#don’t get me started on Cordelia and Charlotte tho
rhoddys · 2 years
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I actually wasn’t gonna share this with y’all cuz I don’t super like it especially cuz my style is like kinda goofy in this for some reason but have this quick and messy sketch
Falsettos/Dst au yippee
Max as Whizzer + Willow as Trina
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Head cannons on the full names of The Last hours Characters.
Written for no other reason than full names interest me and I had fun doing this.
Let’s start with the characters for whom we knows full names.
Charles: full name is is “Charles Buford (I am sorry) Fairchild”, first name is the masculine version of him mother Charlotte’s name (because he is her heir?) and Buford was his paternal grandfather’s name.
Alastair/Cordelia:Full names “Alastair Esfandiyār Carstairs and Cordelia  Katāyoun Carstairs“. A google search of these names tells me they are figures from Persian Mythology; With “Esfandiyār” being a great hero and  “Katāyoun” being his mother. If anyone knows how  to pronounce these two names please let me know in the comments, because I am at a total lose
James: Firstly Thank the Angel that Matthew was just joking with the full name he called James in his speech at the bachelors party. At James Jeremiah Jehoshaphat Herondale I literally had to stop reading and just go “Tessa Will... WHY?” His full name is James Morgan Henry Herondale.  “James” after Jem. “Morgan” is a traditional Welsh name, and it also means “magician” so it can represent both his parents heritage at the same time. “Henry” after “Henry Branwell/Fairchild, but I think I remember seeing a post about how the name also related to a famous murder mystery novel of that era. Cool.
Jesse: His full Name is “Jesse Rupert Blackthorn”. No idea where Tatiana got he name “Jesse”, but “Rupert” would be a tribute to his late father, whom he never got to meet.
Now On to my own personal headcannons for other characters
Barbara’s full name was “Barbara Agatha Lightwood”: We know “Barbara” was the name of Gideon and Gabriel’s late mother. Agatha was a close friend of Sophie’s whom in CWA, along with Thomas Tanner, gave her life protecting the London Institute.  Since neither of the girls first name is “Agatha”I am headcannning it as Barbara’s middle name, because Agatha deserved to be remembered too.
Eugenia: Okay I am going to structure this one a bit different. We don’t know were/how/why Gideon and Sophie decided to name their second daughter “Eugenia” but I personally headcannon that it was Sophie’s mother’s name. As for a middle name, I headcanon her middle name is after the wife of the head of the Madrid institute. Like during Gideon’s time there this women was on Gideon about his behavior: calling him out for wrong ways he behaved and giving him advice when he asked how to do better. Gideon was really greatful for this, as it helped him realize how wrong his upbringing had been and helped him become a better man. As for what this women's name may have been, I googled popular Spanish names at that time... It seems like “Maria” was pretty popular and “Eugenia Maria Lightwood” does have a nice ring to it.
Anna: Full name “Anna Linette Lightwood”. Gonna keep this one simple. Cecily says she picked this one out because “Anna” means “Favored by God” and, after an extremely difficult pregnancy, Cecily felt favored by God/the Angel when Anna came out perfect and healthy. I also cannot help but notice how the name “Anna” is very similar to the name “Ella”. “Linette” is the name of Cecily and Will’s mother. when you read the tiny bit of Cecily’s POV in CWP2 you can get the scene that Cecily grew up admiring her mother, and that, despite her mothers full on shut down during the years that followed Ella’s death and Will running away, Cecily still admired her. Also that would mean Anna’s initials are A.L.L. which suits Anna completely.
Thomas/Christoper: Another one that I am going to double on and structure a bit different. We know that “Thomas” is after Sophie’s dear old friend Thomas Tanner, whom died in CWA. I head cannon that “Christopher” was the name of the “very skilled master” Gabriel mentioned having taught him to wield a long sword in CWP2. (Do not tell me that either of these children are in anyway named after Benedict!!!!) For middle names I originally had headcannoned Thomas’s as “Collins” and Christopher’s as “Carter”... Then I saw a post by the brilliant @littlx-songbxrd who suggested that their full names could also be “Thomas Gabriel Lightwood” and “Christopher Gideon Lightwood”  and I am very much on the band wagon for CC making this cannon.
Matthew: Full name “Matthew Granville Fairchild”. Granville was Charlotte’s father’s name, and since Charles middle name is after their paternal grandfather, it follows that Matthew middle name would be after their maternal grandfather. One Interesting thing that has been pointed out to me is that “Granville Fairchild” was also the name of Clary’s grandfather, who would be either Matthew or Charles grandson. The post also mentioned Aloysius Fairchild, who was Granville II′s father and either Charles or Matthew’s son. So it is possible one of them will end up with a women from the Starkweather family. Also Jace Clary do not name your future son “Granville”; that name is ancient and much better left in the past.
Lucy: we know Lucie has two middle names, just like James. CC has already confirmed that one of her middle names is “Ella” after Will and Cecily’s older sister. I have about three guesses for what her second middle name could be. First it could be “Theresa”. Tessa’s middle name was originally Elizabeth (she would have replaced it with Gray after marrying Will), after her mother. So maybe Tessa continued that Idea and gave Lucie her own name as a middle name. It could be “Jane” because Jane Eyre is mentioned several times to be Tess’as favorite Heroine.... but another idea, Jane Eyre was written by a women named Mrs. Charlotte Bronte. Given the other person by that name, who also had an important influence in Will and Tessa’s life, it is very possible that Lucie’s full name is “Lucie Ella Charlotte Herondale”.
Grace: Her middle name had to do with her biological mother. She no longer remembers what it was, and does not see a point to looking it up. No one ever uses middle names when referring to her, and after all whatever it is she will just wind up dropping it when she escapes (marries)
Alexander: If Christopher’s middle name is “Gideon” Then you know Will badgered Cecily and Gabriel to make their second sons middle name “William”. I could also see that being something Cecily would want to do. Would Gabriel go with it??? He might, especially if I am right about where the name “Alexander” came from... We never found out Gabriel’s middle name, but Gideon’s middle name is “Arthur”. We know the brother are named similarly and “Arthur” and “Alexander” both start and end with the same sound. I could see Gabriel agreeing to let Will be a namesake for his son, as long as a name that was after HIM went first.
This has been too long so if you are still here /forgot what this was about I am going to quickly list my full name headcannons all right here
Barbara Agatha Lightwood
Eugeina insert-Victorian-Spanish-name-maybe-Maria LIghtwood
Anna Linette Lightwood
Thomas Gabriel Lightwod
Christopher Gideon Lightwood
Matthew Granville Fairchild
Lucy Ella Theresa/Jane/Charlotte Herondale
Grace forgot-her-own-middle-name Blackthorn
Alexander (Alex) William Lightwood
son of Gabriel Alexander Lightwood
Ariadne/Kamala: I have no idea what her middle name would be. But let’s talk about her first names. “Ariadne” was a princess in Greek Mathology, the sister of the Manitour and the sperned fiance of Theseus. In the story Theseus claims he left her stranded on an island half way in between their kingdoms because Dionysus had appeared to him in a dream and claimed Ariadne as his own fiance. Yeah dude, sure he did. “Kamala” is the name of a very pretty red and white flower that grows on small trees/ large bushes. I have such a tree/bush growing in my yard, and I was so surprised when I learned that she was once named something I can pronounce with no confusion. CC has said though that in COT Ariadne will decide she wants to be called a new name that is neither “Ariadne” nor “Kamala”. What? Is she going to try and combine the two names? maybe start going by the initials? “K.A.”? I saw a theory that maybe she is the one to become a downworlder, either after being disowned by her adoptive parents or to try and escape a marriage they set up for her, and that leads her to pick a new name???
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purplebass · 4 years
Your writing is good!! This is kinda weird but would you write something about Charles and Alastair? Like some headcanons of how their relationship dynamics were. Don’t get me wrong, I really hate Charles and how he treated Alastair, but because i love Alastair so much I really want to know what he experienced. Even though it must have been a mostly bad and toxic relationship, there must have been some good times right? I’m really curious. Thank you so much❣️
Hi anon, don’t worry and thank you!  💕😃 Hope these make sense!
Charles and Alastair met during a social occasion, perhaps during Will and Tessa’s anniversary party in Paris in 1899. Alastair was bored out of his mind because he is not the party type, and decided to look for somebody to talk to who wasn’t a minor. There’s this part from the TLH Extra The Anniversary - Part 1 that makes me think so:  “You look like you’ll be trying to impress someone at the party,” Cordelia teased him. “Anyone in particular?” “Everyone,” Alastair sniffed. “Everyone that is anyone.”Cordelia rolled her eyes.
Once Alastair reached Charles, they started talking about politics, since Charles already was trying to follow in Charlotte’s footsteps. Charles was intrigued (and envious) of Alastair’s wit and knowledge about different topics, and he asked to meet him again to discuss about the Enclave or other politics-related stuff. Alastair agreed because he thought Charles was the only one he could talk about this stuff.
Every time they met, Charles told Alastair about his achievement as a future possible Consul candidate. Alastair complimented on Charles’ progress, but he did not know that part of what Charles told him were lies, because Charles exaggerated the content of his stories a bit. All of this boasting made Charles realize that he liked Alastair because so far he was the only one who had ever complimented him for the things he was trying to do to become Consul (other than Charlotte, who was proud of Charles even tho he still had a lot to learn but she believed he will make it someday). 
Since Charles liked the ego boost Alastair gave him, he asked Alastair to meet him in Paris on the pretense to discuss the things they liked. At some point Alastair started realizing why he liked to be with Charles. You see, I believe that Alastair already knew that he liked men and that’s why he was drawn to Charles (and to Thomas at the Academy too before Charles). It’s not like you could say: “I’m gay” out loud during Victorian/Edwardian London. And everyone realizes their sexuality (or asexuality) differently. I guess that he suspected that he liked men when he was at the Academy when he interacted with Thomas (because let’s be real, Alastair liked Thomas during the Academy very much already) but he was confident of his sexuality after meeting and interacting on a deeper level with Charles. Charles made Alastair be 100% confident that he liked men.
During one of their secret meetings, Charles told Alastair that a lighter hair color would suit his complexion. It was then that Alastair dyed his hair. He thought Charles would like the change but the first time he saw him with oxygenated hair, Charles laughed and said he was joking when he said that, but that he wasn’t wrong when he said blond hair would suit him. Alastair believed him and he kept dying his hair to please Charles, thinking that he preferred him with colored hair, even if he despise the smell of hair dye.
I don’t want to say this because I’m thinking about Thomastair (gah) but I believe that Charles was Alastair’s first love. He was the first person he said I love you to and let his guard down with him. It could also have been an infatuation masked as love. It would also make sense that Alastair doesn’t want to do anything about how he feels with Thomas because Charles broke his heart and he probably doesn’t believe in love anymore. I firmly believe it will be Thomas who will come forward with his feelings for Alastair first.
This relationship was probably mostly sexual. From the scene of Charlastair at the Carstairs’ where Charles tells Alastair of Barbara’s passing, you can tell that sex what they usually did most likely when they were together. It also contrasts with what he does with Thomas in Paris: they do mundane things, enjoy art, books, talk about random stuff. It wasn’t like this with Charles and Alastair realizes it. Charles was needy, unsure, and Alastair gave him validation because he probably idolized him. On the other hand, Thomas was confident, he got a tattoo which was not something everyone did back in the 1900 (!!!) and Alastair seemed to admire that. Thomas didn’t need to be idolized by anyone because he knew who he was and what he wanted. 
Charles made the first move on Alastair. Alastair was shocked because it was his first kiss and indulged in whatever activity Charles made him do while they were in private because he thought Charles may end this relationship if he didn’t want to do something. Tell you, toxic relationship. 
It was Charles that made Alastair thinking of joining politics. He had been very interested in politics already, but never thought about becoming a political figure in the shadow world. 
BONUS: now that Charles and Alastair have broken up, I think that Alastair may be truly interested in joining politics. Not only because he likes politics, but also to get a little revenge on Charles. Whenever they talked politics in the early stages of their relationship, Charles used to mock some of Alastair’s ideas. At the time, Alastair thought that was because he was still young (ugh don’t let me start on the age difference) and he had a lot to learn and Charles had more experience in politics. But the truth was that Charles was simply jealous of Alastair’s bright ideas. Alastair decided that he shall never let someone like Charles play with his heart and manipulate him. 
Thanks for the ask! I got carried away as usual 😱
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julemmaes · 4 years
Another thomastair with "hate you? I could never hate you! I love you!" 💜
Hate You - October 9th
Alastair Carstairs x Thomas Lightwood
A/N: This is angsty, like really angsty. It’s also very short cause I felt like I wasn’t getting Thomas character at all with this one, hence, I’m a sad bitch right now and I really want to cry. I hope you like it tho so, enjoy!:)
Word count: 1,765
Thomas had just finished patrolling with Christopher when he arrived at the Institute to declare that there had been no suspicious sightings. Only a couple of demons that they had managed to put down easily and without too much trouble. They were talking about this and that and Thomas couldn't wait to finally take off his uniform and eat whatever the ladies in the kitchen had cooked.
He could already feel the water rushing over him, the icore peeling off his skin and the sponge scratching away every bit of dust. His dreams were immediately shattered when they heard someone screaming in the training room as they walked through the front door.
Christopher gave him a worried look before he started running down the hall. Thomas prayed with every fiber of his being that no one was hurt and that the screams were just cries of effort. He doubted very much that it was just grunts and cries when they heard what was clearly Cordelia's voice screaming her brother's name.
Thomas snapped, speeding up even more and slamming into one of the doors when he stood in the gym.
There were three bodies on the ground and Thomas could make out each one perfectly.
Matthew was sitting astride Alastair's lying body, hands tight around his neck. James was trying to pull up his parabatai, but it didn't seem to be doing anything. Cordelia moved before him, grabbing Matthew by the arm and pulling back.
The blond looked her in the face. His features twisted with anger and his bloodshot eyes told Thomas enough about his friend's condition.
Alastair seemed motionless under Matthew, hands around the other's wrists and eyes as wide open as his mouth in a silent scream. James was shouting that he had done enough, that it was enough, but the other one seemed numb.
Thomas moved quickly. He ran towards the group of his friends and jumped forward with his whole body, ousting Matthew from above Alastair, making him leave the grip on the Carstairs' neck.
In the action, Cordelia had been thrown backwards and now she was lying on the ground next to them, leaning on both elbows as she watched the scene, distraught.
Thomas looked down, he laying down over Matthew's body as he held both of his wrists with his hands as he struggled. Matthew's witty gaze frightened him more than it should have. What on earth had he been drinking?
He cast a quick glance at James, who had already got up and thought Thomas was more than capable of holding Matthew down. The friend approached Alastair, who was coughing bent forward, one hand on his throat and his cheeks ridged with tears.
Lucie was helping Cordelia standing.
"What happened?" whispered Thomas, unable to find the voice to speak.
Matthew snarled at him like a fierce beast, writhing and screaming to let him go. The grip on his wrists only became firmer.
Lucie spoke for the others, realizing that James was too shocked to answer, "We don't know. We were training, we had to start the next patrol as soon as you guys got back-" she froze when Alastair pushed James away.
"Don't touch me," he growled through his teeth. A grimace appeared on his face, probably because of the pain talking caused.
"Alastair..." called Thomas.
"Be quiet."
They heard quick steps and then Will and Gabriel appeared at the door. Both their faces contorted in an expression of pure horror.
Gabriel was the first to move, shooting towards James and Alastair still on the floor. Will took a second longer to react as he clutched the door between his fingers, looking for support. Lucie approached her father, clenching her fists.
"What happened?" Will asked with the tone he took when he had to speak to the Council.
"It wasn't Matthew's fault," James said, getting up and walking towards him.
Matthew underneath Thomas wouldn't stop writhing, "Let go of me, damn it!"
Thomas was forced to let go of the grip on his wrists and stand up. James immediately took his place as he held Matthew to his chest and told him to calm down.
"Fairchild tried to kill me," Alastair said in a scratchy voice.
Gabriel gasped, helping the boy to stand. He turned to his son, looking for confirmation. Christopher would never lie. He raised his hands, shaking his head, looking as sorry and frightened as every other person in the room by his friend's ambiguous behavior, "We just got back, but Matthew was actually strangling Alastair."
James nodded, with dark eyes, "He was drinking, someone must have put something in his drink. I've never seen him so worked up," he confessed, holding his parabatai.
Will nodded, looking like an exact copy of his son, addressing Gabriel, "Go get Charlotte and Henry and," he cursed under his breath as he rubbed his hand over his face, "The Carstairs and all the others, too. Magnus Bane as well, please. Send Tessa to my office."
Gabriel nodded for confirmation and then took one last look at his nephews and his son as he left the room. Will stepped forward and put one hand on Matthew's shoulder, the other behind his neck, to hold his head still. He cast a quick glance at James over the boy's shoulder, and immediately returned to stare at Matthew.
Thomas looked to his left, where Cordelia was drawing a iratze on her brother's neck.
Alastair did not seem as upset as you would expect from someone who had just been suffocated.
"Matthew, it's Will. William Herondale." he said to him with a serious look, "Do you recognize me?" he asked.
The blond didn't even seem to hear him. "Behind you, holding you, is Jamie, James. My son. Your parabatai." to that, Matthew seemed to stop for a moment. His frantic movements and facial tics resumed shortly after.
Will pulled himself up, taking a deep breath through his nose and turned to his daughter, "Lucie, could I borrow your stele please?"
James stepped back, carrying his friend's back too, "What do you want to do?" he asked with a hint of concern in his voice.
"I just want to put him to sleep," Will replied, looking conflicted.
James shook his head, "I can do that."
His father looked him in the eye, really looked him in the eye, seeing all kinds of emotions. Emotions that he himself had experienced many times in his short life alongside their Uncle Jem. "I won't ask you to do it, Jamie."
There were no other words, just the head of the Institute silencing those inhuman sounds produced by their friend and his parabatai supporting him as he fell to the ground, helpless.
Afterwards, everything was very slow. The parents arrived immediately, Sona and Charlotte equally worried, and the children and friends who had been present during the attack were questioned by Will and Tessa.
Thomas and Christopher went to take a shower and were not let through the Institute wing where they were making things clear when they finished. Anna had arrived half an hour later and apparently had been assigned to distract them because she wouldn't stop asking them what they wanted to do to kill the time.
Thomas had kindly asked her if he could stay alone and she had granted his wishes, leaving him alone and taking Christopher with her.
Now he was standing on the steps of the entrance to the Institute and was torturing his hands, trying to understand what had just happened.
He heard the door open and close gently and then someone ran down the stairs.
He didn't have time to turn around to see who it was, Alastair was already down the stairs and was marching towards the exit, his hands hidden in his pockets and his head clutched between his shoulders.
He did not think twice before getting up and running after him.
There was no need to call him because he turned around as soon as he heard the sound of Thomas' boots on the gravel.
Alastair wrinkled his forehead, "What do you want?"
Thomas did not notice the irritated tone of voice, but he had to refrain from jerking when he saw the other one's wet cheeks, "How are you?"
"What do you think? Your friend tried to kill me," he said.
"What happened?" he asked sincerely curious to know his side of the story.
Alastair's eyes darkened and his expression grew grim, "What do you want, Lightwood?"
"I just want to know if you need anything." Thomas murmured, closing in.
He laughed sarcastically, "Why don't you stop pretending to care about me?" he asked as he walked away, "Why don't you go back to your perfect little house with your sisters and your cousins and your divine companionship and leave me alone?"
Thomas really didn't understand where all that anger towards him came from, but he thought he would be angry too if someone had just tried to choke him to death.
"I don't want to leave you alone right now. I think you need to be distracted and-"
"You really don't get it when someone wants to be alone, do you?" Alastair raved, raising his hands to the sky. Thomas did not answer.
The boy was looking at him with vaguely shiny eyes. He looked away, groaning, "Go back to the others. I know you hate me as much as any other person in this Institute," Alastair muttered.
Thomas' expression didn't change one bit and in the most serious tone he had ever used he said, "Hate you? I could never hate you... I love you."
Alastair did not even take the time to process what he had just been told, "You don't know what you are talking about."
"I love you, Alastair." repeated Thomas, closing in enough so that his face was just a few inches from his own.
Alastair looked him straight in the eye and Thomas saw not an ounce of emotion in those dark pools, "It doesn't work this way," he whispered, clenching his fists.
He turned around and started walking towards the exit, never looking back. Thomas didn't have the strength to follow him, to stop him. The rejection a pain strong enough to block his breath in his throat.
He didn't move from where he stood until James shouted his name from the Institute. Only then did he turn to his friend, and as if nothing had happened he walked to the infirmary, pretending that the conversation he had just had with Alastair had not utterly shattered him.
tsc tag list (if you want to be added/removed just send an ask or dm me)
@queenofthemoon22  @clara-sm @can-god-strike-me-down @tessaherongraystairs-blog @idontgetit-whydoihavetosaymyname @jamescordelias @grxceblqckthxrn @thecerridwen @stitch-kiss @alastairlightwxod @ahiretsinging @allofmywonders @tremendousheadachecollector @tlh-tea @taco-taco-belle @city-of-fae @ifeelfreewithoutmyshoes @thomascarstairsx @alastaircarstairsx @fair-y-child @matthew-herondale @thomaslightwoodx @abigneignenn @imherongraystairstrash @rednailpolishqueen @herondamnn @parababitch-herondale @silent-nerd @heronblackstairs @starryherondales @ireallyshouldsleeprn
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markoftheasphodel · 7 years
Did echoes come off as sexist to you? More so than other fire emblems?
It came off as weird in that we’ve got the Kaga-era “life is shit for women” kinda dynamic what with all the fair ladies being captured and Mathilda retiring from knighthood as its base and then entirely new and entirely unnecessary bullshit added to that base.
More so? It really depends on how one defines sexism since there are so many facets to it. TL;DR under the cut.
Marth Games: a gameverse in which women are continually imperiled in a gender-specific way and even badass paladins like Midia have to be repeatedly rescued plus Marth’s saga ends with the rousing idea that women just really aren’t capable of ruling anything and should turn the world over to the guys. Caeda’s great but she can’t compensate for the rest of it. Proof games don’t need skeevy armor design to be shitty to women.
Jugdral Games: The patriarchy is more nuanced than in Marth’s world and women enjoy a broader platform of respect as leaders and warriors… when they’re not being kidnapped, forced into marriages, or hit with the amnesia stick. The patriarchy’s still the patriarchy and you can ask Miranda how that turns out. Or Julia, given she’s the most powerful being in the game-verse and is nonetheless characterized like a wet sack of flour, subjected to repeated rounds of mental & physical trauma, and then is ineligible to rule her bloodline’s kingdom because she’s got a big brother. Julia and her mom encapsulate’s Jugdral’s failings on sexism.
FE6!Elibe: more women in gender-specific peril but at least you have an affirmation that women are capable of ruling nations– Echidna, Guinevere, and Lilina represent! Definitely a step forward even if it could develop the good parts more.
FE7!Elibe: Lyn is irrelevant. Everyone’s favorite character is a peppy victim of child abuse from an actual succubus mama. Not that bad overall unless I’m forgetting something?
Magvel: Female characters still subjected to capture and threats of violence in a gender-specific way but for as many subtle (and not-so-subtle) indignities inflicted upon Eirika as a female lead there’s L’Arachel as a rare figure of a princess who a) goes out kicking ass b) has an unquestioned right to her empire and c) doesn’t have to give it up to anyone, apparently not even a royal husband since the potential marriages to Innes and Ephraim sound more like mergers than takeovers. Not perfect but Magvel can be improved through tweaking and not a total damn rewrite.
Tellius: Female rulers who keep their thrones, a female Jagen who keeps trucking through two massive wars, female deities running amok, the hero’s little sister gets to hold the McGuffin, and an arguable pinnacle of female character design. Also what appears to be an undisputed and singular female Lord in FE10– until she isn’t. Boo. Double boo to Boyd taking over the Greil Mercs when Titania’s right there. Also not perfect but Tellius is looking pretty damn good… aside from the catgirls. Christ, I just remembered the catgirls.
FE12: Of course Eremiya has some Tragic Backstory excuse for running the Assassin Orphanage. We can’t have a female antagonist acting on her own damn initiative, can we?
Awakening: And we start getting into skeevy trope territory. Cordelia and her tits. Tharja. Dragon lolis on the marriage market. Shitty costume designs. Counterbalancing that is a game-world that holy shit embraces the right of a female heir to rule even if a younger brother exists??? Progress! And then you look at the dialogue for m!Robin vs f!Robin and it’s grrrr all over again. Also you have the limitations of gender dynamics as dictated by the whole HetFest Baby Factory thing. Also there’s an angry sexy savage rabbit woman. Oh yeah, and spotpass Aversa. I’d better stop before I forget the good parts.
Fates, with the caveat that it turns me off so bad I’ve never played it. But I am perfectly, painfully aware that Peri, and Charlotte, and Nyx all exist (and don’t tell me they are written well. They could’ve been written well and not drawn like they are), plus you have the bullshit with the princes getting holy weapons and the princesses not getting them, plus another round of (90%) HetFest BabyFactory now with extra stupid and the part where your avatar can impregnate girls who NoA aside are quite obviously children (also, Percy). Like, wow. I guess on the plus side f!Corrin doesn’t seem to be an actual characterization downgrade from the male version? Just the impression I have, anyway. Maybe that’s only in Conquest tho, because f!Corrin can’t marry Azura for a perfect Revelation ending and ugh I just remembered all the bs with Azura.
And then we get FE15, which is an old-school Kaga game with the Kaga era stuff like Strong Women being kidnapped and captured all over the damn place… only now we’ve got boob-plates. And we have Masked Paladin existing for no damn good reason. And we have Celica doing that thing that’s spoiled in the game-opener which did not fucking happen in OG Gaiden. We have Rinea. We have the sexxxy new Nuibaba. And we have weird subtle things like the way so many female characters are still defined by het-marriage endings including brand-new het marriage endings like Delthea’s while the guys are allowed to be all over the queerness spectrum. Lukas gets to be a schoolteacher but instead of talking about how Genny wrote the smash-hit novel that defined Valentian culture for the next 1,000 years we’re speculating about which dude she married because that’s all her ending cares about. And Mathilda’s shitty ending stayed shitty. WTF?
Pick your poison, I guess. Echoes pisses me off in places (I mean, the OPENING pissed me off) but Fates is just a complete and total “I am not paying money for this” turn-off in so many ways (many of them NOT related to sexism, mind) that I find it hard to say what’s the worse… and the bare-bones patriarchy of Archanea has precious little to sugar-coat, much less counter the bad.
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hurglewurm · 7 years
12.07.17 get ready I saw falsettos in theatres
it’s always fun being in a theatre mostly full of teenage girls, young gay men, and old couples, (and me and my mum), and just crying a whole bunch. collectively. as a group. anyway below are some chronologically segmented thoughts on this experience™ warning it’s long
“four jews” was so good, so bouncy, so happy. I love my kids. To Be Honest I was already crying a bit tho from the start just with the. uh. knowledge of what is to come
by “tight-knit family” christian borle was Already sweating and honestly, same
in “love is blind”: 
the “daddy’s kissing boys” kiss was SEEN and REMEMBERED because BOY HOWDY they MADE OUT
and before that happened andrew did an eyebrow waggle?? and a “come hither” crooked finger beckoning marvin near??? help??
“but so am IIIIIIIIIIII” I love brandon uranowitz, I love mendel
I watched andrew rannells as he did the “ah-ah” and he was a FLAWLESS boy, thank you camera crew for giving this to me
“the thrill of first love”
was so much more??? sexual??????? than I’ve ever seen it be??? andrew rannells put your tongue bACK in your mouth, oh my god
they. were. PALPABLE. that is all I can say
their little bickering and random spurts of dialogue were cute tho. like after The Kiss, whizzer said “that’s all you get” and I was like lmao my boy
legit I’m not joking about how steamy it was like they were mouth to mouth breathing the same air by the last “LOOOOOOOVE” and I was sweating
in “marvin at the psychiatrist” anthony rosenthal is the purest boy, best boy, absolutely flawless, KILLED IT YALL HE DID THAT. VERY PROUD
in “everyone tells jason to see a psychiatrist” 
whizzer stared at marvin for sO LONG after the flick. 
also can I just mention? andrew rannells? as whizzer? loves jason so much, and you can really tell
in “this had better come to a stop” the fluidity with which andrew rannells delivers his L’s in “late for dinner late again” is just incredible honestly, never fails to impress
“I’m breaking down” 
was the first song where the cinema audience clapped really hard along with the filmed audience. 
yall sjb killed it, she killed me, it was amazing. 
she d e s e c r a t e d that banana
“please come to our house”:
“hello to my house, so good of you to travel on account of my unraveling now let’s eat some food” anthony rosenthal’s fake smile was so on point during the delivery of this entire line and I was like. my boy
“I’ll wait for yoouuuuuuuuuuuuuu” trina held that note for SO long as she left the room, smiling shyly at mendel, and it was cUTE
“a marriage proposal”:
“I’m… not a giant man” “good” AAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!
“a tight-knit family reprise”:
mendel is so??? happy???? marvin pls let him live
“king of the losers” “at eighty an hour” the camera man was just ON MENDEL like. yes my boy deliver it
“I just got a family” “the family was mine” still fuckin gets me. damn. mendel is so happy and just?? full of bliss at his new life??? and marvin is so… act one marvin… you get me
“march of the falsettos”: 
bran uran’s voice sounded so strained my poor boy
whizzer: “stop pulling my shorts!” marvin: “they’re so hard to take off!” oh my god
whizzer screaming into the void for the blocks to be thrown up like: “hit me! another one!” 
the finger thing with marvin and whizzer? yeah that happened. they both gasped in fear
“the chess game”
bitch it was t e n s e
idk andrew rannells made the choice to call marvin “man” a whole bunch in this production and??? ok
after marvin storms off, whizzer is like “mARVIN” still in that growly voice from the last “life’s a sham” (nice) and he starts to say “it was just a g—” and then he sees marvin and goes. quiet
also from midway through this song until the end of act one, andrew rannells has this big Curl of Messy Hair in the middle of his forehead and I’m sorry but it was a blessed sight
“making a home”
hi the little zooms on whizzer? unpacking his suitcase in the corner? being sad? broke my heart, thanks
“could he love me?” the angle of the shot had happy mendel in front and whizzer kind of behind him off to the side and stop this, camera crew, stop
for “the games I play” I have no words. andrew did so good. so good. he was so sad. and he hIT those high notes yES boy. the audience clapped a bit after this one
“marvin hits trina”
he just barges into their house and starts yelling and tears up their wedding invitation like holy fuck marvin, what is ur damage
“I am so dumb.” and there is the longest silence as he walks all the way around before he starts his Lil Rampage
the actual Hit was p quiet but that’s what makes it all the more poignant, because you can hear trina’s little cry of shock and pain, and it takes her a second to bring a hand up to her cheek
after the Hit someone behind me in the audience just. let out an audible breath, like the wind got knocked out of them, and I was like. same bitch
“I never wanted to love you”
the mood of this musical changes so quickly when it gets to this song and it’s. Good. like it cleaves my heart in twain don’t think it doesn’t but it’s. good
trina needs a fucking hug (and mendel is going to give her 20)
“how do I start… not to love you” FUCK
whenever marvin looks at jason tbh my heart hurts bye. which bRINGS US TO
“father to son”
the pure adoration and faint amusement on marvin’s face as his son is all like “I think… girls are” like it’s so cUTE
near the end as marvin was singing about love the camera just showed us whizzer? sitting alone in the dark? leaning his head on a corner of the Cube™? how dare you
anyway christian borle was crying and so was I
act two time because there was no intermission which was…  not great to be honest oops
bran uran had little glow sticks in each hand and at “homosexuals” he just pointed at the audience and the music stalled as he just waved about at them like “YALL ARE ALL GAY JUST TAKE IT”
“and a teeny tiny band” a bunch of little paper cutouts of the band rose up from the Band Area Void and bran uran did a little dance to incite people to love and cherish the band (always love and cherish the band guys they’re so good they do such a good job)
“nancy reagan” andrew slapped the blow up doll so hard lmao
in “about time” marvin holds jason close and is like “as mature as my son who is tHIS TALL!! that’s all!!” and you really can see… just how much he’s changed, my boy,
“year of the child”:
anthony rosenthal is the cutest kid alive
his little dance between his parents as they’re all like “my chiiiiild” is. just. incredible
“I’ll bring women from the wrong side of the tracks” mendel says out of the corner of his mouth, as he tucks jason under his arm and leads him away, like a bad influence
“the baseball game”
when whizzer first appeared and marvin was all “what is he doing here??” he hid behind charlotte while simultaneously trying to get a good look at whizzer and it was. adorable
whenever marvin touched whizzer’s hair, whizzer couldn’t keep the smile off his face. I’m deceased
“how would I know… without him… my life would be flat as a lake” ok but who is responsible for this lmao
“would it be possible to see you or to…......... kiss you” BASHFUL MARVIN I REPEAT BASHFUL MARVIN
“a day in falsettoland”
“yEEEESSS IiiIiiIII dOOOooOoO” u already know it was perfect, I don’t need to tell you
charlotte pulled cordelia in with the apron and their part of the stage went dark but they kissed, they did, saw it with my own two gay little eyes
“what more can I say”
andrew had his leggy out
before whizzer rolled over he?? gave marvin a lil kiss on the cheek? it was really audible????? I’m???
when marvin looked under the sheet, instead of his customary simple eyebrow waggle, this man Dared to laugh in delight along with the audience like “yes I love this boy he is mine and I am his and that’s incredible”
ALSO AT THE END when they both just cuddle into each other they… kissed each other’s faces a bunch… h e lp me
“something bad is happening”
charlotte is so upset and I am upset because hERE WE GO
“more racquetball”
the costume department is full of geniuses tbh like the loosening of whizzer’s costume? genuinely just looked like the poor man had lost a bunch of weight
he fell so hard and abruptly and something in me fell with him
“days like this”
someone forgot to turn on andrew’s mic at the beginning so his mouth said “good morning” but you couldn’t hear it
“kid you’re looking very good today” whizzer just gives a self-deprecating smile and he. he Knows. 
cordelia’s laugh is the cutest thing I’ve ever heard in my life
“I’ll let you win, whizzer” “don’t let me win…” “I’ll let you win” I’m really upset, whizzer looked so… wrecked
at the end of “cancelling the bar mitzvah” mendel’s fucking “why don’t we tell him that we don’t have the answers” whole thing got me w r e c k e d. he says those lines like a man who knows how awful it is, but he knows how true it is, and he’s helpless to stop it
“unlikely lovers”
“marvin? did you hear what I said?” they were both crying, you could hear the tears in andrew’s voice, and christian borle kept… sobbing… between his lines… 
like when marvin stopped singing and cordelia/charlotte were at the door he just had to crumple for a moment and just lie there shaking?? a broken man?? just to recuperate for the next bit of the song? kill me
the way marvin looks people in the eye and just says “I love you” with the softest voice. god
so “something bad is happening reprise”: charlotte sang this directly to marvin, a steadying hand on his elbow, peering into his eyes past her own film of tears to make sure he understands what she’s saying. and he does. and he just turns away and walks off
“you gotta die sometime”
when he swung his legs out of bed his voice broke from the effort
he got really choked up after the second verse and he was openly crying by the end of it (still killed it tho, my boy)
this is my favourite song but I can’t watch anyone sing it ever
“jason’s bar mitzvah”
jason rushes in, bubbly and cheerful, and andrew is still fucking sobbing and it takes him a while to come down from it and everything hurts
“don’t know why, but he looks… like marvin” fucking crying already and then there’s a little pause, jason is really agitated, and marvin just whispered something like “hey you got this” and I WEPT
marvin kissed jason’s head. he loves this boy so much
whizzer also kissed jason’s head??? jason has so many dads who all love him so much
whizzer’s “thank you” was just a whisper but it rang through the theatre and then it was so quiet. I could not breathe in the space after whizzer’s final line. (I mean I was sobbing but I was real quiet about it)
“what would I do”
andrew was crying, christian was crying, I was crying, it was beautiful tho
whizzer just walks out in his pristine white shirt and it’s. it’s poignant. it’s such a stark contrast from the last time we saw him, it hits really hard
“I’d like to believe that I’d do it again and again and again” the crescendo that christian puts in these lines leading to that really Powerful last “again” shakes me to my fucking core (and yeah, makes me cry, you guessed it)
“we’re just gonna skip that stage” it sounded like it hurt to say that. it hurt to hear it too
just in general there’s this softness to christian borle’s voice when it’s live that’s not really there in the cast recording but it’s really, really beautiful
whizzer gives him one last, sad, little smile before the lights change
there were three men sitting beside me and my mother and they were all sobbing
“falsettoland reprise”
marvin buried his face in his hands for most of this, but there were moments where he didn’t, where he tried to be strong in the face of his loss. he couldn’t do it anymore once they put the gravestone down. 
to be honest i could barely see jason put the chess piece down because everything was too blurry from my tears
as my mother put it, “there was no catharsis at the end. it was really, really sad. but it was realistic about that, about death, and love, and everything.”
20000000/10 would watch again, please release a dvd
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