#dominion au
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amberstormblade · 7 months ago
Yes it's 3:30am but we can ignore that because I just finished writing a fanfic about a fanfic. Is that weird? Maybe? No clue! Anyways! This is inspired by @fluffy-papaya and @betweenlands 's Black Sheep, Come Home and everyone should go read that because it's amazing and makes me feral!
I might put this on AO3 too but for now it's just here!
i'm so sleepy, g'night folks! happy reading!
(Sorry for tagging you guys, I can undo that if you want)
The world seemed to shake as the dragon’s dying cries echoed through dimensions. A bolt of adrenaline shot through Rex as he realized what was about to happen. They had been inside the starter base as a sort of preparation as they hadn’t known when they would be visible again and didn’t want to risk instantly burning if previous experience was anything to go by. They’re a little nervous, it took a bit to adjust to everyone actually seeing them last time and even if they��ve been able to correct Legundo on where to look, it’s still something to get used to. 
Rex walked towards the center of the room. They took a deep breath and started looking at where their hands should be to try and see if anything had happened yet. Something had changed just, not how they had expected. It was like there was a crack in reality. A small, bright, jagged thing that was just floating there. They went to touch it but it moved with their hand, as if it was attached. Before they could even begin to comprehend what was going on, more cracks began to appear, spider-webbing their way up their arm.
“Okay… this- this is weird, yeah. It’s uh, it’s gonna be okay though. Because once it’s done, I’ll be visible again! So I guess I just… trust the process?” Rex was glad Legundo was in a separate dimension, that way he couldn’t hear their voice shaking. 
The cracks started to get brighter as they reached their neck. They started to burn. Rex’s breathing started to speed up as they felt like they were running a marathon in the desert. They could feel their throat as it seemed to close in on itself, could feel as their knees shook and gave way. They remember what Legs had said, that first time they had died. 
“Inevitable, heh.” The sudden raspiness of their voice catches them off-guard. Coughing does nothing to clear their throat. “Guess the timing was off? Inevitable, all the same.” The cracks have reached their chest now, seeming to gather around where their heart should be and spread out like veins. Rex struggles to stand back up, not really knowing where they would go, not really knowing what to do. They take one step towards the bed, two, they collapse again as the cracks reach their knees. It’s like their legs have been bound and any attempt to move them just causes more pain.
The burning is more intense now, not in the way of lava or fire, but in the way ice burns your hands from holding it too long. The cracks were draining any warmth that their body had held and it was like they were freezing over, at risk of shattering.
With a great deal of effort, they curl into a ball and just hug themself. Rex was glad Legundo was still in the End. Sure, it’d be nice to not be alone but they also don’t want him to see them like this. They wonder for a second if he’ll have a second funeral for them, mourn them a second time, but quickly dismiss the thought. They were lucky to get anything at all the first time, why would he bother to do the same thing twice? Maybe he won’t even realize they’ve died. Knowing how paranoid he is, Rex wouldn’t be surprised if he thought it was all part of some plan to get him. They might of laughed at the thought if it hadn’t been for the feeling that something was trying to crush them to death. The cracks writhing around their form seemed to be connecting, tightening to the point that they could no longer feel their limbs. They could still feel the tears falling down their face at least. Even if they had been able to move, they probably would have let them fall anyway. Not like anyone could see them. Quiet sobs slipped past their lips, as the burning cold sank in and the cracks grew brighter still. A part of them made a selfish wish. If this truly was the end, they didn’t want to be alone.
Maybe the Universe was kind, because a dull thud came from behind them. They would have recognized the sound anywhere. It was someone respawning at their bed or in this case, returning from the End. 
It was Legundo coming home.
“Rex, I’m back! You would not believe how-” His rather cheerful call was quickly cut off and they could feel as he rushed over to them. Quickly kneeling in front of them, Legundo reached out as if to touch them but hesitated at the last second. “Rex? What’s going on?” The worry in his tone was touching, in a way.
Rex tried to speak. Nothing came out at first, just a hoarse, rasping noise. Clearing their throat, they tried again. “...Don’t know. Started… after dragon. Hurts.” Broken sentences are all that can be managed but they get the point across. “Dying maybe… you alone?” They take a deep breath before, “sorry.” There was so much more they wanted to say, but their throat seemed to seal over again, leaving them wheezing for air.
“Hey- hey! It’s gonna be alright! I uh…” He trails off, digging through his things. Legundo pulls out a healing potion, probably one he had gotten from the End, and uncorks it. His hand hovers over Rex again. “I’m gonna touch you now, okay? I can see where your face should be pretty well so I think I can help you drink this. Just, bear with me, okay?” He lays his hand on Rex, flinching back for a second as though he had been shocked. Shaking out his hand, he puts their head on his lap. He cups their jaw oh so gently, as if afraid he might break them. Using his thumb, he traces their lips, carefully parting them. Lifting the bottle, he pours a small amount in their mouth and waits. It’s a struggle, but they swallow it. The sweet taste of watermelon lingers on their tongue as they breathe a little easier. Another mouthful has Rex sucking in their first proper breath since this began.
“...hey, ‘Gundo I- I don’t know how long I have. This didn’t happen last time. I think… I think I might be-”
“Don’t.” He cuts them off. His hand that had slipped from their jaw to their shoulder tightened slightly. “You’re not dying. You said you were going to protect me? You can’t do that if you’re not here. So- So no. You’re not leaving me alone again Rex so you’re going to get better! Okay?” His voice is thick with tears as he pulls them into a deep, bone-crushing hug. Instead of feelling restrictive, however, it felt freeing. It felt like home. A promise between two lonely people that they weren’t going to be alone again, not if they could do anything about it.
Straining to move their arms against the numbness that had overtaken them, Rex returned the hug. The cracks covering their form seemed to reach a crescendo as they flared brighter than the sun. The two just held tighter to each other as Rex cried out in pain. A sort of crackling sound could be heard for a seconds and then, just as suddenly as it all had started, the light and noise stopped.
Rex could still feel Legundo’s arms around them but couldn’t bring themself to open their eyes until, “Oh, you’re colorful.” They were still close enough that the whispered statement seemed to tickle his ear as Legundo leaned back from him slightly.
Painstakingly slowly, Rex opened their eyes. They looked down to see their familiar blue and yellow jacket. They looked up to see Legundo looking directly at them. Their face faintly reflected in his glasses. “Yeah,” They breathed, afraid that speaking too loudly would ruin the moment somehow, make everything suddenly revert. But no. 
There were no disappearing acts that would be happening today. In the next few days they would probably fall back into their familiar routines of secrets and cryptic actions. They would have tense moments and heated exchanges. But, they would also remember this moment. They would share a look followed by a fond smile. They would both find excuses to exist closer to each other, soaking in the contact that they craved but didn’t dare ask for. They would allow themselves a second of vulnerability, because that’s what helped them sleep at night. Someone always by their side to keep the nightmares at bay.
Moments like these aren’t easily forgotten. They both rest easy that night, knowing no matter what, they’ll always remember what it feels like when someone cares.
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ultravioart · 2 years ago
Dominion Au rambles and ideas:
Seeing that all 4 were going to be on the Orbital powered pirate ship, it occured to me Dominator's funny anticlimactic one shot actually DID destroy Hater's souped up Skullship, LMAO. So even if not completely destroyed, the skullship would need to be repaired/rebuilt.
But for Dominion Au, I imagine maybe they all did group up together on that orbital starship for a bit, but Peepers and the watchdogs got busy repairing the skullship in the meantime. Wander's ship is absolutely the yellow submarine at this point lol.
I imagine Peepers and the watchdogs do eventually repair the skullship, but Hater is hesitant to leave after making friends with everyone on the (friend)ship. Peepers gets jealous and pushy, and demands Hater get back on the flarping skullship, watchdogs all carry a "awww :( party's over" vibe and retreat to the scullship. (Probably atleast one overdramatic departing scene between a watchdog and fistfighter... remember me darling!!!) Wander is sad because he really thought he got to Hater this time, and Sylvia is bitter because she actually thought Peepers was opening up too--but nope. The optic nerd's right back on that bad guy bullflarp.
This set up would make way for the main Au conflict of Hater choosing the good side of Wander & co instead of Peepers (and watchdogs) and evil. Hater probably goes from going full evil conqueror MOJO bc he's mad about the "forced to leave the cool skeleton ctew" situation, but too emotionally immature to deal with it so he blasts his frustrations with his planetary terror antics, but eventually... whenever Peepers isn't around Hater sneaks off to hang out with Sylvia and Wander lmao. Hater tries to get along with the other starship crew that used to be friendly with him when he was being a good guy, but they reject him because what the heck man, you blew up my planet's moon. For the second time. YESTERDAY.
Peepers realizes he is loosing Hater to the good side, and also realizes Dominator MUST be out there somewhere, rebuilding, and oh no if Hater isn't focusing on building back the evil Hater empire they'll have nothing to fight of Dominator with... so Peepers eventually does the drastic plan of "taking holiday" for once in his overworked career, and decides to try and join Dominator for the moment... because if Wander can take down the greatest skeleton man in the galaxy with friendship, maybe with a bit more tact Peepers can swerve Dominator away from completely obliterating the galaxy with... evil friendship. Or something like that? Even if that fails, Peepers will be able to save Lord Hater when the time comes since Peepers would be in on all of Dominator's plans. Because really? Peepers would face certain doom everyday if it meant his sir was safe.
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illjustpretend · 2 years ago
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ace1diots · 7 months ago
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"You've always been the new you. You want this to be true."
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themalhambird · 2 months ago
I put Next Generation on for background noise while crafting, got distracted by just. Straight up watching it, and that means it's time for my longstanding tradition of [insert current media fixation here] Star Trek AU: Rings of Power edition.
Gil-galad is Captain of the U.S.S Lindon. He is not paid enough. Yes, the Federation doesn't use money, he's still not paid enough. His First Officer (on this diplomatic and scientific vessel) likes to stun first ask questions later, and his chief engineer does things like strip all the engines down and rearrange everything inside them instead of sleeping because "the ship was complaining the wires were itchy."
Celebrimbor is the chief engineer in question, from a small planet and a people with an affinity for crafting and machinery beyond most humanoids, but Celebrimbor takes it to a whole other level. He and the Lindon talk to each other. He made a little mechanical mouse to keep the plasma conduits company, got thrown in the brig for refusing to dismantle it when an Admiral doing an inspection orders him to, and got released from the brig 72 hours later when taking the mouse away from plasma conduits ended up triggering a series of engineering catastrophes.
Galadriel is first officer. She and Gil-galad disagree often, but are still a strong team. Elrond is communications officer, though he's trying to pick up as much medical knowledge and experience as possible because he's 1) genuinely interested but 2) Celebrimbor and Galadriel both have a tendency to Get Into Situations and knowing one end of the med scanner from the other comes in handy.
Adar is... okay picture this. There's an old abandoned mining colony on an astroid littered with scrap, and the Lindon needs spare parts after taking heavy damage in a storm or something, so Galadriel and Celebrimbor beam down...and are immediately taken captive by a group of the mineworkers- humanoidish beings calling themselves Uruks- abandoned when the capitalist shitbags had finished stripping the place bare. Adar refused to leave and has been struggling to keep the small group surviving, aims to have them thriving, but the whole place is powder keg. Anyway, respective reactions to being captured:
Galadriel: I am going to fight my way out of this with my bare hands and my teeth if I have to >:-/ Celebrimbor: All this broken machinery is easily fixible, i just need a few days- in exchange for being able to return to our ship with the parts we need? :D
Anyway while Celebrimbor is being helpful and Galadriel is being mad about it, the Uruks move against Adar because stuff has been shit for so long, and stuff explodes, and Adar ends up helping Galadriel and Celebrimbor make a run for it, at which point Celebrimbor is like. "Look, come back with us to the Lindon. There's nothing here for you, we can drop you off somewhere-" and that is how Adar ends up stalking around the Lindon or skulking in the engine room like a grumpy cat. He ends up sidling into an unofficial ship's security role thanks to a series of Episode-of-the-week type shenanigans.
Sauron is a reoccurring problem. He first boards the Lindon as Halbrand, an ambassador needing conveying around several star systems. Charming, model passenger, gets on very well with Galadriel in particular. The series of incidents and arguments that break out while he's on board are nothing to do with him. Elrond thinks something's *off*, but can't articulate why. Anyway, Halbrand leaves them. And then it comes through that Star Fleet never had any record of him...
A year or so later a new engineer is assigned to the Lindon- Annatar. By the time he's exposed, Celebrimbor's nearly blown up the whole ship up and a whole raft of Star Fleet engineering secrets have been stolen...
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autisticlalna · 3 months ago
13! My favorite number!
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same song, so combined the prompts into Yellow In Limbo AU!
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stressed-sock · 5 months ago
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the dead come talking by roe kapara
art for @betweenlands' crafting dead au and @moxijunk's tak au respectively!!
part 3/6 of my art for the @mcyt-jukebox-bonanza!
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ghostless version here :D
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catgrub · 2 years ago
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every interest of mine must inevitably get the trek au treatment
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skyrim-forever · 2 months ago
WIP Wednesday
Hello everyone and welcome to another wip wednesday ❤️ I was tagged by @thequeenofthewinter and I am tagging:
@bougainvillea-and-saltwater @dirty-bosmer @captain-of-silvenar @lucien-lachance @pocket-vvardvark @theoneandonlysemla
@firefly-factory @ladytanithia @sulphuricgrin @changelingsandothernonsense @umbracirrus @moriche
@hircines-hunter @scholarlyhermit
So I have been encouraged by some lovely friends (you know who you are ❤️) to explore a Modern AU Theomar as spies. Have no idea if this will end up on ao3 as life is in a strange place right now but I've been playing around with how to incorporate events of Skyrim into a modern context. But this snippet is mostly them flirting at the bar 😛 Under the cut because suggestive a button up shirt with the sleeves rolled up whore ass behaviour
“Can I get a between the sheets, with Colovian brandy if you have it?” 
“I’m afraid we’ve only got Cyrodiliic brandy and Geef.” They have Geef but not Colovian? Puzzled as to how the brandy from Morrowind is more common here, she orders the closest of the two.
“I’ll take the Cyrodilic.” As her suspicions were correct, the bar is almost empty save for a figure on the other end, it takes no time for her drink to appear. “Thank you.” 
The citrus of the orange liquor is delicious and burn from the brandy is familiar, thoughts of having five or six more tempt her; nursing a hangover at work was not the worst. That too was familiar, once she had even given a briefing to the Director after an attempt to empty the city’s sujamma supply. Wretched headache but she was good at her job. If not for the fact there was a meeting scheduled for first thing in the morning tomorrow, a meeting to establish the collaboration with those Altmeri Dominion diplomats, Theodora would have thrown her uncharacteristic caution to the wind. But tomorrow required everyone to be at their most professional to be thrown into the den of vipers, as her colleague Dram put it. Dramatic as always. Yet, she harboured a few concerns of her own. An odd way to describe them as even she knew they were not here in the spirit of diplomacy, that was evident based on her prior interactions with the Thalmor in Cyrodiil. Sarce they were, but it was obvious they had a need to put their golden hands over everything. The war hadn’t stopped, it just became hidden. 
As she finishes the drink, the last of the liquid is not yet swallowed when another is brought to her. 
“From the elf over there.” Too focused on drinking and thoughts of work, the agent forgot such a basic skill in her line of work: observation. Bringing the figure from her periphery to the centre of her vision, her concerns about the Altmer she’ll meet tomorrow are exchanged with intrigue at the one looking at her. Looking at his strong jawline and thinking about how satisfying it would be to grip his black tie, it doesn’t matter that he has a buzzcut. Different in very many ways he was. Offering him a smile and downing the drink, she approaches the stool beside him, sitting as she starts the conversation. 
“What are you drinking?” It’s almost unfortunate how handsome he is, now close enough to see the details on his face. Only somewhat knowledgeable on guessing a mer’s age, she can tell his over one hundred but beyond that she’s uncertain. Not that it matters. The slight chuckle he does is attractive, as is his voice. 
“Supposedly a Fine Elven Wine.” Very fitting she thinks. “Yet it is neither fine nor a wine, certainly not Elven.” Taking the glass from his hands, swirling it for a moment before she sips. Gagging at the taste. The mer laughs harder now. 
“Gods, that is disgusting. Here, let me get you something better.” Once again flagging down the bartender, she orders him a Collequiva, a fancy imperial wine. Watching as he has a taste, it seems it is satisfactory. 
“Hmm, better than I expected. Thank you…” Ah names, might be good to do that now.
“Theodora” she says. 
Introductions out of the way, names all that needed to be exchanged; personal details kept under wraps due both to the secrecy of her work and her desire for privacy. Any other information he would need could be figured out after. In the event she found herself in his lap she could let him know what treatment she expects; deciding to start leading them there, she asks him a question. 
“Do you often buy human women drinks from across the bar?” His people in particular frowned upon such relations, would be good to gauge where his thoughts on the matter lied. 
“Would you believe I do not?”
“I would actually.” Why did he then… 
“You look too exquisite to sit alone at the bar, I have a feeling that this was not part of your original evening plans.” A bit taken aback but such a compliment as she was used to very different words from men, but the rest of his response is curious. It was a leap in logic to assume that off of what she is wearing alone, but it was correct. How did he know that?
“And what would you know of my plans? Maybe I wanted to get dressed up just to sit at the Winking Skeevar?” He dryly chuckles, drinking more of her recommendation. 
“Well then. I would say there are better bars to do that at. This one leaves much to be desired.” 
“Then why are you here?” She says. 
“My residence is nearby, it is convenient.” A reasonable enough answer, she had done many things because it was convenient at the time, many men fell into this category. Not the best but around. Good enough for the job that was pleasing her. Perhaps her eyes should not have lingered on his forearms, the neatly rolled fabric that was tight around the middle of them. Not lingering now, they trail up and over his torso as she imagines ripping the white button up off, let the buttons scatter and litter the floor. 
Returning to his initial comment on her appearance, she questions the word he used. 
“So I look exquisite?” A straightforward start, she’s curious where he’ll go with it. 
“You do, that is a lovely dress.” A straightforward answer, safe. It’s too safe so she amps things up a bit with a little test to figure out what kind of guy he is. 
“Hmm, well I’ve been told before by men that it does not leave much to the imagination.” 
“Then they do not have a very good imagination, now do they?” Another sip, more than a sip, a full mouthful and then he continues. “A simple man imagines merely the body, they neglect to think all which you can do with it.” Her widened eyes have him mistaken that he overstepped in his words, something which could not be further from the truth as she is imagining all the things she’d like to do with him. “I may have already had too much to drink.” 
“Oh I wouldn’t say that, Ondolemar.” Her hand reaches for his tie, tracing her hands along the complex knot securing it and enjoying the fact that although he is smirking, how he tenses does not go unnoticed. “I like a man who is forward.” 
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betweenlands · 6 months ago
hey guys. if the Ghost's Vault wins this poll then we'll give y'all an exclusive teaser/miniupdate for the upcoming parts of bsch.
so. y'know. vote now on your phones. ;>
EDIT: WE WON!!!! here's your prize!
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amberstormblade · 1 year ago
Girl Help I became possessed and wrote over 1000 words for the Viking-Piglin AU I came up with the other day. I don't know how this happened and I'm slightly scared that it will happen again. Enjoy
Part Two
It all started off so simply. Joy was trying to make a potion that would allow her to speak with piglins. She was always needing Nether materials and it would be nice to have the ability to trade again since the villagers still hadn’t forgiven her for the incident that had taken place oh so long ago. It was hopefully in its final stages, she just needed some help testing it. That’s where Legundo, the server’s resident piglin hybrid, came in. She would drink the potion, ask him to say some things in his native tongue and see if it was properly translated. Then, she would say some things and he would let her know what language he heard them in. They both decided it would be best to test this at Joy’s house to keep any mishaps contained since her more customized potions could be a bit wild. It wasn’t until they were walking up the path that Legundo noticed something strange.
“Hey hey hey! Wait a second, did you see that?” Legundo asked as they approached. “Seems you have a bit of a haunted house!” There’s a laugh in his voice as they both stop and peek through the window at what was clearly Viking, rummaging through Joy’s rather unorganized potion collection. 
“Oh! Maybe he needs more fire resistance? The poor guy keeps running out. Maybe he’d be interested in testing my newest potion out with us! I’ll go ask and-”
“Wait!” Legundo stopped walking and put a hand on Joy’s shoulder. He gave her a mischievous grin. “Viking’s always scaring people by just showing up out of nowhere, right? I say we give him a taste of his own medicine! He’s got his back to us right now so as long as we stay quiet and take it slow… Oh yeah, this is gonna be great!”
The two nod at each other and carefully make their way to the door. Legundo took the lead as they snuck through into the sitting room area that had been taken over by Joy’s latest project. Surprisingly, Viking still hadn’t noticed them, too focused on all of the potions that had been haphazardly pushed to the side. Legundo took a deep breath as Joy did her best to stifle her giggling. 
Just as it looked like Viking was going to turn around, Legundo screamed, “BELL NOISES!” causing Viking to jump and let out a high pitched screech, almost seeming to phase out of the physical world for a second.
Legundo and Joy shared a laugh at Viking’s shriek. They were quick to stop when they heard the shattering of glass. The shimmering red cloud that had escaped the potion bottle was instantly drawn towards the phantom, mingling with his semi corporeal form. 
“Guys,” there’s a tremble in Viking’s voice, ”I don’t- Something doesn’t feel riGH- AH!” He’s suddenly clutching his chest as the potion properly takes hold. He grits his teeth, trying to keep from screaming as it suddenly feels like he’s burning from the inside out. His knees give out as tears begin streaming down his face, the only thing keeping him from bashing his head on the floor are the sudden arms around him. He’s not quite sure who caught him, but he doesn’t have it in him to care as he curls into them and screams. The noise tears its way out of his throat as he feels as his spine almost seems to twist. He vaguely thinks he hears someone mention milk and someone else say it’s too dangerous and the thought would almost be funny if his mouth hadn’t just been filled with blood as something forces its way out of his gums. There’s a weird sensation in his chest, like someone has pushed two observers together and set off a piston with them. If he wasn’t in a constant state of almost dead, he’d think it was a heartbeat and that it was dangerously high. His screams reach an impossible volume and the arms around him just hold tighter, seeming to not care how the hand that isn’t glued to his chest is practically clawing into theirs. Through the pain and confusion he thinks he can feel leather, a belt of sorts, thinks he can fit a face to the arms but then the agony crescendos and all he can think is that he’s dying again and he’d never get the answers he was looking for. He thinks someone tells him to breathe. He wants to laugh, say that he’s not needed to do that in a long time, has only been doing it lately to keep the others from freaking out more. His lungs are burning. That can’t be right though because he doesn’t have any, shouldn’t have any. In a haze he sees what he thinks is his hand but it’s not right, it’s a pale but no longer transparent with thicker, almost claw-like nails on the end and that’s not right. He’s not alive, not really so why isn’t he transparent anymore? The burning has stopped but he still feels warmer than he has since he died. That weird pounding is still going on in his chest as well. He sucks in a breath, and then another. Noise starts filtering back to him and he realizes he’d stopped screaming at some point. The chest he’s leaned against rumbles as the person speaks.
“That’s it, just like that. Keep breathing, you’re doing great.” A calm and gentle mantra, the tone almost unfamiliar when coming from Legundo. This close to him and the man almost seems to purr. They’ve started gently swaying, rocking side to side as the tears finally slow. “Hey bud, you seem to be coming back, that’s great.” His voice stays at an almost whisper and he starts rubbing circles on Viking’s back.
On first attempt to speak, all that comes out is a hoarse croak, leaving him coughing until Joy comes over with both a bottle of water and a clearly labeled healing potion. Viking alternates sips of each until he feels like trying again. “G-guys? What just happened-” a cough escapes his throat, making him wince. “What happened to me?” There’s still the weird movement in his chest but it’s slowed, he’s starting to think that it actually is a heartbeat but still doesn’t know why.
“That potion you dropped,” Joy starts, looking nervously around the room, “That was a highly experimental project I was working on. I was calling it a Nether Potion for now. It turns things into their Nether counterpart.” She nods at some crimson roots sitting in the corner. “Those used to be beetroots. It’s been two weeks since I dropped some of that potion on them and there’s been no sign of changing back. I never even thought about what it might do to a person but,” She pauses for a second, looking between him and Legundo, “It seems you two now have some things in common?” She cringes a bit at her attempt to make light of the situation.
“Wha-” before he could finish asking, Legundo cut him off.
“What she’s trying to say is that, you’re a piglin hybrid now. You’re alive again, Viking.”
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ultravioart · 2 years ago
I also often forget how strong Peepers' "I am. smol." vibes are, like yes he's a short little nerd but his voice acting really pulls off a very unassuming tiny lil fella that couldn't hurt a fly.... (brb sobbing LMAO) The cartoony cuteness and humor from it is so good lmao. "I've got Wander~" and all his brave but wimpy attitude of s1 is peak, and I honestly miss that more so "unassumingly cute" behavior that made way for dramatic outburst behavior (screaming while ripping off his shirt to fight, crying and running away with the best buddies necklace, etc). Absolutely I will be shoving this unassuming cuteness factor into the Dominion au and Dominator's cuteness aggression is refined and LETHAL so skskksksskks it's just that meme with a cat's eyes getting big and an "eep!"
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silverthelovebug · 8 months ago
Yasammy Week ~ Day 7: Free Day/Hybrids
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“I wonder what they did with our legs and all that?”
“Ew, Sammy, I don’t even want to think about it.”
“What about the heads of the dinos we’re stuck onto?”
“C’mon, you love theme park tragedies !!!”
Shameless Hybrid AU plug, I know, but like it’s my favorite thing in the world to draw/hj. Don’t even ask me how they’re gonna get back to the mainland, because I don’t know either ,,
AAAAHH !! Yasammy week flew by so fast !!! It was so fun seeing everybody’s submissions, fics, and art :3 Happy to have participated this year !!!
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thegorydamnreaper · 11 months ago
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The Storm Knights - Diomedes au Raa and Ajax au Grimmus
This confrontation between the cousins has been on my list of things to draw since I first read Dark Age and I absolutely adore how it turned out! Hope you guys like them ♥️
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candysworld5 · 5 months ago
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// dark is the road where devils play //
Aaaaaaaa Yellow! Goodness I already have so many thoughts about him! How long are you going to last in this land :)
(thoughts especially towards my Wof Au but that’s nothing)
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zzcrypticcoyotezz · 12 days ago
dodgson x wu toxic old man yaoi.... does anyone else see my vision
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