#don’t worry about it!
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queerliblib · 25 days ago
Library worker with a Notify Me If question! I've been using my Notify Me If to help try to bulk up our science fiction collection at my work (tldr; if it hits a certain number, we get it). And while my personal reading tends towards queer, I definitely haven't been only requesting queer titles. How bad am I messing up the time it takes for you to go through your purchasing stuff? Or if there's a secret to making NMI requests library specific...
A big nerd who's never gotten her greedy little hands on the purchasing or management end of Libby
Hello fellow library worker!
so short answer - yes we see all the tags, no don’t worry about it.
it’s kind of a feature not a bug that we’ll be getting tags for things that aren't queer based on the way the system works (no, we also don’t know of any way to make them library-specific) and we knew that going in. in no way do we expect or want folks to change the way they use a useful tool.
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boxbusiness · 1 year ago
what timezone r u in? 🤔
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ronaldreaganfan · 23 days ago
the b movie dyke of hollywood…
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completeoveranalysis · 1 year ago
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Chapitre 200 - Stopped Time
A FANCY YUUKO ICHIHARA? Right after the mysterious Clow Reed splash page? Why, don’t mind if I do!
The splash text reads something like:
Those who wish and she who grants
At the edges of the spinning world
Until their paths cross once more
Which is nice and mysterious without saying too much specifically. 
The imagery is very reminiscent of the dream world, with sakura blossoms flying around her and Yuuko’s hair splaying out dramatically in the wind. She has more sakura flowers on the hem of her kimono, and her sash has even more, but this time in negative colouring with spooky mist across the fabric. Yuuko reaches out listlessly towards the camera looking almost nothing like her usual vibrant self. She looks unfocussed, or barely even there. Like a dream, or an echo, or maybe like she’s slowly dying, or trapped somewhere between it all.
It’s hard to tell if this means anything in particular without more context, but this could be a representation of something that has already happened to her (reaching out to be saved? Or reaching out sadly towards a vanished Clow Reed, knowing he will never come back?), or it could be a mirror of what’s happening over in xxxHolic right now (Yuuko fading away? We last saw her seriously injured and it was implied that the Tsubasa family might not see her again).
Either way, the strands of her hair stretched out in every direction are also a fun parallel to her role in general - connecting many different people and different worlds, stretching across dimensions and tying events together, existing in the cracks of the universe itself, trapped in a web she can never escape from. 
I’m sure it’s all fine :) 
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barbiedreamtomb · 7 months ago
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groundbreakingdot872 · 2 years ago
OMG JOAN HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! I didn't know it was your birthday and I panicked
But!! I drew this one for you real quick because I wanted to give you something nice and warm!!
With all my heart
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I hope the quality will be good. You can DM me and I'll try to send it different way,,,,
this is the sweetest thing I’ve ever been gifted, literally gone around my house and showed this ask to my little siblings saying ‘LOOK at what my friend drew :))’ im just so deliriously happy looking at gwen, ahhhhhhhhh!!!!!
you’ve cheered me up forever ✨🌼✨ thank you so so much <3 <3 <3
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luveline · 1 year ago
Hi Jade, I sent a request about a week ago and said in it that I didn’t see anything indicating whether your requests were open. I’ve seen several people mention that they’re closed and I looked again and it says RIGHT THERE on your masterlist that your requests are closed. 🙈 I’m so sorry, I really didn’t see it before I sent my ask. I just wanted to apologize! You are so wonderful and so appreciated! Hope you have an incredible day
sweetheart that’s okay! It really doesn’t matter to me, I know some people mind (and they’re more than allowed) and I used to mind more but genuinely it doesn’t bother me, sometimes you’ll just miss things!! I assume anyone who’s sent a request just hasn’t looked at the requests page or don’t even know it exists. No harm no foul!! ❤️❤️❤️
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themostdearofspaghettis · 9 months ago
Uh so. Is it completely insane of me that I’m thinking about the Silt Verses characters as tableware? (yes) Which pieces of tableware they would be? (yes completely insane) And general mealtime accessories? (should’ve killed this thought) A god must feed a god must be fed and all of these characters are serving their gods and others endlessly until everything ends even hunger and even gods. (I did it anyway)
Faulkner: Spoon. Server of sweet things, grasps the world and fills itself to the brim. Best tool for gouging eyes from sockets. Most easily bent beyond repair.
Carpenter: Knife. Servant of the dominant hand, rends apart what must be broken in order to serve. Drives endlessly. Chipped, dulled, blunted, still useful even then. Even if it’s not really a knife anymore.
Paige: Fork. Prods with each of its tines until it tears. Any violence and it is stuck seeping. Wide-reaching, universally recognized. (I realize Paige herself and her ideals are not necessarily wide-reaching, but the goals she started with? Yeah. Those ideals touched even Shrue, who had been so consumed with the life they had they continuously forgot the name of the town they were pretending to defend).
Hayward: Napkin. Cleans, shields, often used as a sign to signal the end of a meal. Conveniently could be used to blind or silence but also comfort or warm.
Shrue: Centerpiece, what else? Blooms bright and changes seasonally, the first thing and last thing people see when they examine the table, pushed aside when after-dinner conversation must be held where all guests must be able to see one another.
Rane: Tablecloth. Backdrop. Unifier. Mops up after messes and tossed away when stains become too much.
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homophyte · 9 months ago
convincing my followers i’m reblogging gore romance for normal reasons entirely unrelated to my boner
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valeroyeaux · 1 year ago
hello beloved followers have i told unto you the good news of my oc winifred von ormir carrying orphaned wyverns in a baby sling while she works on prosthetic wings
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hollywoodsargeant · 2 years ago
abo pornstar au now ur speaking my fucking language oh my god. is oscar one of his pretty cheerleaders?
anon #1 weigh in does oscar get bitched into bending over for logan
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oldbutchdanielcraig · 1 year ago
hey guys if you’re planning on making a vaguepost on the dashboard can you message me with the details and some of the lore behind the vague post you’re making. a vaguepost for the dash and a detailedpost for me. because i like to know what’s going on. if you do this i will automatically take your side because you’ve done the right thing by letting me know what’s up. thanks in advance ❤️
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donnie-isntalone · 4 months ago
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cat bomb to atone for my crimes
mod i'm so sorry :(
It’s alright
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jacqjohnsonart · 26 days ago
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Jolteon whose name is Toaster! ✨💛
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bluuscreen · 18 days ago
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buncha silly stuff
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^ inspo for the first one, i got it from another post i saw of someone redrawing it :p
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