watchcloselynow · 2 years
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garadinervi · 1 year
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Thomas Hirschhorn, Simone Weil-Map, (studio view), 2020 [Gladstone Gallery, New York, NY. © Thomas Hirschhorn. Photo: © Marc Domage]
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uniquedeercat · 2 years
Quelle réparation pour le préjudice moral du fait d’une violation du droit de la protection des données ?
Toute personne dont les données personnelles font l’objet d’un traitement et qui estime que celui-ci constitue une violation de la réglementation issue du RGPD peut : — introduire une réclamation auprès de la Cnil (RGPD, art. 77) ; — intenter un recours juridictionnel contre le responsable du traitement : cette action est en principe engagée devant les juridictions de l’État membre où le…
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Domage que la fiscalité n'est pas expliquée en classe
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fr3011 · 5 days
Normes de beauté et innocence de l'enfance
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En tant que personne qui travaille dans une garderie universitaire, je remarque souvent les jeunes filles, âgées de 5 à 8 ans, qui pensent qu'elles doivent porter du maquillage pour être jolies. Cela me fait de la peine de les voir pleines de doutes sur elles-mêmes, souvent influencées par des images de camarades de leur âge comme la fille de Kim Kardashian qui semblent représenter facilement les normes de beauté dans des endroits comme Sephora ou sur les réseaux sociaux . Ce phénomène social montre les pressions que nous subissons et me rappelle les thèmes abordés dans le livre "Truisme" de Marie Darrieussecq. Dans le roman, la protagoniste subit une transformation qui remet en question les idées habituelles de beauté et d'identité. Tout comme ces petites filles, elle ressent le poids des attentes de la société et le désir de se conformer.
La roman examine les normes de beauté at leur impact sur la vie des femmes. L'obsession de la protagonist pour obtenir la beauté et ses efforts pour satisfaire les attentes socials reflèctent les pressions socials et les contraintes imposées aux petite filles. Ces attentes sociétales envers les jeune femmes illustrent les dynamiques de pouvoir en jeu. Cela suggére que les femmes sont contraintes de mantenir une apparence parfait en permanance, et si elles échouent, elles risquent de ne pas étre considérées comme désirables ou dans le cas des petite filles, pas popular. C'est domage!
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exilenpagaille · 3 months
Ahhh domage :(
C’est pas grave je vais trouver ! J’ai peut-être même une touche la🙃
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coeurdecou · 6 months
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La dispute
Tasse (dont l'écusson de marque au-dessous est illisible) cassée et dont les fragments ont été recollés au plus près de l'objet d'origine
Faïence et colle
5 x 11 x 8,5 cm diamètre: 10 cm
Crédit photographique : Marc Domage
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mybeingthere · 2 years
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Dora Maar, The Conversation, 1937. Photo by Marc Domage. © ADAGP, Paris and DACS, London 2019. Courtesy of the Tate Modern.
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besidesitstoowarm · 6 months
Davies era recap?
sorry i've been procrastinating on this one so bad. i spent three weeks in costa rica thinking about jurassic park. tbh i don't know what to say about the specials or the era overall that i haven't said already
nine feels so beautiful post-time war, traumatized and snappish but also light and warm and kind. he was once a father and grandfather and now he is neither but he is still a doctor!! s1 feels so much richer after having seen "day of the doctor" tbh i know how we got here! it was hard, agonizing, impossible choices. yet he's still here, and he chooses love every time. a coward. he would rather doom the entire universe as long as it kills him too; he cannot survive another genocide. he can't see it happen again. if he can't prevent it, he just wants to not see it. i love nine so much
and then ten. ten is more built from nine than ANY other regeneration i can think of. ten is rose, he's bad wolf, he's nine. he's the echo of donna, of tentoo. ten is someone struggling to find his place between "where he's already been, as remembered by rose" and "where he is destined to go, via donna" like he is so dragged along by fate. mf is a full on greek tragedy, he does NOT know what is going on
that's what makes the specials such a wreck (good/bad). when he was with rose, they were a painful but understandable match. with martha, kinda middle ground. with donna, it was fate. after them? after tentoo, after the most important woman in all creation? he's adrift. he clings to randos, he tries to be the hero so hard. and he fails. he trips and cries and sobs like a huge loser, over and over again. i do love him (and tennant is fully failed by 2/4 specials) but he's unraveling! little baby duck imprinted on their mommy who is gone. what's left, after that? martyr/savior complex and dubiously gay shit, i guess
tennant is a marvel, i have to say this. eccleston too, in different ways. davies has such a wonderfully human touch with these characters, iirc moffat draws a lot from fairy tales while davies pulled a lot from modern social commentary. jack is... something, but it was a different time. ten/master is sooooooo much. this era ended more than a decade ago
all in all, davies era is beautiful, it's decadent. it's complete nonsense bullshit a good chunk of time, but i don't think that's a negative; doctor who is like star wars to me, where i truly genuinely believe it's at its best when it's kind of bad. i mean, late 60s is MY era of who. base under siege nonsense galore. farting aliens. doctor who should be bad, in order to be good. i mean this, genuinely. attack of the clones is great. you get it
i feel more comfortable leaning into this ending knowing what comes later; knowing that davies comes back, knowing that ten becomes fourteen eventually and cleans up his shit, knowing that donna gets a better, more complete ending. it's honestly hard to say what i would think about this era without knowing about the 60th; i do think "journey's end" is a nonsense bullshit episode that is nonetheless very fun to watch, however cruel an ending it is for donna. very grateful we got a redux. moffat is writing for this new davies era too i'm so excited i want to throw up
anyway! excited to re-enter the moffat era but davies had so much sway over the new tone of the show, so much feels so dated but there's no denying the impact his episodes had at the time. there were cat people. it was thematically consistent. god i love it all so much. quel domage!
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cendres-et-volcans · 6 months
Mais jamais je ne me suis tenu en haut de cet olympe, jamais je n'ai été ce rayonnement ni ce renouveau.
C'est toi qui m'a placé la haut, porté par des sentiments que tu ne voulais pas nommer tu m'a porte a bout de bras vers des sommets que je savais déjà ne pas mériter.
Je ne t'ai pas menti, pas plus que je n'ai dissimulé ma vraie nature. Bien sûr je me suis présenté à toi sous mon meilleur angle, la version la plus flatteuse de ma personne. Il aurait fallu être fou pour agir autrement. Il aurait été insensé de ce priver du plaisir et du privilège d'être regardé par toi et d'être admiré de toi.
Tu as rendu cette facette encore plus brillante, plus affûtée et j'ai aimé briller dans ton regard, tenir ta main et marcher a tes côtés. J'ai vécu une vie allongé sur ton corps nu, nos cœurs emballés pour des raisons diverses, comme nos désirs.
Je ne sais même plus combien de temps je me suis tenu, équilibriste fragile, sur cette illusion d'image que nous entretenions.
Mais aujourd'hui, la chute ne me blesse aucunement, c'est toi qui souffre, je ne suis pas tombé, je n'étais nulle part. C'est ton paradigme qui perd son point culminant et ton modèle qui gagne en amertume et en déception.
Je m'excuse a moitié de ta souffrance, je prend ma part de cette injustice dans les domages qui nous opposent aujourd'hui, je reprend mon bâton de pélerin pour gravir a nouveau des chemins qui me mèneront près de cet Eden que tu avais construit pour nous en espérant m'arrêter au gré d'un sentier, bien avant l'arrivée, mais avec toi.
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aaronburrdaily · 1 year
August 2, 1809
Couche at 1, but insomnia; got up; read, smoked, &c, all to no purpose. At 5 lay down and rose at 7. It was necessary to be up at 7 to give to ———, the Russian messenger, a letter for Count Romanyoff. At 8 to Ludert’s who introduced me to the Russian messenger; a Swedish officer always present. Thence to Breda to take a look; you had a bluish cast this morning which I didn’t like. Engaged young Breda to go with me this P.M. to the Academy to see the exhibition of paintings. Bought a map of the government or district at Stockholm; 1 rix dollar banco. Home, expecting Hosack, who ought to write by this Russian messenger a letter on which his very existence depends; have been urging him a fortnight; it could be done in fifteen minutes, but will not be done. Met Lagman Poppius yesterday, who promised to get me Cautzler and Coxe, which he will not do. Jacobi engages me to dine with him to-day. At 1 came in the Russian messenger with his escort; sat 1/2 hour. Bien hon.¹ At 1/2 p. 2 to Jacobi's to dine. At 5 to Baron Engerstöm’s; promises to send the letter this evening. Dub.² Bien hon. To General d’Helvig’s, who had promised to send me a small rifle for our amusement on the water, which he has forgotten; out. Met at the door a gentleman whom I had so often met at d’Helvig’s but whose name I had never heard. It proves to be the very Baron d’Albedÿhll whom I have been seeking without knowing that I had found him. Mentioned to him my tour to Gripsholm. He begged me to take charge of a letter to his wife, who is, as he sais,³ directly on the route. While at Jacobi’s finished my letter to Romanyoff and gave it to Ludert. It is a great plague to me to write in French. Gransbom has been to the yatch. She will go at 4 A.M. to-morrow, pos.⁴ At 7 to d’Helvig’s again; out. Nine o’clock, and the letters of d’Engerström not come! Cannot go without. Mr. G. has just gone for them. Heigh ho! nobody punctual. The Russian messenger gone without Hosack’s letter. Baron d’Albedÿhll⁵ sent servant with his letter and minute directions how to find the house. This is doing things right. Have mislaid Gahn’s letter to his sister; domage!⁶ There are three beautiful daughters, all speaking French. To-morrow shall write you stylographically on the water. Bon soir. Curse those swamps and the latitude of 35.⁷ Now you feel it. Alas, where are those roses which cost an empire to restore! Past 10 o’clock. Messenger from Baron d’Engerström with four letters for Gripsholm and Upsala! Bon soir.
1  For Bien honnête. Very civil, polite. 2  For Latin dubito. I doubt it. 3  So in the MS.192 4  Positively. 5  Baron d’Albedhÿll had great admiration for Burr. In a letter dated September 24, 1809, he asked him for some particulars of his life and said: “En attendant je vous prierai de me tendre plus que tout cela, c’est la faveur de voire amitié, et de voire souvenir! et je vous offre en retour l’hommage de la considération et de l’attachement les plus sincères; qui vont vous suivre en tout sens, jusque dans l’autre monde. (Meanwhile I shall beg you to grant me more than all that, namely, the favor of your friendship and remembrance. I offer you in return the homage of the most sincere esteem and attachment; which will accompany you whithersoever you go, even into the other world.) 6  For c’est dommage. It's a pity! 7  Burr refers to the malarial conditions where Theodosia resides. He is alarmed for her health.
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wojenka · 2 years
OMG STEVIE! whats ur favourite virus…. i always thought iloveyou was soo cute…
- 🗡️ anon
iloveyou was SOOO GOOD! It was cute, made a lot of financial domage and most importantly IT WORKED!! It literally made me realise how stupid people can be. There are looots of malwares I actually like it's hard to choose one fav... I can choose few I like the most tho! VIRUS.DOS.LSD.1600, Q-CASINO, VANITAS!! ALSO YOUAREANIDIOT ALSO AGHH!!! SHUT UPPPP STEVIE!!
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garadinervi · 1 year
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Thomas Hirschhorn, Plan-Moi, 2003 [Private Collection, Athens. © Thomas Hirschhorn. Photo: © Marc Domage]
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radical-emo · 2 months
I hope you see my words in a good health you and beloved ones .
i am Moataz from Gaza, married and have 3 children. We live under war and destruction. I lost my home and now we live in tents where the situation is very difficult. My children cannot bear the intense heat in addition to the spread of diseases and insects. I want to save the lives of my family and escape death. I hope you will help by donating and sharing my page.
donate and share widely 🆘🆘 1100 SEK = 100 dollars each (55 sek =5$) will make a difference🙏🍉
Vetted by 90-ghost
If you got money its cool to domage
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agendaculturaldelima · 3 months
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📽Cine Club AF. Cine y Memoria, presenta:
🔎 Género: Comedia / Bélico / Parodia / II Guerra Mundial
⌛️ Duración: 119 minutos
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✍️ Guión: Gérard Oury, Danièle Thompson, Marcel Jullian, Georges Tabet y André Tabet
🎵Música: Georges Auric
📷 Fotografía: André Domage y Claude Renoir
🗯 Argumento: En plena Segunda Guerra Mundial (1939-1945), durante la ocupación de Francia por los alemanes. Terry-Thomas es un piloto inglés que se encuentra perdido en la Francia ocupada, mientras que Bourvil y Louis de Funès son dos parisinos que, casi involuntariamente, ayudan a la resistencia contra los nazis. Un film que en Francia obtuvo un enorme éxito de taquilla.
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👥 Reparto: Louis de Funès (Stanislas Lefort), Bourvil (Augustin Bouvet), Terry-Thomas (Sir Reginald), Andréa Parisy (Sister Marie-Odile), Claudio Brook (Peter Cunningham), Reinhard Kolldehoff (Un caporal allemande), Marie Dubois (Juliette), Rémy Julienne (Citrouille), Benno Sterzenbach (Major Achbach), Mary Marquet (Mère Supérieure) y Paul Préboist (Le Pêcheur Ster).
📢 Dirección: Gérard Oury
© Productora: Les Films Corona
🌏 País: Francia
📅 Año: 1966
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📌 Proyección:
📆 Viernes 28 de Junio
🕖 7:00pm.
🎦 Sala Lumiere de la Alianza Francesa (av. Arequipa 4595 - Miraflores)
🎫 Entrada: S/.5
🖱 Reservas: https://www.joinnus.com/organizer/cinealianzafrancesa
👀 A tener en cuenta: Película recomendada para mayores de catorce años (14+)
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dome-informatif · 6 months
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Chambre à brouillard — catalogue de l'exposition 160 p, 165 x 240 mm Co-édition : Olivier Dadoun, Mériam Korichi Photographies : Marc Domage Impression : CNRS, IFSEM - secteur de l'imprimé avec le soutien de Sorbonne Université, de l'IN2P3 et de l'institut de physique du CNRS
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