#doey tries his best
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universalrainbow · 26 days ago
Had a cutesy thought for either Human Player post-escape or Toy Player in haven.
Player letting the younger toys brush or play with their hair. They seem to be the only person besides Poppy woth long hair, and Poppy seems to keep hers tied up always.
Toy Player might could rely on the toys to cut their hair, too. Years of hair growth, that mess would be such a pain to keep in check. It may be a bit choppy, but better to have it cut messy than to get it tangled in metal and such while they scavenge.
Both toy and human player do let the critters mess with their hair. But for human player its an occasion while for toy player its a constant.
Toy players hair grows faster than human player. Making it necessary to cut if they don't want their hair to be used against them in no mans land. Usually doey is in charge of cutting their hair. He is the only one who knows how human hair works. But they do allow the critters to put it into styles. Once when player was sleeping a critter found some scissors and got curious like most kids do. Player hid from safe haven for three days until their hair grew back.
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Toy player has a love hate relationship with their hair. It connects them to their past as a human but it gets tangled easy, don't get them started if the critters get paint in there. The only brushes they have are for toy hair. So if they get knots it hurts trying to detangle them.
Once toy player took a frozen blast for doey. Their hair had to be cut to the base and again they hid from safe haven for a few days.
Doey tries his best to be gentle with toy players hair. But can only do so much with what he has. The extra hair is saved in a box if it isnt damaged and used as either a fire starter or stuffing for pillow cases.
This way they get more pillows without having to go out scavenging for them or a way to warm up in safe haven is especially cold.
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pancake404 · 26 days ago
Character(s) Descriptions in the Limbo: Doey the Doughman
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Doey is an interesting case when he entered in the limbo as the three children are separated into their own individual reflections of themselves.
Jackie: The sad but pure soul, not known for strength and often hides behind Matthew whenever scared. However, Jackie can be a clever and empathetic little guy.
Matthew: The most “Doey” looking one. Still behaves the same except this time, is fully determined to untie the toys into a second safe haven-like environment. I mean, after all, if you’re stuck here, you might as well make this place the best you can make it.
Kevin: Oddly shaped and very tall. Kevin still is the most aggressive one and most distrusting of any other toy. However, with his arms being like blades and claws, Kevin can be tough to fight with physically and often is marked as the main defense whenever anyone tries to hurt him or those he is close with.
They all share one main mirror: “THE GENTLE VOICE”
TGV is a mirror that only occurs whenever all three doey’s are emotionally deep into what torments them(Kevin: Being Hurt, Matthew: Failing Everyone, Jack: Death of his parents). It looks the monstrous Doey from chapter 4 however, it will instead lure nearby victims close by through a gentle voice, attracting them closer. Victims often see those they love like their parents and once they get close enough or don’t get tricked by it, TGV attacks. No one can die but it does hurt…a lot and once your mirror takes control, it’s hard to get control back and that’s very much true for TGV and Doey.
Fun facts: They all can fuse together into one Doey but they enjoy their additional sense of freedom from sharing a body for so long, they’re not forced into their forms, they can change how they look but for some reason, it’s these forms that draw to them, and lastly, Matthew has an odd sense of one’s soul. He could look beyond what others show to others and see what they’re really like and how they truly feel.
So that’s Doey, hope you enjoyed this character description in the AU(there is a lot of them the more I scroll).
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outer-andromeda · 26 days ago
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Usually I try to better clean up and color these... But I REALLY wanted to share 'em as soon as possible cuz I really like how they look already, sue me :')))
Some story time under the cut for those of you who want context >:000
((EDIT - Small TWs for some negative talk and mentions of grief. Also spoilers for the ending on Chapter 4 :00)
As mentioned in a previous post, Gabby and Doey's relationship is... Very strained after the events of the fourth chapter.
Doey joined the group (Gabby, Kissy and Ava) eventually while they were venturing as subtly as possible to avoid running into Huggy. It was a surprise, obviously - they all thought he was six feet underground since the aftermath of him crashing down. They were all relieved to know he was still alive, but something was different. He wasn't as jovial as his usual self was... He was just... Off. Quiet. Monotone.
(Which is understandable since the guy is literally GRIEVING the loss of the kids of the Safe Haven y'know- and he feels immense guilt for what happened)
At some point, they get separated - Kissy and Ava stick together, while Doey and Gabby venture on their own way, both groups hoping to join each other again eventually. Doey and Gabby still have that quiet dynamic going on, because the human guy doesn't want to make things any worse than they already are. So he tries to be the cheerful one. For both his and Doey's sakes. He tries as hard as he can. But it falls flat. And Gabby, despite himself, grows more and more irritated by Doey's unusual calmness. Something's obviously going on and he won't say anything about it.
Something happens that puts them in a dangerous situation, and everything spills out. Gabby wants to talk, he wants answers. Doey is trying to ignore it, but he's being pushed. And suddenly his anger blooms back out. And he lashes out on Gabby. Shouts all the words he hadn't gotten out. How he was never any good for the kids. How he could've done so much more. How if it wasn't for him, "they'd still be breathing and standing right now". How Gabby can't understand. And Gabby... Takes it. He stands there, listening to every single thing he says. Silently.
He's not afraid. And Doey notices. It's unnerving. It catches him completely off guard. It's like something is starting to break inside of him. Something he's not sure he wants to let shatter much more...
And then Gabby hugs him. And the thing in Doey's core is completely obliterated. And the crocodile tears are finally, finally let loose. And his shoulders finally relax to wrap themselves around the short man.
They talk after some VERY good comforting words from Gabby. They find Kissy and Ava after some searching, and they're back on track.
And from then on, their relationship changes back slowly to the small friendship they had formed in the past, plus more. They both understand and trust each other, and Doey feels relief from having someone he can confide in and let himself relax with. And just... Be a kid. Even if just for a bit. All three kids need that so badly, and Gabby tries his best to give that to them. To Doey. Because he, out of anyone, deserves a break the most.
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 1 month ago
Since you’re writing for Poppy Playtime again, may I request a sequel to the Janitor who is still at Playtime Co? The toys aren’t sure if they’re a ghost or just really good at hiding.
Oh I remember that one! Glad you do too ^^
Here's the first part for anyone curious
You were a survivor of the Hour of Joy...or so he thought.
A lone janitor? Working and listening to music throughout the slaughter?
It sounded impossible.
But after all the toys dragged the corpses down below to be eaten, you were still cleaning their blood off the steps 10 years later, somehow not feeling as terrified as any normal person would be.
Despite his best efforts, Catnap could never capture you.
Just when he's finally ready to pounce or thinks he has you cornered--you vanish before his very eyes, almost as if you were a ghost.
Yet you wear a gas mask through the clouds of red smoke, so...you must need it.
Therefore you must be a human who was really good at finding hiding spots he wasn't aware of.
But you can't hide forever.
Your luck will surely run out soon...right?
The Playhouse had turned into a torture chamber for nonviolent toys and anyone who went against the Prototype's will according to Catnap.
That being said...why would you enter this place willingly? Why would you keep doing your job despite the horrors those two have orchestrated?
Surely one of them would've caught you by now...
But from within his cell, he catches glimpses of you cleaning the blood off the playstructures, or removing the corpse of a feral Mini Critter from his sight.
He tries calling out to you, but you never seem to hear him...
Maybe all the trauma and blood loss is making him hallucinate?
Or maybe it's the red smoke. Who knows?
He's not so sure anymore, and he doesn't count on you being able to help him.
Cleaning his enclosure was no small feat.
Sure, he wasn't a massive Bigger Body, but his hunger was about as great as theirs.
And he only sees you, the janitor, as a snack leaving themselves wide open.
His piano teeth have been malfunctioning, causing a tune to go off every once in a while.
That gives you an advantage, as it allows you to figure out where he is in proximity to you--even in total darkness.
After the Hour of Joy, Pianosaurus returns to his enclosure, finding you cleaning somebody's carcass so calmly.
Yet when he charges....you suddenly vanish, and he rams headfirst into a wall.
Since then, he hasn't been able to find you anywhere. But under Harley's orders, he stays put in that same place for years.
He can wait. He's a patient hunter.
Unfortunately for him, he'd never find you--yet you were there to witness his demise at the hands of Doey when another employee fell into his enclosure.
While you pitied him, it was best that his suffering ended.
He didn't partake in the killings (at least none that he could recall), but he's shocked to find you alive, cleaning blood off of a machine he was inspecting.
But how did a janitor get this far down into the facility without proper clearance?
"Hey, buddy! Are you......huh??? Where did you go????" In the blink of an eye, you're gone.
He hears footsteps, but doesn't find you when he tries following their sound.
Did you go down some secret path he wasn't aware of?
He keeps catching glimpses of you in No Man's land, as well as in the caverns around Safe Haven.
Despite his best efforts, he could never quite catch up to you, even with his doughy abilities and dozens of shortcuts.
But somehow, throughout the years, you've been finding Mini Critters and Huggies/Kissies to bring to him, and they all claim that you've spoken to them and cleaned their wounds.
Yet for some reason...you either couldn't or wouldn't visit Safe Haven yourself.
He understands why, but...he just wanted to thank you for helping innocent toys find safety here.
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Could you do doey, kissy, poppy and dogday with a teen player (14-15-16)
Ended up just doing Dogday and Doey because I couldn't think of anything good to write for Kissy and Poppy.
If you like my work, please consider commissioning me or leaving a tip on Ko-fi (˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶))
Dogday & Doey & teenage Player
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★ He's horrified when Poppy's angel turns out to be so young. You shouldn't have been given such a hellish burden. He looks at you with pity "You need to get out of here, please, it's not safe for you to stay." He begs you to leave.
★ Despite his fear, Dogday steps up as a reluctant leader, guiding you through the factory. Without concern for his own safety. In his eyes, it's too late for him. But you, you have a chance. He needs you to survive.
★ Dogday rarely lets you out of his sight, always staying close by. He gets visibly upset whenever you get a minor injury or close call. When you sleep, he stays awake to ensure nothing happens to you during the night.
★ He's furious at Poppy for dragging you deeper into this place. She could've gotten you out of here with the train! Look at you, it's a miracle you've lasted this long! Between you and Kissy's injury, he's on high alert.
★ Doey tries to be gentle with the Player. Doing his best to convince you to rest, as you look exhausted. He treats you like one of his friends in safe haven. "it's naptime, buddy." He says while covering you with a blanket.
★ Knowing what you've been through, he tries his best to shield you from the rest of the factory's horrors. Even when you tell him you can take care of yourself. Somehow, he doesn't believe you.
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ablobwhowrites · 2 months ago
When I say I NEED that fanfic where reader keeps them in their house I MEAN IT.
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(For the first post of this kinda ideas is here. And the second part to this au is here But this is kinda more of explaining the idea of this au that I call: New home sweet home au. And yeah my yap session is starting here rn and some rambles about other stuff too so be warned mega yap session.)
Basically this idea is just ex employee y/n just being like "fuck it" and getting the toys out of the factory and put them at their house and that's was the only plan. Now they got about a shit ton of trauma and injuries and 17 traumatized alive toys who are now living in their house so thats cool.
y/n was a kinda tries to make them feel at home especially after all thats happened and the other toys y/n couldn't save. They try to make the toys they did save feel better and the toys do and well once they feel at home, it's chaotic is the basics of it. And to toys who tries to kill y/n (kinda includes kinda doey for his very understandable crash out but he feels bad for it) try to apologize by trying to be helpful to y/n and trying to protect y/n from anything that tries to hurt them as well. Plus miss delights face was also kinda fixed as y/n tried to fix it with some molding clay but fixed it to the best of their abilities and it's looks good but y/n is trying to get crafty corn to help them with repairing miss delights face because y/n nearly had several heart attacks because of seeing miss delight in the darkness at night when they try to go into the kitchen for a snack.
One night there was robbers who broke into the house once to steal stuff but mommy long legs and catnap heard them and yeah, the robbers ended up being torn apart cause Mommy long legs and catnap ain't going to let their new home and the person who gave them a second chance to die or get robbed (yarnaby ate the evidence). Once y/n was sitting on the couch watching SpongeBob with dogday and basically released the wildest like it went like this.
*y/n and dogday watching SpongeBob*
Y/n: "you know I'm in a metal band and once at a small concert, I was clocked in the head with a phone being thrown on the stage and ended up getting into a fight over a bag of cheeze-it's?"
*Dog day pauses and slowly looks over at y/n, who keeps watching the TV*
Dog day: "what made you remember that while watching SpongeBob!?"
I do imagine that doey (and the rest of the toys) get worried when y/n leaves the house cause like what if something happens and they can't help so they all made a rule that y/n has to call very 30 minutes (or less) and if they don't call in 30 minutes then all hell breaks loose as they all think y/n is dead and never coming back until they do and end up having do Uber eats their groceries for the next 2 weeks. I imagine that y/n has some old game consoles that their parents gave them and some new consoles that y/n doesn't use anymore but they give the toys the old consoles like the Nintendo entertainment or game cube as I do Imagine that if y/n used their new consoles for them. They would flip out cause like all the toys (especially the younger toys) have never seen a advanced game like this as like playtime co was open to 1930 to 1995 so I imagine they only remember the old consoles and I do imagine like doey playing Super Mario Bros on the Nintendo entertainment or any of the toys playing different Nintendo games is just a funny idea for me.
Also imagining that y/n somehow got daddy long legs and baby long legs as well and totally imagining that mommy long legs wearing hair curlers and daddy long legs using some for his mustache cause like you can't tell me they won't do that, maybe even the baby has one for that one strand of hair
But the looming fear of the prototype still is in them. I mean of course the prototype could never leave the factory but with all those materials and what the prototype might be thinking. It's not always out of the question of the prototype will try something like try and leave the factory it's trapped in. Who knows but the toys put all their trust on y/n and y/n has faxed worse and almost got eaten alive by smiling critters and Nightmares critters has weighed on them a bit but could be worse.
(so that's the main basis of this au idea and if you guys like it and want more don't feel shy if you guys wanna request for this au for any ideas or just want more of this. But that's it's for my yap session, please stay safe and drink water!)
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voxslays · 1 month ago
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SUMMARY: How the Poppy Playtime characters would react if the player somehow died in the factory after gaining their affections. PAIRINGS: The Doctor x Reader, Doey x Reader (platonic), Poppy x Reader (platonic), Kissy x Reader (platonic), Dogday x reader, Mommy Longlegs x reader.
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ꨄ When Harley hears the news of your death, he can’t help but feel the anger rise within his metallic body. He was ‘friends’ with the prototype—and Harley was one of the most powerful toys in the factory! How could this have happened so easily?
ꨄ Harley pushes himself back into his experiments, more motivated than ever. What experiments, you may ask? A solution to bring you back from the dead.
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ꨄ Angry. Kevin starts to come out as the other two wallow in frustration and self-regret. It doesn’t help that in Doey’s eyes, it’s all Poppy’s fault. She’s just ruined everything, hasn’t she? First safe haven and everyone inside, and now you?
ꨄ After you’re gone Doey more than likely turns into his rabid, monstrous form, consuming anyone (or toy) in his way. He Will avenge your death, with the others help or not.
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ꨄ Absolutely shocked. You had made it this far and she hadn’t expected you to die so easily, although she no doubt blames herself. Poppy would feel guilty about it. Maybe if she hadn’t pushed you so hard, you wouldn’t have lost focus and met your brutal end.
ꨄ But Poppy is a survivor, and to be a survivor in Playtime co. you have to push your emotions down—which is exactly what she does. She’ll never forget you though, no matter how hard she tries.
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ꨄ Absolutely heartbroken. To kissy, you were her best friend, and biggest supporter. She might not have been able to talk, but it was like you could just see what was going on behind those big, beady black eyes of hers. You truly saw her.
ꨄ Kissy constantly looks at one of the framed photos she has with you (kind of like what she did with that child in chapter three), never really allowing herself time to heal…
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ꨄ You were one of the strongest people he knew. You found him when he was chained up in the prison, stitched him up, and carried him away from the smiling critters. So when he hears the news of your death, he is more than a little surprised.
ꨄ I’d like to think Dogday grieves quietly. He seems mature enough to realize that crying won’t get him anywhere, but at the same time, he’s doing it alone in safe heaven when nobody is listening.
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ꨄ Incandescently enraged. After the hour of joy, you were one of the only people who didn’t fear her. Actually, she felt valued. You beat her challenges fair and square—which made her admittedly angry, but once you showed her kindness? She vowed to protect you.
ꨄ Once you’re gone, all the ‘beautiful emerald,’ as you had once called it, was gone from her eyes—leaving them charcoal black. Like Doey, she will feast on anyone in her way.
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car-o-line · 1 month ago
HII wondering if you could do Matthew hallard as readers best friend when they were both in the orphanage?1?1?1 you could add anything else 😼 im not forcing ANYWAY HAVE A GOOD DAYAYAY
I literally SCREAMED I’m so excited to do a ppt request because chapter 4 was amazing, and because of my ppt brainrot I’ll do Kevin/Jack as well! AND I HOPE UR DAY IS JUST AS AMAZING AS THIS REQUEST🧡❤️💛
Being friends with Matthew/Kevin/Jack(before/after Doey)
Part 2 <3
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Matthew Hallard:
Probably the nicest teenager anyone’s ever met tbh.
Whether you’re younger than him or around the same age as him he’ll treat you like his little sibling. There’s no stopping it.
Always puts your needs above his and he won’t compromise that at all.
Oh you’re thirsty? He suddenly has an apple juice box in his hand! Hungry? Well now he suddenly has a bag of chips in his backpack!
(They were supposed to be for him but shh)
Makes sure all your homework’s done, if not then he’ll scold you for it.
But then he’ll feel bad and help you do it.
If you were around his age you'd probably know about his parent’s accidents he couldn’t prevent.
If you were younger he’d save that topic for when you were older, if only he had time left.
He’d be worried sick when you were taken away because you were “sick”.
Once you came back you seemed hazy, it made him nervous so he held your hand just to let you know that he was there, until you were officially “adopted.”
Later he really found out through his own “sickness” what “adoption” meant.
He hates what the scientists did to you, did to him. It gives him a reason to keep going as Doey.
Kevin Barnes:
Like actually how.
Kevin doesn’t know why he considers you his friend ngl.
The scientists were definitely interested in how you and Kevin got along without you running away from him.
They couldn’t care less about the friendship part but they want to know how it started.
It was easy actually, he randomly tackled you to the ground even though you’ve both never talked before.
You didn’t cry, or scream, instead you reacted like it was a game. Which it was, kind of.
Kevin won in the end because of his physical ability but you thought it was really fun!
So now every time he gets bored he tries to find you and tackle you again.
Other than that he cares for you in his own way.
Like when the scientist took you away because of your sickness?
He wouldn’t let go of your arm no matter how hard the scientists tried to pull.
And the more they did that the more times he’d yell at them that you were fine and didn’t need them.
But they got you when he was sleeping, and when he woke up a new toy appeared in the Playtime Facility.
He never saw you again, even after he was “adopted.”
Jack Ayers:
While he wasn’t an orphan he did go on a visit to the Playtime Factory.
He met you through there, he was really excited to make a new friend.
He asked you so many questions about the orphanage and the facility.
In exchange you got to ask him about his home life and how the outside was.
“You haven’t been outside?”
“This area is considered the outside silly!”
He felt bad for you and suggested that his parents adopted you!
(they said no)
Instead you just took him to see “Home Sweet Home” and showed him your room.
Then Jacks trip to facility was over and he had to leave, but before that his family was watch the process of making Doey.
Jack leaned over the railings to have a closer look but fell into one of vat machines that were making dough.
But the last glimpse of his consciousness he saw a what looked to be a kid with h/c walking with a scientist to one of the offices.
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bumblehoneybee · 1 month ago
Heya! This is my first ask I've made actually, across this entire app! I was wondering if you could do something small about the reader getting her period when she gets everyone to her home. And how they would react?
Like- hello??? Your bleeding and in pain??? But not dying????
(You don't have to write it)
-I dunno.. Uh.. Scarce anon?
The Crimson Wave
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For what is was worth, your body did its best to take care of you during the tumultuous time that was your stay in the factory. It warned you of what was close to breaking, flooded you with adrenaline when danger was close, and held off on overtly torturing you until you found yourself in a safe place.
Everyone was pretty beat up after all the drama, so the first days in the home were slow, a careful line up of gorging on food and drowning in the shower to finally feel clean again. You managed to keep upright as you fretted over the various guests now living in your home, making sure they were full and clean and safe and sleeping before you finally collapsed yourself.
The house was silent for the most of two days. Then, when sleep was caught up on, you found yourself gradually introducing the toys to their new lives.
Catnap took to the woods, at home in the trees, laying in the sun, chasing the animals (and probably eating them, but you didn't really care by that point). Dogday followed, at least a little, mostly staying in the backyard to laze in the grass and feel the wind on him.
Kissy trailed you around the house when not ferrying Poppy, watching you interact with the others, like she was afraid one of them would strike. Poppy helped soothe her, though, and the pair spent a lot of time sorting through your clothes, trying on things they found interesting, though little fit Poppy herself. You'd have to buy her some clothes later, Kissy too.
Doey was the most skittish, no doubt in a constant battle within his own body. But he did like your TV, the new shows playing, the old ones you could pirate for him. He tried to help you, tried to fret over the others alongside you, but you didn't let him. He had been in charge long enough; it was time for him to relax and rely on someone else.
It was a tentative peace, barely made and easily broken.
It broke when Catnap caught the first whiff of blood early in the morning.
He made a quick round, nosing the others awake as he tried to locate the weak scent. Poppy was quick to help once she understood, going to Doey with Dogday to slowly ease him into the situation, in case he panicked.
Kissy went to you. And found you. Lying in your own blood.
You didn't know Kissy could make such a noise. By the way she recoiled, she didn't seem to know it either.
Kissy rushed towards you, gathering your sleep-addled body into her arms as others soon rushed in. Dogday, upon seeing the blood-stained sheets, immediately started barking orders with such ferocity not even Poppy disobeyed, all rushing out to gather bandages, towels, water, and whatever else Dogday demanded.
Only Doey lingered, peeking around the door, a whine in his voice as he called for you.
"I'm fine." You grumbled, wiggling in Kissy's grasp. "It's normal. I'm not dying, Dogday."
"You're bleeding." He scoffed in return, leading the way towards the nearby bathroom. You were set carefully in the tub, Kissy pawing at your bloody pj bottoms, but you pushed her hands away. "Catnap! The bandages!?"
"I don't need bandages!" You called.
"Angel, why didn't you tell us you were injured!?" Poppy said, rushing in with a bottle of water clutched to her chest. "How long have you had it? Since the factory?? There's so much-"
"I'M MENSTRUATING!" You hollered, so loud everyone froze. You took advantage of their shock, shoving everyone out the door and slamming it behind you.
The ragtag group stood in the hall, listening to the shower turn on and the sounds of your muffled curses as you cleaned up yourself.
"They're. . . not dying?" Doey asked, still stood by the bedroom door. His hands shook, unable to decide what to do, where to go.
"How can someone bleed and not die?" Dogday demanded, ears pinned back. He eyed the bathroom door like he was debating ramming it down to get to you.
"Wait." Poppy said suddenly, clinking when her hands slapped to her cheeks. "Wait, oh god! They're on their period!"
Silence rang for a few moments.
Dogday dropped his head into his hands. "Fuck. . . Didn't even think of that."
"What's a period?" Doey asked. Catnap nudged Dogday's shoulder, but the hound just groaned into his palms. "They're not dying then??"
"No." Poppy sighed, stepping onto the hand Kissy offer her. "Come on. Let's wait in the living room. I'll try and explain it best I can remember. . ."
In the shower, you sighed in relief. Poppy was thankfully handling it, for the most part. You'd be sure to fill in any gaps too, once you were clean.
Still. . . it was nice to see how they cared. Your sweet protectors.
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queenbee298 · 1 month ago
Poppy playtime freedom au.
What happens when reader gets a small cold. They don't see it as a big deal, but to the toys being sick ment death in the factory. So they force reader to stay in bed.
Maybe have yarnaby lay on them to make sure they don't escape?
Thank you for requesting a story and this is a great idea for a story. Request #6 Enjoy <3!
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🤒🤒🤒🤒🤒🤒🤒🤒🤒🤒🤒🤒🤒🤒🤒🤒The toys were up in the morning abd full of life.
Poppy: “Good morning everyone!”
Doey: “Good morning!”
Mini critters: “ Good morning!”
Kissy wrote on her white board: “Good morning ❤️!”
Yarnaby let out a purr as a way to say good morning.
Poppy: “Hey, where’s mom/dad? They’re usually up first making breakfast or working.”
Doey: “Maybe they’re getting ready. I’ll check on them.”
But before he could leave the room, you walked in.
Y/n: “Morning, guys.”
You weren’t feeling too good, but you still tried to be there for your children.
Poppy: “Hey mom/dad. Are you okay?”
Y/n: “Yea, might have slept bed. *sniffles*”
You started coughing.
Y/n: *clears throats* I should get started with breakfast.”
You started coughing harder this time.
Doey: “Are you sure you’re okay.”
Y/n: “I’ll be fine, honey. I’ll start making breakfast now.”
The toys weren’t so sure you were 100%.
Later on in the day, you were doing worse. You were dozing off when trying to work, your nose was always runny, and you were burning up.
The toys realized this and had to do something.
Doey: “Mom/dad, I really think you should take a rest.”
Kissy wrote on her white board: “You shouldn’t push yourself so hard.”
Yarnaby whimpered, concerned that you were sick.
Y/n: “I’m fine, guys. Really! I just *coughs* need a little medicine and I’ll be fine.”
But before you could even take out the medicine, your energy was gone and you passed out.
You woke up in bed with beds and worried toys by your side.
Y/n: “What happened?”
Poppy: “You passed out! You had us worried sick, mom/dad!”
Doey: “Luckily, you landed on Yarnaby.”
Y/n: “I’m so sorry you guys, I just wanna to still help you guys out.”
Doey: “That’s okay mom/dad, but it’s still important to take care of yourself. Like you told me. You should get some more rest.”
Y/n: “Thanks, sweetheart. I’ll take sometime to rest.”
Doey: “And to make sure you keep your promise… Yarnaby?”
Yarnaby jumped into bed and snuggled you.
Poppy: “He’ll make sure you don’t go anywhere.”
Y/n: “Okay, okay. I won’t leave. I promise.”
Poppy: “Good, now get some rest. Love you, mom/dad.
Y/n: “Love you, too.”
Yarnaby was still snuggling you and you gave into his cuddles and got some rest.
❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹I hope you all enjoyed this story. Thank you for requesting these ideas. It’s a lot of work, but it’s worth it to try my best and make you all happy. See you next time <3!
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potatobugxo · 2 months ago
if you're taking requests, maybe headcannons or a one shot y/n comforting either kissy, doey, or huggy? Offering them cuddles, head kisses, anything like that?
I'LL DO ALL 3 🥰🥰
I'll do scenarios of the reader comforting them after their traumatic occurrences... Poor babies 🥺🥺
warnings: trauma (all characters) severe injuries/body gore (for kissy and huggy's parts) doey has a severe mental breakdown
pairings: kissy missy, doey, and huggy wuggy x reader (separate)
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🩷kissy missy🩷
-after fighting off the prototype and barely surviving, you're the one to nurse kissy back to health
-using stray bandages and medical supplies, you manage to clean her burn-like wounds, and mend her broken arm
-the poor baby is severely traumatized after what happened, and she's still shaking from the incident even after you're finished patching her up
-you cradle her large head in your arms and she curls into you, and you pet her fur, making soft cooing noises to calm her down
-"it's okay, kissy, you're safe now, sweet pea..."
-it takes some time but she eventually calms down in your arms
-after the prototype destroys safe haven, doey is beyond shattered, his entire life and reason for living having been destroyed
-youre the only one left that he still cares about
-as he starts to lose it, his rage bubbling to a boil, and he starts to transform into his more monstrous form, you do your best to quell his anger
-you hug him tight even as he tries to break free from your grip as he screams and cries and thrashes around
-"I'm so sorry, doey... I'm so, so sorry..."
-it takes a long time but doey finally calms down after you hold him for long enough, and he just starts sobbing in your arms
-he shrinks back down to his normal size and wraps his long, doughy arms around you as he cries, mourning the loss of the friends he swore to protect
-there's little you can do to reassure him everything will be okay, but you're all he has left, and you're the only reason he didn't go on a killing spree
💙huggy wuggy💙
-after huggy's nearly fatal fall down further into the factory, you find him curled up in a corner after he managed to scrape his wounded body off the floor
-he's covered in injuries when you find him, his blue fur stained with his own blood, his head busted open and one of his arms barely dangling by a thread
-the worst of it was his stuffing-like intestines bursting through the seams of his blue fur
-you rush to help him, finding anything you can to tend to his wounds
-you use his own bowtie as a tourniquet to tie around his arm, before you have to pull the rest of it off, as it was beyond saving
-huggy is crying and growling and whimpering as you mend his wounds, and though most of the damage was external, he had many internal injuries as well
-once you're finished you pull him into a hug as he rests on the floor, his breathing uneven. you coo to him, planting soft kisses to his face
-"I promise I won't let anyone hurt you ever again..."
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So, what would be the reason to Hoppy and neither of others Smilling Critters being able to go to Safe Heaven? I wonder how would Dogday and Catnap react if they saw the vhs tape with Hoppy Hopscot.
What happened to the critters, in order:
Craftycorn was the first to disappear. She ended up attacking Dogday inside of Safe Haven during an episode, and by "attack" I mean tried to headbut him, which REALLY hurts when you have a horn. She was not on her best mind and hurting him was not her intention, but it's really hard to remember how big you actually are when you're 50 feet deep into a spiral. Doey told her to rest up somewhere else, and when Dogday came to try helping her out, she ended up running away in fear of what she could do to others. Surprising no one, the only person she ended up hurting was herself, because living in isolation is a really really bad idea here! Crafty was isolated for months until Piggy attacked her. She was assumed dead, but in reality Crafty FELL to the deeper levels of the factory;
Piggy was kicked out of Safe Haven after Doey and Dogday found out she attacked Crafty, Bubba and Kickin. Catnap fed and took care of her, and when she became more stable she ran away in shame. Was assumed dead not long after when the Prototype found one of her hands around – Piggy ended up. Chopping her hand off herself in desperation to have something to eat, then found some actual food in the presence of food cans and never talked to anyone else, fearing she would hurt others again;
Bubba was left in a REALLY bad shape after being attacked by Piggy. Kickin saved him, but Bubba lost a leg in the process. Bubba saw himself as a burden thanks to his condition and quietly left the place. Catnap looked for him everywhere, but Bubba had successfully covered any trails he left behind. Presumed dead after some mini toys came back with chunks of something blue on their mouths – he was attacked by them and left in an even worse state than before;
Kickin got captured by Dr. Sawyer during a supply run, and was captured by him. Rescuing him was too dangerous for everyone, and thus he was assumed dead. Kickin however managed to escape, not without losing an eye and a leg in the process. He found Bubba bleeding out and patched him back to health, then spent the rest of his days at PlayCo. taking care of him until rescue appeared;
Bobby was one of the last to disappear, having accidentally locked herself inside one of the cells. Dogday swore he would come back to her before leaving the area in search of something to get her out, but when he came back, Bobby was nowhere to be found. She had ended up escaping her cell and fallen into a deeper part of the factory, where she found Crafty. The accident made the Prototype believe she was dead as well.
Hoppy was the last. She got furious with Dogday with him losing Bobby, and decided to confront/provoke Catnap herself in order to get the Prototype's attention. Doey tried to stop her, but he couldn't just run after her and leave Safe Haven behind. Hoppy ended up getting chased by a VERY ANGRY Catnap, who had no idea where Bobby was in the first place, and fell into a pit after the railway collapsed. Catnap tried to grab her, but failed. Hoppy ended up with her legs crushed, and only survived because Boxy helped her out. She teamed up with him;
By this point, Dogday was too heartbroken to stay at Safe Haven, and left in order to help Poppy more. He was then captured by Catnap and lost his legs thanks to Catnap's desperation at feeding the mini critters;
And Catnap was always with the Prototype, so no Safe Haven for him;
Doey was SHOCKED when he saw Angel dragging Dogday, Catnap, Poppy, Kissy and Mommy Long Legs with them. It took... Convincing... To let everyone stay at Safe Haven;
Also the mini toys at Safe Haven ADORE Dogday alright. Just love him a Lot.
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pancake404 · 2 months ago
Thoughts on Chapter 4 of Poppy Playtime
This isn't a drawing like I usually do but since I managed to play Chapter 4 blind without any spoilers, I felt inclined to share my thoughts about Chapter 4.
Right after I first played it, I, of course, a fan of the game, thought it was the best chapter in the series. But after the excitement died down a little, I put some more thought into it and read others' reviews on Chapter 4.
So here are my totally serious opinions you should absolutely think are facts as I am never wrong.
Insane Spoiler Alert for Chapter 4!
Pretty much the Chapter:
The Doctor bullies you and everyone else throughout the whole chapter.
Doey, the ally turned enemy as he tweaks out after we might've caused the Save Haven to blow up.
Every Smiling/Nightmare Critter watched JJK apparently because all they do is JUMP YOU.
We continue the trend of almost every toy we've encountered dying indirectly or directly by the player.
Prototype makes fun of everyone as he pulls the most epic prank and reveals he's been Ollie for presumingly a long time now(who would've guessed) so every plan Poppy discussed should be thrown out the window because he already knows about it.
Huggy is back to give us a warm reunion hug after we kind of unintentionally dropped him fifty stories.
Now starting with the central characters:
Player Character:
At this point, they are without a doubt, questioning their existence as all they came for(presumingly, I'll get to later) was to see if their coworkers were still in the factory by an unknown, vague note. Now, they're tied up in a conflict between the toys and they're helping out Poppy(semi-forcefully as there weren't many options) by killing the Prototype and freeing the..."still alive" human Orphans(X to Doubt) kept asleep by the Prototype.
Their name is still unofficial, where they worked in the factory is still not confirmed though hinted to be one with the lab coats, and even Dr. Sawyer is questioning why they even returned.
I do like how the Doctor questions the player's morals and reasons for coming back since these questions have been lingering in some people's heads as well. It's also been explicitly clear that there's something different about the capabilities of this unknown employee as the Doctor states that he was trying to figure out what made the player so different.
Speaking of the Doctor, Harley Sawyer.
I liked him.
He was a really cool villain with interesting dialogue and his views on the Player as he constantly tests them. His voice, the TVs, his behavior, it all made him terrifying and strangely attractive to certain people in the fanbase.
However, I do agree that there could've been a little more done with the Doctor and the concept they went with. The TVs could function like cameras alerting Yarnaby if we get spotted such as the trailer of Yarnaby implied, we can have optional dialogue from Harley depending on our actions throughout the game(or just more of it), or we could have one main controlled TV robot that Harley uses to defend the system holding his consciousness.
I also do agree that his death was a little sudden and underwhelming compared to the chase leading up to it. You just press a button after running a bit and he screams. Then no more.
But overall, a nice addition.
I like Yarnaby as well, it was a shame he died halfway through the game as I would've liked to see Yarnaby try to defend Harley when we tried to shut him down rather than him getting caught/stuck/bit on some chains and randomly combusting into fire...I think we may need some more visual clarity on how that happened unless I wasn't looking closely enough.
But the way he moved and functioned always put me on edge and it fit well to what he was described in the ARG.
Is it bad that I wished the Doctor killed Yarnaby instead to mirror the Prototype killing Catnap?
Dude got cheated so hard.
Like actually, it's kind of funny.
I can see why people were disappointed when his one shot in the trailer was literally his whole screen time before Doey killed him a second later. I think most, myself included, would've preferred if Pianosaurus, someone they've hyped up to be an antagonist for Chapter 4, had an area where we have to survive from him and when he backs us up in a corner, then Doey would've saved us from death. Similar to Miss Delight except Doey is the executioner instead of the player.
He was decent.
I have to admit, I don't often get attached to characters such as allies like Dogday, Kissy, Poppy(absolutely not), and Doey is no exception. In other words, I didn't care much when he died.
His story was objectively tragic and he was overall a cool character with cool concepts. The fact that he became hostile to the Player by snapping after the Save Haven was wiped out was also an interesting and yet another tragic twist where the only option now is to kill Doey.
Not surprised he died. I did notice that like Dogday, a lot of the fanbase wished to save Doey as well and some may have been angry about this turn out on him. My response to that would be...it's a horror game, killing characters you like would be the go-to move to ensure it is tragic, disturbing, and scary. It would also show that you can't hope for the best in anything because the game can kill anybody.
Advice: If you like a character in a game like this, just expect them to die...or make a fanfic of saving them as coping.
Baba Chops and the Nightmare Critters:
Clearly, they have a vendetta against the Player if they're this. Fucking. Hostile.
There are hardly any moments with them when they're not just jumping you. But I think a nice edition since you have to use the flare gun more. I had a neat idea where they climb on top of each other into a large mass like a hivemind to make a big monster made up of mini critters but that could still work with Chapter 5, we'll just have to see.
Kissy Missy:
I was kind of surprised she was alive but I do like how despite her survival, she was still badly injured and couldn't help much...not that she helped much in the previous chapters without injuries. But she did try to help the player proving her to be generally a good person trying to help us.
Then again, that also relates to how good of a person the Player is and/or something we don’t know about her.
I'm expecting her to die in Chapter 5.
But first, I was to see a fight between an injured Huggy and an injured Kissy.
So....she wasn't that helpful. She pretty much told us what to do, we did it, then we get blamed for it by Doey because someone(Prototype) screwed over the explosives, he tried to kill us, and we killed him, Poppy then blames us for things we both did and didn't do, Prototype call, and she runs off.
I think in one of the VHS tapes(there are two about Poppy), we see a conversation between her and Ollie which shows us directly that she isn't exactly a cunning, evil betrayer but more of a scared experiment like the rest of the orphans with a very... tunnel-visioned plan and mindset. Or very, very desperate to blow stuff up.
She does run off and abandons the player and Kissy because the case must've sucked that badly which is weird because I would rather prefer being asleep in the case than being anywhere outside of it where toys could rip me to shreds. But hey, it's her opinion I suppose.
I am surprised not a single character had not mentioned or tried to drop-kick her. Killing her shouldn't be that hard...right?
Right...I'm guessing the reason why is because she doesn't stick around enough near the player to even encounter any of the big villains.
Let's face it. We all knew it. The only person who was surprised was Poppy herself.
I actually enjoyed the reveal though, I think it was intense but very funny on how it was done.
Poppy blames us and then Ollie calls, the first thing he does is do the Playtime Equivalent of doxxing our location. Dude might as well just said our address over a COD lobby.
Then he pretty much makes fun of Poppy by telling her she needs to stop pretending to be stronger than she actually is(which is true).
Then he makes fun of the player by saying, "I got the bombs, thanks for getting them for me BTW!" as we hear beeping sounds below us.
Does a whole speech before Poppy bolts, abandoning us and he proceeds to make fun of that.
Then the floor explodes and we're in the Labs now.
Either the Prototype is a (10/10) funny character or maybe my humor is broken.
Long Story Short:
It's an improvement in many ways from previous chapters but I, like many others, think there could've been just a couple of additions to make it Peak but there were some good moments. Some good lore drops and information that may or may not have screwed over a couple of Au's(depending on who's in it) but it could be worked around.
They dived way deeper into how terrible Playtime Co. in the inside from both the perspectives of the workers as well as the toys. I love that.
I will still say that Chapter 3 is my favorite even with all of this considered(Because I love Catnap) but I do hope that they truly take their complete time on Chapter 5 to make it the best possible.
Anyhow, I can't wait for Chapter 5 to bring back Catnap(yes, I AM coping), totally bring him back, if Huggy could survive a fifty-story fall, Catnap could either be shocked back alive and/or survive a stab to the head. These toys were able to tank bullets in tapes, they could survive a bit of brain damage(or piercing) and burns.
Man...the Player might not be an "angel”.
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yey56 · 1 month ago
You eyes opened and before you could even muster a work, the monitor said with the velvet voice you recognised so well.- Welcome back, my germ. I'm so glad you're finally awake. We have matters to discuss- Sawyer finished touching your face with his screen.
Your eyes closed halfway due to the light of the screen. A big eye observed you and a soft voice with a mechanic filter talked to you.
You still hadn't processed all of this information, being just woken up and basically blinded by a bright light was not exactly enlightening.
Harley?- You asked, still waking up- Harley is that you?- You looked confused and shocked. You didn't expect... This.- Is this what Leith did to you?.
Your hands started exploring his robotic body: inspecting the wires, twisting your fingers in them; the metallic articulations, bending the ones in his fingers as testing for movement; and his TV head, taking a closer look to the pixels that conformed it
He looked at you in silence while you analysed his whole self -... Yes. But that's not relevant now. I've been trying to reach you. And you've been squirming by sheer luck from my grip.- He still held you face with his cold metal hands. You found it comforting. A cold, dry feeling. It fitted him well.
So... You know what I did?- You already knew the extent of his control on the factory but you wanted to hear it from him- Yes, I do. I must say, excellent job. Liberating 1006... It was excellent- He laughed quietly.-
His hand on your cheek moved to your collarbone and while you were incorporating he put your arms against the wires that resembled his neck and shoulders in a way that you were now supporting yourself solely on him.
You cannot believe the progress the experiments have made...- He was talking very quietly, almost whispering- They had made hell real.- He seemed somewhat fascinated by his own words and you were listening to him very closely, wanting to know more information of the experiments
Some of them are nothing more than violents and hungry beasts.- The fascination was replaced by contempt- But others, the ones who you concluded that showed intelligence... They are taking control of little areas of the factory..
I've always knew that their resentment would make something great- You said, somewhat glad that some toys were showing dominance over others. You could already image who...- Horrible, but great after all.- The way you were saying it was almost mischievous with a hint of satisfaction.
And what about you?- You asked, your tone becoming softer this time- I've been searching for you. What have you been up to Dr?.
There is not much to do here but establishing our chances of survival and my dominance over this factory- You were confused by his words, tightening your grip on his shoulders-
What do you mean by insuring OUR survival?- The question came of a little bit more aggressively than intented.
The prototype... He was the one commanding the toys to end with anyone in their way. When you opened the cages most of them tried toe scale the factory but he blocked the way. He's searching for that clay doll.- You interrupted- The prototype is searching for Poppy? Why?- He continued- She wants to finish him. To destroy him. She disappeared after the hour of joy. That sneaky liar has managed to hide herself very well...
So... What does that have to do with you? With us?- You asked with precaution-
I've made a deal with the prototype... I will improve the toys we have to go against Poppy. He won't kill me since I'm useful. Whether he likes to admit it or not, he needs me for this. I'm his best shot. I'm not worried about the prototype right now.- Harley seemed confident in his statement, and probably he was right.
You remembered the Prototype... Before Doey, he and Mommy long legs were your favourites out of all the experiments. They both showed high levels of intelligence and you often turned you interviews with them into something more like a conversation.
Mommy was always willing to talk. Often with a sweet voice but sometimes a more terrifying one would overcome the conversation trying to intimidate you.
But the Prototype was not always willing to talk. Mostly at the start, he just stared at you, twitching his metallic hand.
He was the first successful experiment of the company and though he was far from perfect he was one of the most intelligent living beings you ever had the pleasure to converse with.
He was your first job with a non-human patient, it wasn't something you could forget. His hate for the company was never hidden, he had a deep hunger for violence and as new experiments started to come in he would often encourage them to violent acts, this led to him being isolated.
1006 became more erratic, violent and unwilling to collaborate. Other psychologist started to quit and refusing to work with him because of this same reason. They feigned pity for him, compassion and empathy, they tried to hide the instinctive fear they had for him so the prototype acted in response driving them away.
You on the contrary never gave up on him. You didn't offer kind words or condolences for his situation. You acknowledged him as the challenge he was for the stability for the company and talked to him out of pure interest. You own curiosity hungry for understanding what was going inside his mind. He was unique.
It was like the first toy you ever give to a kid. You can break it, hide it or give more toys to the child but the first one will always remain in their minds.
With time, the prototype started adopting some of your behaviours. He started imitating you tone of voice when asking, trying to seem more familiar to you by coping your corporal expression .
You knew what he was doing, you did something similar in your first years of career and even used that method with some people.
So tell me, Prototype- You adjusted the comments of the experiment in the table nearby- Why did you intimidate the last professional- and please do not insult my intelligence by trying to lie to me- You sigh sounded more like a laugh- either tell me the truth or don't talk, let's not lose time.
What time- Do I HaVe To- LOSE??..- His voice changed from yours to a distorted one and then to mommy's.- YoUr FRIEND the D0c-t0r does Not- L3t M3 leave.
You know full well why. You are hyper aware of everything around you so don't feign innocence on why you are here- You knew Harley was watching through the one way glass on the wall and you knew the prototype knew as well.
Once you and Harley started becoming closer he started insisting on supervising you whenever you had interviews with the most dangerous experiments.
He understood you fascination with them. Their broken minds and the challenge they supposed were a fitting challenge for you, he felt the same with the experiments the company made him run.
Though he has never managed to comprehend your need to maintain direct contact with them. He always insisted on you staying on the observation room and talking with them through it but you always denied it, claiming it killed the fun.
Harley always saw them as nothing more than beasts, he didn't want to see you teared apart by them, that would be such a waste of potential, but he couldn't do anything to stop you.
You lived for the risk and for reconstructing the puzzle that composed the minds of the Playtime experiments.
Even though you were fascinated by the experiments you couldn't help but enjoying your superior positions in comparison to them.
You couldn't see yourself subjecting to your own protects, as selfish as that may sound.
Y/N?- Sawyer's metallic voice woke you up from your memories- Your heart rate has decrease, you have spaced out. Something's bothering you- He started with the same neutral voice he had for everything.
So basically, 1006 is the one in control here- You mumbled, still looking directly to only one place.
Harley, I'm not willing to subject myself to one of our projects.- Your tone was dead serious- I understand that the factory right now is the closest thing on earth to hell but I'm not willing to play apart on my projects game
No.- Voice dry, he responded- You don't seem to grasp what the factory is now.- He looked at you.
You weren't there to see it like he did. What the Prototype did on the hour of joy, how he seemed to have it already planed. The speed he had to take control of everything. It impressed him, and impressing Harley Sawyer wasn't something easy
Again, he wasn't scared of his own survival and control within the factory. He was the only thing 1006 had, therefore, he wouldn't be discarded and if you could just listen to him, you wouldn't either.
The Prototype is searching for Poppy. Right now I don't know why, not yet.- He said with that calculated tone of voice he always carried- I cannot get to wherever she is, wherever Ludwig hid her, he make sure to make her unfindable.
But you can- Both of his hands on your shoulders now.- Understand your position in this factory, you are the only human here, pure flesh and bones. You are vulnerable.-He highlighted each word as he spoke the last part- Don't be prideful, it will get you killed.- He said severely and with harshness in his voice.
You took his hands away from you and started to stand up- No Harley, I have no interest in finding Poppy and neither in letting the Prototype dictate if I die or not. -You quickly changed topic trying to avoid talking about 1006-You have control over the systems of the factory don't you? Maybe you might be able to get me high enough to search for a wrap pack... And you have an Omni hand as far as I'm aware. You should have executive privileges- You started standing up, with Harley making some resistance.
You started walking as if you were in your house and went to the room with all of the monitors, Harley closely following you.
You started touching some buttons and all of the factory became on sight for you through the cameras. You stayed observant of everything. Analysing every room, watching the changes made by the months of chaos.
At some point, Harley restricted you with another one of his bodies while the main one looked at you.
-You've always been stubborn but the circumstances are not on your favour and since you refuse to listen then I cannot let you go.- His metallic hand grabbing your chin so you would look at him.- Don't fight it. It will make it worse.
Harley knew that, when very deep in though, you would just not listen or not pay attention to your surroundings, so he made sure your attention was on him.
Harley, what are you doing?- Your voice was steady and neutral- I sense anger in your voice. Believe me, this was my last resort.- His hand left your face.
He though he heard something from you but the moment he gave his back to you, he heard the sound of metal hitting the floor.
One of The Doctors robotic bodies, the one holding you to be precise, had dropped to the floor after you unplugged a certain wire that connected to his body. You supposed that was the one that permitted the hive mind effect.
He quickly looked at you again. You were running toward the exit door. He could easily outrun you, but now you knew how to unplug him from his body.
However he ignored that fact and went for you either way. His screen glitching and all of the nearby monitors turning on while you were passing running through them.
Now he could understood what you were whispering a few seconds ago "Mine as well". The same way his first option wasn't to restrict you; your first option wasn't to escape.
You knew you were in a huge disadvantage but just thinking about living with the constant paranoia of your live depending on the Prototype made you feel nauseous. 1006 was unstable and chaotic, basically, your worst and last option.
You knew his potential, that's why a very deep part of you feared him just as much as admired him. But after all, you should look out for yourself even if that means going against Harley.
You still don't know how you managed to get out of "The land of none" and get back to the main corridors that led to the construction area.
That was a safe place, at least save from Sawyer.
Your first option was not available but your second best was still there. The safe haven seemed like a resemblance of normalcy in this hellhole.
Doey looked relieved upon your return, and he looked even more glad when you said you were staying. You didn't specify the reasons why but at leat you had a generator completely independent from the main system and therefore, from Harley.
You were... a little hurt from your re-encounter with Harley... Just a little...
You sat on a improvised bed on the floor of the Haven and started processing what had just happened.
You didn't expected him to give control so easily, again, he could still have way more control than others could but being at mercy of others wasn't really your style and you weren't willing to go through that.
You spent so much time searching for him. And for what? For a half ass conversation without any closure. You didn't need any feelings that could make you dependent on Harley. You shouldn't let yourself get carried away only because you have feelings for someone...
Therefore, you just toned it down. You will do as you always do with every feeling that gets more complicated than curiosity, you will ignore it and then bury it.
You were able to ignore your fascination for the prototype because, rationally ,he was dangerous; you could ignore your affection for Doey or Mommy because you still were curious to see where the limits were. So you should be able to bury your feelings for Harley because it puts your life in danger and your autonomy.
Harley was not very happy either. He wanted you back, he just needed you to see reason. Eventually you will encounter a big danger such as Catnap or someone big and you will understand that you can't do this alone.
You will realise sooner or later, but in the meantime he would keep a close eye on you and, if the opportunity ever arises, he will just accelerate the process and take you himself to his area.
He could still feel your touch on his wires. His body long gone was substituted by this machine. Though he couldn't eat, he could feel. A very weak stimulation but it was the nearest thing he had that resembled the reaction to touch.
It was a matter of time, its not like you will last long. No wrap pack, no weapons thousands of resentful creatures inpatient to eat you...
You will come back. You must.
When the prototype asked him where you were, he answered that there has been a problem but that they only needed time.
1006 was not happy. Even thought there was an argument Harley, always the calm doctor knew his experiments so he was able to deal with the prototype effortlessly.
His germ could not hide forever, it was not in your nature. Germs evolve, they expand and sooner or later, a doctor finds them and neutralises them.
He just needs to wait until you expand to catch you. You wont be still for long. You never are.
The doctor can only hope that you won't be late to your appointment
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Yes, you absolutely can! This ended up being way longer than I first planed and I'm actually pretty proud of it :)
If you like my work, please consider commissioning me.
Platonic yandere Doey & Reader
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★ When Doey first meets the Player, he is intrigued. It's not every day you meet someone who keeps cheating the grim reaper. As Doey spends more time with the Player, he realizes that they are different than most employes. You are nice and treat him kindly.
★ His conflicting personalities create a strange mix of curiosity and adoration inside of him. Especially after you stay to help the Safe Haven instead of working with Poppy. Plus, the Player has been through so much already. They really should take a break.
★ He goes above and beyond to make them feel comfortable and secure in their new home. He introduces them to the other toys, making sure they feel included and part of their little community. Tries to help them relax after what they have been through, also.
★Doey becomes emotionally dependent on the Player, deriving a sense of purpose and stability from their presence. The thought of losing the Player or not being able to protect them fills him with fear and anxiety, fueling his yandere tendencies.
★ All three parts of him agree on one thing, protect the Player at all costs. That means not letting them leave the Safe Haven. At least not without him. It comes from a place of genuine care, having concern for the Player's well-being.
★ He prioritizes their needs, ensuring the Player feels safe and loved. If the player were to reciprocate his care by doing things to make him feel valued, it would mean the world to him. If it's not too much, could he pretty please hold your hand? (please say yes)
★ The player's consistent care builds trust between them. That trust is very important. Never break it or you might regret it. Doey is still unstable at times, and he could still lash out at you if the wrong button is pushed.
★ Yandere Doey is very possessive, he is aware of this and tries his best not to be. He really wants to give the Player the freedom they deserve but at the same time he fears losing you to others and may become anxious if you spend too much time with another toy.
★ Those thoughts are silly, he knows it, you would never abandon him for a new friend. However, that nagging voice in his head tells him differently. It may end up with him subtly manipulating the Player. It was for friendship though so it's okay!
★ He might use guilt or even fear to keep the Player close, making them feel responsible for his emotional well-being. The thought of the Player getting hurt when he's gone fills him with all sorts of bad feelings. Ones he doesn't even want to think about.
★ By this time it's too late to go back. He is too afraid of being abandoned, if you suggest going off to finish what you started and killing the prototype he would have a panic attack.
★ His conflicting personalities are unified in their fear of the Player facing danger and he becomes visibly distressed. It's too dangerous! If you leave and never come back, what will he do? Doey may even go as far as physically putting himself between the Player and the exit if it comes down to it.
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universalrainbow · 1 month ago
The mask = muted player idea is so funny to me for some reason.
Poppy: "did you really think I was just ignoring you the entire time?"
Player, casually: "idk, I just kinda thought you hated me."
Poppy: [suddenly looks very sad]
Player: "oh. Oh no, please don't be sad, I didn't mean it like that-"
Also, with how chatty player is now, imagine the others wondering just how much they missed out on. Player always seems to have something to say, be it a quickwitted joke, an inquisitive remark, or an exclamation of delight.
Given the grab pack, I assume there wasn't much hand gesturing to convey conversation (and the mask probably obscured eye movements), but there still would have been some moments. Player looking and tilting their head, jerking their chin at something as if making a comment, rapid nodding or shaking.
Thinking back, the others now recognize one sided conversations.
Player is still (playfully) sad their witty commentary went unheard, but it might be for the best. Now any impulsive dumb comments are unknown, and any angry or startled swearing has gone undetected.
(I feel like Player would have been spitting the foulest swears and threats for the doctor after the first freeze incident with Doey. Seeing the poor guy in obvious pain awakens vengeful, protective rage in them. That kind of cruelty Will Not Stand)
Poppy: "did you really think I was just ignoring you the entire time?"
Player, casually: "idk, I just kinda thought you hated me."
Poppy: [suddenly looks very sad]
Player: "oh. Oh no, please don't be sad, I didn't mean it like that-"
doey: "wait so did you think all of us hated you?"
player flinches a bit knowing where this was going: " well..... kinda? its nothing against you guys I swear! its just from my point of view.....no matter what i said, did, or tried to explain. Nothing was really acknowledged. I mean despite only working on the first level as a gift shop employee-"
doey : "wait hold on gift shop?? You weren't a scientist or idk a caretaker??"
player confused: " no? I was a broke newly orphaned 18 year old with no college degree. I was paid dirt wages, while getting yelled at by parents. I wasn't really qualified for either. let alone morally corrupt enough to go along with it."
Toys: newly orphaned....
player casually: oh yea my mom died a few months before my dad, heart disease. Then dad didn't take care of himself and just went in his sleep. Thankfully I was legally an adult at the time.hehe
Toys squeaking to each other: ....Are they more traumatized than us at this point???
player oblivious: Anyway wanna hear about the time my coworker tried to push me into a toy machine because i accidentally ate their sandwitch?
toys squeaking to each other: yep they definitely are.
In the factory, players responses.
mommy long legs explaining the wack a huggy game.
player: Dear god, they just had kids wopping these things without a second thought? What the F**k?! why were the supposed brightest people alive testing fate! This is how you get killed in horror movies. This is what horror shows and games warn about! the warning is dont be a massive D**K for no reason to things clearly more powerful than you!"
player on the first train, scared S**tless: "WERE GOING ON A TRIP IN OUR FAVORITE PEICE OF S**T GOING 95! IM GONNA F**KING DIE!!!!!"
Player falls into pianasorous pit
pianasorous notices them
player full of dread :"clever girl"
Doey appears and eats pianasoros.
player : "OH WHAT THE F-"
player going to fight the prototype
player: Im sleep deprived, hungry, and all out of F**ks! You think YOUR SCARY! I EAT PIZZA WITH PINEAPPLE ON IT!
player after winning against the prototype: huff........huff i have made the metal one pay for his crimes.
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