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prosewrote · 2 years ago
CONTINUED. | @taleswritten​​
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She had heard about the stronger mutant attacking a few blocks over from where she was, but she was at work. Thinking now she should’ve just run out of that place and went straight to him. Screw laying low; ever since she got stuck here in this universe she’s been having to relearn a lot of things. Everything was so familiar yet NOT. He had told her to blend in, try not to patrol much otherwise people are gonna be confused and suspicious as to why there were TWO Spider heroes swinging around.
She huffs as she guides him to sit down at her small round dining table; she couldn’t find him after her shift ended so she thought it best just to wait for him at her place. And come he finally did, banged up pretty bad. His remark makes her smile, head tilting down and into his touch shyly. She tried not to give too much thought into what exactly they were, she was pretty certain he’d want nothing more than friendship with her considering they were just parallel versions of themselves who used to be lovers. Except she never had the guts to confess to Peter to first in her world and now ... 
She gives his hand a light peck before placing his hand back in his own lap, getting up to retrieve her first aid kit from her kitchen. She gets to work on whatever scrapes or cuts are left on him that his enhanced healing hasn’t gotten to quite yet. 
“Well I certainly hope not bug-boy, I just got here and I’d hate for anything to happen before we got to properly know each other.”
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prosewrote · 2 years ago
* hurt prompts
‘ are you bleeding? ’
‘ take it easy. you hit your head. ’
‘ where does it hurt? ’ 
‘ sit still and let me take a look! ’
‘ how did you get that black eye? ’ 
‘ you should see the other guy. ’ 
‘ did i say you could get out of bed? ’
‘ that’s going to leave a bruise. ’
‘ i’ll get some ice. ’ 
‘ that’s what you get for picking fights. ’
‘ are you trying to give me a heart attack? ’
‘ what’s wrong with you? ’
‘ you can barely stand. ’
‘ did you throw the first punch? ’
‘ that’s a nasty bump. ’
‘ get in the car. you’re going to the hospital. ’
‘ at least bandage it. ’ 
‘ no, you’ll get an infection. ’ 
‘ wet floor signs are there for a reason, you know. ’
‘ you’re lucky. that icicle could’ve killed you. ’
‘ where’s your gratitude? i rescued you! ’
‘ i’m calling the nurse. ’
‘ was that stupid dare worth it? ’
‘ what happened to you? ’
‘ sit down. i’ll make some hot chocolate and fix you right up. ’
‘ are those bandages? ’
‘ you need stitches. ’
‘ look out for that tree branch. ’
‘ i’ve got you. just stay awake. can you do that for me? ’
‘ lean on me. ’
‘ you got two choices: let me carry you, or die out here. take your pick. ’
‘ shit, you’re burning up. ’  
‘ you’re not dying. it’s only a sprained ankle. ’
‘ lie down. ’
‘ i’m sorry. i know it hurts. here, hold my hand. ’
‘ you’re in no condition to be walking around. ’
‘ wake up! wake up! ’
‘ i don’t feel sorry for you. ’
‘ look at your face! ’
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prosewrote · 2 years ago
OPEN. | @maidencfdeath​​​​​ ⸻   “kiss me.” (for ned)
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He wasn’t sure he had heard her correctly at first, despite his heart already picking up pace. Did she say ‘ KISS ME ‘ ? Surely it couldn’t be possible, even though it certainly was a wish of his, a yearning. He had known Cassie for exactly 6 months, 23 days, 8 hours and 42 minutes. Besides Chuck and Emerson, Cassie was the only one to know of his special ability to bring back the dead. When she had revealed who and what she was, he was fearful and hesitant at first; never wanting to brush contact with her nor get closer to her. Over time it proved to be unnecessary; being a REAPER practically made her immune to his touch and all consequences that came with it. And wasn’t that a very special thing in and of itself ? 
Even further with time Ned and her had grown closer; her brief touches more frequent and despite his aversion to any kind of contact it was ... NICE. He soon learned after much late night research that he was actually touch starved, how ridiculous. Until it wasn’t, often he would find ANY excuse to brush his long fingers against hers, a hand at the small of her back to help steady or guide her. Standing so close when teaching her a new recipe in his kitchen that their hips nearly touched. He was growing more and more fond of her with each passing day and it was EXHILERATING. Chuck would always have a special place in his heart but now ? Now CASSIE was more than consuming the rest of it in a warmth he was growing addicted to.
Their latest investigation and reaping task nearly put both of them at risk and he wasn’t letting her out of his sight for the rest of the day and night; hence leading to them now, sitting in his cozy apartments living room side by side on the couch and he allowed himself to entwine his fingers with hers without even thinking about it. He LOVED it. So when he gulps audibly and looks at her with hopeful and excited eyes but a nervous face, he repeats her question for confirmation. Only after receiving a green light from her does he go too quick for a chaste kiss, eyes squinted shut as he waited for the worst possible outcome. But it never came; eyes turning tender as he realizes he could never hurt her this way, he leans down closer, this time more slowly and envelopes her bottom lip with his own for a more proper kiss, melting into it as a free hand lifts to gently cup her soft face, tilting it up to gain better access to those sweet lips of hers.
Oh ... He could get USED to this ! 
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prosewrote · 2 years ago
intimacy . // meme .
“please… just kiss me…”
“i really want to feel your hands on me”
“touch me.”
“kiss me.”
“hold me…”
“just a little longer”
“come closer”
“keep whispering”
“god you make me feel alive”
“i want your tongue all over me”
“put your hand on my thigh”
“i love the way your hand feels”
“you smell so good”
“i don’t want to let go”
“i don’t think i can let go”
“there’s something in the way you touch me”
“your breath leaves goosebumps on my skin”
“more, please…”
“your breath is so warm”
“your hands are so cold”
“your hair is so soft”
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prosewrote · 2 years ago
:// Happy Munday ! Ya boy has been on T for 3 weeks now and has been doing a helluva lot better mentally wise so the confidence is slowly growing back ! Been year's since a last real photo of me, enjoy your local tired e boi
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prosewrote · 2 years ago
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          “A good death is the best anyone can hope for. Unless you happen to be immortal.”
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“Not always so. The best anyone can hope for is to know genuine love before descending into my realm; it tends to be a bit dull there. But memories ? Those you can take with you into the afterlife my dear. Those memories of love will help carry you on until you are finally placed where you deserve to rest forever. That is until your soul is given a chance again.” 
He smiled faintly, a small one side curve of lips upon his face as they continue to walk along the busy street filled with kiosk stands of trinkets and grown or prepared foods. He stops to admire a floral stand that managed to get their hands on deep red chrysanthemums, long fingers curling around the bloom of one to bring to his nose to smell, smile becoming wider. Grey eyes fall to his current companion with curiosity, handing the merchant a ten dollar bill and refusing the change.
“Immortality definitely has it’s disadvantages. Tell me, what would be better; to reap or to be father to an entire world filled with souls whom you must manage and help judge for ? Surely no one envies me, this I know. So I SURELY must never die, lest this burden befalls someone else either less suited or ill prepared ... Nevertheless, I would prefer a death that happened in the presence of someone I adored. No matter the way or reason, I would appreciate the chance to engrave my mind with the face of that whom could hold this cold heart of mine. THAT would be good enough for me.” 
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prosewrote · 2 years ago
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          “So a few things to know when you’re cat sitting: Ghost will beg for food even when she’s already eaten, don’t listen to her lies. She’ll also try and eat Zoe’s food and Zoe will just let her because she’s a pushover.”
          “If you hear someone in the kitchen, just let them do their thing. They might even leave you some food. Oh, and if you hear knocking at the window, don’t open it. I just got that asshole out, I don’t want him back in here.”
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“ Duly note.”  he listen’s to the reaper with amused attention, grey eyes following her around as she gives instructions for her companions and on her home VISITORS. He lounges on her couch, one leg crossing over the other and arms drape across the back as he takes in the homely environment. He smiles faintly, nodding as he peers at said window, seeing ghostly traces of the soul who so enjoyed annoying her. 
“Would you prefer it if I rid of the ASSHOLE entirely for you ? He’s in limbo, wouldn’t be difficult to send him off finally. Always more room in my realm.”
Zoe the cat rubs against his leg, long, lithe fingers reaching to lightly scratch her head before returning his gaze back to Cassie.
“I assure you everything will be fine while you’re out. Your creatures are in good hands. Should your spirit prepare food would you like me to keep it warm for you ?” He doesn’t really need to eat; it’s more an enjoyable privilege than a need.  
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prosewrote · 2 years ago
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Ah, so that’s what she meant. He hates to think about it, he’s come to care for Wanda too much to be thinking about things like this. She is a wildfire of chaos, it flows through her veins as easily as her own blood does, but he’s teaching her. Slowly but surely she is gaining more and more control.
Geralt doesn’t claim to know much about magic, not that kind of magic she possesses, but he knows a thing or two about control. Especially having lived as long as he has. Control isn’t easy but it is possible.
“I’d try to bring you back. Anchor you again.” But that’s not what she’s asking, she wants to know if it came right down to it, what would he do? “…..Yes, if you leave me no choice, I will kill you.” Is that what she wants to hear? It’s the harsh brutal truth but he is a Witcher, it’s what he does, and he if nothing else can be done, he can’t let her hurt countless people.
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‘ Anchor you again ‘ 
Those words bring her COMFORT for such a dark question, such a dark REALITY because everyday she can feel that chaos blooming and swirling within her. Everyday she must make the conscious decision to FIGHT against it. It’s a harsh truth but she’s grateful; many see him as a MONSTER but he wasn’t. He fight’s to protect innocents and she is glad to know should she ever lose herself again he will SAVE her, even if that meant killing her. She hums in acknowledgement, a sad smile curving the corners of her mouth as she finishes dressing his injury, lithe fingers raising the spoiled rags into the air near them and dissolving them to nothing. She sighs softly, gently patting his arm to let him know she was done, rising from her kneeling position from the bedside and going to retrieve her own clothes to have them ready. She runs her hand through her hair, trying to remove a few tangles here and there before walking to the door of their shared room for the night.
She stops before opening it, peering over her shoulder at him with a gentle smile, eyes soft and accent heavy with genuine feeling.
“ Thank you, my wolf. Let’s continue to hope it never comes to that. I’m going to order us a bath, try not to move around too much for the next hour -- let the potion and salve do their work.” 
And with that she leaves for downstairs to the innkeeper busy at the counter with more customers trudging in. She ignores any weird or lewd stares from the male ones and orders their bath and food, tipping decently before returning with complimentary ( STOLEN ) tankards of drink for them to enjoy while they waited. She sat at the end of the bed, legs crossed lotus style as she sipped, humming lowly to herself.
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prosewrote · 2 years ago
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:// me?? still alive? yeye ! 
Work and life have been beating the utter shit outta me but I am making an ACTUAL return here and across 2 other blogs ! I need it, I miss it and all of you so expect to see my gremlin ass more often ! I won’t be here QUITE as much than as on Petey and Denji but I am still here too ! Let’s see who wants to be bugged by me after reviving from the dead askjaskfhds.
Also may be doing a revamp of things around here and of the URL but haven’t decided on THAT quite yet.
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prosewrote · 2 years ago
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Indie Denji of Chainsaw Man . Anime only atm . Novella doable and preferred .
Multiverse friendly ! . 18+ Minors DNI . Narrated by SAM
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prosewrote · 2 years ago
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          So maybe her definition of illegal was a bit skewed,  but no one was being hurt,  so it all seemed fine in her book.  She was pleasantly surprised that Ned had agreed to go along with this,  but here they were.  She stood on her tip-toes to try and peek over his shoulder,  to no avail.  So she waited for him to motion the all-clear,  biting her bottom lip to hold in her laughter.
          She rushed to follow his long strides,  staying close behind him.  Bright eyes shined with excitement as they reached the exhibit,  eager to look around.   “How long do you think we have.”   she asked in a low whisper.
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Once inside the exhibit he’s gleefully eyeing each piece, admiring the relics and trying to decide on which ancient being to rise for them first. He settles on one on the furthest side of the room, looking over at her with a lopsided smile and motioning for her to follow a bit more. 
“We should basically have all night in the entire building, I overheard the guard bragging about having the easiest job in the world having to do basically nothing. He takes a nap in the security room as soon as his shift begins, plus they never really check the camera’s unless there’s been an actual thievery. And let’s be honest Cassie, we’re the only weirdos who would break in just to LOOK around, so I doubt there’s much to worry about.”
He stops a glass case holding old stone tablets and admires it for a moment, smiling softly. His tone dropping just a bit as he’s distracted. “As for our departed mummies here, if you wanna see one move, we have only a minute each for them.”
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prosewrote · 2 years ago
???. | @traumamade​​​  ⸻    ‘ i won’t leave you behind. ’ (for sam) 
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Sam let’s out a guttural groan as the pain from the laceration on his abdomen and right leg radiate with burning pain. He’s trying to get up on his own, holding onto Leon’s shoulder when e begins to sway backward. They followed a lead and Sam got too over confidant; even with his hunting skills he couldn’t have been prepared for the monstrosities that waited for them inside the building. Infected he could handle, the Licker’s BARELY; they were still stuck inside but one hiding above them silently had caught Sam by surprise. Leon handled it effortlessly it almost seemed but Sam was injured. They were contacted about help and extraction being on the way but he could only move so fast, and they were three floors below roof access. He didn’t want Leon to DIE because he was careless and slow now. He tried to push the other man away and toward the staircase, gritting his teeth as he kept moving, ignoring the man’s words but feeling a heart tug all the same.
“Get going man, I’m right behind you but you NEED to go before me to flag them down. Or--or if there’s any Z’s ahead you’re gonna have to help clear them.” he huffs out a single laugh, gripping the stair railing with a bloodied hand. Hoping to convince Leon to get going. He’s trying his best, really, but he doesn’t want to risk anything.
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prosewrote · 2 years ago
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“I keep fighting…and fighting and fighting. Instead of seeing an end to this shit, it just keep getting worse. Is this what my life is supposed to be? Fighting the living dead and bastards that make them? What’s the point of it all?”
purity culture and blog policing is not welcome here.
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prosewrote · 2 years ago
:// bazinga, I'm making some major changes to to my list for the sake of my sanity because I have for new and old but can no longer handle more than maybe less than 6 chara's, much to my dismay. Working full time and aiming for a second job really drains me and I feel bad for not keeping steady for ya'll whom I feel I keep losing/changing too quickly before we really write for them. So !
I hope you like the chara's that stay and the new ones I bring in. This community IS my home, so I need a cozy safe space on the blog here to achieve that. 🤟🏼✨️
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prosewrote · 2 years ago
It has been HELLA stressful getting back to work and breaking ASS just work up money in a toxic work place. BUT I have today and tomorrow off and GDI I'm relaxing without coworkers calling favors, fuck 'em all minus my fellow trans friend there. So expect to see me creeping along ya'lls dashes finally with a few new characters and the faves 🤓✌🏽✨️
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prosewrote · 3 years ago
???. | @survivortm​​​  ⸻     ‘  who  are  you?  ’ (for wanda)
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As a little girl, all she wanted was the white picket fenced yard to a house with quality furnishings that provided a warm, LOVING, home. At first it was only for herself and her family, then it became for her and her brother. Since losing him, it became an end goal for a future family with KIDS perhaps. Now it was a DAYDREAM she concentrated on daily to escape the hell of her true reality. She just wanted some way to make a difference, never in her broken imagination did she think they’d turn her into THIS. A HORROR, made to destroy and corrupt, never to actually help.
 But when she escaped she was determined to control it, to BECOME it, no the other way around; she be DAMNED if she let anyone or anything determined her fate anymore. Nothing could tell her who SHE was, or in this case WHAT. So she stole files, she stole secrets that could help pay her way into any state or country she wanted, gaining her access things she shouldn’t have or be near. That’s how she ended up here at some American university, waiting for her chance to speak with a President about what’s she’s learned and how she can help, when it all went to SHIT. He was dead, she was stuck and the undead and mutated were EVERYWHERE. She was no fool, she could handle it but one wrong mistake of being hesitant could mean her end in a horde. 
So WHY, why should she risk her life to save two agents stuck within the building ? Why should she lay waste to twenty bodies that were closing in fast on the two instead of simply getting out of there ? She’d say it’s her humanity, what’s left of it anyway.
She’s sure he didn’t see her use her abilities but she keeps a safe six foot distance anyway to assure them both, her palms facing out to show allegiance. Usually she can mask her accent but with her nerves skyrocketing at the moment, she tries to make sure she’s understood.
“ My name is Wanda, I was here to meet -- someone but everything went wrong. I’m just looking to get out of here, same as you both.”
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prosewrote · 3 years ago
friend: “hey how’s that rp reply coming?”
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