ve been trying really hard not to come on too strong. You’re not the biggest fan of romance.” He smirks.
“No, I’m not.” She leans in to peck his lips. “I’m the stoic one, and you’re the cinnamon roll.” She grins.
“Mm, your dirty talk is impeccable.” He rolls his eyes, and it makes her laugh.
“Let me continue. You’re the only one this stoic girl becomes soft for. You turn me into a little cinnamon roll, one of those really sweet ones with a ton of icing.”
Harry chuckles and leans in to kiss her. He sucks on her bottom lip, smiling into the kiss.
“Definitely sweet.” He mutters against her lips.
“We should probably get out of bed before we completely throw off our sleep schedules.”
“You’re right.” He sighs. “M’also starving. I don’t think I’ve eaten all day.”
“Same here.”
“I owe you a breakfast date.”
“It’s already past five, no restaurant would serve us breakfast right now.”
“Maybe not, but I’m sure I could whip something up. You got groceries?”
“Yeah, plenty of food in the kitchen.” She blinks. “You want to make us breakfast for dinner?”
“Mhm.” He kisses her again. “Do you like pancakes?”
“Love ‘em.” She nods.
“What about chocolate chip pancakes?”
“Those are my favorite.”
“Mine too.”
Turns out Harry made some of the best pancakes Amber ever had. After they ate, they went down to the shop to see how Opal and Penny were doing. Amber decided to close down early. Harry needed to finish up some homework, and make sure he had his lesson plans ready to go for tomorrow morning. It was weird getting back to reality, but it was a routine Amber was sort of craving. For so long their main focus was training to prepare for Max’s eventual strike. Amber couldn’t be certain that he wouldn’t try something again, but she looked him dead in the eyes when she threatened him. She saw fear, she could feel his fear. She wasn’t worried about him anymore, nor was she as worried about Opal. She could exhale for the first time in a while.
She had a new concern: Harry. Over the next couple of weeks, she wouldn’t let him sleep alone, which he didn’t mind one bit. Harry liked that Amber was being so affectionate towards him, he reveled in the attention. The kisses, the soft touches, the hugs, the smiles, everything Amber did, Harry loved. He couldn’t wait to finish up his office hours most days so he could get to the shop. Even though Amber had to work, Opal would still curl up at his feet, and Penny would drop off an extra biscotti at his table. Harry felt like he had formed this new little family. It made the little town he decided to call home actually start to feel like home. He even got to see how Amber made her many teas.
The only thing that wasn’t so great was that Harry’s student Whitney tended to keep him late, and Amber didn’t like it. She trusted Harry with her whole heart, but she didn’t quite like the idea of someone else thinking they could try to flirt with him. Whitney came into the shop all the time, Amber knew exactly who Whitney was. She was a senior, so not much younger than herself or Harry, but still, it wasn’t appropriate for a student to be so forward with her professor. So, much like with everything else, Amber took matters into her own hands.
One evening, Harry had made Amber a late dinner after she closed up the shop. After they ate, they made their way to his sofa. Harry thought they were going to just cuddle for a bit, but Amber had made her way into his lap, straddling him and running her fingers through his hair while she sucked on his neck. Normally, Harry would be more cautious about having a mark in such a public spot, but it was getting colder out, so he could wear a turtleneck or scarf to cover it up. He was also just enjoying her body on his too much to care. She was rolling her hips into his, and his hands were kneading her ass.
“What’s gotten into you tonight, huh?” He pants as her teeth really start to sink into his skin. “Not that I’m complaining.”
She pops off him with loud, wet noise, catching her breath as she looks at the red mark forming on his neck. She runs her thumb over it in hopes that it’ll turn a delightful dark purple.
“You just smell so good, you know your cologne drives me wild.” She says as she latches back onto his neck. He moans out as she nips at his skin. She rolls her hips down in a way that grins her center right over his bulge.
“Fuck, Amber, can we move this to the bedroom? M’about ready to explode here.” He groans, squeezing harder at the skin on her hips. She tugs his head more to the side to make the mark even bigger. “Can mark me up all over, yeah?”
“Mm, that sounds nice.” She mumbles into his neck, and kisses her way over to his lips. “Maybe we could take a quick shower, and I could lick you all over too.” She wiggles her eyebrows at him, and his eyes visibly darken.
“Should make you dinner more often.”
Harry was on cloud nine the next day at school. He couldn’t stop smiling even if he tried. Amber made good on her promise to lick him all over, especially where he liked it most. He liked that they both enjoyed a good tonguing, and he liked that they were so good at taking turns. He wasn’t even mad about how fucked up his neck looked. Harry knew what Amber was doing, she was clearly marking her territory, and he didn’t mind one bit. If he wasn’t into her dominant personality, he wouldn’t be with her. The sweater he was wearing covered up most of it anyways, and his students never seemed to hide the marks on their necks, so what was the big deal, really?
After he finishes his classes for the day, he heads to his office for his office hours. He dives into the papers he needed to grade. He assigned a ten-page paper for his fiction workshop, and now he was regretting it. He got about a third of the way through his stack when Whitney came to his office.
“Hi, Professor Styles.” She smiles.
“Hey, Whit.” He smiles back. “I’m actually glad you’re here, could use your help.”
“With what?”
“I have a ton of grades to put into a spreadsheet from my physical gradebook. Think you could do that for me?”
Harry unhooks his laptop from the docking station so she could dive into the spreadsheet he started. Things were quiet for a bit, but she was having trouble reading his writing. Harry had horrible penmanship.
“Professor Styles, I can’t read this.” She says, getting up from her seat and walking over to him. She leans over him slightly, and points to some of his scribbles. “See, I can’t tell if that’s an 87 or an 81.” Her cleavage was practically spilling into his face. He was about to say something, but someone else beat him to it.
“Maybe you should get your eyes checked.” They both look up to see Amber leaning against the door frame.
“Hey!” Harry smiles brightly, and Whitney stands up straight. “Amber, this is Whitney, one of my students. Whitney, this is my girlfriend, Amber.”
“Girlfriend, oh…um…I didn’t realize you were seeing someone, Professor Styles.”
“Course you did, how else would he have gotten that mark on his neck.” Amber smirks. “Now, why don’t you do everyone a favor and put your tits away because he’s not going to suck on them, alright?”
“Amber.” Harry looked mortified.
Whitney looked frightened, and she was speechless. She quickly gathers her things and walks out of Harry’s office. Harry stands up and goes to close his door. He was upset, Amber could tell.
“What?” Amber asks.
“You can’t talk to one of my students like that!”
“Why not? She was practically shoving her tits in your face, and you were letting it happen.”
“I was about to tell her to back off, but then you showed up. Why are you even here?”
“I came to surprise you, but I can see I’m unwanted. Why was she even here?”
“She comes to help me most days after class. She was working on a spreadsheet for me. And you’re not unwanted, you just don’t come to see me here often. It would have been a nice surprise if you hadn’t come in guns hot.” He puts his hands on his hips and looks at her. “Are you seriously jealous?”
“I can’t help that I feel protective over you. I don’t like that other people think you could be theirs when you’re mine.”
“And to think you didn’t want anything to do with me just a few months ago.” He smirks.
“That joke stopped being funny after the first time you made it.” She rolls her eyes, and stops towards him. Harry was just under a foot taller than Amber, and yet she commanded every room she walked into. She grips the collar of his sweater and tugs him down to her face, her eyes glowing.
“You’re so sexy when you’re like this.” He wraps his arms around her, lifting her up and sitting her down on his desk. “But don’t think it gives you a pass for acting like that. You need to be nice. She’s one of your customers, remember? You’re nice all the time at the shop, why can’t be nice where I work?” He pouts.
“Because no one flirts with me at my place of business.”
“Oh, please.” He scoffs. “I’d be a very rich man if I had a dollar for every time I’ve caught someone checking you out.”
“That’s totally different. No one’s shoving a part of their body in my face.” She pouts back at him. “Why does someone so pretty have to be one of your frequent flyers?”
“Okay, let’s get something straight. The only tits I want shoved in my face are yours.” He plants his hands on either side of her thighs, getting nice and close to her face. “And even though Whitney might be pretty, no one could ever compare to how incredibly beautiful you are.”
He always knew exactly how to melt her heart. He leans in to kiss her, sucking on her bottom lip, and licking into her mouth. Her hands move up to his chest, tugging on his sweater to pull him closer. She wraps her legs around his waist, and slowly lowers herself back onto his desk. He follows her, helping her keep her legs around him.
“Wait.” She pants as he kisses down her neck. “Go lock your door.”
“Shit, you’re right.” He says, quickly going over to the door to lock it, and then going back to her. “This is going to hurt your back, do you wanna do it on my chair, on the loveseat?”
“I really want you on top.” She whines.
“Yeah? Want me to be in control right now?”
“Let’s sit on the loveseat, even if you’re on top, I’ll thrust up into you.” He kisses her. “I’ll rub your clit.” He kisses her again. “Suck on your glorious tits.”
“Fuck, okay, just get my clothes off.” She huffs.
He picks her up, and undoes her jeans quickly. He tugs them down, along with her underwear. Harry drops his own pants and rips his sweater off. Amber gets her jacket off and wraps her arms around his neck. Harry tugs her back to the loveseat, turning her around so she’ll sit on him reverse. He pumps his cock a few times before lining himself up with her. Her jeans were around her ankles since she didn’t bother to take her boots off, so things felt a little tighter than usual; neither of them were complaining.
He bites down on her shoulder, and her head rolls back into his chest. His hands grip Amber’s hips, and he starts thrusting up into her. They needed to be quick and quiet, so he takes one of his hands and it brings it up to her mouth so she could suck on his fingers. Her eyes roll back as she sucks on his digits. His other hand slips between her thighs so his fingers could work her clit. She moans around his fingers from the sheer pleasure. His tip was pummeling her g-spot, and his fingers were working magic – excuse the pun. His palm was pressing into her bladder, and she was starting to panic. She didn’t want to make a mess of his loveseat.
“Can feel you squeezing around me.” He says into her hear, nipping at her lobe.
“H-Harry, I-“ She mumbles around his fingers.
“Hm? What’s the matter, gonna make a mess?”
“Mhm.” She whines.
“Well, we can’t have that, can we?” He stops all motions immediately, and lifts her off of him.
“What the hell are you doing?!” She asks as he grabs a tissue to come into.
“You said you wanted me in control.” He says as he pulls his pants back up. “Can’t have you squirting all over my office. I’ll take care of you when I finish work for the day.” He smiles and kisses her forehead.
“Harry, this isn’t funny.”
“M’not trying to be, Babe.” He helps her pull her own pants back up. “I have a lot to do, and since you sent my little worker bee away, I may be here a little later than usual. I’ll come to your place when I’m done.”
“You’re sure you wanna play this game with me?” She asks as she puts her jacket back on. “I don’t think you’re prepared for what you’re coming home to by denying me of an orgasm.”
“I’ll take my chances.” He smirks. “I can’t have you thinking you deserve a reward for acting up in my office.” He pecks her lips and opens his door. “I’ll see you in a little while.”
She narrows her eyes at him, looks him up and down, and nods.
Harry felt a chill run through him as she left. Maybe he should have let her come.
Harry wasn’t kidding when he said he had a lot of work to do. He didn’t get home until after the shop closed. He drops his things off in his apartment before going up to Amber’s. She was sitting on her couch watching TV when he came in.
“Hey, Baby, sorry I’m back so late. Where’s Opal?”
“Staying with Penny tonight.”
“Told her we needed some alone time.” She stands up and walks over to him, giving him a slow kiss on the cheek.
“Huh.” He swallows. “Well, we’re alone now.” He puts his hands on her hips. “Did you, uh, take care of yourself at all?”
“I’ll admit, I almost did just to spite you, but I thought it would ruin the fun.” She slides her hands up his chest. “That being said, I’m not quite in the mood for you to be so in control anymore.”
“What a relief.” He sighs. “M’exhausted, I don’t think I could keep up the façade of being so in charge right now.” He pouts at her and she giggles.
“You made a very good point earlier. I shouldn’t have spoken to your student like that. Bring some coupons with you tomorrow to give her as an apology, but make no mistake, if she keeps hitting on you I will not hesitate to fuck her up.”
“I can live with that. She’ll only be my student for another month or so.” He presses his forehead to hers. “So, what would like to do instead of playing games tonight?”
“I’d very much appreciate it if you ate me out for a bit. You denied me of what would have been a rather powerful orgasm and I think you should make up for it.”
“Fair enough. Then will you go back to bouncing on my cock the way you were? Felt so nice.”
She nods, and takes his hand to lead him to the bedroom. She takes her night shirt off, revealing her naked body to him.
“You’re wicked.” He grins. “Lounging around with that glorious bum of yours out for anyone to see.”
“Good thing I was home alone.” She grins, and gets onto the bed, spreading her legs open for him. She snaps her fingers to light the candles in the room.
Harry rids himself of his clothes, and knees onto the bed. He kisses on her belly, leaving a trail of wet kisses behind as he makes his way between her thighs. He hooks his arms around her thighs and dives in. He sucks on her clit immediately, making her moan out. She cards her fingers through his hair as he eats her like he hasn’t eaten in days. The noises he makes as he sucks and licks on her are filthy, and they only spur Amber on more with her moans and whimpers.
“Oh my god, Harry.” She whimpers. “You’re so fucking good, Baby, so fucking good.” She was near tears. His tongue was so wet and warm, fucking in and out of her. “Fuck, I’m gonna come, I’m gonna come, Harry!” She comes hard on his tongue, and he laps it up, moaning at how good she tastes.
“Fucking hell.” He breathes when he sits up. “Do you want me to give you another this way?”
“God, you’re insatiable.” She groans. “Please, I need you inside me now.”
Harry sits up against the headboard, and Amber sits on him reverse she like had earlier in the day. This time they could both be as loud as they wanted, and this time Harry could grope freely at her breasts. She uses her knees to move up and down on him. She was moving fast, wanting him to fill her up. He uses one of his hands to rub circles into her clit.
“Amber.” He moans into her ear, thrusting up into her. “You’re so fucking wet for me, feels amazing.”
“Only ever want your cock, no one else’s.” She had never said anything like that to him before. “Don’t want anyone else ever again.”
“Fuck, I don’t want anyone else either. M’all yours.”
“Yes!” She gasps as she comes around him. He follows right after, filling her up. “Yes.” She whispers.
“Are you all mine?” He whispers into her ear before kissing on her cheek and shoulder.
“Mhm.” She relaxes into him, and looks up his face, admiring his features. “You’re all I want.”
“You’re all I want too. I’m so glad we found one another.” He wraps his arms tightly around her.
“So am I.” She sighs happily.
Eventually, she gets off of him, and they both clean themselves up before getting into bed. Harry tells Amber about his classes and coursework, and she tells him about some of the funny customers that came in that day. They lay there giggling and chatting, just enjoying each other’s company.
“Harry?” She asks as she traces over his tattoos with her finger tips.
“Hm? What is it, my love?”
“You mean the world to me, I hope you know that.” She snuggles into his chest. “Jealousy is quite ugly, but when I love, I love hard. It’s just who I am.”
“I’m so honored that you’ve welcomed me into your small circle. I see the way you are with Opal and Penny, the love you have for them radiates off you. I can feel what you feel for me.”
“And I can feel what you feel for me.”
“We’re connected.” He says, and kisses the top of her head.
“We are.” She nods. “And it feels wonderful.”
240 notes · View notes
mirrorforevers · 3 years
here, there, and everywhere • graham coxon/reader
this fic is based on two prompts y'all sent me:
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this fic really tested all of my blur knowledge holy Fuck. blur as talking heads au i guess. how cool would it be if they
1. had a girl bassist instead of the cheese tory dude
2. werent as unhappy as they were in the mid 90s (just a bit)
3. were just a little 🤏🏻 bit more female friendly lets just pretend this is a universe where the blurjob passes didnt exist heh
it took me everything i had to make this sound as realistic as it could be. u know these girls who think they could fix patrick bateman or don draper? perhaps y’all could fix blur
consider this a gift n not only me writing for your prompt, @nottuned! thank u so much for all your support n encouragement n for always bein so sweet 🥺 i hope u enjoy reading it as much as i enjoyed writing it!
let’s see how many references to unfortunate britpop moments y’all can find in this
also i hope i captured the silliness of the gossip and drama in that era well. if you enjoyed it, please leave an ask telling me more! ur feedback is rly important to me 😔✊🏻
tw (?) reader has shitty parents
word count: 7.938 (this one's quite long!)
smut. set in the 90s. au.
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You were unlocking your door when you heard your house phone ring. The shrill sound echoed through the empty corridors as you hurriedly unwrapped your scarf, tossing your keys and backpack on nearby furniture as you ran to answer the call.
“Hello?” You answer, panting.
“Dave?” You smile, that call was a very welcome surprise. Your friend owed you an answer.
A few weeks ago, Dave Rowntree, your music classmate who became a close friend, told you that he had teamed up with two other proficient musicians to form a band. Dave was ecstatic, and every day he had new stories about his new friends to tell you between breakfasts and lunches that you shared between the countless hours of rehearsals. Even though you weren't part of the group, you already felt that you knew Damon and Graham like the back of your hand. Yin and Yang. One was expansive, ambitious, vain, impulsive. The other, shy, introspective, anxious and careful.
Damon Albarn wanted to be an actor, Graham Coxon had a firm foot in the visual arts. One was a fan of grand classical compositions, the other was a Beatles fan. They had been friends since they were children, in a seemingly unbreakable bond. Damon dropped out of his theater class not only because out of a sudden he had found a bigger calling in music instead of acting, but also because he couldn't stand being away from his best friend for so long. You found yourself often imagining their faces and voices while trying to make all of the wild and endearingly funny stories Dave told you more tangible in your head.
It was not long before Dave started dropping little hints that they needed someone else for their project. “It’s not that Graham isn’t good at bass,” he’d say, “but we could do better.” It wasn't at the top of your plans to be part of a band right now, especially as you were preparing intensely to join the Royal Academy of Music, and he knew it. When you mentioned the conversations you had with Dave about the boys on your family dinner, in quiet wonder and timid want of being part of something really exciting, your parents wrinkled their noses. Focus on the greater things, they’d say. Don’t let these boys distract you from your goal.
Our goal, they meant to say. Since you were born, you never knew if the things you wanted were really your will or theirs.
But anyway.
That dynamic went on for a while, until the day Dave invited you to audition for them while you shared a Diet Coke in the tube home.
“Will it take too much of my time?” You asked, coyly.
“Bold of you to assume we’ll let you in that quickly.” He chuckles, amused by your confidence. You playfully elbow him in return. He knew how good you were at what you did, though, and there’s lightness in his tone when he continues, “But no, unless you let it. You’ll probably have to stand up to Damon every once in a while.” He sips the drink, handing it over to you.
“What about Graham? How much is he determined to make it big?”
“Damon’s the one who wants it the most. Graham’s studying Fine Arts at Goldsmiths, so. There’s still cautiousness in him.”
“Huh. Okay then.” You reply, thoughts running wild. “Do we have a time and date?”
“Is tomorrow ok to you?”
“Sure. After our class?”
“Perfect.” The train reaches his station. He ruffles your hair: “See you tomorrow then.”
“See you.”
You don’t tell anything about it to your parents, you just warn them that you’ll arrive a bit later than usual. Dave’s intel was crucial to your choice of songs: knowing Graham was the beatlemaniac and also the rational brake to Damon’s tireless ambition, you knew who to please and have as an ally, so you build an innovative and fresh mashup of Paul McCartney’s greatest basslines to play for them. Of course it could backfire, but you didn’t care. You had a hell of a good ear anyway and if Damon wanted you to play anything out of the blue, you would improvise beautifully over it.
The day comes. You didn’t know why you were that nervous for an amateur audition. You weren’t even sure if it was the right path to follow, given that, depending on how focused Damon really was and how contagious his aspiration was, being part of a band could really take you out of your predestinated course. The reason why you were so nervous, now thinking a little more about it, may be because deep inside, you want your path to be a little less predictable. You didn’t want to fill your heart with hopes that you might make it big and travel all over the world because you didn’t even know them. But… what if it clicks? You knew some people in the scene whose work was getting seriously recognized out there.
Meeting them for the first time was an enigmatic experience. Damon was incredibly brash and cocky - not the first theater kid you’ve met in your life. Graham was way more approachable, though also a bit conceited when pushed just right. You wondered if you’d fit in that boys’ club, and decided you wouldn’t be an easy target for discredit or any kind of shit they might give you. “Took me a while to fully get their trust. You’ll do just fine”, Dave said, out of their earshot.
That gave you more fuel to play amazingly well. Damon definitely wasn’t one to be impressed quickly, but he was, when you finished your set. So was Graham - Graham was starry eyed with your performance, actually. Albarn showed you a song and asked you if you could improvise to it, just as you imagined. Of course you could, on the first play. You even suggested some adjustments to its structure. Your feedback was welcomed and noted.
Even though everything went surprisingly well, you still weren't sure if you would be a member of “Seymour”, as they called themselves. (You knew it wasn’t the best name, but you didn’t have a better suggestion at the time so you’ve kept your opinion to yourself.) Graham became eerily quiet out of a sudden and wouldn’t cross eyes with you the entire time you were there. Damon, well, was Damon. Perhaps he thought you were too ordinary and mainstream for deciding to play Beatles when he’s trying to be the new avant-garde Jesus.
But Dave's news was different than you expected. “They really, really enjoyed your audition. As I thought they would.” You can hear the smile in his voice. "When can you rehearse with us?"
Months after, on your first gig as a fully formed and integrated band, Damon was hit in the face by a guy twice his size, Graham vomited onstage and you and Dave had to take care of both. A beautiful way to close the already exquisite day you had, after you fought with your parents, got kicked out of your childhood home and gave up on entering the Royal Academy of Music two days after you received your acceptance letter featuring rave reviews of your entrance exam.
Dealing with these boys - no, grown-ass men - was hard, but not completely unpleasant. If it were totally unpleasant, you wouldn’t give up on your entire life to embark on such an adventure.
You - plural you - were so gifted and Damon’s compositions were so good. You could see that artsy pretentious mess of an act going somewhere. Of course, you were a bit lost in your life, but so were they, as you ran from city to city meeting new people and trying new things in your journey to fame.
Loneliness, once a close friend, became a distant acquaintance. One you didn’t know anymore.
You confess you were getting worried, though, with how much money you had left on your savings and how much you were spending lately now that your parents weren’t an active part of your life. Wanting to eat something you cannot dream of buying without that money being really useful in a much more critical situation, not having nearly enough money to replace something important that broke or got torn off was frustrating. Some basic things became luxuries out of a sudden.
One day in particular, you very briefly mentioned that you were dying to eat a slice of chocolate cake, but your voice was so small and everyone was so immersed in their duties you thought no one gave two shits to what you said. Two days later, Graham arrived late at rehearsal with a small chocolate cake in his hands, handing it over to you like it was a completely ordinary act. Nothing in the way he acted told you he expected a reward, it was so natural and… gentle. You knew no one in your band could buy a chocolate cake without it being apocalyptic to their personal finances during that time.
That day, you were assured by fate that feeling lost together was better than feeling guided alone.
The band finally got on track - strictly musically speaking. Personally speaking, many contemporaries who followed you at parties and other events described you as an ever-growing odd, annoying and intermittently disarming bunch - and Blur and its members became household names, at least in the UK. It became harder and harder everyday to impose yourself as an entire industry and its target public aimed to tear you down. Men couldn’t understand.
(Graham Coxon was the one who tried the hardest to.)
It was four in the morning. You’ve got used to following your bandmates to hospitals, running away from trouble or knowing when to relish in it. But it was the first time you offered yourself to clean up dried blood from one’s face, given how much you hated seeing the fluid and even fainted when younger whenever exposed to it.
You, so delicately, wipe the saline solution-soaked cotton across Graham’s face, who flinches at the cold sensation on his still sensitive skin. He stares at you with the eyes of a child, and you couldn’t help but give him a slight, warm smile in return, which he retributes. Your face conveyed gratitude and affection towards the one you were taking care of. Your hands still struggled to stay completely still after the surge of adrenaline your body received a few hours ago.
Being the only girl in a massive band, and one the music magazines and mainstream media loved sexualizing, meant having paparazzis in your window in odd hours (not that that’s acceptable in any hour, but you had to lower your standards even more these days), meant having different photographers trying to pressure you to get into all kinds of uncomfortable angles with skimpy-ass dresses and just count on the intervention of your fellow bandmates so they would stop, also having invasive male fans who would try to harass you in any way they could.
Of course the day where one of your bandmates would get into a fist fight with one of these men inserted into these categories would come. And even though they were all protective of you, each in their own peculiar, increasingly contradictory way, Graham’s dedication to it was sometimes commendable.
You were making your way through a small corridor of people on your way to the stage when a random guy cupped one of your breasts. It’s not like the venue was incredibly tight, it could not have been on accident and it made your blood boil. You turned around to scream at him, and Graham, who was just behind you, threw a punch directly towards the man’s face, without thinking twice.
And oh boy, took a lot of people and a sweet amount of time to separate the two after that.
After all was said and done, Graham had a few scratches, a black eye and a cut brow. He kept dodging your many “sorrys”, “you didn’t have to do this” and other expressions of guilt. “You have nothing to be sorry about, he deserved it”, he kept assuring you, like a mantra, just giving in to your pleas when you supplicated to take care of his wounds during intermission and after the show.
“I get why you did what you did, Gra. I hate that you took such a risk because of me, but I understand.” you say, voice cracking from not using it for a while after spending some good minutes in complete silence taking care of him. “However,” you soak another cotton ball in the saline solution a roadie got you, punctuating the word with a squeeze to the cotton to remove excess liquid. “I was worried sick about you. What if he… had a knife or something? You could’ve got seriously injured. Or killed.”
“Don’t worry about me. I’m perfectly able to have a good fight,” after wincing from the contact of the cold wet cotton with his dried blood, he purses his lips in a forced, shy smile, trying to light up the mood. He notices your hands are still shaking from the adrenaline, and takes one of them in his bigger ones, trying to calm you down. The fact that he did this for you, coupled with the fear and how tired you felt of having to go through that kind of situation once again, made you cry-laugh from how overwhelmed you felt.
His expression changes to one of pure compassion in an instant. “Hey, don’t--oh my,” he gets up from his chair to embrace you as you pour your frustrations through fat tears running down his shoulder.
“It’s so exhausting,” you mumble, through sobs. “Now I’m putting you in danger too. I feel like I did and I’m still doing everything wrong. I should be the one giving you a shoulder to cry on.”
“You didn’t do anything wrong! Anything at all, I promise you,” he says, tenderly, running his hands through your hair, still holding you tight. “It was his fault! I decided it was the right thing to do. You’re worth the risk. What people have been putting you through is unacceptable.”
“I’m not worth the risk!” You break apart from his arms, trying to get your point across. “What would I do without you if someone killed you? You need to be more careful!”
The silence hangs heavy between you two thanks to the weight of your words.
“You should’ve asked me before you lunged at him, at least. I don’t know.” You wipe your many tears as you move towards the nearest bottle of water to try to calm yourself down. “It’ll never end. I’m so afraid that these situations will get even worse. That,” you motion at his wounds and dirty clothes, “is a bloody tragedy. It’s a tragedy things escalated to this point. You can’t do that forever.”
“This is just a consequence. And something I would do for you in a heartbeat whenever necessary.”
“Graham, I don’t want you to get hurt because--”
“They hurt you. I won’t let you go through that alone. Besides,” he comes closer to you again. “As I already told you, I can take care of myself, most of the time.” He takes your face in his hands, his fingers so delicately running across your cheeks to dry your tears. You knew that gesture wasn’t his way of asking you for anything you weren’t ready to give him yet. He just wanted you to feel safe. “And I want to take care of you.”
“I’m the one cleaning your wounds.”
“A great partnership, I think.” Coxon chuckles softly, and finally gets a smile out of you. As he always does. “And they make me look cool, don’t you think?”
“Shut up.” You giggle, still feeling too emotional to return to the stage. You sigh: “Thank you for being there for me. You know I’m still not very used to it. Just please be safe.”
The roadie returns, a little flustered by interrupting your little moment together. “5 minutes and you’re back, guys.”
“Okay!” You both turn to answer her.
“I’ll be. No need to thank me for anything, Y/N.” He answers, giving your forehead a little kiss. “Let’s go.”
“Give me two minutes. I’ll be right behind you.”
“What’s it like, being the only woman in the band?”
Four eyerolls at once don’t seem to faze the interviewer. She waits for your response.
Apparently the thousand invasive questions regarding Damon’s love life and the same bullshit treatment of women as either rare specimen or sex dolls is what pleases the audience of music TV shows these days.
“What do you think?” is what you say.
“Must be a thrill to have these beautiful boys around you all the time. And we’ve heard you never even took advantage of it!”
You don’t like where this is heading. “Is that… a bad thing? I don’t know what you mean.”
“Perhaps some of our lady viewers might think it is. No judgement though!” She raises her hands. “You do you, it’s just that it’s quite unexpected to see prudes in non-Christian bands. I mean… from what we’ve heard.”
“I’m sorry? What are you trying to say? What did you hear?”
Her tongue clicks while she stares at you with defiance and mischief on her eyes, as she goes a little further and raises her voice so it can overlay yours. “Oh love. You do know what I’m talking about. There’s no need to be ashamed of being a virgin.”
Your cheek burns intensely and the only thing you wished for was for the ground to swallow you whole. Dave and Graham are especially uncomfortable. Damon’s a bit amused. The three knew almost everything there was to know about you. The one topic that surprisingly they didn’t know about is that you’re still a virgin.
They know you’ve been single for a long time. They know that’s part of what draws so much attention and twisted lore regarding you and your past, but that’s not something they felt they needed to know about you at all, and you truly never felt the need to comment about that with any of them, and they haven’t asked. Not even Mr. “the way to be successful in this game is to make all the boys wanna be you and all the girls wanna sleep with you. In your case that’d work in reverse” Damon Albarn.
“Is that even something that should be discussed in an interview about our music? Is that what your boss told you to ask her about?” Dave answers, his tone venomous.
“Musicians are way more than just music. You’re entertainment in every sense of the word.”
“Who told you that about me?” You asked, not sure if you want to know the answer.
“A lovely elderly lady who lives in Elgin Crescent. She knows you so well.”
That’s your mum. That’s how far low your relationship has degraded. You’re not surprised. That doesn’t feel less like a punch on your gut, but you don’t feel like tumbling again. Not today.
“I know who you’re talking about. Tell her I asked her to go fuck herself and burn in hell. In that order.”
“But that’s your--”
“Yes, she is my mum!” If people are going to expose you anyway, then why don’t you do it on your terms? “We’re truly entertainment in every sense of the word, aren’t we. Not everyone’s mum’s a cunt. Some of us aren’t that lucky.”
“You want to be the next Gallagher sister with the spicy remarks?”
“Not sure. But I do want to be the last person you ever get to interview.”
The management of the band wasn’t at all surprised your interview became UK’s topic of the week. People were heavily divided between family is family and we shouldn’t hate our relatives and blood isn’t everything, family can be shitty too. Your bandmates were proud of you. The management was angry but tried to understand, and didn’t press you for further explanations. They suggested a two-week break from everything so Blur could rest their image and start a fresh cycle after that, and you gracefully accepted it.
The whole thing seemed so ridiculous the more you thought about it. Did your mum tell the reporter about that gratuitously? What was their conversation like? How did that even happen?
You became the butt of jokes in some places. You saw other famous people doing challenges between them, countdowns, all sorts of crude remarks. What a pathetic, sad chapter of your career.
You dial Graham, and you feel like your heart was about to burst out of your chest.
“Hey, Gra. It’s me.”
“Hey, Y/N.” He sounds pleasantly surprised. “How's it going?”
“Better, I guess. I have to take my mind off all that chaos though. Are you available right now?”
“You’ve been owing me a movie night for quite a while now and I miss spending time with you. Wanna come over?”
“Aww. Sure, I--um. Do you want me to bring anything?”
“I’m pretty sure I got everything we need here--ah… I think I don’t have any more beers.”
“I’ll buy some then. See ya in a few minutes.”
Actually, you couldn’t take all that chaos off your mind because that was the only thing in it. You’re feeling so nervous.
The main reasons sex wasn’t a priority for you until now were:
You didn’t have any real opportunities of losing your virginity in your teens. You were impossibly introspective until, like, 3, 4 years ago, and the way your family worked hasn’t really allowed you to get really close to people. Be it boyfriends, girlfriends or just friends. Anything that threatened to take time off the various tasks and classes your parents assigned to you just couldn’t be part of your life. To be honest, you still struggled a bit to form meaningful connections with people thanks to how you grew up.
The moment you stopped being shy, you noticed it was a real man’s world out there, especially in music, classical or not. You didn’t want anyone to think you fucked your way up to the top, you didn’t want any messy affairs. Also, you had yourself, and you didn’t get all of the hype regarding the concept of screwing someone. But apparently there’s a lot you’ve been missing, given the importance people seem to give to it. After that incident, even though you swore to yourself you wouldn’t give in to any kind of misogynistic pressure, that was one that really got under your skin.
You never really found someone who you felt 100% safe with in that sense until the one who’s about to arrive at your house appeared in your life. Bloody hell, and you don’t even have anything romantic going on. By the time you were a Blur member, you’ve fooled around a bit, but not all the way. You knew how to kiss, knew how to touch yourself and even brought manual satisfaction to some random fool you thought you were into one time. But perhaps this is the time to go all the way. Why not? Everyone knew how close you two were. He made you feel special. He was so kind. And gorgeous. And--
You hear a knock on your door. It’s him. Beers in hand, hair somewhat in place, twitchy as ever.
He comes inside and you feel like your legs will give up anytime. It was not the first time he visited you. It was one of many, actually, and he noticed you were acting… different.
“Y/N, are you okay?” He asks after a brief dialogue between you two, after plating some snacks for both of you.
“Graham...” You sigh, being really careful with your words. “What is your perception of me?”
“My perception of you?” He smiles. “I… think you’re great. You’re fun to be around. You’re one of the best musicians I know, if not the best. Why are you asking me that?”
“N-nothing. It’s nothing. Also, I asked the wrong question. What was your first perception of me?”
“Uh… the day of your audition?”
“Exactly. You barely talked to me that day.”
His eyes lower to his own feet. “I was really timid, actually. I wasn’t used to being near any girl, especially one who… w-would spend so much time around me if everything went well.”
You giggle. “I thought you hated me.”
“Never!” his smile turns into a full blown laughter. You melt at his confession. “Also because it seemed like you were trying to read my mind or something.”
“Of course! Because I thought you hated me!” Now that was a laughter you two shared. You do a voice: “‘Why is that pesky girl trying to get in my band?’”
“My goodness, no! I don’t even sound like that - you know what, I changed my mind. You suck. Because, besides the fact you don’t even know what I sound like, you still haven’t told me why you are asking me that in the first place.”
You couldn’t help but notice how he slightly cornered you physically in one of the kitchen corridors. Graham could be really persuasive when he wanted to.
“Okay. Right. Um. I’ve been thinking about some stuff.”
“What, exactly?”
“Everything that happened this month. The great virginity debacle,” you roll your eyes, and he scoffs.
“You don’t own anyone any information about what you do or don't do with your life. Everyone’s being so invasive. That was incredibly childish of the reporter to do, and we talked about that hundreds of times.”
“Yeah, but… you know what, forget it.”
“Tell me, Y/N. I just said that because I want you to know you were not in the wrong.”
“I know. It’s just… I’ve been thinking that maybe it’s silly for me to… keep closing myself for affection. Any kind of affection.”
“What are you talking about?” His brows furrowed in curiosity.
“I’m not sure if it’s the pressure that finally got under my skin, but… I’m willing to learn what all the fuss is about. Maybe it’s silly that I’m still a virgin.”
He bites his lips, still processing what you just said, expression unreadable. Perhaps you’ve treaded a ground you shouldn’t. You step back both literally and figuratively. “I’m sorry I even brought that up--”
“No, no, don’t be.” He assures you. “I’m just… surprised, that’s all. I swear.”
“And...” You know what. You already went too far, so why not go all the way. You’ve already gone way past the point of no return. “I was wondering if… you would… popmycherry?”
His eyes widen, yours still closed. When you finally open them, he’s closer to you again.
If his head was a machine, you’re sure it would be releasing lots of steam and shaking due to overprocessing. You felt like you just ruined everything.
“Y/N, you don’t need to do it if you don’t really want to.”
“But I want it! At first I thought I didn’t, but then I thought...”
“I don’t want to be part of that if you’re just doing it to fulfill weird expectations.”
“But it’s not that. Not just... that. I asked about your perception of me because I really like you, Gra. I think we should be more than friends and I wanted to know what you think about me. And I want to know what the fuss is about, yes, but I’m not telling you that just so I can lose my virginity to prove some point. I’m telling you that because I like you, I want to kiss you, and I think it would be a great idea if you showed me what it’s like. Y-you know, sex.”
“I-I can’t believe it. Did you even have any movie in mind?” His smile’s back, but you’re still not confident about what his answer will be.
“I didn’t. I’m sorry. You don’t have to--”
He sighs. “I was in love with you the moment I first saw you, actually.” He says it like he’s releasing a huge load out of his back, his arms crossed. Now your eyes widen, and you hold your breath without even noticing. “I didn’t want you to feel pressured. I know how you feel, or, felt about relationships, so… there wasn’t any reason for me to tell you that. And what I said about being timid was just half of the truth.”
“I also was really intimidated by how pretty you looked. You can’t imagine how.”
“No way.”
“It’s true. I felt like I wasn’t even worthy of looking at you, really.”
“You’re joking. That’s mean, Gra.”
“I’m not. I’m really not.” He doesn’t look like he is joking. He looks relieved. “I’m really not. That’s why I’m so surprised by your request.”
“I’m nothing special.”
“You are everything to me. But I can’t accept your offer, not now.”
“Are you… seeing someone? Am I too late?”
“No. Definitely not. I just want you to be sure you’re not doing it because people are saying you should.”
“Graham, I’m a grown woman.”
“I know.”
Graham carefully presses his slightly chapped lips to yours, kissing you for a few precious, heart stopping seconds before pulling away; his voice is impossibly silky when he suggests, “Let’s watch a movie. How about The Godfather? I heard it’s airing tonight. Then, if in two weeks you don’t change your mind, tell me and I’ll be glad to help you with what you want. Do we have a deal?”
“That’s so unfair. I want you so bad.” You whisper.
“Tell me if you still do in two weeks.”
You sigh, defeated. “...Deal.”
You definitely notice the subtle shift in Graham’s personality and actions after that fateful night. If you were already close, both figuratively and literally, it now seemed like he would use any excuse to always touch you, be near you, sometimes tease you. The shift was subtle, though, don’t forget it’s still Graham Coxon we’re talking about - the constant “is it okay if”s or “is it alright if I”s were still there, as careful as ever. You don’t even talk about your deal that entire time, or even kiss again - sometimes you wondered if it was even real or just a fabrication of your mind.
The way he now caressed your hand discreetly when you listened to Damon’s ramblings, the way his hands now went directly to your waist when your games became too handsy, the way he seemed to be madly in love with everything you were and still are from the start - made you realize you were ready for this man to be a consistent part of your life.
The dust of the controversy was settled, and your own intentions were 100% clear to you now. The societal pressure has waned. The need for Graham to be your first persisted. After exactly 2 weeks have passed, you call him again, yearning to share the answer with him.
One beep.
Two beeps.
Three beeps.
Four beeps. “Hello?”
You release a sigh hidden deep inside of your lungs. “Graham, it’s Y/N.”
“Oh. It’s been two weeks.” You could hear the contemplative tone of his voice.
“...Yeah. That’s precisely the reason I’m calling you.”
“Do you still want to…?”
“Ok.” He chuckles, flustered as hell on the other side of the phone, probably one of the prettiest sounds you’ve ever heard. “Right. Ok. Your place or mine?”
“I think there’ll be an element of mystery if I go to your place this time.” You lose some of the constraints this silly shyness has been tying you on. “Do you have everything we might need there?”
“We don’t need a dungeon, you know.”
“The basics.” You make your smile heard.
“I do have… I do have the basics.”
“See you in a few minutes then.”
“Will you want to… ease into it? Or just go straight to it?”
“God, don’t make it awkward!” Your cheeks burn, your smile turning into contagious laughter. “Maybe… I don’t know. Ease into it, I guess? A movie night… but with s-something else?”
“Okay. Sounds good.”
“Alright then. See you.”
“See you.”
You don’t choose any particularly fancy or sexy clothes, instead settling for a slightly oversized yellow striped shirt he gave you as a birthday present some months ago and some skirt that fit you well. He wasn’t one to lavish his loved ones with gifts all the time, but few things were as precious as the look on his face whenever he saw you wearing something he gave you or, hell, even eating something he paid for you. You’re thrilled to see it again when he opens the door for you, it easing some of your deepest doubts.
2001: A Space Odyssey is already playing on the TV when you arrive. Despite it being one of your favorite movies of all time, and his, you’re not mad it was already halfway through when you arrived. It wasn’t your main priority to rewatch it for the 17th time tonight.
He offers you some wine, which you accept to ease the nerves. You sit on his couch, and he shares the cozy space with you, now mindlessly throwing one of his arms around your shoulders. You cuddle up to him, and everything seems peaceful in the world for a while.
The tip of his fingers softly caress your lifted knee, absentmindedly. You couldn’t help but notice how well his body fits with yours, how your skin was apparently made for him to touch, and the anxiety rumbles in your stomach like a storm in a wild wavy sea. After some minutes, you raise your head, his big brown eyes meeting yours as if asking you a silent question. You leaned up a bit more to press your lips to his, in a silent answer. The sweetness in him makes this moment as precious as every other moment you ever shared with him. His hands enter your hair, making you shiver a bit from the unfamiliarity and the electricity of it all - but it doesn’t sway you from deepening the kiss, wanting more of his taste, more of this, more of him.
“Do you wanna take this to the bed?” He whispers, after noticing your moans were becoming more frequent and needy. You nod, and you are taken by surprise when he carries you bridal style to it, hiding your excited giggles in his broad shoulders.
Graham wasn’t exactly the most organized man in the world - so the fact that his bedroom was now impossibly tidy was something that positively caught your attention. He put some planning into this. He lays you down and you part your legs, beckoning him to meet you between them. He does, and you go back to the breathtaking makeout session. You notice he’s holding himself back a bit, taking his time, his warm tongue moving smoothly, not hurriedly, against yours. His self control falters a bit though, given how he can’t stop grinding against you. You follow the rhythm of his hips a bit timidly and not nearly as in sync as you’d really like, though the pressure his covered cock is creating against your core can already be felt and some particular thrusts are able to fill at least partially the aching, wet need growing within you.
“How do you feel about oral?” He asks, breath warm near your ear, his voice raspy and spent by his desire for you.
“Um… It would be my first time receiving or doing it.”
“Would you like me to go down on you?”
“Wow. I never thought I would hear you saying something like that.” You smile, still assimilating the situation you’re in, trying not to show how badly his voice is affecting you. “Sure.”
“I never thought I would get to propose this to you. Aren’t we full of surprises lately.” He smiles back, warmly. He notices your hands trembling a bit from how anxious you are while you’re taking off your underwear with his help, and as he lowers himself to where you need him most, he takes your hands in his as an act of reassurance. “Tell me what you like. Tell me if what I’m doing works for you. I want this to be a great experience.”
“You want me to get addicted to you, that’s what you want,” He chuckles, lovingly kissing your thigh as a reply. “Okay, Gra. Guess I’ll find out along the way.”
You quickly take a peak below you to see the lower half of his face disappear in the middle of your thighs. The sight alone sets your fire ablaze, as he hooks his arms around your thighs and lifts you closer to his mouth, his lips ghosting over the curls between your legs tantalizingly and his breath catching when your hips jerk forward.
As he begins his ministrations, you immediately notice it’s unlike anything you’ve ever felt. That feeling was completely alien to you. It was even wetter than you expected, and weird, but powerfully pleasant. Before this exact moment, you had a firm belief that hardly anyone else would make you feel the same way, or better, than you do yourself, but apparently you were very wrong. Thankfully you were wrong. “My god,” you gasp as the flat of his tongue drags over your folds, too much and not enough, and you jerk at the contact. “This is great. So weird, but-- great.”
He moans at your response, his movements carefully enthusiastic. He works his tongue between your folds and traces up to curl the tip of it around your clit, and it’s quite endearing and madly arousing to see how he eats out you like you’re the sweetest and tastier dessert he has ever tasted. You involuntarily buck against him with a desperate sound the moment he moves his tongue and lips in a particularly wicked way, something that definitely doesn’t go unnoticed by him, but you still feel the need to highlight in case it didn’t - “That. Keep doing that, please,”
And he does. The building of this climax is also different than the ones you already had by your own hands, and is more coy. As he sees the drops of sweat sliding along your soft skin and the expressions on your face as you get lost in this new but enchanting sensations, his hesitation and self-control fades away; there’s nothing uncertain in the way he buries his face in your cunt now, nothing restrained in the groan he lets out as he devours you and drinks you down as if you’re the first stream of water he has seen in days.
His tongue glides deeper in your folds again and again, swirling up through the wetness you’re coated with to tease at your clit while he grunts and strains closer, squeezing your thighs with both hands tight. The wave of heat inside of you is cresting so fast, you don't even know how to tell him, how to signal that you’re nearly done for and, in the end, it happens too fast to even try. He sucks at your clit, circling it with his tongue, once, twice, and then you’re crying out, shaking underneath him, trying to keep your thighs from clenching too hard around his head as he laps you through it with with urgent whimpers and moans, as if he cannot have enough of you.
You’re still trembling when he rises, the look on his face revealing to you how proud he feels by making you feel this way. It looks so good on him.
You fail miserably at the simple task of connecting words together after that, choosing instead to collect your remaining strength, prop yourself up and beckon him again to keep kissing him and learn, through his talented tongue, how you taste. He kisses the thin fabric of the shirt at your chest that covers you from view, your throat, your jaw, and before he reaches your impatient lips, he notes, sinfully, “Seems like you enjoyed yourself, love.”
“That was… unbelievable. Stars, I want to make you feel good too. Please show me how.”
“Keep kissing me,” he begs, voice still strained from how aroused he is. “I want to be inside you so bad. Let’s get you prepared.” You’re still so sensitive, you tread on overstimulation when his fingers lightly touch your clit, making you break the kiss in a hiss. He traces a line on your folds, inspecting the impact his mouth had on you. “So wet for me.”
“Bit slower, Gra,” He complies to your breathy plea, his fingers now more tame as he slowly spreads your wetness throughout your pussy. He stretches towards the nightstand to grab a bottle of lube, interrupting his contact to spread some on his fingers before unhurriedly slipping his middle finger inside of you. The coldness of the gel makes you shiver in surprise, the easiness brought by it very welcomed. Again - the sensation is odd. Completely unfamiliar. The feeling of having something inside of you for the first time, going further than you ever dared to try, probing, exploring; the coldness of the lube clashing against your burning hot cunt. But it also felt nice. The focused look on his face was adorable, he looked like he was a scientist in the middle of very complex research.
Despite the panting, the messy hair and the fire in his eyes.
Your body already has a lot of new sensations to process simultaneously, so when he asks you to take off your bra and shirt so his tongue can work on your nipples - which you gladly accept, you feel like you’re on sensual overload. His tongue, again, so talented, takes your mind off the slight burning you feel when he introduces his ring finger to your soaked, throbbing core, his focused, carefully overpowering and constant stimulation driving you insane.
“Does it feel good?” He asks, voice muffled by your breast. You nod, carried by the wave of pleasure sweeping you.
“Yes. God, yes.” You pant, tangling your fingers tightly on his thick hair as an encouragement, a desperate sound escaping from your lips the moment he reaches a certain point within you you didn’t even know existed, hot mouth continuing to lick and suck your nipple. Even though you were spent by your last orgasm, he was indeed getting you addicted to those new feelings, and even though this was heavenly, truly heavenly, you needed more. “Gra, I’m ready, I think.”
“You sure?”
“Yes. Please.”
Releasing your nipple from his lips with a sounding pop, he eagerly frees himself from his trousers - hard as a brick - and puts protection and lubrication on, swiftly positioning himself between your thighs while stroking himself to the sight in front of him. You motion to take off your skirt, and he holds your hand, not letting you. “Don’t. It’ll be really hot to fuck you in this.” He confesses, giving your forehead a kiss in a very different context than before. He aligns his forehead with yours, each of your lips just barely touching while you breathe each other’s air. He looks deep into your eyes, slowly running the tip of his cock between the slick folds of your pussy, coating himself in the remnants of your pleasure. “Do you trust me?”
You trust me to know your limits? Not to go any further if you don’t really want me to?
The only response you get from him is a shuddering, helpless moan into your mouth and you hold him tighter to you, grinding your still sensitive cunt up against his cock while he pulls hard at the soft fur next to your head. You feel your soaking pussy lips part around the solid curve of his length and gradually coat the underside of him in slick with every gentle circle and roll your hips make, as he finally pulls away from your mouth to drop his forehead to your neck. He then, very slowly, penetrates you, stopping when he hears the noises you make indicating you’re struggling to adjust to his presence. Out of everything you’ve felt in the last minutes, this was by far the most painful sensation. “This-- is new,” you note, your face completely incapable of hiding the discomfort. He also notices that.
“Are you okay? Do you want me to stop?”
“It’s okay. I’ll get used to it.”
“It’s not supposed to be about endurance, you know.” He says, a bit breathless and worried, caressing your hair. “Tell me when it’s okay to move. Or if you feel too much pain.”
After some long seconds and some deep breaths, you say: “Okay. Go on.”
“As you wish.”
He moves inside you at a very slow pace, the lubrication clearly making it easier for you to handle it. It still hurts, significantly, but the sensation of being filled is also surprisingly arousing.
His hand moves to your sensitive clit again in small, measured circles, your little moans being a mixture of the pain of penetration and the sheer ecstasy of seeing him falling apart because of you. The way his chest heaves while the drops of sweat start pearling his fair skin, the furrowed brows and broken groans, the thickness of him as he rests heavy up against your entrance, the way his voice presses deliciously tight in his throat as he gasps out into the quiet room - everything’s making your chest burst in love and satisfaction. You tighten your grip around him and roll your hips up into his cock, letting it break you open nice and slow; it stretches you wide with a deliciously sharp fullness and pleasure rips through you, and Graham becomes even more vocal as he picks up a steady and gradually faster pace. He turned all of your keys, it’s about time you turn some of his.
“Graham, deeper,” you whimper, continuing to tighten your legs and hoist yourself up, lifting your hips to take his cock deeper inside you. His name rips itself from your throat while Coxon clenches his jaw and starts to lose himself in the pleasure, holding you down into the bed while he allows your desperation to guide him to the perfect angle and speed to sate you. He found denying you to be impossible.
He snarls and curses as he holds you down and rails you, determined to make you sing again before he finishes, and to his delight, your heightened sensitivity gives him what he wants. And this time, he couldn't hold on.
Graham kisses you one last time as he groans and gives in, head dropping to your neck again. You didn’t reach a second climax, but stars, what an experience you just had.
When he comes back to himself enough to realise he still had you practically folded in half, he carefully pulls his softening cock free, taking the condom off and taking the strands of hair out of your face as you struggle to catch your breath. You suggest a shared bath, a suggestion he gladly accepts.
Too tired and too sore for pillow talk, comfortable silence falls as your hand finds his, and you lay, listening to each other’s breathing slowly settle.
I could get used to his little snore on my chest, is the last thought that twinkles on your mind before you fall asleep snuggled with him.
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freesiart · 4 years
Tony won’t let you go on a mission, but you’re pretty capable of getting in trouble without his assistance.
English isn’t my first language, I apologize if there were any mistakes!
Gif isn’t mine
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“Damn it, that’s what I talking about, Y/N! You're just being stupid! I won't let you go on a mission.”
Perhaps if you stopped treating me like a child, I would stop acting like one, you thought sourly.
Stark became a real monster when it came to protection. More precisely, to hyperprotection. At first it was even pleasant, but now it was just annoying.
“Gods, Tony!” You gritted your teeth trying to contain your anger. “This is not a raid on the Hydra base, this is an average mission! I can handle myself!”
Stark didn’t pay the slightest attention to your words. He fastened the buckle on his chest and gave you an angry look.
“You are not going, kid. End of discussion.”
You growled, but refrained from stamping your foot. It would only amuse him even more.
“It doesn't make any sense! You take everyone! Even Bucky is coming,” you said. “You care about quantity, not quality! Take me!”
Tony nodded at Barnes as he passed by and looked at you wearily.
“Y/N. No. Plus, Loki is staying with you! Play Scrabble or whatever. When we get back, you can help us unload.”
You folded your hands on your chest and turned away, pursing your lips so as not to cry from anger and powerlessness. Tony left.
It was late evening. Finally, a quinjet with an incomplete, but basic composition of the Avengers (the full one included Y/N and Loki) took off, and you stubbornly followed him with your gaze until it turned into a completely distinguishable point on the horizon.
Turning around, you saw that Loki was watching you, leaning on the doorframe.
He was dressed like a Midgardian: a dark green crew-neck sweater, black trousers, and a jacket. Black hair framed his face in a perfect halo, and your heart fluttered. Gods, he was handsome. And he was also a god, you reminded yourself. Do not flatter yourself.
You put on an imperturbable face.
“What? You don't expect me to really play Scrabble with you, do you?”
His lips curled up in a grin for a moment.
“I have no idea what Scrabble is. Another stupid invention of the Midgardians.”
You rolled your eyes in displeasure and walked past him. To your surprise, Loki followed you.
“What do you want?” you asked him without turning your head. You were uncomfortable with the fact that you are alone in the Avengers tower with a Scandinavian god. You were not afraid of Loki. Rather, you were afraid of what would happen if he suddenly found out about your feelings. Or at least suspect them.
Loki snorted.
“I'm just bored, mortal. Why, of all people, did they leave you here?
“Why, of all people, did they leave you here?” you retorted. “Oh wait, I know. This is because no one trusts you enough to allow you to take part in a real mission.”
You turned around, anticipating that he would be angry, but Loki's face was amused. His eyes glittered. He seemed to feel the delight of the verbal skirmish.
But before he had time to answer, an alarm siren screamed. Your heart immediately sank into your heels, and you rushed to the dashboard.
You didn't like what you saw there.
“Damn it!” You turned to Loki. “On the lower floors, someone made their way into the room with safes. Where Stark's developments are. They will not break the safe, but they will cause trouble. Need to go.”
You rushed to the weapons cabinet and fished out three pistols. You put one in your holster, took the second in your hand, and handed the third to Loki. He froze, looking at you with disbelief... and nervousness?
“We must go,” you repeated insistently, holding out a gun to him.
Loki took a deep breath.
“Y/N, you shouldn't go there. Let the guards settle this.”
You felt the bitterness on your tongue. Without looking at Loki, you put the third gun back in the closet.
“I see,” you muttered angrily. “Stay here, I can handle it myself. Play Scrabble or whatever.”
You went to the elevator with a lump in your throat. When the doors were already closing, Loki squeezed into the elevator. He looked worried and angry.
“I already told you, I don’t know what Scrabble is.”
As it turns out, Loki was not completely wrong.
There were four spies - one broke into the safe room, the second guarded the entrance to the premises, and the other two held the guards hostage. And they had huge guns.
You and Loki were standing right around the corner of the floor. You looked at the small pistol in your hand and sighed intermittently.
“I go first, shoot those two, and you disarm the third from behind,” you whispered him your plan. “Then we go inside, and the last one...”
Before you could finish, Loki calmly walked around the corner and disarmed all three with a wave of his hand. They clutched at their throats, as if something invisible was choking them. One of them's eyes began to roll.
You've never seen Loki's magic in action. And, to be honest, it scared you.
You hung on his arm, forcing him to look at you. His eyes were empty, and his brows were furrowed. His gaze cleared slightly as he saw you.
“Loki,” you said forcefully. “Stop, you are killing them.”
Loki lowered his hand with a sigh. Criminals fell to the floor, coughing. You nodded in satisfaction and cocked the trigger.
“Well done. Keep these under control, I will bring out the Tomb Raider.”
You coped with the fourth one without any problems. He was unarmed, but surrounded by devices to open the safe - as if they really would have helped him. Seeing the muzzle of the gun pointed at himself, he immediately surrendered.
Proud, you led the fourth one out of the safe room and motioned for him to go to the others. Beaming, you turned to Loki. Who turned very pale in an instant and opened his mouth, but you interrupted him:
“Nice work, Loki! You and I are...”
You felt something cold on your neck, and all the bravado immediately flew off you.
“Slow down, talker. Gun on the floor.”
Damn it.
It looks like there were five of them.
You dropped your gun to the floor, trying not to make any sudden movements. Out of the corner of your eye you looked at Loki and saw that he was white with anger. His hands were clenched into fists.
“Get the gun off her!” he growled. It seemed to you that the room had darkened. “Right now.”
Loki took a step towards you, but the man behind you jabbed a cold muzzle into your neck, and you flinched. Loki stopped immediately. You saw how his Adam's apple twitched convulsively.
“Stay where you are, little god. And you, talker, throw out the second pistol. And walk with me to the exit. You are my ticket to freedom, aye?”
You swallowed hard and pulled out the second pistol, not taking your eyes off Loki. He was terrified, he was pounding.
“Sorry,” you mouthed. The muzzle poked you in the back again, and you were seized with sudden anger towards the criminal. You are not a little child. You are capable of more than just being a damsel in distress.
You bent down and walked off to the left, sweeping the criminal. There was not enough strength, and he did not fall, but only lost his balance. With your elbow you tried to knock the pistol out of his hand when the shot happened.
He fell, and for some reason you fell too.
Then you felt a pain in your shoulder, and your eyes darkened for a minute.
You heard screams and heavy breathing. Then everything fell silent, and you felt someone's gentle, caring hands lifting you from the floor.
“Loki...” you whispered. You saw his face, distorted by a mask of horror, and felt how he was shaking. “Everything is fine. He hit my shoulder.”
His lips trembled, and you thought he sobbed.
"Why should I care about you, stupid mortal?" he growled. His eyes glittered strangely. ”Especially about such an idiot?”
You chuckled, feeling your whole body go numb from the pain spreading from your shoulder. The pain was bearable if it meant you could look at Loki.
“Yeah,” you whispered.
Loki gazed at your face painfully and tenderly, and then lightly pressed his lips to yours. Weightless as the touch of a butterfly.
You leaned forward and kissed him. Your kiss was bittersweet: full of fear, pain, longing and deep affection of the heart.
Loki looked up from you, not hiding the love that was in the lights in his eyes.
“You didn't think that I would let you go until you teached me how to play Scrabble, did you?”
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collecting-stories · 4 years
Invisible - Luke Patterson
Summary: You and Luke finally admit your feelings to each other.
A/N: My first time writing JATP...
Julie and the Phantoms Masterlist
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The piano was more of a prop at this point than anything, practically holding you up as you leaned against it, tapping at the same key over and over, the pout playing on your lips unmistakable. Mrs. Harrison had given out instructions at the beginning of the month that she wanted an original composition by each student in the class. It was a simple enough assignment and honestly, you’d been finished for weeks now but there was no way you get up in front of the class and perform the song you had written.  
When Flynn had badgered you last week you had sworn that you didn’t have a crush on Luke. He was just Julie’s bandmate and, of course, a ghost. “You always want what you can’t have, I was worried that included him.”
Luke, you were beyond positive, did not feel the same way about you. He was focused on the band and, possibly, figuring out what they needed to eventually crossover. Besides, you were pretty sure that he liked Julie. Their chemistry together on stage was undeniable and maybe it was just for show, but you doubted there was a chance with him at all. So, you lied and told Flynn that you didn’t like him but then every song you wrote lately was about him and you knew you could sing any of them in front of the class.  
“Crap!” You jumped, almost falling off the piano bench. You looked over to your bed where Luke was laying, sprawled across the comforter, smiling innocently at you. “You have got to stop doing that!”
Whatever had happened when the club stamps disappeared from their wrists, you couldn’t be entirely sure. All you knew was that you could actually hug them now, high five, fist bump, hold hands with. Alex had even attempted to give you a piggyback that had ended in a mess of limbs on the ground. But they were still ghosts. Cute, talented, way more attractive in a cut off shirt than he should be, ghosts.
“Sorry,” He sat up, swinging his legs around to hang off the side of the bed, “thought you were coming over to Julie’s?”
You cringed. You had promised to go to Julie’s to play them the song before Friday but you had chickened out. Maybe it wouldn’t be obvious to Luke or the guys but there was no tricking Julie or Flynn, they would know immediately that any song you sang was about Luke. You had essentially laid all your feelings out there for him and there was no way you could perform something so personal in front of him.  
“I was...I’m just still...ironing out some kinks.” You shrugged, running your fingers over the keys experimentally.  
You had spent plenty of late nights with Luke, in your room writing music, cataloging snippets of lyrics that you pretended weren’t about him but the truth was that he was all you could think about. The change they’d gone through after the Orpheum had only made it harder to deny how you felt.  
“I thought you were finished your song,” Luke said, coming around the piano. He reached for the sheet music on the stand but you grabbed it first, shoving it back into your bag.  
The look of hurt that flickered was quickly replaced by curiosity as Luke took a seat beside you on the bench. “It just needs some work.”
“What have ya got so far?” He asked, not letting up. Luke was nothing if not persistent, especially when he thought someone was holding out on telling him something and you definitely were. He leaned close to you, trying to goad you into showing him the sheet music.  
“Nothing worth showing off, which is why I didn’t go to Julie’s,” you admitted, “I’m supposed to have a song by tomorrow and so far...I’ve got nothing.” Not entirely true but you couldn’t tell him the real reason you were avoiding Julie’s house.  
Before Luke could answer you, your mom called up the stairs for dinner. It was a welcomed distraction, an excuse to leave the room and hopefully the conversation behind. Maybe you could write a song about your mom’s lasagna or going to the mall with friends once you were done dinner. Something superficial and dumb. You left Luke in your room and headed downstairs to eat.  
That, of course, was your first mistake. Trusting Luke not to snoop was always a risk, he was a naturally inquisitive person, to put it nicely. The moment you left your room he was pulling your sheet music and your notebook out to see if the song you had written was as bad as you claimed it was. He skimmed the first two lines, smiling when he recognized the hook that he’d helped you with three nights ago when you couldn’t sleep and he was annoyed with Alex and Reggie.  
He hummed along to the chords as he read the lyrics, not even realizing, as he went, that he was frowning. This song that you said wasn’t very good was fantastic but that’s not why he was upset. Whoever you had written about, it was obvious that you liked them, a lot. Thinking that he’d helped you write a love song for someone else stung more than he thought it would. He knew what Alex would say, that if anyone shouldn’t get together it was a ghost and a lifer but he couldn’t help the crush he had on you.  
“Hey!” It was your turn to spook him, Luke’s head snapping up to look at you, eyes wide for a second before he grinned sheepishly.
“Sorry, just thought maybe a second set of eyes might help.”
“Luke,” you sighed, incapable of actually being upset with him, “I told you it wasn’t done.”
“It definitely is. It’s great, honestly.” He replied. He might not love that you were writing some guy a love song but he wasn’t gonna lie about your talent.
“Oh, uh, thanks.” You replied, standing on the other side of the piano, taking the first few pages to look them over.
“So, who’s the guy?” He asked. Luke’s inquisitiveness got the best of him every time...he couldn’t help wondering who had stolen your attention so much that you wrote about them.
“What?” You asked, looking up at him as if you were surprised by the question. You weren’t, you didn’t want him seeing the song because you knew that he would ask about the subject and you couldn’t lie to Luke. You wished you could, it would make things a whole lot easier if you could pretend like the song was about some guy from school but you hadn’t really ever liked anyone the way you liked Luke.  
“The song...come on, who did you write it about?” He asked.
“No one,” you replied too quickly, “just, you know...a song. About, just like...made up stuff.”  
“Made up stuff? I know you...I know that’s real emotion on the page and not some ‘made up stuff’. So...who?” He pushed.
“Like I said, no one.”  
Luke nodded slowly, appraising the few pages that he still had in his hands, “okay, okay...I don’t believe you.”
“Well, you don’t have to but it’s true.”  
“This is way too-”
“Luke!” You stressed, “just drop it.”
You groaned, sitting down on your bed and flopping onto you back, now he was going to antagonize you about why you didn’t want him to know who the person you liked was. And if he knew that, if he knew anything, you were positive that he would put two and two together and figure out that it was him. Luke called your name and you groaned again.
“Look I wrote the song about a guy that I really, really like who totally doesn’t even like me and like, I might as well be a ghost like you guys because I’m totally invisible to him and it’s so frustrating because...ugh.” You covered your face with your hands, mumbling through them, “I want him to like me but it’s never gonna happen.”  
“Maybe just, tell this guy you like him...show him this song or something?” Luke suggested, every word feeling heavy on his tongue. The last thing he wanted to tell you was to go ahead and pursue this guy. “I mean, you’re you, who wouldn’t notice you or like you?” He certainly had and did.
“No way Luke,” you huffed, “that is like the last thing I wanna do...I do not need rejection right now.”  
“Come on,” Luke got up from the piano and came over to sit with you on the bed. He grabbed your arms, pulling you to sit up with him. “No one in their right mind is gonna reject you.”  
“I appreciate the confidence.”
“Doesn’t sound like it,” he laughed, prodding your sides with his fingers in an effort to make you laugh.  
“Stop!” You pushed his hands away but he was already smiling.  
“Look, I’ll even help you,” he offered, “tell me who you like and I’ll help you, ya know, tell ‘em.”
“How will you help me tell them?” You asked, skeptically.
“I’ll help you with the song.”  
You bit your bottom lip, thinking over what he had said about you telling your crush and what he said about helping you. “Okay, will you play the guitar part for it? I think the piano is nice but I kinda wanna hear it with the guitar.”  
“Yeah, totally.” He nodded, gulping down the feeling of dread that settled over him. He could just see it, this song going well and you landing this guy you were clearly crazy about. All those sappy lyrics you wrote about love and longing were all for someone else.  
He grabbed the guitar from its stand as you made room on the bed for him to actually play. You listened to him play the opening chords, missing your que the first time and then stopping him before he could get to it the second time. You reached out and grabbed his hand.  
“What’s up?” He asked, thinking he had played something wrong.  
You knew this was a massive risk, one you could potentially regret forever. One you were certain you would regret forever. But you took the chance anyway. “I just, I have to be honest with you about the song...” you trailed off.
“What about it?”
“The guy I wrote it for...it was you.”  
Time felt frozen for a moment as Luke sat there, taking in this new piece of information. “Me?” He finally said.  
“Yeah...I really like you. I know it’s super crazy cause, ya know...but I can’t help it.” You explained. “So?”
A smile crossed Luke’s face, “how could you ever think that I wouldn’t like you back?” He asked, “I’m crazy about you.”
“Seriously?” You knew you must’ve looked completely shell-shocked but you couldn’t help it. You had written off your crush as one side for a while now and hearing him tell you that it wasn’t felt infinitely better than you could describe.  
“Yeah, of course.” He nodded. He pushed the guitar away so that he could scoot closer to you, his hand reaching up to lay on your cheek, pulling you into a kiss. You couldn’t even begin to describe what it felt like, oddly warm, completely perfect, as if the two of you were meant to fit together like this. Luke pulled away first, eyes meeting yours as he licked his lips. “God, this feels so surreal.”
“Well, you are a ghost.” You joked, stealing another quick kiss.
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