#don’t roast me
ninyard · 4 months
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fox tweets (pt 2.5) ((ft. jeremy))
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saunterdownwards · 6 months
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mookmayor · 24 days
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getosugurusbangs · 15 days
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my new and improved collage of my taste in anime boys.
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heartz4shauna · 5 months
jackieshauna theory time i think???
so we all know how jackie died, she stayed outside in the cold while starving, right? and you might think, “oh she didn’t come back into the cabin because she was stubborn and blah blah blah” you’re wrong actually!
here’s where the theory comes in, she didn’t come back into the cabin because she thought shauna didn’t love her anymore.
after the argument, she must’ve been thinking to herself “she’s the person i love the most in the world and she hates me. i’d do anything for her. i want to make her happy. i’ll stay outside.” and she died.
obviously, she thought wrong. but BY THEORY, she was so in love with shauna and the only thing she wanted to do was make shauna happy, she thought what would make shauna happy is her to just not be. to get rid of all of their arguments and quarrels and differences by just ceasing to exist.
their argument was obviously such a huge thing and they clearly hated each other in the moment, maybe shauna more so than jackie. she DID what shauna asked her to, she left the cabin. she did that, thinking it’d make shauna feel better, feel happy.
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capricores · 1 year
gemini, virgo, pisces, cancer, capricorn and scorpio placements when someone asks them to take on another responsibility when they're already overwhelmed and completely burnt out
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binglepringle · 2 months
I love Pinterest alignment charts, cause sometimes I find gems like this
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meatcandies · 2 months
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Dude me irl
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lunar-alden · 5 months
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Zayne, c’mon man… I’m just tryna bond with you over your cute cat friend, why’d you have to go and roast me like that 😭
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time-sponges · 2 years
Being baked is a weed thing but being fried is just a tired thing? I am confused, How many baking emotions are there?
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royaltea000 · 5 months
Watching hetalia again and was boutta rip on how stupid America looks when he’s eating chocolate for lunch in the Industrial Revolution arc instead of lasagna but then I remembered that I literally just ate candy for lunch today and shut my busy broke ass up
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gothicwill · 4 months
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TL in shambles
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claptondavis · 4 months
gluten free dominios pizza. no cheese. marinara sauce. grilled chicken. (✧﹃ ✧)
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nico-di-genova · 1 year
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I do think Milagro would be Jenny and Jaime’s #1 supporter, but also their #1 hater.
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rustic-space-fiddle · 7 months
Why do you want to fight BEN from treasure planet?
He’s just rather… abrasive? Granted, Ben in the original Treasure Island was also loud and obnoxious, but I think the difference between them is the tone they both brought to their respective stories. Ben from Treasure Island was funny in that he said outlandish phrases and kept trying to touch people (which I admit I LOVE that they kept about B.E.N.), but his character wasn’t ever explicitly used for comic relief. He was more tragic that comedic, even to the very end of his story. Jim at the end of the book tells that he spent all his money at once and was homeless again in just a few weeks. It’s funny-ish, because you’d think he’d be a bit smarter with his money after being marooned for 3 years, but mostly it’s tragic because he’s still wandering and poor with no one, even though all that treasure was rightfully his.
B.E.N. on the other hand is blatantly used for comic relief, which I really don’t think was necessary. It’s not like the story was exceptionally dark up till then. Captain Amelia’s dry wit, Doppler’s bumbling earnestness, Jim’s teenage sass, Silver’s crude pirate-y commentary, and even Morphy are all plenty of fun! They seamlessly inject comedy into the story without taking you out of it. But when B.E.N. is funny, it’s just “WOOO HE’S CRAAAAAAZYYYYYY” comedy. Granted, a lot of his one-liners are really funny! I quote him often, even though I don’t care for him very much. Nevertheless, some lines just feel out of place in the story, and he acts so much like a person that you wonder why he’s even a robot (he’s robot to explain why he’s still around after 100 years [yes, I get that he’s programmed extremely well. But still!]). For example: “WAS I EVER DANCING WITH A DROID NAMED LUPÉ?!” just SCREAMED out in the middle of the moment when it feels like our heroes are losing. Silver has gone full dark side, showing no mercy; Doppler and Amelia are tied up, apparently hopeless, and Jim is being used as a human GPS, being lead for all the world like a dancing bear (geddit?). If B.E.N. was gonna shout something, it didn’t have to be so uselessly funny. Just him shouting would be inappropriate enough in that moment. But nope, because he’s voiced by Martin Short, Mr. Comedy Man, B.E.N. has to be 80% idiot, 20% accidentally useful. The more accidentally useful a character is, the closer to Jar Jar Binks they are. And I cannot stand Jar Jar Binks.
OPPOSITION: He’s just that stupid because his brain is gone! He’s smart at the end of the movie! — Yes… but he’s still obnoxious. He’s a little better, but talks just a little too long. His “I know you don’t like hugging, but get ready cuz I’m gonna hug ya—“ THAT was actually humorous and kinda sweet. Then when Jim hugs him back, it’s wholesome! But then they have B.E.N. go on to cry (badly) and ask for a tissue—AS JIM IS REALIZING SILVER IS LEAVING. Maybe I’m an idiot, but I thought that exchange was funny and wholesome and I wish B.E.N. had been reeled back a bit in his surprised reaction to getting a hug back. His surprise is warranted, but dang.
That’s all just a very long way of saying that I wish he’d been played a little quieter (still loud, but quieter), and that he’d been more purposefully helpful. Ben from Treasure Island was like a geode. He was crusty on the outside, but showed himself to be actually quite clever (though not financially savvy) and basically secured the treasure all by himself. He just needed a ship and a crew. B.E.N. from Treasure Planet was like a Wish.com quartz crystal. A rather useless fellow dressed up in a shiny comedy crust. “I have to pee!” (A thing robots can’t even do?) —BOOM! Hiding place! “I like this fresh air door I have!” —BOOM! Gateway to the center of the planet. The only time I really like that dynamic is when he’s lamenting that he can’t remember something super important (the booby traps), and then immediately after Jim reinstalls his brain, he’s like “HOLY FRICK THE BOOBY TRAPS—“.
Again, this is all just my opinion! I don’t fully hate him, and he is funny, but I think they over exaggerated him in an attempt to appeal to kids and they just didn’t need to do that! If they’d dialed him back just a tad, I think it would’ve made that last part of the movie feel less like a tonal rollercoaster. What do y’all think?
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mysicklove · 7 months
sigh, me and my big mouth got me in trouble again.
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