#dolor bg3
mintcrows · 11 months
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Ffion choosing the name for her kid that will eventually try to become a bhaalist
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inspired by this one (not the og)
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stayatsam · 7 months
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Chosen in Red (Dark Urge)
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gxldencity · 1 year
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She trails off but you read an invitation in her eyes. You know if you want something...I think you should take it.
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coreene · 7 hours
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I love how silly the enemy ai can be sometimes xD
In an effort to drop Karabasan's gift on Lorelei and Shadowheart, Dolor fumbled and dropped the bottle on his own head. Not only he paralysed himself and also hit himself with 6 bludgeoning damage xD
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littlestarbigfangs · 11 months
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no one told me lord farquaad was going to be at the wine festival!! i would have worn my green frock
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theswedishpajas · 5 months
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I installed a hugging mod yesterday and tested it out last night to record for my personal collection, here are a couple nice shots from one of the hugs, with bonus shots from the newer kiss animation just cause I thought they looked really sweet 👉👈
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merlgeim · 1 year
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Random Jaheira shots of the day...
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thepig · 1 year
baldurs gate fans are finally getting the experience meet n fuck kingdom enjoyers have gotten for decades
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tarasahl · 5 months
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Dolores Venus
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bharv · 11 months
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dwarves dwarves dwarves dwarves
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wallofmoth · 21 days
shout-out to stern librarian ffion for naming her kid "eldritch blast" (dolor)
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rodatirhaalo · 9 months
Vaporizing the sour anchovy in less than 12 seconds 'cause someone got a lucky paralyzing crit in the opener SHOULD feel bad, but it's really never gonna not be funny.
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robotbeetle · 6 months
Bg3 has neither an Asian nor monk companion so I took matters into my own hands.
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Here’s my idea for a companion character. He’s not supposed to be tav/durge but a character you would recruit and have on your party like Gale or Karlach. And yes, he would be romanceable.
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I’ve been thinking a lot about how he would fit into the storyline and gameplay. Here’s the notes I have on my phone regarding his companion quest and hypothetical game mechanics:
Upon first recruiting him, he will tell the group he got captured amidst their pilgrimage across Faerun but in actuality Yeon Ryang was searching for their brother, a leading figure in a growing Kara-Turan crime syndicate
Complicated sibling relationship™
Pretty early on you will learn of his keen disliking of Kozakura and its people. Prying further you’ll discover that he was refugeed as a young child due to a particularly violent Kozakuran invasion attempt of Koryo.
Traveling with Yeon Ryang and garnering approval from him will allow you to refer to him as just Ryang. You will also learn that before he was a monk, he was a criminal. A petty thief at first but his sense of entitlement grew alongside the severity of his crimes. It’s a past he holds ever so shamefully and the reason why he blames himself for his brother’s upcomings.
You’ll learn this past after interacting with the Zhentarim and later the Guild which activate unique cutscenes for him. He will strongly disapprove if you earnestly work for these crime groups and approve if you fight against them. If you romance him and help the Zhentarim overthrow the Guild, he will break up you as well, believing the Zhent to be the greater of two evils.
After learning said past, you also learn that Ryang is highkey obsessed of cleansing himself of his past sins and of all sins entirely. Ryang refuses to let go of his shame over himself and part of his companion is quest is helping him get over it for better or for worse. In the end, either he’ll become cynical to his shame and uses it to justify his return to crime or he’ll acknowledge that his shame will always be a part of him that he can only accept it and try to better himself as much as possible. 
Romancing him will give you the dialogue option to ask about his missing pinkie fingers in which he’ll explain to you that it was in fact the head monk of his monastery who severed them as a show of reform and discipline to Ryang. Yeon Ryang doesn’t resent his teacher for this and instead sees it as a deserving punishment and reminder. 
Later on it’s revealed that his brother, Yeon San who is currently operating under the name Sanjong, is in alliance with the cult of Bhaal and thus the cult of the absolute by supplying them with paralytic poisons from Kara-Tur (the same Dolor uses). He is hoping that when the Absolute takes control over Faerun, that’ll they extend a hand in an assault against Kozakura
If you encounter Sanjong and kill him without Ryang in your party or kill him without talking to Ryang beforehand, you’ll have to pass a dc30 persuasion check to keep Ryang from leaving your party permanently
His companion quest ends with a showdown between him and his brother where you’ll have to fight Sanjong and his goons. Once you bring him to low health or knock him prone, a cutscene occurs where you can convince Ryang to either spare or kill Sanjong. Remaining silent will result in him sparing his brother and leaving the two to repair their relationship
Whether Sanjong is killed or not, the player will have another choice in influencing whether Ryang will either join the ranks of the Kara-turan crime guild or continue pursuing total redemption
Basic rundown: His companion quest centers around the idea of plausibility of change and Yeon Ryang’s feelings of responsibility over his younger sibling. Either you can lead him down the path of rejecting his monastic ways and reverting back to his criminal life (either alongside his brother or replacing him) or you can inspire him to continue traversing across Toril (with or without his brother) to truly realize enlightenment. 
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gxldencity · 11 months
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dolores alvaros - the exiled daughter hero of baldur's gate
if Dolores did her duty on that faithful night, she would have stayed a peasant's daughter and a peasant's wife, birthed peasant children and raise them with ambitions yes but only within the confines of cupang.
but it was not like any other night.
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dale-gekarios · 8 months
Latin Spell chants for BG3
I did not make this list! It was made by ExoZilla in r/BaldursGate3 but I wanted to share it here! This list is from early access, so it only has up to level 2 spells, but honestly the chants stay similar for higher level spells. Some of these might have also changed since EA so take that with a grain of salt, anywhere here’s the original post:
Disclaimer: I do not speak Latin. Some of my spelling/translations/syntax are going to be wrong. Most of them are from Wikipedia, random websites, and context clues. Also, if anyone knows the chants I wasn't able to translate/translate correctly, feel free to correct me.
Fire Bolt- Ignis (Fire)
Ray of Frost- Glacies (Ice)
Acid Splash- Acido (Acid)
Blade Ward/Guidance/Thaumaturgy- Maior et Fortior ("Greater and Stronger")
Chill Touch- Timere ("Be afraid!")
Dancing Lights/Light/Produce Flame- Fiat Lux/Sol Invictus (“Let there be light”/“Unconquered sun”)
Eldritch Blast- Dolor* (Mental/Physical Pain)
Mage Hand- Veni et iuva me ("Come and help me!")
Poison Spray- Venenum (Poison)
Resistance- Resisto ("I resist")
Sacred Flame- Incende ("Set fire!")
Shillelagh/Flame Blade- Para bellum/Canto te ("prepare for war"/"I enchant you”)
Shocking Grasp- Fulgor (Levin or flash)
Thorn Whip- Flagellum, Flagello/ ?? verum (to flagellate, whip/"?? sweep")
True Strike- N/A
Friends- N/A
1st level Spells:
Armor of Agathys/Barkskin/Bless/Enhance Ability/Jump/Mage Armor/Shield of Faith- Macte virtute ("Be blessed with virtue")
Arms of Hadar/Inflict Wounds- Morere ("Die!")
Animal Friendship- Obedi me/Obeus temeum lupum ("Obey me"/??)
Bane/Ray of Enfeeblement- Tu est nihil (“You are nothing”)
Burning Hands/Scorching Ray- Ardere (To burn)
Charm Person- Impero te/Tempora muntante ("I rule you”/“Temporary change”?)
Color Spray/Blindness- Te occludo oculos/Caecus te("I blind your eyes"/"I blind you")
Command/Ensnaring Strike/Sleep- Impero tibi (“I rule you”)
Create Water- Lues/Aqua pura (Plague, pestilence?/“Clean water”)
Cure Wounds/Healing Word- Te curo/Vis medicatrix* (“I cure you”/"healing power")
Destroy Water- Arescere/Arere decimos ("Become dry"/"Become ten times as dry"?)
Disguise self- Mutatis mutandis/Omnia mutatio (“With things changed that should be changed”/“Change it all”)
Dissonant Whispers- Dolor ("Mental/Physical Pain")
Entangle- Voco vinae/Vinum est et gloriat ("I call forth vines"/??)
Faerie Fire- Te video/Ubi est ("I see you”/“Where are you?”)
False Life/Aid- Vitae extollato/Dum vita est spes est ("Life raised"?/"While there is life, there is hope")
Feather Fall- Non fit injura/Se neme ("There will be no injury/harm"/??)
Find Familiar/Goodberry/Moonbeam- Ex textura (“Weave from the outside”?)
Fog Cloud- Voco nubes ("I call forth clouds")
Grease- Voco arvina ("I call forth grease")
Guiding Bolt- Facula/Flagra ("Little torch"/"Blaze/be inflamed")**
Hail of Thorns- Dia denum (??)
Hellish Rebuke/Flaming Sphere/Spike Growth- Ira et dolor ("Wrath and pain")
Hex- Maledicus/Te exsecror (Abusive, scurrilous/“I curse you”)
Hunter’s Mark- Est praedae mae/Mos certa (“You are my prey”/"Certain death"?)
Longstrider/Expeditious Retreat- Proprae/Ocior/Citium (??)
Magic Missile- Tormentum (a piece of artillery/missile)
Protection from Good and Evil- Tueor/vincit qui patitur (To watch over, protect/“he conquers who endures”)
Ray of Sickness- Inficio ("Infect")
Speak with Animals- Amicus animales/Loqui ut tibi placet (“friend of animals“/“To speak as you please”?)
Tasha’s Hideous Laughter- Rezum teniates??/Reza sabuntat?? (??)
Thunderwave/Shatter- Detono (Thunder/"Expend one's thunder")
Witch Bolt- Harures (??)
*Non-Tav/NPC exclusive line
2nd level spells:
Blur- Incomodo?/Nullus sui ("Inconvenient"?/"None of him/her/them")
Darkness- Tenebrum/Umbra (Darkness/Shadow)
Darkvision- Lux en tenebra/Secretum curaro (“Light in darkness”/??)
Detect Thoughts- Video veritatem/Virtus est scientia (“I see the truth”/“Virtue is knowledge”)
Hold Person- Non movere/Ad lapide (“You do not move”/“To stone!”)
Invisibility/Pass Without a Trace- Evanesco/Invisibilis (To vanish, disappear/ self-explanatory)
Lesser Restoration- Te absolvo/Vincere est vivere (“I absolve you”/“To conquer is to live”)
Melf’s Acid Arrow- Dissolvae (Self-explanatory)
Mirror Image- Fronte nulla vides/Mundus vult decipi ("No faith in the front"?/“The world wants to be deceived”)
Misty Step- Inveniam viam/Ad alibi (“I will find a way”/"To elsewhere")
Prayer of Healing- Fiat voluntas Dei/Ad maiorem Dei gloriam (“May God’s will be done”/“For the greater glory of God”)
Protection from Poison- Résistance venenum (“resist venom/poison”)
Silence- Silencio (Self-explanatory)
Web- Voco arenea ("I call forth a spider's web")
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evilvampire · 6 months
I love that all the incantations in bg3 are in grammatically correct Latin but eldritch blast just being “dolor”, which means “pain”, will never not be funny to me. It can also mean “grief” so warlocks are all just like “woe be upon thee 🔫”.
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