#don’t look into the logistics of that
lamiliani · 8 days
Twins? No. Triplets.
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I know people HC Tech and Cross as twins and I do agree BUT if omega would have aged at the same time as them and would have fought alongside them from the start, MY headcanon is that they are triplets! I feel like all three complement each other. Very much Earth (Omega), Sun (Tech), and Moon (Crosshair) ♥️
BONUS: The triplets in ✨Suits✨
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Note: I had a tough time figuring out the creases in the suits so they might (definitely) be off. I gotta practice more on it 🥴
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sandwichsapphic · 4 months
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i might have went a little crazy this weekend but. derry-ifies your beloved english characters
bertie is perfect for the wee english fella role, obviously. the others don’t translate as simply but i don’t care i was sketching for fun and the concept of bertie in a girls catholic school is so stupid. i love his female friends so much i wish they got more time to hang out without the threat of matrimony, so this is teenage-them wish fulfilment
also they would meet jeeves at that FATB event. i just think it’s really funny if they can’t date still, not because of a class divide, but because he’s a prod
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dirtbra1n · 2 months
while I’m here Was looking at old pages and shirahama gave me pangs again. need to lock him in a grain silo
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kyurochurro · 10 months
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far-out girlie!! 💫🪐🌙
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haunth0use · 2 years
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What rly happened after Dressrosa
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cryptidcryptic · 6 months
Just AA and his consort messing with any slayers or monster hunters who come by thinking his consort was a kidnapped damsel and not his carnivorous co-pilot.
Just grabbing the consort and running off with them into some anti vampire circle that stopped him from getting in (s p e c I f I c a l l y for the vampire ascendant!) just
Slayers: don’t worry! We’ll save you from that vile, brutish beast.
Consort: what handsome brave could you see, thank you my saviours!
AA, through their bond: you can do better then that dear
Consort, on a n20 performance check: oh how vile he was! Every night he drunk from me incessantly! As close to near death as he could get me, and every morning I wake up too sore to move
AA, internal applause: nothing you didn’t beg for💅🏻
Slayer 1: do not fear beautiful damsel this magic circle has been built from the ground up by the lost magic of karthus himself. As long as the arcane lock remains on that door and we have the knowledge we learned from this verry tomb we will never fail-
Consort, casts dispel magic on the arcane loo: that one?
Door opens to Astarion’s smiling face
Slayer 2: why?! Have you been charmed?!
Consort, jumping AAs arms: nope~
Slayer 1: no…it’s way worse..
They’re co dependant!!!
Cue screams of terror as the couple has their dinner date 🥹
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halfyearsqueen · 3 months
she has a pair of dragonglass candles she found in the year 114 AC, after taking dragonstone as her own seat.
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sofhtie · 6 months
they should make an april. that is less. and a me that’s already graduated
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cloyingcadaver · 17 days
#╳┆ dayne speaking ┆◜ ooc ◞#fuck it. I will be adding t.gcf muses here when I inevitably switch back into rp mode#but probably by request and with plotting only. or maybe just drabbles to start.#I’m leaning towards xl and hc both of course & im currently feeling incredibly protective of them.#but mq is so tempting…#also I drafted the fucking. DMT trip coffin fic but somehow managed to make up a cultivation path to go along with it#mostly because - like everyone else - I am still trying to wrap my brain around the logistics of xl being trapped in a coffin for a century#and I’m fascinated by the theory that the brain releases DMT before death + how that coincides with -#near-death out of body experiences#plus the effects of psychedelics on the brain + spirit#especially in a sandbox where the universal flow of energy is a more tangible concept#it’s crack treated seriously#I don’t have to do angst all the time…… I do have a sense of whimsy#actually don’t look at me#im skulking around in the darkest corners of fandom#also maybe it’s just bc I haven’t read ff in like…. 7 fucking years but some of the fics in this fandom have blown my fcking mind wide open#there are things I can never repeat that have been permanently branded into my brain chemistry#and that’s saying a lot considering …. I’m me#not saying I didn’t enjoy it. only saying what the fuck (affectionate)#surprised and delighted to be out freaked#part of me is taking it as a challenge tho. unfortunately for everyone#me seeing the weirdest shit imaginable: I must step up my freak
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struggling to find a ren fair outfit. it’s gonna be 85 out, so i can’t do super fancy distinguished guy. options are limited to slightly lame hobbit, wench, or more fancy basic skirt i wore for a party earlier this year
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twig-gy · 6 months
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marginal-notes · 3 months
Today I learned wonderful new ways to deeply inconvenience the ATLA kids in my fics through the delightfully complex hell of efficient wartime logistics. This time with horses.
Because honestly, in a lot of ways, I assumed that the Fire Nation figured out how to mechanize supply line transport to their front lines, but it makes way more sense that animal transport still holds the key role there.
This means mules and horses and likewise ATLA alternatives everywhere.
This means tons of animal feed and animal shit everywhere; whole groups of animal specialists and vets; constant resupply of new animals to replace injured, diseased, and dead animals. You need supply lines for your damn supply lines.
Have fun, Azula. Army camps stink to high heaven for many reasons, good luck avoiding the rampant diseases that constant rip through the ranks, and mind the judgmental ostrich horses.
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kiwikipedia · 8 months
Imagine how fucked up it would be if I tore Guda’s soul in two and merged it with what remained of Beast VI-Fou’s
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hellwasthejourney · 1 year
Taylor should bring back the rep verified fan style prep and then use ticketstoday for the smaller group of fans and then like a general sale or something for the next tour
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alangdorf · 1 year
Actually I lied I’m just gonna do separate posts cause I’m impatient, one composite one now and then the rest (including the normal form ref, Traitor Magolor/EX, hopefully Epilogue final boss fight and maaaaaybe Manager/Shoppekeeper Magolor) later when they’re done, which will be after the legs are all finished. Anyway here’s Magolor
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Now, you may be thinking: “Hey Kit, did you make our catboy a bird?” To which I say, “Read my 1.8k word essay from last week.” Albeit I don’t think canon Magolor is an actual Doomer, I just thought it would be fun; plays nicely with the wings + talons imagery of the crown, and I wasn’t sure about giving him full-on cat ears anyway (Also. Egg). I’m also weirdly committed to both staying relatively on-model and having fairly realistic continuity and am proud of how well I managed to do on those with stuff like the sleeves having the same markings as the ears of the hood so they can stand in for them in 2nd phase after the cloak gets its closure broken and falls off. Also btw the leg prosthetics (I commissioned a friend who draws mecha to design better ones than I could lol) are held together & operated by magic that Mags is always running in the background so they fall apart in 2nd phase once he’s no longer controlling his own magic. Ok that’s probably enough non-tag rambling; hasta luego!
#art#digital#kirby#magolor#kirby gijinka#sketchbook#body horror#blood#minor but it’s there in 2nd phase/soul form though if you’ve seen Magolor Soul it’s not that surprising#loosely inspired by a lot of Magolor gijinkas I’ve seen on tumblr but I can specifically call out nyaagolor and otaku553 for the hair#also something-sacriou for the pants which I did not end up using for logistical reasons#namely I felt like adding the tail (just one lol) and I was like well he keeps it under his clothes usually but#pants would be trickier for that and it would look weird just hanging out of one pant leg plus they’ll look weird without legs in em#so skirt time#hand on a bible in front of a court of law I swear I didn’t make him super feminine on purpose this time! This just happens to me!! lol#oh btw his thigh stumps are actually shorter than they look here I just drew these before that was decided (more space for the joints)#and don’t feel like editing these again#also as stated yesterday I’m not super happy with these artistically but I shrimply have got to draw. I got bit by the art bug#plus I fixed my brush settings somewhat for the one I’m working on currently so that’s good though I’d still like to experiment more#I’m just really inflexible and not really willing to put in a ton of extra brainpower rn#oh and I know the gold/silver hair presents a contrast issue but I like it conceptually so w/e#AGH I forgot alt text!! it’s there now though I hope it’s ok
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the christian longing for the afterlife is pretty simple really. for hell to be empty and no one to have to be in heaven with their (unrepentant) abuser
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