#husband!ethan dolan
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Status // Ethan Dolan
Summary: Maybe keeping such a huge thing from the fans what’s the best decision and the repercussions are the worst. Especially when it’s not the girl the fans shipped with Ethan for years, the one it seemed everyone was okay with him being with.
Characters: Ethan Dolan x Reader, Grayson Dolan, James Charles, and Emma Chamberlain
Words: 2.1k
Disclaimer: I honestly don’t care if Emma and Ethan are together in real life nor do I care if Grayson and James are together either. As long as the boys are in a healthy relationship, we shouldn’t care who they are with. Shipping is all fun and games but not when you start labelling people with genders and orientations without consent (I called them boys because they’ve stated they are boys, men, guys and dudes many times in the years I’ve been here).
Do not post our work on other sites without our explicit consent.
Warnings: Swearing, angst, and lots of fluff
A/N: I’m sorry it’s been so long since we’ve posted. I’m struggling and recently actually made the decision to seriously consider taking an official hiatus but would appreciate some feedback.
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One of the things you knew about the fandom was that they were both protective and very well versed in being dating detectives. With the knowledge, you had managed to keep your relationship with Ethan extremely quiet to the point that you had managed to even quietly get engaged after three years of dating. It helped a lot you had James, Emma and Grayson to help combat any rumours and keep the fandom in the belief you were only friends.
However, now that you had recently gotten married back in early September you both had begun the discussion of introducing the relationship to the fandom. It would be necessary when you finally would go on your postponed honeymoon, planning the wedding had taken up a lot of time from the creative abilities for the guys. There was literally no time in the world to go on a honeymoon so soon after marrying.
“Hey, guys!” You caught the tail-end of the intro, one you knew would be fought in as usual, as you walked by the studio. The next few sentences of the boys fighting over how the intro should go.
Instead of silently watching them you continued on doing the chores you had finally decided to tackle. The laundry had piled up from Ethan and you whereas Gray had left a few shirts in the dryer this morning. You took the next few hours to wash the laundry and make a list of groceries you needed. The fridge was started to become empty once again.
“Hey, sweetheart.” Ethan spoke stepping up behind you to kiss the top of your head, “How are you?”
“Tired.” You chuckled, “Jenna’s has this massive portfolio we’re doing for a new client.”
“That’s why you’re doing Gray’s chores?”
“Yeah.” You mumbled leaning back against his chest, “I can’t wait until things die down to finally go to Europe.”
“Me too.” Ethan sighed wrapping his arms around your waist tighter, “We also need to figure out a way to tell the fans about us. I’m honestly shocked they hadn’t truly discovered us.”
“The pros of dating a YouTuber with connections.” You teased pushing his back, “I’m going to head to the store for things for supper.”
“Want me to come?”
“Maybe later.” You breathed with a quick, probably awkward looking, wink leaving Ethan in a daze. Everything you did took his breath away, and the slightest hint of desire made him squirm in anticipation.
Leaving the house, you trailed over to the older model car you drove since you had bought it with your own money years ago. The drive to the store was smooth sailing with a few young adults pointing over in excitement, they often thought you had the boys with you regularly.
You were only halfway through the list when your phone quickly sent out a full tune of Ethan’s ringtone. You were tempted to ignore it to finish getting everything, but when another two followed consequently, you had a feeling it was important.
From: Ethan Babe, can you come home? From: Ethan It’s kinda an emergency, and I don’t want you alone right now.
From: Ethan Sweetheart, you’re gonna get mobbed if you don’t leave now.
You sighed quickly before quickly making your way to the cash register to pay, the straightforward tone of the messages had worried you. You barely even put the shopping cart away before you were driving off, unaware of the group that had started making their way to the store.
By the time you had gotten home the top trend on twitter was about you and Ethan. The boys were in the living room with panic curdling in the air.
“Okay, what the hell is going on?” You demanded as your arms crossed over each other.
“We put the Tuesday video up,” Grayson spoke training his eyes on Ethan’s form. Ethan was sitting on the couch head hanging down with his arms on his knees remarkably silent.
“Ethan forgot-“
“Watch the video Y/N.” Ethan interrupted his brother but keeping his gaze on the ground. His worst nightmare had started, the one that irritated him since Gray and he first started getting noticed. The fear of his significant other being cast into the media with fans bloodthirsty for attention and jealousy.
The video was already queued up on Ethan’s laptop, so you settled next to him to watch the beginning. At first, you didn’t understand, but with the twitter on half of the screen, you understood. Barely visible was Ethan’s wedding band. Maybe visible for a millisecond but it was enough for the fans to see. Countless tweets to the boys, even James and Emma, included vulgar words, and just plain rude tweets and confused ones as well.
“This wouldn’t have happened if he had agreed to remove the ring,” Grayson spoke shifting off of Ethan’s kick.
“I took a vow.” Ethan retorted fast standing up, “I really didn’t want everyone to find out this way.”
“I’m well aware of that Ethan.” You sighed. You knew that the top rumour would be about Emma and Ethan, the fans shipped them so hard since you had time and time again spoke out against dating Ethan.
That was, of course, a few months before you finally got together with Ethan but the fans still thought he had been with Emma. The two had never dated other than meaningless flirting before Ethan found out he had feelings for you. Maybe they would have dated if it kept going, but you were always there in the back of his mind.
“You guys would make a video.” Grayson suggested, “Post it today as raw footage.”
“Or you could ride the increase of interest in you by teasing pictures and videos of us before next Tuesday.” You suggested.
“I don’t want to use you to get more attention.”
“You aren’t using me. I offered E. It doesn’t bother me, all that matters is that we know we love each other. This marriage is between you and me, their comments don’t matter.”
*New Snapchat Story*
“Hey guys, I want you to know that who I married is someone that I’ve loved for years. We decided back when we went on our first date to keep it quiet. It wasn’t because I’m ashamed of the relationship at all-“
“Snapchat isn’t the best place to address this so prepare for a lot of posts. I got married a few months ago, we’ve been planning on how to go public with this. We’ll post a video next week addressing this more, but please be happy for us.”
You watched Ethan’s new snapchat interested in if anyone would guess it was you having Ethan’s ring. He collapsed next to you leaning his head against your shoulder in relief.
“I hope they don’t freak out.”
“I find it amusing that people still think you and Emma are together. Or how little people suspect it’s actually you and I.” You chuckled, “I’ll admit it does bother me that people still ship you but I can’t really be mad when we haven’t given them anything.”
“I can’t wait to show my hands in public again.” Ethan chuckled to himself, “Or wearing long-sleeved shirts in videos.”
“It’s a lot of videos nobody caught the ring.” You shoved your legs over his own to curl closer to him.
“I love you.” Ethan happily spoke kissing the side of your head.
The fandom was going completely insane over the upcoming sit-down video, a video that would be serious instead of the typical energy. You were nervous to watch the comments, but you had to know if people approved or not. Screw your words of their opinions not mattering.
“And it’s up,” Grayson spoke sitting down to play the video for you. Ethan had nestled into your side.
In the video….
Grayson set the camera to be centred on the little bench you were sitting on in New Jersey. You had all flown back for a few weeks to keep the fandom from ambushing you. That meant you had decided to film on a remote location at Sean and Lisa’s home.
“Hey, guys.” Grayson started off with a wave to the camera, “A lot has happened in the last week, and it’s about time we address it.”
“You all know by now that I wear a wedding ring, I’ve been wearing it since early September when I got married to the love of my life. It’s not Emma before the comments blow up. I met my wife when I was a kid in New Jersey on a complete whim, and we were friends for years before I realised I loved her. We lost touch when Gray and I moved to LA, but we reconnected a few years back. Emma and I never dated, we’ve never liked each other in the way that many of you had wanted.”
“She helped them get together actually.”
“Emma, James and Gray have been huge parts in keeping my relationship quiet, and I’m forever grateful for my best friends. I want you all to know that I haven’t changed. I won’t be shoving my relationship in your face, but I hope you can respect my family and my decision to keep my life private.”
“It means a lot you care for us so much, but we can’t stress it enough that you be kind to others. We don’t tolerate bullying.” Grayson spoke up, “You’ll love her. She’s absolutely perfect for Ethan, and I know our family thinks so as well.”
“So instead of being basic and just inviting her into the video, we thought it would be better to show you some of the adventures we’ve gone on together over the years. Here’s the montage.” Ethan winked.
The video slipped into a full black screen before pictures, and short clips appeared for five minutes only to trickle off leaving the boys sitting on the couch. You were nestled on the couch on your knees to hide your face from the video.
“This is my wife,” Ethan announced as you transitioned to sitting on the couch like them.
“People have been going insane over you guys.” James announced dropping his bag on the couch in the twins living room, “You’re trending on Twitter.”
You were snuggled against Ethan watching some generic Hallmark Christmas movie when James barged into the home. You barely sent him a questioning glance before returning against your husband’s side.
“That’s nice James.” You shrugged, “I did see the hashtag against us though.”
“It’s a shock to the fans Babe.” Ethan murmured against the side of your neck. His fringe tickled your bare neck as you settled on continuing the movie.
“They’ll get over it Y/N. Emma’s been doing damage control for hours now, I could barely drag her from her computer.” James rolled his eyes as Emma dragged her feet into the room wearing an oversized shirt and jean shorts with some rips in them.
“Emma.” You breathed shocked as the tired girl came into the room.
“I’ve been posting a lot on how Ethan and I were never together or interested in each other,” Emma spoke shifting her eyes around the room.
“It’s not your job Em. I should have gotten over my fear and told the fans.” Ethan admitted.
“How do we fix this?”
“I’d offer to fake date you for the fans, but that may cause something worse.” Grayson offered from a comfy chair in the corner with his laptop open. He had decided to watch something that interested him instead of the romantic film among you both chose.
“That would be even more terrible.” You inserted, “You’d literally start a twitter war over a love triangle.”
“What?” Emma questioned frowning in your direction. The bags under eyes catching your attention more than the ‘problem’ at hand,
“A large part of the fandom ships James and Grayson together. The prenup tweet you did Gray.” You countered turning your attention to your brother-in-law, “Just don’t speak out about it. You’ve announced our marriage and showed pictures of us. It will blow over.”
“Guys there are more important things to address in the fandom then our relationship statuses.” You finished, “I honestly don’t care. We’re all healthy, happy and safe. That’s all that matters. Now can we finish this movie or not?”
This is Ethan’s Wedding Ring (Original Ring Source)
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#ethan dolan#ethan dolan imagines#ethan dolan x reader#dolan twins imagines#grayson dolan#emma chamberlain#james charles#husband!ethan dolan#youtube imagines#wedding#dolan twins wedding
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u know how at weddings there is like the garnet toss where the groom takes off the brides underwear with his teeth. can u possibly do a concept like that with gray 😭😭
I can imagine you sitting on a chair in front of everyone while Grayson lifts your dress to drag your underwear with his teeth. He'd tease you so much, going so slow, the motion gives you goosebumps.
He'd look at you the whole time, watching your face, the way you struggle not to make any sound, your family watching you without knowing what you were feeling. Just looking into his eyes, that are now turning darker , makes your pussy ache. You could feel your arousal starting to drip down.
After that, he'd whisper in your ear "you have no idea what I'm gonna do to you tonight", making you whimper.
God I need a moment
#grayson dolan#ethan dolan#ethan dolan imagine#grayson dolan smut#ethan dolan smut#dolantwins#grayson dolan fanfic#grayson dolan x reader#grayson dolan blurb#ethan dolan blurb#grayson is husband material#please I want this now
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@ethandolan: Been doing some commentary for @graysondolan while he’s been working around the house
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you being insecure the first time you and ethan make love after having your first child and ethan being nothing but gentle and reassuring you that you’re still as beautiful if not more than the first l time he met you
He'd trace his fingers up and down her stomach, each and every stretch mark kissed lovingly and gently and while she's so self conscious, scared about him hating the changes this pregnancy imposed on her body, Ethan looks up lovingly, his eyes never filled with more love.
"How did I get so lucky to have someone as beautiful as you? Because you were beautiful when we met, but now? Every inch of your body is perfection." His smile grows when he notices her lips twitch up, his heart drowning in all the love he has for her and if someone had asked him if you can love one person so much it hurts, he'd laugh if he didn't feel it himself.
"I was worried you wouldn't like the stretch marks or the fat I can't get off and I just...I was delaying having sex for so long."
"Baby, no. I absolutely love having more to grab, to kiss and adore. I can't believe you think so low of yourself or me, because I swear to God you're stunning and I don't want you to stress about anything. I. LOVE. YOU. And that cute little baby you brought into this world. More than anything."
And with a smile, her fingers laced in his hair as he laid his head on her chest, she whispered more to herself than him. "Maybe I'm the lucky one."
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I love how his leg is just casually resting on that stool, like he's so effortlessly sexy. He can literally be drinking water and he'll manage to make it the sexiest thing on earth. He doesn't even try and he's still the sexiest and the most manly man I've seen.
#ethan dolan#the Adonis#the love of my life#my husband#he looks so good#I didn't even look at Gray#hot damn!!!
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#im actually sobbing#i want a baby#and i want a husband#and im super soft and sad now#grayson dolan#dolan twins#dolan tuesday#dolan twins imagine#grayson and ethan#grayson imagine#dolan twin fandom#ethan dolan#dolan twins tuesday
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I like the words my tablet recommends after I type Grayson Dolan 😂😂😂
#Grayson dolan is my future husband hahaha#wow#grayson dolan#dolan twins#please ignore the tinder notification#i have needs while im waiting for my future husband apparently#lol#ethan dolan
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i never knew i needed videos of grayson playing with a tiny lizard. so cute
#how can he be my smol son and my daddy at the same time#im so soft for him rn#thats my husband#grayson dolan#dolan twins#ethan dolan
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A bit far fetched but future e and g make me swoon. What do u think they'd be like as spouses or parents? Thanks b 💝
Far fetched??? Oh man grab a snack and let’s talk about this for a minute. 🤔
Ethan- ⁃ He would effortlessly and nonchalantly be always doing all of the sweetest things. He would act like it was no biggie, but it just melted your heart every time. He’d randomly buy you flowers, leave nice notes on your windshield for you to find in the morning before you head to work. He’d come to your work when he knew you were having a bad day and have lunch with you. ⁃ He would literally drop everything to be next to you at all time. ⁃ He would always be so gentle with you and treat you like a butterfly, but he knew you could hold your own if you needed to. You enjoy being dependent upon him when you are able to though. ⁃ Sometimes you’d feel like y’all have left the honeymoon phase — something you didn’t want to happen. He’d be able to see that you felt that way and felt a little sad by it, so he’d do this huge romantic gesture to reassure you how passionate and great his love is for you. ⁃ The truth is you two will never leave the honeymoon phase. He’s so private when it comes to PDA, which you are ok with because it makes it a little more special. If you were out to dinner with some coworkers and their spouses, he’d be rubbing your thigh under the table and whispering cute, but tbh dirty, things in your ear. You’d definitely be getting it that night (and most nights if we’re being honest). 😉 ⁃ You’d express to him how worried you get sometimes by the crazy videos and stunts that him and Gray do, but he’d calm you and reassure you that he wouldn’t ever do anything that would threaten him to lose you or you to lose him. ⁃ I think Ethan would be a totally crazy dad. He’d scoop up the little one and run around the house with them. They’d stick their arms straight out, and Ethan would make airplane noises, pretending like the little toddler was flying. He’d give them piggyback and shoulder rides. He’d teach them how to skateboard at a really young age, but NEVER forgets to make them where knee pads and elbow pads. He may be crazy, but he’s all about safety when it comes to his family. ⁃ He’d teach your daughter how to be a total badass and be really independent, making sure that he’d always be the only man her in life (ya know the typical dad type in tv shows). He’d teach your son how to really treat a woman, using your relationship as the perfect example.
Grayson- ⁃ Grayson would just want to do anything and everything with you. He’d be such a busy body, always wanting to go, go, go. He’d find new places to surf, hike, snowboard, or even new lookouts to sit at for hours — anything to be out of the house with his favorite girl, his only girl, his wife. ⁃ He’d never let you forget what you mean to him and how you saved him at one of the toughest times of his life. He’d tell you that he will spend the rest of his days trying to repay you and show you just how much he loves you. ⁃ Unlike Ethan, I think he’d be really public with his affection. He’s usually a pretty private guy, but he wants to make sure everyone knows that you belong to him and he belongs to you. He’s always got a hand somewhere on you. He’d constantly be kissing your cheek, forehead, or nose. You’d blush every time, and he found it very endearing. ⁃ He’d always plan spur of the moment weekend getaways that you absolutely adored. ⁃ Life is never boring with Grayson. He always has something to say, and it’s usually a joke. He laughs at his jokes more than you do, but his laugh is contagious so you both are a laughing, crying mess all the time. ⁃ He’d dare you to do so many crazy things that you never even thought about doing before him, but he’d always assure you that you didn’t have to do it if you were uncomfortable. His number one priority is making sure you feel comfortable and protected. ⁃ And when it comes to kids, he’s way overprotective. He’s adventurous with them, and of course wants to have fun, but he’s constantly got an eye on them. He’s ready to catch them as soon as they fall. ⁃ He’d be a little tougher with your son, but he’d treat your daughter like a princess and spoil her so rotten. ⁃ You would often spend Sunday mornings as a family, cooking breakfast which is one of Gray’s favorite moments of the week. Gray would flick some flour onto your daughter and a small food fight would ensue. You and your happy family would be laughing and having the best time of your lives.
I think that you and your family (either with Ethan or Grayson) would spend most evenings with the other’s family. Your kids would be more like siblings, rather than cousins. You and your brother-in-law’s wife would be the best of friends and each other’s backbones when the boys were doing crazy things. I think if there was a huge snowstorm, you would all stay at one house together and watch movies while playing board games and doing puzzles. And when the snowfall got a little bit lighter, your huuuge family would all go out and have a snowball fight and make snowmen and snow angels. Or if it was just a regular storm and the rain let up a bit, you would all go outside and dance in the rain or create some kind of mudslide. Life is never dull with your family when the Dolans are apart of it!
WOW idk about you, but I enjoyed this journey 😅
Send me more things!!!! 💙💙😊
#lmao sorry for the long response#jk I enjoyed myself and I hope you did too#answering lovely people#dolan twins#ethan dolan#grayson dolan#ask me anything#ethan dolan as a husband and parent#grayson dolan as a husband and parent
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the blurb you wrote about dad!grwy introducing his daughter on the podcast was to cute!!! could i request another blurb where the reader joins the boys on the podcast with her and gray’s baby and it’s just lots of cute moments?
part one
You held Emma in your arms as the rest of the boys set up the studio. It was a couple of weeks since Grayson introduced your little girl to the world. The response was incredible, but both Ethan and Grayson noticed comments on how people wanted your side of the story. Grayson knew you still needed some time to recover and fell up to you.
"You don't have to do it baby," He spoke softly as the two of you laid in bed, "Whenever you're ready though, just let me know."
Two weeks later you walked into the kitchen after placing Emma down for nap letting him know that you wanted to join the podcast. So here you were sitting beside your husband with your little girl swaddled in your arms. She just got done with a feeding, so baby Emma was sleeping peacefully in your arms.
As Ethan and Grayson went through the intro for their podcast.
"If you guys are watching on YouTube, you can see that we have a special guest with us, and a returning guest." Grayson spoke with a wide smile on his face, his loving eyes looking down towards you. "You wanna say hello, baby?"
"Hello," You laughed nervously. This of course wasn't your first time on the podcast with Ethan and Grayson, but you were still nervous. "Good to be back with you guys."
"And you brought Baby Emma, as everyone affectionately call her." Ethan spoke from across the table.
"Yes, little baby Emma, finally taking her naps on time. Had a bit of a rough few weeks when she just wanted to cry and cry through nap time."
Grayson nodded his head, reaching along the back of your chair and gently rubbing your back. Your nervous calmed under your husbands touch.
"Everyone last time we had Emma on wanted to know about your side of the story when it came to everything." Grayson spoke.
"I mean, everything about that night is kind of a blur because it happened so fast. I remember waking up with some pain, and then trying to get to the bathroom. But then my water broke cause little lady decided she wanted to come out and join us early." Your eyes moved down to your sleeping little girl, your hand moving to gently caress her cheek as she slept. "I remember Grayson jumping out of bed and rushing to pack a bag while screaming for you," You looked back up to Ethan, "And then suddenly I was in a car with Grayson in the backseat while you drove. I have never seen Ethan drive so fast my life."
Everyone laughed and smiled slightly.
"I do remember running a few red lights and Grayson shouting at me to slow down." Ethan spoke, "But I also know he would've done the same if he was driving."
"Grayson would've drove down the side of the mountain if he had to, to get to the hospital." You laughed, looking towards Grayson who blushed and shook his head with a smile.
"But when we finally got to the hospital, all I wanted was to see her. But I was scared, we had a scary point where I wasn't dilating and they thought we'd have to get a C-Section surgery in order to get her. I was terrified of possibly needing to be cut open." A frown came over Grayson's face as you spoke, remembering the deep fear that was in your eyes in that moment. He remembers sitting their helplessly and not being able to calm your fears. Grayson's hand moved along your back and pulling you a little closer to his side. "But thankfully that didn't need to happen. It was just me, Grayson and the doctors when baby came into the world. It was painful, scary, and exciting but I would do again."
"That mean we're gonna be having a sibling for her?" Ethan asked
"Oh we're having a mini football team," Grayson joked. "I want as many little babies as she will give me."
"In a year or so don't be shocked if there is another little Dolan running around."
Grayson perked up and smiled at the mention of growing your family more. Emma made that time to make a small noise and slowly wake up. You looked down and fidgeted in your arms as she tried to stretch.
"You wanna say hello baby girl?" You spoke in a soft tone, "Wanna say hi."
You held Emma up more into view of the camera and towards the mic. She made soft little grunting and babbling noises as you supported her.
"Riveting information, angel." Grayson spoke before gently taking her from your arms. He kissed her cheeks and a small happy sound came from her as she realized she was in her daddy's arms.
"Already a daddy's girl with him wrapped around her little finger," You spoke looking towards them, feeling your chest fill with the love you had for your small family.
"We all knew that Grayson was going to be a sucker for his daughter, it was just bound to happen."
"I can't wait for when she's a teenager," You laughed, "I just know that whole time period is just going to be hell for him. Going into mad protective dad mode."
"She's my little girl, gonna make sure she's always protected." Grayson spoke resting her against his chest and shoulder, rubbing his hand along her back.
"Such a good daddy," You spoke softly, before leaning over and kissing his cheek softly.
#grayson dolan x reader#grayson dolan imagine#grayson dolan concept#grayson dolan blurb#grayson dolan fanfic#grayson dolan fanfiction
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#grayson dolan#ethan dolan#dolan twins#dolan twin tuesday#the dolan twins#huSBAND MATERIAL#grayson dolan imagine#ethan dolan imagine#dolan twin imagine
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mixtape | epilogue
authors note: I truly cannot thank you enough for your support, love, kind words and overall interest throughout this story. Writing this whole thing has really changed my life in a lot of ways, both through my characters and through proving to myself that I can actually bring something like Mixtape to fruition. I love you all, loud, from the bottom of my heart. I hope this epilogue is all you hoped it would be, and now we can finally start with post-fic concepts. Enjoy!!!
| masterlist | faceclaims | playlist |
“Four… Five… Seven!”
“Six babe. Five, six, seven.”
“Five seven.”
In Beks smile, all Grayson could see was Indiana. As far as the rest of his daughter, she looked just like him. Brown hair, brown eyes, even the same little dimple. But her smile, and the feeling it gave him in his gut? That was all Indiana. His wife, who was unfortunately still pacing a bit in the terminal, a coffee in her hands.
As soon as she realized that they were back from their walk, she perked up, putting on her brave face for Beks so she didn’t think anything was wrong.
“Mama! Hi mama!”
“Hi sweet girl.” She held her hands out for her daughter, smiling when she gleefully reached for her. Grayson passed her over without a hesitation. As little as their almost three year old was, she was her mom’s biggest anchor when things got hard.
“You okay?” He asked it quietly while Beks was distracted, twirling a piece of her mom’s hair around her little fingers.
Indy looked at the clock. 5 minutes till boarding.
Her face was enough of an answer for her husband, and he frowned.
She nodded.
“We’ll be okay,” he offered, reaching out for her free hand to squeeze it and trace a heart. It relaxed her a tiny bit, but she still bit her lip.
“My whole world is about to be in a plane, out of my control.” She turned her head to kiss Bekah’s hair. “She’s so small. Nothing I could do if…”
“Hey, hey none of that. You know what Bethany says about the doomsday stuff.”
“Unhelpful, unlikely and unproductive.” Indy whispered her therapists words back to herself, closing her eyes and taking a deep breath. She’d gotten better about flying, accomplished things she never thought she would. Charlie and Devin’s wedding in Oregon, her own wedding in Maui, flying back and forth to see Lisa, trips to Australia even. But things changed when she got pregnant. Now, her heart lived outside of her body, in a tiny almost toddler who was as content as could be on her hip. The flight to Jersey had been decent, but the way home seemed like an impossible hurtle.
“It’ll all be over in a few hours. And then we’ll be home, back to our bed and our house.” Grayson wished he could fix it, wished he could take it on himself. But all he could really do was squeeze her hand and stay calm.
Indy nodded, but when the gate attendant came over the intercom she felt like she could vomit right there. She silently passed Beks over to Grayson and fumbled for their boarding passes with shaky hands.
“Plane daddy! There’s a plane!” Bekah smiled, pointing out the window as another aircraft taxied by.
“Yeah! It’s big, isn’t it,” Grayson tickled her belly and kissed her cheek as he readjusted the diaper bag over his shoulder and headed into the boarding lane behind Indy. They made their way down the jet bridge and into first class, Indy moving to the window seat and immediately holding out her hands for Bekah. They’d been blessed with a very happy baby who was content most of the time as long as she had a familiar face with her. She sat on Indy’s lap and played with the necklace she had on, rubbing at her eyes with the other hand.
“You tired bubba?” Grayson sat down and ran a hand over her back. Beks nodded slowly. “Here, c’mere, give momma a break.”
Indy passed her back over, melting like she always did when Bekah leaned forward onto Grayson’s chest, relaxing fully in the safety of his arms. She loved nothing more than seeing the father he was to their little girl. It was more than she could have ever asked for, and she watched as he moved her just enough to get his seatbelt on, knowing she would be asleep in a few minutes.
He hummed to her quietly, moving a hand over her ear to quiet the inevitable announcements from the flight attendants, and Indy watched as her eyes fluttered closed, long eyelashes resting on pink cheeks.
“Is she out?” Grayson dared to ask after a few minutes.
Indy nodded, her eyes burning a bit as she fought back tears. Bekah just looked so small, and fragile, and the plane was moving and she felt like she couldn’t control anything, not even her emotions.
“Do you want to hold her? Would that help?”
“No, she’s comfy it’s okay, I don’t want to wake her up,” Indy whispered, shaking her head. Even still, she stretched a hand over into Grayson’s seat, trying to catch her breath and focus on the feeling of his hand in hers, his wedding ring cold against her fingers. She looked at him, tried to lose herself in him the way she always had. He looked the same as that first day outside of Frazier, with a healthy amount of scruff. His hair was a bit shorter than it was then - Lisa always gave him a good haircut when he was in town. But his smile was still the same, and his eyes just as warm when he looked back into hers.
“Breathe baby. I’m right here, we’re gonna be there before you know it. I love you.”
“I love you too.”
She willed herself to believe him and put a headphone in her ear, started her playlist and closed her eyes as the plane moved towards the runway and her daughter slept.
Things were slightly better once they got into the air. It didn’t surprise her that Grayson fell asleep within the first hour. She could tell he was fighting his eyelids as he tried to stay awake in case she needed him, but the warmth and weight of Beks was enough to lull him off. The way she knew for sure was when his thumb stopped rubbing against the back of her hand. Indy didn’t mind - if he wasn’t awake he wasn’t worrying about her at least She took the time to look at them - really look at them for a while. Bekah was so active, always exploring and getting into things. It made moments like these rare, especially as she got older. She’d never understood what her mom had meant, when she said her heart had grown two sizes to accommodate her and Charlie.
In all those months after they got back together, she had thought it was impossible to love someone as much, or more, than she loved Grayson. She proved herself wrong after he became her husband, and again when they found out they were having a baby, a girl. Her love for him grew even more while she was pregnant. And then Bekah Nicole Dolan had entered the picture, and their lives had never been the same. It felt like just yesterday that she was watching Grayson cry in the hospital room, holding his baby girl for the first time. Since then there were two birthday parties, almost three years of watching her grow into herself, watching her learn, watching her develop her own little personality. She was Indy’s new favorite thing to study, and she kept herself busy for most of the flight looking through old pictures on her phone. It calmed her more than she thought it would, and kept her occupied until Beks woke up from her nap.
It was a nice distraction for her to focus on keeping her daughter entertained and happy once she maneuvered her out of Grayson’s lap. They colored after Indy fished the coloring book and crayons out from her bag, and they looked at pictures, and watched out the window, Bekah asking “what dat?” over and over again at all the things she could see on the ground.
The flight attendants message to prepare for landing was what finally woke Grayson up from his slumber, and his bleary eyes were immediately guilty.
“You should have woken me up,” he pouted, already looking her over for any sign of her anxious habits.
“We’re okay. I got a handle on it. Glad you’re awake for landing though,” she reassured him, reaching a hand out for his again. He happily took it, and smiled when Bekah leaned over to put her hand on top of theirs, always wanting to be involved. The landing was smooth, and Indy took her first truly relaxed breath in hours once the plane stopped moving at the gate. Bekah felt it, felt her chest rise and fall so dramatically that she turned and smiled up at her.
“Breathe mama,” she said, just like her dad always did. “Big breaf.” Her ‘th’ sounds were still f’s, and Indy selfishly hoped they stayed that way for a while longer. She over exaggerated her next breath so Beks could feel it. It satisfied her enough it seemed, and she held Grayson’s hand as they walked off the plane and into the airport. Grayson’s back hurt by the time they made it to baggage claim from the way he was crouched over to keep his hand in hers, but she was determined to do it herself and keep him close.
All that went out the window when she saw who was waiting for her by the baggage carousel.
Ethan smiled his widest smile and crouched down with his arms open, ready to catch her as she ran as fast as her little legs would take her. He caught her and tossed her up in the air just to hear her giggle.
“Hi bug! How was Jersey?”
“Good! I saw Grandma Lisa and daddy showed me a waterfall and we stayed in the other house and momma made pancakes. Where’s Miles?” Her attention jumped around like a pinball in the machine, but she looked down to Ethan’s left side where there was usually a very cute five year old.
“He’s home taking care of Aunt Eden, making sure little Maisie isn’t giving her too much trouble.”
“Is she still in her belly?”
“Yeah bug, for a little while longer. But, she missed you so much that she wants everybody to come out to the beach for a little while before it gets dark. And if mommy and daddy are too tired, you can just come with us.”
Indiana wanted to cry. She knew what her brother was doing - giving her an out in case the flight had gone badly, a chance to recuperate if need be. Truth be told, she was still nauseous, but her nerves had settled and the thought of seeing Eden and her nephew were too good to pass up. She’d missed them despite only being gone for a few days.
“We’ll all go, just gotta get changed at the house first,” Indy said, and she felt Grayson perk up beside her, somewhat surprised by her answer.
“Alrighty then, let’s roll.” Ethan led the way with Beks on his hip, Grayson managing most of the bags on the way out to the car. Things had gotten better since they’d traveled with Beks as an infant - less equipment required for a toddler, especially one who was easily entertained by her parents.
Before they knew it Beks was in her car seat, thrilled that her dad climbed into the backseat to ‘hang out’ with her while he gave his wife shotgun. Ethan played Cudi, the clean versions, and everyone in the car sang along, even if Bekah was mostly just humming and kicking her feet.
It took about 30 minutes to get to the main gate of the houses. Indy could still remember the first time she’d been in a car pulling up to the same spot. Things were a bit different now - they’d bought out their neighbors house when it went up for sale, tore down the fences and made it all one big backyard with each of the couples in their own space. E squared kept the original house - it’s where they’d raised Miles after all. Indy had enjoyed getting to make the new house her own. It wasn’t lost on her that it was the bigger of the two, with Grayson’s dream of a big family always at the back of his mind.
It was on Indy’s too, especially when she saw Eden waiting on the porch of their house, her bump on full display, framed out by her bikini and cover up. Maisie Rae Dolan was due in two months, and the whole crew was counting down the days until her arrival, none more so than her mother.
Miles came around the corner at full speed once the car stopped, running around the car to find the only one he ever looked for. Grayson couldn’t get her out of her carseat fast enough, but as soon as Beks was on the ground Miles was hugging her.
“Hi best friend!” Bekah said as soon as her face wasn’t buried in his shirt.
“Hi! I missed you! Daddy helped me make a countdown and I counted all the days until you came back and now you’re here! Do you wanna see it?!”
Grayson had to catch the two of them before they went barrelling towards the house.
“Hold on guys, if we wanna make it to the beach early enough to get into the water we all need to get changed and packed up. We’ll see you there Mi, okay?”
Miles nodded once, then immediately turned to Ethan.
“Dad, can I ride with Uncle Grayson and Aunt Indy?”
“They just got back babe, gotta give them a minute to settle in. But, if mom’s up for it we can go early and look for some shells, okay?”
He threw a wink to Grayson as he unloaded the bags. Meanwhile, Indy was on the porch, catching up with Eden.
“Any changes? Contractions or anything?”
“Other than her kicking my spleen every five minutes and sitting on my bladder like a throne, we’re golden.”
She didn’t look golden. In fact, she looked exhausted.
“Miles wearing you out?”
All she had to do was look at her and Indy was laughing.
“Whenever you need us to take him, just send him over.”
“You act as if you too do not have a child that wears you out.”
The pair looked over at their husbands, and their kids. Miles was attempting to climb the tree in the front yard, which was his new found mission he’d been working on. Ethan stood guard below, shifting back and forth to catch his son in case he lost his balance trying to maneuver the first main branch.
Meanwhile, Beks was picking flowers one by one and holding them in her fist. Indy watched as she carried her mini bouquet over to Grayson and held it out proudly. They watched as she stuck her tongue out in concentration while she tucked one behind her dad’s ear.
“Yeah… so whenever you need us to take him, just send him over,” Indy repeated with a laugh that Eden quickly joined in on, holding her bump with her hands.
“Go get settled, if Beks gets ancy we can load her up with us.”
“She should be fine, we hate unpacking night of anyways. We’ll see you in a little while.”
She was halfway across the lawn before Eden called after her.
“Oh! Before I forget, I had some extra stuff lying around that definitely won’t fit for a while, or ever, after this one -” she pointed to her stomach. “I left them and some other stuff for you in your closet. Anything you don’t want just bring it back and I’ll throw it in the donation pile.”
Indy threw her a thumbs up and rounded up Beks, headed back to their house. She could breathe easier as soon as she was inside the familiar walls. Their house was modern, but every space was warmed by something personal, most of which was made by Grayson. With the transition away from social media and into behind the scenes production, he had more time to build and perfect his craft. Family touches were everywhere as well, from the picture frame on the coffee table from last christmas to the booster seat in the kitchen table chair where they all sat to eat dinner every night. Indy’s work badge was still on the counter, with the nemo sticker that covered her last name so no one could look her up and realize just who she was married to. But below it you could still read the name of the pediatric hospital she called home.
All those thoughts were fleeting though, considering Beks was on a mission to get to the beach.
“I’ll get her ready if you pack the beach bag?” Grayson offered. Indy smiled and nodded, heading back into the bedroom to get changed herself. When she got to her closet, she found the pile of things from Eden - some of her tighter dresses, jean shorts, bikinis, a few bottles of perfume with a note scribbled, smell makes me sick now. Fml. Beside that was a box with a note; pregnancy tests, won’t be needing these anytime soon… hopefully lmao.
Indy rolled her eyes and laughed to herself, putting everything away in its right spot and pulling out a nice bikini from the stack to throw on. She grabbed one of Grayson’s long sleeve shirts to put on over it before she headed back out. The bag was mostly prepped already with the essentials - the beach was a common Dolan outing after all. All she had to add was towels and a sandwich for Beks in case she got hungry.
Food was the last thing on Bekah’s mind it seemed when she came down the hall, already asking if it was time to go. Indy wasn’t one to brag, but her daughter had to be up there with the cutest babies of all time, especially in her custom 2T sized spread positivity hoodie over her bathing suit and tiny chaco sandals. Her hair was still in the tiny space buns that Indy had put them in earlier, only adding to the way she was making her melt.
Indy loaded up the car while Grayson threw on a speedo and regular shorts to cover up with, not bothering with a shirt. Indy preferred it that way - she enjoyed the view, which she had plenty of time to admire from the passenger seat once they were on the road. Grayson held her hand, looking like a Raybans model in his sunglasses, tattoos on full display as he drove. Her favorite was still the forever scribbled out across his ribs, especially with the script right below it. Bekah Nicole. His daughter's name.
It still amazed Indy how lucky she was, to have the life that she did, to have found the love that she had. It took her breath away at times, made her stomach feel like it was floating when she remembered that the man beside her was hers, forever. She turned around the check on Beks, who was telling a story that made no sense, although Grayson was acting like he understood every single word. Their perfect little girl. Even then, she would still tear up if she looked at her for too long.
The secret beach, somehow, still seemed to be their little secret. There were a few couples, but it was mostly empty apart from the other Dolan family that had beat them there. Grayson followed close behind Bekah as she ran through the sand towards Miles.
“Now remember, you have to flip them over and if you even think there might be a hermit grab in there, you put it back because that's his home,” Ethan was informing his son when they reached the group. Eden was already lounged out in a chair, feet buried in the sand and hand absentmindedly rubbing over her bump. She peeked an eye open when she heard Indy start setting up beside her, looking to check on her son before she relaxed back down.
“Momma? You take me in the waves? Pleaseeeee,” Bekah asked before Indy could sit.
“Sure babe,” she smiled, pulling her shirt off quickly before scooping up her daughter and heading towards the water. Grayson wasn’t far behind them, ever the protector, wanting to be close by in case they needed anything.
The water was chilly against Indy’s toes when she got into the break, and she bent down to let Beks stand in the frothy tide. As soon as the water got her feet she squealed, spinning around and reaching up.
“S’cold momma!”
Indy laughed and picked her back up, unsurprised to see Miles and Ethan headed down the beach towards them, undoubtedly with the same idea. She was glad Eden was getting some much needed rest time, so she grinned and bared the cold water on her stomach as she got deeper in, jumping dramatically as the waves came through just to get a giggle out of her daughter. Grayson joined in on the fun, taking his turn to toss Beks up into the air and catch her with a splash and kisses all over her cheeks. They kept playing until the dad’s arms were sore, seeing that Miles wanted in on the fun, and the sun was beginning to set. Beks was cold by the time they made it back to the chairs, and Grayson immediately wrapped her up in a towel and snuggled her up against him, resting his cheek on the top of her head as she curled into his chest.
Indy put her own towel over her shoulders, and the warmth of it was almost enough to have her lulling off to sleep. She fought it off, catching up with Ethan while Eden got Miles ready to go. The kids were wiped, and with a day of travel under her belt Beks was asleep on her dad’s shoulder before they even made it to the tesla.
“Watch this,” he whispered, showing off his skills of placing her in her seat without waking her up. It was impressive, truly, but even more so was the fact that he drove carefully enough through all the traffic on the way that she was still dreaming peacefully when they got home.
“We have to wake her up to get her changed,” he pouted, not wanting to disturb her after the day she’d had.
“I got it. You start on dinner, I’m fucking starving.”
“Deal,” he grinned, leaning across the console to kiss her quickly before getting out. Indy exited the passenger side, opening up Beks door and talking to her quietly until her eyes opened, blinking wide and confused.
“You’re okay babe, we’re home.”
Indy soaked up the cuddles from her groggy daughter on the way into the house. She didn’t bother with anything else - they’d do a bath first thing in the morning. Instead, she moved to the ocean nursery, changing Beks quickly into a fresh diaper and pj’s before laying her down in her bed underneath the jellyfish Eden had helped design for the wall. She kissed her forehead and rubbed her back until she lulled back down, exhausted from the excitement of the day.
Indy felt salty, her skin tight from the water, but she didn’t have the energy to shower. Instead, she headed into her room and grabbed another one of Grayson’s shirts along with some running shorts, taking them into the bathroom with her to get changed.
The cabinet was still slightly open, and she reached down to close it when she saw it. A box of tampons - unopened. It took a minute for her to do the math, and she wasn’t 100% on if she was late or not, but that familiar knot tied in her stomach when she was unsure. Quietly, she locked the door and rummaged around for the pregnancy tests she’d just hidden away.
In the kitchen, Grayson was humming to himself as he strained the noodles for the mac and cheese - two boxes in fact, considering how hungry Indy said she was. The fridge was low considering they’d just gotten back, but he managed to scrounge up some fresh-enough fruit to cut up and put on a plate on the counter.
Indy came back into the kitchen so quietly that he barely noticed as he was stirring in the vegan cheese.
“Jeez Dee, you scared me,” he teased, pulling her in for a hug. “How yah feeling?”
“Exhausted,” she mumbled, relaxing in his hold and melting into his chest. He loved when she did that, let him hold her after a long day. He didn’t pull away until she did, the smell of mac and cheese luring her away.
Grayson took her hips with his hands and helped boost her up onto the counter, passing her the bowl he’d made for her. They ate quickly and quietly, the idea of curling up in bed more and more appealing as the carbs started to settle into their systems. When they’d cleared their bowls Indy moved to the sink, only for Grayson to shake his head.
“I got it. Go get in bed, you had a hell of a day.”
She sighed, kissing his bare shoulder once before getting up on her tiptoes to ask for a real one. He obliged her, bending down to catch her lips with his. “Love you,” she murmured, running her fingers over his back as she walked towards their room. She peaked in on Beks to make sure she was still out before she headed back to the bedroom, pulling out the test that she’d tucked away in her waistband.
She blinked three times, hard.
Two lines. Two very dark lines.
“Holy shit.”
Emotions raced through her so fast she couldn’t catch a single one to give it a name. She barely had it together enough to hide it behind her back when Grayson walked in a few minutes later seemingly unfazed.
“I’m gonna shower real quick, you wanna join?” He offered, looking down into his dresser drawers for a pair of boxers.
“Uh, yeah, yeah I’ll join but can you do me a favor really quick?”
“Hmm,” he asked, turning towards her.
She held out the test in her shaky hand.
“Can you add this to the shelf?”
The shelf itself was on the wall beside him. All the old pictures had made their way over to the new house with some new additions, including the positive test that had told them they were having Beks, her ultrasound, her first birthday party.
It took Grayson a moment to process, and then his hands were shaking too as he took the small stick and looked at it through his blurry eyes.
“For real?”
“For real.”
“We’re having another baby.”
“Another Beks.”
“Holy shit.”
“Holy fuck!” The excitement finally broke through the shock, and before she could move Grayson’s arms were around his wife, spinning her around as he buried his face in her neck.
“You’re pregnant. We’re having another baby.”
“It doesn’t feel real yet. I just took the test before dinner.” Indy’s eyes were watery, her hand automatically going over her stomach.
“It will. It’ll fly by, just like with Beks. Holy fuck, I’m so excited. I love you so much.”
“I love you more,” she whispered, pulling him to her again for another hug.
“Not possible,” he said, shaking his head and kissing her shoulder.
“Well, I love you forever then. I love our family, forever.”
Grayson couldn’t find the words. Instead, he just kissed her, forever grateful for every moment that had led him to right there, his whole world and future under one roof - everything he’d dreamed of within his hands.
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Blurbs & Headcanons Masterlist

Blurbs, Concepts, Imagines
Grayson Dolan
Bridesmaid mix-up
“You stupid emotional drunk.”
Baby sister
Cheer up
Break up
Fooling around
Amusement park ride
Coffee shop mayhem
Lost child
Lisa walking in
College roommates (CR) - Confession
CR - Mornings
CR - “I miss dating.” “How about I take you on a date?”
Husband Gray
Fast Food
Let’s fall in love for the night
Temporary fix
December, 1963
Francis Forever
Ethan Dolan
Skiing meet cute
Jersey snowball fight
Bathroom mix-up
“Pretend to be my date?”
Driver’s License
Grayson Dolan
Tall girlfriend
Short girlfriend
Long wavy hair girlfriend
College roommates
Play fighting
Meeting the parents
Actress girlfriend
Favourite kisses
Teacher girlfriend
#thought I'd get a little organized#grayson dolan#ethan dolan#dolan twins#grayson dolan imagine#grayson dolan blurb#grayson dolan concept#grayson dolan headcanon#ethan dolan imagine#ethan dolan blurb#ethan dolan concept#ethan dolan headcanon#dolan twins blurb#dolan twins imagine#dolan twins concept#grayson dolan x reader#ethan dolan x reader#grayson dolan fanfic#ethan dolan fanfic
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Garden Song
chapter 2 - motion sickness - garden song.
It’s been two years since the divorce between Julie and Grayson. A lot has changed. Grayson wants Julie more than ever. Will she take him back?
TW: some of the stuff mentioned in this series might trigger some people. please don’t read if you get triggered easily!
“i’m pregnant?”
Julie asked sarah, fear already taking over body. She had definitely done into some sort of shock. Julie placed a hand over her mouth and sat down on the toilet slowly, trying to comprehend this. Sarah had put the pregnancy test in the sink, and bent down in front of her friend.
“Is it graysons?” Sarah asked, no judgement evident in her voice. Julie looked down at her hands and let out a sob and nodded. “Hey, hey. It’s ok, i’m here” Sarah said pulling her into a hug.
“Everything was going ok” Julie paused letting out a breath. “The boys are so happy, Grayson has changed, really he has. He’s such a good dad and he’s been good to me. This baby, fuck, This baby would just ruin everything” Julie said, feeling so guilty. Sarah nodded and ran her fingers through julies curly hair. “We’ve been having sex for a couple weeks. We’ve been acting like we’re married, but it feels so good sarah. I feel so loved and happy” Julie cried pulling out of the hug.
“Why can’t god just let me be happy? Why did he decide that i didn’t deserve it?” Julie asked and sarah’s eyes filled up with tears.
No one deserved to be this sad, sarah thought. Julie is too good for this world, she deserves so much more.
“You���re deserve happiness, julie. Out of everyone i know, you deserve it so so much. Don’t let a man or a baby get in the way of that” Sarah said standing up. “Now, do i need to book an appointment for a scan or an abortion?” she asked and julies eyes widened.
“Sarah, i love you” Julie said and sarah’s eyes softened.
“I love you too, jules”
“But, um i need to tell grayson. He’ll be happy to do whatever i decide i think, but if i’m going ahead with an abortion he deserves to know before i go and it” Julie said and Sarah nodded.
“So you’re not worried about him leaving again?” Sarah asked and julie bit her lip shrugging. “I mean, there’s a part of me that’s preparing myself for it to happen. He’s so unpredictable lately. He may not leave the boys, but i have feeling he might leave me” She said and sarah cleared her throat and grinned.
“Well, you’ll always have me. I’m not going anywhere, whatever your decision is, ok?”
After cleaning herself up a bit, julie opened a bottle of wine for sarah to have. “I’ll drink twice as much for you” Sarah teased, Julie giggled and opened up a diet coke for herself.
Sarah left shortly after leaving julie to her own thoughts. Is this really happening? Would she be able to parent and look after three kids? And as she said, Grayson is unpredictable. The worst kind of unpredictable. She doesn’t know if she’d be able to parent three kids by herself. She’s too tired. Julies always wanted 5 kids when she was younger. Grayson agreed with her, saying they’d have their own little soccer team. They’d have 4 boys and 1 girl. Julie always wanted older brothers to look after her. She’d wonder would this baby have a good life, considering the boys’ life has been a bit rocky.
Is she emotionally and mentally able to have another child? Even to give up for adoption, is Julie able to go through a pregnancy right now? There was too many questions swimming around her brain, and it was overwhelming her. She needed to be calm and collected while talking to grayson. She didn’t want him to leave without having a full conversation.
Fuck, where did everything go wrong. The boys were both dropped home and tucked in no time. Grayson came to collect them early that morning for a boys day. The spend the day out in the park and in a nice restaurant.
“Julie? I’m home!” Grayson called out, the boys tumbling in. “Take off your shoes” Grayson told them hanging up their coats. The boys sat at the end of the stairs taking off their shoes, as told. They lined them up at the end of the stairs, grayson smiled at them.
“Go on and get some chocolate. Don’t tell mama” Grayson teased and the boys squealed running to the kitchen. Grayson walked into the living room to see julie laying on the couch. “Was gonna go out and do the food shop, but if you’re feeling too bad i can stay?” Grayson offered and Julie nodded.
“We can just get take out” Julie said rubbing her stomach, Grayson thought nothing of it. He just thought it was comforting her and helping her through the pain.
“Can we talk later?” Julie asked and Grayson furrowed his brows in confusion, but nodded anyways.
What could julie want to talk about?
“Mama!” Sebastian and Alexander yelled running in and basically sitting on julie. Julie, even as nauseous as she was, put a smile on her face and pulled through for her babies. Graysons face softened and sat down at the edge of the couch smiling at the interactions. The boys climbed all over julie kissing her face repeatedly, enjoying the sound of her laugh (more like cackle). Grayson never wanted this time to end.
He just had a feeling this wasn’t going to last forever.
Julie remembered times like this when grayson wasn’t around. The house was a little blue, but her boys smiling and laughing lit it up. The house was still a little blue, and she had a feeling it was going to stay that colour for a little while longer.
At least she’d always have her boys.
After dinner, the boys went upstairs to watch a movie before bed. They’re new obsession is the harry potter series, weirdly enough they’re actually able to stay away for all three hours that the movie goes on for. Sebastian is more interested than alexander, but they still both love it.
“The boys are upstairs, you want some wine?” Grayson asked pulling out a wine glass for himself. Julie shook her head and grayson smirked. “You never say no to a glass a wine, are you pregnant?” He teased laughing loudly, pulling out another wine glass expecting julie to laugh along too. When he turned around he saw julie about to break down. He could tell she was holding back a sob.
“You’re pregnant?” He asked putting down the glass. He rested his hands on the counter.
It was silent.
“Julie, answer me” Grayson said loudly, making her jump. Grayson sighed and placed a hand over his eyes. Julie cleared her throat. “I’m pregnant, took the test yesterday. I haven’t gone to the doctors yet” Julie said and grayson sighed feeling himself become really angry.
“Are you sure it’s mine?” He asked before he could even think about what he was going to say. Julies eyes widened and let out a bitter laugh. “Grayson i’ve been having sex with you for nearly months. Of course, it’s yours” She let out and grayson nodded.
“It’s just a lot to take in, Jules” He said and Julie nodded.
“I understand that” She said and let out a sob. “Please don’t leave me. I can’t handle being alone again” she cried and grayson sighed and walked around to pull her into a hug.
“I’m here to stay, julie. I’m not leaving again. But i don’t know if i can be a parent to three kids, i don’t know if you’re able to either. We’re really good right now, we’re in an amazing place with the boys. This baby would just ruin things” Grayson said rubbing his hands up her back.
“This baby would ruin us”
Julie pulled back and her brows furrowed. Ruin us? Their relationship?
“What do you mean?” She asked and grayson sighed leaning against the counter. “If you have this baby, it’s the end for us. Whatever this is was never going to last, Julie. We were just having fun. So if you have this baby, i’m not gonna be here for the booty call side of things. I’m a dad only” He said and julie took a step backwards.
“Booty calls?” She asked her eyes widening. “You fucking begged me take you back into my bed. You were practically crying the first time we have sex again” Julie seethed.
“It was never a bit of fun, Grayson” Julie paused looking up at grayson. “At least it wasn’t to me” she said and grayson tried to touch her again, to comfort her. But she shook her head “I don’t know what i’m going to do with the baby yet. But i do know whatever relationship we had before, it’s gone and done” she said. “If i go ahead with the abortion, do not come crawling back. You had your chance” Julie said and began walking of the kitchen.
“Yeah, go ahead just leave” grayson yelled after her. “Like you always do” He mumbled. Julie turned around and glared at him. “Me? Leaving like i always do?” she asked and grayson nodded with a horrible and disgusting look on his face.
“You LEFT me!” Julie yelled pointing at grayson. “You cheated on me, you lied to me, you gaslighted me, you left your sons, you did this all grayson dolan. You LEFT ME!” Julie cried and she was beginning to walk away but she stopped and turned around once more.
“But i guess it’s me that feels stupid now. i gave you another chance, after you fucking destroyed this family” Julie said and turned around to walk out of the kitchen once more. “Lock up when you’re leaving” she mumbled walking upstairs.
The boys were still watching their movie, which was good. She didn’t want them go through this again - so julie would keep this to herself. It’s better for everyone else if grayson and julie just kept their problems to themselves.
She gave a lifetime giving him her heart, and grayson constantly broke it. Constantly.
Julie sighed and sat down on the bed. Her phone dinged, she was guessing it was grayson. Julie picked it up and read the message.
ethan: coming home soon. i hope i’m still welcome in your home. i love you.
oh fuck.
Julie is pregnant, with her ex husbands baby. Her ex husband doesn’t want this baby or her for that matter - her ex boyfriend, that happens to be her ex husbands brother is coming home after breaking her heart in two.
Everything is going great.
#garden song !#grayson dolan#grayson dolan imagine#grayson dolan fic#grayson dolan blurb#grayson dolan x y/n#grayson x reader#grayson dolan oneshot#grayson dolan angst#grayson dolan smut#grayson dolan fluff#grayson dolan headcannon#grayson dolan concept#fic#fics#fanfic#asks#requests#imagines#blurbs
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Mom and Dad
Summary: In the same way that Grayson jokes about being the dad, you are the “mom” friend. It never occurred to you how strange this was until you and your close friend Grayson are babysitting your cousin and someone actually mistakes you for a family.
Genre/Warnings: Fluffy, Secret Crush, Baby Fever
A/N: This is a concept I thought of that I forced into a fic. I’ve been obsessed with 90s aesthetic (particularly film and media and the “grainy” filters) so I am also adding some pictures that inspired me. I don’t own any rights to these pictures and thank you to these beautiful people for inspiring this fic!
You first met the twins on one of their trips back home to Jersey. You were visiting a family friend who happened to live near their house. It was super early in their YouTube careers, so you only knew from your family friend that the boys had dropped out school, moved to LA, and made videos online. Like most people hearing this, you assumed the Dolans were a privileged family with spoiled kids that only worried about when their next trust fund payment would hit their account. You were pleasantly surprised when, upon hearing that you were visiting, the Dolan family welcomed you into their home and threw a little barbecue for you and your folks. Not only were the boys down-to-earth, but they were also kind and easy to be around. You became fast friends and often spent time together when they came to visit.
It would be a lie to say that they didn’t play a role in you deciding to move to LA for college. They talked about LA so much, that you always wanted to live there. The couple times you visited, the twins showed you how much fun sunshine could be, even if you missed the four seasons of the northeast.
It would also be a lie to say that BOTH the twins were your motivation for wanting to move to the sunny state. You were a bit partial to the younger, but larger twin, Grayson. The way you would describe your connection was that you and Ethan were similar, but you and Grayson were compatible. You agreed on the things that mattered, but you and Grayson balanced each other out. Where he was impulsive, you were calculated. Where you came off aloof, he was gregarious. You liked to think you brought out the best in each other. You had a small crush on Grayson, but it was one of those crushes you only felt when you were near to him. When you were back in school, you didn’t think about him that much. However, when you hung out at their house or went out to grab a bite, you were completely consumed by him. His hair, his eyes, his laugh, his large hands...everything about him seemed to be crafted by the heavens.
You didn’t want your feelings to get in the way of your friendship, so you never told anyone how you felt. Of course, some people figured it out. Most girls around the Dolan twins fell for either of them. They had that effect on people because they would make you seem like the most important person in the world. Grayson definitely catered to you more than Ethan. It didn’t help your feelings for him, as you often spent time together doing menial tasks. That’s why you weren’t entirely surprised when Grayson offered to help you babysit your cousin. It was a combination of two things Grayson enjoyed: helping people and pretending to be a dad.
Your cousins were visiting you in LA from Jersey. Your first cousin and his husband recently adopted a toddler named Monica. While they were excited to have her in their life, you knew that your cousins needed some alone time. You encouraged them to build a couple’s day full of activities from the spa to dining at an exclusive restaurant. To ensure they could some of alone time, you would watch Monica for a few hours. It took quite a bit of convincing, like most new parents, they were attached to their kid. After multiple conversations, and almost begging, you finally convinced them to let you take her out for a fun day in Los Angeles.
You mentioned it casually the night before you were going to pick her up. You were at dinner with the twins and a few of their friends. Grayson’s eyes sparkled instantly.
“I can help you with Monica.” He grinned widely. “We can take her to this new museum for kids. It’s free entry on Saturday mornings.”
“Why do you know that?” Ethan asked, yelling at his brother despite sitting next to him.
“I saw an article about it...” Grayson yelled back. “Some people read about the news Ethan.”
“O-kay” Ethan put up his hands as he rolled his eyes. “Trying to show off for Y/N because she’s in college or whatever. I see you.”
“I’m not...” Grayson said, his voice getting softer as he glanced at you.
“Well, it works out.” Ethan shrugged. “You’re such a mom, Y/N. I can’t get over that Snap! The one where you were tipsy, but still putting all the girls in your sorority to bed. You braided that one girl’s hair!”
You blushed as there was a chorus of laughter from the table. “Oh come, on! I’m not a mom, I’m just responsible.”
“It’s okay, Y/N.” Grayson reassured you. “I have to take care of Ethan all the time.”
Ethan narrowed his eyes at Grayson. “You don’t take care of me...”
Grayson opened his mouth to argue, but you put up a hand to stop him. Once those two got started, nothing could get them to shut up.
“Tomorrow then?” You smiled, nodding at Grayson.
“Tomorrow!” Grayson confirmed nodding back. There was a moment where you locked eyes like there was some weird secret between you too, but neither of you seemed to know what it was. Blushing, you both awkwardly sipped your beverages until someone changed the subject.
When you went to pick Monica up the next morning, you were greeted by big hugs from your cousins.
“Oh my goodness, Y/N” Your cousin said, looking at you while picking up Monica. In the background, his husband put the final items in Monica’s travel bag. “Is that your mom’s shirt? I remember her wearing something similar back in the day.”
You laughed and nodded, looking down at the thin, emerald green sweater with four adjacent squares in red, yellow, blue and pink going across the bust. You pulled it down to cover your leggings that stopped at your ankles above your dark slip on shoes.
“I stole it from the attic. It’s kind of my style right now.” You grinned. “Do you like the hat?”
“The beret.” Your cousin’s husband corrected as he leaned over to tilt it to the side. “I believe that was your mother’s too.”
Your cousin and his husband had dated for a long time before getting married. They practically grew up together, so naturally, your cousin’s husband also knew your family too. It reminded you a bit of you and Grayson. Except, the dating and married part, of course.
“You got me!” You shrugged, laughing again. “The lady has great style what can I say?”
“Alright,” Your cousin sighed as he gave Monica a final hug. His husband kissed Monica’s cheek before your cousin handed her to you.
You took the little girl in your arms. She had a bit of weight to her, but she was still quite small. She was close to your complexion, with large eyes and a tiny mouth. She was quiet, constantly observing and didn’t seem to react to anything, not even being handed off to an almost complete stranger. You made a mental note to make sure she was by your side at all times.
“You have your pull-ups, your snacks, your wash cloths, your bandaids....” Your cousin tapped the bag on his husband’s shoulder. “You have it all! Anything you need, do not hesitate to call us.”
“Don’t worry!” You comforted them. “It’s only six hours. I’ve babysat for 12 hours and that was for three very....not nice children. Monica has veteran babysitter with her today.”
“You know we trust you!” Your cousin smiled. “We just know how much of a doozy it can be to take care of a toddler. Besides, I think we’re getting a bit of parent separation anxiety.”
You shifted Monica to your hip and reached out for the travel bag. “And she will be back in your arms in six hours! Make sure you are rejuvenated and relaxed when you meet her.”
“Well if you insist...” Your cousin joked, not without taking another longing look at his daughter
“Are you sure you can take both?” Your cousin’s husband asked as he prepared to hand you the travel the bag. “While she may try to trick you into carrying her everywhere, she can walk.” He added a laugh.
“Yeah, I’m fine.” You nodded. Just as you were about to take the bag, you heard a knock on the door.
Given that it was a hotel, the three adults looked at each other with confusion. Your cousin opened the door to see a nervously smiling Grayson waving at you.
“Sorry I’m late.” Grayson apologized stepping in. “I didn’t want to take the Porsche so I borrowed a car from one of my editors. It took longer than I expected.”
“No worries.” You smiled, “But I thought we would meet at the museum?”
“I figured you would need some help.” Grayson grinned. “No sense taking a Uber if I have a car.”
Grayson looked around and upon seeing the travel bag made a soft ‘oh’ sound as he took it from your cousin.
“Oh, this is Grayson.” You introduced Grayson to your family.
“Is this your boyfriend?” Your cousin’s husband asked after shaking Grayson’s hand.
“No,” You laughed softly, hoping it sounded natural and not panicked/secretly thrilled, “He’s a family friend who lives out here in LA.”
“I’m family, and I don’t remember him being a friend.” Your cousin quirked a brow.
You could see Grayson’s face turning red and you cleared your throat.
“I think we should get going before the museum is no longer free, huh?” You said, changing the subject before the interrogation continued.
“Ha, good idea!” Grayson said, catching on quickly.
“Be safe you two!” Your cousin called as Grayson held the door for you.
You smiled as Grayson led you to the car. He was a little dressed up with a long sleeved white shirt, tucked into his dark jeans with a designer belt. You were so used to seeing him fully casual with no shirt and the tiniest shorts. It made your heart melt that he had gotten dressed up for Monica.
Grayson put Monica’s travel bag in the trunk of the black sedan, before running over to open the door for you.
“Take your time.” You told him. “We’re in no rush, right Mo?” You asked Monica, who was sucking her thumb and taking in her surroundings.
You eyebrows went up in surprise when you saw a car seat in the back seat.
“Ace Family...” Grayson explained, blushing softly. “I read that young kids should always have a car seat and I wasn’t sure if your cousin had one.”
“I think she usually just sits in someone’s lap.” You bit your lip. “But, I’m sure this is way safer. This is so thoughtful, Grayson!”
Grayson beamed at your words. It warmed your heart when he gave you the large goofy smile. It was his natural one when he wasn’t posing for pictures or trying to look hot. The smile that only came out when he was really happy.
You watched as Monica fidgeted in the car seat, making it almost impossible for Grayson to buckle her in. He started to sweat, the stains appearing under his armpits and you fought back a chuckle.
“Let me try?” You offered.
“Uh sure...” Grayson bashfully moved away, watching you as you distracted Monica with the jingling bracelet on your left wrist while you used your right hand to buckle the first clip. Monica reached for one of your charms and you took the opportunity to clasp the other belt that finished the part on her waist.
“Hands up!” You said, excitedly, secretly surprised that Monica followed your direction, but also happy she did since Grayson looked so impressed.
You buckled the seat belt that went over her body and leaned back to look at her.
“Feeling good, Monica?” You asked.
She nodded softly, looking off in the distance.
“Give me a wiggle.” And you shook your shoulders.
She glanced at you and mimicked you with the same emotionless expression.
Grayson laughed. “She is actually the cutuest.”
“I know right?” You said, looking at him with your lower lip jutted out, a pout in reaction to her cuteness.
Monica looked between the two of you before turning her attention back to whatever outside the window seemed to be so interesting. She was probably the most laid back toddler you ever met. This was going to be easy.
“Should I introduce myself?” Grayson asked nervously.
“Honestly, I should probably introduce myself too.” You laughed. “She was just kinda handed to me.”
You leaned over to be in front of Monica and she turned slightly to give you her attention.
“Now, I’m Y/N.” You said, putting a hand on your chest. “We met last year, but you probably don’t remember.”
You put a hand on Grayson’s shoulder. “This is Grayson.”
Grayson stuck out his hand for a handshake and you sputtered laughter.
“Grayson, she’s three she won’t...”
Monica took Grayson’s hand and he shook, giving you a smug expression.
“You were saying?” Grayson asked making you roll your eyes.
“Okay, okay...” You put your hands up. “You’re pretty good with kids...so far!”
You pointed at him, to emphasize that he hadn’t won you over just yet.
“You just wait, Y/N.” Grayson said, walking to the driver’s seat. You followed suit, and walked to the passenger seat.
“I’ll be such a good a dad, you’ll be calling me Daddy.” Grayson winked, and glanced at you to see your shocked expression. “Oh good god, not like that.”
You laughed, punching him lightly. “I’m just kidding, Gray. I know what you meant.”
“Oh sure laugh it up.” Grayson said, rolling his eyes as he started to drive. You glanced at him and the tips of his ears were still red from blushing. So cute...
When you arrived at the museum, Monica’s personality busted out. She loved the exhibits where she could touch stuff, enjoying the slime the most. You spent about 45 minutes just watching her sticking her hand in goop. You and Grayson took turns holding her and helping her make shapes with the material. You took pictures of Grayson, your heart melting seeing his genuine happiness playing with Monica. Every time she made her little toddler giggle, Grayson’s smile double in size. You were going to treasure these photos forever.
“I’m going to the bathroom.” You said to Grayson, who gave a quick nod.
You smiled and walked to the bathroom. After doing your business, you inspected your face. You dug into your bag and went to apply lip gloss. You fixed your hat a few times, still not sure if it really went with your hairstyle.
“Uhm, excuse me?” A woman about your mom’s age alerted you.
“Hi?” You turned around and you eyes widened to see Monica holding the woman’s hand, sucking her thumb.
“Monica...what...” You reached down to pick Monica up and the lady smiled softly. You were about to ask for an explanation, but the lady quickly provided one.
“Your husband said you were in here and your daughter wanted to use the bathroom. He said you would be the girl fixing her beret in the mirror.”
You blushed and laughed softly. “My husband, huh?” You shook your head.”Well thank you...”
“Come on, Monica.” You said to Monica who was holding on to your shoulder with her free hand. “Let’s go potty.”
You helped Monica use the bathroom, realizing that Grayson did not provide you with the travel bag, so you had to clean her up without the fancy wipes and creams you cousins packed.
With both of your hands washed, you escorted Monica out the bathroom who, the moment she was out, ran to Grayson who was waiting across the hall. He picked her up and she held on to him, resuming sucking on her finger.
“I forgot you would need this.” Grayson said, gesturing to the bag on his shoulder, while he shifted Monica’s weight to your hip.
“I know, my husband is so silly.” You narrowed your eyes.
“What did you want me to say?” Grayson said, looking around embarrassed. “Monica started crying all of a sudden saying she couldn’t hold it. I ran with her to the bathroom, but I couldn’t walk in and I wasn’t going to take her into the guy’s room. So, I started to explain that you were in there and she was like “Oh I’ll take her to your wife.” I didn’t want to correct her...it felt like a bad time.”
“I’m just relieved that Monica didn’t announce she had two dads.” You laughed. “Might have been a little awkward to explain with my husband waiting outside the door.”
“Yikes,” Grayson said, making a face. “Though, I am sorry. I didn’t realize it would put you in such a predicament.”
“It’s fine!” You tried to assuage his worries, laughing. “I mean, we’re like 20...it’s her fault for thinking this was our kid. And that we were married. She’s the weirdo”
“I dunno...” Grayson said, looking at the three of you in the reflection of one of the displays. “It’s not the weirdest thing in the world. Being assumed to be married to me?”
You noticed a bit of bite in his tone and you frowned. “You’re not the problem, Gray. I’m just saying we are a little young.”
Grayson didn’t say anything to you in response. Instead, he asked Monica if she wanted to go to the dinosaur exhibit again, another favorite of hers. She started bouncing up and down, and Grayson carried her toward the exhibit. You scurried to keep up, confused at what you said to tick him off. When you arrived, you saw there was a show for the kids. It was one of those shows where there was a “dinosaur expert” and some people in dinosaur costumes explaining each of the species.
Grayson put Monica down in front and went to stand in the back with the other parents. He was staring straight ahead, pretending to be very invested. You could tell he was pretending because his eyes were glazing over.
“G-Gra--” You started to say, but then his phone started to vibrate.
Grayson glanced down and ignored the spam call, showing his background. The background was of you playing with Monica in the slime. You blushed and pretended not to notice. Suddenly, it made sense why Grayson was so huffy. You didn’t want to get too excited, because you were still not 100% sure it was true.
“Hey,” You nudged him. “You’re going to be a great dad one day.”
Grayson glanced at you before looking forward. “Thanks...”
“While, I’m not ready to be a 20 year old mom,” You bit your lip, “I would be down to date one of my best friends...”
Grayson whipped his head to stare at you and you smiled. You unlocked your phone to show your wallpaper, a picture of him playing with Monica.
“Huh,” Grayson smirked. “I didn’t realize how creepy that is until I see it on someone else’s phone.”
“It’s only creepy if you’re not dating the person.” You smiled.
Grayson bit his lip and chuckled. “Thank goodness we’re changing that.”
Your eyes widened. “Are you asking me out?”
“At the dinosaur musical...” Grayson said, gesturing to the stage. “Of course, the only place where mom friends and dad friends can truly be ourselves.”
You laughed and Grayson continued to scold himself out loud for being the lamest person ever.
“Would it be weird to kiss someone at a dinosaur musical?” You asked, glancing down at the floor.
Grayson tried to hide his smile, but it was stretching across his face too quickly. He cupped your cheek and pecked your lips softly. As he began to pull away, you started to kiss back, keeping you two connected for a few more seconds.
“That was nice...” You said, smiling. “Really nice.”
Grayson put his arm around you and kissed your forehead lightly. You both turned toward the show and watched for a bit before Grayson leaned in and asked,
“Can we tell E we started dating tomorrow?” He looked away as he continued to speak forcing you to lean in to hear him. “I don’t want him to know I finally made a move at a freaking dinosaur musical.”
You laughed and grabbed the sides of his jaw to turn him to face you. “Maybe, but you’ll have to make it worth my while.”
Grayson gave you a mischievous grin as he leaned down to rest his forehead on yours. His eyes bore into yours causing the heat to rise to your cheeks. You blushed more as Grayson’s voice, suddenly deepening to whisper said,
“Remember that conversation about you calling me Daddy...”
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