#dolan twins wedding
naileadevoras · 21 days
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Didn’t know a day on earth could be so perfect 🤍
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hotchs-second-wife · 1 month
DON'T BLAME ME || 4 || Jay Halstead x Thea Rhodes
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Synopsis: Theodosia Rhodes, the youngest daughter of a big-time Chicago CEO, needs a husband of her own choice before her father makes that decision for her. Jason Halstead, newly-made Intelligence detective, needs a wife to inherit his portion of his mother's inheritance.
Warnings: Allusion to smut, but nothing outright excluding sexual thoughts. Mentions of arson, kidnapping, murder, rape; allusion to childhood trauma, suicide, cancer-related death; descriptions of vehicular accidents including, but not limited to, car-on-car collision, car-on-truck, train; outright familial/parental pressure; portrayal of misogyny and misandry; Elli's speech downgrades and upgrades a lot because I'm not around kids 24/7 (thank god). Read ahead at your own risk.
The socialites I grew up with always were—and likely always would be—gossip mongers. When they weren't out spending Daddy Dear's money, they gossiped about the lives of others.
Half speculated Jay had gotten me pregnant, and to keep up Dolan Rhodes' public image, he married me so the child wouldn't be born out of wedlock. The other half suspected he was after my money—why else would a "no-good rat with nothing to show" marry into one of the most prominent businesses in Chicago?
Most Chicago socialites shared one braincell and smarts rarely worked in that one cell. Most, because I still had good friends from high school that were smarter to think I was pregnant, or my husband wanted my money. Especially a detective.
Jay was a kind man, better than half of high society's socialite boyfriends or fiancès. At least he had some decency to make it clear he didn't love me like a husband should, nor would he take advantage of the fact we were married to get into my pants.
"You know if I was him, I would've slept with you in an instant." Shay insisted, leaning against the back of the sofa as I scrolled through articles on my laptop. I'd originally been ordering new air masks for the team, but Shay wanted to snoop on the society I grew up in.
Gabby snorted, "you would've slept with Teddy even if you weren't married to her."
I had to agree with her. While I was into women, Shay was too close for me to think about a romantic relationship with, even just as friends-with-benefits. And considering we worked together, things would've ended awkwardly in the long run. We both knew that.
"Told you he was a good one." Gabby pointed at me. "Makes a good husband by the sound of it, and your family's alright with him. Your sister likes him, and your father hasn't said anything."
"Because he knows I'd just ignore him. As far as he's concerned, I'm in love with Jay." I snorted, turning back to my laptop. "Nothing beats a love match in high society."
Otis pointed at the articles popping up at the bottom of the website open. "You didn't say you're an heiress."
The last title piqued Cruz and Otis' interest, both nagging me to click on it. As we do, photos the press took from the wedding infiltrate the screen.
"The wedding Theodosia Rhodes and Jason Halstead has been the talk of Chicago lately, with many speculating that Detective Halstead married into the Rhodes family for a piece of the money. Why else would a Canaryville native marry one of the richest young women in Illinois?" Cruz read out loud.
"Because he needed a wife?" Gabby deadpanned.
Cruz continued. "Dolan Rhodes doesn't hire just anyone. Marrying the second child of CEO Cornelius Rhodes would certainly give Detective Halstead the jump into getting his own store.
And let's not forget the dramatic difference on childhoods between the married couple. Detective Halstead grew up with one older brother in Canaryville, while Lieutenant Rhodes grew up as the older of two twins with an older sister. Rhodes' mother died by suicide when she and her twin brother were only ten years old, and Halstead's mother passed when he was 23 and deployed."
"Of course, my mother is brought up again." I grunted, sitting back as Otis took my laptop.
"Detective Halstead is made out to be a loving husband, but would he be there if something happens to the lieutenant?"
"Like any of these pampered poodles would be there if something happened," I rolled my eyes, watching Mouch jump channels.
Most calls happened during the day—people were awake then, and more likely to get in trouble. So we had the night to ourselves.
Which, with firefighters, meant sleeping.
Unless you were a 20-something newly-married lieutenant with a pile of paperwork to do that should have been done when you were on your honeymoon, but wasn't.
I needed popcorn to get me through it, since having Pride and Prejudice playing on my computer required popcorn. I knew we had some left over from a few days ago, so I snatched it from the shelf and put it in the microwave.
"Rough night?" I heard Herrmann's voice ask from behind me. When I nodded, he continued. "How's the marriage going?"
"In all truth, Herrmann, I don't know how it's meant to go. I mean, my mom and father's marriage was pretty much so there'd be good-looking kids guaranteed and a smart heir to the company."
He raised an eyebrow with concern etched on his face. "Is that what you want?"
I shrugged. I didn't know. "Jay told Brooklyn he wanted an amicable partner and a fine marriage that his mother's lawyer would believe, just in case that it took forever for the will to be done. I just wanted my father off my back."
"Do you want a fine marriage, as Halstead calls it?"
"What's with all the questions, Herrmann?" I frowned, taking the popcorn bag out of the microwave and emptying it into a metal bowl.
"I just worry about you, kid. You know you and Gabby are like daughters to me." Herrmann sat with me at the round table. "I can tell something's bothering you, and it's a different look to just paperwork."
I sighed. "I don't know how to be a good wife, much less a good girlfriend. I broke up with Chief Jones' son purely because my father didn't like him being a firefighter."
"I think that break up was more than your father's opinion."
"I don't know what I'm doing, Chris." I stuffed a few popped kernels in my mouth. "I offered myself up for him to sleep with me on our honeymoon and he turned it down."
Herrmann gave me a sympathetic smile. "He's a good man for you, Teddy. He's not taking advantage of a situation he knows you don't know anything about." He grimaced briefly. "Cindy might have mentioned your lack of...preparedness of marriage."
"Gee wow. I love Cindy and all, but—wow."
"She was hoping he'd take it as you only wanting your father off your back and nothing else, and it worked." He excused. "He knows you're doing as well as you know how. I'm sure he'll say something if he wants more out of this arrangement of yours."
I offered him some of the warm popcorn. "Thanks, Herrmann. You have some good advice—some."
"I'll take it." Herrmann shrugged. "Finish that and get some rest, kiddo. Can't have our Lieutenant Rhodes falling asleep on a call."
"You and I both know I could never!"
I knew the apartment would be quiet without her home, but I didn't think it would be quiet enough to hear a feather drop. Especially with housekeepers around.
I couldn't help but call Brooke. I needed someone to talk to and staring at the roof was driving me crazy.
"It's 3-freaking-am. You better not tell me someone's been murdered, because that'll be Voight in half an hour." Brooke's voice hissed through the phone. She was a cranky one whenever she got woken up from her sleep.
According to Thea, that was all Severides. Including Brooke's niece, who slept near all day anyway. Severide was alright with me taking her for the 24 hours he and Thea were working, but so long as Brooke was around and Elizabeth had gone back to Brooke's after we spent time together.
"Is that Mommy's husband?" And to say that little girl loved me was an understatement. Thea had been cautious about introducing me to her so soon, but Elizabeth had delighted over the wedding, and Brooke had to stop her from running after Thea's car when we left for the cruise.
"Yes, say hi to Mr. Jay."
"Hi, Mr. Jay! Do you miss Mommy too?"
I laughed at her question. Not because it was an outrageous thing to think, but it was true. I slept in the same bed with Thea for three nights, and I was missing her. A large, quiet apartment was a lonely one. I was used to living in my own, but I guessed that expecting someone home soon was what made me uneasy.
"I do. Your mommy's fun to be around." I answered truthfully.
Elizabeth let out an agreeing hum. "Mommy is fun. She lets me dress up and do things Daddy won't let me do."
"That's because Daddy says no, and you go to Mommy and she can't say no to you." Brooke snorted, and I listened to their play tussle over the phone. "Thea says she's always wanted a daughter, so when she and Kelly met Elle at the hospital, she immediately offered to help raise her. When Claire met her, she'd mistaken Elle as her sister's baby.
"Apparently Elle looked like Thea when she was a baby." It made sense, she still looked like her mother. Even if Thea didn't give birth to her.
Brooke excused herself, putting her phone on her bedside table, as she took Elizabeth back to bed. When she came back, she was getting a call from Kelly and said goodnight.
So I went back to staring at the ceiling. Then I looked at the bookshelf, glancing over the book spines. I recognised a couple Thea had been reading last week, and there were a few gaps between the book sections. Of course, separated by genre because—as Thea put it—she's not a monster.
I remembered her tour she gave of the apartment, and her showing me the spot on the balcony I was absolutely not allowed to stand on at any given time because the wild birds that visited her claimed that is their spot and she usually left seed out in the mornings she had work.
I'll put some out when I wake up, so she doesn't have to worry about it when she gets home.
One of the other bedrooms—there were five—was turned into her office where, if she wasn't doing CFD paperwork, she was reviewing store reports or resumes for potential store employees. The other four were the master bedroom—hers—mine, Elizabeth's and a spare room. We'd briefly discussed it'd be our future child's room, but she promised she wasn't expecting anything right away.
"CFD Firehouse 51, Lieutenant Rhodes' office." The house phone blared, and I almost forgot it did that. I rolled over to answer the phone on the bedside table.
I was expecting it to be her assistant when I'd answered, but her voice was instantly recognisable. "Did I wake you up?"
"No, I haven't been able to sleep." I excused. "How's work?"
"It's the usual, kid up a tree or in a hole he dug himself." She let out a breathy laugh. Thea went quiet for a moment, "lost a vic earlier."
"I'm sorry, Thea. That's rough."
She hummed. "I figured if anyone understood, you would." I couldn't argue with that, even though if I had to be called in, it was too late. We talked about stuff like that. "We have an engagement party to attend next week, an old friend of mine from high school. Loose term."
"Do you want me to buy an engagement gift?"
"No, no, she's got everything she could ever want and if she didn't, she could just ask her fiancé for it anyway. Just wanted to make sure you knew." I'd imagined social events would be a key feature of this marriage, and Thea had told me as such, but I'd figured nonsensical, baseline events like charity fundraisers where we'd only run into a few people she knew through her father.
She knew the engaged couple, so I'd have to act like I know her more than I actually do.
Make Brooke write a list of everything she knew about Thea.
"You can just wear a dress shirt and pants with your work shoes if you want," she continued, sitting her phone up on the desk as she opened her laptop. "What colour shirts do you have?"
"Uh, blue, black, and white—the one I wore at the wedding."
She hummed, and seemed to scroll through a website on her laptop. "We'll go with the white—if you don't mind—and I'll see if I can find a dress to match."
"Don't you have a dress picked out?" I asked, and Thea explained couples matching was the bride-to-be's thing. And likely the theme of their wedding. "Do you need me to do anything else?"
"Act like you're in love with me. I don't know how hard it could be, but I'm sure you'll find out."
The firehouse bell rang, and Thea said goodbye before hanging up. Act like you love me.
If I needed to put on a show in front of rich people, I could at least embarrass myself in front of friends first.
Brooke liked the idea of taking Elizabeth to see her mom and dad after work, so I convinced the girls to come buy flowers for Thea. Elizabeth led the way, of course, pointing out that her mother loved pink flowers and we settled on roses.
"Do you like Mommy?" Elizabeth asked, as Brooke strapped her into her seat. "Daddy says he likes Mommy a lot, and I asked him why he didn't marry her, but he doesn't like her that much."
"Because your mom and dad are best friends, like Mr. Jay and I," Brooke reasoned. "They love each other just as much as they love you, but it's a different love than you're thinking of, Sweet pea."
"Mommy and Daddy are best friends?" She looked at me with her little brown eyes sparkling. "Are you and Mommy best friends?"
"Someday, maybe. But we are friends. I used to be with Aunt Gabby."
Elizabeth giggled, "Auntie Gabby is funny. That's why Mommy likes her so much. Do you still like Auntie Gabby?"
"She's a Severide, naturally curious." Brooke smiled, sitting in the driver's seat. She looked at her niece in the rearview, checking if she was ready to see her parents.
When we arrived at the firehouse, only a few of the crew were sprinkling out and I recognised a few from the wedding. Thea's team, if I remembered them correctly. Elizabeth bounced at my feet, waving at her mother's team who happily waved back, and Brooke scrolled through her messages.
"They always take the longest; doesn't bother Elli though." Brooke snorted, playing a video showing her niece. Before long, her little voice squealed as Kelly and Thea walked out the apparatus doors with Casey and Gabby in tow.
As she ran towards them, Thea crouched down and opened her arms. "Principessa! Do you come to pick us up with Auntie Brooke?"
"And Mr. Jay has something for you!"
"I don't think you were supposed to say that, Elle," Kelly laughed, playing with her hair as Thea held her. He smiled at Brooke and nodded at me in greeting as we stopped in front of them.
"Aren't they pretty, Mommy?" Elizabeth meant the flowers, but Thea kept staring at me.
Kelly slipped his daughter from her arms with a "Tedd, I'm not an expert with romantic gestures, but I think you're meant to say something."
"Thank you," she squeaked. With a cough, this quiet Thea faded away. "You didn't have to."
"You're my wife."
Gabby practically squealed with Shay—Elizabeth's godmother—behind her and she gave them a side glance.
"I don't think I can do a big grand gesture every time I pick you up, but I can at least bring you flowers in a colour you like." I reasoned. Husbands who liked their wives did romantic gestures for their wives all the time, right? Sure, Thea was a means to an end and so was I, but it didn't mean I shouldn't bring her flowers or make her breakfast when I could.
Thea smiled, letting out a breath, before pointing at her BMW parked in front of the house. "I drove here."
"That's fine, I'll take Kelly and Shay home," Brooke laughed, passing Elizabeth to me. "Since it's your 48 hours with Elli, I'm sure Kelly won't mind her being with you."
Kelly and Thea gave each other silent looks—one which likely said I'd be a dead man at some point—before he agreed. He said goodbye to Elizabeth, and waved a goodbye to me as well.
Elizabeth fiddled with my collar as we walked to Thea's car. "He'll get used to you being around Elli. We agreed it was up to her if you're in her life, and she wanted to meet you, so he's adjusting."
"I'm fine with him not wanting me around Elizabeth, I understand. I wouldn't want a man I barely know around our young daughter either." Our?! Why did I say our?! Why did I assume we'd have a daughter?
"Mr. Jay missed you last night, Mommy. I bet it was really cold at Mommy's House without you there." She looked at Thea from the back seat. "He called Auntie Brooke because he was lonely."
"Because he and Auntie Brooke are best friends, principessa."
The ride home was mostly quiet, the occasional mention of something random from Elizabeth in the backseat. When she asked for snacks, Thea reminded her that there were snacks at home.
Getting to the apartment was less of a hassle with her around, since Doorman Willy recognised her from a mile away. There wasn't any triple checking to make sure we lived in the apartment, and Elizabeth enjoyed her lollipop as we rode the elevator.
Thea let out a sigh of content as she dropped her bag beside the door in the entry, fumbling with her keys to hang them on a hook with T etched into the holder. She'd gotten a J put above my key hook once I'd gotten the spare key, and a new spare was being made for her to give Elizabeth in ten years.
"Jay will put a show for you, and I'll get some snacks ready, okay?" When she received a nod, Thea headed into the kitchen. The apartment wasn't overly big, the kitchen and living room being open, with three bedrooms on the main floor and a loft above the kitchen. A laundry room was across the corridor to Elizabeth's bedroom along with a bathroom between them. Thea's ensuite was between our bedrooms; mine would become the spare bedroom whenever someone outside of Firehouse 51 and the unit would come by, and we'd move some of my things like photos into her room.
Thea set down the snacks in front of Elizabeth. "I'm going to figure out some dresses for upcoming events. You're fine to watch Elli for a few minutes, right?"
"Mommy runway!" Her daughter cheered, holding a carrot stick in one hand and a cookie in the other.
"Okay, let Mommy pick out a few dresses and you and Jay can rate them."
Elizabeth wiggled up onto the sofa, patting the cushion beside hers and eagerly signalling for me to sit down. Her mother had skipped off to get into some dresses.
The first was a pink off-the-shoulder dress that reached her mid-thigh, with bubblegum-like sleeves connected over the chest. It complimented her skin tone well, and thanks to her morning runs and her job, her legs worked with the dress rather than against it.
"Pretty Mommy!" Elli clapped her hands together excitedly.
Thea thanked her, giving her a curtsy as well as the dress would allow.
"It looks beautiful on you." I agreed earnestly. There was no point in lying—especially since she was warming up to me—and even a toddler could see she was beautiful.
We continued Thea's fashion show before Elizabeth became sleepy and was put to bed. "She was probably keeping Brooklyn up all night," Thea laughed, making sure the bedroom door was fully closed. The in-house chef mastered away at lunch, as we settled on the sofa.
We decided on a movie to watch, and sat in silence. Nothing inherently big happened, and we swapped watching the movie to being on our phones occasionally. "I've got a new candidate," Thea grunted, slumping further into the sofa.
"I thought Casey got the candidates."
"I sometimes get the chiefs' kids or the captains' brothers. They'd rather their candidate family members get 'better' training from a 'higher' officer." Thea rolled her eyes. "It's a load of bull, but at least it gives us something to do. Someone new, as well. Chief Jones' kid."
Why'd that name sound familiar?
Thea nodded beside me, "yes, one of my exes' little sister. She's a total sweetheart, but I think having a chief for a dad and officers for brothers gets to her head a lot of the time."
"You'll knock her down a few pegs, and get her into shape." I tried to reassure her, but I don't think she wanted it as she kept looking at her phone. I just thanked God that I wasn't in-charge of anyone too, and continued watching the movie.
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amymbona · 2 months
I've been looking for a fanfiction that I read in like 2017 when I first made my wattpad account and I still can't fucking find it 😭😭😭😭 I'm literally so desperate.
It was about Dolan twins, at least I think so (I had no idea they existed at the time but there were some twins and I'm assuming it literally about them). Reader was a new girl at the local high school and they literally became so obsessed with her that they kidnapped her.
They kept her locked in their house in the woods I think, probably forced her naked or some psycho stuff, cut and dyed her hair so nobody could recognize her and fell in love with her. They tried to get her to love them too so it was some Stockholm syndrome type of shit but she never really fell for them. They were violent too, probably threatening to kill her as well, and then they literally forced her to marry them in a poly relationship and the whole fanfic ended with their wedding night.
I think it was named "Prisoner" or something like that, I can't really rememeber. But my nostalgic little brain is begging me to find it. 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 Guys please help me!
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Status // Ethan Dolan
Summary: Maybe keeping such a huge thing from the fans what’s the best decision and the repercussions are the worst. Especially when it’s not the girl the fans shipped with Ethan for years, the one it seemed everyone was okay with him being with.
Characters: Ethan Dolan x Reader, Grayson Dolan, James Charles, and Emma Chamberlain
Words: 2.1k
Disclaimer: I honestly don’t care if Emma and Ethan are together in real life nor do I care if Grayson and James are together either. As long as the boys are in a healthy relationship, we shouldn’t care who they are with. Shipping is all fun and games but not when you start labelling people with genders and orientations without consent (I called them boys because they’ve stated they are boys, men, guys and dudes many times in the years I’ve been here).
Do not post our work on other sites without our explicit consent.
Warnings: Swearing, angst, and lots of fluff
A/N: I’m sorry it’s been so long since we’ve posted. I’m struggling and recently actually made the decision to seriously consider taking an official hiatus but would appreciate some feedback.
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One of the things you knew about the fandom was that they were both protective and very well versed in being dating detectives. With the knowledge, you had managed to keep your relationship with Ethan extremely quiet to the point that you had managed to even quietly get engaged after three years of dating. It helped a lot you had James, Emma and Grayson to help combat any rumours and keep the fandom in the belief you were only friends.
However, now that you had recently gotten married back in early September you both had begun the discussion of introducing the relationship to the fandom. It would be necessary when you finally would go on your postponed honeymoon, planning the wedding had taken up a lot of time from the creative abilities for the guys. There was literally no time in the world to go on a honeymoon so soon after marrying.
“Hey, guys!” You caught the tail-end of the intro, one you knew would be fought in as usual, as you walked by the studio. The next few sentences of the boys fighting over how the intro should go.
Instead of silently watching them you continued on doing the chores you had finally decided to tackle. The laundry had piled up from Ethan and you whereas Gray had left a few shirts in the dryer this morning. You took the next few hours to wash the laundry and make a list of groceries you needed. The fridge was started to become empty once again.
“Hey, sweetheart.” Ethan spoke stepping up behind you to kiss the top of your head, “How are you?”

“Tired.” You chuckled, “Jenna’s has this massive portfolio we’re doing for a new client.”
“That’s why you’re doing Gray’s chores?”
“Yeah.” You mumbled leaning back against his chest, “I can’t wait until things die down to finally go to Europe.”
“Me too.” Ethan sighed wrapping his arms around your waist tighter, “We also need to figure out a way to tell the fans about us. I’m honestly shocked they hadn’t truly discovered us.”
“The pros of dating a YouTuber with connections.” You teased pushing his back, “I’m going to head to the store for things for supper.”
“Want me to come?”

“Maybe later.” You breathed with a quick, probably awkward looking, wink leaving Ethan in a daze. Everything you did took his breath away, and the slightest hint of desire made him squirm in anticipation.
Leaving the house, you trailed over to the older model car you drove since you had bought it with your own money years ago. The drive to the store was smooth sailing with a few young adults pointing over in excitement, they often thought you had the boys with you regularly.
You were only halfway through the list when your phone quickly sent out a full tune of Ethan’s ringtone. You were tempted to ignore it to finish getting everything, but when another two followed consequently, you had a feeling it was important.
From: Ethan    Babe, can you come home? From: Ethan    It’s kinda an emergency, and I don’t want you alone right now.
From: Ethan    Sweetheart, you’re gonna get mobbed if you don’t leave now.
You sighed quickly before quickly making your way to the cash register to pay, the straightforward tone of the messages had worried you. You barely even put the shopping cart away before you were driving off, unaware of the group that had started making their way to the store.
By the time you had gotten home the top trend on twitter was about you and Ethan. The boys were in the living room with panic curdling in the air.
“Okay, what the hell is going on?” You demanded as your arms crossed over each other.
“We put the Tuesday video up,” Grayson spoke training his eyes on Ethan’s form. Ethan was sitting on the couch head hanging down with his arms on his knees remarkably silent.
“Ethan forgot-“
“Watch the video Y/N.” Ethan interrupted his brother but keeping his gaze on the ground. His worst nightmare had started, the one that irritated him since Gray and he first started getting noticed. The fear of his significant other being cast into the media with fans bloodthirsty for attention and jealousy.
The video was already queued up on Ethan’s laptop, so you settled next to him to watch the beginning. At first, you didn’t understand, but with the twitter on half of the screen, you understood. Barely visible was Ethan’s wedding band. Maybe visible for a millisecond but it was enough for the fans to see. Countless tweets to the boys, even James and Emma, included vulgar words, and just plain rude tweets and confused ones as well.
“This wouldn’t have happened if he had agreed to remove the ring,” Grayson spoke shifting off of Ethan’s kick.
“I took a vow.” Ethan retorted fast standing up, “I really didn’t want everyone to find out this way.”
“I’m well aware of that Ethan.” You sighed. You knew that the top rumour would be about Emma and Ethan, the fans shipped them so hard since you had time and time again spoke out against dating Ethan.
That was, of course, a few months before you finally got together with Ethan but the fans still thought he had been with Emma. The two had never dated other than meaningless flirting before Ethan found out he had feelings for you. Maybe they would have dated if it kept going, but you were always there in the back of his mind.
“You guys would make a video.” Grayson suggested, “Post it today as raw footage.”
“Or you could ride the increase of interest in you by teasing pictures and videos of us before next Tuesday.” You suggested.
“I don’t want to use you to get more attention.”
“You aren’t using me. I offered E. It doesn’t bother me, all that matters is that we know we love each other. This marriage is between you and me, their comments don’t matter.”
*New Snapchat Story*
“Hey guys, I want you to know that who I married is someone that I’ve loved for years. We decided back when we went on our first date to keep it quiet. It wasn’t because I’m ashamed of the relationship at all-“
“Snapchat isn’t the best place to address this so prepare for a lot of posts. I got married a few months ago, we’ve been planning on how to go public with this. We’ll post a video next week addressing this more, but please be happy for us.”
You watched Ethan’s new snapchat interested in if anyone would guess it was you having Ethan’s ring. He collapsed next to you leaning his head against your shoulder in relief.
“I hope they don’t freak out.”
“I find it amusing that people still think you and Emma are together. Or how little people suspect it’s actually you and I.” You chuckled, “I’ll admit it does bother me that people still ship you but I can’t really be mad when we haven’t given them anything.”
“I can’t wait to show my hands in public again.” Ethan chuckled to himself, “Or wearing long-sleeved shirts in videos.”
“It’s a lot of videos nobody caught the ring.” You shoved your legs over his own to curl closer to him.
“I love you.” Ethan happily spoke kissing the side of your head.
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The fandom was going completely insane over the upcoming sit-down video, a video that would be serious instead of the typical energy. You were nervous to watch the comments, but you had to know if people approved or not. Screw your words of their opinions not mattering.
“And it’s up,” Grayson spoke sitting down to play the video for you. Ethan had nestled into your side.
In the video….
Grayson set the camera to be centred on the little bench you were sitting on in New Jersey. You had all flown back for a few weeks to keep the fandom from ambushing you. That meant you had decided to film on a remote location at Sean and Lisa’s home.
“Hey, guys.” Grayson started off with a wave to the camera, “A lot has happened in the last week, and it’s about time we address it.”
“You all know by now that I wear a wedding ring, I’ve been wearing it since early September when I got married to the love of my life. It’s not Emma before the comments blow up. I met my wife when I was a kid in New Jersey on a complete whim, and we were friends for years before I realised I loved her. We lost touch when Gray and I moved to LA, but we reconnected a few years back. Emma and I never dated, we’ve never liked each other in the way that many of you had wanted.”
“She helped them get together actually.”
“Emma, James and Gray have been huge parts in keeping my relationship quiet, and I’m forever grateful for my best friends. I want you all to know that I haven’t changed. I won’t be shoving my relationship in your face, but I hope you can respect my family and my decision to keep my life private.”
“It means a lot you care for us so much, but we can’t stress it enough that you be kind to others. We don’t tolerate bullying.” Grayson spoke up, “You’ll love her. She’s absolutely perfect for Ethan, and I know our family thinks so as well.”
“So instead of being basic and just inviting her into the video, we thought it would be better to show you some of the adventures we’ve gone on together over the years. Here’s the montage.” Ethan winked.
The video slipped into a full black screen before pictures, and short clips appeared for five minutes only to trickle off leaving the boys sitting on the couch. You were nestled on the couch on your knees to hide your face from the video.
“This is my wife,” Ethan announced as you transitioned to sitting on the couch like them.
“People have been going insane over you guys.” James announced dropping his bag on the couch in the twins living room, “You’re trending on Twitter.”
You were snuggled against Ethan watching some generic Hallmark Christmas movie when James barged into the home. You barely sent him a questioning glance before returning against your husband’s side.
“That’s nice James.” You shrugged, “I did see the hashtag against us though.”
“It’s a shock to the fans Babe.” Ethan murmured against the side of your neck. His fringe tickled your bare neck as you settled on continuing the movie.
“They’ll get over it Y/N. Emma’s been doing damage control for hours now, I could barely drag her from her computer.” James rolled his eyes as Emma dragged her feet into the room wearing an oversized shirt and jean shorts with some rips in them.
“Emma.” You breathed shocked as the tired girl came into the room.
“I’ve been posting a lot on how Ethan and I were never together or interested in each other,” Emma spoke shifting her eyes around the room.
“It’s not your job Em. I should have gotten over my fear and told the fans.” Ethan admitted.
“How do we fix this?”
“I’d offer to fake date you for the fans, but that may cause something worse.” Grayson offered from a comfy chair in the corner with his laptop open. He had decided to watch something that interested him instead of the romantic film among you both chose.
“That would be even more terrible.” You inserted, “You’d literally start a twitter war over a love triangle.”
“What?” Emma questioned frowning in your direction. The bags under eyes catching your attention more than the ‘problem’ at hand,
“A large part of the fandom ships James and Grayson together. The prenup tweet you did Gray.” You countered turning your attention to your brother-in-law, “Just don’t speak out about it. You’ve announced our marriage and showed pictures of us. It will blow over.”
“Guys there are more important things to address in the fandom then our relationship statuses.” You finished, “I honestly don’t care. We’re all healthy, happy and safe. That’s all that matters. Now can we finish this movie or not?”
This is Ethan’s Wedding Ring (Original Ring Source)
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Forever Tag List (Want to be tagged? Send us an inbox, we’re more likely to see that than a comment on our work)
@cityofsobbingfangirls @tas898 @barbidollash @trustnobodyshootfirst @winchesterfanfiction @deanwinchesterisamazing @oh-my-hecky-padalecki @padackles2010 @msimpala67 @deangirl5509 @heyitssilverwolf @therealme13posts @petlaufeyson @professionally-crazed @winterhurricane @tearsandbloodofmyenemies @blackwidow-romanoff @crazybarnes @marvelofcourse @takemetothefictionalworld @destiel67bellarke @ohmy-sammy @fightinthepain @vivabucky @waituntilthedustsettles @daydreaming1393 @cumonbucky @inhumans-of-shield @basicwhiskeyprincesss @soulfull-ofevans @spookass @glitterintheairblog @girl-with-wild-dreams @frickin-bats @darkestgrungeuniverse @shamvictoria11 @buckyappreciationsociety @sammysgirl1997 @fly-f0rever @archer-whovian-violinist @jenn0755 @anamarieswift2194 @unicornofdanger @ifyoudie @jealousbitxh @stormin-thru-glitter @sparklyaura @stilescstilinski @curlyxtomato @katshrev @its-sanaa-k @theoismydad @im-a-light-child @tmriddler @flirtswithdanger @divide-supermarketflowers @arkhamasylumpatient-blog1 @introverted-fandom-human @jennylj16 @potterandbucky @harleenq4life @runs-with-sciss0rs @superhero-lover101 @ridingmoxley @edward-lover18 @ridingmoxley @thefangirlliveson @the-crime-fighting-spider @bookworm-nerd6 @sebby-staan @caitlyn-blackwell @were-all-gay-down-here
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akuncloudflare · 2 years
Leni Klum Chills in Los Angeles for Superga Slide 2022 Campaign
Leni Klum Chills in Los Angeles for Superga Slide 2022 Campaign
Leni Klum lands a major deal fronting the slide-wintertime 2022 campaign from Superga. The daughter of the supermodel Heidi Klum is the hottest attractiveness to pose for the Italian shoe model. Former commercials have showcased the likes of Hailey Bieber and Emily Ratajkowski. The freshly brunette elegance seems to exude a carefree and laid-back again design and style in the pictures. The new…
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graysonsbailey · 5 years
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aquakris · 5 years
In that Jake Paul video, the twins literally looked like they were about to go to bed and looked so fucking warm and gosh
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they did ugh I would’ve been like, ‘drop that shit bby let’s go to bed’🥺
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unxqueness · 6 years
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Wow his a blessing
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iloveboylove · 5 years
no offense but 19yo twin bros even thinking about getting a pet together is literally gateway to marriage and i'm here for it
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clubdolan · 6 years
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I tried something.
Ethan’s woodland wedding aesthetic.
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Dancing in the dark (G.D.)
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Summary: Less than an hour before their wedding, Y/N gets cold feet.
Warnings: none really, mostly fluff
Word count: 1831
I stood watching the line where heaven touched earth. My wide eyes witnessing the glowing collision. Sparks lit the sky as the glory of paradise descended further behind the seam of the world. I felt small as I glanced over my shoulder and saw my shadow slowly shrinking towards my feet. I looked back to the line, only a few bright streaks remained to signal heaven’s passing. The sun had set. The time was near. I knew I had about two hours tops to walk down that aisle to find him waiting at the alter.
It took us about five years to get here, but here we were..our wedding day. This entire day was spent in constant running around, making sure everything was done perfectly. We decided to have the ceremony and the reception in New Jersey, right in his backyard. The house was set far away from prying eyes of the public, surrounded by nature. I loved nature because it gave me a sense of freedom and peace that I could never find in the city. In nature I can be who I am, just a person.
Grayson Dolan felt like nature to me. I was always allowed to be myself, to let go of who I was and I was given courage to discover who I want to be. He was my safe haven, my home, my person.
So, here I was, standing in a room alone in silence with nothing but my thoughts. My usually unruly and unmanageable hair was in lustrous curls with a few small flowers pinned in it and it bounced as I walked across the room. The dress I chose was rather simple. It was long, but not puffy. There was a small trail behind me. The dress had long, lacy sleeves and the lace continued to wrap around my bust and my waist. I didn't put the heels on yet as I didn't want  my feet to hurt when the time for the ceremony actually comes.
I didn't like being alone this long. My bridesmaids and mother left to take care of some last minute details which was probably some kind of a disaster they didn't want me fussing about. I looked at the bouquet that laid on the table before me. I was nervous. Incredibly so. My heart started beating so fast I was afraid it might actually pop out of my chest. My eyebrows frowned in worry and impatience. I glanced at the bouquet again ready to keep well away from the plants which were still beautifully deadly. They carried an otherworldly trance. I gulped. It was nearly time and I was losing my nerve and fast.
„I can't do this...I can't. I'm going to be the worst wife. I'm selfish and impatient and I'm going to ruin everything!“ I started talking to myself, well, more like shouting as I paced the room. Remember when I said I didn’t like being alone for long? This is why...I tend to overthink things and it never goes well for me.
A knock on the door broke my train of thought.
„Can I come in?“ I heard a muffled voice say through the door. It was Ethan, I could easily tell.
Just as I was about to say no and continue freaking out, Ethan walked in. He was stunningly handsome in a navy blue, fitting suit and a black tie I knew he hated to wear. His hair was perfectly tousled to look like it was effortless, although knowing him, it took an hour to get it right. The smile he had when he came in was immediately wiped off his face as he properly looked at me in awe.
„You look gorgeous, Y/N!“ he said and walked over to hug me and that's how he knew something was up.
„Your heart is beating so fast, it's like you're thinking of running away!“ He joked, but when I didn't laugh he got deadly serious.
„Are you thinking of running away?“ he asked.
„I don't know Ethan! I'm freaking out! My mind is racing, my entire wedding party left me alone! They should know better than that! With my commitment issues I was bound to be a flight risk! I can't breathe!“ I was rambling.
„Look, just, hold on, stay here! Okay? I'll be right back!“ Ethan said as he kissed my forehead and ran straight to the door.
Ethan burst through the door of Grayson's bedroom to find his little bro' standing in front of a mirror, checking himself out.
„Dude, you need to come with me now! You need to talk to Y/N!“ Ethan said as he started pushing Grayson out the door.
„Whoa, wait! Ethan, I can't see her before the wedding!“ Grayson pushes back, resulting in a little fight between the brothers.
„If you don't get your ass moving, there won't be a wedding!“ Ethan whisper-shouted.
„What do you mean?“ Gray questions.
„Your bride is freaking out and you need to talk to her. I have an idea, just follow me!“ Ethan orders and they both run to Y/N room.
Back to the bride...
The door swung open scaring me half to death.
„Ethan, what the hell?!“
„Just stay right in that spot and don't move, okay? Grayson is here. He wants to talk to you.“ Ethan says making my jaw drop.
„You know he can't see me before the wedding!“ I exclaim.
„He won't see you, okay? You and I both know he's the only one that can calm you down enough for this wedding to actually happen. I mean, he managed to talk you into accepting his proposal, this shouldn't be that difficult. Just trust me.“ Ethan says, turns off the lights and the darkness engulfs the room.
„Y/N?“ I hear his voice calling my name.
„Gray?“ I ask even tho' I knew it was him.
I hear his footsteps coming closer and I take a few of my own in his general direction to meet him halfway.
I yearned to be in his arms. It's been days since we last saw each other. In the darkness I feel his hand take mine and I smile even if he can't see it. He pulls me closer and wraps me in his arms.
„There you are, pretty girl.“ He says softly making me melt.
„You can't even see me in the dark, you big dork“, I challenge.
„I don't need my eyes to tell me you're beautiful when my heart already knows it.“ He answers.
I lean into his steady silhouette and only then do I feel my shaking body start to relax. I was safe. He was here. My Grayson was with me.
„So, I heard you were nervous?“ he chuckles.
„I'm terrified.“ I reply quietly.
„Dance with me“, he says abruptly.
„What? There's no music!“ I point out.
„So, what? It never stopped us before“, he replies making my heart skip a beat as a memory comes to life.
„Remember when you proposed?“ I ask as I place my arms around his neck and start swaying slowly. His hands find the small of my back and soon he joins me.
„How could I forget?“ He says as his face leans closer to mine.
„We were walking on the beach, just as the sun was setting on the horizon. I remember being so nervous I didn't even register what you were saying. I just tried to memorize every single detail. How the sand was still warm, the waves that crashed on the shore and occasionally caused you to jump up as the cold water touched you. I remember how your hair moved with the wind and you laughing wholeheartedly. I stopped and turned to you and asked you to dance with me.
I didn't care about the people around, nor did I care about the lack of actual music. I wanted to dance with you.“ He trailed off.
„And so we danced“, I continued.
„Then I got on one knee and asked you to spend the rest of your life with me.“
„And I almost passed out“ I chuckled remembering how I was caught off guard.
„But you still said yes, and now here we are. Dancing in the dark.”
Grayson was quiet for a moment: “Do you regret saying yes?“ He asked.
„Never. Not even for a second.“ I reply honestly and almost instantly.
„If you want, I can call it all off. Send everyone home and we can just Netflix and chill with a bunch of junk food“, he offered with sincerity in his voice.
I looked up in shock. I couldn't see his face, but I knew this was breaking him.
„You'd do that for me? You wouldn't be mad?“ I ask quietly.
„I'd do anything for you.“
„Don't you want to marry me?“ I question, worried that he was the one backing out now.
„I'll always want to marry you babe, just not at any cost. I love you and if this whole thing is causing you anxiety and stress...Well, marriage is more than just a ring worn or a signed piece of paper. It is supposed to be about the union of two hearts beating as one, each that would sacrifice themselves for the other's happiness and well-being. I have that right now and the whole wedding thing would be just to make it official so no one can steal you from me.“
„When did you become the wise one in this relationship“ I laugh as I stand on my tippy toes and lean in. Our lips met in a loving kiss that made all the nervousness fade away. I knew I was ready for anything as long as this man was standing right next to me.
"Thank you," I say in barely more than a whisper.
"For what?" He replies, his voice low and husky.
"For being you." My voice wavers, exhilarated from the tension between us. I gently lean in and kiss him again. Feeling him smile into the kiss I slowly pull away, our foreheads touching still.
„Let's get married.“ I say this time with confidence.
Right on time, Ethan comes back and starts dragging Grayson away.
„I'll see you at the alter“, Grayson manages to say and just before they close the door I yell „I'll be the one in white!“
I lean against the wall and place my fingers over my lips where I could still feel the tingly sensation where his soft lips were moments ago. I realize my alone time is over as the whole bridal party walks in and starts rushing me to the door.
„Are you ready, dear?“ My father asks with a smile on his face, trying to cover up the fact he'd been crying the whole day. His red, slightly puffy eyes were a clear tell.
„I'm ready“ I say and place my hand on my father's as I start the walk that will lead me to the rest of my life.
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naileadevoras · 21 days
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akuncloudflare · 2 years
Gucci Heads to Vacation Places for Resort 2022
Gucci Heads to Vacation Places for Resort 2022
Gucci’s resort 2022 capsule selection, which is impressed by vacation, was intended with the family vacation period in thoughts. Max Siedentopf was liable for the campaign’s images and art path. The illustrations or photos attribute models posing as giants versus the backdrop of heat-temperature holiday vacation places. The Italian manner property attracts strategies for this assortment from…
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graysonsbailey · 5 years
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bellarkeselection · 3 years
Young Country Love
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Gif by @stilinski-ortiz-dolan
Part 22
coffer_bish on Wattpad - gave me ideas
It's been exactly 7 months since the attack on my family. 4 months since Beth and Rip's wedding and 5 months since mine and Kayce's. Pulling one of Kayce's sweatshirts over my head I grab my brown hat slipping on blue jeans and a pair of brown boots. Jimmy's supposed to be visiting the ranch today to spend some time with me. I've always considered him like a brother to me since I was born an only child. Coming down the stairs I see Kayce feeding the twins in the kitchen. "Morning baby. I'll take that." He kisses my cheek stealing my hat and putting it on instead. I shake my head with a grin wrapping my arms around his neck kissing him slowly, my freehand snatched it back for me to feel him chuckle against my lips. "Never change Y/n Dutton." Breaking the kiss I head outside to the porch chuckling back to him. "Don't you plan on it either Kayce John." Exiting the front door but halt in my steps seeing Jimmy and his ex Mia standing on the ground staring at me. "Jimmy - Mia, what's going on here?" She'd left the ranch after brawling with his fiancée in the Bunkhouse months ago.
"What is going on here is I want him to dump her and get back together with me!" Mia suddenly just started shouting arms thrown up in the air. I slowly walk down the stairs to be on the ground with the ex couple. "Mia, he's engaged to someone else..." She cuts me off aiming a finger at me. "It worked with you and the farmers son, Kayce. You used to be together then he left and you got back together. Why can't they be between us baby." She bats her eyelashes at Jimmy who eyes me messing with his hat. "Y/n right. I already found the one I love." Mia huffed bringing her right hand back behind her head as a fist swinging for my face. "Maybe Y/n would love my fist in her face!" I duck underneath her fist and grab her other fist that tries to punch me in the gut. My husband's a ex navy seal. He taught me how to fight. I form a fist when she elbows me in the rib making me groan so I punch her in the chest. Mia tackled me into the dirt hitting me as Jimmy tried pulling us apart but I rolled her on her chest shoving her face in the dirt. "He's over you. I suggest you leave this ranch before I make you Mia!"
Getting to my feet she yanks my hair kicking me harshly so I fall to the ground as the front door opens for Kayce to storm out onto the porch. "What the hell!" Mia grabs my shoulders spinning us around still holding my hair until I grab her forearm throwing her over my shoulder. "Jimmy help me separate them!" Jimmy grabs me by the waist and Kayce gets a hold of Mia after I punched her right under her nose making her get a nose bleed. "Let me go you little bitch!" Mia cursed struggling against my husband's strength. Wiping away blood from my mouth I see Rip's horse galloping up towards her that he angrily dismounted seeing what's happening before him. "Kayce release her. I'll handle it." He does for Rip to grab Mia by the shirt dragging her to her truck. Opening the driver door throwing her inside, threatening her sternly. "Listen to me very closely Mia. You leave now or you'll never leave!" He slammed the car door walking over to the three of us hearing her car sped off the Dutton Ranch.
Kayce gentle lifts my face examining a bruise near my left eye and I can definitely feel bruising in some of my ribs. Jimmy removes his hat looking sad. "Y/n, I'm sorry for you getting hurt." Turning my head from my husband I pull out of his embrace hugging my friend wincing a little and he slowly hugs back. "It's okay Jimmy. Mia needed someone to kick her ass." He simply nods offering dinner later. "I owe you and your family dinner later tonight." Kayce rests a hand on my lower back helping me up the stairs to check my injuries. "Yes you sure do. We'll be back in a few minutes." He leads me to our bedroom having me sit on the bathroom toilet. He digs around for the medical kit getting a cloth to clean the blood. "Seems familiar huh, just reversed roles right Kayce?" I winced a little as he lifts my shirt up eyeing my chest. "How bad is it?" He gently pulled my shirt back down brushing hair from my eyes. "It just seems to be some light bruising but we should take you to the hospital if it doesn't get better in a couple days. Make sure nothings broken. Go shower I'll be down in the barn."
He started to leave until I call out to him he looked over his shoulder at me. "Why don't you join me, Kayc?" His brown eyes watching me pull my shirt over my head stepping up to him. He sucks in a breath in his throat, a look of desire in those eyes. Wrapping my arms around his neck I lean up pressing my lips to his slowly and he kisses back. He deepens it tugging me against his hooking his fingers in the belt loop of my jeans until he mumbled against my lips. "Don't worry about the kids. Dad's watching the twins and Bree is hanging with Carter in the barn." He broke the kiss to remove his shirt then crashing his lips against mine. He picks me up never breaking the kiss while closing the door with his foot. I broke the kiss watching his eye staring at the bruising worried about hurting me, along with me still being weak from birthing the twins. "Kayce, you won't hurt me. You have never physically hurt me." I voiced getting him to look me in the eye. He simply nods turning on the water and helping me inside after ditching our clothes. He pressed my back against the wall moaning when I crash my lips onto his jumping up into his arms and you can figure out the rest....
Bree's Pov
"Have you ever thought of what you want to be when you grow up?" I question to my friend or should I say crush Carter as I brush my horses coat watching him clean the stalls of my family's barn. I'm not really sure what drew me to develop a crush on the curly haired boy. Maybe it was because he's like my Uncle Rip, like bad boy vibe to him. I know my dad isn't really comfortable with me liking boys just yet. He's obviously gonna be overprotective like my Uncle Rip. "I figured out what I want to be actually, Bree." Laying my head in the palms of my hands curiosity written on my face. "What is it, Cart?" He stops his work looking at me then out to where my grandpa John riding out on his horse towards the green fields. "I want to be him." He points out to him as I climbed over the stall door hearing Holly make a nose back at me. "My grandfather, that's so cool."
Carter weakly smiled putting his broom up against the wall putting his hands in his jacket pockets looking at me. Picking up my cowgirl hat from the wall hook I put it on my head hearing him ask me. "What about you?" I bit my lip not sure what to tell him. I don't think I'll ever leave this place, it's my home. My mother and father aren't ever planning on leaving the ranch neither are my aunt Beth and uncle Rip. "I don't know really. Tell me if this sounds cheesy or lame but a cowgirl." Carter comes to lean his back against the wall beside me. Glancing his direction tipping my hat up since he's a little taller than I am. "It doesn't sound lame at all. We could keep this place going the two of us."
I feel my cheeks turn a light red seeing we're closer than I first expected. Uncle Rip has been teaching him ranch stuff and I've been learning from my parents. His eyes catch something hanging from my pocket. "What's in your pocket, B?" Pulling it from my pocket I show him two matching bracelets of rope with a gold clip on them. "A bracelet. I don't have anyone else to talk to except my siblings and you. So, I thought I'd make something for you..." Glancing to my boots my check turned red more catching onto him calling me B as a nickname. He touched my hand putting the bracelet on his right hand, lightly blushing at the small item. "Thank you, Bree." Whipping my head up I smiled seeing his eyes are locked on mine. Our faces closer than they were a few seconds ago.
"Bree, have you ever had feelings for anyone?" He asked slowly watching me shake my head yes so he asked another question taking a step closer to me. "Who was it?" Staring at my hands instead of his eyes I mumbled out. "You...would you care if I kissed you?" I closed my eyes thinking he'll curse and say I'm stupid but I felt his hands intertwining with mine. Squinting my eyes open I lean forward pressing my lips to his slowly and at first he doesn't kiss back. I started to pull back until I felt him actually kiss back. He squeezes my hands breaking the gap between our bodies his hands on my sides. My hands wrapped around his neck deepening our first kiss until my father's voice entered the room.
"Oh I didn't approve of this." Carter and I separated blushing mad seeing both my mother and father standing in the doorway of the barn. My mother smiled brighter seeing bracelets on our arms. "Kayce, she'll be fine. It was just a kiss." Dad looked at her raising a brow at her that says more than what he voiced. My mother nudged him a little with her elbow. "We'll I think it's cute. You and Carter sweetheart right Kayce..." Dad sighs fumbling with his black cowboy hat shrugging his shoulders, showing a slight smile. "It's cute. Just don't get her pregnant early and we'll be fine kid." Carter nodded with a grin watching me race to my father's arms smiling. "Thanks daddy." He ruffled my hair hugging me back. "You're welcome little B. I just wish you weren't growing up so fast because I'm sure not ready for it yet." Mom lays her head against his arm taking his hand in hers. "Name one parent who's ever been ready, Kayce."
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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strangerquinns · 4 years
28 and “can i come yet”
send in nsfw prompts - tonight only! please place a twin, or i’ll just choose one of them if there isn’t one. i’m gonna assume you wanted grayson?
28. for sex against the wall
you’d snuck away with grayson, giggles leaving both your lips as you slipped away from your own reception. the moment the door of your bridal suite door closed grayson had you in his arms, working quickly to push up the white silk slip you’d changed into earlier. 
you worked quickly to unzip his tux pants, your delicate hands wrapping around his cock, before dropping to your knees. grayson moaned loudly as he watched you greedily take his cock down your throat. it turned him on more to see the glimmer of your wedding ring shine in the light as your hand stroked his cock. 
“jesus...fuck baby.” grayson growled slightly as he pulled you back up to your feet, before hiking your leg up and pressing himself tightly against you. a small gasp left your legs as you felt his cock rub against your slit. grayson moaned louder as he felt how wet you were for him. “g-god...can’t wait to fuck this pussy...hear you moan and scream for me as I stretch you out.”
a small whimper left your lips before he thrust inside of you slowly, making sure that you felt every single inch of his cock. thick and pulsing deep in your wet pussy. grayson grabbed the back of your thighs as he held you up, fucking you deep and slow against the wall. a loud whimpering moan left your lips as he fucked you.
“a-ah....yes! grayson...” you bit on your lower lip to keep your moans muffled. you could literally hear the music playing down the hall, the laughter of your friends and family.
“you’re so wet for me angel,” grayson nipped at the curve of your neck making you yelp in surprise. “can feel you dripping down my cock,”
your nails dragged down along his shoulders as you felt your pussy clench around him more and more, knowing that you were gonna cum soon. hearing grays moans in your ear, mixed with the sound of your fucking, had you begging him to make you cum.
“don’t cum for me yet, not yet baby...” grayson slowed his hips before grabbing your jaw to have you look toward him. “don’t you dare fucking cum...”
you whimpered and bit on your lower lip before he set you down and placed your feet onto the ground. soon you have spun around quickly, palms pressed against the wall. you looked back over your shoulder to watch as grayson caressed your ass, before bringing his hands down against your cheek. the loud smack of his hand slapping against your ass - once, twice, three times. the scream leaving your lips growing louder and louder with each smack. 
“fu-uck...” you let out a strangled moan as your heartbeat against your chest. grayson looked towards you, before moving to grip your hair tightly. his finger s threading tightly before gripping it tightly. he pulled your head back causing your back to arch slightly. 
his fingers teased against your slip, teasing you, making your legs shake and tremble.
“this is my pussy....mine...” he slapped against your clit, making your legs shake more. “say it,”
“this is your p-pussy.” your whole body seemed to be vibrating with the thick need to cum for him. 
“that’s right, mrs. dolan.”
he thrust back into you with no warning, making your knees buckle slightly. grayson wrapped a protective arm around your waist, holding you up. you knew that you weren’t going to last much longer. the need and what was becoming too strong. grayson knowing exactly where to touch both inside and out. 
“c-can i come yet...please...please.” you whimpered as hot tears began to fall down your cheeks. grayson released your hair before moving to grip your throat. he held you tightly to his chest
“cum, babygirl. cum for me.”
your body nearly collapsed at his command, his name slipped past your swollen lips. the room around you became hazy before you tightly closed your eyes. grayson came deep inside of you as he watched you fall apart beneath him. grayson pressed his hips tightly to yours as he filled you, gripping tightly to your waist as he held you up. 
you leaned against the wall with heavy pants and breaths, your legs shaking, and grayson pressed against you. the two of you stood there for a moment before slowly you started to come back down. 
“holy...fuck...” grayson breathed, his forehead on your shoulder. you let out a small sound as he pulled out of you. nearly instantly you felt you both drip down your legs. 
“if that's married life, then i’m not going to complain at all baby.” you pulled up your lacy underwear before turning back to face your husband. 
the two of you fixed each other up, before double checking yourself in the mirror beside the door. you wiped the smudged lipstick along your lower lip, before fixing the last loose strand of your hair. grayson walked up behind you and wrapped his arms around your waist smiling towards you through the mirror. you couldn’t help the smile spread across your lips as you looked back towards him.
“you truly do look beautiful,” grayson whispered softly
“you’ve told me that,” you blushed lightly “about a hundred times tonight.”
“and i’m gonna keep saying it,” grayson turned you around to fully face him, before bending down and pressing a soft kiss to your lips. “i love you, [y/n] dolan.”
“and i love you, grayson dolan.”
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