#don’t wanna drop their @ bc I don’t wanna get them in trouble in case they work for rh or something lol
bumpscosity · 2 years
Every rh line needs its flop
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But with every flop…
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Comes an absolute legend
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stuckinapril · 8 months
what red flags should i look for in a man?
I actually feel like I’m a good person to ask this question, not bc I’ve had a long healthy relationship or anything, but bc I’ve humored walking red flags way more than I should’ve lmao. Btw this list doesn’t go for just men. It can apply to man, woman, or any human being across the board. Ok so:
When someone tells you they’re not ready for a relationship, BELIEVE THEM. Idc what the reason is. Idc if it’s bc they aren’t that into you or if they have shit going on. They just told u straight up. Appreciate that and just leave. Please. For me.
Piggybacking off that point—listen to people when they tell you who they are in general!!! This was a major 2023 lesson for me. People self-report all the time, whether it be friends or romantic interests. Most people are legitimately incapable of hiding who they really are. Pay attention. Do not ignore the signs, however small. I could’ve saved myself so much trouble if I didn’t just pretend Not to See.
Not consoling you when you need it because “they’re not good with emotions.” This is just an excuse for being lazy. They just don’t wanna put the work into being there for you properly—especially if you’ve already gone through the trouble of communicating this to them.
People who talk the talk but don’t walk the walk. Actions over words. Actions over words always.
Fuck overextended talking stages. If you wanna know more about me, let’s plan something in person. Otherwise you run the risk of getting attached to someone who’s possibly nothing like how they actually are in front of you.
If you’re having to “communicate” extensively with a person like a month in, as in there are lots of miscommunications and misunderstandings and things you don’t like about them or they don’t like about you, I’d probably just drop it. I learned this the hard way last year after burning through a lot of friendships where I found that we didn’t know each other that long at all, but there was already a plethora of problems to work through. This can apply to relationships just as well. If you’re asking a person to change this early in, or they’re asking you to change this early in, it’s probably just not a match.
Mostly talking about themselves. Not asking you anything about yourself in return. Ew.
It takes months to actually know a person’s true nature. That’s typically around the time people start showing their true colors. Ik a lot of people choose to commit like a month in, so just take that as u will.
Fucking competing with you. People who’re incapable of just being happy for other people without inserting themselves into it are insufferable. Immediate next.
This isn’t conscious behavior, and all of us are guilty of it, but people have an innate habit of taking advantage of your fantasies. If they know you’re desperate for their attention, they’ll get lazy (even if they don’t realize it). If they know they’re the object of your desire, they will leverage that to get your benefits without putting in the work. This is like playing cards and immediately showing someone your hand. Do not do that. This isn’t “playing hard to get”—it’s just guarding yourself until you’re sure you can trust the other person.
Not always the case, but a lot of times the way someone’s last relationship ended is pretty telling for how yours will go. ESPECIALLY if they’re not at all remorseful about how the last one went down, lol. You’re not the exception.
People are busy and taking a while to respond is O.K., but if it’s a continuous pattern of them taking forever to reply, it’s probably just a matter of priorities (and you’re not theirs). Sorry.
Pls take the ego out of the talking stage and recognize that love bombing is not flattering. I’ve reprogrammed my brain to where any time someone is doing way too much like three seconds in, I get the ick. I’ve legit dropped guys over this. It’s such a red flag to me. They either don’t have a life, or just are a natural love bomber (who will overwhelm you w compliments and attention only to fizzle out just as quickly), or they know exactly what they’re doing and they’re playing to your ego. Whichever it is, ick. Big ick.
The way they talk about other people is a major tell. This goes for friends and romantic interests. I think a bit of gossip will always be unavoidable, but if someone is liberally trash-talking other people—ESPECIALLY EX-FRIENDS OR EX-PARTNERS—you could literally be next. Anyone who thrives off badmouthing other people / hating on others / just generally not giving others grace doesn’t have exceptions. You’re their focus for now. It could just as easily be you tomorrow.
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toomuchdickfort · 3 years
Sometimes I just say shit about OCs and like. It probably doesn’t make sense to hardly anyone and I’m sorry for that
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berrymoos · 2 years
did i hear baby jonny was on your mind!? i might have a few things up my sleeve(>▽<)
the first time he was over steve’s house regressed for the night he was super embarrassed because he needs a nightlight to have a peaceful sleep and steve being the best babysitter ever could tell he was fake sleeping and jus wants him to feel comfortable
“ hey jonny you okay??”
*shakes his head because he doesn’t wanna speak*
“ do you need anything?”
he wants to say he wants to go home where his nightlight is but instead he just points to the light
“ you want the light on buddy?”
*nods sheepishly*
“ i don’t wanna wake the gang up so how about i put the tv on? is that okay?”
steve absolutely hates the glow of the tv shining on him but does it anyway for jonny because he loves him<3
now steve has a nightlight for whenever jonny’s over so he feels safe:>
another idea is that he enjoys being max’s doctor whenever she gets hurt from skateboarding and always makes her feel really good
“ jonnyyyyy i hada fall again!” *whisper yell bc she knows he doesn’t like yelling*
*he runs over to assess the damage and takes her hand and brings her to the bathroom*
he has a bunch of colorful bandaids in every print imaginable and he lets her pick which ones she wants
“ i wan’ ra’bow one’s pease!!”
*fixes her up and gives each one a kiss afterwards*
“ t’ank you jonny:)”
i also feel like eddie’s really sneaky and he’ll steal a few of jonny’s crayons and whenever he’s in a pickle he’ll trade the crayons for jonny to buy him some time
“ hey jonny i needa favor”
*shakes his head no*
“ pease pretty pease look! i’ll give you these!” *shows the colors that “mysteriously” went missing earlier*
“see? all for you jus don’ let stevie come in your room”
“ hey jonny can i go in your room? i think eddie might be in there and he’s in big trouble”
*shakes his head no*
“ why not? it’s really important buddy he gave stevie a mustache while he was sleep, hey don’t laugh at me!”
*shakes his head no again*
“ how about i get you two new coloring books later?”
the only thing jonny loves more than reuniting with his crayons is a new coloring book
“ m’kay”
“ thanks buddy:) eddie! i know you’re in here!”
(his favorite word is “m’kay” if you couldn’t tell)
i rambled A LOT but oh well(*^ワ^*)
💡 awww & steve flicks it to a some kid's show to help lull jonny to sleep — actual sleep. and and and steve stays up with him until he fully falls asleep with his head in his lap, but he still keeps the tv on in case jonny wakes up for any reason (*^^*)// steve buys a handful of nightlights too, in case any of them go missing or break; you can NEVER have too many nightlights ;~)
mmm i think mayybeee he might be a little shy when it comes to using his nightlight in front of the rest of the gang at first? steve and nancy r fine bc nance is his primary cg & steve is the one who bought him the 5 nightlights, but robin and eddie r iffy bc he doesn't know them that well!! it isn't until rob & ed reassure him that there's no way they're gonna make fun of him for needing some light in the darkness & actually use a nightlight one night they're all staying over that he fully feels comfortable w them <3
🩹 AWWW MAX'S INSIDE VOICE FOR JONNY (≧∇≦) the moment he hears her whisper yell from the door he drops his crayon & zooms to her before any cg can — like nancy could already be on her way to assess the situation & jonny races past her in the fastest little dash she's ever seen from him while in smallspace
he's got SOOO many bandaids, ur right!! blue bandaids, pink bandaids, puppy bandaids, kitty bandaids .. u name it, he's got it. max likes making it a game of asking for random bandaids to see if he has them, & 9 times outta 10 he does; he did not, in fact, have hotdog bandaids when she asked, but i bet he does now HSJSKS
but WAAAA jonny is such a sweetie <3 he will give kissies to all of her owies even if they don't hurt ヾ(´︶`♡)ノ max always always returns the favor when he takes a tumble & she fixes him up
🖍️ oh no eddie is deff a sneaky guy, regressed or not 👀 he steals the crayoms when jonny's napping or LITERALLY when he leaves for just a second & hides them until he needs them ,, jonny is well aware that his crayons are going missing but he really doesn't wanna worry steve too much so he just makes do with what he has (and has since learned the art of mixing crayon colors to get a similar one he wants)
& JONNY INSTANTLY GIVING IN THE MOMENT A NEW COLORING BOOK IS ON THE TABLE HSKDJSKDH ,, steve sticks true to his word abt them every single time which is the reason why jonny has like 10 coloring books stacked for later use in his room. eddie's deff been rubbing off on him in terms of being cheeky — never to his exactly level, tho — sooo sometimes only one or two new coloring books isn't enough 🤭
"hey, jonny? i think eddie's in there, and i need him."
he shakes his head no
"cmon, bud; it's super important, i think he hid my hairspray and i need to know where he put it."
he keeps coloring
steve sighs. "new coloring book?"
jonny thinks for a second ... & looks down to his coloring. "three."
"mhm. three."
"why not two, instead?"
"mm ... no. three."
and finally, steve sighs. "fine. three."
jonny smiles & shimmies from in front of the door. "tank ou."
and that, my friends, is how jonny got three coloring books in the same day
(ALDKSKDKS i see 🤭 short words like that r his faves in general: mkay, uhuh, nuh-uh ... things like that. AND NEVER BE SORRY FOR RAMBLING I LOVE BABY JONNY <333)
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gamerwoo · 4 years
[Tales from the Pack] Hansol: Fire and Ice (Part Six)
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Characters: Hansol x female reader
Genre/warnings: werewolf au, fantasy, angst, the smallest bit of fluff just bc hansol’s optimistic and a sweetheart
Word count: 2,420
Summary: You’ve always been one to let your emotions get the best of you – your power reflects that – and you’ve never been good at expressing them. That’s why you always thought you’d be awful with a mate, but you never thought things would be this awful.
a/n: things in bold are in english. also this takes place the same night as the last part but it explains where hansol was when minghao couldn’t find him, and what happened to his mate after she woke up. AND it does talk about rika and baekhyun and i used to have a series for them called amend buuuut i also took that down to redo it lmao so there’s not really much backstory on them other than what i have for star crossed so if you’re confused, that’s ok lmao 
Previous | Next | Fire and Ice Masterlist
Hansol sat on the lawn as he usually did, staring up at the stars. He always wondered if you were looking at the stars, too. He wondered if you even liked looking stars, or what you preferred looking at instead. Did you like watching the clouds or animals in the forest? Did you like watching snow fall in the winter or rain fall in the summer? Did you still find staring at the fire comforting and pleasing even though you could easily form it effortlessly at your fingertips?
You were all Hansol thought about, and truthfully, he waited up every night for you. He never once felt you were in danger, and he knew he could find you quickly if there was danger. But for now, he was giving you space. He was just hoping you’d come back to him. If you did, he’d go see that doctor your pack recommended. If not, then he’d already be dead before the pain could get any worse – unless the silver managed to kill him first, in which case, it wouldn’t really matter anyway.
Hansol heard the front door open and shut before he heard somebody walking in the grass. He could smell Seokmin’s scent, so he knew it was him coming over.
“I’m about to go to bed, and everyone else is already in their rooms,” he told the younger boy. “I just wanted to see if you needed anything.”
“Actually,” Hansol spoke up, peeling his gaze away from the night sky to look at Seokmin, “I’ve been thinking...”
“About what?” Seokmin wondered as he sat down beside his brother.
“It’s been about a week since everything,” he began, staring at the grass between the two of them, “so I think it’s safe to go look back at the old house.”
Seokmin didn’t understand why Hansol would feel any need going back there. No doubt everything would be burned to the ground. Any belongings they had were what was left in their house, or what was put there by your pack in preparation for them to move in.
“Look for what?” he asked.
Hansol’s golden eyes practically sparkled when he looked up at Seokmin, “Something of Jiung’s or Chanseong’s. I want to give it to _____.”
“When?” Seokmin scoffed. “I don’t mean to sound mean, Sol, but do you even know if she’ll come back to you?”
“I’d go leave it at the house,” he shrugged. “I won’t go see her if she doesn’t want me to, so I’d just leave it there and go.”
“What are you expecting to find, exactly? You know there won’t be any bodies.”
“There might be. Or maybe there’s something small that didn’t get completely burned. I don’t know.”
As Hansol pushed himself off of the ground, Seokmin looked up at him, “Are you leaving right now?”
“Yeah,” he shrugged. “Do you wanna come help me?”
Seokmin sighed but got up as well, “Somebody has to keep you out of trouble.”
“Okay, Mr. Thunder-and-Lightning,” Hansol chuckled as the two brothers walked closer to the edge of their property and into the woods, “I think you are the trouble.”
“Hey, I helped!” Seokmin insisted.
“Yeah, helped Jooyeon have a heart attack,” Hansol laughed as the two disappeared into the thick brush.
You woke from your nightmare with tears streaming down your face. You’d been doing this a lot lately: crying so hard you’d wake yourself up. But this time, it was better that you woke up in the middle of the night. It was the perfect time to slip out unnoticed.
Ever since that first day after Jiung died, you felt the alpha pull to Hanbin. It was supposed to be you, but it never was. You tried to pretend, but nothing changed. You were never fit to be an alpha like Jiung, but you knew Hanbin would do a good job to protect the others.
Before you left, you got out a pen and some paper and wrote a quick note to Rin. You knew this would have the biggest impact on her, but you couldn’t stay here. If you weren’t an alpha like you were supposed to be, what was the point? It was like you didn’t belong here, but you definitely knew you didn’t belong with Seungcheol’s pack – not after you denied Hansol. To be truthful, you didn’t even really feel the tie to the pack anymore, not after the two days spent with Hansol. So you were going to just…go. You didn’t know what you’d do, but you’d either figure it out eventually or you’d die – whichever came first.
But you also knew Rin would have her mate soon enough considering she often went out and followed him around. Sure, he didn’t know since Rin kept herself invisible, but just knowing where her mate was and knowing he was doing okay was what you assumed would help her cope. It was why she was hidden the entire time his pack was here: she didn’t want her mate to see her and imprint on her – not until she learned how to speak to him, at least. So you hoped she’d be okay after you left, and that she’d learn Korean to finally go introduce herself to him. He seemed like a nice enough guy, anyway. He’d definitely help her get better and would make sure she was happy.
When you read this, I’ll be gone. I don’t know where I’m going, but please don’t look for me. I know you’ll think I betrayed you by leaving, and I won’t try to make any excuses for myself. You were alone when Jiung and Chanseong you here, and all you had was us to rely on. I always promised to stick beside you, and I’m completely breaking that promise. I know you’ll hate me, and I deserve it. But I want you to know I still love you, and I hope you’ll do okay. And try not to stress so much – your mate will love you no matter what.
Please take care of yourself.
You left the note on your pillow before grabbing Jiung’s sweater that you left laying over the back of your chair, tugging it over your head, and going to the window. You pushed the window open before leaping out and landing softly on your feet before you ran into the woods, leaving behind your home, and the pack you used to consider family.
The wolves could already smell that burnt smell from the house, but they continued to run in their wolf forms until they were closer. They didn’t shift back until they reached the clearing where their house used to stand. But now, everything was reduced to rubble and ash.
“Shit…” Seokmin mumbled, looking around the plot of land they used to call home.
A place that once held bright and lively memories now looked dark and dead. They couldn’t believe this was the same place they used to run around and play. They couldn’t believe a large, warm house once stood here. On the other hand, they couldn’t believe that said house was now destroyed. It was all just a bunch of ash and useless pieces of debris.
“I’m gonna sift through some of this and see if there’s anything we can take back,” Seokmin said, gesturing toward the largest pile of dark ash.
Hansol just went over to where he last remembered seeing Jiung, all but ignoring Seokmin. There were small piles of ash around the house, which must’ve been all the dead or severely injured that they couldn’t save. There were even some detached body parts mixed in, but thankfully that stench was covered by the smell of the burned house that attacked his nose.
He reached the general area and got down on his bare knees, sifting through the ashes. He felt bad disturbing anything that might be a body, but he was determined to find something – anything – to make you feel like you could have even a little bit of closure. Hansol just wanted you to be happy.
Something suddenly caught his eye. It was something gold that shone in the moonlight above, which was what made him notice it. He brushed away some of the ash before picking up some sort of pendant on a thin gold chain. It was a plain gold circle, no bigger than a small coin, and it had Jiung’s first initial and your first initial engraved on it with a dot in between the two letters. Jiung and _____.
Hansol let the chain dangle from his teeth – he obviously didn’t have pockets, and that’s how he’d have to carry it in wolf form anyway – before searching through the rest in case there was anything else. He found a ring that had a date engraved on it as well. He wasn’t sure what it was, but he figured he should bring it just in case.
“Hansol!” Seokmin called as he rushed over with a few books in his arms. “I found a photo album, one of Danbi’s books, and a few picture frames that made it out.”
“Good job,” the younger wolf smiled. “Let’s get back to the house before sunrise, yeah?”
So the two shifted before Seokmin collected the small stack of things in his mouth, and the two raced off to their new home, happy with the small things they were able to find.
Hansol and Seokmin could hear their names being called before they even got close to home. They picked up their pace, Hansol howling to let them know they were nearby and safe.
When they finally made it back to the house, almost all the wolves were outside, waiting for the pair to return. Seokmin immediately dropped what he had in his mouth, but Hansol kept the ring and the necklace balanced carefully between his teeth.
Jihoon looked down at the ground, scanning over the things Seokmin brought before looking at the two wolves, “Did– Did you two go back to the house?! Are you kidding me?! You both could’ve gotten killed!”
Seokmin whined but Hansol didn’t regret it. He got what he was looking for.
“Jia’s been looking for you,” Seungcheol told Hansol.
The boy carefully placed the jewelry in the grass before shifting and collecting his two items, “Why?”
The eldest alpha sighed, running a hand through his dark hair, “_____ ran away from her pack.”
Hansol paused like he was trying to see if his instincts were about to suddenly warn him about his mate, but when nothing happened, he shrugged, “She’s okay.”
“What?” Soonyoung gasped. “You’re not even gonna go check on her?”
“No, she wants her space,” he insisted. “If something bad happens, then I’ll go find her, but until then, me smothering her won’t help.”
Junhui pointed at the gold pieces of jewelry that the younger wolf held, “What’re those?”
“They’re gifts,” he replied, smiling softly to himself as he looked down at the jewelry in the palm of his hand, “for _____.”
Maybe Rika was right. Maybe Baekhyun was the worst. Maybe you should’ve listened to the tiny mate whenever she complained about him. But you always found Baekhyun pretty enjoyable since he had about the same snarky attitude as Rin. But now, you were deciding to reconsider that.
Had he not had been sniffing around your property, you wouldn’t have been caught. Had he not been having issues with not only his mate -- if you could call her that -- and his pack, he wouldn’t have stopped you.
Had Chanyeol not been worried when he realized his brother was missing and gone out to find him, you would’ve gotten away.
“Can’t burn me if I burn too, _____,” Chanyeol sang as he forcefully carried you to their house.
But you had stressed that you didn’t want anyone knowing about this. Baekhyun couldn’t tell Rika, and neither of them could snitch on you to their pack. And considering the mental state they found you in, even Baekhyun knew not to double-cross you even though he just replied with, “I’ll think about it”.
Sneaking you inside was easy because the pack was asleep. So Chanyeol brought you up to Baekhyun’s room before setting you on the bed while Baekhyun shut the door. Then he turned to look at you, quirking an eyebrow while Chanyeol just studied you with furrowed brows.
“So...what happened?” Baekhyun quizzed.
He knew what happened to your alpha already. Their pack was friends with yours, and there was also the tie to Rika. But he didn’t understand what caused you to suddenly snap.
“I don’t have to tell you,” you told him, your arms crossed over your chest.
He shrugged, “Fair. But if you’re missing, I’m sure your pack will go looking for you when they realize, and then they’ll tell us what’s going on. And Rika will love me for saving her sister from a mental break.”
Your eyes widened, “I’m not going back.”
“You’re not going to do something stupid, either,” Chanyeol stated.
“I wasn’t!” you insisted. “I was just running away, okay?”
Baekhyun bit the inside of his cheek. He figured you must’ve realized that wasn’t the pack you belonged in anymore. They knew Hanbin was the alpha when they saw him last, sensing the authority radiating off of him and the way the pack acted around him. It was obvious.
But they didn’t know why you weren’t the alpha. So where did you belong?
“Is it because--”
“Where’re you gonna go?” Baekhyun cut off Chanyeol before he could ask a stupid question.
You just shrugged, “I don’t know. I can take care of myself, though.”
While Baekhyun would’ve rather just had you stay with them, he knew Junmyeon especially would ask a lot of question. And it was obvious you didn’t want to be bothered with that. Not only that, but he’d contact Hanbin.
Finally, he let out a sigh and grabbed your upper arm, “C’mon, let’s go.”
“Go where?” you asked.
He brought you to his bedroom door, whispering, “I’m gonna stay at the hut with you so I can know you’re safe, but so you’ll be away from everybody.”
You were surprised Baekhyun was doing something to help you, but you didn’t say anything else to him until you were out of the house and a good distance away. 
“Won’t your pack wonder where you went?” you pointed out.
He just shrugged, “Eh, probably not.”
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moonlit-imagines · 4 years
Headcanons for being Diego Hargreeves’ child
Diego Hargreeves x child!reader
warnings: knifes, blood, guns, death mentions, mental hospital
prompt: anonymous: “Hi! Could you please write a “The Umbrella Academy” Diego Hargreeves x daughter reader headcanon? I always think Diego is such a overprotective softie dad ♥️♥️”
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deigo really said “?????”
how dad
but also he’d just the most loving dad anyone could ever ask for
✨it’s because he was never loved by his dad✨
“hi cutie, i love you, i love you, i love youuuuu”
he locked away all his weapons so that you couldn’t hurt yourself on them
but he always missed a few and he’d turn around and see you holding throwing knives and just FREAK OUT
“no, no, no, you may not have those! knives are for big boys like me, not babies”
“give back”
“‘give back?’ are you nuts?”
diego has conversations with lil you as if you know what the fuck he means dhshshhshs
as you got older, you became more interested in his “career”
“no, i dont care if you have powers or not! you have a bedtime, that means no vigilantism, you hear me?”
“if i say ‘no’ can i be a vigilante?”
“you know what? how about you clean up the gym for al so he doesn’t evict us?”
you did not sign up for this
you really wanted to meet your aunts and uncles, but you weren’t exactly sure they knew about you
i mean, you knew you had a cousin but everyone knew about her because aunt allison was a goshdarn celebrity
“dad, i want to meet the family!”
“no you don’t”
end of discussion
despite having a bedtime, you still watched movies late at night with your dad
he really liked marvel movies
“come on, that would never happen!”
“you come from a family of superpowered kids, a robot mom, and a monkey, and you’re upset about...a guy that shoots arrows?”
“maybe i am, what’re you gonna do about it?”
you ask about umbrella academy stories a lot, you your dad usually makes it about him
“and then i punched that guy in the face! and then i stabbed him in the leg because he was a dick! bet you’re friend’s dads arent as cool as me”
*yawning bc you’ve heard this story a million times*
you go to public school
you do have your dad’s last name
which occasionally gets recognized
“woah! wasn’t your dad a superhero?”
“i have no idea what youre talking about” :)
practicing your knife throwing while diego is away, him coming home to find his knifes stuck through various targets
so proud but he had to make sure you didn’t hurt yourself
you actually had to learn how to patch him up because he did come home a bit battered and bruised several times
“im okay, y/n. no need to freak”
“dad, there is literally blood dripping on the floor will you just sit down and stay still for five goddamn minutes?”
“woah, who the fuck taught you to cuss?”
watching the news at home when your grandfather was reportedly dead
you were actually very upset because you wanted to meet him so bad
even if he was a dick
your dad came home silent and you knew he knew
“you okay?”
“oh, yeah, im better than okay!”
finally getting the chance to meet your family
“who are you?” -allison
“im, uh, y/n. diego is my dad”
*jaw dropping*
and you know what? that happened four more times (plus ben but you didn’t get to see that)
“and you are?” -luther
“who’s the...the little one?” -klaus
“well, what do you know? diego’s a dad” -five
“don’t tell me that’s...no way” -ben
“you’re diego’s? wow, i can’t believe he didn’t tell anyone” -vanya
“i...i know who all of you are” -you
diego bragging about how perfect you are while everyone simultaneously rolls their eyes
“well, y/n, maybe one day we’ll schedule a playdate for you and claire” -allison
“‘playdate?’ how old do you think i am?...but yes i wanna meet her”
“god, you’re so much like diego, it’s unsettling”
you had been secretly training at al’s gym during your dad’s late night activities
so when trouble came your way, you were able to handle yourself pretty well
“where the hell did you learn that?”
“al showed me a few moves!”
“that old man? you’re kidding”
you met your grandmother, grace, who was tasked with keeping you safe at all times
you actually loved her sm
but there was something a bit off about her
besided the fact she was a robot
klaus snuck you out so that you two could have BoNdInG tImE
it wasn’t all bad
ben was a lil choked up that he got to meet one of his niblings
“they’re perfect”
“they just stabbed someone, buddy”
“who are you talking to?”
“okay, y/n, i need you to curve something when i throw it, got that? right at that security guard”
“what are you throwing?”
“you’ll know when you see it, make your uncle five proud”
<3 family
running into patch!!
“hey, kid, i just saw your dad. i thought i told you to handcuff him to the radiator when you were away?”
“yeah, well, he wouldve chewed his hand off so here we are”
that was the last time you saw her :/
well, your dad was now a wanted man
“what happened to your arm?”
you actually didn’t expect this family reunion to go south like this
wait—yes you did
vanya has powers????
“i thought vanya was the one without powers?”
“yeah. so did we.”
diego straight up did not want you anywhere near that
but you, again, were his child and also fuck authority you do what you want
the vibe is almost getting shot several times
by hazel, cha cha, and “commission” guys?
going 2 ur auntie’s concert 😌✨
“y/n, hide in the bathroom and stay there until i come get you”
“dad, i love you, but no”
“y/n, i love you too, but yes”
you won
but in the end (or not so much) you time traveled to...1961?
without any of your family
“this is...this is not good”
understatement of the year(s)
what was a kid like you gonna do in dallas, texas in 1961
no seriously, what
it was rough, but you managed to survive on your own
and open a paper in 1963 to find a mugshot of your dad
“son of a—”
visiting dad! (two years later)
“y/n? oh my god, y/n! shit, i missed you so much! why do you look different? you’re bigger, oh god. how long have you been here?”
“2 years, dad. you?”
his hair was so LONG
“2 months”
“christ, that’s it?!”
“i have to stop jfk from being assassinated”
“what makes you think that’s a good idea???”
“its the right thing to do, wanna help?”
“shit, i guess. as long as i dont end up here”
“no promises, people in the 60’s are crazy”
diego: 👁👄👁
you: 👀
running into five on the street soon after
“uncle five?”
“no time to talk”
“okay, asshole? i’ve been here for 2 years and you dont care?”
“two years, huh? i spent 45 years in a post apocalyptic world as a 13 year old and beyond”
“i didn’t say it was a competition, dude. you kinda dropped us all at different times. at least, me and dad. he—”
“is trying to kill lee harvey oswald, i know. come with me”
finally running into your other aunts and uncles, who were so excited to see you
you ran into their arms and they picked you off the ground and you felt closer than ever after only knowing them for 10 days
dad broke out
lila too
“im your new mom!”
“you’re what?”
diego dragged you along with him almost everywhere
he had missed you so much, but he keeps forgetting you kinda grew up without him for a while longer
meeting grandpa :)
“a grandchild, huh? how unfortunate”
“what did you just call me?”
“a bitch.”
your dad and basically the entire table trying to hold back laughter
reggie was stunned
cold hearted just like him <3 he didn’t know if he was offended or proud
this is so confusing
diego just disappeared off the face of the earth
and assassins were on your case
“the goddamn swedes are back oh shittt im gonna die”
“y/n, just curve their bullets”
“it’s not as easy as it sounds, klaus!”
you were doomed
theres too much to go over
apparently you died on a farm????
and then you didn’t??????
and your dad was almost apart of the commission
“hey, you okay, y/n?”
“i would like to take a nap please”
“yeah, me too”
“me three!” -klaus
yeah it was never that simple 😌💕 the end
taglist: @alwaysananglophile // @cullens-stuff // @lotsoffandomrecs // @takethebladeawayfromme // @that-nerd-tessa // @teenwaywardasgardian // @spidergirla5 // @sheridans-dynamos // @freya-xo // @johnmurphyisbisexual // @jay-is-groovy // @ravenmoore14 // @purpleskiesstorm // @abbiesthings // @thereagles // @ofthedewthesunlight //
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mashiraostail · 4 years
Hiiii, i was wondering if i could request some vlad king and gang orca taking care of their s/o pets. Like if the reader was out of town and asked them to take care of their dogs👉👈 i feel like vlad is such a good doggy dad that the dogs play together and i feel like gang orca would be lost but doing his best and if he was taking care of a cat i like to think it would love being around him because cats love fish and he would just always have his s/o cat cuddling on his lap. Im sorry for ranting lol i love your work you're doing great💕
awwehehe this is so cute since you mentioned dogs for vlad and cats for kugo that's what i went with! also indulged myself and included kugo/ jiro/shoji content bc that seems like such a GOOD FUNNY AND WHOLESOME trio and i wanted more content than we got smh 
Sekijiro Kan/Vlad King: "Hey Sek, I need a huge favor.” You look up from your phone at the taller man who is currently scrunched into the corner of his couch scrutinizing a piece of paper with really terrible handwriting on it.  “Sounds dangerous.” He replies without looking up and you snort dropping to the cushion beside him.  “Only a little, but I think you’re good for it.”  “Alright then, so what’s the favor?” His eyes flick up to you. “I need to go visit a friend out of town.” You sigh, “she had a baby last month, I used to work with her husband and she asked if I wanted to spend some time back home with her for her birthday next week, I should be about five days.” You rest your hands on his knees, “so while I’m out there..would you mind watching Kilo for me? I hate to leave him behind but It’d be a pain to travel so far with him I know he hates trains.”  “That’s a huge favor?” He raises an eyebrow at you, “sure I can watch him. I bet they’ll get along fine.” He glances at his own dog curled up under a chair.  “But only If you can figure out what the hell Monoma tried to write here.”  For all intents and purposes, Kilo was a good dog, a little stupid, but a good dog nonetheless. To be honest, he’s really honored you trust him with the task, you’re the only person he’s met that seems to love your own dog as much as he loves his. Plus it also meant that Kilo had to like him a fair bit which was also a relief, as a dog owner he knew any potential partner was only as compatible with him as they were with his dog, and his dog loved you, he was sure you felt the same way, any partner that Kilo didn’t get along with would be impossible for you to get along with, he found it more than a little reassuring that Kilo seemed to enjoy his company. Past all that, and maybe even most important this was a perfect opportunity to introduce the two dogs. He was sure it was no secret to you but this wasn’t exactly a casual fling, with the way things were going it felt pretty inevitable that he’d ask if you wanted to move in together; but if the two didn’t get along well then..that’d be an issue. Though he was sure if things got tested out now you’d have some time to at least try to get the dogs to be comfortable with each other or hopefully think of some sort of workaround. In his eyes, this was a blessing for him as much as it was a favor to you.  “Are you sure you don’t mind keeping Kilo at your place?” Sekijiro is slightly embarrassed to say how early he arrived at this park, he wanted to tire his own dog out before introducing the pair, he’d advised you to do the same so you were walking to the park, you'd called him on your way.  “Of course I don’t mind babe.” He tosses a ball from his seat on the bench and watches his pudgy bulldog trot over to it, “it’ll be easier this way, right?”  “Yeah that’s true, I just don’t want Kilo wrecking any of your stuff, he always means well but he gets into trouble sometimes-”  “Don’t worry about it, he’ll be a model student by the time you get back.” He hears you laugh into the receiver at that. “I don’t doubt that, I’m almost there, I’ll see you in a few okay?”  “Yeah sure thing, can’t wait.” You huff out another laugh at him before hanging up.  “Sekijiro!” You chirp brightly at the sight of the man, he’s too busy taking you in to respond. Kilo’s trotting a foot or so in front of you on his leash, that old joke about dogs looking reminiscent of their owners was certainly true in your case, you both looked delighted to see him and beyond that, you were practically glowing... Maybe he just had a thing for people who were good with animals.  “Hey Sek?” You lean down in front of him.  “Hey! He welcomes Kilo between his knees, the mixed breed was a bit larger than his dog who was currently bounding back to him with a ball and sufficient slobber hanging from his mouth, the size difference in mind though Kilo was a hell of a lot less bulky, he was practically streamlined, Sekijiro had seen how fast the dog could run with his own eyes. He could see why you took so much pride in the dog, he was definitely beautiful his coat was long, wavy, and shiny and he had big blue eyes and admittedly the cutest pink nose and spotted tongue Sekijiro had ever seen.  “Thanks so much again for doing this I really-” An excited bark pulls your attention downwards, “look who it is!” You sing, crouching down to pet the panting dog, “you sure look tired. Sekijiro is working you too hard.” You frown at him as he hops up to rest his front paws on your thighs. “Don’t be ridiculous.” Sekijiro laughs, “but he is worn out, I guess Kilo is too though.” Kilo’s head is on his knee, the larger dog is panting too.  They seem to notice each other, and approach with a lazy curiosity. They sniff around each other for a bit but after that return to their respective activities, seemingly unbothered by each other and the proximity of the other dog to their owner. Kilo didn’t mind your cooing at Vlad’s dog who didn’t seem to mind Kilo’s head in his owner's lap. With that little bit of reassurance, you hand him Kilo’s leash and a bag of his stuff; food dish, some toys and treats and the like, and then you part ways after promising to call him when you get to your home town safely.  All in all the coming days are pretty uneventful, Kilo joins them on their daily walks, eats at the same time with no trouble, finds a comfortable place to sleep each night.  “Is Kilo alright?” Your voice is nervous in the receiver.  “He’s better than babe, seriously they’re getting along great.”  “God that’s such a relief.” You sigh, “the pictures you’ve sent are cute..gosh I miss him.” You pout a little. “Gee I miss you too babe.” He mutters it with a playful edge to his voice and you gasp,  “I was going to say I miss you too but forget it!”  “don’t be mean!” He complains back, “I was kidding! And anyway I miss you. How’s it been out there?”  You go off on your usual tangents before ending up back at square one.  “Oh! I called you for a reason actually!” You remember, “I’ll be a little bit late getting back on Sunday, one of the trains is going to be down so I’m taking a later one, I should be back around midnight now would you mind-”  “Of course not babe, I’ll get you from the station so-”  “No no! It’s okay you’ve already done so much that’s not what I was going to ask! I just wanted to be sure you wouldn’t mind keeping Kilo around for the extra time...I can get a taxi, seriously don’t wait up for me!”  “Well just come to my place when you get back right?”  “I wouldn’t wanna wake you up-”  “It’s been way too long since I saw you last, so I don’t mind, if you won’t let me pick you up from the station at least come right here.”  “You’re convincing.” You laugh a little, embarrassment heating up your face, “I guess that’s fine with me then...” A distant sounding voice pulls you away from the receiver, “Sek I have to go, I’ll call you again soon though!”  “Don’t worry about anything babe.” He reassures you as you hang up.  There is one minor spat over a rope toy but it’s resolved easily enough and the pair seem to get on swimmingly after that, even sharing a couch cushion and occasionally resting their heads on each other, they become incredibly fast friends, which is probably the biggest relief on the planet to Sekijiro. Watching the two of them play tug of war in his living room or witnessing their schemes to get leftovers off the counter on Thursday night essentially cement his vision of a future with you.  If you were being totally honest it was embarrassing how attractive you found Sekijiro getting along with your dog to be, you’d never got the obsession of handsome guys holding cute babies but seeing some of the photos he’d sent to you over the almost 6 days you were gone made butterflies crop up in your stomach the likes of which you’d only felt when he was actively trying to fluster you...but this seemed totally unintentional. To say you were incredibly eager to go home and see him (jump his bones) felt like an understatement. It’s past midnight when you get back and the place is mostly dark, you see a vaguely bulldog shaped blob partially under a blanket on the couch, but the snoring it emits gives away it’s identity easily. You leave your bag at the door and venture into the apartment, poking your nose into the bedroom.  Of course, Sekijiro is there, dead asleep on his back, and who’s with him but Kilo, his head resting on the blood hero’s chest one of his hands resting on top of it.  “Oh Vlad-” You coo, you practically sing it at him.  “Wha-whatsitwhat-” He rubs his face as he picks his head up, “oh, hey welcome back ‘s good to see you, missed you-”  “You’re so sweet-” You’re already at the side of his bed, leaning down and kissing him.  “What’s-” Sekijiro takes a minute to process everything before he realizes it’s Kilo’s head on his chest making you act like this.  “Oh no way, he’s been a total angel-”  “I’m so glad he likes you so much-” You murmur it between kisses, to his lips and various other spots on his cheeks and jaw, “you guys are adorable together.”  “I’m glad you think so-” He cuts himself off with a yawn and turns into your lips, kissing you again before speaking, “you weren’t kidding about that late train huh? It’s almost 1 AM, you must be exhausted, there’s plenty of room for you in here so come on.” 
Kugo Sakamata/Gang Orca: “Hey, Kugo...” You approach him from behind and wrap your arms around his shoulders, leaning against the back of the chair he’s sat in.  “Yes?” One hand comes up to cover your forearm the other stays dutifully at work.  “You love me, right?” You rest your head against his and he pricks up at the inquisition.  “Of course I do, why would you ask a question like that? Is something wrong?”  The way his hand subtly squeezes your arm isn’t lost on you.  “Hmm..no nothing's wrong.” You lean into him and close your eyes as he sighs good-naturedly. “Then what? Did you just want to hear me say it?” He leans back into you, “I guess I could entertain that...” His thumb swipes a long stroke over the skin of your forearm, “I love you, dear.” He can feel you prickle up at that behind him. “I love you too Kugo.” You squeeze him tighter and he huffs out a quiet laugh. “I’m glad to hear it. Now is that all you needed?” He puts his pen down to bring his other hand up to your arms, “I’m a bit busy. You’re welcome to stay there if you like though I just need to finish some paperwork and make a few phone calls. After that, we can do whatever you like for the night.”  “Well, now that you mention it there was just one more thing. I’ll be fast I promise.” Your hand slides underneath his lapel and into his jacket.  “Don’t worry I can make a bit of time for you then, what’s the matter?” You make eye contact with him through his darkened computer screen.  “My boss invited me to this big conference next week, it’s a pretty great opportunity and I could meet some important people..” You explain, biting your lip, “it could be really good for me to branch out even she thinks so, and getting some more experience will be great, and it’s pretty close to my hometown so I figured I'd stop in and see some old friends after I got done..It’d be about 5 or so days and I’d really like to go.” You sigh and he seems more than a little confused based on his reflection.   “That does sound like a great opportunity for you, you’re right..what’s the problem then? Do you need advice about something?” His confusion doesn’t quell even as you kiss his temple. “I probably will later but for now the problem is Luna.” “Your cat?” Kugo piques, “why is she a problem?”  You sigh, “if I’m not around no one will be there to feed her and make sure she stays out of trouble.”  “Oh is that it? That’s no problem at all dear, I can look after her for you. Is that what you were going to ask me?”  “You don’t mind?” You perk up, “I don’t want to trouble you...and I know I could just as easily leave a key under my mat and have a neighbor do it but I trust you so much more and-”  “It’s no trouble, really.” Kugo laughs a little, "I pass by your apartment all the time on patrols, I’m sure the interns won't mind if I make a stop and head up to check on her every now and again.”  “Oh! You can totally bring them up if they like cats!” He laughs at that too.  “Was that all?”  “Mhm.” You nod and use the motion to nestle into him a bit, “Thank you Kugo.”  ”It’s really my pleasure. Leave it to me, alright?”  All things considered, Kugo’s also pretty honored to be trusted with the task of watching your pet cat, he knows how much you love and worry about her, you dote on her all the time, and if the copious amount of photos you send him of her say anything she’s definitely your pride and joy. For the most part, you spent the bulk of your time with Kugo at his own home, due largely to the fact that he was larger than average and he existed a fair bit more comfortably there, but he paid you visits in your apartment from time to time and had met the cat, she seemed to like him plenty which was a relief as well.  You stop at Kugo’s before you leave and give him a list of things to double-check when he stops in, though you reassure him that there shouldn’t be any problems, Luna was pretty independent and mellow she didn’t like going outside so he didn’t have to worry about her escaping or anything like that. He tries to stop in at least 3 times a day, before, during, and after patrols, he knows that’s probably overkill, you spend all day at work and have never had an issue but he hates the idea of something happening to the feline on his watch. Plus even if he wouldn’t readily admit it he saw this as a perfect time to get on the cat's good side, you said she already loved him but he wasn’t convinced. He knew how much you loved her and any vision of your future that he had always featured the mellow feline so in his mind it was imperative they got on well. On top of that, he was glad you trusted him with something as small and delicate as Luna, she fits pretty comfortably in his hand and was as fragile as she was petit, but you never seemed off-put by the idea of him holding her or petting her, in fact, you encouraged it. The way you even wanted him near her when you weren’t around to supervise put him at ease about his strength and size, he always worried about breaking delicate things, but that wasn’t a worry you seemed to echo.  “Is something going on in that building?”  Shoji looks up at your complex as he pauses by it, “you’re stopping here a lot since yesterday.”  “Huh? Oh. Actually no... well nothing of importance to you. I’m...catsitting.” Jiro holds her breath the hold in the laugh, “Catsitting?”   “Yes...my partner is away at a work conference, the cat in question is theirs.” Kugo nods, “if you like cats you can come up and meet her, she’s actually quite friendly.”   Kugo was pretty used to Luna at this juncture, but whenever other people met her it was easy to see why you were so proud of her, she was quite the stunning cat, a long dark grey and black coat with big green eyes and a swishing tail, her paws were colored as if she was wearing boots.  “Wow...she’s really pretty, I’ve never seen a cat like this.” Jiro was crouched on the ground, stroking her neck.  “I was surprised too.” Kugo confesses, “they found her in a box on the side of the road about a year before we met. She was only a kitten then. Her name’s Luna.”  She seemed to like the pair equally alternating between them, rubbing against their legs and shuffling her head into their palms.  “She is very friendly.” Shoji remarks as she purrs at him, attempting to climb into his lap.  “She’s good at getting into trouble, but she usually means well. You can stay with her for a minute.” He sets off to double-check the usual; food, water, litterbox, the loose window that she’s always wiggling open despite having no desire to climb out of it, he waters a few plants and straightens up anything she knocked over as well. When he returns she's overturned on Shoji’s lap.  “You’re getting along well.” He swipes a pillow she’d knocked over up and replaces it on the couch.  “She’s really sweet!” Jiro is scratching her stomach. “I’m glad to hear it.”   “Hey..sorry if this is too personal or whatever but I didn’t know you were.. dating someone... We didn’t snoop or anything though!” She swears, holding both hands up, the cat looks disgruntled at the loss of attention.  “It’s alright I trust you.” Kugo waves her off, “Luna looks too comfortable anyways, you’ve clearly been petting her this whole time.” He adds with a small chuckle. At the sound of her name, she rolls over and winds around his feet, circling through his ankles and pawing at his pants until he lifts her up.  “To answer you though yes I am seeing someone.” He holds Luna with one hand, his ring and middle finger scratching the patch of grey fur on her chest.  “Are they a hero too?” She wonders, straightening up.  “No...no they’re not, I’m not very public about this sort of thing.”  Shoji contemplates that, “they have a nice apartment.”  “That is true, it’s a good job, and they do have a pretty keen eye for decorating” He agrees, looking around amicably.  “Have you guys been together for a long time?” Jiro blurts out before feeling color float up to her cheeks, “sorry I don’t mean to be rude... I just never pictured you like this I guess I’m curious-”  “It’s okay, most people don’t, and yes, we’ve been together a while now.” Kugo raises a hand to calm her, “but like I said before I’m not very public about things like this which is why you wouldn’t have heard..though either way, even when we do go out together... most people don’t assume I do that sort of thing, and to be frank, we aren’t the most...visually compatible pair..” He says that with a distinct fondness in his voice and then continues, “like you said, you don’t really picture me in this sort of light, most people don’t so hero gossip tabloids tend to leave me alone for the most part, I get a fair bit of freedom when it comes to this sort of thing because of that. There are probably plenty of photos of us together out there, though people usually assume they’re my manager or a secretary or just a friend.” Luna is purring loudly in his hand, her body largely slack against his chest. He walks her over to the couch and sets her down, which she warbles angrily at, “to be honest though I prefer it this way. I’m a private person.”  “That makes sense...well, their cat sure likes you.” Shoji points and Kugo chuckles.  “I’m fond of her myself.” Kugo admits, “everything is as it should be here so we can head out again, sorry for the tangent.” He scratches Luna’s neck and sighs, “as for you I’ll be back tonight. So try to behave until then, for my sake alright?”  Jiro tries not to laugh at the sight. “I didn’t think you’d actually bring them up! Did they like her?”  You sound delighted about it over the phone that night.  “I may have knocked a few intimidation points off of myself, but yes they thought she was cute.” He was sitting with her, contemplating staying the night here. He was embarrassed to say it but this was the longest you’d spent apart in a while and despite any appearances, he had gone soft and was starting to miss you, being around your stuff was nice even if he didn’t fit too well in your bed.  “I don’t think you’re very intimidating at all.” You peep back thoughtlessly. “Well, I’d sure hope not.” He chuckles and leans against the couch, “she’s been good too I was,..expecting her to break more.”  Truthfully Kugo wasn’t sure what he was expecting, he never had pets growing up and hero work didn’t give much free time to consider one, it took a day to get comfortable with her, and even now he was watching his every step for her. “I’m glad to hear that!” You laugh, “she’s a pretty great cat isn't she?”  “I have to agree..” Kugo wouldn’t mind having her around all the time, the longer he sat on your couch and contemplated it the more he realized he wouldn't mind having the both of you around all the time. Was this some sort of emotional sign to ask you to stay with him? He’d give that more thought at a later date.  “Kugo are you listening?” “Of course I am.” He was not. You don’t seem perturbed though, chuckling and then sighing fondly, “I’m gonna go shower then call it a night, I miss you two though.”  Kugo looks down at the cat on his lap and he nods, “we miss you too. I’ll be up for a bit longer so call or text me if you need anything.”  “You shouldn’t stay up so late Kugo it’s bad for you-”  “I know, I know, I’ll turn over a new leaf when you get back.”  “Sure you will.” You snort, “I love you Kugo.”  “I love you too, I’ll see you soon.”  You wanted to see Kugo first thing when you got back but you were so exhausted that you can’t help sulking to your own place, things had gone well enough but all the commotion and travel really drained you. You were sure it wasn’t anything spending some time or even a night with Kugo couldn’t fix though. When you shoulder your door open though there’s Kugo, sitting on your couch.  “Kugo, you’re here?” He’s holding some papers in one hand, the other is holding Luna’s back, keeping her against his chest.  “I was just checking in on her but every time I tried to leave she started..making a weird noise.”  “Weird like how?” You chuckle, suddenly feeling much better.  “Sort of like screaming. But cat-like. I sat down and she clawed her way up here, then fell asleep and almost fell off, but I caught her and she hasn’t moved since.”  “And... how long ago was that?”  “What time is it?” “Half-past 6.”  “2 hours ago. I didn’t want to wake her.”  “Kugo.” You laugh and sit beside him, “you’re so sweet.” You wrap both of your arms around one of his and lean into his shoulder, “I missed you so much.”  “I missed you too.” Kugo sets the papers down on the pile by the arm of the couch, “It's sort of embarrassing but I even stayed here a few nights because of it. I can’t remember the last time I went even 2 days without seeing you.” He appreciates the way you seem to melt into him at that.  “That’s not embarrassing it’s sweet, you’re so cute Kugo...” You lean up and kiss him, “such a big softie aren’t you?”  A soft hum is his reply as you pull away, “was she any trouble? Be honest.” “I was worried at first that I’d screw it up somehow but it went fine.” He confesses as he lifts the cat off his chest and she’s sleepy and limp in his big hand, purring contentedly.  “She was acting up the 2nd day but I think she was just confused about not seeing you. Then she got used to me and was alright.”  “That’s cute..” You yawn and clamber onto his lap, “god all that traveling tired me out...you’ve been stuck here for 2 hours but I might have to trap you a little longer to take a catnap of my own. I think Luna’s onto something...” You nestle into his shoulder, grateful to feel his arms come around you.  “Don’t worry about me.” He hums as Luna curls up in the sliver of space between your bodies, “I just want to finish reading over some things. Then I'll bring you both to bed.”  “You’ll stay tonight?” You yawn again and he hums, you can tell he’s smiling even though you can’t see him. “Would you like me to?”  You nod into his shoulder, “yeah, I would...”  “Alright then I will. Now go to sleep, you need it.” 
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thesoundofmadness · 3 years
Some Dad Randy stuff
I wanna talk about my fanon kids
So Randy has a son named Levi (14) and a daughter named Robin (5). They’re half siblings but there’s no mom in the picture bc neither of their moms stuck around.
Randy tries very hard to be a good dad. He especially tries hard to give both Levi and Robin the proper attention they need since he never really got any attention when he was younger. He’s very kind and understanding and is willing to go to extreme lengths to keep their trust and keep them safe.
After Robin was born, Randy had to quit his second job of being a college professor (he teaches beginner level Chinese classes) and go on mental health meds due to the stress. He hates having to take pills, but he isn’t about to take out his stress on an innocent baby.
Bc that, his relationship with Levi and Robin is pretty solid. Levi doesn’t hesitate to turn to him when he’s in trouble and Robin is a total daddy’s girl.
Howard’s obviously their unofficial uncle. Levi thinks he’s cool, but Robin’s scared of him. Neither Randy or Howard have any idea why.
Levi is a lot like how Randy is in canon. He’s generally positive and determined to achieve his goals, but he’s a bit more cautious and a lot less impulsive than Randy was.
Coincidentally, Levi just happened to be chosen as the ninja. Nomi had no idea Randy was his dad till it was dropped off in his bedroom and saw Randy walk downstairs. Tho it insists him being chosen had nothing to do with Randy, Levi isn’t exactly convinced.
Levi was shocked to find out Randy was the ninja. Nomi didn’t tell him bc revealing previous ninja identities isn’t typically nessecary.
“My dad was the ninja?!” Levi gasps.
“And you didn’t tell me?!”
“Revealing previous ninja identities isn’t typically necessary.” Nomi explains. “Of course, there are some exceptional cases but many of my students have never asked to learn about previous ninjas.”
“What kind of stuff did Dad do as the ninja?!” Levi asks. “Was he super lame?”
“I don’t know what you mean by ‘lame’ but, your father was quite the trouble maker when he was your age. He was constantly ignoring my warnings and getting himself into bad situations. He often yelled at me for just trying to help.”
“He did??”
“Yes. Sometimes he just ignored me, though, like the Principal incident.”
Levi doesn’t like having to keep a big secret like being the ninja from Randy, tho he doesn’t want him to have to worry too much so he never tells him.
Randy hasn’t really noticed anything. He’s usually too busy with Robin to. Though there have been a few times where he noticed Levi schlomped out, or has even found the nomicon. The magic of the mind wipe kinda prevents him from recognizing stuff like the mask and nomicon.
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ghost-ghost-baby · 5 years
Sorry (bakushima x reader omegaverse)
I’m so fuckin sorry this took so long to post I wanted to do it on my laptop bc links but uuuh I’m doing it on my phone on the way to work so y’all get it sooner lmao
Warnings: omegaverse, swearing, lil bit of angst w a happy ending
Requests: open
Your side still hurt despite your healing quirk, you’d taken a hit for Katsuki during a battle, he wouldn’t have been able to survive it, but luckily your quirk meant you'd get off with some minor pain for a couple of weeks. Unfortunately, your mates, and your boss, had decided you needed to take some time off, much to your dismay. You were surprised Kiri had agreed, but Katsuki had issues with you being a hero ever since you’d met at UA, so when he pushed for you to take time off you could only sigh and roll your eyes. It was taking an annoyingly long time to heal up, bruises still covered your form, but you supposed it was an improvement from the giant gash when you’d first gotten hit.
Eijiro has been called into work, apologies dropping from his mouth as he hugged you so tight it almost hurt. You knew he’d wanted to stay and be with you during your recovery, but hero work didn’t stop for anyone or anything. So here you were, in your apartment with only Katsuki, who’d taken to letting out a low growl whenever he saw your injuries. You didn’t know what his problem was, him and Kiri got injured and you didn’t growl at them. It was part of the job. You were sitting on the couch watching a show, you’d tried to get up to make yourself something to eat, but a certain blonde alpha had growled at you and dumped you back on the couch, muttering about how he was your alpha and he’d make you something to eat. It was suffocating, you were perfectly capable of taking care of yourself, you always had.
“Here.” Katsuki plonked a bowl of soup down on your lap, not saying a word and only grumbling as he stormed away again. You missed Kiri, Katsuki was awful when he was in a mood like this. At least the soup was good, even if your mate was banging and slamming things around in the kitchen. You weren’t going to dignify his behaviour by asking him what was wrong, you were right here, if he wanted to talk to you you weren’t going to stop him.
“What are you doing?” Fuck, you thought Katsuki was taking a shower, what the fuck was he doing here?
“Going to visit Eiji at work…?” You bit your lip as you trailed off, his scent reeked, it was all angry and just… off.
“Absolutely not.” Katsuki barked, his canines sharp and and full display as he snarled when you puffed your chest out.
“He’s our mate, I’m allowed to visit him at work.” You stood your ground, crossing your arms over your chest as you glared right back at your alpha, wrinkling your nose at his scent.
“Like hell you are! You’re staying here. End of story.”
“No! I’m going to visit our mate!”
“You’re staying here where it’s safe.” Katsukis tone took a dangerous turn, pupils blown out as he advanced on you.
“I can look after myself.” You took a step back, eyes darting to the front door, you wouldn’t be able to get past him in your condition.
“Aha, sure you can. Look at your side, Y/n! You can’t defend yourself, and your preheat scent is so strong you fucking reek right now, every alpha within fifty miles will try to claim you.” His words were like a punch in the gut, and you were surprised you didn’t double over.
“How dare you bring my dynamic into this? Deku’s an omega and you don’t have trouble-“
“Deku isn’t my mate! And his quirk is insane, he’s a whole different case.”
“So you think I’m just a weak omega, huh? Just a stupid, weak omega with a stupid, weak healing quirk, right? That’s what you really think?” Your fists were clenched at your side, nails digging into your skin as you waited for your mate to say you were wrong. A scoff left you when he didn’t, and your scent took a sour turn as you back away, shaking your head before you bolted to your room, locking everything before you threw yourself into your bed.
You didn’t nest, fighting down every instinct you had to grab anything that remotely smelled like your mates and hail it to your bed. You know what Katsuki really thought now, you weren’t going to give him the satisfaction of being right. Your instincts didn’t get the message, though, and it was barely an hour before your scent soured even more due to how lonely and upset you were. You’d pulled the blankets over your head, and you were hugging your pillow tight to your chest, but it wasn’t enough to calm you down or do anything to soothe how hurt you felt. Your mate had been pounding on the door since you’d locked it, but you didn’t want to listen to him going on about your dynamic, so you’d grabbed your headphones and tried to distract yourself with a show. It didn’t really work, but it was better than just sitting alone with your thoughts.
You were almost asleep when the sound of the front door closing had you ripping your headphones off.
“Katsuki! Y/n! I got off early!” Eijiros voice echoed through the house and you couldn’t help but relax at the sound. “Kacchan? Where’s Y/n? Why does it smell so weird in here?” You tuned back out then, you didn’t care what the blonde had to say, you were just going to have a nap.
A knock on the door interrupted your plan, and you cautiously pulled the blankets down, Eijiro’s worried scent invading your nose.
“Honey? Can you open the door, please?”
“Is Katsuki there? I’m not talking to him!” You propped yourself up as you heard shuffling outside the door, and Katsuki’s burnt scent decreased dramatically.
“It’s just me, I promise.” Eijiro leant against the door, and you finally got up, padding over to the door and slowly unlocking it. Your alpha was barreling into you the moment he could open the door, somehow twisting so the two of you landed on the bed with you on top of him.
“You didn’t wanna nest?” Concern laced his voice and you could only shrug, Katsukis words still banging around in your head. Eijiro frowned, you must be pretty upset if you didn’t even nest, it was your favourite thing to do!
“Do you wanna talk about it?” His voice was muddled from his face being pressed into your neck, and you sniffled as you buried your face in his hair.
“Katsuki is a dick.” Your words made him chuckle despite the situation, one hand coming up to stroke over your hair.
“I know, I know darling. But it’s just because he worries and… between you and me? He’s a little dense when it comes to emotions. Not good at handling them like you and me.” You felt better despite yourself, Eijiros scent was doing wonders for your mood, it always did. “Can he come in yet?” The redhead maneuvered so the two of you were leaning against the headboard, and after a minute you nodded in agreement.
“I made your favourite cookies.” The blondes tone was rough as he entered the room, gently placing the plate down on the bedside table. You didn’t look at him, didn’t acknowledge he’d said anything, only burrowing closer to Eijiro, who let out a soft croon to try and calm you down, his worried eyes meeting Katsuki’s. Even if you were angry, you’d never said no to food before.
“I’m sorry I just-“ Katsuki took a seat on the bed, grabbing onto Eijiros free hand when you still didn’t look up. “You took that hit for me, I’m your alpha, I’m meant to protect you and I can’t even do that! I didn’t mean what I said, I just… I don’t want to lose you, you only have a defensive quirk, you’re not meant to be right in the middle of everything!” His voice cracked and broke towards the end, and he had to use his free hand to wipe tears away from his face. You frowned when you looked up, you hated seeing your mates in distress. Wordlessly, you opened one arm, biting your lip as you waited to see if your alpha would reject or accept the offer. Barely a moment passed before he was pouncing on you and Eijiro, burying his face in your neck and inhaling your scent like his life depended on it.
“You’re not weak, or stupid, I’m so fucking sorry I said that shit.”
“I know, you’re the stupid one.” You mumbled, unable to stop the smile on your face when Katsuki barked out a laugh.
“I love you, dumbass.” His tone was sweet as he pulled away, turning your face towards him to smother your lips in kisses.
“I love you too!” Kiri cooed, thanking anything he could the two of you had made up so quickly as your scent returned to it’s normal sweet scent. “I’m gonna tell my boss I need to stay home until Y/n heals up, obviously the two of you can’t be trusted by yourselves.”
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hopesbarnes · 4 years
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Black Swan (4)
Summary: Y/N used to be a Russian spy under the code name Black Swan. But that was a lifetime ago, now she’s a part-time avenger, dance teacher, surrogate sister to Natasha Romanoff, and trainer to new Shield Agents. She’s come a long way from the days of killing targets and being tortured. But when someone from her past comes around will she be able to ignore her history anymore? Or will she end up falling in love with the only man her sister ever loved?
A/N: Will be reblogged to @rogvewrites​ at 12 pm tomorrow. I am also taking next week off from posting bc ya girl needs a mini-break.  
also! tell me thoughts and feelings abt this one:)
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The two of you return from your adventure in the grocery store and unpack the car and restock the fridge together. You even make sure to organize in the way Steve likes to avoid arguing with him later. Why the spices needed to be alphabetical, you didn’t know. But you did it anyway. Better to just do it than have the same argument for the thousandth time. 
“Do you maybe wanna watch another movie?” you ask as you put his precious ice cream in the freezer after he puts a note reading ‘Eat and I will kill you - Winter Soldier’ on the top of the tub. 
“How about that one you mentioned at the store, Going to the Future?”, he suggests.
“Back to the Future, Bucky. It’s called Back to the Future. And you sure? It’s a trilogy and that’s a lot of time to spend with me!” you say half-joking, half-serious. He was still getting used to the tower and sitting through three movies is a lot
“I’m sure. I don’t mind spending time with you,” he admits.
“I kind of have to work on some choreography for a bit, but we can watch it later?” He nods and heads towards his room. You head towards the studio Tony constructed for you and Natasha and stretch while playing ‘Waltz of the Flower’, the song you assigned to the youngest group of girls, all aged 6-8. It would be their first ‘big girl dance’ and you had to make sure the choreography wasn’t too complicated for them to remember. It was Tuesday night now, and the girl’s class was tomorrow night. Trying to come up with a dance at the same time as teaching them was disastrous, so it’s better to come prepared and focused. 
It only took an hour or so to map out formations the girls would be in, and edit the music down to the time you wanted. You planned out the first minute of the song, and couldn’t do more until you see how it looked with the girls. Nobody else was around so you decided to play some music on the speakers and free dance. You let John Mayer’s voice fill the room and put on your pointe shoes, letting the music take control. Unbeknownst to you Bucky stood outside the room and watched from the window in the door. Your fluid movements and rhythmic turns captured him, and he knew he was starting to like you more than a friend.  
When you felt lighter and less stressed you stopped the music and removed the shoes. It was still pretty early so there was time to start the movie marathon. After a quick shower, you called him through Friday and arranged to meet him in the group living room. 
Bucky came, ice cream in tow, and hesitantly laid against the couch. You popped a bag of popcorn and got settled in.
“So there’s three of these?” he asked and you laughed.
“Yup! We can watch the others another time though, we have time,” you said and he smiled at the idea of having time. Time to just relax, and time to relax with you. You start the movie and he stays pretty quiet until the Delorian flies. Bucky looked amazed as the car flew. 
“You know Stark almost had a flying car before the war. I remember seeing it, it hovered a second or two ‘fore falling to the ground again.” he said fondly. You smiled at him, not wanting to ask any more questions in case it led to what happened to Tony’s parents. It was good that he remembered the event though. You had read all about the Stark Expo and Howard Stark’s car that floated in a time before cars even had mandatory seat belts. 
The two of you sit in comfortable silence for most of the movie, only adding small comments towards the movie or laughing as it played. When the movie’s credits roll, you look over to his spot on the couch to see what he thought. But instead, you see him sleeping soundly, his bowl empty and beside him on the couch. He looked peaceful, and you didn’t dare disturb that. You draped a blanket over him as the rest of the tower tricked in from their day’s activities. You shush them and send a stern look their way and they get the gist. Everyone but Steve retreats to their rooms. He points at Bucky and puts his arms out questioning but you just smile and shrug in response. He drops his things off by the wall and motions his head towards his room, silently asking you to follow.  
You followed Steve to his room and plop down on his couch, ready for a lecture. It no doubt was coming, he had his ‘dad look’ on. You had no idea the topic, but he always did this when he wanted to talk about something serious. Motioned to his room, and then sat on the chair opposite the couch.
“You and Buck seem close.” he starts, forming the words hesitantly. You just nod in reply.
“I haven’t seen him this close to someone since ‘fore the war. It’s nice,” he admits. “You know I worry about him, he spent so long taking care of me. Back when I was that scrawny little asshole who didn’t stop fighting. Figured I owe it to him now. He won’t ask for help, ‘s not him.” 
You nod. Boy did you know that feeling well. “It’s like me and Natalia. I took care of her when she was younger when she was naive. God, she used to think she was invincible and would get in such trouble. Never would’ve imagined it with how she is now. I mean, now I feel like she’s the mature one. Don’t get me wrong, I still have to hold her when she gets emotional, but she watches out for me more than I do for her now. The years have definitely flipped our roles.”
“Never seen her emotional, huh.” He says blinking in surprise. To Steve, she was the Widow that saved his ass one too many times. “But yeah. I guess like that. I, well, bring it up because I want to make sure you and I have the same idea when it comes to Bucky. He can’t handle getting hurt right now, it’d break him,” Steve says in an authoritarian voice. You were getting the strict girlfriends’ dad talk from him.
You laugh, “Isn’t the talk usually given to the guy not to break the girl's heart? Trust me, we’re just friends.” you sigh audibly. You didn’t want to date Bucky, even if he laughed at your jokes and looked like a good person to cuddle with. You shake the thought from your head. “Plus, I mean we can’t even date! Girls don’t date people their sisters were in love with that’d just be horr-.” You pause, realizing the word vomit that just came out. 
“Shit,” You say softly. 
“Shit,” Steve repeats back. He slumps back in the chair confused. “Shit is definitely right. I didn’t know Natasha was in love with Bucky. Heck, I didn’t even think they crossed paths. Wasn’t she KGB not Hydra?” he asks.
“You weren’t supposed to hear that, I promised her I wouldn’t tell anyone. And she’s not in love with him now, she was when we were younger. Hydra and KGB were different sides of the same coin. They intersected at times.” You can’t believe you told Steve. What a great sister you are.
“Please promise you won’t say anything. Just try and forget I said anything,” you add on beggingly. 
 “So you knew him too? Before the airport?” Shit, you just accidentally opened a door to a story you hated going through. 
“If you promise not to say anything, I’ll explain.”
 “Deal,” he says. So you start retelling the story for the second time in two months. 
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solalunar-eclipse · 4 years
Scars You Can’t See - Chapter 2
Chapter title: Escape (from the city)
Word count: about 3500
Some small word choice has been edited.
If you’re here from the updated first chapter, please scroll down to the bolded line! The story continues there.
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Rouge looked out the window cautiously, sliding along the wall and peering around the window frame. She snapped the curtain shut a second later, spinning to face the others. Her eyes were wide. “Crap. They’re here. G.U.N. is here. They want the file- and us, probably. Chaos...I wonder if they want to ‘disappear’ us like in those spy movies.”
“Now who isn’t helping?” Omega said snarkily, aware that Shadow seemed to be on the verge of an actual panic attack. 
Rouge glowered at him, before ignoring his comment entirely. “Alright, we probably have a few minutes, max, before they break down the door and try to get us. Omega, start packing. We need nonperishable food and water in case we can’t show ourselves in public, and we’ll want money. Hang on to our office supplies, too- we might need those. I am going to talk to Shadow and try to help him out a little. Good? Be ready to go in five.”
She sat Shadow down on the couch. His body was shaking slightly and his breathing was unsteady.
“Okay, hon, what’s got you so stressed?”
He shivered silently, refusing to speak- he could be very stubborn when he wanted to be.
Rouge rubbed his back cautiously. “Talk to me, Shadow. Just talk. We can work on solving everything later, but you’ve got to get it out there so that I can help. Please?”
Shadow gave in. Again. His friends were far too good at getting him to open up- words spilled from his mouth faster than he could say them, crashing into each other. “It- it all started when I had to carry the guns again- they were barely tolerable during the invasion, but now all they do is remind me of that day- I can’t help but remember that it was them who did it all to me…”
His voice was tight, but he fought past it. “It makes me sick thinking about it, and the idea that they could do that again. But- they have the power, I don’t want everyone to hate me...what if- what if they do it, tell the world lies about me to retaliate for outing them, and Tails, Silver, Sonic can’t look at me the same? What if they believe G.U.N.?”
Rouge kept her hand on his shoulder, not sure of what else she could do. The bat knew she had only scratched the surface of his struggles, and it was already painful for her to watch. “They won’t! They would never, I can tell you that. Right now, though, we have to focus on making sure we get the word out about this so that G.U.N. can’t do it again, alright? One step at a time. Then we’ll deal with whatever comes next. And I promise Omega and I will always be here for you, no matter what.”
“If you say so...okay.” Shadow sighed. He could deal with this more later. Right now, the agents were here, ready to hurt his friends. They had to run, and Rouge and Omega would support him through everything. That could hold him together. For now.
Omega appeared in the doorway. “Are you ready to go? I do not wish to be turned into scrap metal.”
“Yes.” Shadow said, his voice slightly stronger. “Let’s get out of here.”
------------------------------ STORY CONTINUES HERE ---------------------------------
The three jumped into the high-tech convertible from earlier- now plus two impressively packed suitcases- and peeled out of the garage at full speed. Rouge was driving, since Shadow still wasn’t at a hundred percent. They could all hear the G.U.N. agents shouting behind them as they drove wildly away, but Rouge forced herself to focus on the road despite them.
The hybrid picked up his phone, knowing what he had to do next. It didn’t make this any better, though.
He dialed the number.
“Hello. This is Shadow.”
“Hi, Shads! What’s up! You busy?” an instantly recognizable voice chirped.
“I am in fact busy at the moment. That is why I am calling.”
“Aw, really?” Sonic sounded disappointed. “I was gonna ask if you could come over and race.”
“I’m afraid I cannot. Rouge, Omega and I are currently trying our best to not be captured by about twenty angry G.U.N. agents, so racing is… not an option right now.”
He heard a gasp from the other end of the line. “What?! Wait, what happened? Is there anything you need?”
Shadow smiled faintly- that was Sonic, always looking out for others. “Omega stole some files on my sister and her death. We spoke to G.U.N. beforehand, and they refused to do anything about their actions or even admit wrongdoing, so. We’re calling them out on it by finding proof of what they did.”
“They wouldn’t apologize? For that?!” Sonic yelled. “Jerks! I can’t believe you work for them!”
“Well, I strongly suspect that we are all fired, so that solves that problem.” Shadow replied dryly.
“Good! But you should’ve quit- show them who’s boss! If you need a place to stay while you’re taking them out, you can come crash with us, y’know.”
“That is a kind offer, Sonic, but I’m afraid I must turn you down. G.U.N. is already going to come in and question both you and Tails, and I don’t want you getting in any more trouble than you need.”
Sonic groaned. “Ugh, this whole thing sounds like one of those overly complicated super-secret missions you guys always go on. Or used to go on, whatever. There isn’t any butt-kicking in any of this- wish there was some dude I could beat up and then it’d be fixed.”
Shadow’s smile grew wider. “If only.” Then it faded. “I hope you understand why I won’t be able to tell you where we’re going or what our plans are from now on. The less you know, the safer you are. Despite this, don’t let G.U.N. take you or anyone else anywhere. You might not come back.”
He heard the skepticism in Sonic’s voice. “Seriously? You think so?”
“I know so. Be careful, Sonic. These people aren’t crazy geniuses- they’re ruthless destroyers. Trust me. And...we’re all going to shut down our phones. We could be tapped or tracked at any time. We’ll only call in from public phones or the like.”
“Oh, chaos….this really is serious, isn’t it?” Sonic’s voice was small. “Hang on, put me on speaker.”
Shadow did. “You’re on now.”
“Guys?” Sonic said. “You’re all awesome- I know you’re gonna make them pay. Just don’t die on me, we need you for movie night.” he said, only half joking.
“We will do our best.” Omega replied.
“Tell Knux I love him, ‘kay?” Rouge shouted. 
“Will do!” Sonic replied, giggling. 
Shadow took him off speaker and told him so. 
“Sonic…stay safe. Please. I know you like to be the one who saves the day, but not this time, alright?”
The hero sounded tense. “Fine. But if I don’t hear from you guys for three days, I’m gonna start freaking out. You hear me?”
Shadow laughed bitterly. “I’ll make sure that doesn’t happen. I’d hate to come back and find your house destroyed.”
“Yeah…” Sonic said weakly.
The hybrid sighed. “I suppose I must go now. Tell everyone else, alright? I’ll confirm what you say via text before I shut down my phone.”
“Okay. Bye, Shads- talk to ya later!” Sonic made an effort to sound cheerful.
“Talk to you soon.” Shadow said, and then he ended the call.
Rouge grinned. “Awww, that’s sweet. Done talking to your boyfriend, Shadow?”
“He is not my boyfriend!” Shadow roared, blushing. “We’re only rivals, Rouge, get that idea out of your head now!”
“Suuure~” Rouge said, laughing at Shadow’s embarrassment.
They became serious again quickly, however. Rouge hadn’t quite managed to lose the agents yet. She drove through two alleyways (“I just cleaned the car yesterday…” Omega complained), ran several red lights, and played one horrible game of chicken with a streetcar before they were able to get away.
Shadow had nearly had multiple heart attacks by the time that was over.
He heard his phone ping with a message while he was in the middle of switching off the other two. Of course Rouge had the latest iCall 11, while Omega had a 10 that Rouge had gifted him.
Shadow himself had a Candystripe (shameful, he knew, but they were easier for him to use), and that was at least partly why the group always messaged through Entropy.
He opened it up to see Sonic’s ten texts.
sanic: hey guys shads just called
he & rouge & omega are running from gun
they stole some important files about maria (sorry about the name drop shadow)
& gun got stupid mad
they wouldn’t say sorry or do anything about what they did to her either
so i really wanna beat someone up for that ୧(๑•̀ᗝ•́)૭
team dark is kinda scared for their lives now bc of gun so we can’t text them for a while or anything cuz they’re turning off their phones
oh and knux rouge says she loves u
i’d make a joke but tbh i’m actually freaking out a little rn
this sounds crazy i kno but it’s true
milesperhour: Wait, what? Are you serious??
andknuckles: Rouge, stay safe, alright
Don’t get hurt
Shadow smirked. “Your boyfriend wants you to stay safe. He’s worried.”
Rouge blushed. “He’s sweet, isn’t he?”
notclairvoyantjustpsychic: WHAT 
edgehog: Yes, they did. Unfortunately. I’ve passed your message along, Knuckles. Please don’t scream, Silver.
Goodbye for now. We’ll get in touch later.
Shadow shut off his phone after that, but not before he saw one last private text.
sanic: i’m gonna miss u shads…. T-T
Shadow sighed quietly as he and his friends drove out of the city. He and Sonic had grown pretty close, and the blue hero was the only person outside of Team Dark whom he truly trusted.
He would most definitely miss Sonic as well.
Once the three had driven for the rest of the day- Omega took over once Rouge got tired- they pulled off into a small motel out in the plains of the United Federation.
A neon “Vacant” sign flickered faintly as the wind rushed through the golden fields. The sign for Cloud 9 Motel was faded and weatherbeaten, and there was only one other car in the parking lot. The sandstone-colored building was shaped like a blocky U, the front desk vaguely visible through clouded windows.
Shadow walked over to the motel doors and pushed them open, pulling out some money to pay for a room. Omega went with him- the robot needed to charge, and Rouge wanted some privacy for a minute.
The bat found an old pay phone off to the side and took a turn calling Knuckles. She stood there quietly, watching the sunset as she waited for him to pick up.
“Hi, sweetie.”
“Rouge?! It’s you?” She heard him shout away from the phone. “Sonic! Tails! It’s Rouge calling!”
She smiled quietly, but couldn’t quite bring herself to laugh. “You’re with your friends, hm?”
“Yeah- we’re figuring out what to do.”
Rouge frowned. “Don’t do anything- didn’t Sonic tell you what Shadow said? This is dangerous!”
Knuckles scoffed. “Dangerous? I led the Resistance against the Eggman Empire! Don’t talk to me about danger!”
Rouge facepalmed. She loved Knuckles so, so much, but he could be such an idiot sometimes.
“Yes, but the difference is, Eggman launched full-scale attacks that you could plan for. G.U.N. will not hesitate to shoot you in the back as you hang out with your friends.” 
“People would do that?!” Knuckles shouted. He was still awfully naive about the world, and Rouge tended to forget this occasionally.
“They absolutely would. I need you to promise me that you, Sonic, and Tails will stay out of this.”
“But what about you?” he asked. “And Omega and Shadow?”
“I see you’re even worried about him, hm? Well, don’t worry about us- we’re used to dealing with these guys.” Rouge snickered. 
Knuckles groaned. “I don’t hate Shadow, I just don’t really like him either. And he’s in danger too.”
“Thank you, hon.” she said honestly, appreciating that the echidna was starting to care about her friend. At least a little.
“I should probably go soon, but we’re currently at a motel in the middle of nowhere- I can’t tell you which one- and we’ll start planning our next move. Talk to you later, alright?”
“Talk to you later. Love you…” Knuckles said nervously. She could practically hear him blushing on the other end.
“Love you too, Knuckles. Bye!”
She hung up the phone and leaned against the glass wall of the booth, already missing him. He was really such a kind person underneath all that bluster, and that’s what she’d fallen for in the first place.
She looked up, noticing that Shadow left the building. He walked across the parking lot and opened up the door. “You’ll see him again soon, Rouge. All we have to do is get this footage and then we’ll be back home.”
“I know, it’s nothing.” she said softly.
The hybrid stood awkwardly for a moment, before quietly extending his arms. The gesture looked incredibly strange, but Rouge knew what he was trying to do and really appreciated it. She hugged him tightly and smiled. “You’re a good friend, Shadow.”
He held her a little tighter. “Take a look at yourself- you’re willing to go to Chaos-knows-where just to help me find some old video.”
She pulled back and smiled at him. “That’s what friends are for, right? Now let’s go check out that room.”
Shadow scuffed at the ground, sighing loudly. “Before you go in, you should know I used false names for all of us- the woman at the desk didn’t seem to know who any of us were, though she did say I looked like Sonic.” He didn’t seem pleased with that.
“I called Omega ‘Theta’ because it was the first idea I had. I haven’t given you a name yet because I thought you’d want your own…...less lame one.”
“Good...but what’s yours?” Rouge asked, smirking.
“I was on the spot.” Shadow couldn’t meet her eyes. “I used Apophis as my name. The ancient mythical chaos snake. It sounds so formal….”
Rouge grinned but held in her laugh for his sake. Shadow, despite his emo appearance, was definitely a nerd. 
“My name should be….Ruby. Like the gem.”
Shadow looked confused. “Why?”
“Because of my name, silly. It means ‘red’ in French, and rubies are red.” Rouge said lightly.
“Oh….I suppose that makes sense.” he muttered, looking a little bewildered.
They went up to the room and discovered that Omega had already plugged himself into the outlet in the wall. He looked up when Rouge and Shadow walked in. “This electricity is subpar, but it will suit my purposes.” he informed them.
Rouge couldn’t help teasing him a little. “What, does it taste bad or something?”
Omega would have rolled his eyes, if he could. “No. It is simply weak and limited so that you organics do not electrocute yourselves.”
The bat surveyed the room critically, noting the lack of certain furniture. “Really, Shadow? You know Knuckles is going to pound you into the ground if he finds out we shared a bed.”
“It was cheaper.” Shadow called flatly from the closet, over the noise of his attempt to put away the suitcases. “We don’t have an endless supply of money, and I can sleep in the desk chair if you have an issue with this.”
“No, no, I’m fine.” Rouge replied. “Besides, he knows that I’ve never been into that kind of thing. Or dating you, no offense.”
“Agreed, and none taken.” The hybrid came back out and sank down onto the bed. “Omega, would you mind pulling up the schematics of the G.U.N. facility we’re trying to break into? I know you were heading in that general direction, but where is it, and how would we get inside?”
“Processing. You know, you are very lucky that I downloaded all schematics early on in our work with G.U.N..”
“Very lucky that you got lost once and then refused to have it happen again, you mean,” Rouge shot back.
“We do not speak of that incident. Ever.”
“Alright, alright, now where are we breaking in?” Shadow snapped, his quills bristling. He looked tense, Rouge noticed. She sat down next to Shadow and gave him a quiet look to try and calm him down. He sighed.
“Schematic loaded. Accessing…”
Suddenly, a three-dimensional map of the facility appeared in the room, along with an address in the lower right corner of the display. Rouge patted Shadow’s back once before getting up to survey the map- as a thief, she was the most experienced and therefore the authority on breaking and entering. And stealing, of course.
“So,” she said after a moment, “we’re definitely going in through the side door. While the vents are more classic, they’re also a greater hazard and Omega wouldn’t fit. Sorry, Omega.”
“That is fine.”
“So, we’ll grab a couple of delivery uniforms- and we will return them, don’t worry-” she added, for Shadow’s benefit. She knew he didn’t like doing anything that would hurt people just trying to get by.
“-and then we can get inside through that door. We’ll navigate the halls and head straight to the video storage rooms, which are here.” Rouge pointed to a specific area of the map, which Omega helpfully enlarged. “We’re going to need to split up and search them quickly. Most likely, the video will be on a VHS tape, so that’s what we’re looking for. G.U.N. is nothing if not organized, so they’ll probably just have a box labeled ‘ARK Files’. Everyone clear?”
“Now then, there are guards on a rotating schedule that pass by the same area every fifteen minutes. We’ll need to avoid them and move quickly, because we don’t want to be seen. I know we could take out two guards if necessary, but we don’t want any of them radioing in to the security center and setting off an alarm.”
“I will remove any threat before it becomes too big to handle, no matter what.” Omega declared. 
“I’m not sure that’s the point of a stealth mission, Omega.” Shadow replied, a small smile on his face. 
Rouge noticed that this was the first time he’d smiled properly in a while.
“Alright, now let’s get some rest. We’re going to need it for the next few days.”
“The next few days?” Omega asked. “Why are we not attacking them tomorrow?”
“Because they’ll be expecting us tomorrow, Omega- all of G.U.N. is going to be on high alert.” Rouge said, exasperated. “We have to lie low for a while, make them drop their guard.”
Shadow sighed. “I can’t stand waiting, but if it means we’ll be safer, I suppose we have no choice.”
“Good.” Rouge replied, going into her “team mom” mode. “Now. Rest.”
It was strange for her sometimes, being the leader of the team. Shadow and Omega both acted younger than her, even though their ages were incredibly confusing. Shadow was either five, fifteen, or fifty-five, depending on how you counted, and Omega was essentially ageless. Yet somehow she, at eighteen, was the team leader in most situations. 
She certainly didn’t mind it, though.
As she lay in bed at night, her attempts to sleep were quickly foiled by the hedgehog next to her. Shadow could not lie still.
“Are you always like...this, Shadow?” she asked, trying her best to be polite. 
“...no…” he mumbled quietly, turning away from her. 
“This is a really stressful time for you, isn’t it?” she asked gently. 
He lay there for a moment.
“Perhaps.” he said finally, his voice flat.
Rouge thought about what to do next. 
“Omega, what’s the length of your charging cable?”
“Twelve feet. Why do you ask?”
“Get in.”
Shadow sat up quickly. “Wait- what?!”
Rouge smirked. “Get in, Omega. It’s time for a team hug session.”
Shadow attempted to protest, but Omega climbed onto the bed anyway and lay down on the hybrid’s other side. 
Rouge watched Shadow, feeling relieved when he began to relax. Omega’s computers were whirring away softly, providing a steady background hum that pushed her friend to sleep.
He sighed, murmuring quietly. “Good night, Omega. Sleep well, Rouge.”
“Night, boys.” she said.
“I will keep watch while you both sleep. Just in case.” Omega replied.
Shadow’s eyes began to close. “Heh. Thanks…. Omega……”
Rouge shut her eyes as well, pleased with herself. This was her team, and they were going to kick G.U.N. to the curb. But that could wait for tomorrow- right now, it was late, and she could rest. Finally.
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lildoodlecat · 3 years
Alright buckle the fuck up bc I've just had a morning
So I live about a half hour drive from my college campus, and a couple of my classes this semester require me to buy some art kits from a very specific store that is, obviously, only on campus
Got up at 7, ready to head out for when the store opened at 7:30, and set off in my pajamas with my kiribaku ita bag and ready to make the drive
Google maps oh so handily said hey, did you know there's a highway that'll actually get you there faster than the freeway? So I was like hell yeah I love not driving on the freeway let's fucking go
I head out, drive the freeway for a bit until I hit the exit for the highway, and cruise on down a highway with a lot of construction, but it's been that way for years so whatever
The construction, surprisingly, caused no issue. I made it past and noticed hm, there sure do seem to be a lot of cars piled up ahead
And oh boy. There were. The whole highway backed up who knows how far, on a Tuesday morning.
And I'm thinking, well I don't wanna sit through that. I'm pretty sure there's a side road I can take instead?? So I switch into the exit lane and that's backed up a bit too but not much. I get off, I drive over and pull into a convenience store lot to check my map.
There is no other road.
There is no other fucking road and all that's here are residential neighborhoods and the goddamn maverick I'm parked in front of
So, shit, wrong decision there buddy but it's alright i guess I could just take the entrance ramp and get back on. But I really, really don't fucking want to try and merge onto a highway that's at a long, backed up standstill
I checked the traffic report just in case bc if there's an accident that didn't happen too recently it might clear up if I wait a bit. Yeah no it just happened and hey, that explains all the police that drove by earlier
Anyway I'm a pussy and decided to backtrack (and took a wrong turn and got lost in that residential neighborhood for a bit, during which I pulled over to check my map again and complain to some group chats abt my predicament)
So I changed my destination to the freeway and made it there with only one wrong turn
But the trouble doesn't end there because college campuses are confusing as hell
I got close to the building the store was in but couldn't quite see it as I kept going in circles and the navigator was like take the next left :D into what was, very obviously, a lawn and not a road
I also almost clipped a line of parked cars and gave myself a heart attack when I had to jerk the wheel because I was being a dumbass and trying to look at the map while I was driving slow
So I made it to a parking lot behind the building, and remembered hm, I got a couple emails about parking passes (which I didn't buy since I didn't think I'd need one). Do I need one to park in this lot??? Never figured out if I did but I parked in a corner and got out anyway
It is now 8:45am. Jesus christ, I just wanted to get my shit and go home
I wasn't sure where the hell the tiny hole in the wall store would be in the massive building, but apparently I had some good luck because I found it almost as soon as I walked in
For some reason it doubled as a coffee place?? Which sucks for me bc the smell of coffee makes me nauseous but whatever. I got one of my kits, paid, walked out,
wait a minute don't I need another hold the fuck on
Had to go back and awkwardly be like yeah me again, need another $200 kit mhm okay alrighty
But oh lucky me neither of these heavy fucks had handles so I'm awkwardly carrying both of them and a bigass roll of paper all the way to my car. At which point I just kinda dropped them in the grass to be able to use my keys and toss them in the back seat.
I got most of the way home fine, didn't see a stop sign until I was on top of it tho and had to slam my breaks (which threw my bag into a flip off the passenger seat and I heard something fall in the back but was like whatever it's fine I'm almost home
A little further and a cop pulls in behind me which immediately sent me into a bit of a panic because haha, cops are fucking scary
It was fine, obviously, bc I was going the speed limit and they weren't behind me long before I had to take a right and they kept going straight
The last bump in this hhhHHHARGHARAAAAA morning was a garbage truck that had stopped and was taking up the entire lane so I had to go around into the oncoming lane but it's not like that road is ever busy so it was fine
Made it home at 10:20am, dumped my shit in my room, and promptly collapsed on the couch because holy fuck, my heart hasn't calmed down and I'm still shaking (partially because I haven't eaten since last night but mostly nerves)
I'm good now but uGH I hated that so much
Also I think a part of one of the kits had to be changed so I might have to go back for it later and if that doesn't go at least semi-smoothly I'm gonna find a nice patch of dirt to decompose in
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byhaeseong · 4 years
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━♡ guess the 23 YEAR OLD SEPTEMBER baby just arrived to dallyeog! it makes sense, because MOON HAESEONG is just as MELANCHOLIC as the month of SEPTEMBER. wait, why do they remind me of NAM YOONSOO? beyond that, they seemed CHARMING & KEEN upon first glance. i heard someone say they’re sort of TEMPERAMENTAL & DESTRUCTIVE though. i hope they get acquainted here in APARTMENT 9 / FLOOR 4 ; HE seems to have a lot going on with HIS job as AN ELECTRICIAN.
okay,,, let’s try this again. i’m chey (21, she/her, gmt-5) & i’m here to introduce you to dallyeog’s september baby  —  moon haeseong. i personally view september as a month of transition/change, so that’s how i’ve chosen to portray haeseong. he’s been through a lot so far and the leaves of his life are beginning to change color and fall off; hopefully, he’s headed towards a brighter spring, but he still has a long way to go. you can view his (unfinished) stats page here, his pinterest board here and learn more about him below the cut!
virgo   /   the virgin.   guarded, critical, defensive, impulsive, tense, intelligent, kind-hearted, bold, hard worker, reliable, playful. haeseong values privacy over anything else. he can’t stand overbearing types who feel the need to know and see everything, but at the same time, he can be like that, too. but hearing that he’s hypocritical rarely surprises anyone  —  he has a tendency to criticize certain behaviors in others, but excuses the same behaviors in himself because he feels like he’s justified with how he acts. it’s difficult to get close to him and ever more difficult to get him to open up about himself, as he always seems to be on guard, like there’s a threat lying in wait. nonetheless, he’s a kind-hearted guy underneath all that tension, criticism and anger and it shows in small ways, such as how he goes out of his way to help his neighbors and always sticks to his promises. once you’ve made a friend of him, he’s honest, funny and playful. he likes to laugh just as much as he likes to make others laugh.
he was born into a well-off family, but his parents were the overbearing types that he absolutely can’t stand, so he often felt suffocated. he hated how controlling they were towards him and how manipulative they were towards people who worked with/for them, so he ended up running away from home at sixteen and dropping out of school.
parents begged him to come back, tried to bribe him and then threatened to cut off his card  —  he didn’t listen to any of it, didn’t really care, and once he started getting into legal trouble a couple months later, they disowned him.
legal trouble as in destruction of public property, vandalism, underage drinking, displays of violence. has never done anything that could get him in long-term trouble, but has stayed in trouble p much non-stop since 2013.
has problems controlling his anger, which is what usually leads to him doing things he shouldn’t. all you gotta do is look at him wrong and he’ll smash the windshield of your car. i would not suggest testing this..... </3
anyway! he lied a lot to get part-time jobs, learned how to be independent and how to take care of himself quickly. pretty much always got fired for getting into legal trouble and his bosses just didn’t wanna deal with....... that.
he’s FINALLY! finally trying to move past all of that, though. moved in to the dallyeog apts with the intention of starting fresh in a place where no one knows him (hopefully,,,,) and got his current job as an electrician, which he needs to stay out of trouble if he wants to keep. he def wants to keep it because it pays a lot more than the night shift at a convenience store u know
MAYBE he’s in legal trouble rn though...... MAYBE he’s on probation and has to do community service every fuckin weekend if he doesn’t wanna go to jail again.....
who can say for sure? ask him about it and he’ll get snappy, so there’s no telling.
i’m a big fan of associating characters with songs, so some that i associate with haeseong are:  landfill by daughter, shaylee, shanel by hot mulligan, i think your nose is bleeding by the front bottoms, cotton candy by yungblud, i know places by taylor swift, thank me later by onlychild, sps by hot mulligan, randy, i am the liquor by free throw, start again by dinosaur pile-up and ready for more by sea girls.
despite having problems with anger and being guarded, he’s by no means a recluse. in fact, he loves to be around people & almost always seems to be in a relationship, although they hardly ever last. 
in regards to his neighbors, though... he prob does try to keep his distance from them just bc he knows how easy it is to get pissed off at a neighbor and he does NOT wanna do anything to ruin his rep.
if you have any electrical issues in your apartment, feel free to ask him to take a look. he’ll p much fix anything for free if he knows how. kind of out of the goodness of his heart, kind of just bc he needs people to like him and ~trust him~ in case he gets into trouble again and needs to be bailed out. mf has no family who would come and no close friends.
he’s also 187cm so if you need to reach something, he’s ur guy.
probably ruining his apartment by smoking cigarettes inside but please don’t tell the landlord.
genuinely wants to be good. wants to be good so so desperately, doesn’t know why tf he has to be so destructive and cause trouble all the time. kinda hates himself for it on the dl but we don’t talk about that
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cloudbeom · 5 years
Ghost stories | Huening Kai
Pairing: Huening Kai x reader; Choi Beomgyu x reader (platonic); Choi Yeonjun x reader (platonic); Choi Soobin x reader (platonic); Kang Taehyun x reader (platonic)
Warnings: none
Genre: fluffiest fluff to fluff
Words: 2.5k+
Summary: late-night sneaking with your three best friends in school ending with just two best friends left. And a sweet cliche
A/n: I was inspired to make this from this video of hyuka, tae, and beommie exploring the runaway set and saying its haunted bcs babies. and also MY FIRST TXT FIC!!!! uwu
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There were almost 800 students; probably more who attended your school who you could’ve befriended with. But nooo, you had to befriend the five guys who for some reason always had trouble following them. Like murphy’s law.
“Please,” Yeonjun pouts, laying on Soobin’s bed in his dorm room. Being surrounded by his five other friends and Soobin in the kitchen making soup for the older. When no one said anything, Yeonjun grabs the person closest to him, which was, unfortunately, Beomgyu, and begs, “Please Beomgyu? Do it for hyung? Yeah? Please?” 
“Hyung we’ll be expelled if we’re caught. School grounds strictly close after 10pm. Not even club members are allowed to go there for meetings after the time limit.” Beomgyu said, “And plus, you're sick. We can't let you go out if we’re going to be carrying you around five minutes later.”
“Hyung is perfectly fine,” Yeonjun says and sneezed at the exact same time after he says it. Earning a half-hearted scoff from Taehyun.
“You’re not fine, hyung. Don’t be so stubborn and just get well, then you can apologize formally to your art teacher yourself,” he says, sounding like he’s scolding the older.
“But- but my pride!” Yeonjun says dramatically, moving his arm to his forehead as he sighs, “What would they think when they hear that popular senior Choi Yeonjun is apologizing for something he does wrong?”
“That you're humble?” Huening Kai says under his breath, and you can’t help but giggle a little at that.
“Come on, (Y/n), back hyung up here!” Yeonjun says, and you can't help but sigh at how miserable he looks.
“Alright, we’ll do it,” you say, and Yeonjun immediately brightens at that.
“Really? For real? Oh (Y/n) do you know hyung loves you so much?” Yeonjun says, throwing his arms up to cheer, but only ending in a coughing fit.
“I mean, I love (Y/n) too and support you and all,” Beomgyu turns to you, his expression saying all it needed, “But are you out of your mind!?”
“Yah don’t change her mind!” Yeonjun says desperately, “Hyung will get you ice cream when I’m better, okay (Y/n)? Just make sure you do it without getting caught!”
Kai grabs your shoulder and leans down to whisper into your ear, “No offense, but are you crazy?”
You turned around to face the four, “Aish, come on guys let’s just do it for Yeonjun. You know he’ll never shut up if his reputation gets ruined. And if his art teacher sees what he had turned in as his piece, he’ll get suspended, or worse, expelled.” You say, pleading them to help, “Come on it’s our hyung here.”
“Yeah do it for hyung!” Yeonjun says, seemingly eavesdropping, and Taehyun rolls his eyes at him.
“Fine, I’m in. But only because I know if you get your ass expelled you're not going to cook for us anymore.” Taehyun says, then walks out of the room. 
“Yay! hyung will treat you all to ice cream if you succeed, I promise!” Yeonjun says, coughing a little at the end.
“Just get some rest for now, hyung. We’ll take care of it.” Beomgyu says, defeated as he walks to the door, opening it for Soobin to walk in with a full tray of food just for the older.
“Did Yeonjun convince you?” Soobin asked, and Kai shakes his head.
“He convinced (Y/n), we’re just going to she doesn’t get her ass in trouble,” He says casually, and Beomgyu nods at what Kai says, walking out. You stare at them in disbelief.
“I can't believe them,” you mutter under your breath, and Soobin chuckles.
“Good luck sneaking into school,”
“Are you not coming with us?” You ask, and Soobin shakes his head.
“Someone needs to take care of the drama queen,” Soobin says, whispering the last part, and on cue, Yeonjun whines.
“Binnie, hyung wanna eat,” Yeonjun says from the bed, making grabby hands to the younger boy. Soobin sighs.
“Good luck with that,” You say, implying Yeonjun. Soobin smiles, dimples and all, in return and walks past you, heading to the bed and you joined the trio.
Huening Kai, Beomgyu and Taehyun were in Tae’s room, you walked in and saw he had laid various flashlights and a tool kit on the floor and on his bed was various keys, each labeled accordingly. 
“Wh.. what are all these? Where did you get the keys, Taehyun?” You asked in disbelief, to which Tae replies with a simple wink.
“Magic,” He says
“No doubt its from all his pranking,” Beomgyu mutters to himself, sighing in fake disappointment. Guess there was a reason why Taehyun was dubbed as the school’s prankster by everyone.
“Yah, gear up. We’re not going to attract attention so take these flashlights.” Taehyun says, throwing the smaller one to you, “Does anyone here have a good memory of how the school looks like?”
“Oh, I can do that!” Kai says, Taehyun handing him the bigger flashlight. Kai did have most of his classes spread out across campus, it was no surprise he knew every nook and cranny of the school.
“Here wear this,” Taehyun throws you his black hoodie, and you catch it easily.
“For what?” You asked, but complied because everything Taehyun owns was a hoodie and all his hoodies were comfortable as fuck.
“If you think pajamas with very bright yellow ducks on them will be easy to sneak in, there’s something seriously wrong with you.” 
You look down at your pajamas and sure enough, they were covered in yellow ducks, but you scoffed, “I’d have you know the ducks protect me from demons when I sleep.”
 “And by a demon, you mean Yeonjun hyung?” Kai says, interrupting your sibling bickering toying with his flashlight.
“Yeah, demons and him,” You say, chuckling as you played with the sleeves of Taehyun’s hoodie, “Oh and don’t think we don’t know that you’ve probably already done this before.” 
Taehyun only smiled sheepishly
“Wait this hoodie doesn’t belong to you,” You suddenly said, right when the four of you had broken in and were walking in the very, very dark and empty halls of the school. Making all three boys jump when your voice echoed, Beomgyu shushing you by clamping a hand on your mouth.
“Do you know that if you were in a horror movie, you’d die first?!” he whisper-shouted, and you tried to pry him off.
“I was just surprised, sorry!” You giggled a little, Kai shakes his head with a small smile.
“Drop it guys. We’re nearing the art room, no one will hear us if they were right outside here anyways,” he says, opening the door to the art room and shining his flashlight to the art displayed there, “What the- God that scared me,” Kai laughs a little.
“What is it?” You asked him, walking towards where he was as Taehyun and Beomgyu lags behind.
“Isn’t this fitting?” Kai shines the flashlight towards an art piece that looked like it was covered in blood, arms reaching towards the middle of the frame, “Scary.”
“Hey, isn't this your favorite candy, Beomgyu?” Taehyun asked, looking at a mannequin that was dressed in what seemed like candy wrappers made to look like an outfit, Beomgyu gasps dramatically, “It is! Oh my God... did they eat all of these candies just to make this? I didn’t know such cruel people existed,” Beomgyu says dramatically, pouting at the end. Taehyun claps the older’s back.
“Come on guys, let’s focus first,” You said, turning to the trio, “Let’s go and search for Yeonjun hyung’s art piece,” 
“Someone should keep watch,” Taehyun says, “You know, just in case,”
“I’ll do it,” you volunteer.
“I’ll go with you,” Kai chirps beside you, “Can’t have you alone out there,” He adds, motioning the flashlight to the empty hallways.
“Then it's settled, give us fifteen minutes,” Beomgyu says, Taehyun already diving into the shelves to search for wherever the art teacher had placed their Hyung’s work before she reviews it the next morning. Beomgyu pushes the two of you outside, “Just shout ‘Soobin’ if you hear someone coming,”
“Why him?” Kai asked, turning around and Beomgyu just shrugs.
“Just do it!” He says, then walks back to the art room.
Silence passes through the thick air once you and Huening Kai were left alone.
“I feel bad for Soobin hyung now,” You chuckle, trying to ease the awkward tension in the air. Leaning against the wall of the opposite room of the art room.
“For Soobin hyung? I feel bad for us,” Kai replies, and it made the both of you laugh.
Just then, the door you were leaning on creaks. You both jump at the loud sound, stilling until the door opens wide.
“Crap, I didn’t know that door opens,” You say, still staring at the door.
“It’s the old Chem lab, they don’t use it anymore,” Huening Kai says from behind you, walking forth, “Wanna check it out with me?”
You glance at the art room before turning back to Kai with a grin, “Let’s be quick,”
You crept behind the older male slowly, at first peeking inside the room. It smelled of chemicals and it was filled with boxes and cobwebs, apparatuses that were broken or we’re not transferred to the new rooms still sat in the workbenches and there were still writings on the chalkboard.
Just as Huening Kai was about to comment about the place, you both hear the door to the lab slam shut, the both of you jumping at the sound, frightened.
“What the-” Kai says, whipping around and running to the door, trying to open it, “Fuck, Beomgyu?! Taehyun?!” he says desperately, shining his flashlight towards the door which had, unfortunately, reflected the light, not projecting it outside.
“Does it not open?” You asked, trying to remain calm as you ran over to the door and try to open it yourself, hoping the door had shut because of the wind, “Taehyun this isn’t fucking funny!” You cry, hoping it was your stupid roommate who had did this as a prank for not keeping watch.
“Shit shit shit-” you panicked, all murder scenes from every horror episode coming into your mind at once, rattling the door by the knob and knocking on it several times, “It’s- It’s jammed,” you chocked, starting to hyperventilate. You were not going to have a break down now.
“Hey, hey calm down, (Y/n),” Huening Kai walks towards you, easing you with his hands, “Don’t panic, just breathe with me, okay? They’ll notice that we’re not there and come get us,” He says, pulling you to him, knowing how scared you were in situations like this.
“We’re locked in the oldest room in the furthest part of the building- we’re not fucking okay!” You shake in his arms that Kai had circled you in.
“Beomgyu and Taehyun are next doors, they’ll get us,” he says, and you notice his voice was shaky too. That's when you realized that he’s probably trying to contain his fear aswell. He was also afraid.
You crouch down, and since Kai was hugging you to him, he was pulled down with you. You both sat in the dark laboratory in silence. The air was still, and there was only a single window by the door that served no help due to the fact that it reflected the flashlight beam back. Not that the window would’ve been much help anyway.
“We’ll... we’ll be alright.. right?” you asked, and that made Huening Kai chuckle a little.
“I hope,” he says, “Is your flashlight dead?”
You look down into your hands- you had almost forgotten that you had a flashlight! You turned the switch on and, thank god, it opened. Providing you with a little more ray of light.
“It works!” You exclaim, lifting it up, and hitting Kai in the process.
“Ouch- fuck-” he cursed, covering his jaw which you had hit with the flashlight, and you covered your mouth.
“Oh god, I’m so sorry, I-” You walked towards him, reaching to rub the spot you had accidentally hit, and he raised his hands to tell you it was okay, but had shone the bigger flashlight he was holding right into your iris.
Now it was your turn to hiss, your palms coming to cover your eyes that had filled with tears, responding to his beam of light that suddenly blinded you for a moment.
“A-Are you okay?” the older male walks to you, still rubbing his jaw, and you giggled a little at the karma that you got, “Why are you laughing?” Kai asked, but his tone a little less worried now because of you giggling.
“I deserved that,” You said, now a little calmer than before, walking towards his voice and immediately cupping his face, brushing your thumb over his jaw where you had hit him, “Does it hurt?”
“I’m-” Huening Kai stutters, looking down at your concerned face, all your attention completely towards him, and he releases a soft sigh, seemingly not realizing what the words came out of his mouth next, “I’m... I’m so in love with you,”
Well, that wasn’t what you expected.
He must’ve thought you hadn’t heard him because his face started heating up in your hands, and he clears his throat, “(Y/n)?”
“Y-Yes?” You asked, “Sorry?”
Huening Kai looks awkwardly at you for a brief moment, then shakes his head.
“N-Nevermind,” He says, standing up and holding out a hand for you, “Are you okay?”
You took his hand and he pulled you up. You had heard what he said, and you really didn’t want him to regret what he had revealed because quite honestly;
You had loved him too.
“N-No, Hueningie, I’m- well actually it’s- it’s fine,” You rambled, and the older tilts his head.
“What is, (Y/n)nie?”
Explaining with your hands didn’t work, so, stressfully, you had cupped both of his cheeks in your hands, and pulled him down.
His lips were on yours in a matter of seconds.
Sure, it was a little cliche, to be kissing with your crush and simultaneously the person who had confessed to you not five minutes ago, but it was a sweet cliche. One where he had smiled into the kiss, and instead of pulling away in shock, he had wrapped his arms around the small of your waist, and one of your hands had made way into his hair. Where your lips were moving in sync as unspoken love revealed.
And where two certain best friends were giggling from outside.
“So cute,” Beomgyu giggles when he snaps a picture quietly, two of his best friends finally getting together after the frustration of you both not realizing you loved each other, “Yeonjun hyung owes me a week of free lunch!”
“You had a bet with Yeonjun hyung?” Taehyun asked the younger to which he responds with an enthusiastic nod, and the other sighs, turning back to the scene in the laboratory.
“Let’s get then out of there before someone comes,” Taehyun says, walking over to the door with his key, Yeonjun’s art piece, and a small victory smirk, “Or worse, if they start making out,” he continues, to which Beomgyu responded with a look of pure disgust.
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jesterkard · 4 years
Hey it’s the claudette main from way earlier! (The one against Claudette’s hate) I’m having trouble with a guy in my SWF group, he’s like the self-appointed leader of the group, and he’s really toxic :( like he always brings up political disputes (he’s got problematic views) and constantly says the N-word, and calls me dumb for getting hit in a situation where I couldn’t have done anything :( I feel stressed since I don’t know how to drop him :( any advice ?
take my advice to heart and really do cut him off on every media- you DONT have to explain yourself straight up (I know everyone wants to know why someone cuts them off its a good thing to give a last explanation/goodbye bc sudden cut offs can be hurtful- but the way abusive/toxic people demand explanation and then try to force u back in and guilt you for hurting them like this...).there will be better groups who will gladly take a talent like youthing is people would say that you should "ARGUE” with him and that there could be a “MIDDLE GROUND”  but that wont be the case, he’s clearly very racist and hes like the whole “change my mind” meme guy all over again where he finds satisfaction in seeing other people upset when they argue with him over very problematic/sensitive matters since hes DENSE as hell. you cannot argue with him so do it in the most blunt direct way possible: block him genuinely on every media
people would argue that since he “only called you “dumb”” that its “not so bad” and we all “get upset” like yea we all have times where we say “WHY DID U DO THAT” when the other IDK wastes a pallet but we just.. not insult in a genuine matter ykno? plus come on he literally says slurs (that Ill assume he cant reclaim) at one point if not already he will call you slurs- better to get out of this all already bc you dont need him
 and like- gonna be honest from one King to Another: find satisfaction in leaving people on read if he does reach out then. just ignore it even tho the anxiety of having been approached is already big enough. self appointed leaders who then proceed to talk down on their people are the FUNNIEST they aint leaders they just wanna feel powerful and you have to keep this in mind with your views on him it will make you feel better to talk back or make it easier to cut him off. 
do you know him irl? or only online? is he in your direct area? if its online you have to tell ur friends that u will cut him off and that this is a group project. he CANT be in the SWF group and if the others INSIST on keeping him (for whatever reason?????) you have to leave and thats OK if you do end up going- again there are better people out there and you deserve better friends. hell, do u play on PC? add me we can play some rounds together 
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mss4msu · 5 years
“Do I Wanna Know?” (Chapter 6)
Summary: On a visit to a local nightclub, the lounge singer catches your eye. Soon becoming a regular at the club, the way you look on the dancefloor gets his attention. You begin to hear stories about the notorious crime lord who owns and operates the small nightclub. When your friends worry that you’ve gotten mixed up with a mobster, you wonder if it’s better to be left in the dark and find yourself asking, “Do I wanna know?” if you’re getting involved with one of the most revered mobsters in the city.
Pairing: Mobster!Bucky x Reader
Words: 4266
Warnings: Language, Slight Violence
A/N: This is a mega turning point for the story and I’m super excited for y’all to find out what comes next! This chapter is vvv long and has another song in it because that’s fun for everybody. Peep that cute lil Rocky Horror quote drop bc it’s almost spooky time.
Read the Full Story Here
The song in this chapter can be listened to here
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Your new promotion made work much more exhilarating, due in large part to seeing James Barnes far more often than you ever would have anticipated. He seemed to be in the office every day, even though you knew many of the conversations he stopped in to have with you could have been solved over an email or at least on a quick phone call. Of course you didn’t mind, as he was gorgeous to look at and a pleasure to converse with. The only irritating thing about James’s frequent visits was that they meant that Tony visited you far more often too. You didn’t know if it was because Tony didn’t believe you were competent or if James was really just that high profile of a client, but even without you letting him know, Tony would show up at your office either while James was still there or right after he had left. While it was frustrating, Tony crashing your meetings wasn’t all bad. Every time it happened, James would wrap the conversation up quickly and leave. Within 15 minutes of James being gone you would get a call that you had a delivery at the main desk. Every single time it was an order of a dozen white roses with a card that said, “Thanks for all your hard work, boss.” While you knew it was probably inappropriate for James to be sending you flowers at work, you tried to remind yourself that he was just a client and reasoned that he was just praising your efforts on his account.
In an attempt to keep things professional, you decided you should stop visiting James at the club. Every meeting that wrapped up before Tony could interrupt it ended in James asking if he would see you that Friday and you telling him, “I’d like to, but I can’t.” You were afraid that, if you did see James outside of the office, things would go from professional to unprofessional very quickly.
While you tried your best to keep James as just a client, one day Tony pushed you too far. You had been having a very productive meeting with James, where you were making good progress in liquidizing his assets to reinvest them in other markets to increase his profits, when Tony came into your office without knocking and took a seat next to James. Tony made a show of sitting down next to James on the couch, putting his feet up on the small coffee table, and staring at the projection of your laptop’s screen on the wall.
“Ahem, anyway,” you cleared your throat before continuing, “If we divert some of the funds into this other account, I think that would really benefit you.”
“Why is a man who owns a nightclub investing in a car company?” Tony asked with disdain as he made a big deal of squinting at the projection.
“Why did a man who owns a nightclub invest in a tech company?” James replied with a smirk.
“I believe it is best to diversify his portfolio in case the market performs poorly in areas he has already invested in,” you answered. After weeks of Tony interrupting you, you had finally grown a bit of a backbone.
“You mean if my company fails?” Tony huffed.
“Well, (Y/N), I trust you to do what’s best for me,” James looked at his watch, “Ah, I’m afraid I have meetings elsewhere. I have to be sure the nightclub,” while his face didn’t show it, you could hear the sneer in his voice, “is fully functional.”
“Of course,” you stood up from behind your desk to shake James’s hand, “I’ll draw up the numbers and get them sent to you. I really think this could be a favorable investment.”
“I look forward to it,” James shook your hand with both of his, “Tony,” he said with a quick nod to your boss before leaving.
As soon as James had left the room Tony stood up and came at you, yelling, “(Y/N), what the hell do you think you’re doing?!”
“Excuse me?” you cowered into your seat.
While Tony had shared plenty of opinions about how you were handling James Barnes’ assets, he generally saved them for when James was also present. This was the first time he had approached you about them one-on-one and your heart began to pound.
“James Barnes is a high profile client and we can NOT afford to lose him over a silly investment in an area that he does not know anything about because a silly should-be assistant got too smart for her own good.”
You took a deep breath and fought back the tears that stung your eyes, “Mr. Stark, when I make him the investment profile, I include a full description of what the company makes and how it distributes its products as well as information about their mission and the diversity of their staff. Plus I do research into how the market has been trending before even bringing anything up to him in the first place.”
“And you actually think that’s enough?” Tony asked with a sudden calmness in his voice that did not match the fire raging in his eyes.
“Yes?” you couldn’t help that it came out as a question.
“Hmmpfh,” Tony sneered, “I guess we will find out if it is,” and with that he got up and left your office.
You let out a breath you didn’t realize you had been holding as soon as Tony was gone. You slumped into your desk chair and your head began to pound. You just sat there, for five minutes with your eyes closed when the sudden ring of your phone startled you.
“Hi (Y/N), there’s a delivery for you at the desk,” the person on the other end of the line said to you.
“Thanks, be there in a moment.”
You groaned as you pushed yourself away from your desk and forced yourself to stand up. You had to steady yourself on the desk as your head pounded harder from the slight change in elevation. You slowly walked to the front desk, the knowledge that you had flowers waiting for you not even making you feel better. You got to the front desk and were slightly taken aback by the lack of roses waiting for you.
“This just came for you,” the receptionist said as they pulled a box from the table that had a singular white rose tied to it.
“Thanks,” you said with slight confusion in your voice as you took the box and walked back to your office.
You sat down at your desk and carefully removed the rose from the top of the box and set it gently down next to you. You took the lid off the box and found a card that read: “Get on your dancing shoes. See you tonight, boss.” You unfolded the tissue paper in the box and inhaled sharply. Inside lay a beautiful pair of classic black Louboutin pumps with the iconic red soles. You wiped your hands off on your pants before you dared to take them out of the box to look closely at them. They were the most beautiful shoes you had ever seen and you only pulled your eyes away from them when your cell phone began to vibrate violently on your desk. You carefully set the shoes back in the box and picked up your phone. You had multiple notifications from Instagram:
WhiteWolfandtheHowlers messaged you:
“Hey, doll.
I’ve got a table reserved for you tonight.
After that beatdown Tony gave you, I figured you could use a night filled with a bit of debauchery.
Don’t forget to wear the new shoes.”
You cocked your head to the side as you began to question how James knew Tony gave you a beatdown today, as he should have been long gone by the time Tony really went in on you. You took a deep breath, your fingers dancing above the keyboard as you tried to decide what to say back.
You finally typed and sent back:
“You know you have my work number, you could have just called. I don’t think I should come out tonight.”
The screen showed that your message was immediately read and a text bubble soon appeared, quickly replaced by the message:
“If I called you on the office phone, who knows who may have been listening in. Plus I couldn’t have called you doll while you’re at work, could I boss? Show starts at 9 in case you’ve forgotten.”
“You mean listened in like you somehow did to know Tony went off on me today?” you typed before erasing it and instead sending:
“I suppose this is true. Yes, I know what time the show starts, I just don’t know if I should come.”
“Why is that?”
You gulped, your head beginning to pound again as you sent:
“You’re my client, Mr. Barnes. I don’t want to disrupt that partnership by socializing outside of business hours.”
“Afraid you’ll fall for me, doll?”
Your heart fluttered and you took a second to reply:
“I just don’t want to get into trouble with my superiors.”
“Based on how earlier went, I’d say you already are. See you at 9, doll.”
You let his message sink in. He wasn’t wrong, you had already pissed Tony off enough and didn’t you owe it to yourself to actually enjoy your weekends instead of putting in extra work to try to prove yourself? Especially since trying to prove yourself didn’t seem to be working anyway.
Ultimately you decided to send:
“See you at 9.”
He liked the message immediately but did not respond.
You looked at the clock on your wall and your heart rate escalated as you realized it was already 6:30pm. You needed to eat, get home, change, and get to the club all in just over 2 hours and Friday traffic was always awful. You wanted to invite your friends to join you, but you knew at this short of notice there was no way they would be able to come. You quickly packed up your things, gently placing the shoe box in your bag for safekeeping, and called your car to pick you up. Your driver was waiting for you when you got downstairs.
“Hi, Peter, how’s it going today?” you asked as you climbed into the backseat.
“Hi, Ms. (Y/L/N). I’m doing alright,” he replied nervously.
“Peter, Tony’s not coming with, you can relax.”
You had learned very quickly that Tony was strict with the drivers and did not allow them to share any information about their personal lives or really speak at all during drives. Each drive with Peter Parker began with the Stark formalities until you were far enough away that there was no chance Tony would be able to join in on the ride. Once you were safe, Peter would finally let his guard down.
After getting 10 minutes away from the office, Peter took a deep breath, “I’m sorry, (Y/N), I’m doing alright. I’ve been taking night classes recently and I think they’re going really well.”
“What are they in?”
“I’ve been doing a lot of photography and journalism. I’d really like to contribute to the local newspaper, but so far they keep turning me down.”
You continued chatting for the remainder of your ride, which took far longer than you would have liked due to the traffic. By the time Peter pulled the car up to your apartment, it was already 8:00pm.
“Shit, that took forever. Peter, I need a ride to Mr. Barnes’ club tonight and need to be there before 9:00pm would it be terrible to have you just wait here for a bit so I can run up and change and then you can just zoom me over there quickly? Maybe we can go through a drive through for some food on the way?”
“Sure thing, (Y/N).”
“Alright, thank you Peter! Be right back,” you hopped out of the car and quickly got to your apartment and stripped off your clothes, pawing through your closet before finding one a suitable black dress for the night. You ran into the bathroom and touched up your makeup, applying some glittery eyeshadow and a fresh layer of mascara. You then went to the door and gingerly took the shoe box from your bag. You held your breath as you opened the box, still in disbelief that James had spent that much money on you. You slipped the shoes on and let out a long sigh at how perfectly they fit and surprisingly comfortable they were. You gave yourself one last look in the mirror before grabbing your wallet and keys, shoving them in your purse, and running out the door.
“Thanks for waiting, Peter,” you said as you got back into the car, your heart beating rapidly as you saw that it was already 8:15pm.
Peter quickly hung up a phone call and looked anxiously at you in the rearview mirror, “Of course, Ms. (Y/L/N).”
You were too preoccupied with being late to even notice Peter’s change in tone. He began to drive and stopped at a fast food drive-thru so you could order a meal, which you ate as carefully as you could to avoid spilling as Peter navigated the start and stop traffic to the club. You arrived to the club at 8:55pm, which was cutting it far too close for your taste.
“Thanks Peter! Is it alright if I call for a ride home later?”
“That’s what I’m here for, Ms. (Y/L/N),” Peter replied.
“Great, thank you!” you yelled back at the car as you jumped out.
You began to walk toward the door and couldn’t help your mouth dropping open at the line that wound its way down the sidewalk.
“Damn,” you muttered to yourself as you walked past the door and toward the end of the line.
“Hey! (Y/N)! Get back here!” you heard a voice yell behind you.
You quickly turned around and saw Steve waving at you from behind the bouncer. You walked up to the door and the bouncer stepped aside for you after getting a knowing look from Steve.
“Hi, Steve,” you said as he grabbed your hand and pulled you inside, “Don’t I need to wait in line or at least be carded?” you asked guiltily, thinking of all the people waiting outside.
“Funny,” Steve replied with a smile, leading you to the front of the club.
Steve snapped his fingers at the bar as you passed it and you were immediately followed by a waiter with a tray of drinks.
“Here you are,” Steve gestured to the table right in front of the stage, taking drinks off the tray the waiter had brought and setting them down in front of you.
“Thanks, but I don’t think I can drink all of these,” you said hesitantly.
“We were unsure if you would have any guests joining you.”
“Just me tonight,” you replied.
“Well, drink what you like and someone will come back later to clean up the remnants,” Steve said before walking away.
You looked at the array of drinks on the table. There were glasses of wine, a few mixed drinks, and a couple cans of beer. You decided after everything you had been through that day, you’d start off strong and grabbed what seemed to be a Manhattan directly in front of you. You finished it in a few gulps. You moved on to the chocolate martini, taking a long swig of it and almost choking as the sound of Steve yelling out the announcement for the White Wolf and the Howlers startled you.
The curtains whisked open and directly in front of you stood James Barnes, who was looking you straight in the eyes. He gave you a wink before he started to sing.
I’m a puppet on a string
Tracy Island, time-traveling
Diamond cutter-shaped heartaches
Come to find you four in some velvet morning
Years too late, she’s a silver lining
Lone ranger riding through an open space
In my mind when she’s not right there beside me
I go crazy ‘cause here isn’t where I wanna be
And satisfaction feels like a distant memory
And I can’t help myself, all I
Wanna hear her say is “Are you mine?”
Well, are you mine?
Are you mine?
Are you mine? Woah, ah
James didn’t break eye contact with you, and licked his lips at you after asking “are you mine” before moving on to the next verse.
I guess what I’m trying to say is I need the deep end
Keep imagining meeting, wished away entire lifetimes
Unfair we’re not somewhere misbehaving for days
Great escape, lost track of time and space
She’s a silver lining climbing on my desire
You could’ve sworn his eyes were getting darker as he continued to sing. He began to slowly grind on his microphone stand and it had you feeling butterflies in your stomach.
And I go crazy ‘cause here isn’t where I wanna be
And satisfaction feels like a distant memory
And I can’t help myself, all I
Wanna hear her say is “Are you mine?”
Well, are you mine? (Are you mine tomorrow?)
Are you mine? (Or just mine tonight?)
Are you mine? (Are you mine, mine?)
And the thrill of the chase moves in mysterious ways
So in case I’m mistaken I
Just wanna hear you say, “You got me, baby
Are you mine?”
She’s got a silver lining
Lone ranger riding through an open space
In my mind when she’s not right there beside me
I go crazy ‘cause here isn’t where I wanna be
And satisfaction feels like a distant memory
And I can’t help myself, all I
Wanna hear her say is “Are you mine?”
Well, are you mine? (Are you mine tomorrow?)
Are you mine? (Or just mine tonight?)
Are you mine? (Are you mine tomorrow?)
(Or just mine tonight?)
You were completely mesmerized by James Barnes. James winked at you as the curtain shut in front of him. You weren’t sure if you had accidentally spilled a drink on yourself given the hypnotic state James had you in or if you were slightly dampened for another reason.
You finished the martini and moved on to a glass of red wine as you sat waiting for James to come out to see you like he had done last time. Two bands and two glasses of wine later and James still hadn’t come to join you or whisk you away to dance. You decided you should probably use the bathroom as the next band set up. A waiter directed you to the area near the bar and you quickly used the bathroom. You looked at yourself in the mirror, flattened your hair down, and adjusted your boobs to get them popping more.
As you exited the bathroom, you were feeling a bit brave and a whole lot of reckless thanks to how much you had to drink. Rather than return to your table, you decided that, since James didn’t come to you, you would go to him. You snuck around the side of the dance floor to the door that led to the backstage area. You gave a quick look around before opening the door and quickly going through it. It took your eyes a moment to adjust to the dim lighting. The loudness of the new band starting their set caused you to slightly stumble as you walked up the few stairs right inside the door. Your eyes becoming more comfortable in the dark lighting, you walked down the hallway. There were more rooms than you had expected, and they were all ajar enough that you could see bands warming up and hanging out inside of them. You continued past the bands, smiling to yourself at the thought of surprising James.
How should I greet him? You wondered, A handshake? A hug? A kiss? Just thinking of his lips against yours made you shiver with anticipation.
You felt like you had been walking for ages and you still hadn’t come across James. You thought about giving up when you reached a closed door at the end of the hallway. It was removed from the other rooms and the first door that had been completely shut. You stood there for a moment and your heart fluttered as you heard James’s voice from behind the door. You knocked lightly on the door and waited to hear him invite you in. You heard nothing, so you knocked a little harder. You still heard nothing, so you tried the doorknob. It turned. You took a deep breath and pushed the door open.
You froze and instantly sobered up as you saw what was happening inside the room. Steve was repeatedly punching a man who was tied up to a chair as James and another man tied to a chair watched.
“Tell. Me. What. You. Know.” James sneered at the man not getting punched with a tone that made your skin crawl.
“Never,” the man with a thick Russian accent responded before spitting on the ground.
“Looks like we need to try something else then,” James retorted as he smacked the man upside the head and furiously spun his chair around so they were face to face. He pulled a pair of brass knuckles from his pocket and made an ordeal of putting them on, “I’ll give you one more chance to talk.”
“Fuck you!” the Russian yelled, spitting again.
“So be it,” James said before landing a hard blow against the Russian’s jaw, “Steve, you can stop, that one looks like he’s about gone. He probably doesn’t know shit anyway.”
“Yes sir,” Steve huffed, stopping his own blows and turning to face James as he landed another punch to the Russian.
Steve’s mouth fell open as he looked past James and saw you, slack jawed and with tears brimming in your eyes.
“Shit...Buck, stop!” Steve yelled over the sound of the Russian’s scream of pain from a hard hit to the side of the head.
“Why?” James grunted.
All Steve could do was point. James turned around and the sneer on his lips quickly changed into a look of panic.
“Deal with this,” he muttered, as he slipped off his brass knuckles.
Your fight or flight response kicked in and you ran away. You fumbled through your purse for your phone and dialed Peter’s number. Although your mind seemed clear of the alcohol, your body was not and in your attempt to call Peter you tripped and fell. James caught up with you and joined you on the ground.
“(Y/N), you’re bleeding. Let me help,” James said, looking at the huge gash on you had gotten on your knee, pulling the handkerchief from his pocket, and placing it against the cut.
You winced, not from the pain, but from his touch against you, “Get away from me,” you choked out as the tears began to burn out of your eyes. You grabbed your phone and heard Peter asking for you on the other end, “Come get me, Peter,” you said, stifling your cries and quickly hanging up
“(Y/N), what you saw back there…”
“I don’t care, just get away from me!” you yelled, pushing him away from you and trying to hoist yourself up off the ground.
“Please, (Y/N), let me help you,” James said, standing up and offering you his hand.
You got yourself to a standing position on your own, “James stay the fuck away from me,” you heaved through sobs as you stumbled down the hallway.
Through your tears you fumbled down the steps and took a deep breath in before going through the door. You knew James was behind you the whole time, but you didn’t dare turn around and he didn’t dare speak again. You were afraid you would cry harder or maybe even throw up if you made eye contact with him. You tried to go as nonchalantly, but quickly through the club as you could as your knee gushed blood down your leg with every step. You got to the front door and pushed it open. You saw your car waiting and ran to get in. Rage and frustration had deafened you, but as you struggled to buckle up in the backseat, you faintly heard Peter talking to someone.
“Drive Peter!” you yelled.
Peter quickly peeled out from his spot and began to drive you home. The ride was silent, which you were thankful for. Your anger and fear fought each other the whole way and you didn’t know which emotion should win. You were afraid of everything that you had seen and angry at James for being involved in whatever it was he was involved in. As much as you hated to be, you were also angry at yourself for letting your guard down and going to look for a man who was involved in some fucked up shit.
“Here you are,” Peter said as he pulled up to your apartment.
“Thanks,” you mumbled as you got out of the car.
You quickly got your keys out and let yourself into your apartment. You kicked the shoes James had bought you off and didn’t care where they landed. You ran into the bathroom and immediately threw up into the toilet. You lay on the bathroom floor, nauseous and crying before passing out.
Do I Wanna Know? Tag List:
@mrooks0205​ @shann-the-artist-moon​ @ashtheteenagewitch​ @abschaffer2​ @nuclearuniversalrage @nootrishus​ @brilliantbellesoares​
Bucky Barnes Tag List:
@basementcafe​ @ria132love​ @courtmr​ @jobean12-blog​ @gloomyleaves
Permanent Tag List:
@sophiealiice @mrsdeanwinchester19 @thisismysecrethappyplace @ailynalonso15 @221bshrlocked @hazellnut94 @libbymouse @nerdypinupcrystal @hufflepuffchloe @nerdy-bookworm-1998 @dibsonamericasass
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