#dol meta??? maybe???
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medico-meo · 11 months ago
Sane and normal behavior is wanting to pursue Harper as an LI but I was contemplating the plausibility of which in terms of DoL as a game as well as the role of the PC and Harper to the best of my knowledge. If anyone happens to be interested in this utter insanity, disclaimers are everything below the cut is from my POV as a player; that I do, in fact, have biases due to personal preferences; and while I tried my best to get my hands on most Harper stuff there is, I play DoL Very Safely (< focusing on being a functional member of society despite everything's going on while grinding stats And avoiding pregnancy) so there surely would be things I missed.
Additional warning for being too Long for someone with thoughts on an NPC with next to no disclosed lore. TL;DR at the end if anyone just wants to know the conclusion I reached :) Also! Open to any discussions or questions that may arise! I'd be happy to talk to anyone about anything DoL here lol.
So, Harper LI. There are two possible ways I can come up with this, either a Stockholm route or uh, half-way functional ig??? The former is clearly more likely than the latter (laughs) but I find the hypothetical gameplay to be less interesting. The problem with either of these is requiring the player to be able to spend time with Harper—like, plenty of it—which the current game doesn't even remotely allow the same way they do for us with the named NPCs we can work for. Letting the PC see Harper whenever would either destroy the elusive nature of Harper's character and/or undermine their established workaholicism, both of which I happen to be very fond of. Of course, the PC can become Harper's assistant etc which I categorize into the second way this can happen, but I'll expand on it as the secret third thing between the two.
Another point about Harper's character I wanna bring up is that, despite 90% of Who They Are exactly being complete whiteboard theory and personal tastes, one thing I can be Pretty Sure about is that they love their work more than they'll love the PC (the canon scenes proving this ranges from So Normal people probably don't think twice about it Or dearly hilarious, namely the encounter at the park if you're jogging naked there). A lot of Vrel's Q&A answers also point to this, which is something we can fall victim to or, you know, thoroughly exploit :)
Stockholm Route: Rather plausible, relatively speaking, but if no major changes can be made re:non-asylum Harper content this would most likely be locked behind the asylum with the addition of the Stockholm stat. Considering current Stockholm LIs sans Kylar, I don't consider it completely impossible ig?
Unlike (what I've seen) with Eden, BW, and GH however, I feel like this would be a one-way street into a different game mode altogether—yielding to Harper consistently locks you in as their "patient" brainwashed little toy for good and maintaining the power difference that, considering Harper's overall position and status in town, would largely influence the gameplay altogether both for the better and worse. Story-wise though it's surely consistent with (gestures) DoL is about so it's more about the technicalities of stuff.
I'm not exactly partial to this (personal tastes) (dislikes being almost entirely passive) but plenty of power to those who do.
Half-way Functional or I'd also like to call the Kylar-like Route: Possibly applies to Eden and a bunch of other non-LI NPCs too but I'm not exactly well-read on them due to the tunnel vision. This can be asylum-locked but I can see it with more frequent Harper visits available. The tldr of this is resisting their dodgy treatments to establish dominance (exploiting their workaholism and emotional repression) while aggressively coming onto them on your own terms.
"How would that even work?" Yeah, about that.
As much as I would love it in terms of the story I severely doubt that can ever happen because that is Not the point of DoL. It is Not written to primarily be a dating sim and neither is the PC supposed to be the protag of a romance in the truest sense. The school LIs are written to be otome game-like since you're more or less equals with them but that doesn't extend to the others, highlighting the PC's position relative to those higher than them in the hypothetical hierarchy—you can't very actively flirt with Avery or Eden before you can take them as an LI, ie to start with it's mostly Them seeking You out than the other way around, which is, unfortunately, the case with Harper here.
I can go on a bit more about how this undermines DoL and compromises the PC's role/function in general but I might have to start actually citing texts which... yeah no I'm not insane enough to do that yet. But! You can read about it in this interview. This is not to mention the numerous new gameplay mechanics that will have to be added and how they consequently influence existing content, but it's fun for me to think about. Pissing Harper off Then working the fact that they can't just Drop you because you're their patient and they're so committed to their job to your advantage. Charming.
The mentor-mentee/assistant route potentially falls into either umbrella plotline I mentioned, maybe even as a possible aftermath to Stockholm. The second one would slightly diverge since I think if you actively match their energy without straight up trying to straight up bully them it Might end up as actual criminal romance but, again, the PC's nature and the gameplay withstanding).
I can't remember if I have anything else I'd like to add so here's a thank you to anyone who actually read any of these LMAO and if you're a fellow Harper—or any other character, really—liker in a "I want to claw them apart and see what's inside" way (like me) there's this neat site that compilates the Q&As with Vrel (godspeed OP where would I be without them).
TLDR: Not very, Very plausible but if it does happen they'll likely be a Stockholm-inducing LI locked behind the asylum. If it's LI (conventional sense) then that's more likely than not never happening since it compromises quite a bit of what DoL is as its core. Wanna be their little underling? To me it falls into one of the aforementioned generally speaking, so it's a (wave hands) thing there.
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maddening-music · 2 months ago
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@bloodspick HI HELLO THANK YOU i'm actually making a separate post for this because i have so many words .
a lot of aries' character revolves around his involvement in the temple. he rose in the ranks very quickly, both due to his devotion to his work and a resentment towards the corruption in the world around him. always been a prude who would rather scathingly insult someone than submit at any point ever
and when he learned what was really happening during the vigil, about virgo and about how the destruction of the town paralleled the destruction of her body, something in his mind shifted and he began to see both virgo and the world itself as a dying animal that only people like him could protect. he devotes all of his time and energy into understanding the corruption and fighting it and it gets to the point to where his vision is permanently altered, thus locking him at max awareness basically Forever.
and then he meets harper. because of course people who violently oppose the way the town works are going to get accused of being mad and sent to either the hospital or the asylum. and the corruption in harper is PALPABLE in a way that immediately has aries on his guard in a very cold way.
the thing about aries' harper specifically is that while he is still very much Mr Malpractice, he's also kind of pathetic (art by @phosphorlily)
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and the thing about aries is that, behind all of his cold demeanor and his violence, he is very much Someone Who Wants to Save the World. and if he can reach out a hand to someone he Will do it. even if they tried really really hard to gaslight and hypnotize him
and so aries DOES try to purify harper, with everything he's learned from the temple, but it doesn't really. work. because he ends up in the tentacle plains with harper (whether it be mentally or physically is in the air), and because he has his chastity belt + shield, the tentacles decide that if they can't penetrate him literally, they'll do it Psychologically. so part of his brain just ends up COMPLETELY corrupted, compartmentalized away from the rest of his Pure™ brain, and he rationalizes this by thinking that he's taken away some of harper's corruption into himself. surely that's Fine. which is why we have this situation
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it's not quite like having a slime ear parasite, because it really doesn't ever affect him while he's going about normally. chastity belt for his brain. but it gets to the point to where he dreams about the plains pretty much every night, and he goes to the hospital once a week and occasionally disappears for a week or so but don't worry about it <3
basically he's secretly deeply and deliriously in love with harper but only one discrete part of his brain can act on it. otherwise he's kind of tsundere and tries to reinforce better behaviors. he's gonna learn about the underground farm eventually and it's gonna be Over for everyone involved
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anxi04 · 4 months ago
Tim admits this was… definitely a bad idea. But in his defense he could not be blamed for anything he decides after an intense case. He stayed up for a consecutive 74 hours and then crashed for 2 days straight so… really it's Kon's fault for taking the suggestion seriously.
Tim and Kon are at Olive Garden on a small date, nothing too serious. However like the fool Tim is he's disguised so he doesn't get recognized as 'Timothy Jackson Drake' or 'Tim Wayne' and since he's still very out of it at the moment he's not really putting much of a mask on so the confidence is gone, and he's still so tired so the comprehension is a little… off right now.
He forgot about the dreaded 'how much Parmesan do you want' question for dishes and after a minute it just got too awkward to say anything. So here they are, Tim dying inside while the waiter (who's definitely a meta cause where the hell is all that cheese coming from?) grates the 5th block of Parmesan. Kon is laughing the traitor that he is and at this point it's also a little bit of a challenge on his and the waiters end.
"Is this good enough for your exquisite tastes?" The waiter, Lora (god they are getting a minimum of a 500$ tip), asks him very pointedly while looking directly in his eyes and aggressively grating.
Tim can feel an angel and demon on his shoulder. 'More! A mountain of cheese! All the cheese in the restaurant!' is what his angel is saying. The demon is… cruel in the way they want cheese.
God maybe Tim should've stayed asleep. He stares the waiter in the eyes (uncomfortable but he's had to look Becca directly in her beady eyes and tell her that her ex-husband was wrong for leaving. Tim gave said husband the courage to leave. This is nothing.) and makes a 'go on' gesture.
Tim blinks and suddenly three feet have been added to the height of the cheese mountain and holy shit. Using powers for the most petty reason is 100% what he would do. He respects Lora so much right now.
"Tim.. Hon… You're lactose intolerant that is way more than enough." Once Kon was able to get his breath back he tries putting an end to this madness but Tim is committed. So is Lora, if the way her eyes dart over to Kon in a challenge is any indication.
"No. Lactose intolerance is a weakness and I will train it out." Why is he not backing out oh god what the fuck is he thinking.
"Oh, would you like more help with that? We have some more… brutal cheeses for lactose intolerance. I can grab some mozzarella, or brie, or any other soft cheeses." Oh my god. Tim's gonna die here. He's gonna die cause he's too stubborn. Although he respects the hell out of Lora right now. He's entertaining the idea of her becoming a hero. Or villain. Either would fit.
Anyway. That sounds like a challenge, and Tim doesn't back down from challenges like that. "That would be wonderful, thank you." Eye contact has not been broken. Janet would be proud of him.
Eventually there is a 10 foot tall mountain of cheese on his plate and a ladder next to the table. And now he'd feel like a dick if he doesn't eat it all but also holy fuck he is severely lactose intolerant.
Kon's head is making a dent in the table. Tim will fully understand if Kon needs a break after this.
He can see Lora blatantly staring him down from across the restaurant and well that's just another fucking challenge.
Slowly, (but not too slowly, no that would be showing weakness) he finishes the plate. And honestly he completely forgot what he had originally ordered until he got to the bottom of it and by then it was just such a cheesy mess he can't even tell if it was supposed to be spaghetti or some version of American Alfredo. He eats it anyway.
Lora comes over soon after, fake smile barely hiding fury, and asks if he wants seconds. It's a challenge and Tim doesn't refuse challenges… but Tim is also not dumb and so he declines. He swears he sees disappointment in her eyes.
She lets him pay the bill and tip her (looking at him slightly when he gives her a thousand dollars, which causes him to put down another thousand in her hand) and soon after they're set to leave.
Tim does however hear her say something about using the money to put little rockets on a skateboard instead of something useless like rent and honestly? Tim might have found his best civilian (for now) friend.
They leave Olive Garden 2,043$ less rich (not really) and Tim with a new contact and a promise to personally build her a skateboard that easily reaches 90 mph.
He's praying no one recognized him and he won't wake up to the news calling him out. He could never live it down.
(He was in fact recognized, but by one of the Bat-Clan and when he opens his bedroom there is an absurd amount of cheese everywhere. He blames Jason.)
(It was Damian.)
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familyagrestefanblog · 1 year ago
Actually, I would say Adrien's ring being more expensive than Chat Noir's is not some meta commentary of Chat being less valuable, that's just a smart real life business decision to make sure that Adrichat DOESN'T end up being "less valuable" regarding the merchandise sales.
You cannot treat this as a reflection of how the characters are treated in the show, we're talking about real life business and consumer behavior here. If the show had something to do with this Chloé's Queen Bee wouldn't still be used to sell dolls or promote the show.
I personally find this well handled bc between Marinette's camouflaged earrings, the Ladybug ones, Adrien's camouflaged ring and Chat Noir's, it's clearly Chat's ring that's a plain obvious give-away that you're wearing merchandise of this SPECIFIC show and SPECIFIC character.
Every other one is more subtle. Marinette's earrings are the least recognizable as miraculous merchandise but already subtle to the point where it's questionable if you're REALLY gonna spend $36 for small plain black earrings.
Hence why Ladybug's being $3 more makes sense, since if you already decided that you're gonna spend way too much on such small earrings consumers are more likely gonna say "Alright, then at least I'll take Ladybug's." and this decision is more likely to happen on a broader scale because the earrings having a ladybug pattern doesn't automatically mean you're a fan of Miraculous, so they're still wearable in daily life.
This show didn't invent what a ladybug looks like, such earrings exist outside of Miraculous too and people around you WILL accept such a coincidence as an answer.
Meaning, you can absolutely wear them in public even if you're too shy to let anyone know that you're a fan of Miraculous, cuz if anyone asks you can simply say "Nah, I just liked the pattern" and that's valid.
Even when someone sees the ZAG symbol on them you can simply say that you got them from a friend of yours who didn't wanted them anymore but you liked the pattern. Again, the show doesn't own what a ladybug looks like, people are allowed to like animal inspired jewelry.
But the same doesn't apply for Chat Noir's ring. There is no talking yourself out of that one, you're wearing Miraculous merchandise, specifically Chat Noir's ring. That's a recognizable and unique symbol + color combination for a ring, which is topped off by it having the accurate form.
I would rather make the argument that Chat's ring ONLY being $1 cheaper is a GOOD sign bc that means people are buying it for this price despite knowing they won't be able to casually wear it in public without everyone knowing they're such a huge fan of Miraculous' Adrien Agreste/ Chat Noir.
And Adrien's ring being $1 more expensive most likely serves the purpose of being the subtle alternative to Chat's extremely recognizable ring. Meaning if you're a fan and actually WANT Chat's ring but you don't want to buy it for this price only to keep it at home and also don't want to wear it bc maybe you're too shy, then Adrien's camouflaged ring works the opposite of Marinette's earrings logic wise.
Since $43 for a well made, good looking silver ring is not a wasteful purchase. Unlike Marinette's earrings Adrien's ring is still unique and worth it just through its form, not to mention that more people wear rings than earrings.
And then the same logic applies for Adrien's camouflaged ring as for Ladybug's earrings. Even if someone recognizes the ring as miraculous merchandise it doesn't out you as a fan bc you can say the valid excuse of "that's from Miraculous? Huh. I got that ring from someone else bc they didn't wanted it anymore but I really liked how it looked like so I took it. Eh, I'll still wear it".
People, you would be surprised how much other people just vibe with these days when it comes to merchandise. And manufacturers know that. It's a very pretty silver ring, of course that one is gonna be the most expensive.
And regarding Chat Noir not being available as doll anymore, I frankly wouldn't be surprised if that's because he's always sold out so quickly so they're putting the Chat doll on break to better manage the production schedule without constantly having him visibly going "in and out of stock".
(don't underestimate how beloved Adrien/ Chat Noir is. Tumblr, Youtube and social media in general even for that matter (especially not that loud portion of Marinette stans and Adrien salters) don't decide what characters are beloved by different demographics and the more casual fans. And of course don't forget that alot of Adrien's Fandom simply was kinda forced into silence but that doesn't mean it not THERE, and is now buying our boy's merchandise more than ever.
Again, Chloé's dolls still exist and may I say for a reason: because Chloé still sells WELL, even if it's sometimes spite purchases from fans bc they don't like what was done to her character and want the company to know that)
And last but not least, I'm assuming "Félix" here actually means "ARGOS isn't available in all of Europe" because the other dolls are tranformed too.
Honestly, the moment something isn't available in Europe specifically I always go with the assumption that the problem lies somewhere in the trademarks or copyrights. Argos is also the name of a well known British retailer and sometimes stupid accidents happen when it comes to trademark cases.
Maybe a while ago his name being Argos wasn't a problem yet (honestly, I WOULDN'T even write the brexit having something do to with this out as a possibility) and those where the circumstances his character was designed and put into full production with, but then suddenly new factors came in and now the name can't be used anymore for his dolls in Europe.
Look, shit like that happens. And I wouldn't call something similar to this being the reason far fetched at all bc, again, the moment Europe specifically has problems with stuff like this, it's some kind of law getting in the way.
Maybe the Argos doll will come back soon just being sold under the name "Félix Fathom"? Wouldn't be the first time, certainly won't be the last.
Just looked through the Zag store some more, and there's some more interesting things in there.
First of, Felix isn't sold in Europe.
Second, Marinette's Miraculouses gain value when transforming. Turning into Ladybug is worth 3€ for her.
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However, for Adrien, transforming means he loses value. Chat Noir is 1€ cheaper than Adrien.
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Of course the biggest problem with the store remains one that I'm almost certain I talked about before:
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They sell the puppets that Marinette made for Manon, but only Ladybug, Lady Wifi and Evilstrator. Not Chat Noir. That's unacceptable. I can't just buy Ladybug on her own, she'll get lonely without her chaton!
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letsnaththings · 2 years ago
Again, memeage
Tagged by @cairistiona7  Thank you!
Rules: If you’re tagged, make a rec list of your own fics that you’re most proud of. The ones you personally want people to read because you know they’re good. The ones you get extra excited when you get comments on them because people are responding to what you know is your best work. As part of the list, say why you’re proud of them! Participant’s choice on how many that is and where you draw the line on pride, but the more the better. Bonus points for fics that you like to reread yourself or fics that have low engagement because they’re in a small fandom or an unpopular ship/trope. Then tag however many people you feel like to continue the game. (If you want a guide number, try for seven or however many fics you listed)
Secondary rule: If you get tagged and you’re not a fic writer, consider doing the same for art you’ve done or meta you’ve written that you’re proud of.
Tertiary rule: This is the time to be the opposite of humble! Hype your own stuff! Share why you’re proud of something. Do some self love! And please give the game a chance even if you haven’t written much or are just starting out etc etc.
Do or do not – there is no tag.
 All these are in the Tolkien fandom – the list got a bit longer than I had planned, even with vigorous weeding (and would therefore probably look partly different if I made it at another time). They’re all stories that I like to reread for one reason or another. Even if I felt a ‘must edit’ itch for some of the older ones as well *g* I’ve tried to say something more than the original summary for them, but didn’t succeed for all.
An excess of weather - Life in Eriador can often be harsh, even more so when the weather becomes as much an enemy as Orcs or wolves. A look at how the Fell Winter of 2911 affected the Dúnedain. 
A gapfiller story with mostly OC Rangers. What I like about this one is how the circumstances test the Rangers to their limits, and in some cases beyond.
 Troll country - Where were the Rangers when Thorin & co. encountered those trolls?
A gapfiller I didn’t know I needed until the plotbunny turned up
 Out of time - FA 83 - King Elessar visits the North and realises something that has been bothering him
There are precious few stories about the Fourth Age – another gapfiller I had to have.
Inheritance – Recipe fic:  A taste from history in two drabbles and a double drabble - originally written for the October 2014 challenge, Sweet or Savoury, at the Lotr-genfic LJ community; my element was 'spicy'.
My only recipe fic, and therefore also my best recipe fic *g*
 2nd Age
Et Eärello Andorenna utúlien - Númenor: thoughts upon arrival and departure.
There’s a lot more to explore for both Elros and Ar-Pharazôn I think, and maybe someday I will. Until then, this short sketch will have to do.
 Spindrift - Of the seven palantíri, it is said that the one kept in the tower of Elostirion is the chief, and that Elendil looked in it often to alleviate the yearning of exile. This vignette examines one such viewing in the year 3423 of the Second Age.
 Opening - Sometime early in the second millennium of the Second Age: a moonlit night in Eregion, and two craftsmen anxiously wait the unveiling of their latest work.
Edge of the world - After the Downfall it was believed by the remnants of the Dúnedain that the top of Meneltarma rose once more above the sea level. If so, sailors of later Ages may have found it on occasion.
 Recall - Thengel, captain of Gondor, deals with a small family crisis, considers the past and receives some news.
 Holiday - Snapshots of a summer spent in Dol Amroth. Gimli is ambivalent about it all.
This entire fic was written to justify the use of one specific word in a Tolkienian context. I’ll leave it up to the reader to spot the word.
Back to Middle-earth month 2012 - A collection of the various drabbles and short stories I wrote for B2MEM 2012
A very miscellaneous bunch of stories, but one I’m pretty happy with. Definitely my best BMEM year.
 Tales of the North - banner
And in hope… –  Arwen finally understands one particular vision she saw in Galadriel's Mirror, and starts work on a special project.
Watching from afar – It is said in The Tale of Aragorn and Arwen that Arwen watched over Aragorn in thought. At times, this must have been a harrowing experience.
Envinyalë –  About a week after their wedding, Aragorn and Arwen spend an evening by themselves. Arwen has plans, but the evening does not turn out quite the way she had in mind.
A small collection of three stories in which I explored Arwen a bit, of course also against the background of my related stories on Aragorn and the Dúnedain.
Some that live - It is 3013, and Orcs are raiding and destroying Dúnedain farms in Eriador. Aragorn sets out to stop the raids. Alternate timeline leading up to the War of the Ring.
This story… During the writing its working title was “the Heap O’Angst”, and I’ve also been known to refer to it as “the story that ate my life”. It took some work to get out of its headspace once it was done. Without giving away too much, it’s an exploration of honour, guilt, redemption, friendship, loyalty. It may also be the best story I’ve written so far.
 As may be obvious, I like writing AUs, both long ones and shorter stories, because they allow exploring different approaches to characters, events and themes They’re also a lot of fun to play with: “what breaks if I change this…?”
 Unto the ending of the world - Dark AU, diverging from the end of the Two Towers: Sauron regains his Ring in Ithilien, and a very bleak world emerges for those who survive the Ringwar to make their way in. 
This is the only still ongoing story in the list. I started it in 2007 and am still writing it. I do actually know how it ends, but I’m a slow writer to begin with, and it’s taking just a bit longer than I expected to get where I want to go – plus I spent some time away from it writing the Heap O’Angst. The basic idea was quite simple, Sauron gets the One Ring, so what happens now? Quite a lot, as it turns out, and not much of it good.
 Elenion Ancalima - Nerdanel wonders whether perhaps it would have been better if Fëanáro had not listened to his father.
 Still standing - Six vignettes from Halbarad's point of view - from the siege of Minas Tirith until the day after Aragorn's coronation
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elamarth-calmagol · 4 years ago
The Silmarillion in particular is very classist.  Basically everyone we hear about is some form of nobility or royalty or at least a tribal leader.  There are maybe a couple of dwarves who are commoners, and maybe some of the outlaws?  But I can’t think of the names of any of them.  I do wonder whether the first kings of the Elves were born to be kings or earned that title by choosing to go to Valinor, but nonetheless, once they’re kings, they don’t go back.
What really stands out to me is the patterns in marriage.  High-ranked Elves seem to only marry other high-ranked people, whether Elf or Man.  Yes, this is because we barely hear about people who aren’t high-ranked, but come on.  There’s Thingol and Melian, Finwe and Indis, Earwen and Finarfin, Galadriel and Celeborn, Elrond and Celebrian, Aragorn and Arwen, Beren and Luthien, Idril and Tuor, Aegnor and Andreth, arguably Caranthir and Haleth, and so on.
I don’t know about the origins of Anaire, Mireth, Eol, and others (though some people say Eol is related to Thingol, so there's that).  The only Elf-Man relationship I can think of where the two aren’t both leaders to their people or heirs to the leaders is the time the first prince of Dol Amroth married an elf-maiden -- she was a handmaiden of Nimrodel, so not exactly poor, but not really a leader.  Of course, he was minor nobility.  Elves don’t marry ordinary Men.
What are the chances that this happens coincidentally?  For the Elrond example, I, an elf-lord and probable heir to the kingship over the Noldor, just happen to fall madly in love with the daughter of Galadriel (who is Finwe’s granddaughter) and Celeborn (who is supposedly related to Thingol somehow)?  That’s a heck of a coincidence.  Is it all a bit exaggerated?  Or do nobles only socialize with other nobles? Or is whoever is in charge of people falling in love (Eru, presumably, or in a meta way, Tolkien) is a bit classist?
But that’s how British society was back then, wasn’t it?  A bit classist?  Heck, it probably still is.  Not to mention that Tolkien is writing about a fantasy medieval world.  Medieval nobility didn’t marry commoners.  They married other nobility.  And the higher their status was, the higher the status of their spouses.  This meant that nobility was very inbred.  And Elrond is a distant cousin of Celebrian.  Same for Aragorn and Arwen.  If I knew the family trees better, I’d probably find more examples.
Anyway, Elves having more equality than Men? Not likely.
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beautifulterriblequeen · 5 years ago
Okay so I use to send you asks all the time about tdp (Star arcanum, Luna Tenebris, meta etc) but I haven’t in awhile since s4 taking an eternity but today I go on reddit to find out Viren apparently resurrected Soren when he was younger?! That’s the reason the mom left!?!? That’s probably how Claudia knew the spell!?!?!? I feel faint. There’s also a new map of Xadia (I would love you’re thoughts on that and what new places you’d like to see) and Rayla finds her moo shadow form disorienting?
Well hello again, then! Hmm, I couldn’t find that post over there. Is it a theory, or something official? It makes good sense though. The opportunities for Claudia to see/learn that spell are extremely limited, and that scenario fits with what the B1:M hinted at regarding Soren’s health, what Viren would be willing to do about it, and how his wife would react.
Can you imagine being a tiny little girl and seeing your dad bring your brother back from the dead? My gosh. He did it out of love, and he wielded such power! And he did what he did because he truly believed it was right. Claudia must’ve been so proud of Viren, and so in awe of him!
Also. This would be why Soren said he’d stay with Viren when their mom left. He owed his dad his life, and he must’ve felt so loved and wanted and grateful, like he owed Viren his loyalty, and all the rest of his years. Such an innocent sweet boy! But when you give someone a gift, Viren, you don’t get to decide what they do with it. Soren can make his own choices.
And then there’s this. Consider the haunted look on Viren’s face as he realizes what Claudia has done:
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Could be he’s having a big “Oh so this is how Soren felt” moment there, on top of his feels about seeing Harrow’s crown all bent. I don’t imagine Viren has too many “oh this is how other people experience feelings” moments anymore, between his secure and powerful position and whatever dark magic is doing to his soul. But maybe here he’s missing Soren, who left him and defected to the other side. The boy he sacrificed for, the boy he adored, turned away from him, and maybe Viren is having an actual Feel over it here. I hope so!
Listen, I LOVE THE MAP OKAY. I love maps. I am a map nerd. And I pored over the map in B1:M and enjoyed the heck out of it.
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My top four favorite details from this map are: Ocean Point, marked with the Stars rune, the pawprint and crescent moon islands in the Independent Isles because i have theories, how the Ruins of Elarion are situated to the Silvergrove the way that Dol Guldur is to the Elvenking’s Halls in Mirkwood, and the fact that the border between the human lands and Xadia extends out into the sea in both directions and there’s a whole frozen ocean and a whirlpool of epic proportions to make sure that the humans absolutely definitely stay on their side of the border. Avizandum and Company literally childproofed the planet, okay. It’s hilarious and powerful and very telling.
Moonshadow form being disorienting was a fun detail! I think it must have to do with how the magic form works. It was stated that the form works by adapting to the patterns of light and shadow around the elf’s body so they blend right in. They’re not really going invisible. It’s the magic version of the stealth tech we see in sci fi movies, where cameras take pictures of what’s on the far side of a car or plane and project it onto the near side, to hide the object in plain sight. Maybe the disorientation comes from having to put a low-level conscious focus into that, while also having it pass across your own eyes all the time, like you’re looking at the world through tinted goggles, or when you keep having shadows flicker across your eyes in bright sunlight. I hate that. 
But it’s a condition the elves can embrace, and Runaan and his team would definitely practice working in full Moonshadow form so they could be swift and precise with no disorientation. I imagine he trained Rayla to fight in that form, too, so she’d be ready for the mission. But from everything we got in the show and in the book, she’s really concerned with not letting him down, and she might have overstated her comfort with her Moonshadow form a little to make him think she was ready for the mission, because it was so important to her and she knew he was taking a risk vouching for her. Among other things she did that clearly meant she wasn’t ready at all.
Thanks for the ask, anon! I’m always DTT (down to theorize), and we got families and maps and worldbuilding all up in this ask. Made my day, thank you!
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enzelffxiv · 6 years ago
4.56 reactions/thoughts (spoilers under readmore)
I was…underwhelmed by MSQ, but honestly that’s not a bad thing in this case? The finales of ARR and HW were…VERY intense and I’m actually glad its not a ridiculous cliffhanger in the same way because the wait until the expansion would be more painful, i think.
I didn’t dislike the MSQ, it was just very short. Elidibus is a cheating bastard. Estinien cameo made me happy. (he hasn’t changed much, lol. I did wonder how he managed to carry Imry all on his own, though. She’s probably got a good 75 lbs on him at the least, not including armor.) Aymeric was very sweet and the gutpunch when you realize how worried he and Edmont were about you… ;____;
Poor Tataru. She continues to have no grasp of Imry’s style, though. XD (its all right, the outfit looks pretty good on other people.)
I’ve been slacking so i have 2 more ranks of SB Beast tribes to go but I’m looking forward to more Dumbass Catboy Shenanigans. (Also 1 rank of Moogles for HW ones…)
Hildy was…Hildy. The trial was really great; its not often that i think wiping multiple times is “fun”, lol. (I was a bit rusty at tanking after raiding as a healer for so long, but i got to use pretty much everything in the PLD arsenal for it.)
Worth it for the dance, imho.
Other stuff: so, when the origin of the Voice was still being hotly debated, i pointed out to Aki that they use “ware” in Japanese; it’s a very…sort of archaic formal pronoun. In FFXIV usually older non-human beings use it, like dragons and stuff. (Afaik Nidhogg does when he’s not speaking in Dragonspeak, if i recall correctly) My guess was honestly Zodiark because of that, esp since i didn’t think it sounded like anyone else we’d met before, so the options were either a new character, or a character that hadn’t been voiced yet.
Aki actually brought up G'raha, since they know someone who plays the JP version of the game. (Since the CT storyline isnt voiced, i didn’t pick up on his speech patterns at all.) Apparently he uses "ware" because he’s a huge fuckin history nerd, more or less. I originally dismissed the idea because i figured SE wasn’t going to force people to do CT for MSQ. But it seems like they’re moving more towards “this stuff happened in the timeline where it was released even if you the player havent completed it yet” sort of thing. (This also means a bunch of people no longer have a meta immunity to being killed off…eeep.)
I was honestly going back and forth after the trailer because…well…where are his ears!! But maybe showing the person being a Miqo'te would make the guess too easy? (Esp because there are so few dude Miqo'te…) Also there are more than a few hoods players can wear that hide their ears, even if it looks dumb imho. So…yeah, once i saw him in game, I was pretty convinced. We’ll see!
I’m almost relieved there’s no more major content til July honestly. I’ve got all my DoH/DoL to finish leveling (plus the rest of my DPS classes ;___;) so the rest of my spring is going to be Inventory Management Hell.
If anyone on Adamantoise is willing to have random crafts mailed to them so i don’t go insane trying to find space for it all, lmk. :p
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