#doing the icons on mobile was not smart
missmacfire · 6 months
I was gonna do a shipping tier list for bg3, but I was putting way too much effort into the icons AND someone had already done it 🤦‍♀️
Anyway if anyone has any use for the icons I made before giving up, please go ahead and take them 💜
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Do not tell someone their mobility aid isn’t cute.
Please, for the love of any god that exists and the ones that don’t too, don’t tell someone their mobility aid isn’t cute. Don’t tell them it ruins their outfit. Don’t tell them they’d look better without it. Don’t. 
Why? Because chances are, they were very insecure about it before. Maybe they still are. And also because it’s fucking ableist. You’re telling them that using a mobility aid looks bad. I don’t care if you think the outfit would look ten times better without it, keep that shit to yourself. You’re not the one wearing it and if the person has decided that their functionality is more important than their appearance, then that’s their choice to make, not yours. 
Mobility aids are there to help the person using them, not to appease your idea of beauty. 
And, not to mention, mobility aids are fucking cute. 
The braces worn on the outside of pants because that’s more comfortable or they don’t fit underneath or it’s uncomfortable otherwise? Rock on. Canes that are decorated or otherwise but let someone get around easier? Fantastic. Crutches that let someone participate in society? Amazing. Wheelchairs that mean someone doesn’t have to be in unnecessary pain? 10/10. Walkers that give someone the freedom to do things they want to? Spectacular. Freaking prosthetic limbs?? Iconic. Insulin or blood monitoring patches that means someone doesn’t have to be thinking about yet another thing while they go about their day? Beautiful. Feeding tubes that mean someone can fucking get nutrients? Cute as hell. 
If you have something that makes your life easier and you use it, that automatically makes you smart and hot. You have my permission to hit anyone who says otherwise (with your mobility aid if applicable). 
TL;DR: Mobility aids are cute and anyone who says otherwise is stupid. 
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spark-of-teal · 6 months
I was going to do this back when the fishing craze was still happening but I took a break from the internet for a bit. But,
Hermits as fish!
Grian: Tadpole Cod
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Obvious reasons for cod, also it's the smallest cod
Pearl: Chinook salmon
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Obvious reasons for salmon, also it's the largest salmon
Gem: Needlefish
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Aw it's so small and cute AHH IT SLICED ME IN HALF
Etho: Manta ray
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Manta rays are iconic like Etho, smart like Etho, and scary like Etho
Scar: Seahorse
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Limited mobility but super cool in other ways; they’re like the hummingbirds of the fish world, they can move in any direction they want with more energy expended. Scar does whatever he wants even though it’s harder for him
Joel: Whale shark
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“I’m a shark! Aha! I’m big and scary!” “But you just sit there eating krill” “Shut up no one likes you anyway!”
Bdubs: Cleaner wrasse
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Cleaner fish, Bdubs is usually a sidekick, also one of the main fish they clean are manta rays
Tango: Firefish
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It looks just like him :D
Joe: Narwhal
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He would totally be the only mammal. He would finagle a way to be the only mammal. And he would also want to be a unicorn.
Doc: Hammerhead shark
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Bro is willing to look silly for maximum efficiency. Hammerheads have 360 degree vision. (Also they’re terrifying. Like Doc.)
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pixiel · 10 months
My message on Discord's new UI
"I have visual snow syndrome, a symptom of visual snow syndrome is that white text on a very dark background can cause afterimages. You know screen burn? Imagine screen burn in your eyes, where whatever you were looking at is stuck there for up to an hour. Light mode is physically painful and dark mode is disabling. Your new changes are an accessibility nightmare and have made the app fully unusable for me. And that's not even mentioning the fact that a lot of the changes you made to the app are absolutely awful, convoluted and just plain stupid for ease of use. I know companies love to pull the "well we know every single tester has hated it, but we spent a lot of money redesigning it so we're doing it anyway!" card. But this isn't the logo, this isn't the blue, this isn't minor changes you'll stop noticing after a while. This is a huge overhaul that is again AN ACCESSIBILITY NIGHTMARE! Cut your losses and listen to your audience because I'm seeing a lot of people posting API alternatives to Discord in other servers and Reddit. People will not be using your app. Do better. Discord mobile is fully unusable to me until you make changes, I physically cannot look at the text anymore. Please fix it and do the smart thing."
I downloaded the last APK file for Discord before the change, but this is genuinely disheartening. Discord is actively refusing to even read genuine complaints, telling people 'Well this is how it is now'. Much like Tumblr.
Please send feedback on the Discord app as well as on the store pages! Please let them know this isn't the same as just changing the icon or the colour of their blue. This is an actual accessibility issue!
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I will admit though, the ONE good thing about the change is the new Media feature while searching chats, but it's completely overshadowed by everything else and the lack of pages (only infinite scroll) makes it difficult to find things.
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exeggcute · 23 days
I may have just solved a mystery that's been bugging me for a while: so the context here is that I've seen an extremely common complaint in extremely online comments sections lately that spotify "doesn't have true shuffle," and that if you put a playlist on shuffle it'll just keep playing the same songs over and over. which has not been my experience at all, even though the main way I use spotify is adding all the songs I like to one giant playlist that I've been maintaining since 2012 (because back in the day, that's just how spotify worked; if you saved a song it went into a giant playlist called "Starred") and then listening to that on shuffle. every so often I go through and cull it but right now it's about 2200 songs, and when I listen to it I've never felt like it wasn't a sufficiently random shuffle.
it's also pretty easy to disprove the "shuffle isn't playing every song" claim if you shuffle a playlist with like, 30 or 40 songs on it, because it'll queue up the songs in a random order, play all of them, and after spotify gets to the end it'll be like "okay! show's over. no more music." (unless you have autoplay shit turned on but I do not)
then just now a whim I decided to listen to my Big Fucking Playlist with Smart Shuffle turned on, which according to the mobile app's flavor text is a mode that lets you "shuffle and get recommendations in your queue, refreshed daily." so ostensibly just normal shuffle with extra suggestions mixed in....
except suddenly 90% of the songs that popped up in my queue were david bowie tracks. like legitimately 90%, including both the recommendations (which are clearly marked by a little sparkle icon) and songs pulled from the playlist itself. I think what's happening is that spotify knows bowie is the most frequent artist to appear in my Big Fucking Playlist and is using that to weigh its song choices accordingly, but the actual ratio is nowhere near 90%: out of 2209 songs, 235 are bowie tracks. that's only ("only") 10% out of the total! and when I'm using regular shuffle I would say that it does feel like he's popping up once for every ten songs that play, which is about as often as you'd expect.
like, look at this shit. here's the artist selection for a few sequential songs when I use regular shuffle:
phil manzanera, wham!, the pointer sisters, sparks, ryuichi sakamoto, david bowie, sparks, franz ferdinand, david bowie, blur, japan, talking heads
and here's the artist selection for a few sequential songs when I use smart shuffle, in the exact same playlist (the "recommendations" are marked with an asterisk):
david bowie, david bowie, david bowie*, david bowie, david bowie, talking heads*, david bowie, david bowie, the smiths*, david bowie
shuffle isn't broken! but smart shuffle sure fucking is!!!
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mikelogan · 5 months
hey, can i please ask what dimensions you use to make your header gif? (I THINK you used to have that thing where you have a little circle gif inside the header as well. If you don't mind sharing how to do that I would appreciate it! If you didn't, please disregard haha)
hiiii!! sorry this took me so long lmao but yes! this was my header for a while and i basically had the circle gif act as my icon (so i just hid my icon under edit appearance) so i'll walk you through how to make it!
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ultimately, the header contains 3 separate gifs: liv on the left, liv on the right, and hugh and liv in the circle. i find it easiest to make the gifs all separately first and then bring them all together on what will become the header's canvas,.
i crop, sharpen, color, and then convert each of the 3 gifs into a smart object and plop them onto the header canvas. the dimensions of this one are 640x360 but i believe the header dimensions have changed and are now 580x326 (that's what my current one is) but idk i never had an issue using the larger dimensions so you can try both out and see what you like best!
the original dimensions for the 3 gifs themselves were: 640x360 for the two large gifs and 368x184 for the circle. the circle gif doesn't matter quite as much, just make sure it's at least a few pixels larger than the circle you create when you get to that step!
so once all 3 gifs are turned into smart objects (if you don't know how to do this, when you're in timeline, highlight all your layers and right-click -> convert to smart object. this just makes the whole gif into one layer and they're easier to work with and adjust as necessary.
when i'm blending gifs together, i like to set the background/first layer of the gif to black. it helps when you're blending and your layer masks get really close together and instead of going to a transparent background, it goes to black and i think it gives it a cleaner look. this really is just personal preference and completely optional though!!
anyway, i brought over the two main liv gifs first and played around with where i wanted each one. this is what i have once i figure out the positioning and set both layers to screen.
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then you want to add a layer mask to each gif. select each layer separately and press this lil guy at the bottom off your layers panel:
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when i'm blending, i pretty much exclusively use a soft round brush. size depends on what i'm blending and the dimensions, but hardness is always set to 0%. on a layer mask, you're going to use either black or white. black removes parts of the gif, white will bring them back. it's a very low-stakes way of getting rid of areas you don't want while not having to worry about deleting too much.
once i'm happy with the blending, this is what my layers ended up looking like (with the black layer beneath), but this will vary depending on your gifs and positioning!
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the next step is the ripped paper effect at the bottom (if that's the vibe you're going for). you could theoretically do this with any kind of brush. i just like the look of it so it's not such a harsh transition on my mobile theme from the header to the background color.
these are the brushes i use but i'm sure you can google something to the effect of "ripped/torn paper brush photoshop" and find plenty others.
go ahead and group both of your gifs, your base layer, and any other coloring layers if you didn't color them before transferring them to this canvas. to do this, select all applicable layers and press ctrl+g or right-click -> group from layers.
now select the group and add a layer mask the same way we did with the gifs using the little icon at the bottom of your layers panel. your layers should look like this now:
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once your brushes are loaded into photoshop, open up the brush tool by pressing 'b' and select the brush you want to use. i usually try a few different ones out just to see the different edges. you may have to adjust the brush size and make sure the hardness is set to 100% if applicable. before using the brush, make sure the layer mask itself is selected like in the above screenshot and your color is set to black.
when you hover over the canvas with your selected brush, you'll be able to see where the top edge will rest. i keep mine pretty close to the bottom -- i think the highest up this particular one goes is about 50px from the bottom. you should end up with this:
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onto the circle/icon!! i truly just ended up eyeballing this size-wise. go ahead and call up the ellipse shape tool. to do this, right click on the shape tool and select ellipse like so:
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colors are totally up to you, but i like my shit color-coordinated so i believe i color picked the bottom circle (the outline) from liv's purple dress in the right gif. once you have the ellipse shape tool equipped, click anywhere on your canvas. the dimensions i used were 150x150 but of course feel free to experiment. for a perfect circle, both numbers do need to be the same.
using ctrl+t (the transform tool) drag the circle to the vertical center of your gif and right to the very bottom so it's hanging over into the transparent part. this is what will make it look like your actual icon on your mobile theme.
next, create another circle. i'd recommend using black for this one, but it really doesn't matter. the dimensions for this one are 140x140 (10px less than your outline circle), but again, this will vary depending on the outline dimensions. i liked the thickness of a 10px difference, but you can always increase or decrease that depending on your preference. this circle is going to be the base for your icon gif.
again, use ctrl+t to vertically center your circle and bring it all the way to the bottom just like you did with the outline circle. as long as they're placed/snapped to the exact same location, you'll have a perfectly consistent outline.
go ahead and bring over your icon gif, already sharpened, colored, and converted to a smart object. make sure this layer is directly above your black circle. on your gif layer, right-click -> create clipping mask. ctrl+t to move it to the same location as the circles and adjust it to your liking.
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of course, it's completely up to you if you want to add text or overlays or not, but i figured i'd share what i did in case you're curious! (click to enlarge)
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and for the overlay, i just grabbed a video off youtube of different light leaks. i only wanted it to be on the two main gifs and not the icon gif, so i plopped it into that group we made and put it at the top, over everything else, and set it to screen like so:
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and that's pretty much it! if you have any questions about the tutorial (or anything else) just let me know!! i'm more than happy to help 🥰
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totallyshattered · 2 years
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Terms of Service
Katya was going to follow her dream. She was going to be an influencer.
Like so many other girls, she'd grown up admiring beautiful models living a life of constant attention and external validation.
They were so glamorous, so classy, so carefree looking! She wanted to be like that, beautiful but untouchable, unobtainable.
However, the reality was that being an influencer took a lot of work, and getting started was proving EXPENSIVE. Things like makeup, clothes, " healthy lifestyle" super foods, everything just piled up.
Katya tried cutting corners wherever she could. She was able to get some cheap camera and staging equipment on sale or from some second hand stores, which helped somewhat.
She also decided to skimp on picture modding software and apps. Instead of buying an expensive piece of software along with the computer she'd need or paying some pay-to-play mobile app, she started shopping the app store for free options.
Katya was a smart girl, she knew she could make it work. It was her dream, nothing would stop her!
She went through app after frustrating app trying to find something halfway decent until one day she stumbled on an app that looked really good and had a ton of features for modding pictures.
It was called Bimboozle, and it said it was looking for influemces to beta test who would get the app for free as long as they agreed to share their info and use as many features as possible.
There was this long service agreement, and a non disclosure, some disclaimer about private ownership. She just scrolled without reading and clicked agree on each one. All these were the same anyway.
Katya was ecstatic, it was so good! It could do everything she wanted. It also had a feature called Tipz. If you clicked on the icon for Tipz, it would give some advice on how to use functions, or advice for what to adjust. It was really very helpful!
Every time you used it, it would ask a survey question, "Did this Tipz help you Bimboozle yourself?" It was silly, and she rolled her eyes, but she'd agreed to test and rate the features.
So Katya would always click either the OMG Yes! option which made a happy little chime that made her feel all warm whenever she heard it, or the Totes No! option that played a sound that, for some reason, made her feel stressed.
Thankfully, the Tipz were usually really good, so she got to hear the happy sound a lot!
"Bigger is better! Add a bit more to your bust for the boys!"
Did this help?
OMG Yes! *happy chime*
"Pouts are pretty! Puff up those puckerers!"
Did this help?
OMG Yes! *happy chime*
She felt so good using the Tipz like that. She started to feel warm and fuzzy when she lovingly molded her increasingly sexy pictures.
It was funny. She didn't seem to need them to mod pics so much anymore, but she still gave feedback every time she used them.
Her hair seemed lighter and lighter. And. had it really grown 6 inches in a few weeks?
*happy chime*
Well, she was eating healthier, and she'd been getting so much more sun, which could bleach her hair naturally. And she just loooooved how the color looked.
She had to buy new bras again. Something about going up 3 cup sizes in a month seemed weird.
*happy chime*
Well, she was still a growing girl after all. And yay, these new bras were totes so sexy!
Katya was ecstatic, feeling so bubbly and fulfilled as her following grew. And she got so many compliments! She was making money, feeling good and sexy, and people were so interested in her every activity. It was her dream life.
She took a new sexy selfie, opened the app to modify it, and clicked the Tipz like always. She needed to hear that chime. It made her feel so HOT!
"Brains are for boys, bimbos are blank! Show your fans just how dumb you can be!"
Did this help?
*happy chime*
Katya moaned. She really did look so dumb looking in her pic. She could see how boys would like it.
She tried to make a dumber expression in the next pic. It really wasn't that hard. She'd been feeling fuzzier lately.
"Good Girls think with their cunts! Show your fans just how sexy it feels when you're dripping!"
Did this help?
*happy chime*
"Fuuuuucckkkk," such an amazing sound. And she really did feel horny. Maybe she could do a more adult shoot. Katya bet her followers would love to see pics of her rubbing her seemingly constantly aroused vulva on objects around her apartment.
It had been 3 months since Kitty had downloaded Bimboozle. Life was perfect!
Her porny pics had spawned a whole new adventure for her. Her constantly dripping slit seemed to have all the best ideas, and she loved seeing all the cocks her fans were sending her.
New pics! Her cunt was lewdly on display, and her fat titties looked perfectly fuckable. She automatically clicked the Tipz. She needed it! It was so smart, and she was so dumb, but if she did as she was told, she got cocks, and money, and cocks, and even some yummy pussy.
"You're prime pussy! Invite your followers to use and abuse you"
Did this help?
*happy chime*
Kitty squirted when she heard the chime. She hadn't even realized she'd been circling her clit until the orgasm hit.
Kitty would invite the next boy who messaged her to come over and use her body. Her still sodden pussy ached to be filled by her fans. The app told her so.
The happy chime went off on its own, and she shivered in orgasm again. She hadn't clicked on Tipz. Oh wait, the Terms of Service updated.
She could barely read anymore, but Tipz popped up to help her as always.
"Good bimboozlers are property! Agree and let Bimboozle own you for good!"
Did this help?
*happy chime*
Kitty's world exploded as she clicked Agree. She was a good bimboozler now, and she'd never been happier.
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lovelybunn · 2 years
ㅤㅤㅤㅤ𔓕 ▒⃡ ‧ 𓐄 drunken heartache .
part three.ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤnext...
pairing: stan marsh & best friend!reader
synopsis: wendy left poor STAN MARSH for the official and final time, and he was devastated about it. depression hit him like a bus, until by some miracle, you showed up, and practically saved his life. a friend like you was just what stan had needed for quite a while, but what if he wanted more?
word count: 1.9k
warning(s): depression, of prns she/her, fem!reader, swearing, slight mentions of misogyny, jealousy, mutual pining, angst, blood, vomiting, alcoholism
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YOU HAD sent Stan one message since that morning’s incident. At first, he didn’t want to check it at all, just seeing your contact name on his phone made his heart ache. Although, after about five minutes, he finally clicked on the notification.
𝗁𝖾𝗒𝗒𝗒𝗒 𝗌𝗍𝖺𝗇! 𝗎 𝖻𝗎𝗌𝗒 𝗍𝗁𝗂𝗌 𝗐𝖾𝖾𝗄𝖾𝗇𝖽? 𝗂 𝗐𝖺𝗇𝗇𝖺 𝗌𝖾𝖾 𝗎 𝖺𝗀𝖺𝗂𝗇, 𝗆𝖺𝗇!
1:11 𝖯𝖬
Stan stared blankly at his phone for quite a while. Why would you still wanna hang out with him after he, quoting your own words, “ghosted you since you moved”? It didn’t help that you were the girl that Cartman created a fake chat with to mess with Wendy’s head. It was Stan’s mistake for thinking it was good idea to not have a password for his phone and leaving it out in the open for anyone to take. He typed, deleted, and retyped many messages to reply to yours, some more passive aggressive than others while some just sounded straight pitiful. Stan settled with a casual response.
𝗇𝖺𝗁. 𝗆𝖺𝗒𝖻𝖾 𝗍𝗁𝗂𝗌 𝗌𝗎𝗇𝖽𝖺𝗒 𝖺𝗍 4?
2:48 𝖯𝖬
You replied instantly.
𝗍𝗁𝖺𝗍'𝗌 𝗀𝗋𝖾𝖺𝗍! 😊 𝗆𝖾𝖾𝗍 𝗆𝖾 𝖺𝗍 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝗉𝖺𝗋𝗄, 𝗇𝖾𝖺𝗋 𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝗌𝗄𝖺𝗍𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝖺𝗋𝖾𝖺 ❤
2:48 𝖯𝖬
Stan tilted his head to the side and raised his brow. He wondered why you added a heart at the end of your text. Were you lowkey trying to flirt with him? He waved the thought away and turned his phone face down on his desk. He stretched in his chair, a loud and somewhat dramatic yawn filled the silence in his room.
His back slouched as he opened a tab to check his grades. There were already over twenty untouched tabs open, but Stan didn't bother to close them. Once he logged in, he clicked on the icon called "Gradebook". The thing that was revealed to him was quite pathetic. He was failing most of his classes, with Baseball and Spanish being the only exceptions. What's worse is that they weren't "barely passing" grades, they were full blown bombing. He literally had a twenty-eight in Algebra.
Stan bit hard into the right side of his cheek while quickly closing out the tab. "Shit…" He muttered; his fingers ran anxiously through the dark roots of his hair. Stan had been skipping a few classes over the school year, some just involving him being knocked out in the corner of the classroom while others were him spending time drinking alone. Even before Wendy permanently broke up with him, joy and motivation lacked heavily in Stan's life.
Stan couldn't remember how many times he had told himself, "Ah, I'll do it later." He had over thirty missing assignments across all of his courses. It was just so hard to even think about sitting at his desk to try and catch up on his work. Pulling out the paper is one thing, but actually being able to process what's on it is a completely different thing. He was just glad to have a friend as smart as Kyle Broflovski.
Kyle and Stan would FaceTime each other often over school related things, Kyle always impatiently saying, "What is it this time, Marsh?" Stan knew at some point Kyle would stop saving his ass, but again, he was happy to know that one person hadn't given up on him yet. The consequences of his actions, or lack thereof, would come crawling to bite him back in the ass eventually.
Stan grabbed his phone off his desk and slid onto his mattress with little to no interest. He didn't have any social media, only a few pointless mobile games and an app to help track how long you've been sober, which he hasn't used since summer of last year. Out of curiosity, he clicked on the icon. When the app opened, the words "Congratulations! You are 3 months sober!" welcomed him with huge, bold letters. Underneath that text in tinier font read, "Last logged on June 16th." That alone made Stan want to hurl. He gripped on his stomach, swallowing hard to force down the vomit threatening to escape his throat.
He remembered exactly why he downloaded that app. He and Wendy had gotten into an argument over his drinking, of course. Just to make her happy he downloaded the app, promising her that would actually try and use it.
He desperately wanted to change, for Wendy. But he couldn't. After three months, the craving had taken control of his actions. In the middle of night, while Wendy was sound asleep beside him in his own bed, Stan had ran down the stairs, dragging out every bit of alcohol that his parents stored in the fridge. He chugged all of it down until he felt sick. He had painfully thrown up all night.
Stan had come to realize that so many people have tried to fix him, but not ever had he tried to fix himself. "Maybe I'm just beyond fixing." Stan exclaimed, laughing weakly. He rested his phone on his chest and closed his eyes. Taking in a deep breath, he thought to himself, "Sometimes I wonder why anyone puts up with me." Soon, a gentle knock tapped against his door. "Hey, sweetie… Can you please open the door, your father and I would like to talk to you." The bridge of Stan's nose wrinkled as he stared at nothing in particular. With furrowed brows, he slurred, "Yeah, in a sec Mom."
He lazily dragged himself off his bed and trudged toward his room's door. With a meek turn of it's handle, the door creaked open, revealing two very disconcerted looking parents. Sharon and Randy just stared at Stan with eyes filled with worry. Stan raised a brow, "What is it? You said you wanted to talk to me about something." Sharon opened her mouth to speak, but she paused, not being able to find the right words.
Randy took the lead and made a hesitant step into Stan's room, "It's about your grades—" Stan frowned deeply. He knew this was coming. Then Randy quickly shook his head, re-wording himself. "No, this is about you." Sharon had finally joined in with her husband, the two hand-in-hand. They made some sort of weary eye contact before Randy had a shaky sigh. "Something's going on with you, son. We're worried about you, Stanley."
He wanted to tell them, he really did. But lying was just so much easier. He put on his best fake smile and chuckled, "What? Everything's okay with me, Mom and Dad." Sharon crossed her arms in disbelief. "Are you sure? That 'Wendy' girl seemed to make you happier than I've seen you in a while." Stan tried to form another narrative, but his father was not buying it. "Oh come on, Stan. Your grades have been slipping even before the two of you broke up. There has to be more going on under the surface."
Sharon gently placed a hand on Stan's shoulder. "Do you want to go back to rehab, my love?" Stan cringed very hard at the thought. He quickly turned away from his parents. "I already told you, nothing's wrong with me. You can go now." Stan's voice raised. The room then went deadly silent. In the corner of his eye, Stan could see his father grip the bridge of his nose in annoyance. "Fine. But please try and actually do your work." Randy said, a sting in his tone. Stan's parents quietly left his room, his mother closing the door behind her. Stan slowly fell on his back, yet again staring at his ceiling.
"He's so fucking stubburn!"
"Randy, you know for a fact that he's in a hard place right now. Wendy meant the world to him!"
"That dumbass girl was never the problem, he's been like this since he was eight! He's been the problem since day one!"
"You're not gonna seriously look at me in my face and tell me that you didn't introduce him to that horrible monster of a drug! All it's ever done is ruin this fucking family, and it hasn’t gotten any better, it's gotten worse!"
His parents' loud screams were subdued to the sound of the familiar tune of FaceTime. Stan checked his phone to see who was trying to call him. The contact name said "#1 bestest homie🍀", who was Kyle. He answered within the third beep. "Hey." Stan muttered dryly. He could subtly hear the shuffling of some kind of equipment, but Kyle was behind a plain old white wall. "What's up, Stan? You look kinda… miserable. Is right now a bad time?" Stan shook his head and shifted his weight onto his stomach, "Nah, you're fine, dude. I'm just tired. What's all that noise in the background?"
Kyle's eyes suddenly widened and his mouth flew agape in shock. "Do you seriously not remember, Stan?" Stan looked around his bedroom awkwardly. "Wha– What are you talking about? What am I supposed to remember?" Kyle aggressively face-palmed, shaking his head. Stan was dumbfounded. Kyle scowled at him. "We have a show Sunday night, jackass! How'd you forget? We've been planning for this for months now!" Stan slowly placed his hand on his forehead. 'You have got to be shitting me right now…'
Kyle raised a sharp eyebrow at Stan, somehow making Stan flinch a bit. "I was calling you to see if you were ready to rehearse, but you seem to have your mind elsewhere." Impulsively, Stan spat back, "So you're telling me that I didn't see what happened that day?" Kyle's pupils dilated with frustration. "Stan, nobody's saying you did or didn't see anything. Plus, I was trying to be there for you then. The only person you should truly be throwing shade at is that dickhead, Cartman." He hissed.
Stan sat up quickly and sighed. "God, I know man. I'm sorry, it just slipped out. The whole (Name) and Wendy thing has been keeping my head spinnin'." Kyle frowned sympathetically, his thick ginger brows furrowed on his distressed face. "It's okay, you don't have to come if you're not ready, Stan." Stan looked away from the camera for a second and bit his lip. "What is it, dude?" Kyle asked, the camera angle shifted toward what looked like a door.
"Well…" Stan was a little embarrassed to say it, but he swallowed his pride. "Speaking of (Name), she kinda… y'know–" He cleared his throat, his friend patiently waiting for him to finish his sentence. "She… she asked to hang out. Alone." Kyle chuckled, a shit-eating grin plastered across his face. "I think that's called a date, Stan." Stan's cheeks quickly flushed as he practically yelled defensively, "She didn't– Well, she did technically call it that, but that's not the point!"
Kyle rolled his eyes playfully. "What about you invite (Name) to our concert on Sunday? I bet she'd love to come!" He winked. Stan contemplated the decision. "Maybe…" He hummed, brain gears turning. "Yeah, sure! I'll get her front row tickets and everything! You're a genius, Kyle!" Kyle smiled. "That means you're going to practice, right?" Stan gave one quick nod of his head. "Great, see you then, Stan. Good luck."
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vegasandhishedgehog · 9 months
Fuck this, I wasn't tagged by anybody but since y'all are making me insane sharing your lovely faves on my dash I gotta join the fun!
10 BL People That I Want Carnally
Just so we're clear, I'm immediately not limiting myself to 10. I'm bi. You think we have limits? (Tumblr says yes, but that's why I'm on desktop for this instead of mobile)
Night from Dirty Laundry
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Are we surprised? This awakened a whole thing in me. I was constantly yelling from the rooftops about my love for this man in the cheapest drag you ever saw. This is my JAM. I'm already trying to calm myself down making the first entry on this post. GOD. And his whole committed-to-the-bit romancing a mafia leader and then robbing her because he needs money, but really he's a wee romantic who just wants to write exciting stories like all of us bitches on AO3? Honey I am FREE at 5pm on Saturday. Also, shush, I know it's not a BL, I'm counting it as part of the Midnight Series as a whole :P
Yok from Not Me
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PAINT ME LIKE ONE OF YOUR POLICE OFFICERS. We already have matching tattoos babe. He isn't perfect but he's a well-intentioned mama's boy and has swagger.
Maya from Laws of Attraction
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Listen, I don't think much explaining is necessary here. I'm a woman but she can call me "pretty boy" any day. Is she just Silvy Pavida with a MILF wife? Yeah. That's the point. I'll join. They would let me.
Speaking of Laws of Attraction, Nawin
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I deserve an insane golden retriever boyfriend. I deserve a man who can't spell his ex's name but can get a pilot's license. He deserves someone who will enable his silliness, even when there's trouble with the accountant. *kisses all over his wing tattoo*
Togawa from Old Fashion Cupcake
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Mr. Hamster Cheeks my love <3 The dates would be so good. And so would the food. And the food naps afterward. I'm a good snuggler, he's tall and there's a lot to snuggle. Win-win.
Ink from Bad Buddy
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I know many of us are weak for Milk Pansa, but like, there's a reason for that. She gave us the ICON for lesbian side couples. Please, girl, scare men away from me when they mistake a boner for full-fledged love. Make me feel welcome and important and pretty and like I'm the specialest girl alive. Be taller than me ;)
Wen Qing from The Untamed
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She didn't die, actually, we just eloped together, haha. I just think as someone who studied medicine, she'd have a lot of good tricks up her sleeve and I don't mean acupuncture needles.
Saifah from Enchanté
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Yeah. I needed to use this gif. Get that record deal my man. Live your dreams king. I also love that he's both the old man and woman here. Impeccable. We deserved more of him.
Uea from Bed Friend
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Gimme this catboy realness right now. Also, I just love him so much. He owns his narrative despite all the shit he has suffered and gets everything he deserves for it. We could be besties even. We could be...no I shan't say it.
SamMon from GAP
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I just want whatever is going on right here. Let me join. Simple as that.
Tops and Marwin from Ingredients
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I'm this guy. Except I think they'd be sad to see the other with someone else so I gotta have them one at a time. Tops, who's a shy cutie who can make yummy foods. And Marwin, who is basically Jeff Satur just pumped with extra himboisms.
Todd from Not Me
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All principles out the window. He's evil, he's sexy. I know exactly how much that specific hotel room costs to stay in for a night. It would be luxurious.
Rain from Love In The Air
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I know most people would say Phayu, and for Boss, yeah I understand, I am all there. But something about the way that little guy can fuck kinda makes me dizzy, I'm owning that. He doesn't have to be smart, he's just gotta be given compliments. Plus, my bed sheets match!
VegasPete from KinnPorsche
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They altered me chemically once and I'd let 'em do it a second time and many more after that.
Tagging @kissporsche @thisautistic @omegaphobe @shubaka @risu442 @khathastrophe @loveable-sea-lemon @fawndlyvenus @viva-yas-vegas @first-kanaphan @wherelanguage-ends @xxatlasxx @adanima @snake-and-mouse @scarefox @scattered-stardust @callipigio @sparklyeyedhimbo @jdotsodomite @futureexmrsmalcolm @suzteel @jeffsatyr @coconuts-mafia
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dreamingofmuses · 9 months
New Year's Resolutions: RP Edition
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Howdy all, Ash here. I've been having a think while with family this week, and I've decided I'm going to implement some new 'resolutions' to try and help make writing in 2024 be way more successful than in 2023. This will include things from the running of blogs to jobs I really want to get finished. I'm putting them under a read-more to keep the dash nice and clean.
I will say, this has taken me an hour to write up, and I'd recommend you doing likewise if you think there's little ways you want to improve.
Overall Running of Blogs
I'm going to experiment a new approach to running the blogs. For this, I'm going to put all active blogs to low-medium activity. In other words, even if I am personally lurking on mobile, I won't be constantly writing things if I'm not able to. (Work is just about to get super busy and I'm anticipating chaos)
A queue/schedule function will be used for all blogs. I intend to dedicate one weekday evening to working without interruption on replies. Taking commutes to the city and family visits into account, this is looking to be a Thursday, which is the only day I am neither travelling to the city nor have a guaranteed family visit. Of course, this may fluctuate, but that's what I'm hoping to work with, assuming those things stay as they are.
However! What all this means is that I am going to tentatively take skullandbowties off hiatus. With that blog being quiet, it should be possible to juggle it better now. Plus, it's officially off-season so the demand for him from new blogs ought to be low. I'm very smart :D
I also plan to update all pinned posts. I am aware some of them are marking a vacation from months ago.
Individual Blog Maintenance
Create "New Here?" posts to add to the pinned posts/info tags. This is going to be a very quick crash course on what to expect from the blog, especially where some characters might diverge from fanon expectations.
FINISH. WILF'S. BIO. It's not actually relevant to anything being written on the blog itself at present, but I really want to flesh out his character and show that he was stuck in stories for years, decades even! The doc has the word count to 4,888 at this precise moment. This is a mix of summary and brainstorm. Since it's getting a 'little' out of hand, I intend to have a 'tldr' at the start that people can read, and then longer versions if they're curious to get the full story. Maybe even have it that they can jump to particular parts but... I'll cross that bridge when I get to it.
Likewise, Noah's version of Space needs to be finished. This one is going to be a summary, but it's a case of making sure the pieces are in place sufficiently to have parts match canon Space, but also make it clear that there is a lot of differences between canon and what he went through, with his plot entirely spiralling away for 'Part 2'. This is at 5,794 words, and the ending has yet to be ironed out...
(I am going to stop creating needlessly long-winded projects for myself that realistically add nothing of value to my blogs. These two projects are exhausting...)
Theauthorlives is returning to a very small multimuse. Any muses that aren't ones I genuinely enjoy writing are being fully archived, unless they are muses that get no traction but I want to keep the possibility open. Details of that will be shared when I do this.
Redo some muse icons (not all of them!). Though the selection I have for particular sets is a lot, I still feel like I'm missing some expressions or poses. I would like to remake one batch of icons for three characters, and finish iconning a third. Replies seem to be shifting toward iconless, but I like them for asks or IC commentaries.
OOC/Mun Related stuff
Following matters that have happened both online and IRL, I've decided to take a step back from actively engaging with people. My focus will be people that I have been in good communication with for the last twelve months (as well as people I don't talk to frequently but am on friendly terms with) rather than people I feel I have to 'chase' after. Saying that, I'm going to try and not let past experiences meddle with anything in with new writing partners - whether these are brand new to the community or people I've not had the chance to properly interact with prior to this. Just be aware that I might not be super outgoing at first. (This is where setting limits and boundaries is good practice, everyone! Don't sell yourself short, and don't spread yourself out too thinly!)
Which is where I now say I want to send even more asks! Not just memes or sentence starters, but general questions about headcanons or muse opinions. I want to get people thinking more.
My stance on Discord still stands, in that it's solely for OOC stuff, but I'm not giving it out to everyone. However, I have been in two group servers that have little-to-no connection with writing rp threads in them. I would hope that I can fully regain my sense of comfort using Discord as a whole.
Art related
Despite socially stepping back, I still want to keep some semblance of 'community' where my blogs are active so people don't feel isolated. For instance, I want to do something that encourages invasions of ask boxes. That was good fun to watch as the chaos began to spread, and when people are good-humoured to go along with my silly ideas.
I want to have one huge art-related event at some point this year. I'm not entirely what or how to do it, but I think it would be a great excuse to practice something. Portraits, comics, something like that. I'll have a think. (For those who remember, the water gun event was supposed to have an art conclusion but plans for that fell through.)
I want to try and upload drawn responses to heythereneighbor once a week if I can. Obviously, this is depending on how busy it is.
I'd also like to try doodling more on other blogs? But I'm not sure if this is even something people want to see anymore. People might prefer I focus on writing if I have free time instead of doodles or little comics.
... the writing blog. I need to do stuff with that in general. Whoops.
Finally, I want to do what I can to the best of my abilities on a particular day. I've always told people over the years that real life comes before rp, and I still stand by that. Whether I'm around or not every day isn't the end of the world. The communities I write in are a lot slower paced than they were when I started, which is great! I need to remind myself that I don't need to be writing just because I have a bit of free time.
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botebot-10 · 1 year
43 similarities between Crash Bandicoot and Sonic Boom!
1. They both have a minigame in which the main character works out with their strong buff friend! Both Minigames are button mashers too, and reward you with some sort of victory animation and collectables!
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2. Both Crash 4 IAT and the Sonic Boom 3DS games reward you for collecting things and completing specific tasks within the stage! They are all gems/crystal inspired too, which is pretty cool!
3. Both Crash and Sonic have a smart and adorable siblin sidekick!
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4. Both have legends of an ancient civilation that was supposedly very powerfull! While Crash didn't directly confirm it, I'm pretty much convinced they were the ones leaving those mysterious ruins!
5. Some of the developers of Crash's original trilogy also worked on Sonic Boom Rise of Lyric! One of the artists, Bob Rafei, even founded the studio that would pitch it! Take a pinch of salt with the following, But I heard some of those devs later worked on the new Crash games!
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6. Both Crash Mind over Mutant and the 3DS Sonic Boom titles allow you to enter your house, even if its just to access bonus content!
7. Uka Uka and Cortex have a very similair dynamic to that of Lyric and Cortex! Uka and Lyric are both ancient forces that manipulate a scientist (Cortex/Eggman) to free them and do their bidding!
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8. Both Sonic Boom and Crash Bandicoot have a controversial Beat 'm up title with 2 player co-op!
9. Cortex and Eggman both got depressed at some point when realizing they were never able to beat their nemesis.
10. The Crash n' burn prototype made by Big Red Button features very similair environment design to Sonic Boom Rise of Lyric! This is likely because Big Red Button were the developers behind Boom, and were reusing assets to speed up prototyping!
11. Both Crash Bandicoot and Sonic Boom feature iconic crab enemies
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12. Both Sonic Boom and Crash Bandicoot have an overdosis of Jungle stages! Some of these games have atleast 4 different jungle worlds, some even are JUST jungle worlds!
13. The villains of both series are humans with a PhD in mad science
14. Both series take place on tropical islands!
15. Crash Bandicoot and Sonic Boom are both "Semi-consistent" timeline! The wrecked robot from titans remains there up to Crash on the Run, where you recycle its parts to make helpfull machines! HypnoBot returns as a villain because it feels Tails treated it very poorly..
16. Both Sonic Boom and Crash Bandicoot feature death routes/challenge rooms!
17. Mojo in Titans and Orbs in Sonic Dash 2: Boom are very similair in appearence!
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18. Both Crash Bandicoot and Sonic Boom have been on an "indefinite hiatus". While Crash made an impressive comeback since, I'm afraid I can't say the same for Sonic Boom..
19. Sonic Boom and Crash Bandicoot are both written like cartoons! Crash Bandicoot takes heavy inspiration from Looney Tunes, while Sonic Boom tries to be more like a cartoon sitcom like the simpsons!
20. Both Crash and Boom offered an endless runner mobile game that use elements from their franchise (crates and collecting for Crash, enerbeam and combo from Boom) to improve and innovate upon the experience!
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21. Both franchises feature worlds that are inhabbited by regular animals, anthropomorphic animals, and on more rarer occasions, humans!
22. They both have an evil dimension with purple sky!
23. Speaking of dimensions, Team Sonic and Team Bandicoot have both traveled through different dimensions and time periods before!
24. Both Crash Bandicoot and Sonic Boom tend to refrence Uncharted time to time because their original developers worked on that project too! Crash Bandicoot tends to keep the refrences to social media posts, but Sonic Boom went as far to refrence it directly in its redesigns!
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25. From what I heard, the original plans for the Sonic Boom brand would be a more expirimental branch to try new stuff for the Sonic franchise, which were quickly axed when RoL happend.. Either way, these plans sound very similair to the PS2 crash line-up to me!
26. Both Amy and Crash Bandicoot have a spin attack ability!
27. If the Crash of the Titans shorts are to be believed, then both Crash Bandicoot and Sonic Boom have a village on their island!
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28. Both Sonic Boom and Crash Bandicoot devs put in lots of effort in on getting characterization right! Some even confirmed this in official interviews!
29. Another similarity between Sonic Boom and Crash Bandicoot is that both main characters live in a very small house near the beach!
30. Both series had their main protagonist team up with the main antagonist several times!
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31. Sonic Boom and Crash Bandicoot games tend to have their plot written around gems and crystals! Chances are that you will have to collect these before the villain does!
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32. Boom and Crash both try to diversify their content by adding gimmick stages! Some of these concepts are nearly 1:1 concepts!
33. World map design is very similair!
34. When there is no adventure on the schedule, the main protoganist tends to nap!
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35. Coco and Tails both have a similair attire, both wearing goggles and beltpouches!
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36. Boom Knuckles and Crunch both are pretty beefy characters that put a lot of effort in staying in shape! Both do lots of workouts and very clearly skip leg day!
37. Crash and Boom!Sonic both live near an native village!
38. Crash and Boom!Sonic are both troublemakers with a good heart! Basicially, they will save the day, but also leave a trail of destruction on their own.
39. Crash Twinsanity and Sonic Boom Rise of Lyric are both ambitious titles that have more concept art then actual content! I'm talking mountains upon mountains of concept art! Go look it up, its a rabbit hole you wont get out of anytime soon!
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40. Meh Burger (Sonic Boom TV Show) and Dingo's Diner (Crash 4) are two infamous restaurants that ensure you never want to eat again!
41. Its about time and Rise of Lyric had similair ambitions for their visuals: Pushing the genre futher! Unfortunately, only one of them succeeded.. :c
42. Boom Tails was going to have a bazooka at some point! The design looks really similair to the Fruit Bazooka from Crash 3!
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43. Crash Twinsanity and Sonic Boom Rise of Lyric both have some hubworlds where you can solve puzzels and get optional rewards!
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roseverdict · 1 year
Mechanize, Mobilize, (Un)Mythicize
Chapter 2: The Evacuation of Stick City
The world is ending, villains and heroes are working together, and they need to save as many people as they possibly can before the internet goes down. What could go wrong?
i'm so incredibly WIRED this week for. Obvious Reasons™. but i just realized i should probably clarify- while this is not the same universe as my macaroni au (*coughSHAMELESSPLUGcoughcough*) the two fics i published in the macaroni au so far more-or-less happened in this au, too. just with the major change of "the sticks had to speak through pantomime and/or written text" lmao
dark and chosen have still Communicated™ and Deleted The Line Of Code That Alan Put Into Dark™.
mango and purple have still had a Macaroni Incident™.
except instead of "the fic i'm building up to with the macaroni au" happening shortly after the Macaroni Incident™, this is happening instead. also mango and purple here are being quicker to figure out their footing with one another than their macaroni counterparts lmao
As Red and Reuben soared through the wifi tunnel and into a stranger's device, she took the bundle from his mouth and scritched him behind the ears. Reuben was such a smart pig, such a good boy.
Reuben leaned his head into the scritching with a quiet snuffle.
The end of the tunnel came up, and Red jolted at the sight that greeted her- program icons swarmed angrily around an animated mech like a horde of infuriated wasps. They were holding off the invader fairly well, but even as she watched, the connection flickered dangerously.
She glanced at Reuben, then pulled out her diamond pickaxe and turned back to the incoming firewall.
Before she could even chip at the barrier, however, Reuben reared back-
-and blasted a crater through the wall!
Red couldn't help giggling silently. Reuben was the best pig.
The icon swarm and the mech all froze and looked at the two of them.
Red just sprinted for the mech and went to town on it. Reuben quickly joined in, and by the time the icon swarm had finished pulling back, the mech was nothing but a heap of mangled metal on the taskbar.
Red steadied her breathing, then, on a whim, shoved some of the broken pieces of the mech into her hammerspace. Maybe Yellow would be able to do something with them.
One of the icons, a VLC traffic cone, tilted curiously.
Red just ran halfway back to the wifi tunnel, turned around, and pointed frantically at it. She even brought her free hand up for emphasis- they had to get going now!
Reuben oinked and jumped next to her, lifting one of his front paws and one of the rear ones as he looked directly at the wifi tunnel.
The computer shuddered from the force of whatever was going on outside, and the icons quickly swirled past Red and into the tunnel, with her and Reuben running after them just before the connection cut.
Orange shot through the tunnel as fast as they could, reaching forward with the Minecraft icon at the last second to make a one-block wide hole in the barrier and speeding through head-first. They hit the ground with their hands and flipped forward, only realizing after they fully landed that the desktop was empty of sapient programs and stick figures alike.
What it was not empty of was a User's cursor.
It took a second for Orange to get a handle on the computer's webcam and focus on the Outside, but then they saw the User flinch back in wide-eyed shock. She must not have had a functioning microphone, because even though she mouthed the words "What the…" Orange heard none of it.
Orange shook their head frantically, and their orange text popped into view above their head. No time to explain! There's a bunch of robots attacking people out there and in the internet- you gotta get to safety!
The User blinked in shock, but then her computer shook and her head whipped around to look out a window. Orange didn't have a very good angle to see what she was looking at, but her face quickly lost its healthy pink color in favor of a ghostly white.
My friends and I split up to look for any stick figures we could evacuate, but it looks like it's just you in here. Orange told her seriously as they ran back for the tunnel. Raise the alarm if you can and stay safe!
The User's face hardened, and she nodded once before moving to get up. At the same time, Orange dove back through the hole they'd made and into the tunnel, closing the hole and severing the connection with the webcam as they did.
Well, that was one computer that wasn't gonna be hijacked or stolen or whatever the plan was. Hopefully the User would be alright.
As Orange streaked down the tunnel, they clenched the fist that wasn't holding the Minecraft icon.
Whoever was doing this, Orange was gonna have some words for them.
Yellow swooped to the side and almost picked an IP to evacuate at random, but one of the addresses sent a jolt down her spine. Whether it was horror, hope, or something in-between, she wasn't entirely sure.
Whatever it was, it was enough for her to streak up the tunnel as fast as her elytra could take her, readying her staff hand for the moment the other side came into view.
She'd investigated the Minecraft server Alan usually played in after Mango's plans had been foiled. While he'd long ago saved it to a list of usual servers to go to, the IP address she'd found was an exact match to the one she was now racing to reach.
The other side of the tunnel rose up to meet her, and Yellow swung her staff forward and deleted two blocks'-worth of it so that she could land safely on the taskbar.
Immediately, it became apparent that this device was used primarily as the host for the Minecraft server. Task Manager was open, but it was the only program active aside from the one that actually ran the server.
Yellow flew for the computer's storage and dug straight for the Minecraft worlds folder. For a moment, she was worried that there would be multiple worlds to sift through (and she didn't know if she had the heartlessness to save one and leave the rest to die), but when only one world came up, she breathed a sigh of relief.
Even though she wasn't actively within the game, as she got closer to the folder, the control block in her staff resonated with it, the faint sounds of worried mobs reaching her ears.
Yellow set her shoulders and created a new .zip file, and she swiftly moved the folder containing all the world's information into it. There was a hefty amount of world to move, but the computer must have been a high-performance one bought specially to handle an online multiplayer Minecraft server, because the data transfer didn't take more than a few moments.
As soon as the world was safely contained, she tried to pocket the .zip archive, but the filesize was just too unwieldy. As a hasty Plan B, she slung the .zip over her shoulder like an oversized messenger bag, then bolted back through the wifi tunnel before it could collapse and trap her there.
Mango ran through his basement, breaking as many of his remaining command blocks as possible and snatching them up. He knew better than most what they could do in the wrong hands, after all, and the whatever-it-was that was trying to take over the interspace certainly qualified.
His phone buzzed, and he spared it a quick glance.
Just Now Purple: all got out saafe comingto get you rn
A knot that had tied itself right in Mango's chest loosened up at that, and he went back to destroying his work on a second wind.
The ground shook outside, and Mango broke the last command block with an air of finality, the last of the devices powering down and leaving only the nether portal as a source of light.
Then that, too, flickered out.
Taking his cue to leave, Mango ran back down the underground tunnel, snatching torches off the wall as he passed them, and clambered up the ladder as fast as his limbs could carry him. He only paused for a moment at the top, making sure nothing had invaded the house while he was downstairs, then hauled himself up and replaced the uppermost part of the ladder and the trapdoor with a block of wood planks. It was still very visibly different from the rest of the floor, but with a rug dragged over it, it would hopefully go unnoticed by any would-be burglars.
He would have preferred to stay down there, perhaps even to set up a base of sorts, but he knew just how malleable the interspace could be. With the sky going dark, possibly permanently, he couldn't afford to box himself in somewhere that could easily cease to be.
(Watching Goldie get torn to shreds was more than enough evidence that it would be painful.)
He gathered every piece of his prototype staffs up and shoved them into his hammerspace, and soon enough the only remnant of his attempts to destroy Minecraft was the murky chalk left over after he and Purple had tried cleaning the wall.
Then again, if Mango hadn't known what the cloud-like shapes on the wall were supposed to be from the start, he doubted he would have figured it out just by looking at them.
He gently pocketed the nearest photo of himself and Goldie, still in its frame, and he managed to pick up a selfie Purple had done with him just last week before the door burst open.
"You will come with us to safety," stated the mech in front of him.
Mango slowly put up his hands, displaying just enough of the selfie for the mech to see that it was a mere photo, then carefully reached for an empty photo frame, slid the selfie inside, and put the entire thing in his hammerspace.
The mech stepped aside to let him pass by, and he held his head high as he did exactly that.
Around him, his neighbors were being herded out in much the same way as he, and Mango lifted his gaze slightly to watch the sky.
Any minute now, kids.
The mech ushering him out of his house paused, then all of the mechs turned and primed their weapons in the same direction.
Mango took advantage of the distraction to sweep out a leg and swipe his escort's legs out from under it, then make a break for the outside of the group.
Immediately, he got a front-row seat as Purple and Green swooped overhead, tag-teamed the mechs into firing on each other in a matter of moments, and were greeted by a round of excited applause from his neighbors.
Purple scanned the sticks on the ground for a second, then dove down in front of Mango and grabbed him in a quick, tight hug.
The tension in Mango's shoulders relaxed, and he returned it just as strongly.
The moment passed, and he and Purple turned to Green.
Green nodded, then took out a pair of elytra just like their own, held them up for Mango's neighbors to see, then tossed them to Mango.
Sensing the need for a demonstration, Mango quickly equipped them and took to the air.
Purple and Green both took out more of the elytra, passing them out to everyone there, then Green whistled and pointed to the sky, where almost half the IP addresses in view were blackened and dull, with more joining them with each passing second.
Mango nodded, and he and the rest shot up after the kids, following them up to the few remaining active IPs as the world around them grew darker and darker.
Blue shot through the wifi tunnel at top speed, holding his crossbow as steadily as his shaking hands would let him.
The world was ending, Alan had needed to escape without him and his friends, and things were bad enough that the Dark Lord of all people was working with them to evacuate devices, but he was fine.
He took a deep breath in and let it out. Slowly.
He just had to remember that he'd survived everything else that had tried to end him. He'd survived it when Mango had tried to delete Minecraft with them all inside! He'd survived it when the witch turned him into a netherwart-harvesting piston! He'd survived it when he'd taken a lava bath!
And those were just the most recent things he'd lived to tell the tale of!
He could do this!
He slammed face-first into the invisible barrier at the end of the tunnel.
Blue shook his head to clear it, then brought up his diamond pickaxe-
-and mined clean through it!
Yellow's boosts were no joke, huh?
He jumped out and onto the bottom of the screen, only to have to duck as an energy blast nearly took off his head. When he looked in the direction of the source, he gaped for a moment as a handful of drawn stick figures- solidheads just like him- fought off one of the animated mechs.
They weren't doing very well- the mech easily overpowered them one-on-one, and only their numbers gave them any kind of advantage- but they did well enough to give Blue the split second he needed to bring his crossbow up to bear.
His aim was true, and the rocket struck the mech in the back of the head.
The rest of the fighters froze in shock, but Blue just charged forward, switched back to his bow, and fired off a volley of arrows into every weak point he could see. The moment he got close enough, he shoved the bow back into his hotbar and started punching.
That snapped the others out of it.
While adding another stick to the fight might not have helped under normal circumstances, it quickly became clear to Blue that his attacks were doing enough damage to turn the tide, and the mech was soon smashed to bits.
The other sticks watched him warily for a moment, which was fair. He did just sort of show up out of nowhere with massive power at his disposal.
Distantly, he wondered if this was how the Chosen One had felt when he and his friends had all started bowing to them.
Instead of silently leaving like the Chosen One had, however, Blue pointed for the wifi tunnel and gestured hurriedly for the sticks to follow him through.
They hesitated for a moment, but then the computer shook. Blue snatched up one of the metal plates from the mech, one with part of some kind of gold insignia on it, and held it up for the sticks to see. Once they'd all looked, he dropped it and pointed where the Outside would be.
The sticks stiffened.
Point made.
He tossed them all elytra of their own, then turned and ran back for the tunnel, their footsteps behind him giving him enough strength to jump straight in.
As Green and Purple led their group of escapees higher into the sky, Green caught sight of it as their friends all started popping out of various IP addresses. Some of them were followed by sticks or programs, some weren't, but as soon as they were satisfied by the number of people they brought with them, they quickly flew up and into more IPs.
The newcomers all glanced around in confusion, but Green just brought a hand to their head and whistled sharply. Once all attention was on them, they waved in greeting.
The sight of Green and Purple's approaching group of escapees seemed to help them relax a bit, and for a moment, Green let themself hope they could all get away without any further issues.
Then the Dark Lord popped out of an IP, holding another stick by the arm.
Immediately, the sounds of wingbeats behind Green fell off-rhythm, and when they glanced back to look, just about everyone had flinched back in fear.
Understandable, but there wasn't time-!
The Dark Lord whistled, and once Green looked back up, they only had a second to catch the stick the Dark Lord had saved (and apparently tossed down). Oh, sure, Green managed it, gave them some elytra, and did a quick once-over to make sure they weren't hurt, but then they glared up at the Dark Lord with a frustrated, out-of-tune note.
The squeak that came out of Purple was nothing less than horrified, but the Dark Lord just stuck a hand on their hip and looked up longsufferingly.
Were it not for the too-vivid memory of feeling their code burn away from the inside out, Green felt like, in that moment, they could have strangled the Dark Lord.
The others started popping back out into the sky, then, leading more refugees out, but enough time had passed that only a very scant few IP addresses remained online. There wouldn't be time for them to make any more trips if they wanted to escape, themselves.
Quickly, however, the escapees grouped up into four distinct sections.
The Stick City sticks stuck close together, warily keeping an eye on the others.
The escapees from humans' devices hovered closer, watching everything around them in fear.
Green found themself with the rest of the Color Gang, somewhere between the two larger groups and being watched by both.
And then, as a group unto themselves…
…then there were the Chosen One and the Dark Lord, who'd started flying to the few remaining IP addresses still active and within reach, most likely searching for a good escape route.
As Green watched, however, the Chosen One straightened and waved frantically at them, pointing at a lit-up IP that seemed to be the steadiest still there, even as the barrier closing it off from the interspace flickered away entirely.
Green shared a look with Orange and the rest, then they all nodded and set off.
Well, the Color Gang did, anyway.
There came a sharp whistle from one of Mango's neighbors, and once all eyes were on her, she pointed accusatively at Orange, made a circle motion with her hand, then pointed at the Chosen One and the Dark Lord.
Orange lifted one hand to their face, then tilted their head questioningly.
This time, it was Purple who answered. They sang a quiet melody, the notes forming the image of two sticks standing menacingly above a crowd.
One of the sticks was red, and the other was black.
Green jolted, as did the rest of them, and they all glanced at the Chosen One in shock.
Instead of trying to deny the accusation, the Chosen One glanced down and gripped their forearm in visible shame. The Dark Lord looked the other way without any of their usual attitude.
Green could only hover there in shock. This couldn't have been after they'd first met the Chosen One- after the Virabot incident, Yellow had made a point of keeping up with Stick City news. It had been more of a hobby than anything, but Green knew she would have said something if the Chosen One had suddenly gone bad.
By extension, that meant that this had to have been before they came to fight the Virabot.
That…painted a clearer picture of why they and the Dark Lord had fought so viciously, actually, though Green knew they were still clearly missing pieces of the puzzle. One of those pieces was obviously whatever had gotten the two to work together to get the Color Gang to safety, but, hey, Green wasn't about to look a gift spawner in the mob.
Mango's neighbor made the circle motion again and pointed at Orange, who jerked back in offense.
Then Orange was gesturing, the Chosen One and the Dark Lord were gesturing, the Stick City sticks were gesturing, Green wound up closing ranks around Orange with the rest of the Color Gang as things got heated, and all the while the city below them crumbled and the sky grew darker and smokier and-!
Green balled their hands up into fists, took a deep breath, and let out a discordant, downright unholy shriek.
Instantly, everyone flinched and glanced their way, arms falling still.
Keeping one fist clenched, they used their other hand to gesture sharply at the discoloration left behind where the Dark Lord had stabbed clean through their chest. For emphasis, they turned around in the air to display the matching exit wound scar on their back.
When they turned back around, Yellow was pointing at the scarred slice through her throat and the back of her head, Red at the scarring on both the front and back of her gut, and Blue at the visible evidence of his own stabbing in his upper torso. Orange just held their arms out, each and every faded slice on full display.
They all pointed harshly at the Dark Lord as one.
The Dark Lord crossed their arms and folded ever-so-slightly in on themself, meeting no one's gaze.
Before anyone could act on this information (and Purple looked fit to throw down right then and there), Green swooped aside and pointed angrily at the smoke still rising from Stick City, a furious arpeggio forming the shapes of the Color Gang, the Chosen One, the Dark Lord, and one of the mechs.
The note-mech threatened the note-Color Gang as Green kept singing, but the note-Chosen One and note-Dark Lord grabbed them and pulled them to safety as note-Orange punched the note-mech into dust, then ran after them.
The notes vanished, and Green pointed emphatically at the IP that the Chosen One had tried to direct them all towards, breathing heavily.
There was a brief moment where none of them made a move.
Then Mango flew up by the IP, glanced at the Dark Lord, nodded at Green, and shot through.
The tension didn't quite break once Mango was gone, but it shifted ever-so-slightly, and the escapees flooded into the IP.
Green waited for the last of the strangers to shoot up and through, then gestured for their friends (and the Chosen One and the Dark Lord) to go through, too.
They all gave a quick nod of assent before doing exactly that, save for the Dark Lord, who just looked at them funny instead.
Green put one hand on their hip and pointed again at the IP longsufferingly.
The Dark Lord shot up and through, and only then did Green go in after them.
The tunnel flickered, and Green poured on the speed.
Just as their feet began to tingle with the impending disconnection, they saw the desktop of whichever device they were fleeing to come speeding towards them-
-and they tumbled from the wifi icon just as the tunnel slammed shut and the icon flashed a red X instead of signal strength bars.
Green shook themself and pushed themself to their feet, trudging towards their friends.
Orange and Red were gawking at the desktop they found themselves on almost as if they recognized it, and when a cursor jolted into motion, they were quick to jump up and down and wave their arms to get the User's attention.
The cursor carefully came down and picked the two up, then dropped them into an already-open Libreoffice document.
You two again?
Green stared at Orange and Red, who each glanced aside with matching awkward chuckles.
Orange's trademark text popped into view over their head. Heh, yeah. Hi again, Alexcrafter.
Ohhh. That would do it.
Purple nudged Green and shrugged questioningly.
Green held their hands in front of them as if they were, say, pressing two Minecraft icons together into the ultimate weapon of destruction and creation, then gestured to the icon in Orange's hands and Alexcrafter's cursor.
Purple nodded slowly, and in the corner of Green's vision, Mango scratched at the back of his neck.
I promise we'll explain when we can, but you've seen what's going on outside, right? asked Orange seriously.
Alexcrafter paused for a moment, then, WHAT ARE THOSE
Yeah, uh, as far as we know, a stick figure… Orange started, though they glanced at the Chosen One for confirmation. …?
The Chosen One nodded.
Orange nodded back and deleted their ellipsis and question mark before continuing, started a robot uprising. They took over the interspace, too, and we had to get as many people out as we could. Your IP address was one of the last ones online.
Alexcrafter didn't respond for a moment, then told them, theyre getting close to the house
im closing the laptop and grabbing my sisters
were all getting out of here
The survivors all threw their arms up in a cheer, and Orange nodded energetically. Thank you!!! Don't stop until you're safe!!!
The screen went dark from the outside, and Green pumped their arms excitedly, which got Red, Blue, Yellow, Purple, and Orange to all join in.
It was all up to Alexcrafter now, but they'd already promised to try.
7 notes · View notes
Do you know? How many electric kick scooters are sold each year in Australia?
Australia is one of the countries leading the way in the adoption of electric kick scooters as an alternative mode of transport. With more than 250,000 electric scooters and personal mobility devices sold and used throughout Australia each year, it's no wonder this eco-friendly option is growing in popularity. In this blog post, we'll explore how many electric kick scooters are sold annually in Australia.
Electric kick scooters are a great way to get around when your traditional two-wheeler is not working for you or you have limited mobility. From kids to adults, there is a suitable model for everyone.
Electric kick scooters are convenient, easy to use, and can be used on any surface including grass, pavement, and even gravel. They are also eco-friendly as there is no need for batteries or fuel.
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Benefits of Using an Electric Kick Scooter
Using an electric kick scooter has numerous benefits, both for the individual and the environment. Firstly, electric kick scooters are eco-friendly and produce zero emissions, making them an ideal choice for environmentally conscious individuals. Secondly, they are affordable and cost-effective, requiring minimal maintenance and operating costs compared to traditional modes of transport. Thirdly, they are convenient and easy to use, allowing riders to travel short distances quickly and efficiently. Finally, electric kick scooters are a great way to stay fit and healthy, providing a low-impact form of exercise.
Electric Kick Scooters are the most popular bike in Australia. There are many brands of electric kick scooters in Australia such as NIU Mobility, Enduro, Xootr, and many others. Electric kick scooters are a great way to get around, especially if you're in a wheelchair or have limited mobility.
NIU Mobility is one of the most popular brands of electric kick scooters in Australia. NIU Mobility has 2 million+ riders globally and is available in 50 countries around the world, NIU Mobility is a designer and manufacturer of kick and electric kick scooters, NIU Mobility scooters, and related products that are constantly evolving to provide you with the most up-to-date technology.
NIU Mobility has a great range of Electric Kick Scooters that are perfect for people who use limited mobility. NIU Mobility is designed to provide the ultimate riding experience for riders.
NIU Mobility’s KQi series of electric kick scooters for adults are the perfect combination of style and performance.
NIU KQi Series of Electric kick Scooters for Adults:
1. NIU KQi2 Pro Electric kick Scooter for Adults: The NIU Kqi2 Pro Electric Kick Scooter is the ultimate option for riders who want a high-performance electric kick scooter with an ergonomic design and an affordable price tag. The NIU KQi2 Pro is an electric kick scooter designed for adult riders. It features a powerful 300W motor and a maximum speed of 25mph, making it a great option for commuters who need to travel quickly and efficiently through urban areas. It offers a variety of features that make it one of the most popular electric kick scooters on the market today, including:
An innovative dual-purpose handlebar that lets you shift from riding mode to transport mode in just seconds
A built-in light system that provides optimal visibility even during low light conditions on your commute
Max comforts for riders with a 20% Wider Handlebar (52cm) and 13% Wider Deck (13.3cm).
Be safe, be seen! For safer riding, the dual braking system features an iconic halo light and brake light.
A smart lock and a customized speed cruise control are features of the NIU KQI2 Pro electric kick scooter. 
A smart battery system that allows you to fully charge your scooter in just 3 hours, meaning you won't have to wait around while your vehicle charges up again!
2. NIU KQi3 Pro Electric Kick Scooter for Adults: The NIU KQi3 Pro Electric Kick Scooter is a sleek and stylish electric scooter designed for adults. Here are some features and specifications.
Motor: The KQi3 Pro is powered by a 486W Bosch motor that reaches 28 mph (45 km/h).
Battery: The scooter has a 48V, 26Ah lithium-ion battery that provides a range of up to  50 km on a single charge.
Brakes: The KQi3 Pro has both front and rear hydraulic disc brakes for quick and reliable stopping power.
Tires: The scooter has 9.5 x 2.5’ pneumatic tires that provide a smooth ride and excellent traction.
Suspension: The KQi3 Pro has a front and rear suspension system that absorbs shocks and vibrations from the road.
Weight capacity: The scooter can support a maximum weight of 264 pounds (120 kg).
Lighting: The KQi3 Pro has a full LED lighting system, including headlights, taillights, and turn signals for increased visibility.
Display: The scooter features a color LCD that shows speed, battery level, and other important information.
3. NIU KQi3 Sports Electric kick Scooters for Adults: The NIU KQi3 Sports Electric Kick Scooter is designed for adults looking for a convenient and eco-friendly way to commute. It features a 500W motor and a 48V lithium-ion battery, which can provide a range of up to 50km on a single charge, depending on riding conditions.
The KQi3 also comes equipped with front and rear disc brakes, providing reliable stopping power, and a top speed of 45km/h. Its dual suspension system can provide a comfortable ride on various terrains, and the 10-inch pneumatic tires can absorb shock and provide better traction.
Other features of the KQi3 include a digital display that shows speed, battery level, and other information. In addition, it has LED headlights and taillights for visibility in low-light conditions. The scooter also has a folding mechanism that allows easy storage and transportation.
Overall, the NIU KQi3 Sports Electric Kick Scooter seems like a great option for adults who want a reliable and efficient mode of transportation that is both fun and environmentally friendly.
4. NIU KQi3 Max Electric Kick Scooters for Adults: The NIU KQi3 Max Electric Kick Scooter is a model designed for adults, offering a convenient and eco-friendly way to commute short distances. Here are some key features of the NIU KQi3 Max:
Powerful motor: The KQi3 Max is equipped with a 350W motor that provides a maximum speed of 25km/h (15.5mph) and can handle inclines of up to 14 degrees.
Long range: With a 486Wh removable battery, the KQi3 Max can travel up to 70km (43 miles) on a single charge.
Convenient design: The KQi3 Max features a lightweight aluminum frame and a foldable design, making it easy to carry and store when not in use.
Smart features: The scooter comes with a Bluetooth-enabled app that allows you to monitor your speed, battery life, and other performance metrics.
Safety features: The KQi3 Max is equipped with a front and rear disc brake system, as well as front and rear lights for enhanced visibility.
Electric kick scooters are becoming an increasingly popular mode of transport in Australia, offering a convenient, eco-friendly, and affordable alternative to traditional modes of transport. With more than 250,000 units sold annually, the electric kick scooter market in Australia is booming, with continued growth expected in the coming years. Electric kick scooters are popular due to their numerous benefits, including eco-friendliness, convenience, affordability, and ease of use. As the market grows, it is important to follow local laws and regulations and ride safely and responsibly.
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cas-athallah · 6 hours
31 - 80
Brief Description of event
1. What is Sudoku?
Sudoku is a logic number game. The objective is to fill a 9x9 board with the digits 1 to 9, so that no digit appears twice in a row, column and 3x3 box.
2. What is Sudoku & Variants by Logic-Wiz?
Sudoku & Variants by Logic-Wiz: Master the Art of Sudoku with Thousands of handcrafted Puzzles and Exciting Variants.
Embark on a captivating journey of logic and mental agility with the free Sudoku & Variants by Logic-Wiz, the ultimate Sudoku app for puzzle enthusiasts of all levels. Dive into a vast collection of handcrafted Classic Sudoku puzzles and over 30 Sudoku variants.
Sudoku & Variants by Logic-Wiz was voted as the Best Sudoku App and the Best Brain Training App. Logic-Wiz delivers a unique blend of entertainment and mental exercise.
The Variants:
Jigsaw (Irregular).
Zipper Line.
Little Unique Killer.
German Whisper.
Chess Knight.
Chess King.
Slow Thermo.
Even Odd.
Between Lines.
Lockout lines.
Running Cells.
Ascending Series.
Dutch Whisper.
Logic-Wiz introduces new variants in every new release.
Game Features:
Thousands of beautifully handcrafted boards.
New variants and boards are added occasionally.
Multiple variants on a single board.
Unique solution to each puzzle.
All boards designed and created by Logic-Wiz.
Smart Hints to help and teach.
Gallery game view.
Play multiple quests & games concurrently.
Cloud Sync - Synchronize your progress over multiple devices.
Keep Screen Awake.
Light and Dark Theme.
Sticky digit mode.
Filter by your favorite variants.
Remaining cells of a digit.
Select multiple cells at once.
Select multiple cells at distributed locations of the board.
Multiple pencil marks styles.
Double notation.
Auto remove pencil marks.
Highlight matching digits and pencil marks.
Multiple error modes.
Performance tracking for each puzzle.
Statistics and Accomplishments.
Unlimited Undo/Redo.
Various cell marking options- highlights and symbols.
Combinations Panel for Killer and Sandwich boards.
Track and improve solving time.
Board preview.
Easy resumption of unfinished boards.
Mobile Phones and Tablets.
3. How can I play Sudoku & Variants by Logic-Wiz?
On iPhone
Open App Store.
Open the "Search" feature.
Type Sudoku & Variants by Logic-Wiz.
Tap Search.
Tap Install.
On Android
Open Play Store.
Tap Search.
Tap the search bar.
Type Sudoku & Variants by Logic-Wiz.
Tap the Sudoku & Variants by Logic-Wiz icon.
Tap Install.
4. What are the benefits of playing Sudoku & Variants by Logic-Wiz for myself?
It will enhance my intelligence, memory, data processing, and problem solving skills to new heights.
Each variant presents a unique challenge testing my problem-solving skills, memory, and logical thinking.
Learning Outcomes and explanation why I hit certain learning outcomes
Show commitment and determination.
Time/Date (Duration)
Friday, 27 September 2024
Evidence (Photo, Video, Journal Link, Draft posters or document)
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REFLECTION of my personal growth after I do the event
The more I play, the better I get.
0 notes
ringcamlogn · 5 days
How To Setup Ring Camera?
When attempting to connect into your Ring account, are you running across problems? You can be confident that we have some easy methods to assist you in getting back in. Let's start simple and reset your password to get things started. Occasionally, a glitch can be something as simple as inputting the wrong password or forgetting to modify it. Making sure that the operating system on your smartphone and the Ring app are up to date is also very important. Compatibility problems resulting in Ring Login troubles might be caused by outdated software. If you have the chance, try signing in with a different device to see if the problem is unique to this one. Double-checking your password is usually a good practice because even the most careful people occasionally make typing errors.
You might need your contact details for account recovery, so make sure your phone number and email address are correct as well. Please get in touch with our friendly specialists if, in spite of your best attempts, you are still unable to log in. Assuring your safety and peace of mind are our top objectives, they are available to offer specialist support. We have committed ourselves to supporting you in addressing whatever issues you may run into, and your Ring account is essential for your home security.
Offering state-of-the-art solutions for home protection and peace of mind, Ring stands out as an industry leader in the field of smart home technology. Ring provides products that guarantee smooth connectivity, from property monitoring to answering your doorbell from abroad. That being said, it can be annoying to have trouble entering into your Ring account. Do not worry!  
How to Enter Your Ring Account Information
Step 1: Use the Ring Platform
Go to the Ring website or use the Ring app on your smartphone after you have your  Ring Login  information. To move smoothly on to the next stage, find the Ring Login feature and click on it.
Step 2: Enter Your accreditation
Ensure that your password and email address are entered into the correct boxes. To prevent typos or inaccuracies, make sure everything is done carefully.
Step 3: Secured Accessibility to Your Account
Once your ring login credentials have been entered, simply tap or click the  ring login icon to access your Ring account. Please don't hesitate to get in touch with our support team if you run into any problems or see an error message for prompt assistance.
Step 4: Have Continuous Connectivity Experience
Discover the plethora of features and functionalities available on your Ring devices when you've successfully logged in. You may now connect easily and take complete control, whether that means watching live video feeds, changing setup Ring Camera, or getting notifications.
Access the Ring Camera with the Ring mobile application.
Downloading, configuring, and finishing the initial phase of the mobile application on your mobile device are the necessary requirements before using Ring Camera to log in.
Upon installation completion, all you have to do if you have already created a Ring account is hit on the log in button.
In any other case, create an account as soon as possible if you don't already.
After creating a Ring account, use your ring  login information to continue with the login process.
Once you've logged in, you can quickly access the camera using the Ring smartphone application. 
To complete setup Ring Camera, use the Ring website.
It is also possible to set up a camera for your doorbell by registering in and accessing the Ring website. If you prefer to do that, meticulously adhere to the guidelines given below:
To begin the registration process, launch your default browser and enter www.ring.com.
If it is a valid URL, the homepage will load.
Place your cursor over the  ring login button, which is located in the upper right corner of the screen.
When you attempt to log in, a request for your username and password will be performed.
Add the required information to the blanks.
Once you've signed in, you can see your camera's configuration options.
To summarise, the process of gaining access to your Ring account and Setup Ring Camera ought to be simple and painless. Enjoy all of the advantages that Ring's smart home technology has to offer by following these simple instructions and, if required, seeking assistance from our support team. Ring allows you to stay connected to one another, keep safeguarded, and enjoy peace of mind! Please contact our friendly support staff if you have any questions or run into any difficulties while attempting to log in to your Ring account. We're prepared to offer support and ensure a seamless Ring product experience.
0 notes
gameinfoxtbr · 6 days
Age of Frostfall Code
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Do you feel bored with a game or do you want to know the new Age of Frostfall code to help level up your games? Well done, my boy, you are in the right place at the right time! Here we will list all the current gift codes for Age of Frostfall, how to use them, and what rewards come with each code. These codes will give you bonuses as a VIP point, in-game items, and increased speed to level up the game. It is with no doubt that these Age of Frostfall code will help both new players and experienced ones to have an easy time in the cold environment of dragons, armies, and strategies. ❄️🐉
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What Are the Age of Frostfall Gift Codes? 🎮
Greeting Card codes for Frostfall are a special combination of numbers or special characters issued by the developer of the game, Warmest Good Limited which grants players bonuses in the game. Some rewards that can be offered are resources, faster gear, VIP points, and gold among others. The good news is that by entering these codes, you can enhance your city-building process and make the fight against the Unmelted a bit easier. ➡️ Check out the “Age of Frostfall gift codes” game guide for tips on how to use these codes effectively!
How to Redeem Age of Frostfall Gift Codes 📝
It is very easy to redeem gift codes in Age of Frostfall! Follow these steps to claim your rewards: - Open the Game: Open the Age of Frostfall app on your smart mobile device you have one or download it from any online store. - Go to Settings: First, click the ‘menu button’ and then go to the ‘settings icon’. - Find the Gift Code Section: Scroll down till you find the option “Redeem Code”. - Enter the Code: Place one of the codes below in the designated area by typing the code in or using the copy-paste feature. - Claim Your Rewards: While participating, you can get your hands on ‘exclusive’ items and then collect them to strengthen your army, feed your dragons, and protect yourself from the Unmelted!
Active Age of Frostfall Gift Codes (2024 Update) 🔑
Below is the list of functional Age of Frostfall gift codes to use to get some special bonuses to your game. Do not wait too long to use them since they have an expiry date for such codes! - ILOVEYOUKOA – Redeem this code for exclusive rewards. - SUMMERWITHKOA – Redeem this code for exclusive rewards. - 2024NEWSCENTER – Redeem this code for exclusive rewards. - MAYHEMINKOA – Redeem this code for exclusive rewards. - ILOVEKOAAPRIL – Redeem this code for exclusive rewards. - KOAINMARCH – Redeem this code for exclusive rewards. - HAPPYLUNARNEWYEAR – Redeem this code for exclusive rewards. - HAPPYNEWYEARKOA – Redeem this code for exclusive rewards. - RETURN888 – Redeem this code for exclusive rewards. - XMAS2023 – Redeem this code for exclusive rewards. - ILOVEKOAINFALL2023 – Redeem this code for exclusive rewards. - ILOVEUKOA2023 – Redeem for 10 Gold x50, 5K Food x1000, 60-Minute Speedup x50, and more. - KOAPOCKETONPC – Redeem for 1 1-Day VIP, 20 Silver Dragon Scales, and more. - vip2023 – Redeem for 1 1-Day VIP, 10 60-Minute Speedups, and more. - KOACN666 – Redeem for gold and exclusive rewards (New Players). - DALAO666 – Redeem for gold and exclusive rewards (New Players). - KOACN888 – Redeem for gold and exclusive rewards (New Players). - KOA8888 – Redeem for gold and exclusive rewards (New Players). - KOA1234 – Redeem for gold and exclusive rewards (New Players). - KOA666 – Redeem for gold and exclusive rewards (New Players). - PLAYKOAONPC – Redeem for gold and exclusive rewards (PC version). - WINTERISKOAMING – Redeem for exclusive rewards. - enjoykoanov – Redeem for exclusive rewards. - HAPPYKOANOVEMBER – Redeem for exclusive rewards. - enjoykoas4 – Redeem for exclusive rewards. ➡️ For the latest updates, check out our “Age of Frostfall gift codes” latest update and news section for new codes and upcoming events!
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Why Use Gift Codes in the Age of Frostfall? 🤔
Taking advantage of the gift codes in Age of Frostfall is as advantageous because it would increase the chances of the players to level up without having to pay for anything. The rewards you can unlock—such as gold, food, speedups, and VIP status—can help you: The rewards you can unlock—such as gold, food, speedups, and VIP status—can help you: - Train troops even faster to deal with the Unmelted. - Upgrade your buildings within a shorter period. - Get resources such as wood and food in large quantities within a shorter period. - To move to the next level, earn points and unlock VIP bonuses to have special privileges during the fights and the management of resources. ➡️ Make sure to consult the “Age of Frostfall gift codes” Tier List to find the best units and rewards to use with these codes!
About Age of Frostfall Gift Codes and Gameplay 📱
In Age of Frostfall, the player assumes the role of an armed force general who is defending the colonies of the remaining humanity from the race of the Unmelted – the people who turned into icicles during the winter. It contains elements of base-building, tactical combat, and dragon management to provide an environment that will be full of opportunities and challenges for any fan of the fantastic genre. Due to the code in Age of Frostfall, players get bonuses in the form of unique resources and items that can help them get an advantage over their opponents. These codes are so vital whether you are designing your city or fighting your enemies. ➡️ Curious to know more about the game? Visit our guide on “About Age of Frostfall gift codes” for a deeper look into the gameplay and mechanics.
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Where to Find More Gift Codes 🕵️
This is normally done in a special event, season’s promotion, and in other instances when the game goes through an update over a while. The simplest way of getting the code is to check the game's social media accounts, visit community forums, or sign up for newsletters. ➡️ Get to know more about the creators behind these codes by checking out the “Age of frostfall codes” Developer page.
FAQs About Age of Frostfall Gift Codes
What are the Age of Frostfall gift codes?Gift codes are special codes for players to use as a promotional offer where players can get in-game gifts such as gold, VIP, speed, and many more at no charge.When do new gift codes come out?They often drop new codes whenever they release an update, an event, or some special holiday is around the corner. You should ensure that you follow this up by having a glance at the game’s official social media pages or even forums.Well, the obvious answer to that one is yes, but do Age of Frostfall gift codes expire?It is also good to note that some codes have an expiry date and therefore, they should be used before they expire.Do gift codes that have been generated and shared publicly or privately can be redeemed over and over again?The majority of the gift codes have restrictions on using them only once per given account. They are useful but they should only be used at appropriate occasions.I often get new Age of Frostfall gift codes, how can I be informed about the next codes?To get the latest gift codes, fans must follow the game updates official pages, forums, and posts regularly.Hi, can I use gift codes in the pc version of Age of frostfall?Yes! Some codes such as PLAYKOAONPC are for the PC version of the said game only. When using the Age of Frostfall code below, it will be easy to boost your prowess in the game without having to pay any money. Don’t forget to visit again for new codes and especially new updates. Word Count: 988 Read the full article
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