mintcrows · 8 months
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Ffion choosing the name for her kid that will eventually try to become a bhaalist
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inspired by this one (not the og)
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outergodly · 14 days
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Requested By : Anon.
Like & Reblog if used.
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uhohitsdorian · 2 years
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My beloved echo knight, Effie! I started this picture when I joined an existing campaign in January and by the time I completed it the game was over! I’m playing them again though, couldn’t let go that easily. I surprised myself with just how much I fell in love with them.
[Image: two pictures, the first being a digital painting of Effie, a changeling fighter in the form of a tiefling. They are built stout and sturdy, with unguligrade legs and dark cloven hooves, every other inch of them white as ivory, down to their bright, blank eyes. They have a single, pearlescent, spiral horn in the middle of their forehead, with a star around its base, and thick, wavy, white hair pulled into a buoyant ponytail, with a faint beard and a pencil moustache that curls up ever so slightly at its ends. Their ears are deer-like and a little downturned, and their tail has a curly white tuft at its end. They stand poised to engage with their spiral-pommeled rapier, meticulously composed but not in cowardice. They wear a beige shirt with a blue gambeson quilted in a diamond pattern, blue puffed sleeves with green panes, and plain green trousers with leg wraps below the cuffs, over which are a buckled leather jerkin and gauntlets, with a heavy belt, the silver buckle of which bears an intricately embossed crest. Their expression is reserved and resolute, yet faintly melancholy. Behind them is a copy of the image, ethereally pale and slightly skewed, meeting exactly at the point of the blade. The second is a closeup of their face from the same picture. End ID.]
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starthistletea · 10 months
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Butterfly butterfly
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holy3cake · 1 year
OMG casualty this week
Okay folks, back again :)
Okay I can't ignore this. RYAN AND JODIE?! pLEASE NO. I'm all for Ryan being a bisexual king (or however he chooses to identify, we stand behind him), but not Jodie. Please.
CAM MY LITTLE MUFFIN NOOOOOOOO. Oh my god that hurt way too much when Rida literally just didn't answer his question. Can we please get someone to eat pesto pasta with Cam and love him PLEASE. Maybe Sah now, because I adore Sah and I adore Cam so whatever, let's ship them, LETS DO IT Y'ALL.
JACOB SENDING PICS OF HIS ABS TO CHARLIE. That destroyed me I swear. Pure crack.
Jan's storyline made me so so so SO sad. Especially that ending of Ffion walking out. Hang in there Jan!
A few little thoughts, still love Dylan's sass and Donna's general appearances.
Lastly, I read this comment on FB which was like a casualty review of someone saying "Faith wasn't in the episode last week, could we have more of that please?" As a suggestion and I agree lol.
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trevlad-sounds · 11 months
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Castles in Space Subscription Library Releases.
Mixes dropped every Wednesday and Saturday, with the odd bonus mix for good measure. Support the artists and labels. Most of them to be found on Bandcamp. Consider leaving a tip also so future shows can bloom.
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bluefloret · 1 year
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casualtyfandom · 1 year
Rida really pissing me off this ep ngl... maybe im just too much of a jan stan
Ohh I've definitely not warmed to Rida but she hasn't annoyed me yet 😂
But I'm not a fan of Jan to be honest, I find her quite short-tempered, selfish and uncaring to other people's feelings sometimes - especially towards Ffion 😢
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vowcomic · 5 months
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Haha!! Managed to get this out on Saturday night, BEFORE this week was through! Take that, Health Scare
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aetherblooms · 1 year
points at you. lukas and/or ffion for the ask game 🤲
01. Full name: Lukas Marseilles.
02. Best friend: Yvette!! his twin sister. Laranthir is a close second, though
03. Sexuality: g a y
04. Favorite color: Deep blues and cooler purples
05. Relationship status: Married!
08. Favorite food: Anything with seafood, but he is particularly fond of dried squid
09. Crushes: Trahearne. Lukas's crush on him was the worst kept secret in the Pact, gods help him.
10. Favorite music: Anything he can relax/sleep to.
11. Biggest fear: Being useless and thus, in his mind, unworthy to be loved.
12. Biggest fantasy: Being free to live and wander the world.
13. Bad habits: Throwing himself into the fray, knowing he can take injuries most people wouldn't survive.
14. Biggest regret: Not having been able to do more for Trahearne, both during the events of Heart of Thorns or during his recovery afterwards. (Granted, he had been turned into a 12ft horrifying nightmare hound, but still)
15. Best kept secrets: He knows many embarrassing things about his sister that he is under threat of death to keep.
18. Biggest insecurity: After being experimented on by the Asura as a sapling and later tortured by Mordremoth, he is. Not Happy with his body. He's learning to love it again.
19. Weapon of choice: Poleaxe and Longbow!
20. Role Model: He's stopped looking for one a long time ago.
Ffion time (:
01. Full name: Ffion Foxglove (literally foxglove foxglove. she thought it was very funny at the time.)
02. Best friend: Canach!
03. Sexuality: lesbian (:
04. Favorite color: Reds!
05. Relationship status: ...... It's complicated
08. Favorite food: her girlfriend. Blackberries
09. Crushes: Yvette !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wifecity
10. Favorite music: She'll listen to anything, but she's partial to rock music.
11. Biggest fear: Losing her family.
12. Biggest fantasy: Joining a pirate crew
13. Bad habits: She put Yvette on a pedestal for a long time, which led to their first breakup. She's trying to do better, now.
14. Biggest regret: Not taking her work in the Order of Whispers and the Pact more seriously, and quitting the latter.
15. Best kept secrets: oh, many many things.
18. Biggest insecurity: That she doesn't deserve her partner's love.
19. Weapon of choice: Rifle, dagger and pistol.
20. Role Model: Yvette! Their kindness and sheer love for the world inspired her to be a better person.
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sliversundersyourskin · 7 months
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starthistletea · 8 months
For Ffion: Strength, and The Empress.
Strength: Ffion's most determined to keep their partners safe. Like short run in game goal was recover all their missing memories and find out how and why they fell into the mortal plane and also learned abyssal. Still need to accomplish that. But on a longer term scale, Ffion wants to be powerful enough to keep Bran and Cadfael happy and safe from the Courts and their stupid problems. Ffion is one of Oberon's kids, they grew up in the Summber Court and know that without Power its hard to do things.
The Empress: self care ritual, definitely have one. Ffion probably has a list of things they try and do weekly to keep themselves centered and doin swell. So, like bake (try a new recipe), garden, go for a run on a weekly basis with things like, sleep 8 hours, eat something nice, journal, take care of teeth/hair/ect on a more daily thing?
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eliaca · 6 months
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Slow Horses S3 BTS by @giseleschmidtofficial <3
Part 2
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33rpmgirls · 4 months
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twvstedsouls · 7 months
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Our stuff will stay with me. Taking the children on the road...to live with decent people. They'll never know the curse side of this family. We're done with them, John.
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