#dom marazhai
nylloth · 10 days
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Rogue Trader on a business trip
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nozhknife · 6 months
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proffbon · 8 months
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Based on these 'pillow talk' quotes this is the best visual representation of Marn and Marazhai's sex life I can come up with:
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deputyrook · 7 months
i needed to get that chapter done so I can write some one-off extremely bizarre fetishy rogue trader content. a03 is deeply lacking.
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schwarzesgift411 · 8 months
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I've reached the True Love ending of Marazhai (which needs the help of toybox) and I enjoyed it VERY MUCH.
I'm really glad that Marazhai cannot be fixed. But what attract me most is that I found it could be a really intriguing experience to play my RT——an emotionally stable lunatic, a freewheeling monster and an unpredictable predator. For the way, well, the Drukhari way Marazhai expresses his feeling of intimacy is quite normal, which might means in the Drukhari standard he is a good boi...though my RT, choosing to stand with him, is quite abnormal not only from a human and Imperium point of view but even in the cruel world of WH40K. The word "evil." doesn't even reach the edge of her.
Every single second they spend on each other was a worse synchronization. Unexpectedly, despite the apparent dominance and submission and the blood river they caused, the two abominations actually treated the relationship in a very sincere way, and finally reached a two-way domestication, that gives the whole romance a very unconventional and amazing experience which makes me almost to stand up in front of my computer and bravo his author and VA.
After all these talks, the personal quest of Marazhai in Chapter 4 still can not be finished with a mess in his dom and sub data. When will you fix your bugs pls Owlcat?
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nilusart · 3 months
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I'm trying to practice drawing couples and uhm... it turned into Marazhai? Maybe a little OOC (needs more blood!) but eh, let's say roguetrader is bullying him into PDA
I'm romancing him as a Dom!Roguetrader and it has been AN EXPERIENCE so far. I swear this guy gets worse by the second.
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rpgchoices · 8 months
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Just a few. Is this what your blog is about then. It didn’t seem so to me. Yes, it is repulsive and triggering.
Usually these sentences are used jokingly. Some of these users might dislike Astarion, some others might not and would still use the same words. Saying "kill him" in a battle or poll usually does not mean "I want to see this character being murdered".
I am also of the idea that as long as it is fiction, it is okay. No real person or user has been harmed here. Saying "I want to see this character dead" does not hurt anyone. The characters are not real.
I am a BIG Astarion fan. Like. BIG. I am obsessed. I have a plushie of him, I write meta 24/7 on my personal tumblr, and fanfics about him too, but I understand if there is some animosity towards him - and yet, I have seen no hate directed towards the people who voted for him. There is no "if you vote astarion then you are *insert here insult*". When you play videogames with romances, you always end up having a least favorite and a favorite, it is normal.
Regarding what my blog is about
my blog is about queer romances in general and domming Marazhai in particular.
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lucrezianoin · 8 months
Sub!Marazhai's impossible romance
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"Are you pleased with me?"
Love THIS.
Even if the first sex scene is clearly dom!Marazhai, but I think it is a known bug.
God, romancing this guy as a dom is impossible without mods (toybox in particular).
I think there are at least three points Dom/Sub you can get in act 3 (or between act 3 and the start of act 4), because when I started the romance I had three points. The problem is that the flag seems to be opposite.
From what I remember (I cannot confirm this is 100% flagged for a sub!Marazhai, as at the time I was not using toybox to check the consequences of answers):
Grabbing his wrist:
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The agoniser (use it on yourself instead of letting him use it on you)
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I cannot remember a possible third point, but it must be somewhere before the triggering of the "first warp".
Then, when Marazhai goes mad with terror/bloodlust you can start the romance (the agoniser tho is fundamental too, so don't skip it). You can decide how to deal with Marazhai's needs every time the ship jumps through warps. @pjenn literally saved me because when I checked the dialogue description in toybox I actually got this:
Deciding Marazhai can hunt wherever he wants (1 point in Domination = Dom!Marazhai)
Letting him have the lower decks as his hunting grouns (no sub/dom point, but a third mysterious option called "sybarite").
Locking him away (1 point in Submission = Sub!MarazhaI)... the problem is that apparently this option breaks the romance, and it did for me.
So when I reloaded and checked my dom/sub points, even if I only chose the dom-related options (from dialogue) I found that in:
Toyboy -> Search n Pick -> Submission was LOCKED. Zero points, still locked. While Domination had three points. Which meant that me grabbing his wrist or bossing him around ended up flagged in the opposite way.
So I had to change that. I changed it to 10, which is probably too high, but because I read from some steam comments that ten should be the final result I will keep it as that until the end (and adjust it later).
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And I lowered the Dominant to zero.
The romance fully starts once he invites you to hunt with him and you can tell him:
Guide me (Dom!Marazhai - Sub!Player)
Ask me properly (Sub!Marazhai - Dom!Player)
This time, the "ask me properly" was correctly flagged as Submission (as you can see in the pic above my current value is 11, so 10 that I set + 1).
When I selected "ask me properly" when I used to have Dom!Marazhai at 3, Marazhai answered with annoyance, telling me I should not mix our games. Basically telling me I was giving him mixed signals.
I will keep an eye on future choices in game to see if in act 4 stuff is flagged oppositely too. But for now it looks like act 3 Dom/Sub options are opposite.
This is him in his first romance scene with zero points in Dom!Marazhai btw:
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Btw, he doesn't kiss you if he is dom!Marazhai, and later in bed he refuses your kiss.
Unfortunately, the sex scene is also weirdly bugged. He acts like dom!Marazhai indipendently from your dom/sub score. So I annoyingly tolerated him calling me "pet":
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At least I got this:
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I am going to change the dom/sub score now pre-first warp scene to see if it influence the first dialogue you have with him too (given he calls you pet there too and there used to be a specific sub!Marazhai dialogue post it, but it is not there anymore). If you see no updates to this post, it means nothing changed.
EDIT: on the left this is how he greets you if you manually change him to full sub; on the right is how he greets you normally (impossible at the moment to get the greeting at the left without mods)
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Which is pretty annoying because it confirms that the whole "pet" ordeal is heavily dependent on him being dominant. Which means that there is no possible scene of sub!Marazhai for the first sleeping together.
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wretchedelights · 8 months
A Spoiler-Free Guide to Dodging Marazhai's Romance Bugs
This info is based on the state of the game as of Hotfix 1.0.89. A lot of this will hopefully become irrelevant as Owlcat puts out more patches.
EDIT 10/01/2024 // 8PM ET - clarify companion quest info, correct info about post-recruitment scene, and add missing known bug info about doin the dirty for the first time
EDIT 11/01/2024 // 2PM ET - further changes to info about post-recruitment scene
I've seen a lot of people struggling to successfully romance Marazhai in Owlcat's Rogue Trader CRPG, due to Owlcat continuing their time-honored tradition of launching their games with an obscene amount of bugs.
After a lot of troubleshooting, I was able to successfully finish a sub!Marazhai romance with the "good" romance ending, and I ended up having a pretty good grasp on how the whole thing works. So I thought I'd share what I've learned to save others the trouble. This info should be good for both sub!Marazhai and dom!Marazhai.
If you don't have it already, Toybox is highly recommended. You can get it on Nexus Mods. It will help you make sure things are progressing as expected, and fix some things if they get messed up. However, it's not necessary at this point if you're careful, the only thing you need it for is to fix some flags to get some really minor extra dialog.
If you choose to use toybox, you can see the tree + flags for the dialog you're currently in by clicking the "Dialog & NPCs" tab. You can also make flags show up directly in the dialog boxes in game with the "Preview" settings in the main tab. "Dialog Results" will show changes to flags + etudes that will happen if you choose a given dialog option. "Dialog Conditions" will show the conditions required for a dialog options to show. I kept both checked for my whole playthrough for peace of mind.
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There are some toybox flags + etudes that are important to Marazhai's romance. (flags are just values like true/false/a number, etudes are... properties set based on flags I guess? idk exactly). You can browse etudes in a tree structure in the "etudes" tab. If you need to change the value of a flag, do that in the "Search 'n Pick" tab.
Etude - Romances >> Marazhai should be flagged as "Active". If it says "Completed", something has gone wrong.
Etude - Romances >> Marazhai >> Counters >> Domination and Romances >> Marazhai >> Counters >> Submission. These determine Marazhai's attitude. If "Domination" is "Active", you get dom!Marazhai, if "Submission" is "Active", you get sub!Marazhai. You have to stick to one or the other, or Marz will be unhappy with you.
Flag - Ascention. This flag needs to be, I believe, minimum 4 by the time you get his final romance scene in Act 5 to get the "good" romance ending. It's pretty easy to get Ascention points as long as you play along with Marazhai, respect his uh... culture, and stick to your dom/sub role.
Etudes - Companions >> Marazhai >> Marazhai_States >> Domination and Companions >> Marazhai >> Marazhai_States >> Submission. You can safely ignore these, they don't actually affect the romance as far as I can tell :)
Regarding Marazhai's Companion Quest
Doing the sub!Marazhai route will lock you out of a certain outcome for Marazhai's companion quest. I don't think this is a bug, because narratively, it makes a lot of sense that this happens. However, the outcome you get locked out of could be considered the "ideal" outcome (though I also think this is debatable, and I was happy with my outcome/ending for my sub! Marazhai). You can get a good romance ending regardless of the outcome of this quest.
The flag related to Marazhai's personal quest is called TempestCounter, and you need it at 5+ for the "ideal" outcome. All TempestCounter points are based on whether Marazhai's dom or sub etude is active, outside of the points you get from the errand mentioned below. dom!Marazhai adds points, sub!Marazhai removes points. Which is why sub!Marazhai locks you out of an outcome.
Act 3 - Post Recruitment Scene
There are two versions of Marzipan's post-recruitment scene. The "Normal" version currently has a bug with dom/sub points, but you can work around it.
Normal - this is what most people see. There is an opportunity to get a dom or sub point in this dialog, but it's bugged so they're flipped. If you want your RT to be dom, pick the sub-y dialog option, and if you want your RT to be sub, pick the dom-y option.
Dogmatic party members starting drama - There's some confusion about what exactly triggers this. My recommendation to get this version of the scene: make sure you recruit Ulfar before you recruit Marazhai, and if you have Argenta and/or Heinrix with you for the Act 3 location, make sure you put them back in your party ASAP (they will get temporarily removed from it), so that they're with you for the event where you recruit Marazhai. To be safe, bring one of Argenta and/or Heinrix with you for Act 3. This dialog also has an opportunity for a dom or sub point, and is not currently bugged. ALSO it unlocks an errand that will lead to a little bit of extra dialog, and potential TempestCounter points.
Act 3 - Marazhai's Possessions
You'll get an act 3 companion quest for Marazhai where he asks you to help find some stuff he has stashed away. Eventually, you find a specific item he's very excited about. Make sure you let him keep this item. There's also an opportunity to get a dom or sub point here, but the flags are flipped again. So like last time, if you want your RT to be dom, pick the sub-y dialog, and if you want to be sub, pick the dom-y dialog.
Congratulations, this is the last flipped dom/sub flag situation you need to worry about! (at least, I'm not aware of any others)
***Also MILD SPOILER WARNING due to flag name***
I guess this is really only a spoiler if you're familiar with 40k lore but... anyways... This scene should probably start etude MarTookAgonizer, and should also probably start either PlayerTriedAgonizer or PlayerTriedAgonizerOnMar (depending on what you did). Start the appriate etudes manually for some fun little bits of bonus dialog later :)
Act 4 - First Void Jump With Marz
In act 4, during you first void jump with Marazhai, he'll cause... problems. You'll ultimately have 3 ways to deal with this:
Let him do whatever tf he wants. Sets Companions >> Marazhai >> Marazhai_States >> Domination to active. Currently bugged, prevents completing the quest associated with this event and prevents romance progression.
Compromise? Sets Companions >> Marazhai >> Marazhai_States >> Sybarite to active. Confirmed to work for both dom!Marazhai and sub!Marazhai romance paths
Lock him up. Sets Companions >> Marazhai >> Marazhai_States >> submission to active. Immediately breaks the romance. Used to work with romance, but according to patch notes was causing Big Bugs so it just ends the romance now. It should get restored in a future patch, but for now, DO NOT PICK THIS.
Act 4 - Sleeping with Marz the First Time
There is a known bug where after you sleep with Marazhai for the first time after going for a "walk", you get dom!Marazhai flavoured dialog no matter what. The sub!Marazhai flavoured dialog for this doesn't even seem to be in the game. So... nothing you can do about it, but it won't break your romance. It will just seem a bit off if you've been doing the sub!Marazhai route.
Side Content - Equipping Super Cursed Item
This doesn't affect the actual romance in any way, but it's a bug you can experience if you have an active romance with Marazhai. There's a side planet where you can loot a SUPER cursed item, that warns you that you won't be able to take if off if you equip it. If you try to equip it anyway with romanced Marazhai in the party, you'll get a special interaction with him over it. Unfortunately, it's bugged, and as a result the item will be stuck on your character but with providing any benefits, so it effectively just removes one of your equipment slots, which is super annoying. Do recommend saving and then trying to equip the item just to see the scene though :)
Companion Quest Journal Bugs
You may notice Marazhai's optional Act 3 errand and his Act 4 companion quest not getting removed from the quest log. Don't stress it - if you've done what's required by them, you're good. The quest/errand is done, the journal entry is just stuck because it's bugged.
Aaaand that's pretty much it! There used to be a few other bugs affecting Marazhai's romance but they've since been patched. Now it's mostly a few issues early on, and then smooth sailing once you get past those.
General, non-bug-related tips for succesfful romance:
Don't be a coward, Marazhai respects wholeheartedly embracing Drukhari culture and will break things off if you don't
Stick to your established dom or sub role
Play along with Marazhai's shenanigans
Keep in mind that you really can't be a good person while completing this romance path
If you have any questions or need clarification on anything don't be afraid to ask! I'll do my best to help.
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possessedopossum · 2 months
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"Embrace of the warp"
Marazhai x dom!heretic RT just hits different
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proffbon · 8 months
Marazhai's broken sub/dom flags: *exist*
My switch ass:
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nylloth · 4 months
There are three types of people in RT fandom:
Playing as Iconoclast + dom Marazhai
Playing as Heretic + sub Marazhai
Playing as Iconoclast + sub Marazhai
And then there's me, who plays a heretic + dom Marazhai.
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n1m3ria · 6 months
A rough guide on how to turn sub!Marazhai into an Archon
Just finished my second playthrough and managed to make sub!Marazhai an Archon. I used Toy Box only to check Tempest points and how the developers changed all the incorrect etudes with dom/sub roles.
I don't know what exactly influenced it, as Tempest points were added and lost without any flags or etudes, although I only started watching closely in the branding scene and before the meeting with Kharael.
In this playthrough, I had the quest to kill Yremeryss in the journal properly displayed, which wasn't the case on the first run (I didn't have Argenta, Heinrix and Ulfar in the party on my first run before that notorious scene in the Pit. :D And as a result, I didn't get any Tempest points at all for killing her ). It was hilarious to see only Argenta (!) trying to kill Marazhai on the second run;
In Commorragh, 'killed' Tervantias and destroyed his star-powered construct;
Took an Agoniser (though it didn't show up in the bedroom and the dialogues, which is clearly a bug);
Marazhai finished off Yremeryss with a final strike (I doubt it's critical, but just in case) and he took her soul.
There were 2 Tempest points on the way from Commorragh to Janus.
After the first warp jump, let him hunt wherever he wanted (not so dom!rt style, eh?);
Going on the main quest, his personal quest and gaining ascension points and dom!points;
He let me brand him!
At this point Tempest's points went to zero, which was very confusing.
In Chapter 5, Kharael commented that Marazhai looked great for being in realspace for so long, and then noticed the branding. By the end of the dialogue, Tempest's points went up to 3.
In the encounter with the Black Heart, through passing-skill, we bend Kharael to our side.
Does everyone have this bug in this scene? I reloaded my old save with another dom!RT and the scene plays similarly: Marazhai descends from the throne instead of bowing, even though the dialogue is correct:
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And finally… 'here we are':
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I hope you can make him an Archon too and it's not a game bug.
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marazhaibrainrot · 8 months
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One of sub Marazhai's love languages is actually just him testing your ownership of him.
And like, unrelated, I think Sinisthora, in the buggy [betray marazhai] route, is a parallel to Dom RT in the sense that the white haired drukhari that shows up near the end is a parallel to Sub RT.
Really hope that thing really is just bugged and not cut content, I like hurting the little guy. Literally abandoning him after branding and possessing him there is just peak hurt.
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rats-and-robots · 7 months
*clicks tongue*
Dom!RT getting literally so violently possessive of Marazhai that they start plotting how to steal claim on his soul away from Slaanesh.
Will it work? Almost certainly not. They don't have that kind of bargaining power...
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rpgchoices · 8 months
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Sub!Marazhai and Dom!RT romance
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