#i have logistical concerns bestie <2
twig-gy · 6 months
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20 questions for 20 writers!
thank you sm for the tag @television-bodies beloved <3
1. How many works do you have on AO3? 27
2. What’s your total AO3 word count? 359,903
3. What fandoms do you write for? les mis my beloved <3
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Let's Fall in Love (For the Week) Something Good Can Work Never a Flame, We Just Wanted a Spark my beloathed Following the Neon Signs (Waiting for a Word) With My Feelings on Fire (Guess I'm a Bad Liar)
5. Do you respond to comments? I do!!! Sometimes it takes me forever, but I really hate leaving comments unanswered. If you see me replying to a comment you left over a year ago no you don't
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? I Don't Know What To Do (With Your Kiss On My Neck)- it's canon era so it's morally obligated to have boatloads of angst
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Following the Neon Signs ends with a second chance romance wedding, but I also love the found family ending in Let's Fall in Love (for a Week). It's CUTE
8. Do you get hate on fics? no, long may that continue
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? tehe yes of course, and I will again and again and again. And idk, the good kind????? What does that mean?
10. Do you write crossovers? I don't write crossovers, but I do love a good AU. They're kind of the same vibe to me
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not to my knowledge
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? Not to my knowledge
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? Yes! I co-wrote Mess Me Up (No One Does It Better) with @aromantic-enjolras. When you're in rarepair hell you simply must write the fics you wanna see in the world
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship? Take one (1) look at me and guess
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? My Enjolras goes too far and gets himself in trouble with the fucking mob au. It was fun I was having a great time writing it but also it's complicated trying to work out the logistics I feel. Saying that I've recently revived my Hunger Games AU from like 2+ years ago so never say never!
16. What are your writing strengths? I don't think I know the answer to this uhh like dialogue and general character dynamics? Bestie idk!
17. What are your writing weaknesses? Description holy fuck I suck so bad at descripton. As far as I'm concerned all conversations are taking place in a completely white room with no doors or windows
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? I think with les mis fanfic in particular it's kind of funny because, unless otherwise stated in the setting, it's always just presumed that everyone is speaking French, so in that case I don't really see the point? Does that make sense idfk
19. First fandom you wrote for? You wouldn't last an hour in the asylum where they raised me (James Patterson's Maximum Ride series circa 2008-2010)
20. Favorite fic you’ve written? Currently, it's Seek and Destroy. But this tag has me thinking of Following the Neon Signs again, I think I'll always have a soft spot for that fic :')
no pressure tags for @shamedumpster @darkgreenandbloodred @aromantic-enjolras @cx-shhhh
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kurokoros · 2 years
Ughh now with the release of the new ST profile pics the Eddie is Kas theorists are at it again. I just want Eddie to stay dead lol, like fr if he were a vampire (which already sounds ridiculous) what can the gang do other than to kill him again? Plus if the DnD theory is correct and Kas is the one killing Vecna that's like so fucking bad because if anyone deserves to kill Vecna it's El or Will fr, why does Eddie get this huge plot thing as a side character who didn't do shit the entire season 4.
Do you believe in the theory? I mean it's kinda suspicious how Stranger Things plays into it, they have to know about it. I just really hope he stays dead
I'll be completely frank and say I hope the Eddie/Kas theory doesn't happen purely because the idea of an outright vampire being in ST just... doesn't seem right. The Duffers would have to do a ton of legwork in the world building department to get it right, and they haven't been impressing me much on that front.
Stranger Things is a science fiction show, not a supernatural fantasy, though the series does blur the line at times. The core difference between fantasy and sci-fi is that sci-fi (generally) needs an explanation for the things that happen, while fantasy can get away with a lot more logistical things. ST has been getting really sloppy in the logistics department, particularly in S4. The entire Henry/One/Vecna backstory was sloppy and didn't make a ton of sense. If Eddie becomes a vampire, 1) the Duffers are going to have to make this vampirism fit into their already established universe--if it's just Eddie with fangs™ and dark makeup it's not really going to fit with the established world, 2) they're going to have to differentiate this vampirism from other established vampires in media because, again, it has to fit with the world building, and 3) the Duffers will have to come up with a solid explanation for how and why it happened, and I really don't think they can. Why would Vecna need a human/vampire foot soldier when he has far stronger monsters at his disposal? Eddie can't be used as a spy like Will because Eddie is a person of interest in a serial murder investigation and presumed dead by the main cast.
What's the point of killing Eddie just to bring him back? It's not like El, who was actually a main character in S1. Or Hopper, who's been a main character all four seasons. Eddie was barely in the entire middle section of S4, and the only character he was particularly close with was Dustin (and apparently Mike). Like, sorry St.ddie fans, but they didn't actually have that much of a connection that I think Steve would be devastated beyond survivor's guilt, and even then he'd probably feel way more guilty about Max being hurt. The majority of the main cast either didn't know him personally--that we were shown--prior to the season (Steve, Nancy, Erica, Max, Robin), presumably didn't know him at all (Jonathan, Will, El, Joyce, Hopper), or did know him (Dustin, Mike, Lucas) but had no interactions with him all season (Mike) or were barely concerned with his plot at all (Lucas).
In short, bringing Eddie back would be pandering for the fans. There's no reason to do it. Realistically, the Duffers wouldn't even pull it off well. The bestie and I have talked about how throwing known supernatural creatures into ST canon is just not a vibe unless it's a completely distinct creature and "vampire" is just the best analogy the kids come up with. I also think Eddie/Kas killing Vecna would be... terrible writing when there are other characters who have suffered more because of Vecna. If anything, Will being Kas would make more sense narratively if they hadn't already done a possession plotline with him.
Granted, I'm also of the opinion that Eddie isn't a good character. Nothing against Joseph Quinn or anything, but Eddie is a character that didn't need to exist. Need a loner-freak character? Jonathan is right there. Need an older male figure for Dustin to hang out with? Steve is right there. Need someone to hotwire an RV? In S3 it was established that Jonathan was decent with cars and also his own car is a piece of junk so I wouldn't be surprised if he'd had to hot-wire it before. Need a kick off point to get everyone gathered together after a sudden murder suspected to be other-worldly/occult? Will Byers was bullied for "coming back from the dead". It wouldn't take much to setup the idea that the town thinks Will was involved with the murders when there's already rumors about his disappearance and supposed death.
Eddie did not need to exist in S4. He doesn't need to come back for S5. And if he does it's only going to be done to please the fans, not for the sake of a compelling narrative.
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shesinspain-blog · 6 years
The things you think are useless, I can't understand
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Well, HI! It’s been a while! It’s now A U G U S T and my last post was in May. So I guess that means we have a lot of catching up to do!
Before I left for Barcelona, I was vulnerable with my friends, often bursting out with “what if I don’t make friends! How long will it take to settle in!” Everyone rooting for me was incredibly optimistic. “Kayla, you’ll make friends in like three days!” One wise colleague paused and said, “probably three weeks, then you’ll have it.” They were all right and wrong. Yes I did make friends really fast, and find a job and apartment within the first month. But if I were answering myself now, I would tell Young Kayla that it takes almost a year. I’m in month eleven now.
My life here now includes
finding my favorite brand of coffee at the grocery store
an entire saturday home, cooking, baking and reading my book
a favorite movie theater where I watched Jurassic World 2
a restaurant that says “welcome back” when I come in
feeling relaxed when I buy produce at the market in Spanish, instead of the horrible sick-stomach nervousness I had when I started 
I had a fantastic hike in June, around the base of Montserrat with a wild apricot tree on the path. I had two bad excursions afterward - one where my logistics were perfectly planned but I misunderstood the kayak rental rules; and another cut short for safety concerns. I have a favorite thrift store chain with specific favorite locations. I sassed a moto driver at a crosswalk. I can usually identify if a text is Spanish or Catalan.
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It’s more good than bad. But it’s also been a testament of how settled I am into the city that I have complaints and critiques. It’s really rewarding to see who I am when I am unabashed of my license to live here.
Living here has made me feel more confidence in myself and my choices. When I landed, I had so much trepidation about the “American Stereotype” I was either confirming or creating. I don’t care now; I’m just me. Sometimes this means I don’t know enough Spanish to order medicine at the pharmacy, and sometimes it means I talk too loud. But I don’t hate my accent, my culture or my home the way I used to. There are so many fluid aspects of identity. Being American doesn’t define me, and my international friends see the multitudes I see in them, too.
As for Barcelona, I like to oscillate. I leave my house, direct tourists to the Picasso museum (in Italian!) and see a Cathedral that has been standing for nearly 800 years, adjacent to ancient Roman aqueducts. I have a coffee in my happy quiet place, then hear French, German, Dutch and Polish conversations spattered around me. I go have my lunch on the beach, sunbathing and binging my new favorite podcast.
In the same breath, I’m cursing Barcelona: for the 27th rendition of Despacito I’ve heard today, for the psychotic crying seagulls, for the siesta hours that close my supermarket from 2-4:30 daily. As we all know, I have never been known for planning and saving, so teaching has taken its $ummer toll on me. If only holiday was not mandatory! Now over halfway through, I’ve accepted my living circumstances for what they are. I just really did not put enough thought into saving for these monthS off lol.
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In spite of these woes - especially money and otherwise that I’d have in ANY city - I am the happiest I’ve ever been. Not just when I’m crying seeing the Chainsmokers at sunrise (LOL WHO CRIES AT THAT). Sitting speechless and listening to music with friends. Having breakfast in bed (with a movie) on a Sunday morning. Being here has given me so much resolution in being who I am - because no one cares. No one cares if you have a start up, or pink hair, or clothes from Louis Vuitton. No one cares who your parents are, what you studied at school or how old you are. Without this pressure, your friendships and relationships are able to be defined by so many other relevant factors. We are more alike than we are different. It is still so magical to be surprised by the facts I never knew, the stories I never heard, that were waiting behind my Hollywood education of worldly matters.
My perspective on where my life is going and my values has shifted so much. The title of this post is from Steely Dan’s Reelin’ in the Years, which I didn’t even know I liked until I heard it again this week. The song captures a lot of how I’ve been feeling lately. The expected trajectory of my life was so wrong. Using my hard-earned degree to move abroad and teach isn’t useless at all. I can’t imagine my life without this move. There is so much joy, peace and understanding - especially within myself - that I wouldn’t have known if I moved forward in Ohio. 
Mid-June, I decided to take a month off all social media. I did it for a multitude of reasons, but mostly to be more present and mind my *own* business for a while. The beginning was so hard. I was embarrassed by how challenging it was to not check my accounts, or all the times my thumb swiped for my social apps. Now I’d say I’m still pretty quiet and I feel so much better because of it. I saw a friend recently for drinks, and she told me about her mom’s visit to Barcelona, showing me photos on her phone that I hadn't yet seen on instagram. It was old-fashioned and exciting.
Other things -
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MADDY VISITED omg my bestie was here for a full week and we did stupid stuff like watch Queer Eye and really cool stuff like barbeques and the Magic Fountain. It was surreal to have her here and do a crossover episode of my two separate lives. We had a freakin’ blast.
I’m getting more and more obsessed with re-entering the kitchen, especially to do pastry??? IDK we’ll see but it’s fun to be excited about something, no matter where it may lead
Books I’ve scarfed down this summer: Brain on Fire, The Underground Railroad, No One Belongs Here More than You, Before the Fall, Like Water for Chocolate, and my current is The Invisible Bridge (NO SPOILEES PLEASE)
I taught some classes for my friend Kelsey and it showed me that I do NOT like teaching in classrooms hahaha I made a 7 year old cry (yikes) but we all really loved playing Ghost in the Graveyard! I learned a lot being there. Sometimes I am good at things, but I don’t know how good I am until I fail in another setting or circumstance. So in a roundabout way it made me become a better teacher for my online angels in China.
My friend Natalie gave me her bike-share pass for a week. For those of you moving to Barcelona, GET VIU BICING! It’s 45 Euro for a full year - unthinkably cheap - and the bikes are so convenient. It made me feel super local and happy to bike everywhere. I really loved it.
Since teaching hours are slow right now, I’m trying to make the most of my time. This includes beach runs, reading, sketching / painting in the city, meeting friends, baking, and even updating my portfolio. I’m looking forward to a chill August ahead of me and more fun in the endless sun.
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homesteadchronicles · 7 years
Ten Questions Tag
Thank you to the fantastic @acfawkes for tagging me in this! These questions were really interesting, and got me thinking about things I wouldn’t have considered before.
I’ll be tagging @firewritten, @lady-redshield-writes, @ivettaviolet, and @pen-and-sword-writing. We’ll keep the questions the same for this, as I had a blast answering these, and I’m sure you will, too. As always, feel no pressure to participate! Just enjoy the thought of knowing I wanted to include you :)
1. Tell me something you love about your current WIP(s).
This might sound cliche (or cocky?), but as I develop more and more of the story, I truly feel as if something special is stirring. I feel as though this story - and the stories of the characters inside of it - will resonate deeply within people. That they will be able to find themselves somewhere in the pages and know that there is hope, that there is joy, that there is a light coming for them in the midst of their darkness. I cannot articulate what it is I sense brewing when I begin to write, but it creates this urgency within me to write and write and write until I cannot anymore.
2. Three of your characters are coming with you on a road trip. Who are they and why did you pick them? 
THIS IS SUCH A FUN QUESTION! Okay, I’m gonna go with: Medea, Solomon, and Royan. Medea could help me to keep everyone in line, I feel like she and I would share a similar taste in music, and she’s got that same shady sense of humor as I. Sure, we might get into a bit of mischief, but nothing too troublesome. Solomon has influence in every community he enters and seems to make alliances and friendships as easily as he breathes. He would look after each of us, know all of the perfect tourist destinations, and I feel like he’d get a kick out of playing tour guide. But no one can allow him near the radio. No one wants to hear Gregorian chants and the greatest hits of Woodstock on a road trip. Just no. And Royan? That’s a strange one for me. He’s the opposite of me, but I feel like I need him because he’s the opposite. He’d pull me out of my comfort zone. He’d make me have fun when I’m too busy mom friend-ing everyone. He’d crack stupid jokes and dance like an idiot and he would contribute absolutely nothing logistical, but he would bring life to the group. And I need someone like that.
3. When you’re not writing, what are you most likely to be doing?
In truth? Working. I work multiple jobs, and I do not mess around when it comes to completing my work as well as possible. For relaxation, I primarily play through games with my bestie @khymnal​ that she has not yet completed, go out to eat with my inner circle of friends, or play D&D every Monday night. I try to throw in some personal time to read and game by myself, but I tend to make myself work on writing anyways.
4. How do you name your characters?
I actually do a lot of research for each character that I name, even the minor ones. I love learning how different cultures choose to name their children, how they label and title one another, etc. As time-consuming as it is for me, it’s also so exciting to find a name and feel that stirring in your gut that tells you that this was always meant to be their name. Sometimes, my characters have placeholder names for a time, but I will not settle until I have found the perfect one. 
5. Do your characters have any pets?
They do! Because the sigils of the kingdoms contain animals as their heraldry, most of them do own their namesake animal. However, rarely do these pets come into play beyond as mounts in travel or in battle. Do I know their names, temperaments and relationships with their owners? Oh, without a doubt. But I’ll give you a little sneak peak of two important (but as of yet unnamed) ones: 
Oeden keeps a bird caged in his bedroom within Almsgard Castle. He has no idea what species it is, as his mother brought it back from the Southern Isles. However, it is capable of limited speech, speaking in short, cryptic phrases. 
The other important pet is owned by the Western royals. The sigil of Al-Hasan’s royalty is a red lion roaring before a golden sun. They do own their own family lion, whom Simdan mounts in battle, but who secretly loves Medea the most.
6. Do you have a favorite time of day to write?
Typically, the only chance I have to write is late at night, once I’m done with all of my work for the day. But I don’t mind it, because I come alive at night. However, on my one day off, I love waking up early and spending the entire day writing away. On that day, I allow myself some time late at night, when all the inspiration has been exhausted, to instead sit and unwind with a good game or a big book.
7. Which of your characters would win the Most Huggable Award?
Out of my POV characters? Oh goodness. None of them are particularly people you’d look at and think “that one - they would love nothing more than a hug right now”. However, out of the primary seven, I would say that Royan is the most huggable. I did just write an adorable little moment between he and Oeden where Royan may or may not do one of those I’m-gonna-spin-you-around-in-midair-because-I-love-you-even-though-I-know-you-say-you-hate-this-but-secretly-love-it-too hugs. Yes, that is a thing.
8. Which of your characters would win the Most Punchable Award?
Honestly? They all really deserve a good shiner at one point or another in the story. Oeden and Medea might make good points, but they also say or do them wrong more often than not. Farukh has some anger management issues. Lazarus can be a BIG ol’ baby. Nadielle kinda b****es at a lot of people, albeit for justifiable reasons. But I’m gonna have to go with Kasumi’s younger twin sister and the other princess of Genesai, Chihiro. Sure, she’s not irredeemable. But you will learn to hate her. Real fast.
9. How do you decide when you’re done planning and just have to start writing?
I am quickly approaching this point, actually. I will know this when the details can no longer be decided on, and I find myself at a standstill when previously the inspiration poured out as if from an infinite faucet. I can easily become concerned with the most minute details and stress about them instead of about the big picture. Once I feel as though I can look at an outline and know that I can go from Point A to Point Z, I will be ready. Sure, there might be bumps along the way, but it will not be because I was too lazy to plan for this eventuality.
10. Do your characters have any odd habits?
Without a doubt. Medea wrings her hands constantly, but because she’s always wearing gloves, she has worn through so many sets of them that Zahira is getting tired of sewing new ones...especially because she sucks at sewing. As an insomniac, Oeden does all sorts of strange things to pass the time. Wanders the halls of the castle, organizes rooms without anyone knowing, and he spends copious amounts of time detailing every dream he has in a journal (with both words and drawings). Royan is constantly fidgeting - tapping his feet, drumming his fingers, etc. He’ll likely do this on other people, too. He’s super touchy, even when he doesn’t realize it or mean to be. Solomon gets lost in thought while reading all of the time and keeps accidentally rereading the same line ten thousand times over. It takes him forever to finish anything because of it. He blames it on old age. Kasumi naturally tends to walk in shaded areas or a bit too close behind people, as she has become accustomed to the shadows. She also needs to have her mask on as much as possible. Carmila constantly rubs her coins or flips them through her fingers. It helps her think, and calm her down when she’s stressed. The coin reminds her that she still has something to cling to, money left to spare. Her family won’t go under again. Farukh gets little sleep, not because of insomnia like Oeden, but because he is constantly working or on patrol. He feels the need to check on every tent, recount every supply, and double-check the perimeter. He feels as though there is danger lurking around them, somewhere, but he cannot pinpoint its location. He wants to protect his people, and only sleeps when he passes out, because the anxiety does not allow him to sleep otherwise.
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