#dominique saint pierre
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feafuin · 3 months
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cypressure · 1 year
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giving dom + el the furry treatment too. thumbnails of a WIAW scene and workshopping their designs
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gilithxx0907 · 1 year
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This ship always gives me Roman Holiday (a Halsey song) vibe.
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blueiight · 1 year
Downgrade of the fucking century
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Dominique Desanti est d’origine corse mais elle est oléronaise.                 
Surprise dans sa boutique-atelier, rue de la république à Saint-Pierre d’Oléron, cela brille de partout, ça vibre dans tous les sens, c’est plein de couleurs.     
C’est comme dans sa tête, il y a des sens interdits, des reflets, des formes géométriques, des mouettes, toutes sortes d’oiseaux, des attrapes rêves, des madones, des pièces uniques.                                                                
Dominique a collaboré au livre C’est la tournée du perroquet – A turnada di u Papagallu, page 24, photographie Le bel été avec l’une de ses créations, un collier croix et pompon.
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cadmusfly · 9 months
Tag Yourself: Unabridged Shitty Drawing Marshal of the Empire Edition
Yes All 26 Of Them + Bonus 2
drawn and compiled by yours truly, initial and probably inaccurate research assisted by Chet Jean-Paul Tee, additional research from Napoleon and his Marshals by A G MacDonnell, Swords Around A Throne by John R Elting and a bunch of other books and Wikipedia pages
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mike (Michel Ney)
- full of every emotion
- always has ur back
joe (Joachim Murat)
- it's called fashion sweetheart
- will not stop flirting
lens (Jean Lannes)
- bestie who will call u out on ur shit
- does not like their photo taken
bessie (Jean-Baptiste Bessieres)
- actually nice under the ice
- was born in the wrong generation
dave (Louis-Nicolas Davout)
- overachiever
- 20 year old boomer
salt (Jean-de-Dieu Soult)
- people think ur up to no good
- doesn’t cope with sudden changes 2 plans
andrew (Andre Massena)
- actually up to no good
- sleepy until special interest is activated
bertie (Louis-Alexandre Berthier)
- carries the group project
- voted most likely to make a stalker shrine
auggie (Pierre Augereau)
- shady past full of batshit stories
- will not stop swearing in the christian minecraft server
lefrank (François Joseph Lefebvre)
- dad friend
- in my day we walked to school uphill both ways
big mac (Étienne Macdonald)
- brutally honest
- won't let you borrow their charger even if they have 100%
gill (Guillaume Brune)
- love-hate relationship with group chats
- pretends not to care, checks social media every 2 minutes
ouchie (Nicholas Oudinot)
- needs to buy bandages in bulk
- a little aggro
pony (Józef Antoni Poniatowski)
- can't swim
- tries 2 hard to fit in, everyone secretly loves them anyway
grumpy (Emmanuel de Grouchy)
- can't find them when u need them
- complains about the music, never suggests alternatives
bernie (Jean-Baptiste Bernadotte)
- always talks about their other friendship group
- most successful, nobody knows how
monty (Auguste de Marmont)
- does not save u a seat
- causes drama and then lurks in the background
monch (Bon-Adrien Jeannot de Moncey)
- last to leave the party
- dependable
morty (Édouard Mortier)
- everyone looks up 2 them literally and figuratively
- golden retriever friend
jordan (Jean-Baptiste Jourdan)
- volunteers other people for things
- has 20+ alarms but still oversleeps
kelly (François Christophe de Kellermann)
- old as balls but still got it
- waiting in the wings
gov (Laurent de Gouvion Saint-Cyr)
- infuriatingly modest about their art skills
- thinks too much before they speak
perry (Catherine-Dominique de Pérignon)
- low-key rich, only buys things on sale
- “let’s order pizza” solution to everything
sachet (Louis-Gabriel Suchet)
- dependable friend who always brings snacks
- lowkey keeps the group together
cereal (Jean-Mathieu-Philibert Sérurier)
- unnervingly methodical and precise about fun
- will delete your social media after u die
vic (Claude Victor-Perrin)
- loves spicy food but can’t handle it
- says they're fine, not actually fine
june (Jean Andoche Junot)
- chaotic disaster bisexual
- will kill a man 4 their bestie
the rock (Géraud Duroc)
- keeps a tidy house
- mom friend with snacks
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blackflash9 · 3 months
Unwavering Faith: Aveline and the Colonial Assassins (Analysis)
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Over the years, I've come to notice a dual parallel and theme between the premise of AC Rogue and the side title, Liberation:
The loss of faith. Despite its intentionally ambiguous portrayal of the Assassins, Liberation compellingly explores their flaws, contradictions, and hidden layers through characters like Agate and François Mackandal respectively. This, in turn, profoundly impacts Aveline's mental state and her faith in her sect of the Colonial Assassins and their Creed.
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Mackendal, in particular, was a very fascinating character not just in the historical context, but in what he encompassed for the ideals and values of the Assassins when pressed to their logical extreme in using their Creed as a policy for aggression, violence, and unrestrained use of power. An example of this is how he aimed to poison the colonists in Saint-Dominique.
The Mackandal Rebellion (1750-1758) | Haitian Revolution (1791-1804)
What's interesting is that despite his atrocities, Mackandal didn't think he was a traitor of any kind to the Brotherhood or what it preached. Much Like Altair who didn't believe so when he killed his Mentor. Neither did Pierre Bellec when he killed Mirabeau in Unity. Mackandal, in fact, firmly believed he was an Assassin, even truer than the Colonials themselves. From his perspective, he didn't kill "innocents." He just didn't see any of the "white masters" at the time as remotely innocent. Clearly, he was wrong from any other point of view, but it doesn't make him less of an Assassin. After all, the Creed does allow it if you want it to.
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In some regards, he shares a sharp contrast with Adewale himself. Both men are shaped by their brutal experiences as slaves, embodying contrasting conclusions with the Assassin's Creed. Mackandal, corrupted by deep-seated anger, employs ruthless and indiscriminate methods such as poisonings, reflecting a radical approach that often causes collateral damage that ultimately catches up to him destroying himself and his Brotherhood. In contrast, Adewale, motivated by a strong sense of justice and compassion, remains steadfast in his convictions and humanity for himself and others. As a result, Mackandal's legacy is often treated as a cautionary tale, while Adewale retaining his morals and principles through the Creed is still remembered and admired by even individuals like Evie Frye an entire century later. This duality between them underscores the larger internal struggle that individuals within the Brotherhood face in response to both oppression and their endless fight for and to preserve freedom. This era of the Assassins, especially, is faced with this dilemma where the very freedom that they fight for is often short-lived, imperfect, nuanced, and bittersweet. 'Laid to Rest' Transcript
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Connor: "My father is dead. Charles Lee now leads the Templar Order in his place. I see now why ours is an eternal war. For each piece taken from the board, another is placed upon it. Back and forth we go. Across the world. Across the ages. Some days, mine feels an impossible task, but I cannot afford to be consumed with doubt. The people need me. Now, more than ever. I must stop the Templars. I will kill Charles Lee." Connor's Forsaken Epilogue Soliloquy Connor: "So many voices, each demanding something else… It has been hard at times, but never harder than today to see all I worked for; perverted, discarded, forgotten!"
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This brings us to the inner turmoil and duality that Aveline struggles with over the course of her story. Who is she really? Why does she fight? Is it even worth the effort to fight at all in such an unjust world?
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"I trust my own hands," I believe, is Connor expressing his adherence to individualism above all else. For him, it signifies the realization that even the people and institutions you serve can be flawed or have misguided intentions, and you must trust your own judgment. This mindset makes Connor an embodiment of the Creed and its ideals—an approach that Aveline also adopts. Her persistent fight for choice and freedom, despite the hypocrisy, corruption, and fallibility within her own order, makes her dedication as an Assassin truly compelling. Because Aveline is more than just an Assassin. She is a liberator.
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Friends, enemies, comrades, Jacobins, Monarchist, Bonapartists, gather round. We have an important announcement:
The continent is beset with war. A tenacious general from Corsica has ignited conflict from Madrid to Moscow and made ancient dynasties tremble. Depending on your particular political leanings, this is either the triumph of a great man out of the chaos of The Terror, a betrayal of the values of the French Revolution, or the rule of the greatest upstart tyrant since Caesar.
But, our grand tournament is here to ask the most important question: Now that the flower of European nobility is arrayed on the battlefield in the sexiest uniforms that European history has yet produced (or indeed, may ever produce), who is the most fuckable?
The bracket is here: full bracket and just quadrant I
Want to nominate someone from the Western Hemisphere who was involved in the ever so sexy dismantling of the Spanish empire? (or the Portuguese or French American colonies as well) You can do it here
The People have created this list of nominees:
Jean Lannes
Josephine de Beauharnais
Thérésa Tallien
Jean-Andoche Junot
Joseph Fouché
Charles Maurice de Talleyrand
Joachim Murat
Michel Ney
Jean-Baptiste Bernadotte (Charles XIV of Sweden)
Louis-Francois Lejeune
Pierre Jacques Étienne Cambrinne
Napoleon I
Marshal Louis-Gabriel Suchet
Jacques de Trobriand
Jean de dieu soult.
François-Étienne-Christophe Kellermann
17.Louis Davout
Pauline Bonaparte, Duchess of Guastalla
Eugène de Beauharnais
Jean-Baptiste Bessières
Antoine-Jean Gros
Jérôme Bonaparte
Andrea Masséna
Antoine Charles Louis de Lasalle
Germaine de Staël
Thomas-Alexandre Dumas
René de Traviere (The Purple Mask)
Claude Victor Perrin
Laurent de Gouvion Saint-Cyr
François Joseph Lefebvre
Major Andre Cotard (Hornblower Series)
Edouard Mortier
Hippolyte Charles
Nicolas Charles Oudinot
Emmanuel de Grouchy
Pierre-Charles Villeneuve
Géraud Duroc
Georges Pontmercy (Les Mis)
Auguste Frédéric Louis Viesse de Marmont
Juliette Récamier
Bon-Adrien Jeannot de Moncey
Louis-Alexandre Berthier
Étienne Jacques-Joseph-Alexandre Macdonald
Jean-Mathieu-Philibert Sérurier
Catherine Dominique de Pérignon
Guillaume Marie-Anne Brune
Jean-Baptiste Jourdan
Charles-Pierre Augereau
Auguste François-Marie de Colbert-Chabanais
Richard Sharpe (The Sharpe Series)
Tom Pullings (Master and Commander)
Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of Wellington
Jonathan Strange (Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell)
Captain Jack Aubrey (Aubrey/Maturin books)
Horatio Hornblower (the Hornblower Books)
William Laurence (The Temeraire Series)
Henry Paget, 1st Marquess of Anglesey
Beau Brummell
Emma, Lady Hamilton
Benjamin Bathurst
Horatio Nelson
Admiral Edward Pellew
Sir Philip Bowes Vere Broke
Sidney Smith
Percy Smythe, 6th Viscount Strangford
George IV
Capt. Anthony Trumbull (The Pride and the Passion)
Barbara Childe (An Infamous Army)
Doctor Maturin (Aubrey/Maturin books)
William Pitt the Younger
Robert Stewart, 2nd Marquess of Londonderry (Lord Castlereagh)
George Canning
Thomas Cochrane
Colquhoun Grant
Arthur O'Connor
Thomas Russell
Robert Emmet
Klemens von Metternich
Friedrich Bianchi, Duke of Casalanza
Franz I/II
Archduke Karl
Marie Louise
Franz Grillparzer
Wilhelmine von Biron
Wincenty Krasiński
Józef Antoni Poniatowski
Józef Zajączek
Maria Walewska
Władysław Franciszek Jabłonowski
Adam Jerzy Czartoryski
Antoni Amilkar Kosiński
Zofia Czartoryska-Zamoyska
Stanislaw Kurcyusz
Alexander I Pavlovich
Alexander Andreevich Durov
Prince Andrei (War and Peace)
Pyotr Bagration
Mikhail Miloradovich
Levin August von Bennigsen
Pavel Stroganov
Empress Elizabeth Alexeievna
Karl Wilhelm von Toll
Dmitri Kuruta
Alexander Alexeevich Tuchkov
Barclay de Tolly
Fyodor Grigorevich Gogel
Ekaterina Pavlovna Bagration
Ippolit Kuragin (War and Peace)
Louise von Mecklenburg-Strelitz
Gebard von Blücher
Carl von Clausewitz
Frederick William III
Gerhard von Scharnhorst
Louis Ferdinand of Prussia
Friederike of Mecklenburg-Strelitz
Alexander von Humboldt
Dorothea von Biron
The Netherlands:
Ida St Elme
Wiliam, Prince of Orange
The Papal States:
Pius VII
João Severiano Maciel da Costa
Juan Martín Díez
José de Palafox
Inês Bilbatua (Goya's Ghosts)
Alexandre Pétion
Vittorio Emanuele I
Alessandro Manzoni
Frederik VI
Gustav IV Adolph
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themuseumwithoutwalls · 5 months
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MWW Artwork of the Day (4/26/24) Pablo Picasso (Spanish, 1881-1973) La coiffure (1906) Oil on canvas, 174.9 x 99.7 cm. The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York (Wolfe Fund)
Although today art historians associate a woman at her toilette with Edgar Degas's famous series of nude bathers, shown in Paris at the 1886 Impressionist exhibition and repeated in his oeuvre until about 1910, it is unlikely that Picasso could have seen many examples. Degas had drawn inspiration from the Neoclassical painter Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres, and that same source was used by Pierre Puvis de Chavannes and Auguste Renoir in their development of the theme at the end of the nineteenth century. In an odd twist, however, Picasso chose to suppress in this picture all the eroticism that normally attends the subject. Instead, he turns the picture into a contrapuntal variation on the Holy Family, with echoes of Leonardo's "Virgin and Saint Anne" at the Musée du Louvre.
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feafuin · 3 months
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philoursmars · 6 months
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Quatrième et ultime étape de mon périple dans l'Ouest pour retrouver des ami(e)s lointain(e)s il y a un bon mois déjà : ma sœur Dominique et son mari, à Alençon, aux confins de la Normandie et des Pays de Loire.
On passe une journée au Mans. Visite du Carré Plantagenêt, musée d'histoire de la ville.
tête d'évêque - Le Mans, XIVème s.
Sainte Catherine d'Alexandrie et sa roue de supplice - Sarthe, XVème s.
pierre tombale de Huët le Bœuf - Le Mans, 1420
Christ - Sarthe, 1200
sarcophage mérovingien réutilisé pour Ermecin, recluse, XIe s. ...puis par Mathieu Leperier, tailleur de pierre (d'où le marteau gravé), XVe s. !
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Robespierre family timeline
Below is a timeline over the life of Robespierre’s closest relatives between the marriage of his parents up until their deaths because people seemed to drop like flies around him his entire childhood and I felt the need to put some things in order. Most of it is based on information found in La famille de Robespierre et ses origines. Documents inédits sur le séjour des Robespierre à Vaudricourt, Béthune, Harnes, Hénin-Liétard, Carvin et Arras. (1452-1790) (1914) by A. Lavoine, La Jeunesse de Robespierre et la convocation des Etats génétaux en Artois (1870) by J.-A. Paris, Robespierre: a revolutionary life (2010) by Peter McPhee, Robespierre (2014) by Hervé Leuwers, as well as this family tree that I found. If I’m basing something below on anything that’s not in one of these sources, I will include a link to it.
January 2 1758 - The marriage contract between Maximilien Barthélémy François de Robespierre (born 1732, from here on called Maximilien II) [1] and Jacqueline Marguerite Carraut (born 1735) is passed before M. Crépieux and M. Botte, notaries, M. Corroyer, prosecutor, as well as Jacqueline’s mother Marie-Marguerite Carraut (born 1693, née Cornu), father Jacques-François Carraut (born 1701) and younger brother Augustin-Isidore Carraut (born 1737). Maximilien II’s parents Maximilien de Robespierre (born 1694, from now on called Maximilien I) and Marie-Marguerite Françoise de Robespierre (born 1708, née Poiteau) are not present. [2]
January 3 1763 - wedding ceremony between Maximilien II and Jacqueline de Robespierre in the church of Saint-Jean-en-Ronville. Their witnesses are M. Monvoisin, practitioner, M. Corroyer, prosecutor, M. Botte, notary, Jacques-François Carraut and Augustin Carraut.
May 6 1758 - birth of Maximilien Marie Isidore de Robespierre (from here on called Maximilien III). He is baptised in the parish of Sainte-Marie-Madeleine in Arras the same day, with his paternal grandfather standing as godfather and maternal grandmother standing as godmother. [3]
February 5 1760 - birth of Marie Marguerite Charlotte de Robespierre. She is baptisted in the parish of Saint-Étienne in Arras three days later. Her godparents are Gouve Charles-Antoine, King's adviser and prosecutor of the town and city of Arras, subdelegate of the intendant of Flanders and Artois, and Marie-Dominique Poiteau, widow Isambart. [4]
13 January 1761 - marriage between maternal uncle Augustin Isodore Carraut and Catherine Sabine Desplanque (born 1740) in Magnicourt-sur-Canche, Pas-de-Calais. They have five children together, Augustin Louis Joseph (1762), Antoine Philippe (1763 or 1764-1837), Marié Célestine (born 1767 and dead on the same day), Jean-Baptiste Guislain (1768-1797) and Sabine Josephe (1771-1860). [5] The second oldest, Antoine Philippe, will come to play a role in the repression of Arras carried out under Joseph Lebon 1793-1794.
December 28 1761 - Birth of Henriette Eulalie Françoise de Robespierre. She is baptised in the parish of Saint-Étienne in Arras the same day. Her maternal grandfather and paternal grandmother stand as godparents. [6]
April 17 1762 - death of Maximilien I, at the age of 67. He’s buried in the church of Saint-Aubert two days later. The death certificate is signed by his son and Pierre-Grégoire-Marie Enlart, squire, lord of Grandval, adviser to the Provincial Council and Superior of Artois. His widow then retires to the Convent of the Benedictines of the Peace of Arras.
January 21 1763 - birth of Augustin Bon Joseph de Robespierre. He is baptised in the parish of Saint-Étienne in Arras the day after his birth, with his godfather being his maternal uncle Augustin Carraut and godmother the paternal aunt Marie-Marguerite Alexandrine Eléonore Eulalie de Robespierre (born 1736). [7]
July 4 1764 - Jacqueline de Robespierre gives birth to a boy who dies the same day. He is buried in the Saint-Nicaise cemetery, without having received a name. According to Charlotte’s memoirs, Augustin was still with a wetnurse when this happened.
July 16 1764 - death of Jacqueline de Robespierre, a few days before her twenty-ninth birthday. Her funeral is held in the parish of Saint-Aubert the following day. The mortuary act is signed by her brother and Antoine-Henri Galbaut, Knight of Saint-Louis, assistant major of the Citadel. Her husband doesn’t sign it, nor does he attend her funeral. [8]
August 6 1764 - Maximilien II retakes his duties as lawyer at Arras after having spent a few weeks without doing any business. He wins and loses a case that day.
November 16 1764 - the name of Maximilien II ceases to appear on the court register of the Council of Artois.
January 7 1765 - Maximilien II is received as a lawyer at the court of Oisy, about 20 kilometers from Arras, after having been called on by Eustache-Joseph d'Assignies, count of Oisy, to take a prestigious seat there, "on the express condition of taking up residence in said Oisy and not being able to demand from us any sums for fees in criminal cases” eight days earlier. By then, his four children have been dispersed among relatives, Charlotte and Henriette are taken care of by their unmarried paternal aunts Eulalie (born 1735) and Henriette (or are they? [9]), while Maximilien III and Augustin are sent to live with their maternal grandparents. [10] Maximilian II will not retain his functions at Oisy forever however, as the same manuscript which contains his commission also registrates the appointment of his replacement for July 15 1765.
March 13 1765 - Maximilien II is back in Arras (four months before his position at Oisy expires) pleading a case, which carries on all the way into December of the same year. [11]
March 22 1766 - Maximilian II borrows seven hundred livres from his sister Henriette. It would appear he never paid them back, which led to some tension between Henriette, her husband and Maximilien III in 1780. [12]
1766 - Maximilien III is enrolled at the Collège of Arras as a day-student.
October 30 1768 - Maximilien II resigns from any inheritance whatsoever from his mother. [13]
December 30 1768 - Charlotte de Robespierre is enrolled at Maison des Sœurs Manarre, “a pious foundation for poor girls, who may be admitted from the age of nine to eighteen, to be fed, brought up under some good mistress of virtue and to improve oneself in lacing and sewing or in another thing which one will judge useful; to learn to read and write until they are able to serve and earn a living." It is situated just across the border in Tournai (modern-day Belgium). Charlotte is actually a few months too young to actually be enrolled, but an exception seems to be made in her case. According to La famille de Robespierre et ses origines…, it was Charlotte’s godfather Charles-Antoine de Gouve that had enough influence to obtain this favour for her.
September 13 1769 - Maximilien III obtains a scholarship from the abbot of Saint-Vaast to the college of Louis-le-Grand in Paris.
October 13 1769 - Maximilien III is enrolled at Louis-le-Grand.
May 17 1770 - death of Marie-Marguerite Françoise de Robespierre, aged 62. She is buried in the church of Saint-Aubert two days later in the presence of of M. Sébastien-Fidel de Douay, de Baisne, priest, law graduate, and Antoine de Gouve, bourgeois annuitant witnesses. The death certificate is signed by the two latter.
June 8, 1770 - Maximilien II confirms his resignation from the inheritance of his mother, after being informed about her death by his sisters. He is then in Mannheim, Germany. [14]
May 3 1771 - Henriette de Robespierre is sent to join her sister at Maison des Sœurs Manarre, where she stays as a boarder while waiting for a scholarship to become vacant.
October 3 1771 - Maximilien II, back in Arras, affirms he doesn’t want any of his mother’s inheritance yet again. [15]
February 17 1772 - the name of Maximilien II reappears on the court register of the Council of Artois.
June 4 1772 - the name of Maximilien II ceases to appear on the court register of the Council of Artois. There’s no sign of his activities in the town after this.
June 4 1773 - Henriette de Robespierre becomes a scholarship student at Maison des Sœurs Manarre. [16]
June 13 1775 - Death of Marie Marguerite Carraut, aged 83.
January 7 1776 - Marriage between Eulalie de Robespierre and Robert-François Deshorties, merchant and royal notary in Arras. [17]
February 11 1777 - Marrige between Amable Aldegonde Henriette de Robespierre and Gabriel-François Durut, student in Montpellier, doctor of medicine in Arras, doctor at the College d’Oratoire. Their marriage, as well as the one between Eulalie and Deshorties, appears to have been childless, making the Robespierre siblings cousin-less on their father’s side.
November 6 1777 - Maximilien II is buried in Munich, aged 45. His children most likely didn’t find out about his death.
March 14 1778 - death of Jacques François Carraut, aged 77. He’s buried two days later in the parish of Saint-Jean-en-Ronville in Arras. His brewery is sold to his son Augustin for a total of 8242 livres, of which only half goes to the four orphans.
March 5 1780 - Henriette de Robespierre is buried. Her uncle Augustin Carraut and the canon Poulain are the only ones present at her funeral.
May 15 1781 - Maximilien III graduates from Louis-le-Grand and returns to Arras to work as a lawyer. He and Charlotte move into a house on Rue du Saumon.
October 11 1781 - Augustin gains a scholarship to Louis-le-Grand. He begins his studies there on November 3 the same year. All sources I’ve found agree that Augustin was studying at the College of Duoai before getting sent to Paris, but unfortunately none of them mention when exactly he was enrolled there.
Late 1782 - Maximilien II and Charlotte are forced to leave Rue du Saumon when the latter realizes his lawyer salary can’t cover the rent. They instead move in with their aunt Henriette and her husband Durut on Rue Teinturiers, and evantually from there to Rue des Jésuites.
1787 - Maximilien II and Charlotte move to Rue des Rapporteurs 9.
September 30 1787 - Augustin graduates from Louis-le-Grand and moves in with his siblings.
April 17 1791 - death of Amable Aldegonde Henriette de Robespierre in Arras, aged 55.
September 3 1791 - death of Eulalie de Robespierre in Arras, aged 54.
December 6 1792 - death of Robert-François Deshorties in Arras.
November 17 1815 - death of Augustin Carraut in Arras, Pas-de-Calais, aged 78.
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Rue du Puits Saint-Josse, where Maximilien I lived at the time of his death in 1762     
Rue des Jésuites  (today Rue du Collége) where the Robespierres lived by the time of Augustin’s birth in 1763. The family moved around a lot, in four years it changed residence four times and lived successively in the parishes of St-Géry, Ste-Marie Madeleine, St-Etienne and St-Aubert. Amable-Aldegonde-Henriette de Robespierre’s husband Durut also became tenant of a house on this road in 1783, for an annual rent of 300 livres.     
Rue Ronville, where Jacques-François Carraut had his brewery, and where Maximilien III and Augustin moved in 1764.     
Rue des Teinturiers, where Amable-Aldegonde-Henriette de Robespierre and her husband Durut lived before 1783. This is likely the place where Henriette de Robespierre passed away in 1780. Maximilien III and Charlotte took up lodgings there in late 1782, after the former realized he could not afford to pay their rent.     
Rue du Saumon, where Maximilien III and Charlotte rented a recidence before moving in with their aunt and uncle in 1782. When Maximilien’s income increased, they moved again, to Rue des Jésuites this time.        
Rue des Rapporteurs (today Rue Maximilien Robespierre), where Maximilien III and Charlotte moved in 1787. They were soon joined by Augustin.
[1] There is some controversy regarding Robespierre’s father’s actual firstname, since there exists one document describing him as Barthélémy-François, and another one as just Barthélémy (although ironically, it’s more common among authors to call him François and not Barthélémy). Historian Hervé Leuwers still insists that his real firstname seems to be Maximilien, as it’s what his contemporary Abbé Proyart calls him in his La Vie et les Crimes de Robespierre: surnommé le tyran: depuis sa naissance jusqu’au sa mort (1795), as well as the only name indicating his inhumation in 1777.
[2] ”As for the the groom, M. Corroyer, in his capacity, has promised to give him the sum of two thousand livres, either in money or in constituted annuities, as soon as the marriage has been celebrated... As for the the bride, her father and mother have promised to give her a sum of five thousand livres payable, namely: two thousand livres immediately after the celebration of the marriage, one thousand livres one year after said celebration and thus continue on with one thousand livres per year until the final payment of the said sum of five thousand livres. The marriage was celebrated in the presence of Jacques Francois Carraut; Monvoisin, practitioner; Corroyer, attorney; Botte, notary, and Carraut the younger.” Wedding contract from January 2 1758, cited in La Jeunesse de Robespierre…, page 13
[3] ”The sixth of May, 1758 was baptized by me the undersigned Maximilien-Marie-Isidore, born the same day at two o'clock in the morning in the legitimate marriage of M. Maximilien-Barthélemy-François Derobespierre, lawyer at the Council of Artois , and demoiselle Jacqueline Carraut. The godfather was M. Maximilien Derobespierre, grandfather on the paternal side, lawyer at the Council of Artois, and the godmother, demoiselle Marie-Margueritte Cornu, wife of Jacques-François Carraut, grandmother on the maternal side. These have signed. Derobespierre. Marie-Marguerite Cornu. Derobespierre. Lenglade, priest.” Cited in Robespierre et les femmes, d’apres des documents inédits et des pieces inédits (1909) by A. Michel, page 20
[4] ”Today is the eighth day of the month of February, the year 1760. We priests of the parish of Saint-Étienne of towns and Diocese of Arras, have supplemented the ceremonies of the baptism for a girl born around half past two in the afternoon in said parish in the legitimite marriage of maître Maximilien-Barthélemy-François de Robespierre, lawyer at the Provincial Council of Artois, and of demoiselle Jacqueline-Margueritte Carraut, her father and mother; she was delivered by us parish priest the day after her birth, six of the same month and year as above, with the permission of the bishopric dated the same day signed by Le Roux, vicar general, and below, by ordinance Péchena. The godfather was master Charles-Antoine de Gouve, adviser to the King and his attorney for the town and city of Arras, subdelegate of the intendant of Flanders and Artois, in the department of Arras, of the parish of Saint-Jean in Ronville, and the godmother demoiselle Marie-Dominique Poiteau, widow of Sieur François Isambart, procurator to the said provincial council of Artois, of the parish of Saint-Aubert, who gave her the name Marie-Marguerite-Charlotte, and who signed with us the parish priest, and the father here present, the same act on the day and year mentioned above. The child was born on the fifth. Marie Dominique Poiteau     De Gouve Derobespibrre     Willart, parish priest of Saint-Etienne.” Cited in Ibid, page 323-324
[5] I had a hard time finding any reliable info regarding dates of birth (and death) for Robespierre’s five cousins. I found one article from 1991 about them as well as one on WikiTree, however, the two give different dates of birth for some of the children.
[6] “Today, the twenty-eighth day of the month of December, 1761, we priests of the parish of Saint-Étienne, of the town and diocese of Arras, have baptized a girl born on the same day in this parish of Saint-Étienne around six o'clock in the morning in the legitimate marriage of Maître Maximilien-Barthélemy-François de Robespierre, lawyer at the Provincial Council of Artois, and demoiselle Jacqueline-Marguerite Carrant, her father and mother our parishioners. The godfather was sieur Jacques-François Carraut, wholesale merchant brewer of the parish of Saint-Jean en Ronville, maternal grandfather to the child and the godmother demoiselle Marie-Marguerite-Françoise Poiteau, wife of master Maximilien de Robespierre, lawyer at said Provincial and Superior Council of Artois, of the parish of Saint-Aubert, paternal grandfather to said child, who gave her the name Henriette-Eulalie-Françoise and who signed with us parish priest, the same act as well as the father here present at said Arras on the aforesaid day, month and year. Jacque (sic) François Carraut Poiteau de Robespierre Derobespierre Willart, curé de Saint-Eteinne”    Cited in Robespierre et les femmes… (1909), page 326-327
[7] ”Today, the twenty-second day of the month of January of the year 1763, we priest of the parish of Saint-Étienne des Villes and diocese of Arras have baptized a boy born the day before, about two o'clock in the afternoon, the twenty-first of the same month and year, on this said parish in the legitimate marriage of master Maximilien-Barthélemy-François de Robespierre, lawyer at the Provincial Council of Artois and demoiselle Jacqueline-Margueritte Carraut, his father and mother our parishioners. The godfather was Augustin-Isidore Carraut, merchant of the parish of Saint-Jean en Ronville, maternal uncle of the child, and the godmother demoiselle Margueritte-Alexandrine-Éleonore-Eulalie de Robespierre of the parish of Saint-Aubert, paternal aunt of said child, who gave him the name Augustin-Bon-Joseph and who signed the same act with us as priest as well as the father here present on the days, months and year mentioned above. Carraut Eulalie de Robespierre    Derobespierre Willart, curé de Saint-Eteinne” Cited in Ibid, page 327-328
[8] ”Demoiselle Marguerite-Jacqueline Carraut, aged twenty-nine or thereabouts, wife of M. Maximilien-Barthélemy-François Derobespierre, lawyer at the Provincial and Superior Council of Artois, died on the sixteenth of July in the year 1764; the service was held on the seventeenth, followed by her burial in this church, those present were the sieurs Antoine-Henry-Galhaut, knight of the royal and military order of Saint-Louis, aide-major by patent of the citadel of Arras, and Auguste-Isidore Carraut, brother of the deceased, who signed with us as parish priest. Galhaut. De Lacroix, priest Carraut.” Cited in Ibid, page 323-324
[9] According to La famille de Robespierre et ses origines. Documents inédits sur le séjour des Robespierre à Vaudricourt, Béthune, Harnes, Hénin-Liétard, Carvin et Arras. (1452-1790) the paternal aunts Eulalie and Henriette retired to Convent of the Benedictines of the Peace of Arras with their mother when the latter was widowed in 1762, where they would not have been able to provide for their nieces. The article instead implies all four children were taken in by their maternal grandparents, which it also uses to explain why Charlotte was enrolled at Maison des Sœurs Manarre despite being a few months too young to actually be admitted, and why Henriette was enrolled without having a scholarship — their grandparents simply had to quickly send them away since they couldn’t provide for all children. However, it doesn’t cite a source for the aunts’ alleged move, and both Leuwers and McPhee list the article as one of their sources while still writing Charlotte and Henriette went to live with their aunts, so I’m not sure about this.
[10] In his biography, Peter McPhee claims Maximilien III was also looked after by two maternal aunts. However, I’ve not managed to track down any information whatsoever on these, and the few Carraut family trees I’ve found only mention Jacqueline, Augustin and a third brother named Jean-Baptiste who probably died young since more or less no info exists regarding him. Worth noting is also that Mcphee says the maternal aunts were called Eulalie and Henriette, which were the names of the paternal aunts as well… This confusion is most likely a result of poor choice of wording by Abbé Proyart in his La Vie et les Crimes de Robespierre: surnommé le tyran: depuis sa naissance jusqu’au sa mort (1795) — ”Not being heir to any patrimony, he (Robespierre) had no resources for his subsistence except those which could be procured for him by the honest brawler Carreau (sic), his grandfather, and the charity of good people, which were quite efficiently encouraged by two aunts of the same name, who lived in a great reputation for piety.” Proyart most likely means the aunts were of the same name as Robespierre and not his grandfather, which is supported by the fact that he then claims one of them married a doctor, just like Eulalie de Robespierre did.
[11] On December 9 the same year, Maximilien II wrote a a letter to his fellow lawyer Maximilien Baudelot, in which he identified himself as a lawyer of Arras while trying to get them to all come together and publicy plead for the betterment of the the dauphin, who died eleven days later. This confirms he was still active in Arras at this point.
[12] ”Hearing of April 4, 1780: M. Corne, for François-Gabriel Durut, doctor of medicine, and Amélie-Aldegonde-Henriette Derobespierre, his wife; Against François-Maximilien-Barthelemy de Robespierre; Gentlemen give default against François-Maximilien Robespierre and for the benefit, hold the signature affixed by the defaulting party at the bottom of a recognition of March 22 1766 which it is about for recognized; Consequently, we condemn said defaulting party to pay to the parties of the attorney Corne, for one part, the sum of seven hundred and eleven livres ten sols, centenary in said recognition, and for another part, the sum of one hundred livres paid in his acquittal to the notary Husson, for pension provided to him according to the receipt of March 14, 1772 and in question, in the interest of the sums quoted from the day of the judicial demand and at the costs, liquidated at fifteen livres eighteen sols eight denarii.” Cited in Mémoires de l’Académie des sciences, lettres et arts d’Arras, series 11, volume 3, page 56-57.
[13] ”I, the undersigned, lawyer at the Provincial Council of Artois, renounce, for the benefit of my sisters, my rights and shares in the movable and immovable estates of my mother, acknowledging that I have received from said mother beyond the share that I could claim, both for me and for my children. Written at Arras, the thirtieth day of October, 1768 (Signed): DEROBESPIERRE” Cited in La famille de Robespierre et ses origines. Documents inédits sur le séjour des Robespierre à Vaudricourt, Béthune, Harnes, Hénin-Liétard, Carvin et Arras. (1452-1790)
[14] ”I, the undersigned, lawyer at the Provincial Council of Artois, hereby renounce for the benefit of my sisters all rights and shares in the movable and immovable estates of my late mother, acknowledging that I have received from said mother beyond the share that I could claim, both for me and for my children. Written at Mannheim, June 8, 1770” Cited in Ibid
[15] ”Before the undersigned royal notaries of Artois appeared M. Maximilien-Barthélemy-François de Robespierre, lawyer at the Superior Council of Arras, residing in said Arras. Who recognized that, by an act made under his private signature, in the city ​​of Mannheim, on the eighth day of June 1770, he declared that he renounced the movable and immovable successions of lady Marie-Marguerite-Françoise Poiteau, his mother, at the time of her death widow of M. Maximilien de Robespierre, lawyer at the Council of Artois. But, having since considered that this renunciation could not have its effect, considering that at that time, he did not have full and complete knowledge of the forces of said succession and that, since his return to this town, three months ago, he has taken perfect knowledge of said estates by inspecting the letters and papers abandoned by said mother, which Marie-Marguerite-Alexandrine-Eléonore-Eulalie and Amable-Aldegonde-Henriette de Robespierre, his sisters, represented and entrusted to him. This is why said sieur appearing has, hereby, declared to renounce said successions and to claim nothing hereunder, giving power to the bearer of the bulk hereof to reiterate where and to whom it will belong. And just now said ladies Marie-Marguerite-Alexandre-Eléonore-Eulalie and Aimable-Aldegonde-Henriette de Robespierre have appered; these have recognized that said sieur de Robespierre, their brother, has given them the titles and papers mentioned herein. Passed in Arras, the third of October, 1771. (Signed): de ROBESPIERRE; de ROBESPIERRE, the older; de ROBESPIERRE, the younger, (and as notaries): MERCHIER, HUSSON.  Cited in Ibid
[16] “To Messeigneurs, Messeigneurs the Treasurer-General, Councilors and Clerks of the Estates and Finances of H. M. the Dowager Empress and Apostolic Queen of Hungary, Bohemia, etc. Begs in very deep respect Henriette-Josephe de Robespierre, native of the town of Arras, ten years old, saying that, in the hope of being received in the foundation of the demoiselles Manarre, in the town of Tournay, like her sister was, she would have boarded there from the month of May 1771 and remained there until now, and done all the duties to which are held those provided with this foundation to the satisfaction of the superiors. However, although there is a place which must be vacant towards the month of July this year, the Administrators of it are having difficulty in receiving it, obsanting certain regulations by which it would be said that there would only be the subjects of your Sacred Majesty who would be admitted there; but, as it does not present itself up to now, and that that which must leave there is also a foreign subject who was received there; she takes the very respectful liberty of addressing Your illustrious Lordships, My Lords, for your pleasure, taking favorable account of the pension expenses which she has paid since said day, May 3, 1771, and of the useful and advantageous qualities which she possesses for the good of the house, permit the Administrators to there receive the supplicant with the ordinary charges. It's grace... , etc.”  Cited in La Jeunesse de Robespierre, page 19
[17] Deshorties was the widower of Marie-Jeanne Langlet, with who he had two sons and three daughers. According to Charlotte, Maximilien III had been courting one of these daughters, Anaïs, for two to three years at the time of the Estates General, and there were marriage plans between the two.These were however broken up by the revolution and Anaïs instead got engaged to another lawyer, Léandre Leducq, who she married on August 7 1792. Another one of the children was Régis Deshorties, who kept up contacts with the Robespierres during the revolution. Here is a letter from him to Augustin written on July 18 1794.
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chicinsilk · 1 year
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Paris 23rd February 1970 presentation of the Haute Couture Spring/Summer 1970 Collection by Yves Saint Laurent: model Dominique Pommier in stone-coloured gabardine trouser suit with double-breasted jacket, green crepe de chine shirt and stone-coloured felt hat. Pumps by Roger Vivier. Photo Reg Lancaster.
Paris 23 février 1970 présentation de la Collection Haute Couture Printemps/Été 1970 de Yves Saint Laurent : le mannequin Dominique Pommier en tailleur pantalon en gabardine couleur pierre avec veste à double boutonnage, chemise en crêpe de Chine vert et chapeau en feutre couleur pierre. Escarpins de Roger Vivier. Photo Reg Lancaster.
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argan-g · 1 year
William Blake, Newton
Jöhan Heinrich Füssli, L'incubo
Étienne-Luoise Boullée, Progetto per il cenotafio di Newton
Claude-Nicolas Ledoux, Casa delle Guardie campestri
John Constable, La chiusa
e il mulino di Flatford
William Turner, Mare in tempesta
Francisco Goya, Fucilazione
Jacques-Louis David, La morte di Marat
Antonio Canova, Monumento di Maria Cristina d’Austria
Jean-August-Dominique Ingres, La bagnante di Valpingon
Théodore Géricault, La zattera della Medusa
Eugène Delacroix, La Libertà guida il popolo
Lorenzo Bartolini, Monumento funebre della contessa Zamoyska
François Rude, Rilievo dell'Arco di trionfo di Parigi Camille Corot, La cattedrale di Chartres
Théodore Rousseau, Temporale; veduta della piana di Montmartre
Honoré Daumier, Vogliamo Barabba
Constantin Guys, Per la strada
Honoré Daumier, Il vagone di terza classe
François Millet, L’Angelus
Camille Pissarro, Sentiero nel bosco in estate
LA REALTA' E LA COSCIENZA (l’Impressionismo; La fotografia; Il Neo-impressionismo; Il Simbolismo; L’architettura degli ingegneri)
Gustave Courbet, Ragazze in riva alla Senna (Estate)
Edouard Manet, Le déjeuner sur l'herbe
Alfred Sisley, Isola della Grande Jatte
Claude Monet, Regate ad Argenteuil;
Claude Monet, La Cattedrale di Rouen
Auguste Renoir, Le Moulin de la Galette 
Edgar Degas, L'absinthe
Paul Cézanne, L'asino e i ladri
Paul Cézanne, La casa dell'impiccato ad Auvers (Non Aversa)
Paul Cézanne, I giocatori di carte
Paul Cézanne, La montagna Sainte-Victoire 
Georges Seurat, Una domenica pomeriggio all’isola della Grande-Jatte
Paul Signac, Ingresso del porto a Marsiglia
Paul Gauguin, Te Tamari No Atua
Vincent van Gogh, Ritratto del postino Roulin 
Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, La toilette
Henri Rousseau detto il Doganiere, La Guerra 
Odilon Redon, Nascita di Venere
Gustave Moreau, L'apparizione 
Pierre Bonnard, La toilette del mattino
Auguste Rodin, Monumento a Balzac
Medardo Rosso, Impressione di bambino davanti alle cucine economiche
I pittori della cerchia di Mallarmé
Edouard Vuillard, La pappa di Annette.
James MeNeill Whistler, Notturno in blu e oro: il vecchio ponte di Battersea
1. Giovanni Fattori, In vedetta
IL MODERNISMO (Urbanistica e architettura moderniste; Art Nouveau; La pittura del Modernismo; Pont-Aven e Nabis)
1. Antoni Gaudí, Casa Milá a Barcellona
2. Adolf Loos, Casa Steiner a Vienna
3. Antoni Gaudi, Il Parco Güell a Barcellona
L’ARTE COME ESPRESSIONE (Espressionismo; La grafica dell’Espressionismo)
1. Edvard Munch, Pubertà
André Derain, Donna in camicia
Ernst Ludwig Kirchner, Marcella
Henri Matisse, La danza
Emil Nolde, Rose rosse e gialle
Oskar Kokoschka, Chamonix, Monte Bianco
L’EPOCA DEL FUNZIONALISMO (Urbanistica, architettura, disegno industriale; Pittura e scultura; Der blaue Reiter; L’avanguardia russa; La situazione italiana; École de Paris; Dada; Il Surrealismo; La situazione in Inghilterra; La situazione italiana: Metafisica, Novecento, anti-Novecento)
Le Corbusier, Villa Savoye a Poissy
Le Corbusier, Cappella di Nötre-Dame-du-Haute a Ronchamp
Walter Gropius, La Bauhaus a Dessau
Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, Plastico di un grattacielo in verro per Chicago
Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, Seagram Buildings a New York
Tre progetti per il Palazzo dei Soviet. Le Corbusier e Pierre Jeanneret,
Walter Gropius, Bertold Luberkin,
Teo van Docsburg e Hans Arp, Cinema-ristorante L'Aubette a Strasburgo.
Thomas Gerrit Rietveld, Poltrona con elementi in nero, rosso, blu
Pier Mondrian, Composizione in rosso, giallo, blu
Aivar Aalto, Sanatorio a Paimio - Poltrona
Frank Lloyd Wright, Casa Kaufmann a Bear Run 
Pablo Picasso, I saltimbanchi; Les demoiselles d’Avignon; Natura morta spagnola
Georges Braque, Narura morta con l’asso di fiori
Robert Delaunay, Tour Eiffel
Juan Gris, Natura morta con fruttiera e bottiglia d’acqua
Georges Braque, Natura morta con credenza: Café-bar
Marcel Duchamp, Nu descendant un escalier n. 2
Umberto Boccioni, Forme uniche nella continuità dello spazio
Giacomo Balla, Automobile in corsa
Vasili; Kandinsky, Primo acquerello astratto; Punte nell'arco
Paul Klee, Strada principale e strade laterali
Anton Pevsner, Costruzione dinamica
Naum Gabo, Costruzione nello spazio; Il cristallo
Fernand Léger, Composizione con tre figure
Joan Miró, La lezione di sci; Donne e uccello al chiaro di luna
Giuseppe Terragni, Progetto dell'Asilo Sant'Elia a Como
Atanasio Soldati, Composizione
Constantin Brancusi, La Maiastra 
Amedeo Modigliani, Ritratto di Léopold Zborowski 
Georges Rouault, Cristo Deriso
Marc Chagall, A la Russie, aux anes et aux autres
Pablo Picasso, Guernica
René Magritte, La condizione umana Il
Man Ray, Motivo perpetuo 
Henry Moore, Figura sdraiata
Alexander Calder, Mobile
Ben Nicholson, Feb. 28-53 (Vertical Seconds)
Francis Bacon, Studio dal ritratto di Innocenzo X di Velázquez
Diego Rivera, L'esecuzione dell'imperatore Massimiliano
David Alfaro Sigueiros, Morte all'invasore
Giorgio De Chirico, Le Muse inquietanti
Carlo Carrà, L'amante dell'ingegnere 
Alberto Savinio, Nella foresta
Osvaldo Licini, Amalasunta su fondo blu
Giorgio Morandi, Natura morta con fruttiera
7. LA CRISI DELL'ARTE COME "SCIENZA EUROPEA" (Urbanistica e architettura; La ricerca visiva; La pittura negli Stati Uniti)
Ellsworth Kelly, Verde, blu, rosso
Morris Louis, Gamma Delta
László Moholy-Nagy, Composizione Q XX
Julius Bissier, 25 settembre 1963?
Josef Albers, Omaggio al quadrato
Arshile Gorky, Giardino a Sochi 
Jean Fautrier, Nudo
Jean Dubuffet, Orateur
André Masson, Les Chevaliers
Hans Hartung, Composizione 
Jackson Pollock, Sentieri ondulati
Mark Rothko, Rosso e blu su rosso
Albero Burri, Sacco B. 
Antoni Tápies, Bianco e arancione 
Giuseppe Capogrossi, Superficie 114
Lucio Fontana, Concetto spaziale: attesa 
Alberto Giacometti, Figura
Ettore Colla, Officina solare 
Mark Tobey, Circus transfigured
Georges Mathieu, Cast 
Victor Vasarély, Composizione. 
Kenneth Noland, Empireo 
Clyfford Still, 1962-D
Emilio Vedova, Plurimo n. 1; Le mani addosso 
Robert Rauschenberg, Letto
Mimmo Rotella, Marilyn 
Roy Lichtenstein, Il tempio di Apollo
Andy Warhol, Marilyn Monroe
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