#fire emblem critical
triaelf9 · 8 months
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carcosa-commune · 8 months
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im having uncontroversial opinions lately
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wild-moss-art · 1 year
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This barbie is going to kill every last one of them!
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finncakes · 1 year
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obsessed with her, she's like a fire emblem character to me
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sleepy-bear-tm · 11 months
Every time I think of Dimitri teaching Dedue the Fodlan language and Dedue teaching Dimitri the Duscur language I feel like sliding dramatically down a closed door
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arianwen44 · 1 year
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It’s DONE! I had a blast doing this one, I might do another one soon! Shazam, Simba, She-Ra, Link, Hilda, Jester, Kai Gracen, Kipo and Olivia, were so much fun to draw in this!! Especially since I worked on Hilda and finally got to draw her!!
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hulloitsdani · 9 months
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Ayo don't think I'm gonna finish this one but it was a bit too much fun to not share. This was a value/shading experiment as well as an exploration of some combat poses for Kiran. If anyone has some fun suggestions for how I could clean it up, I'm super down to hear it.
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fourspiceblend · 9 months
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hemisphaericas · 6 days
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Bringing back Sothis 🤝🏻 Bringing back Predathos
I couldn't stop thinking about THIS POST by @hello-eeveev comparing Rhea from Fire Emblem: Three Houses and Ludinus Da'leth from Critical Role as major antagonists and felt inspired to paint them.
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hello-eeveev · 8 days
With Matt saying it in that one 4-Sided Dive and reiterating it tonight, yeah sure, I’ll take Ludinus at his word that he was witness to horrific violence and suffered a lot of personal tragedy at the end of the Calamity. And in doing so, I am now considering him in relation to—interestingly, ironically—Rhea Fire Emblem Three Houses.
They both frustrate me and infuriate me. I don’t like them. At all. But I do have some sympathy at least for their past selves who went through the events that set them down this path.
Even so, their past trauma does not justify their present abuses of power and disregard for the lives of their fellow man. They are so caught up in their personal quest for revenge or “justice” that they’ve stopped caring about who or what becomes collateral along the way. They have an unwavering faith in the righteousness of their cause that makes them arrogant and patronizing and insufferable, but which also makes them quite capable of drawing people in and exploiting people’s desires for answers in order to bolster their own power. What might have started out as a just cause has festered in centuries of single-minded focus and self-pity until it has morphed into something unrecognizable, and they don’t even seem to realize it.
I need to crawl into the screen and shake them.
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raxistaicho · 4 months
Merely the head of religion
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Please understand, Rhea's only the head of the church that gives the Crown of Faerghus its power T_T
Also, "being racist". Committing a genocide is a step above and beyond being racist.
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tire-d-falcon · 26 days
One thing that boggles my mind about Three Houses is the writers sell the idea that Rhea is an irrational villain that cant be reasoned with and can only be stopped through violence while simultaneously sell the idea that Edelgard deserves a chance at peaceful diplomacy despite the horrors she's inflicted.
Which is made even stranger considering if Byleth marries Rhea ( which is gross on so many levels ) she recovers her strength, assumes her position as archbishop again and implements all of the changes that every house leader wanted to make while Edelgard is hellbend on killing the opposing house leader and continuing a war that she already lost in 3 out of 4 routes. Fodlan changed for the better not thanks to Edelgard's war but despite her war.
It's made even worse in Three Hopes. She's demonized even more in that game while being at her best considering the fact that she now helps the people of Duscur ( which is too little to late after she did fuck all to help them after Faerghus's violent genocide. It would've benefited the story and the cast if the tragedy never happened in Duscur but that's a story for another time ) and offers no protest to them working together with Faerghus.
Meanwhile Edelgard is hellbend on conquering Fodlan even after getting rid of the Church of Seiros and the Agarthans. She even violently invaded Leicester, a nation that had nothing to do with Rhea, and has the audacity to lie to Claude she hasn't done anything of the sort and accuse him of refusing stability and peace. I wanted to yeet my switch out of the window after witnessing that garbage writing.
I've said it before and I'll say it again, Intelligent Systems is an ironically named company.
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carcosa-commune · 9 months
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replaying FE3H i find it interesting that Edelgard and Claude's preferred gifts show a varied range of interests and values but every gift Dimitri likes is related directly or indirectly to combat.
I think it speaks to Claude and Edelgard's plans for the future as well as the sides of themselves they keep hidden. Dimitri's facade as a martial hero-prince and the boar are not as harshly segregated as Edelgard's childishness and romantic nature or Claude's ambitions for his home.
Those aspects complicate Edelgard's need to be a stoic and invulnerable leader and Claudes' nostalgia and ambition for Almyra puts him at a disadvantage in the xenophobic Fodlan.
Meanwhile Dimitri's plan for the future would end inevitably in his death. This is the case even in White Clouds; he dosen't fully admit it until the holy mausoleum but he's living for vengeance for his families' death at Duscur. To that end, there's no conflict between the skills needed to maintain his princely facade and his true desire for blood.
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wild-moss-art · 26 days
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On her way to solmchella ☀️
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Please keep in mind I don't know most of the ships/couples in the preliminary round. If you think something doesn't belong in this poll, vote that couple/ship out & please be civil!
For X and Zero:
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For Catherine and Shamir:
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For Alador and Darius:
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momochanners · 1 year
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More Thank You sketches for recent new patrons over at my P*treon :D
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